#because I love sana very very much
ministarfruit · 2 years
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day 24: “got into your nerd activity because I love you” ♡
(prompt list for femslashfeb)
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chronically-ghosted · 5 months
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iron and charcoal
rating: explicit 18+ pairing: pero tovar x f!reader word count: 6.9K summary: Sana sana culito de rana. Si no sana hoy, sanará mañana. But there would be no tomorrow. No future, no light of dawn – not without –  Her. He’d never heal because tomorrow would never come.  OR Pero falls hard for a princess and doesn’t know what to do with himself on your wedding night. warnings: angst, brief classism/xenophobia two very stubborn people, pero experiences one Human Emotion and cannot fully process it, arranged marriage, yearning, smut LIKE WOW, soft!pero that i broke my own heart with a/n: Thank you so much to @perotovar for this request: "congrats on your milestone, my love! so happy for you <33 i'm sending a little astrology 💫 + pero & #6 on the fluffy list OR #1 on the smutty list (whichever is speaking to you), because i wanna see your take on him 👀” – of course I chose the slutty one, just for you 😉 I’m actually pretty proud of this one - please consider reblogging if you like it too!
*the image in the header is for aesthetic purposes only and does not reflect the appearance of the reader*
🤍Masterlist 🤍Pero Tovar Masterlist
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Sana sana culito de rana. Si no sana hoy, sanará mañana. 
Sometimes before battle, the clatter inside Pero’s head goes silent. It listens. It waits. 
Other times, it roars. Memories of family, of dead amigos, of mujeres he fucked – they all buck and scratch for a chance to blaze across his mind like a dust storm kicked up by an unbroken mustang. 
He doesn’t know which one he prefers or which one will win out. They both have their uses, necessary states of mind to survive whatever is barreling towards him – an ax, a monster out of legend, some other drunken mercenary he intentionally pissed off. It’s an unconscious decision, yet one that has served him well so far. He wouldn’t be alive today if some deep, primal part of him knew what he needed to live through another battle. 
And yet, his own trunk knocking against his hips as he climbed the sickly ostentatious stone steps to the top of the parapet, the handles starting to pinch his fingers, the barest – nearly invisible – tremor in his knees, he cannot fathom, for the life of him, why that singular phrase from his abuela played in his head like water swirling around and around a cenote. 
Sana sana culito de rana. Si no sana hoy, sanará mañana. 
Sana sana culito de rana. Si no sana hoy, sanará mañana. 
His inner voice, taking on a myriad of forms, of sounds and voices, never quite standing still, the one companion he could always rely on. 
Maybe it was warning him. Dust yourself off, boy, you know exactly how this was going to end. 
Sana sana culito de rana. Si no sana hoy, sanará mañana. 
But there would be no tomorrow. No future, no light of dawn – not without –
He’d never heal because tomorrow would never come.
He feels sweat escape from the nape of curls at his neck, his cheeks warm and chest hot. Two more flights, he can manage two more flights. 
His abuela also liked to tell him something else: if hell doesn’t get him, his pride certainly will. 
It’s certainly what got him into this ridiculous farce in the first place. Because he can’t alchemize whatever is in his gut into vocalized syllables, he instead has to climb a truly incalculable amount of stairs, while carrying a ragged, torn trunk that weighs as much as his armor. 
Because he can’t form the right words, any words, about what he carries lodged beneath his breastbone for her. What draws him up and up and up and up because it’s lighter than hope, makes him lighter than air, and yet it clogs him up, chokes him out all the same. His pride, his vanity, cuts through it, through her – enough to keep him tongueless and dry but not enough to offer this lightness in his chest to her, for her. He can’t take the light out of him or else he fears what he will truly become.
So, he walks, he goes around and around on unforgiving stone steps until finally there is a door. He thinks about waiting, to catch his breath, but he knows he will just as easily turn around and go back the way he came, trunk still heavy and knocking against his hips, and that pride will be the death of him. So he keeps going, opens the handle, and makes abrupt eye contact with the two guards outside her door. They seem uninterested and unamused in his sweaty, stilted breathing, but by his less-than-royal attire, they easily clock him as one of their own; a man who fights to make his way in the world. The one on the left nods jerkily at him. 
What they see him as, what he will always be, is nearly the reason he kicks that fucking trunk all the way back down. Instead, he nods back, shoulders rounded, eyes down. 
“The princesa - the princess - is requesting the last of her things, to be b-brought up from the stables –,” he clears his throat, “drop this off for her and –,”
“Can’t let you in. King’s orders.” The one on the right sees him as something else – a foreigner first and foremost, their similar stations in life irrelevant. His bright blue eyes rove over Pero’s dark skin, dark hair, jagged scar, distaste and disgust smearing his already ugly features. But he had been dealing with men like these all his life.
“Bueno, you can explain to the King himself why his daughter’s belongings were lost and disregarded. I hear she’s very fond of the Italian prints at the bottom of this . . .”
The guards glance at each other, calculating way above their paygrade. Pero jostles the trunk as if to show he is not above throwing it out the window. 
“Fine.” The second one snaps. “Drop it inside and come back immediately.”
He drops his head, a good little foreign boy. “Gracias, señor.” 
The heavy wooden door opens beneath the iron lock and the instant he is through, he bolts it behind him. Waits to see if the guards notice. They don’t. Perfectamente – all the time in the world. 
All in the time in the world – for what? 
To fail? Again?
He stows the trunk in front of the door, extra time, a few seconds maybe – as if she wouldn’t just tell him to get out the instant she laid eyes on him. Only time will tell. 
Out of the atrium, another door, this one set deep into the wall. A last line of defense. He knocks, once, then twice, then waits. El orgullo chokes him again but fuck it, he’s come this far. He knocks again, knocks something in his chest free and, with it, spill the words:
“Princesa? It’s me. I –,” it throttles him, “princesa, can you open the door?” 
Silence. His heart sits, buried in that trunk. Then –
“It’s unlocked, Pero.” 
His heart in his throat, he opens the door to presumably what will be your marriage bed. And yet, by the state of things, you could have been moving out of it. Trunks and bags stack high against the far wall – those fucking trunks he made such a scene over because the unnecessary weight would slow them all down remain untouched, arranged as they had been when they had been first brought in. He didn’t quite know what to make of that, his thumb absently pressing into the callus of his other hand as he glanced around. It is a beautiful room – tall windows, etched in scarlet drapes, to match the scarlet curtains around the bed. With gold thread and impossibly detailed paintings of the countryside, it is fit for a princess, a some-day queen. This is where someone with royal blood deserved to be, not in the back of a hot carriage for weeks on end, surrounded by dirty, loud, rough men. 
And yet, with your hair down, expansive gown from the ball tonight replaced with a simple cotton dress, you could not have been more out of place. Pero’s heart lurches briefly, moisture seeping from his mouth, as he realizes this is the same dress he bought you when the two of you had been accidentally separated by the caravan and your previous dress had been ruined in the mud. He had no idea you still kept it, much less wore it ever again. 
But if anyone asked him, you look more beautiful in this than any silk or velvet. 
Instead of unpacking, settling into your new home and eventual role as wife, you sit hunched over at the intricately carved mahogany desk, eagle feather quill scratching against parchment. You finish with a flourish and look over your shoulder at him, your eyes annoyingly unreadable. 
A stupid brute some may call him, but he wasn’t entirely without awareness. Observation of your customs and what you considered inappropriate only encouraged him: if you really didn’t want him here, you would never have let him see you in this state.
But it’s hard to remember that under your icy stare. 
“Y-your things, Princesa. The last from the caravan.”
Your eyes slide over him, to the trunk in the shadows of the atrium. He can tell from a single glance that you know as well as he that trunk is not yours, that no one told him to come here with it, and yet he did it all the same. Something flashes over your eyes but it’s gone by the time you meet his gaze again. 
“Thank you. I am, as always, indebted to you.” 
He hates your words, but warmth spreads in his gut at the way you say it. That’s how it’s always been between you and him – saying one thing but meaning another. He’d never appreciated a sharp mind like yours until he realized you wield it as he wields a sharp sword. 
There are many things he’d never even dreamed of before he met you.
“Then, this means you’re leaving, I suppose.” You draw your sword against him. The metal flashes in your eyes as you stand, one hand against the curved tip of your chair. A bronze halo rims your outline, the fire behind you burning bright and hot. He knows if he touched your shoulder, your neck, your skin would be wonderfully warm. 
He wets his lips. “Si. Our contract with your father is done.” 
You drop his gaze, your lips tightening for a minute, your fingers running through the carvings of wood on the chair. “Even with William in his state? Would it not be better for him to stay and recover? The journey home is –,” you pause, as though someone had thrown a hand over your mouth, “– the journey back east is long.” 
All the longer without you.
“William, he is not an idle man. Two days of bedrest is often all he can take.” 
You grin, in spite of this thing circling you both. “Unless he finds the nun attending to him beautiful.
“He finds them all beautiful.” 
Your smile expands wide across your bright face when you find him smiling at you too. 
This – if this is to be his last memory of you (his heart wrenches at the thought) – this is the you he wants imprinted on his soul: smiling and glowing by firelight. 
But as quickly as it came, that grin that warms him down to his bones, fades. In an instant, your eyes grow soft, your mouth twisted, jaw tight.
“Where will you go?” you ask, in the quietest voice you’d ever addressed him with. 
It pains him, physically aches within him, to hear the distress in your voice. He hasn’t even thought about the next contract, the next royal cabrón who intends to yank him all across God’s green earth to perform a task he can’t be fucked to take on himself. How can he possibly answer you? Nowhere, without you. To rot in a dark hole in the ground? Off a cliff? What answer would provide you or him any sort of satisfaction?
“Wherever the coin goes,” he says and the words scrape his tongue like bile. That ache in his chest spiraling rapidly, deep into his gut – like a poisoned limb he cannot amputate – he does the same thing he always does when he’s hurt: he makes others hurt until they leave him alone. “You do not have to worry, princesa, your new husband will keep you in such comfort you will never wonder where the coin comes from.”
He must be a truly sick man, for the knife-sharp glare you throw at him only knots arousal around the base of his spine. It tugs on something attached directly to his groin which, in turn, yanks the next words out of his mouth.
“He looked especially happy with you in his arms on the dance floor tonight.”
The icy shards in your eyes go brittle and crack. His heart races; he’s overplayed his hand. 
“You watched me dance?”
“All guardsmen were required to –,”
You shake your head, eyes bright and searing through him. “No. It was only the King’s Knights there in attendance.” 
Your hand trailing off the edge of the chair, you take a step forward and he feels his weight shift back onto his heels. But he remains firm. 
Sana, sana.
“Pero, why did you come here tonight?”
“To return the last of your things, princesa. What else is there?”
You flinch, as if he had raised his voice to you. What else is there indeed?
“Not even to . . .  say goodbye? Sixteen weeks on the road is an awfully long time to be around someone, only for them to . . . leave so soon.”
He locks his knees to keep them from shaking. “Do you wish for me to tell you goodbye, princesa?” 
There’s something painfully sad about the way you smile at him. “I wish for whatever would make you happiest.” 
Anger roars within him, hungry and hot, like a burn from a white flame. Why can’t you just admit it? Why do you avoid it time and time again? He knows he hasn’t misread anything you’ve sent his way, so why? Why are you so vested in torturing him this way? 
“Coin makes me happy and, now that I have it, there’s nothing to keep me here.”
There, that hurts you too, just as he meant it.
“Then leave.” They could make ice fortresses out of the strength of your bone-cold stare. “If you have nothing else to say, then take your goddamn trunk and get out of my sight.” 
The flame scorches him, ripping him apart and in his anger, making him cruel.
He bows to you.
“I imagine you will be very happy with your new husband, ranita.”
The term slips from his lips before he can stop it, but his throat and cheeks blister so badly, he physically can’t open his mouth to correct his mistake. Instead, he turns and strides towards the door.
He thinks he hears a gasp from behind him, a sharp sound like breaking glass – small, tinkling, tragic. It spears him through his chest, pierces his heart. 
He gets to the door and pauses.
If you have nothing else to say . . .
Of course he has something to say – words in English and Spanish and broken dialects gathered like poisonous lichen all churning in the boiling cauldron of his mind, but nothing will suffice – nothing reflects or compares to the grief he is already feeling, the despair, the anguish that has settled into all the fleshy joints in his body. Not his pride, but this, saying goodbye to you, this is what actually will kill him.
Every word imaginable crawls up his throat and rages in his mouth, presses up against his teeth, begging for something, anything to be let out, to be free, to tell you that he cannot fucking live without you–
Nothing comes through, but one single word.
The fire crackles in the silence, a wicked god pleased at the display of carnage.
“What did you say?”
A dull thud echoes from where he drops his forehead against the wood of the door, all anger flooding out of his system. Do you have any idea the power you hold over him? One request, one tremor in your voice and his knees all but buckle at your altar. 
Fuck it. 
He always thought he’d go out in a blaze of bloody glory, but he’d never expected to be so exposed, so flayed like this.
“Don’t,” he repeats, his throat as dry as sand. “Do not . . . marry him. Please.” 
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The vision of your great warrior slumped against the door frame, his neck bent, shoulders curled up to his ears has your already pounding heart leaping forward into a gallop. He is defeated, laid low. You watch his guts all but pool out on your hearth. 
He looks about as hopeless and anguished as you feel. 
Your soldier, your man of iron and charcoal, goes blurry in your eyes.
“And what would you have me do, Pero?” Your plea is damp, malleable at the edges. You press your hand flat against your chest, near your throat, as if you could pull the grief lodged there with your fingers. “I have been engaged to this man before I was even born. How can I stop this?” 
“Fight.” The word snarls against his bare teeth. He turns, his eyes liquid ink, and suddenly he has you by the shoulders. His thumbs nervously skitter around the curve of your shoulder, gaze just as unsteady and unfocused as it wavers between your hands, your earlobe, your neck. "Where is my brave girl who fights for what she wants, hm? Fight – for me, please.”
Fight, he asks – but in spite of him or because of him?
You lay your hands on the silver shine of his breastplate, watch as they rise and fall with his steady flow of breath. How many nights had you woken up against that shine, in the crook of his arm for warmth, or protection? You didn’t cherish it at the time because you never knew when it would be your last. 
“Why won’t you fight, princesa?” His voice is low, strained, the groan of a wagon wheel before it breaks. You meet his gaze and the exposed look on his face, softening every line on his mouth and around his eyes, nearly sends you into hysterics. You swallow the tears, swallow the hook in your throat as your fingers curl around the clasps of his cape. 
"Because if I don't fight then I can't lose.” His fingers slip from your shoulders, to your elbows, to your waist. You inhale and the scents of warm leather, oil, and ash flood your mouth. The tip of your nose is inches from the scruff of beard against his cheek, the ruddy brown of his sun-drenched skin. He has curled you into him and this, you do not fight either. His massive palms map your back, against your skin, but without any urgency or control. “If I can’t lose, that means I don’t lose you. You'll just be . . . gone."
That last word is a lie. It hangs in the air like a sweltering humid rain and you both know you’re lying. He has you wrapped up in his arms, you didn’t stop him even for a second, and you are all too aware that it would take some great, insidious alchemy to ever truly tear him out of you. 
You stare at his silver collar, defiant against the waves you had managed to shackle down until this very moment: a wave of hopeless crashes into you, a wave of heartbreak, a wave of helpless that fills your eyes to the point of spilling with that very same salt water.
He touches your cheek delicately, fingers rough with callouses, and the floodgates break open with a sob. 
“Preciosa,” he rumbles softly against your hairline, “hush. You break my heart with your tears.” 
“Do not mock me, Tovar. Not now.” you sniff, trying to turn your face but his wide hands catch you around the cheeks.
“You are beyond mocking. I’d show you my heavy heart but I do not wish that weight on anyone.” The snag of his rough thumbs against your cheek draws your watery gaze to him. His mouth is a flat line, barred against whatever climbs his throat, but his eyes move like mercury across your nose, your eyelashes, the arch of your cheek. Your fingers wrap themselves around his wrists, a grounding agent against the waves that threaten to pull you under. 
“Pero, I –,”
“I have fought you, tooth and nail, for days without end. Every favor, every breath, you have forced them from me. I fight my own mind when I sleep at night. Sueños, always of the same woman.” He smears away the tears with his thumbs, gently, sweetly, before pressing his lips to your wet flesh by his knuckle. He inhales deeply, eyes closed, mouth hovering stationary above the skin of your cheek. “You fight me every step of the way . . . and I am so tired of fighting.” 
For all your struggling, for all your tearing and clawing and snarling against the blooming in your chest, nothing is as easy as it is to turn your head and press your lips to his. 
The brush of his bristled mustache against your upper lip. His warm, rough palms holding you steady. His lips soft and hot. You are overwhelmed by the scent of him.
There is nothing like, and nothing will ever be like, finally kissing Pero Tovar. 
All it takes is the movement of his hands from your cheeks to your lower back, the light trace of his tongue against your lips, and the yearning you’d been smothering for weeks now roars to life. His hands squeeze your hips and you can suddenly barely breathe. 
