#bc its So So fun to just. gently Toss myself onto it
most nights kinda suck. but sometimes youre relaxing in a nice motel and one of the tv channels is playing 9-1-1 episodes <3 and everything feels like it'll be okay for a few hours <3
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finnyboywolfhard · 3 years
Kiss It, Make It Better
Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader 
summary: Y/N craves smoking with someone new, so who better than Steve Harrington. 
A/N: this is based solely on the ‘it’s only marijuana’ line in season three bc i am in love with stoner!Steve 
warnings: drugs <3, cursing, fluff 
word count: 2.4k 
Y/N and Dustin had the routine since Y/N got her license, that once a month they would have a sibling drive, in which they would drive around with the sole intent of getting caught up with one another. Given all the shit they had been through over the past few years, it naturally became their own special form of therapy. The Events of Starcourt on the Fourth of July and the days prior were once again weighing heavily on the two during their first drive since.
“What was it like being drugged?” Dustin asked, his curiosity weaving its way into his voice.
“Weird. It kinda felt like everything was the best thing ever, but it also came at the worst time. It was also weird that it was with Steve Harrington and Robin.”
“Is it like weed?”
“Is it like what?” Y/N knew the answer, it was no, but she had no idea why her little brother was deciding to ask her that in that exact moment.
“When you guys were drugged, I kept asking Steve if he did drugs, and he said that he only did marijuana. I wanted to know if they were comparable. So, is it like weed?”
“First off Dusty, you don’t ‘do’ marijuana, you smoke it. And secondly, I’m not answering that question, you can save that query for Steve.” Steve. Y/N had a lot of thoughts about him, it was interesting to hear about him from the rumors in high school in comparison to how she saw him act regularly. And ever since she started smoking to calm herself down, she has craved smoking with someone other than Robin, maybe Steve was worth a shot.
“Speaking of Steve, he said he might be over a lot over the next few nights while his parents are away, just so you know.”
“Oh? Is he coming tonight?”
“No, not tonight. He isn’t off work till 9 and mom doesn’t want him coming an hour before my dumbass bedtime— I still don’t get why she just NOW gave me a bedtime while you don’t even have a curfew.” Her brother started rambling, but all she could pay attention to was that he was going to be home alone tonight. Would it be that crazy of her to show up after all the trauma they had been through over the past 3 years?
“It’s because I’m legally an adult, so she’s treating me as such, and you’re just going into high school, she wants you to be safe. But okay, guess we’ll just have to see him soon.” The two drove around for a while longer before returning home. As the hours in between past, Y/N glanced towards her bookshelf, in which held a hidden stash of weed. She could always tell her mom she was just going to Robin’s, she would never try to prevent Y/N from seeing Robin.
She walked toward the bookshelf with soft footing, and with a gentle touch she plucked the hard covered book from the shelf. Inside lay two pre rolled joints she bought from her dealer and some bud Murray had snuck her after Hopper’s memorial. She snapped the book closed and tossed the book gently onto her bed. She put on a zip up hoodie and packed a fake sleepover bag. The books spine crackled gently as the cover was opened just enough for her to grab the pre-rolls out and into her pocket.
With backpack slung over her shoulders and her hands tucked securely in her pockets, Y/N strolled casually into the living room where her mother sat, as the minutes ticked quicker and quicker past 9:30–he was definitely home by now.
“Hey mom! Inhope you don’t mind but I’m gonna head over to Robin’s.”
“Oh! Did she call? I didn’t even hear the phone!”
“Oh no! She didn’t!” Y/N let in a gulp, she didn’t think this through. “She asked me a few days ago to come over tonight if I wanted to, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go until a little bit ago.”
“Ah, sounds like you, Do you wanna call her before you head over?” Claudia stood from her seat and began moving and motioning towards the phone.
“No!’ Y/N shrieked at her mother, who turned confusedly towards her. “Her mom goes to bed early and I told her that if I was gonna come it would be between 9 and 10, she assumes I’m coming, but I do really gotta get going.” Y/N glanced nervously at the clock, it was getting later and later and there comes a time where it’s a little uncomfortable to show up. Claudia glanced to the clock as well.
“Okay Y/N/N, you better get going.”
“Bye mom—“
“—Drive safe, be careful, I love you.”
“I love you too mom.” Y/N said as she practically ran to her car. She turned her car on and began the drive towards his house, not even thinking twice about where she was going until the car came to a park in his driveway.
“Shit!” Y/N yelled at herself. She yelled at herself for being weird and for showing up unannounced. She calmed herself down by saying, “who wouldn’t want someone showing up with free weed? Don’t overthink it.” She pulled in a complete, deep breath and walked hesitantly to the door. Three knocks sounded off the door, her breath fluttering ever so slightly as she let her hand fall to her side. Footsteps could be heard from the opposite side of the door, stepping closer and closer by the second. The doorknob turned and Y/N’s attention snapped up to meet the gaze of the boy at large.
“Hey Y/N, what’re you doing here?” Steve asked delightfully surprised. Her hand reached inside her pocket to pull one of the two joints. She lifted it from her pockets to where he could see it.
“Got a light?” She asked with a smirk.
After finding a lighter, the two made their way to his backyard. They sat parallel to one another in their chaise chairs. Y/N flicked the lighter a few times before sparking up the first joint of the night. She pulled a large huff in and held it as she passed the joint to Steve. He took in a long drag, holding the joint in front of him to inspect it after he hit it. A few seconds after Y/N had released her hit, Steve started coughing a bunch.
“Jesus Y/N, where the hell did you get this?” Steve said through the gasps for air.
“Good shit, huh?” Y/N joked as she inhaled another hit. The two fell into a rhythm of passing it back and forth as conversation allowed itself to flood the air.
“So what made you come here Y/N?” Steve pondered towards the girl.
“Dusty started asking me about when we were drugged, and apparently you told him you smoked weed. And, as much as I love Robin, I need someone new to smoke with, and you’re not AWFUL to hang out with.” Y/N explained, with sarcasm dripping from the last sentence.
“Wow, I feel so touched. Truly, I feel like the luckiest man alive. THE Y/N Henderson chose ME to smoke with. Best day of my life.” Steve rambled on, matching the sarcastic tone Y/N started with. The two laughed for a bit together, before Y/N spoke through the giggles.
“I am sorry for just showing up, I just didn’t know how to ask.”
“What? Am I that scary?”
“You’re THE King Steve, you’re the coolest, hottest guy at Hawkins. I was so intimidated by your male wiles. I am begging at your feet Steve Harrington.” Y/N mocked other girls she had witnessed in Hawkins. “No you’re not scary, I just couldn’t bring myself to say ‘Hey Steve, want to do some drugs with me?’ on our family phone, it didn’t feel right.” Steve let out a chuckle and a ‘fair enough’. It fell silent for a moment as the joint had its final hits taken from it.
“Why haven’t we hung out before? I mean away from all the traumatizing shit.” Steve asked slowly as he let himself sink down into the chair.
“Different friend groups before it all and then after and during it all, I didn’t and don’t want to impede on you and Dustin’s time. Plus neither of us have asked each other anyway.”
“That’s not true, I invited you to the movies that one day you stopped into scoops alone.”
“Yeah after I had already told you I was babysitting that night, you didn’t even ask to reschedule.”
“Yes I absolutely—didn’t. I didn’t.” Steve said, confidence dissipating. Y/N couldn’t help but focus to each small feature of his face one by one. Sure, she had looked at him but she never looked at him. He really was beautiful.
Jokes and stories were told between the two, laughter and exaggerated stories filled the bubble they put themselves in. In those moments, there was no one else in the world but Steve and Y/N.
“And that’s how Mike Wheeler broke his finger in our backyard.” Y/N let out through a fit of giggles. Steve clutched his stomach as he let himself fall back into the chair from the gut busting laughter Y/N had sent him into. As he got more comfortable, he glanced down at his watch. His eyes bulged at the time.
“Holy shit.” He said flustered, eyes never leaving the watch face.
“What? What time is it?”
“It’s almost 2 A.M.”
“Oh damn…” Y/N said, a dangerously fun smile finding its way to her face. Her hand reached towards the second joint in her pocket. “So this would be of no interest to you?” Steve’s squinted eyes opened just a peep. He let out a long whine.
“I think I’m too high to even move…but that looks so good.” Y/N looked between him and the joint. She noticed space for her to sit on the edge of his chair, and placed herself there. She placed the joint between her lips and gave it a light, waiting for the rolling paper burn down to the weed. From between her lips, she pulled the joint between her fingers and held it gently up to his. He took in a pull, never once releasing eye contact. With each consecutive hit, the distance between them drew closer and closer, eventually leaving their faces merely inches apart. Her fingers were so far back on the joint, they grazed his lips as he took in one of the final hits. Her fingers tingled from his touch. She glanced towards his eyes, his meeting hers already. The air around them went still and quiet. Their eyes were locked on each other, contact never wavering as their bodies moved towards one another like a magnet. His eyes stayed put on hers as his voice fell in the air.
“Give me one more.” Her hand lifted lightly and placed itself at his lips once more. The joint glowed a bright red as he inhaled the smoke. Y/N was so enraptured by his beauty, she didn’t notice the joint burning down to a nub. She watched as a cloud of smoke was blown from his lips and into the sky, before the heat had finally reached her touch.
