#bc people bring up selfishness as one of sams flaws
acesammy · 1 year
I know I get so blinded by Sams plot when watching spn that I often overlook deans, but do you ever think about deans s2 arc? Bc it’s batshit good.
John sells his soul for dean and dean spends the entire season suffering for it - to the point that he /explicitly/ makes the point that selling your soul for a loved one is a selfish and cruel act - only to do that to Sam. Bc Dean just cannot fathom living while Sam is dead. and thinking about all this makes me want to start chewing drywall bc Dean KNOWS how selfish he is being here, but the idea of sacrificing yourself for someone else’s life - regardless of how much that person WOULD NOT WANT THAT - comes across as the most selfless caring thing you can do.
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wasflypaw · 4 years
Types of c!Tommy related discourse posts I agree / disagree with to set things straight
Tommy is morally gray / has done bad things / has flaws / isnt always in the right - True!!
Tommy is annoying and obnoxious - That's just Rude and a good way for me to not listen to you
Tommy is selfish / does bad things for no reason / cares more for his discs than his friends / is the cause of most of the conflict - Blatant mischaracterisation, incorrect
Tommy has done nothing wrong / Tommy is a child and therefore his actions are excused - Nobody thinks this, yall just say we do to make our other arguments seem invalid
Tommy provoked ____, Tommy did [insert thing you see as bad], therefore he deserves [incredibly traumatic punishment] - Victim blaming, I will never listen to another opinion you have, ever
Puffy and Sam are only seen as good ppl because they're nice to Tommy - [glances at the prison] Sam is far from morally white, however him making Sam Nook to help Tommy learn and heal is a good thing. Sam is as morally gray as you can get. Sam is also nice to most others on the server. Same with Puffy. They're not Only nice to Tommy
Philza is a bad dad bc he's Tommy's dad - Most ppl I know stopped seeing him as his dad Months ago lol we usually judge Philza for teaming up w Dream and nuking a nation
Tommy apologists demonize other characters for looking at him wrong - If "looking at him wrong" means celebrating his death / using him as a punching bag / blaming everything on him / trying to kill him then yes we see a character as kind of a Dickhead for doing those things. I promise you we dont give a shit if a character casually dislikes c!Tommy without trying to literally kill him or treat him as less than a person. Most of us Like the characters you're talking about anyway
Tommy apologists excuse his actions more than he deserves - We excuse most of his past wrongdoings if he has apologised and had consequences for them. He has had HARSH consequences for the stuff he's done, including but not limited to Exile from his own home, Abuse, and being Beaten to Death. Why bring up past actions if he's faced more consequences for them than needed? We just want him to have peace and rest
Tommy hasn't grown / changed - Hard disagree, he's one of the only characters who has, just because he learns from his actions doesnt mean he needs to change his personality to show that
Tommy betrayed Techno, so - I'm not listening until you admit the betrayal wasnt inherently a bad thing just because Techno's feelings were hurt
Tommy has hurt people - True! However, he has apologised for most of this but still needs to reconcile with people like Jack
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