#beardy gifs things
thorinsbeard · 1 year
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parttimesarah · 1 year
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noriseyebrow · 2 years
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Mr Mistoffelees
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earthandsunandmoon · 1 year
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The Tragically Hip watching television
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farfrompleasant · 2 years
Hey fwen, happy Freyja Friday!
How's it going with my god-beardie? It's been a minute! Is miss thing continuing her no shed streak? What are we eating lately? I read that excessive shedding in adulthood can be related to diet! Which is wild to me, but also, like, how it is with humans, right??
And you? How's school going? Are we looking at any new reptiles lately for the fun of going down the rabbit hole 😊 I regret that I have not been researching any lizards for fun, I should rectify that. My niece did find a snake hole while we were hiking in Utah and she found a piece of shed for me, which I kept.
All's well on our front. Lizzie loves Nova now, and they sleep face to face like lovestruck idiots
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The rest of the cast? Brodie and Issa happy campers lately? I missed y'all ❤️
OmgOMG Heyyy fran♡
It's been a while because of school and work but I have good things to say about our Freyby c: Miss Girl is gaining weight! And she hasn't been shedding, so it's been roughly 5-6 weeks with there being no shed... I think you're right; Freyja's been sticking to bugs and worms as of late and I also suspect that she's going through a sort of brumation.
Think of it as hibernation, but for reptiles. She's been less active, sleeping more (and she's already lazy...) Freyja's also eating a lot less, which has me thinking that she'll be like this as it's getting colder.
School's going well c: I just took a few midterms and I felt like I did a good job at retaining enough info to pass. But ugh! I forgot how stressful and baleful the entire process can be, not to mention it was super time consuming.
Have I been looking into other reptiles?! You know me too well 🤭 I've been (superficially) looking at dessert rain frogs, and rygihvkew they're super cute and round 🥹 I want to get one so bad, but I don't like how they burrow in filth so idk how that will work... maybe I'll just admire from afar; I mean I watch videos of them to relieve my stress when I'm away from Freyja-pooh
I don't really have any recommendations for you but I'm sure you'll find something interesting forsures c:
Okay but why are they so cuuuute and poetic at the same time?! Seeing Lizzie and Nova gave me the same satisfaction of reading a book with the enemies to lovers trope 🤣🤣🤣 Nova's gotten so big Fran... she looks as though she's much larger than Miss Lizzie
Issa and Brodie are doing well, I'm hoping to take them out a bit more before it really gets chilly. There's been a light drizzle in these parts, and they get really fussy about the weather while also wanting to go out... I guess that's the only pain other than not having much time to take them out. But they have been enjoying aroma therapy with me, I love love love having scented candles lit when I'm finishing up with school work and they seem to love that too c: I guess that's how we've been bonding as of late lol
I missed you too, very much ❤️
I have an assortment of gifs made especially for you, hope you love these ♡
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🥺🥰🥺🥰🥺 F r e y b y G i r l 🥺🥰🥺🥰🥺
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yeahponcho · 6 months
I'm terribly bad at making gifs but I feel like the world needs more beardie gifs that don't involve cats or other unsafe things.
so if any hobby gifmakers out there ever feel like making gifs of my lizards, you are welcome to <3
here's the youtube link and the video post link
the only gif I managed to make is this cute picmix one of dandy
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tieronecrush · 1 year
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joel miller x reader
rating: M
word count: 3.1k
i think i've seen this film before / and i didn't like the ending / i'm not your problem anymore / so who am i offending now? / you were my crown / now i'm in exile, seein' you out / i think I've seen this film before / so i'm leavin' out the side door
warnings: break up, discussion about closure or lack there of, talk about grief, death, self-doubt, self-deprecation, idk man it’s just sad
a/n: second fic for the folklore anthology!! hope you all enjoy, sorry for the sadness lol <3
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It’s an early start — the crisp early spring air swirls around in gusts while the fresh blanket of dew squishes under his boots as he walks over to the stables. Lilac skies watercolor above, the last of the winter dawn painting yellowed strokes across the horizon as the sun rises, reflecting against the thirst-quenched earth.
Billows of his tepid breath puff in front of him, walking through the warmth of each exhale as he makes his way forward and across the paddock to the stalls. Rubber soles scuff onto rough concrete under the cover of the roof, neighs of horses and huffs of their breath vibrating their lips the only sound that fills his ears when he looks down the aisle to see you. Standing in the pen that holds Shimmer, Ellie’s beloved mare, you brush her chestnut coat as you prep to saddle each animal for the incoming patrol shift.
Joel meanders down the walkway over to the stable across from you that holds his own horse, Old Beardy, which he bonded with over lengthy patrol shifts. After the horse that Tommy had loaned them to reach Colorado, Callus, was killed by David and his men, Joel had chosen a similarly colored one in Old Beardy. It was another painful reminder he forced upon himself of what he had gone through — what Ellie had gone through — and what he did to get her through it. He never wanted to forget, not that he thought he ever could, and this was a small piece that added up to keep him weighed down by his choices and guilt every day.
It was that same guilt that burrows into his chest now as he looks at you while he saddles his horse. Nothing is spoken, not even a glance sent his way; completely ignored, the cold shoulder chilling him more than the early morning temperature. 
You had left him a few weeks ago now — completely blindsided him when you sat him down in his living room and broke another crack into his heart. At that point, he didn’t think it was possible to feel any more fragmented than he did for the last twenty years, but you quickly became another piece of his heart destroyed by his actions. It had to have been something he did, what it was he doesn’t have a clue. But with the way you cared for him, loved him for that fleeting time, he would have never chosen to give that up and he couldn’t see a reason why you would either.
He had to know.
It was keeping him up at night — that and his nightmares that seem to have never ceased. Around here, he doesn’t have his knockout combination of pills and alcohol to keep his ghosts at bay, so he’s faced with them every evening, creeping in along with the midnight.
You would help him, talk him through, remind him of the good in him, even though he never fully believed you.
He misses you.
He loves you.
Crossing the aisle again after slipping out of the stable of his horse, he takes a breath before leaning his arms onto the walled gate that separates the two of you. Breaking the fragile silence that floated in the air for the last few minutes, Joel speaks lowly despite you two being the only ones around.
“Need any help with the horses?”
More silence, the thud of the leather saddle being thrown over Shimmer’s back clapping in the stale air. 
He persists.
“Now I know you probably don’t wanna hear anything from me, peach, but I just gotta ask you — what happened? To us. I’ve been wracking my brain to try to figure it out, but—but I gotta admit, darlin’, I thought things were alright. That we were starting a peaceful life together.”
He lifts his arms off of the gate, standing up straight as he waves one arm out in a gesture toward his house — the house that you used to spend every single night in, the pieces of you strewn throughout. Flowers on the kitchen table, dog-eared books on the couch, clothes thrown onto the floor and into his hamper, your favorite lavender soap from the apothecary withering away in his shower marking the time you two were together. It sits untouched now, still as full as the last time you used it, another reminder of your absence.
