#bc we’re in our own enclosed space and we know what it means
spicyicymeloncat · 6 months
Saw two posts recently and I disagreed with them for the same reason and that is, y’all better not be falling into the pit of dissing things bc they’re not “sophisticated” enough for you or something.
Like someone complaining about cutesy wutesy terms or like stupid fanfic writing. Some people be saying stuff like ‘no! You have to like real books! Only use real words to describe yourself!’ Who are you? The cringe police?
Actually the colloquialisation of language is kinda a complicated topic. Yeah we shouldn’t dumb down words and stuff when it comes to discussing serious things and we shouldn’t be calling anyone else things that they don’t want to be called. But if someone is using casual language to refer to themselves and they’re someone who can ‘reclaim’ (for lack of a better term) that language, then I don’t think it’s hurting anyone. Sometimes we need to use serious language and sometimes we don’t.
And let’s not make fun of hashtag weird fanfic or fandom (as long as it doesn’t actually promote harmful views or cause harm).
There’s obviously exceptions to both these points but my general rule is, let’s not attack things for the sake of ‘it’s weird’ or ‘different’. Being judgemental and shaming people to conform to arbitrary standards is the talking point of literally every single hate crimer. That mindset is used by ableists, racists, sexists, queerphobes etc etc. Lets not forget that.
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Night Drives (Shinsou x Reader)
Pairing: Shinsou x Reader 
Genre: Fluff/Comfort, College!AU
Summary: You’re having a rough and stressful week, and Shinsou helps by taking you out for a late night trip.
Word count: 1,814
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​ @bunnythepipsqueak​
a/n: I know I promised angst, but I really wanted to write this little comfort/fluff piece for anyone who might be facing a mid-semester funk/depression like me.  I was inspired because I went out to pick my cousin up from the airport late last night and I never realized how therapeutic night driving can be.
I also wasn’t really sure which character I wanted to write for this (bc they would all fit one way or another), but I chose Shinsou bc I haven’t written for him in a hot minute and he deserves some more love.
I hope you guys enjoy it, and I hope it helped some of you and maybe helped cheer you up 😊
I sit at my desk, hands carding through my messy hair.  Pouring over my notes is the most stressful thing I could be doing this weekend, I'd rather be sleeping or doing something more relaxing.  Weekends before exams are always the hardest because it's when I get my biggest chunk of studying done, so I'm usually holed up in my room the entire day.
It's also times like this when the dark thoughts roll in.  I've always been a smart kid, but being in college really makes me question it.  Getting low B's and high C's on exams in my major classes don't mean the end of the world, but I rethink who I think I am because of it.  I still get A's in my other bullshit classes, so why am I struggling in the classes that are supposed to teach me the skills I need for my future career?  Should I rethink my future?  Do I even want to go into my chosen field anymore?  Am I making a huge mistake being here?  I'm wasting my entire scholarship money if I decide to start over from scratch.  My fingers close in on my scalp.
The warmth in his voice jolts my head up.  "Oh, hey."  I straighten my back, not even realizing how hunched over my back was.
Shinsou's eyebrows are furrowed at me.  "Are you okay?"  His large thumb brushes over the wetness clinging at the corners of my eyes.  "You're crying."
I tug at the sleeves of my hoodie.  "Yeah, I'm fine."
He studies my face carefully, his own dark circles standing out against his pale skin.  He knows how I get when I'm in this mode, staying respectful of my study habits.  Since I don't come out of my room, he'll let himself in and stay in my bed, reading, sleeping, doing his own studying, or watching something on his laptop until I'm finished.  Just a few moments ago when I peaked over my shoulder to see what he was doing, he'd fallen asleep with his headphones on, lightly snoring.  He doesn't bother me.  It's something I appreciate about him.
Shinsou crosses his arms over his chest.  "When was the last time you ate?"
My stomach admittedly feels empty.  I've only been snacking when I felt hungry.  Looking at the clock, it's almost midnight.  "Since breakfast," I answer feebly.
