#< said with forced cheer through clenched teeth
most nights kinda suck. but sometimes youre relaxing in a nice motel and one of the tv channels is playing 9-1-1 episodes <3 and everything feels like it'll be okay for a few hours <3
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helaintoloki · 2 months
Keep Your Enemies Closer
pairing: sparrow!ben x reader
warnings: language, angst, suggestive content, minor spoilers
notes: the new season has brought me back from the dead so pls send in any tua requests you have <3 also this technically could be read as a sequel to relenting
summary: attending Grace’s birthday party forces you to confront the man you’ve been trying your hardest to avoid
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The scent of pizza and spilled soda invades your senses as you help continue to set up birthday decorations in Lila’s absence. You have no idea where she’s run off to now, but you hope that taking over the rest of the work load will ease some of the stress from the tired mother’s shoulders.
The party center is loud, shrill shrieks of kids and music blasting from the arcade games splitting your ears and giving you a headache, and you’d be lying if you said you wouldn’t rather be anywhere else but in some children’s play place. But, you are Grace’s favorite aunt, and you firmly believed in always showing up for family, so here you are.
Just as you finish setting the last place mat on the kid’s table an overly excited voice calls your name from the back of the room. A smile creeps upon your lips at the familiarity, but it immediately drops when you see that it’s not just Luther heading your way but also the man you loathe with your entire being.
“Hey, you made it!” Luther cheers animatedly before pulling your tense body into a tight bear hug. “It’s so nice to see you, y/n.”
“It’s nice to see you too, big guy,” you agree with a dry laugh and awkward pat to his back. You can feel the daggers being burned into your skull, so you have no choice but to acknowledge Luther’s companion for the day. “But you do know you’re supposed to leave the trash outside, right?”
“Like I haven’t heard that one before,” Ben scoffs with an indignant roll of his eyes. “Shouldn’t you be at the hospital ‘saving lives?’”
“Shouldn’t you still be in jail?” You fire back with ire, and if not for Luther keeping you both apart you’d probably be fist fighting in the middle of the ball pit right now.
“Uh, Ben got out early on probation for good behavior,” Luther explains with a nervous chuckle while attempting to keep the peace as best as he can without losing an eye in the process. “And now he’s here to spend time with us as a family.”
“Yeah, let’s see how long that lasts.”
“Hey, I technically am family,” the Sparrow boasts with a taunting smirk, formulating just the right insults to get under your skin. “You were a late addition added to the Umbrellas to pick up the slack Viktor left behind after Dad suppressed their powers. You’re not even a Hargreeves. Isn’t that right, Luther.”
“W-Well, I wouldn’t say that,” the man is quick to defend only for you to speak over him.
“Fuck. You,” you snarl through gritted teeth, palms clenched tightly at your sides as you adamantly work to not let him get the best of you. “Ben was family, and you’re not him. You’re just the shitty replacement we’re stuck with.”
“And yet when you thought the world was ending you still slept with me.”
The smug smile on Ben’s face is immediately wiped off by the impact of your open palm colliding with his cheek, and the sheer force of your hit as him tumbling back into Luther. Your assault earns a few bewildered gasps from a nearby table of parents, but you couldn’t care less about what a group of wine moms thought of you in that moment. Your chest is tight with rage, but you will yourself to walk away before the situation can escalate further and ruin the party.
“What did I miss?” A curious Five notes after arriving to the scene, but he soon finds himself forced to match your brisk pace as you grab him by the arm and drag him with you to the bar.
“I need a drink.”
You do your best to avoid him for the rest of the night, but eventually Ben is able to corner you by the gift table where you sit nursing a spiked lemonade.
“Drinking at a kid’s party, huh?”
“Did you come here to get slapped again?” You retort with a wry chuckle before taking a quick swig of your drink.
“Actually,” he starts, hesitating as he struggles to get out the words, “I came to… apologize.”
“You? Apologize? What, is the world ending again?” You scoff in disbelief before finally settling your gaze on the shaggy haired man before you. Maybe it’s the alcohol, but you think prison might have made him hotter, and the fact irks you to no end.
Obviously annoyed by your defensiveness, Ben shakes his head and says, “I don’t even know why I bother. I only came here for Luther’s sake because he wouldn’t shut up about making ‘positive changes’ now that I’m out of jail.”
“‘Don’t even know why I bother?!’” You repeat in indignant disbelief. “I gave you so many chances to prove that you weren’t a complete asshole and every time you screwed me over! You are not the victim in the situation.”
“Oh, spare me the sob story,” Ben remarks dismissively with a roll of his eyes. “I lost someone too, you’re not the only one that has to deal with the fact that you’re stuck with a completely different version of your dead partner. At least I’m trying to make the most of what the universe has given me.”
“By getting yourself thrown in jail over some stupid crypto scheme?”
“Jesus, by trying to make something with you!” Ben cries out in frustration. “You won’t even try to just play along!”
“I already told you, I’m not your y/n. She’s dead,” you remind him harshly. “Sleeping with you was just a moment of weakness and a mistake that shouldn’t have happened.”
“Really? Because if I remember correctly you seemed to really be enjoying yourself,” he taunts with a suggestive smirk that has your face immediately growing hot.
“God, you’re so insufferable! I could just-“
“Kiss me?”
“-choke you!”
A heavy silence falls between you both as you stare at each other in bewildered shock. It takes you a moment to recover from Ben’s words as you swallow harshly and ask, “What did you say?”
“What did… you say?” He retorts in an attempt to remain as inconspicuous as possible. The tension between you now is so thick you could cut it with the knife sitting by the birthday cake, but instead you just sit and stare at each other.
“Does your car have tinted windows?” Ben asks suddenly, prompting you to raise a brow.
“Yeah, why?” You reply with an inquisitive raise of your brow, but when Ben gives you a pointed look you’re then quick to catch on. “If we go now we’ll be back in time for cake.”
“Let’s go,” he says, eagerly rising from his seat so fast it almost knocks over the presents. Anxiously taking your hand in his, you both scan the room to make sure no one’s eyes are on you before bolting towards the exit.
You know you’re going to regret this, but in the moment you couldn’t care less what consequences would come from your romp in the backseat of your car with Ben.
Because as much as you hate to admit it, you’ve really missed him.
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milkbobatyun · 14 days
my love, mine all mine
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pairing: yandere!sunday x reader
genre: yandere
summary: the consequences of not listening to the head of the oak family
word count: 936
C O N T E N T W A R N I N G : yandere behaviour, manipulation, fear
a/n: was inspired after listening to a really good sunday-inspired playlist on yt and i HAD to write this
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you had only been talking to a passerby, giving him directions to reach his destination.
golden, hawk-like eyes scrutinsed your every move from a distance, watching as the man slowly leaned closer to you. every movement of his wretched mouth, every quirk of his eyebrow fanned the ember of jealousy into a raging flame. he said something. you laughed. the pretty sound travelling towards his ears, igniting a fire of anger from within him.
a thread within him snapped when he saw the man place his filthy, disgusting hand on your shoulder. his jaw clenched, the pearly feathers behind his ears fluffed out in rage. the heat of jealousy surged through his veins, pounding in his ears. all he could see was red.
sunday stalked towards the chatting group. with your back turned to him, you were blissfully unaware of the encroaching danger. the man’s face paled when he caught sight of the intimidating figure rapidly approaching.
a haloed shadow was thrown over the shaking figure of the man, its wings fluffed out in jealousy. seeing the fury radiate from the powerful stance of the head of the oak family, the fearful man collapsed to the floor, his legs giving out underneath him. with a hurried scramble, the man scurried away, throwing one last petrified glance behind his back.
sunday turned to you, with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“i think it’s time to go home.” he gritted out between his teeth, a firm grasp encircling your wrist.
with your wrist trapped in his iron grip, you were forced to stumble along behind him, biting your cheek against the painfully tight grasp. sunday, seemingly unaware of your discomfort, politely greeted passersby, waving to them with mock cheer, a smile plastered on his face. however, his piercing golden eyes were hard, like a predator who had found its prey.
the heat of his hand on your wrist burned you, yet the hairs on your arms were raised, goosebumps prickling against the surface of your skin. his fingers trembled with barely contained rage, an edge in his voice, filled with faux warmth. as though the people walking along the street could sense the tense air between the two of you, the air felt thick, pressure building against your chest.
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when you reached his manor, sunday threw open the door. the house reverberated with the loud boom of the door richocheting from the force.
sunday mercilessly dragged you up the stairs, not caring if you were stumbling up the stairs, often almost tripping. with overwhelming force, he threw you onto the bed, the plush mattress cushioning your body, the soft pillows at your back.
with measured calm, sunday gently shut the door behind him, his eyes hiding a fire of hatred.
“just what, pray tell, did i tell you before we left the house?” he hissed, pacing up and down the room, the sound of his boots muffled by the velvety carpet underfoot. sunday’s voice came out low and venomous, his movements slow, placing you on the edge.
you trembled in your place, hand over the bruising wrist, body instinctively curled in a foetal position, lest he hits you like before. the silence stretched out between the two of you, the only audible noise was your pulse, booming in your ears. the bruise throbbed dully, a reminder of your vulnerability.
sunday slinked closer to you, watching you with amusement at how you flinched at his every move, bracing for any blows to land. your eyes were pressed shut, memories of past ‘lessons’ flashing vividly behind your eyes. 
each second stretched into a minute, an hour, eternity. thunk. thunk. thunk. the quiet shuffle of his boots scraped across the carpet. sunday placed a knee on the bed, like a cat stalking a bird.
“what. did. i. say.” he purred, a smile etched onto his face. underneath the facade of kindness, you could see how his brows furrowed in anger, his knuckles clenched white against the silken bedsheets.
he reached out a hand towards you, tilting your chin up with a gentle touch, like you were a glass flower, fragile and easily broken. his soft touch could almost be mistaken as a lover’s touch – tender, loving; yet within his eyes swirled the burning fury, like a predator who was about to devour their prey.
the bed creaked softly as sunday leaned closer, his warm breath fanning across your skin. he smiled down at you, a faux smile.
“i give you all this luxury, yet you’re here talking to other guys?” he hissed, his finger drawing a cold path down your neck, past your jugular, an unspoken threat in his eyes.
he chuckled softly, finding amusement in your trembling, like a cat toying with a mouse. his smile faded instantly, his hand darting out, unforgiving grip on your chin burning your skin. your skin prickled against his touch, your hands trembled uncontrollably. he leaned in, his breath hot against your ear.
“remember what happened last time you defied me. we don’t want that again do we?” he mocked. “you belong to me and me only.”
sunday’s grin widened at the prolonged silence. his hand trailed down to your neck, the tender touch of love. his fingers lingered for a moment too long, tracing absent-minded lines along your collarbones. with the speed of a hawk, he gripped your neck in a chokehold, just tight enough to bring out a surge of panic across your face, your airways restricted beneath his hand.
“yes.” sunday whispered dangerously, a smirk of sick satisfaction on his face. “that’s the look i want. you’re mine.”
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taglist (open): @yeonjunsfox
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∧,,,∧ ( ̳• · • ̳)  © curated with love by milkbobayun 2024 / づ ♡
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13uswntimagines · 9 months
The Come Down (Alessia Russo X MMA fighter!R)
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R is a very popular MMA fighter, and Alessia sees the parts of you that other people don't. Shes the one who gets to put you back together again after a tough fight.
Warnings: D/S undertones but no smut.
Author's note: This was super fun to write and i hope you enjoy it. Feel free to hit me up with ideas and comments and stuff.
You sighed, leaning your head against the stone walls of the Emirates tunnel, letting it soothe the twinges that always lingered after a long flight.
It was masochistic, but the ache that lingered the day after a war in the Octagon was always one of your favorite feelings, especially if you won. It helped you to compartmentalize the parts of yourself. It helped you separate the completely in-control fighter, the stone-cold monster that didn’t give a fuck about her opponents, and the human that lingered underneath. 
It was hard to punch a man until he was unconscious if you thought about how human he was. If you pictured his family and his life as anything other than an opponent for you to run through. But you never wanted that part of yourself to exist anywhere other than in the cage. 
The throb in your muscles and ache in your cuts helped you lock that part of yourself away. It helped you keep your grip on reality in all of the post-fight hormones until you could get to the grounding force that was your girlfriend. 
The post-fight come-down was always difficult for you, especially after a 5 round back and forth battle like the one you had just fought. 
You loved your job, you really did, but it was so easy to… lose yourself. To get lost in the anger of the UFC universe and the vitriol of your opponents. To get lost in the cycle of Training, listening to a man tell you he was going to destroy you at press conferences, cutting weight and beating the ever-living fuck out of someone while people cheered. 
Just being in the same building as Alessia had set you at ease, and watching her score 2 against Chelsea was even better. 
But the sound of the crowd had started to set you on edge. The way they erupted when your face, black eye, stitched gash on your cheek curving up to your forehead and all, appeared on the Jumbotron after your girlfriend’s PK had you clenching your teeth. It egged on the thoughts of murdering the keeper that had taken her out swirling in your brain, along with the desire to demolish the player who had so callously stepped on her teammate after a play. 
It was why you escaped to the tunnel, to gain some form of control over your thoughts. 
Maybe flying out as soon as you had been cleared by the medics wasn’t such a good idea, but you couldn’t stand being away from Alessia any longer than you had to be. You couldn’t stand being away from the comfort, love, and… safety she offered you. 
God, you sounded like a psycho. 
Or a submissive nearing the end of her rope.
6 weeks apart from your girlfriend was really doing a number on you. 
“Ay bruiser, fancy meeting you here,” Katie said, appearing in front of you with a wide smile. 
You flashed a toothy grin at the Irishwoman, ignoring the way it pulled at the stitches holding your cheek together. “Maccabe, always a pleasure,” 
She caught your arm. “That was one hell of a fight. Thought Less was gonna break my hand during the third round,”
You grimaced. 
The third round was the only one your opponent won. He had caught you with a big overhand right, opening the gash on your cheek and knocking you on your ass in the last 15 seconds of the round. The knees he had followed it up with to your side hadn’t been fun either. He had almost finished you, and you knew it had to be hard for the team and your girlfriend to watch. 
“My hand dipped when I tried to close the distance,”
It really was a game of inches, and he had certainly taken advantage of your small mistake. It was ok, you had gotten him in the end anyway. 
Katie made a sound of agreement, glancing at the tunnel behind you. “Certainly made us all nervous, but I’m happy you took his head off, even if it took you until the last 30 seconds of the fight,” 
She made a little kicking movement with her leg like a semi-recreation of the head kick you had used to end the fight. 
“Didn’t want to rush it,” You shrugged, nodding to the Arsenal girls as they passed you, unable to help the way you automatically searched each face for your girlfriend. 
“Ya missus is still signing for a couple of kids,” She gestured over her shoulder, a knowing smile still playing at her lips. “I can take you to her if you want?”
You shook your head. “I’ll wait here. I’m in no hurry,” 
You also didn’t think you could deal with the sounds of the crowd when your head was still pounding, a consequence of taking a flight with a concussion against doctor's orders you supposed, and you ached every time you took a step, every time you inhaled too deeply really. 