“But then, just out of the blue, you were gone. You took just five whole minutes to neatly pack up the loose ends of us, talkin’ to me as you grabbed all your things from my house, wiping the presence of you completely. And when you left me standin’ in the hall, you left me with it, that guilt. And all I could do was just stand there with all this love that I needed to give to you, watching you walk away without any goddamn clue as to why you were leaving. It wasn’t fucking fair.”
Joel crosses the threshold of the stall, standing only a few feet away from you as his frustrations begin to fully air, slithering out of him with venom laced behind his tone. He doesn’t want to feel this angry, this upset. But this hurt in his chest hasn’t been felt for years and it’s killing him, squeezing everything in him out.
“And now,” he nearly growls out, “Now I hear around town you got some other man around for you. That you got over us so quickly, found someone new to spend your time with. Did I really mean that little? To be able to tidy up real quick and move on?”
A laugh barks out at that — he can see it on your face how ridiculous you think whatever he said, something he said in all that was. It only fuels the fire inside of him, boiling up to his ears and over to the point he must have steam coming out of him.
What the fuck was so funny?
Here he was, being honest about his feelings and you were laughing.
The steel toe of one of his boots knocks against the wooden walls as he kicks it gently, turned away as he starts to listen to you open the floodgates. Your hands pause their work, turning away from the toasted brown horse to face him fully. Hands on your hips and head tilted to one side, your stare burns the back of his neck as he stands away.
“Really, Joel? There’s nothing you can understand about why I might have left you?” Your eyebrows furrow with your own fury, deep creases that he has only seen from concern for him, his wellbeing, and Ellie’s. Anger is a new look on you, and it isn’t one he is feeling fond of causing for you. That storm of guilt rumbles inside of him; another reason to hate himself for making you feel something you rarely do, making you into something you’re not — bitter.
“Also, I don’t really think you’ve got a right to be upset with me and bringing up that stupid shit bein’ said around town. I left the bar with one guy, one time. The rumor mill snatched up that story from the few people that saw us leave. Didn’t even go home with him cause I couldn’t stop seeing you like a fucking ghost. I left and you are still consuming my brain. I still wonder every day if you’re okay; if you’re still even here.”
That whips his head over his shoulder, the fracturing of his heart felt even deeper, a cut to his bones from your words. He never knew that you knew — what he had tried years ago. Admittedly, the thought crossed his mind again once, and only once. It quickly dissipated when you stepped into his room, your tender smile eager to tell him about your day. He loved listening to you, being a sounding board and an observer. How could he ever give that up? How could he ever hurt you?
Apparently, he didn’t need to wonder anymore. He did that without even realizing it.
Mouth agape as you continue, crease between his brows shadowed as he takes a step closer to you, the pull of your red-hot rage driving him nearer to your molten center. It was the one way to feel your warmth again, even if it was more like burning at that point.
“I can’t believe that you would even give that gossip a second thought. Must be grasping at straws there. But I guess that proves my point, the reason that I left.”
You turn away to handle the animal again, shaking your head wildly and rolling your eyes at yourself. His own frustrations bubble again, another step closer as he walks around your shoulder to your field of vision. A head tilt of his own, a nonchalant shrug.
“And how do you figure that, darlin’? Please, enlighten me,” his words cut into the air, attempting to antagonize you in a subconscious effort to keep you talking, to keep you around.
“God, that’s so fucking rich coming from you, Joel. Wanting explanations, wanting me to open up so you can understand. That’s why I left. I tried so hard to get you to open up to me, to let me in, and to be even the smallest bit vulnerable. I wanted you to show me that you trusted me. When I met you before you left with Ellie, things felt different. And when you came back, you had been getting more and more closed off the longer we were spending time together. I don’t know what happened out there if something happened between you and Ellie, and I don’t need all the details, but I needed something. And I gave you so many chances — second, third, hundredth chances to give me something that could show me you trust me or could even grow to trust me, but that didn’t come. All I wanted was to help you, Joel. I care about you so much. I loved you. But it didn’t seem like you felt the same. Never told me you felt the same.”
A step away from him, arms around your chest to protect your heart — from him? From breaking again? He didn’t know you needed the words; he tried to show you through his actions, his touch, the care he took of you. Words never came easy to him, actions did.
“And now, you’re being this fucking alpha, masculine man stomping in here and talkin’ to me about how you hear I was with some guy. Actin’ like I’m just trying to make you jealous like he was some understudy or rebound. Well, nothing happened like I said, so you can wipe off the face that looks like you’re gonna go get your knuckles bloody for me.”
The crease in his brow resolves, the sour twist of his lips relaxing as he drops his head in shame. You were right, always right. He would knock the lights out of the guy if you said one more word — if you said that you had moved on for real.
“All of it, still being around you and being reminded of you all the time, it feels like I’m trying to balance again on breaking branches. And every time I see you around, in person or in my head like a shadow following me around, those eyes — your stupid brown eyes pleading with me, they just add insult to injury.”
“I wanted to help you, Joel, to just be there to help you mend, even a little bit. But you never gave me a chance.”
A sigh slips from his lips, barely audible. You turn away as he steps toward you, tender eyes and gentle touch resting on your shoulder. When you don’t recoil, one of his rough, work-worn hands grabs your chin between his thumb and index finger, turning your head to meet his eyes as he quietly speaks, lower than the whole conversation has been.
“I never knew that is what you were worried about, darlin’. I’m fine, there wasn’t anything that happened between Ellie and I ‘cept that ambush at the hospital that I told you about. I didn’t think I was actin’ any differently than before.”
A scoff, shaking your head out of his grasp and pushing your hands against his chest to separate. You slip away, crossing the stall to grab more gear to dress the horse in.
“You are unbelievable.”
Now he’s really getting annoyed.
“What? What is so unbelievable?” His voice booms, echoing a bit in the empty horse barn, biting back his tongue as you close your eyes tightly. He opens his mouth to apologize for raising his voice, but your raised hand stops him.
“It’s obvious you are not fine, Joel, and you can’t even admit it now after I’ve told you that all I wanted was for you to be open. You can stop running. Slow down. Live. You don’t have to keep punishing yourself in silence.”
He scoffs and shakes his head, looking away as he works his jaw back and forth before he turns to you again, “I couldn’t read your mind! All this time, I never learned to read your mind. I can’t read Ellie’s mind — I can’t figure it out with either of you. Two of the most important people, two of the handful of people that I am still around for, have distanced themselves from me and I can’t seem to pull myself together to figure it out. I feel like I’m drowning out here on my own and I’m not even being thrown a fucking life raft. You never gave me time to turn things around, you never gave me a warning sign of what was goin’ on.”
The tightness in your shoulders falls, curling you smaller into yourself, and there goes another crack in his heart. Broken like old pavement when the Earth shifts, takes destroying it all to rebuild it.
Tired. You look so tired, and he aches with the thought that he’s exhausted you, even away. What is he going to do if he is open with you? Isn’t he going to be more of a burden?
No, he wouldn’t let himself. He would be honest with you. But there is no expectation that he could be fixed, that you could shoulder any of this weight he’s carried for twenty years. It’s lighter to him now, endurance built to keep himself under it without getting crushed.