“Son of a bitch!” She exclaimed as she dropped the roach to the ground. She lifted her fingers to her mouth, attempting to ease the burning feeling. The burn wasn’t bad, just a little redness but it didn’t hurt any less.
“Hey, let me see it.” Steve’s tone was much gentler now as he lifted her hand into his own. He raised her gently by her wrist to examine the burnt fingers. He delicately placed the burnt fingers to his lips and gave them a tiny little kiss.
“Kiss it, make it better.” He whispered, just barely audible to her ears. That’s what was so shocking about Steve, his heart was so filled with love and care. He did his best to make everyone feel protected, even if his popular guy persona overshadowed it at times.
“How are you so perfect?” Her voice came out quietly. Slowly, he lifted his head to look at her once more and without much thought, he closed the distance. The kiss was gentle and loving, but clearly stoked by passion. His lips upturned into a smile. She leaned back and traced her fingers across her lips. Just to make sure she didn’t imagine it, she pulled the boy towards her by the collar and planted one more kiss on him—and she noted that he kissed back with the same fervor.
“I have a crush on you Steve Harrington.” She said, hiding her blushing face from the boy. He turned her face towards him as he confessed,
“I’ve had a crush on you for like 3 months.”
“You have?”
“Yeah.” He said, his thumb gently grazing her cheek.
“Dustin talks about you enough, and I—uh I remembered all the times you’ve kicked ass over the past few years and it just kinda…happened. Who wouldn’t want someone as smart, badass, and beautiful as you?” He rambled our haphazardly, a blush forming across his cheeks as well.
“Oh god, that was embarrassing, am I blushing? I feel like I’m blushing. fuck me.” Steve started rambling.
“Hey! It’s not embarrassing, it’s cute.” Y/N explained, but it didn’t seem to help. An idea flashed in her mind. “Oh no! You are so embarrassing, I am embarrassed. Ew, guess I
I’ll just have to close my eyes! I hope that embarrassing Steve Harrington doesn’t kiss me!” The sarcastic tone from earlier returning once more. A chuckle bubbled past Steve’s lips. He once more laid one on her, this time—a little bit more passionate than the past.
Y/N nuzzled herself into Steve’s side on the small beach chair they were on. The air sat comfortably still in that moment, the two reeling from the overwhelming emotions they had just felt. Quiet giggles pierce the air as Y/N studies her fingers.
“It worked.” She said matter of factly.
“What worked?”
“After you kissed it, I haven’t thought about it since. You made it better.” Y/N spoke melodically. Steve planted a kiss to the top of her head and pulled her closer in to him.
“Kiss it, make it better.” He repeated once more.
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kaaytea · 4 years
Im the anon who requested the Koushuu x manager/Kazuya's sister reader
Since im still completely in love with the dinner headcanons, I was wondering since it its Koushuu's bday, if i could make another request?^^
About how manager/kazuya's sister would surprise him? Maybe she finally convinces Kazuya to let her spend some time with Kou in the dorm room and they have this really special, fluffy moment cause he deserves some love on his bday🥺🥺
I’m honestly surprised at how quickly I wrote this (see what happens when you guys inspire me😤) so hopefully it sounds consistent. As a fellow Koushuu lover I had sO much fun writing this. Technically bc Wolfy's birthday is in the winter, Miyuki wouldn't share a dorm with him anymore but for the sake of this oneshot let's pretend third years are allowed to stay on the team 🤭 I hope you like it anon! 💖
"Please Nii-chan!"
Kazuya's face scrunched in displeasure as he twirled the bat in his hand.
"How many times do I have to say no?" He flatly stated. Kazuya kicked his foot against the crate you were sitting on, his way of trying to end the discussion and get you to continue tossing balls for him.
You let out a deep sigh before picking up another baseball, briefly letting your fingers brush over the worn stitching and scratched leather then lightly tossing it up where Kazuya cleanly hit the ball into the net. You sat there stewing in your thoughts as you continued to half-heartedly toss the balls up, putting in only just enough effort to get the ball up for your brother to hit. You didn't flinch at the sharp clang of the bat, once upon a time you might have, but at that moment you were too upset to even give it a second thought.
"Ok, but what if-"
"(Y/n)," Kazuya cut you off with a stern look, his tone was frighteningly reminiscent of the one your father used to scold you. The simple utter of your name immediately sent chills up your arms as you fought the urge to cower as you did when you were a child. "I said no, I'm not discussing this with you anymore."
You shot up from the crate, gripping the ball in your hand tightly as you glared up at your brother. You weren't going to let him play the older brother card -not this time! You would keep pushing for this until he broke down.
"But it's not fair! You hang out with your friends all the time! Why can't I?!"
"Because Dad told me to look after you, and that includes keeping you from mischievous boys"
Your face screwed up in a sour expression, "If you wanted to keep me from boys why in the world did you let me become a manager for a BOYS baseball team?"
Kazuya stared down at you, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to find the words to respond to you.
"That's.....that's actually a good question. Any chance you'd consider resigning?"
The boy broke out into a fit of laughter leaning his weight onto the bat to keep himself upright as he gasped out phrases like: "your face!" and "You actually thought I was serious!"
You huffed at your brother’s childish behavior and slumped back onto the crate, leaning your head on your palm as you spun the baseball around In your other hand. You were completely frustrated with Kazuya, he was treating this like a joke, and somewhere deep in your heart you were a bit hurt by his lack of faith in, not only you but Okumura as well.
Kazuya's laughter started to die down as he straightened up and got back into his batting stance. Only this time you didn't toss him a ball to hit, he watched as you dejectedly dropped the ball in your hand back into the crate.
"Do you really not trust me?"
You heard him sigh through his nose, followed by the sound of another crate being dragged over so he could sit in front of you. He kicked your foot gently, an unspoken way of him telling you to look at him while he talked.
"Look, it's not that I don't trust you, you're very smart and have always been careful with who you make friends with," he offered you a small smile making you fight the urge to smile back, "It's more the fact that you asked to be alone in a dorm room with Okumura. That boy confuses the hell out of me, I never know what he's thinking so it's difficult for me to give you permission to leave you unsupervised with him."
You snorted at what he said. Your brother made Koushuu sound like a mysterious delinquent when in reality he was anything but.
"Nii-chan, Kou can't look me in the eyes longer than 5 minutes. You don't have to worry about him doing anything bad."
"Kou?!" He gasped out. The catcher brought a hand to his forehead dramatically, "You're on a first-name basis with him already! What do I do?! You're being corrupted!"
You groaned, rubbing the heels of your hands into your eyes trying to distract yourself from the unavoidable headache that would surely appear in the next few minutes.
Kazuya stood up from the crate and pushed it to the side with his foot.
"Two hours"
"I'm giving you two hours with him -but that's it!"
A grin spread across your face and you jumped up trapping Kazuya in a tight hug. One of his hands ruffled your hair as you babbled out thank yous.
"Yeah, yeah whatever. Now get off, I wanna get through the rest of this crate, and then I'll walk you back to your dorm."
The day was finally here! Your brother had graciously granted you two whole hours to hang out with Kou in his dorm! Safe to say you were a little more than excited as your dorm mates teased you about seeming extra lively that morning. You simply brushed it off as having gotten a good night’s rest, but the heat radiating off your cheeks contradicted your efforts.
You checked the gift bag hanging loosely from your wrist for the thousandth time as you approached the familiar door. After confirming that his gift was still safely stowed away, you gently knocked and impatiently bounced on the balls of your feet while waiting to be let in.
It didn't take long for the door to swing open and reveal the familiar eyes that always shone with warmth, a juxtaposition to their icy color when you were around. It took you countless hours and silly conversations to melt Okumura's frosty exterior, leaving something reminiscent of a loyal pup.
"Hi," he softly said, already moving to the side to let you into the dorm. When the door closed you threw yourself at Okumura, wrapping your arms around the boy’s neck and pulling him into a hug. The action startled him slightly, his body stiffening up from surprise before he cautiously wrapped his arms around your waist.
"Happy birthday, Kou!" You chirped, beaming up at the blonde, whose cheeks were quickly tinting a soft pink.
"T-thanks," he sputtered as he untangled himself from you. Before Okumura could get a chance to process and compose himself you were already pushing his gift into his hands while chanting "open it open it!"
He sat down on the edge of his bed —with you doing the same, positively vibrating with excitement— and gently pulled out a little bundle of blue tissue paper neatly folded over the gift. Okumura carefully unwrapped the object revealing a new pair of batting gloves.
He turned the gloves over in his hands inspecting them. A mixture of white and deep blue detailing produced a very clean look to the gloves. The thicker material around palms and the very obvious brand name instantly made him realize you probably spent a good amount of money to get these.
"Do you like them?" He turned to look at how excited you seemed. The sparkle in your eyes made his heart flutter, but he couldn't shake the slight guilt that ate at him. "Takuma helped me a bit with finding a style similar to your old pair -but, I noticed you rub at your palms after batting so I got you gloves with extra padding around the base of your hands!"
Okumura was a bit surprised at how observant you were. It's true his old gloves, a pair he's had since his second year in junior high, had started to wear down. It always amazed him how you could pick up on small cues in the sport. Although to be fair, you were a Miyuki and had basically been trained by your older brother in everything baseball-related since you could walk.
"They're really nice," he slipped one of the gloves on, clenching his hand a few times to get a feel for them, "you didn't have to spend so much on me though."
You rolled your eyes and bumped your shoulder against his.
