#bea is the butterfree
lostparadox · 1 year
Pokémon Sword and Shield (rewrite)
For my rewrite fanfiction of gen 8, what teams should I give the remaining/missing gym leaders; ie steel, ground, flying, normal, bug, electric. I already made a previous post on my tumblr about what I will do, but I want to hear your thought. I already have the names and numbers, but don’t be afraid to give my your own. I’ve also done a playthrough of all of them
What Pokémon should be on their final teams. A total of six Pokémon for the main team and a six to stay in the boxes. Pokemon from the Isle of Armor and the Crown Tundra are allowed (no legendaries, and no generation 8 fossils, gen 1-6 fossils are ok). The names of the gym leaders, their league card numbers, and their aces are:
“The lightning-fast thinker” Michael (Electric); League Card Number: 121 ; Ace: Toxtricity
“The sky-high flyer” Ace (Flying); League Card Number: 046 ; Ace: Corviknight
“The collector of all things” Midge (Bug); League Card Number: 091 ; Ace: Butterfree
“The earth forger” Garth (Ground); League Card Number: 012 ; Ace: Sandaconda
“The genius of steel” Rhodney (Steel); League Card Number: 160 ; Ace: Copperajah
“The greatest cook” Ameile (Normal); League Card Number: 428 ; Ace: Snorlax
The electric gym leader, Michael, is inspired by MandJTV, “If I was a gym leader,” minus the fossil Pokémon. A Poketuber like Iono in gen 9, originally from Unova. Second strongest gym leader in Galar, stronger than Melony, but weaker than Raihan. Lives in Hammerlocke.
(Still a Poketuber, but I’m still debating on calling it Pokefans because of another site in-universe, which may be called OnlyPhanpys or Pokefans)
The flying gym leader, Ace, is a reference to a fanfic on AO3, ”A league like no other.” He definitely has a crush on Bea. Stronger than Milo, Nessa, and Kabu, but weaker than Bea. Lives in Wydon City.
The bug gym leader, Midge, would be a bug collector turned gym leader. Also would be the second youngest gym leader, older than Allister, but younger than Bede (Imma make him 15) or Marnie (13-14ish)(slightly taller than Marnie). Midge has a crush on Bede. The weakest gym leader, but still stronger than Klara and Avery. Lives in Turffield.
The steel gym leader, Rhodney, is an inventor, an inspired by one of the former steel gym leader turned champion, Peony. Raihan has nicknamed him Rhodes and Rhod. 6th strongest gym leader, in front of Allister and behind Gordie. Lives in Hammerlocke.
The normal gym leaders, Ameile, is a quick and excellent cook (having a Snorlax would help you learn how to cook faster) like Katy from gen 9. Stronger than Midge. Lives in Circhester.
The ground gym leader, Garth, would be Gordie’s father and Melony ex-husband. Fourth strongest gym leader. Live in Stow-on-side.
What teams should they have?
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southpauz · 3 years
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My Pokemon Gijinkas splitting a meal and hangin’ out 
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bug-catcher-silva · 5 years
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She fought well, considering she had a mathematically zero chance of winning.
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huiyi07 · 3 years
Something I don’t really see people talk about in Pokémon Journeys is Ash’s character. Now correct me if I’m wrong and Ash has actually been like this for a long time (I only started watching Pokémon again for Journeys so I don’t remember the other seasons as much anymore) but I like how they combined Ash’s personalities from other regions to make this one, who feels like a perfectly well balanced Ash Ketchum.
He still has that signature ash Ketchum curiosity and maybe slight recklessness that he’s always had, but he also finally feels like he’s gained lots of experience and lessons, and some maturity from Kalos, and has grown into a really great Pokémon trainer who’s comfortable in and confident in his own skin already, while still feeling like a fun ten-year old kid. Lots of people love Kalos’ Ash for being mature, but he was also still ten back then, and he didn’t act like it at all.
I also like how they revisited some old parts of Ash’s character just to give it this sort of boost, like (spoiler alert) how Ash needed a boost of confidence after losing to Bea, and how he neglected Pikachu a little too much in that one episode. Although yes, it still feels like they downgraded his character and his op-ness (as they do in all seasons) I like how those two episodes still kept in mind that Ash had experience.
