#because Hakoda was JUST STARTING to try and help Sokka control his words and outbursts
ssreeder · 1 year
happy april friend!! hope you're well. not gonna lie i live for the drama so this chapter was sooo great ah! as soon as general how showed up..... i knew shit was gonna go down. so good, man
'for the very first time in their life, she was afraid of him' holy MOLY my jaw was dropped for like 90% of that final interaction between sokka and katara. generally speaking, if one's reaction to being caught in a lie is to double down on their stance of not lying....not great. not a good look sokka. im glad katara got out of there to clear her head and go back to aang, but now i'm worried sokka's going to lose his mind and temper even more (is it possible?!?) once left and the realization of how he's treating everyone comes crashing down on him. because he doesn't want his sister or anyone to hate him or especially be scared of him. this one may hurt :(
and zuko being so certain that iroh wasn't real was so heartbreaking....i feel like being in and out of consciousness doesn't help wounds of the mental/emotional variety because memories are all weird so it's hard to make progress. hopefully katara works her healing magic so zuko can have actual conversations for a meaningful amount of time.
very excited for the next one obviously, but this was some good food!!!!! hope your upcoming week is swell. take care of yourself!!😠do a facemask or something. buy a tasty treat. you deserve it <3
General How: first decent military figure in LIAB.
*every time he shows up chaos ensues*
Sokka is such a mess right now its like pulling pet hair off a black shirt without a magic-fix-all lint roller. So he will probably do what he always does and blame himself and sink a little lower into his depression unfortunately. He did realize his mistake the moment the word left his lips but it was too late, the damage had been done.
Katara instigated the fight, but we are talking 14 & 16 year old trauma filled siblings who are used to bickering and probably didn’t expect it to escalade to this…. Sokka wasn’t going to budge the way he would normally when katara got upset and after she pushed a little too hard he snapped.
UGH Zuko haha…. Poor guy. Don’t worry Katara is going to do her best next chapter to help him & fingers crossed!
Thanks for the ask anon you’re amazing!
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muertawrites · 4 years
Take Care of Him (Sokka x Reader)
Summary: When you first start dating Sokka, Katara tells you to take care of him - little does she know how wrong that suggestion is.
Word Count: 1,500
Author’s Note: This is sorta dumb and disjointed and reads more like an imagine than anything, but Sokka is my quiet, comfortable, domestic fantasy and he genuinely deserves more love, so 🤷‍♀️. The guy is made of 100% organic husband material and I stand by that statement (there’s a reason every girl in the four nations wanted him).
~ Muerta
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“Take care of him.”
That’s what Katara told you when she found out you were dating her brother. You knew that, despite being younger, she felt very responsible for him - she was the only parental figure he had after Hakoda left to fight against the Fire Nation in the war, and spent most of their teenage years looking after him. But what you chose not to tell her was that, because they both grew up faster than they needed to, it was Sokka who often took care of you.
You noticed it first not long after you’d met. He was on Kyoshi Island helping his father form alliances with the warriors, and (oddly enough) his ex-girlfriend and your friend Suki introduced the two of you. Being the daughter of the mayor, you spent much of the next few days together, becoming fast friends and enjoying each other’s company. You took a walk along an ocean cliff with him one afternoon, and he made sure that he was the one walking closest to the edge, putting himself between you and any danger that might come to you. Even then, it took a while longer for you to realize he had a crush on you.
The next few times he visited, Sokka was much more attentive. If you ever looked or acted out of character, he immediately asked you a million questions - had you eaten today? Had you drank enough water? How did you sleep last night? Here, let him put his hand on your forehead and make sure it wasn’t a fever. Was something wrong? Did you want to talk about it? The interrogation should have been annoying, but it only made him more endearing to you. You were always honest with him, allowing him to care for you when you needed it and assuring him of your safety when he worried himself into a frenzy.
When he came to Kyoshi Island a fifth time, he asked you to come with him on his travels as an ambassador for the Southern Water Tribe. You sat with him on the beach one night, comfortable around the low flames of what had once been a bonfire, and he took both your hands and told you that he loved you.
“I want you with me,” he said, “and I think you could be a strong voice for Kyoshi Island among other global leaders. I don’t want to keep missing you like I do.”
You didn’t know what you wanted to do; all you knew was that your heart was with him. So, when it came time for him to leave once again, you bid your friends and family goodbye, following Sokka wherever the need took him and finally seeing the amazing places he told you about for yourself.
Of course, Sokka being Sokka, he barely let you out of his sight for the first few weeks you were together - even getting you comfortable on the ship was a process.
“You should room near the center of the ship,” Sokka told you, “and I don’t want my room to be too far; you’ve never sailed before so if you get sick I want to be able to be there for you.”