“Pero–,” the noise in the shape of his name that escapes you is near a whine, begging. He nips at your lips, hand firmly at the cup of your jaw, mouth now rough and insistent, and your fingers claw up his neck, wrapping themselves in his dark curls. You tug, nails scratching his scalp, and he groans into your mouth as if you’d just kneed him in the gut.
A thread-bare gasp of your name from his lips splits you from him, then his hand on your hip and the back of your neck pushing you backwards gives you enough air to breathe – to think.
"Your husband will know you're not a virgin,” Pero warns, breathing hard and fast, his eyes like black flints, “if we go on." 
You curl your fingers around his neck, dragging your mouth near his jaw, the soft skin at the edge of his ear.
"Then he will also know my heart is not his either.” You ask everything of him with this. His armor blocks his warm body from you – you want to sink inside his hard shell. “If you’ll have it.”
He is not himself, half-human with an inhuman want, with the snarl that leaves him. 
“Don’t make such promises, dulzura –,” A threat, a dog forced to expose its underbelly, fear radiating like the pain from a broken bone. Your fingers dig into the buckles of his cape, steadying you against a sudden terrible awareness that bloomed, purple-bruised. 
“Unless you don’t want –,” 
The desk rattles when your hips break against it, the force of his kiss enough to topple over your inkwell, spill rolls of parchment to the floor. The wood groans under your weight when he gathers the thick swell of your thighs in his hands, heaves you onto the flat surface, and spreads your knees around his waist. He is as hard as the iron on his chest. 
“Can you feel how much I want you?”
A frantic sigh of relief, a groan shared between two pairs of lips, seeking skin and warmth and other hungry places. 
He drags you onto his chest, your skirt bunched up around your hips, the rings of his armor digging into the soft flesh of your thighs, his mouth covering yours in wet pulls, and he stands up right, as though you weighed less than his sword. 
A stumble, and he spreads you out on the velvet covers of your marriage bed, his hands imprinting on your hips, your knees, the supple meat of your calves. The touch of him on your bare skin feels like the licks of flames, the smoke of arousal blurring your awareness and dragging your eyelids half-closed. On his heels at the edge of the bed, the flint shards of his eyes drift over the bones of your ankles, the bend of your knee, your heaving chest, hair in snarls around your neck and caught behind your back, and finally to your cunt, hidden by the folds of your dress. 
Velvet hums as you slide your ankles to the curve of your ass, widening your legs, parting your knees. His lips part open, dark want etching every line of his face. You feel the wet linen of your dress cling to your achy cunt. He swallows, unbuckling his cape one latch at a time, his eyes nowhere else. The metal clatters as it falls to the floor.
Piece by piece, the chinks in his armor fall away. Piece by piece, he is revealed to you. Your hands rise up, up your thighs to your knees, your thumbs rubbing soft circles. He watches, never tears his gaze away from your sticky hole, his nimble fingers working away the buckles and knots with practiced precision. You can see it in his eyes – memories of bedrolls by firelight, of such a deep painful, yearning ache, separated only by thin tarp, they are a physical weight beside you in this marriage bed. 
You see them because they’re there for you too. You see them because you've been here a dozen times, on your back, legs spread wide, your hands circling but never dipping, waiting. Wanting. For him. 
His bare chest is warm, the wings of his ribs expanding around short, half-drawn breaths, as he crawls up into your pliant mouth. The kisses are slow, like before, with a crackle of heat just beyond them, his hips slipping into the cradle of your thighs, the wet warmth of you separated by the thin linen of your dress. He sucks the tendon below your ear, a whine slipping out of your mouth, fingers spreading over the harsh planes of his back, and his cock bobs against your thigh. 
Pero is bare and warm and entirely yours. All man beneath the sweltering armor. 
“Amorcita,” he drips into your ear, kisses smeared against your collarbone, your mouth, your earlobe, “amorcita, amorcita . . . ranita, let me take you.” 
He starts to use teeth, a harder nip behind his kisses, when he dips down to your chest. A wide palm with stocky fingers grasps at your breast and it’s a startling sensation for you both. 
“Soft,” he moans before licking up under the supple curve of your breast, mouthing at what his tongue missed. He slips your erect nipple into his mouth and twists it between his teeth. “Sweet,” he murmurs with your nipple firmly between his lips. 
This is unlike anything you’ve felt before. You deliriously thank the gods that he hadn’t touched you like this on the road; you would have kept him, your own wild animal, in bed without rest for days on end.
Pero plucks just as aggressively at your other breast, the spit-wet nipple that preoccupied his mouth verging on purple and aching. He cups you from the outside this time, squeezing and massaging, ringing your nipple with his tongue until your back bows and you let out a whine that has his eyes flickering up to you, the scent of wounded prey filling his nostrils. 
That whine of pleasure elongates into a whimper: “please.”
“Tranquila, ranita.” His touch is softer around your bruised tits, but he keeps one hand bagging the weight of your breast while the other slips beneath your skirt.
The pads of his fingers brush your creamy cunt and with a yelp, you grab him by the wrist, your eyes open with a familiar emotion he draws out of you: rage.
“Pero Tovar, if you value your life you will take me under the covers and put your —,”
He chuckles, his cheek against yours, nose rimming the velvet hairs on the ridges of your ear. The vibrations liquify the tension in your bones, loosening your grip. Your eyes flutter, slick obviously running down his fingers. “Ranita, I don’t think you know how you want to end that sentence..”
His words roll like honey over the heat of your skin. It makes your skin tremble. Your grip tightens on his wrist and you roll your hips, your swollen clit finally relieved by the pressure of his palm. 
“Oh, oh, Pero—,” 
With a grunt, he shuffled closer, elbow by your shoulder and he cups your entire wet cunt in his hand, pushing the heel of his palm flatter against you. You cry out, a sparkling kind of pleasure radiating out from where his hand rests. You buck your hips faster, complete release flickering through your outstretched hand. 
“Can you come like this?” You nod, eyes squeezed shut as you barrel towards escape, and you feel him shudder next to you. You are intimately aware that he’s rubbing his cock on the crease of your hip bone but that only drags you faster towards the light. “Then come, ranita, come and I’ll fuck you.” 
The wet, curling heat growing between your legs descends, then in a bright snap, explodes across your body. 
“Fuck!” You tear open your eyes to find them damp, Pero’s massive hand cupping your cheek towards him, his stallion eyes dark as his fingers drag on the soaked material of your dress, your hips slowing. 
“Amorcita, breathe.” The words are torn from his chest, all cock-suredness gone from his frantic gaze. You gulp in air, the weight of his body over yours grounding and smothering you all at once. He pulls his hand away from you, rides it up your thigh to your waist, looking for something to hold onto. He strokes his thumb once against your overheated skin and you’re wriggling up out of your dress. 
“Help,” you hiss and his fingers nearly tear the fabric off you.
With a few undone buttons, you shiver out of your dress, the slick-drenched spots catching on your warm skin. He flings it behind him, near the fireplace. 
He takes you barely beneath the thick covers before you welcome him back to the heat of your open legs. 
But instead of reeling back and plunging his aching cock into you, he takes the time to kiss you. To praise you in all the ways he fears his mouth will end up short. He kisses you, grateful, reverent – wonderful to be swallowed by but also a distraction.
When he lifts your knees by his waist, your hips automatically tilt towards him and for the first time, you feel his red, sore cock between your tacky lips. The dual sensation nearly drags you over the rack of delectably delicious pleasure, as does his worn, broken groan in your ear. 
“More, please, don’t stop.” You cry against the bristles of his beard, his hand dropping between your sweat-slick bodies, finding yours already there to guide him. The press of him spreads you open, filling you one sinking notch at a time. The sensation of your pink, dripping walls moving to take more of him in has you arching up into his chest, nails dragging into his back. His dry lips stifle the moans escaping from your mouth. 
Pero takes both of your hands in his, dragging them above your head, his fingers locking your palms together as his hips roll forward. “Cálmate, amorcita, cálmate,” he murmurs between distracted presses of his mouth against your chin, your cheek, his breathing heavy and stunted. You writhe, pinned open by his hips and his hands, his cock filling you all too slowly and not fast enough. 
With the last few inches, you take him completely, your cunt throbbing, heart pounding, intoxicated by the sensation of being so maddeningly full. Pero drapes over you, his head tucked into your neck, forearms straining with the tension of gripping your hands tightly. 
“Santa madre . . .” He is not a warrior right now. He is but a man, cunt-drunk and heaving. 
His name is pushed out of the bottom of your lungs with the first swing of his hips. You cling to him, knees at his ribs, unwilling to let even an inch of space between your bodies. But this becomes increasingly difficult as his thrusts gain speed. His flushed lips stain a sticky line against your jaw, down to your throat, and he releases your hands, the oak of the bed creaking beneath the force of him drilling down into you, he props himself up on his palms, his shoulders bent and curled over you, biceps straining, hairline damp, eyelids fluttering. The scar on his cheek is flushed pink.
“Look, amorcita, look how well you take me.”
His words tear you from your nebulous high, the grit of them forcing your head down to the obscene squelch beneath the sheets. The thatch of rough curls over his groin is drenched in slick, his thick cock soaked to the point of shine as it drives into you again and again. The heavy draft of breath the sight steals from him, the tap of his cock against a place so deep you didn’t know your body possessed, draws the spooling bliss as tight as a wire. 
Your trembling thighs squeeze him tighter, that hot pressure rendering you speechless, except for the most pathetic whine. Please, Pero, please, you think, you mutter, you whisper, your body rocking damp against the sheets. 
With a sudden snarl, he takes the chunk of your hair at the base of your head flat in his fists and tugs. A shoot of bright pain sparks bliss down to your tight and bruised nipples, and you cry out again. 
“Stop fighting, puedo sentir cuanto la quieres. Let me have it.” It is the following word that splits you open like lighting carving apart a tree. “Please.”
The wail that you release is the rush of gooseflesh over your skin alchemized into audible sound. Heat radiates through you, sucking the air from your lungs, your vision going blurry, then black as you clamp your eyes shut against the rush, the final release, that curls you into his arms. His warm, flushed arms, shaking with strain. A final wobbly thrust or two and his elbows are buckling, sweat-drenched chest pressing into your own.
Distantly, you are aware of the warm, slick drip down your thighs, his cock pulsing the last drops into your cum-flecked cunt, and the dangers this sort of intimacy poses. You can’t gather enough breath, enough sense to settle the spinning room, to worry or even care. 
Your his, and he is yours. That is all that will ever matter. 
The crackle of wood burning is the only other sound than your ragged breaths, the silent roll of sweat from sticky hot skins into the bedsheets. The stone walls of the castle’s room entomb you together for a brief stretch of infinity.
Pero moves and you think he’s going to back out of you, but instead, he merely adjusts, his head fully on your chest, thick fingers clutching your bruised waist, the shift of his cock pushing more of his release out of your oversensitive cunt. But you’ll take overstimulation over his absence every time. You run your fingers through his damp curls and he hums. 
“I’m sorry,” he huffs into your humid skin. “I’m sorry I let my pride keep us apart for so long.” 
You grin lazily to the ceiling, your breath settling as affection takes its place in your chest. 
“You were not the only one blinded by vanity.” 
“But I’m not blind. Not anymore.” He lifts his head, eyes as dark as your spilled inkwell. “I am never letting you go.” 
You smile at him, fingers soft against the back of his neck. “I don’t plan on wandering away.” 
His oil-black gaze drops to your lips and he leans forward to take your mouth against his. Gentle, but with the promise of more. 
“Mi ranita,” he purrs to break the kiss. 
“You call me that all the time, Pero. What does it mean?”
At that, a nearly shy expression crosses his face. He shakes his head, shifting onto his elbows to lift off you. “I can’t tell you. It will ruin your good mood.” 
You gasp, offended, and you grab him by the ear and twist. He chuckles through a grimace. “You will tell me what that means, Pero Tovar, if you value your appendages.” 
“Órale, princesa, retract your claws and I will tell you.” 
You release your grip and settle against your pillow. Grinning bashfully, he kisses your neck briefly.
“Remember that I love you after I tell you this.” 
Your heart nearly stops, the absence of a steady beat nearly drawing tears to your eyes but you hold firm. You breathe deeply against the fluttering in your stomach and pin him with your glare. Of course, this is how he would profess his love to you – when he’s trying to get out of trouble. 
“Tell me, Tovar!”
He chuckles again and preemptively picks up your hands. He kisses the inside of your palms, settling himself between your thighs. 
“It means little frog.” Your mouth falls open in a gasp and you struggle to yank your hands back from him, hissing like a tea kettle, but he uses his weight to press down on you. He nips at your nose. “I call you that because when you’re upset with me, much like you are now, you puff up like a bullfrog, your cheeks like this–,”
He rounds his cheeks full of air, crossing his eyes, and you simply cannot take the slight anymore. You push roughly against his gut, the breath trapped in his mouth escaping in a hot puff, and you twist him onto his back. He lets you, of course, his bold, full laughter rendering him defenseless. His body shakes beneath you, his beautiful eyes squeezed shut, his mouth open wide as he laughs and laughs and laughs. You take him by the wrists and push his limp hands over his head, pinning him as he had you. You pinch his chin with your teeth, your messy cunt over his stomach, as his laughter subsides. 
“Have you had your fun yet?” 
“Barely,” he chuckles, turning his big nose against your cheek and inhaling. He hums.
“Is that all I am to you? A joke?”
Pero opens his eyes, sober as death rattle. He takes you in, not in a hungry, all-consuming way, but in a look that speaks of awe and rapture.
“You are everything to me.”
You sigh, releasing his hands and curling into his chest. He kisses the top of your head, your eyes on the roaring fire. His thumbs rub your shoulder blades, trace the lines of your spine.
“You’re so very lucky I love you too.” 
His wandering against the expanse of your back stills, just for a moment, before his fingers slide into your hair, around the nape of your neck, holding you to him with the intention of keeping you there forever.
“I know, ranita, I know.” 
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He watches you sleep as the sky lightens beyond the tall windows on the opposite side of the bedroom. The dying fire traces your edges in gold, settling heat in the curve of your lips. 
His heart lurches with the wanting of you.
There’s more terrible things to come, he knows that. The plan the two of you concocted in the early morning hours will be dangerous, deadly even. But dying together instead of living apart would be much more tolerable, you told him earlier that night, your hand on his chest. 
He would kill if you asked. He would kill, even if you didn’t, to keep you safe and by his side. You’ve proven yourself capable of living a life away from this spectacular opulence, but it pains him to know he will never be able to give you anything nearly as lovely as the velvet dresses in the closet, the gold jewelry in your trunks. 
Instead, all he has to offer is himself. His strength, his hands, his heart. It’s his own fear that tells him that’s not enough, because you remind him again and again that’s more than you ever wanted. 
He traces the curve of your cheek with the hovering pad of his finger, brushing your hair away from your face. How he ended up so lucky with your love, he’ll never know, but he will spend the rest of his days proving that he’s earned it. 
You stir in your sleep, sensing him above you, and he hates to steal even a few minutes of blissful sleep from you, knowing the endless nights that are coming. When he steals you away from all that you’ve ever known. 
The sleepy grumble in your throat resembles his name as he curls around you, but your eyes remain gently closed. He pulls you against him, the air that leaves your mouth and sits between your chest and his something he covets with his whole heart. 
I love you and I’m disgustingly lucky and I love you. 
He is a man made of dust, serving men made of silver. He is a man of dust, loving a woman made of gold.
El orgullo? No, Abuela, his ranita will get him first, last, and every time.
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Sana sana culito de rana. Si no sana hoy, sanará mañana. - This rhyme is typically said to children when they have just hurt themselves. The parent (or grandparent) usually rubs the part that is sore and sings this little tune. Literally translates to: "heal, heal, little frog’s tail. If you don’t heal today, you will heal tomorrow."
el orgullo - pride
dulzura - sweetness, romantic connotation
amorcita - little love, romantic connotation
Tranquila - quiet, as in "be quiet" or "relax"
Cálmate - take it easy, or take it slow
puedo sentir cuanto la quieres - I can feel how much you want it/love it
Órale - okay, or an exclamation expressing approval or encouragement.
ranita - little frog, but you knew that already ;)
the rest are cognates (or familiar words) which you can probably guess the meaning of, but feel free to message me if you don't know!
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nr1chaedickrider · 2 months
love me or leave me tonight
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Does love survive hatred?
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angst, angst and angst ; also smut!!! is this even fluff.. ; vampire!sana ; vampirehunter!reader ; violence and stuff ; blood and bloodplay ; sana is manipulative lwk?? ; bondage ; sana has a back tattoo ; degradation ; forbidden love ; friends to ???? ^_^ ; inspired by first kill ; mentions of murder ; voyerism ; happy (very very late) birthday @cry4mina (thiswas supposed to be your bday present), you were probs the person that motivated me the most for writing this so thank you, not proofread!
men dni.
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It feels like your wrists are tied together, not being able to move, not at all.
The way she looks at you makes you shiver in fear, tears rolling down your cheeks.
"Please.." you beg her, in such a pathetic tone nobody would be able to make fun of you, instead they would feel bad for you.
Sana always described herself as being different than the others though.