Katie’s eyes softened when she saw the emotions flit across your features. “Come on, let's go to the locker room instead. It’s away from prying eyes,”
She tugged your hand. You let her lead you deeper into the tunnel and into a room filled with wooden cubbies. 
It was nice to let your brain turn off, to just… follow along and allow someone else to lead you. 
“Hey champ,” Leah smiled at you as Katie deposited you in what you assumed was Alessia’s locker. “That was one hell of a fight last night,”
“Thanks,” You winked at the defender. “You guys had a fantastic game too,” 
“I’m not sure a football match compares to a man trying to punch you in the face,” Steph said, glancing at you from her spot near Lottie. 
You made a low sound in the back of your throat, feeling the tightness return to your chest. “But I don’t have people stepping on me after the bell,” 
“But you do end up covered in blood,” Kyra chirped. “We don’t have to worry about that usually,” 
“Most of the time it’s not mine,” You muttered, leaning further into your girlfriend's locker. Her perfume lingered in the cubby, and you let it soothe the frayed edges of your nerves.
You didn’t want to think about fighting. About the person. The savage. you were in the octagon. You toyed with the hem of your sweatshirt sleeve. It was slightly too long because it really belonged to Alessia. She had given it to you before fight week. 
It helped, but it wasn’t her. 
It hadn’t been enough after the fight, and it wasn’t enough now. 
You didn’t think you could wait much longer, but you didn’t have to. 
“The stadium is buzzin,” Alessia said slightly breathlessly, stepping through the locker room door. 
You were immediately on your feet, taking in her flushed cheeks and bright eyes. “Less,” 
A grin instantly broke across her face, and she crossed the room in 3 long strides. Her arms wrapped around you, and without thinking you buried your face in her chest. 
It made the gash on your cheek sting and the tender skin of your jaw ache, but you didn’t care, pressing yourself as tightly to her as you could. She shifted, her nails running over your back with one hand as the other cupped the back of your neck. 
It was gentle, and grounding, and everything that you craved. 
“Hey baby girl,” She breathed into your hair, her voice dipping just a little and sending a shudder down your spine. 
She was like a ray of sunshine, always warm and sweet. It was why none of the fans would ever speculate about the positions that the two of you held in your relationship. They joked that she was too soft to be a dominant, but the people who understood how your relationship worked could see that her mix of firmness and warmth was exactly what you needed. 
She waited for you to pull away first, just enough to meet her eyes. “Hey,”
She leaned in and placed a careful kiss on your lips. “I’ll shower and then we can go, yeah?”
You deflated, your fingers tangling more tightly in her jersey. You didn’t want to let her go, even if it was just for a second. 
“You can come with me,” She said, a knowing look in her eyes. “And tell me all about fight week,” 
“Ok,” You agreed, only loosening your grip long enough for her to grab her shower bag and change of clothes, before you latched back on, holding the hem of her jersey tightly as she led you towards the showers. 
You felt a bit like a child, clinging to her, but she was like a buoy keeping you from drowning in the sea of your rocky emotions, and now that she was close to you, you couldn’t let her go. You were afraid that if you did, you would lose your grip on reality. 
The warm, wet air of the shower helped too. 
It reminded you of your post-fight routine. 
Win or lose you would stand under the hot steam of the stadium, washing off the blood and sweat from the octagon until your coaches pulled you out. It was part of the routine that you had skipped since the docs wanted to stitch your cheek as soon as you were out of eyeshot of the fans. 
Then you had felt so… off balance that you raced through a cold shower and hopped on a plane to get to your girlfriend as quickly as possible. You didn’t even stay for the post-fight press conference. 
“Come on love,” She said, pulling you into one of the stalls, sliding the first curtain shut behind the two of you, and bringing her face inches from yours. 
Her hand very gently cupped your cheek, mindful of the dark bruises that littered the skin, tilting your chin up. Her eyes searched you for a long moment like she was reading your mind. Like she was deciding what you needed from her. 
Her pointer finger very gently followed the long cut that ran under your left cheek, up to your temple, and just above your eyebrow. “I thought they usually put a bandage over stitches,”
Your eyes darted away from her. “I didn’t like the way it pulled at my skin,”
“I think you’d like it less if you got an infection,” She deadpanned, using her thumb to tilt your chin up further as she stepped into your space. “You wouldn’t be able to fight,” 
“But the scar would be worth it,” You shrugged, using all of your strength to muster up fake nonchalance. 
Her lip quirked upward. “Would it?”
You let your own smile morph into a playful smirk, despite the tremendous effort it took. “Chicks dig girls with scars,” 
“I think you’ve got enough of those, cheeky,” She hummed, leaning in and brushing the thick line that lived on the underside of your jaw with her nose. “I like it more when you come out without a scratch on you or a hair out of place,” 
You hummed, leaning back on the stall wall as her lips replaced her nose on your jaw, her teeth grazing the delicate skin as she made her way down the column of your throat and back up. 
Her hips pressed into yours, keeping you pinned to the wall, her thumbs insistent under your chin, keeping your head tilted up as her tongue slid pleasantly against your own. 
You sighed into the kiss, your fingers twisting into the material of her jersey, trying to pull her closer. 
Her thigh flexed between your legs, pressing into you, and you couldn’t help the way your hips rolled down to meet her. 
Or the wince that broke the kiss when the 
movement pulled uncomfortably at your ribs. 
You whined as she pulled away, blinking open to meet her burning blue eyes. 
“I’m ok,” You said breathlessly, trying to lean back up to kiss her. 
Her hand on your chest stopped you, as did the perfect arch of her eyebrow that screamed yeah right. 
Her fingers traced down your chest to the hem of your shirt. They crept under your top, meeting the tape wrapped heavily across your abdomen instead of smooth skin. 
Her eyes widened when she pulled up your sweatshirt, revealing the thick white bandages wrapped tightly across your stomach. 
“Want to try again love?” She asked, finally looking up at you with an expression that had a shiver tingling down your spine. 
“Just two cracked ribs and some nasty bruises,” You huffed, shifting uncomfortably when her fingers grazed the material. 
“Just,” She snorted, shaking her head, dropping your shirt, and standing up to her full height. “Why didn’t you tell me last night?” 
You shrugged. “I didn’t want you to worry. The stitches were already enough,” 
“I’d rather know and worry than accidentally hurt you,” Alessia said seriously. 
You looked away from her, swallowing hard. “And I knew you wouldn’t touch me at all if I told you,” 
“Baby girl,” She murmured, her voice going very soft, her thumb very gently ghosting over your uninjured cheek. 
She knew that the come down from fights was always particularly difficult for you. That the power that you held in the octagon always made you crave submission. You craved to not have to think, to just exist, and then to let your being relax in the aftercare that followed. 
This time the desire was amplified by the brutality of the fight. 
She could see you teetering on the edge, fighting the fog that always filled your brain, and while she wanted to scold you for withholding information, she knew that that wasn’t what you needed from her. 
Not when you were already dropping so hard. 
“Ok,” She said, keeping her voice soft as you leaned further into her touch. “I’m going to shower, and you’re going to be a good girl and stay right here for me, alright?”
You made a low noise in the back of your throat, and your eyes slid closed as you nodded very slowly. 
“Good girl,” She hummed, placing a very gentle kiss on your lips, and pulling away. “I’ll be two minutes love,”
You sagged against the shower stall wall. 
You could do that. You could wait 120 seconds for your girlfriend. 
You could and would do whatever she asked you to do because you knew it would help. You knew she would fit all of your loose pieces back together again and make it ok. 
You just had to exist.
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ode2rin · 11 months
“it is because of your negligence that we're stuck here with each other,” you spat at him, the words laced with a bitter edge, and rin couldn't ignore the way you emphasized each word as if it were a weapon.
and from the way his chest was contracting against his ribcage, maybe they were indeed sharp knives out to get him. 
rin felt the weight of your accusation pressed against his chest, a stark contrast to the sweet nothings the two of you once exchanged beneath the sheets of love, where “i love you's” had been met with smiles, and the world had seemed so full of promise.
but now, things had taken a dark turn, and neither of you could pinpoint when or how it had all gone wrong. you wouldn't tell him– wouldn't let him turn things around.
rin's anger flared, his words escaping through clenched teeth. "my negligence? you're really pinning this on me, again?"
your eyes locked onto his, a warning in their depths. "don't go there."
he pushed on, relentless, “go where? you know i'm right. you always pin things against me.”
you didn’t respond , but you looked at rin in a way that made him want to fall on his knees and beg you — beg you to just tell him what more he can do for you to stop looking at him like this.
only if it was that easy, no — because it was a look of indifference, a look in your eyes that’s telling him none of his words were right anymore, and everything he says had not been good enough to attempt to fix things.
“let's just tell them we're done and leave this shitty reunion,” rin suggested with a note of finality.
“i should have known you'd suggest something as selfish as you,” you countered, shaking your head in disbelief. “this isn't about us. so don't you dare ruin this too, itoshi rin.”
the word ‘too’ hung in the air, a relentless echo that reverberated through the room, each syllable like a blade, cutting into rin's heart. it felt like a never-ending loop, a supercut of all he had lost and ruined - nights filled with piercing arguments, when your voices were raised until your throats ached, and the bed you had once shared had become a cold, lonely expanse. just how much of you had he shattered beyond the point of no return?
the ensuing silence was thick and suffocating, it enveloped the room, creating an atmosphere so tense you could almost hear the creaking of the floorboards under its weight. 
two old friends, once lovers, now trapped in a forced reunion getaway, compelled to act like a couple when their love had long since turned to ashes.
perhaps it was pride that you couldn’t admit it was partly your fault too. you should’ve told your friends about it the moment he took his things out of your shared apartment. there had been numerous chances, yet you clung to false hope, bargaining for a lost cause, and desperately wishing for a change that was never meant to be.
foolish. that's what it felt like - a foolish hope. you knew it was over the moment he couldn't bring himself to respond to your declaration that you were done.
“uhm, guys?”
as if on cue, isagi's head appeared at the slightly ajar door of your designated room,
“is everything fine? the tour guide is already downstairs, so…” he trailed off, his gaze shifting between you and rin, sensing the tension.
“we're—” rin began to say, but you immediately cut him off.
“everything's fine! just one of rin's moods,” you chimed in, forcing a smile as you turned towards isagi. “right, baby?” you said, addressing rin with a strained cheerfulness.
isagi chuckled, seemingly oblivious to the emotional maelstrom in the room. “must be it, then. i don't know how you dealt with that for five years, y/n.”
and there, amidst the oblivious laughter, it struck you. 
five years.
“yeah,” you admitted with a tinge of sadness, “five years of loving him would make you immune to it,” you thought, the words choking in your throat.
isagi, still in the dark, laughed lightly. “i guess so. we'll wait for you downstairs.” and with that, he left you alone with the relentless weight of your unresolved feelings.
for a moment, you and rin remained silent, but when you met his gaze, it was as though he wanted to ask a hundred different questions to comprehend what you meant about being immune to it.
but you beat him to the punch. “we'll tell them on our last day, and then pray to god that we never have to talk to each other again.” with that, you left rin to grapple with his thoughts, leaving the room heavy with the unspoken truth.
and right then and there, it struck him that the answer to when and how things had unraveled for both of you had been staring rin in the face all along. it was just that he wasn't ready to see it.
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note. and i offer you: an excerpt from an idea i scraped :D
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deviantdaffodil · 1 year
In Heat
Miguel O’hara x Reader smut
IM ALIVE !!!! WAHHH i need miguel o’hara more than ANYTHING !!!!!!!!
contains: biting, breeding, office sex, clawing, a bit of blood, choking, praise, dom miguel, sub reader, fem reader, size difference, heat, in heat, whatever you call it, dubious consent/very very very slight non con if you squint, primal/prey if you close your eyes, slight anal play if you squint
You decided you wanted to go up and visit Miguel. He had been busy since he was struggling so hard to find Miles Morales, so you wanted to go and try to cheer him up. You were a spider-person yourself and though your canon event went nothing like Miguel’s, you still felt so bad for him and took it upon yourself to be a sort of.. support system for him.
You enter the elevator of the HQ and make your way up to the top floor. Felt fitting for Miguel to have his office be the highest up.
Upon reaching the top, you step off the elevator and enter his office. “Miguel?” you call out into the darkness. You thought it was so strange how.. spooky his office felt. You became a little nervous, unable to locate Miguel. A tingle shot throughout your body and you quickly whip your body around. Standing behind you, Miguel towered over you. You jumped slightly, clenching your hand around your heart. You slip your mask off your face and look up at Miguel. “You scared me,” you said nervously with a slight chuckle.
Miguel slid his mask off as well and looked into your eyes. He was panting and sweating and you could feel the heat radiating off of him. “You shouldn’t really be here.”
You pout. He always liked your company. What’s gotten into him? Well.. you two weren’t exactly dating per se, so it’s possible he just didn’t want to be around you at the moment.. This thought hurt your feelings a little. “Is everything alright? Did I do something?” Your voice is so innocent and Miguel shudders; unbeknownst to you, pleasure and lust are clouding his mind and all he can think about is locking the door and taking you right then and there. He’s been anxious and hesitant to start a new relationship, but something about you made him go wild. He needed you, bad.
“You just- you wouldn’t get it,” he said, exasperated. “I just. I can’t be around you, it’s not safe - you’re not safe.”
You tilt your head. Again, your innocence and ignorance about the situation makes his cock throb. “Why not?”
An animalistic growl erupted in his throat. he just could not take it anymore. The shock of the noise made you back up a good bit. This only made him smirk; he enjoyed the hunt. He lunged at you on all fours; you yelp unable to get away fast enough and he quickly rips your suit across the front, nicking your flesh in the process. He latches his teeth onto your throat and bites down with a force that leaves you temporarily breathless. Heat immediately floods into your body and travels between your legs.
“M-Miguel!” Your voice cracked as you shouted, trying to get him off of you by hitting him with your fist. You did not want someone to see the two of you right now. Miguel kissed and licked at the wounds he made on your flesh. It felt like electricity was flowing through you and you moaned slightly. You carefully hold up your arm and fire a web at the door, in hopes it keeps people out. “Miguel!” your voice is now more stern.
He looks up at you, his eyes seem to glow red as your blood drips from his lip. “I need you,” he pleaded. “I need to fill you up, please..” He brushed his fingers against your clothed pussy as he pleaded with you. You instinctively grind your body against his fingers and bite your lip. It was your turn to pounce, capturing his lips in a kiss, tasting your blood on them. This was all he needed for confirmation; his claws came out and he started ripping off your suit and his own. Once he freed his cock, he held his hand up to your face. “Spit. Now,” he growled at you. You did as he asked and spit in his hand. He rubbed some of your saliva onto his cock and then some was used to lube his fingers for your pussy.
“I need you to be good and wet for my cock, okay,” he started to babble, “I don’t want to hurt you,” he cooed as he rubbed his finger around your pussy, careful to avoid your clit or your dripping hole. You were whining and whimpering while he played with your pussy and leaned in for a kiss, gently biting your lip. You were instinctively bucking your hips against his hand, praying you would get the friction you wanted so badly.