For example, Goh telling Ash that he learned all those crazy techniques from him when Ash got confused how Goh possibly could’ve thought up something so out of the box for defeating and catching Flygon. And as for the Pikachu thing, even old, old relationships can of course still have people fight, so I like how accurate it is to in real life that sometimes relationships (especially ones with such a bond between them) are taken for granted.
And back to the Goh thing— I love how Ash sort of mentors Goh. Unlike his other traveling companions, Goh was/is a total newbie to being a Pokémon trainer, so I enjoy seeing Ash lightly show his experience to Goh and to other people to try and help him/ them out. For example, (spoiler alert again) Ash telling Goh how to catch Pokémon properly, Ash, with his own experience of releasing Pokémon, understanding that Goh thought he was doing what was best for Raboot, but asking him if he’s sure Raboot would like being left behind- something he learned from Butterfree, or really any of his released Pokémon, and how much it actually wanted to be released. Or Ash telling those brothers in Alola how to use a z-move.
It’s the little things like that. Ash and Goh, in turn, end up caring for each other a lot, seeing the times that Goh literally pushes Ash out of the way of danger multiple times and taking charge of the situation as if to show Ash that yes, he is learning from his own experiences and what Ash has told him, thank you very much, and Ash continuously cheers him on and congratulates him on his own achievements like Project Mew. Goh does the same for his tournament battles, always so desperate to come and watch Ash’s battling, compared to the start where he didn’t care for battling much at all or at least didn’t appreciate it until Ash showed him how awesome it was.
Anyway that’s it for my rant lol xoxo
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anons-artchive · 4 years
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Parts 3 and 4 of my PokéSKY Challenge Art
The only changes for my team when fighting Nessa were that my Pidove, Dr. Preen, evolved, hence why it’s just him in the first picture. The journey to the fire gym was really something so I’ll put it under a cut.
For Kabu’s gym I obviously needed a Pokémon that could deal with his fire types...since my home realm is Daylight Prairie, however, I don’t exactly have a lot of Pokémon easily available to me that can actually *deal* with said fire types, with the exception of one Pokémon. Nincada is a bug-ground type Pokémon, and can learn mud slap and dig, the more powerful latter of which is gained by level up...at level 40. This wasn’t going to work, as I lack the patience to level up a nincada to level 40 when it’ll be over leveled by that time anyway.
For Kabu’s gym I obviously needed a Pokémon that could deal with his fire types...since my home realm is Daylight Prairie, however, I don’t exactly have a lot of Pokémon easily available to me that can actually *deal* with said fire types, with the exception of one Pokémon. Nincada is a bug-ground type Pokémon, and can learn mud slap and dig, the more powerful latter of which is gained by level up...at level 40. This wasn’t going to work, as I lack the patience to level up a nincada to level 40 when it’ll be over leveled by that time anyway.
Nincada’s evolved forms, Ninjask and Shedinja, however, DO learn dig at level 1. Since remembering moves is free in Sword and Shield, I can immediately get dig and be assured of some safety in places where powerful attacks might show up. This has the disadvantage of removing nincada’s ground typing in exchange for flying or ghost, and since fire is supereffective against bug, shedinja cannot go into battle.
I acquired a nincada named Nick in the Wild Area beforehand, and now was his time to shine! I let Prairie the Twackey stand by for the battle but still gain EXP, and I swapped out Flutter the Butterfree for Nick once he was fully evolved and acquired Dig.
I might’ve gone through the gym about 3 or 4 times before I beat Kabu, but with enough tenacity, small rare candies, and potions, I finally made it through. It’s stuff like this that makes me weary of doing a Nuzlocke (lol).
By the time I post this I’ll be making my way to Stow-on-Side to fight Bea. This should be much easier. I might change around the team more for this one.
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light679 · 3 years
‘Til dusk, we ride
An ask for @nova-magitek-dragon for his OC Nova on a wholesome date with Bea!
Nova was riding Zacian through Stow-on-Side when he finally spotted her in front of the Pokemon Gym on her Mudsdale. As always, Bea looked really pretty today; her hair was smoothed into her usual short, slick bob, shining brilliantly in the sun. Even far away, Nova could see the way her large, gray eyes sparkled with her excitement of getting fresh air with her Pokemon. She never battled with her Mudsdale, usually her fighting types were what she brought to any Pokemon battle, but outside of battling and directly training, it was clear the fighting-type Gym Leader loved the horse Pokemon.