If it is because of her fangs or just her behavior in general that makes her look like a monster, you don't know for sure.
You crush the empty beer can and drop it on the floor. Sana hands you a new one and you thank her with a brief nod.
You open it with a crack and take a sip, feeling the fizz and tasting the slightly bitter taste.
It's pretty quiet before you start talking.
"My family is causing stress again.
"Should I pretend to be surprised?" she asks with a light laugh, you laugh a little too.
"Is that why you have bruises and scars?" she adds, looking at the injuries on your face and neck.
Sana - the only person who knows your secret, that you were born into a family of vampire hunters.
"One of the strongest vampire families is said to be here in town," you answer.
Sana - the only daughter of the most famous vampire family.
She knows all your secrets - you know none of hers.
She nods, as if she understands what you are going through.
She lifts her hand and gently strokes the scar on your cheek.
You blush slightly at the close proximity of the two of you.
Just a little more pressure and it would start to bleed, Sana thinks to herself.
She pulls her hand away before she thinks any more about it, before her feelings take over.
Her feelings have always been stronger than her.
Her feelings control her, it has always been like this.
"I love you" the words glide easily over her tongue, a smile on her lips.
Even if it's just a whisper - it's a dream for you, as if nothing could happen, nothing could stop you.
Like teenagers in love (that's what you are, teenagers).
"Really?" you ask, in some way you're sure she means it, but you just want to hear it again.
She nods, "I love you so much" she repeats with the same smile.
You take her hand in yours, your thumb gently stroking the back of her hand.
She looks down at your hands, then up at you.
You look into her eyes and move closer.
A kiss.
Gentle, slow, romantic, simply full of emotion.
Full of love.
When your lips part, you both giggle a little, but then you continue kissing.
Further, further, and further.
When your lips (finally) part again, you are both completely out of breath. Your cheeks are slightly flushed.
You both sink into the mattress as you push Sana into her on her back.
She continues to giggle, almost unable to stop, just like you.
You lean over her and kiss her neck. The contact of your lips on her cold neck makes the hair on her arms and neck stand up, her fingers digging into the sheets as you suck on her pulse point.
"Honestly, I have no idea what exactly to do," you confess as you sit on top of her, your hand toys with the hem of her oversized shirt (or rather, your oversized shirt).
"Me neither" she replies with a laugh.
You smile like an idiot as she says this. "Now come here" she says and pulls you down to kiss you again.
You mumble a "may I?" against her lips and tug lightly on her shirt, she responds with a nod and lifts her arms over her head as you pull the shirt over her head and drop it on the floor next to you.
You kiss her soft, smooth skin and take off her sports bra. Your hands slowly massage her breasts, Sana moans slightly and her body presses against yours to feel you and your hands even more and even better.
You slowly kiss further down, over her ribs, her thin stomach with a slightly trained six-pack - down to the waistband of her shorts.
You look up to her and make eye contact.
"Please" she says under her breath, you nod in response, knowing what she wants from you.
You pull them off her, as well as her underwear (that already has a damp spot on it).
You stare at her pretty pussy, you can't help but giggle a little at the view infront of you.
You come closer, inhaling her sweet scent before diving in.
Sana twitches a little at your sudden action, her hands flying to your head in just a second and gripping your hair, leaving a delicious burn.
Your tongue licks her clit, drawing eights on it.
You hope that you're doing a good job, desperately trying to remember how the women in porn do it - how they pleasure the other and making her moan like crazy.
You stop overthinking when Sana lets out a louder moan though.
Your tongue finds her hole, entering and exiting her a little.
need your fingers" she moans out.
You smile a little as you part your mouth from her core, now rubbing circles on it with your two fingers.
You kiss her again, your pointer finger dipping into her wetness, making her moan out loud, not being able to kiss you back normally.
Her hands grip the bedsheets, a few veins peeking out from her hand.
You stop kissing her, going down to her neck and leaving wet kisses on it, kissing over the few marks you've left and adding even more to it.
Your second finger enters her, making her let out a high pitched whimper.
Her hips meet your pace and start grinding on your fingers, searching desperately for the pleasure she needs.
"I'm so close... please-" she whimpers, you smirk against her skin and take one of her erected buds into your mouth.
A few thrusts, your thumb on her clit, and your tongue on her nipple send her over the edge as she comes with a loud whine.
You slowly pull your wet fingers out of her, licking them clean as you watch her breathe heavily.
"That was so... wow-" she breathes out.
"You're cute"
Love is not forever.
After you met Sana, you actually wanted to think that it was something for eternity.
It would never die out, you would never think of anything but love.
Love, love, love.
Maybe it is really made to last forever - only that after a while you'll love in a different way.
Desperate love.
Loving sadness.
Loving even though you don't really want to.
This love consumes you, makes you think of nothing else but that.
Every situation can remind you of love.
Your brother's death also reminds you of it.
His body lies in a field, in complete darkness.
His eyes open, his gaze full of emptiness.
"What... what happened?" you ask, a slight tremor in your voice.
Your father exhales before answering you.
But instead of telling you like a normal person, he kneels down next to your brother's head and turns his head to the side.
A scar on his neck.
Two holes.
Blood residue next to it, completely dried.
Your mother and sister hug each other, tears running down their cheeks.
"Was it the new vampire family?" you ask.
Stupid question.
It was Sana," he replies.
He nods.
You laugh a little, full of frustration.
"It's not funny-... she would never-"
"You can never trust vampires." he says with a stern tone.
He's serious.
Sana, your best friend, your girlfriend for several months.
She killed your brother.
You look at your brother, then at your family.
Your legs move faster than you can think.
You run away, run in a direction you know only too well.
Sana's house.
You take the back entrance to her garden (which you already know well enough) and come across her sitting in a chair.
She looks at you in shock as you look at her.
"Y/n- what are you doing here?" she asks and stands up.
"Is it true?" you ask back, your voice a mixture of fear and anger.
She doesn't say anything at first, but then realizes that you mean exactly what she's been trying to forget since last night.
She nods slowly.
She doesn't deny it, she doesn't try to explain herself.
Whether it's even possible to explain yourself.
Your hand grips the handle of your pocketknife tightly, your hands trembling slightly.
"Y/n... I wanted to tell you... but my parents-"
"They forbid me to see you, but I went ahead anyway because I love you"
You listen to her, for some reason hoping she'll say something good - even though you know that nothing can make this situation any better.
"He was my first victim," she says after an awkward, tense silence.
Her first victim?
"They made me bite him... as punishment"
"I couldn't help it"
"You couldn't help it? What are you saying... Sana, I thought you loved me"
"Where is your common sense?" you ask her, your voice louder and full of despair.
You run towards her, your knife pointed at her as you try to hit her chest.
She dodges quickly, twisting your arm behind your back as you let out a small cry of pain and let the knife drop.
"Y/n..." she says with concern.
Her grip is as if she doesn't even want to do any of this, as if she's being forced by something.
"It's better if you leave," she adds.
She lets go of you (or rather, tosses you) as you fall on the ground, the wet grass soaking through your clothes as you feel the cold.
You look up at her, full of fear.
This is not the Sana you know.
It doesn't feel like you're looking at Sana Minatozaki.
At this moment, it feels like you're in front of an evil person.
Like in a nightmare.
You grab the knife on the floor next to you and stand up quickly, your eyes on her one last time before you run away.
She looks after you, sees your body getting smaller and smaller before you disappear behind a hill.
A tear runs down her cheek, and as she turns around she sees both her parents looking down at her through the second floor window.
Their expressions are cold and disappointed.
Just like always.
And you, you don't stop running.
You run on and on, without a destination, without any idea where you want to go.
Just away from here -
Away from Sana.
The music is loud as you walk into the club, your jeans are loose around your waist, your white t-shirt is slightly cropped so that your stomach can be seen a little.
You sit down at the bar and watch the other people dance.
The last time you were here was several years ago,
with Sana.
You were younger back then, still in school, no idea what you wanted to do in the future.
Now you're older, and you know what your goal in life is.
To kill Sana.
To get your revenge.
Your thoughts are interrupted by the bartender asking what you would like to drink, you order a beer and he gives you one and then moves on to other guests.
You drink a little and feel the fizz, tasting the slightly bitter taste of this variety.
The taste reminds you of the countless times you have drunk with Sana.
You look around a little before you see something that almost makes you drop the bottle on the floor.
Sana pushing someone against the wall.
Short black hair, lots of tattoos -
She has no idea who exactly she's dealing with.
You leave your bottle at the bar and walk slowly towards them both.
Sana kisses her hard and aggressively, full of energy.
And you can guess why she has so much energy.
Before you can get any closer, Sana turns her head in your direction while turning the woman's head to the side so that she has perfect access to her neck.
Sana grins at you.
And suddenly her lips are stained dark red with blood.
She flashes her fangs at you, completely covered in blood as she slowly licks them clean.
And suddenly she's just gone.
In a millisecond she has bitten her victim, and in a millisecond she is gone without leaving a trace.
Your victim falls to the ground as you run to her to help her somehow.
But it's too late.
You look at her neck and see the same scar you saw on your brother.
While the crowd tries to take care of her, you disappear from the club.
A sigh leaves your lips.
"I'll help you," she says, her thumb stroking the back of your hand as she smiles at you.
You have an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach, you feel sick and you're not sure if you should do this at all.
Or if you want to involve Jihyo at all.
She's 10 years older than you - an old acquaintance from your family and a vampire hunter just like you.
She was also your first love.
Actually, it was just a little crush, maybe you mistook it for a close friendship, you were quite young.
The plan of the two of you was pretty simple - go to Sana's house and capture her if possible (you don't want to think about the possibility of killing her).
If your information is correct, her parents are no longer alive.
Rumor has it that she killed them herself.
To be honest, you wouldn't be surprised if it were true.
Jihyo and you make your way to her house, equipped with various weapons.
It is dark, 10 o'clock in the evening. The night is still and quiet.
If only you knew it would change quickly.
You enter the house through the garden, Jihyo has always been good at picking locks.
Your pistol in your hand, you look around carefully as Jihyo walks ahead of you.
She turns right, you look behind you for something, but then you hear something fall.
You turn around quickly and see that "something" is Jihyo.
All you can see is her legs sticking out from behind the wall. You run to her, kneel down on the floor next to her, but the moment you look up-
Sana hits you and you fall over.
"Where am I?" you mumble, your head aching as you open your eyes.
You see Jihyo lying on the ground, just a few meters away.
You run to her, or rather, you try to.
Something sharp cuts into your skin and you bite your lip.
You look down at your arms and see that you've been tied to the wall with barbed wire.
"Fuck-" you breathe out, trying not to feel the pain.
You only have your bra on, Sana has undressed you a little, probably so that you only feel more pain.
You try to move as little as possible and look anxiously at Jihyo, who, thankfully, is slowly waking up.
"Jihyo!" you say, she looks at you, then looks around.
This makes you look around.
You realize you're both in a rather large basement.
Jihyo is fully dressed, but her hands are tied behind her back.
Before you can warn her about the corpses you've noticed, the cellar door opens and Sana comes down.
"You're awake, how nice," she says with a smile.
"And Y/n? How do you like the barbed wire?" she asks.
"Fuck you" you just reply, Sana laughs but doesn't really pay attention to you, not like she has her eyes on Jihyo.
And part of you has an inkling of what's about to happen.
Sana sits down on a rather large chair, and with a small wave of her hand, Jihyo lands on her lap, her back against Sana's chest, her eyes locked on yours.
"I really haven't had such a pretty girl on my lap in a long time," Sana says, her hand slowly stroking Jihyo's arm.
You take a deep breath and try to calm yourself down somehow. The situation you, or rather Jihyo, are in can quickly become life-threatening.
"What do you want?" you ask, looking at her and she starts laughing again.
"Blood," she replies. Short, concise, without any emotion. The smile she had on her lips a few seconds ago has disappeared.
She is serious.
Jihyo is still looking at you, her eyes full of fear.
But her look of fear changes. And you don't know what to think except "what exactly is happening here."
Sana whispers something in her ear, and the fear in her eyes disappears.
Sana's hand moves on her body, and then she stops right on Jihyo's core.
Before you can do anything else, you realise what is happening.
And how it's to late to save Jihyo.
You feel like your eyes are fixiated on Sana and how Jihyo sits so obediently on her lap. You're not able to shift your gaze. It's like there is only them - and you're watching them like a movie. Like a perfomance that was made just for you - and you can't stop looking.
This was made for you, and the way Sana forces you to watch them.
Her hand goes past Jihyo's underwear, and suddenly Jihyo is moaning so softly for her. The look on her face just full of arousal.
She has been manipulated.
Something you learned early on - when training to be a vampire hunter.
There's nothing you can do, when you've been trapped under a vampire's spell. Except for one thing -
hope that you won't die.
In Jihyo's case right now, you're not sure what is going to happen in the end.
So you continue watching them, you watch Sana kissing Jihyo's neck, the intoxicating smell of her blood is problably already driving her crazy.
She continues fingering her, her movements speeding up.
She has no intention of giving pleasure to Jihyo - she just waits for the right moment to bite into her neck.
When Jihyo is moaning louder though, and her body twitches closer to Sana, she knows it's happening.
You know too.
"Jihyo!" you yell out, in hopes you're able to somehow get her out of this trance.
It was already to late.
Sana bites into her neck, begins to suck and moan at the fresh taste. 
Jihyo screams for help, and you can do nothing but watch as a tear flows down your cheek.
Her lifeless body drops to the ground as soon as Sana is done with her.
She licks her fangs with a smile, smirking at you like she did the night you first saw her again.
She comes closer, taking your jaw into her hand. 
"You can't replace me that easily." she whispers seductively.
"What do you mean?" you ask, but she just shakes her head.
"I'll see you soon" she replies, and your eyes fall shut.
When you wake up again, you are lying in your bathtub.
You try to move, but notice the pain in your arms from the barbed wire.
You lean your head back and take a deep breath.
To summarize, you watched Sana finger Jihyo and then bite and kill her. Afterwards she tells you that you can't replace her, and now you're here.
Sana knows where you live.
Jihyo is dead.
To say you're overwhelmed is an understatement.
But you know exactly what you have to do, whether it's for you or for Jihyo.
Find Sana.
As you slowly step out of the bathtub, a thought occurs to you.
The evening gala of big companies. If anyone is going to be there, it's Sana.
You take another look at yourself in the mirror.
Your black suit fits a little loosely, but hides your scars well.
You get into your car and drive to her house.
How convenient that everything happens in her house.
When you get there, you look around.
There are already a lot of people there and as you walk in, you see various bosses probably talking about certain deals and wanting to do business.
A waiter comes up to you and offers you a glass of red wine, which you gratefully accept.
The taste is bitter, dry, but somehow it reminds you of blood.
How ironic, you think to yourself.
You walk around, having conversations here and there.
"I thought this event was for people with companies," someone says, and as you turn around, you see her.
It's Sana.
Her grin is like a shiver running down your spine.
"I'm not here to conduct business," you reply, drinking the rest of your wine.
Your lips are slightly red and you smile at her.
Your grip on the glass tightens, and before Sana can do anything, it shatters in your hand.
A waiter quickly comes to help you and removes the shards from the floor, you thank her but say you can take care of it yourself.
Drip, drip, drip.
The blood dripping from your hand drives Sana crazy.
"Oops," you say, but before you can turn around and walk away, she grabs your wrist and pulls you along.
Only now do you notice that she has a tattoo.
A pretty big one.
Your eyes are focused on her back, and the kind of detail the tattoo has.
It's as if it reflects her nature.
One side is sunny. You could even describe it as quite cheerful. If you just look at that side, you're just impressed with the work that's been done. You can see the colors and how they flow together. Everything fits well together.
The other side, however, is the complete opposite.
It's dark, makes you nervous. You get an unpleasant feeling when you look at it. The main colors are black and red. It's like a horrible painting, something you would see in a museum and think to yourself "what was the artist thinking?". The longer you look at it, the more scared you get.
But you can't think about her tattoo for long as you are pushed onto a bed.
Sana sits on top of you and the memories of your first time come flooding back.
The only difference is that Sana was tender and sweet, not cruel like now.
Your bleeding hand is still in hers, and maybe you could even see the water pooling in her mouth.
You know that you should be afraid, or that you should hit her, she killed Jihyo, your brother, and she almost killed you.
But in this moment you feel nothing but the will to feel her everywhere.
And she didn't even manipulate or influence you in any way.
You look at her, and then -
you press your hand more towards her.
And she understands what you want from her.
The smirk on her face appears again and pulls you closer.
She closes her eyes and starts to lick the blood of your hand.
For her, this is the best meal she could ever have. To be able to taste your blood was always a dream of hers.
And so she continues doing that, moaning a little when her tongue touches the red liquid coming from your veins.
She does it like she was starving for her life. Like she lived her life for exactly this moment.
She parts from your hand, leaning her head back slowly as if she would be on a high.
When she looks at you again, her pupils are dilated and the look on her face is full of arousal.
You can't blame her, yours is too.
She fumbles with the buttons of your jacket, you push her hands away and do it yourself, just to end up almost ripping it off your body and throwing it on the floor.
She looks at your arms, the way there are marks everywhere because of her.
