#nature is healing i am once again free
i downloaded an apk n now im not filled with rage every time i open the tumblr app peace and love on planet earth
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itsmarsss · 2 months
hunchback of notre-dame [Wade Wilson/Deadpool x Reader] (Marvel)
You get this ridiculous idea that you just need to mark a huge heart into his back.
Word count: 1,945
Warnings: sexual innuendos and jokes all around, mention of logan being a 'free pass' in your relationship lol, wade having a hard time grasping intimacy that isn't of a sexual nature, wade feeling self-conscious and speaking badly of his own appearance. established relationship. so many ridiculous and over-the-top pet names.
kiiinda loosely based off this ask- "Deadpool with s/o who keeps biting him? Not sexually (mostly) but I need to CHOMP this man."
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“Please? Please please please please please please? Come onnnn sweetie-pie. Darling-dear. Baby boy. Baby.”
“Oh my God never call me ‘darling-dear’ again, what is this, medieval england?”
“Don’t change the subject!”
“Geez Louise why do you wanna do that so bad? Is it like a biting kink or something?”
“It could be.” You shrug.
“I’m listening.”
You roll your eyes at his reply. “‘Course now you are. I just wanna see how it looks!”
“It’s gonna heal in like two seconds, you know that, right?. I’m not sure it’ll even show.”
“Yeah but get this- what if you tried really really hard to stop it from healing?”
“I… don’t think that’s how it works, pookie-bear,” he tells you, booping your nose along with the ridiculous pet name.
You ignore it. “You don’t know that!”
He stops to think for a couple seconds before letting out an exaggerated sigh. “Fine. This once.”
“Yes! Take your shirt off. And throw it in the wash, how many days have you been wearing it for?”
“Oh, too many to count, sweetheart.” 
“That’s gross, Wade.”
“Hey now, I’m gonna revoke your biting privileges!” He threatens, but proceeds to take the shirt off as and throw it in the hamper anyway.
“Nuh-uh, no take-backsies.”
“Then stop insulting my habits!” He sits down on the bed and you sit yourself on your legs right behind him. 
“What? When have I ever done that?” You feign confusion, kissing his shoulder.
“Now that’s just gaslighting. You’re a gaslighter. A mean, evil, toxic gaslighter and you’re gaslighting me.”
You laugh. “Oh whatever, grown man who needs to be reminded to do his laundry. You ready?”
“Why do you even care so much? You get, like, stabbed on the daily.”
“Yeah but this isn’t… stabbing. Stabbing I’m used to.”
“I can stab you if you want me to.”
“Can you really?” 
“If you’re into that,” you play along.
“Oh you know I am, baby. No but that’s not what I meant.”
You kiss his lower back without a warning, and you can’t contain a smile at the way he shivers. “What do you mean, then?”
“This is… different.” He fidgets with his own hands as he talks, eyes trained on them over his own lap.
“What, not every person you’ve ever dated that’s asked to bite a heart into your back?” You continue kissing your way up his back, up until where you want said heart to start.
“Oh no, everyone asks me for that on the reg actually. I’m actually super mega lucky that I heal so fast, otherwise I’d just have to come home with all those hearts on my back all the time and you would not be happy with that would you?”
You punch his shoulder lightly and he smiles. “You bet I wouldn’t! Only I get to do this, you hear me?” You exclaim, feigning offense.
“Wolvie carved a heart into my thigh once. Hottest thing to ever happen to me. No offense.”
“None taken.” You bite the skin of his back right where you’d just kissed before. Not so hard that it’s meant to hurt, it’s not that kind of night, but not as if he’d break either, since, well, he kind of can’t. You suck lightly on the skin to make sure to leave a tiny mark and it’s a little funny to be doing this with no ulterior motives. “Especially since that for sure never happened.”
“It could have.” 
“If Logan ever carves a fucking heart into your thigh and I’m not there to witness it I will be so mad.” 
“Hey I thought we had a free pass with him!”
“Not if I’m not involved! Or at least get to watch.”
“Aye, aye, captain. Anything else you wanna witness between us, sweetcheeks?”
“I’ll tell you when I’m done, how about that?” You grin before resuming your work, biting and sucking on the scarred skin until you can see the aligned marks almost forming the shape you want them to. 
It’s a shock that it gets him to shut up for even just a few seconds, so it’s no surprise that the silence doesn’t last all that long. “This is…  It’s different… It’s… It’s really intimate isn’t it? Like overwhelmingly so. Is it hot in here, are you hot?”
You stop immediately. “Hey. Don’t freak out on me. I know I insisted a little but I didn’t think you were hesitating ‘cause you were uncomfortable. I wouldn’t have-” 
“No- no no no no no, it’s fine. It’s… Nice. It’s silly, but it’s nice. Just different.”
You stare at him until he manages to get himself to look up at you and nod, easing your worries and letting yourself believe him. “Okay. But only if you’re sure. And don’t call me silly!”
“You’re making it really hard, sugartits.”
“Hey!” You flick the back of his head.
“Ow! What was that for? It’s obvious that by ‘it’ I meant my dick. I was dirty talking. Clearly.”
“You’re ridiculous.” You bite into his skin again. He stays still and weirdly quiet once again, eyes closed and still shivering occasionally as you trace kisses along his back before following them with bites and, finally, the main goal- the hickeys. 
“You done?”
“Almost. Missing three.”
“They all still there?”
“They’re fading, but they’re still there. You trying to keep them?”
He shrugs, very obviously trying his hardest to pretend he doesn’t care. “Well you wanted me to, didn’t you?” 
You smile, cupping his jaw with one of your hands and turning his face to the side so you can give him a quick kiss. 
“Almost done,” you promise.
“Do it harder.”
“Bite harder.”
“What, is this you saying you have some sort of biting kink?”
“First of all, you should have guessed that. Second of all, no, I just don’t want them to fade so fast.” 
“So someone’s enjoying the idea now.”
“Enjoying is pushing it. Curious is a better-fitting word.”
“Yeah, yeah, sure.” Making the last of the marks, you lean back to admire the work. “Done,” you announce, tracing the shape with the tips of your fingers. 
“Well, can I see it?”
“Yeah.” You pull him to his feet and lead him to the full body mirror in the corner of the room. Turning himself around so his back is facing the mirror, he looks over his shoulder so he can see it too.
“You don’t like it?”
“I thought it would… you can barely see it with the… you know. The scars.”
“Of course you can see it! Look!” You trace the shape on his skin with your pointer finger for him to see in the reflection.
“You know what I meant.” 
“I- didn’t want it to make you feel bad. It was really silly anyway. You can let it heal if you want to.”
“It’s not- it’s not that. Fuck, I know this was supposed to be this whole funny haha silly cutesy little thing but I just- I don’t even know why you do it.”
“Do what?”
“Put up with it.”
“What exactly?”
“This. It’s not really the best view in town, is it?” There he goes, unable to look you in the eye again.
“Like why would you even want to see this? You just spent like ten minutes staring at my back, which frankly looks like I single-handedly brought leprosy back to fashion and then you- just- like even just my face is enough for people to, like, projectile vomit. Why’d you make yourself do this right now?”
“I didn’t make myself do anything. I had to convince you to let me do it´.”
“‘Cause you wanna prove something.”
“What would I wanna prove with something so dumb?”
“I don’t know. That you don’t see me as a monster or something.” 
“I don’t see you as a monster. But I wasn’t trying to prove anything.”
Letting his face fall into his hands, he lets out a frustrated sigh, as if he hadn’t meant for the conversation to come to this. And he probably hadn’t, really, but he already did so much of pretending to be fine all the time. It sucked to see him like this, but at least he was letting himself be real, be honest with you about the way he was feeling. 
You’ve come a long way to gain this kind of trust. 
“Sorry. Ruined the moment. Way to go, Wade!” He apologizes.
“You don’t have to say sorry, you know that by now.” 
He glances at the mirror again and sees all the marks have gone away already, his mind going elsewhere and interrupting the focus he’d been putting into trying to put off the healing of them. He finally turns around to actually face you. “See? Can’t even have this one fucking silly little thing you wanted. It’s gone already cause, guess what, I’m a fucking freak of nature now. Like The Hunchback of Notre-Dame or something. I don’t know, I didn’t watch the movie.” 
You laugh. “Well I’ll just be Esmeralda then.”
“Who the fuck is that?”
“Oh you’d find her so hot, dude. But doesn’t matter.” You walk up to him, kissing him gently from his ear to his jaw to his neck to his lips. “Don’t fucking question why I love you ever again, that’s, like, so rude.”
“Oh that was just so sappy, even for you babe, massive sap vibes all over.”
“Oh shut up you big baby.” You place a last gentle kiss on the palm of his hand. “I have an idea.” You pull yourself away from him, disappearing into the bathroom.
“Yeah? Does it involve pity sex? Cause I’m feeling down and I am ready to pounce if you are and-“ He raises an eyebrow in question when you come back holding up something. “That some new vibrator or something?” 
“Can you wait like ten seconds?” 
“Ten seconds? Babe, you know that’s asking too much of me when I’m this horny. They don’t call me The Flash for nothing.” 
“Who is ‘they’? And what does that even mean?”
“Sorry, wrong franchise. You wouldn’t get it.”
“Back to the vibrator.”
“It’s lipstick.” You turn to face the mirror, taking your time applying the dark red color to your lips. “Kay, turn around, pretty boy.”
“Oooh, kinky! You gonna gimme a rimjob with that lipstick on?  Wait is that another kink? We are full of surprises today.” He quips, turning around as asked. 
“Wade please shut up.” 
“You know I can’t do th- aaahh what are you doing?” He flinches, taken by surprise by the kiss you place on his back, right where the heart you’d marked on him had been.
“Well you can keep these ones a little longer.” This time, he keeps quiet the entire time you take to mark the heart on his back once again, with the lipstick this time, reapplying it before every other kiss so the marks truly showed. 
“Fuuuckkk I’m never washing my back again,” he comments as he admires the reflection in the mirror.
“Don’t even start.” 
“I’m staying dirty forever and it’s gonna be your fault, sweetheart,” he declares as he turns around to face you, and it pleases you to see his mood seems better. 
“We are taking a shower in a couple hours and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
“We?” He raises his eyebrows suggestively at the implication.
“If that gets you to actually shower for once.”
“Hey, I shower all the time!”
“Then you can shower without me like a big boy.” 
“Actually I don’t take showers I don’t know how.” 
“Yeah, yeah I figured.”
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A/N: hey send me stuff for deadpool i actually enjoyed writing this lol it was v fun and cute!! i hope it isn't much too ooc lol i still gotta get the hang of writing wade
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dgrailwar · 4 months
Round 10, Day 2 - Team Avenger vs. Team Gunner
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There was a flare of magical energy, as a burning figure shot in through the shattered window of the industrial building.
With one smooth slash, the Avenger sent the Gunner careening out the window, the samurai spinning in the air before crashing on a rooftop. The Gunner stumbled up to his feet, before pulling out his shamisen.
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"Avenger, huh? No reason to be stingy with ammo, then! Proto-Arahabaki, go!"
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A barrage of gunshots erupted from the head of the instrument, the Avenger having to dodge and weave through them. A final beam, from a cannon manifesting next to the Gunner erupted in a violent blast, before the Gunner reached into his robes, pulling out a small bottle and lobbing it towards the Avenger, watching as it made contact.
Ice- a freezing agent sprayed out from it. Intense cold washed over the Count, as he waved his flaming sword, the frost instantly evaporating. He pointed the flame blade at the samurai, sneering.
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"Gunner! We meet again! And this time, you have neither the cover of the forest, nor your mechanical army to assist you! Today, you face the might of the Avenger by yourself! As one man! I wish to see your resolve, gunman!"
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"A lot of talk... 'one man'… don't you know who I am? Forget True Names, I'm a revolutionary! A nobleman like you stuck in the past, that thinks the whole world is his to command-- get with the times! The future is now! And the future will send you to Hell, Avenger!"
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"Hahaha… Hahahaha-- KUHAHAHAHAHA!!"
"Imperial Edict. Wage war.": Boosts and demerits will be doubled for the upcoming round, as part of the Imperial Edict!
If someone wins with greater than 15%, they do double-damage!
The Count of Monte Cristo: 6 x 2 (12%)
Takasugi Shinsaku: 5 x 2 (10%)
The Count of Monte Cristo (AVENGER)
HP: 2/3
Avenger has a +3% boost to his skills as long as he's wounded!
Avenger has a permanent +2% boost against Alter-Ego thanks to his Class Trait!
Team Avenger has all 3 Command Spells remaining!
Determination of Steel (EX Rank) - If Avenger is about to take a fatal wound, if there's at least a 3% difference in their score and the victor above him, he may avoid damage. When facing a single-target (1-on-1), he will gain a +3% boost.
Monte Cristo Mythologie: The King of the Cavern (C Rank) - When battling enemies, his flames are like a poison. He reduces demerits against him by 3%, and when he is victorious against another, he inflicts a -2% demerit for their next round. This demerit increases by 2% by every 10% difference in scores.
Wisdom of Predicament (A Rank) - When engaged in a Free-for-All, gain a +3% boost. Additionally, if Avenger earns last place, both the victor and the 2nd place Servant gain a -2% demerit, rather than simply the 2nd place Servant.
Due to observing Alter-Ego's technique, he gains a +2% bonus against her!
AVENGER-CLASS Servants are vengeful by nature. The first time they are defeated by a Servant, they gain an automatic +2% bonus against that specific Servant, without needing to study them (but can in order to increase the bonus). They gain a permanent +3% bonus per wound they attain that will remain if the wound remains, but will disappear if the wound is healed.
Takasugi Shinsaku (GUNNER)
HP: 2/3
Team Gunner only has 1 Command Spell remaining!
Unconventional Child Prodigy (A Rank) - When fighting someone with a higher boost than Gunner, gain +2%.
Innovate - Armaments Reformation (B Rank) - Defeating a Servant once will net special 'components' from them. When at least 4 of those 'components' are gathered, a secondary Noble Phantasm will be unlocked. If 6 are gathered, then the utility and power of 'Kiheitai' will be upgraded.
Current Components: N/A
(Winning first place in a Free-for-All will count for gathering 2 components- one for each Servant beneath you).
Retaining the Japanese Spirit (A Rank) - When Gunner is about to take a fatal blow and the difference between scores is less than 5%, survive with one 'health' remaining. If this is triggered, replace the effect of this skill to instead grant him a persistent +2% bonus that cannot be reduced or removed.
Due to observing Alter-Ego's technique, he gains a +2% bonus against her!
Due to studying Foreigner's technique, you have a permanent +2% bonus against him!
GUNNER-Class Servants are quick to action and yet methodical with their attacks. When engaged in combat, gain a +3% boost. Additionally, if in last place during a Free-for-All, inflict a -4% demerit on the 1st place Servant.