A sigh escapes his lips.  "Are you finished now?  You've been like this all day."
I cast a dreadful look over the pages of notes.  There's still a few chapters I need to look over, but my brain feels that it might explode if I try to cram anymore information in.  The worst part is I don't even feel like I've retained anything I've read in the past few hours.  I start closing my books.  "Yeah, I'm done."  And utterly defeated.
Shinsou gently takes my hand in his, calling my attention to him.  "Come on, go wash your face and change.  We're gonna go eat."
He leaves me to go to his room and fetch his wallet.  Trudging into the bathroom and following his instructions, I wash my face to wake myself up, change into some jeans, and pull on a hoodie that's more presentable for going out into the world.
Shinsou returns, changed into a pair of jeans, hoodie, and denim jacket, and we head out of our dorm building.  The air isn't as cold as I thought, but it was just as deserted.  The scattered lamp posts across the pavement are the only illuminations in the parking lot.  I walk with my hands in my pockets and my hood up.
How the hell am I gonna learn everything by Tuesday? I despair.  I hate how I always end up thinking about work even when I don't want to.
Shinsou closes the distance between us and snakes his arm around my torso.  "Have you ever considered getting a hoodie with cat ears on them?" he asked casually.
I'm thrown off by his random question, but I have to laugh.  "Uh, no?  Why would I wear it?"
"So I can pull at the ears, duh."
"You and your cat addiction needs to chill."  I want to shove him away, but his warmth feels great to touch.  "Where are we going?"
"Noodles?" he offers.  "It's been getting pretty cold."
"Is it wrong that I want something...filling right now.  And no, get your mind out of the gutter!" I shove Shinsou before he can say anything.
"I wasn't even thinking it, who actually has the dirty mind, hm?"  He pokes the side of my head.
After I'm done pouting at him, I suggest, "Do you think there's a tempura place open around here?  Actually, I just really want fries and something else."
"Anything else, your royal highness?" he smirks and unlocks his car.
"Mmm," I hum as I settle into his passenger seat.  "A pet dragon would be nice too.  Or full payment on my college education."
Shinsou chuckles at my sarcasm.  "Anything for you, kitty."  Holding my hand, he kisses my palm before starting the engine.
As he drives down the abandoned road, I lean my head against the window, staring out the windshield.  The sky's already black, but there's too much light and the car's moving too fast to count the stars.  Something about the emptiness of everything at night calms me down.  It almost feels like Shinsou and I are the only 2 people in the world at this hour.  Even the parking lot of the fast food joint down the block is deserted.
"I'll get it to go so we can eat in here, what do you want?" my purple haired prince asks me sweetly, unbuckling his seatbelt.
"10 piece nuggets and medium fries.  And a diet soda, I'm watching my calories."  I whisper the last part.
"Coming right up."
"Are you sure it's okay to eat in your car?" I ask, tentatively opening the paper bag of food goodness.  I didn't realize how hungry I was until the smell of high calorie fast food wafts in front of my nose.
Shinsou's eyes are on the road as he drives down the roadway.  "Yeah I don't care, it's not like my car's new or anything."
I dip into the bag and grab my box of nuggets.  A smile graces my face when I notice he remembered the sweet and sour sauce.  "Why are you so good to me?"
"Because you're my kitty and I love you," he answers without missing a beat, his large hand messing up my hair.
A familiar fuzzy warmth fills me as I lean into his touch.  Digging into my nuggets, I end up completely demolishing them, the hole in my stomach finally filling  at the process meat.  I don't care how old I get, I will always have chicken nuggets at fast food restaurants.  Every once in a while, Shinsou would ask for one of my fries, and  I'd happily feed him.
I have no idea where we're going; for some reason, we're on the highway.  I just quietly finish my meal and sip my drink.
Shinou's eyes glint with mischief.  "Since we're alone on the highway..."
My eyes widen.  "Babe, no-!"
The engine revs to life under my boyfriend's lead foot and the car jolts forward.  I clutch my fries and almost choke on my soda as we speed down the highway.  The biggest grin spreads across his face.