“Miguel please,” you pleaded as you run your hand down his chest to his v-line. Another growl rummbled in his throat. He picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, giving your ass a good smack or two, earning a delicious whimper from you. He took you to his desk and ran his hand across the desk, knocking everything off of it. He laid you down on your stomach on the desk and spread your legs with his knee.
He leaned over you, his toned chest pressed against your back. “I’m going to fill your pussy with my cum and put a baby in you, you slut,” he growled into your ear. Just his voice made your pussy tremple. He slapped his massive cock against your ass and began fucking your plump ass cheeks, using his own spit as lube. He grabbed both ass cheeks and squished them together on his cock as he thrusted. Once he was satisfied, he spit on his cock again and rubbed the tip of his cock around your hole to tease you. You let out a cry when he accidentally brushed it up against your clit and that was what sent him over the edge. Immediately, he stuffed his cock into you. Tears formed in your eyes and you cried out as loud as you could, babbling about how full his big cock made you feel.
He grabbed your hips then dug his claws into them, pounding away at your pussy. He continued squeezing and smacking your ass as he abused your womb. You were crying out for more and more as he bottomed out his cock in you.
“M-Miguel! Oh god don’t stop! I don’t want this to stop! Oh god you fill me up so good! Your cock is so big and so good!” you moaned, completely cock drunk. Miguel leaned forward, still abusing your pussy. He wrapped his hand around your throat and allowed his claws to dig into your flesh.
“You gonna let me cum inside? Gonna let me put a baby in you? Gonna let me knock you up? Huh? Huh?” He pleaded and mumbled into your ear. You nod rapidly in response, mind too numb to find the words. “Such a good girl,” he pulls away from your ear, slowing his pace earing a whine from you, “Such a good slut.” He spreads your ass cheeks again and using the pad of his thumb, starts applying pressure to your asshole. You whimper out of pleasure and can’t help but buck your hips back into him to make him fuck you again. He gently slides his thumb into you with the help of some of his spit and fuck it in and out of your hole. Once he’s satisfied, he picks the pace back up with his hips, wet slapping sounds echoing throughout the room. You’re a moaning mess right now, your legs feel weak and you can feel yourself getting close to an orgasm.
“Cum inside me Miguel,” you cry out, “I want t-to have your babies please!” He’s thrusting at a rate your mind cant keep up with, he’s huffing and grunting and digging his claws into your flesh. every thrust felt like heaven and you could feel a knot forming in your stomach. “Oh god! Right there Miguel! Just like that! Don’t stop!” You start to babble about how much you want his cum in you and how much you love him and need him for the rest of your lives which sends the two of you over the edge. Your walls clench with an orgasm and Miguel’s throbbing cock fills you with a huge load of cum.
The two of you sit there, regaining your composure. Miguel doesn’t pull his cock out of you, wanting to keep his cum in you.
“Did you mean that..?” He asks breathlessly.
“H-Huh?” then it hit you - you definitely told him you loved him. Your cheeks began to burn from embarrassment. “Y-Yes,” you admitted, completely ashamed that you lost control of yourself that badly.
Miguel huffed, amused. “Good.” He pulled himself out of you and you sat up and turned to face him. “I love you too.”
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l0vegl0wsinthedark · 7 months
"Okay, this one."
Lily's irate frustration was a nearly tangible crackle in the perfumed air of the boutique. Draco glanced up over the rim of his spectacles.
"Absolutely not," he said calmly.
Lily's fists balled up in the skirt of the slinky, forest green dress she wore. Thousands of shimmery little beads were sewn into the light, clingy fabric. The slit ran all the way up to mid-thigh and the halterneck straps were beaded strings.
"Why." Lily's question sounded from between grit teeth.
"Turn around," Draco said flatly.
A moment of hesitation, and then Lily spun around to reveal her back, exposed from neck to tail bone.
"Absolutely not," repeated Draco, looking back down into his phone, typing out an email with one forefinger, painstakingly slow.
"It's a dress. You want me to buy a dress. This is a dress."
"I want you to be respectably dressed for your seventeenth birthday party," Draco replied without looking up. "You're coming of age, yes, but you will do so whilst dressed as you ought to be."
"As I ought to be," Lily repeated scornfully.
"As a Potter-Malfoy ought to be."
"Why can't a Potter-Malfoy wear something like this?"
"We don't go out in public half-naked."
"This is a floor length gown."
"The whole length of your left leg is on display, as is the entirety of your back." Draco glanced up once more. "Your whole back. You're practically naked."
Lily"s clenched jaw shifted as she gnashed her teeth some more. With forced calm, she said, "Papa, I do not want to be wearing some sort of Victorian ballgown for my seventeenth birthday party."
"More's the pity. But no, definitely not this one either."
"I can wear a jacket over it." Lily raised one eyebrow when Draco looked up again. "I want a leather jacket."
Draco snorted, shaking his head. "I don't think so."
"Dad said I could get one."
"Your dad is an idiot."
"I want one like his."
"Absolutely not. He's a lunatic with a flying motorcycle. You don't want everything he has, trust me."
"It's just a bloody leather jacket, Papa, please!" Lily actually stomped one booted foot, her voice rising shrilly.
"I'm used to strops, darling, I invented them," Draco said, completely unbothered. "Besides, what would your grandmother say. She would faint."
"She told me to get the jacket in black." When Draco looked up in genuine surprise, Lily went on, "She said black would go best with her opal earrings that she's having reset in silver for my birthday present."
Draco stared at her over his spectacles as she stood glaring back at him, hands on her hips.
Then the bell above the door tinkled merrily, and Harry's voice filled the silence of the stylish little boutique as he exchanged cheerful pleasantries with the owner.
Reaching breaking point, Lily shrieked, "DAD!"
"I will not tolerate that sort of screaming in a public--," Draco started.
"Green, eh?" Harry said, walking into the private area Draco had reserved for the afternoon, his own boots loud on the wooden flooring.
"Because I have your eyes," Lily said in her most honeyed voice. "Grandma's eyes."
"Good choice, Lils," Harry said affectionately, sitting down on the plush sofa next to Draco before carefully picking through the collection of truffles set out in little crystal bowls.
"You haven't looked at the dress very closely," Draco said, voice tight.
"Oh?" Harry popped a hazelnut truffle into his mouth, straightened his glasses a bit, and leaned back, crossing ankle over knee. "Let me do that, then." A pause, and then, "She looks great!"
Draco twirled one forefinger through the air, motioning for Lily to spin. "She's half-naked."
"It's the trend now or something," Harry said, shrugging and scratching carelessly through his beard.
"I want to wear it with a leather jacket, Dad," Lily said hastily. "A black leather jacket. One like yours."
Harry grinned, roughing up his hair as was his wont. "Like Sirius'. Yeah, why not? Let's get you one."
Draco's lips were very thin as he pulled off his glasses and turned the full force of his displeasure onto Harry.
"Don't," said Harry. "We said she could pick her own outfit."
"The Minister's going to be at the party," Draco said tightly.
"Doubt he cares, honestly," Harry said, eating more chocolate. "Besides, it's Lily's day."
"I don't like to be ganged up against," Draco said, teeth gleaming white on a forced, very dangerous smile.
"Babe, we're not ganging up--," Harry started.
"Where is James?" Draco said suddenly, raising his voice over Harry's.
"My ears are burning," James drawled, sauntering in. Draco turned in his seat to look at him, his mouth slightly open.
James' hair was a bright, lemon yellow where it stood in a carefully styled, vertical mass on his head. The sides had been shaved down close to the scalp and dyed green.
Draco could only splutter in apoplectic dismay at the sight.
"What are you supposed to look like?!" he finally managed to ask.
James shrugged, scratching behind one pierced ear. "Dad thinks it looks cool."
Draco whirled around in his seat, now glaring violently at Harry. "He was supposed to get a haircut that's also suitable for school."
"He's still on summer break," Harry said.
"His head looks like a bloody sunflower!" Draco said. "Harry, you had one job--"
But Lily was now cackling loudly at James, who in turn stood grinning proudly, hands in his pockets, fourteen years old and sincerely unbothered about a single opinion that wasn't his own. Harry couldn't help grinning, too, but he quickly moved closer to Draco and took one of his hands with both his own.
"Babe, we've talked about this," he murmured gently. "This is one of those times you need to let go. Remember how we talked about letting go?"
"She's seventeen, and he looks someone cracked an egg on his head," Draco seethed.
Harry leaned forward and kissed him squarely on the mouth.
"How about lunch at the Ritz?" he asked gently.
"And then we buy me a black leather jacket," Lily said, hitching up the skirt of her dress and stomping loudly back to the changing room.
"Life was easier when I was seventeen," Draco muttered darkly, glaring at where their son was inspecting a rack of dinner jakcets.
Harry grinned again. "Yeah. A war, a megalomaniac. I really miss those days."
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lokisgoodgirl · 1 year
Mischievous Creatures [Brodinsons]
Part of the Brother Collection A link to my regular Masterlist is HERE Summary: A grumpy Loki is forced to pet-sit by Thor, and an unexpected friendship blossoms. (w/c 1.8k) Warnings: Fluffy bro-stuff. Generic dog description, runs on the small side. Mild peril.
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Loki grimaced, gritting his teeth. His eyes squeezed shut while a hand flew up against the assault of intrusive sunlight. “Brother,” he hissed, groaning against the pillow. “Must you continually be such a harbinger of accursed agitation upon my-”
Thor released an infuriatingly cheerful sigh. His arms were spread, holding the curtains wide. “Tis’ a joyus day in this realm, brother. Can you smell it?”
Loki frowned, squinting towards the silhouette. “The window is closed, you cretin.”
Thor chuckled. “One does not require an open window to smell joy, brother. Indeed, it is all around.” He turned, the aura of confidence in that garish smile making Loki’s blood run cold. “Some may say...in this very apartment.”
Loki’s frown deepened. It was always concerning when his brother attempted to be coy. “What?!” he barked, suddenly aware of how dry his throat was. Truly, had the monstrosity of muscle woken him before nine? “We have a guest,” Thor cheered, “and I require my brother’s aid.” He paced several strides to the bed, swinging crotch coming alarmingly close to Loki’s face. Two meaty hands rested on his hips, fingers drumming lightly against thick sweats. He swayed back and forth expectantly. This was not a sight Loki wished to see before breakfast.
He pulled the duvet over his head, muttering curses before the sheet was ripped from his grasp. He stiffened, an unexpected chill making his body clench while his brother’s laugh ripped through the air. “Come, they’re waiting,” was all he managed to say, before there was a loud yelp from the living room.
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“So this is a dog?”
Loki observed the creature with suspicion as it snuffled against the hardwood floor.
It had been going about its business for around twenty seconds now, paying no reverence or respect to the legendary beings in its presence. Loki’s scepticism grew. He was suddenly glad he’d worn his leathers. “Yes! And I broke up some biscuits your lady gave me on the floor for it to seek while I roused you. Charming, isn’t it?” Thor spoke quickly, and with an undeniable awe. The dog looked up expectantly, tail quivering. “I have no lady,” Loki griped, casting his gaze around the living room. A cushion from the immaculately arranged sofa had been rudely upended to the floor. Loki's eyes narrowed as Thor made his way obliviously to the breakfast bar. “Be that as it may,” the blonde said brightly, “this is the companion she speaks so often of.” Loki watched as the small creature trotted to Thor’s feet, looking up at him. Its tail was doing that thing again. “This is the rival for my affections which takes up so much of her time? I’m insulted,” he muttered. The dog’s paws tippy-tapped from side to side, impatient for whatever was in the bag Thor had begun rustling. Against his better judgement, Loki felt the side of his mouth twitch. He cleared his throat. “So. Why is it here, and what are we supposed to do with it?”
Thor scoffed, shaking his head with a smile.
Loki didn’t like this. He didn’t like this at all.
“Your lady- apologies, not your lady; has been called on an unexpected mission, shouldn’t take long – usual sort of thing." Thor glanced to his brother, glee in his eyes before bending forward with his hands on his knees. "I volunteered to ensure the safety of this treasure of the realm in her absence. Yes I did! Didn’t I?! Yes I did!” The pitch of Thor’s voice traced higher with every syllable. Loki was horrified. It descended into mumbling saccharine inanities at the excitable being shuffling below him, which let out a small a-woo. “‘Treasure of the realm’, please...” Loki scathed as he sidled over to the sofa. He had been sure to give the unfamiliar being a wide berth. Who knew what it’s intentions were. It was, after all, a stranger.
His breath hitched as it suddenly looked in his direction, the flash of a tiny pink tongue taking him by surprise.
He had the sudden urge to call to it, to feel the rest of it’s delicate triangular face in his hands. Perhaps, even, to stroke it. He thought it might feel soothing.
With unnecessary gravitas, Thor produced a beleaguered looking plush animal from a small bag resting on the counter. It was pink and mint and blue; splotches dotted on a crusted physique. Loki thought it had seen a few battles of its own.
“Oh for heavens sake, what is that?” he groused as Thor began to shake it aimlessly in the air. The dog leapt up on it’s back legs, dancing excitedly. “Tis a llama, brother,” Thor chided with authority, “obviously.” “A llama?” Loki frowned. Thor shrugged. “I know not. But that is how your lady referred to it. The little thing is rather attached to it, apparently. I thought it best not to question further.”
Both brothers nodded in silent understanding while the creature began to chirp, bouncing in comical circles. Its front paws waved in the air, the soft underbelly looking undeniably tender and scritchable. “Well... throw it then,” Loki huffed with feigned impatience. He rested his chin on his palm. He would admit, reluctantly, that he was beginning to mildly enjoy this. In a ridiculous sort of way. Thor’s eyebrows rose. “Excellent idea, brother” he said, before lobbing the llama forth at full force across the room. Loki’s eyes widened. “Brother, no-” The dog followed its lightening fast arc, legs sliding out behind it on the floor in haste. Loki braced against the arm of the sofa as the plasterboard-covered wall exploded with an almighty crack. The stuffed toy may as well have been a cannonball. A huge mist of dust immediately flooded the living room, chunks falling from the wall.
“Protect the small thing,” Thor bellowed.
Without hesitation, Loki sprung from the sofa, caging the little dog in mid-pursuit beneath his torso. Debris hit him like a wave, white mass covering dark curls falling around his face. There was a frightened whimper beneath him, something solid smacking against his thighs with a heavy thump. His heart was thundering as the carnage settled. She will never forgive me, Loki thought with horror. He peered between his forearms to the dark cave his body had created.
There was silence.
“Does it live, brother?” Thor rasped, his choking voice panicked. Loki registered pacing footsteps hovering around him in a cloud of dust, regretful muttering and coughing peppering the air. His stomach dropped.
He could barely bring himself to look. So fragile, these mortals. Their familiars even more so, surely. Suddenly, something moist and round surfaced from the darkness and poked him straight in the eye.