"I knew you'd say that...Think of it this way, these will probably last you the rest of your time at Seidou, so technically they were a valid investment on my part." You sent him a gentle smile which he returned before taking off the glove and moving to put them in his practice bag.
While Okumura was occupied your attention was stolen by the laptop sitting open on his bed.
"You weren't doing school work, right? I'm not interrupting or anything?"
The boy looked back at you and shook his head, his blonde hair bounced slightly at the movement. He walked back over to the bed returning to his spot next to you. In one quick movement, he dragged the laptop over to the both of you and unplugged the headphones he had in. Immediately your senses were filled with the voices of announcers and the crack! of a wooden bat.
"The Hanshin Tigers?," You looked up at him where he confirmed your guess with a short nod, his eyes not leaving the screen as he watched the team’s left fielder catch a pop-up, "I didn't know you were a fan."
"I wouldn't really consider myself one," he softly said, "Taku made me watch all their games with him when we were kids, and the habit sort of stuck."
You smiled at the thought of a younger Koushuu being forced to watch games with his enthusiastic friend. You wished you were there at that time to see a younger version of your two friends, Takuma most definitely shaking Koushuu’s shoulders excitedly at any play that seemed remotely difficult. 
It was obvious that Okumura was still invested in the game, and you'd be lying if you said you weren't interested in seeing how it was gonna play out, so the both of you found yourselves sitting up in his bed.
You quickly lost track of time as you both watched the game, pointing out plays and betting on what would happen. Although, the longer you sat the more sore your arm was becoming. Okumura didn't have the largest build compared to other players on the team, but his shoulders were still significantly broader than your own. Because of that you had bent you right arm and shoulder in an awkward position to watched the game. You started to fidget around trying to find a more comfortable way to sit. Koushuu was about to offer to set the laptop up on a desk instead, but his thoughts were cut off when he let out an involuntary squeak as you picked up his left arm and draped it across your shoulders.
"Is this ok?"
He could only stiffly nod as he felt his heart rate pick up and heat spreading across his cheeks. The heat spread to the tips of his ears as he felt you snuggle closer into his side and rest your head on his chest.
As awkward as he felt in the moment, Okumura had to admit that having you tucked under his arm was a nice feeling. He enjoyed being able to connect with you, somewhere deep in his heart he hoped this moment was what would push the both of you to become a little more than just friends. Slowly Okumura relaxed into the feeling, pulling you closer into him and gingerly leaning his head on yours.
"Koushuu?" You questioned as you both watched the ending ceremony to the game being displayed. He responded with a hum, dropping his hand to play with the ends of your hair.
"Would you play professionally if you were given the chance?"
He sighed, twisting a lock of your hair around his finger as he pondered your question. He was quite familiar with this topic, his family had been asking him that very question for the past few years and he always had the same response.
"If I found a reason to."
He gazed down at you, watching your eyes shift around his face as you studied his expression.
"I've always just followed Kazuya from team to team, managing and learning so I wouldn't be left behind," your eyes flicked to his lips briefly before locking back on to his crystalline hues, "But he leaves in a few months....I've been trying to find a new path to follow."
A greedy voice from the depths of Okumura's mind whispered 'me'. If he were to be honest he already found his reason to continue perusing baseball, and that reason was you.
In only a short time span you had somehow given a new meaning to the game, your passion and joy for the sport had spread into his heart and, as selfish as it sounded, he hoped that you'd join his side and face the sport together as partners once your time at Seidou came to an end.
Neither of you had noticed how you were slowly leaning closer and closer to each other, a magnetized energy pulling you together. With your noses just barely touching, you cupped his jaw and started to tilt your head up.
The magnetic feeling vanished the instant the door slammed open and Kazuya practically sang for you to leave. Luckily, Okumura had quick reflexes and was able to put a decent amount of space between the two of you the moment Kazuya's voice echoed around the room.
"I'll walk you back to your dorm," he said softly, avoiding looking at his captain as you both shuffled out the door.
The walk to your dorm was silent. There was nothing to say as you were both too embarrassed to mention what had almost happened.
Okumura was somehow even more aggravated by Miyuki, the both of you were so close to finally admitting and giving in to the chemistry that had been slowly and steadily building since summer break. All of that progress was ruined in a matter of seconds by the nuisance of a captain.
You stopped in front of your dorm door, quickly looking down both halls only to find the area vacant of any other girls.
"Koushuu," you tapped his shoulder making him turn his attention from the floor to you. Your arms wrapped around his neck and you reached up on your tiptoes, your lips a hairs width away from his.
"Happy Birthday," you whispered before pressing your lips together.
Okumura gently returned the kiss, his hands hovering near you —unsure of what to do with them— until you moved his right hand to cup your cheek. Instinctively he tilted your head up slightly.
You both pulled away with batted breath and burning faces. In those few seconds following, your actions caught up with you. Your body burned in embarrassment as you stuttered out a 'bye' and slipped into your dorm.
Koushuu's fingers drifted up to his mouth as he walked back to the baseball team's dorms, still slightly in shock at the situation.
Hopefully, that first kiss showed you your new path just as it had confirmed his.
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Suspicious With A Side Of Concern
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Words: 3.9k
Warning: a little cursing and a tad bit of suggestive themes. seriously, just a smidge. this is v mild and v soft
A/N: uhh hi there 😊 it's been awhile heh but it's San's birthday (one of my ults) and I managed to write this! it's probably not that great and it's not edited (bc it's after 5AM 👍🏻) so I'm sorry if it sucks or is full of mistakes, I may come back to it and fix them if there's a lot. but uhh yeah! I love my sweet boy so much and I'm so proud of him and I'm feeling v mushy lately hehe 🤭 and yeah, yeah, I know I’m not funny but I make myself laugh and that’s all that matters right? lol also this is pretty self-indulgent (hmm I’m noticing a theme in my recent works haha) but I hope you enjoy it anyways! happy birthday Sannie!!! I love you to the moon and back ❤️❤️❤️
San was suspicious. And a little concerned, too. The kind of 'suspicious with a side of concern' that can make feelings of offense and being forgotten crop up. In other words: not good. And what time could be worse to feel 'not good' than the days leading up to your birthday?
OK, so that clearly was not your intention when you had initially conjured up your plan for your, frankly, rather significant and audacious gift for San's birthday this year. Typically, you go all out with anything you get or do for San because he's just fun to spoil like that. Like in past years, you'd taken him on mini vacations or got him lots of small gifts and gave them to him over a period of a few days. And you always spent the entire week celebrating, not just the day of. So, logically, if you had actually formed a plan instead of just devising the end result of said non-existent plan, maybe you would have thought of how San might react to things being so different than years past. But 'foresight', what's that?
When you noticed San was more moody and petulant than usual, you tried your best to make things seem as normal as possible, not wanting him to catch on to your surprise. You had found him pouting at the kitchen table late one night, a few days before his birthday. "Sannie, baby. It's three in the morning, is everything OK?"
"Are you mad at me?" he blurted out unexpectedly, not answering your question. When he saw your confused expression, he continued, "I mean, did I do something wrong? Something to upset you? I swear it wasn't intentional and I'm sorry that I don't know what it is. I-"
"Of course not, babe!" you cut him off, "I was just worried because I rolled over in bed and you weren't there when I tried to cuddle up to you. But what makes you think that I'm mad at you, lovebug?"
You slid into the seat next to him as he sighed deeply. "I don't know, I just… God! This is gonna sound so stupid and selfish and spoiled!" Taking his hand in yours to silently reassure him, you squeezed his fingers slightly and softly rubbed your thumb along his knuckles. He took a deep breath before he tried to explain himself, "Umm, this whole week has been different than other years? Like, usually we do lots of stuff for my birthday and this year we haven't done much of anything and I'm not complaining because it's not that I expect a lot of presents or a vacation or something and I haven't said anything because I don't want to sound spoiled or like I think I'm entitled to a lot of big, expensive things, it's just that I'm not used to it I guess and I think it's making me feel like I did something wrong to upset you so you aren't treating me like you usually do as some sort of punishment, not that I think you'd actually do that to me because you're the sweetest thing in the world and I know you love me and I love you so much and I just-" San let out a frustrated groan and dropped his head to the table with a loud thud. He sighed again and lowered his voice to almost a whisper, "That did not come out like how I wanted it to."
The gears in your head were turning as you stared fondly at your boyfriend, a small, sad smile curving your lips. You felt horrible that San thought you were upset with him because, after all, that's the last thing you want. San and his happiness and contentment is the most important thing in your life. You also weren't sure how you were going to explain yourself without revealing the secret you were working so hard to conceal. Winging it seemed like the best option at the time since you could tell San was getting antsy about your silence.
"Sannie, can you look at me, please?" you began. When he lifted his head, your eyes found each other's, while your empty hand searched for his. "I'm so sorry that I made you feel like I'm mad at you! I promise you that I'm not even the slightest bit upset with you. You did absolutely nothing wrong -- you're perfect, baby." Releasing one of San's hands, you reached up to gently push away some stray hairs that had fallen into his eyes before running your fingertips across his pretty cheekbone. "You should know that none of what you said sounded stupid or selfish or spoiled. We've built up a sort of routine and a sudden change to that can be kind of disorienting. You have every right to be confused and I'm not going to make up excuses for how different things have been the past few days, I won't do that to you. In all honesty, I've been preoccupied and a little distracted. But I'm sorry that I let that get in the way and I promise that it won't happen anymore. And I'm so sorry that I've already made this your suckiest birthday ever and it's not even your actual birthday yet! That's definitely a new record for me, ruining something before it even happens." You mumbled the last part, ashamed at yourself and silently hoping San wouldn't hear that bit.
