#bc my old tab was so outdated
i downloaded an apk n now im not filled with rage every time i open the tumblr app peace and love on planet earth
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vounoura · 2 months
Hello there! I realize that this is a shot in the dark, but are you by any chance the person that used to have a world building side-blog about Ceathin? I just had a bolt of memory about it and had to go searching through an old email to find any traces of it (i used to send you asks in 2018 about it). I have been missing that world dearly, and if you were at ALL willing I would be so so thankful if you would be willing to share any of that lore. If not, I completely understand, have a good day!
Hi! Not a long shot at all, yes that was me! The blog was mystilfyn, I still have it but it’s been locked for….I want to say four or five years.
Everything on that blog got extremely outdated about a year or two after I made it, and in a bad mental health episode I got a little paranoid about people seeing my personal work - I’m still a little skeevy about it today, to be completely honest, but the headworld itself is still going very strongly and has been for the last six to eight years or so. A lot of it has been scrapped and rebuilt iterations over the years, so while I’m extremely touched that you still remember it (I remember you, btw!! Hello!!) I’m not comfortable bringing the blog back atm bc it’s not an accurate representation of my work anymore, and it’s changed (and I’ve gotten much better at certain aspects, ie. conlanging) as I’ve grown up with it.
So while there’s not much I can bring back or show you, I can show you a snippet of grammar in my conlang document (in a perpetual state of unfinished):
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(big thanks to the conlang reddit guide on active-stative languages I pulled a lot of the terminology from as well!)
and a couple pics / comms of one of my most beloved characters from there, Ryon•Kuráán•Valkaan ['ʁiʊn 'kuren vʊl'ka:n], long-murdered immortal bloodlord, godking and god of conquest;
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and the first tab of my flight rising lair has vague snippets of lore since my main g1 project is headworld stuff!
Unfortunately bc 99% of my lore is kept in DMs with the friend I worldbuild / conlang with (you know who you are <3), I don’t have any central place I can point you to, but if you have specific questions I’m happy to answer them here!
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cicadagaze · 2 years
howdy, I'm Gremlin (but Cass/Cassander or Cicada are fine too!) and this is my battle cat blog B)
I mostly post about my ocs, but I do post the very occasional design or canon art too (most commonly Nightstar). please feel free to ask me about any of my ocs! I am always happy to talk about them <3
I am also currently doing a reread of the ENTIRE series in chronological order!! (help) currently I'm reading: Tallstar's Revenge
more about me here!
I don't consistently make designs anymore, and the vast majority of the designs I've made here are extremely outdated now lol but feel free to request some cats!
I will only do one request per ask, so while you can request multiple (but please don't request like 20 cats at once. keep it to a max of 5), I will only choose one to draw. I haven't read any arcs past DotC, so requests for cats past then I may not get around to for a while due to just a general lack of knowledge about them :(
I can't guarantee I'll get around to requests super quickly, bc I get burnt out wayyyy too easily, and have very little energy to begin with lol.
also btw, my activity/note notifications do not work (and have not for a while now). so if you reply to a post, i may not see it til much later because tumblr no longer shows me when i have notifications except for a brief moment if i refresh the page or open a new tab 👍 asks and messages still show up fine tho
all my designs are free to use with credit! please tag me if you use any of my designs!! :] (but please do not use any of my old designs)
finished designs
name generator | cat generator | clan generator
rotclan | whiskerclan (the doc!) | thriftclan
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dancefloor · 2 years
Oh yeah i see what you mean! Tbh it was clear to me a few years ago (when i read THT) that Gilead is uuuh not that impossible to create exactly in this current situation and politicsl climate; my first thought yesterday when I found out about roe vs wade being overturned was "so the US is getting even closer to being Gilead". And yeah, the tv adaptation getting so popular was not a good thing in handsight, imo, not to mention how they completely misunderstood and butchered the main idea and message of the book at some point, so i stopped watching the tv show ... smh there's more seasons coming out when they literally covered the book in s1? It's weird bc Atwood is, as far as i know, still advising on the show. I'm curious to know what you mean by Atwood's feminism in relation to her age and Elizabeth Moss' hypocrisy as I don't keep tabs on either of them lol. And side note: when you get back to reading and find the strength for a chunky 600-page read, The Blind Assassin will amaze you ❤️
yep!!! im someone whos only seen the show (so far, but i do plan on reading the book) and a part of me appreciates the access the show provides to the story, as the books are just something a lot of people aren’t interested in; a part of me appreciates the fact that it allows a story that, at its core, is a feminist one, to creep into the mainstream; a part of me appreciates handmaids-themed protest creeping into the real world; another part of me hates how the show and its hollywoodized version of the story waters it down to something so easily digestible, cliffhanger-filled and money-driven. on one hand it’s a step forward, on the other hand it’s a step back for feminism.