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mythicmanuscripts · 14 days
Hi Sea!! Listen, you're actually amazing. I think I spam liked almost every one of your posts 😭. I love your writing and the way your brain works. You're an author who I can constantly rely on to need my needs. I love subby men 😭. Very bbg coded. I'm actually in love with you. I recently had been HOOKED on your vampire au. I am so obsessed with Aegon x vampire reader. I also would love to see more of Jace x Vamp reader in the future, but I would like to request some Aegon rn. I read a recent post where you said how Aegon would get upset and possessive once he found out the reader fed on someone else. Can you please write smth about that? Where the reader needed to feed and didn't bother Aegon. I would like to see Aegons' reaction. Once again, love you. ❤️
Aw thank you anon!!! I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying my writing that means so much!
Since I know AUs arent everyone's cup of tea I'll put my answer below the cut, and also because there's definitely some implied sexual activity. If you don't want to see more of this then block the 'hotd supernatural!au' tag.
So for those of you that missed the first ask, this is in reference to an idea someone had with the supernatural!au where the reader is a vampire and while everyone else is scared of them, Aegon is just head over heels in love. Yes you're extremely dangerous, he knows this and he only loves you even more. When he first meets you, you end up having a one night stand with him. You had planned on finding someone to feed on that night but you didnt, because he was far too sweet to ask that of him. The next morning you try to leave because you're in dire need of a feed and Aegon refuses to let you go because he had the best time and he just holds out his wrist for you to drink from.
Your relationship with Aegon flourishes from there. At first you just sneak into the castle and fuck him, because you can't deny how irresistible wrecking him is. He always waits up for you, and the moment you walk through the door he jumps your bones, always desperate and needy no matter how much you fuck him.
Pretty soon he's asking you to spend more and more time there, and it becomes second nature for him to just gently tilt his head to the side or hold out his wrist for you. He finds that he loves the feeling, the slight pain when you bite down, the feeling when you suck lightly, and then the way you always lick over the bite marks for them to heal better. It actually relaxes him so much? He loves it. His favourite position is sitting across your lap, letting you drink your fill and then snuggling up against you, drifting in and out of sleep and requesting kisses.
You enjoy feeding from him as well of course, and you always make sure to thank him and make sure he knows that. However, you still operate under the assumption that he's doing you a favour. He obviously enjoys sleeping with you and spending time with you, so you think that him allowing you to drink from him is his way of thanking you for the things he likes doing with you. You never consider that letting you feed from him was something he actually wanted, enjoyed even.
You first discover this after you a very busy week where you werent able to visit Aegon once. There were only two nights that you were free and both times when you went to the keep you could see there was no light in Aegon's window meaning he was either somewhere else or already asleep. the next few days you don't have the time to stop by.
By that point you didnt enjoy feeding from others. If given the choice you would always choose Aegon, but clearly he was busy so you went and found some others. You drank your fill and then the next night you went to the keep and saw the light in Aegon's room.
Needless to say, he's overjoyed to see you. He jumps right into your arms, not even letting you finish greeting him before he's kissing you and pulling you into the bed. You expect him to immediately want sex, but instead he's kissing you gently and giggling and telling you about his week. You pull him closer and listen, taking his hand and tangling your fingers together.
Aegon starts telling you about something Alicent wants of him and as he talks, he raise his hand, wrist up towards you. You smile at him and press a kiss to his palm before gently pushing it away, explaining to him that you fed the night before so he doesn't need to do that.
You expect him to relax then, but no, he actually gets upset? He frowns and sits upright in bed, tilting his head to the side and asking why you'd do that. You ask what he means and he repeats himself, saying that he doesn't understand why you would have fed from someone else.
You explain to him that you hadnt fed in a few days and you needed to. You tell him that you did come to check if he was available but you could see he wasnt so you went to find someone else. This only makes him cuddle closer and apologise for not being there, telling you that you could have stayed in his room until he returned. He even offers you a key so you can get in easier.
You try to tell him that he doesn't need to do that because you can always find someone else, but this only makes him sit up from you again and seem upset. You have coax it out of him, but he eventually explains that he really likes when you feed from him and he doesn't like the idea of you doing that with anyone else.
You chuckle and bring him closer, asking him if he wants to be the only one you feed from and he nods. You try to explain why that wouldnt work, why he shouldn't be offering you that much because it could weaken him, he just tells you that he doesn't need to be strong because he has a vampire to protect him.
Which... you can't really argue with that.
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adventuringblind · 5 months
Chin Up, Princess (2k words)
Max Verstappen x Reader
Genre: Ghoulverse Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Jos oversteps and causes a whole lot of hurt for Max and his mate, he takes things into his own hands and ends up resorting to extreme measures in order to save his lover. (Background Landoscar, Charlos, and Sewis)
Warnings: Mind control, talks of eating people and mentions of gore but nothing explicit, ghoul on ghoul violence, burning of a character, major character death (not a good guy tho), ED but like... also not an ED, soulbonds
Notes: Ironically the most tame ghoulverse fic I've done thus far. Thank you to🏍️for the amazing idea!!
Side Note: Feed my praise kink please?
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It’s raining again. The kind of rain Monaco doesn’t see often. The torrential downpour that keeps everyone hidden away inside to keep warm. 
She watches the water droplets race down the window, wondering which one will hit the edge first. It’s not productive, but she needs something to distract her from the ache in her bones. The hunger pains have gotten progressively worse over the last three weeks. Still, she’s finding ways to cope. She has to manage; the pain is what’s keeping her sane. 
 It’s nice being home and hidden behind the water covered window. It means she’s free to drop the human look. All horns and tail, long tongue and sharp teeth, dark eyes and pointed ears. It’s natural - or it used to be. 
It doesn’t quite feel like her anymore. Like somehow everything that had once been a part of her is now irritating. Her horns are heavy and her tail refuses to be anywhere but the ground. All because his words sit in her head and bounce around the cavity in her chest. 
He changed her. 
A month ago, she ran into Jos in the paddock. Even though she doesn’t like the guy, he’s still technically her king - and Max’s dad - so her father in law in a way. Max had mated with her (a heavenly feeling) but had done so without the consent of his father. 
Jos doesn’t like her one bit. Which she doesn’t care about. If Max is the prince of the demons and set to take up leadership at some point, that makes her a princess. They both dislike each other but in the essence of keeping things civil, she makes it work. 
“I didn’t expect to see you here today!” She nodded her head to show respect. Opting for that instead of bowing to this man in broad daylight. 
“I wish I hadn’t seen you at all!” Well - fuck you too - she supposes. She’d fallen into step beside him as they made their way to the Redbull garage. 
She nearly crashes into him when he stops abruptly. He grabs hold of her bicep and drags her down some alleyway between buildings. She goes with compliance, hell only knows what this man can and will do to her. 
Her back hits the wall with a disorienting force. “You’re not enough for us.” 
“I think you mean for you.” 
Jos hisses close enough to her face that she can feel his saliva hitting her. “The council decided you’re not one of us-'' He grabs her chin and she watches as his eyes fade to that deep dark color that usually means something bad is about to happen.
“You will not eat. You are not one of us. Am I clear?” 
She snaps at him. Her attempt at fighting his hold is futile. Not when the damn demon king is trying to hypnotize her. “No!” 
He clamps a hand over her mouth and pulls a lighter out of his pocket. The open flame hovers just above the healed over scar on her clavicle. She shakes, desperate to get away from the heat. “You will not eat. You are not a ghoul. You are not one of us.”
It’s a hypnotic tone that seeps through her ears and floods her veins. The heat of the flame no longer her one weakness as her mind submits itself to the will of her king. 
Her jaw snapped shut. Her vocal chords refused to work. Her throat constricts around liquids. Her teeth become glued to each other each time she tries to bite down into something of nutrients. 
A month of this torture and she can feel herself getting progressively more ravenous. Slowly they’ve exhausted all of their options. No matter how desperately she tries, she can’t get any substance into her. 
Max’s reflection appears in the window. A frown etched upon lips. It doesn’t suit him; Max was made to smile. She likes being the one to cause it. These days it feels like all he’s doing is trying to ease her slow and painful death. 
He sits opposite of her and heaves out a gust of warm air on the window. His pointer finger paints a simple picture of a stick figure. It’s - objectively - a terrible drawing, but it serves its purpose and makes her laugh. 
“I’m scared, Max.”
“I know, schat.” 
They continue to stare out the window. The bond doing the talking for them, passing their emotions back and forth. He can feel her pain and she can feel his inner rage. 
Humans don’t understand. Maybe they never will. They fear those who are different. Think this way and do this thing or you're a monster. Certainly not all of them. Lando and Charles are prime examples of this. Still - surviving amongst them gets harder each day. 
“I know what you want to do.” She turns towards him. Unbidden in the comfort of their own home. His tail flicks in uncertainty. A habit he picked up from Sebastian. “I don’t want you to regret it.” 
“It’s inevitable. Just earlier than planned.” He won’t meet her gaze. “I can’t watch you suffer when I can stop it.” 
“You have always been the chivalrous type.”
Max slides closer to her. His thumb comes to the underside of her chin and pushes it upward. Her eyes have nowhere else to go, forced to get lost in his. A never-ending sea of endless dark that she’d willingly drown in. 
“Chin up, love. There is going to be a crown on your head soon. I’d hate to see it hit the ground.”
She hates not being able to go inside. She understands why she can’t though. She already has the weight of one hypnosis spell weighing her down; she’s more susceptible to another. 
Still, waiting is nerve wracking. The sound of familiar roars fill her ears. Occasionally wincing when she feels Max’s pain. Mild compared to what it is for him. 
Lando and Charles are sitting on the ground with her. Their mates are inside with Max, along with Lewis and Sebastian. She attempts to hold close to the bonds of their tribe. They’ve been planning this for the last couple of weeks. Every hole is plastered with flexi tape. 
“Relax, chéri. They are fine.” 
She won’t open her mouth to mutter a thanks. Not when she’s already salivating and can smell exactly where their pulse points are. Not when she can hear the steady rhythm of their hearts. 
No, she can’t eat, but she’d also rather not risk it. 
“Do we have to bow to you after this whole ordeal is over?” Lando looks at her with a curious expression. “Cause like - Oscar doesn’t bend like that.”
Both her and Charles gape and the odd statement. Lando looks like he’s just stated the weather on an average Monday morning. 
“Lando, are you sure it’s not you who doesn’t bend like that?”
“I think I know how I can bend mate! How do you think we broke the table-“
Charles grimaces, his nose scrunching up and cheeks turning red. “Bleh! I don’t need to know how Oscar bends you.” 
“You asked!”
“And now I regret it…”
Another roar bellows into the night sky. It’s loud and painful. She looks to the boys beside her for confirmation that it’s not Oscar or Carlos. They nod at her, leaving only three options. 
She bolts inside. 
The roars turn to whines. The fire rages over the body of Jos Verstappen. Max has sunk to his knees, the sunset hues of the flames reflect in his eyes and illuminate the tear tracks on his cheeks. 
She falls beside him. Panicked hands search for any possible wounds; any burns in need of immediate attention. Max is crying as she does so, but he’s smiling at the same time. There are a million emotions running through the room. The large flames a mercy to the now deceased king. 
A fallen king lay before them. His body burned to ashes. They watch as he is devoured by the fire. The silence is deafening. The only noise being the roar of the flames. An irony that doesn’t go unnoticed. To feel serene with the one thing that would surely kill her if the starvation doesn’t first. 
Max is the first to approach the pile of ashes on the ground. He creeps up to it like they might reanimate. Like they might take back what they once had and reestablish their hold on her mind with no chance at her escape. 
Sebastian meets Max in the middle. He scoops handfuls of the ash and decorates Max’s skin. The Dutch looks miserable when Sebastian dumps a handful into Max’s own cupped hands. 
“Do I have too?”
“Do you want your fathers powers?” 
He groans, but doesn’t wait any longer. He tries to be serious, but there is an element of humor here despite the situation. 
“Does this mean Max is a cannibal now?!” She supposes Lando is trying to whisper, but the building they are in echoes. He chokes when he hears it. 
“Lando! I am trying to eat my father!” 
“So you are a cannibal!” 
Oscar slaps a hand over his mate's mouth. Briefly, a look of disgust flashes across his face. “If you  really think licking me will work, you are mistaken.” Muffled sounds from underneath Oscar’s hand escape, but nobody understands. 
Max is finally able to choke down the ashes of his father. Certainly not the most conventional of coronations, but she can’t picture it any other way. 
“Never thought I’d see the day where we were dropping to our knees for this guy.” Carlos chuckles from somewhere beside her as they close in on the new king. 
Not a prince anymore - a king. 
It suits him more, she thinks. Standing tall in front of his tribe, still laughing at Lando and Oscar and their odd positioning. At Carlos and his playful pride as he kneels. He exchanges a smile with Charles after years of rivalry now comes a shared respect. He turns endearingly to Sebastian and Lewis looking at him like proud parents. 
Then to her. She’s on the ground, her knees bruised already. Max pulls her up into his arms. He brings his hands to her jaw and once again she drifts into the calm of his endless eyes. 
Soft fingers massage her jaw. The one that aches with a desperate need for something she hasn’t had in so long. He’s gentle with her, like an antique porcelain doll that might break if he applies too much pressure. 
“You are worthy of every good thing. You are one of us, just as you always have been and you are deserving of your life.” 
The cement that had been fire in her veins vanishes as he speaks. Max keeps talking, but she’s too lost in the relief from these heavy feelings - the euphoria of knowing she belongs again. The cavern of her chest is beating with words of comfort. 
Her horns don’t feel like extra weights and her tail finds Max’s with immediate ease. They intertwine like they had before. 
“You are here and loved. You have a place with us.” He tilts her chin upward like he’s done since they mated. “Chin up, your highness, you’re a queen now.” 
Her body aches from a full belly instead of the hunger pains. As does the rest of their tribe, she presumes. 
Max keeps getting phone calls… and he keeps ignoring them. Instead opting to keep his attention focussed on his tribe. His love for them - for her - is radiating through his every move. 
“I think King Max sounds good on you.” She flashes her teeth at him. The others are either chatting, or if you’re Oscar then you’re using Lando as a blanket and sleeping. They are paying no attention to them. 
“You think? I’d always resented it.” 
“You’re going to change things, Max. That’s not something to resent.” They hook tails again, a comfort she’d missed dearly. “Plus, you’re stuck with me now since you saved my life. I’m going to be the most demanding queen.” She waves her hand around for dramatic flair. 
“Oh yeah? How so?” 
“First I’m going to demand that you cuddle me - and I’ll figure out the rest later!” 
“As you wish, your highness.” 
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lovemyromance · 5 months
I'm going to say this once, and I am not going to voice this again because the fact that it even has to be said, is absolutely crazy.