He let out a small chuckle that sounded much closer to normal San, easing your worry slightly. "It's not sucky and you didn't ruin anything, which by the way, you know I don't like when you put yourself down like that," the evident pout in his voice faintly reddened your cheeks with embarrassment despite the fact that he wasn't even scolding you. You whispered a quiet apology and San brought your left hand up to place a kiss on your knuckles. "You said you're preoccupied and distracted but I'm not going to press because I know you'll tell me when you're ready." When you thanked him, he tilted his head and looked at you with pure adoration and you felt his gaze travel over the planes of your face. "Thank you for understanding me, even when my words are messier than all us boys in white shirts eating wings with no napkins."
Trying, and failing to keep a straight face, the two of you dissolved into fits of giggles. "I thought you were going to be romantic or something but you said that and-" you cut yourself off with another loud laugh and shook your head, smiling endearingly. "I love you, cutie! But you're saying weird things so I think we should head to bed. Not that sleep will actually help you but we can always try." San shoved your shoulder as you stood before scooping you up in his arms and peppered kisses all over your face.
San had been in a great mood the morning of his birthday, considering he had woken up to you bustling about the kitchen making his favorite breakfast while wearing nothing but his oversized t-shirt. Strong arms and the frigid tip of San's nose against the junction between your neck and shoulder startled you, causing you to drop the spatula in your hand. He giggled softly at the small squeak you let out in surprise and squeezed you a little more snugly into his broad chest. "Mornin'," he mumbled against your skin.
"Hi," you chuckled as you shrugged him off to bend down to pick up the utensil that had fallen on the floor. You knew he was pouting when he had to let go of you and you could easily imagine the smirk that made its way onto his handsome face as he came up with his next idea, smacking your ass before you stood back up to place the dirty spatula in the sink.
You gasped in false offense, "How dare you!"
"Well, when you look like…" San gestured at you, his stare sleepy but very interested, "That, can you blame me?"
"I most certainly can! No 'Good morning! Happy Birthday!' kiss for you, mister!"
The pout returned to his face and damn, you're really weak for that pout. You sighed exasperatedly and threw your arms around his neck. "Good morning! Happy Birthday!" you announced with feigned emotion before pecking him on the lips and making an attempt to return your attention to breakfast. San had other ideas. He let out a sort of growl before effortlessly tossing you over his shoulder and strutting back towards your bedroom. "Wait!" you shouted weakly on account of San's shoulder uncomfortably pressed against your diaphragm, "Breakfast is gonna burn!" He paused in his stride, seemingly to try to decide on what to do, before turning and rushing to the stove to switch it off and then made a beeline for the mess of pillows and blankets he had left only moments before.
That afternoon, San was sprawled out on the sofa, a dreadfully bored look etched into his features as he flipped through the channels. Finding nothing to watch, he switched off the TV and turned to stare at the ceiling. The oscillating fan sat on the small end table next to the couch ruffled his hair and thoughtfully provided an awful high-pitched squealing sound as background noise for the otherwise quiet living room. Nervously staring at the clock on your phone while draped over a chair opposite the couch, your mind was racing to come up with an excuse for leaving the house a few minutes later. You had an appointment to keep aka "The Plan". Making a disgruntled noise, you pushed yourself out of your seat and made a command decision on what to say, "Uhh, I'm gonna go to the store to pick up some stuff for umm, for later." Failing miserably at sounding natural, you gestured toward the door and faced it.
"Ooh!" San shouted and you heard rustling like he was getting off the couch. "Let me come! I'm so bored."
You couldn't help the mischief that made itself evident over your features as you turned back around. "But coming along will spoil the surprise, don't you think?" Pleading puppy dog eyes and his cutest pout decorated San's face in response. "Nuh uh, not even that will work on me today!"
Sam's expression morphed into a combination of astonishment and amazement as he plopped back down onto the sofa, "Shit, this is serious if not even the pout can sway you!"
You nodded ruefully, "It's a special day."
Ping! A message came through on your group chat with the boys, made specifically for this plan and thus excluding San, and when you went to read it, you heard San mumble under his breath but couldn't quite make out what he said.
Joong-bug: outside with Woo! let's goooooo!!
Several more text alerts sounded off and San eyed you suspiciously.
Woo 🐻: C'MON I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!! Joong-bug: aaaaaand this is why he's forbidden contact with 'The Target' until 'The Plan' is complete… You: Be down in a minute! Joong-bug: hurry up!! he won't stop whining and pouting 😣 Mingo Mango: getin' ready 2 bust the door down now 😈 You: Jongho, I'm trusting you to keep them from breaking things Hulk 🍎: You have my word 👍 Yeo-Yeo: Pfffft like that means anything 😒 Y'know: hey, i asked you to chop vegetables!! why are you on your phone?? 😡 Yeo-Yeo: You're on yours! Mars: ……….help
Suddenly, you could hear two rather loud voices outside, gradually getting louder as they made their way to your front door. "Ah, you're in luck, sweetpea! Here comes your entertainment now!" Without giving Mingi the opportunity to "bust the door down", you quickly threw it open and in he stumbled with Jongho trailing more gracefully behind him, chuckling. San's face lit up in excitement and he bounced gleefully over to his friends. Mingi shouted something about playing ball and San whooped in agreement, causing you to chuckle fondly as you snuck out the door they had just come through since your boyfriend was already well and truly distracted.
Hongjoong and Wooyoung quickly came into view as you made your way down the last of the stairs, the younger hopping around like an over-excited bunny when he spotted you. He called your name loudly and ran to squeeze you and consequently hang off of you, grin bright and eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Hi there, bear," you giggled and squeezed him back before turning to Hongjoong. "You said he was whiny but you didn't mention he was extra clingy, too." No hint of annoyance in your voice, Wooyoung nuzzled into your shoulder and sighed happily.
Hongjoong shrugged, smiling affectionately at the younger, "I thought it was to be expected."
"It is a little hot for cuddles though, Woo," you told Wooyoung honestly and he nodded in agreement, letting go and scurried towards the parked car, screeching about being late. Hongjoong shook his head as he watched Wooyoung abruptly fling the door open and sit in the passenger seat, eagerly bouncing in place and urging the two of you to hurry up. "Everything all set?" you asked the older as you walked side by side to the car.
Rascality twinkled in Hongjoong's eyes, "Yep! All the stuff is either in the back seat or the trunk, ready to go!" You smiled and scrunched your nose at him before you both joined Wooyoung in the car and headed off to your destination.
A couple hours later, the three of you returned to your house, San's birthday gift sat on the back seat next to you. Wooyoung was animatedly squirming in his seat, teeth clenched together in a wide grin in an effort to suppress his squeals of joy. "Good grief, Woo! It's gonna be somewhat of a let down if you're more excited about this than San ends up being," you teased him fondly, reaching for your phone to get updates from the group chat.
You: We're back!! 🤭 Yeo-Yeo: Lemme guess, Woo's about to piss himself from excitement You: 😂 correct. Update on 'the Target'? Hulk 🍎: 'The Target' is about to get in the shower, Mingi and I will head down now Y'know: you can't just leave him!! you gotta at least give an excuse!! Hulk 🍎: You can't see me but I'm rolling my eyes right now. Mingi told him we're going home to shower, which isn't an excuse, it's the truth. We'll just jump in with everyone later 👌 Y'know: you didn't give anything away did you??!! Hulk 🍎: 😒 yes. We told him every detail. Of course we didn't! Mingo Mango: all good! we made it seem like we were leaving 4 the night! told him happy bday and everything 😉 Y'know: … :/ … You: … I'm slightly concerned but alright. How's 'The Plan'? Yeo-Yeo: Yunho is worried out of his mind now but we're cool, just waiting on the cue Mingo Mango: you mean the Q 😉👍 Hulk 🍎: He tripped down a few stairs while he was typing that ^ Yeo-Yeo: 🖕 (deserved) You: Hwa? Still have your sanity? Mars: *sigh* … barely You: You replied so I'm courageously going to take that as a positive. You guys can head over as soon as Jongho and Mingi are ready. I'll text when it's good to come up. Yeo-Yeo: OK Y'know: k Mars: yes
Laughing at their insanity and tucking your phone away, you glanced up to find Mingi and Jongho walking towards the car so you got out and attempted to get a little more information. "You guys have fun?" you asked, smiling warmly.
The boys beamed and nodded. "Lots!" Mingi stated, bouncing on his toes energetically.
"San seemed really happy so that felt," Jongho paused and rubbed at the back of his neck, "Nice." You felt your heart squeeze a little, knowing just how much San loved and valued the boys no matter what. "And we didn't break anything, just like I promised!" Jongho added proudly, puffing out his chest a little.
You ruffled his hair fondly before yanking your hand away in disgust, "Ick! So sweaty! Go shower! I'll see you two in a bit." The youngest laughed brightly and gave you a wave before heading off with Mingi offering a salute and stumbling after him. Making your way around the car, you opened the car door and gathered the gift into your arms. "I owe you two," you smiled and Hongjoong shook his head and chuckled. "Thank you!" Wooyoung giggled as you resituated the present in your grasp. "Don't forget the rest of the stuff when you come up later, please!" Hongjoong gave you a thumbs up and you shut the door with your hip before making your way up to give your boyfriend his surprise.