“Joel…I gave so many signs. I checked in with you every day, I asked you directly how you were doing. A lot of the time, after long days, you’d be so short with me. Either annoyed or just brushing me off and changing the subject. So when asking you didn’t work, I tried to open up more myself to try to get you to feel comfortable talking to me about anything. You would just listen and move on. Nothing inspired you to give me even a little sliver of yourself, of your heart. I closed myself off more and more cause it felt like I was prying with someone who couldn’t even care less about me. You didn’t even notice that we didn’t touch, we didn’t kiss, we were barely intimate with each other in those last few weeks — we completely drifted, Joel. I tried to give you so many signs before I couldn’t take it anymore. You didn’t even see the signs.”
Thoughts and memories rewind in his head like an old tape, picking up patterns in himself and in you that he has been too blind to see. All he wanted was to move on, sweep it under the rug and live whatever life he could with you, with Ellie.
“I’m sorry, peach. I am so sorry. I swear on my fucking grave that I had no idea this was all happening for you — I was too in my own head. My heart is hurtin’ so much without you around; knowing I did something to push you away. And hearing what you were holdin’ in ‘cause I was bein’ too closed, too selfish to see what was wrong? It is destroyin’ me. I’m sorry, sweetheart. I really am.”
No response is given to him. He watches as you bend your arms, lifting them to press the backs against your eyes. They turn and run over your face, an ache in him to reach his own out to pull yours away, replace them with his own to hold your beautiful face again. When he speaks up again, he sounds like a child — soft, pleading for the punishment to end.
“Could you ever, I don’t know how to ask this really, but could you ever give me another chance? Would you?”
His eyes are glossing over, vision blurring slightly at the edges as you meet his gaze. A deep, exhausted sigh rolls from your chest, head shaking back and forth as your stare leaves him, running a million yards away somewhere.
“I—God, I don’t know, Joel. It felt like I was just there to give you comfort when you wanted it, when you thought you needed it, and that was it. That was my purpose to you. That you didn’t even want to try to open up, to build trust or anything between us. Things would really have to change for me to feel ready to try again.”
Another step brings him a foot away from you, the itch in his fingers too much to ignore anymore as he guides his hand up, caressing your cheek and brushing his thumb along the line of the high bone there.
“Sweetheart, honey, I’ll be better. If you give me another chance, I’m gonna do better by you. Gonna try more. I promise, peach. I’m not gonna fuck this up.”
Eyes flutter shut under his touch, the weight of your head falling into his gentle care a bit heavier.
When they open again, he can see resolve has been built. A defensive wall put back up after leaning in too much into the temptation of jumping back into the deep end.
“Can I have some time to think about it?”
Selfishly, he wishes you would just jump, dive into his waters with him so you can offer him a lifeline.
“Of course, peach. You come ‘round whenever you wanna talk. I’m gonna be there for you. Whenever.”
His lips press to your hairline, large hand stroking at the back of your head before he pulls away and exits the stall, crossing over to lead Old Beardy out of the stables to mount for patrol.
With his back to you, he doesn’t see the shaky breath you take, composure crumbling as you lean your head against the leather saddle, teardrops littering the surface.
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taglist: @wannab-urs @atinylittlepain @bearsbeetsbeskar @serenaxpedro @casa-boiardi @rav3n-pascal22 @dinsdjrn @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @johnwatsn @amanitacowboy @leeeesahhh @isitmelookin4u @javiscigarette @mrsyixingunicorn10 @sugarspiceanthrax @orphanbird95 @space-cowboy-like-me @tuquoquebrute @rsquared31 @morning-star-joy @canseethebrushstrokes @atremises @sstarboy777 @undrthelights @butiknewyoudlinger @dayrdreaming @disassociation-daydreams @joelsversion @ginger-swag-rapunzel @mydailyhyperfixations @diamndx @mingiast @kdogreads @blxsphemy7 @marchai @littlevenicebitch69 @ghostofbrock @iwrotethissky @ladynightingale @jksprincess10 @swiftispunk @pr0ximamidnight @beskarandblasters @northernbluess
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bubble-tea-blossom · 2 years
Slip Up
Pairing: Joel x f!reader
Rating / Warnings: E for Explicit sex so 18+ Only. PIV. Oral sex. Slightly rough sex. Use of “good girl.” Violence at the beginning (killing Infected)
WC: 6k
Summary: Despite agreeing to keep your thing a secret, Joel can’t help but slip up when he almost looses you. 
Part One
A/N: Cross posted to my AO3
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“There he is, finally.” Tommy grumbles besides you, and you turn to see Joel walking towards the stables, “He hate’s being late, the hell was he doing?”
Me. You think. Instead you distract Tommy with a new subject.
“So where were you thinking on bringing the new recruits?” You ask, giving your horse a cheek scratch.
Tommy watches Joel disappear into the stables before turning to you.
“Was thinking since we’re a big group today, split into three groups, one senior member per newbie. Go as one group to the first check point then meet up at the last before heading home.”
You look over your horse’s neck to watch the slightly nervous new recruits wait on their horses.
“What do you think?” Tommy asks.
There’s 3 of them, Kiera, Tiff, and Jaime, and apparently they’ve all been good so far on the group patrols, so by splitting up Tommy is wanting to test them how they work in pairs. Smartly since they would partnered with someone Tommy trusts, which is himself, Joel and you.
You look over at them, quickly scanning them as you think about Tommy’s plan. The two women look quite comfortable and even a little bored as you all wait for Joel.
The young man seems a little unnerved being on the horse. He keeps tensing up like he’s trying not to shit himself when the horse swishes it’s mane or shifts it’s weight.
You make a mental note to check in with him and see to get him some riding lessons. ASAP too if just sitting on one is making him nervous.
The plan seems like a smart one, a general progression to see how they do in just pairs.
Since you can’t think of a good reason why not, you say, “Works for me.”
Joel’s finally walking through the doors, reins in hand as he leads his seal brown gelding, Old Beardy.
You notice the top of his cheeks just a little above his beard line, are a little red still.
“Good of you to join us.” Tommy says with that sarcastic tone of glee that only a younger sibling gets when picking on the faults of their elder.
“Sorry folks.” Joel says to the group as he swings Old Beardy’s reins over his head before mounting up.
Tommy takes the lead out the gates talking with the new recruits, Joel following quickly and you bringing up the rear on your mare.
As Tommy fills in the newbies on the plan, you catch up to walk side by side with Joel.
“So Joel, had something exciting going on at home or something?” You say with a casual tone, keeping any trace of a hidden meaning out of your voice.
Joel looks over with a squint only to receive your flash of a smile. His squint turns mischievous as he replies, “Yeah, I think some little beaver was having away with my wood.”
Your jaw drops a little at his blatantly ill-hidden innuendo spoken just a few feet behind everyone. You recover quickly and instead hum in understanding as if that sentence makes perfect sense.
Once the group reaches the first checkpoint, everyone was aware of the plan. But before you could reach the building the echos of infected can be heard from a grocery store a street down.
The horses are dismounted and weapons drawn as it is decided that you all go in as a group to deal with this first.
Good thing too because there’s at least 10 infected in there.
Tommy takes the lead, sending people in certain direction, everyone moving silently. It seems like they’re all Runners as well, to make things a little more complicated.