Nothing in ACOSF has shown us that Gwyn is ready for a relationship. She can't even leave the library at the end of ACOSF to attend Nessian's mating ceremony. She is probably now even more traumatized after the BR, and rightfully so.
Could she one day be in a relationship with a male/female? Sure. But that time is not now, right after ACOSF.
Right now, she is NOT ready for a relationship with anyone (including Azriel).
Do not get me wrong. If there had been ANY sign she had shown interest romantically in any character - I would not be saying this. But she has not shown that for anyone, let alone for Azriel.
Gwyn is going to eventually heal. But she does not need a man to do so. She does not need to play sidekick to Azriel and help him handle his so called "darkness" to heal.
Y'all can't just force her into a ship when she's clearly not ready for a relationship. Well, I suppose you can, but that would be disrespectful to SA victims everywhere.
Fictional character or not, SA trauma is real. Forcing this timeline of healing on Gwyn or shipping her with someone just so she can "fix him" or suit his "sexual freak" nature is just downright ignorant.
If y'all like Gwynriel because you think the aesthetic is cute or you think they'd compliment each other - that is fine. But this dialogue of Gwyn is gonna fix him and she and Azriel HAVE to be together because some half-baked statement from Azriel's POV - it's so weird.
Stop shipping women with people they have shown no interest in. Same goes for people shipping Elain with Lucien, when she loses her boldness around him and shrinks into herself.
Literally the moment SJM shows Gwyn is ready and likes Azriel or Elain suddenly gives Lucien the time of day out of her own free will, I will fully accept and understand the other ships.
But for now, I am shipping the couple that has actually shown desire and attraction and affection for each other. Just my opinion, and I'm not entertaining any arguments on this.
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thesensteawitch · 8 months
A Long Awaited Message From Your Spirit Guides 🩵🧚
Pick A Pile Reading
🩵(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)🩵
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Hello, Senstea Souls!🦋🩷
This is a collective reading on a long awaited message from your spirit guides about a specific situation in your life. Take a deep breath and choose your pile/piles intuitively. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Feel free to DM me in case you want to book a reading with me.
Now go ahead and read your pile.
Also, thank you for all the reblogs that you guys do. I am forever grateful!🌻
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Pile 1
Tarot Cards- Ace of Cups, 8 of wands, King of swords, page of pentacles, 4 of Pentacles, ace of pentacles
Hello, my dear pile 1. Well for you I see that this specific message is regarding your health or some insecurities regarding your body. For a very long time, you have not been feeling good in your body. Some of you may even be going through some health issues. It has been pretty overwhelming for you to deal with what was coming towards you on the health front. Your spirit guides want you to stop thinking of the worst-case scenarios or look down upon your body in any way possible. Because your thoughts create your reality. But the good thing is that none of the worst-case scenarios that are playing in your head are going to come true. Nothing will come out of this worry but if you don't stop thinking of negative thoughts then you'll develop a pattern that will lead you to manifest worst-case scenarios in other areas of your life. So please, my dear pile 1, stop worrying. Rewire your brain to think of the best-case scenarios. The card here says, “You do not have to think specific positive thoughts about your body, but you have to not think specific negative thoughts. If you could never again think about your body, and instead just think pleasant thoughts, your body would reclaim its natural place of wellness.” I also sense a rigid mindset. Your energy is inflexible. I see two polarities but it's difficult for you to find a common ground between them. The two polarities confuse you. You must learn to accept both worlds and find peace in that acceptance. As much as gray there is in this world, it's equally true that black and white exist too. You need to ground your energy. Your root chakra may be imbalanced. Spend time in nature. Open your heart to the healing energy of the earth. Don't hold onto the idea that your body should be a certain way. You can't afford to do that! Don't think you have so less and hold onto it. There's abundance and soon you'll be shown the way. Give yourself a chance. Don't try to look too much into the way your body is. It is lovely the way it is. Once a doctor said to me, “Your heart is still beating, isn't it? Your lungs are still working perfectly fine, aren't they? That means you have a purpose to fulfill and your story isn't over yet. There's nothing wrong with you. You're perfect the way you are. There's no one else like you. God didn't make the exact same human as you and sent them to this earth in the same family as yours or the same environment as yours. You are unique!” Know that the universe will test you and will see if you've learned your lesson or not. So do not look down upon your body in any way. It's your safe abode. As soon as you let go of the insecurities you'll soon notice your creativity birthing out of your sacral chakra. You'll start expressing more and won't let anybody make you believe otherwise about your body. I also sense new opportunities in terms of healing and career are coming your way so keep your eyes open. Free yourself, free your spirit.
For any further clarification or to book your personal reading on this situation feel free to DM me.
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Pile 2
Tarot Cards- The Lovers, King of Pentacles, Eight of Swords, Seven of Cups, Eight of Pentacles, Eight of Cups, Two of Wands
Hello, my dear pile 2. Well, the first thing that I sensed is that some of you may be projectors by human design. Because the card here says, “The entire universe is being affected by what you are offering.” You have this sweet child-like energy but at the same time, you are a wise old soul. You may be seeing a lot of angel numbers, especially 888. I hear, “What comes down must go up.” Your life is about to change pile 2. Your guides want you to know that whatever decisions you are making right now are drastically shaping your future. Many of you are stuck between two decisions and your only way out is to take a balanced approach. There is strong water and fire energy in the cards. Opposing forces but very powerful. Both can cleanse and heal. Some of you are even going through a period of cleansing. A lot of negativity is being released from your life so don't hold onto your past. Your hard work will pay off and soon you'll find the clarity regarding a certain situation you're very confused about. All your long-awaited dreams are soon coming true. Your spirit guides want you to know that all the pain and confusion you went through was part of the plan only to bless you beyond your imagination. Your patience will reap rewards. For some of you, I hear that your patience will bring true love in your life. A time of celebration awaits. No one and nothing can put you down. Nobody will be able to stop you. I hear ‘Unstoppable’ by Sia. Being a projector you took in a lot of negativity from people's aura and now it's time for you to release all of that. It's time for you to come to yourself. Call all your power back that you gave away to others. I sense that some of you are even highly sensitive. You can easily pick up on people's true intentions. Don't underestimate your own power pile 2. You're gifted. Do not undermine your own gifts. The world needs someone like you. And you guys are soon going to receive a big boon and you guys are so intelligent that you will know how to make the best use of it. I sense strong psychic abilities in this pile. You are beyond beautiful, pile 2. I am in awe!!!!!! The only guidance here is to listen to your intuition and to leave the toxicity behind. Be it people or places. Those who can't reciprocate what you have to offer don't DESERVE to be in your life. Period. Protect yourself, you beautiful souls!
For any further clarification or to book your personal reading on this situation feel free to DM me.
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Pile 3
Tarot Cards- Page of Cups, 10 of Cups, The Lovers, 7 of Cups, 6 of Swords, Queen of Swords
Hello, my dear pile 3. For most of you, the message has something to do with ‘love’. I am even hearing, “To love, love, yeah. I needed to lose you to love me.” I also sense that fun times are coming for you but it seems that some of you are heartbroken about a situation or relationship that ended in your life. You are looking for closure. You need to make some adjustments in your life because what happened in your life happened to teach a very important karmic lesson. I also hear, “In this world, it's just us. You know it's not the same as it was.” Your card says, “Be easy about all of this. Life is supposed to be fun, you know. We want you to feel love for your life, for the people of your world, and most of all, for yourself. There is great love here for you.” Some of you may be moving places or recently moved to a different place and are feeling disheartened. The card wants you to know that love is everywhere you go. And I don't think that you guys are alone. There's someone still sticking around with you. It's time for you to explore what it truly means to love and feel loved. It doesn't mean that you're supposed to go on multiple dates but experience love in every way possible. Write someone a letter, paint, give someone flowers, or apologize to someone if any apologies are pending. As you embody love soon the romantic love will find you and it will stay with you for a lifetime. You may be tempted to go back to your ex or the person you broke up with. But please don't, especially with the same energy that you sent out previously. Do the right thing. There's no point in writing the same story over and over again. Don't start many things just focus on one thing. You may end up feeling tired or low in confidence at the end of the day as you may end up having high expectations from yourself. It's time for you to write a new story and not repeat the same old patterns. That's why your guides are asking you to make some adjustments in your life. Have fun with your work but don't end up burnt out. Forgive those who have left you and forgive yourself if something didn't work out. It's time to let go. Remember what's meant for you won't pass you by. So take things lightly and hold onto the spark of inspiration that you may get now and then. Keep your heart pure and don't let your love be overcome by any temptations.
For any further clarification or to book your personal reading on this situation feel free to DM me.
Below I am sharing the links to:
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skele-bunny · 2 months
I am once again thinking about Phantom and him being shown more Quintessence culture by the elders...
CW - Heavy implications of abuse and slavery (but this is a fluff post! Also trauma healing for Phantom fr)
Bug has 0 fucking idea on his culture, only what he knows in his kithood and then learning from the others topside. He knows enough about their harmonies with the inner souls and connection to the astral. Phantom was taught by his captor about the importance of wind chimes and crystals, but beyond that? Nothing. No ceremonies, no basic breaking, nadda.
The Quintessence Ghouls enjoy getting together twice a month in the abbeys chapter house, and they go all out with it. It's clothing free but never sexual, just embracing their natural bodies and even their true forms. Ether ghouls even in the pits wore jewelry and body chains, they're decorative and very focused on the bodies.
Painting down multiple sigils around the room, with a giant one of protection on the floor where they meditate. Placing wind chimes near the windows and above the curtains, grounded amethyst near entrances and once again around the floor sigil. Candles lit around, incense sticks, and right in the middle being black tourmaline also in a powder form.
Phantom just sitting next to Swiss and Aether, trying to stop his laughter as they rub the tourmaline over his torso and back, then right down his forehead. He's lead by Aether on how to put it on him, whispering encouragements.
"Keep your attitude positive. When you place tourmaline on someone, your intentions matter. It's a double ended sword-- it can defend or it can put you as a target."
Since Phantom has too much trauma relating to chain bralettes and can't wear one, he's simply draped in a mesh cover, Aether weaving citrine into the cloth. He has a circlet resting against his forehead - Aether wearing a crown halo with shoulder and waist chains. Swiss only has a waist chain and garter on, but his horns are decorated with strings of chimes. Phantom is just in his unglamoured form while Aether's in his true, just fuzzy and silk at the same time. His horns are literally moving with galaxies, face still so gentle.
He's led in soft humming, then eventual prayer, how they intertwine hands and tails, moving side to side while they sit. How the sigils in the room start glowing and the room gets clouded in smoke.
He's shown to sit on his knees, hands on his lap and trying to push his essence forwards. He's... Not doing good at it. Swiss just places his hand on Phantom's back for that extra push and he's now in a projection. Sarra (1st era) is leading, calmly explaining to the group to eye their own bodies, remove their sigils of denial, cleanse themselves.
Phantom is just eyeing his body that's just covered in his Master's sigils. They're weak from the distance and how long he's been away, but it's just a sour reminder. Trying to reach out and pull it away. He's not strong with his magick so he's just left sitting there, staring at himself. He can see his physical body starting to cry, yet he isn't, but then a hand touches his shoulder in the astral. Looking over and seeing Enki (2nd era) just eyeing him.
"I could feel your distress, I'm sure the others can as well but I wanted to respond..." And now they're both looking at the sigils. "Such strong holds... Why don't we remove one together, yes? Then later, we'll stay with Sarra. He can remove a high majority of these."
Phantom just nods, and now Enki is directing him, slowly pulling at the weakest one. The mind. He's holding Phantom's hand as they start dragging the strings away, bundling it together until the very last one pulls away. Phantom pushing his hands together and smothering it, watching as it turns to stars and falls down into the void. Enki is just smiling the entire time, whispering strength into his ear while they start pulling at his hand binds.
"It always felt heavy to play or hold someone's hand... I never really understood why until now..." He's just mumbling, grabbing the strings again.
"With you being inexperienced, it's hard to understand when something is cast on you."
Stars again. Phantom just exhales, and is ready to go back in, thanking Enki with such genuine. He can see Aether and Swiss already back in their physicals, Aether holding his arm out for Phantom when he returns. For good reason, too! Phantom just completely falls forward, would've face planted if it wasn't for Aeth. He gathers himself before putting his tiny hand on Aether's giant, smiling as his hand doesn't feel heavy anymore. He takes Swiss and gives such a tight squeeze and the happiest expression.
There's mediation in between different sets, but Phantom's favorite of the entire session was the crystal exchange. Before the meeting, you were supposed to take one of the dearest crystals to you, and during the exchange you'd be led through the plane to exchange with someone who needed it most.
Phantom was led to a ghoulette he never met before, just smiling and tail wagging as he offered over his amazonite to her. She's just purring the entire time, thanking him and sharing scents before he goes back to his spot. Delta is one of three who offer theirs to Phantom. They're just purring as they hand over a tigers eye. Another ghoul he doesn't know offers a malachite, and then Sarra offers one too! It's so strange seeing this giant true form kneeling in front of this itty bitty ghoul, leaning down and speaking in ancient ghoulish that absolutely no one else knows. Sarra blessing his crystal before offering a handmade pendant of howlite.
Using his claws to carefully clip it on Phantom's wrist, moving to put his hand between his horns and continue mumbling in ancient. He's met with a tiny kiss on his forehead in the end.
After the ceremony, Enki leads Phantom to Sarra where he's now in a semi-glamour form. Aether deciding to stay just to accompany and it proves to be helpful! Settling Phantom in a pile of tourmaline as Aether, Sarra, Enki, and two others Phantom's seen in the infirmary before start slowly breaking sigils around and in him. With each sigil removed, Phantom feels lighter and lighter -- relaxed and at peace. Every now and then their hands will press against a certain spot, but Sarra has kept his hand right above his cervix the entire time.
"Whoever locked you was smart. This is my era of Magick." Sarra just mumbles, before he slowly twists his hand. "But still idiotic."
Phantom has a sudden extreme cramp before just as fast as it came, it leaves, and Sarra removes his hand. The last sigil gone. Aether is just smiling, carefully rubbing Phantom's cheek.
"How do you feel?"
He's quiet. Just slowly touching over his torso before he starts crying, being sat up and comforted. Just being sandwiched on all sides as he finally feels so... Free. There's no lingering touch, no magick restraining him. He's a bawling mess, crying his thanks over and over. Phantom is free.
