#be prepared for a whole ton of awful sketches as I figure out how to draw these guys
bimbobim · 9 months
lucy gay bird or whatever im not homosexual
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Danganronpa V3 girls with an S/o who’s learning another language!
Angie Yonaga
•Angie gets excited when she realizes you’re learning another language
•Atua will certainly reward you for this hard work and patient efforts!
•She’s the most encouraging you could ever get, constantly telling you you can do this and that she’s so proud of you
•Learning another language is so admirable! She wants you to know your efforts are going to pay of eventually! Atua and her will make sure of it.
•If you ever had trouble remembering a phrase, or word, she would definitely find a way to make art out of it
•She would sketch something with the phrase below the picture, handing it to you soon afterwords
•“Nyahaha! S/o, Atua told me to draw this for you. He thinks it would be helpful.”
•And, with the little drawing hanging up in your room? You actually come to memorize the phrase or word!
•If you ever feel like all your efforts were futile, or like you just can’t do it, she’s there to remind you why you started this
•She wouldn’t want you to stop doing something you’re so passionate about! Besides, one small mistake doesn’t mean all your progress has crashed down
•So, overall? A very sweet a supportive girlfriend
•She really does admire you, and Angie wants you to succeed
•She will always be there to insist, no, the two of you are NOT giving up
•And sometimes? That’s reassuring in itself
Tenko Chabashira
•Oh, another language?
•Tenko thought that was pretty cool! Besides, you didn’t have to learn one, yet you’re taking it upon yourself to do so
•She’s gained a level of respect for you because of that
•Sometimes, she’ll try to learn phrases in the language you’re learning, just to greet you! Even if it’s something simple like, “I love you”.
•She’s probably tried to say something sweet and accidentally said a swear word because google translate is awful
•Please forgive her she honest to god has no idea what she is saying
•But— if you ever feel like you aren’t doing good enough, or you want to give up, she’ll reassure you not to
•“You can’t just give up, S/o! You’ve made it this far— I know you’ll be fluent in no time! Just keep giving it your all, you’ve got this! Besides, I’m very proud and impressed with all of your hard work.”
•Sometimes, that’s just a push for you to do better
•As a whole, Tenko is really proud of you
•She will brag to everyone about how well you’re doing
•Don’t expect her to be quiet about your accomplishments— Tenko Chabashira is absolutely anything but that
Himiko Yumeno
•Huh? Oh.
•Himiko thinks it’s really cool that you’re learning a different language!
•She relies on a translator as if it’s her life support
•Sometimes, if her any of her magic requires her to speak in the language you’re learning, she’ll ask you to recite it for her
•She just always gets so amazed whenever you speak in a language so foreign to her! It makes her feel content, in a sense
•Himiko would understand your struggle if you couldn’t remember a word or phrase
•She has trouble memorizing her chants for magic sometimes, so she’s likely to give you a little push in the right direction to keep trying!
•She says she’ll use her magic to help you remember it
•And oddly enough, it actually did help you remember it!
•She’s always reminding you to never give up on what you love
•“Nyeh... Sometimes things are difficult, S/o, but it wouldn’t be any fun if it was easy!”
•She’s right
•And with the support and happiness of your girlfriend, you could hardly want anything else
Kirumi Tojo
•Kirumi definitely knows other languages
•She has served as a maid in other countries, therefore needs to know a fair amount of languages
•If she didn’t know the one you had picked up, she is now doing her best to learn it
•So you two study together!
•She will prepare some tea and you two can sit in each other’s presence, reading through notes or listening to music in the said language
•It’s quite nice, actually
•If you find yourself forgetting a word or phrase, Kirumi is sure to use it in sentences throughout the day, slowly
•It helps, it truly does!
•She’ll plaster little sticky notes to you in the language, usually translating to, “Have a good day, I love you.” Or something sweet along the lines of that
•It might even get more complex, depending on how advanced you are in the language
•Really, she loves seeing you doing something you adore so much!
