#bc shes so nice and i know shed probably try to be there regardless bc of the novelty of it being my first time asking to talk srs out of
gjkennedy · 4 years
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songofassandfire · 3 years
you already KNOW you have to do stuart and carol for the ultimate ship thing lololol
Who was the one to propose:
Stuart for sure was the one who proposed. I'm always fuzzy on these details, but I feel like he took her somewhere secluded but romantic to pop the question. I don't think he was able to afford an actual ring (he was never that financially well off in his life and I also think they got married pretty young. Like, 19 or 20 at the latest), but Carol gave him an enthusiastic yes regardless. Happy tears were definitely shed.
Who stressed more over wedding planning:
Carol for sure. Like I said, they were young and not really well off financially enough to have a super big or flashy ceremony, so she just tried her hardest to make it as good as they can with what they had. Their wedding was nice-ish, if cheap. She was able to get a good dress and a nice cake, so that's the most important part. Probably took place at Stark's pond or some other public property.
Who decorated the house:
Okay so I'm looking at screenshots of their house in tfbw, and it looks like that neon beer sign is the only decoration to speak of, and I can only imagine that being Stuart's doing. Any other "decoration" just looks like the kids writing on the walls lmao
Who is more organized:
Pfffffft organization who?? Neat and tidy what?? Neither of them are familiar with the concept ngdngsdngn Stuart doesn't really notice messes whereas Carol has grown beyond the point of bothering trying to clean up after this family.
Who suggested kids first:
Neither, really. It would get brought up in passing from time to time (mostly when theyre high and bringing up "what if" scenarios to each other), but none of their three kids were ever actively planned, least of all Kevin. In fact, by some cruel fate Carol only seems to get pregnant when they're at their lowest financially.
Side note, when Carol was pregnant with Karen, she and Stuart were both certain that she was gonna be another Kenny. Even when the ultrasound confirmed they were having a girl, they were both absolutely convinced it was gonna be Kenny until Karen was actually born. Because of that, they kinda had to scramble for more money and baby supplies bc they didn't think they would need them lmao
Who’s the cuddler:
Being a big bundle of repressed emotions, physical touch is one of the few ways Stuart knows how to show affection for his wife. You can see it in the background sometimes, he's got his arm around Carol's shoulders or his hand on her back, particularly in stressful situations.
Who’s the big spoon/little spoon:
Stuarts the big spoon. Like I said, he hold the wife. Carol wouldn't have it any other way.
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity:
They can't afford to really go out to real fancy places, but they do like going to bars together. They'll play pool or darts against other patrons, drunk as shit while scarfing down bar food and generally just have a good ol' time.
Who cooks:
I mean, canonically I guess Carol does ngdngddngndg there's just not much actual "cooking" being done. During more fortunate times for the Mccormicks, she can make a nice omelet or even a mean grilled cheese. She never really had to cook much in her childhood so she's kinda winging it most of the time. I don't think Stuart would be hopeless in the kitchen, but he survived on beer, popcorn, and bags of beef jerky throughout his own childhood so he doesn't have much experience cooking either.
Who comes home drunk at 3am:
I'm gonna say Stuart, mostly because I think Stuart goes out to bars more often while Carol largely drinks at home. Tho she's not at all a stranger to the concept of coming home drunk at an ungodly hour, she's just ordinarily with Stuart when she does.
Who kills the spiders:
Carol's more likely to just ignore spiders, but Stuart will hunt them down with a thick ass magazine in his hand ready to swat. He'll freak out if the spider runs towards him, but he insists he's not scared of them. The kids will make fun of him for it every time (tho honestly they jump at any opportunity to make fun of Stuart, even Karen will get in on it if she's feeling sassy).
Who falls asleep first:
Stuart, even when unemployed the man is simply always tired. Carol gets on to him a lot for falling asleep in his chair and snoring over the TV lmao
A head canon:
Carol LOVES stuffed animals and Stuart got her this one on Valentine's day:
Do they have any “rituals”?
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It's after every rebirth where Stuart is at his most considerate and attentive. He spends the rest of the night holding her, rubbing her back in comfort, getting her things if she says she needs them, overall trying his best to ease the stress of what she goes through.
As mentally exhausting and physically traumatizing each rebirth is, Carol does enjoy being treated so gently. It sort of hearkens back to their early relationship, when they were teenagers/young adults and things were more simple, where they weren't constantly weighed down financial burdens and real world responsibilities. It's nostalgic for her, in a way.
(idk if this counts as "rituals" but it happens often enough gdnngdhdngd)
Who has the most patience?
Carol by far mhffmhmhfmhf I love Stuart but patience is NOT a virtue he possesses.
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arminssseashell · 3 years
Aot characters and their reactions to you with a new cat/dog
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Desc: The Aot cast and what they do when you come home with a new cat/dog
Warnings: none
Pairings: Eren x gn!reader, Armin x gn!reader, Levi x gn!reader, Jean x gn!reader, Mikasa x gn!reader, Annie x gn!reader
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•He might freak out— but in a good way
•He won’t even let you sit down or anything, he would just snatch it away from you
•After they warm up to each other, that’s when he will ask you the questions
•“When did you get him/her? Did she cost a lot?”
•If it’s a cat then he might not be very attached to it because he’s more of a dog person imo
•But if it’s a dog— that ain’t your guys’ pet, that’s 𝘩𝘪𝘴
•He would let it warm up to him of course but despite the type of animal, it’s gonna be his new favorite thing
•If you two don’t sleep together, he’s obv gonna snatch that thing and keep it in his bed, along with it’s food because he loves it so much
•But it’s gonna be your job to take it outside, no matter how many times you both argue about it (if it’s a dog)
•The pet will end up hating him at some point tbh
•Like it would just be laying down and Eren would get all up in its face
•It probably bit him at some point, too
•But other than that, Eren would be overjoyed!
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•Like Eren, Armin would be very excited!
•Although instead of Eren, he would let you get everything situated before he meets the new pet
•I hc him as a cat person, so if you brought home a cat he would probably love it even more than a dog
•But either way he would still let you be it’s favorite because he would get too attached otherwise
•If you both sleep in different beds, he would let the pet sleep with you as well unless you aren’t home. Then he would most likely let it sleep on his floor or in the living room
•He offers to take the pet outside for you most of the time (if it’s a dog) because “his s/o shouldn’t have to do things like that”
•Armin also offers to wash the pet for you because he actually kind of enjoys it??