Tight sight of her made Nova fidget with the bag he'd been carrying with him on his ride to the laid-back town. He rolled the string-like handles of the bag from the designer store he'd purchased it from between his thumb and pointer finger, letting the friction of the two flimsy handles being rolled into each other calm his nerves. He wasn't entirely sure why he'd bought it, the riding outfit he'd purchased for her had simply looked so elegant and regal in the store, something that matched his own somewhat. When they'd talked before, Bea had admitted she'd never had a formal riding uniform and that she'd usually just worn her gym outfit when she did go riding. Of course, being someone who'd ridden around on many Mudsdales and Rapidashes before befriending Zacian, Nova knew how rough the fur could be on bare thighs without proper riding pants, wearing shorts no less. And if you had the proper pants, it only made sense to have a full uniform. So, naturally, he'd picked it up for her.
A smile spread across Bea's face when she saw him. "Hey Nova!" She greeted him with a smile, prompting her Mudsdale to strut towards him. "What brings you to Stow on Side today?" She stopped her Pokemon just close enough for her to reach out and pat Zacian's snout, who huffed happily at her.
"Well," Nova said nervously, handing the bag out towards her. "I was hoping you'd like to go for a ride with me today. I- uh, I got you this riding outfit. Since you said you didn't have one, I thought you might like to have one."
Her eyes widened as she looked between the uniform in the bag and him. "Thank you," she said hesitantly as she poked at the fabric of the uniform. It really was beautiful. "Wait right here, I'll try it on for our ride today! Oh! Er- I guess I forgot to say, but I'd love to go for a ride with you! Don't move!"
When she returns, Nova is astonished by how amazingly the riding outfit fits her. The particular shade of black matched well with her tanned skin tone and brought out the brilliance of her gray eyes. “Well, how does it look?” she asked nervously.
“It looks great!” Nova encouraged, which earned a smile from her. 
“Thank you, really,” she said shyly as she mounted her Mudsdale. “This was really sweet of you to do for me.”
“Of course,” Nova said. “Come on, let’s head out to the fields.”
When they reach the fields, Zacian roars in excitement. Their rides had been fairly tame recently, strolling through the towns Nova was meant to meet people in and of course strolling through Stow-on-Side in hopes to run into Bea.
“Watch this!” Nova called to Bea as he prompted Zacian to pick up the pace. Zacian bounded eagerly over the rocks and haybales in the area, darting between one obstacle and the next, always searching for the next harder challenge as if they were running through a dressage course. Nova found himself laughing with joy as he felt the wind rush over his face, blowing whatever hair stuck out from his helmet behind him. 
“Wow, that was incredible!” Bea exclaimed when they returned. “The two of you have clearly been practicing! Zacian really is something special.”
Nova grinned, and Bea continued. “We’ve been practicing something too,” she said with an excited smile. The fighting-type Gym Leader prompted her Mudsdale to bend its front legs, leaning its head down as as assumed a similar position on her horse with a sly smile. “Your majesty,” she said in a slightly teasing tone, one not many people heard often around Bea.
Bowing. They were bowing to him and Zacian, Nova realized, his face turning a deep shade of red as he blushed at the thought. Had Bea trained her Pokemon to bow? For him? “That was incredible! That must have taken a lot of work.”
Bea grinned. “Thank you! We’ve also been working on Mudsdale here walking sideways,” she said, demonstrating the trick which her Pokemon pulled off with precision and excellent form. “But of course, it’s probably not quite as impressive of a trick.”
The two trainers rode around the fields some more, showing off tricks and having a fun time together until the sun began to set and Bea announced that her stomach was rumbling. Nova found them a smooth, flat rock for the two of them to sit on as he grabbed some protein bars and vegetables for the two of them and their Pokemon to snack on from his bag. 
They watched the sunset in a peaceful silence, a beautiful display of pinks, oranges and reds that lit up the scenery around them. The silence wasn’t uncomfortable, though Nova certainly did notice how close Bea sat to him on their just barely big enough rock, their shoulders occasionally bumping as one of them grabbed an item to snack on or adjusted their posture. He also was acutely aware of the way the warm glow radiated against her skin and illuminated the brightness of her eyes, which were a cool tone in contrast. 
