#bc the character pissed me off in the story and i'm too petty at this point to ignore it and play her anyway
thingswhatareawesome · 11 months
oh look, another shit 10 warp. a qq eidolon i DON'T NEED bc she's already maxed what the fuck does it take to get freaking ting yun???
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spicyraeman · 1 year
Plz tell me everything about Lynk's and Dallas' lovestory 🥺 (the story and/or hcs, whatever you wanna share really)
Hey hi hello, first of all, thank you so so much for asking about my babes, and second I'm so so sorry about this whole ass essay I've word vomited out (I'm not at all sorry).
I'm actually gonna put this under a readmore cuz it is in fact longer than most of the essays I wrote in high school fr
Kay so this little love story needs a bit of backstory bc Lynk is a messy bitch when it comes to relationships.
So, before Lynk and Dallas had even met Lynk was in a very toxic relationship. Their partner was distant, they would fight over petty things, and they’d frequently take ‘breaks’. The most important bit though was their partner's jealousy over Lynks rising fame. Their partner was a rockerboy too and they had gotten together when Lynk was just starting out and couldn’t stand to see Lynk's fame starting to overshadow theirs.
Overall just a very shitty and messy situation that Lynk was too comfortable in to leave.
With that bit of information said, Lynk and their partner were very much still together when they met Dallas. Lynk and his partner had had a petty fight over some bullshit and ended up ‘on a break’ previous one of their concerts, and Lynk was on the hunt for a rebound. That rebound ended up being Dallas. Lynk was always attracted to the most interesting person in the room and Dallas was definitely that.
They had a one-night stand and during their post dock smoke, Lynk had asked Dallas to join the band after she mentioned that she played guitar. Their previous guitarist had left and Lynk found themself deeply interested in Dallas’ character. They appreciated her upfront, no-bullshit attitude and were intrigued by her rather attentive nature beneath her brutish personality.
It took Dallas a week to think over her initial apprehension about being held down to one place. In the end, though her curiosity over Lynk and the excitement of being in the band eventually got the best of her and she ended up joining.
Despite the obvious attraction, they stayed strictly friends over the next couple of years. They definitely had that playful cheeky will we won't we sexual tension underneath, but they never did. Lynk was too into his partner to do that kinda thing when they weren’t ‘on a break’
Dallas absolutely despised Lynk's partner, seeing them get ghosted and dismissed and the constant petty bullshit that their partner would bring up pissed them off to no end. The only reason she never got into an actual fight with them was that she knew it would upset Lynk.
Now this next bit is kinda the inciting incident to their budding romance.
In an effort to boost their fame, Lynk's partner ended up making some shady dealings with an even shadier group. In the end, their partner failed to live up to their end of the arrangement and it ended up blowing back on Lynk. Their partner was too much of an asset to the group so they decided to make an example of their ‘loved’ one instead.
All that to say that's how Lynk lost their jaw to the business end of a shotgun. The only way Lynk managed to live was their partner using their magic on them to keep them from just bleeding out on the floor.
Lynk’s jaw, neck, and spine needed to be completely replaced and they were wheelchair-bound for months while they went through physiotherapy to relearn how to walk. During this time Dallas became their primary caretaker. Never in Lynk's life have they had to rely on someone else so entirely and never in Dallas's life did she have someone well being placed in her hands. The whole experience put them both out of their comfort zones and really showed each other sides of themselves they don’t normally show.
Unfortunately, this soul-bearing experience wasn’t really enough to get them to realize their feeling for each other. Lynk had pretty much sworn off relationships completely after almost getting killed and Dallas had never been in a serious relationship before so how was she supposed to know what it felt like?
The closeness they felt and the need to be around each other just kept ramping up. The longing stares, the constant need for physical contact, and the late-night soul-bearing talks deep into the night were just attributed to being 'really close chooms'. The classic trope of being utterly hopelessly in love with your best friend but not really realizing it.