•Sometimes you would come home to him and see him asleep on the couch/in his bed and snuggling with the pet
•He then gets mad because you took pictures
•But he secretly likes it
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•Like Armin, he’s probably better being called a cat person. He’s more fond of cats because they’re elegant and that’s kind of his style
•So, if you happen to come home to him with a cat, he won’t seem very excited, but he’s actually quite happy about it
•At first he’d hesitate to show any affection, but when it’s just with you or by himself he’d smile at it and give it a few pats
•But if it’s a dog, he won’t really be fazed
•Dogs tend to be messy so he might “hate” you afterwards
•Not because he’s a total clean freak, which he kind of is, but because they require a lot of attention which he doesn’t really want to show
•If you get a pet cat, he might be a bit more delighted if it didn’t have much fur so it doesn’t shed. If it’s a dog, the same goes for it
•If you happen to get a dog, though, chances are that the only way he would give it the tiniest of love is if it was a chill dog
•Other than that, he may help you take care of it, like feeding it and bathing it, but other than that you’re on your own
•But he wouldn’t completely hate the pet despite the type, he isn’t that type of person
•What he 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 do, though, is scold you for bringing home a pet without him knowing
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•Okay, I wasn’t really ever attracted to him enough to write about him but whatever
•He would be more excited if it were a bigger dog rather than a small one
•Same goes for if it’s an adult dog rather than a puppy
•He wants someone to be rough with, so if you brought home a smaller pet then his hopes would go down the drain
•He would give you the same look as when he rubbed his hand on Connie’s back in that one scene
•But later on he would still try to give the pet the love it deserves because who doesn’t love a nice pet?
•He might help take it out on walks and stuff because he wants to see if it would play— if it doesn’t then he just wants it to get familiar with him
•He would also do almost all of the pet work until it finally likes him to the point where it follows him around
•But yeah, he wouldn’t be too disappointed if you brought home a new pet!
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•She would stay calm and collected about it
•She wouldn’t rush to meet the new pet— she would just let it go to her
•I hc that she used to have a pet when she was younger, so she already knows what to do and what not to do with one
•Since I see her more as a cat person, she would be a bit disappointed if you brought home a dog
•She would probably steer clear of it
•But then one day you’d just see her come home with sunglasses on, dog in her purse with it’s own pair of sunglasses, and just struttin down the hallway (bc she’s a queen obv)
•You may be a bit confused at first, but just let her do her thing. This is a rare you see her have fun
•She would suggest taking turns caring for the pet so it’s fair, and so it gets equally amount of attention from both of you
•She might post it on Instagram and be like “new child” or sum
•But yeah, she would be more calm about it
•But like Levi, she might confront you about it
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•Pretty much like Mikasa except she would take longer to warm up to the pet
•I hc that she also used to have a pet when she was younger— a cat— and so she would be a bit more familiar if you happened to bring home one
•She wouldn’t mind a dog, but she might not give it much attention
•It’s def sleeping with you, regardless of the animal
•I feel like she might actually try to avoid it because she’s just kinda shy and awkward like that
•It’s like handing a baby to someone— you don’t really know what to do with it
•So you just sit there with the baby in your arms, awkwardly looking around the room
•Yeah that’s how Annie is with a pet
•Basically she wouldn’t be happy or sad about it— she’s just… neutral
•I don’t really know what else to put about Annie but yeah, that’s about it lmao
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A/n: thanks for reading!! Making my masterlist rn
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❌ So yesterday night Alastor invited over a guest to cook dinner for.
❌ I could tell the second she arrived because I could hear frigging "Be Our Guest" start up in the lobby.
❌ I tried to avoid that whole scene, but from down a hall I definitely spotted a shadow-thing juggling dishes.
❌ He rewrote the lyrics. I didn't catch all of them, but I did hear "Can they sing? Who can tell! After all, doll, this is Hell!"
❌ If you're on the fence about checking into the hotel and you're a musical theater fan: if you come, there's basically a 100% chance that the Radio Demon will do a musical number for you.
((So @autokrates came over for dinner last night, and we decided not to roleplay it out, but we DID write a long semi-pseudo-roleplay summary of how that meeting would have gone, so for any parties who are interested, HERE'S THAT CHAT LOG))
So! Largely, I believe. Val showing up, a musical number happens, and then ingredient delivery
Sounds right.
Then Alastor preps dinner, spends too much time fussing with this Newfangled Modern Machine With Settings And Dials, and they sit staring at a slow cooker for a while.
Ah yes, nothing like sitting in dead silence waiting for things with someone you don't know! She should have asked Pentious for-- OH YEAH. Slide a pamphlet over. He can busy himself with memorizing that for a little while
He absolutely will. And he will politely play showtunes in the background for the benefit of his guest as he reads.
Ah, just the thing for her to occupy herself with. Quietly stimming by wiggling her fingers and tail to the music
He'd probably say thanks for the info but uh why give it to him? (Not that he doesn't WANT it but like, it seems pretty private, he's surprised that Valera—and Sir Pent?—think he's worthy of being let in on where Sir Pentious is this week)
Alastor three days after falling asleep on the floor all tangled up with Sir Pent: haha yeah but it's not like we're CLOSE is it?
Dumb old men being dumb!!!
Pentious asked her to elaborate to Alastor what was happening, since she's still got a level head and experience with shedding. Which is convenient, because she'd fully intended to anyway. Pentious may want company, and Alastor needs to be prepared.
OuO oh so he trusts Alastor that much huh. He will... file that fact away... somewhere in his heart
Aside from herself, he's the person Pentious trusts most. Casually sips materialized tea.
Immediately tries to play it off like HAHA MUST BE A SHORT LIST. ... Which would probably be funnier if not for the fact that, like, it IS a short list.
She will... Refrain from commenting on the list being Two People long. But she will raise a very deliberate eyebrow at the way he avoids any signs of emotional attachment
Which actually reminds her! She owes him an apology.
Maybe multiple? Whatever.
(He might be verbally avoiding signs of emotional attachment but outside of that, like, it's gonna be hard for her not to notice that his attention on the conversation goes from like 75% to 110% the moment Sir Pent comes into it and he drops everything to focus on the Info Pamphlet That Might Be Helpful For Sir Pent)
Genuinely :)? at that, apology for what
Well, a few things! Pentious shared Alastor's letters with her, which, yes he was asking for input, but it was a bit invasive.
Goes from :)? to :]
And then for, what was it, outing him? The post was taken down, but if Pentious had mixed feelings about it, well. She can't assume how Alastor felt even if she did say it was an Opinion Piece.
Oh THAT? Sure Alastor thinks he saw that go by now that Val mentions it. It's exactly what she said: an opinion piece!!! Why, he's an infamous celebrity! Everyone has an opinion on him and most of them are wrong! He doesn't put much stock in them~
Regardless! Her bluntness charms some, but it can also be quite inappropriate. She hopes it didn't distress him too much, it was never her intention.