•She will always try to make sure you are motivated, finding you reasons to keep going through with studying a language
•She’s doing her best, and so are you
•It’s enough
•Somehow, that reassures you
Miu Iruma
•Miu thought it was very cool that you were learning a language!
•It was something hardworking and important, almost like her inventions, so she liked what you were learning
•She definitely asks you how to say vulgar words
•She yells them at Kokichi quite often
•In fact, she once was in a heated argument with him and asked you how to say I hate you
•You responded with how to say I love you instead
•It’s very funny to see them both yelling that they love each other, and they don’t even know it
•Anyways, there are times she would just be working on her new inventions, focused while you calmly sat in a corner of her room, studying
•Sometimes, you two have to motivate each other
•Because, frankly, both of you get times where you feel like you don’t want to do what you love anymore, that it’s completely and utterly useless
•So you have to reassure each other
•There were times where she asked you to call her a cum dumpster in the language you’re learning
•You aren’t sure how to feel about that
•But— She really does admire what you do!
•She hopes that when it all comes down to it, you know that she thinks you’re more than talented
•And she couldn’t be prouder.
•“Hey, idiot! Did you know my significant other speaks—”
•“Miu, be quiet!”
Kaede Akamatsu
•Kaede really admires that you’re learning another language!
•She thinks it’s nice to see someone put so much genuine effort into a topic, and it makes her happy
•She’ll definitely ask you to teach her a couple phrases so she isn’t completely clueless when you speak
•In fact, she probably learned a song on the piano that was in the language you were learning!
•She played it for you, and it was really sweet
•Kaede would scribble little language learning tips she found on the internet on a piece of paper and tape it to your wall, hoping you would find it useful
•She also likes hearing you speak in the language!
•It’s just so calming yet foreign to her, and she loves it, it’s quite endearing to her
•If you ever feel tired or unmotivated, she’d place a hand on your shoulder
•“Aww, S/o. You can take breaks yknow! However, you’ve got this. You’ve come so far, and I’m really impressed with you and how much you’ve learnt. I love seeing your improvement!”
•Her encouragements do make you feel better
•Kaede entirely thinks that you are very talented
•She’s happy that you’re happy with what you’re doing
•And besides, you’re doing quite a fine job, if she should say so herself!
Maki Harukawa
•Maki didn’t act like it, but she was pretty surprised when she realized you were learning a separate language
•That was rather interesting to her
•Anytime you studied, she liked to just sit beside you and scan over your notes with you, even helping you look up some words you didn’t know
•She’s nonchalant when doing so, but she’s really happy to be doing something you hold so close to your heart with you, genuinely!
•If you wanted her help in reviewing over any notes you wrote, she would ask you the word and its translation
•She loves helping you succeed, even if it doesn’t seem like it
•Also— Maki would probably like to read books in the language you’re learning with you
•She honestly doesn’t know why, but she thinks it would be fun and a good bonding experience to just tell each other a story, struggle to pronounce some words, and help each other along the way
•That sounds great to her
•Maki is rather firm when you feel like you can’t do it
•If you feel like you’re a failure, she’s quite quick to reassure you you’re anything but that
•“You’re doing great. You’ve made a ton of progress— and you’re improving a ton. I promise you you’re not a failure. You’re doing so much better than the people who aren’t even trying.”
•Overall? Maki won’t show it, but she thinks you learning another language is admirable
•It’s pretty fun to do with you, as well, so go figure!
Tsumugi Shirogane
•Ah! Someone plain like her wouldn’t have realized that you would be learning another language
•However, when she finds out, she’s more than happy to praise you for your hard work and ability to push through
•She admires anyone who even chooses to pick up another language
•She would probably try to learn names of cosplaying words in the language you’re learning, like “Cosplay” or “Outfit” along with “sewing”
•She does this so that she can say them when you’re around!
•She does want to help you become fluent, after all, in any way that she possibly can
•Tsumugi enjoys hearing you talk in another language, even if she doesn’t understand it
•She can make out just a few words, and it’s just adorable to see you happily ranting about a subject when she wasn’t even sure what you were talking about
•But she also just liked the sound of it
•It reminded her that you’re really talented, and she’s so proud!