In the end, their relationship didn't really have a set starting date. Just at some point, they had their simple ‘oh’ moments. They never really said anything, but their whole dynamic shifted. There was no more hesitation in ‘friendly’ I love yous and PDA wasn’t hidden in a veil of comradely teasing. Just a simple acceptance of a relationship years in the making.
There are a lot of little details and more things I would like to touch on eventually but this is the general gist of how things went down. Honestly, if you read to the end of this, god bless i’m so sorry (i’m not).
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pinkpruneclodwolf · 3 years
okay but adeuce + the ramshackle combo is genuinely one of the best dynamics we have in twst i think--maybe im a little biased but like aside from malleus--maybe its bc you actually see them grow together???? bc like during chapter 1 they were all at a rocky start but then several chapters later you can see clearly that they all have each other's back now--especially during chapter 6??? chapter 1 Ace would have told Yuu to leave Grim for the wolves or would never have come for their aid during chapter 4 but you can see thats not what happened--If anything he sided with Yuu.
TBH in regards with Deuce I feel like he still would have gotten close to Yuu regardless if they met in chapter 1 or not, bc I'd like to think that his dynamic with Yuu would have been inevitable since Deuce is just that kind of person (ruthless when his buttons are pressed but genuine and tries his best when you mean something to him--for emphasis look at his mom and epel, specifically. You probs alr know about his mom so I'm just gonna talk about Epel's. He watched Epel from afar after he noticed that they were sorta similar and was the first to approach him after the fight with Vil to comfort him and make him understand that your flaws can be your strength too!).
Also when you read their voice lines and personal stories--especially the birthday ones or the ones with Yuu. You can actually see how close they are together (Like during the halloween? in Ace's personal story he was p much pissed but worried all the same for deuce and yuu and grim, also there was a flashback where it showed their time together and both of their voicelines in their dorm uniforms (the ssr one i think) they offhandedly comment about how Yuu should just transfer to heartslabyul t make things more lively along those lines)
Im sorry for the long rambling, its just that this dynamic has a special place in my heart and the fandom just never seems to talk about them in favor of ships (not that its a bad thing! its just that please talk about them too) Please don't mind me if you find this annoying lol
No, you actually hit why I love their dynamic on the head for me—watching these characters grow together.
I wouldn't say I love found family tropes but I do love seeing people grow together and form a close knit group of support—Adeuce, for all their petty rivalry, bounce off of each other and learn as a result and when the chips are down, even Yuu displays urgency when—
I'm not spoiling Chap 6 for en twst.
But in Chap 4 like you mentioned, these boys go on a plane, a bus, another plane, and a boat to get to Yuu and Grim because of that S.O.S signal, lik—
I actually cried bruh.
Or in Ace's personal story like you mentioned, he's genuinely worried about his friends—
Its just such an underrated dynamic despite it's prevalence in the story if that makes sense—you see a lot of people favor romance and forgo Grim, Ace, and Deuce and how they'd react to finding out Mc/Yuu likes Azul, Floyd, Trey, Riddle—the list goes on but you catch my drift—
They rely on each other and value each other a lot and to see it get overwritten or underplayed for romance kills me. Let's not get started on Sebek, Jack, and Epel's budding friendship with Yuu, like you see Epel—
I was about to spoil Chap 6
But Epel inspires Yuu in Chap 6, Jack comforts the both of them, Sebek helps Yuu with the tables like,,,,,, BRUJJJHHHH MY HEART AND SOULLL
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therealvalkyrie · 3 years
Hi Val!!⭐
okay so I'm obsessed with Painters hands too, I'm so glad Emme recommended it to me however many months ago, and I can't believe you updated it again recently!!! like what a treat for us? omg omg
I have a few questions if that's alright:)
1) what inspired you to write it? (I feel like you sort of answered this in another ask but I mean like the storyline, more specifically)
2) Why did you choose Annie as the reader's best friend?