"Hitoshi, I'm not ready to die!"
He takes his foot off the gas and the car relaxes, as does my heart.  But he knows how much I secretly love it when he does that.  "At least wait until I'm not about to choke before you do that!"
Laughing at me, he passes me his phone. "Play whatever you want, kitty."
Oh, it's over now.
I select a playlist of hype songs we both love, belting out the lyrics from the top of our lungs as Shinsou speeds down the highway. A mess of screams, laughter, loud music, and singing fill the entire space as we zip past all the lights on the highway.  It reminds of what it might feel like rocketing through space. The pit of my stomach feels weightless from the excitement and the speeding car.
Are we crazy?  Maybe.  Did I savor every second of it?  Absolutely.
Shinsou finally slows down and exits down a beach.  Pulling into an empty space, he parks the car and gets out, waving for me to follow him.  We end up sitting on the hood of his car, eating our food under a blanket he keeps in his car.  A nearby streetlight dimly illuminates our dark space.
I snuggle Shinsou's left arm and look out into the dark expanse.  I can finally count the stars, between stealing bites from Shinsou's burger.  Clutching my end of the blanket over me, I lay my head on his shoulder.  "It's so strange sitting on the hood of a car."
"Guess you've never done it before," he replies quietly, balling up his empty wrapper and placing it back in the bag.  Both arms wrap around me, resting his head on top of mine.  "I used to come here when I wanted to clear my mind.  There's just a whole lot of nothing and silence."
I can't agree more.  The darkness - the absence of light - makes everything seem quiet and empty.  Something about it feels liberating, letting all my emotions flow out in front of me freely and let me just be.  A breathe in and let it rattle out of me.  The endless void surrounds us, isolates us, encloses us so our thoughts can't bother us.
Shinsou brings me closer, letting me sit halfway on his lap, placing a gentle kiss on my temple.  "Are you feeling better, kitty?  I know you're pretty stressed, more so than your usual anxious self.  I figured bringing you out here would help somewhat."
My heart swells with warmth.  I hug him tighter and close my eyes, leaning my head to his chest.  "Thank you, Hitoshi.  You've done a lot for me, I really appreciate it.  You really went out of your way  for me."
"Nothing's out of my way for you."  His large hand rubs my scalp.  "You work so hard, you deserve this."
I snuggle deeper into his chest, my eyes slowly closing as the rhythm  of his heartbeat calms me.  "What did I do to deserve you?" I mumble.
"Well, maybe you saved an entire country," he jokes, pressing another kiss into the top of my head and running his fingers lightly on the back of my head, "But I think you just being perfect deserves all the happiness I can give you."
"You're too sweet."  I drift off to a light sleep in his arms, surrounded by his warmth, choosing to think about life some other time.
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prongsmydeer · 4 years
Ayesha Liveblogs Tiger King 
“I think it would be fair to say that Carole is the Mother Teresa of cats” now there’s a sentence I never thought I’d hear
“I’d never been a person who had friends” statements like this always perplex me because surely there had to be ONE other person in however long you quantify childhood that you identified with. Like not one whole ass person? You’re not the only person who loves cats Carole
The juxtaposition between Carole Baskin’s “Animal Print for Animal Rights” and Joe Exotic’s “Tiger King underwear is our bestseller” is poetic cinema
Okay this isn’t a reflection of my opinions on this man but I Saw a Tiger is a good country ballad there I said it 
“When I first met Joe, I was like a month out of high school” well that’s not good
[Joe Exotic voice] Some people have tigers to cope
Doc Antle has only been on screen for 30 seconds and already he has made himself memorable by directing the film crew
Is Bhagavan Antle Indian in some way or did he just have a really intense Eat Pray Love journey with his guru
Also is he really a doctor orrrrrrrrr
“I am out there in the forefront so known of being this guy that is in love with big cats and has them love him back” please don’t tell me this guy does anything weird to his animals