You laughed at him, taking his face in your hands and pecking his lips.
“Sokka, I’ll be fine,” you assured him. “We won’t be at sea for too long between stops. I’ll be okay.”
(You did end up getting sick the first part of the trip, and he did end up sleeping in your room most nights because of it, but he never once said a single “I told you so” - he was too busy fussing over how much food you were able to keep down.)
In foreign cities, Sokka kept you as close as possible. He always took you to all his favorite places, sharing in your excitement of seeing the world for the first time, but made sure that if he wasn’t there to watch out for you, somebody else he trusted was. You didn’t mind it, since you never went anywhere alone for safety’s sake anyway and, if worse came to worst, you knew how to handle yourself, but there were times when his hovering and worrying did get the best of you.
(“Sokka, I’m literally going down the street to the Jasmine Dragon. I don’t need a chaperone.”
“Not everyone in the Fire Nation is kind to outsiders! They still have a lot of hang ups!”
“I’m dressed in Fire Nation clothes, and General Iroh owns the place. I have as much protection as I need.”
“No, it doesn’t feel safe. Let me ask one of the guards to take you, it’s too far.”
“Sokka, it’s three blocks!!”)
Despite his tendency to be smothering, one of your favorite things about him was his willingness and ferocity to stand up for you when certain dignitaries didn’t take you seriously. You ran into this most often in the Northern Water Tribe, where many members of the government still didn’t believe a woman could speak to the needs of her people, let alone make up a group of elite warriors far more skilled than even some of the world’s bending-based armies. Most of these conflicts ended fairly quickly, as you took no time nor were you timid in securing your place as a leader for the island of Kyoshi, but one incident in which a Water Tribe advisor made the mistake of belittling you in front of your beloved didn’t end well.
“At the end of the day, you and the Kyoshi Warriors are just a group of little girls,” the man sneered. “I’m surprised your father would even let his daughter leave with a man who didn’t know how to properly control his woman.”
“Don’t speak to her like she’s a slave,” Sokka snarled, standing up out of his seat. “She isn’t mine to control - I asked her to come with me because she’s intelligent, and strong enough to overcome the ignorance of people like you. I’m surprised your mother never taught you how to properly control yourself, but that probably explains why you’re in your sixties and still unmarried.”
The entire meeting hall fell into a silent shock, the only sound being that of the single woman among the advisors trying to swallow her laughter. You later apologized to the man on Sokka’s behalf, but made sure to grind in your heels by being as dignified as possible; you made it very clear that you were apologizing for his outburst, and not for any of the criticism he dealt in your defense. If your reputation weren’t on the line, it would’ve been very evident just how worked up Sokka’s heated, angry chivalry in the face of assholes like the Northern men got you.
All of that being said, it didn’t surprise you that Sokka was extremely careful about having sex with you. He was experienced (if only a little) and was very aware that he would be your first, and was therefore cautious about your comfort in every aspect of your physical relationship. Even before your first actual romp with him, he asked your permission for anything new that happened between you; by the time you finally did get around to having sex, you were kind of over the consideration, even though you appreciated it.
You were both completely naked, sprawled out on the floor of your shared bedroom, his hands at your hips and your arms wrapped around his neck in a wanton, passionate embrace, and he still wanted absolute confirmation that you were okay with what was unfolding.
“You’re sure about this?” he asked.
“Yes,” you told him. “Absolutely sure.”
“You know there’s no going back once we do this? And you’re okay with that?”
“Yes. One hundred percent.”
He gently pushed your thighs apart, completely exposing you as he peppered kisses across your neck and chin.
“Still good?” he asked.
“Yes. Still good.”
“Okay. I’m just going to do this really, really slowly-”
“Sokka just fuck me already!!”
When you were alone, Sokka would sometimes apologize for his protective behavior; most often at night, when you were curled in each other’s arms, laying on the fringes of a deep, peaceful sleep.
“I’m sorry I act the way I do,” he would whisper. “I’m just so afraid of something happening to you.”
“I know,” you whispered back, lips pressed to his neck or collarbone. “Nothing will happen to me, though. I love you for caring so much about me; nobody’s ever bothered to do that before.”
You were reminded of Katara’s comment any time Sokka did what he did best. She seemed so concerned, like she could tell that her brother was serious about his feelings for you but unable to support you the way a good lover should. Sometimes you wanted to tell her how wrong she was, but you knew it was obvious just from the way Sokka looked at you. He didn’t need you to take care of him - his heart was set on taking care of you.
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avatar-state-kate · 4 years
Okay so I know the standard take is that Mako is Zuko 2.0, and I guess this is a thought that you might have watching the second episode (angsty firebender I get it) that just gets stuck even when it stops making sense.