Why, he hardly even noticed it.
Good! Looping back around to her beau, did Alastor have any other questions?
... Anything he can send to help out?
(NOW he's all self-conscious, offering to do something NICE. gotta try to be all aloof about it)
(Wow he really IS like Pentious but Even Worse.. She is amazed.) Send? Oh, no dear fellow. Asking for food today was largely a cover to visit without having Vaggie relay all this information thirdhand. Though he did do quite a fine job of making the food, Pentious will love it.
(assuming, but the Smell)
✨💖 Oh will he? That's good. 💖✨
Yes. Alastor cut the vegetables and meat into the perfect sizes to avoid a texture issue, couldn't have done it better herself. Prr prr
(He's like Texture Issue???? but like. He's not gonna ask.)
She will GLOSS PAST THAT, THEN. Beyond the food, which was a lovely bonus, hmm... No, she's already providing the lotions and voice recordings for Pentious. Unless he's willing to be an in house cheer squad when the snake gets bored and blind, there isn't much he could do.
Well, he'd be glad to come over for a visit if it'd lift his spirits—if Sir Pentious would want the visit?
She expects he will! He's.. Distressed.
Uncomfortable shift. SHE DOESN'T LIKE BEING SO VAGUE.
Well now she's got 150% of Alastor's attention.
Twitchy Tail Time!!! Yes. Well, the pamphlet makes it very dry, but a shed is nothing short of agony. Itchy, painful, it leaves you blind and helpless. If you've already got... experiences with such things. It makes it worse. Pentious is barely into it and he's already ready to attack anything that moves.
... Well! Let Alastor know when he can come by.
(He's got trouble wrapping his head around the idea of WANTING company while pained and helpless, but if Valera says he does, then Alastor is going by that)
(... and if Sir Pent gets pissed Alastor came over he's 100% pointing a finger at Val and going "well she said you'd like it")
(Val would explain it as wanting a strong person present so you can feel protected and finally relax)
(She's appealed to Pentious' ego with that!!)
Hah! Yes, of course. Though he may need to go to Valera's home, fair warning. She's trying to coax Pentious into laying in her tub to get through this. She's got more equipment to deal with the symptoms, and a larger bathroom by far.
Having a near stranger over sounds like something that should worry Valera more than Alastor! For him, it's a bonus.
BUT. she's confident Alastor isn't going to do anything dumb in her house
bc Pentious would FLIP SHIT
She's already decided that Alastor won't behave himself out of basic decency as a guest or even out of a desire to maybe get invited back but he WILL behave himself solely because Sir Pent is there and he's feeling kind of called out. Called out in his own kitchen, in front of his own crock pot,
Raises an eyebrow
She's grinning but she shouldn't be when she's acting like a little shit
BUT WHAT HE ACTUALLY SAYS IS of course he'll be on his best behavior :) :) :)
Glad to hear it! He's been nothing but a perfect gentleman so far, but with the way Pentious rants about other demons, an abundance of caution seems wise. Nothing personal, dear fellow.
Demon culture is very much a mystery to her, and a confusing one at that.
COMPLETELY reasonable. After all, everyone is down here for a reason.
She would agree, if the concept of sin wasn't such an odd one! It comes down to survival of the fittest, at the end. But just because some pompous sky man says he loves you if you follow his contradictory rules, humans are doomed to eternal torment? It's bizarre.
Ah, but excuse her. Her viewpoint is, literally, alien.
You make the world, you make the rules. What is the guy powerful enough to give the orders and see that they're obeyed if not "the fittest"? Who has the power to argue if he prints a list of criteria for who he does and doesn't want joining him in his gated community in the sky?
He's told someone tried to argue with him once. And that's how THIS little neighborhood got started.
Oh, it's not so bad. Heaven is a pretty dull place! All sorts of goody two shoes drinking tea and baking pies in the perfect idyllic weather. Forever.
You know, for a time, Alastor used to think that all the "punishment" narratives around Hell were just talk. He had this theory that, actually, humans were sent to the afterlife they were better suited for. The people sent to Heaven are the kind of people who'd LIKE being in Heaven, the people sent to Hell are the kind of people who would be bored stiff in Heaven and just make it miserable for the people who want to be there.
But he was wrong. It really, truly is rotten down here. Not just because of the wilted vegetables and awful weather. Hell grinds at you on a spiritual level. It really is a punishment.
Well that's.. A lot at once. Vaguely concerned frown.. That she is going to cover with her tea turning to a Nice Dark Coffee. SSSssssssSSSIP.
Just thought she might benefit from an insider perspective! She can rest assured: the pie-baking tea-drinkers really are better off.
:) :) :)
Interesting! She's never spent much time in Hell out of arms reach of Pentious, but that's something to keep in mind for the future.
Happy to help~!
[[ val voice: haha yeah whenever I'm in hell I'm getting doted on but I'll keep an eye out for emotional wear and tear!
(It's different for visitors who only come to chat with the convicts)
(Of course. More for Pentious than herself, she doesn't know a lot of his backstory yet BUT SHE KNOWS ITS SAD)
Now, moving to happier topics! She loves what hes done with the hair. Though it makes him rather fresh faced
WHY, THANK YOU!! It was all the rage a hundred years ago! But they do say fashion trends come back around!!
Sir Pentious wasn't as impressed by it, but, hey, can't win them all, can you?
Ah, don't worry about it. He just takes a bit to come around to change!
... Usually.
Well, doesn't matter, he probably won't be keeping it long.
She grins!!! Yes, usually. He's remarkably easy to get on board with just about anything if you can relate to something else he likes.
Well, naturally! Who isn't?
The LOOK on her face is like she SUCKED A LEMON.
You'd be surprised.
... Apparently so!
he's gone from :) to 8) like what did he just step in
NOTHING SHE'S GETTING INTO! Now, tell her dear man. What kind of musicals do you like?
............... All of them???
Oh? Everything from Les Mis to Cats?
Anything Goes?
Are those the two extremes? Then apparently so! What about you?!
She has preferences when she's PERFORMING in them, but from an enjoyment perspective, she can appreciate any production.
A fan after his own dead heart!
She can do a MEAN patter song, but she likes being able to dance around while she's belting lines out. Acrobatics are where she can really show off!
Well, then he hopes he'll have a chance to see her dancing sooner rather than later! Alastor never received much in the way in formal training in dance, and he's sure it shows, but he likes to think he makes up for it with personality.