Feeling a little nervous about the closeness between them, he fidgeted slightly with the dry grass to his side, noticing one lonesome white flower that stuck out among the crisp blades. Without thinking, he picked it, eager to give it to Bea. Maybe tonight would be a good night for him to finally admit his crush on her. After all, they’d had a perfectly fun day together and were now sitting in front of a romantic sunset. He took one deep steadying breath and opened his mouth to begin his confession. 
And the feeling of her head falling to rest on his shoulder stopped him. Her eyes remained open as she kept her face pointed towards the setting sun; she wasn’t asleep and the movement hadn’t been by accident. He felt his heart stop and Butterfree flutter in his stomach as this realization hit him. Carefully, Nova slipped the flower into the pocket of his jacket. He didn’t want anything to interrupt this moment. Whether she did it because he meant more to her, like a romantic suitor or a crush, or whether it was because she was a girl who shouldered more responsibility than any sixteen year old should have to that needed to lean on her friend, Nova didn’t care. He would be whatever she wanted, whatever she needed in that moment.
They stayed there, just like that for quite some time. Nova wasn’t sure how long had passed- seconds, minutes, hours. “We should probably be heading back,” Bea said when the first stars appeared in the sky. She was right of course, the terrain was already rocky enough during the day without adding the complication of zero visibility during the nighttime. At least for now, there was a slight glow of the setting sun that allowed them just enough light to avoid any major obstacles. 
When they arrived at Bea’s house, both trainers slid off of their Pokemon and hesitated before saying their goodbyes. It was clear their date was coming to an end, though Nova racked his brain for any excuse to extend the moment just a little longer, make their perfect afternoon go on for just a bit more time. He settled on the flower he’d picked while they watched the sun set.
“Here, I picked this for you earlier,” he said, handing the flower out to her. 
“Thank you,” she said with a smile as she took the flower delicately. She twisted the stem between her thumb and her forefinger. “It’s really pretty,” she continued as she watched the flower spin within her gentle grasp. 
Before he could stop himself, Nova took her hand in his, bringing it to his lips to place a sweet kiss on the back of her hand, just as a prince would for his lady. Both trainers were blushing a deep shade of red before their eyes could meet again. “I really had a lot of fun with you today,” Nova said. “Thank you for coming along with me on my ride today.”
Bea grinned back, her face still flushed with pink. “Thank you for inviting me! And the riding outfit, and the flower. You’re really sweet, Nova. I had a lot of fun today.” She began turning towards her house. “See you later, Nova!” She called as she walked through the front door.
Climbing onto Zacian, Nova grinned. So maybe he hadn’t totally confessed how he felt to Bea tonight, but the outing was still incredibly fun and successful, he thought. It was certainly one he wasn’t going to forget for a long time.
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septicbro1005 · 3 years
time to nuz the fuck out of this locke.
so! to keep y'all up to date with the introduction of a new nuzlocke chain, i'll fill you in on the pokemon i've got, where i got them from, what they're nicknames are, and my current objective.
Current Objective: Make it to the gym at Stow-on-Side and kick Bea's ass.
Current Team: Toast (Level 35 Cinderace: starter), Skittles (Level 26 Swirlix: Route 5), Guzma (Level 22 Linoone: Route 2), Pit (Level 18 Pidove, Rolling Fields Overland), Guardian (Level 18 Hoothoot, Route 1), and Taishi (Level 13 Slowpoke, Wedgehurst Station)
The other pokemon I've got are Bitch Boy (Level 30 Gastrodon, Galar Mines No. 2), Spinel (Level 17 Drifloon, Watchtower Ruins Dynamax Den), Facile (Level 17 Butterfree, Dappled Grove Dynamax Den), Kirishima (Level 31 Carkol, Galar Mines), Motivation (Level 24 Sawk, Motostoke Outskirts), Namor (Level 31 Crawdaunt, West Lake Axewell Dynamax Den), Shedinja (Level 21 Shedinja, Rolling Fields Dynamax Den), Heart (Level 28 Barraskewda, Hulbury), Sam (Level 18 Purrloin, West Lake Axewell Overland), Ghoul (Level 25 Litwick, Motostoke Gym Challenge), Salmon (Level 28 Gyarados, Motostoke), Trubble (Level 21 Trubbish, Route 3), Volts (Level 16 Toxel, Pokemon Nursery), Spooky (Level 20 Pumpkaboo, Route 4), Luck (Level 26 Ninjask, Rolling Fields Dynamax Den)
I was gonna write more stuff, but nah. I'll write more in a hot second, hold up.