“People only care about saving what affects them” 
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“You can’t put a price on holding a baby tiger” but you did and apparently it’s $625 
The fact that multiple tigers have had albinism is probably a sign of major inbreeding practices at these zoos
You know, even if I ate meat*, there is no way I would be able to handle any kind of early prep stage of it bc seeing these cow carcasses is A Lot
*If u r reading this I don’t care if u eat meat leave me alone
“Animals just wasn’t enough, okay? So then I started adding magic” well that took an unexpected turn
I don’t know if it’s for real fair to criticize every person who has brought a big cat out in a public venue/talk show because I know at least like Dave Sal/moni is always going “THESE ANIMALS MAKE TERRIBLE PETS” 
As a sidenote from what I understand this Saff person keeps being deadnamed/misgendered throughout this documentary and I do not appreciate it 
“I grew up a professional cowboy in a family of professional cowboys” every sentence on this show is a journey
WHO is letting their ONE-YEAR-OLD lay on top of a tiger cub I know you’re at a zoo but BRUH
“It’s going to be a small Waco” to say this ON THE NEWS
This 2 minute stretch of episode is all the PSA anyone ever needs to never own a gun
Well I think we can all agree that PETA is a fucking mess
God this is like battle of the people who are terrible at doing anything good for animals
“What do you carry that gun for?” “People” AHHHHHHHHHHH?!?!!!!?!?
“I sleep with an AK-47 under my mattress, loaded, ready to roll” WILL SOMEONE HELP THE U.S. OF A
I was warned about this show and yet I was still not prepared for the level of UNHINGED it would be 
How in the FUCK does a place like this not have an on-site medic
“Why don’t you come back on another day” he said, after telling the public an employee had his arm taken off 
“I am never gonna financially recover from this” SURE JOE THIS IS ABOUT YOU
To go back to work a WEEK after getting your arm amputated... BRUH
“Any law that you think’s unfair or unjustice, it is your obligation, it is your responsibility to stand up against that bullshit law” well Thomas Jefferson was a slaveowner so clearly the injustice thing was relative for him
Traditionally don’t drug addictions fuel people choosing extreme paths with their life rather than the other way around? 
JKHGKJHGKJH this whole exchange:
Interviewer: What kind of doctor is he?
Maria: Mystical science.
Interviewer: Mystical science?
Maria, nodding: Yeah.
“How many wives does Doc Antle have?” I didn’t expect this but somehow it tracks
I’m gonna bet none of these people with subcontinental names have a single bit of South Asian heritage like okay “Moksha” and “Rajnee” did Bhagavan name you
On a more serious note: It’s really fucked up that these men keep meeting literal teenagers, making them their employees, and then also get into relationships with them. I cannot emphasize this strongly enough THIS IS NOT GOOD OR HEALTHY
It’s pretty weird that Doc Antle keeps emphasizing so frequently that one of his partners is Italian 
“I’m gonna go be a yoga animal trainer” ah, white people bullshit
“Goodbye. Don’t fall in love with your boss.” Good advice, Dad
I was not expecting all this subcontinental imagery to get under my skin this badly but what’s your problem dude can’t u be normal for like a second 
“You’re this garbage person, but if you listen to me, I’ll make you great” again this tracks but gross
Again, on a more serious note: if a partner ever talks to you this way please call a domestic abuse hotline 
Not that India is at all in a good place right now but I personally ban Doc Antle from ever entering India. Banned. Forever. I will not be accepting constructive criticism at this time
“I didn’t really know any better” is a really good way of summarizing what all of these younger partners have been through
Wow Carole is really explaining this abuse issue succinctly 
Antle’s indignation at being implied to be a cult leader despite the fact he is most definitely a cult leader
Joe’s story in his documentary is constantly “is this going to be a humanizing moment PSYCH it’s still terrible”
Why is this husband-killing thing JUST A FOOTNOTE AT THE END OF THIS EPISODE OH MY GOD
We have deviated so far from the tiger thing oh my god