Oh pish posh. Dance is at least fifty percent attitude, he'd be phenomenal on or off the stage. And she can always give pointers, if he's looking for them.
He really only does it for his own entertainment—AND for the entertainment of honored guests, of course—but if he ever decides to get back into theater for whatever reason, he'll keep her generous offer in mind.
Of course! Not like she's going to do a lot of dancing with Pentious here. Her love is many things, but a dancer is not one of them. Snrk snrk.
Really. Huh.
So how DID they meet, anyway?? Alastor's been wondering! Hard for sinners to meet many people outside of Hell.
Oh! Haha, funny story, that. But how much detail does he REALLY want?
Well, far be it from him to pry into anything she doesn't think she ought to share, of course. But he wouldn't have asked if he didn't wonder.
Fair! Alright, well. They met on tumblr, obviously. Pentious was flailing about being combative and intentionally aggressive. You know. Pentious.
She decided to approach him without the immediate hostility so many of her peers were demonstrating. Doesn't everyone deserve a chance to explain themselves, after all? He seemed like he was lashing out, not truly malicious. Nobody had bothered explaining to him that what he did was wrong, or why.
And, you know. If you attack someone, you can't be surprised if they attack you right back. Obviously.
So! Yes. She approached him, asked questions. Asked for his side of things. And they got along just fine! So she invited him over for tea, arguably. But mostly he invited himself over because she made too much tea.
So just a chance encounter while adrift among the Internet's airwaves! How serendipitous.
More or less! Though really, she'd spoken to Alastor more at that point. Other Alastor. He'd been inviting her over to his hell, so she'd likely have met Pentious under very different circumstances if she hadn't approached him then.
But! He came over, and they talked. And they talked a LOT. About their passions, and about how ridiculous people can be these days.
And gods, can they. Then they decided to watch The Mikado! Has he heard of it?
Has he heard of it?! One of Gilbert & Sullivan's most renown shows?! Madam! Of course he had!
Oh good, good good! He continues to impress! So lovely to know there are other people with taste around here. So yes! They watched The Mikado, and it went.. Almost alarmingly well. At the start they were on opposite ends of the couch, and by the end he was sprawled across her lap like he lived there.
...... Well!
He warms up to people fast.
Haha! Perhaps he was simply overly pleased to connect with someone again, and let his guard down? They wound up making out on the couch like a pair of horny teens, so.
...... Well!
Sssssips drink.
............ Congratulations! (he has No Idea what you're supposed to say to that)
Thanks! (She doesn't either) Want to know an incredibly adorable fact about Penny?
(he is retaining a Remarkable poker face through all this)
He likes it when you scratch his hood. Makes him melt in to a happy little pile of scales.
(someone please... Help Alastor....)
Ha! Well, isn't that darling.
(The only one who can help Alastor is Alastor himself and he's like "why should I help, what's that bitch ever done for me")
Very. Should he ever deign to let you try it, the results are best from juuust the very joint of his neck and hood.
(FOR THE LAST HALF CENTURY HIS SELF CARE HAS BEEN AVOIDING SEEING/THINKING ABOUT SIR PENT EVER AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. He still needs to figure out how to do a self-care that's the opposite of that!)
Duly noted! Alastor's sure it'll never happen, but even so.
Oh, she isn't so sure! Penny speaks fondly of him.
... Hm.
Well, there are different sorts of fondness, aren't there!
Well, yes of course? She's fond of many people, but she isn't exactly engaged to the vast majority of them. What is his point?
That THAT'S the sort of intimacy one usually reserves for someone closer to the "engaged" end of the fondness scale—hold on, engaged??
Oh? Yes, engaged. Anyway, is it? This must be one of those human things again. There's nothing sexual about enjoying platonic physical contact, there's no reason for it to be relegated to a relationship.
Well, what does Alastor know, he's never been a very touchy person. SO, how long have you two been...? Well, probably since before Alastor met either of you, silly question! He just must not have heard.
Oh, no it's.. Arguably recent? Certainly after he and Pentious started talking. Though don't get too fussed, dear. Pentious has a ring he hasn't lobbed at her yet. They've just agreed to get married, Pentious refers to her as his fiancé. No dates set or anything.
Oh, good, so he didn't miss some big announcement. That WOULD have been embarrassing
He did not! And really, with how he and Pentious get along he might wind up getting asked for advice if a proposal ever actually occurs.
... He doesn't know what kind of advice he could offer! He's not known for his expertise in romance, ha.
((suddenly got a flashing glimpse of a possible future where Alastor is the best man, standing like five feet away from Sir Pent trying to hold it together))
You know, she doesn't think any of them are! Marriage isn't something Veci usually do with aliens, but Pentious insisted he wanted a proper marriage, and kids, and she's not opposed to either if that makes him happy. Though seeing him with the dolls is incredibly endearing.
((And I will be FILLED TO THE BRIM with sadistic glee))
The dolls??
[[ Alastor crying ASMR
Yes! Would you like to hear that story?
Super! So! She doesn't know ALASTOR'S stance on calling women things like sluts and whores, but she herself is.. Not terribly fond of those words. Something about having them screamed at her, just doesn't sit well.
One rarely is fond of the words one's been on the receiving end of.
Indeed. Pentious on the other hand, used them quite freely against any woman he wasn't pleased with.
But! Pentious wants kids someday, and kids are of course, quite perceptive little creatures. And no child of hers is going to grow up internalizing that kind of nonsense, either as a measure of their worth or as something a proper young man calls any lady.
So! She made a few dolls, to demonstrate her point. Pentious wants kids, so she made him some dolls that resemble what his offspring would.
And then hurled abuse at them quite freely!
He didn't take kindly to hearing what random men would call his own daughter, funnily enough.
Alastor's like lmao. (IT SEEMS KINDA MEAN AND MEAN THINGS AMUSE HIM... he's half powered by schadenfreude)
(It WAS mean)
And he takes it that worked.
Pentious can often be found curled up with his little doll family, and he hasn't used a slur since, so! Yes.
No surprise there! He is, at his heart, a family man in hibernation, isn't he?
Not even in hibernation! He's incredibly eager to start a family.
Of course. Now that he has the chance. Probably the only man in Hell who does.
Formerly in hibernation, then.
Can sinners not reproduce?
No! Sterile, one and all. The dead do not breed. There are the few rare exceptions who have been supernaturally promoted out of the pool of the damned and made nobility of the same rank as the native Infernal-born or Heaven-fallen demons—Queen Lilith, for instance—but that's not just a thing that HAPPENS. A sinner must be CHOSEN, typically by Lucifer himself. Alastor wouldn't be surprised if it happens less than twice a millennium.