"Fuck" she curses under her breath, pulling down the zipper of your pants and pulling (or rather - ripping them) off your body.
A groan escapes your mouth when she touches you, squeezes parts of your body that got your mouth hanging open.
A low "need you" leaves your mouth as Sana starts kissing you everywhere, leaving marks all over your body (surprisingly she's not biting you).
She comes closer to your core, and your need to feel her tongue on you is growing stronger and stronger. Your mind is clouded with the thought of her, it feels like you tried to hate her the whole time while you just need her to fuck you.
At this point, you don't even know if you're still in control of your body or if it's Sana.
No matter what, you don't care.
And when continues eating you out, all messy and again, like she was starving, you grip her hair and push her even closer.
Your thighs just pull her closer, trying to feel her even deeper.
The moans that leave your mouth can problably be heard from outside, but you or Sana both couldn't care less.
The way she licks up ever drop of your juices in hunger, her nails digging into your thighs, scratching you and leaving little marks, droplets of blood escape your veins.
You cum into her mouth with a loud moan, your head leaning back and your eyes roll back.
Sana always thought you were beautiful, but right now, in this moment - you definetly are the prettiest.
She doesn't give you any time to calm down as she rises and shoves two of her fingers inside of you, making you grip the bedsheets in surprise.
Your moans loud and messy, your skin covered in sweat, the blood on your thighs that's oozing out of the cuts drives Sana even crazier.
She continues pumping her fingers inside of you, and she leans forward, dragging her tongue over the cuts.
A moan escapes her mouth, and then, she leans closer to you and kisses you, with her lips stained with the dark red liquid.
You kiss her back, but your mouth hangs open when she adds another finger, filling you up.
You two don't even need to talk, the only way you two communicate is through her messy and needy touches - and your desperate moans.
All desperate - for her.
She never stops moving her fingers.
In, out. In, out.
Here faster, there slower.
You already lost every sense of time, like you're lost in the moment.
Your body twitches in sensitivity. Like it's fragile and Sana is overusing it.
You clearly are overstimulated, but Sana just can't stop herself.
Looking at her, seeing how her eyes are fixiated on your naked body, you ask yourself if she is even in control of her own body - or if something, someone else took control.
She doesn't leave you enough time to overthink, when your eyes are met with a black silk cloth.
The last thing you saw.
You stare at her grave and only now do you realize how stupid you are.
The stone you sit on is cold. Your eyes focus only on her name.
'Park Jihyo'
A sigh leaves your lips.
Are you disappointing her? Is she looking at you and thinking, "What the hell are you doing?"
Does she think you should be ashamed?
For having sex with Sana,
But even worse -
That you somehow still love Sana.
She killed your brother, she killed Jihyo - so many innocent people.
And despite everything, you can't seem to get rid of your feelings for her.
Your thoughts are always about her, your dreams are all about Sana.
You don't know which feeling is stronger - the hatred for her, for all the things she has done.
Or the love - the memories you can't let go.
Her soft lips on yours, the way her arms held you while you cried.
It makes you break down completly.
All those years you were away, it was all about Sana.
You wanted to get stronger, to beat her, to kill her.
But now it seems that you just want to be with her.
The night is dark and cold, everything reminds you of the night you found your brother dead.
The same place, the same time, the same loneliness you felt in your heart.
Instead of running to Sana to confront her, she came to you.
Instead of a calm conversation, you have a knife in your hand.
Her gaze is cold, you're not sure if you can read any emotion in her face.
That would be the word you would use to describe her right now.
"What do you want?" she calls into the night, as if she doesn't know where you are.
As if you were looking for her, she speaks as if she had no plans.
"You came here," you answer, trying not to show any of your feelings.
"You confuse me," you say.
She looks at you questioningly.
"I confuse you?" she repeats.
You nod.
"Why are you doing all this?" you ask, but when she tries to answer, you keep talking.
"You come with me... you listen to me when I talk about how the pressure from my parents is getting too much... you don't tell me that you're a vampire." You take a breath and feel the tears in your eyes. You feel this uncomfortable feeling like you're going to throw up. You feel dizzy.
You are overwhelmed.
"You kill my brother," you begin to say, "You kill him, your first victim, because your parents want to punish you?" you laugh a little. Saying it sounds so unbelievable. So grotesque.
"Then, when I come back here after years, I meet you in a bar and you kill someone."
"You kill Jihyo and make me watch."
"And then?-
You have sex with me as if you would love me."
Tears are streaming down your cheeks, you can't stop laughing because this is all so frustrating to you.
You open your mouth to say something else, but then you are pushed to your knees.
Without Sana even touching you.
It feels like your wrists are tied together, not being able to move, not at all.
The way she looks at you makes you shiver in fear, tears rolling down your cheeks.
Are you doing too much or are you genueinly scared of her?
"Please.." you beg her, in such a pathetic tone nobody would be able to make fun of you, instead they would feel bad for you.
Sana always described herself as being different than the others though.
If it is because of her fangs or just her behavior in general that makes her look like a monster, you don't know for sure.
"Can you just stop talking?" she asks you.
Her expression looks different than how it looked like earlier, instead of the emptiness in her face, it looks like she's letting her emotions take over.
You don't know if this should make you even more scared.
But a part of you, a little part,
thinks, or rather, hopes, that she will behave like a decent human.
That she will behave like the girl you loved.
Or still love.
"I did it all for love." she answers.
Quick, short, but instead of that cold tone in her voice, she sounds...
You look up to her, unable to speak.
"I love you"
She loves you?
Loves you?
"I'll never stop feeling the guilt for what I did to your brother"
"But i can't lie to you and say that i regret doing what I did to Jihyo"
"Because all I ever wanted-
was you" 
She breaths out, like she just confessed the worst thing in the world.
"I always looked for you, when you left town"
"I searched for you, because I wanted to be with you"
"Despite you hating me"
She lets out a sigh.
"I did what I had to do for you to notice me" she stops talking.
She gets down on her knee, right infront of you to match your height.
Her thumb caresses your cheek, before moving your face to the side to expose your neck to her.
The strong of smell of your blood hits her nose like chemicals.
The intense smell that drives her crazy.
You shiver in fear, not knowing what is going to happen.
She stares at your neck, and the way your veins are so visible, like they're calling for her.
Everything she ever dreamed of, was to taste your blood.
But she doesn't want to bite you because of that.
She opens her mouth, flashing her fangs.
You try to somehow escape her spell, so that you can save yourself, but it isn't possible.
She sinks her fangs deep into your skin, you let out a scream when you feel her sucking your blood out of you.
You're finally able to move and try to grab her arm to somehow get her to stop.
"I don't want to die" you whisper, your voice full of weakness.
Until you realise -
Sana isn't planning on killing you.
But to make you a vampire.
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residentflamingo · 4 months
Twice Members’ Favorite Places to Kiss You
Twice x fem! reader
Genre: fluff!!
Warnings: so sweet you’ll get a toothache <3
A/N: I have so many good drafts I want to share with you guys, but my motivation has been at 0% because school has been kicking me in the ass 💀✌️ But lately I have been getting a lot better, so more works are expected to come soon! Which also means I will be opening back up my requests box :D Someone did request me to write something a long time ago, and I’ve been steadily working on it over time. It’s got about 3,000 words on it, so as long as my lazy ass doesn’t put it off to writing it, that draft will be coming out soon as well. Thank you to all of you lovely people who have been patient, and also the ones that have been liking my posts. You guys are phenomenal and I love and appreciate all of you ❤️
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Lips ♡
A very standard one, but well suitable for her
She loves how soft and plump your lips are
Like Sana, Nayeon is a very affectionate person
So after she’s had a loooong day at the studio, all she wants to do is give you some repetitive and silly kisses that end up in slow and passionate ones
(Sometimes she’ll even bite your lip if she’s feeling a little bit frisky that night…)
“Oh my gosh I missed you so much Y/N. You won’t believe how many new dance routines they made us learn today.”
Her favorite kinds of kisses are good luck kisses and goodnight kisses <3
(And the passionate ones of course ;)
Nayeon loves how sweet it feels to be able to show her love through a kiss, and be able to feel your soft lips in the process
Kissing your lips make her feel grounded, and wanting nothing more than to spend every moment of every day with you
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Forehead ♡
Very domestic and homey feeling for her
Her kisses are always very sentimental and sweet
She doesn’t kiss as often as other people, which makes the wait worth it every time
“Here honey, you go lay down and rest. I can do the rest of the laundry for you.”
Always kisses you randomly and making sure it catches you off guard
She loves seeing you all flustered and shy <3
Kissing you on the forehead reminds her of being married to you someday, and just being able to protect you from harm
You are everything to her, and she never wants you to feel anything less than that
And if you’re shorter than her, then it’s an even better reason for her to kiss you on the forehead <3
Will also give you the biggest kiss when she comes home from work 🥺
“I missed you so much honey, what have you been up to?”
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Tummy ♡
When you had previously told her about being insecure about your tummy, you never thought she would take it so seriously
But oh boy how wrong you were
It instantly became Momo's favorite place to kiss you
Momo made sure to always remember it so she could prove your insecurities wrong
She loves how soft and chunky your tummy is, and just can't ever get enough of it
Also loves how much you giggle when she kisses you
If you ever have those days where you're not feeling too great, she will start giving you kisses there first and make sure you feel so loved and beautiful
“You are so beautiful Y/N. Don’t you ever forget it.”
“Your stretch marks are not ugly at all honey I promise. They make you look even more gorgeous.”
She will sometimes leave hickies and bite marks there too, but only when she’s in the mood and you give her permission
If you are also pregnant, she will not hesitate to smother your tummy in kisses then too <3
It would be almost impossible for her to keep her hands off of you
Her end goal is to always make you feel loved, and to remind you that you are the most beautiful woman she has ever set her eyes on
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Dimples ♡
We all know Sana is a very affectionate person. So choosing her favorite spot to kiss you would be impossible right?
Nope not at all for her.
The first thing that had drawn her to you was your radiant smile
But the deal breaker was the dimples that came along with it
She just couldn’t get enough of them
Once you guys had been dating for about 3-4 months, you both had gotten very comfortable with each other and started being all lovey dovey and such
That was when you noticed how much she loved to kiss your dimples
Any chance she could get, she made sure to kiss you in that same spot
It never failed to make you blush every time, and that’s part of the reason why she would constantly kiss you there
She also loves how well they compliment your face, and how adorable they make you look
“Y/N have I ever told you how much I love your dimples? They make you look so cute!” *pinches your cheeks*
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Cheeks ♡
She doesn’t mind kissing on the lips. She loves it actually, but she just enjoys kissing your cheeks even more
Jihyo’s kisses are the most genuine ones you will ever feel in your entire life
Sometimes it’s hard for her to say how much she loves you outloud, so she’ll express it through her kisses
When you’re having a bad day and come home tired, she’ll wrap her arms around you and give soft pecks on your cheeks
Or when Jihyo has to leave for early morning dance practice, she’ll slowly wake you up by peppering your face with kisses too
It’s just a super sweet gesture for her, and your puffy cheeks are too cute for her to not kiss anyways
She loves the way you blush when she randomly walks up to you and kisses you
Jihyo adores you so much, even if it’s hard for her to say outloud sometimes
When she does, she makes sure it meaningful, and at the perfect time
“I love you so much Y/N. Even if I don’t say it outloud that much, I really do. You’re my world, and I never want you to feel any lesser than that.”
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Nose ♡–-
When you confessed to her that you hated the shape/size of your nose, she made it one of her top priorities to make you feel less insecure about it
Her shy persona may keep her from expressing a lot of things, but it didn’t stop her from showing her affection for you
You were used to her always giving you warm hugs, and very soft kisses on the lips
But when she added your nose to the agenda, it was game over for you
She loves to kiss your nose when you look super cute, and she can’t handle it
Or when you’re doing something sweet for her like washing the dishes, or doing her laundry. She’ll always find a way to pay you back with affection
“Thank you so much baby. You’re so sweet.”
Over time your insecurities had slowly gone away after receiving so much love and support from her, making your nose the very very least of your worries
Having someone like her in your life made you realize that looks weren’t every thing, and that you never have to worry about when you’re with her
“Honey your nose is so cold. *kisses your nose* Here let me kiss it some more so it will feel warmer...”
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Hands/ fingers ♡
Dahyun is very loving and sweet
She loves to hold your hand when you two are walking around Seoul together, or just cuddling on the couch
She loves the intimacy it brings between you two
If she doesn't express her love with words at the moment, she will express it with actions
She'll bring your hand up to her lip and pepper your knuckles, fingers, and whatever else with kisses
Something else that she would never admit, is how she loves the softness of your hands
It reminds her of when she was little, and she would hold her mother’s hand
Dahyun wants you to feel loved and adored by her at all times, even if it’s not verbally
When you guys are at restaurants, she will have no shame holding your hand from across the table and kissing it
“Dahyun be careful. People might see us.”
She’ll just laugh and say, “Let them. Nothing will ever stop me from expressing my love for you darling.”
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Jawline/Neck ♡
We all know Chaeyoung is a big romantic
And can sometimes be a bit flirty with it too
So it’s no surprise that her favorite place to kiss you, would be the most intimate and steamy
Even though it is her favorite spot to kiss you, she doesn’t really kiss there very often
But when she does, she makes sure to go all out
She loves how intimate it is, and loves hearing/ seeing your reaction every time she kisses in that area
Most definitely will leave hickies too, so be aware when she starts going to town down there
“You like it when I kiss you like this baby?”
You can just already see her smirking while saying that…
She loves riling you up and making you melt from her touch <3
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Ears ♡
Tzuyu is a one-of-a-kind woman, and the sweetest one you have ever met
When you guys first started dating you it stayed at the awkward stage for a little bit longer than most couples
But when she started warming up to you, her affection towards you became even greater
It started with little kisses on the nose, then on the cheek, lips, she eventually progressed to your ears
You thought it was weird at first, but you eventually grew to love it
Tzuyu loves to hug you from behind because of the height difference, and she’ll often whisper in your ear how much she loves you
Sometimes she’ll nibble a little bit too after kissing it, but not very often
If you have slightly larger size ears, she would tease you about it every now and then
But not enough to where you would feel insecure
She just thinks your ears are super cute, and make you even more loveable
"I love you so much Y/N... Don't ever change. You are perfect just the way you are."
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thoughtsforsoob · 9 months
txt - you help them put on the condom :)
a/n: okay so this is actually funny because I’ve had some interesting experiences with this 😬 my ex bf wouldn’t put it on himself and since we were both inexperienced asf (aka: virgins) we had to look up a tutorial the first time 😭 anyways, he sucks but at least i got some material for this blog out of it :) please enjoy and as always, requests are open!
he thinks it’s so sexy to watch you do it for him
homeboy is just laying back, biting down on his lip, and enjoying the attention you’re giving his cock
I feel like he’d much rather just go raw but you asked him to put on a condom and he listens to his girl
“Whatever you say princess 🤤 just lemme hit”
(Rest of the members below the cut!)
Sana eobsin Sana mana shy, shy, shy
in other words, baby is shy
I know these evidence to prove he loves being led in a relationship(aka: dommed. Soobin, buddy, if you’re gonna hint to something, just say it :|)
Therefore, he enjoys you taking charge by doing this simple task for him
literally says thank you after before pouring the living daylights out of you :)
this little shit will be so fucking annoying
“That’s not how you do it 🙄”
just say something snarky back and put him in his place (this boy is just begged to be punished 24/7 do not fall into his trap)
“do it yourself then, loser”
he is being annoying but he thinks it’s so sweet that you continue to help him, but is slightly hurt you called him a loser
“Well you’re not any better. You’re about to let a loser fuck you into next week”
Very mature about it but also kinda like yeonjun because he thinks it hot
“Baby, wanna put it on for me? Thank you, baby.”
He smiled at you while you do it and gently smoothes back your hair
gives you a gentle kiss on the forehead when you’re done to show his appreciation
“Thank you, doll. Now let me repay this lovely favor you’ve just done for me”
taehyun I am dizzy bc of you 😵‍💫
huening kai
if y’all thought soobin was shy, make way to this mf because he wins the shy contest
let’s just say it’s his first time and he has no idea how to put on a fucking condom
“it’s okay, hyuka. I’ll do it for you. if that’s okay with you?” Bat your eyelashes he will not be able to say no
he hands you to condom and watches intently to see how to apply it
he whimpers at the contact and it’s the sweetest thing
He also thanks you for putting it on him and gives you the biggest smooch before rearranging your guts in alphabetical order 🥰🥰
I had so much fun with this one (aka: smiled to myself every time I thought something was funny) so I hope you enjoy it !!!