Why is the only man in this documentary who is faithful to his spouse the man that smuggled drugs inside of snakes
Every time I learn a new thing about a person in this documentary I have to reorient myself
This whole episode has been about this murder and I’m concerned that its title, “The Secret,” hasn’t even been revealed yet
GOD I take back what I said about I Saw Tiger, the concept of this song/music video for Here Kitty Kitty is so disturbing that this man deserves no credit whatsoever as a musician 
Well I don’t have much to say about this episode other than yikes
I guess if you’re really out to spite someone stealing their brand and posting exactly the opposite of everything they stand for is an effective if weird and petty way to do it
Do you think the whole throne footage moment was a “Frankenstein realizing what he has wrought” kind of thing for Kirkham
This is really like watching a sports game of two teams you can’t stand except the sport is murder and other miscellaneous crime
If we’re all being real with ourselves the documentary filmmakers themselves MUST have had some issues going on to be able to walk into this situation and not do anything about it
This series really seems to present a compelling case for why every major figure in this documentary has potentially committed at least one terrible crime
Ah there’s the judgment from the woman in Florida I guess it’s two crimes with one stone
God these poor animals they do not deserve anything happening to them
While obviously people are enticed by the prospect of someone they’re into having an animal JUST GET AN ALREADY DOMESTICATED ANIMAL LIKE DOMESTICATED CATS AND DOGS EXIST OH MY GOD DO NOT USE EXOTIC PETS AS DATE BAIT
 It has been so long since we heard about Travis ngl I already forgot about him 
Why is every single person in this show SO OFF THE WALLS I mean I know why but also WHY
This documentary is also a treatise in the flaws of the U.S. prison system and how it sets up people up to fail or re-offend upon release
Take a shot every time a middle-aged man in this show mentions that he casually bought himself a big cat as a teen
“Joe was the entertainment director.... by title” I don’t think this was meant to be a burn but what a burn
I am almost certain I WATCHED that Last Week Tonight episode during that election and if u told me that 4-5 years later I would be rewatching that clip in a documentary about this man’s journey to being convicted for murder then I cannot say I wouldn’t be surprised but I would probably believe it 
Also I have to wonder what John Oliver thinks about being part of this 
[“Beyonce?” voice] Shaun Majumder?
Sidenote: Until this exact moment I thought of Shaun Majumder as Ben Mulroney even though Brian Mulroney is white as hell I guess I have faceblindness but only for Canadian talkshow personalities
I have been aware of this before now but the fact you can buy a GUN at a Walmart what in the FUCK is U.S.A. doing
Man does this campaign manager really want to take ownership of anything Joe Exotic has ever done
Ngl I was wondering why someone who had at one point clearly had a lot of money seemed to have such poor dental care access but meth certainly does explain it
I mean people can be attracted to both men and women (hello) but since Joe was fuelling their drug addictions since they were teenagers attraction is at best a null factor and at worst an added layer of terrible to this whole mess
It’s hard to even respond to this in a meaningful way because this is so fucked up. Don’t own guns.
“That was a big fucking mistake,” he said, right after someone explained that he was driving large groups of people in an enclosed space in a busy city with wild animals that could maim or kill them
Padlock penls piercing really does not seem like a first date bombshell
“We went to dinner and he never went home” well if that doesn’t set you with a sense of foreboding
“It wasn’t about the animals anymore” you THINK
“It was sort of funny when they started but it’s gotten really dark” how meta
Of all the reasons Joe could’ve abandoned his zoo, I really didn’t think embezzlement would be what pushed him
“He won’t tell anyone where he’s at, not even me,” said Dial, with no acknowledgement of the fact that Joe is also theoretically still married and would maybe tell his husband???
