#beast wars uprising
cuppajj · 2 months
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I can finally share my piece for the Represent Zine by @allsparkzines !! I had to give my favorite boy Imperious some light <3 it was so fun working on the zine, and everyone who contributed did such an amazing job!! Thanks for having me!!
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wildpiercy-art · 1 year
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(Commissions pinned)
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askvectorprime · 7 months
Dear, Vector Prime.
Are there any other Cybertronians named "Transit" besides Primax, Uniend and Tyran?
Dear Bus Busybody,
Of course, but they're mostly alike. Transit is little more than a low-level thug, rarely involved in matters of consequence. On Earth, he likes to hide in populated areas, where the threat of collateral damage is enough to keep Autobots from picking a fight with him.
Even amongst the Decepticons, Transit is one of the most sadistic of them all. When approaching a traffic light, he will deliberately slow down just enough for it to change to red. At a bus stop, he'll surreptitiously angle his rear-view mirrors so the driver can't see people running to the doors before they close. He swaps out his route number and destination when in motion. He declines most contactless payments. He drops most luggage from his compartment. Once a month or so, he'll pretend to break down for no reason at all. And worst of all, he isn't wheelchair accessible. There is simply nothing in life that brings Transit greater satisfaction than making people late, and so despite what he may report to the Decepticon leadership, Transit is such a miserably ineffective soldier in the "war on cars" that he may as well be a double agent.
The one incarnation of Transit I can think of who ever did anything of note did so entirely involuntarily. One of the largest Maximals ever sparked, Transit ferried Micromasters and proto-formers around Damaxus, together with his driver, Arrowbolt. With budget slashes, a standard Class-H energon ration wasn't enough to power Transit's frame, and so he was stuck in vehicle mode indefinitely—not unlike many of the Builders.
Now, Damaxus, as you may know, was one of the first cities to be overrun by Vehicons, with most of the population just trying to go about their lives in the unstable climate of the time when the infection began to spread. Transit was on his usual route, when his passengers saw the chaos begin to unfold outside the windows. Fleeing from the drones, a Cyberdroid, Omega, ran alongside the bus, banging on the door—and Arrowbolt ignored the protests of Socket, one of the Micromasters on board, to stop and let him in. One of the motorcycle drones was right behind him, and it was only the quick action of Major Mayhem, a Predacon in one of the front seats, that stopped the Vehicon getting aboard. Major asked Arrowbolt to take Socket's advice: to not stop again for any reason.
Transit's energon-starved chassis turned out to be a blessing in disguise, as his body had such poor internal conductivity that the virus wasn't immediately transmitted to his spark from his exterior. He thundered through the growing mob, as the Vehicons pounded on his windows and piled onto his roof. Major Mayhem ordered everyone to barricade the entrances as the Vehicons began to break in, and they were able to fend off the attackers for a time—but in the claustrophobic interior, their hostility soon turned to the other passengers.
The other riders were Rockbuster and Bound Rogue, both Maximals; and Yardarm, a Decepticon laborer who bristled at the idea of taking orders from a Predacon. Making matters worse, Rockbuster suggested that the Vehicons were the Builders' doing, blaming Socket and Yardarm. From the driver's seat, Arrowbolt tried to keep the peace, but Major Mayhem accused her of condescension and cowardice he saw as typical in Maximals—which in turn led Bound Rogue to brand him a bigot.
Although Rockbuster's hardwired Claw Buster gun was their most effective weapon against the Vehicons, he quickly ran out of energon. Bound Rogue pointed out that Socket was still practically fully-fuelled, but the Micromaster refused to share some of her own so Rockbuster could reload. That was enough for Rockbuster to finally snap; he turned on Socket, crushing the Micromaster's body in his claw. At that point, however, an ethereal purple light filled the bus—where Omega had been sitting, there was now a tank drone. With Yardarm preoccupied tackling Rockbuster in the aisle, it plunged a claw into the floor. Major Mayhem blasted the Vehicon, but it was too late: the effects of the virus began to take over Transit, reformatting his body into another mindless killing machine… with his passengers still inside.
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naturally-alien · 2 years
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My blorbos in no particular order.
I want to put them all in a jar and shake them up like a snow globe. (Affectionate) 💖
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onlineviolence · 2 years
heyo can you draw imperious delirious please stares at you? he deserves to be seen more
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he has a very funny head
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cliffjumpersass · 2 years
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"Alone Together" gave me brainworms in 2014 and I never recovered
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speedfreak01 · 1 year
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been a while since i've done one of these, but here's a commission for @scatter44 of a shattered glass version of beast wars uprising megatron, in his pre-beast and beast bodies!
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iky92791 · 1 year
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This was an art meme going around months ago, so I’ve been gradually working on it on and off for months in the background amidst my other work. But I’m relieved to say I’m finally done.
Much appreciated are the suggestions of those who offered them. This gave me some nice practice with several things. Hopefully, Skull Hero and all my future art looks all the better for it.
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I don't use this often but hey why not use this for a stupid purpose. so awhile ago I decided to reletter a bad comic and make it say stupid dick jokes. this was the result, the first part of multiple attempts edit a comic to make it funny, welcome to Shartered ass!
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chapteratatime · 3 months
check out my latest video
Predacon Inferno
Beast Wars Source Book
Written by Simon Furman and Ben Yee
Art by Robby Musso, Marcelo Matere, Don Figueroa, Nick Roche, Guido Guidi, Dan Khanna, Liam Shalloo, Josh Burcham, Zac Atkinson, Frank Milkovich, Simon Williams, Matt Frank
Colors by Zac Atkinson Josh Burcham, Andrew Elder, Guido Guidi, Kieran Oats, Rob Ruffolo
Edits by Dan Taylor
Design by Mike Heisler and Neil Uyetake
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cuppajj · 6 months
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these three guys: a chart
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wildpiercy-art · 2 years
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When you realize Rampage has been quiet for 2 hours
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askvectorprime · 1 year
Dear Vector Prime, do Unicron's Four Horsemen exists anywhere else other than the Armada/Energon timeline?
Dear Eschatological Equestrian,
As I've discussed in the past, Unicron is not a creative god, and as such it's only natural for him to return to the same ideas on several occasions. One such incarnation of this unit consisted of dimensionally-abducted warriors, who were each claimed at a point in their timeline when they may otherwise have perished, ensuring a seed of loyalty with which Unicron was able to shackle them.
These horsemen consisted of:
...Death, a longtime servant of Unicron who had once been known as Battle Unicorn, and who was responsible for ensuring the Maximal Council were in no state to resist the Dark God's Culling.
...War, a Mach Kick who once followed the Liege Maximo, and who was plucked from battle, saving him from being bisected by Arcee.
...Pestilence, who had been Sir Sire, a noble member of the Maximal Army, only nano-kliks away from being converted into a Vehicon drone when Unicron "rescued" him.
And the last, whose kingdom had been usurped, and who had found himself on the chopping block, ready to lose his crown and cone at the hands of Mocklate. He had once been known as the noble King Candyhooves, but now was only Famine.
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decepti-thots · 2 years
the truest poor little meow meow of all
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mr lio 'war crimes' convoy, finally in my possession
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solarzilla · 1 year
Don't know why but i just kinda love this bit from bwu's article
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transmutate · 1 year
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reread part of uprising again and this made me laugh
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