Things seem to be going smoothly as you and Kiera take down two runners stumbling in the same direction down the ice cream isle. You’re hunting knives slicing through the Runner’s throats before they can let out a scream.
You round the corner just in time to see Jaime step in front of a runner facing him. It lets out a scream as it makes towards him. This sends every single infected remaining into a frenzy, and gunshots ring freely in instant reply.
Kiera’s a quick shot and pings the Runner through the head before it can get too close to Jaime.
You shoot the next to Runner that run into view with your Winchester. You slam the lever back up to pop the next bullet into place, and take aim at the next Infected.
None to quickly and yet not quick enough, silence falls on the abandoned grocery store. You run up to the registers in a few long steps and jump up onto the conveyor belt.
With a quick scan you see most of the rest of the group. And no signs of any remaining Infected.
“All here?” you call out and everyone roll calls nice and quick.
You jump down next to Tommy as everyone makes their way to you at the front of the store.
“Jaime.” you hear Joel say intensely, and you snap your head over.
“Remember, if there’s no fungus on the head they can still see.” Joel says, his tone short.
Jaime looks as if he’s about to fall over, and he nods out a quick “Yes, sir.”
You don’t blame Joel, but you still felt a little bad for Jaime who looks deeply embarrassed.
“Everyone good?” Tommy asks, and a sigh of relief is felt pass around the room when everyone reports all safe and sound.
Tommy turns to with you with a look as you share an exhale, making your way to the exit back to the horses. Everyone mounts back up and Tommy leads the way to the doctor’s office, where the first checkpoint is.
It’s a short ride, only one street down, and Tommy and the new recruits jump down so he can show them where the log book is and the route map.
You stay outside, across from Joel, both seated on your respective horses.
Neither of you say anything, looking at each other with a soft smile on both of your faces. Sometimes one of you tips your face up toward the breaking sun. Feeling it bring warmth to the air as the sunrise fades in.
Once they’re done, Tommy and the other three join you and Joel back outside.
“I think Kiera should go with Joel,” you say quickly before Tommy can announce the partners. Kiera is a great shot and handled everything extremely well today, she’ll be the least likely to piss Joel off.
“And I’ll take Jaime. Tiff you can go with Tommy.” you finish, waiting for Tommy to say anything in disagreement.
Tommy shrugs his shoulders, “Seems good to me.” he announces and people part with their respect partners, quick words of good luck passing around.
“Lead the way Jaime.” you tell him encouragingly. He looks up at you with an embarrassed appreciation for your effort.
As he pulls ahead, you cast a quick glance behind you. There you see Joel doing the same, the both of you looking backwards on your horses so you can share a last secret goodbye.
With an effort, you pull your gaze back in front, focusing on Jaime.
You make your way down the trail with Jaime in relative silence. One check point is passed and no Infected in sight. The trail seems quiet so you strike up casual conversation.
The next checkpoint comes with two more Infected in a little trinket store. A Runner and a Clicker this time. You dispatch the Runner, and Jaime takes down the Clicker well on his own.
You give him a nod of acknowledgement as you remount your horses.
The third checkpoint comes half an hour later and is all quiet as well. You rendezvous at the last checkpoint and wait for the others to join up. They all come good and clean, with various excited reports between Kiera and Tiff.
“There’s a fuck ton of ‘em in the school, we’re gonna need to all go clear them out.” Tommy announces to the group and you all take a quick rest to water and check amo.
You set off all again, Tommy in the lead and you and Joel bringing up the rear.
“Pretty morning.” you say amicably. Joel gives you a knowing look.
You keep quiet the rest of the way there. You know how seriously Joel takes things like this. And you don’t blame him, and it actually makes you feel safer with him around.
But you also know how intimidating Joel can be to those who don’t know him. He’s big, and doesn’t hold himself to make himself smaller, he stands tall and faces you directly when he speaks to you with intense eyes that don’t miss anything, usually with a frown on his face.
And yet, your first interaction from way back, you remember doing a double take when you saw him, feeling drawn to him.
Your thoughts of Joel’s intimidation score are flicked out of your head when you hear the shrieks from outside the school. Tommy was right, there’s a fuck ton of them. And they all click.
You all dismount like cats jumping down from the counter. Quick and silently.
Tommy opens one of the four main doors. He flags everyone through, you first this time. Jaime hot on your heels to keep up with you still.
Tommy directs you down an aisle and you take it in confident silent steps. Your first target is shambling in somewhat erratic directions, making it quite risky for a stealth kill, but it’s necessary with so many Infected in this confined space.
This particular Clicker is agitated, it sways back and forth a lot more aggressively than most Clickers do while at ease.
You spend an extremely respectful amount of time waiting for your moment with how twitchy it already is. The problem is choosing a time to strike. Every time you brace to leap onto it’s back it moves again. You know you’re taking too long trying to find the right moment. Hopefully the others have taken down more than you have.
The slightest too heavy of a step sounds behind you and you whip your head around to see Jaime right behind you. You usher him back quickly as the Clicker starts it’s way toward you.
You luckily don’t have to make a run for it because it startles at something in the other direction. You stand still with Jaime, catching your breath, heart pounding a little faster than it already was.
You look around and see another Clicker a little bit away, standing still, hunched in on itself. The only movement it makes is the occasional twitch of it’s head accompanied by a croak.
An easy kill, and not too far away so you can help if you need to. You touch Jaime lightly on the shoulder and gesture for him to go take care of that one.
He looks frazzled, wide eyes and nervous as he nods. You give him a soft pat in encouragement as he steps around you. Maybe you shouldn’t send him out, just tell him to leave while you and the others deal with things. But then it’s too late and he’s already a step too far. Well, if he’s going to be on patrol he needs to be able to handle this.
You turn back to your own current target, refocusing on it. You take more slow steps, as it stumbles squarely in front of you, back turned to you.
You take a few quick light steps, just one more and you can finally tackled it safely from behind.
You’re halted in your steps when an ear-splitting bang cracks through the room from behind you. Close enough you know it’s Jaime shooting.
The Clicker one step away whirls around with a scream and stumbles right into you. You let you a scream accidentally as you brace your arms against the clawing Clicker. It slams it’s weight full force against your palms, sending you to the ground.
You fall on your back hard with the weight of the thrashing monster. Your elbows are locked as you yell with effort to keep the thing from tearing your throat out. It’s fingers come within a millimeter of your nose, it’s teeth snapping together with audible clicks. You don’t know how much longer you can restrain it.
A deafening bang rings close over head and the Clicker falls to dead weight, still being held upright by your straining arms for a split second. You quickly fling it aside, scrambling upright.
Joel is there with his smoking revolver, one hand lowering it while he bends to grab you around your waist to help you up.
You lean your weight into his hands in comfort for a split second before the two of you separate. There’s no time for greetings with the size of this group of Infected howling their way closer, so you leave each other to reach for your guns instead.
Everyone has opened fire and all hell has broken loose.
You stay by Joel’s side the entire time, the two of you moving around each other as smooth as water rolling over a stone.
Finally silence falls after what seems like at least 5 minutes of shooting.
You come to stand still, quickly counting people in your view.
“Everyone here?” Tommy calls out and everyone again shakily call back.