Oh Dillon spotted??? Yikes get out dude
Take a shot every time a white person who really doesn’t understand where the word “karma” comes from starts talking about karma as if it is the Law of Revenge
The fact this man brings a film crew out with him while he’s on the run evading a federal investigation..... incomprehensible
“Joe just wanted to put it in somebody’s name and continue to be the tiger queen, I mean king,” really REALLY of all the reasons to object to Joe you’re going to choose homophobia wow
Is this about an attempt to have someone murdered or does something happen to Baskin it is very unclear
This documentary has an interesting format of switching focus from crime to crime to crime 
“I’ve never been as proud of being married to anyone as I am being married to you” It’s weird to compliment your husband by comparing him to all your other husbands
How is the lesson for Jeff Lowe in this “let’s build another zoo” surely at that point it’s better to just cut your losses
[Garretson voice]: You should pay me for being a bro, dude
“I’m a libertarian, so technically, fuck the Feds,” I’ve never heard an intonation that better suits a conservative millennial 
I mean I don’t think it was advisable but honestly why are people surprised Joe took the stand isn’t delusions of grandeur kind of his thing
Sometimes it’s just that they’ve added in other moments to break up the awful immoral crimes with just run of the mill douchebaggery like the nanny/gym thing huh
I guess the silver lining in this is that potentially these big cat zoos will shut down but like where do these animals who have been raised in captivity go??? I don’t trust anyone in this documentary to not exploit them in some way ugh 
“Not a single animal benefited from this war,” correct, Saff
“I was wrapped up in having a zoo,” not really an excuse but ok
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atalana · 5 years
Hargreeves House Masterpost
So sometimes you’re just there watching Umbrella Academy and you think “Hey, this is a really big confusing house, it would help to have a map of it!”, but no one’s done that so you have to (and also you’re a trivia nerd who wants to).
There will be a couple inconsistencies with certain parts of the show because the house wasn’t all filmed on one location, so those inconsistencies are in the show itself, but I’ve done my best to be as accurate as possible with as much of the show as possible
This is gonna get long, so I’ll put it under the cut
Okay, let’s start with the basics
The house forms roughly this shape
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you can see it in this screenshot, with the courtyard in the middle there, and the courtyard is enclosed on all sides except for the opening to the right
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It’s got a gazebo but not a whole lot else, it’s a pretty dismal place.
The reason I’ve split the stuff around it into house and training rooms is that the house curves around the courtyard but basically ends there (where I’ve marked on the diagram), the windows here mark the back of the house (give or take a small amount) and look onto the courtyard
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However, this staircase
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isn’t one that appears in the house, and I don’t think Hargreeves would allow the kids into the courtyard if he didn’t own all the buildings around it, and given how they’re doing exercise stuff here I assume this part of the building functioned for schoolwork, fitness and powers testing
(We don’t see any of this part of the building other than the stairs, but there’s plenty of it, so you can go wild with the headcanons here)
Now to the house itself - we’ll take this floor by floor.
Basement Level
The dance scene isn’t 100% accurate for where stuff is in the house, because they cared more about showing the people than the house, but it’s a pretty good guideline
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The basement level is laid out more or less like this (doors/entrances are green)
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(I’ve listed the staircases by colour because there’s more than one set)
So the whole academy wasn’t originally one building, Hargreeves more or less just bought the whole block and then knocked down the connecting walls, you can see them around in certain places where he hasn’t bothered to fix it up, the doorway between the stairs and the kitchen is an excellent example, as you can see here
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(if you’re looking at this from the kitchen you’ll see the utilities, but like I said, discrepancies)
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Now next to the main entrance of the Academy is what used to be a laundromat, and that laundromat has it’s own basement entrance that goes down from the street, it’s where Vanya and Leonard enter through in episode 6
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And that leads into the kitchen
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We don’t know much about this part of the house other than what we see in the dance scene, but we can see Pogo’s room, and we can presume from the look of the place next to it (and also bc there’s nowhere else for it to be), that that’s where the elevator down to Vanya’s dungeon is (probably quite deep underground, as the elevator takes a while to go up and down)
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Ground Floor
The ground floor layout looks something like this
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The entrance hall and living room we’re all pretty familiar with, that’s where most of the scenes in the house take place
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Next to them in the dance scene we can see two things, the continuation of the red staircase coming up from the basement, and Grace working in a kitchen
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This kitchen actually has an oven and stuff, so I assume it’s where most of the food prep gets done, as opposed to the basement kitchen which is a lot more chill of a space
