claudiaindarkness · 10 years
Say Claudia gets a simple common cold while human and the whole house goes crazy with worry.
"We should call a doctor!"
"Cathy, do some kind of healing spell on her!"
"I'll go buy all the medicine I can find!"
"Hang in there Claudia, it's going to be okay!"
And the whole time there going crazy she just sniffles and rubs her nose. Body looking tired from being sick and stomach upset. "Guys....stop running around...I'm starting to see two of all of you."
"Oh no now she's seeing things! Hurry and call that doctor! No we'll just rush her to the hospital!"
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damnedandfallen · 10 years
The vampire instinctively leaned into her hand, eyes closing softly. His own hand moved up to cup the one holding his face and slowly his blood red eyes opened to look down at her.. Mary.. His Mary...
"...Exhausted..." He murmured, arms wrapping around her shoulder to pull her close against him as he hid his face in her softly curled chocolate brown hair. "...So glad to finally be home.." His hands clutched at the back of her shirt as he held her, claws slightly digging into her back.
He said nothing as he backed her into the sitting room, teeth dragging across her throat but not daring to break skin without permission.. He would never bite any of his brides without it. Still he walked her backward until she was pressed against the wall closest to the grand fireplace, his hands moved from her back to the wall beside her and he growled softly as he pulled back to stare at her.
Even though they had a familiar yet unsettling glow about them, his crimson eyes looked so exhausted, dark circles and lines curled outward.. He truly looked ancient.
".. My Mary.."
Where Have You Been? (Mary)
How long had it been? Days? Weeks? Months?
He wasn’t sure.. Maybe a year.. Time seemed to have washed away into nothing.. 
Slowly he made his way up the front path, bare feet slapping softly against concrete cooled by the evening air. As he moved the sun rose behind him, casting the sky in a orange and pink haze. He was in no rush to be the sunrise, maybe it didn’t even register that the sun was indeed rising right behind him.. Then again maybe it was just because he felt numb.
Lacking his usual flair for an entrance he took the front door in a pale, clawed hand and pushed it open with minimal effort. The familiar scent of home, safety, brought a flickering smile to his face as he crossed the threshold and shut the door behind him. He remained there for a few minutes, eyes shut tight just to listen to the sounds and catch all the scents of home. Finally after deciding that nothing felt out of place he moved from the door toward the first floor sitting room.
He had been walking for some time, the bottom of his feet stained with dirt and the cuffs of a pair of bloodstained, white surgical pants were completely worn out and frayed. The pants were tied but barely, the garment hung off his currently bony hips at an awkward angle.
Arms at his sides he moved into the room, a dull and tired expression on his face, the body was present but the mind long gone from its current position. He looked like a walking ghost, white from forehead to the tips of his toes, black hair dull and lifeless around his shoulders, but his eyes.. His eyes were a bloody, angry red.
"…I’m home.." He whispered to anyone that was there to listen..
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"You look like someone who would enjoy a good Steven King book. Or maybe Voltaire. Looking for something in particular?"
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claudiaindarkness · 10 years
have you ever wanted a pet for the mansion? or for yourself?
"Of course,  I feel as though a pet would liven up the place. Someone to keep me company while everyone’s away." Though Claudia’s version of a pet is a human or maybe a shape shifter of some sort and the rest of the house probably wouldn’t agree..except maybe Hera.
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damnedandfallen · 10 years
Where have you been?
How long had it been? Days? Weeks? Months?
He wasn't sure.. Maybe a year.. Time seemed to have washed away into nothing.. 
Slowly he made his way up the front path, bare feet slapping softly against concrete cooled by the evening air. As he moved the sun rose behind him, casting the sky in a orange and pink haze. He was in no rush to be the sunrise, maybe it didn't even register that the sun was indeed rising right behind him.. Then again maybe it was just because he felt numb.
Lacking his usual flair for an entrance he took the front door in a pale, clawed hand and pushed it open with minimal effort. The familiar scent of home, safety, brought a flickering smile to his face as he crossed the threshold and shut the door behind him. He remained there for a few minutes, eyes shut tight just to listen to the sounds and catch all the scents of home. Finally after deciding that nothing felt out of place he moved from the door toward the first floor sitting room.
He had been walking for some time, the bottom of his feet stained with dirt and the cuffs of a pair of bloodstained, white surgical pants were completely worn out and frayed. The pants were tied but barely, the garment hung off his currently bony hips at an awkward angle.
Arms at his sides he moved into the room, a dull and tired expression on his face, the body was present but the mind long gone from its current position. He looked like a walking ghost, white from forehead to the tips of his toes, black hair dull and lifeless around his shoulders, but his eyes.. His eyes were a bloody, angry red.
"...I'm home.." He whispered to anyone that was there to listen..
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claudiaindarkness · 10 years
are there any things you can't stand at the mansion? How things are run, ugly rooms, etc.
"I cant stand how quiet and empty it is so often. There isn’t enough madness to balance out the calm. Plus…Hera’s decorating sense can be sort of strange…she like’s to decorate using human body parts and organs…"
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damnedandfallen · 10 years
Meet Tobias.
Meet Tobias Iscariot.
The first son of Judas and his wife, Mary… From Judas’ days before the rope and before his downfall.
Tobias is the eldest of two children, the younger sister was named Atarah.
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Tobias Iscariot, the first in the line of four descendants of Iscariot, all cursed with by both their ancestor Judas and their own actions.
Taking artistic liberties with the Dracula 2000 verse, we came up with a brainchild... These four descendants are responsible for the different strains of vampirism, these four descendants are also why Daddy spends so much time away.. He helps them out with their own broods when things get out of hand.
What had STARTED OUT as simple background and headcanon brainstorming turned into this... THANKS TO MARY MUN... I had went to watch Walking Dead with my family and returned to see the message:
"How about Jensen Ackles as a FC for their son?"
... Dammit.. she knows my weakness.... So it went from being a headcanon and grew.. and grew.. AND NOW WE HAVE BABY TOBY.
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psychoanalyticmystic · 10 years
Back home and ready to write! If I owe you go ahead and like this post, I don't know if I got everything. If I DON'T owe you anything, give me something for us to do!
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ourredxmption · 10 years
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"Hey there....how's it goin....ya didn't see anythin'...did ya?" she asked while she (unsuccessfully) tries to hide the now dead werewolf bodies. "Because they can't...hurt you...anymore..."
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psychoanalyticmystic · 10 years
Too much beer, will reply to stuff in the morning. Muah!
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