Unlocking the door and being as quiet as possible entering the house in an effort to sneak up on San was quite difficult but you managed. Luckily, he had his back to you, actually sitting normally in a chair for once and humming softly to himself. Stifling a giggle with your hand, you brought everything inside and shut the door, impressed with yourself at how quiet you were and hoped the gift would be just as silent. Slipping your shoes off to avoid more noise, you took one gift in each hand and tiptoed toward San.
You instinctively held your breath as you neared your boyfriend and tried not to squeal or giggle. In that moment, you definitely felt Wooyoung's enthusiasm. Right hand gently setting one gift on the top of San's head and left hand reaching around the phone in his hands to place the other present in his lap, you heard him gasp in shock. "Happy Birthday, sugarplum!"
The small kitten on San's head let out a tiny squeak of a meow and the puppy in his lap timidly licked at his arm. San tried to say something but all that came out was broken words and stutters. He reached up to pluck the kitten from his head and you helped untangle a strand of his hair from the kitten's tiny claws before he set it next to the puppy on his lap and turned part way around to look up at you. Tears were already falling, the tracks they left glinted in the sunlight that came in through the living room window and his bottom lip wobbled slightly, "Y-you. B-but. What?"
You slowly walked around the chair and crouched down in front of San, beaming and a little teary-eyed yourself at his reaction. "What do you think, Sannie? Does this make up for the difference in these past few days?" He choked out a sob and nodded fervently, lip still trembling as he stared down at the animals clumsily perched on his thighs.
San sniffled and lifted the puppy up to eye-level. It leaned closer to him and licked at the salty streaks on his cheeks. San laughed wetly and set the puppy back down before lifting the kitten up the same way and nuzzling his nose into its soft fur. After admiring them for a few minutes and calming himself down, San glanced at you, "This is what you were preoccupied with?"
You nodded and hummed faintly, "But not just this!"
Your boyfriend furrowed his brow and groaned a little, "There's more? I don't know if I can handle any more! I feel like I've had at least a dozen heart attacks in the last 5 minutes already!" You chuckled adoringly as San pouted at his puppy and kitten, talking to them about how his heart wasn't meant for stuff like that. While he was distracted, you shot a text to the group chat.
You: 'The Plan: Part 1' = ✅COMPLETE! Commence 'The Plan: Part 2'! Woo 🐻: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Yeo-Yeo: 😒 Hulk 🍎: That emoji may imply that Yeosang is rolling his eyes but he's actually staring at Wooyoung with the most fond, loving look in his eyes Mingo Mango: heh Yeo just 🤜 Jongho in the 💪
You rolled your eyes and chuckled, waiting for the boys to come up and actually "bust down the door". Moments later, a cacophony of voices burst through the quiet room as the guys threw the door open.
"Happy Birthday! We brought food!" Yunho shouted as he muscled multiple grocery bags into your kitchen, followed by Yeosang and Seonghwa who were also carrying armloads.
At the same time, Wooyoung screamed, "Babies!" and headed straight for San and the puppy and kitten. The two boys giggled together and fawned over the animals while some of the boys loudly scuttled around the kitchen and the others went to greet the birthday boy and the new additions. You headed into the kitchen to see if you could help with anything.
Seonghwa looked less frazzled than you expected and his kind eyes lit up when they met yours. "Anything for me to do?" you asked him, going over to wash your hands in the kitchen sink.
He gave you a characteristic wonky smile as he bumped your hip with his, "I think you've had quite the day as it is!"
"Me? What about you? You sure have lots of beautiful hair despite dealing with so many children all the time!"
Seonghwa's smile was one of pure reverence, "I wouldn't have it any other way."
You tugged him into a tight hug. "I know," you whispered, "Thank you." Before he could say anything, you pulled away to look him in the eye, "And before you say 'You don't have to thank me' or whatever, thank you. I mean it and you have to accept it or I'll pout." He laughed heartily and nodded, eyes sparkling with joy as he went back to getting food put on the table.
You went around hugging and thanking the rest of the boys for all their contributions to San's special day and then gathered everyone up to sit at the table for dinner. The kitten and puppy played together peacefully and everyone glanced over at them once in awhile to coo at their cuteness.
Chatter was loud and warm, just the way it should be. San absolutely glowed with happiness and at one point when all the boys were laughing and carrying on together, he leaned over to you to whisper in your ear. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?"
"Only every day," you beamed, booping his nose gently.
He giggled and leaned even closer to press a sweet kiss to your lips, "Thank you," another kiss, "Times a million," another, "for making me," yet another peck, "so, so happy," and another, "I love you," and one more kiss. You grabbed his face so he couldn't pull away from the last one but it was a little difficult to kiss when you both were smiling so wide.
A chorus of "Ew!" and "Gross!" and "NOT AT THE DINNER TABLE!" echoed behind you so you reluctantly pulled away, giggling all the while.
"OK, OK!" you held your hands up in defeat before resituating. "Alright, on the count of three," San looked confused all over again but you sent him a reassuring wink. "One!
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hotpinkhoshi · 5 years
hey there! can i request 27 from the fluff prompt list for youngjae? tysm!
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pairing: youngjae x reader
genre: fluffy fluff! roommate!au
word count: 1.2k (i know it was supposed to be a drabble I KNOW!!!!)
prompt: youngjae x “you know we aren’t just friends.” 
a/n: this was so fun to write! apparently i don’t know what a drabble is though bc i could not help myself making this 1k words, hopefully no one minds hehe please enjoy love you all 
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There was a long list of things you would have rather done tonight than go on a blind date.
Especially one that your sister had set up—yes, in theory, she knew you better than anyone else, but she had horrible taste in men, so your expectations were at rock bottom. 
Or so you’d thought. Just below rock bottom was apparently a cavern filled with average looking men that droned on and on about themselves for an hour straight while you contemplated shoving a salad fork into your own eyeball. 
For the first time, you faked a severe stomach ache just to escape, which of course you felt guilty for, but you couldn’t imagine listening to this man talk for one more hellish minute. 
When you arrived home, you expected to be alone. Your roommate, Youngjae, usually spent his Friday nights at his studio or hanging out with his friends. Instead, you found him sprawled on the couch with one of your sheet masks on and a bottle of wine tucked under his arm. It looked like there was a marine life documentary on the TV screen. 
“Um,” you started, eyes taking in the whole picture, “rough night?”
Youngjae shook his head, not appearing embarrassed you’d found him like this in the slightest. “Quite the opposite, roomie. I had a fantastic day and wanted to celebrate.”
“With my avocado honey sheet mask?”
Youngjae just shrugged. In his defense, you’d told him once that he could help himself to your plethora of sheet masks, if only because you’d never met a man more committed to skincare than Youngjae. You definitely wanted to encourage the behavior—for the greater good. 
“Don’t worry, this wine is mine. Want a sip?” He held the bottle out to you. 
You normally would have said no. You didn’t drink very often, especially not wine because it usually just made you sleepy and gave you a headache in the morning. However, you’d just listened to a stranger describe the entire interior of his BMW for twenty five minutes straight. 
“Sure,” you answered, walking over to the couch and taking the free spot next to your roommate. It didn’t take long for you to snuggle up to him, which wasn’t uncommon for the two of you. 
After moving in together five months ago, you’d gotten close fast. You worked the same hours, so you saw each other every morning and every night. It was inevitable you’d become close. 
You’d fallen asleep on the couch together a handful of times and woken up spooning once or twice… but you were friends. Just friends. He never once flirted with you, made you uncomfortable, or crossed any figurative lines between your friendship. 
“It’s moscato,” he told you, passing you the bottle and breaking you from your thoughts. You recognized it as the cheap brand your sister usually stocked up on because it was always on sale.  
When you took a sip, you felt the warmth travel down your chest and to your stomach. You had definitely needed that. 
“So, how was the date?” he asked, shoulder nudging you gently. 
You cringed. “Dreadful.”
After you gave him a rundown of the nights events, Youngjae burst into laughter. You would have smacked him, but his laugh was infectious and you soon found yourself draped over his lap, giggling into his shirt. 
His hand traveled to your back, and when he ran his fingers along your spine, you froze. His touch sent a wave of shivers down your entire body from your chest to the tips of your fingers.
Pull yourself together, you scolded yourself. A simple hand on your back was no reason to get goosebumps. 
You knocked back another long sip of wine. 
“You know,” Youngjae started, his tone of voice making you sit up fully. “It seems like you just keep on going out with these… toads. When really, you deserve-“
“A prince?” You finished for him, raising your brows. It was cheesy, but such a Youngjae thing to say. “Well, I’m starting to think there aren’t many of those left. At least, not for me.”
Youngjae’s expression was unreadable. Although that may have been because you could only see his eyeballs through the holes in the sheet mask. 
“What about me?” he asked. 
Your eyes widened and you stuttered, “Wh-what? We’re friends. Just friends.” 
Youngjae blinked at you, and you saw him bite his lip under the mask, as if contemplating his words. Perhaps he knew you were lying just as well as you did. 
“Oh, come on,” he finally said. “You know we aren’t just friends.”
The utter honesty in his statement had your heart pounding in your chest. You could continue to play dumb, sure, pretend like there was nothing but platonic feelings between the two of you. Or… or you could take a chance. 