“Jaime!” Joel rounds on him, leaving your side to approach the young man. Jaime’s reaction airs similar to Simba seeing the stampede of water buffalo.
“What the hell was that? Why did you shoot? You almost got her killed along with everyone else.” Joel barks out, reprimanding him harshly. It’s a little much, and too soon. Jaime looks like he’s about to cry.
“It turned around,” Jaime starts to explain before Joel cuts him off,
“They were Clickers. Clickers can’t see-“ “Joel.” Your one word halts his verbal lashing in it’s tracks.
The room falls silent as you share a quick look with him. And even as you make heated eye contact, you notice in the back of your head how the warm sunrise makes his tan face glow.
Joel holds your gaze for a moment before looking away, walking back to the horses.
Tommy clears his throat and everyone shifts on their feet to relieve the tension.
“Alright everyone, let’s head back.”
Tommy quickly looks back and forth between you and Joel as everyone follows him outside.
There was something off about that millisecond interaction you had with Joel.
Joel was serious about this stuff, but he’s not usually so intense and harsh. He didn’t sound like he was just worried about another Jacksonite. He was terrified.
Tommy had heard Joel sounded like that about Ellie’s safety plenty, and even about his own safety. But Joel loved both Tommy and Ellie, and was therefore extremely protective over them both.
That’s when Tommy’s steps falter a little bit.
He snaps his eyes to you casting a slightly mournful look at Joel’s back and it all clicks.
Holy shit.
You aren’t being very careful when you go over to Joel’s midday.
The ride back was tense and quiet. Joel and you going separate ways home without many words in parting.
Yet at home you were too restless to rest. So, snatching your sweater off your chair, you leave your home. You can’t wait until the cover of night. You need to see him now.
You take the time to sneak to Joel’s back door. You can see your reflection in the glass as you wait for him after your knocks. Joel slides it open quickly, after seeing it’s you.
You step in without waiting for an invitation. Brushing past him into the warm glow of his house, stepping into his space. You notice his comforting smell, he must have showered when he got home. It’s a scent you’re becoming more and more acquainted with.
“Hey.” you greet, looking up at him. He’s frowning again. He used to do that so much when you first met him.
But when he meets eye contact, the frown melts off his face.
“C’mon, let’s go sit.” You speak up, taking him by the hand, leading him to the couch that’s facing the back door.
You sit him down and sit right next to him, taking both of his hands in yours. You bow your head and he mirrors you, resting forehead to forehead as you exhale.
You sit like that for a little bit, breathing with each other, hands clasped. You break the contact to look at him. You reach up and tilt his face down so you can press a kiss to his forehead.
You gently pepper kisses down his face. Over his eyelids, his cheekbones, the bridge of his nose. Before finding their way to his lips.
His lips part for you quickly, as he kisses you back.
It’s not a long kiss, short but sweet as you pull back a little bit.
Joel's terrified. You can see it in his eyes. He thought he lost you. He doesn't want to let you go.
You can tell from the way he runs his hands up and down your arms. The slightly frantic look in his eye. He wants to dig his hands in and not let go. Good thing you want that too.
This time when you lean forward he rushes to meet you. Almost smacking each other, you recover just in time and begin to kiss him passionately.
Never stopping your kisses, you swing a leg over his hip and climb onto his lap.
"I'm here." You tell him through breaks in your furious kisses.
"I'm here for you." You reiterate which makes him slow his kisses to a gradual stop.
You look him square in the eye as you take his hands from your face, and slide them down yourself, before setting them on your hips. Then you wrap one arm around his torso while the other arm goes to thread through his thick his hair. Interlocking lips again and you dig your nails in harder than you've ever before, then rolling your hips down hard, feeling the relief rush through you with the weight of his hardness press against you even through your clothes.
He responds a few kisses later, fingers digging into your hips bones as he drags you against himself this time. You answer with an excited moan.
He gets the message.
He literally flips you over to your back, Judo style, one hand grabbing your knee to bring up over his hip. It's gentle, he cushions your fall to the couch, eyes expectant over you as he reads your reaction. When a pretty smile splits your face, he continues with a press of his soft lips against yours, hands drifting lower to cup your sex directly.
You hum in your chest as your knees instinctively fall to the side, opening up t o him. He closes that space as he grinds his palm right on your clit. It sends a stake of electricity up your body.
You break apart with a "fuck" and grip his hair tighter. He's rubbing strongly with the perfect amount of pressure to be intense without crushing.
Over and over, he strokes you steadily as you dig your fingers into the muscles of his back. He’s pushing you closer and closer to the edge surprisingly fast. Maybe your blood is still hot from the fight. You drag your fingertips down his broad back, feeling the space between the two of you heat up.
Quicker than you expected, you feel your insides flutter, and you gasp out a surprised moan as you fall over the edge. Once you've finish switching, you blink your eyes open, a bit confused and a touch embarrassed by how fast he made you come.
Yet Joel looks nothing but pleased. Big, warm, eager hands going to your zipper, while you quickly half sit up so you can do the same to his.
He lets out a satisfied grunt when his fingers part your lips and feel how wet you are. Rucking your jeans and underwear down your legs to your knees, he slips two fingers deep inside. Finding your cunt warm and greedy, the narrow angle of your hips from your jeans half off making you tighter in this position.
You ruck his jeans and boxers down his hips, just enough to pull his dick free. You immediately grasp a hold and he grows harder quickly in your hand as you begin stroking him.
You were already wet before he started touching you and you’ve only gotten wetter post your orgasm so Joel is quickly coaxing a third finger past your entrance. It brings a slight burn from the cramped position, but any sting is rubbed away with Joel’s massaging finger tips, rubbing you everywhere you need. You hum through your chest your appreciation, your forehead resting against his as he braces himself over you with his other hand, pressing against the cushions by your head.
Joel's big, so you don't like to skip foreplay, but right now with him three fingers deep, your fist wrapped around his length only a few inches away from your plugged hole, your want for him to sink inside you becomes unbearable.
It's what you need after this afternoon, to press as close as possible, as you recover from the close call.
Joel seems to agree because close he's removing his fingers and instead pressing his hips to yours, guiding his tip to your hole. He rubs himself against you, dipping his cock in your wetness before running himself up, splitting your lips as he rubs at your clit.
You jolt and go to beg him to just fuck you already, but he's already sinking inside. His cock splits you open slowly, nestling deep inside as you feel your whole body spark with pleasure.
Your mouth falls open a little as he pushes in with your inhale, a rumble of pure pleasure sounding from his chest. The sound is deep and gravely, making your pleasure spark higher, hearing it.
It’s a good thing he’s been fucking you so often, your pussy’s grown accustomed to him spreading you apart, but you remember the first time he fucked you, this process had taken much longer.
Joel holds there, deep inside, your walls gripping him tightly but adjusting quickly. You tilt your chip up to look at his face. The expression on his face, his jaw loose, eyes glosses over with pleasure you feel mirrored on your own.
He’s still waiting for your go ahead, either as a self-assurance or a tease, he always waits for you. So you give it to him.
“C’mon Joel, fuck me.” you plead, your voice throaty as you grip his shoulder tighter.