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pooksgetspooked · 9 months
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Summary: A devout priest of unshakable faith stumbles upon what could only be called his own slice of heaven. With no creature holier than you roaming the mortal realm, it serves to be beyond troubling when Leon finds himself quickly falling into the clutches of corruption by the mere presence of you. Pairing: Leon s. Kennedy x Angel!Fem!Reader Word Count: 3.7k
Content warnings: MDNI! Religion, Corruption, no explicit NSFW, possibly blasphemy
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Growing up, Leon has had his faith waver every so often. His darkest moments lulled by the temptation of all things sinful and unholy, whispering for him to indulge himself and to let go of his inhibitions. However the teachings of his mother was ingrained within him; as though woven into the very fibre of his being, and the vice it had on him never relented, keeping him always within the path of light. Despite his moments of weakness, he never caved. He never thought he would face such conflict again after devoting his life to the church, setting out to become one of the youngest priest the church has seen. Upholding his duties and following the word of God, he flourished to become the gracious man everyone knew him to be today. He was a figure of warmth and comfort, someone to confide in during trying times in exchange for genuine solace, free from any judgement. Upstanding and virtuous, Leon always made it a point to help those in need to whatever extent within his capabilities, his heart brimming full at the notion of being able to give aid to so many people and heal their plight. You were different. An exceptional case that he made a personal mission to assist and see to. It was by some stroke of luck; a miracle he liked to call it, that you came stumbling upon the church back gardens. Dilapidated and ramshackled, the overruned plot of green rarely ever saw the presence of anyone, save for the Leon himself who occasionally ventured out back for a breather and to bask in the serene nature. He had considered tidying up the place himself one too many times, but each time he came close to making up his mind, he would always find some little signs of life making home. Some snails treading on the cobble, bunnies that frolicked around before skittering into the ground once noticing Leon, or on the rare occasion, some deers would stumble upon the little makeshift forest and graze on the grass. It didn’t take long before he came to the consensus that the gardens would be a sharing space for him and nature, and that he would have to put up with the irksom tickle of the weeds against his skin. Out of all the sightings he would recount in his daydreams, you were his favourite by far. As he ventured out back on another one of his off days, he was surprised by the sight of fluttery white wings, soft and fuzzy, and far too large to belong to that of any known bird. Hunched over and wings cresting to shield the mystery that enclosed within those confines, he found himself in a daze, his mind going blank and his breath stolen from his lungs. It was only when he took a subconscious step forward, the soft crunch of the ground beneath him caused the wings to retract to reveal a softly glowing halo floating above a mop of hair that looked too soft to be real, before spinning around to reveal your face, wide eye and lips parted in surprise. Both of you were stunned, with Leon trying to grapple at the sight you were to behold, and you, a clutch of baby bunnies squirming in hand, and the mother rabbit perched beside you, somehow just as stunned as the both of you. Leon found his words failing him, his mind lagging behind while he tried to speak, “you… you’re… are you real?” his words came out lame and dumb, as though drug addled and sluggish. You couldn’t help but giggle, the surprise quickly wearing off as you gently returned the baby bunnies into their nest in the ground with the mother close behind, before returning your attention to the man, “yes, I am real. It is a pleasure to meet you” Your smile was a touch nervous, as though unsure of everything. Leon could see the way you fidgetted, gaze flitting askance as you took in the chapel behind him, “i’m sorry, should I not be here? I could find someplace else if I am unwelcomed here,” you swallowed thickly, growing a little more anxious under the intense stare of the man. 
Seized by all sorts of questions, the priest could barely hold back his thinly veiled confusion, or his barrage of questions. What was a priest supposed to do, when stumbling upon a creature only documented in books, of dubious existence that was now concreted by his gaze upon the benevolent creature. Were you sent here on a mission of sorts? Maybe to right all the wrongs that plagued the world in steed of God himself? Because heavens know that that was long overdue now. “Ah! No, no no please, you’re welcome to stay,” his mind finally caught up to the present, reeling at her words as he frantically waved his hands to stop her, “i’m sorry,” he laughed dryly in disbelief, “I’m just… so overwhelmed. I don’t even know what to say,” he ran a hand through his hair, trying to come up with what to say, where to start with his ceaseless myriad of questions. “Overwhelmed?” Your wings shuddered, expression knitted as your lips pursed, “I’m supposed to bring comfort and tranquility, not heightened emotions,” even in the midst of your self questioning, you still looked heavenly. The soft glow around never flickering and the soothing cast of warmth caressing his being just by standing in front of you. You were like a piece of heaven itself, fallen out of the sky to bless the earth; to bless him. “No you do! Really, you do, I’m just- I never imagined I would ever meet an angel in my life. Please, pardon me, i’m not usually so uncomposed and unkempt,” his nerves were growing frazzled now, as though crushed by the familiar sense of inferiority that he hadn’t felt plague him since his days as a child. Through his nerves however, he wasn’t lying to comfort you; you did enemate some unexplainable sense of comfort that lulled his soul, as though alleviating it of some prior weight he had never noticed, the sensation was merely shrouded by the multitude of scrambled emotions that suddenly seized him. 
With a yearning to alleviate and heal, you hesitantly reached out to the man, hands open to gently rest upon his forearm, “please do not apologize. Is there anything I can do to help? Do you need a moment to yourself? I may leave the premise if that can quell your being.” 
Acting behind some unknown force, Leon found his hand holding onto your wrist, gentle enough to not hurt yet firm enough to keep you within his grip. “No, no,” he sucked the air back into his lungs, lips parting as his chest rose and fell before he found it within himself to settle and calm, “please don’t leave,” he swallowed thickly. Blue eyes burning into your gaze as his thumb rubbed against the underside of your wrist, “I just have so many questions. May I ask you some?” That was the start of a blossoming kinship. Leon learnt from that encounter that you weren’t meant to be here, and rightfully so considering you had little to no knowledge of the worldly happenings. Not of how the world operated, and not of the terrible news plundering the world, countries at a time. Not of all the suffering and anguish the people faced, no. You were blissfully ignorant of everything, and Leon found himself wanting to keep things that way. 
This feat that Leon set out on turned out to be more difficult than he initially believed to be. The revelation of your presence stirred all sorts of outrage and desperation within the Chapel the day Leon introduced you to their community, seeing as you didn’t have any place to go. Devote believers awed and marvelled at you, singing praise and rejoicing in the salvation God would bring with him, with you being their first sign of the return of Christ. They tailed you at any possible turn, hands desperately trying to hold onto any part of you, occasionally getting too handsy with how they would tug at your wings and reach for your halo.
The smaller, but just as big in presence of the community was beyond desperate. They were those who had their own pleas and grievances that had gone unanswered countless times by God. Those people harassed you, hissing all sorts of demands for answers and for you to perform miracles outside of your capabilities, too blinded by their despair to see that you weren’t responsible, or had part in any of it, much less could you do anything about it. It was at that point that Leon made the decision to stick close to you for your safety and wellbeing. He could see you grow dreary from the increasing pressure of being around everyone, expectant for you to be their salvation. The soft glow around you seem to grow weaker, your complexion growing more dull and your wings more sunken. It was as though everyone was robbing you of your energy, which wasn’t all too far from the truth. Despite the treatment you had received from the masses, some negative and most a little too positive and wanting, you always made it a point to listen to the plight of the people despite being helpless to do anything to actually make an impact. You’d soothe what you could, comfort who you can, and heard whoever spoke as though you had not a single ill bone in your body, and Leon would later learn that it was something alike your purpose of creation.
You were a creation of God, just like any of them, but it seemed like you were an angel crafted for a more intimate role of being a companion for God himself. You often recalled what it was like back up in heaven, the breathtaking view from up above within your sanctioned tower, what it was like growing up in heaven and your tight knit relationship with God. From what Leon understood, most angels come to be as adults, but you were the exception in this case, where God spent his time nurturing you since your youth. Perhaps he wanted a taste of something akin to fatherhood, and the familial relations that came with it, and hence made you.  The more time he spent with you, now making it his duty to watch over you whenever you were out and about, the more he learnt about you, heaven, and God himself. It was fascinating to hear about what he was like. A strict father figure yes, but he was kind and patient with you all the same. The both of you were close knit, and from the way you phrased it, it sounded like you were all both of you had. It made Leon somber as he found himself reminiscing some of his youth and the yearning for the type of familial love you shared with God himself, or at least, that’s what he initially thought until time slowly began to unravel. It started off small, with little questions about how you wound up on the mortal realm since you weren’t at all supposed to be here. The simplest way you could put it was that you accidentally fell. You got too curious and bold one day, defying God’s rule to not stray too far from the tower and never wander too near the edge of the clouds. Never going too far into detail, you would give a strained smile, curt flap of your wings, and just go on to talk about how God must be upset at you for disobeying him. 
The seams began to crack from there. Leon could sense something more sinister beneath your tales and fond memories. How you never saw much of anyone outside of God and the occasional visitors or some significant figures in the castle. How God would always have some means of monitoring you at all times, just in case his child got a little too imaginative and curious. How God would confide in you about his deepest sorrows and regrets, the dents it made in your psyche and how you always tried your best to come up with something to cheer him up like the sweet daughter you are. It sounded overbearing and gripping, yet you didn’t seem to realize it yourself, all too happy to delve back in the recounts of shared laughter and joy. 
It troubled him. Like a long forgotten sensation, he found himself questioning his faith. He had pondered in his youth, why God would allow all the cruelty and unjust go unpunished in this world. Was he not all loving as everyone preached him to be? An all powerful being, capable of everything at just a whim of want? Leon couldn’t understand it. He made his own conclusion early on. If God is all loving, then he isn’t all powerful; and if he is all powerful, then he isn’t all loving. He decided to leave it at that, and never tried pursuing for more answers. As his faith wavered, a crisis was nigh. His entire life built upon the faith in God, and now he had a living testament to the figure of worship, and it was ruining him. It forced him to face the pursuit he tried to cast away early in his life, to give consideration into the figure he kneeled before on a daily basis, and he hated it with every bit of his being. It was ruining him, just as you were ruining him. His emerging discord was tearing him apart, and through it all, he was facing another dilemma he was desperately trying to keep from surfacing. His growing fascination with you. He didn’t know how someone could be so kind and free of sin. You were unlike anyone he knew; never greedy, always compassionate, ever gentle, even when faced with the most hostile of people. You were ethereal, and embodied the very bit of the word. It was easy enough to wave it off as a deep interest in you because why wouldn’t he be? You were a living, breathing angel who was presented to him, a priest. You were supposed to be living proof of his faith, and you withheld so much information within you, it was only natural for Leon, and anyone really, to hold a deep fascination in you. That’s what he told himself, until his mind began to wander. It started with his gaze, and how they would dart too low, how they would stare at a little too long, too hard, at some place anyone would deem as inappropriate. It was troubling for Leon, how he’d find himself a little too warm and too aware of your friendly touch, how the air felt too thick and he struggled to breathe, much less think through a muddled, heavy haze within your vicinity. Like a man guided by barely restrained instinct, he returned your touch with a firm grip, sometimes a gentle hand clasped around your arm, other times a well placed hold on your waist to move you behind him when the flock of people got too excited. 
It only got worse from there. He tried to keep his distance from you when walking with you, unwilling to feed into this festering desire, but unwilling to leave you vulnerable to te mob of people that always followed you everywhere, not even risking leaving you alone when seemingly no one was around. Sometimes you’d pray with him, kneeling at the alter beside him as you both whisper your prayers, and Leon’s thoughts would wander off just a second too soon for him to catch. A flash of you on your knees before him, cinture wrapped snugly around your neck with the other end firm around his hand so that he could tug the holy cord and tip your head up enough to peer into your eyes. That was only scratching the surface, and Leon could already sense his downfall. He thought his dick was but a decorative piece at that point, having not gotten any sort of attention or reaction for years on end, he knew something was dreadfully wrong when it was revived a few nights after his first inappropriate thought made it’s appearance. His room window faced the back gardens where the both of you first met, giving him a lovely view from up above of the place that now held a near and dear spot in his heart. He had been praying towards the window that night, hands clasped with his cross in hand in front of him as hushed prayers fell from his lips. Prayer for forgiveness and guidance, to purge him of his sins and shield him from sin. He so desperately wanted to stay within the light, but he had all but slipped away from it the moment his head lifted, and he saw you down below in the gardens. Seeing you there came as no surprise; ever since your arrival, you had took to the gardens as though it was your personal sanctuary and helped clean it up while still maintaining the natural flora and fauna. Within a couple weeks, the gardens was flourishing better than it ever had, the plants far more green and the woodland creatures flourished under your care. The shock that caused Leon’s mouth to grow wet was the sight of you donned in your night gown, the sheen white fabric clinging onto your frame while you frolicked in the pond, soft laughter chiming outside as you played with the fish that somehow seemed to reciprocate your friendly behaviour, swimming around and splashing you.  Just the glimpse of you felt like a sin he couldn’t wash away, yet he couldn’t look away. It felt as though he had secured his one way ticket to hell now, but he was enamoured with the curves of your body, how the wet fabric was fainty see through. His eyes fixated around the hollow of your collarbones, the perk of your nipple, the curve of your waist and the outline of your legs. He couldn’t breathe. That night, you set a holy man on a path driven into madness. 
Dead in the middle of the night, he was curled up in his bed, the white sheets moist with his sweat as he clutched onto the cross of his rosary with eyes screwed shut to try and block out the depravity of his mind and the throb of his dick. On the verge of tears, he heaved and panted, head swimming in the suffocating air of his room while he tried not to give into temptation. Never in his life has he ever been so swayed to stray from the holy path that was set out for him, not until now.
Through the growing pit of sickness, he continued praying, hoping to pray his thoughts away, only for more pervasive thoughts to cloud the rolling reels behind closed eyes. Pushing you against the cross and tying you there with the intention to bring you closer to God and make you even holier than you already are, hands that could easily engulf your breast trailing over the side of your chest, thumb grazing the fabric over your nipple while his lips dipped to your collarbone to take a bite. 
He couldn’t help but imagine your cries, the arch of your back and how your nipples would perk with under the attention, back arching closer to his chest under the whim of your bodily wants. Hands slithering underneath the arch and wrapping around your waist as blood tinged his tongue. 
The final straw in the midst of his mindless prayer was the vivid imagery of you staring up at him through fluttering lashes, down on your knees with his cock sprung free, tip flushed and shaft begging for your touch. The sensation of your lips on his dick, peppering the tip with kisses before shyly sticking your tongue out to give a kitten lick to the precum budding at the slit, watching the string stick on your tongue and connect on his dick even as you gently pull away. He hadn’t realized the sob for forgiveness falling from his lips as he pulled down his pants, dick springing free just like how he imagined in his dream. He couldn’t stop the mantra of chants, seeking guidance and salvation as he thumbed the slit, rubbing the copious amount of slippery precum on his shaft as he gripped around his dick like a vice, all while the vision continued to play behind his eyes. He could feel your tongue, soft and wet licking a stripe up from the underside of his dick before plush lips wrapped around his dick, causing him to groan. Tears leaked from his eyes from how you slowly bobbed around the head of his dick, never going any further than the dip of his head, your tongue flicking over the slit and circling the mushrom tip that has him whining and gasping for air. You were robbing him of his faith, draining it with every little timid lick. He was growing dizzy, lungs aching and the burn coiling in the pit of his guts as his hips stuttered. Mutters of “laying on of hands,” slipping off his tongue as his hands wrapped around the back of your head, slowly guiding your mouth to take him deeper, the ring of spit around his dick going further and getting wetter the further you went before he couldn’t hold himself back anymore. Like a snap of restraint, his mouth fell open in broken moans as your head was pushed all the way down, throat closing tightly around the offending intrusion while you gagged with tears pricking the corner of your eyes. A sight to behold, teary and hollowed cheeks while staring up at him with those bright, wide eyes. 
