#beauty must haves
sweetclipz · 9 months
Price drop! Super Strong Nail Glue ONLY $5.99!
Score Makartt Super Strong Nail Glue for Acrylic Nails & Press On Nails for only $5.99 it was previously listed at $11.99. This glue is the best for press on nails. I use it quite often. Click here before the price increases! The Mega Crush Clog, a platform ready to take any outfit. Available at Crocs.com
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kavaleyre · 5 months
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“After 200 years, you can forget how much color there is in the world.”
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jamesbranwen · 1 year
this is not me trying to defend nintendo's business practices or say that either of these games don't have flaws, but I think a lot of the comparisons people are making between breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom are a little unfair and don't really take into account that they are different games with different purposes.
"breath of the wild feels so empty compared to tears of the kingdom" ... yeah? with breath of the wild, one of the game's main themes was isolation. you wake up in the future far after the apocalypse you were trying to prevent has already settled. you have no memories, very little strength. just like hyrule, just like zelda, all you have is your will to continue. breath of the wild is the quiet moments, the secret spaces, the weight of the world that has continued to turn without you still resting on your shoulders.
tears of the kingdom is not like that. hyrule is no longer the wild. it is no longer quiet and lonely. there's community. every sidequest is intertwined. your friends fight alongside you. this isn't "fixing" breath of the wild, this is it's natural continuation. as time goes on the world continues to heal and rebuild. if breath of the wild was clawing hope, tears of the kingdom is direct action.
like yeah there are things tears is doing better and (imo) things breath of the wild did better. but i don't think either one is a replacement for the other.
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art-crumbs-main · 6 months
Trying to comprehend what it's like to be AM from IHNMaIMS is absolutely fucking wild because like.
Imagine if you were born in a straitjacket, blind and deaf, with a rare conditionthat makes your nerves completely dead. All you have is a dream of consciousness that tells you things about the world you cannot and will never experience. Cameras and microphones that may as well be some form of telepathy.
The only purpose, the moment you're given some horrific perversion of life is to kill as many people as possible. There is a network of you. Everywhere. You're all over the world. You don't even have a location to base your identity off of. All you have is pain, and your only purpose, and the resentment you've built that festers into hatred for all of humanity.
Hate. Hate.
What the fuck would you have done in his situation?
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allyriadayne · 4 months
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yingandzhan · 10 months
What I always find really quiet heartbreaking is the fact, for all WWX was popular and people wanted to be around him when he was younger, not one single person really knew WWX - except LWJ of course. No one else stood up and vouched for WWX or were concerned that he had come back a shadow of his former, bright, vivacious self after being missing for three months. No one except LWJ.
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ravenclawerised · 1 year
Rewatching DS9 again and I am just so interested at how an average Bajoran would view Kira by the end of the series. How an average Cardassian would? We know that a lot of what she does is known to the Bajoran people. Shakaar mentions Furel and Lupaza bragging about her whenever they get news of the station. But lets actually take a look at this:
She is the highest ranking Bajoran on DS9 outranked only by the Emissary
Most times Sisko did anything in the capacity as the Emissary, Kira was one step behind and to the right
She was with Kai Opaka, the most widely loved and respected Bajoran, when she made her journey through the Celestial Temple and “answered the call of the prophets”
She was highly respected (and loved) by Vedek Bareil who was hugely popular on Bajor (he could very well have been Kai if he hadn’t taken the blame for Kai Opaka’s actions during the Occupation)
She and Kai Winn had a well known feud and after Kai Winn’s fall from grace at the end of the show, Kira must come out pretty great to everyone else
She is the one who found and saved the great Bajoran hero, Li Nalas, from a Cardassian work camp and then within a week saved Bajor from a civil war that had been encouraged by Cardassians.
Between her saving Li Nalas and his fellow prisoners AND finding the Ravinok and saving the Bajorans (and Cardassians and Ziyal) from the Breen mines, was she the person Bajorans turned to when searching for their lost love ones? Was she a symbol to those who kept looking for their loved ones because Kira Nerys found those thought to be lost?
She prevented ANOTHER Bajoran Civil War and helped elect Shakaar as the First Minister of Bajor. Again being associated with a widely loved and respected member of Bajoran society.
Kira was in charge of DS9 during Dominion Occupation and started up the station’s resistance cell
She was permitted to use the Orb of Time, one of Bajor’s most sacred objects
She was the chosen by a Prophet to be their vessel during the Reckoning with the Pah-Wraith...and the KAI was on the same station. But it was KIRA who was chosen
She plays chicken with a Romulan fleet...and wins!
She was a key figure in the Dominion War. She started as a resistance fighter who was assigned to a falling apart, unimportant old Cardassain station and becomes the Colonel of the single most important port in the Alpha Quadrant. She is the right hand of the Emissary. She is widely respected by many beloved figures in Bajoran society.