“Gargh!” Loki spluttered, before the breath was stolen from him. He fell forward, forehead hitting the floor while an agile tongue delved deep into one exposed nostril. An assassin, after all. Loki rolled to the side, freeing the wild creature. “It lives!” Thor whooped ecstatically. But the moment was lost on Loki.
The ball of fur and limbs and squiggling was upon him, crawling like a demon of Muspelheim across his person. The thing was liquid. It placed its front legs on his chest, perfecting a position of strength while a deceptively long tongue continued the assault of his face. “Desist!” he spluttered, searching for purchase on its lithe, fluff-laden frame. And yet, the incorrigible creature could not be swayed.
The softness of the bacon-like protrusion tickled violently, but somehow...Loki found himself unable to catch his breath from the laughter shaking his chest. It ravaged his cheeks, his mouth, his nostrils - all in whirling succession with no obvious tactical rhythm. “Brother, make it stop-” Loki gasped unconvincingly, hooking his thumbs beneath the dog’s little underarms. His laughter, Loki surmised, acted only to encourage the creature. And yet, he could not collect himself. “Alas, brother I must attempt to retrieve the valiant llama from the rubble,” Thor chuckled, biting his lip at his sibling strewn across the floor. With a resolute grunt, Loki hoisted the creature in the air above him. It squirmed, wriggling all four legs erratically. Its rotund bottom was positively vibrating with excitement. “Look, brother...it flies,” Loki grinned. The dog’s mouth was open in a smile, aimless tongue licking the air. Still in search of his skin no doubt. The god sat up, drawing the squiggling bundle to his chest. It settled, the cup of his hand under its rear and the other snug to its barrelled chest seeming to calm it. Loki smoothed its whiskers, brushing a crumb of plasterboard from the tufts of its snout. He searched its eyes, deep brown pools bubbling and sparkling with life. And with mischief, he thought. Loki smiled. Without knowing why, he placed a tentative kiss on its upturned nose. It was fresh, and cool. The richest black. And somehow, Loki knew those were good things.
The dog’s tongue flicked out once more; a soft, solitary lick to the tip of his own nose reciprocating the sentiment. He felt unfamiliar warmth blossom in his belly, drawing the precious bundle closer to his chest. “I am glad you are well, friend” he murmured. “I can only apologise for my oaf of a-” “-brother! Success!” Thor cheered, holding the resurrected llama aloft like a battle trophy. If it looked beleaguered before, now it was tragic. The plushie was completely white, stuffing protruding from its head like a fatal war wound. He paced victoriously across the floor, holding it out to the dog nestled in his brother’s arms. Loki could swear the creature rolled its eyes.
“Do not presume to return its prize possession in such a vile state, brother,” Loki hissed. He dropped his gaze to the bright eyes gazing lovingly into his own. “Never fear small thing, Uncle Loki shall amend this abomination.” he cooed. Circling a finger, Loki enjoyed the perk of the dog's ears as the llama glowed green. In moments, its garish pastel glory was restored. “The crusted biological coating is gone too, brother…” Thor mumbled sceptically, inspecting it. “Was that important?” Loki jiggled the squishy package in his arms. Its front paws bounced. “Methinks that was enthusiasm from historical play; perhaps we should begin to restore it,” he chuckled, as the dog began to squirm with excitement once again. Loki tickled its belly. Thor frowned. “Do not get too attached, brother” he warned, “remember that this one is claimed. And by whom.” Loki rolled his eyes. “I am aware of that, brother” he snarked, before bending to carefully lower all four paws to the ground. He straightened. “But clearly the creature and I have an affinity. It cannot be denied.” Thor folded his arms, and Loki did the same. They watched in silence as the fluffy tornado fell upon the llama, beginning to prance in a parading circle around them. It dotted easily between the chunks of plasterboard, the plushie snug within tiny jaws.
Thor cleared his throat. “It is my belief” he began knowledgeably, “that the creatures have developed ways to trick mortals in favouring them. They are provided shelter, comfort, snacks and the like in return for being…” he gestured open handed to the floor, “thus.” Two sets of eyes assessed the inexplicable sight before them, rolling on its back with four wriggling paws flapping at strange angles. “Is that so…” Loki mused, smile widening as he lowered to his haunches. The dog flipped to stand, nails scratching against the floor in a race to meet him. That little bottom shifted side to side, overcome with indescribable joy at their friend’s return to the lower level. The llama bonked against Loki's knee, a helicopter-esque tail making his heart soar.
He gripped the llama’s sides, tugging gently before pulling it flush against his chest. The cheeky growl in the dog’s throat made him chuckle as he pressed a soft kiss to its forehead. “How mischievous,” he whispered, smiling conspiratorially against the tousled fur.
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cinnamonest · 6 months
Alright, we need to know. Who are top members of the "looking at women, who're minding their own business, and talking about how sad and concerned you are for them because 'with the way they are, they'll end up single and childless for the rest of their lives and no high value man would give them a chance," club? Like on a sclae of 1-10 how delusional would they become after they realize said woman doesn't give a shit?
Honestly one of my favorite tropes is the whole, “nooo what are you doing living your own life you're supposed to be someone's wife and having babies” thing. Like it has both benevolent aspects (the whole “you'll be happier this way” part) while also having malevolent aspects (the “you're a resource to be used and the resource is being wasted” part).
Like, even irl, there are some men who are like. Discombobulated. Baffled. At the suggestion that a woman can have other priorities in life. The sheer reeling disbelief when he sees a woman that's like 30+ with NO kids, NO husband. Unbelievable. It must be so awful for you, you must be so sad and desperate. Equally worrisome is that you might end up accepting some inferior, unsuitable guy that doesn't have the same Husbandly Quality™ of someone like himself, tragic…
But yes I’ve been thinking about this concept ever since the Diluc escape fic, and I know I’ve talked about him with that concept before, but consider CHILDE would be such a major candidate.
Childe is hopelessly drawn to you if you’re mean.
It’s honestly not healthy for his sake either, but it’s far worse to be on the receiving end. He can’t help it, it’s like waving meat in front of a hungry dog, an irresistible urge to have you.
You’re not exactly high rank, but not much of a subordinate, you’re more of an “other” category, you keep records and files and do a lot of scribe work for a division of units you’re assigned to. Unfortunately for you, higher-ups such as harbingers end up consulting you quite often for records and information… well, most of the time, they send someone else to do such a menial task for them, but he always comes in-person, waltzing in all cheerful and full of youthful energy — and loud, God. You wonder if parents these days have stopped teaching their kids about having an inside voice, because this kid certainly is unfamiliar with the concept.
You scowl, evident disgust on your face as you lazily sort through your records, not about to show any urgency for someone so annoying. You were kind of hoping to irritate him, even. But alas, he’s equally smiley and talkative when you hand him what he’s looking for.
Far too talkative. You’ve already handed him what he needs. Why is he still in here? Now he’s talking to you, asking you the dumbest questions about if you like working here and what you do and blah, blah. You didn’t ask for this. You force yourself to give answers, albeit blunt and short as possible, mostly consisting of yeah-s and sure-s, before the annoyance becomes too much and you ask through clenched teeth if he needs anything else or if he’s done here, an all-too-obvious hint to leave.
Thus marks the beginning of the bane of your existence, because unfortunately, by the will of some malicious higher power, he comes back. Regularly. Habitually. Eventually you start noticing that he isn’t even retrieving anything, half of the time, he’s coming in just to annoy you.
See, for him, it’s not just attraction, but a weird sort of pride thing. That initial coldness draws him in, because it presents a sort of challenge. He’s now overheard other people say the same thing, that you’re cold and mean to everyone.
Based on looks alone, he thinks, you’re old enough that you should be married. Maybe that’s why you’re so mean, you’re just bitter or something. Maybe you had bad luck and got hurt a bunch and now you’re all guarded. That’s actually kind of cute.
Naturally… well, naturally for him and whatever’s wrong with him, at least, it sparks an obsession. He likes chases, challenges. Things that are hard to get are that much more satisfying to obtain, you know? The feeling of having won, the feeling of being better than everyone else, knowing that he accomplished something other people can’t and now reaps the rewards, and the pride and ego boost that comes with it — that sort of thing is an intoxicating fuel, a motivator unlike anything else one could offer him. This does not combine well with the fact that he’s young and hot-blooded and in possession of a hair-triggered sexual aggression, not to mention a sense of pride for which the word ‘no’ doesn’t have any meaning.
It’s kind of sad though. Wasting your life away in some menial job, you’ll be so lonely and regretful.
You’re very lucky, then, that he takes pity on your plight. It will all work out.
Because he can fix you.
And he knows that that's just how you are — he's already composed multiple potential sad backstories that explain your behavior in a way that makes you seem cutely pitiable, that writes off your attitude as being ultimately due to being sensitive and afraid of vulnerability, very endearing — he's not deterred by you pushing him away.
In fact, he realizes, once you've opened up to him and he's forced you to expose the vulnerable side of yourself, you'll probably feel bad for all the times you were mean to him. You'll shuffle even closer (in the scene that plays out in his mind, see, you'll be in bed, naked, face buried against his chest, all clingy and needy) and quietly sheepishly mutter out apologies and ask him to forgive you.
Or maybe after a while, if he keeps being nice to you, you'll break down and cry and be more honest about how sad and lonely you are and how much you need him and then he'll be right there to hold you close and promise to be there for you, it'll be really sweet and will make him very happy. He's already planned out several lines to say that should elicit enjoyable reactions.
It will be so cute. It will feel so good. It’s just a matter of winning you over at this point.
Which, you see, proves to be the difficult part.
He’s getting there, he’s certain, you’re just a little more stubborn than he anticipated.
He’s already started trying to work his way there, during his regular visits. He’s already asked you if you’re married, watched the way your face turned all sour the moment the word came out and the way you rolled your eyes before you muttered a no. Ah. Sore spot, then, as expected.
And then asks if you have kids — because the first answer doesn't necessarily negate that possibility, and ‘jaded single mom with a bad ex' is one of the potential backstories he's theorized for you, so, it's worth asking. You still say no.
The ideal response, then, is—
That's too bad. You would make a good mother!
You narrow your eyes and glare like he's just said the most vile thing you've ever heard. But it's okay, it's cute that you’re so defensive (because you know he’s right and it’s what you really want).
It doesn't matter what you say, any words that come out of your mouth will be filtered through his delusions to match the reality he's already decided is the case.
You say you don't want to get married, this means you actually really do, you say you don't need a man, which means you actually really do and are aware of it and it bothers you, you say you're fine by yourself, which means you're very lonely, it's practically a cry for help.
He'll keep being nice, no matter how much you push back. He can tell it's just because you're sensitive. Maybe you think someone as young and charming as him wouldn't sincerely like you, and you're being defensive? That's probably it. Aw. That makes him feel good.
Poor thing. You're so defensive, so guarded. It's endearing, even if it's starting to get a little frustrating. But it will just take a little more work before he gets through to you, and then everything will work out perfectly… and then he’ll have a nice trophy for all his efforts, can savor the defeat and vulnerability you’ll show. You'll become so meek and submissive and it'll be just for him and no one else. It’ll be so nice. Just a little more time.
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indigo-graves · 10 months
Rusty pt. 2 |Lewis Nixon|
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---SMUT AHEAD--- 18+
Nixon knew better than to respond to her words with the force of every kiss he had stopped himself from planting on her full, pouted lips over the past three years. There were moments where he was so intoxicated (both figuratively and literally) by her that he thought he may reach his breaking point. Had he known there was a similar eagerness within her, this day may have come far sooner. 
The way she looked up at him through her long lashes caused a tension in his lower abdomen that she would soon feel the result of, pressed so close against her form. He surveyed the room, taking inventory of just who in the company was even paying attention to the heat radiating from the pair of them in the center of the room. With a war won and a store of alcohol to last them years, they were little more than just furniture for the rest of them to oscillate around. 
“Nina…” Nixon spoke gently, leaning forward so his lips were nearly against the shell of her ear. “Tell me I’m dreaming.” 
She giggled at the softness of his breath on her skin, “meet me upstairs in five minutes.” When she moved away from him, he immediately felt the ghost of her against his body. There was not a single man in Easy Company, despite how chivalrous they had always been to her, that would not shoot off a toe to be in his position. 
Five minutes was both five seconds and five lifetimes while he attempted to make his way naturally towards the doorway of the main room. Grateful for his tendency to disappear to a footlocker full of booze, he realized that it was not likely that many would notice his absence anyway. As he climbed the stairs, he wondered if there was going to be a moment where she would realize that it was him that she was taking to bed, not some other more decorated man from the Company. It was only when he missed a step at the top of the staircase that he reminded himself that wallowing could happen any other inebriated night of his life. Tonight, he steeled himself, he was going to get the girl. 
Two light knocks on Nina’s bedroom door with the back of his knuckles was as coy as he could play it. When she said “come in” from behind the oak barrier, he found the knot in his stomach clench. 
“Why do you look so pale, Nix?” Nina giggled. She was standing at the dresser in the bedroom, slowly unpinning her hair from its once meticulous place. As he watched each curl bounce free, he felt the heat in his neck and ears. The intimacy of watching a woman take down the trappings of pristine femininity to their natural state was something that had only occurred in his marital bedroom. Never before, never since.
He watched as she placed the pins in a trinket dish on the dresser, crossed the room in her bare feet, the line she drew in her stride slightly askew from the alcohol. He felt the effects the liquor had on himself as well, hopeful that it would not impede his performance--should he make it that far. 
Nixon watched as Nina’s tongue wet her lips, watched as they parted into a sweet smile. She reached up and gently touched the hair at his forehead, tucking it back to the side. His eyes studied her face as if he was going to be tested on the slope of her nose, the freckles on her cheeks, the slight gap between her two front teeth, the scar in her right eyebrow. 
“Kiss me,” she whispered. Her voice took on a tone he had never heard from her before. He had heard her scream, yell, cheer, and laugh, but the siren song he was hearing in that moment was something entirely new. As new as the flicker that darkened her eyes. 
The moment Nixon leaned down to close the space between them, it was if every inch of self doubt had been resolved. The way she hummed against his mouth let him know that she was just as hungry for him as he had been for her. He reached up and held her jaw softly, his other hand tracing her back and down over her hips. She flicked the softness of her tongue into his eager mouth and he felt a twitch grow into a throb in the confines of his uniform. Never in his life had he felt himself light ablaze under the simplest of touches. 
When Nina pulled back, she was breathless. Her swollen lips were parted, ghosts of red lipstick on both of their mouths. She gripped his shirt in a fist that loosened as she composed herself. 
“Lew…” She breathed, it was only the second time she had ever used his first name, the first time it had been shortened by her affection for him. 
“I can’t tell you how fucking long I’ve waited to do that,” his confession bubbled from his lips before he could tell her. Drunk on liquor or passion, he couldn’t tell where one stopped and the other began. 
“Well, if you can’t tell me,” she breathed, reaching up and starting to unbutton his shirt with delicate fingers. She looked up into his eyes and smiled coyly, “can you show me?” 
“Fuck,” he sighed as she ran her fingertips down over his chest, just the undershirt between them. “Absolutely.” He smiled, leaning down to kiss her deeply. 