A long moment passed between the two of you, the monotone narrator describing the migration habits of sea turtles filling the room. And yet you were sure Youngjae could hear your heartbeat over it all. 
“I know,” you whispered finally, your hand moving on its own accord to find his on his lap. “But it’s scary.” 
“It is,” Youngjae agreed. “But we could be great. You know that, right?” 
You nodded. You hadn’t known him long before you started getting a feeling that Youngjae had been brought into your life for a reason. He made you laugh like no one else, and at this point, you spent more time with him than anyone else.
All the takeout Thursdays, the movie nights, the early morning coffee conversations. You couldn’t imagine your life without those small moments with Youngjae. 
Just as Youngjae began to lean in, his eyes flicking down your lips, you held up your hand to stop him. 
“What?” he asked, panic flashing in his eyes. 
“Can you please take off that sheet mask before you kiss me?” you asked, your lips slowly turning up in a grin. 
Your roommate cursed under his breath as if he’d forgotten he was wearing it. He reached up and ripped the face mask off, tossing it to the coffee table. 
“Hey, we eat there-!” You attempted to scold him, but you were cut off early, by Youngjae’s lips pressing into yours. Your complaint was quickly forgotten when you felt his tongue pressing into the seam of your lips, parting them to deepen the kiss. 
Oh, wow. This was what you’d been missing this whole time. The broken, forgotten pieces of your two souls slotted themselves together as Youngjae brought you into his embrace, his arms holding you close like he was worried you’d slip away. 
Your hands slid up his chest towards his face, but when you felt the residue from his mask, you couldn’t help pulling away, disgusted. 
“Eugh, you’re all slimy!” you exclaimed, wiping your fingers on his shirt. 
As Youngjae tackled you onto the couch and rubbed his essence-covered face all over yours, your shrieks turned into breathless laughter and you finally decided that the risk of falling in love with your best friend was totally worth it. 
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lowkeyaesthvtic · 5 years
Evil Karma - Chapter 10
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9
Word Count: 1,922
Summary: Sofi’s feeling a bit angry, but that anger turns to fun when she realizes the Isle has a special visitor
Pairings: OC x platonic!Gil, mention of Ben x Mal, mention of Jay x Carlos
Rating: T 
Warnings: swear words, violence, murder, blood but not gory, choking kinda?
Tags: @descendantofthesparrow @hookedradge @newtshairdryer @curse-brekker @amityravenclawelf AND @batmanwearsabowtie bc they’ve been such an active/amazing follower and I love them with all my heart.
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The Isle is usually quieter when night falls. The day had gone by incredibly quickly and it was quite busy to say the least. I looked down at my bronze timepiece. Good, I still had about 15 minutes to get back to the Chip Shoppe before Harry would overworry and send Gil and the crew to get me. It’s not something that I entirely believed he would live up to, especially considering that he’d have to ask Uma first. Still, there was that slim chance that she would permit it. I didn’t think I would have to tell them, but I’m not some kind of princess that needs to be looked after constantly. Was there a chance that my episode in Uma’s room had changed their opinion on that?
I don’t need protection anymore! I had to teach myself nearly everything I knew after realizing that my demonic excuse for a dad wasn’t going to teach me shit. I know a dagger so well that one swift flick of my wrist could slice even the toughest skin as easily as a letter opener would tear a piece of paper! I can fire an arrow from the highest point of the Isle and still hit my target square in the eye! I’ve got the venom of a cobra and the tongue of a rattlesnake luring its prey! The little girl who got scars and bruises and tossed around like a worm on a hook died when she slipped that bottle of thick, black Dreamshade poison into her father’s wine. I will do absolutely anything to prove that.
A smile tugged at the corner of my lips when I saw Gil at a pickled egg stand in the marketplace. The bone-thin, wrinkled lady running said stand was giving him quite some trouble. “Get this through your thick skull, kid! These eggs ain’t free!” The voice was nasally, overly crisp, and far too forward for the woman to be anybody other than - 
“Yzma, Uma said that I get these for free!” Gil continued slipping the thick yolks into the basket. This was exactly the opportunity I needed. I quickly rushed to Gil’s side and place my hand on his shoulder, leaning onto him.
“Hey Gil, is everything okay? I see you’re out for pickled eggs again.” He looks at me with the eyes of a confused puppy. Gil and I hadn’t spent a lot of time together outside of shifts at the Chip Shoppe, but he was someone I wanted to protect. His loyalty towards Harry and Uma is as indestructible as a diamond and as never ending as the open sea. He showed this ray of sunshine type of kindness but Harry and Uma know there’s a sliver of evil somewhere. Maybe I know it’s there too, but I’ve yet to see it. So, for now, I want to protect him.
“Uma said I get these eggs for free!” He looked over to Yzma, a soft yet angry expression forming on his face. “This empress won’t let me take them!” I looked to him, exaggerated shock and hurt in my eyes. Then, I turned my attention to the wrinkled witch in front of us.
“You can go and tell that pirate rat that her words don’t mean shit to me! You pay for the eggs or I throw you to the fish! You hear that, kid?” I wrap my fingers around the handle of my dagger, getting ready for a quick fight. Fire bubbled in my chest and I could feel my smile widening with a sense of madness. Since arriving on the Isle, I tried my best to keep a calm composure. But in cases like this, how else is one supposed to show that they’re not to be messed with?
“Oh, she’s not gonna like the sound of that. Come on, empress, you should know more than anybody how annoying it is when one doesn’t listen to the woman in charge..right?” Yzma gave me a scowl that was semi-threatening at the most.
“I’ve seen you riding around here. You think that just because you’re on the pirates’ good side that people will forget how much of an outsider you are? I’ll break you the news, girl. You can parade around with two buff pirates at your hip and a fancy dagger in your pocket...but it ain’t gonna bring those kids back from the dead.” Before she could let out another word, I remove my dagger from my left pocket and slash her left arm. A crimson trail starts leaking down the small, skinny limb as she goes to grab the arm in pain. I press the dagger against her throat, pushing up her head so I can see the fear and pain starting to taint her eyes.
With a maniacal laugh, I leaned in close and lower my voice. “Oh PLEASE say that again. I haven’t spilled some blood in quite a bit.” I look behind me to see Gil in a way that I hadn’t seen often. His eyes were slightly widened, possibly in shock of what I was about to do. There was a playful smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Not a teasing kind of playful like Harry’s, but like the playful smile of a kid who had found their way into the cookie jar. “You’ll get your eggs, Gil, don’t worry. We just may have to throw a body in the ocean afterwards.”
With the fear in her eyes growing stronger and more blood spilling out of her bony arm, Yzma makes an attempt at a soft smile. “You know what? Maybe giving free eggs to a regular customer isn’t such a bad idea after all...at least somebody would be eating them, right?” Fear shook her voice until it was a quivering mess. The old skeleton of a woman tried everything she could to hide it. It was a valid attempt, I’ll give it that.
“You see, Yzma? Was that so hard?” 
“I did what you asked, girl. Now let go of me!”
I tsked in disappointment and began to tighten my grip on the dagger. I pushed the blade closer to her throat, hearing her breath hitch as she began to lose control. I wasn’t going to let anybody condescend me. Nobody will ever be allowed to make me feel like a street rat ever again! I will make sure of it. “I would...but you pissed me off, empress. Not only did you insult my Captain, but you disrespected my boys. Nobody does that and survives the night. So...Yzma..any last words?” She attempts to speak, her voice coming out much in a much raspier tone than usual. “Oh, that’s right. You can’t talk. Oh well.” With a quick swing of my arm, her skin is broken and blood begins to spray from her throat. Her weak body immediately falls to the ground as she attempts to save herself. But the attempt is futile, and after a minute or so of meaningless flailing, her body goes limp. I look up to Gil with an innocent smile and gently place my hand on his shoulder. “There you go, Gil. She won’t be bothering you anymore. Now come on, let’s go home. I’m sure Harry and Uma are expecting both of us.”
As Gil and I began walking, I feel a harsh bump against my right shoulder. Out of instinct, I pick up my dagger once again and pin it to the man’s throat. Almost immediately, I realize who he is. His hair was light and long enough to nearly cover his light brown eyes. He carried the aura of weakness, of pity and mercy. The thought of it made me sick. “Well, look who we have here. Another street runt that doesn’t know how to watch where they walk.” It’d be perfect to play dumb. Nobody on Auradon had seen my face before. The four VKs who attacked Neverland were gone by the time I made the portal to escape. None of them knew who I was, so it’d be perfect logic to pretend I didn’t know them. But I knew, and I knew well.
“Hey man, hey! H...hey, hey I know you!” I look over to Gil, a grin tugging at the corner of my lip. We had found the King, and if we could find a way to distract the entourage behind him, we could snatch him up. 
“Uh, no...don’t know you either, man.” Ben replied, choking out his words through the firm grip my dagger had on his skin. The three around him were nervous, but they did a lot better at keeping a calm composure. It was easy to tell that they used to have a life here.
“Uh, yeah you do. Come on man, really? Dude, I’ll give you a hint. My dad is quick...slick...and his neck...huhhh..is incredibly thick.” Gil points to his neck as if to give some kind of demonstration. I keep the dagger hilted but look over my shoulder to speak to him.
“Gil. Really?”
“Why doesn’t he know me? Everybody knows me…” Gil asks, a little twinge of both confusion and sadness in his tone. 