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tiny-pretty-sana · 7 months
sana gf | headcanons
warning: nsfw content (+18), minors dni, men dni
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sana is a ray of sunshine, the type of person that lights up a room as soon as she gets in
she’s welcoming, warm, and full of energy like having a coffee in a winter morning
she’s a dangerous combination of cute and sexy, she’s aware and she takes advantage of that. she knows exactly what to say and how to act to get her way
sana the type of girl that gets princess treatment without having to ask for it
you get her flowers, open the door for her, give her your jacket, carry her bag and you will do everything it takes to get the plushie she wants at the fair
she is aware of everything you do for her, she appreciates it and gives you all that love back
she is very empathetic. it helps to solve conflicts most of the time, but sometimes it can really affect her to see you upset and she cries with you the same way she celebrates your achievements as if they are her own
she’s an it girl, she’s up to date with the latest fashion trends, likes designer clothes and has an amazing fashion sense. since she's your girlfriend you've started to dress better
she takes you shopping and chooses your outfits on special occasions but her favorite thing is to wear subtle matching outfits with you
her love language is physical touch, so expect a huge amount of skinship
she clings to you, kisses you, hugs you, holds your hand, caresses you, plays with your hair, strokes you… she always has her hands all over you
she doesn’t mind pda to the point it can be too much and you sometimes have to stop her because things can get too cheesy or heated
she showers you with love and she wants everyone to know how much she loves you and how special you are
she posts ig stories of you with cute emojis or texts, photo dumps of your dates and she will randomly bring you up in conversation when you aren’t there
she will ask you to take a lot photos of her when you go on dates
her gifts are always expensive, luxurious, useful and she never misses
sana has a flirtatious personality, it’s something that just comes natural to her. she’s playful, she enjoys teasing you and likes seeing you get nervous but if you respond with the same energy you will have her blushing and giggling
she likes the attention and sometimes she might be flirty with her friends or strangers but you don’t really mind, you know she just likes attention and having a bit of fun
however don’t you dare to flirt with anyone that isn't her because she’s possessive and the jealous type of girlfriend. she’s been clear about that since the beginning and you actually love seeing this side of her
you can easily tell when she's jealous/mad because she looks like she’s about to slit the throat of anyone that gets too close or too touchy with you for her liking with her perfectly done nails
when she's jealous not even her empathy can save you. she won’t say anything, she will give you a cold shoulder until you apologize or convince her that she’s the only one for you
she always sends you mirror photos when she’s in the changing room, when she likes her outfit or when she tries a new make up even if you’re in the same room
when you aren't together she's the type of girlfriend that sends you a bunch of texts with a bunch of emojis and a bunch of exclamation marks
"good morning baby!💟" "have a great dayyy!!!🩷" "have you eaten yet?" "💗💗💗💗💗" "drink water!!! 😡💗" "i miss youuu!!! > < 💗" "good night babyyyy!!! 💖"
as someone that expresses her love mostly through physical touch being intimate isn't essential or the center of your relationship, but it's important to her
she likes to make the best of these moments whether they are planned, spontaneous, rushed, soft and slow or fast and rough she will make you feel special, loved, desired, wanted and even worshiped
sana is a passionate, skilled and generous lover
that dangerous mix of cuteness and sexiness is also present in the room she might blush, giggle and cover her face and the next second she's whispering the filthiest things that she wants you to do to her in your ear
when you call her "princess" something just clicks in her brain
she is pretty much a switch in every sense of the word she enjoys bottoming, topping, being in charge and letting you have control
she's possessive, so of course she likes to mark you up and leave hickeys and bites all over your neck and other hidden places. luckily they're subtle enough so they can only be noticed if someone gets a litter too close
sana is usually so touchy that it is hard to tell apart when she is being her usual needy self and when she is just being a brat and is teasing you
casual touches on your thighs, kisses too close to the mouth, glances that undress you, praises that get a little too suggestive…
she's a tease, she likes attention and also praising, so sending you pictures of her cute outfits is not the only thing she does. when you're at work or out with coworkers or friend it's likely that you'll receive pictures of sana in underwear or lingerie if she feels like behaving because if she isn't she will be completely naked doing ungodly poses
she's a kinky girl, open to try new things and isn't shy about it, in fact she has made a few great suggestions that now are part of your routine
her main kinks are praising, degradation, bondage and orgasm control
she loves mix of praising and degradation "you're such a good slut for me, aren't you?" "taking me so well like the little whore you are" "my pretty slut"
she loves when you use the strap on her and she has recently started wearing the strap as well and you can't choose if she is better at giving or receiving
when you're using the strap she loves to do this thing . you lay on your back, she gets between your legs and her hand starts teasing you with strokes on your inner thighs, then she slides a finger between your folds and as soon as she feels your wetness she wraps her lips around the tip of the strap locking her eyes with yours if you're strong enough to look at her
she loves teasing but she hates being teased
if you tease her in an inappropriate place or at an inappropriate time when she can't do anything about it when you finally get home she'll make you sit in a chair in front of the bed and will make you watch while she touches herself
when this happens there are clear rules: 1. you can’t touch her 2. you can’t touch yourself
she is very vocal. she tells you what she wants, where to touch her and how to do it but she also moans without restraining herself and always lets you know how close she is and how good it feels
aftercare is just a long intimate session of cuddles and kisses
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alcoholfreenayeon · 3 days
yow what abt twice mtls? confess first, fall in love, get jealous, fall out of love. great jeongyeon hc btw
Twice most to least likely: Get jealous
A/N: I feel some of these ended up sounding more yandere than jealous🙂‍↕️ but hopefully that’s just me😭hope you guys like it
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She’s a huge flirt, she likes the way she can get people to be infatuated with her plus she likes to play hard to get.
Because of this she’s not used to people seeing her as a second choice so when she sees her partner having a good time with someone else when she’s available or even when she isn’t, it makes her feel strange.
It’s uncharted territory for her and she feels possessive immediately. After all what does the other person possess that Sana doesn’t. Why isn’t her partner yearning for her every moment instead of having a good time without her…
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You’ll find Nayeon staring daggers at you with or without a polite smile. It’s really not a fun sight to witness because you just know you are in so much trouble later.
Nayeon feels very possessive of you. She’s someone who needs a lot of reassurance so you being clingy with anyone other than her doesn’t bode well with her.
Though she ends up feeling a bit silly after some time thinking for being so possessive she can’t help it, she wants you for herself and only herself.
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Mina is a big introvert and she likes to stay indoors alot and keep to herself. But she knows she can’t really force you to do the same.
Nevertheless, she secretly wishes you would be that way. She’d prefer if she could have you all to herself. If it’s only you and her, all day everyday,
She feels sometimes she’s not good enough and that might make you drawn to others and hence gets her guard up immediately when she sees you being close with someone she doesn’t know.
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You were happily chatting with your friend while waiting for Momo. You had known her for a long time, you didn’t take much notice of it when while laughing at a joke, she put her hand on your arm.
Soon enough, her instincts began to scream for danger and upon looking around, she spotted Momo a few meters away, glaring at both of you. “Is that your girlfriend?”…..
The journey back home was quiet. You realized how that might have looked out of context and were fearing Momo saw it differently. She was quiet though. “Everything ok baby?”, you ask her.
“Yes. But you need to sleep early and rest well”, she replies. “Huh? Why do I need extra rest?”, you question. “Well the couch isn’t very comfortable to sleep on is it”, she answers, unbothered, as she looks into the rearview mirror and applies her lipstick.
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Chaeyoung and you were surprised to run into your ex at the mall. It was a bit awkward for the three of you but luckily there was no violence.
She hated how you and your ex became awkward because for her that meant you both saw each other and intentionally or unintentionally reflected back on the time you both were together.
She hated when while leaving, you both shared an inside joke which she didn’t know. Chaeyoung knew it’s just how these things go but that didn’t make her blood boil any less.
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Tzuyu is observant, she doesn’t always speak out, never mind her speaking her mind.
So when she was looking at your Instagram and spotted old posts of you and your ex, it just made her quite upset.
But she also knew it was the past yet she also thought you could have deleted it. After all wasn’t the ex was no longer part of your life.
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Dahyun was watching you talk with the party’s host. It was normal. The two of you seemed to be getting along well.
She was standing a few feet away, getting something to drink when she suddenly heard the host make a suggestive flirty comment towards you. You didn’t realize it and just laughed along,
Dahyun though, gritted her teeth, it’s annoying that you always are so oblivious to these things. She’s gonna scold you for that later, as for the host…well, it’s a good thing her nails felt sharp right now.
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Jihyo knows her worth and she knows you know it too. So she’s never really worried about someone else stealing you away.
But after watching some dramas, she got a bit influenced by them and began to worry that she didn’t like you as much as she thought or wanted because why wouldn’t she ever feel jealous. It was normal for couples to feel jealous at some point right?
And when she asked you to try and flirt with a cashier because she wanted to test something, you definitely felt it was a test. It took a lot of convincing from her and a promise that you wouldn’t get in trouble. Reluctantly you did it but when the cashier actually ended up giving you her number. Jihyo took your hand and dragged you out of the store without even buying anything. You were in big trouble.
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Jeongyeon never has any real reason to doubt you. She knows you both love each other very much.
Of course, it’s inevitable that at some point either of you would get approached by someone else. It won’t be your or her fault if that happens.
But that’s easier to think when it hasn’t happened. When a fellow idol told Jeongyeon that she was lucky to have you and she should be careful you could get stolen. Though Jeongyeon was polite, her glare she ended up shooting at them later would have scared them silly.
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cartierre · 1 year
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SOCIAL MEDIA!AU carlos sainz x fem!japanese!reader (fc: minatozaki sana)
side note: there's no real plot except the whole world simping for y/n.
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♡ liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, landonorris and 189,837 others
tagged: carlossainz55
yourusername miami so far 💛🧡🩵
view all 1,737 comments
user1 i am deeply obsessed with y/n ⤷ user2 ong
user3 every time i see a post of y/n on my time line my day automatically becomes so much better
carlossainz55 mi rayo de sol (my sunshine) ⤷ yourusername 🌞🌞
user4 she is the it-wag
user5 i cannot believe i'm able to live at a time where y/n exists
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♡ liked by yourusername, carlossainz55 and 311,031 others
tagged: yourusername
graff Graff is delighted to announce its partnership with Y/N Y/L/N as its very first brand ambassador in Japan. Graff is synonymous with unrivalled artistry and striking design and is thrilled to partner with Y/N, whose passion and creative fearlessness is showcased in her flawless appearance.
view all 3,827 comments
user6 i'm so broke i had to google wtf graff is just now
user7 "flawless appearance" SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK
yourusername so grateful and honoured to be able to partner up with an incredible brand such as graff! feels like a dream come true! comment liked by graff
user8 is this like y/n merchandise but for the mega rich
user9 y/n in her model era is so iconic ⤷ user10 she deserves all the brand deals fr
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♡ liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc, danielricciardo and 673,912 others
tagged: yourusername
carlossainz55 a little break in between races
view all 2,354 comments
user11 they're so adorable i wanna throw up and bash my head against the wall
user12 y/n being shy and all blushy has me feeling some type of ways
yourusername i told you not to post that picture! ⤷ carlossainz55 what do you mean this is my new favourite picture of you ⤷ carlossainz55 you look lovely as ever
user13 i'm melting by how cute carlos and y/n are together
user14 if they ever break up with each other i'll have to call the police ⤷ user15 i will not become a child of divorce again
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♡ liked by carlossainz55, danielricciardo, landonorris and 201,936 others
tagged: carlossainz55
yourusername summer break! 💐
view all 1,938 comments
user16 i think i'm getting diabetes from how cute you two are ⤷ user17 so real honestly
user18 i need to call my therapist because y'all make me feel a bit too single for my liking
carlossainz55 te amo (i love you) my sugar cookie ⤷ yourusername mi amor 🫶🏻 (my love)
user19 no stop i hate it here but also never ever think about breaking up ⤷ user20 carlos isn't that stupid to let someone like y/n just go
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looking like anne hathaway
sana x f!reader
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sypnosis: you have christian parents and dont support your choices but oh how could you not love someone like minatozaki sana
warnings: death, abuse, suicide, homophobia, not proofread
genre: angst
wc: 1.4k
a/n: i read too many poetry on tiktok with sailor song 🙁 this one was actually inspired from a poetry “bloom.” by wavespoetryinc on tiktok pls read it ❤️
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dating a girl as a christian girl yourself has to be the most painful experience ever. having to be super careful is not a choice.
you knew it was the biggest sin and secret you have ever done to God and your parents. you felt so guilty but it just felt so right dating her.
sana, your beautiful girlfriend has always cared for you, not caring that you were christian. you saw her in the rightest way, a way that no one else could see her.
she was so special to you, you couldn’t even imagine your life without her.
however, every good thing must come to an end.
you sneaked out in the night going to meet your girlfriend, sana, to take a walk. you have done things like this many times, you were basically a master at it.
your parents are extremely strict and would never let you leave the house without them knowing. you wished it was easy to go out, you wish life was easy. you just wanted to live your life freely, not be like a caged dog.
sana was the opposite of you, carefree and loved by everyone. no one would have guessed that she was into girls. every man that tried hitting on her failed. oh how they wished they were you. but sometimes you wished you weren’t yourself.
at first, you wouldn’t admit at all that you liked her. “just a small feeling, just friends it should be fine. the feeling will go away.” you thought to yourself.
it didn’t, it didn’t go away.
now you are doing the most unimaginable sin that you could ever do, dating a girl. you can’t imagine the looks on your parents faces if they ever find out you were dating, not just that but a girl.
somedays you begged for forgiveness, you wanted to have a less heavy heart. the guilt was creeping up to you, but you just couldn’t let go of sana.
you were carefully walking with sana around the neighbourhood. hoping no one from your church was nearby and recognised you. for sure they would tell your parents.
you two acted like the closest friends ever. sana understood your situation and felt horrible for you, that just made you fell more in love. you wanted to kiss her, wanted to give her all of your love.
you looked her in the eyes, she looked in yours. you admired every feature of her, no wonder you loved her at first sight.
you bought something for you and her from a convenience store nearby and sat down at a park to eat together. you couldn’t explain how much you adored her. she was so careful with you, you were like clay in her hands. both of you loved each other very much and would always do in every universe.
“click” the sound of sanas camera as she took a picture of the both of you eating a club sandwich with a bottle of sweet tea.
“y/n! this picture is soooo cute! im gonna post it on my instagram” you put her hand on her lap, ruining her enthusiasm which you wished you never had to do.”sana, my love…” “ oh. right..”
you wanted to ask her that it’s alright and she could post it with her favourite songs. “i know baby, im so sorry. one day..”
you hated the fact you had to hide your relationship with her, you hated to hide the fact that you are in love with her. having to hide your love and feelings for each other.
“don’t apologise lovely, i understand” you saw her faint smile in the shallow light. so many things you wanted to do with her, without being scared.
most of the times you felt guilty for sinning, times like this, you felt like she should leave you, like you don’t deserve her. you wanted her to leave, you wanted her to have a better and happier relationship. not to struggle hiding your relationship with her from the world because of you and your parents.
her parents weren’t supportive of their daughter being a lesbian too. they didn’t like it that much but yet sana took the risk and dated you, you don't deserve her.
you went out with her once again, this time your parents knew. they were furious, raging with anger, you knew how much they would hurt you but that didn't matter. the most hurtful thing they could ever do is take sana away from you. no matter how many bruises they would give you just wanted to be with sana.
at night once again, you were in the park with sana eating. the tracking app they put on you brought them standing right in front of you as you cuddled sana. the fear in your eyes as you started thinking about everything they would do to you. sana was terrified for you too. she knew how your parents were and was scared of losing you.
you wanted to kneel down in front of your dad blazing with anger but you couldn’t. your mother grabbed your wrist tightly, letting you fall down and forced you to get up. you couldn’t look behind you as you walked away with your parents from sana, but you could hear the screams and sobbing from her. you wanted to tell her that it's okay and she doesn’t need to worry about you. but you just couldn’t bare to see her face anymore.
weeks passed, you were never seen by sana for weeks. no text, no message. she cried for days and days, she felt helpless. she wanted to go to your house and take you out of the abusive household, she knew if she did it would just get worse.
nothing seemed right anymore to sana, she stared laying on the grass for days staring at the moon for what seemed like hours.
the moon didn't seem as bright, but she knew you were staring at the same one. she felt guilty for leaving you alone. what could she do? she started imagining the things she used to do with you, she missed you. she remembered when she kissed you for the first time, catching you off guard and looking around frantically for church members.
on your side, slaps and punches were made. bruises formed on your bare skin. cuts and scars appearing, reminding how your parents wanted to kill you. all of that trauma and abuse but you still loved her.
“buzz buzz”
a notification on sanas phone.
“hey, can i come over?”
it wasn’t like your usual happy messages, but sana didn't think too much about it, just happy you were okay, or so she thought you were.
“yes! please come baby”
you wanted to tell her not to call you that anymore, but you loved it, you missed how she called you with that adorable voice.
you were in front of her door, waiting for her to open it. when she opened the door, her eyes started welling up and she cried hard, you didn’t look like yourself, you looked like someone that she would never want to see. how you were covered in bruises and cuts, she cried.