•If you lost motivation to learn, she would list off reasons to keep going, no problem!
•She knows you love this, and she would hate to see you give it up
•“Ah... but don’t you want to meet and communicate with people who speak that language? Wouldn’t you like to change even one person’s life by telling them you care about them in their language? There’s so many reasons to keep going, S/o! And I know you’ve got this. Don’t give up.”
•As a whole, Tsumugi is really proud of you and how far you’ve come!
•She’ll always be supporting you, until the very end
•What more could the either of you want?
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adobe-outdesign · 6 years
BATIM Chapter 5 Liveblog
I am in no way emotionally or mentally prepared for this LET’S DO THIS
Spoilers under the cut (duh).
Henry, stop calling Joey your friend
I like the perspective from the cartoons, very interesting
Hehe, she drew Tom
Allison seems to be fairly unlucid compared to Alice
oh hey I was right, he did doodle the Bendy animatronic’s hand
Tom. dude, not cool
what the fuck else do you watch us to watch Allison
why the fuck did you call him Tom to begin with if you didn’t know it was his name
hehe, invisible ink
oh, she does have a halo, it’s just invisible. I thought the headband was her halo, but maybe not
true bros fix other bros arms
oh, so that’s why they leave, that makes sense
aw, such a charmer
oh, okay, this is happening
SAMMY, MY BOY, GREAT TO SEE YOU. or not. actually no
is it pretentious to start an “outdesign is right” count? too bad I’m doing it
Outdesign is right count: 1
I wonder if he joined the hivemind? It’s not his voice and it’s got a bit of an echo to it
yes, yes it is.
Henry, why do you break everything you touch
“GO BACK TO YOUR PUDDLES” Allison is just an angry mom
oh shit, there’s a lot of miner searchers
boy, if that ain’t evidence for the “Henry is an ink creature” theory than I don’t know what is because literally all his bones should be broken by now
it would be really clever if it was Henry who left the messages on his first visit to the studio, given that he managed to escape once and Allison says whoever left them knew how to escape
ah, maybe the last reel refers to the last reel used to make the final cartoon? possibly Bendy? or Henry if he’s an ink creature?
This could go against Joey being Bendy - but at the same time, if the Ink Demon was made on the first attempt, wouldn’t everyone be dead because all he does is murder the shit out of people? If that’s the case there’s definitely a secondary Bendy running around.
Alternatively: Maybe this was before they figured out the sacrifices? Thomas doesn’t mention anything about anyone going missing. Maybe that’s why you need the people - cartoons without people are just moving ink with no personality or anything. (”there’s just something unworldly about him”).
am I hallucinating or is that Charlie, like, huge? though it’s probably the same one in the trailer so maybe not
“likewise, we would also like to dismiss the idea that our accountant had a complete mental breakdown and is now drinking gin in the closet”
leader because Bendy’s the main character, maybe?
did... did wally get killed over a chocolate cake
Though more importantly: food-lover, even at the expense of other’s? Another check on the Boris checklist
was that Sammy’s cake
spoilers: first-attempt Bendy was Beta Blobby Boi (though once again, I think this goes against the idea of it being the Ink Demon, because Thomas would be very dead if he got near him).
Also, the whole “these things are soulless” thing - IE this Bendy doesn’t have a soul and thus isn’t a person. And it’s only at this point that he says he’ll get them a soul, which the Ink Demon definitely seems to have
Surprisingly, Joey’s office isn’t as over the top as I thought it would be
Joey you’re such a piece of shit
“I’ll be straight with you” no part of Joey is straight
this also adds up - first abominations made, then Alice is the first cartoon with a soul made using the CK1
well this looks safe (get it? because vault? I’m a genius)
please be a tape from norman in here I miss him
ink demon has the last reel, maybe?
