sometimes-i-cosplay · 2 years
You know what, fuck it. Here's the link to the movie! This is the unfinished version, so the sfx and such aren’t complete!
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leagueoflegendsna · 3 years
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Sentinel Karma by 大 黑柱 (this artist usually draws karma with lighter skin, guess it’s a reference to her lighter complexion when she was pre-rework?) 
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(Reference: Old Sakura Karma & Sun Goddess Karma Chinese Splashes) 
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notoriouslydevious · 3 years
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Dawnbringer Riven by BcoPy
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borealisowl · 7 years
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Dark Mercy / BcoPy
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pantheon-god-of-war · 4 years
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Pantheon by BcoPy on Pixiv
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Karma - BcoPy
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celticbarb · 3 years
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Book: My Highland Protector
By Miriam Minger
Series: Warriors of the Highlands, Book #2
Publisher: Oliver-Heber Books
Release Date: 5/25/2021
Overall Rating: 5 Gold Stars
Overall Blog Rating: 5 Saltire Flags
Campbell Castle, Argyllshire
Scotland, 1307
For Saving Robert the Bruce’s life warrior, Cameron Campbell, is given the title of Baron and Lairdship and also gifted him with the Seora MacDougall’s castle. Now everyone is pestering him because of his position as Laird that he must pick a bride due to his new status. Except Cameron is not comfortable around women as he is very shy and introverted. Only his younger brother Conall, is aware of his condition, which brings back the horrible memory and the only time he tried to approach a lass he fancied, as he was totally humiliated! So he was not going to marry any lass until he was good and ready! In reality he doubted that would ever happen!
What Cameron didn’t understand is why the King, Robert the Bruce, hadn’t picked his brother instead since him? As he was quite the lady’s man, he was surprised Conall didn’t have a child in every village in Scotland! Perhaps he knew of a secret of not allowing pregnancy to happen, again another area Cameron had no knowledge of! The Bruce did mention his brother would be rewarded too but he had to think it. Of course Connell was not interested in any type of marriage as he was quite happy going from one lass to another!
Now it is brought to Cameron’s attention he had Irish captives in a pit below! The horrible MacDougall’s had imprisoned them and he wasn’t even aware of! Well they were in a hidden cell that was actually more or less just a hole. This filled Cameron with so much guilt though they had only been in residence for a few days and it was the odor that caused his men to investigate. Most of the Irish had died. They realize they were Irish captives and one teenage lad in trousers, red hair cut short that looks so young and ill. He also heard he was someone special as they were giving this lad their food and water rations to survive. They called for their clans healer, soon realizing this lad was not a boy, but a lass who was hiding her true identity. She was warrior he soon realizes coming to help the Scottish King fight. Most likely so she could be with her family, they knew the Irish has been coming to help fight for the Bruce’s wife was also Irish. Now Cameron moved the lass away from the men in a private room. He stayed with her the entire time praying she would live.
He finds out she is related to the Bruce’s wife as her name is Aislinn De Burgh and also her father and brother were also taken but taken captive who was the leader of this Irish clan. Cameron realized Aislinn is a warrior unlike any Lass has ever met, As she recovers and finds out Cameron’s troubles with women but she wants to find her father and brother. Also Cameron feels they were most likely executed or a ransom notice would have been sent. Cameron agrees to go on this journey and during this time they both fall in love.
Cameron realizes love must be the answer as he soon finds Aislinn is the only woman he is comfortable around. Aislinn also finds this powerful Laird with the kindest heart is the most handsome she has ever met. Cameron also realizes,Aislinn has kept a secret from him. This secret might destroy them both! Will Aislinn be forced to return to Ireland or stay in Scotland and fight for love? Read and find out
Miriam Minger pens another riveting, action packed, page turning ,highland adventure that had me both captivated and mesmerized, yet swept me away in such a delightful, endearing, story! This is the second book in her “Warriors of the Highlands” series as I have absolutely loved both books and looking forward to Conall’s story next! It is filled with all the elements Scottish historical readers love, like a true iconic hero in true history. Robert the Bruce is one of my most favorite heroes in Scottish history. So I loved that true history is weaved with this fictional romance. It is a brilliant read and a book I highly recommend.
Warriors of the Highlands
By Miriam Minger
1)My Highland Warrior -
2)My Highland Protector -TBR - 5/25/2021
3)My Highland Captor - TBR - 11/30/2021
Disclaimer: I received an advance reader’s bcopy from Oliver-Heber Books I voluntarily agreed to do an honest, fair review and blog through Netgalley and Booksprout. All thoughts, ideas and words are my own.
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mrfunnybonearchives · 7 years
“So you’re my blind date?”
Valentines Day Starters | Not accepting new submissions
   A date hadn’t exactly been on Sans initial list of plans for that weekend. Napping, sure. Catching a bite at Grillby’s, no doubt. Dating, though; that part of his life seemed so far away, long ago, like he’d gone and grown passed it without even thinking. 
   Man—maybe he was getting old.