“im sorry i never let you get the ability to post us and letting us hold hands and do all those things in public-“ “y/n, don’t please baby the last thing you should do is apologi-“ “no, please let me say what i wanted to tell you for forever. i love you, and you will be the only person that i will love this much. you are the only person that has made me feel like i have shown my true self. all the love, kindness, joy you have given me. i love you so much and if i could say it on the top of a mountain i would.”
she sobbed, she looked into your eyes, wondering why you were saying all this. you could see her confusion, you wiped her cheek with your thumb. “ baby i love you, and in all of the universes ever existing, i loved you and only you. but this just won't work out in this universe. i love you, im sorry” you couldn’t bare seeing her cry, you turned your back on her and left. she screamed, she wanted to run to you but her legs felt weak and numb. she didn’t know what you were gonna do.
after a week, she was at the burial of your body. she wanted to stop everything and get in with you but she sniffed and shed tears. everyone there was crying, she was crying the hardest. she loved you, but you couldn’t love her.
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mechaknight-98 · 8 months
Rash Revelry FT: Sana and...special guest (NSFW)
As promised the winner of the last poll, along with a special guest.
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Parties weren't your thing. You don't drink, and you don't like being around drunk people so getting you to a party was like trying to get your dad to buy tampons for himself… a hard sell, but in a rare moment of vulnerability and loneliness your friend convinced you to go with him to one a few blocks away. You were unsure as it would be with people you don't know and a culture you might not understand but she said the magic word “pretty women” is going to be there and your caveman's brain did the rest. You arrived in a very minimalist fit a long baggy sweater over a collared shirt, some jeans, and some clean sneakers. You walk into the party to see a lot of young and hot singles; dancing drinking and otherwise having a good time you look for your friend and are shocked when you see her kissing another girl. Well not that shocked she had always been a free spirit when it came to love. Before you could make the call to leave as this wasn't your scene you felt a tap on your shoulder you turned back around to see a shorter girl with big dark eyes and very light hair. She looks up at you with a smile on her face.
“You must be new around here because me and my friend haven't seen you before.” the young woman says as she points out another young lady with soft brown eyes and a killer Bob brown-haired bounds into your field of vision.
“Hey, Sana! Oh, who's this? he’s cute!” the smaller newer girl says.
“Oh, this is well… I just met him too.”
“Oh the name is Galahad but please call me Gally,” you say almost stuttering. The pair of women smile at you
“Oh Gally a cute name for a cute guy Sana” (the taller one) says
“Ah, you don't have to exaggerate.”You say bashfully.
The other girl approaches you confidently “Ah look Sana now he's all shy. Now we have to take care of him.” she brings you in for a kiss as she does you feel a hand snake into your pants. You jolt frightened when you feel a hand tighten around your manhood.
Sana smiled mischievously at you. Her wanton eyes were aflame with desire. She stands on her tippy toes and whispers in your ear, “You should come with us.” you nod as you follow them your friend watches as the two girls take you away. She smirked and went back to kissing her partner for the night. Sana and the other girl named Jihyo (you gathered her name when Sana and she were talking to each other) try to figure out what to do with you before they decide to take turns with you.
You follow them to a bedroom that overlooks the house’s beautiful backyard and city skyline. You stop as you admire the view. Jihyo smiles at you.
“You’re not a city boy are you?” she asks
“No mam” you answer Jihyo smiles hungrily at you
“Oh you've got manners I like that, but I'd much prefer you call me mistress,” she says as she corners you. Jihyo’s saccharine and honeyed tone arouses you more than her fit and tight body. You turn to Sana who's already stripping on the bed and beckoning the two of you to her. Jihyo pushes you on the bed her eyes pools of lust that tempt you to dive in.
“Cheer up baby,” Sana says as she caresses your back feeling all of the wound-up tension you felt.
“Uh, this is my first time,” you say embarrassed.
Jihyo purrs with excitement at the thought of deflowering you. Sana is in disbelief, however. “So you want us to believe that the big scary tough newbie at our party hasn't been touched here before?” As Sana questions you her hands drift to cock which is now exposed you jolt your hips at her stroke which makes Jihyo laugh, but Sana continues to jerk you. Her dainty and dexterous hands leave you dizzy and breathless as she hypnotically strokes you up and down. You only grow harder as Jihyo begins a strip tease for you. You moan which only excites Sana further. Her strokes grow more focused more fevered. Your moans grow louder as your pleasure increases. Feeling you squirm Sana fondled your balls with her other hand sending several overwhelming sensations throughout your body.
“Sana I think he's going to Ahh!” Jihyo starts before you explode all over her. She looks at you and Sana with an annoyed but aroused look. Her face and large tits are covered in your cum. Undeterred she begins to lick your still-hard cock slowly. “Warn me next time” is all she says seductively. Sana giggles from behind.
“I couldn't help it his moans were just too cute.” before you can protest Sana turns your face to hers and begins kissing you. You lose yourself to her as her kisses become ravenous. When she finally breaks the kiss she smiles at you adorably as if she hadn't just made you explode all over her friend moments ago.
Speaking of Jihyo she had gotten you enough of her “appetizer” and was ready to move on to the main dish. She pushed you further till you were lying on the bed. “Sana sit on his face,” Jihyo ordered in her Husky lust-soaked voice. You smile as you feel Jihyo align herself with your cock
“Are you two gonna behave for mommy?” Jihyo asks the both of you. You wince as you feel Jihyo playfully stroking your balls. You're given a reprieve when you hear Sana moan above you as you see Jihyo dive into her chest. The intensity of the situation finally hits you. You were too caught up in the moment to fully be present but when Jihyo slides on top of you everything clicks. She begins to ride you and Sana sits on your face. Feeling confident you decide to please Sana first. You dig your tongue into her folds as she rides your face. Not expecting your boldness Sana jolts away but you grab onto her bodacious butt and bring her further down.
“Oh my now You're getting into it.” Sana moans. “I love the passion but I need you to listen to me.” you stop your assault on her pussy and she calms down enough to guide you. “First you can't just dive in. I know I'm a full meal, especially with all this cake in the back but you gotta ease into it.” Sana instructed you to nod at her saccharine and seductive words. “Okay now that I've got you calm start teasing my clit” Sana orders and you followed. As you do Jihyo begins to ride you in earnest Sana moans as she drenches you in her. You lap it up like a dog. “Oh fuck yes.” you hear Jihyo yell as she grinds on your rod with an almost feral intensity.
“I'm cumming” Jihyo says as her walls tighten she milks you, but it's in vain as your body is still going as you continue to eat Sana.
“Yes, yes” Sana yells before telling you to now go wild. You do. You dig into her folds with your tongue and Sana quickly cums all over your face. You continue to eat her like a 5-star meal but she lightly hits your head. “Stop. I'm sensitive.” Sana says with a smile. She gets off your face and you see Jihyo watching you
“How are you still hard?” she says as she languidly strokes your cock before passing out.
Three weeks after the party you were at home relaxing. your friend Sakura opens the door.
“Oh what's up Kkura?” you ask. Kkura smiles
“I ran into Sana and Jihyo today. They asked me if I knew a guy who gave off “countryside in the big city energy” who was at their party three weeks ago. because they have been looking for him.” she says. You chuckle and say
“Well if memory serves correctly they kinda pushed me out before we could get or give out numbers.” you tease
“Yeah, that sounds right.” Sakura laughs “So what are you going to do Gally?”
“I don't Kkura,” you respond
“Well, why don't you just go talk to them?”
“Ah I don't know I'm pretty boring they seem the live fast sorts,” you reply. You watch as Sakura furrows her brows before stating,
“Why don't you give them a chance? You never know what you may find.” you groan and drive to their house. You ring the doorbell and open it to see Sana who gives you an adorable smile,
“Good to see you cutie.”
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wonysugar · 1 year
Sana spotting reader in the crowd at the concert and keeps looking at her the whole show, then tells her manger to bring you backstage after the show and she ends up taking you back to her hotel room…smut of course. Thank you!
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tags : belittling, humiliation, spanking (or just plain degradation if you’d like), sana has a strap, smut with plot!
content warning : smut! that’s..it lol
pairing : fan!femreader x sana minatozaki
word count : 2k
a/n : thank you so much for requesting, sana’s my bias so i had a super fun time writing this!!<3 also I’M SO SORRY FOR KEEPING YOU WAITING!! i hope the wait is worth it!
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there you were, standing in line for the twice tour concert happening in your city, you would’ve came with a friend, but nobody in your circle really likes kpop the way you do.
plus, you didn’t want anyone you knew to see you fangirling over a girl group who doesn’t even know you exist which would get significantly worse when sana comes on stage.
you brought your twice lightstick and a silly little sign that reads “sana please kiss me i need you badly”, this was a one in a lifetime opportunity, you needed to confess your undying love to your soulmate if given the chance! listening to your own thoughts playback in your mind, you giggled at your delusions. god, you’re hilarious.
before you knew it, the line progressed and you were finally sat for the concert. fanchants ready to be yelled out, lightstick set up. oh you were so ready. plus, you got front seats too, so you were even more hyped.
then, they appeared. suddenly, everybody just lost their shit you included and started screaming for their bias. song after song, dancebreak after dancebreak, the crowd was going absolutely wild. while yes, you were enjoying the performance as a whole, but you just couldn’t stop staring at your favorite member. and surprisingly, she stared back most of the time! smiling at you and winking as she sang, just basically fueling all of your delusions. the rush of it all gave you the confidence you needed to do this.
you waited until she looked at you again and just held the sign up, you didn’t give a single fuck about the people behind you, they didn’t matter! you needed to make sana remember you by something, even if it was lowkey embarrassing!
she took a few moments to read it, squinting her eyes, then.. giggled??
oh she wants you badly!! is what you told yourself because you and facing reality are not a good match! she took the sign from your hands and showed it off to the other members, earning a bunch of laughs and giggles from them, followed by some talking.
oh nevermind, she’s most likely making fun of you.
embarrassed, you started looking around, pretending you didn’t know what was going on as if everyone didn’t just see that she grabbed the sign from you. but then, you spotted her writing something on it with a sharpie. intrigued, you watched her as she finished up writing. she jogged over to you and handed you back your sign as she winked at you. you smiled nervously and muttered a confused ‘thank you’ before your eyes darted at the writing.
your eyes widened, both in confusion and very pleasant surprise.
‘stay here after the concert, a manager will come get you ;)’
oh my god.
the final song finished and everybody cheered loudly for the last time. you had a great time, but you just couldn’t stop looking at your sign, reminiscing about what she was planning. was she trying to get you arrested? why would she wink though.. maybe she winked just so you would stay and THEN she’d get you arrested???
your mind ran wild as you quickly reached for the exit of the arena, trying not to get caught by whoever was out to get you, but before you could, you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“excuse me, ms. minatozaki is requesting to see you, i believe.”
trying not to hide your defeat and fear of what could possibly happen, you nodded. “yup. lead the way!” you said, over enthusiastically. he motioned for you to follow him and he took you backstage, where, surprisingly, no other members were present. just her. you unintentionally gulp as the staff leaves you two alone.
god she’s literally staring you down. you would’ve been excited about being so close to her in person but the situation right now was kinda preventing that, you fidgeted with your hands. right as she was about to speak,
“are you gonna get me arrested? look, it was a silly little joke i had no intentions of making you uncomfortable and i’m honestly really sorry if i di-“
“relax, baby” she interrupted, “i found it endearing. i mean, it’s not like you’re a creepy old man, are you?” she slightly tilted her head as she asked the question.
you hesitantly shook your head. wait, did she just call you baby?? you felt that you could just die right then and there.
“so, why are you panicking? if i was trying to get you arrested, i wouldn’t be smiling and winking at you all show, would i now, cutie?”
your jaw slightly dropped at the amount of pet names that she just kept casually throwing around. does she not know what that can do to someone who’s like. infatuated with her??
“no, you wouldn’t, i don’t think.” you stuttered out. she giggled at you, eyeing you down, her gaze ending up on every single part of your body.
“are you free tonight?” she asked you, an innocent smile plastered on her face.
quite frankly, you were originally planning to go home right after concert, lay on your bed and watch tiktoks for like 5 hours straight but… let’s just say making out with the sana minatozaki on her hotel room’s bed was significantly better than that.
she unfortunately pulled away from you and looked into your eyes as she slightly panted, “what are you into, baby?” she asked you.
not knowing what to respond, you looked around nervously, still not over the fact that you’re about to fuck an idol?? your favorite one, at that. was this even allowed???
“uhm.” you finally responded, “i don’t know.. girls?” you awkwardly chuckled.
fuck, maybe being funny wasn’t the best approach, she looked like she was genuinely asking. you could tell from the drop of her expression that she was getting impatient, she subtly sighed, almost pulling away from you.
which…. you always found it kind of sexy when she got frustrated at her other members, or something of the sorts.
biting back a shy smile, you kept staring at her. then, as if something in her mind clicked, something in her eyes sparkled and she smirked.
“oh… i see where this is going.” she playfully smirked, getting closer to you again as if she could feel your face growing hotter by the second. “you’re into people treating you like garbage, aren’t you?”
you hesitated, but you ended up silently nodding. was she psychic??
“oh how cute. so if i were to fuck you roughly as i called you names, you’d like that, hm?”
you froze, then turned your head to look at anything that wasn’t her face. god that sounded so hot.
“answer, you bitch.” she grabbed you by the jaw and made you look at her, her eyes piercing through you. you swore that you could’ve came right then and there, but you obviously had and wanted to keep this going.
“y-yes sana, i’d like that. alot.” you squirmed under her, her eyes still not leaving yours. she scoffed.
“i knew you were a complete slut as soon as i saw you.” she kissed your neck, earning a relieved sigh from you as she unbuttons your shirt. “also,” she added,
“it’s ms. sana, got it?”
next thing you knew, she was violently dicking you down from behind with her strap. wait, why did she even bring it along with her on tour? whatever, that didn’t even matter right now, what mattered was that your twice bias was literally inside you and that you felt like you could squirt just from that. an exaggeration, but she was just that good at fucking you.
“fuckfuckfuck sana right there..” you moaned out, throwing your head down on the pillow before you stammered nervously, “i-i mean, ms. sana!”
in response, “aren’t you a cute thing. this is the fourth time you’ve made that mistake. does it feel that good?” you heard her giggle. okay, she didn’t sound mad, but you still needed to be careful next ti-
before you could even finish that thought, though, you felt her hand smack one of your cheeks with full force, making you flinch and unintentionally whimper at the impact. fuck, that hurt.
“apologize.” she coldly ordered you, her pace getting faster by the second, causing you to lose your breath. recollecting your thoughts, you let out a nervous “i’m s-sorry ms. sana fuck i’m sorry..”
“god.. look at you. ass up for a girl you barely even fucking know.” she hummed, clearly amused by all of this, amused by how easily you gave in. she gently scratched and pet your head as she would a dog, still roughly pounding you from the back. “are you stupid or just a horny bitch?” she mockingly giggles.
“that’s just what you are, isn’t it? a little bitch in heat. hm?”
if her purpose was to fill you with shame, then it was very much working. you felt humiliated. when you really thought about it like that, you are literally letting a stranger fuck you. not only that, but you went to her hotel room. maybe she was right, maybe you are just a whore.
“come on baby, say it. admit how much of a slut you are.” she pulled on your hair, forcing you to hold yourself up. you whimpered and moaned loudly at the sensations, trying your hardest to form a correct sentence, “yes ms. sana i’m a s-slut! fuckfuck i’m a slut for you p-pleaseee fuck me harder..”
your dignity and self-respect now long gone, your only priority was cumming. she probably caught onto that quickly, though, since she immediately started changing her pace, going at a much slower speed, much to your despair. you whined. “such a good bitch for mommy. are you getting close?” she asked.
mommy?? oh this woman wanted you dead. her words and the noises coming out of her contributing in making it harder for you to keep your composure. god you were a mess, being undone like this, being used like this, being at someone’s mercy, sana’s mercy. it turned you on so much.
moaning out consecutive mhms in response to sana’s question, she hummed, grabbing your waist. then, unexpectedly, she rams into you, her strap fucking in and out of you, covered in your slick. “then we’ll cum together, okay?” she orders, panting. you eagerly nod, head pressed into the pillow.
you feel your orgasm building up, your noises getting higher and louder. she quickly started shamelessly moaning louder too, good girls and just like thats escaping her mouth.
it didn’t take long before her breathing stopped for a moment, pulling on your hair with such a force. she moaned out your name, and that’s when your own mind blanked. that feeling in your lower stomach was now replaced with complete euphoria, and it was amplified by the fact that you knew it was caused by sana. you didn’t care about how loud you were being, you didn’t care about the people next door, you wanted them to know who was making you feel this good.
as you both came down from your high, you felt her pull out. it took you some time to actually sit up, but your legs weren’t exactly in the best state right now.
“do you do this to every fan you meet?” you ask her, laying down on your side, sounding kinda muffled due to your head still being in the pillow.
“hm, no. i’ve never done this before. i guess it was something about you.” she said, smiling as she was tying her hair and then eventually taking the strap off of her, setting it down on the nightstand.
then, you remembered your so called delusions. maybe they weren’t entirely delusions after all!
you took your bag, all dressed up and ready to leave the hotel room, she on the other hand, stayed naked, because that’s apparently how she sleeps. you say your goodbyes very obviously eyeing her bare body and head to leave, but she stops you.