“Gil, of course he knows you. He’s lying to you to save his ass. You know him too..right?” Gil took a longer look at Ben, racking his brain to come up with a name, but there was nothing. “Gil. Come on, use your brain.”
“My dad said I don’t have one of those.”
I rolled my eyes and pointed to a nearby poster of Ben and Mal, which had been tagged with our crews’ own ‘we ride with the tide’ tagline. “Then at least use your eyes!” Gil pointed back in forth between the poster and Ben. The entourage surrounding Ben followed Gil’s gaze as he looked back and forth. 
Finally, his eyes widened in recognition and with a gasp, Gil spoke up. “Oh! You’re King Ben!” The four of them immediately tried to reject the claim, but it was far too late. “Yeah, no..you’re totally King Ben! And J-Jay, Carlos, Evie, hey guys!” The three of them stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. 
“King Ben, huh? I had a run in with your girlfriend earlier..or should I ex-girlfriend? A bit of trouble in paradise?”
“Mal and I aren’t broken up.”
“Why else would she come to the Isle, huh? She’s not welcome here anymore, and there is no way that Uma would give her back her old territory.” I lowered my dagger. King Ben would be an essential tool in my plan with Uma, just not yet. Not when he has an army around him ready to fight. I looked up at Ben and slowly brought my finger to his neck, wiping off the blood that my dagger painted onto him. “Well then, welcome to the Isle, your majesty. Enjoy your stay.” I mockingly bowed and extended an arm away from the stand. The blue haired girl, who I now knew as Evie, grabbed him by the back of his shoulders and lead him away. Jay and Carlos soon followed, their hands interlocked to as a way of affectionate protection. I looked over to Gil as they left, he soon smiled and jumped up and down in excitement.
“Oooh! Uma’s gonna love this!” He taps me on the shoulder and turns toward the direction of the Chip Shoppe. “Last one to the Chip Shoppe is a bucket of shrimp!” He shouts giddily, and I run alongside him back home.
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theclaravoyant · 7 years
I may be late to the party but "You forgot to pay the electricity bill and now our lights just went off. What now?" for fitzskimmons if you've still got left over free time to fill lol
AN ~ anything for you! :D this one goes out to anyone doing finals r/n i know that feel. shoutout to that time I had a breakdown bc there was no meat in my sandwich whoot. I hope everything goes well and I wish you all the mental equivalent of a soothing bath when you need it most.
in the meantime, there’s fitzskimmons (with extra skimmons)! this is a little hurt/comfort, arguably mild angst w/ happy ending, rated G/T, I hope you like it!
Read on AO3 (~1300wd)
“NO, YOU CAN’T-“  
“SSHH! Shh, shh-“  
“You’re right, shh,”
Jemma rolled her eyes at Fitz and Daisy’s shushing from the other room. They’d recently acquired a new videogame and had agreed to play it quietly, since Jemma was still studying, but it wasn’t really working out. Jemma could hardly blame them, she supposed, even as she bit her lip and turned her music up a little to drown them out. Even she was getting to that point in semester where she’d rather hang upside down off the back of the couch and join in with their shoot-em-up antics. And she loved homework – so they said – “more than life itself.”
All of a sudden though, the universe had apparently decided this was one too many slips in their promise. The lights went out and the music went silent, and suddenly Jemma’s highlighter was the brightest thing in the room. Even the clock was out. The only other light came from her phone – alerting her that it had been taken off charge – and the little corner of glow-in-the-dark space stickers above their bed that Daisy had put there once, for fun. They spoke to a whimsy and self-assurance that Jemma usually loved about her…
Just not when it came with this level of forgetfulness.
Jemma ground her teeth together, and tried not to throw open the bedroom door too hard as she stalked back into the lounge.
“What was that?” she demanded icily, glad the others could not see her expression properly. She was way too stressed out and exhausted to think about this rationally.
“Power’s down,” Fitz said. “Did you have the kettle and the microwave on at the same time again?”
“In the bedroom?” Jemma challenged, raising an eyebrow.
Then Daisy raised a hand.
“Uh, guys, I think this is my bad,” she confessed. “I may have forgotten to pay the electricity bill. Well, I mean, I didn’t forget. I was sort of in a standoff with the building manager about the laundry situation and I said I wouldn’t pay our electricity or our water til it was fixed because it’s in our tenancy rights but –“
“Is it?!” Jemma challenged. “Is it in our tenancy rights? Well that’s fantastic. Is there a bloody great candle in there too? Hmm? Perhaps some glow sticks?”
“Jem, come on.” Daisy held up her hands in surrender, trying to step lightly. “You were mad about it too.”
“I still am!” Jemma jabbed a finger back at where her study notes were waiting – “but I have exams to do. Did you have to take this stand now of all times? It’s finals, Daisy! I need power! I need my computer! I need light! How could you be so inconsiderate? Or were you just so thick-headed that you didn’t see this coming?!”
“HEY!” Fitz stepped forward, putting himself between them. “That’s uncalled for, Jemma. Come on.”
“You’re taking her side?” Jemma glared, tears in her eyes. “You know how important this is to me!”
“I just think you need to calm down, that’s all. Daisy made a mistake, but –“
“But I’m being ridiculous. Okay. It’s only my whole future resting on these results. But okay. I’m going downstairs.”
Wiping her eyes, Jemma stormed back into her room, swept her belongings into a bag, and stormed back out again, right past Fitz and Daisy and out the door.
Once Jemma was gone, Daisy sunk back onto the couch and checked her own eyes for tears.
“She’s right, I’m being stupid,” she sniffled, digging for her phone in the pile of clothes and food packets that had built up around them. “I’ll call the landlord and sort this out right now. Just pay the damn thing.”
“I don’t think you should do that,” Fitz advised, taking her hands gently in his to stop her fretting. “Otherwise when are we going to fight this? Christmas? New Year? Then we’ll all be back to school and it’ll start again. Stick to your guns, Daisy! Or are you going to give up your principles for a girl, hm?”
He nudged her playfully, and the tiniest of smiles cracked through the fear and onto her face.
“There she is,” Fitz encouraged. “Come on, you know Jemma would be right alongside you on this crusade any other day. She’s just stressed out of her brain right now. And you know she has these exams in the bag. She’ll be fine. And a new washing machine won’t shrink her sweaters, so she’ll thank you in the end, right?”
Daisy sighed.
“I guess you’re right,” she agreed, and with renewed vigour, tossed the phone back onto the pile of mess on the couch. “Screw that guy, it’s Jemma we’ve got to worry about. And I’ve got an idea.”
“Jemma. Jemma.”
Jemma jolted awake to the feeling of someone tapping her elbow. She dragged her face up off the table and blinked, bleary-eyed, surprised to find herself in the internet café around the corner, with Daisy in her face and Fitz standing at the end of the table, looking on with concern. She was not sure how much time had passed since she’d left. Was it morning already? Or was her tea still warm?
“What ‘re you doing here?” she mumbled.
“We’re here to bring you home,” Daisy promised. “I’m sorry about the blackout, but I think we’ve reached a compromise you’ll appreciate.”
Jemma nodded, feeling too tired for words like compromise and appreciate, and preferring to all but flop into Fitz’s arms where he waited, as Daisy wilfully entangled herself in all of Jemma’s belongings (“how did you get all this down here?!”). Her brain was full of white noise as they made their way back to the apartment, but by the time they stepped over the threshold, Jemma was starting to remember why she was mad. It didn’t feel as visceral anymore – she felt burnt out, and she was still drop-dead tired – but she clenched her teeth together. Whatever Daisy had, she thought warningly, had better be good.
Fortunately, it was.
“Now, admittedly, I didn’t do this all myself,” Daisy confessed. “But Fitz has rigged up this place with a generator, so the fridge, kettle, and the odd charger should be working. Your laptop battery is supercharged, and… I found a couple candles.”
Daisy led the way and Fitz walked Jemma into the kitchen, where candles were clustered near the chargers and keys; the sink; the kettle; the fridge. The lounge and coffee table had been cleared of clothes, and rubbish, and other junk, and dotted here and there with candles too. As Daisy led her and Fitz down the hall, Jemma even spotted candles in their bedroom, but Daisy kept going all the way to the bathroom, where a warm and rosy scent floated out to meet her. Daisy smiled apologetically, and pushed the door open, gesturing for Jemma to continue inside.
“Daisy,” Jemma whispered, her eyes trailing the display of candles that danced around the room. There were a couple of new glow-in-the-dark stars in the corner of the mirror. She smiled. “What is this?”
“I’m sorry I was inconsiderate with my timing, and that our landlord’s a dick. And I’m sorry that you’re so stressed out. Fitz and I will shut our faces - for real this time – so you can take the night off, okay? We love you. I love you.”
Jemma nodded, tearing up. “Love you too, Daisy. Sorry I called you thick-headed. You should know, your stubbornness is one of your best qualities.”
“Yeah, well,” Daisy scoffed. “Enjoy that warm bath while it lasts, ‘cause our water bill’s on final notice too. Loveyoubye.”
Blowing her a kiss, Daisy ducked out the door and shut it behind her. Jemma opened her mouth to reply, but nothing came to mind. At this point, she was not even sure she followed what was going on. What she did know was that her body seemed to be climbing into a warm, lovingly prepared bath of its own accord, and she was hardly one to argue with that.