We don’t technically know what’s behind any of this, but there has to be something given how the floor above it has rooms there, so if I had to guess I’d say it was more spaces Grace needs
The part at the back again, we only know is there because of the floor above it, and the second floor is entirely Sir Reginald’s back there, so this part probably is too
The second floor is the most complicated, so I’ll take it in parts
Second Floor - Left
This is where most of the kids rooms are, and is most characterised by the long corridor with the fighting instructions along it
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The original layout for this part of the house was something like this
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(The blank space is left because there is a corridor there, but we don’t ever see what it leads to, and the cues we get from the scene don’t make sense with the layout of the house)
The red stairs continue throughout the house, the spaces left in this case because it’s just part of the corridor, though there is a door downwards
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The bathroom is directly across from what was originally Vanya’s room, and there’s fighting posters along that corridor too
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Now I say originally, because here’s the interesting thing - at some point Vanya’s room was removed
Our first scene we see of the kids rooms, you can see Klaus and Vanya’s rooms are clearly separate, here (and both really tiny)
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However when Vanya goes back in episode 10 to all the memories in these rooms, it’s not her room anymore, it’s just Klaus’
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And this continues into the present day - here’s Klaus’ room now, and you can see the divide in wall where it used to be two rooms
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It’s also still got both doors, in this scene Five enters through one and leaves through the other
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What happened that Vanya was removed from her room? I don’t know, but I’d imagine that had something to do with Reginald’s attempts to isolate her (and it definitely contributed to this being a bad memory for her)
(Also on the subject of Five - when he left Vanya’s room was still on this floor so that’s another thing to think about)
Diego’s, Allison’s, and Luther’s rooms stay pretty consistent throughout the series, here for reference
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At the end of the corridor is the green staircase, which leads up to the attic (and also connects to the central part of the house)
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(in here)
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Second Floor - Central
Not much to say here, it’s all very pretty but we know what it looks like, or you can go back and watch for yourself, this part is in most house scenes
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Second Floor - Hargreeves’ Rooms
We don’t know that much about the layout of Hargreeves’ rooms, we see a lot of it but not in relation to itself, we know it contains Hargreeves’ bedroom, study, the surveillance tapes room, and many other rooms, it’s all blue and dramatic
Here’s what we do know
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(Hargreeves’ bedroom)
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(Hargreeves’ study and the room beyond)
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(The hallway with the surveillance room)
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Second Floor - Right
There’s not much of note here, it’s basically just the walkway, so I’ll just include the dance scene screenshot
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Third Floor/Attic
The layout of the third floor looks like this
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This is far enough over that half of it faces the alley, with the dumpster where Klaus chucked Hargreeves’ stuff
(here’s the fire escape from Five’s room)
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(and Five’s room itself)
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Closer to the street is the attic room, which we see from the balcony a lot (I mean okay upon further looking it’s probably just an extension of the fire escape but it’s a balcony now bc I don’t feel like changing my floor plan)
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And here’s the attic room itself, with our only glimpse of the rest of the attic beyond it
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It’s also the place Klaus gets Diego to tie him up
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In the hallway we can see the top of the green stairs, and also a room to the right, which we know nothing about but I’m going to assume is Ben’s room, because no one ever goes in, and it’s the most convenient place to put it
(It also means that the attic housed the two kids who died/went missing, which would explain why Diego and Klaus mention they hate being up there, and Allison goes up there when she’s upset)
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We can also assume there’s stairs up to the roof somewhere here, but we never see them
Honestly, this is more of a courtyard than the courtyard.
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On the left is where the attic stairs would come up, and is probably the only access point to this whole place, since that’s the route Hargreeves uses, even though his rooms are on the other side
The only place of note here is the greenhouse, where Allison and Luther’s fort was
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But yes, that’s a complete layout of the Hargreeves’ house (or as much as we see in the show anyway), now go forth and write more informed fics or come up with headcanons or whatever you wanna do with this info
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