And even at that, to his knowledge these ascendant damned have never bred with each other—only with the Infernal nobility.
Huh! Fascinating. She really should learn more about the going ons of hell... But good to know! That explains the way Pentious.. Basically went feral as soon as he found out it was possible to have a family.
She's still not sure about the whole "eyes going red" thing, but he's explained it as any peak of emotion.
It happens!
... Did you account for the possibility of him being sterile when you promised him a family? Or did you make the promise on the assumption that he's as fertile as any living man?
Oh, she can reproduce with anyone who has a soul. Pentious IS a damned soul. Ergo...
Getting around the usual rules, then! Good. Alastor would so hate to hear if he'd gotten his hopes raised just for them to be dashed again.
Oh, she was careful to check! Many demons are soulless beings, and she hates to be made a liar of. Though she wasn't even sure poor Pentious even had genitals at the time!
Well. Surprise.
She is Looking Away
Yes... Surprise indeed.
He is the picture of :) neutrality
Val is trying very hard to keep the conversation from going to DARK PLACES. So!!! Subject change time.
Did you and he have fun at your last visit? He tends to give her a summary, but it's nice to hear the other perspective
Oh? Delightful?
Yeah, sure! ... Why, did he not think so?
Oh! He.. Got very drunk. His memories get fuzzy.
... Well, that was half of what made it delightful!
She wouldn't know, but she's very glad to hear it!
You abstain? Or not biologically capable?
Oh, neither. Rarely have the chance to actually relax anymore, too many attempts to murder her over the years. Regicide is very in, you know.
Heavy is the head!
Hah! He can say that again. It's a thankless job. But somebody's got to do it.
((I'M RUNNIN OUT OF STEAM... and they chatted about a lot more than I expected, this was productive!! Anywhere else you think we oughta steer the conversation or d'you think it's safe to go And Then They Chatted More, The End))
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psshaw · 6 years
Sorry if you're worn out by all the Tucker/Ghost talk, but that recent log is really as telling as it gets. You obviously de-escalated the sexual talk with humor bc you valued him as a friend regardless! Interesting how he continuously pushed for it despite that. The worthless thing is just a tool he's using against you now, but seems completely irrelevant to the actual bitterness he holds for you. Like, his actual resentment is coming from a different place.
BUT you raise an interesting point I don’t delve into a lot (1 receipt):
That last screencap, where he’s showing someone out-of-context snippets from our conversations? (Note the extra date stamps at the front.) I have reason to believe that was him talking to rockdownu/Locky/Cat (sh0rtlegs in the logs), who he’d just met at the time.
I do remember him saying “she says some of the things you say to me seem abusive” and I didn’t think much of it cos it seemed like we both knew that was ridiculous. He wasn’t saying HE thought they were! We were always having so much fun! He gushed over how much he liked me every day and I was getting comfortable returning the sentiment! I never asked him to do these things and didn’t mind when he wasn’t up for it! Everyone seemed deliriously happy!
Tumblr media
I did not get why he liked this girl, because I’d already tried to ghost her once. In addition to her being abrasive, creepy (sent me gibberish anonymous asks, confessed to stalking her ex friends every day(above)), extremely gross (wrote a scat fic about one of my characters, talked about watching disgusting porn including bestiality barnyard shit, linked me to real gore sites (god I could pull caps on her endlessly)), she also had a tendency to lecture you. Everything was an aggressive rant and she could not be swayed once she decided something.
Tucker started acting disturbingly like her, including harassing a minor from the friend group she got kicked out of. I remember asking why she was having him do this and the answer was like, “Marissa, you don’t understand. They are my ENEMY.” This all felt so fucking wrong, like I was finally seeing the side he hinted at in the stories of hurting people, but like… the pathetic version. 20-somethings making a night out of harassing children on Tumblr.
And when I was beaten down, she started lecturing me “well, you don’t treat Tucker right. He says you called him names. He says you make him do all this stuff he doesn’t wanna do.” And I knew that wasn’t true, and I knew HE knew that wasn’t true– but when I tried to say as much, she would dismiss it all because… I think he’d been shit-talking me for a long time while being happy to my face. “He’s mentally ill. You should have known better. You’re just like me, you didn’t listen when people told you they wanted things and now you’re suffering the consequences.” NO, I’M REALLY NOT. “Don’t get so angry, just shut up and take up Buddhism. It worked great for me!” NO, IT CLEARLY DIDN’T.
I don’t even want to know what’s wrong with that woman. She’s “I want to speak to a manager” personified.
There’s definitely a folie a deux thing going on with those two, and that’s why out of nowhere I’ll hear that she’s claiming PTSD and nightmares from me. From me “trying to convince her” of things.
That probably sheds light on a lot of stuff, haaaa.
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haeroniel-doliet · 6 years
gah another 5 am post eh fellas
fuck i really wanna do ballet. i really rarely become obsessed (if ever) with anything, but for once i’m so so so so soso wanting to do ballet. so bad. i know i might hate it bc im fucing not musical at all, so not in shape, so not comfortable or etc. but at least im 18,(wait fuck 19 now)  and not 45 trying to get in it all stiff and stuck and i think based on all the sweet positivity to adult ballet starters beginners and sure i wont perform professionally but fuck man i dont think i need that. i just want that grace and flexibility and elegance and gah itd be fabulous. i mean even now im pretending to look for turn out and walk around the house like they do in point shoes and i try fix my posture tothe advice by a ballet dancer youtuber who ive been watching so much of. i just i really wanna do it. 