“here’s my number, i’ll text you and eventually let you know when we come back here.” she winks at you, then sends you on your way.
well! getting dicked down by sana minatozaki wasn’t exactly on your bucket list this year, but it was certainly very welcomed, considering you went back home giggling to yourself and did your own thing when you arrived home, still thinking about all of it..
from now on, you could never allow yourself to miss the upcoming tours.
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satzumosupremacy · 10 months
Elite Bodyguard Series: Pt.6
Under The Blanket
Male reader x Sana
Tags: Smut, Slight cockwarming, short bj tape 4k Words
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The so-called secret wasn’t as secret as Sana said; even all the Twice managers knew what was happening. Yet, they would rather remain silent. 
In all honesty, you thought she was all-talk about coming every week.
Until it wasn’t.
You’ve gone over to her house many times. And when Twice came over for a little get-together for the first time at your house, Sana stayed the night. The roles are switched now; she comes over every time, sometimes without the members knowing, but it was so noticeable that there isn’t a way you can hide it. That was only weeks ago, or maybe even a month of mostly seeing Sana. Once or twice a week started being the pattern of her coming over. 
Her voice was the problem—not in a bad way, but it gets you turned on like she’s pulling you in to touch her body and give her what she wants. Sana’s voice is seductive, sassy, and cute in a sense. Just like a black hole, she’s sucking you in, in a naughty or wholesome way that can be both, until you lose your thoughts with Sana. 
Her distinct scent lingers on your pillows and bedsheets, and sometimes she leaves some clothes over. You learned about her cute clumsiness, and you couldn’t help but become fond of her.
Sana is like a double-edged sword. You love fucking and making her cum. Not getting enough sleep is a flaw, and not getting much done in the day. Not only you, but Sana as well. Without words, she would gaze at you with a smile, and as you meet her eyes, there would be an unspoken word of what to do—fuck. The chemistry was through the roof. 
You knew well that she's always flirtatious, and even you would join in to make it even more dangerous. Although you don’t have any romantic feelings for Sana, you always wonder how long it will take for her to fall for you, just like pouring fuel into a fire. 
“Babe or baby," a simple word that Sana slipped out of her tongue, was problematic because your heart flutters to her voice. 
It’s too late to turn back. You’re stuck with Sana and you couldn’t grasp the situation you’re in. She made you hers, but at the same time, Sana’s one call away.
It was already late at night when she came. Her clothes were on the whole time but can be off any second now. There’s a long pause with Sana’s nonchalant face that you find cute.
“What, Sana.”
She sits closer to you. “Let’s drink.”
“I guess we can spice things up for later.”
Sana gets closer as you feel her warm lips on your cheek and make out with your neck. She could be very dangerous at times with her flirtatious nature. “Or you can…strip me right here. How about that?” 
You grab her chin, lifting her head to look back at you. “I love how you look at me like this, Sana. So beautiful, so hot.” 
And her face quickly becomes red, unexpectedly hearing such flirtatiousness. “O-oppa..”
“I’ve got a better idea. Let’s fuck outside. No one will see us, Sana.”
She chuckles cutely, “I love everything you do to me.” You take off her shirt—nothing under, like always. Sana’s body is yours to satisfy your desires. Her clothes are off in a matter of seconds. Sana takes her turn taking off your clothes while kissing you everywhere her lips can be. “Carry me.”
And you carry her outside as she chuckles cutely with her legs wrapped around you.
There was no reason for a sudden kiss while carrying her outside, although you love playing and teasing Sana every time when the mood is right.
“Get in the pool, let’s go for a swim.”
“Teach me how to swim, Oppa.”
You beckon her as you step down into the water from the stairs. You weren’t planning on teaching her; rather, you were thinking of a play fight with Sana, and she knows you’re at an advantage. 
“Why are you smirking. I’m scared now,” Sana said with a playful tone. Sana was also smirking, knowing what’s going to happen.
“C’mon, Sana,” you smiled. “Have fun with me. I won’t do anything.”
“Fine.” She walks to the stairs, and you give your hand out to her. “It’s so cold, Oppa. How can you tolerate this?” 
“It’s natural to my body, Sana.” You hug her tight, enough to feel her tits mashed to your chest while her heart starts to race even faster. “I’ll keep you warm.”
She couldn’t say anything but get shy with her face planted on your chest. The night became quiet as you both stood, with crickets chirping and the dim light lighting the whole place. “Oppa.” 
Sana breaks free from your hug and splashes you with water. She laughs as you get soaked. The fight was on, and you aren’t going easy on Sana. 
The atmosphere is filled with laughter, with Sana's adorable and distinctive laugh standing out. You continue to splash her, and in return, she does the same. The pool's waves grow, causing her to tumble around. Without glancing your way, she remains focused on the splashing, adding to the fun.
It’s a romantic mood; the lights are dim to set whatever comes next and no one disturbing. With each splash of water, you approach Sana closely, wrapping your arms around her from behind as she chuckles. 
“You’re such a good girl, Sana.” The flirtatious tone made her heart fluttered. It wasn’t intentional, but more of a slip of your tongue.
“Seems like someone is getting hard,” Sana laughed.
“Who’s my good girl?”
“Me, Oppa.”
You kiss her neck. Your hands are gliding down to her legs, and before she knew, you’re rubbing her pussy in circles. Her moans are so elegant and erotic in the night sky. You tease Sana by thrusting your cock between her thighs.
“Sana, I waited the whole day for you. Just to be inside you, Sana.”
“I never imagined how romantic this can be.”
“Bend over for me and let’s have a good time. Like always.” She walks towards the edge, and you don’t let go but follow her. Without any words, you already know how messy tonight will get. Sana’s already in front of you bent over. Tease after tease, you insert your tip in, slowly until you’re balls deep in Sana. “Give me your hands, Sana.”
You pin her arms behind her back, thrusting her faster as she tries to moan quietly. Luckily, the floor wasn’t rough, and it was smooth and wet enough to not put a scratch on her body. The water lubricated her pussy, making it much easier to make Sana roll her eyes back. You couldn’t see such a view of her face, but only a slight reflection from the glass window in front as you stretch Sana out. 
“Sana, you’re so fucking beautiful from the back.”
“I love how deep you’re inside me,” she gulped, moaning quietly in the night.
You couldn’t dare fuck Sana hard, it’s always deep and moderate. Sana loved the romantic feelings. To Sana, she didn’t care how quick or long sex was, but rather enjoy sex with you. And you’re the same.
You pull her up, standing with each other as the waves ripple more violently. Her hands hold onto your arms right after you start choking her gently.
“Fuck, Baby,” she groaned. It made your heart fluttered.
“Who’s a good girl?” You moaned right in her ear and nibbled her neck.
“I’m your good girl.”
And you were smelling her floral fragrance throughout her neck. It remains quiet, only the water and both your moans was only heard.
“Sana,” you said with a deep breath. “Let’s go to the bedroom. I want you there instead."
Drying each other off was quicker than expected. Nothing but loud and wet kisses as you take her to your bedroom. You fall onto the bed with Sana as she didn’t let go of you for even a second.
Sana’s lying down on her back with her legs spread wide enough. The lights in the room had decent light from the windows. You’re deep inside Sana, choking her harder this time as she holds onto your arm with both her hands tightly squeezing. 
Her desperate eyes gazed at you, fighting to keep her eyes open. Until her teeth clenches, eyes roll back, and tilting her head deeper into the pillow for a loud, satisfying moan that you love hearing from Sana. It didn’t take much time for you to start sweating in the humid night. 
All the times that she’s with you, nighttime is by far her favorite. The mood always changes into a deep, passionate romance, and no one to bother you two.
“Fuck!” Sana moaned, breaking into a whimper.
“Take it like a good girl, Sana.”
Sana rubs her clit in circles, and her breaths only become heavy, panting with all the moans echoing in the room. You pin her arms to the headrest, locking her in as she squirms around more intensely. 
As you fuck Sana—in full control for several minutes, you decide to let Sana have her turn. Nothing surprises you at this point, and she quickly taps you to lie on the bed while Sana’s on top.
“You’re going to cum inside me,” Sana said, leaning closer to your ears, "right in this pussy." She grinds on you slowly with her hands placed right on your chest.
Not even minutes later, you pull her closer—body to body. You hold her in, hugging Sana, and it was to her liking—the comfort of your arms and warmth around her. And she’s moaning in your ear purposely to make you cum. You groan, grunting more as Sana rides and grinds on you like she’s impatient for your warm cum inside her. 
“Fuck, Sana,” you groaned softly. “Just like that.”
“Cum, baby, cum.” Your cock throbs as she rides and grinds on you even faster, with you kissing her tits. You grunt, groaning harder, until you start cumming inside Sana. And by the amount of cum that was inside her, she isn’t pulling out, but rather being still with both of you catching your breaths. “So warm, so much, just what I’ve been wanting inside me."
“Sana,” you said quietly, catching your breath. “Don’t move."
Despite Sana wanting more, she listens to you; everything you say to her, Sana follows along. “This pussy feels good, doesn’t it? It’s for you, Oppa. I know you love to cum in me."
Both your hearts were racing; you felt how slowly your cum was leaking out, and Sana kept kissing you until the next round. It was quiet, making out with each other romantically louder while your cock was still inside her.
“Turn around, Sana.” She gets off quickly with cute chuckles, then teases you with your cock between her folds. You insert your cock back in with a gentle slap on her ass, and the two of you are sweating inside a closed door. “I wish you could see how amazing you look from behind, Sana."
“That’s so hot of you, Baby.”
You thrust deeper, holding and squeezing her ass with her moans getting erotic. You pull on Sana’s hair as she arches more. Moaning and whimpering pleasurably from you being balls deep inside her. 
It’s always irresistible to see Sana turned around. For the most part, you love pulling her hair when she’s like this; the moans she makes can’t be distinguished between pain or pleasure, and she takes it all deep inside. To where you can cum all want, just like how she loves it. Your sweat drips down your face, your neck all drenched, even if the air conditioner is turned on to your assumption. You pull Sana’s hair to the point of her almost falling behind in front of you. And she does, all weighed on you. 
“Sana, you smell so good.” It was her sweat making her perfume even stronger, to where you got a whiff from her neck.
“I’m all yours, Baby.” And she didn’t need you to tell her what she should be doing. Grinding with you under her is what you both wanted.
Your hand holds onto Sana’s tits, while your other hand starts rubbing her clit. She pants, holding back her moans as your hand squeezes her tits harder.
“I know you’re mine, Sana. Don’t you feel how creamy your pussy is?” You asked her, although you didn’t expect an answer back due to her moaning seductively. “So tight and wet. So fucking creamy.”
“Fuck,” Sana moaned at the sudden passion. And you knew where she wanted your hands to be. The feeling of your arms all around Sana made her feel protected, even loved. 
“Cum, Sana.” Another thing that you learned was that she can easily cum with your cock deep in her while you rub her clit. It was her weakness that you love to take advantage of.
Her body quivers, screaming at the top of her lungs as she tries to hold back while you kiss her neck. “Fuck!” And she’s trying her hardest, knowing you know how easily you can make her cum like this. Sana’s moans come to a quick pause, jerking her body as she cums on your cock. It was just what you wanted while she held tightly to your arms. 
“Good girl.” You kept kissing and licking her neck with the subtle taste of her sweat until she caught her breath. You thrust slowly, and your hand didn’t move at all from her clit, not until she got off and lays beside you tiredly. 
“One last round. Before we sleep, Oppa.”
You quickly get on top again with a mischievous smirk, staring right into her eyes, “I’m going to cum any second now, Sana.”
She giggles, “I know I’m pretty.” Sana read your eyes, full of lust, as you didn’t break eye contact. “Enough for you to enjoy me.” 
Sana always has that same erotic moan when you insert your cock in her that you can’t get over. And the blanket quickly covers both of you with a simple pull of your hands. Both of you become silent, panting, and moaning quietly under the blanket.
It quickly gets humid, not like either of you would care from all the sweat already. All that you wanted was Sana, fucked and filled with cum that you wanted inside her. Sana’s pussy made all the wet noises, webs of cum on your balls leaking from her pussy, and it felt like butter. Your body hesitates to thrust, and you kept on pushing harder inside Sana. Grunting is all you did as she moaned, you were fighting your own body. Her arms are around you, caressing your shoulder blades to all your back. 
“Baby, just like that. Cum,” Sana murmured.
And you let out a grunt and a quick pant as she wraps her legs around you, with her arms tightly around your back. Your cock throbs with each thrust, ready to cum, and erupts inside Sana that you couldn’t hold back. 
“Sana,” you groan into her ear, and she’s happy to hear her name called from your voice.
“Let’s get some sleep, Oppa.” You pull out and quickly get close beside Sana so she can lick off the extra cum.
After letting her clean your cock, you lay beside her. It didn’t take long for Sana to hug you with her face on your chest that you could feel her smiling after a night.
Sana woke up, fixed her hair gently enough to not disturb you while you were sleeping, and got up to take a quick shower, then walked quietly to the kitchen to make a simple breakfast for you that she planned.
You wake up fifteen minutes later, looking around and not seeing Sana right beside you. Every morning, Sana takes a shower; sometimes it was with you, which disappointed you as Sana didn't wake you up for some fun in the morning. You got up and went into the bathroom for a shower, then dressed comfortably to meet Sana in the kitchen as she finished making breakfast. 
“Good morning, Oppa.”
“Good morning, Sana. When did you wake up?” You walked to her with a smile, hugging her from behind and kissing her cheek. She’s wearing your shirt that she got from your closet, which looks adorable on her with its oversized fit.
“Like..thirty or forty minutes ago. Have some toast with scrambled eggs.”
“Kind of disappointed that you didn’t wake me up for some a naughty shower together, Sana.” You teased Sana as she could only laugh.
“I wanted to make you breakfast, Oppa. Oh, I need your opinion on something.”
“What is it?”
“I’ll show you after we have breakfast.” Sana hands you a plate.
After breakfast, she takes you to your bedroom and looks up at you, “what does it smell like?”
It was pretty hard to admit, but the room had a faint smell of a not-so-innocent time last night. Even the woody vanilla scent from the diffuser had less of a fragrance that you couldn’t smell.  “It smells like sex and you, Sana.”
“Really? It smells like sex and a hint of you too, Oppa. It’s hot how we still smell what we did last night.”
“I should do laundry,” you sighed and laughed. “You’re really making me spend more money on laundry detergent, Sana. This is like…the third time now.”
She laughs, “at least we have good sex. I know you love fucking me. I’ll pay for your laundry detergent next time.”
The smell wasn’t a strong, musty smell, yet anyone would be right that something romantic and passionate happened last night. This wasn’t the first time; however, the smell was just distinctive enough to point out. And it’s always on the hottest nights.
“It’s fine, Sana.” You start to take off the bedsheets, pillow cases, and even the blanket. Sana helps you to drop it in the laundry.
“An hour wait like always.” She looks back at you with an innocent smile. It wasn’t so innocent at all since you could pretty much tell what she wants next.
“Sana, I’m actually not in the mood for sex right now. Let’s just make out for the meantime.”
“That’s what I was thinking.” She holds your hands and takes you back to push you onto the couch. Then Sana proceeds to get on top and sit on your lap. "Shhh," Sana said, giggling cutely.
And her lips are right on yours, kissing you romantically while you bite her lips softly. It didn’t take long for tongues to start dancing. The kisses get more romantic; both your heads tilt in the opposite direction, just fighting for dominance. Sana arches forward, hands on both of your cheeks with her moaning.
You caress every part of her back, even her ass, squeezing them while Sana moans quietly. The thought of not fucking goes through the window. 
“Sana…..,” you gulped.
She breaks off the kiss on your neck, “seems like someone’s getting hard. May I solve your problem?” Her face is so seductive—like always when she looks at you, it’s something you can’t get enough of, and the looks you both exchanged were set.
Sana gets on her knees while you take off your pants and boxers. It didn’t take long for Sana to start licking your sensitive tip. You felt her searching around for something, and to your awareness, she had your phone in her hands. “Let’s film a video.”
“You’re fucking crazy,” you laughed and she handed you your phone already recording.
The soft and plump lips she has always felt great as Sana starts kissing and sucking on your tip while looking at the camera. “Tastes amazing like always.”
Cameras are always around her, and she used to use them, but you’re seeing this side of Sana—kneeling with her mouth wrapped around your cock, sucking you off slowly and deeply. Sana gags the moment your cock reaches her throat.
Of all the times she spent sucking you off, almost to oblivion, you knew she could drain you within a day and keep going for her desire for cum. But when it comes to fun and quality time, Sana would rather let you enjoy her. You love her mouth, tongue, body, and even the eyes she gazes at you. 
Yet, deep down, you still couldn’t accept that you loved her coming over every week without anything underneath her clothes. Makeup, nails, brushed hair, perfume—she did it all for you. No matter how long it took her to get ready, it’s you who she wanted to impress. When the two of you aren’t having sex, Sana’s just relaxing in your house until she gets horny. 
“Sana,” you moaned. Saying her name was magical to her. It makes her heart flutter with love. She’s gagging and choking quietly with the subtle wetness of how much of a mess she’s deep-throating your cock. There is still no answer from Sana. “I don’t want to cum yet. Slow down.” 