They worked together to get his shirt over his shoulders and onto the floor. His undershirt was soon after. Every muscle that she had watched move beneath his uniform was exposed. Every single one she had considered in her idle time over the last three years were soon to be hers to touch. 
There was a beat between the two of them where he checked her eyes for any hesitation while his fingers gently toyed with the zipper at the back of her dress. She nodded, a small smile of appreciation at her lips. When he started to pull down the zipper, his fingertips traced over the exposed skin over her spine. Her skin erupted in goosebumps under his touch. She bit her lip and pulled her shoulders in as he worked to get the fabric down over her arms. With every piece of her that became more and more exposed, he felt his heart start to race. 
There was a part of her that worried about the amount of women he had undressed and how the curves of her body compared. Before the war, there had only been one other man to peel away both physical and emotional layers to her to connect so deeply. She wondered if the significance of the fire they were dancing dangerously close to meant just as much to him. One thing was certain, she decided, Lewis Nixon’s hands were the only hands she wanted on her body from this moment forward. 
When her dress hit the floor and she stood there, vulnerable, in front of him, Nixon felt something animalistic ignite in him. It took everything in him not to tear the remaining fabric from her body and cover every inch of her with his mouth. In attempts to avoid acting on this instinct, he met her lips in a deep, hungry kiss. He guided her backward toward the bed, her hands working deftly on the buckle of his belt. She groaned when her hand made contact with the anticipation growing in his pants. He sucked in a breath and bit playfully at her lower lip. He left a trail of eager kisses from her lips down over her jaw, feeling the giggle that resounded in her throat vibrating against his mouth. 
When his pants hit the floor, he felt the immediate relief from the confines of the fabric. She toyed with the elastic of his boxers, watching him shudder in response. He reached up and tangled his hands in her hair, pulling her close for another kiss to distract her. If she got too handsy, he may not make it to the main event. When he kicked himself out of the legs of his pants, he reached around and skillfully unclasped her bra. 
There was no sexy, coordinated way for Nina to get herself back onto the bed. As she crawled, Nixon admired her figure from behind, wondering what he had done in his lifetime to find himself this lucky. Unable to tally it, he shook away the thought and watched as she giggled, laying herself back on the pillows, her hair fanning out around her. Unconsciously, he adjusted the length in his boxers, pulled his socks from his feet, and followed her onto the bed. 
“God,” he let his eyes dance over her in appraisal. “You’re incredible.” 
Nina rolled her eyes, the heat in her cheeks was not foreign to her. Lewis Nixon had a way of making her flush pink that had been a noteworthy occurrence Easy had not let her forget. She often told them it was only his rank that made her nervous, not the man himself. But God, it was everything about him. 
“So,” he leaned down and kissed her lips tenderly, “god,” he kissed her cheek, “damned,” he kissed her neck, “beautiful.” She giggled when he pressed the kiss to her shoulder, his hands cupped both of her breasts. When his thumbs simultaneously brushed against her nipples, she whimpered softly, arching up into his palms. Her hand gently, toyed with his hair, running her fingers back through it as he leaned down and took her nipple into his mouth. Slowly circling his tongue in an effort to elicit more gorgeous new sounds from her parted lips. 
Nixon groaned as he worked his tongue, lips, teeth, and fingers over her exposed chest. At the same time, the placement of his body between her legs encouraged her hips to connect with his, calling forth a growl from his throat he had not anticipated. He was beginning to recognize the need he had for her was something wildly foreign and exciting to him. The fear that lingered in the back of his thoughts would have to be tended to in the moments following the plans he had to explore every inch of her body.
When he kissed down over her stomach, he started to feel her muscles tense in her abdomen under his lips. He looked up at her as he toyed with the waistband of her underwear, searching for permission. She bit her lip, eyebrows furrowed with concern. 
“What is it?” He asked, gently placing a hand on her thigh. He traced a delicate pattern on her skin. 
“I..” There was that pink in her cheeks he had often worked so hard for. He smiled gently and kissed her hip.
“You can talk to me,” he repositioned himself so that he was at eye level with her once more. 
“I’ve never had anyone…” She nodded down toward her underwear, where Nixon idly was toying with the satin bow at the elastic. “Use their mouth.” Nixon’s eyebrows raised and he grinned. He leaned down and he kissed her temple gently, his hand reaching up and fingering a strand of her hair. “I don’t want you to feel like you have to…”  He couldn’t help but let out a throaty laugh. He rolled on top of her, brushing his nose against hers, then his lips against hers. “You can’t make me do something I’ve spent half the damn war thinking about.” He captured her lips in an urgent kiss, his hand slithering down over her stomach and dipping confidently into her underwear. “Mmm,” he groaned, the moment his finger dipped into the heat between her legs. When she gasped, he caught it in a kiss, greedily swallowing every sound that he earned with the deft work of his fingers.
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sergeantsarga · 3 months
Me and my friend ( @aziormin ) recently started talking about Aki and Sarge having a heart to heart moment on Discord, I said that I would write my idea on here and this is what this post is about! I hope you enjoy!
[Blue is Aki, red is Sarge, pink is Mini, and black + (( can be their actions]
(Sergeant Night is bailed out of jail by Dr Thomas Light, he is forced to babysit Aki Light.
“So, uhhh….how are you?”
(Night doesn’t respond.)
“Night? Breakerrrrrrr?? Breakie?”
(Night clenches his fits and teeth at Aki by calling him “Breakie”.)
“You good? Cat got you’re tongue?”
“Shut up.”
(Night said through gridded teeth, Light chuckles and smiles.)
“Why are you so rude? Cheer up, bud!”
“Ugh….I don’t wanna….”
“Why not? It’s fun to be nice and happy! Or are you a bit too old for happiness?”
(Night gets upset by that comment.)
“Shut up! I’m not even as old as you probably think, I’m only 29!”
(Light seems a bit surprised by that.)
“You are? Dang, I would have thought that you were in you’re 30s or 40s!”
(Light chuckles again.)
“You aren’t funny, robot.”
“Pfft! You’re right, I’m HILARIOUS!”
(Light laughs a little.)
“AUGH!!! Just shut up! Stop being so annoyin’!”
(Light stops laughing.)
“Sorry, sorry!….how was you’re day today, Breaker?”
“….Not sure why you wanna know that but it’s been okay, I guess.”
“Geez…he’s such a party pooper! Why did you’re dad even let him out?”
(Mini is whispering.)
“Shut up!”
“Excuse me?!”
“W-Wait!! I didn’t mean you, I was….just…..uhhh….I have a rat in my hair that can speak!”
“….uhhh…I don’t know how to explain it.”
“And I couldn’t care less about it.”
“….Why are you always so angry and rude?”
“That’s none of you’re business!”
“You can tell little ol’ me about it! I promise I won’t tell ANYONE!”
“My answer is still NO.”
“No it isn’t! You said “that’s none of you’re business!”, you just said it!”
(Light painfully (and sort of accidentally) mocks Night’s southern accent, this makes Night even more upset.)
“Oh my gosh….just be quiet!!”
“Pleeeeeeeeeeaaaasseeeeee!!! I won’t tell anyone in a MILLION years! It’ll be a secret between us both, forever and ever and ever and EVER!!!”
“Stop it, Aki!”
“Hey, you called me Aki! This is the first time you’ve called me Aki! Good job!”
(Night looks over at Light as he pats Night on the back, Night flinches when Light does this and Light notices it, he stops smiling.)
“You….you good, buddy?”
“Y-Yeah…and don’t do that without warnin’ me!”
(Night’s voice cracks.)
“Oh! Yeah, heh….sorry, dude!”
(Night pouted and looked away, he didn’t like being randomly touched.)
“Are you really ok or are you just-“
“Stop tryin’ to get into my business. That’s nothin’ YOU wanna know and somethin’ you shouldn’t know.”
“….I’m just curious about you. You’re always so rude to everyone and you’re always yelling and complaining about robots and humans. Why are you like this? Did something happen to you that made you this way?”
(Night fake chuckled and sighed, he stopped pouting.)
“You’re a needy one, Aki. Stop tryin’ to get into my business and you should probably get whatever homework you got done!”
(Night faked another chuckle as Light let out a real one.)
“I’ve already done it! Now, cmon, tell me something about yourself! You have to talk to someone about you’re life!”
“Do you think anyone in Silicon City would listen to a person like me? I bet even you’re dad would laugh in my face and call it all bluff if I told him!”
(Light nudges Night with his elbow.)
“Not funny! My dad isn’t mean! And…wait, why would he call you’re life bluff?”
“Uhhh….forget it! It doesn’t matter anymore.”
“Breaker, are you good???”
“Yes….just…..actually, no. I have to be honest now….uhhhh…..sorry, I guess.”
(Night looks away.)
“Hm. Hey, watch out!”
(Light suddenly hugs Night, he pats his back a bit, Night was about to complain but he didn’t, he liked the hug and it made him a bit happy….he then teared up, he wasn’t used to being hugged. He slowly started to cry, he couldn’t help himself now.)
“I-I’m sorry for cryin’! I didn’t mean to do this!”
“It’s okay….it’s okay….it’s okay, Breaker.”
“Holy shit…”
(Mini whispered again.)
“Just let it all out, Breaker, it’s okay.”
(Night hesitated for a second but then, he started to sob, Light rubbed and panted his back.)
“I hate everythin’ that happened to me! I want it to go away and never come back! Why couldn’t I have a good dad when you get to have one?! I-I’m not tellin’ you anythin’, you wouldn’t understand!!!”
“I know, but I never said that you had to tell me.”
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bloodandrunes · 2 years
How would Arassa and other ROs react if some noble kept flirting with their romanced MC and the MC was clearly uncomfortable with it, but the noble wouldn't get the hint?
Anon, I like the way you think. Answers beneath the cut.
Aariz doesn't think when he punches the noble in the face. All he feels is rage, red and flashing hot, at the sight of your clear discomfort. One second, his metal fist is drawing back and the next, he feels bone crunch and give way beneath the force of his blow. The noble screams, clutching at his face, and Aariz snarls, drawing his fist back and bringing it back down again. And again and again until someone, likely you or Dalia, drags him away.
Dalia's anger is not an inferno like Aariz's. No, hers is as cold and biting as a winter storm. She takes in the sight of the woman touching your arm, at the way you are trying to inch away from her, shoulders hunched, and feels her jaw tighten. She steps up to you, feeling the weight of the metal beneath her clothing, and glares at the noble. She presses her fingers to the crook of your arm, letting you know she's here, and pours every ounce of enmity she has in her into the look she sends the woman. It is with great satisfaction that she watches her run with her tail between her legs.
Adys walks up to you cheerfully, two drinks in hand. "I brought you some wine," he says, "who's your friend?" He watches as the noble introduces himself, obviously proud to be speaking to the son of Malic de Resham. He hums quietly to himself and gestures to one of the goblets in his hand. "I don't have a taste for this particular wine," he offers, "would you like it?" The noble accepts proudly, his chest puffing out, and Adys watches with barely contained pleasure as he swallows it. In a few minutes, he'll get sick and embarrass himself horribly. He guides you away, still cheerful, a hand pressed reassuringly against your back, and waits.
Ralys' hand tightens to a fist as the noblewoman before you trails her fingers along your arm, jealousy burning through her. You lean away from her touch, clearly disinterested, and pleasure curls in her chest. Then the woman continues her advances, and as your disinterest becomes discomfort, Ralys' satisfaction turns to fury. She stands from her seat and walks over to the two of you pleasantly. Her arm snaps out to where the woman touches you, her grip on her wrist painfully tight. "Get your hand off of them," she says, her voice sickly sweet, "lest you wish to lose it." The woman's face goes pale.
Idar has never hated the nobles more than he does right here, right now. He walks up to you, jaw clenched as his nails leave crescent moons in his palms. He steps between you and the man who harasses you, mouth curved into a false smile. He places an arm around your shoulders and pulls you close. "I believe they said they weren't interested," he says, voice light. Then his smile drops. "Leave before I make you and break every bone in your body in the process." And this time, his tone cannot be mistaken for friendliness. The man runs.
Zara clasps her hands together as she walks over to you, lest she slap the offending noble who has made you so uncomfortable. "There you are," she laughs, her hands brushing your arm and not-so-subtly batting the woman's hand away from you. "I've been looking for you." She turns to press a kiss to each of your cheeks. Then she turns to the noble who still stands there, looking quite irate. "I would've thought you'd get the hint by now," she whispers to her out of the corner of her mouth, flashing her teeth as she smiles, "leave, before you test my patience more."
Arassa watches you cringe away from the noblewoman who makes her advances and sees a younger version of herself in you, with her husband all those years ago, before she thought that she could love him. It strikes a cord in her, makes her blood freeze in her veins even as her skin burns with rage. Something fierce and ugly twists in her stomach as she calls for you in her seat, laughing at some jape one of her ladies has said. "Sit with me," she smiles, "you must tell us of stories outside of the capital." You smile back at her, clearly relieved, but her eyes are not on you. They are on the noblewoman who is quite clearly put out about having you torn from her side. Arassa smiles at her, and she smiles back hesitantly. By dawn of the next day, she is gone, and no one dares to speak her name around the queen ever again.
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randomwritingguy · 1 year
The Myth of Y/N (Korra x Reader) Part 31
A small radio lies still on the small table before me. Despite its size, I feel like a prey to a giant. Fists clenching tight, sweat on my skin, and teeth gritting, I stare at the communications device that will soon change my life forever.
“Y/N! What happened to you?! Are you okay?! How did you get out?!
“Zaheer. We need to get to Korra immediately!”
I don’t know how long it has been since we escaped Ba Sing Se. Despite the beauty and the utopian atmosphere that surrounded the metal city of Zaofu, I still can’t shake the sights I saw from my mind. Those awful, awful sights.
Getting out of their cell, Mako and Bolin rush to me with concerned faces. The other prisoners run out of their own, screaming cheers and joyous profanities at the dream come true that their tormentor that was their highness was dead and that they are free.
Free. No-one is free now.
“Are you sure you’re all right?” Mako asks me, fear etched in his face. “You look like you can barely stand.”
No. I’m not all right. If anything, I feel like a corpse that is forced to walk via invisible strings like I am some twisted puppet. But that doesn’t matter. Not right now. The Air Nation is more important.
“I said I’m fine!” I snarl, turning away from them both. “We need to get out of here! I’ll tell you all along the way what the message is.”
While the others are too focused on the other radio they are using in desperate hope to get into contact with the Northern Air Temple, I’m all alone using a spare.
Good. I don’t want anyone to see this.
When we finally rush out the main gates of the palace, I am greeted with the stuff that my own mind could not imagine.
In such a short amount of time, chaos erupted.
Screams, shouts, shrieks, yells surround us all along with the blazing heat of flames that consume the Upper Ring of Ba Sing Se like a hungry mauling animal. So many flames. So many screams. So, so many.
“I can’t believe it!” Mako exclaims in shock. “The Upper Ring is in chaos!”
“Should we do something?” Bolin asks aloud, shocked and devastated as we all are.