“I need three gears, a crowbar, AND THAT GUY’S PROSTHETIC ARM”
okay, that was legitimately hilarious
reminds me of Norman’s stroll in 3
“death” okay this sounds promising
christ on a fucking cracker
that sounds like confirmation that Henry probably isn’t an ink creature (yet?). He’s waded through ink before
you’re here because Joey’s a dick
oh, now you say that
maybe this is where cartoons are re-created? Looks like a Boris in there, though impossible to know if it’s our Boris
hey, new cartoon clips on the walls!
mildly suspicious that there’s a Joey tape in Bendy’s space. could be nothing though
wait. wait this isn’t a tape. Joey where are you
Outdesign is right count: 2
oh great, now you can fucking shape shift
Joey why. do you have this
I like how the wall animations are actually animated shorts, mostly from the contest winner’s. Rosemary’s Babysitter and Hell in a Handbasket are in there
his horns are so.... wiggly
good fucking riddance
Outdesign is right count: 3
no wonder Henry complimented Jack, he’s clearly a hat person himself
these storyboards seem to be for AUs? One is called “Bendy wins”. or maybe these are all the alternate endings that can be unlocked?
1963 adds up with the present day - 1933 was when 30 years was, according to Mike Mood
the rendering here is really freaking cool, as it actually does look realistic
so this is a good ending, I think? Like, this is... heaven, maybe, seeing as there’s sketches from the studio and good AU things (Wally has grandkiddens!), but Joey(? I think) is also here? And it’s not like Henry knows where he is? plus it kind of seemed like he died at the end there
and badabing, there’s Joey’s wheelchiar. all the way from my chapter 2 theory baby
wait, is that why we keep having flashbacks? so the “we’ve been here before” thing is correct?
holy shit, this animation is fucking gorgeous
So is the idea here that Henry is also a drawing/character that Joey made, and that’s why he keeps going back to the studio?
Maybe the entirety of BATIM is a story? You can see the characters and inspiration on the walls, even down the studio going bankrupt
I mean, overall I really enjoyed it, but I still have a ton of questions (what happened to Shawn, Grant, and Lacie? What about Norman and Alice’s corpses and the Bendy animatronic? Plus the ending is... strange and Gainax-y.
This should only be one ending according to the achievements (the Main Ending), so let me see if there’s more that might explain things...
Hmm, okay, not seeing anything right now in a quick search. There definitely is more than one ending according to the achievements (and even the storyboards at the end) so I’ll hold off judgement until then. Might update this post later if there is something.
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\Reconciliation: Meteor Mash/
It had only been the first day of training, but honestly Nate was being put through the ringer. 4 AM wakeup, no breakfast until 7 AM. Between 4 and 7 Nate and Lucario worked on one of the most bizarre training methods to date: carrying sleeping Graveler. Each of them had to carry one in their arms, using the skill of aura enhancement (thankfully the only thing Nate really practiced since his last visit with Riley) to help support their bodies as they moved from one cave to another. Proper posture, lift from the legs, keep a straight back the entire way through. That part was easy (or easier) for Nate. The hard part was making sure they stayed asleep during the entire trek. That required paying attention to another pokemon’s aura for sustained periods of time. That part he sucked at.
Unfortunately, Lucario was preoccupied with his own Graveler to help out, though unfortunately for them, whenever Nate messed up, the both of them had to drop the rock types and grab a fresh new pair. On the first day, Nate woke up about five before Lucario started to get irritated, though that resulted in Lucario not paying attention to how loud his footsteps were, resulting in him waking up a whole group of them, forcing the duo to stop early. Lucario learned his lesson quickly after that.
Afterwards was breakfast, which turned out to be rather boring oatmeal and orange juice most of the time, though Nate was counting the days until he could make pancakes. That meant he had to go down to the port and buy whatever pancake mix or batter the local port store had to offer and figure out a time for him to go do that. Still, it was incentive enough to eat through boring oat breakfast for the other six days.