The burning twist in his guts was tipping too quickly. Lightheaded and back arched towards the high heavens, Leon cried into the night as the burning hot splatter of his cum marred his skin and the fabric of his shirt, the sticky white seeping into the fabric like how it clung onto his hand as he continued to pump himself dry. His dick throbbed within his grip, spasming while his core tightened like he was hit by a lightening as punishment for his sin. His chest heaved erratically while his eyes cracked open to peek at the ceiling through tear-muddled vision, his body quivering while his thighs jerked. Dear God, He was done for. 
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findmeinthefallair · 1 year
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The contrast is so poignant when it comes to Belos isolating Hunter for years and instilling the fear of wild magic, versus Hunter's future in carving palismen to connect with nature and with others.
We have his signature gloves as part of all his outfits before he went to the human realm, representative of that isolation and fear: Belos wanting to keep 'Caleb' to himself, wanting to prevent Hunter from forging connections and thus finding freedom. The gloves come off once Hunter has room to create and experiment and explore.
During the many many months in between him beginning to learn the palismen-carving craft and us seeing him mastering it in the epilogue, there would've been many setbacks. Many cuts and splinters via mistakes (thus, more wounds and scars...small, but numerous) and bandages on his hands, like what happened with the sewing needle. Thus, many times when he was reminded of what happened with his best friend. I can imagine that on the more difficult days of learning under Dell, remorse and horrible memories eating into him, he'd be more at risk of leaving more cuts because it would be harder to focus. There would've been days where he got close to giving up.
In his arc, this changed everything:
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He was found by a free-spirited, strong-willed palisman.
This was when things began to be truly dangerous:
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but by then he gathered enough courage to finally question Belos directly.
What a high price to pay. Recovery from trauma is certainly that way in real life too. But it led him on that path towards transformation, towards what he truly wanted.
In his old life, he'd point a staff at others to intimidate, to instill fear, and be Belos's instrument in furthering a cause that Hunter didn't truly support.
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In the future, he generously gives palismen to others from the heart, via new creations made with his own hands, to bring more love, connection and wonder into the world. Letting others live out their truth via the bonds forged with their new palismen, the same kind of truth he himself had to fight so hard for.
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If we rewind back to what the Bat Queen said in Hunting Palismen:
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contrast that with this point in Hunter's arc:
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Still blocked and numbed out from fully experiencing the worst thing he had ever been through: being possessed and in that process, slaying Flapjack.
Willow and Gus had just began to reach that vulnerability within him, moving him with their love and support (which is why the anger he had for around 2/3 of For the Future began to subside).
But it wasn't enough.
In the finale, he gets some temporary respite and relief:
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But I believe the real gruelling work was to begin beyond this exact point:
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More vulnerability ahead, to pave the way for healing.
Putting the scene of him looking at the old Flyer Derby photo (in For the Future) next to the scene where the Bat Queen sums up what palismen are all about...it indicates to me how steep the climb would be to connect with the full range of his emotions and memories, which parallels his development under Dell's mentorship. To bring some beauty out of that horror he has endured. To bring about the conviction that yes, he deserved Flapjack's gift, from Flapjack's sacrifice.
It would've been years before he would confidently and effortlessly rest in the truth of who he really is, and who he would like to be (remember his "Even if I'm not who I'm supposed to be, I like who I am right now" in front of the mirror, right before getting possessed?).
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Liberating himself from enmeshment with his violent abuser and that old life, a process he'd have to repeat again and again even beyond Belos's death. Changing that narrative of "supposed to":
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into freely choosing the person he would like to become after Flapjack granted him love and literal life. We receive the one clue that he wanted to freely choose, as early as this scene:
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When it comes to palismen, we have "emotion" and "conviction" and also the deepest wishes that witches have in their hearts.
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For emotion to flow freely, there must be vulnerability, generosity and love: Hunter integrating even the most difficult emotions into his story.
For him to grow into acceptance of his future major role, it would have involved wrestling with many questions to reach that place of conviction.
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roonyxx · 3 months
Healing Love: Part 4
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Summary: You have a normal life as a nurse, and you are content with it. But then a storm called Dean Winchester rolls into it and you get swept away by his charms. But secrets linger and threaten to drown you both.
Pairing: Dean x Witch!nurse!reader
Word count: 1160
Chapter warnings: angst, wounds and medical stuff (i am no professional and have no idea what the real treatments are), fluff.
support me :)
Healing Love Masterlist
My Masterlist
Deviders made by @firefly-graphics, give her some love!
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“What are you.” he says again.
You struggle to get to your feet and look at his face, his eyes moving and alive, his chest rising with each breath.
“I-“ how are you supposed to answer that? He will never want to see you again…
“I’m a witch, a natural witch.” You carefully say, glancing at both boys.
Will they kill you?
“I never hurt anyone. I promise.” You quickly add.
“Dean… y-you weren’t breathing, she saved you, without her magic, you would have been…” Sam doesn’t finish his sentence. You’re glad he doesn’t because you don’t want to think of that, what would have happened if you were just a normal nurse.
Dean tries to get up but hisses and grabs his stomach.
“Careful!” you say “I had enough to pull you back and fix the worse of the damage but you still have a long way to go.”
Dean looks up at you, his green eyes that are usually filled with joy are now cold and angry.
“Why did you lie to me. Do you have something to hide?” he snaps at you.
“Wh-what? No, of course not. I just- I figured out you were a hunter and- and well… hunters don’t care about what I do. They see my powers and go straight to the killing option.”
“Did you curse me? Made some spell so I would like you? what do you want?”
“Of course not! I didn’t do anything! I didn’t curse you! I just want to help you.” you explain.
“Sam can help me. Leave.”
“Dean…” Sam tries to reason.
“Your bandages still need changing so unless you want to die of infection, I need to see you at least every two days. Sam doesn’t know how to do it and I doubt another nurse will come all the way here, for free.” You cross your arms over your chest.
He might hate you now but that’s no reason for you to stop helping Dean.
“Once you’re all healed, I’ll disappear from your life.” You say.
The only respons you get is a grunt.
You turn and leave before he can see your tears fall.
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The next two week pass slowly. You see Dean every two days and he doesn’t say a word. He’s very cold towards you, but at least he is healing.
Sam came to thank you and apologized for Dean’s behavior. He mentions his brother has trust issues.
It’s hard for you because you never hurt anyone, all you want to do is help. And to have Dean acting so cold hurts even more.
When you come in the bunker today, there is a woman there, talking to Sam.
You never saw her before.
You make your way down the stairs.
“Oh, hi Y/n.” Sam kindly smiles at you.
The older woman turns around and takes you in, “Ah so this is the famous witch who saved Dean.” Her accent gives a funny twist to her words.
Your magic rises in you at sensing her magic. She’s a witch, and a powerful one.
She sticks her hand out towards you, “Rowena, nice to meet you. So rare to find a natural witch these days, you aren’t looking for a coven, are you?”
You hesitantly shake her hand, “Y/n, and no. I have no interest in joining a coven.”
“A pity.” Rowena sighs and turns back to Sam.
“As I told your brother, aside from the healing magic there is no proof of other spells used. Dean seemed surprised when I told him that.” She tells Sam.
is that why this witch is here? Why isn’t Dean pissed at her? Perhaps it’s just you he hates.
“He’s in his room?” you interrupt the conversation and leave to do your work when Sam nods.
You knock.
“Yes.” You hear Dean say from the other side.
You come in and go straight to work, not even looking him in the eyes, but you can feel his stare burning into the side of your face.
You lift his shirt and start cleaning the bandages and his wound.
“It’s healing well.” You say out loud.
“It’s hurting less.” He tells you and you look up at him.
He sounds almost normal, that hateful glint in his eyes is gone.
You look back down and continue working.
“So you are talking to me, and letting in other witches that you apparently don’t hate.”
“I don’t hate you and I- I need her to check something.” He answers.
“Check if I cursed you? I didn’t.” you say.
“I know. She told me. I just…” he sighs and you look at him “I’ve been used so many times before, I was afraid it was happening again. And- and I didn’t want that because i- I really like you, Y/n.”
You’re staring at him, a little baffled. You weren’t expecting this.
“You treated me horribly when all I did was help you.” you tell him.
“I know…” he bats his eyes down, “I don’t deserve your help.” He mutters.
You sigh and touch his hand, “I can understand how you feel. But you hurt me. I can’t just jump back to what we had.”
He nods, “I understand” then a dark chuckle, “even when something good happens to me, I manage to ruin it.”
“You still have a chance, Dean. But I will need time, okay? You can start with being flirty again, I missed that.” You give him a small smile.
The smile he gives you makes all the tension in your body leave. You almost forgot how his smile can light up a whole room.
“I missed you too, Y/n. Thank you for giving me another chance.” He reaches out and touches your cheek.
You lean into his palm, “I guess you have questions?”
“I do, what is a natural witch? Rowena said they are rare.”
“I was born a witch, like my mother, and I draw my power from nature. I don’t need to do rituals or have contact with demons to have powers.” You explain while finishing up his bandage.
“And you can heal?” he asks, “or do other things to?”
“Healing is my main signet yes. I can also levitate some objects and feel the presence of other magic. Like the sigils in the bunker.”
“That’s so cool.” He moves a little to the side to make room for you in his bed.
“Would you lay with me while I ask more? I want to know everything.” He says.
“You just want me in your bed.” You chuckle and get comfy next to him.
“Why not both?” he grins at you.
You gently slap his shoulder and snuggle into his side, his scent a balm to your aching heart.
You spend the whole evening talking about your powers and explaining everything to him.
You don’t even remember when you fell asleep in his arms.
But you do know that it was the best sleep you had in weeks.
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Forever Tags 2024: @jay-and-dean @flamencodiva @snowlovespie @awkward-and-indecisive @hobby27 @kazsrm67 @foxyjwls007
Dean tags 2024: @akshi8278 @pink-sparkly-witch @verytoadpapersoul @eevvvaa @muhahaha303 @alwaystiredandconfused @deansimpalababy @globetrotter28 @aylacavebear
Healing Love tags: @deans-spinster-witch @kr804573 @suckitands33 @bitchykittenconnoisseur @brightlilith @snowayumi @ailalovegood @shanimallina87 @stoneyggirl2 @chriszgirl92 @neptua
send me an ask if you want to be on any of my tag lists! (or if you want to be removed)
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nicoline1998enilocin · 6 months
You have a prompt ("no amount of money ever bought a second of time" from marvel-smash bingo) and this is something Tony's dad said to him, I would like to request something with it
Tony and reader just had a baby and Tony says this to the baby and that is something that his/her grandpa once said or Tony's parents are still alive when he's an adult and when they are visiting their grandbaby, Howard will say this to the baby and it's a very emotional moment 😊
Never grow up
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PAIRING | Husband!Dad!Tony Stark x Wife!Mom!Fem!Reader
WORD COUNT | ~ 800 words
SUMMARY | Your beautiful son came home a few hours ago, and now you witness Tony having a sweet moment with him, making your heart beat faster and filling with love like never before.
RATING | Teen (T)
WARNINGS/TAGS | Established relationship, use of nicknames (Gorgeous, Nugget), referenced pregnancy/childbirth
A/N | Nonnie, I cannot thank you enough for sending in this incredibly cute request! I decided to write something right away for you, and I hope you will enjoy every second of it, because I know I did when writing it. This is proofread by the amazing @ccbsrmsf1, for which I will be forever in your debt. I love you 🩷
EVENTS Masterlist | @fandom-free-bingo Frosty | Tucking into bed Masterlist | @marvel-smash-bingo | "No amount of money ever bought a second of time." Masterlist | @multifandom-flash Beehive | Sleep Cute
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Banners: Yours truly | Divider: @firefly-graphics | GIF: Source
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist
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Two days ago, your lifelong dream became a reality. Your son, Noah Anthony Stark, was born on March 16th at 4:57 AM in the Compound's Hospital wing. Today, you were released, and Tony couldn't be happier to bring him to his penthouse for the first time.
Noah's birth wasn't easy on you by any means, so you decided to take a little nap when you got home. Tony gives him a bottle before putting him down for a nap. From when your son was born, Tony immediately fell into a naturally fatherly role, and he has never been sexier.
Now, he resides in the rocking chair in Noah's nursery, slowly rocking back and forth while he feeds and talks to him.
"Y'know, my Dad used to say, 'No amount of money ever bought a second of time,' and I never quite grasped what that meant until now. Finally, having you with us is so special, but I already dread the day you'll be growing up. I wish you would forever stay this small or that I could pause time for even a moment," he tells his son, and you walk in about halfway through the conversation.
"I wish he could stay this little forever," you say to your husband, who looks up at you with a loving look. You slowly make your way over to both of them, careful not to hurt yourself now that you're still healing.
"I thought you were sleeping, Gorgeous," he says before giving you a small peck on your lips when you sat down next to both of them.
"I was, but I needed to use the toilet again. I heard you talking to Noah, so I decided to look at what you two were talking about."
Your head lies on his shoulder as you smile at your son, who already looks like Tony. He has the most beautiful blue eyes, though, and you're curious what they will change into—secretly, you hope they will morph into the same chocolate brown ones as Tony's.
"Not much. I was telling him what my Dad used to tell me," Tony sighs, and you nod.
"They would be proud of you, you know? After everything, you have the family you deserve, a beautiful son, and you're married to a beautiful woman," you say with a grin.
"You're definitely right about that, Gorgeous. And I know they would have fallen head over heels in love with him, just like you and I have," Tony tells you as he's blinking away the tears threatening to fall down his cheeks at the thought of his parents.
"They would have," you whisper to him as you look at Noah, who's already fallen asleep. Once Tony is finished feeding Noah, he changes him into a clean diaper and pajamas, ready to tuck him into bed.
"Sleep well, Nugget," you tell him as he's cozy in his crib, the sight making your heart melt. Your lifelong dream of becoming a Mom has come true, and you're feeling more loved than ever.
"Wow," Tony whispers when Noah peacefully sleeps, an occasional soft snore coming from him.
"Wow indeed," you whisper in return, and Tony nods.
"I can't believe I made him."