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leavaloo · 5 years
Bea with a male equestrian SO that offers her a equestrian outfit, as a gift, and invited her for a romantic horse ride astride a elegant Mudsdale.
This is adorable and also my first female ask. Lol!
Bea, as a person, was pretty standoffish. Not many people really warmed up to her, seeing as she could kick anyone ass by the age of 10. That’s part of the reason she was thrust into this position as a gym leader. She took it with grace, for sure, but she was still young... and still growing. The pressure to properly fulfill her job was a big pressure to her, and she had to drop out of school because of the popularity issue... not to mention the bullying.
The one friend that stayed was you, and you were the one person who really didn’t seem to mind that she was so important. You were well aware that she would kick your ass if you stepped out of line, but that didn’t intimidate you at all. She was fierce, and because of this strange relationship, you two stayed close to each other’s sides.
You’ve seen her cry, she’s seen you get bucked off of a Rapidash and sent to the hospital with a doofy grin on your face. It went both ways. Usually, by yourselves, you were were very... distinguished. Didn’t let a whole lot get to you, and even though you were more smiley than she was, you still had a certain air to you.
Over this time period of her learning her role as a gym leader in Galar, the two of you had grown close. So much so that, Arceus forbid, Bea ended up getting a crush on you, and you her. It was completely unintentional, but it was definitely there. You ended up spying her gaze on you as you rode your horses, dressed in full equestrian gear. So, you finally broke down and bought one for her yourself.
Asking her turned out far more romantic than you had intended. You had thought that, ya know, you both would have two different horses, and you stumbled on your words after you had suggested that there was one horse, and not two. The blush on her face did not help the butterfree in your stomach, but she smiled and accepted the uniform, excitedly telling you to wait for her to get ready.
You decided to get the most regal horse pokemon you could, who also happened to be the biggest and most tame. A regal pokemon for a regal lady, right? The caramel coat of the shiny mudsdale had already been washed and brushed properly earlier that day, but you absentmindedly brushed him just to make sure everything was ready. The saddle was good, everything was in order, and when she came out in her full equestrian gear, you about fainted.
The ride was... pleasantly romantic. She sat in front of you, loosely holding the reigns in her grasp (even though you were the one mostly steering), and her smile was as bright as the sunset that crested over the hills. Turfield was a beautiful place for a horse ride, and eventually, without the need to worry about others when they were on the vast plains, you had the mudsdale gallop over some of the hills to get the perfect spot to look over the setting sun.
Bea rested her body on your chest, and was surprised that you were able to keep your head with you wrapping an arm around her torso. You two didn’t talk about a whole lot, but what you did was whispers and tiny laughs in the vastness of the plains. The mudsdale went around eating grass, and was pretty content all things considered. So were you when the fighting type gym leader turned to you with a bright smile and heavy blush on her face. You really didn’t expect your first kiss to be with someone who could bench press you, but you wouldn’t give it for the world.
It still took at least a couple of weeks for you two to actually go out, though.
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bea-official · 5 years
Good morning bea! ( or after noon ) I was wondering if you have nicknames for your pokemon? Ive personally got a gmax butterfree that i love to bits, ive tried to change her name but the name changing guy wouldn't let me
Only my Sirfetch'd is nicknamed, He's called Arthur. It was the name given to him by his ex-trainer, and he doesn't respond to anything else, so it stuck.
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orangeoctopi7 · 5 years
I’m curious. How’s your team in Pokémon Sword and Shield looking? I’d imagine they’ve grown a bit since the introduction post you made.
Thanks for asking! I got really busy with Christmas and work after that first introduction post and I kinda forgot to ever follow it up. The roster has expanded quite a bit, because I can’t confine myself to a team of 6. It’s more like a team of 12 now.
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Trix has grown into a lovely Cinderace and she kicks all the butt. She was invaluable against Rihan in the Championship. My beautiful girl is all grown up!