“This isn’t our battle. We have to deliver Zaheer’s message to Korra immediately.”
The two brothers start walking away from the palace, focusing on the task at hand, to find an airship to esacpe. But I stay still. Frozen like a platinum statue that not even the famous Toph Beifong can’t move.
So many flames. So many screams.
I don’t hear it. How can I? How can I hear my name when all I can hear are the screams and yells that overwhelm the beacon of the Earth Kingdom?
So many flames. So many screams. So many.
This is all my fault…
If I was strong enough, If I had enough power, I could have prevented all of this.
How many will suffer because of my failure?
Rough hands on my sides shaking me partially snaps me out of my thoughts.
Mako is staring at me, teeth gritted, with golden eyes staring into my own E/C.
“Snap out of it, Y/N!” he barks out, using his authority as a police officer. “Remember what you told us! We need to get to Korra! The Air Nation’s survival depends on it!”
Shaking my head slightly, I completely rid the awful thoughts from my mind.
He’s right. Focus on the task. Grieve later.
“Yes, yes.” I mutter to him, nodding slightly. “You’re right. Let’s go.”
As if time was slowed down through a force beyond our understanding, I rise my arm and stretch out towards the radio in slow motion.
The rough exterior of the radio speaker adds to the intense feel as I grab it with my palm.
Seeing Korra and Asami in Misty Palms after hours of rescue, escape, and dread from the crumbling Ba Sing Se gave me enough joy to smile just a bit. But only a bit.
Despite the relief, the flames and screams still echo at the back of my mind. They persisted throughout our rescue of Mako and Bolin’s family and the long transport from the city to the desert. I have a feeling they will persist for a long, long time.
The happiness and relief that was briefly expressed on the blinding smiles on Korra and Asami when they saw us quickly vanish as they see my bruised and battered state.
“What happened?!” Korra asks with panic and fear as she rushes up to me, ignoring Mako and Bolin, and placing her right hand on my shoulder and cupping my cheek with the other.
“Tortured by the Earth Queen.” I tell her bluntly, slightly leaning into her hand. Unlike the blazing heat that I felt in the city, the warmth I felt on my cheek by my best friend’s hand. I harden my gaze at her slightly. “She’s dead.”
Korra’s eyes flash with utter rage upon the revelation. “I know.” She growls. Then, her features soften. “I am so, so sorry, Y/N.”
“Korra, no.” I tell her, placing my hand on top of her own and giving it squeeze. “None of this is your fault. Okay? None of it is. But, right now, we have more important matters to discuss. Zaheer wanted me to give you a message.”
Her mouth drops slightly and I can feel her hands tense up as with the rest of her body. “What message?”
Here it goes.
Taking a deep and long breath, I finally tell her. “The Red Lotus is heading towards the Northern Air Temple right now. If you don’t turn yourself in, they are going to wipe out the Air Nation…for good.”
Taking the radio, I start the call.
I sit and wait. And wait. And wait. And wait.
Finally, after a second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, decade, century, a thousand years, the other end picks up.
The first thing I hear is the rough, heavy voice of my dad.
Swallowing a gulp, I start talking.
“Hello, father.”
I purposefully call him the more formal “father.” Maybe it might lessen the pain if I create some distance.
After a brief moment of hesitation, he responds with a simple but tense “Y/N. You finally called.”
“I have.”
“I take it you have finally made your decision?”
Clenching the radio tighter, squeezing it perhaps too much, I swallow a gulp once more. I repeat my previous answer in a monotone “I have.”
Here it goes.
Taking a deep and long breath once again, I let out sigh. Finally, I give him my answer.
“I’m joining the Air Nation.”
As soon as the words leave my lips, I can feel the life that I once lived shatter entirely into shards. The intensity of the atmosphere is almost overwhelming.
Then, out of nowhere, the transmission ends.
Wait, what?
I check the radio and…
He ended it.
He didn’t even say goodbye.
He just…ended it.
Slumping down in the chair, I just…stare.
Not at the radio. Not at anything, really.
So, that’s it.
I’ve been disowned.
I am no longer welcome in my own home back at the South Pole.
No longer welcome to my own parents.
Much to my surprise, I don’t cry. Maybe the flames and screams from Ba Sing Se have shook me to the core so much that I can’t cry right now. Or maybe I’m just tired of the tears.
I just feel…empty. Cold. Alone.
I hear footsteps approaching only to stop dead when they presumably see me. I don’t utter a single word.
“Am I interrupting something?”
I recognise the voice immediately without even glancing at the source.
“No.” I tell her, rising from my seat and then finally turning to face her. She is wearing her typical Zaofu guard armour and helmet. I see a slight frown of concern on her face. “I just finished.”
Kuvira tilts her head to the side. “Is it about your parents?”
I nod. “It’s done.”
She sighs heavily and walking forward she places a hand on my shoulder. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.” I tell her. Then, hoping to stop talking about my depressing situation, I change the topic. “Has Korra gotten into contact with Tenzin?”
Noticing this obvious topic change, she lets it go and removes her hand from my shoulder and her posture returns to business as usual. “She has but I’m afraid the Red Lotus has already gotten to them first.”
“Shit.” I mutter under my breath. “We better get going then.”
Walking back outside, I see my friends accompanied by Lin, Suyin, Tonraq, and Lord Zuko. When they see our approach, Suyin walks to the captain of the guard. “Kuvira, gather the guards and get an airship ready.”
“Of course.” Kuvira responds immediately with professionalism and after a quick glance in my direction marches off.
“I’m sure Kuvira told you what happened.” Suyin says as we walk side by side to the others.
I nod gravely. “She did. This isn’t good.”
Sighing heavily, the matriarch rubs her grey silver hair. “It isn’t. We have to act fast before Zaheer tries anything.”
When we finally reach to the cluster of people, I speak up.
“I heard about what happened. What’s the plan?”
The others turn to me but Korra is the first one to answer with utter seriousness.
“You’re staying here, Y/N.”
“What?!” I reply. “No! I’m coming with you.”
She gestures towards my form with her hands. “Look at you, Y/N! You are still badly hurt!”
I scoff at her claim. Yes, I am still hurt. But I can still fight.
“Korra’s right, Y/N.” Mako agrees. “You were tortured for hours. You need rest.”
I glare back at Korra with all the confidence I can muster. “I’ve healed enough! I am not going to sit here and do nothing while you surrender to the Red Lotus!”
“She might not have to do that yet.” Lin says, though her voice doesn’t sound as confident as her claim. “We are still coming up with a plan that will prevent that from happening.”
“And if you don’t manage to do that?” I retort, glaring at her.
No response.
I continue with my rant. “Regardless if Korra is going to surrender or not, I am not going to sit by and not help my friends! I am coming whether you all like it or not!”
As soon as I finish, silence lays upon all of us. I am staring right at Korra who is staring back in defiance. We are at a standstill.
Eventually, out of all people, Suyin speaks up.
“I agree…with Y/N.”
I glance at her in surprise. “You do?”
She nods. “We need fighters now more than ever. Even though you’re hurt If you want to help, I don’t see why you shouldn’t.”
My jaw drops for a moment, but I quickly snap it shut.
Suyin…actually defended and agreed with me. Huh. I think that’s the first time she’s done that since we met.
I nod in a silent way of saying “Thank you” before turning back to the others who seem to have reluctantly accepted the situation.
“So, what’s the plan?”
“I say we make our approach from the west, drop down from the airship on cables, ambush these Red Lotus low-lives before they know what hit.”
“It will never work. That Combustion Lady will pick us off one by one.”
“You have a better idea on how to save the airbenders?”
“Yeah. We come up from the valley, scale the side of the mountain and take them off guard.”
“That could work.”
“And give them the high ground? No, if their lavabender spots us, he'll melt the mountainside and us with it.”
Aboard one of the advanced Zaofu airships, we all throw out plans, suggestions, and ideas onto the table of how we can save the airbenders and fight the Red Lotus without having Korra to surrender herself to them. So far, we are having no success.
Every single time a plan is suggested there are always major drawbacks and flaws. The Red Lotus have abilities that allow them to counter anything we throw at them.
“Last time I fought the combustion bender, I was able to defeat her.” I throw out admist the chaotic mess of plans.
“What?!” The entire room let out; jaws dropped to the flaw in complete shock. Honestly, I can’t blame them.
“How did you do that, Y/N?” Tonraq asks me.
Crossing my arms, I continue gazing at the map of the Northern Air Temple. “I was barely able to get close to her enough to chi-block her into submission. I could try and do that again.”
“If you can close to them again.” The Chief of Police corrects me, though I can hear the impressiveness in her voice. “I doubt she will fall for that again. She will probably try to create some distance to ensure she isn’t distracted too.”
The Chief does make a good point. The combustion lady doesn’t strike me as one to be fooled twice even with outside interference to help me.
“This is pointless.” Korra speaks up bitterly. “. None of these ideas will work. The second Zaheer realizes we're up to something, he'll wipe out the airbenders.”
“And Opal is one of those airbenders.” Suyin adds, her motherly instincts taking over. “Believe me, I understand what's at stake.”
Tenzin, Bumi, Jinora, Ikki, Meelo, Kai, Esha, Opal, and so, so many more….
So many lives are at stake. So many.
“Then I'll think you agree that the only plan that will work is for me to give myself up.”
“No way.” I immediately retort. “It’s too dangerous.”
“It’s the only way, Y/N.” Korra counters. Her eyes are full of determination but melancholy. She knows full well the gravity of the situation. “I talked it over with Lord Zuko, and I've given it a lot of thought. I have to do this.”
“You can't expect us to sit by and let Zaheer take you.” Asami says in desperation to change our friend’s mind. But, from the look of her resolved face, it seems like it has already been made up.
“The world has been out of balance for far too long: it needs the Air Nation back again.” Korra explains with conviction. “I can't let Zaheer destroy it and everyone we love. Help me save the airbenders, then you can worry about saving me.”
As much as I hate to admit it…she’s right. Typical Korra, always thinking of others before herself. It’s why she’s the Avatar after all.
After a brief exchange of glance between Tonraq and Suyin, the former speaks up. “We’re with you Korra.”
“Whatever you need.” The matriarch adds.
I let out a deep, frustrated sigh but relent. “I hate this. I really, really hate this but…you’re right. Make the call.”
Korra nods. “Thank you. I’ll radio Zaheer now.”
She walks off to exit the meeting room, leaving all of us behind to make a deal with the most dangerous criminals in the world.
Dammit. I wish there was another way…
I perk up at the mention of my name and I see Tonraq by my side with a mixture of concern and sternness on his features.
“Tonraq.” I speak up. “Is there something wrong?”
The Chief of the Southern Water Tribe shakes his gently. “No trouble. I was wondering if I can speak to you in private for a quick moment?”
I raise an eyebrow in curiosity and suspicion, but I agree. “Sure.”
We both exit the meeting room and enter a narrow metallic corridor with not a single person in site. The voices in the meeting room are muffled but we are out of earshot.
“So, what’s this about?” I ask him, leaning back on the wall.
Tonraq does the same and his face softens slightly. “I understand this is probably not the most suitable time to discuss this but I figured I might as well get it out of the way.”
What’s he talking about?
He takes a deep, long breathe and leans forward to place his hand on my shoulder. “I know about your situation with your parents.”
I open my mouth to say something, anything, but no words come out. I close it, trying to think of what to say, and reopen it. All I can make out is a simple “I see.”
Sensing my discomfort and stunned nature, he steps back to give me some space. “Your parents talked to it about me when they first found out that you were an airbender. I was shocked at how serious they were being. It seemed so out of character for them. I knew how traditionalist and patriotic they were but this…I never expected they would do something like this.”
Nodding gravely, I glance downwards. “I just had a call with them a few hours ago. It’s done.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” Tonraq says, sounding so sad and sympathetic. “I tried convincing them to do otherwise but they wouldn’t budge.”
“That sounds like them.” I bitterly remark. “They can be stubborn like earthbenders sometimes. Please don’t let this ruin your friendship with them, though. I know you and Senna have been really good friends with them. What they’re doing is really, really wrong but…I still love them.”
Tonraq’s face briefly flashes with surprise at my consideration to my parents despite everything they’ve put me through. I can’t say I blame him. I would be surprised too. This surprise fades a few seconds away, replaced with a gentle smile.
“Your compassion knows no bounds.” He tells me softly. “And, if it means anything, you will always be family to Senna and I. You have been best friends with my daughter and stood by her since you two met. We are so grateful Korra had you in her life where she was forced to be isolated. You gave her normalcy in a life of responsibility and I thank you for that. You are always welcome with us.”
As he finishes his speech, a tsunami of emotion overwhelm me and I feel tears streaking down my face as fast as a satomobile.
He…He really means all that?
“T-Thank you.” I mutter, so overcome with my feelings that it comes out weak. “Thank you so much.”
Then, without even thinking, I wrap him in a tight hug. I feel Tonraq briefly tense up in surprise but melts away as he wraps his arms around me in a fatherly gesture.
Despite the darkness that is soon to come, nothing can ruin this.
Korra’s POV
We have arrived.
After radioing Zaheer, he told me to meet him at an area called Laghima’s Peak. Considering his admiration for Guru Laghima, I can’t say I’m surprised at the destination. There, I will turn myself in while Mako, Bolin, and Asami go to the Northern Air Temple and collect the airbenders.
Y/N is staying to help Tonraq, Lin, Suyin, and the rest of the Zaofu guards. I still don’t like that they’re here because he’s still injured. But it was unsurprising that they refused to stay. They’re stubborn like me.
That’s one of the many reasons why we get along so much. Little can be done to change our minds.
Much like I’m not changing my mind on my surrender. It is time.
As Tonraq and Suyin walk down the ramp of the airship, Lin, my friends and I are at the entrance. There the Chief of Beifong passes me a radio. The plan is for Mako to radio me the very instant they spot the airbenders in the temple. That way it will prevent us from falling for a trap.
Turning to Asami, a worried concern on her beautiful face, I pull the black-haired woman into a tight hug. As we embrace, I feel warmth and…something else. Something tender.
Now’s not the time to think about that, though.
“Be careful, Korra.” She tells me, her spiritual voice worried and caring.
“You too.” I add back.
When we pull apart, I look at Mako and, despite the awkwardness that has been going around us since our breakup, I wrap him in a hug too. After a brief moment of surprise and hesitation, he hugs back too. I’m glad we can still being friends after everything.
Before I can even react, Bolin pulls me into a massive, tight hug that threatens to spill the air from my lungs, sobbing as he does so. Classic Bolin.
Y/N also hugs the others to, wishing them luck, and soon afterwards we walk down the ramp of the airship, my glider in my hand.
As we finally exit the airship, I see dad walking towards me with a worried look on his face. No doubt his fatherly instincts are kicking in.
“Don’t worry, Dad.” I assure him. “I’ll be all right.”
Then, like my friends, he pulls me into a tight embrace. “I just want you to know how proud I am of you. The risk you're taking to save the Air Nation will be remembered for generations.”
The words from dad lift my spirits somewhat but I can still feel the intensity. Still, I smile.