"We, Tony. We made him." You reprimand him, and he smiles wide before nodding. You're right; he's the outcome of your shared love. After a few more moments, you take your husband's hand before leading him out of the nursery and into your bedroom, needing some cuddles with him.
"He's cute when he sleeps, isn't he?" Tony tells you, and you couldn't agree more.
"Just as cute as his Daddy," you joke, making Tony smile widely.
"I don't think so, Gorgeous. I think you're much cuter than I am!" he tells you, making you laugh this time. Your world may have been turned upside down by bringing new life into this world, but the love you and your husband share has not changed, and you're fortunate to have him by your side.
"I love you, Tony. And thank you for being the best Daddy we could wish for," you say as you turn to him, getting on your tiptoes to capture his lips with yours.
"I love you too, Gorgeous. But let's get into bed because I need some cuddles with my hot mama," he says, and you feel the warmth spreading through your body at his words. During your pregnancy, Tony would worship your body every day when he wasn't away on missions, and he never fails to let you know how he feels about you now.
"The last one to the bed gets to change his next diaper!" you say after taking off, and Tony happily lets you win this race. He doesn't mind doing it, and you could use a win after the days you've had. As long as he can spend the next few hours with you cuddled in his arms, he knows he's the luckiest man on earth.
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marimoscorner · 5 months
A Witch’s Hearth: Finding Home in Nature
In our Disconnected, Urban World
Written by Autumn (she/her) 🍁
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To most witches, pagans and druids, the nature around us is as much of a home as our own domiciles. It’s healing to go out to an old growth forest, to bathe in the wisdom of beings who lived before you and will likely still stand tall when you are amidst their soil.
However, not everyone has immediate access to the lovely blessing of a deep forest.
I myself recently moved from the deep, lush forests of the PNW to just about as far south as I could go in my car, chasing the light that I need to function. The move has helped with my daily functions and mental health, yes—but I have been left feeling a bit lost without the forests of home.
Join me as I plan some ways in which I can adapt anew to the nature around my new home, how I may incorporate it in my magic, and how I may carve out a new spiritual hearth for myself.
Perhaps this can help inspire folks to tackle their own homesickness with nature, and to reconnect with the world in which they live (whether or not they’ve made a move).
Once again, please take this with a grain of salt—as this is just from my own experiences. I am not a teacher, I am simply recording my thoughts in the hopes to add my voice to the pot. With that, let’s begin! 🌿
A Deep Homesickness
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This photo is one my partner took at our engagement up in WA, right before we ran into a bear
The above photo is how I think of home. The deep green of the forest, the blue of the mountains on the horizon. Moss on just about every surface. The rich dirt that sustained it all. Were it not rainy and dark most of the year, I wouldn’t have left.
Now, I find home in a biome all its own. I’m living deeper into a city than I ever have, and I’m feeling isolated from nature. While the beach is close by, any deep woods that remind me of the edges of the wilderness up north are at the very least two to three hours away by car.
Though I have a hard time remembering this, it is not a bad change. Any plant that is uprooted from the earth it’s known its whole life is bound to feel a bit uncomfortable. But perhaps it can flourish if moved to soil better suited for its intrinsic needs.
Though my experience includes a physical move, this can apply to a homesickness you feel due to a simple displacement of nature in this society. Perhaps you aren’t seeing enough nature, or aren’t able to connect with what’s around you.
Let’s forge ahead to tackle this feeling of loneliness head on!
Finding Similarities
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This is a photo I took at a hike about 2.5 hrs out of the way down here. Though without as many trees, it felt much more familiar and was beautiful in its own right
In our modern society, we’re left with a longing to return to nature—to our home. You may find yourself longing for a specific kind of view. Perhaps you’re looking for prominence of a particular element—like a roaring river to enact water or plenty of clover to help you feel the earth. The following is a list of steps to tackle this:
Make a list of things you want to see or things that would help you feel at home in nature. Think of your dream location when it comes to the outdoors. What does it look like? What features does it have? How do you feel?
Go online and find trails nearby with as similar to these features as possible. AllTrails has the ability to search for trails with waterfalls, forests, wildflowers, wildlife, etc. for free. Make good use of the wonderful web of resources provided to us.
Make an effort to connect with nature at least once a month, if you can. Be sure to pack for safety—and take a nice hike, or sit under an old tree and journal in your grimoire. Ground yourself and notice the seasons around you
In this way, you’ll help your soul settle and feel comfortable, which will help with our next steps.
Bring a Piece of Nature Home
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Here’s one of my cats, Pagan, enjoying our newest garden box arrangement. I’m so proud of how far she’s come since we rescued this tiny baby
Many times, it’s near impossible to find the time in our busy lives during the week to go deep into nature. Thus, we need to take this connection into our own hands, and build our own miniature wild sanctuary.
NOTE: Do not remove plants or creatures from nature. They are there for a reason.
Take inventory of your available space. Is this your entire patio? A shelf? A portion of your altar? A garden box? A whole backyard? Take measurements so you can better plan
Remember your list of natural things you enjoy. Brainstorm some ways to include them in this space. It could be a photo or painting of your dream location. It could also be an actual plant for a tiny breath of fresh air. If you have the space, you could plant a whole garden! It is whatever matters most to you. Try and incorporate your local biome to help enmesh the two worlds, if they are different.
Thrift and shop around to fulfill the needs of this space. The more you can get secondhand or from smaller businesses in your community, the better. You may even be able to ask your neighbors or friends with impressive plants for a cutting to propagate!
Consider the safety of any children or animals in your life. A lot of plants and flowers can be toxic to certain creatures. Utilize the web to determine what is safe for your situation.
Set up your space and enjoy! You may utilize spells or ritual to fully enact the space and help it to feel more magical, but it is really your choice.
For my family, we live in an apartment. We haven’t had a backyard in years. Still, we’ve found way to turn our patio into a spot of natural respite. We utilize a tiered planter in order to make the most of our patio space. Though we’ve included small flowers that remind us of our old home, we’ve embraced the biome we’re currently in and have an entire row of beautiful succulents. Of course, we also added catnip for our babies, and herbs for our kitchen witchcraft. We also put down these outdoor tiles from IKEA that mimic a lawn and wooden patio. On our table, we’ve put a hummingbird feeder to help better support local wildlife, and are discussing an actual bird feeder.
Embracing the Nature Around You
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A photo I took of a playful wild crow. He was an excellent little model!
This is a step I still need to complete myself. When biomes don’t match up with how you picture nature in your craft, it can be frustrating! Especially if you’re in a fairly urban area, you may not have much access or choice in which nature you interact with.
Here’s the good thing, though: it’s all nature, regardless of how it shows up in the world.
Start researching your local biomes. Take account of your local parks and community gardens. Study the history of the land that you’re on, and how it played into the lives of the people that it truly belongs to (of course, do not culturally appropriate. This should go without saying). Explore native biodiversity. Find volunteer programs at local organic farms. Visit a farmer’s market. The list of possibilities goes on.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed or don’t know where to start, this is how I’ll be organizing my journey through this step:
Make a list of natural sights in your area that are easily accessible to you. I’m talking within a 30 minute drive or closer level of close. These don’t need to match up perfectly with your perception of nature—you may be pleasantly surprised in what you find when you open yourself up. This could include: parks, hiking trails, state parks, plant nurseries or shops, local/community gardens, farms that allow for visitors, farmer’s markets, local watersheds that allow for visitors, etc.
Visit these locations safely, documenting what you find beautiful and/or spiritual in each one. List aspects of local nature and how that could make an impact if you were to include them in your craft
Create a mini encyclopedia of local spots that you end up loving for days where you’re feeling disconnected and need a quick pick-me-up. You might even create a jar full of folded papers to pick them at random.
Increase the amount of local natural elements that you include in your craft instead of/alongside elements of your idealized natural space. You may find this area around you feeling more like a home or hearth than you ever have before.
Once you start practicing awareness in nature more and more, you’ll start to notice it in more places. This can not only help with your connection to your location, but can help you build your magical hearth in the energy around you.
Giving Back
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This is a photo I took at the San Diego Zoo of a weaver finch building its nest
Nature takes care of us, even when we’re detached from it in our cities. We need to take care of it in turn. If you have the means, find some way to give back to the nature around you if you so wish. Here are some ideas:
Give back to the plants with your energy, or make an offering of compost to replenish the soil
Purchase a Membership at a local zoo or aquarium that prioritizes conservation. This way you get to visit, too, while giving back! I love having memberships because I know on each visit I can really take my time and don’t have to rush about.
Volunteer to help reforest, or to help plant at a local garden. This can even be done by donation if you do not have the access or ability to physically participate
Consider giving homegrown herbs/plants to family and friends—or prepare them to help feed those in your community, if you have the means to donate
Teach others in your community how to properly dispose of waste and how they can help keep our natural beauty alive
Simply compost and recycle when the option is available to you
Etc. There is no one right way to do any of this! Just with your intent, you make your community a better place. Thank you for being in it
Thank you for taking the time to read through my little magical journal and ideas. Even if we don’t fully align, I hope that our paths crossing has contributed to even a slight net-positive in your day. I look forward to writing again soon.
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lou-struck · 1 year
Kenma Kozume x reader
~Kenma is not an outdoorsy guy for a number of reasons. One of which being how easily he fries in the sun. 
Warnings: Mentions of brutal sunburns and the pain the comes from them. reader helps Kenma, but it hurts a bit.
~This is one of the requested prompts for my Summertime Fun Event. Feel free to check it out. 
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Your once-peaceful summer afternoon ended the moment Kenma trudged through the door after his usual lunch date with Kuroo. Right away, you notice three things, 
One, he is drenched in sweat. 
Two, he looks utterly exhausted.
And Three: His usually pale skin glows bright red with the angriest of sunburns. 
“Ken, what happened to you?” you ask, and he steps into the cold air of your hallway. “I thought you guys were just going to lunch.”
Unfathomable misery is related in his eyes as he moves at a snail’s pace. “Me too, but someone thought it would be a good idea to sign us up for a sand volleyball league and not tell me.” 
You were playing volleyball in this heat?” you ask with wide eyes. “You look so burnt.”
“Because I am so burnt,” he mumbles shakliy, reaching out a hand for you to take. Every movement must be agonizing to him right now. “Tetsuro didn’t have any sunscreen either. Ughh, I wanna just curl up in a ball and die.”
“At least you don’t have any sand on you,” you add sympathetically as you help him to the couch. 
“I got to wash some of the sand off at the beach, but it hurt a lot,” he replies, looking down at his sweat-soaked t-shirt. “Can you help me take this off?”
You notice the red skin that evenly covers his skin, and your stomach sinks. “Oh Kenma, don’t tell me you played with it off?” you ask tentatively, only imagining the angry burn that hides beneath the threads. 
He only nods as you try to peel the shirt off of him as painlessly as possible. The key word in that last sentence being try, because even the slightest shift of the garment has him hissing and flinching away from the painful sensation of movement against his skin. 
“Owwww,” He winces as the fabric leaves his skin, exposing it to the cool air-conditioned air. His poor back, chest, and arms glow a deep fire engine red color that is angry to the touch.
“Try not to move too much; I know it hurts,” you murmur, giving his hand a little squeeze; strangely enough, it is one of the few parts of him that is not burnt. “I’ll get you some water; you’re probably dehydrated.”
“Definitely dehydrated,” he replies back, lips quirking up into a thin smile as he gingerly shifts to lay down on the leather couch and presses his face into one of the decorative pillows that adorn it. 
He whines in pain again, but as you are walking away, you hear him, Half-mumbling, half-whining something akin to a thank you.
As you walk to the fridge, you can’t help but pity the man. Kenma has never been an outdoorsy person; he burns too easily in the sun and is always prone to some kind of nature-based misfortune. Last week was a nasty number of mosquito bites, and this week has to be the burn.
Your water pitcher rests in the fridge door. Wasting no time when pouring him an ice-cold glass.
With the glass in one hand, you stop yourself from putting the pitcher back into the fridge and take it with you. 
You read somewhere that proper hydration is one of the key factors in healing a sunburn. So you’ll make him down a few glasses right away.
You come back into the living room, noting the contrast between the light gray of the couch and Kenma’s glowing back. “I brought you some water, Ken Ken,” you say, watching as Kenma struggles to readjust his position on the couch. 
“Thank you,” he breathes, taking the glass from your hand and downing it in a second; he drinks desperately as the droplets drip down his chin and onto the carpeted floor beneath him. M’ sorry, I can clean that up later.” he gasps, reaching for the pitcher to fill it up again.
“Don’t worry, it’s only water.” you say, “We gotta take care of this burn, Ken, is Kuroo burnt too?”
A look of annoyance flashes in his catlike eyes. “Not a bit. It is so unfair. Why did I only burn? He looked completely fine while I’m a freaking lobster.”
“But you’re my lobster,” you say, giving him a lopsided smile. Absent-mindedly, you reach over to rub a few soothing circles on his skin, just as you have done for him a thousand times before. 
Usually, the innocent little touch helps him relax, but today, when you touch his skin, you find it hot to the touch. He flinches and yelps.
“I am so sorry, it was a habit.” you apologize quickly. 
“It’s not your fault,” he responds, looking at you with a softness in his eyes. “It’s the sun’s; if the sun wasn’t out today, it wouldn’t have been hot, and I wouldn’t have gotten burned. Why does the sun have to be so hot anyways? Its annoying.” He takes a breath from his anti-sun tirade as you quickly duck out of the room and head back to the fridge where you have been keeping your aloe vera after sun lotion so it stays cold when you apply it. 
“Okay, Ken, this may hurt a bit, but I promise it will make you feel better,” you say, walking over to the front of the couch and sitting on the edge of the cushion. He only groans, and you see his fingers dig into the cushion as he braces for the pain. 
You squeeze a generous amount of lotion into your hands; the cold sensation feels odd as you hover your palms over his burning skin. Your hands are shaking in apprehension. You really don’t like doing things that would hurt him, even if you are trying to do the opposite. 
“You’re hesitating,” he says from beneath you. “You aren’t going to hurt me.”
You let out a dry chuckle, “I’m the one who is supposed to be helping you, remember?”
“You are helping,” he says, his voice encouraging you to move. You take a deep breath and gingerly place your hands on his burnt skin. He squirms as the cold lotion drips onto his back and his breath hitches. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you repeat softly as you continue to rub the lotion onto his skin. 
 “You’re fine, I’m fine, We’re fine.” Kenma comforts in a shaky voice. “It’s feeling better, I promise.”
“If you say so,” you mumble as you continue; the last time you were not feeling your best, he did so much to make you feel comfortable. And you are paying him back with well-meaning pain. 
“Okay, that’s it. You can sit up if you’d like.” 
“It’s all rubbed in?” he asks, trying to hide his pain from you. 
“How do you feel?” you ask, pressing him and searching for a bit of reassurance. 