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Metaknight was also a key player against Rihan, as well as Zacian. He’s a beast and I love him.
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Badger has become such a tank! His Obstruct saved me from a lot of trouble against Leon’s team, and the lead-up to the fight with Chairman Rose.
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Winston didn’t get a chance to be on my Championship team, unfortunately, but only because I have 3 electric types on my roster and I didn’t really need him. Strong Jaw + Thunder Fang = A very poweful pupper!
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Applebloom DID get to be on my Championship team and was invaluable in so many battles. She’s such a powerhouse, I love her! She might be my favorite pokemon of this run! (don’t tell Trix)
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Muddybuddy didn’t make it onto my Championship team either, due to the fact that I already had ground and water covered. He’s still a great buddy though, and Yawn makes him my go-to for catching.
Now for some new team mates!
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Wirt had actually joined my team as a temporary member against Nessa. I wasn’t expecting to keep him on at first, but I’ve always loved Lanturn and I realized this was probably my first chance to raise one in-game. He was my ace in the hole against Leon’s Charizard, being water and electric against a fire/flying type. He did a great job!
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Next is DougDimadome, owner of the Dimsdale Dimadome! Haha, I couldn’t NOT have a Galarian Weezing on my team. Weezing’s a great tank, and Neutralizing Gas is a great ability. He was a great help against Bede.
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I was also lucky enough to catch a Gigantimax Butterfree named BigStink. I’ve always been a fan of Butterfree, so of course I HAD to get a Gigantimax one. She was a pain to catch, but she was so worth it. She was my go-to against Bea, and remained a fun team-member afterwards.
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I didn’t want to raise the Toxel i got from the daycare at first. But when I got to Ballonlea, I realized I had nothing on my team to answer against fairy types, and quite a few weaknesses against it. So I dumped all my EXP candies into that little guy, and was pleasantly surprised by how good Toxtricity became once it evolved. He helped me take down Bede on several occasions.
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I caught Jenny early on, but didn’t add her to the team until I lost my first try against Bea. I realized I needed more against fighting types than just Metaknight. Thus, I added Jenny and BigStink. Jenny’s a great support pokemon, with both Reflect and Lightscreen, plus U-Turn. I’ll usually send her out first to set up, and the U-Turn out to whoever I want.
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The latest addition to my team is Rarity, a Galarian Rapidash I traded from my cousin. (Yes, I realize it’s male. I took what I got and I did what I wanted) While DougDimadome is a fairy type, he hasn’t really learned any fairy moves, so this is my first time raising a fairy type. They’ve been fun.
I also just started a Nuzlocke on another file, so I’ll be posting about that in the next week or so.
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black-footed-ferret · 5 years
I’m mad at the limited selection of trainers to fight in the Galar Cup (the preliminaries just being your three rivals, I was excited to see what the other gym trainers’ teams shaped up to be and even if the player character, Marnie, and Hop were the only three to get 8 gym badges that doesn’t have to be the case, you fight three gym leaders in a fixed order, and postgame you can’t fight Opal, Allister/Melony in Sword or Bea/Gordie in Shield, and the Gym Challengers don’t Dynamax their Pokemon) but I don’t understand the deal with people mad that there’s no elite four. I think there’s a pretty sound reason not to have them because it fits with the setting, so without changing the plot (I will deal with that in another post)
- You fight a group of Gym Challengers from a randomized pool, a Gym Trainer from each gym makes a cameo (Gym Trainer Leah, Chaka, Sebastian, Lynn, Ian, etc, and this includes from all 10 gym leaders) They all use 5 Pokemon if they really need for them to have only 5 which they’ve been obsessed with since Alola, but I’d prefer for them to have 6
- After a reasonable amount of battles, Bede interrupts you and you battle him. This proceeds exactly the way it does in the game. Maybe the crowd doesn’t... you know what I mean maybe the game doesn’t say “Crowd: Don’t quit!” as if it’s one person. Bede uses a team of 6, and he has his Reuniclus and Gothitelle because I feel bad about him abandoning them.
- Sonia battles you before the second to last battle, she uses her team from when she did her Gym Challenge with Leon (why doesn’t she get to be a trainer you can fight)
 - The penultimate battle is Marnie, she uses a team of 6 and Gigantamazes her Grimmsnarl, which maybe could’ve been featured on her team before this fight (Her team really could have used it) and that proceeds exactly the same way.