After breakfast was meditation for an hour, something that Riley was rather strict about. Given that the type of meditation they were doing was not some spiritual whateverahoozit but actually working to expand one’s aura sense, Nate couldn’t even drift away for a moment before Riley sent him a… something. Honestly he wasn’t sure what it was, but it was the aura meditation version of an intense glare, something that he could feel way too easily. Unfortunately he couldn’t figure out a way to try it himself before Riley just sent him another one, so he just did his best to actually focus.
Next was about two hours of cardio, but it was like cardio on the most rugged terrain in existence and on steroids. It was segmented into two alternating steps: first pure cardio on the rugged terrain, with both pokemon and trainer tasked to keep their attention on the other the entire time. After about fifteen minutes, they were allowed to use Aura to enhance their bodies, still keeping track of each other. This was something Nate was pretty fine with, since he quickly realized that this would help with tracking and chasing criminals on the run. Still, it was exhausting, even with the use of aura half the time! Between this and the Gravelers, Nate soon realized that even using this aura enhancement stuff was draining on his stamina.
After the cardio was some actual fun stuff, regular old training! Nate was somewhat surprised the first time Riley mentioned it, but it didn’t take long for him to realize that Riley was still a trainer too, and had a lot more pokemon than he expected. Most of them were fully evolved, and Nate could easily see that they were all extremely powerful. Honestly, this was a real treat for Nate! Getting to train with such an experienced trainer was fantastic. Plus, it allowed for Nate to change up his training framework, giving a bit more focus to Lucario now in the hopes of bonding. That, of course, was appreciated.
By 10:00, Nate and Lucario were tasked with assisting Riley in preparing lunch; most of the work was menial labor and errands, but it was a nice break from a lot of intense physical training. Still, Riley somehow managed to incorporate training, tasking Nate to focus on sensing the world around them, keeping not of any people or pokemon they happen to be nearby and work to understand how each one feels. Lucario was tasked to focus on Nate’s own aura in the hopes of improving telepathy. Nate assumed that he would get this sort of task later, but apparently he needed more general sensing training first.
After lunch was just as intense as before, but this this time the focus was different. Nate and Lucario were tasked to work on controlling and Aura Sphere with precision, the two of them more or less on equal footing with this particular skill. It was a somewhat simple concept, but a bit harder in practice. First, create a small aura sphere, something that wouldn’t hurt (too much) if let loose. Then, practice firing it. Basic aura sphere practice. The next part, however, was a bit more difficult. They had to stop it before it hit the nearest wall! Usually Aura Spheres didn’t miss because they could lock on to an opponent’s aura, guaranteeing a hit like a heat-seeking missile. However, there wasn’t an aura to lock onto. Instead, they had to focus their attention onto the sphere itself, then fire it at normal speed before forcing it to stop!
Nate couldn’t help but feel that this could have been done easier.
This kept going until four, which afterwards Nate and Lucario were tasked to help prepare dinner, using some of the ingredients they had collected earlier. After dinner was more training, although this time it was something special.
Riley and his Lucario led Nate and Lucario back to the same arena as before, although this time the guardian did not activate the barrier. It was there that the aura guardian took out one of his pokeballs, revealing a metal behemoth that Nate quickly recognized.
“I didn’t know ya had a Metagross.”
“I do,” The guardian responded, giving the pokemon a pat on one of it’s blue legs. “It was my fifth pokemon, in fact, back when I started my own trainer’s journey.”
The prospect of hearing about Riley’s journey intrigued Nate. From what he had seen as of late, all of his pokemon were super strong! “Wait, so you challenged the Sinnoh league?”
“Of course. The league wasn’t as robust as it is now, but it was still there and prominent. I even managed to obtain one of the pokedex prototypes, although I guess it was only because I had a few connections.”
“Wait… you have a pokedex?” Man, Riley was full of surprises! “Did ya get it from Rowan? Who else got a pokedex from back then? Did ya have any awesome battles? Any rivals?” Man, now Nate was having a ton of questions.
“Nate, please. I didn’t bring you here to talk about my past. If you want, we can talk about it later. Right now, we need to start your training.”
“Oh, right! Sorry,” Nate apologized as began rubbing the back of his head.
