#bc they are so angsty good stuff 🤌
harapeveco · 5 months
what's your opinion about people shipping their oc with eve characters?
I think it’s cool for them to do so! They are braver than anyone else too so pls continue drawing your ocs kissing eve characters 🫡❤️
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witch128chick · 4 months
I watched yesterday's episode today bc yesterday i posted a new chapter, washed my hair and stuff
But noooww it's time for
Ecipse Lake
Easily one of my favourite episodes so i was super excited to watch it!
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We met Ghost!!
Okay but all palismen are so adorable (^∧^)
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Amity, your girlfriend is proud of you for pulling meme faces you two are perfect for each other
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I wanna see more Eda and Amity. Amity's literally Eda's kid's girlfriend yet i barely see their interactions explored. So guys if you know any fanfictions on the topic, lmk
I honestly can't wait to write angsty scenes with these two just talking about idk, their issues (and the fact that i'll be able to do it in 2 fics is so exciting)
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Luz, you're a cute little bean (literally)
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Omg these 3 😭😭 a chaotic trio
I'm pretty sure they came up with some crazy music combinations later on and made Luz listen to all of them and she had to choose the best one
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I think- i think i found the best frame in the episode
*Eda being Eda* everyone else: (゜_゜)
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Just Luz being Luz (and we love her for that)
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And my ultimate favourite scene in the episode 🤌🏼
It's just so good fr
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Luz is okay!!
And she has a mushroom? Fungi? Crown!
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Okay so i LOVE this episode. It has a deep meaning and the parallel between Amity and Hunter is also one of my fave things in the series. Once again, i'm tired so i can't really bring an analysis-level thing here but this episode is important. Amity learns she doesn't have to "justify her existence", Hunter talks to Flapjack and they understand each other, Eda figures out how to turn into a harpy on command. And King is fluffy.
Oh and also. Willow says it's weird to have Amity around so often. Another thing i wanna explore in my HUGE fic bc their dynamic is so interesting
100000000/10 i think this episode is second on my list. Agony Of a Witch stays on top
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hees-mine · 1 year
you weren't wrong when you said some of them weren't too kinky bc day 2 was so cuteeee 🥹 it's so good!! whiny hee is so??? 😗🤌 i love it so much i can't wait for the rest of the month -🌽
Day three is cute and even kinda angsty 😩 bro I don’t know why but I just don’t have it in me to write kinky stuff every time I try it ends up being fluffy
It’s official fluffheetober y’all😞
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caroll-in · 3 years
Drarry Tag Game aka It Took Me Two Weeks Longer Than Planned Lmao 🙈 tagged by the loveliest @pineau-noir 💖💞
When did you get into Drarry and why?
It was 2015 and I was in search of sth new to obsess about as I have been getting a little bored of les mis, especially since all my friends have long since moved on to other things. I have been seeing more and more random drarry stuff on my dash but since as a kid I was all in favour of canon and canon only I never paid it any mind. But then I saw THIS fanart and it was like a switch - I got intrigued and decided to read a fic to check out what is this ship really about. Which brings me to...
Which Drarry fic hooked you?
It was All Our Secrets Laid Bare by @firethesound - my very first drarry fic and I will never forget the awe I was in while reading it - I loved the characterisations and the worldbuild, the plot with its mystery and the awesome style it was written in - and it made me so thirsty for more 😂 So I then spent the next couple of months reading drarry fics in secret and total denial bc after I mentioned that I might like this ship now one of my rl friends made so much fun of me for it 🙄 A few fics more and I finally decided to fuck what others think and I drew my first drarry fanart ☺️
Top three favorite Drarry fics:
omg you can't just... why only three 🥺
🌟the already mentioned All Our Secrets Laid Bare by @firethesound
💛my most often re-read drarry fic: All Life is Yours to Miss by Saras_Girl
⭐and one that taught me to love 1st person pov: The Man Who Lived by sebastianL
Why can't you quit them?
Easy: the community 😍 Drarry Squad is a very special bunch of people that are so welcoming and kind and talented! I can't see myself getting bored of the fics either, because both old and new fans keep coming up with more and more ideas for them and their writing styles are also insanely good - often way better than in published stuff out there. And drarry artists are a contant inspiration for me as well 😍😍😍 What's also helping a lot is the amount of Fests we have - no matter if I'm a participant or a reader, they're always so much fun!! 🙌💞
Who breaks your heart more often?
Both! Harry with his past traumas and the fact he was manipulated his whole childhood and led to sacrifice his life for a cause, who now has to learn how to trust and not be a saviour anymore... And Draco, a kid who chose the wrong side and has to live with the consequences, often down and out and feeling undeserving of true love 😭
Ideal career for Harry? For Draco?
Tbh I enjoy a variety! I could say I don't think Harry would be happy as an Auror but then again I'd inhale those casefics like candy 😂 I like them working with kids and animals, or doing something creative, or Draco with a Muggle job...
Harry and Draco are being sent to a desert island for a week with plenty of food and water. Each is allowed to bring three additional items (no wands). What do they bring?
Harry: snitch and two brooms
Draco: sunscreen, a book and lube (they coordinated this xD)
Favorite non-Drarry HP character?
How can I only choose one, when I'm so obsessed with bg and rare pairs 😭 I think Neville, but Pansy and Ginny are so close behind!
If you had to pick one, enemies to lovers or (enemies to) friends to lovers?
Enemies to lovers, always 😚🤌
Would you rather read a fic that made you laugh or one that made you cry?
Both, please! I love a good crack fic on a bad day but also to cry my heart out with the angsty ones... My only condition is that it has a happy ending 🙌
Three songs that scream Drarry to you (feel free to include the Drarry-est lyrics!):
I'm super bad at those types of questions, let me skip this one, all right? 🙈 As much as I enjoy putting music in general in my drarry comics, I'm not good at finding a vibe in a song that would match a ship 😳
Favorite authors outside of fic?
Terry Pratchett, Natasha Pulley, Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Tagging with no pressure, and please feel free to pick and choose the questions you’d like to answer!
not sure who was already tagged, as I'm weeks late to the party, but:
@slytherco @cibeewastaken @xanthippe74 @babooshkart @veelawings and everyone else who would like to do it too! Please tag me, so I can see your answers 😍
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