re: atwood’s age, i mostly meant that there tends to be a large difference in how younger generations view feminism vs how older generations view feminism. ask an average gen z-er what they think the word means and they’ll probably be quick to touch on intersectionality, diversity, and pronouns; ask an average baby boomer what they think the word means and they’ll likely mention the right to vote, or further “basic” points of second-wave feminism (the right to work, the right to bodily autonomy etc). both interpretations are important and vital to the movement, but both interpretations are very different yet somehow manage to shape feminism as a movement in equally impactful ways.
that’s why i find atwood’s feminism very fascinating because, while it stems from a decades-old interpretation of what feminism means, it’s still relevant (and i’d argue her literary contributions are vital) to the movement as we know it now. on the other hand, tht fails in its explicit inclusion of minorities i.e. trans men, poor women, women of colour — which would likely not be the case if tht were written today. tht is a product of its time but it’s extremely progressive for its time but it still holds up but it could also be argued that it’s a little outdated. so there’s a lot going on there and i don’t have any conclusions about any of it, i just think about it lol.
re: elizabeth moss’ hypocrisy, all i meant w that is that she portrays the main character in an inherently feminist story… while being in an (among other oppressive labels) sexist cult, and denying any comparisons between gilead’s sexism and scientology’s sexism. she’s definitely making some choices. lmao
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[SF] I Am Proud: Act 1
He gently pushed open the glass door, triggering the grey floor and ceiling to dimly lit into a yellowish tint, revealing the four white walls that made up his office room.
Slowly and carefully manoeuvering around the small office had been a daily challenge. A singular white pot which contained a slightly withering snake plant, a table and a chair was all it took to completely fill the room.
He sat down on the cushioned swivel chair which had no room to swing towards and logged in to his work computer.
Username: Kurt Atwood
Password: ••••••••
"Welcome back, Kurt Atwood. Censor privileges authorised," A female voice cheerily said from the computer.
With the press of the mouse, Kurt opened his work mail to be given instructions for today's "Censor Duties".
There was one unread message in the folder, sent to him by Mr. Li, the head honcho of Censors. The message said: "Good Morning, Mr Atwood. Please scan through the Chrome articles from the Year 2023. As usual, find and delete any discriminating articles (List of what is considered as discriminating articles are linked at the bottom), have a good day."
Kurt closed the work mail and went on the slightly outdated but still used application known as "Chrome". He right-clicked and pressed on the option "Search by time". In the search bar, Kurt typed in "2023", and then he was virtually transported to the world of the 20's.
Kurt removed the "Search by time" option and typed in some keywords in the search bar: black, white, yellow, brown, rich, poor, society, status...
A total of 34 words that were commonly found in discriminating content had been input, most of which would have resulted in a jail sentence if said out loud.
Exactly 58,905 articles had popped up as a result of the search. Kurt's work had been simple: Read article. Find offensive material. Delete article. Provide reasoning. If the author of the article is still alive, contact the Warriors.
The first article was titled "12 Reasons to Visit Chicago".
"Well, that was quick," Kurt said with a sigh. He copied the article's link on to another tab and then clicked on the checkbox that was marked as "Outdated". Kurt was pretty sure that Chicago, and the whole of America itself, had been no more.
The picture of the author looked young, so he was probably still alive, but articles censored due to outdatedness was not serious enough for the Warriors to deal with, so Kurt clicked on the checkbox titled "No Warriors". The report had been submitted, and the website Kurt immediately vanished.
He did the same thing for another four hours before the electronic clock on the left wall had started beeping, it had been 10 o'clock. A woman spoke from the speakers, "Staff of the Ministry of Equality Building, please report to the nearest Break Room. I repeat..."