“I love you, Dad.”
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
As he starts walking to the metalbenders, I give him one last piece of advice. “And Dad, watch out for Zaheer. He's not very fond of world leaders.”
Despite this warning, my father doesn’t seem concerned. He still looks and sounds confident as ever. “I can handle him. Just stay focused on your mission.”
Then, finally, I turn to Y/N. Despite being mostly recovered, I can still the faint bruises and cuts from the Earth Queen’s torture. When I saw my best friend in such a brutalised and disfigured state…I had felt so much. Panic, sadness, anger, hate.
Despite Y/N’s reassurances that it wasn’t my fault…I would be lying if I said part of me still doesn’t blame myself. While I was stuck in a desert my best friend who has always stayed by me was being tortured to near death.
While I wish it never happened, another part of me is glad that the Earth Queen is dead. And I don’t know what that says about me.
But enough thinking about the past, I need to focus on the present.
Now, I see Y/N trying to give me a confident smile but I can see it faltering. They have been through so much. First their parents, then the Earth Queen, and now this. Once this is all over, I am going to make it up to them. I will.
“How are you feeling?” they ask me in a gentle tone.
Such a simple question that asks so much.
“Honestly?” I as them rhetorically. “I’m scared. But I know I have to do this.”
They sigh heavily but, in an attempt to lift the tension, chuckles dryly. “I guess that’s in the Avatar job description, huh?”
The light joke works as a good chuckle erupts of me and so does Y/N. They always had a way with their humour.
“I suppose not.” I tell them with a small smile and I pull them into a tight, tight hug. The embrace soothes my fears and thoughts of failure.
“Please, be careful.” Y/N desperately tells me as if they’re begging.
“Only if you’re careful too.” I retort.
We pull apart and, after an exchange of small smiles, they walk towards Tonraq and the metalbenders.
Shifting my attention away from the group, I glance upwards to the very top of the the peak.
Time to face Zaheer.
Pulling out the wings from my glider, I use my airbending to thrust myself into the wild air as fast as Equalist Jets back in Republic City.
As I am gliding to the top of the mountain, I turn on the radio. “Mako, did you see the airbenders?”
“Not yet. We’re just arriving. Don’t turn yourself over until I get a visual on them.”
Got it.
When I finally reach to the rendevouz, I spot them. There, standing at the far edge of the mountain is Zaheer and the combustion bender with an airship right behind them.
Instead of stopping right in front of them, I land a good distance away at a lower relief.
No-one says a word for a brief moment. Until…
“Drop your staff and surrender yourself.” Zaheer commands, voice stern and powerful.
I stay where I am.
“Don’t make me come get you!”
I still do not move an inch. I need to wait until Mako gives me confirmation that the airbenders are there.
Feeling impatient, I radio him again. “Mako, what’s going on?”
The response is immediate.
“They're here. And so is the lavabender.”
“Tell Ghazan to let the airbenders go!” I shout at Zaheer, hoping the anger in my voice will make him to back down and listen to my demands.
It doesn’t. Instead, his features flash with irritation. “Not 'til you turn yourself over. This isn't a negotiation.”
Then, he pulls out his own radio. “Wipe them out!”
“No!” I immediately let out, panic now replacing my anger. Then, in defeat, I add “I’m coming.”
The combustion bender marches down the slope toward me and I head to meet her. As I do so, I hear Zaheer order Ghazan to stand down.
Good. So far, so good. This can still work.
When I finally reach close to the incoming woman, I notice her holding cuffs. I drop my staff and radio and she immediately uses them to cuff my wrists and angles.
Dammit. I didn’t think of this. Maybe, I can metalbend them?
“Don't bother trying to metalbend out of these.” She tells me, answering my unspoken question as if she read my mind. “They're platinum.”
Then, with a light shove on my back, I start walking to Zaheer and the ship.
Okay, good. Everything is going to plan. The airbenders will finally be free again…even if I might not be around to see it. I am ready.
We reach to near the airship and before we get a foot closer, I hear my radio turn on.
“Korra, it was a trick! They're not here. Don't turn yourself over!”
Engraged, I glare daggers right into Zaheer’s emerald eyes. “We had a deal!”
Then, before he or his ally can restrain me, I jump upwards and use my feet to separate the two criminals with my airbender whilst creating distance from me!
The battle has begun.
I am holding onto one of the many metalbenders as we hang from the mountain with the cables. We have been in this position for a while now. Something doesn’t feel right.
My concerns are confirmed when, beside the guard and I, Chief Beifong’s radio switches on and I hear Mako’s voice.
“Chief, get Korra out of there. Now!”
“Go, go!” Lin immediately barks out and in a flash we are all thrust forward along the metal cables from point to point of the mountain side until we finally reach to the top.
Me, Lin, Suyin, and the guards of Zaofu land on the mountain and we immediately start our pursuit towards Korra.
As we rush forward step by step, using all the energy within us to speed up our charge, I see the combustion bender leaping up into the cloudy sky and land with a loud crash right in front of us.
Before I can warn the others, she leans slightly back to charge up her attack and unleash a powerful explosion of orange and red. I barely manage to jump out of the way, knocked slightly forward by the explosion, and land on my feet. When I recovered, I see the Chief and Suyin launching rock disks, boulders as fierce projectiles towards our enemy. She effortlessly dodges each and every one and purposefully angles her explosions to force the two Beifongs to take cover beneath a large rock.
Even the guards, despite outnumbering her, are no match for her and they are soon blasted off the mountain afterwards!
I need to get closer to her!
But, every time I try to the slightest step, she fires an explosion in my direction, forcing me to dodge its fiery grip. Dammit!
It stays like that for a few minutes, an intense standstill as she launches explosion after explosion after explosion to keep me out of the way. She does the same to the rock the sisters are hiding behind, not allowing them to exploit her focus on me.
Dammit, dammit, dammit!
The more I stand here and waste our time, the more time Zaheer has to take Korra away! This has to end now!
I know the risks the Chief told me about repeating the same tactic but this is my only chance. I have to get close and chi-block her!
I need to do this! For Korra! For the Air Nation!
Forgetting all my fears and worries, I rush forward.
The combustion bender, who was currently focused on the Beifongs, is startled by sudden boost of aggression and starts aiming and firing. But I was just expecting that and, like our previous confrontation, barely manage to dodge and flip away from her explosions. The heat scorches my skin but I ignore it, and I continue my advance.
Come on, come on, come on.
Then, like last time, when I have gotten too close to her she firebends a red tsunami towards me and I sink to my knees so it would pass right over me. Despite the pain on my legs as I slide across the rock, I rise to my knees and-
-And knocked backwards as the combustion bender throws a fire kick right at me, the flames hitting right into my chest and knocking me back onto the ground!
I try to rise upwards but the pain from the attack and the injuries from my torture by the Earth Queen becomes too much. Everytime I try to rise, a searing pain erupts at my back like a dagger.
“There was no way I was going to fool for that again.” She barks out with a sadistic smile, clearly taking pleasure from winning the rematch.
I failed…
She leans back, charging up her attack…
I’m sorry, Korra…
She leans forward…
I’m so, so sorry…
And metal wraps around her entire head as soon as the explosion begins to form. A loud BOOM is heard from within the metal encase…
Her head…
Her head is gone…
Then, in a blink of an eye, what’s left of the combustion bender falls to the ground, smoking rising from the metal surrounding the area of what was left of the head. Completely devoid of life.
Eyes widen and heart pounding, I stare at the corpse.
I then glance to my right and I see the two Beifong sisters, the matriarch devoid of her metallic armour.
It was her…
Suyin…saved my life.
The scream of utter anguish from Zaheer snaps me out of my trance and I look to the source.
There, standing motionless at the top of the mountain, is the leader of the Red Lotus. From what I can see from the distance, sadness and regret paints across his features.
I then remember what he said to me back in the Spirit World…
“One of them...she...she was the love of my life.”
I then glance at the combustion bender. At P’li.
He…He loved her.
And now she’s dead.
Somehow, despite everything he has done, I feel…sorry for him.
Then the sound of firebending brings me back to reality.
I see Zaheer dodging from projectiles made of fire. Korra!
“Y/N, come on!” Suyin yells.
Rising to my feet, I run faster than I have ever run before and when I’m close enough Suyin grabs onto my arm and sends a metal cable up to the higher relief where the two fighters were along with her sister.
When we reach to the top, what we see shocks me.
Standing at the edge of the mountain is Zaheer, holding an unconscious Korra over her shoulders, staring down at us. But…
He has no way out.
There’s an airship, yes, but its far away from him.
We got him!
“It’s over, Zaheer!” Suyin shouts.
I was expecting at least an inch of fear to be written across his face. But instead…
He closes his eyes in calm serenity.
“Let go your earthly tender.”
“Release the Avatar!” Lin commands him.
Something’s wrong…
“Enter the void.”
Something is definitely wrong…
“Stop, Zaheer!” I shout to deaf ears.
“Empty and become wind.”
He opens his emerald eyes and glares right at me.
And then takes a step back…
“NO!” I yell and we all begin rushing forward!
No, no, no, no, no, no, please, please, no.
When we reach the end, what I see shakes me to the core.
Instead of seeing nothing at all, we see Zaheer…floating.
How…How is he doing this?!
In vain attempts, Suyin and Lin shoot out their metal cables right at him…
…only to simply fly away from them.
He is flying…
And then, he flies away….
With Korra in hand…
And, in just a minute, Zaheer becomes a tiny spec until he fades into the grey clouds.
We lost…
I failed.
First Ba Sing Se…
And now Korra.
And that's it!
I hope you all enjoyed it! :D
Feedback is appreciated!
See you all in the next chapter!
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A Heart, Brimming With Light
Part 1: Endings and Beginnings
He had always known this day would come.
The adventure was finished. The threat of the Roaring had been averted. And the balance between Light and Dark had been restored. Their immediate purpose fulfilled, the darkners visiting from their respective worlds had been returned to their rightful places, to continue their roles as assistants to the lightners that had need of them.
And now, there was only one thing left to do.
Something much more difficult, more painful, than forcing a Titan back. Something he'd always known he'd have to do since meeting them. Something he'd managed to put off wondering about, something he'd almost succeeded in convincing himself couldn't possibly happen until suddenly it was happening and Ralsei had no idea what to do or how to be when the two most important people in his short, sad life - the most important person to him - were ready to shrug off the mantle of "heroes" as easily as if it were a tatty overcoat, and go back to their humdrum, enchanted lives as teenagers.
'Hey, cheer up Ralsei,' said Susie, knocking his shoulder gently with a clawed fist and shooting him a toothy grin. 'Y'know we're gonna be coming straight back here after school tomorrow, right? So ya better have somethin' absolutely freaking DELICIOUS for us when we get here!'
He clutched the spot where she made contact, pretending to wince. She rolled her eyes, but snorted in approval when he broke out into a wide smile and a sly wink.
'Of course, Susie!' he chirped, 'it would be my pleasure. Is there, um, any flavour you would prefer…?'
'How 'bout you surprise us? It's no fun if you just TELL us what it's gonna be in advance! Right Kris?'
All eyes fell onto the human, looking for their response. But it seemed as if they hadn't heard her. Their head was bowed slightly, as if daydreaming.
'…Kris?' said Susie, waving a hand in front of their face. 'Hey, Kris, you in there?'
'It's, um… it's okay,' said Ralsei, gently lowering her arm with a pat. 'I'm… sure they're just tired after everything that's happened. Some rest will do them some good, I'm sure.'
'Arright, DAD. Whatever you say. So, big ass cake tomorrow, yeah? To celebrate our win and all that crap.'
The caprine hummed quietly, but something in his expression must have leaked through, because his friend's eyebrow lifted slightly and her exuberent smile became a terse frown.
'…hey, uh, Ralsei. Is everythin'…'
'You… don't have to.'
Susie blinked. 'Don't… have to what?'
'Come back here tomorrow.'
'But hey… wait, what? You kidding, toothpaste boy? Why wouldn't we, huh?'
He did his best to repress a sigh. She really was the best… even if she'd never admit as much. And his heart sank just that little bit lower.
'…Kris isn't the only one who's tired,' he said. 'That last fight… took a lot out of all of us. I'm barely holding it together myself right now, haha. And I know you're putting on a superb facade, Susie, but… well, you need rest too. We all do, I think. So, why don't we give tomorrow, um, a miss and you can come back here the day after, hm?'
'But that's Sunday, dude. And besides, I ain't tired at all! You nerds just can't keep up with my… my--'
The dragoness's maw hinged open to let forth a mighty yawn, almost roarlike in its ferocity. Then she seemed to realise what she was doing halfway through, and clamped her jaws shut with a snap.
'…liar,' Ralsei smirked, adjusting his glasses.
'Yeah WELL,' she intoned through clenched teeth, 'It's cause you're all so BORING and shit. All "you should give hugs more often, Susie", and "look after your wellbeing, Susie". You're really annoying, and boring, and lame, and I… I, uhh…'
Another yawn cut her tirade short.
'…okay FINE I guess I am a little tired. Happy now?'
The prince gave her a smile, taking her hand in his before she could withdraw it. Ahh, how warm her touch, how soothing the feel of her hand enveloping his! If only he could somehow reach across destiny and take hold of his friends whenever he wished… if only he could know that warmth until the end of time… maybe then, he could bear what had to come next.
'Rest well, both of you,' said the prince softly. 'And thank you both so much for everything you've done. You're every bit the heroes I thought you'd be. A-and I, um… well, I'll miss… I mean, I'll… see you soon. Okay?'
'You got it, man,' replied Susie, returning the smile.
Then, Ralsei turned to Kris, who still seemed lost in thought. He deliberated for a moment, before unwinding his scarf and handing it to them.
'Something to remember our time together by,' he said. 'Take… um, take good care of it. Okay?'
They stared at it for a moment, seeming baffled by the gesture, and the prince was afraid they might not accept it. But then, they seemed to understand, and reached out to gently take the bundle of fabric from his hands. Their fingers brushed lightly against his skin, in a slow way that almost made it seem deliberate. But Ralsei had never been good at reading Kris's mood or intent., not even at this last vital juncture.
'W-well,' he said, no longer able to hide his cheeks flushed pink,'I, um… think it suits you, Kris…'
He was cut short as they scooped him up into a tight hug, and the rosy glow upon Ralsei's face became burning scarlet. The refreshing scent of apples washed through the prince's nostrils, and a hint of something else, that unmistakable Kris-scent that reminded him so much of a home he lost long ago.
To have lost it once was unfortunate. To lose it all over again, like this…
'Hey… Hey Ralsei,' said Susie, 'You just gonna give Kris your scarf and not give ME anything?! What gives, dude?'
'You've already extorted a cake from me, in case you forgot,' he replied, still glowing from Kris's embrace. 'This way, you have something to, um, look forward to when you come back! And if you still want a scarf for yourself, then… well, I'll knit you one, how's that sound?'
Susie tch'd, rolling her eyes. 'Yeah, I mean I GUESS that's fine…'
'Good! Then… well, you'd best be going, hadn't you? It wouldn't do to keep all your friends and family waiting, would it now?'