   Fact still stood, though, that a deal was a deal. Paps had wanted a new book on the complexities of puzzles, and it had been almost impossible to find on the Surface. Human historians had sort of eaten up as much of monster artifacts and books as they could, trying to learn more the new race and culture that had re-joined life alongside them. Which wasn’t bad, per se, but it sure did leave him in a tight spot.
   Eventually, Sans managed to track down an owner for one of the few bcopies available. She agreed to sell it to him, on one condition; he had to go on a blind date. Friend of hers, apparently. 
   Still not the weirdest deal Sans had ever made. 
   So, after work on Saturday evening, he switched out of his deli apron and into a semi-clean shirt and jacket combo. The place they’d be meeting at was some modern-hipster joint, and out of courtesy, Sans wore regular shorts instead of basketball shorts. Much classier. 
   His hands had been tucked away in his pockets while he waited, slumped in a cozy chair, when he heard someone call out to him. Sans turned, and to his surprise, saw an oddly familiar human—who also happened to be wearing a matching description of the outfit he’d been told to watch out for. 
   huh. this should be interestin’.
   Forcing himself up, Sans grinned in his typical, casual way.  The girl, Lorona he’d recently discovered, was another regular at the bar “Shenanigans” where he’d been visiting lately. Nothin’ against Grillby’s, of course, but his hours had gotten short since coming to the Surface, and sometimes Sans needed a late drink.
   He was sort of feeling the urge for one that moment, actually.
   “heh. yeah, guess i am. looks like you got stuck with a bonehead this round, eh?” His hands stayed tucked into his pockets. Sans eye lights flitted up and down before focusing on Lorona’s expression, which seemed just as surprised as him.
   Date with a human—he should have seen it coming. It was strange, for sure, but from what he remembered, she was pretty good for some laughs and casual conversation. The evening wouldn’t be so bad. 
    And if nothing else, he heard the food was pretty good. 
   “welp. shall we, m’lady?”
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putusuhartawan · 4 years
* Added /addbuilder and /rembuilder for islands, which enables island owners to select other players to assist with building. * Added lots of new objects to /badd for building on islands. * Fixed issues with object previews in the build menu by adding more control over individual items. * Added Island ID to /stats and /astats. * Added /bpos to set an object’s position relative to its current position. * Added /brot to set an object’s rotation. * Added the option to /bcopy to set the new object’s position relative to the original object. * Fixed shots fired at players on islands not inflicting any damage by increasing shot boundary limits. * Players can now see other players moving/editing objects. * Fixed an issue that allowed players to move/edit islands. * Fixed several issues with /myisland and /goisland. * Fixed an issue that caused copied objects to not properly save to the database. Please note that any missing objects cannot be retrieved. * Increased the amount of islands from 1024 to 2500. * Decreased the required PlayTime Score from 100 to 50. * Fixed an issue that caused some objects to not appear in certain conditions. United Islands Freeroam (UIF) is a multiplayer game server on San Andreas Multiplayer (SA-MP) ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Hai! trimakasih kamu sudah menonton konten ini. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Mau kenalan lebih dekat : [email protected] https://ift.tt/2id1HcQ Editor Putu Suhartawan ©2020
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manhtuongdev-blog · 5 years
A new patch has been recently shipped in FreeBSD kernels to fix a vulnerability (cve-2019-5602) present in the cdrom device. In this post, we will introduce the bug and discuss its exploitation on pre/post-SMEP FreeBSD revisions.
The bug
A closer look at the commit 6bcf6e3 shows that when invoking the CDIOCREADSUBCHANNEL_SYSSPACE ioctl, data are copied with bcopy instead of…
View On WordPress
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willlou13 · 6 years
cj86c;6V1-bcopy from Nowhere Studio / Will Lou on Vimeo.
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notoriouslydevious · 3 years
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Xayah by BcoPy
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putusuhartawan · 4 years
* Added /addbuilder and /rembuilder for islands, which enables island owners to select other players to assist with building. * Added lots of new objects to /badd for building on islands. * Fixed issues with object previews in the build menu by adding more control over individual items. * Added Island ID to /stats and /astats. * Added /bpos to set an object’s position relative to its current position. * Added /brot to set an object’s rotation. * Added the option to /bcopy to set the new object’s position relative to the original object. * Fixed shots fired at players on islands not inflicting any damage by increasing shot boundary limits. * Players can now see other players moving/editing objects. * Fixed an issue that allowed players to move/edit islands. * Fixed several issues with /myisland and /goisland. * Fixed an issue that caused copied objects to not properly save to the database. Please note that any missing objects cannot be retrieved. * Increased the amount of islands from 1024 to 2500. * Decreased the required PlayTime Score from 100 to 50. * Fixed an issue that caused some objects to not appear in certain conditions. United Islands Freeroam (UIF) is a multiplayer game server on San Andreas Multiplayer (SA-MP) ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Hai! trimakasih kamu sudah menonton konten ini. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Mau kenalan lebih dekat : [email protected] https://ift.tt/2id1HcQ Editor Putu Suhartawan ©2020 by Putu Suhartawan
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notoriouslydevious · 3 years
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Ruined Shyvana by BcoPy
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