saddest fucking thing is guys, that i could’ve had the chance to go to the fucking royal ballets adult absolute beginner classes. in london. i could have. fuck. u wanna know what happened? i found out about it like a month or two ago and was fucking psyched bc its one of those things that just is too good to be true. the best company in uk?? w adult classes? while im in london?? yeah id have to miss a few weeks bc. whoops i gotta go back up to do my exams,but i couldve at least done a few weeks, come back and done a few last so i’d have had the best opportunity to give this a go in the best environment and then have a kindling to go off with to other available ballets. and not start with some barely managing person in a shitty studio thing. idk. sure so i tell my parents so fuckin excited bc look! its possible! but yeah its expensive, wouldve been abt 90 pound w me being a student and id have to miss 3/10 classes. but still! thin of it gah its making me so sad happy. sad bc guess its now sold out. of fuckin course it is. i told my mom and she just was uhmm ohh i dunno i dunno, oh its adults i could do it, and thinking that maybe getting her involved would mean i have a better chance of going, dont care much for her company but if shed take it as a bonding thing hell, i’ll probably do better than her in class and minor confidence boost as well as if they all others are old old i wont be alone. and she could pass over what they learned when im up in scotland. Guess that was a fuckin mistake. she got all nervous and self concious and put it off with a we’ll see we’ll see about it im thinking. and making it a whole thing like instead of me wanting to go so bad and offering for fun that shed join me, as if im trying to pressure her into doing it and would only go along to make her feel better. uh.... fucking wrong! im so mad actually. bc of course, no matter how often i mentioned it she wouldnt take it seriously to even consider booking me in! no no of course not we’ll see. and then i check before im coming back, dreading and being right that yep. theyre fucing sold out. of course they are its such a fanstastic opportunity! my only fucking opportunity! when ever again am i going to live in london with weeks free to go participate in that? when ever again? never. theyre moving out of london this summer and fuck. just doing some research and the scottish ballet is in fucking glasgow. yes i was supposed to get there if i hadnt been so shit with studying for my exams. (sure i wouldnt be doing archery and wouldnt have all the other wonderful things i now enjoy in aberdeen but fuck its frustrating) and ofc. aberdeen seems to have: one shady dance company that offers ballet fusion. not adult ballet classes. another shady school that practices at robert gordons that have no website nothing. no info how to sign up or if they have adult classes or when its so stupid and weird. maybe ill have to contact them directly idk. sure my uni has a what seems to be a thriving dance society that i have a glitched out membership for. (its 50 pound a year and i have cerrainly not paid that) and i guess they do ballet on the side. but again from a glance around, looks its only intermediate. not beginners. dont think theres that many uni age girls who just wanna start ballet now. 
so it looks bleary. even in finland, i cant understand body parts in finnish so that might just be frustrating if i could even find a place that offers it. not that i’ll have long at all in finland. ill be there barely a month before heading back to uni and i come back holidays. if i wanted to take one of these eleven week courses, i think id have to geta fuckin liscence and a car and drive to glasgow 3 hrs both ways for a class once a week and that sjust stupid. im so fucking mad about this missed opportunity. like my muscles are itching and aching to do it. my legs want to work out in ballet positions. they just rly do. yeah maybe ill have to start doing barre at home from videos to try ease that, but its not gonna be the same and ill do it all wrong bc i have no teacher to direct me or anything. correct either. sure if i had done it and loved it i might still be mad that i have no opportunities to continue like i want to, but at least id have that expereince and could keep practicing at home based off of it.  i am genuinely upset okay. upset betrayed disappointed sad twitchy and ugh. sure tickets go on sale today to swan lake after exams. and by fuck will i go see it. and ill get all the background before it and know it inside and out before i see it (already kinda do) and i will love it. ill bemaybe more upset and more twitchy that i cant do it, that i cant be lie them and that rly sucks. i really really wish by some miracle the school would offer summer courses so that i could just, get myself after exams into one. also another frustrating thing not quite so pressing on my mind is how my dad wants me to get summer jobs, maybe even two. one here and one in finland. sure it should theoretically be easier getting it here, esp. since im 19 now and yeah. i could work in a cafe or store just to get money and have smth to put on a cv thats not 2 weeks. but i dunno i dont particularly want to, i was hoping in london i could get the most of it culturaly (considering ive been a pouting and sad whailer whos not done anything for the last two years) then again i have p much no friends here so if i did go work somewhere theres a slight chance thered be someone i get along with and could hang out w. or visit if i needa back in london. i dunno. things are weird. sure i could try get an admin job w nhs like some lady suggested but its one of those too much responsibilty things, consdiering im shit with work i kinda would prefer to do some physical job like stacking shelves in a shop bc im good at that. but thats not gonna help me in the future. money yes, but cv building or careers wise? nah. i should owrk in hospitality or smth i dunno even i can barely get thru my work to pass rn so  i dunno about job searching. im jsut a mess am i not. regardless maybe i should look if theres other ballet schoolsin london. be desperate, get a job and a ballet class going over summer and do art on the free time i guess. 
okay so fer now ive found a course for like fucking 156 pound thats a 2 day full days course that looks mad cool for having different classes to learn vocab and etc and then a bit of fucking swanlake like yooo.. best thing its in like july but thats also possibly bad bc its july 28-29 and july 30 we move out. man it could be cool tho. then they offer there as well a taster session p much every other week and then a full 8 weeks of class p near by to me. sure this is specifically taught by a man and id prefer a woman but, i guess. since its ideal timing and place. and i got wondering why thats 150 and the national ballet wouldve been abt 90 and i guess there i get concession and it wouldve been only 6 classes considering the dates they had off. i should rly ask if they do do concession bc 150 is a bit steep still. for 8 classes thats almost 20 pound for 75 mins. its kinda insane. theres probably more companies i havent looked at but there is one other thats like a drop in thing 10 pound cash each class and thats a 90 mins so it might be better. ofc. obv. fault being that its drop in so being an absolute beginner w likely a lot older adults idk how id fit in or keep up or get hte most of it. i think ill go try it once regardless. then when back in abdn ask around for taster sessions and beginner ballet. worst comes to worst i wait another 4 years till i get to a big enough city that they have a nice ballet company and somewhere i can live like an adult but also get in on adult ballet and enjoy myself. maybe my industrial placement city will have  a ballet company idk. 
all i know is that im a bit obsessed and everyone says to go for your dreams etc. and as much as i enjoy archery (slowly gonna dedicate to it) and aikido (though training can be frustrating and training with old men isnt that fun) and ice skating is another less of a dream but in the same realm as ballet. that im gonan get new skates for and give it a better try. i just think ballet could  be so fucking rad and im sad that its not so easy rn. and that my mom fucked me over. for that one course that couldve been cheap and amazing and mindchanging. to go to the ballet knowing what some of it feels like would be great. sure id love  a chance to do some after as well u know. ofc it sucks it might cost a couple hundred over summer to these hobbies and i feel iffy spending 180 on a quality waterproof jacket. sure. they spend it but, im v concientious and dont wanna spend much of their money esp cus im not making my own. i guess logically, i should put a bunch of effort to getting thru this term rly well without lies and get a sumemr job. that way, i could theoretically take loan from my parents  and pay back with summer job money w some left over to do as i like with (yeah i should save it for sensible shit but idk) also considering how nice i am my dad might not even want me to pay back. look i dunno. thats an idea. be good, be rewarded w ballet classes and an unstrained relationship w my parents, joyously move back to finland and start next term w a clean slate, hopefully more help and new determination into hobbies. maybe i wanna do 4 sports since i never did much as i was younger. tho sure, i did aikidos cousin taekwondo. ive shot a bow and arrow whenever i had a chance. ive skated since literally like 3 yrs old. and i used to take a form of dance a alot younger. sure no musicality but i think the exercises would be great for my knees and legs and butt and torso and posture. htese are fun sports since i dont like to work out. and since im not comfortable enough in myself to go swim. 
