#bc their mom put them to bed hours early so she wouldn't have to deal w thèm
thegeminisage · 1 year
first of all i went to bed way too late and got woken up no less than THREE times by the cats
also got woken up half an hour before my alarm went off cuz the handyman showed up
context: we have a carpet situation and the situation is the carpets are 30+ years old and need to come up. we did the front hall ourselves, but it took TWO WEEKS before all the staples and debris got cleaned up, and the floor was clean enough to walk on without shoes. which means my cats just finished spending TWO WEEKS not able to exit my bedroom. i was looking forward to a break from them yelling at me, but my mom asked the handyman in passing if he could do our hallway too, and he said yes, and she said cool show up whenever! so he showed up at 8am on a monday when we were getting ready for work. i had to get up early and we almost left late. i had to walk past this man in my fucking pajamas.
world's most disgusting client (ie guy whose literal shit i had to scrub off his kitchen floor once) now requests a wakeup call on the way to his house since we usually get there between 930am and 10am. we obliged, but when we got there the door was locked and the lights were off. the motherfucker fell back asleep. he left us standing at the door for just over fifteen minutes knocking and calling his cell and home phone and then answered without a fucking shirt on. worse, he did not "pre clean" his house as he usually does so it was even more disgusting than usual. he had dish soap AND soda spilled on the groceries, which were naturally in his sink mixed in with trash and dirty dishes.
when we got home we had to immediately start work on the floor at my mom's insistence but she's way overdue for her shot so she's in pain already and she gave up and went outside to sweep cobwebs off her car to take it in for repairs we have been putting off for 7-10 months bc of a lack of money and apparently some wasps set up camp behind her sideview mirror and one got her. i am beside myself. she swears she's fine but what if she's allergic. i can't deal w it
went outside to dip leaves out of the pool, because that's a calming and relaxing activity. one of the outdoor cats has caught a squirrel but the squirrel is not dead it is dying and twitching and it is so horrible and i tried to chase the cat away so she would go do the horrible thing elsewhere but she wouldn't leave and i had to come in and sit down about it
the trash still has to be taken to my aunt's (she has pickup, we don't) and the floor still isn't done and the leaves in the pool are still not dipped and eventually we are going to have to deal with the squirrel's remains and i have only had like maybe 3 hours of sleep and also i am on my period. sorry for the tmi but it must be said like a person cannot do all this and menstruate too this is unjust this is blatant homophobia in the middle of pride month!!
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webslingingslasher · 11 months
I feel like crying right now 🫠. I had a rlly bad week and it involved me having a mental breakdown and having to pretend like I wasn't crying when my parents came in my room. Not trying to trauma dump but I was js stressed over school assignments bc I usually never have trouble doing it and my room was very dirty and I had laundry to do and I'm sick and my parents think somethings going on with me because I was late to school three days in a row??? My dad literally said "What's going on with you lately?" While he was dropping me off and I started tearing up so I js got out of the car before I started bawling. My very best friend is ignoring me for some reason??? It usually only lasts like a few hours but this has been going on since Thursday and we still have not said a word to each other.
We're a trio w another girl but the other girl (let's call her v) has other friends and her main friends were a year older but they graduated so now we're a trio. I kind of didn't like her bc I let her rant to me when we were becoming friends but then she got too used to it and I became her therapist which I would be fine with bc I love her but she would never listen to me when I was talking and then when asked she would js giggle and say it's bc of her 'adhd' but then she would say she didn't have adhd too?? Like girl make up ur mind. But then I wouldn't let myself be walked over so I confronted her and she said ok I'll try to be better. Lately she has gotten a lot better and she's becoming a very important person in my life but it's usually always been me and my bsf right? Sorry to go off topic I forget what I'm talking ab and I js keep talking 😭 but uhhh anyways I told v aby bsf ignoring me and she basically told me that I should ignore her back bc she always does it to me and I'm always the one apologizing even tho I don't know what I did wrong most of the time. I send her a long paragraph and she js responds w lol and we move on.
So v told me that I don't deserve that, so I should wait for her to talk to me, and after a while, I was like, "Yk what? Youre right" and she told me "ik this sounds cringy but I'm so proud of you" I was alr kind of crying before that bc I always care more ab ppl then they do ab me and bc of the shitty week I had been having so when I read that I immediately started crying and I was muffling the sounds in my spiderman plushie (I'm so cool ik😎) and I was like that for ab an hour and I haven't talked to my bsf since. We had school the next day, and she ignored me, so I went to my other friends bc I have more of them in my classes than she does, and I had a pretty good day apart from her.
Anyways I forgot what my point was again 😭, but oh yeah today I woke up early to go see the eclipse w my cousins and when I came home I went to get starbucks w my dad and then showered (I had not showered in a while, stinky ik 😪((tbh I think it was the dirty room and clothes that was depressing me)) ) and then I cleaned my room and moved things around. (It was a deep clean day) and I went to go do laundry at my aunties. (I had to put two loads in bc I had a lot of clothes 😭) anyways it is currently 8:30 pm where I am and I js got home bc I had to walk home w my bin.
I come home to my little ipad kid cousins in my room on my bed (I didn't have bedsheets on bc I washed them) they had dirty bare feet and they were jumping on my bed and I had left a drawing on my bed and they crumpled it all up. My aunt js leaves them to do whatever they want bc the older one has autism so that's an excuse apparently??? (Don't come at me she's not a very good mom in that department)((wow that sounded judgy)) also I can't tell them to go away or not jump on my bed because then my parents are gonna make it seem like I'm being dramatic in front of my whole family (my aunts and uncles are here) also I'm Mexican btw so it's a very big deal. Also if I tell my aunt she's gonna be rlly sorry and make me feel guilty ab it and in the end they're gonna end up on my bed either way. Also ik my cousin is also having a bad week so ik small things will provoke him. So yeah 😁 I also have a class tmr at 6:30 pm for two hours and it affects me a lot bc then I feel out of it when I have to come home and get ready for school on Monday.
Anyways sorry for dumping all of this on you and if you made it to the end congrats and thank you 🫶🏽 also feel free to ignore this I js needed to tell someone🧍🏽‍♀️
- 🎧
seems like v is a good friend. and it sounds like you need a good friend right now.
i hope these next few weeks get better, i'm sending a big fat virtual hug your way!
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Fjslslskdnfjdidnsjzbsnz (frustration not incredulity)
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