wishfulflesh · 7 months
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ayint4t · 7 months
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trick,l SHNJFF. or ttreat wwUEEEe
Well now, aren't you an adorable critter.
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Take this. It will energize you for what comes next.
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Take this gun as well, and go, do a crime.
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newbielet · 7 months
draw me an ayin immediately
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ok ! Please note that he might look like every other man i have drawn
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howdyfoster · 4 years
Bajo perfil
        .•°         {  HYUNSEOK· ✞ }    ||    @bcywithluv
La pasta movía al mundo, a los secretos, a las mediocres y aún peores intenciones de quienes gozaban poseerlo en cantidades obscenas. Un buen par de duros, inclusive, ponía de nuevo en su lugar las bragas de los directores de Universidades como ésa cuando habían tiritado de miedo ante la posibilidad de perder su posición. ¿Cómo un burdo terapeuta como HyunJae sabía el meollo del asunto? Básico: preguntó el porqué tanta urgencia en pedirle sus servicios sin siquiera entrevistarle. Cuando la respuesta sobrepasó el límite del pendejismo profesional, recurrió a la fuente que mejor conocía: empleados infelices con sus puestos de trabajo. Pretendió aceptar la propuesta antes de confirmarle al reclutador, se metió en la sala de reuniones de profesores e indagó con un par de sonrisas de lobby.
A eso de dos horas de café barato y galletas de vainilla le dieron el panorama real: un número considerable de críos se fue a una concentración de verano para hacer trabajo de terreno solidario. El número considerable de calientes y descontrolados críos estuvo fuera un mes en que se dieron bastantes anomalías. Como resultado no sólo se registró un embarazo indeseado, sino que otra serie de abusos de diversa índole.
Im ahora lo entendía.
Jodidamente fantástico.
Él era, entonces, el caballo de Troya que el centro académico enviaba para que los abales tuvieran pruebas de que estaban tomando cartas en el asunto y no les cayeran a hostias con denuncias. Una fachada, junto a un número reducido de otros especialistas, de que la gestión institucional era efectiva y preocupada por el alumnado.
Eso significaba dos cosas. Lo que realmente ocurrió era un follón bastante más descomunal del que plantearon sus futuros colegas (sí, porque diablos no rechazaría ese cheque) y tendría que saber cuándo desligarse como autor de los talleres porque si a alguien le tirarían el muerto como algo no saliera de acuerdo el plan sería, sin dudas, a él.
Suspiró cuando el primer grupo de jóvenes —alrededor de unos ocho— se reunió en la clásica disposición en círculo en el gimnasio. Todos estaban sentados, mirándose entre sí sin decirse una palabra. La tensión se respiraba en el ambiente. El moreno aplaudió tres veces para llamar su atención, asustando a un par. Acto seguido, se situó en el centro de ellos.
“Nos dejaremos de cachondeos desde el inicio como adultos. ¿Vale, chicos?”, comenzó. “¿Quién de ustedes compartió habitación y quién se fue a las literas individuales?”
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wishfulflesh · 7 months
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suffering feels religious if you do it right
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wishfulflesh · 7 months
I HAVE ATTRACTED ATTENTION TO POSSIBLY TWO FORMS OF AYIN. theres an ayin blog here (ayint4t inlove that fucking blog) and AYIN FROM THE PJM HALL OF FAME,. is this winning or am i gonna be dissected by two ayins for sport
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wishfulflesh · 7 months
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yeah hi i made like everyone into procreate brushes. here is what they look like. i just wrote their names for now
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there are like 14 brushes in total. i made all of these meself
want the brushes? the download link is here <3
tag me in stuff you draw with these brushes!! i wanna see them!!!
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wishfulflesh · 8 months
oddly specific headcanon ayin has a 2006 honda civic in silver
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wishfulflesh · 7 months
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nugget soren anyone
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wishfulflesh · 6 months
ok i made this thing as practice for my webcomic and im kinda sick of working on it but imight end up finishing it if people like it enough i dunno
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wishfulflesh · 7 months
my hip popped ANYWAY WANWAN :3
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wishfulflesh · 7 months
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wishfulflesh · 6 months
guys can i talk more about fruit or would you guys not give 2 shits
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wishfulflesh · 7 months
limbus company except everyone owns a gun instead of their usual weapons
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wishfulflesh · 7 months
a small dive into the way i think ego works (as someone who’s barely played lobcorp and knows jack shit)
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ive always viewed ego as a sort-of tie(?) between the user’s mind and the suit/weapon/gift. this isn’t particularly any humongous discovery, but i have referenced this sort of thing in some of my roleplay threads. example being, “oh, the ego suits bear many different weights.” (@apocalypticangels ; cessair gillispe) ego suits act like a second pair of eyes to the user. any traumatic events they face, any physical damage they retain, any other damage- significant, or not, will be stored within its protective layers. ego suits are the link between body and soul. even if you die, your ego suit can be cleaned up and gifted to the next employee the manager sees fit to wear it. it’s a tragedy, but what are you going to do? complain? get replaced.
i’ve never really thought in depth about ego weapons linking within the user, but i also haven’t really addressed such a thing in my head. ego corrosion usually happens with ego suits and gifts from my knowledge and what i’ve seen, though, i would also expect it to be a plausible occurrence with ego weapons as well. ego weapons most likely would act more as the catalyst for the mind, rather than a holder of the user’s identity within them- like ego gifts and suits. your deepest fears, insecurities, and traumas must all be put aside to do your job. every single trait you have filters into your ego weapon- you’re kind of using your brain matter to fight. in a literal sense.
ego gifts work similarly to ego suits, though i imagine it has more of a deeper tie to the individual. for example, let’s say someone receives the Solemn Lament (funeral of the dead butterflies) ego gift. they must have gotten gifted the accessory in question for a reason. let’s also say, this person tends to bounce from job to job. the gift in question would symbolize their newly-established death pact with the corporation itself. this being has now become a forever-sown asset into lobotomy corporation’s soil. “Even if they do resign, they are doomed to stay here forever.”
building back on the ego gift point, we’ll go over the same person with their gift. some flavor text for funeral of the dead butterflies reads as such:
- “<name> thinks about the end of one’s life.”
- “Returning to whence one came in one piece is now a miracle that will never happen.”
- “The huge coffin isn’t nearly enough to substitute the hundreds of undug graves.”
- “The employees cannot return from whence they came, and have no choice but to endlessly repeat the day.”
when gifted the solemn lament ego, this is the flavor text that even gets you there in the first place. the employee working with the abnormality (supposedly) observes these qualities and experiences these thoughts, which could very much contribute to ego corrosion with their new gift. merry christmas! ego corrosion! either way, the ego is the keyhole for the soul.
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i cut so much content from this out of fear ill probably revise this tomorrow and repost this with the whole rwnt im just testing the waters for now i think. please leave your input in the notes because i have other aspects of lobocrp i have my own way of thinking about
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wishfulflesh · 7 months
i’ve got to put on a smile / otherwise all the things important to me will shatter and break
my heart races, mind fuzzy
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