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shecapturedfeeling · 5 years
dude. ok. this is exactly what I mean.
back when the trailer for bohemian rhapsody first came out, I was super excited and just made a random post on social media saying “someone come watch this with me it looks so good.” I didnt rlly get any response but it was fine bc I just wanted to express my excitement.
then the movie comes out, and one of my rlly good guy friends works at the theatre so he can bring friends in for free. I literally listen to this guy rant all the time and we’re rlly close, so im like, he probably wouldn't mind doing me a favor and bringing me in since this movie just means a lot to me, right? but he ends up not having any time and finally I just felt so bad about bothering him so much about it that I stopped asking.
so then one weekend he ends up going to see the movie with a bunch of guy friends (some of which are my friends too). and I was out of town and I was like...wow. I mean ik he didnt purposely go just bc I wasn't there and that was prolly his free weekend and I happened to not be home but whatever. I wasn't rlly sad about him not bringing me, I was sad about not getting to see the movie. also, that group never did get to see the movie bc the theatre was filled up so they ended up watching something else.
anyway, one of the guys in that group is my best friends boyfriend. I basically set them up, since this guy (who's also my friend) had a crush on her and came up to me and I literally stayed up all night for 2+ weeks during the summer and spent so many hours just giving advice. I literally TOLD him the things to say and text to her. I gave him the idea for getting her a blanket for her birthday, forcing me to come up with another idea for my own gift for her. he used MY reasoning for the gift to explain why he got it, and she treats this blanket like its her favorite object. I was the one who ordered the present online for him, because he asked me to, because he didnt want his mom to question it. Even though it meant my mom asked me why I was spending so much money on her gifts. even though I had to go through the effort and I had to wrap the present and bring it to school. 
so after they went to watch the movie (but ended up watching something else), my friend is all “I want to watch bohemian rhapsody!!” which is so FUNNY bc every time I mentioned it before she’d roll her eyes and act annoyed and she NEVER listened to queen or expressed a modicum of interest before then, never sang along to bohemian rhapsody with the rest of us. but ok.
a few months later, bohemian rhapsody is out of theatres. the guys did end up seeing it, and they’re all obsessed with queen now, even though before half of them didnt know anything about them. its fine bc this is true of like half the teenage population who now professes to be huge fans of queen. I mean like, its fine, queen deserves it. and now there's people to discuss queen with so yay I guess. I never did get to see it in theatres which was sad, but I knew I could just find it online although it wouldn't be the same experience.
so then there’s another of my really good friends, a beautiful, talented, nice, perfect friend whom everyone likes. one of our guy friends who went to see the movie had a giant crush on her. I was the first person he told and he said not to tell anyone else so I didnt, but then he ended up telling a billion people and the situation got out of hand and uncomfortable for the girl, and I sat there giving him endless advice. (I also gave him advice during the times the three of us--sometimes 4, when the movie theatre friend was there--were face timing about the blanket guy trying to date my best friend.) I’ve had so many late night chats with this guy, talking to him, listening to his rants, spent so many hours trying to convince him to go to prom and ask this perfect friend to prom. I helped him with his promposal, came up with the majority of the logistics for his promposal, and stayed up with him while he made it. he’s sent me personal thoughts he hasn't shared with anyone else. I also comforted him when he lost someone recently and he said “thanks for being a really good friend and always being there for me” and after that has proceeded to treat me worse than he treats this perfect girl and my best friend. like, he’s always there to comfort my best friend, he always responds to her messages and addresses her in group chats. same with the perfect friend, he wants to go to her dance recital and stuff and is trying to persuade others to go too. I mean, I can understand it, bc not only are they both really pretty and accomplished, thus deserving of appreciation and kindness and friendship, he actually has reason to like them bc ofc he had a crush on this perfect friend and my best friend is HIS best friend’s girlfriend. but still, he’s been one of the few people to say that im a good friend so I thought he actually appreciated having me there as a friend and I kinda expected him to treat me as well as he treats them?? but guess not. and this perfect friend, I love her, and she's so nice to me, and were closer than I am with a lot of other people in our friend group. we have classes together and we can rant about stuff and I dont have to act like everythings fine around her (although Ive never expressed my actual sadness and depression to her bc her life is just so perfect, so she doesn’t actually know anything beyond the surface, but what I mean is that we can actually talk about deeper issues about the world and stuff). I love her but she is SO concerned with image and reputation. she never speaks up against people. in classes ive had to go up and talk to the teacher to ask questions for my friend. she’ll never say anything. and it sucks bc when we’re with others, she’ll put them before me. like suddenly they’ll all tease or laugh at me, im sure out of a good place, but it still sucks. she’ll team up with the guys, trying to gain their approval (they all love her anyway, so its really unnecessary). the other day our group chat decided to play evil apples, and the first round she won and I was second before the 2 guys, and in the second round one of the guys won and she was 2nd and I was 3rd but the prom friend (the one who had a crush on her) lost. then the next day in a class we were in a group playing cards against humanity, and when it was my turn to judge, I chose a card that was appropriate rather than an inappropriate one bc the appropriate one just made more sense and she whispers to the guy next to her, “see this is why we can’t play with them.” in a different round, the question card was “I get by with a little help from ______” and I said “is there a beatles related card” bc I wanted to make a reference, and the girl on the other side of perfect friend whispered what I said to her, giggling. it made me annoyed bc they were talking behind my back, and I would've been fine if it was the girl and the guy on each side of her, bc even though we’re all kind of friends they never really seemed to like me that much and always have seen me as just this weird, socially awkward, annoying person, but it made me so MAD that my FRIEND was taking part in this, and not saying anything, and just looking down on me when in private she’ll act like im her favorite person in the whole world. but whatever, I digress.
back to the point, perfect friend a few months after bohemian rhapsody left theaters she watched it somewhere and loved it, and she said it in our group chat, and everyone was like yay and loving her texts and had a discussion about how good it was.
yesterday I finally, finally watched it after months of waiting. so today I text the group chat that I watched it, and spam a little about what I liked and I didnt, which I realize is annoying bc I spam all the time and I cant really help it. but I expected since everyone in the chat is now queen fans, even those that weren’t before the movie, we could just obsess together over how good it was. 
but the only one who replied at first was my best friend (bless her). she loved a few messages (namely, 3: the first was that I watched it, the second was that the casting for brian may was amazing, and the third was that the live aid scene was so good). I was kinda confused bc I didnt think she even knew what I was talking about, especially since I didnt think shed even seen the movie? but maybe she did. or maybe she was just appreciating the comments, and anyway, regardless, I was grateful for her responding. and she said like “ooo where did you see it” and I said I found it online and she said “oh lol.” and she dislikes my ending text of “sorry for the spam I just really enjoyed it.” so I was grateful. but no one else really said anything.
until perfect friend sends an unrelated pic and says something. then she loved my text that I finally saw bohemian rhapsody, basically as an afterthought, but didnt say anything else on it. prom friend right away responds to perfect friend, ignoring all my texts, even tho I thought he was such a big fan of queen now after seeing the movie but whatever. he also then sends a video of blanket friend to the same group chat, addressing best friend, saying her name and what they’re doing.
so, nice to know im not liked lol.
