#bc im working on getting the prologue out on ao3 and here!!
mists-reading-nook · 1 year
Kaeya and reader play the dabloons tiktok game in the body swap au
that's it that's the ask
wait no. game sagau where reader plays the dabloons game on the side of playing genshin but then then the characters and npcs get a hold of the internet and either see the creator's spreadsheet on keeping track of their dabloons or make their own accounts to participate.
who's treating it as good fun and who gets real fucking competitive about it? who's makes posts on dabloontok and what do they post?
Omgg I loved dabloontok! It was so fun omg I miss it a ton-
Omg they're so competitive about it-
I can imagine that at first characters like Diluc and Ningguang aren't too competitive,but the more other characters egg them on,the more competitive they get.
While characters like Childe and Wanderer are competitive right off the bat. Most think it's a silly game though,so luckily not everyone is at eachothers throats. Certain characters really like the money aspect,and are instantly making thier own characters and accounts to play and start shops (some more shady then others...).
More...greedy characters are honestly the sole reason for dabloon inflation 💀 honestly I wouldn't be suprised if Dori is the first character to start giving out counterfeit dabloons-
Zhongli honestly just likes the music,he isn't starting anything. Dori,Childe,Wanderer,and Kaeya on the other hand...
Honestly lots of the characters start up little shops,some more organized ones keep a lil notebook,while some of the more disorganized characters just give themselves a million dabloons just to buy a scarf bc they can't remember how many dabloons they actually had 💀
They have a lot of fun! Although they tend to butt heads a bit. At least they aren't killing eachother-
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jsdgfsdf · 3 months
Cain newscast btw i have the prologue done for the au thing oh my godi still need a title. I just remembered that. damn.. anyway i finished the prologue or at least i'm happy w what i have for it for now &i have enough substance for the first chapter (which is the only reason im considering sharing it now) and i SORTA want to publish it & get it known already but i also kinda want to wait until maybe august or something cus it'll probably get immediately bogged down by my artfight posts since im cranking those things out like hotcakes. Then again it's not like i'd..post it on my art blog..but maybe...?? I dont really know what im gonna do w it it's not A drawing nor does it have anything to do w Drawing really so it's not much of a contender for my art blog. and i don't want to put it on my website and leave it to collect dust i dont like doing that bc the update previews scare me. mfw demand avoidance (theres mental gymnastics here I also don't usually like my work being front and center right in your eyeballs especially not my writing). but i also don't want to put it on some random fanfic website (most likely ao3) because i don't thikn anyone would really see it much less Guy me and like 10 other ppl care about x My oc that people are even less likely to care about and also i rewrote the entire story type stuff. i dunno. ill probably wait until tomorrow or something to figure it out but i wanna get this thing into the public at SOME point
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ifishouldvanish · 6 years
How Do You Sleep?
for @rumbellebigbang​. Artwork by the lovely @moonlight91​ :)
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When retired Brit rocker Lachlan MacAldonich is threatened with deportation after a DUI, he turns to his estranged wife for help– a groupie named Lacey he married one drunken night several years ago. 
Rated M for the language and alcoholism. 50k bc I don’t know why.
The first few times you were taken to a rockstar's hotel room, the sight was a little jarring.
Instead of a pristine room with a freshly made bed, you were greeted by a mess. Bottles and cans on the floor, sheets bunched around the foot of the bed, a foul smell of unknown origin.
But then again, Lachlan MacAldonich wasn't a rockstar. Not really, not anymore.
His hand dropped from where it had been resting on the small of Lacey's back as they reached the door of room 318. He swiped the card though the reader and thrust the door open, revealing a room with nothing more than a slept-in bed and a single worn outfit strewn across it.
“You ever like, totally trash one of these places?” Lacey asked as she stepped inside.
He headed straight for a brown bag on the otherwise pristine desk, next to one list of TV channels, and another of restaurants in the area that deliver. “Who do I look like?” he scoffed, “Bloody Axl Rose?”
“Eh,” she shrugged. “Axl’s got a cuter nose than you.”
Lachlan swatted a hand through the air. “Fuck 'im.” he said, and there was the crinkling of paper before he spun around with a bottle of whisky in hand. “Pricks, all of them.”
He unscrewed the cap and took a quick swig straight from the bottle before setting it back down on the desk.
“We ah… we met… him, once, in ah… fuck,” he laughed. “I don’t remember where, but– anyway, you uh… you… wanna drink?” he asked, eyelids drooped and his mouth slack. “There's ah… whisky, and… whisky?” he boasted with a lopsided grin, swaying a little before finding his balance against the desk.
Lacey nibbled her lip, taking in the state of him. He was more than halfway drunk, but so was she. Besides, he was cute, and she'd already set out this evening fully prepared to make a lot of bad decisions.