- Hop uses a team of 6 and Gigantamaxes his Snorlax. This would be a good way to forshadow the Giga Snorlax event by giving it a cameo before you’re able to get one
- The finals of the Galar Cup have the gym leaders randomized. They use teams of 6 and use competitive strategies. They would have two alternate teams to choose from.
- Maybe they could even introduce new gym leaders (and Allister/Bea, Gordie/Melony, and Opal) by saying all current and former gym leaders, minor league or not, have the option to compete in it and a few of them have. I’m picturing a Bug type leader with a Gigantamax Butterfree, an Electric or Poison leader with a Gigantamax Toxtricity, a Psychic leader with a Gigantamax Orbeetle, or a Flying leader with Corviknight
- When you finally battle Leon, he could use Pokemon from a pool of Pokemon with Aegislash, the pokemon strong against your starter, and Charizard being fixed slots of course. He could choose randomly between Dragapult, Hydreigon, or Kommo-o, and his Haxorus slot could be randomly chosen from strong Pokemon like Bisharp and Mamoswine that fit him. His Mr. Rime, Rhyperior, and Seismitoad slot could have plenty of elemental Pokemon to choose from, like Tsareena, Toxapex and Chandelure. Having a pool of Pokemon from which to randomly use could make him an unpredictable threat and possibly one of the hardest champions to date
So that’s how I’d do it, below I’m going to include the teams of the gym leaders I’ve made as a bonus. I plan to make this a mod one day so  👀  maybe this can all be a reality
Milo - (Harvest Team) Gourgeist, Whimsicott, Cherrim, Ferrothorn, Tsareena, Appletun (Gigantamax) (Floral Team) Roserade, Bellossom, Maractus, Vileplume, Eldegoss, Flapple
Nessa - (Fishing Team) Wishiwashi, Milotic, Gyarados, Barraskewda, Lanturn, Kingler (Gigantamax)  (Rain/Seaside team) Pelipper, Golisopod, Crawdaunt, Mantine, Barbaracle, Drednaw (Gigantamax)
Kabu - (Mythology Team) Torkoal, Rapidash (Kanto), Darmanitan (Unova), Ninetales, Arcanine, Centiskorch (Gigantamax) (Sunlight Team) Torkoal, Arcanine, Ninetales, Salazzle, Heatmor, Centiskorch (Gigantamax)
Opal - Weezing, Mawile, Togekiss, Clefable, Mr. Mime (Kanto), Alcremie (Gigantamax)
Bede - Reuniclus, Gardevoir, Rapidash, Gothitelle, Primarina, Hatterene (Gigantamax)
Bea - (Pure Fighting type Team) Hitmontop, Conkeldurr, Grapploct, Hitmonchan, Falinks, Hitmonlee, Machamp (Gigantamax) (Varied Fighting type team) Sirfetch’d, Hawlucha, Bewear, Pangoro, Lucario, Machamp (Gigantamax)
Allister - (Status team) Sableye, Drifblim, Shedinja, Cursola, Cofagrigus, Gengar (Gigantamax) (Offense team) Dhelmise, Runerigus, Dusknoir, Polteageist, Golurk, Gengar (Gigantamax)
Gordie - (Sandstorm Team) Gigalith, Crustle, Shuckle, Stonjourner, Tyranitar, Coalossal (Gigantamax) (Alt Team) Stonjourner, Barbaracle, Solrock, Lunatone, Corsola (Hoenn), Coalossal (Gigantamax)
Melony - (Hail Team) Abomasnow, Glalie, Avalugg, Mamoswine, Ninetales (Alola), Lapras (Gigantamax) (Alt Team) Eiscue, Cloyster, Beartic, Froslass, Frosmoth, Lapras (Gigantamax)
Piers - Toxtricity, Skuntank, Scrafty, Malamar, Incineroar, Obstagoon
Marnie - Toxicroak, Sableye, Shiftry, Liepard, Decidueye, Grimmsnarl (Gigantamax)
Raihan -  (Sandstorm Team, double battle)  Gigalith, Flygon, Excadrill, Kommo-o, Duraludon, Sandaconda (Gigantamax) (General Weather Team) Abomasnow, Pelipper, Tyranitar, Ninetales, Drampa/Turtonator, Duraludon (Gigantamax)
Hop - Dubwool, Pincurchin, Trevenant, Cramorant, Rillaboom/Cinderace/Inteleon, Snorlax (Gigantamax)
Leon - Aegislash, Dragapult/Kommo-o/Hydreigon/Tyranitar/Goodra, Haxorus/Mamoswine/Bisharp, Weavile/Rhyperior/Mr. Rime/Seismitoad/Venusaur/Blastoise/Tsareena/Toxapex/Chandelure, Rillaboom/Cinderace/Inteleon, Charizard (Gigantamax)