“Much better, thank you.” he sighs. “I think I just want to lay here for a while. Will you stay with me? You could play one of the games I got for you.”
“That sounds good; of course I will,” you smile, leaning in and kissing him on his sun-dried lips. “But next time, you really gotta wear sunscreen.”
“Next time?” he chuckles, returning the kiss, looking at you with affection in his gaze. “I’m never going outside again.”
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Tagging: @enchantedforest-network @planetonet
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arpmemething2 · 7 months
Batman the Animated Series sentence starters
Send one for my muse’s reaction.  Feel free to change pronouns as needed.
"All right, scum bucket, it's you, me, and thirty stories. You're gonna tell me exactly what I want to know."
"That's one way to remove a splinter."
"I have this natural immunity against poisons, toxins, the pain and suffering of others. Go figure."
"I failed you. I wish there were another way for me to say it. I cannot. I can only beg your forgiveness, and pray you hear me somehow, someplace... someplace where a warm hand waits for mine."
"Last time we met, you tried to throw me off a building."
"If you think I've been bad news before..."
"Old and infirm as you are, I'd trade a thousand of my frozen years for your worst day."
"What kind of a saboteur uses a six-thousand dollar Metronex to set a time bomb?"
"I never counted on being happy."
"A strong mind can fuel a frail body."
"I need a new car."
"There's no way you could have escaped from that explosion! How did you get out?"
"I'm gettin' too old for this."
"I suppose what they say is true: society is to blame. High society."
"Succumb to the fear!"
"Gee, it's amazing the things you find in people's glove compartments."
"Children and guns do not mix. Ever."
"I'm having a BAD DAY! I'm sick of people trying to shoot me, run me over or blow me up!"
"They're not stupid, and it's your party."
"Aren't they just the cutest family you've ever seen?"
"It's midnight darling, time to unmask."
"It's gonna be one of those nights."
"When you look too long into the abyss, the abyss looks back through you."
"If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?"
"You've got to admit there's something between us."
"There's always time to heal."
"I didn't realize you'd taken up listening to rock and roll."
"Choosing a weekend date?"
"I don't believe in fate."
"An entire city screaming in fear. I wonder if we'll be able to hear it."
"Some thought I'd gone mad. Others thought I always had been. And so they put me where they thought I belonged."
"Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no tales."
"This city would fall apart without you!"
"I love that trick but I can never make it work."
"Taking up video games, are we?"
"I hate it when he does that."
"You are strong... but not strong enough!"
"They don't make straight jackets like they used to. I should know."
"He's not samurai. He's NINJA. They're spies and assassins. Their only code is to get the job done."
"A pixel is worth a thousand words."
"I am vengeance! I am the night!!"
"And who says opera has to be boring?"
"He always knew how to make an exit."
"Hey! Do I hit your kids? Oh, actually I do..."
"Now boys, didn't your mommies teach you that's not the way to get a lady's attention?"
"Not the robot theory again."
"Freeze, maggots! You're all under arrest!"
"You said you'd never let me go home!"
"What was she before she went bonkers?"
"This used to be a beautiful street. Good people lived here once."
"'Tis better to have loved and lost, and made a small profit, than never to have loved at all!"
"Chance is everything. Whether you're born or not, whether you live or die, whether you're good or bad. It's all arbitrary."
"But you've forgotten the first rule of comedy: if you have to explain the joke... THEN IT ISN'T FUNNY!"
"I told you not to speak!"
"Coming through! Hot stuff!"
"The snow is beautiful, don't you think? Clean, uncompromising..."
"When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping."
"What a pleasant surprise. Though I should warn you - breaking and entering is against the law."
"This could cause a stampede to pork."
"You really know how to put the fun in funeral."
"You ought to put your toys away."
"Would not, could not... would not, could not... oh, could not join the dance."
"Home. I never thought that could sound so good."
"Then I'll see you in your nightmares!"
"As the Bard said, "the fault lies not in our stars, but in ourselves.""
"You know what I'd have given for a death scene like this. Too bad I won't get to read the notices."
"He's a little protective of all this. I think he likes bats better than people."
"All your power and money has bought you an empire of misery."
"Don't try this at home kids!"
"I feel ill."
"Well, that was fun! Now, who's for Chinese?"
"You're about to fall out of orbit."
"Why can't he ever stay dead?"
"They can bury me in the ground, as deep as they like. But I'll grow back. We always grow back. Don't we, baby?"
"All men have something to hide. The brighter the picture, the darker the negative."
"You thought I was just another bubble-headed blond bimbo! Well, the joke's on you, 'cause I'm not even a real blonde."
"When the wage slaves start acting like they own the place, it's time to pull the plug."
"I've been known to be foolish, but ain't nobody calls me a liar and goes to bed happy."
"Since you don't like my side-splitters, how 'bout a skull-splitter?"
"This is kidnapping, mister! Last time I checked, it was highly illegal!"
90 notes · View notes
We’ve reached the day of the wedding. This chapter was a delight to create. Keep an eye out for cameos from characters made by my friends @noble-crimson and @cleoarrow. There’s also an embedded song link to better help you better experience one particular moment. I changed the lyrics though. Enjoy, I sure did. @fernstarsblog
T/W: Era appropriate sexism, discussions of abuse and drug addiction
Primum Peccatum Ch. 16: Like Rain on Your Wedding Day
It was a difficult decision, but Pomni and Altonicus ultimately decided to slow down the tapering process in time for the wedding.
Jax had mostly recovered from the worst of his opium reduction, to the point that he mostly only suffered from cold spells and occasional headaches. Of course, it would become severe again once they went from one drop of laudanum to half a drop. But, when this debacle was over, they could focus on fully getting Jax off of opium once and for all. For now, it was about getting the ceremony over and done with.
Pomni, naturally, told Jax about the encounter with Boone. Every detail. It was, after all, important to communicate in a relationship, so she had heard. She did make an effort to emphasize the fact that Boone was the one who ended up hurt, not her, but that was hardly lying. Journalists would call it “editorializing.” She despised Boone and by no means aimed to protect him, but her fiancé was ill and did not need to aggravate his condition by enacting vengeance on his brother. That would jeopardize both his health and also arouse Drexl’s suspicions, had Boone not already turned stool pigeon and betrayed them…
“He attempted to harm you..?” Jax said. His voice was eerily quiet.
“Yes he did,” Pomni said. “He did not succeed in doing so, and his apology appeared genuine enough… But he did.”
Jax took a deep breath. He closed his eyes in a slow blink, then reopened them.
“Help me to my feet,” he said.
“Do you need the lavatory?” Pomni inquired.
“No. I wish to discuss these events with my brother,” Jax said, pulling his bedclothes aside.
“I assume by ‘discuss,’ you mean ‘beat.’ And I can’t allow you to do that.” Pomni said.
“And why not?” Jax asked. His expression was like a hot anvil, unmoving and silent, but radiating palpable energy.
“For once thing, in your present state, you’d be trounced,” Pomni replied. “You have difficulty even standing without my assistance at the moment. I think I could even defeat you as you are now.”
Pomni smiled thinly.
“That was a joke. But the other reason is, you’d be walking right into the lion pit. Boone is at your father’s, and I assume your brother won’t hesitate to cower behind him. What if he reveals the truth of your withdrawals right there? There would be no way to avoid your father’s wrath, and who knows what that dragon is capable of when truly furious?”
Jax’s shoulders slumped a bit. He looked at the floor for a while before glancing up at Pomni.
“You raise fair points. I suppose Boone eludes the consequences yet again,” he sighed. “You are frightfully calm for what you’ve just endured.”
“Calm? Hardly. Though I may be placid on the surface, I assure you, I am not. If I’ve taken away anything from these past few weeks, apart from my love for you, it’s that I cannot change this country’s poisoned ideals through shouting and the gnashing of teeth. Think of it like a boil; squeezing and picking at it in blind anger will only aggravate the pain, as the infection runs deep beneath the skin. If you truly wish to be rid of the agony, it must be treated with surgical calmness, draining every last drop of bacteria-ridden filth from the wound until it can at last heal and be free of pain. That’s why I seem so calm. I am angry, but impotent flailing has gotten me nowhere. All the energy I would have spent on crying and cursing my lot in life has been spent on you and… the day of the wedding.”
Jax smiled weakly. “Preparations have been made, I assume…”
“Made to the best of my ability, darling,” Pomni said. “We can only hope things will play without too much issue.”
“Pomni,” Jax said. “Do you believe Boone will tell my father?”
“I believe he’s capable of doing so. But I warned him that should he, The Gentleman in Red that saved me will pursue him. I do not know if he believed me. But… you can rest assured that I will be the first line of defense should your father arrive.”
Pomni offered a hand, Jax taking it after a moment.
“Never alone, darling,” Pomni said.
All remained silent. It reminded Pomni of the eye of a hurricane, falsely still and bright before the thunder and torrential rain resumed. She occasionally waited until three or four in the morning downstairs in Mr. Kinger’s sitting room some nights, clutching anything heavy that could be used as a weapon. A fire poker, a bread knife, an old Dorvician kukri Kinger picked up on his travels, the blade long since tarnished but quite sharp. She eventually settled on a heavy brass candlestick. It was comfortable enough to keep in her lap while reading but heavy enough to knock someone’s lights out.
On one of these sleepless nights before the wedding, Pomni wrote her vows. To her surprise, it was difficult. Quite difficult, really. Writing what she promised to do was quite easy, anyone could do that. But making it sound genuine and not a cold statement of facts, that was an entirely different beast.
She wrote, then erased, wrote a bit more then erased. She leaned back in her chair and chewed the end of the art pencil she borrowed from Kinger. Pomni thought reading so many romance novels would prepare her for romantic writing, and yet, here she sat, at her wit’s end. She looked over at Jax.
He had managed to get to sleep. He had his arms crossed over his stomach, the book Pomni lent him tucked under one hand. She smiled a bit. He looked… peaceful. He deserved the rest. The two of them had been through so much together and it had only been three weeks… Three weeks? That short an amount of time… it had felt like an eternity.
She paused. Hm. That was a good opening line actually. She wrote it down, the well-oiled cogs of her mind beginning to turn. She continued to write, erasing every now and then, until the page was full. She didn’t need to read it more than once to memorize it. So, she supposed she didn’t need it any longer. She picked up the bit of paper, fully intent on ripping it in two…
She looked at Jax. He slept soundly. She smiled a bit once again. She instead folded up the bit of paper and tucked it into her purse. She might have not needed to read it anymore, but it would be a pleasant keepsake.
The day of the wedding arrived, and there had been not a single word from The Krolik Estate. Perhaps Boone had made good on his word after all, but there was little time to dwell on that. Pomni was led out of The Rooker Estate by Zooble, driving the family’s carriage. They helped her onto the passenger’s side of the driver’s bench, flicking the reins. Maple and Juniper flicked their heads, snuffling and heading up the road.
“Well, here we are at last. Are you prepared, Ms. Shutnyk?” Zooble asked.
“…I have prepared. But I am quite nervous.” Pomni said. “…Is it true father intends to sign me over to Krolik International as soon as we go through with the ceremony..?”
“I cannot be certain. He has been very quiet ever since the day Mr. Krolik floated the idea. What you saw the day you tried on your dress was the most he’d spoken before or since.” Zooble replied.
“I see… He’s likely still furious with me. I’m very sorry if it’s made your work more difficult, Zooble.” Pomni said.
“On the contrary,” Zooble almost chuckled. “Your parents have been so wrapped up in your wedding that my job has been rather simple. Merely housekeeping. I’m sure I’ll be back to carrying your mother’s superfluous purchases at the market by tomorrow.”
Pomni laughed a bit, but soon she was back to frowning.
“…Zooble. I wanted to say that… I’ll miss you greatly. You’ve been so kind these past three years. I would hire you on as our caretaker if I had the revenue.”
Zooble looked at Pomni. Their eyes smiled.
“I will miss your company as well, Ms. Shutnyk.” Zooble said. “No matter what course today takes, I hope you’ll stop by every now and then, if not for your parents, at the very least for me.”
Pomni nodded. After they arrived at Lakepoint, decorated with white frills and teeming with guests, some Pomni had never seen before and some she recognized distantly, Pomni threw her arms around her caretaker, who more than happily returned her embrace.
The ceremony was set outdoors, just by Falconhurst pond. Citronella candles burned on the edges of the property to ward off mosquitos. Two sets of white wicker chairs were arranged on the lawn behind Lakepoint, the grass meticulously trimmed and cleaned of waterfowl leavings. The guests had been instructed to dress simply, the only stipulation being that one’s outfit must include a blue or red flower, red for women, blue for men. On the left side of the aisle sat Pomni’s family. All of her father’s family was deceased or long forgotten in Telychia, so Mirella’s relatives took up these seats. They were Silurians at heart, outgoing, jovial and talkative, everything Pomni was not. She had hardly met any of them, yet she expected she would be well acquainted with them by the time the wedding was over. She held no grudges against them, but sincerely hoped they would ask before they touched.
Zooble had a place in the audience beside Mirella in the front row. They wore their usual tuxedo with two flowers, one red and one blue. Mr. Kinger looked quite dapper in his surprisingly well-preserved wedding tuxedo and top hat, although he did smell a touch like moth powder. He wore a blue rose lapel pin, a gift from the Sultanate of Dorvicia for his work on the biology of desert insects.
In the backmost row sat a shapeman in a red tailcoat, his head nothing but a large set of dentures with a pair of Heterochromic eyes. He held a cane in one hand and an empty wine glass in the other, which he occasionally pantomimed sipping from. The other guests found it wise to simply let him alone, as he arrived at the ceremony with an invitation identical to everyone else’s, speaking to no one and keeping his differently-colored eyes squarely on the altar. He wore no flower.
On the right side sat a rainbow of rabbits. Jax’s family, cousins of his from Drexl’s side of the family, as well as his late mother’s, most having arrived from Ediacara and speaking not a word of Hirnantian. A few other beastfolk derived from different animals sat amongst the many-colored crowd. A family of what appeared to be abnormally large deerfolk consisting of a father, his son and his daughter, a lone corvidae woman seated near the back, and two crocodile men, sitting sharply at attention. Old business partners of Drexl’s back in Ediacara, perhaps.
Drexl himself sat in the front row, sentinel-like in a cobalt blue tuxedo. Zuzanna sat on his left side, ghostly and pretty in a delicate pink dress and a red corsage about her wrist. On his right sat his three sons, all in matching black tuxedos and dyed blue roses on their breast pockets, and Kali, hand in hand with Alton in a red dress. She looked radiant, as always. Boone kept his mouth closed, tapping a foot rapidly on the grass. Osvaldo sat up straight, appearing rather nervous but altogether content. Alton looked as pleasant as he always did. Being a doctor, he must have practiced having a pleasant expression to avoid upsetting any patients.