“Perfect.” She licked her lips. “Because I uh… happen to be a whisky girl.”
It was the fantasy, after all. Had been since the tenth grade, when she'd spend her nights locked up in her room listening to Bank Street Waltz while poring over lyrics and smiling at one of the moody faces on the album's back cover.
The face she was looking at now.
It was older and more tired, of course. Hair a little longer and greyer. The man a little thinner and weaker. But she didn't mind that.
If being a groupie was just about fucking only the hottest guys, surely there were other, younger, more virile options.
If being a groupie was just about fucking only the most famous ones, she wouldn't still have her heart set on the guitarist-turned-solo act of a now-defunct nineties alt-rock outfit.
If being a groupie was about fucking only the most talented ones, there's no way the man in front of her would qualify.
No. Being a groupie was about love.
Not the sappy bullshit kind, of course. Lacey knew better than to fantasize about that trite shit.
But loyalty. Dedication. Reciprocity.
People liked to call groupies sluts; starfuckers looking for a taste of the glitz and glamour to appropriate for themselves. But that wasn't it at all. The one true thing in this life was rock and roll. Not a sound or a song, mind. But a gut feeling.
A gut feeling that a scrawny little shit from Scotland had given her back in 1996, and that she'd been dedicated to giving back to him ever since.
It would be a shame to back down now.
“So,” Lachlan slid a glass of whisky toward her, “you from around here?”
Lacey picked up the glass, hiding her snort behind it. She knew her accent was impossible to miss, nevermind what a cliche line it was. “No, uh… family's from Melbourne,” she said. “…Australia?”
His eyes widened at that. “Right, right.” he acknowledged, hiding his ignorance behind his own glass with a swig.
“Family moved to the states in ninety-five. They're in Maine. I moved to LA on my own in ‘01.”
“What ah…” he gestured in the air, “what brought you–”
“Same shit as everybody else, I guess.” she shrugged. “Have you ever been to fuckin’ Maine?”
“Aye.” Lachlan smiled, nodded. “Don't remember it,” he laughed, “but I'm sure I was there at some point.”
“Try Portland.” she said. “Ninety-seven.”
“Ah.” he nodded. Furrowed his brows. “Do– Have we… already–”
“I didn't get to go.” she answered. “Overbearing father and lack of funds.”
He smiled and leaned a little closer, giving her a once-over and licking his lips. “No such thing as lack of funds when you got legs like that, darlin’.”
Lacey huffed a little laugh though her nose. He was a leg guy? She could work with that.
“Yeah, well... I was seventeen, so.”
He backed away and took another swig. “Well, ah wis just saying, like… now you know. For uh, next time, right?”
“Yeah, I’ll remember that,” she wet her lips, leaning on the dresser and lifting her leg up off the carpet so she could rub her ankle along his.
“You're… very beautiful.” he said, smiling dopily at her.
“Yeah? Is this the part where you tell me I’m not like all those other women who were also waiting in line to suck your dick?”
“Aye,” he smiled. “You see, you simply had–” he took a swig of his whisky and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, “the best blowjob lips.”
“That's... almost sweet.” Lacey smiled. “And here I thought it was because I was the only one still shorter than you in heels.”
“That… may have been a contributing factor,” Lachlan scoffed and leaned against the counter, finishing his drink and setting the glass down with a heavy thud. He reached an arm out to her, tucking his fingers inside the short sleeve of her dress before letting it drop to her waist.
“You get… more selective, ye know?” he mumbled, almost to himself. “Used to be you take all the girls back with you.”
“What happened? You not exactly have the stamina for that anymore?” she teased.
He smiled, closed his eyes for a moment, then shrugged. “No…” he said slowly. “I’s just… too much, ye know? They're always… so… excited? And really ye just… well, ye don't want to party after a while. Just… have a drink and… have someone around to make sure you dinny have too much and choke on your vomit like that… that–”
“Bon Scott?” she finished for him.
“Yeah.” he nodded. “Yeah, that cunt. Anyway, it's like... I get that it's exciting to them, ye know? But… it's hard to keep up with that after a while. Pretend you're as into it as they are, like?”
“Yeah, I get that.”
“So I just… liked your energy, ah suppose.”
Lacey rolled her eyes and laughed. “My energy?”
“Aye,” he nodded. “S’like… calm an’all.”
“Not sure I've uh… ever been told that one before,” she laughed.
“Well. Now ye have, yeah?”
“You always sweet talk the women you sleep with first?”
“No.” he frowned. “Usually they've got some speech about how important the music is to them and shite, so it's like you fuck 'em soon as you can get them through the door so they can shut the fuck up.”
Lacey snorted into her glass.
“I know it sounds like a cock thing tae do, and it's not that I'm no’ flattered– but after the twentieth speech, you’ve really heard them all, ye know?”