3) do you have a favorite line? I know I have a million but I won't clog your ask box with your own work loll
4) (not a question just <2) Levi painting Kuchel and then reader just made me feel... emotions. Levi helping the reader sleep made me feel... emotions! and lastly, Levi still gives me butterflies and feels exciting and sexy and interesting and hard to figure out while at the same time being the best dearest sleepy boy in you're story so, job well done<33
and what a treat for me!! i love discovering that story along with y'all lmao<3 i will do my best to answer your questions, but please be forewarned that i tend to ramble and the answers may not be quite what you're looking for?
(putting a cut bc it got kind of long)
1) i'm gonna be honest, there wasn't any particular inspiration, other than the actual show and wanting to figure out levi!! i'm not a huge planner when it comes to writing, so the storyline is very much happening as i go along. which is something i consider to be one of the weaker aspects of the story - i think that at some point awhile after i finish the series, i wanna go back and rewrite it to be stronger plot-wise. but i'm not gonna agonize over how it could be better right now, especially considering it's my first long series and piece of fanfic in general; i'm gonna be gentle with myself because i'm still learning:)
2) i think at the time of that particular plot point, i had just finished watching the Wall Rose Invasion arc, when we didn't know much about Annie, Reiner, and Bertholdt - just that they were grouped together as mysterious titan shifters. i'll admit i think i did Reiner's characterization a bit of a disservice by casting him as the asshole, and it's something i want to redeem a little bit in the last chapters of the series. but, as for Annie? I guess it just made sense? i really liked her as a character (and still do) and wanted to give myself the opportunity to play with her a bit. she just has so much potential and it still pisses me off how she was basically written off:( c'est la vie.
3) ooh i love this question! I'm a pretty big fan of this almost confession, in part four:
“D-do…” Do you love me? “Do you think I’m pretty?” It feels petty in your mouth and you immediately regret the words, but it would be worse to try and take them back, so you just bite your lip and look down at the floor.
(also, please don't hesitate to clog my askbox alskfdj sd PLEASE don't be shy, as long as you're cool with inflating my ego x10000)
4) ALL THE EMOTIONS!!! and if i do it right, that's going somewhere!! I'm very excited!! thank you for all your kind words and questions, and I'm sorry it took me a while to answer - i hope you're still around to see<3
come drop a fic in my inbox and I’ll give you some director’s commentary! <from several days ago because I don’t know how to finish what I start!!
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ladynoirist · 6 years
Hey, thanks for replying! I'm still in my parents' home, but we've gone through quite a bit of CPS-mandated therapy so he's backed off for fear of his record growing more. But anyway, in gaslighting, I meant in how the female characters (specifically Marinette) are basically taught that their feelings are wrong b/c they always require apologies/punishment. Your statement about racial sexism is really true too- Mari, Kagami, and Alya especially receive so much racist bs
oof i’m glad he’s backing off
yeah i hate how mari//nette is always punished for things which don’t really make sense? but imo that can be explained by the fact that its a kids show which obviously will have the main character learning all the lessons bc the audience is supposed to identify w the protagonist and therefore all moral lessons are imparted through the protagonist bc they wouldn't have such a big impact if it was secondary characters. i’m not excusing them, just trying to explain why i think this happens. honestly at this point i ignore it bc if i think too hard about it i’ll be pissed off forever and its just not good for my mental health to be so angry all the time on top of my anger about other things oof
i don’t think that’s gaslighting though? it’s definitely perpetuating some... questionable morals and logic (esp when ti//kki gets upset at ma//ri for lying to protect the identity ti//kki insisted on keeping secret in the first place) but they don’t make mari//nette doubt her memories and her own sanity which is what gaslighting is. gaslighting is far more subtle and manipulative than a clumsily shoehorned in and mandatory moral-of-the-story kids show thing.
yeah ka//gami really gets the short end of the stick all the time with canon demonizing her and fandom either demonizing her or flat out pretending she doesn’t exist. in my head she and ma//ri are close friends and they hang out a lot and have genuine love and respect for each other, none of that petty girlfight drama, just two asian girls being best buds and having a good time (ka//gami also probs (correctly) thinks ad//rien is a weeb dont @ me)
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