You see something change in his eyes, something you haven’t seen before. He finally responds with a strong roll of his hips into yours, and your eyes roll back as he finally starts to give you what you want. You like keeping your hands on his back, moving a little lower to feel his muscles working to pump his hips against yours, fucking himself within you.
You can only imagine what it must look like from the outside, his broad form covering yours, your knees framing his hips with your jeans and underwear bunched up around them. The image of Joel fucking you into the couch makes muscle clench, shutting your eyes, pussy suctioning onto the thick cock inside it and your hands turning into claws dragging down his side.
Before you can feel bad for the scratches, Joel’s moaning against your cheek.
You feel gentle fingers tip your chin up in contrast with the relentless thrusts against your lower half.
“Sweetheart, look at me.” Joel whispers, somehow his voice is tender while he simultaneously pounds you so hard you slide up and down on the couch. You know your hair is going to be a fucking disaster after this. Gravity only pulls you further onto his cock when you come back down as he thrust up, making your eyes clench shut harder.
“I want to see your pretty eyes.” he asks, and you give him what he so beautifully asked for.
Blinking your eyes open, you meet his. His pupils are so dilated they look almost black, the green nearly swallowed up.
Joel rewards you with some more kisses, the touch of his tongue against your lips makes them tingle as if he shocked you somehow. But in a good way, a really good way.
One of the many nice side effects of Joel being a guitar player is he knows how to create a rhythm, combine that with accurate fingers as he reaches down to stroke your clit and thrust into you at the same time. You can sense his desperation for you, he needs you to come, now.
Well at this rate he’s going to get his wish pretty soon. He’s driving you relentlessly towards the edge.
You’re so close, you can almost taste it, your entire body seizing up as it prepares to fall over that cliff. You feel your heart jolt in absolute terror at the sound of heavy knocks on Joel’s front door.
Now your body has clenched up in a bad way, and you and Joel wait there, silent and still.
The couch you’re on is in the living room which is viewable from the front door if the person should walk in. There’s no way you and Joel could detached yourselves from each other and straighten out your pulled down clothing in time.
“Joel, I know you’re in there. You can’t just ignore me.” Tommy’s voices flows from the other side of the heavy wooden door followed by more rapid, agitated sounding knocks.
You feel shock and let out a quiet gasp before you can snap your mouth shut when Joel starts grinding against you again.
“It’s just my brother, he’ll go away.” he mouths, barely audible.
When Tommy knocks again, you know you should stop and get dressed, it’s too risky. But you’re so desperate for Joel, that even with him still fully seating inside you, his inaction is making you ache with the orgasm that had been within finger reach mere moments before.
You do your absolute best to breathe as silently as you can when you start grinding back down onto Joel, and you feel him pick his pace back up.
He was right, you hear Tommy groan out a curse and stomp down the steps not even a minute later.
By that time you’re near your peak again. Your body tensing all over so hard it’s starting to shake. Joel’s fingers rubbing you perfectly on the outside and his cock rubbing against you perfectly on the inside, driving you higher and higher.
“Are you gonna be a good girl and come around my cock?” Joel rasps near your ear. His lips going to lick and suck under your jaw. You thrust your chin up to give him more access, and gasp out a “Yes” as clearly as you can with your irregular breathing.
The sparks of pleasure from his mouth against the sensitive nerves along your your throat is enough to throw you off the edge.
“Oh, good fucking girl.” He moans, feeling your grip shudder around him. He slows the rolling movement of his hips down so he can focus on the sensation of you coming on his cock. But he never stops completely, purposefully rubbing at that one spot in particular to prolong your orgasm.
Finally, your body shudders one last time, and you realize your eyes are screwed shut. You blink them back open, your heart slowly coming down, before a gasp is being ripped out of your throat at the force of Joel’s sudden thrust.
“I’m not done with you.” Is all he says as he picks his pace back up, fucking you long and hard, his breathing hard in between growled groans.
If you thought you were wet before, after coming a second time, you’re like a slip-n-slide.
Your wetness spread around your inner thighs by his thrust and coating his length completely, so when he pulls out of you completely you see his cock shines with it.
“Turn around.” he growls. You do your best to follow his orders, but your heart is still beating so hard moving is difficult and your brain feels drunk with endorphins.
You must not be moving fast enough, because Joel takes hold of you under the shoulders to pull you upright and then flip you over in one move. He scoots you a little further so your face isn’t being crushed against the arm of the couch and so you’re instead resting over it.
With your front on the arm and your ass in the air, your wet, well-fucked, exposed pussy in the air on display.
You don’t have to wait long before Joel’s sliding within you again.
“Fuck yes.” you groan out, the ache he brings 100% welcome.
He hits much deeper in this position, and you feel the head of him nudge against the end of you. Pushing your limits to get as deep as he can, the sensation strange in a wonderful way. You’ve never felt this full, it feels like he’s at your bellybutton.
Your orgasm comes as a surprise to Joel but mostly to you. You had about a split second warning before you were coming again, gasps and grunts being ripped from your chest before you collapse back onto the couch arm.
As you lay there, huffing and puffing, Joel grabs a handful of your ass and bounces you up and down on his cock.
It feels good, but it’s also a little too much so soon after your second orgasm of the night. Your nerves feel plucked raw, exposed like a live wire.
Joel’s other hand takes a hold of your other cheek, fingertips massaging your muscle briefing before they’re spreading you apart, and you know he’s taking pleasure watching his cock sink inside you before slowly sliding back out. Over and over.
“Fuck, you’re so wet.” he groans. His movements speeding up again. When his hand reaches under you to rub at your clit you whimper.
“It’s too much, Joel.” you hate to say it, but you don’t think you can come again, you’re too sensitive.
“You can take it. I know you can.” he responds. He trusts you to tell him when he needs to stop, but he can feel your body preparing for another orgasm.
You never want to let him down, so you calm your breathing, and relax into the rocking of his hips. Not long after, his rubbing of your clit crosses the threshold from ‘too much’ to ‘not enough.’
Soon you’re whining, and throwing your hips back, spearing yourself harder onto his cock and his ministrations speed up.
In tandem with his movements, you hear him behind you grunt out curses and you can tell by the sound of his voice, he’s close as well.
Impossibly, he seems to grow harder inside you, and you come for a fourth time, the feeling of your walls throbbing while being spread so far apart is toe curling, and an embarrassingly guttural groan comes from you.
Good thing you’re too blissed out to care.
Besides you have Joel behind you cooing praise at you, “So pretty. Feels so good sweetheart.That’s a good girl. Fuck you’re so soft and wet.” His jumbled sentences another marker that he’s not going to last much longer.
“I’m gonna come.” he groans out and you slap your hand behind you against his arm and he gets the message and pulls out.
As quick as your shaking legs can, you jump off the couch and kneel in front of him while he follows your movements and sits back down on the couch.
You take him in one hand around the base of his cock and seal your lips over his head. 

Joel throws his head back with a groan, and you start licking his tip, rubbing with your tongue along the underside while sucking with your mouth and pumping his base rapidly.
Joel’s hand tangles in your hair, grunted out curses filling the air before he’s pulling you a little deeper. You let him and his hips arch off the couch to push further into your mouth as he finally comes.