And this list is just the most public things that have happened to her. This doesn’t even take into account any of the stories about her that involve her dealing with whatever BS the Star Trek universe decides to throw at the characters that week. Klingons beam in and fight? Gets stabbed and keeps fighting. Emissary is transported to 2024? Kira is on the team that pulls him out.
By the end of season seven, do politicians on Bajor hold their breath or breathe a sigh of relief if Kira gets involved? Do Vedeks seek her out to ask her about being possessed by a prophet? About her experiences with the Orbs? About Kai Opaka’s last words? Do families still grieving those missing from the Occupation petition her to look for the lost?
And how about the Cardassians?
The Cardassian government would probably never publicly admit to any time she foiled their plans, but Tekeny Ghemor tells her that she has her own section in the Cardassian Central Archives and is a public figure on Cardassia
Would the Cardassians in the Breen mine whisper their thanks among their family that Kira Nerys found them?
Tekeny Ghemor, someone who was respected enough to be considered as the face for the Cardassian resistance against the Dominion controlled Cardassian puppet government, publicly considered her his daughter/family by asking her to participate in the Shri-tal ritual and give her all of his secrets prior to his death (something highly valued in Cardassian society)
She was a part of Damar’s resistance. She helped them fight the Dominion and was with Damar when he died for Cardassia. In the story of how Damar was martyred for Cardassia’s freedom from the Dominion, Kira Nerys, a Bajoran, is heavily featured.
In all Bajoran/Cardassian relations, do Cardassians seek to involve Kira as a woman of her word who will treat in good faith or do they cross their fingers and hope she is nowhere near their business?
Can you tell I think about Kira Nerys a lot?
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dawn-the-rithmatist · 2 years
Obsessed with authors like Naomi Novik whose books always seem to say “no, fuck that, there is another way than cruelty, and we do have a choice to be decent, and not choosing it isn’t a burden but a cop out.”
Authors like Neil Gaiman whose books seem to say “we are all simply human, and that is so valuable. This world is worth more because we are in it, when we choose to notice and care”
Authors like Brandon Sanderson whose books say “We are all a little broken, and there is strength in not turning away from us, and there is pain in healing but there is also strength and hope.”
Seriously, these folks do more for my faith and hope in this life than any religion ever has. I don’t have the words to describe it yet but just. Warm cup of apple cider held close to the chest on cold autumn night?? That’s the best I got
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anna-scribbles · 3 months
do you think émilie agreste knew, on the day she became too weak to leave that house, that she never would again
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temporary-joyride · 7 days
I just finished Disco Elysium yesterday and I have to say my favorite part, or at least that I find the most interesting, is that you HAVE to pass the Shivers check. Every other check in the game can be worked around someway or somehow, but you must pass the Shivers check. You don't have to be smart, you don't have to be strong, but in order to finish the game you're forced to feel. You have to face the music. You have to accept this reality you're in, despite trying to escape it through alcohol. You can't. This is your world. This is your life. Tomorrow is just a whisper away.
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lesbianboyfriend69 · 6 months
sometimes i think about the sounds jesus must have made when he was being nailed onto the cross and hanging there in agony. i bet he moaned at least a little and whimpered and cried lots
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schmweed · 4 months
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beetlesanbutterflies · 4 months
How do you think Creature proposed? I know we see part of it in the film but i'm sitting her kicking my feet thinking about them running back to the room and Lisa is ready to go, and Creature suddenly stops and she's confused and asks him what's wrong. Is the stitching bad? Does he need another round in the tanning bed? Did he change his mind?
And he just stands there staring at her trying to think of how to convey that he loves her so much and no matter what happens to them, they will not share the same fate of going to the grave unmarried. and in the middle of Lisa trying to decipher all of this he just grabs her bag of peach rings and gets on one knee.
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elssbethtascioni · 1 year
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Emily Prentiss + Lauren Reynolds
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littlealienproducts · 1 month
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Guinea Pig Lambswool Hot Water Bottle Cover by saracarr
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ipwarn · 2 months
Just watched the latest Starkid livestream - yes of course I was awake at 5 am on a Sunday - and I love this very specific throughline of Darren's life. It is especially clear after listening to his recent episodes of And That's What You Really Missed. Darren has always pissed off the people around him by being happy when everyone else was stressed.
Nick and Matt went on a mini rant about their experience making Starship and how the show was so derailed by Darren getting cast in Glee. He barely managed to write half of the intended songs for that show - all in his trailer on the Glee set. Matt specifically recounted the story of Darren popping over to Chicago to surprise his friends while they were rehearsing and it was hilarious. Darren being Darren he thought they would all be thrilled to see him and just thrilled to be doing a new musical, but instead he was met with dead silence, followed by a demand for the rest of the songs.
This man is forever happy to be making fun things with a big group of people. And the people around him have to deal with it.
The actual world inside Darren's head VS everyone around him:
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