Gangle sat just beside the stage on a rolling plywood platform, playing “Clair de Lune” on Lakepoint’s grand piano. Vladimir and Drexl wheeled the instrument out to the stage earlier that morning. Though Drexl could have done so on his own, given his mighty stature, Vladimir insisted that he aid him in some way, so was instructed to hold the piano steady on the platform as Drexl pushed it.
Sister Ragatha approached the stage. It was decorated with a white trellis backdrop and a wreath made from ivy vines and a bouquet of red and blue flowers. She wore her usual gray habit, the hood down and her bright red curls hanging free. A rose of matching hue was pinned to her chest. She put her hands on the pulpit, opening The Gray Accord to the appropriate passage, and smiled out to the crowd.
“Good morning, everyone,” she said, the murmur of conversation coming to a halt, Gangle taking her ribbons off the keys and placing them in her lap. “We’re gathered here today to celebrate the union of two wonderful young souls in marriage. Though they only met recently, Ms. Pomni Annabelle Shutnyk and Mr. Jax Bazyli Krolik have become an inseparable duo.
“In fact, you all should know that Mr. Krolik almost caught his death of flu two weeks ago. Ms. Shutnyk has remained vigilantly by his side every single day since, nursing him back to health and keeping him company through the most difficult of the symptoms. That is the kind of pure and dedicated love The Allfather aimed to instill in all beings from our inception.”
Boone appeared to shift a bit in his seat. The Gentleman in Red notably looked away from the stage to focus on Boone, and the beastman was still again. The Gentleman kept his eyes upon Boone a moment longer before looking back to Ragatha.
“I think it prudent to read a passage from The Gray Accord that discusses love. It’s a passage that has certainly inspired my own path towards enlightenment as a Gray Sister, and one that I hope will inspire Mr. and Mrs. Krolik’s union. Ahem…
“‘Love is the single most malleable emotion The Allfather gave to us. It guides us towards The Hereafter like a beacon of light, teaching us to seek the ones who bring us the most happiness and to forgive our enemies. But it can so easily be distorted into jealousy and obsession, or worse, corrupted and turned to mad hatred. That is what a true celebrant of The Allfather should strive for, this pure and soft love, as it will surely guide one to Him.’ Book 2, Verse 9.
“I wholeheartedly believe that the union that has formed so quickly between these two is a sign of this ideal love The Accord speaks of. Though drawn together by financial necessity rather than fate, these two young souls will foster a relationship that will endure through the ages. And I consider it a tremendous honor to deliver them into each other’s arms. Everyone stand, please.”
The crowd rose to their feet, Osvaldo getting up and exiting. Drexl made a move to put a paw on his shoulder, not being fast enough, and watched his second son disappear into Lakepoint with fiery eyes. Zuzanna hurried to his side and whispered in his ear. Drexl listened with a frown and shook his head, but appeared to acquiesce, waving a paw. Zuzanna smiled and followed after Osvaldo.
Ragatha looked over to Gangle, who nodded at the Gray Sister, furling and unfurling her ribbons before putting them to the ivory keys and beginning to play “Gymnopedie No. 1.” Not quite as grand as a church organ, but no one could be asked to move that behemoth.
Jax Krolik emerged from the back entrance of Lakepoint, dressed in an immaculate black tuxedo, custom made extra wide loafers and a bow-tie. On his breast was a dyed blue rose. Although he had dark lines beneath his eyes and his fur wasn’t quite groomed to perfection, he wore his signature wide Cheshire smile and carried himself with an air of pride. Zuzanna walked alongside him, arm in arm. She held her own head up rather high. She was the only woman who could serve as his escort after all, it was a high honor for a housekeeper such as herself.
The audience watched him approach with encouraging smiles. Some of his relatives gasped, having not seen him since he was a toddler. Alton and Kali beamed and waved. Drexl bore a faint smile. Boone made eye contact with his youngest brother and quickly averted it.
Zuzanna stopped at the altar and smiled at Jax.
“Jestem z ciebe dumny,” she said, kissing him softly on the forehead.
“Really now Zuzanna…” Jax said with a wave of his paw. He walked up the altar and nodded to Sister Ragatha, who offered her congratulations.
Gangle added a bit of flourish to her playing as she began The Wedding March, the section even children on the playground could hum along to. Everyone turned again to the back of the aisle and were greeted by the sight of the bride herself.
Pomni stood beside her father, in her iridescent feathered dress and clutching a bouquet of red roses. Her veil was thin as early morning vapor. Vladimir walked with her, arm in arm and with a proud grin on his face. Pomni smiled thinly, keeping her gaze firmly on the grass. All those eyes on her. Best not to look. She only exchanged glances with one guest, the nameless Gentleman in Red, who raised his empty glass in a toast. Pomni could be seen mouthing the word “You..?” before moving along down the aisle.
“She’s so pretty…” said one of Jax’s relatives, bright yellow like a blooming daffodil. Pomni felt a hot blush creep across her face, but felt significantly more emboldened, hearing such sweet words from a complete stranger.
Jax himself watched Pomni reverently. She was normally dressed so modestly, seeing her in such a gorgeous dress was a shock to the senses. She looked like a dove, petite and elegant. He blushed.
“Make me proud, lisichka,” Vladimir said, giving his daughter a hug. As she hugged him back rigidly, she made eye contact with Drexl. His affect betrayed no emotion, so Pomni offered none in return.
She ascended the three steps to the altar, placing the bouquet of roses in the awaiting ceremonial vase. Ragatha gave her a radiant smile. Pomni met her groom’s eyes.
“It’s alright,” Jax whispered. “Look anywhere. I won’t be offended.”
Pomni smiled gratefully and looked at the rose pinned to his chest. Roses didn’t bloom blue naturally, they had to be dyed that color. There has been cross-pollination experiments to create a blue rose, but they only ever came out purple- Oh, blazes, where was her mind? Ragatha had begun to speak, the crowd taking their seats.
“-gathered here today to witness the union of two souls in marriage. May The Allfather smile down from The Hereafter on this blessed day. Now, before we begin the vows, in lieu of having a speaker, our couple has requested a small performance from Jax’s brother and best man, Mr. Osvaldo Krolik. May I direct your attention to the grand piano?”
The crowd all turned to the piano. Gangle had risen to her feet as a gray rabbit approached the platform. There was a faint creak of wood from The Krolik side of the audience, like that of someone gripping the seat of their chair hard enough to break it into sawdust. Gangle went to take her seat on the Shutnyk side of the audience as Osvaldo sat at the piano, flexing his paws.
“Good morning. This is an original composition I wrote specifically for my brother and sister-in-law. I hope you’ll enjoy it,” he announced to the crowd, his eyes on no one in particular.
“Here we go…” whispered Jax with a nervous smile. He took hold of Pomni’s hand, and she squeezed his paw in response.
Osvaldo cleared his throat and closed his eyes for a few moments, silently counting himself off and beginning a soft piano melody. He sang a few wordless notes before he began the first verse.
“Would you like to say something before you leave?
Perhaps you’d care to state exactly how you feel?
We said ‘goodbye’ before we said ‘hello…’”
His voice was sweet and elegant, precise as the brushstrokes of a painter. He picked up speed, gaining a small smile.
“I hardly even like you, I shouldn’t care at all…
We met just six hours ago, the music was too loud…
Wed to you? I’d gain a day and lose a bloody year…
But I… Would like to know…”
He tossed his head back and began to sing louder.
“How do you feel, how do you feel?
How do you feel, how do you feel?”
He sang a few more wordless notes, one foot tapping along to the time signature in his head. Most of Pomni’s relatives had leaned in with interest by that point. Music was of great importance to Silurian culture, and Osvaldo had them enchanted. The Gentleman in Red appeared to sing along silently, even though Osvaldo never performed the song for anyone before today.
He continued.
“Not a single word was said, the night still hid our fears…
Occasionally you’d show a smile, my heart skipped a beat…
We met each other far too soon, yet the world seems fresh and bright…
“I see you lying in the sun, I wish that I was there…
Tomorrow brings another sky, another day with you…
Have you time before you leave to greet this lonely man..?
And I… Would like to know…”
He began the second chorus in full swing, everyone in the audience listening intently by this point. The family of deer exchanged looks of wonder, Gangle could be seen nodding her mask in time with the song’s rhythm, and some of Pomni’s relatives were speaking excitedly in Silurian.
The rhythm of the song slowed, Osvaldo’s eyes closed, his performance winding down in time with the music.
“Goodbye to you…
Now I bid adieu…
I’ll… say I love her one dayyy…”
Osvaldo gave a short aria, his piano-playing picking up speed before coming to an abrupt stop. He took a few deep breaths and placed his hands in his lap.
A few moments of silence and the crowd erupted into applause. Pomni’s relatives stood,
clapping and whistling, calling out “Bellissimo!” and “Chiedere un bis!” The Krolik side of the audience had gotten to their feet as well,
Altonicus cheering for his younger brother with Kali, Boone clapping discreetly along with them. Even some of Drexl’s business partners had risen to applaud, the corvidae woman clapping her feathered hands and repeating “Wonderful!” and the family of large deerfolk cheering as well. Osvaldo made eye contact with the son from that family, nigh on eight feet tall with warm, honey-brown eyes and fur the color of chestnut. He smiled at Osvaldo, who flushed and smiled back.
Drexl stood, but moved not an inch. His eyes were ablaze.
Osvaldo bowed shortly to the audience before walking up onto the stage and standing beside Jax.
“Excellent job, Oz,” Jax whispered.
“I was enraptured,” Pomni added.
Osvaldo sniffled and wiped his eyes. “Thank you both…” he whispered back.
“What a lovely performance from our best man!” Ragatha said after the crowd sat down. Drexl was the last to be seated. “Very well, if everyone is ready, we shall begin with the reading of the vows! Mr. Krolik, let’s begin with you, shall we?”
“We shall,” Jax said, pulling a bit of paper out of his coat pocket. “I actually only had a few days to write these due to being ill, but I’m rather proud of them.”
Jax cleared his throat.
“‘Pomni Annabelle Shutnyk. Before I met you, I had no idea what to expect. The daughter of my father’s business associate could have been anyone. I must admit, I was not expecting a 110 pound powder keg.”
A few people in the audience chuckled, Zooble included. Pomni smirked.
“I admit, I was nervous, yet intrigued. You were uninterested in the banal pleasantries of polite society. You did not even entertain the idea of conforming to the expectations of anyone but yourself. In short, you went where you wanted to go and refused to be led anywhere. And that is truly commendable.
“However, it was not until I fell into dire straits that I saw the warm and compassionate soul that you are. When I fell violently ill, not only did you stay at my bedside through all hours of the day, you sacrificed sleep and stayed awake with me so I would not have to face insomnia alone. You read to me, the entirety of Goethe’s The Ties that Bind-”
He briefly turned to the audience. “Excellent novel, might I add.” There was scattered laughter.
“-until your voice became a mere rasp. And not only have you been a gift to me, but you’ve also helped my own family as well. You’ve befriended my sister-in-law and eldest brother…”
Jax gestured to Kali and Altonicus, the former biting back tears and the latter smiling proudly with a nod.
“…encouraged my best-man and second eldest brother to pursue his dream of becoming a vocalist despite societal pressures…”
He gestured to Osvaldo beside him, who shrank somewhat but retained a diffident smile.
“…and have even helped my third eldest brother see reason, and that is, in itself, a monumental task.”
Jax gestured to Boone, giving him a severe look. Boone looked off to the side.
“I am thrilled to have found, by sheer chance, a woman with a wit as sharp as a bayonet, a will as stalwart as a mountain, and yet with a personality as refreshing as a desert oasis. I cannot wait to walk this world at your side. You have captured my heart, Pomni. I love you.”
He smiled gently and nodded, tucking his speech into breast pocket. Pomni’s mouth quivered. Allfather above, she was supposed to follow that?! She was flattered, certainly, goodness sakes she felt as though she might weep… But how could she ever match such gentle vows?
Well, she only had one set memorized, and was never much good at improvisation. There was only one option.
“Jax…” she began, then paused for a moment. Her mouth had courteously turned dust dry. She swallowed and continued.
“Jax. These three weeks before our marriage have been perhaps the most transformative of my life. Having been arranged to be your bride, I had myself quite convinced I would dislike you. I’m sure you remember my attitude towards you upon our first meeting in my father’s library. I believe I called you a mooncalf?”
Jax laughed, although he was the only one to do so. Pomni continued, swallowing again.
“But, since then, I’ve come to realize that there are few people I’ve met that are as intriguing as you. You are intelligent, forward-thinking and quite frankly… fun. For 25 years, I’ve felt alone in my interests, and thanks to you I’ve finally found someone who not only shares my passions, but who I can also match wits with. I have never felt so liberated as I do when I am with you… Despite the tribulations of the past few weeks, illness related or otherwise, I would not trade the time that we’ve spent together for all the crowns in the world. I, too, am so greatly looking forward to the life I shall lead with you…”
Pomni looked into his lemon-colored eyes with her own aquamarine pair. She felt perfectly comfortable, not a single itching sensation on her body.
“Thank you for helping me realize that I can devote myself to someone while still being my own person. Thank you for loving me as I am and not seeking to change a single aspect of my character. Thank you for… Thank you for making me feel wanted… I love you so much…”
Twin tears rolled down her cheeks. She sniffled and wiped them away, averting eye contact. Jax tried his own eyes with a knuckle.
“Join hands, please,” Ragatha said brightly, opening a small box in front of her to reveal two wedding rings, one with a royal blue sapphire and the other with a crimson ruby. Pomni and Jax held hands. Pomni hesitated only for a moment before gripping his paws. Love him she did, fears weren’t conquered over night.
“Do you, Pomni Annabelle Shutnyk, take Jax to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, through good times and troubled, ‘til death do you part?” Ragatha asked.
“I do,” Pomni said. Jax squeezed her hands. Pomni took the red gemstone ring from the box and slid it onto Jax’s left paw ring finger.
“And do you, Jax Bazyli Krolik, take Pomni to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, through good times and troubled, ‘til death do you part?” Ragatha asked.
“I do,” Jax replied. He took the blue gemstone ring and slid it onto Pomni’s right hand ring finger.
“Then, by the power vested in me by The Gray Church and the country of New Hirnantia, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.” Ragatha said, taking a step back.
Jax lifted Pomni’s veil, revealing her rosy face and nervous smile. He leaned down. She tilted her chin up. Their lips met for the first time.
The audience erupted into applause. Osvaldo applauded right along with them, but, after several seconds, hastily slid down off of the altar and hurried away.
“Osvaldo!” Drexl barked. He received no response.
Pomni Krolik remained on the altar with her lips pressed against her husband’s. It was the longest she had ever touched anyone. And for the first time in her life, she was unwilling to let go.
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