'Yeah, yeah, we hear ya,' Susie waved a claw lazily at him. 'C'mon Kris, let's leave his royal highness alone for a bit, if that's what he wants.'
No, he wanted to scream. No, it's not! Stay, please, just for another minute! Don't step back into the light, because when you do…
The lightners' shadows grew long as they stepped towards the doorway back to their world, footsteps echoing in the void between them, louder than the frantic beating of Ralsei's breaking heart.
'Good-bye, my beloved friends…' he whispered to their backs, as light swallowed their forms without trace. 'I wish you nothing but happiness and love, back where you belong…'
Kris turned, scarf clutched tightly in their hands, and opened their mouth as if to say something in return.
And then, the light flickered, faded, and was gone. And the only sound that could be heard in the darkness then was the lonely prince's faint, broken sobbing.
A day passed. Two days. A week. And the lightners did not return.
His footsteps echoed through the forlorn castle, the stonework creaking with old memories. He shouldn't have been surprised. He shouldn't have been so bitterly crushed by it. The truth was self-evident - darkness and light could never mix for long, except during times of great need. With that need now fulfilled, the light would cleanse their memories of their adventures, of the hardships and triumphs they had shared…
…and of him, as well.
This was not a secret to Ralsei. He had known this would happen from the moment of his inception, and he had acknowledged it as an immutable law of the cosmos. It was for the good of all worlds, after all, and that knowledge would sustain him in his loneliness.
But a spark had ignited in his heart, which corroded that unfeeling logic and overturned all rational thought. The deathly light of hope burned Ralsei, small but blindingly bright amidst the otherwise-unbroken abyss of the dark world, a fire that comforted him with the faint possibilty that they might yet return, even as it chilled him with the disappointment that they would likely never think of him ever again.
It was a light that could not hope to survive contact with reality. But no matter how hard he tried, the Prince of the Dark could not completely extinguish it. And so it seared him anew each day, wearing away at his resolve and driving him to resentment at his cruel fate.
What reward was this, for helping to save reality? To have his heart filled and buoyed up by love and friendship, only to have it sink back into the primordial nothingness? Where was the fairness in that?
Next to this monstrous injustice, no memory could offer succour, no matter how wonderful it was.
Finally, he arrived at his destination. The crooked blue door had faded slightly - its purpose long-since fulfilled, it was now destined to return to the formless dark that had created this world. But Ralsei still had need of it, and would not let it fade without one final purpose.
The room beyond was achingly empty. Gone were the bedside tables and drawers, that had been piled high with shiny trinkets and thoughtful gifts. Gone was the large wardrobe off in the corner, which contained every conceivable outfit that a young person working themself out could ever hope for. Gone was the immaculate bed, soft as a waking dream, and the trophy-stacked shelves that had hung dangerously over it. Gone were the stars, placed there by the prince's own hand and imbued with gentle magic that made them twinkle so prettily in the dark….
Now, it was just an empty room, its bare walls scrubbed of all sentiment. Providence had been thorough and efficient in disposing of its props when they were no longer called for, and it was only through a tremendous force of will that Ralsei had been able to keep hold of this forlorn shell from slipping into oblivion. Here, then, was the very last space in this world that tied him back to the light; back, however tenuously, to Kris.
He set down some objects on the floor, carefully laying them out as if they were each divine relics… which from a certain point of view, they were. Objects that had been gathered together on his many adventures with the lightners, appropriated for their seeming significance, though he'd hardly understood why at the time. But now he knew, and it was with great apprehension and anticipation that he set them out in preparation for his ritual.
A moth-eaten jumper, its green and yellow stripes faded by time. Gloves and socks, all of completely different colours, patterns and sizes, that had been lost over the years behind chests of drawers and computer desks. A small shock of brown hair, the only surviving memento of a disasterous attempt at a self-haircut. A well-worn pencil that had been chewed and sharpened down to a misshapen nub. And tying it all together, a heart-shaped box of tooth-decaying, gut-destroying chocolates, wrapped up pretty with a large blue ribbon.
Ralsei cast a weary eye over the arrangement. All junk, all of it. No longer worthy of purpose, the dark did not bless them with form or thought. But he would give them new purpose, and with it would come new form, and new thought. Such would be his final act as Prince of the Dark.
…well then. No more stalling.
Standing before the display, clasping his hands together as tightly as he could manage, Ralsei closed his eyes and prayed. Almost at once his magic responded, manifesting as smoky wisps of green that trailed through the air around him. Once a spell for healing, he had turned it to a new function, and the cords of his will snaked their way down to the effigy lying at his feet, clinging to clothes and hair and heart-shaped object like stubborn memories that refused to die.
They meant nothing to anyone. No-one would miss them. But gathered here now, bathed in a pallid glow, they meant something to Ralsei. They meant so much to him. He would use that power - the very same power that had breathed life into him, oh so long ago. And he would never, ever be lonely again.
Something tugged at the forefront of his mind, and he felt the magic streaming from his body run taut - a connection had been established. He willed himself to remain calm, to not become overexcited - seconds later, however, his burgeoning joy dipped into concern, and then panic, as the spell, greedy for more power, began to draw yet more energy from his form. The prince tried to pull it back, to stem the onrushing tide, but to no avail.
Could he have miscalculated? He had known there was a risk, that no darkner alive could hope to harness the scope of magicks required to perform such a blasphemous act. But such depth of feeling coursed through him, such longing and such heartbreak, that he had assumed would suffice for his purposes. He had not reckoned upon his own creation attempting to wrest it from him in its formative moments.
The tide of power became an unstoppable storm surge, draining into the prone body and disappearing without trace. Viscous pain poured crimson from Ralsei's chest, spreading through his body like an out-of-control conflagration, as every last drop of his energy and focus was siphoned into the rogue spell. And as his mind grew hazy and his vision blurred, a strange resignation washed over him.
It didn't matter what happened to him, really. This, after all, was an act of profound love. If he had to die so that his masterwork could live… in a way, it would be like immortality, of a sort. His energy, his will, would live on through them. And that wouldn't be so bad, now would it…?
Then… CRACK.
The psychic blowback from the spell's breaking sent Ralsei careening backwards, almost as far as the doorway leading to the rest of the castle. There he lay, dazed and bewildered, while the world around him spun and swayed like a jittering carousel. The pain from earlier seemed very far away and unimportant, until suddenly it was upon him again, collecting in his lungs and manifesting in a shuddering coughing fit. Then, once he had ejected the worst of it from himself, the fatigue rushed in to take its place, filling him with a cool torpor that pinned him in place.
What had happened? Clearly the exertion hadn't killed him - he was much too alive for that - but why had the connection shattered so abruptly? He had never experienced such a thing before - there again, he had never attempted something that required so much energy as this. To heal was merely to repair what already existed - you had a template to follow. But this - attempting to create something entirely new - this was the work of a god, and would require equivalent levels of determination and power.
Had… had his grand experiment failed…? Was he truly destined to remain alone for the rest of his life, waiting for the Quiet to overcome him as it would everything else?
He heard it before he saw it - the rustling of clothes, the scraping of a soft hand against rugged stone, a sharp, deep intake of breath. Then, footsteps, stomping and irregular, growing louder, louder… still louder…
And then, a face loomed into vision. So familiar and yet… etched onto that angelic visage was an expression of clear concern and fear, eyes shimmering with questions, deep sadness and curiosity and love, all at once. An unseen hand squeezed his paw, sending warmth running through the prince's ice-cold veins.
'…are you okay…?' the person asked.
Ralsei attempted to say something back, his quivering heart fit to shatter completely, but could only manage the first syllable before darkness overtook him and he knew no more.
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darkparablesthorst · 1 year
Earl Grey
Paring: Henryk/Fiancee!Reader
Content: SFW. Fix-it, Henryk never wages war against Solwood, slight angst, Henryk is socially awkward
Word Count: 919 words
Notes: Why do they always eat or have tea in my drabbles lmfao. 
Henryk returned the teacup to the saucer with a barely audible clink. He rolled his tongue against the back of his teeth, noting the citrusy, bittersweet taste of Earl Grey that coated every crevice of his mouth. 
"Did you like the tea, Your Majesty?"
"Yes, it's delightful," Henryk replied shortly before lapsing into a long silence that soaked through his layers and clung to his skin. 
His tongue lashed against the back of his teeth again. 
The subtle clink of porcelain brought him back to focus.
"Wonderful. It's my favorite. It was an auspicious day when the diplomat from the Western Empire brought such a gift. Being on the other side of the world, it was a rare commodity in my country that I rarely found the opportunity to indulge in," you said. Henryk couldn’t tear his eyes away from the slight pout of your lips.
 "Is it? Your favorite, I mean," he replied, clearing his throat. 
"Indeed, Your Majesty."
"I see."
Another moment of silence passed. The longer he grasped for a thread of conversation to weave, the more he frayed at the seams. Despite the hours, the years, he poured into books on etiquette and decorum, the art of social grace had always eluded him. Being duty-bound and devoted to one’s responsibilities fell short when one lacked the wit to forge connections, both personal and political. He made the mistake of presuming that material exchanges were enough to compensate for his silence, and he had to endure a harsh lesson at the dissolution of his first engagement.
Under the look you cast at him from across the table, one that pulled at those fraying threads to quicken his unraveling, he felt the sting of Wanda’s rejection all over again. 
“Your Majesty,” you began as if coming upon a sagely conclusion but not without an indiscernible smile on your face, “I thank you for making time for my invitation to tea. However, it would be a shame if I were forcing you away from more important matters at this moment.” 
Henryk clenched his hands on his lap under the table. It seemed like he had fumbled once again. 
However, your smile widened a smidge as you continued. “Which is why it is pertinent that we are comfortable during our short time together.”
Henryk stiffened. “You do not mind my silence?”
“Not at all.” Your expression softened as you continued. “I’d forego the torture of forced pleasantries in any given situation if I could. Alas, I am only human,” you ended with a laugh. “Besides, we are to be married in a few days’ time. We have the entirety of our marriage to become better acquainted with each other.”
Marriage. He felt the tips of his ears burn, and a flare of hope bloomed in his chest. 
“Very well.” He nodded stiffly. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, my dear.”
The endearment flustered him so much that he reached for his cup and gulped down a mouthful of lukewarm tea, barely stopping himself from choking. You spared him further embarrassment by stifling your giggles, though amusement lit your eyes as you raised your tea cup in silent cheers. 
A week after your wedding, Henryk awoke with you in the Queen’s Palace and led you to an orchard of trees and flowering bushes. Arm-in-arm, you took a stroll about as you enjoyed the early morning breeze. 
“An entire orchard! How auspicious!” You examined the blooming flowers and the fruits hanging overhead. “But I must say that bergamot and tea plants are a strange choice for a garden.”
Henryk offered you a smile. “Most unusual indeed. But we are fortunate to have the best tea makers employed by the castle. They have acquired the means to produce Earl Grey, and these happen to be its fundamental ingredients.”
You halted in your tracks, causing Henryk to stop himself, and stare at your husband with wide eyes and a slack jaw.
“You… planted an entire orchard just to make Earl Grey?”
“Yes. You did mention that it was your favorite tea.”
You fell silent, and Henryk felt the first twinges of worry begin to take their hold since the day you kissed on the altar.
Until you burst out laughing, clinging onto his sleeve for dear life as both breath and composure left you.
“Oh, I should remember to be careful of what I say around you,” you say, wiping a tear from your eye. “Let’s hope that I never wish for the destruction of a country or anyone for that matter.”
“Is it… too much?” He asked with a crestfallen face.
“Don’t be ridiculous. Of course it is!” He flinched and made to pull away from your grasp before you tightened your hold.. “Not so fast, love. I’m not done.” A smile drew across your face. “I am flabbergasted, but also very flattered. I am quite the lucky woman to be married to you,” you teased as you leaned on his arm. “Now, you must make sure that we are the first to taste the first and best yield of this orchard. As for the pastries to partner it with…”
The rest of your words faded into a pleasant tune in his ears. You were happy to be his wife, to be the recipient of his affection, to be his queen. The joy he felt almost ached, transcending to euphoria at the feeling of your arm entwined in his, chatting away about afternoon tea, while the ripe bergamots and tea flowers in full bloom swayed in the sweet breeze. 
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spike-dearheart · 8 months
It would probably be greedy of me to ask for a little of everything for the wip ask game lol but you KNOW I'm super curious about hearing more for "meeting the parents and definitely not exploding with anxiety" I love your takes on Moist and Adora already, and am excited to see how you explore Adora's family!
@creativenicocorner Brooooo literally you can ask for any and all at any time hahaha
So this entire fic is like.... me spitting out a lot of Adora thoughts on paper. all her jadedness, all her grief, and all these IDEAS about what it means to try and exist when tragedy happens to you??
(also this DOES fit like a puzzle piece with the "Moist/Adora Wedding" fic that I don't have anything written down for yet but WILL happen one day, no doubt, lmao. But first I gotta use this fic to nail down my thoughts about Adora's parents)
I will subject you to multiple snippets because I have so many thoughts and feelings but essENTIALLY the plot is "Moist gets invited for Sunday dinner at the Dearheart house and him and Adora have a really really normal one about it as both of their anxieties skyrocket" because I do think it's just fun and interesting to see the normally VERY practical and in-control Adora in a place where she's like?? actually pretty uncomfortable??
(I think Adora values her privacy and as much as she loves Moist and knows he's gonna meet her family eventually, she keeps herself and her past and all the ways she feels about the past on an EXTREMELY tight leash, so opening up is like trying to open a walnut with nothing but tweezers)
Anyway, snippets under the cut because I get the feeling it'll be kinda long lmaoooo
Adora huffed and looked away, the words coming out of her mouth the way prisoners escape from a dungeon – in a rush and not too keen on being there anymore. “You’re being invited to Sunday dinner.” “Am I?” “Apparently.” Moist stared at her as she continued to stare at the wall with an uncomfortable tension in her shoulders, a low blush rising on her cheeks that she seemed determined to ignore. He flipped over all the words she’d said to him thus far, looking for clues until he was at last forced to inquire for further details. “And… who’s inviting me?” Moist cleared his throat, adding, “Since, as you said, you have no interest in asking me this?” Adora chewed her lip and answered through clenched teeth, “Mr. and Mrs. Dearheart.” “Mr. and—” Moist started, then cut himself off with a gulp.
In all his time with Adora Belle, Moist realized that he had conjured up a mental image for what the Dearheart home might be like, based solely on Spike herself. A large, austere gothic mansion had seemed to be the ticket, really. Someplace with crows atop it and big iron gates with spikes and killer dogs in the yard. Somewhere that had stayed trapped in mourning and tragedy, lots of black all over everything, sooty residue of cigarette smoke making every room a dark and sober thing. Instead of this. This simple, small place on an ordinary street. Sitting like an ordinary house that existed in an ordinary world. It had shutters with peeling paint which might have been a cheerful teal color, once, and it had a little mailbox with a bird painted on it, and a doormat that said “Wipe Your Feet!”
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