You don’t stop licking or stroking, meaning some cum you don’t swallow in time smears across your lips.
At Joel’s gentle double tug at your scalp, you release him. With a feather light touch you lick off any mess on him you left behind, looking up at him to make sure he’s watching you clean his cock.
When you’re done, you sit back on your heels, doing your best to scrape off any cum from around your mouth and suck it clean. You’ll need to go wash your face, but this will do for now.
Joel helps scoop you back onto the couch and the both of you slowly shuffled clothes back into place.
Once you’re finished, you turn to look at him.
He looks calmer now, a pleasant look on his face, his eyes soft as he looks back at you, his hair a mess, cheeks red. He looks well fucked.
“Can I stay the night?” your voice is a little sticky.
“Of course, sweetheart.”
“Good, cause I don’t think I can walk.”
Tommy scales to steps to his brother’s house two at a time. His mind is racing, and he needs to talk with Joel.
Two years of Tommy trying to set him up with various people, and Joel always coming up with an excuse of why not.
At first Tommy had thought it was trauma. He knew things were hard after Sarah’s mom left, and then loosing Sarah like that, would make thinking of a family of any kind too terrifying.
But Tommy had made it clear it didn’t need to be family, Joel didn’t need to find someone to marry like Tommy had found Maria.
But Joel didn’t even seem interested in a casual fling, or even a one-night stand.
Because of you.
Tommy couldn’t help but chuckle, you were sweet, and kind, and protective, and good with a gun. Now that he’s thinking of it, he’s not that surprised Joel feel for your charms.
No, the question was how the hell did Joel manage to make you fall for his, seeing as in Tommy’s opinion, Joel had no game whatsoever.
He was an ornery, grumpy, old and closed-off bastard. Who never talked to anyone, and never seemed to show any interest in anyone.
Apparently not.
Now that Tommy is thinking of it, his pain-in-the-ass brother has been in an uncharacteristically good mood recently.
How long have you been a thing then?
Tommy needs answers. So he pounds on Joel’s door even when there’s no answer the first time.
“Joel, I know you’re in there. You can’t just ignore me.” Tommy calls through the door.
Joel never goes anywhere, he always just stays home, playing guitar or carving. Tommy is the one who has to drag him for any social interaction so Tommy knows 100% that Joel is in there and ignoring him.
Fine. If Joel’s going to be rude, Tommy’s not going to worry about being rude either. He jogs down the stairs again, and turns around the side of his house.
Tommy knows where Joel keeps the extra key to the back door, under the doormat (very secure) so he’ll just sneak in through the back and then Joel really can’t ignore him.
Only, when Tommy gets to the back porch, and rounds the corner and bends down to move the door mat, he sees something that takes his brain half a second to catch up before he can duck out of view again. There on the side of the sliding door, out of sight, Tommy stands squeezes his eyes shut as hard as he can as if that can seal out the memory burned into his eyelids of his brother obviously having sex with someone on the couch.
He couldn’t see who it was underneath his brother, but given one guess, Tommy has a pretty strong suspicion.
He feels a shudder go down his back at the familiar feeling he remembers feeling when he was 10, and Joel was 16.
Little Tommy had wanted to talk with his older brother as well, the Atari wasn’t working. And so naive Tommy had walked straight into Joel’s room while he had his girlfriend over “studying.”
Present-day Tommy rushes down the steps of the porch, blinking hard each time, hating feeling like a 10 year old again.
Tommy knows he can’t tell anyone, but right now he just needs the comfort of Maria to forget what just happened.
He’ll never sit on that couch again.
A/N: Sorry Tommy lmao, but I feel like as a younger sibling, it is your destiny to walk in on your older sibling at least once.
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itsblasttothepast · 3 months
f1 conspiracy theories - Checo Edition
As I'm already rambling away, I wanna share my thoughts in whatever is going on with Checo and RedBull, because honestly... what the hell is going on there?
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See, I think is strange that my other boy, Carlos Sainz, still hasn't confirmed his seat for 2025. We know he's getting offers, but the announcement is being delayed. But we forgive him because he's super hot.
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Anyway, I also found strange that since the start of the season, Carlos kept complaining about Checo, when they were friendly before, that honestly baffled me; Carlos and Checo always spoke so nicely aboyt each other, and seeing this was so weird.
And lately, with whatever is going on with Checo (he aged like 10 years since Monaco, and he looks so sad and defeated... but we keep forgetting that he had a crash that could have potentially killed him, and PTSD is expected), RedBull keeps reminding us that his contract has a 'performance clause'. Meaning: if you don't get the results we want, we give you the boot (as many, many, MANY people keep dreaming about).
Helmut Marko (president of the 'I hate Checo' club) keeps talking about how Spain, Austria and Silverstone will show if Checo stays or not... but what if the plan wasn't keeping Checo, but just pretend and then using the lack of good performances as an excuse to fire him and bring Carlos to the team...
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I know it's far fetched, but honestly, now even Toto Wolff is saying shit against Checo. If I hear one more interview with Horner or Marko saying that Checo has to 'step up' and if he doesn't they could end his contract, I'm going to scream:
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Anyway, this is my conspiracy theory of the day, so Checo, is you're reading this in one of your ghost accounts, I wanna share my dreams for you.
I wish Checo would buy out his contract. I think there's a penalty fee if a driver does not fulfill the contract, and if I have to pay a little more in my Telmex bill, so be it. Then I wish he could go back to Sauber, with Nico Hulkenberg.
It would be so amazing, because Sauber is developing their cars, and since they'll be Audi in 2026, they want to test everything, and Checo IS SO GOOD AT THAT! He was involved in the engineering room in Force India/Racing Point (his engineer cried when he had to go), and Nico is familiar with Checo, they get along (Hulkenrez, anyone?).
And most important, he would be free to fail and start over without eveyone always saying that he's a mediocre driver because he can't beat Max, Lando or whoever driver is before him. We would have peace and our boy could do amazing things again. The whole 'he has the fastest car and he should be close to Max' speech is followed with so many hateful comments... I think is getting to him and lowering his confidence. As human beings, like Michael said:
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Or, since the CEO of Ford loves him, I suggest Ford to find another Lawrence Stroll so they can create a F1 team and make Checo the number 1 driver.
We'll see what happens, I'm nervous about Austria, but I'm with Checo all the way... if he goes to another team, I think it would be the best. And Carlos would be an interesting addition to RedBull, if my theory is correct.
I know I'm delusional, I admit it, this was just one of many conspiracy theories of the F1, perhaps mine is totally off the grid, but whatever, I still think there's something fishy with what's going on with Carlos and Checo.
And I love Carlos, this is not a post against him, I'm just curious about the whole team thing.
And on a cheery note to end this crazy post, here's a picture of beardy Checo, because it's rare and he looks super hot and good.
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savage-rhi · 3 months
omg the mental image of karl as a beardie and doing that adorable push-up thing they do when they're territorial and scrabbling uselessly on a hardwood floor xD
@vodkafolie right?! That's what I'm saying 😂 especially with the little pitter patter noise they make when they're marching on the floor. It makes me think of Karl patrolling around the factory 🤣 and when they puff when pissed?