Sonia - Boltund, Persian, Pyukumuku, Greedent, Thievul, Meowth/Pikachu/Eevee (Gigantamax)
Bonus: Magnolia - Rillaboom, Cinderace, Inteleon, Venusaur, Blastoise, Corviknight (Gigantamax)
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julerose-aus · 5 years
1. Alise, the normal gym leader. Pokemon= Skwovet(level 13), pidgey(level 10), Eevee(level 15, Gigantimax). Alise(card 1)= A sensitive girl who believes herself to be below others, it's rare for her to say anything good about herself. (Card 2)= Born to a wealthy family of dragon type users, she has avoided dragon types since she was 3, after being attacked by one.
2. Wing Nut and Toxic, the ill twins. Pokemon= Honedge(level 16) and Pawniard(level 18, dynamax), Grimer(level 16) and Toxel(level 18, dynamax). Wing Nut (Card 1)= the elder of the twins, her right arm, left leg, and left eye are covered in bandages, hiding her prosthetics. She is outgoing and loud, always smiling. Toxic(card 1)= she is always wearing a gas mask that supposedly expels toxic gas(actually asthma reliever) into itself. She's like her sister, happy and outgoing. Twins(card 2)= a set of identical twins who are always ending up in the hospital, but they don't let that deter them! They always say to challengers " We may be sick, but being together makes us feel better!".
3. Lightning, the electrifying pirate. Pokemon= Pichu(level 23), Pikachu(level 25), Raichu(level 27, dynamax). Lightning(card 1)= Born on a ship in the ocean, many expect her to be a water type user. However, Lightning actually despises water types! If she sees on, she will freak out! (Card 2)= Dimwitted, rude, and messy, this pirate speaking electric type master will always teach land lovers a lesson in how to battle! Beware her Raichu, it can pack a punch!
4: Webber, the insect crazy trainer. Pokemon= Beedrill(level 30), Beedrill(level 30), Butterfree(level 32), Butterfree(level 35, Gigantamax). Webber(card 1)= A fan of insects, this young man is covered in them! From his favorites Weedle and Caterpie to Sewaddle, he is always with them! (Card 2)= smart, brave, and creepy, his is always trying to get others to hold his pokemon!
5. Tornado, the flying pilot! Pokemon= Staraptor(level 43), Pidgeot(level 45), Corviknight(level 45), Noctowl(level 47, dynamax). Tornado(card 1)= A "hero" in the Galar region, he is looked up to by people young and old. There is only one person who doesn't, and it's the one person her tries to impress. (Card 2)= the elder brother of Quake, he has one goal and that is to impress his sister. His sister, though, avoids him at all costs though.....
6. Quake, the Poke-ball slinging cowgirl. Pokemon: Sandslash(level 78, dynamax). Quake(card 1)= Quake relies on one Pokemon and one Pokemon only. She has had her Sandslash, given to her by her brother, since birth and refuses to use any other. (Card 2)= Holding an unreasonable grudge against her brother, she prefers being in the nearby canon rather than her gym. She has an odd fear of other Pokemon.....
7. Espa, the psychic musician. Pokemon= Kadabra(level 67) Alakazam(level 68), Duosion(level 67), Duosion(level 66), Reunicleus(level 70, dynamax). Espa(card 1)= A mute girl from lavender town, she usually is busy playing her cello at her house. It is incredibly rare for her to be in a silent area. (Card 2)= To hear her voice, one must listen to her music entirely and figure out the meaning behind it. When one does, she'll speak sentences of 5 words.....No one knows why.....
(The eighth is Bea and Gordie who work together if you played Shield, or Allister and Help my who work together is you played Sword)
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