Kurt stood up and felt his thighs ache, having to hold on to the chair to lift his weight out of the room. The lights behind him slowly dimmed as he made a turn to go to the Break Room.
The walk there had been a short one, but the hallway itself had been massive. Walking from one side to the other would probably take at least twenty minutes. Each of the forty floors of the building had all been the same: filled with long hallways lined with staff offices.
Following the dozens of other Censors, Kurt strolled into the Break Room. It was the size of around thirty office spaces, lined with oak flooring and a green painted wall.
He walked towards the food dispensers, careful not to bump into anyone, and waited for his food in the queue.
A man wearing a green shirt turned around at Kurt's arrival. Kurt could recognise him immediately, "Hey, Bryan."
"Kurt, my man! How's work?"
"Oh, the usual. I'm scanning through 2023, not alot of discrimination."
"Yeah, people started to wise up in the 2020's. Guess what year I'm looking through."
"I don't know, 2019?"
Bryan chuckled, "Wow. How did you know?"
Kurt shrugged as a response.
"Anyways, I found thirty-two discriminating articles, and a dozen of them required Warrior calls."
"That bad, huh?"
"Yeah... Nasty period of history."
The queue had reached the both of them, Kurt took some fried rice and gravy. The both of them found a seat and sat down. He had no appetite, so he just played around with the rice and ate the vegetables while Bryan rambled on about the extremely racist articles he found, which did not help with his appetite.
Kurt did not like Bryan, he talked too much, but he still accepted his companionship.
Who else could he talk to?
He started thinking about the pictures pasted on the right wall of his office, Bryan's voice slowly drifted away into background ambience. The pictures were taken eight years ago...
What had messed up?
Kurt went back into his office on an empty stomach and sat down staring at the pictures on the wall. It showed a man and his wife holding a small skinny boy.
"Joe..." he whispered to himself, "What should I talk to him about today?
"I could talk about what he learned in school, and how his friends were in school and about how his studies are going."
Alright, that should be able to cover the whole of dinner, he thought.
The workday had suddenly reached its end. A pop-up appeared while Kurt was still reading through an article about foreign workers from China.
The pop-up read that Kurt had censored 21 articles and also told him to proceed to the Testing Area on Level 2.
He took an elevator down to the second floor with a crowd of other people and walked through the large Testing Room entrance.
There were two rows of staff lined up to usher the other employees to vacant tables. They held the shoulder of one employee and gracefully manoeuvered through the rows of tables to bring them to their destination before returning.
One of them smiled at Kurt and reached out his hand to him, prompting Kurt to follow follow him. Together, they arrived at Table 84, where Kurt thanked the usher and sat down.
"Please state your name and BC number while you put on the equipment," the skinny four-eyed man at the other side of the table said, he reminded Kurt of his son.
"Name is Kurt Atwood, code's U056945GX."
Kurt strapped on the grey plastic device onto his chest and stared into the camera placed beside the man's box-shaped computer.
"I'll start when you're ready, Mr Atwood."
"I'm ready."
"You are invited to dinner from an old chinese man, how do you respond?"
"I'll accept the invitation," Kurt answered quickly and calmly.
"A Mexican man offers you a plate of food, do you accept it?"
"Yes, I love Mexicans and their food."
"You realise that your wife had been a lesbian, how do you react?"
"I would hug my wife in joy and tell her that I will still love her very much."
"You realise your son is in love with a transexual woman, how do you respond?"
"I would cry tears of joy."
"You see a chinese man wearing a gold necklace and diamond rings beat up an Indian boy, what do you do?"
"I will tell him to stop and then start to beat him up, and take his diamonds and give it to the boy."
"You see a man on a wheelchair shouting racial slurs at a Swedish woman, what do you do?"
"I will beat up the man."
"Your son beats up an innocent German boy, what do you do?"
"I will tell him to stop and punish him later."
"Would you feel angry if you see a white man donate only a dollar to charity?"
The man stared at the computer and then back at Kurt after a few minutes. "Well, there doesn't seem to be any problems."
"Thank you."
"However, do remember that if your son does beat up an innocent German boy, you don't just punish him, you contact the warriors, understand?"
"Yes, of course. Sorry."
Kurt walked away towards the exit as another employee took his place.
submitted by /u/ImNotweeb [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2ZiSjJJ
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