I mean cmon, tell me this aint him:
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
a/n: I kinda missed writing for them, so here, have a small drabble.
Warnings: very steamy, nudity, fluff
In case you didn't read the story yet I am talking about and want to do it now...
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Will stared at her from where he sat on the bed, watching her rummaging through the closet. She moved around graciously; was like an angel in the vicar's eyes. The way she ran her hands through her Y/H/C locks, which caught the first rays of the rising sun, reflecting them. It almost looked like a halo, surrounding her. He ran his eyes up and down her bare back, admiring every inch of her beautiful Y/S/C skin. The way her delicate muscles in her arms and shoulders flexed with every move she made. He admired her gorgeous curves, causing him to swallow hard and suppress his upcoming arousal.
But his view got suddenly blocked by the white shirt she slipped into. His white shirt. Will swallowed - again. He loved it when she wore his shirts. It caused her to look even more beautiful. Even more angelic. If that was even possible. The vicar was in such a trance, that he didn't notice how she turned around and was now looking at him with a quirked eyebrow. "Enjoying the view?" Her words caused Will to snap out of his hazy dream. He blinked, stared another second at her, before a breathless laugh left his mouth. He shook his head and looked down with a bright smile, biting his bottom lip. "I apologise, darling, it's just... Your sheer indescribable beauty takes my breath away every time." She giggled softly and stepped closer until she was mere inches away from Will. Without hesitation, she sat down on the vicar's lap, wrapping her arms around the man's neck, smiling down at him.
Will lifted his hands immediately, sneaked them underneath the soft fabric of the still opened shirt, to rest on her bare hips. His fingers came into contact with her soft, warm skin, sending goosebumps up and down her body. Will's fingertips danced across her sides and back, up her stomach, passed her sternum and travelled towards her shoulders, before they passed her clothed arms and reached for her hands to uncross them from around his neck.
He took her hands in his, once again shaking his head with a smile. "I just can't believe that you are mine now." She giggled once again. "Will... I have always been yours..." His oceanic eyes met her Y/E/C ones. "You know what I mean, darling." He said, tracing the golden wedding band around her ring finger. She smiled and freed her hands gently from his grasp to cup his beardy cheeks. "Yes, I know." She whispered quietly and captured Will's lips with hers for a delicate kiss - which quickly turned into a quite sinful one, caused by the reverend's wandering hands. The young woman placed her palms on Will's chest, gently pushing him back on the bed. "I think we didn't consummate our marriage enough yet." Will blinked. "The past two nights weren't enough?" She shrugged her shoulders with an innocent smile. "I don't know. Tell me, Reverend Ransome." She purred, running a teasing finger down the vicar's chest. A soft groan left his lips. He probably would never get used to the sheer endless sinfulness of that woman.
"Well... You know what they say, darling..." He started, grabbing onto his wife's hips once again, "All good things come in threes." and flipped her quickly over. She squeaked slightly up in surprise, which turned immediately into a moan, at the realisation in which position she was now in. Will, hovering above her with those luscious blonde-brown curls, settled snugly and deliciously in between her legs. Once again, she met those mesmerising baby blues, which seemed to burn up with lust. "I love it when you wear my shirts, but..." He peeled the fabric off her shoulders. "You look so much more beautiful without them." Will placed another loving kiss upon her lips, before he moved on to her neck, chest and stomach, leaving fiery kisses and gentle bites on his way. "Would my wife grant her husband to worship her? My godsend angel?" She buried a hand in Will's wild curls, tugging softly. "Please."
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Tagging: @lokisgoodgirl @lovingchoices14 @youlightmeupfinn @jennyggggrrr @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @lulubelle814 @stupidthoughtsinwriting @wolfsmom1 @michelleleewise @kats72 @sititran @chantsdemarins @d1a2n389 @vbecker10 @huntress-artemiss @javagirl328 @kingtwhiddleston @fictive-sl0th
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trixcuomo · 9 months
Dwarves are forever
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Nicholas: *walks in somberly, sits in an empty chair and faces the camera* Aye.
Nicholas: ...
Nicholas: I'm Nicholas Ironheart. And I'm a dwarf.
Nicholas: *turns toward camera 2* You may think that with all the snow and the holidays coming on, it might be fun to roll a new dwarf character in World of Warcraft. Running with your axe in-hand, chasing white winter bears and hunting troggs through Dun Morough. Mighty Ironforge decked out in boughs of holly, towerin' in the background. Aye...
Nicholas: *points back at camera 1* But do you know that ten out of ten dwarves rolled this time of year never make it past the starting zone? Many never make it past level seven. Even fewer dwarves rolled during the holiday season receive enough screentime and attention to make it through to level twenty.
Nicholas: I'm here to tell you, don't. Don't logon to Warcraft, go to a new, clean server, and make a new dwarf rogue, or shaman, priest or paladin. Don't make a warrior or a warlock. *points hard* And for crap's sake, don't make another hunter! You don't need like, five hunters who all have the same weapons, and do the same damn thing, just with different mogs and pets. *grumbles*
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Nicholas: *presses his hands together* Please, this holiday season, I am begging you. A dwarf is for more than just Winter's Veil.
Nicholas: *leans in, nods* I understand where you're comin' from, friend. Truly, I do. Who doesn't love Diggy Diggy Hole, or want to enjoy a pipe 'n gripe about snooty elves with Gimli! Who isn't a massive fan of Heilung?? Who doesn't love these guns?! *flexes while holding his rifle, too*
Nicholas: But so many of my kin suffer alone on the login screen, unplayed for months. We can't let them suffer in silence. We can't have them roaming the footpaths of Anvilmar forever, level 1 axe in-hand, freezing and alone.
Nicholas: But if you must make a holiday dwarf, then fine. Follow these three tips to do so responsibly...
Nicholas: No great big, white beard that reminds you of a jacked Greatfather Winter. Cause that'll cool off, fast! And second, roll your dwarf on a server with your other main characters. Make regular gold donations to their meaningful development. And let them enjoy a profession or two, not just farm ore, herbs, or skin. Let them craft something for themselves, their pride. It wouldn't kill you. *jams his meaty dwarf finger into camera 3* But a deprived life could crush them!
Nicholas: Last thing. If I see one more dwarf roleplayer saying they are the long-lost brother to Magni Bronzebeard and secret heir to the High Seat... I will come for you personally and kick your ass. From all the way down here. D'ya hear me?? Aye!!
Nicholas: And I've already counted how many sons Nessingwary has, so don't go there! An angry, neglected daughter, though? Well, okay. I'd love to see that. The Moira of the big game hunting world. What a fiery, beardy lass that'd be!
Nicholas: *punches hand in fist* Now get in there, and don't make a dwarf!! Or at least dwarf responsibly!
Nicholas: Oh, and uh-- could ya gimme a toss? I gotta get over to the next commercial slot. *camera shakes, then he flies off the screen* Ayeeeeeeee!
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Happy Holidays
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thorinsbeard · 2 years
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noriseyebrow · 2 years
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Demeter(and Bombalurina)
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beardyplaysgames · 2 years
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dragandfashions · 3 years
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Category is: Sparkle
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