Now I don’t think LOK set out to have direct one to one replacements of the original Gaang and this is the wrong way to watch the show (and why some people hate it and Korra so much; she’s not Aang 2), but if we’re playing the comparison game Mako is most similar to Katara in the original Gaang, not Zuko.
Mako’s similarities with Zuko include
Angsty/ can be hot headed
That’s really it- Zuko’s arc, his motivations, has nothing to do with Mako’s own arc and motivation.
Mako’s similarities with Katara
Lost a parent(s) at the age of 8, and witnessed the death/saw the body
Keeps a memento of said parent(s) with them at all times. It is their signature, a prominent element of their character design and how we are meant to define the character
Both Katara and Mako use this trauma as their means of relating to others- we know the Katara bringing up her mother joke but this is how she relates to others losses in the show; it’s her saying she understands/can relate. In season 1 Mako telling Asami and Korra about his scarf is similarly used as a means for Mako to connect emotionally (in contrast Zuko tells no one about his scar, Iroh tells us)
As a result of the loss of a parent(s) had to step up and take on a caregiver role; Katara in Sokka’s own words stepped up and became somewhat of a mother figure. For Mako this is a much more dramatic shift as there was no Hakoda or Gran Gran, he is Bolins sole provider and care giver. This imo is the source of most of Katara and Mako’s differences, with Katara being much more emotionally open and trusting of others where Mako is closed off and distrustful of people he doesn’t know.
Even though they take the caregiver role seriously, and naturally fall in to it when in a group, they both also somewhat resent having to fill it at all. For Katara this is the plot of “The Runaway”, as she decides to let go and pull off a heist with Toph (unfortunately their arrest proves she needs to be the responsible one or else). For Mako this plays out in season one as he assures Bolin he’ll find a way to get the money for the probending pot “I always do”. Mako’s tone is resentful, he doesn’t like that he always has to be the one to take care of everything, but like with Katara in “the runaway” when Bolin try’s to help he is kidnapped by equalist and would have lost his bending if Mako and Korra didn’t go to save him. Mako’s shirking of responsibility mostly comes from his dating (which makes me look at the love triangle a little kinder, it’s the only time he ever did anything for fun/for him). If I find the meta I will link it here, but essentially it looked at how Mako’s preference for Korra was related to control and how she took it away- losing control/being out of control sounds negative but it is an escape from being a caregiver. Mako (and Katara) always had to have/be in control, and as a result he doesn’t know how to give it up, initially both his relationships with Korra and Asami start with them in control; Asami hits mako with her bike and talks him into a date where she has taken care of everything, and Korra kisses him first, in both scenarios he doesn’t have to be in charge for once
both have a bit of a temper- but unlike Zuko neither is ruled by their anger. Yes Mako gets angry in tense situations (Korra and Wu going missing), but unlike Zuko this isn’t the source of his bending/his drive. Katara is also known for having a temper (I’m completely calm!) but again she is not ruled by it.
Katara and Mako are driven by their desire to help others. With Katara this is very obvious (“I will never turn my back on people who need me”) but for Mako, as he enters the series with a very small circle of people he cares for (I.e. Bolin) this is not as readily apparent. However starting in season 1 Mako’s motivations for everything is connected to his desire to care for Bolin. While it is not a trope that has aged well, making Mako a cop is a cliche to show that he cares for others and is willing to sacrifice himself to that end (again, not that it is true to life, but in 2012 that’s the message Mako and Lin being cops would send according to tv language). Mako proves this to be true in the shows final when he risks his life to takeout the mecha/spirit vine core
They have similar arcs; both have a personal journey of learning to care for themselves, and that learning to care for yourself makes you better able to care for others. With Katara we see this through the development of her water bending, a skill that is ultimately for her but allows her to protect her friends and literally save Aang and Zukos lives through healing. For Mako it’s a subtler arc of learning to tend to his own emotions, and by doing that he can better meet the emotional needs of others (his inability to do so is the main culprit on his end for the love triangle- but all parties played a role). We can see this in comparing any of the fights Mako had with Korra in season 2 with Mako’s outburst at Wu after his failed coronation in season 4, where Mako is able to recognize he went to far and immediately apologize/de-escalate with Wu, with Korra every fight escalated because he didn’t understand what answer she wanted (he answered what she was saying verbally and not reading her emotional needs/cues). Mako having taken time for himself between the love triangle and season 4 is actually able to be their for Wu in a way he didn’t know how to for Korra back in season 2 (his speech to her in the final is him achieving this with Korra too)
There are plenty of additional little tid bits they have in common, like both dating the avatar, being noted for having a somewhat dry/lame sense of humour, both being very particular (Katara with how tha camp is run and Mako with his log book), but all suffice to say that no, Mako is not the new Zuko.
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