I know this is a long winded story (I mean it doesn't matter cuz im just writing this to myself not anyone else) but im just so frustrated. I wish there was someone out there who would just CARE and appreciate my friendship and treat me like a friend. I KNOW I DONT DESERVE IT. and everything I say is with that unspoken warrant. like I KNOW. im just trying to say that at the same time im so tired of giving so much to my different relationships only to have it be reciprocated by like 5%. the closest connection I have is with is best friend, but she still looks down on me and has even told me everything she hates about me, two years ago when she was trying to get me to join color guard. color guard is like her obsession now, and she says she didnt know what it was before, even though back at the end of 8th grade I literally ASKED HER, “do you want to join color guard in hs.” but I guess she didn’t hear me and just disregarded it like she has SO MANY OTHER THINGS she doesn't deem important until she or her boyfriend or someone “discovers” it and then suddenly its her original idea or something. and ever since that episode when she basically ranted about everything she dislikes about me, just bc I didnt want to join color guard, nothing has been the same. I know ive wronged her so many times and I feel bad. I dont deserve her trust (I betrayed it so many times, like when I didnt tell her I was helping her (now) boyfriend) and I understand that, but now we dont share anything real. I dont trust ANYONE and all my real feelings and secrets I keep to myself. she doesn't need me for anything anymore now that she has a boyfriend, so its fine. but she still actually cares about me, and I care about her, and at least she will show her friendship and support for me. 
its just, I try so hard to connect. to act like im happy and have emotions when inside im depressed and empty. I try to show enthusiasm for everything they do when honestly I have so many of my own problems to worry about that I honestly just dont have the energy to care. I try to offer myself to comfort them and I prioritize other peoples feelings over my own obligations, feelings, problems, sleep, health, and time. I know it sounds like im a bad person just “faking” it and resenting these things that I should be happy to do. I guess I am, but its just that my mental health is so bad right now that its impossible for me to actually bring myself to care about stuff and others and myself or anything at all so thats why. When I get an opportunity to help people (like with the promposal and the girlfriend) it actually invigorates me bc I feel so needed. I willingly spend time on that bc it actually feels like im accomplishing something. It feels like people actually want me there. it feels like by doing this people will appreciate me. but that’s where im wrong. I got him his girlfriend and now he never talks to me or responds to my texts. I KNOW hes there, bc he’ll love all of her texts in the group chat, even the ones just saying the same things I already said, but he doesn't react to any of mine. I got him his prom date, yet in the hallways he doesn't say hi to me but he’ll gladly say hi to perfect friend or best friend. yesterday in lunch people got their yearbooks. perfect friend realized the cover had a feature. prom friend is there. best friend runs over yelling about how the cover is so bad because it’s predominantly black while the past 2 were predominantly white. to point out a good aspect, I repeat the feature perfect friend said. prom friend repeats what I said, but not in a high pitched voice or anything that hints at sarcasm or teasing. so I turn to him and im like “....I just said that.” he goes “I know. I was mocking you.” perfect friend and best friend say nothing to defend me. I just... I dont get it. a few days ago you said I was a good friend and now you proceed to make fun of me. somehow something about me makes it ok for him and others to make fun of me and look down on me, when he doesn't tease best friend or perfect friend. he treats me like trash but since the other two are perfect, since he likes perfect friend and since best friend is dating his friend, they have an automatic pass to be treated like queens, to be admired by him. best friend and perfect friend dont think they need to defend me when ive been nothing but loyal. it makes me annoyed because ive spent years defending best friend anytime someone says something. I was the outspoken one who'd yell at the guys when they teased. yet all anyone ever saw me as was the annoying, dramatic one. when I was just trying to be a friend the way I knew how. I thought being loyal was how to be a good friend, bc thats all I ever wanted. my brother made fun of me and put me down, at home, and in front of his friends, which were the most embarrassing time of all. so I thought my friends would appreciate me being loyal, yet all its ever seemed in all these years is that they’re embarrassed of me when I jump at those who tease. but I guess its because im so socially awkward. I overreact when things dont call for such big scenes. I talk too much. I try too hard. I just hate how I always take the fall. I never get credit where its due, just because I try to stay humble yet everyone still thinks im arrogant. I keep quiet, bc if I ever said what im saying now, it would just prove it. “see? you DO think highly of yourself.” they dont know that I would do anything to remove myself from this earth if I could because I have so much self loathing in me. 
the other day in math we were working in groups. one group came up with something and said it and the rest of the class was like “ohhh” but one group didnt hear and were like “what?” best friend goes “no dont tell them! make them figure it out themselves.” so I say to a classmate about to tell them, “no no no dont!” but in my voice thats 50x louder than my friend’s. someone else goes “what? no! thats so mean!” I was so embarrassed. I wouldn't have said anything if it wasn't my friends idea. I couldn’t care less whether that group knew or not, but since my friend said it I wanted to be supportive so I said something to have a bit of fun. yet I was the mean one, the one everyone looked at weird, the dramatic, annoying one, yet AGAIN. 
and it just made me think. I have taken the fall for others so many times and they have never spoken up. when its the other way around, when someone gets blamed for something that was my own fault, I always speak up and make sure to take the fall. I make it clear until people understand. and yet my friends never do the same for me. so why do I even bother?
I just need to stop trying so hard to be a friend, to be likable, because I know ill never know how. its just not in me to understand how to be a normal fucking person. to know how to interact with others. to not be socially awkward. to respond the right way. to not have a loud voice or talk too much or overshare. to read social cues and understand when people dont like me and to not force myself on them.
if I ever reach adulthood, maybe I can just sequester myself away from all humans, so none of them will ever have to deal with me again. so I dont fucking ruin society anymore. so I dont have to humiliate myself time and time again. so everyones lives can be so much better.
its embarrassing, im embarrassing, and im so tired of it.
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