Lacey grinned and nibbled her lip. “...I’ve got a speech for you,” she said.
He tilted his head.
Lacey took a swig of her drink and leaned into his ear. “Rock ‘n’ roll makes me really horny,” she whispered.
“Oh.” he said, blinking as though she'd caught caught him off guard. A smile crept across his face.
Lacey slid her hand over his, holding it in place where it sat on her hip. “You wanna fuck me now?”
He looked away and scoffed again, cheeks rounding as he smiled. “Aye,” he said, looking back at her legs. “I… would love to fuck you right now.”
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tobns · 8 years
okAY you blessed me w so many numbers so im about to hit you back. 12, 15, 23, 26, 36, 42, 27, 28, 29. ALSO SORRY FOR BEING A BAD TEXTER TONIGHT I SUCK!!!!!!! im about to text you rrrrrright now.
you heard it here first folks, never text melissa (jk you’re all good you know i don’t care lmao)
12. favorite place to write
i have several of these, not gonna lie, like i’m most at home writing at home in my bed since it’s where i am the majority of the time but i also really like writing here at my memaw’s house in her floor because terrible lighting always inspires ya girl, also i really love writing on the balcony whenever me and my family go to the beach or just any vacation in general
15. hardest verse to write
probably my cdg universe? it is without a doubt one of the most fun verses i’ve written in but it requires almost all of me whenever i sit down and write for it because it is a) bouncing back and forth within multiple time frames, it’s not strictly linear and b) much heavier than a lot of the stuff i’ve written in the past and i just have to fully commit whenever i dive headfirst and that’s why chapters tend to be a novel and take a lil bit
23. least favorite story you’ve ever written
hmmmm this is tough, i kinda love all the stories i’ve written in the past even if they make me cringe to hell and back, i think my least favorite is probably ******?? and reasoning why is that i literally have to censor it because it caused me so much motherfucking controversy after the prologue was released that i just had to drop it and it just….it was a dark time
26. story you’re most proud of
even though it’s still in progress, i am so ridiculously proud of cdg because it is a big step in the grown up, not just writing romance!fic anymore direction and the writing feels like me for once??? and also inferno, which is a part of a saga and because i don’t ever write sequels for stories but this was a sequel and it was without a doubt one of the most cinematic pieces i’ve done?? granted she was based off a few movies but still it played out like a movie and yeah
27. best review you ever got
on my fanfic only, simply, absolutely just on ao3, a kind user by the name of @eloquentdrivil left me a few comments and i swear…i read them each about 27 times and nearly cried it was so kind and lovely and yeah and this was the first one and i’ll never fucking forget it either bc it came off a long period of not writing and being unhappy with writing fic, honestly, and getting something like this revitalized my LOVE and passion for fic tbh
God damn, this is honestly amazing. Just, I’m kinda choking on it, kinda stuck trying to spin my head out of the story and back into reality, because this is just…captivating. Enthralling. And yeah, it’s god damn devastating.This story is so good, it feels like my soul’s tipped sideways and I can’t quite pull it upright again. Whooo, I’m gonna need a minute. You’re kinda really amazing.
28. worst review you ever got
i have two: one was the first piece of hate mail i ever got for one of my fics (i used to get a lot of hate mail back in my thg writing days lmao) and it told me that my fanfiction was, brace yourself, fake. i laughed for twenty hours over it, it was so fucking dumb, lmao. the other was one that just pissed me off to know end on inferno, a story that i’d had in the works since 2012/2013 really and a stupid ass canon development in age of ultron was entirely irrelevant to my story and this GUEST CAME ON A STORY THAT WAS LITERALLY OVER 200K+ IN, THREE YEARS OLD IN TERMS OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPED TELLING ME THAT I OUGHT TO TAKE THESE DAMN PLOT DEVICES INTO CONSIDERATION AND I WAS LIKE….DO YOU EVEN READ THIS GODDAMN STORY BECAUSE THEY LITERALLY CONTRADICT EVERYTHING I HAVE WRITTEN OVER THE LAST THREE YEARS AND 200K+????????? it steams my clams to this day
29. favorite story/poem of another author
louder than words by internthree on ffnet, that story made me cry so many times and i don’t CRY WHEN I READ FIC OKAY I JUST DO NOT but this….had to shut my laptop and sob for a few
36. one-shot or multi-chaptered story?
multi multi multi, anytime i write a legit oneshot (meaning not a request) they always become four and five month undertakings
42. do you plan or do you write whatever comes to your mind?
both, tbh. i used to be able to freehand everything (see: bcw, and look at how that turned out for ya girl……cringe) and never really had to plan but now with the scale of stories i like to write and my constant gathering of ideas and attention span of a squirrel 87% of the time as it is i have to write down ideas i have or else i will FORGET THEM and sometimes i plan things out just to help motivate my ass
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