“Now, I want the both of you to watch closely.” With that, the aura guardian turned to Metagross and his Lucario. “Lucario, set up the targets.”
With a powerful slam, Riley’s Lucario slammed her fists downward, producing a series of Stone Edges that rose above the ground, creating a multitude of hardened stone targets.
“Thank you Lucario. Now, Metagross, Meteor Mash.”
Metagross emitted a powerful metallic shriek, summoning blue and white energy around it’s two front fists before slamming into multiple stone pillars, shattering them instantly upon impact as sparks as what looked like stars shot out with each impact. It was something Nate had seen before, having observed Steven’s Metagross before a few times. Still, it was an impressive spectacle to see.
“That��s one strong meteor mash. Though I’m not sure why ya wanted me to see it…”
“Patience, Nate. Metagross will be one of your mentors for these sessions, along with Lucario.” Turning to his trusted partner, Riley gave her a nod, to which she responded in kind. Dropping back into a fighting stance, the older Lucario summoned that same energy that had once enveloped Metagross, most of it concentrating around one of her fists. Her aura began to flare up and pulsate, as her tendrils now began to flow with Aura. Without any warning, she moved, quickly, but not as quick as a Bullet Punch or an Extreme Speed, rushing towards the remaining rocks and slamming her fist into the first one, shattering it as sparks and stars appeared around her fist. Quickly, she summoned another one on her other arm, and with two of them she began pummeling rock after rock, before summoning that same blue energy around her leg to kick one, sending the top of the pillar flying into the wall. Next, she enveloped her entire body with this Steel Type energy, rushing towards the last pillar and shattering it with a mix of a tackle and an elbow, stars now enveloping her as she gracefully stopped and landed in front of Nate’s Lucario. The former stood in awe at the skill and technique used with such a move. This was truly a move he wanted to learn.
Nate was in awe too, but as she finished, the actor blinked twice, before turning back to Riley. “Wait… your Lucario knows Meteor Mash?”
“Yes. She actually has known it for some time.”
“… are you secretly rich or something and didn’t tell me about it? I mean, Meteor Mash on Lucario is super rare! Not to mention it’s all the rage these days! I saw it on Breeders Magazine, an apparently the only way to get it is to either get a Riolu who has a Smeargle for a dad, and that Smeargle had to Sketch Meteor Mash from another pokemon! Most breeders aren’t even in the business of teaching that move to a Lucario or Riolu either, meanin it’s pretty much impossible to get a Lucario that’s learned it!”
Riley was rather surprised at Nate’s conclusion. Yes, he was… a bit wealthier than he let on, but he never engaged in the practice of trying to purchase such a tutor. “No no no, that’s not the case at all. In fact, Lucario somehow learned it on her own.”
“Wait… what?” Ok was his Lucario special or something like that?
“I assume she learned it through a mix of training with Metagross and training with the local pack. It may be possible that one of them learned it or obtained it through a smeargle, but even I don’t come in contact with her pack often. Besides, that doesn’t matter as much. What matters is that this is something I want you and your Lucario to work on.”
Nate and Lucario locked eyes at each other, before looking at Riley and his two pokemon. “Wait… you’re gonna teach it to us?”
“Of course! I figured this may be a bonding experience. Something the two of you can focus on together, given that the two of you have different skill levels when it comes to aura training.”
Riley definitely had a good point, and who could pass up on an offer like that? Turning to Lucario, Nate pumped his fist up into the air in excitement. “Ya hear that buddy? You’re gonna learn Meteor Mash!” He was about to go in for a celebratory hug before realizing that he forgot to ask Lucario if he wanted to learn. “I mean…” Nate began to ask, calming himself down a bit, “do ya wanna learn Meteor Mash?”
Lucario looked at Nate, before giving a small huff and a larger smile, putting out his fist in front of Nate for the old tradition of a fist bump. Nate quickly grew a wider smile and gave his partner another fist bump, before pumping his fist towards Riley. “Alright then, we accept!”
“I knew you two would. Now, I want you to watch closely again. Lucario, Metagross, Meteor Mash.”
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