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s1xthhouse · 7 years
gwenkota 11, percabeth 20 bc i thrive on drama
[send me writing prompts using this]
ask and u shall recieve, drama hoe
11. things you said when you were drunk
For the first time in Gwen’s life, she had actually cut loose and let herself get roaring drunk. The senorio was perfect; Dakota invited people over to the little house he rented for a party, plenty of poisons and chasers and even a keg. Togas, plastic goblets, laurels, and very, very loud music. It was a classic rager and Gwen a thrown herself to it, letting the atmosphere lure her into drunkenness. As the host, Dakota made sure everyone was having fun, but he found himself playing games with Gwen the whole night; beer pong partners, mates during king’s cup, and just narrowly avoiding each other every turn of spin the bottle.
By 1 AM, the party had already hit its climax and people were either drunkenly walking home or had passed out somewhere in Dakota’s house, save for his room. If it wasn’t for the fact that the housing community in New Rome was small, people walking home would’ve seen questionable, but it gave the neighborhood police something to do if someone ended up streaking down the street. Despite all this, Gwen was still up and swaying slowly to the music playing, she was nursing a solo cup in hand. Dakota was pretty drunk, he was comfortable in his foggy headedness, it was enough for him to feel different and yet still conscious enough for him to get a head start cleaning.
“Can I help?” Gwen offered, but Dakota just waved it off, telling her to sit at the counter while he capped all the booze and threw out all the empty cups. They talked quietly in the kitchen, with Gwen still taking sips from whatever was in her cup. “Mm, I had a good time.” She sighed.
“Yeah?” Dakota tied a full garbage bag up “That’s a first.” Gwen stuck her tongue out. “I mean you don’t really let yourself have fun.” Dakota walked over to the counter she was sitting on, he leaned on his hand propped next to her, not quite leaning into her. He swayed a little in intoxication, but she was actually nodding off a little. “You’re a spectacular beer pong player.”
Gwen started to play with the laurel in Dakota’s hair, a big goofy smile on her face. Her freckles were drowning in her flushed face, her cheeks looking like fresh apples. Gwen was softly humming the song still playing on the stereo, and she wasn’t pulling her hand away from his face. “I think you should get some sleep.” Dakota suggested, before he let himself do something stupid. Gwen’s hand dropped. “You can sleep with me in my room.”
Gwen nodded, slipping down off the counter, stumbling a little into Dakota’s chest. She giggled, rattling his heart in the process. “Oh, I’ll sleep with you.” Dakota shook his head at her attempt at drunk flirting, chuckling slightly. Gwen finished her drink and walked with Dakota into his room, one of her hands absentmindedly played with his toga. A dark part of Dakota secretly loved this; he loved that Gwen was being open like this, that the drunk version of herself was flirty towards him. He would never take advantage of this, which is why his want to be intimate with her remained in his fantasies.
She flopped into Dakota’s half-made bed, her toga coming up to reveal the short-shorts she was wearing underneath the bed sheets. Dakota went back into the living room to turn off lights and the music, saying goodnight to some of the people passing out on the chairs and couches. Before going back into his room, he grabbed what was left of a handle of vodka. Gwen had settled herself into bed, she had taken off her laurel and put it on the bedside table, her red hair in a sort of tangled mess. Dakota sat up in bed, Gwen cuddling with his arm. Every now and then they would cuddle after a party, mostly because Dakota was very cuddly, but the shoe was on the other foot and Dakota suddenly didn’t know how to feel.
He took a swig from the handle, burning his mouth. If her drank enough he would pass out soon, he’d forget that his heart was beating fast because of Gwen. “Hey,” She mumbled. Dakota looked down at her, her eyes were closed but she still seemed to be awake. “I wisshed we hab kished duurin spbin th boddle.” She slurred, her face squished against the blankets. “You neber remmemm our kishes.”
What did that mean, he thought. When they were twelve they were each other’s first kiss, but that was just so they could say they had been kissed before. Since then, nothing. Gwen must’ve been talking about someone else, Dakota decided. There was no way in one of his stupors he had kissed Gwen… Dakota drank some more.
20. things you said that i wasn’t meant to hear
Percy was having yet another existential crisis, far more than he should be having in the span of one month. A normal person probably has one about three times in their life, Percy clearly was an outlier. With his mom pregnant, Percy found himself thinking a lot about his own future, which wasn’t something he should dwell on too much. Much of his life consisted of near death experiences, any demigod could relate, so the thought of thinking any further than the weekend was the last thing people like him should be thinking about.
Right now he just needed to get through school; his finals had kicked his ass, but he had done well enough in summer school that he could spend the next month and a half at camp. He didn’t want to think about Annabeth’s plans for them to go to university across the country, how at some point he had seen himself living in California for his whole life. That had been before his mom told him he was going to be a big brother, before he felt obligated to help his mom out despite her telling him it wasn’t necessary.
A buzz went off in Percy’s pocket, speak of the devil. “Hey, mom.” He answered. A while back, Leo had managed to invent a cell phone that was monster-tracking proof (within reason) and worked well within camp. The Iris Message was still the prefered mode of communication, but for practicality the lPhone worked better. He had just put his duffle bag under his bunk in Cabin 3, he sat down into the freshly made bed.
“Hi, Percy,” His mom greeted back. “I was just checking in, did you make it to camp alright?”
“Yeah,” He replied. “Argo’s bringing the car back now, I think.”
“I don’t know why you didn’t call to be picked up, you had to drive there yourself.”
“You know me, I like to make things harder on myself.” Sally sighed on the other line, Percy gave a half hearted smile to himself.  It was as if she saw it when she asked if he was alright. “Yeah,” he replied. “I just have a lot on my mind, nothing new.”
“You don’t want to talk about it?” His mom asked. “Is it about school?”
“Kind of,” Percy rubbed his face and sighed. “I was just thinking about Annabeth, what she wants to do in New Rome. It’s not like I don’t want to be with her, it’s just I did a lot of work to try and catch up with her and I feel like my brain is fried from all the studying I did. I just… I don’t know if I want to go to California and do it all over again, and to do it so far from home.”
Sally was quiet for a moment, but Percy could still hear the faint sound of her breathing. “I’ve never once thought about what I wanted to do with my life,” he continued. “Because I didn’t think I was going to have one, so many of my teachers just see me as a failure-”
“Percy,” Sally tried to console him, tell him it wasn’t true.
“In the past,” Percy corrected himself. “In the past, but I still think about it. No matter how much support I have between you and Annabeth I still doubt myself and I doubt this future she has planned for us.”
Again, Sally didn’t say anything, then a beat passed and she spoke: “I know you feel this pressure to make up your mind soon, especially since you’re going to be a senior, but you still have time to decide what you want to do with your life, Percy.”
Percy felt his heart clench with anxiety, he felt his mom didn’t understand, that she didn’t understand that he felt pressure from Annabeth more than anything. Percy loved Annabeth, he could see himself with her for a long time, but he also didn’t want their lives to start together immediately after high school.
“But I think you should talk to Annabeth about this,” His mom continued. “I know you think it will be the end of everything if you disagree on one thing, but she needs to hear how you feel. She doesn’t want to feel like she’s trapped you into this life that you don’t really want.” Percy felt himself choke up a little, all the stress from school and his mental turmoil had built up and released. He had to tell Annabeth, he had to own up to his insecurities.
“You’re right,” Percy sniffed. “Yeah, I gotta do that.”
“I have to go now,” Sally said. “But call me soon, okay?”
“Yeah.” He sighed, trying not to cry. A wave of catharsis had crashed on Percy, a feeling he only ever got from talking to his mom. “I love you, mom.”
“‘Love you, too.” Percy hung up, gently tossing his phone onto his pillow. Percy looked up for the first time since he answered the phone, and Annabeth was standing in the doorway to the cabin. The sight of her made his heart jump out of his chest in more ways than one; she was beautiful as always, but the question still stood: how long had she been standing there.
Percy’s head blanked from fear, he sighed every imaginable curse he could muster. Annabeth didn’t look angry, but her eyebrows were knitted together at the center, her mouth turned downwards slightly. Percy stood up and was about to go over to her but she beat him to it, she wrapped her arms around him tightly. Maybe she hadn’t heard him, Percy thought for a moment. If she hadn’t that would be a huge weight off his chest, but she would need to know sooner or later.
Annabeth looked up at him, her chin resting on his chest. Her grey eyes were filled with concern, almost glossy with tears herself. “I didn’t know you felt this way.” She said, nearly whispering. “I-I didn’t mean-”
“Annabeth,” Percy laid her head back down, his hand petting her blonde curls. “It’s not your fault your boyfriend is a pushover.” He felt her chuckle a little. Percy took a deep breath, a much needed deep breath. “I want you to know I haven’t been doubting your plans for a long time, I was just thinking about it recently.”
She stepped away a little, her arms still around him and his hand still cupped the side of her face. “I’m sorry,” Annabeth turned her head so she could kiss the inside of his hand. “I know you’ve worked really hard in school, and I don’t want you to do it just because I want you to.” Percy felt himself tear up again, and he kissed her.
Kissing Annabeth always felt right, there was no doubt about it. Her hands gripped the back of his shirt, and she leaned back into him. Percy then kissed the tip of her nose, and then under her eyes, and then her forehead, peppering her with little kisses, making Annabeth giggle a little. “Don’t worry,” he whispered. “I still have part of a year to get my shit together.”
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