Despite Sana sucking you off, you remain quiet trying to not ruin a recording of her on her knees getting messy with your cock.
She’s sucking you off, her hair all messy, while you unconsciously hold it in a ponytail from your other hand. Sana taps your thigh three slow, consecutive times. 
Without a word, "cum" is what she wanted you to do with a tap. The camera was all focused on her, and you’re not going to cum with Sana bobbing her head freely. You hold her nape, pulling Sana in to keep her from freeing herself. Then your cock throbs violently, cumming deep in her throat while she takes it all. You felt every muscle in her mouth, along with the warm breaths she made as you still cum. 
Sana gags, choking hard the next as she stares into the camera. Then a seductive smile you see.
“Good girl.” And you’re still holding her in, just Sana catching every breath she takes on your cock. You then brush her hair, “we still have plenty of time, Sana. Keep it warm."
You love her mouth, and if someone made you choose between Sana’s mouth or pussy, it would be a tough decision to make. But when it comes to where you would rather finish, the clear answer is her pussy most of the time. The feeling of how tight she always is while you cum, satisfies you the most. 
“Mhmmmm,” Sana hummed, and you felt her tongue teasing your tip until she slowly pulls out. “So damn good.”
She pulls off, teeth biting on her fingers so seductively with a smirk while staring right into the camera. You end the video and lay back on the couch with Sana stroking your cock slowly. “Sana, you look beautiful.” 
“Should I make you cum again? I know I’m beautiful enough to make you cum, Oppa." However, Sana didn’t wait for an answer and only wrapped her mouth around your cock again, tilting while maintaining eye contact. 
Her mouth brings you comfort, and the warm feeling of Sana’s breath coating your cock is pure bliss. “Fuck, Sana. You’re so-” you groaned as she teased your cock. “Show me how much you love it.” 
She does what you said, licking and swirling her tongue around your sensitive tip until Sana slaps your cock on her tongue. There's a moment of silence, with Sana wrapping her mouth around your cock. No bobbing, no sucking—just her eyes all closed with a smile on her face. 
You brushed her hair, admiring Sana as she didn't move a muscle, "Sana, when are you free this week?"
Sana pulls off your cock, “Tzuyu’s coming over tomorrow, do you need me after again? We can make a mess like last night, Oppa.” She continues to kiss your tip, making her way to your balls. “Call me,” Sana said confidently.
You take a deep breath from the way Sana’s pleasing you, “probably, if she plans on leaving after.”
“I know you’re going to call, Oppa.”
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ot9snumber1 · 5 months
rabbit hole
sana minatozaki x reader
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summary: sana dislikes—no, hates your idea of love.
warnings: suggestive, angst, fluff, roommate!sana, emetophobia very briefly mentioned, reader is an idiot
notes: inspired by 'rabbit hole' - deco*27! i've been getting into vocaloid recently 🤓
also i wrote this overnight? i've never written so fast before im scared dove what did u do to me (lovingly) (but seriously im finally free from writers block hooray!) (also this means its not proofread sorry)
wc: 4.1k
the loud slam of the door jolts sana awake, nearly falling off the couch as she sat up. her heart sinks, thinking that someone had broken in—but when you emerge from the dark hallway, she sighs out of relief.
sana checks the clock, 1:30 am. "you're home late. again." she mumbles, standing up and keeping the blanket wrapped around herself as she stopped you from going up the stairs. you groan, just wanting to take your clothes off and sleep.
"are you drunk?"
sana doesn't believe you. she steps closer, leaning in to smell your breath. you ignore the way your heart skipped a beat at that. instead of smelling liquor, her nose scrunches at the scent of perfume. it wasn't yours, nor hers, nor from the girl you slept with two days ago.
somehow, that made her feel worse than if you had actually been drunk.
"who was it this time?" she asks, grabbing your wrist and dragging you to the kitchen. sana hates that you struggled to keep up with her. "doesn't matter, i've done better."
she cringes at your words. "you can't just say that." sana mumbles frustratedly, letting go of you to get you a glass of water. her blanket falls by your feet. "what? that i've done better? because i have! this girl was, like,—"
"no! that it doesn't matter!" she whisper–yells, not wanting to wake any nosy neighbors up. sana forces you to hold the glass of water before picking the blanket up off the ground. "you don't even know her name, do you?"
you bite your lip, desperately trying to remember who you were begging to earlier. "uh.."
"you're–so—" sana looks like she wants to kill you. understandably so, but you think she's just being weirdly overprotective. she sighs, shaking her head. "i'm going to bed." is all she mumbles before pushing past you.
you watch as she disappears into your apartment. shrugging, you lean against the doorway and drink your water.
"what's her problem?"
"i don't know! i have to snap her out of this or something. it's getting worse every night!" she was watching you from the corner of her eye. it wasn't like she didn't trust nayeon or the people she invited over, she just didn't trust what you'd do in a room full of strangers.
(a room full of nayeon's really attractive friends is how she'd describe it.)
momo puts a hand on sana's arm, her other hand taking her cup. she frowned, worried for her best friend as she grew antsy just talking about you.
"okay, first of all, that's enough drinking for you." momo mumbled, downing the rest of sana's drink despite the angry pout on her face. "second, you need to tell her that this shit's unhealthy."
"i've tried!"
"angrily taking care of her when she comes home isn't confronting her."
sana's pout gets deeper. she hadn't even said anything that would make momo think that... but she knew she couldn't argue with her. that did happen to be what she was doing after all.
"either way, she's either drunk out of her mind or smelling too much like someone else for me to even think of telling her to stop." sana sounds hopeless at this point, leaning against a wall and throwing her head back against it. "i don't think that second thing should stop you from confronting them...?" momo's eyebrows furrow, trying to make sense of what sana was saying.
she gasps, "unless—you're jealous?"
sana freezes, attention going to momo. "no? no! that's—i'm not like that—i care about them—" she stammers, trying to deflect what momo just said until her eyes land on you. you were across the room, rolling your eyes at something chaeyoung said.
she looks back at momo, then you, then momo. "maybe i am? that's not the main point, though! what she's doing is totally unhealthy!" sana spews out, her words almost faster than momo could comprehend. (she had years of experience in sana-speak, though. sana could make unintelligible noises and she'd still understand what she was saying.)
"calm down, sha. i'm not saying you're only doing this because you're jealous." momo reassures, but sana could tell she was biting back a laugh. "i'm just saying that it's bugging you more because you care so much about her as a friend and because you've had feelings for her since she moved in."
sana sighs. "you're right. sorry for getting defensive."
momo shrugs, giving her a reassuring smile. "don't apologize. i'll get us some more drinks."
sana watches as momo walks away, trying to shrink into the wall while she was alone. she liked meeting new people but not when she felt unease build up in her stomach.
she should just talk to you, she thinks. if she can hear that you're doing fine right now then her nerves will be completely gone for the rest of the—
"who is that?" sana asks, entire body tensing up when momo comes back with two cups in hand. momo looks to where sana was glaring at and winces.
you were talking to one of nayeon's friend's friend's friend. she was a bit all up in your face for someone you just met.
"chaewon i think was her name? she came here with sakura. sakura's mina's friend and—" momo purses her lips when sana storms her way over to you. she sighs, looking down at the cups she was holding. "more for me."
"i can't." you whine as chaewon wrapped her arms around your neck, bringing you even closer. she laughs, throwing her head back. you stare at her neck and lick your lips, wondering how good she'd look when you leave your mark on her. "my roomie's driving me home." you pout, "she doesn't like when i bring girls over."
"tell her you're going home with me, then." she shrugs, retracting an arm to take a sip of her drink. "kkura can catch a ride with someone else, she'll understand." chaewon's offer sounds way too good to turn down, especially when she props the cup against your lips for you to drink.
you accept, eyes locking with hers as you accept the alcohol happily. "how's that sound?"
"excuse me." someone interjects, using all of her strength to separate you and chaewon. you groan, about to shove the intruder away until you realize it was sana. that makes you groan again. "sorry, i have to take this one home." sana says, an arm wrapping around your waist as she stared chaewon down
your eyebrows furrow. "what? no you don't!" you hiss, trying to push sana away from you. she just tightens her grip around you. "i'm going with chaewon."
"no you're not." sana replies through gritted teeth. "sorry about her," she smiles, false sweetness all over her demeanor. "she's like this all the time. she's not what you're looking for."
sana practically drags you away from chaewon and out of the apartment. on your way out, she mouths a 'gotta go!' to nayeon, who takes one look at you and nods understandingly.
needless to say, you're pissed.
you were about to have the night of your life! the best sex you'd had in.. well, a few weeks, you think. your last handful of partners were nothing but time killers. ugh, that made it even worse. why was sana so mad about your sex life anyway?!
you were sulking the entire ride, arms crossed and refusing to even have her in your peripheral vision. sana notices and it drives her crazy.
she quickly pulls over, driving you equally crazy. the tension in that car was thick.
"what is with you?!" sana nearly shrieks, turning to face you. you gasp, finally looking at her. "what is with me? i'm not the one unnecessarily inserting myself in my roommate's sex life!"
"what the fuck are you talking about? i'm trying to protect you!"
"from what, sana? hot girls?"
sana let out a big exhale. you were being so frustrating—more so than usual. if it weren't for the seatbelts and the fact you both care about each other, you probably would've been at each other's throats by now.
"from doing whatever this is!" her words are accompanied by gesturing to you with both of her hands. you still didn't get it. "don't you realize how unhealthy this is?"
you blink, tilting your head in confusion. "unhealthy would be the last word i'd use to describe love, sana."
her eyes widen. "love—?" she leans back in her seat, exasperated. "you've gotta be fucking kidding." sana mumbles, her hands finding their way to the steering wheel. her knuckles go white at how tight she was holding on.
"what?" you were genuinely puzzled at her reaction. "aren't you like, the number one advocate for loving in your own way?"
"this is not love!" her eyes are back on you. you frown, she was genuinely intimidating now. "you are hurting yourself! you're letting these people take advantage of you... i don't know! you wanting to be held?"
you scoff, rolling your eyes and leaning back. "you don't get it. it's not my fault miyeon broke up with your sorry ass." the words leave your mouth before you could even process that you had the guts to think about sana like that. "wait, no—i'm sorry—"
"fuck off." sana mumbles, shifting the car back into drive.
you stay put the rest of the ride, feeling a pit grow deep inside your stomach.
sana wasn't home the next morning. you weren't sure if she had plans or work—she'd always tell you beforehand. it made you feel even worse, it took a miracle to get through breakfast without throwing up. the same went for the rest of the day.
by the time the sun set, you were shaking from nerves. you didn't want to face sana when she came home. you didn't want to keep thinking about her and what she said and what you said and what you've been doing.
instead, you get the brilliant idea to respond to your ex's text that you'd left on delivered for three hours.
y/n: pick me up in 10
do not reply: knew you'd come around ;)
you throw up in the toilet before you leave.
you don't even make it out of the parking lot of your apartment.
lisa's parked in the furthest corner, too dark for anyone to see inside and too far for anyone to hear how you were panting against her.
you were wedged between lisa and the back of the passenger seat. she pushed her thigh further against your throbbing pussy, biting your lip with a smile. "fuck, couldn't wait to see me, huh?" she hums as she watches you grind down on her thigh desperately.
"you've been thinking about me, haven't you? dressed up so slutty.. you wanted me to fuck you in here, no?" lisa's voice grows raspy as she toyed with the fishnets on your legs.
her words fall on deaf ears. your body was enjoying this, but your mind was far away from the woman sucking on your collarbone. you're not even sure why you chose this stupid bunny outfit sana bought you for april fools.
there it is again, you were thinking about sana. sana sana sana sana. no matter what you did, she was clouding your mind!
"turn around baby, i wanna see what set you're wearing for me." lisa whispers and you obey absentmindedly, still thinking about what sana said to you while she undid the ties holding your corset together.
then it hits you.
sana likes you.
she's jealous that you're sleeping with everyone but her!
you gasp, making lisa peek from behind you. "what's wrong, baby?"
you swat her hands away from your back, turning around. "oh my god. sana's in love with me."
"your roommate?"
you nod. lisa frowns, "what does that—"
"i'm so sorry, i have to go!" you mutter, clumsily opening the door and climbing out of it. lisa's calling after you, frustrated and confused to the max as you ran back to your apartment.
the slamming of the front door makes sana flinch, immediately muting the show she was watching. her head whips to you clumsily running into the living room, kicking your heels off as soon as you saw her.
sana's eyes widen and she's furious again—"what the hell are you wearing?" she stands up, but gets pushed down by you once you make it in front of her. she hates that you look good in that stupid outfit she bought and hates that she can tell your corset was halfway undone.
"doesn't matter—i get what you were trying to tell me yesterday."
"you do?"
sana looks hopeful as you sit next to her, that sweet smile you adored gracing her face.
"yes!" you grin. the way she was smiling at you made you feel like your heart was going to jump out of your chest. "and i'm really sorry for what i said yesterday, that was really shitty of me."
sana shakes her head, "it's okay. you were mad, so was i. i think i could've been nicer but—if it helped you realize it in the end, i guess it's all in the past."
you nod eagerly, barely able to contain your excitement as you lunge forward and kiss her. you sigh, it felt so good to love h—
sana pulls away, hand on your chest to keep you at a distance. "what the fuck?"
your heart sinks. "what? don't you—i thought you liked me?"
sana blinks, looking as shocked as she did yesterday. "of all the things i yelled at you about, that's what you got out of it?"
"isn't that what you were trying to tell me?"
"no, oh my god!"
sana was pacing in front of you now while you were sat and looking up at her like a dumb bunny. (you kind of were one, anyway.)
"i don't want to yell at you again, i'm going to bed."
you watch her leave, snapping out of a trance when she slams the door.
you look back to the tv to see what sana was watching.
the bachelorette, greaaaat. you roll your eyes and change the channel. seeing someone else's messy love life didn't really make you feel better about yours.
huffing, you take your bunny headband off and stare at it down on your lap. what was so hard for you to understand?
you were laying face down on nayeon's couch a week later. you'd been ignoring sana, feeling guilty every time you even thought of her. it didn't exactly help that she kept checking up on you anyway.
sana-ya 💜💜💜💜: u ok?
sana-ya 💜💜💜💜: i won't be home tonight, staying at momo's
sana-ya 💜💜💜💜: lmk if u need anything
"sana texted again." nayeon hums as she sees your phone light up beside her. you'd tossed it out of frustration onto the floor half an hour ago. nayeon was on the floor so she could comb through your hair with a comb she accidentally bought. it was one of those metal tooth ones meant to capture lice.
"you really need to talk to her, y/n."
"i knooooow!" you whine. nayeon was inspecting your hair really well, surprisingly. not that you actually had lice, she was just bored and you were miserable. at least it was relaxing?
"i don't know what to say, though! i've been a complete idiot! what if she hates me?"
"she's been sending you texts every day since you started leeching off me."
you groan. why must sana be the sweetest person ever?
"i'm not leeching off you."
"then go home tonight."
you groan again.
nayeon sits back, putting the comb away and letting you lift your head to face her. "if you're so convinced that she's either jealous or trying to control what you do, why do you care? it's not like you to be this affected by what anyone says."
you shrug, turning around to lay on your back. "i'm trying to figure that out. i'd say it's because she's my roommate but that never stopped me from going behind her back in the past."
"and it's not like i'd give a shit if anyone else told me to fuck off. or push me away if i tried to kiss them."
nayeon raises an eyebrow, "so sana's special?"
"i guess."
she grins. it was nothing she didn't know, she just wanted to hear it from you. "hope you know you've been in love with her for a while now."
you sit up, looking at her like she was crazy. "nayeon. when i say you're crazy i really mean it."
she shakes her head. "no! i'm being serious! think about it, why were you so eager to leave lisa when you thought sana liked you?"
you purse your lips, genuinely thinking about what nayeon was saying.
"and this entire thing of yours started when sana went on a trip abroad with momo! you didn't have access to the most affectionate person in your life for two weeks and you kept whining about how they kept posting each other like they were dating!"
nayeon gets up and sits beside you, rubbing your arm gently. "i didn't say anything at first because god knows you would've told me to fuck off."
"oh, and didn't one of the girls you hooked up with warn you about how bad this was too? what was her name... jihyo? and you wouldn't even listen to her."
"i think i get it, nayeon."
"shhh, no, let me have this. sana's the only person you ever listened to, or at the very least considered changing yourself for. love isn't whatever the hell you're doing to replace the lack of affection in your life—"
"ouch." you grumble, but nayeon just tells you to take it. you do, she was right anyway. "love is how you're acting about sana."
you cringe. "that was the cheesiest thing you could have ever said to me." you mumble as you hug her. "but you're right, i think. thank you."
you don't slam the door closed this time, not wanting to give sana a heart attack with how many times you'd done it before.
as you approach her, you take note of the fact she was watching the bachelorette again. maybe the fake messiness of it all was comforting to her.
"sana?" you whisper, taking a seat beside her. she blinks, surprised to see you home at all. apologies die down in your throat. she looked so gentle.
"i thought you were at momo's?"
"nayeon texted me saying that you might need someone to come home to."
you smile, unable to look her in the eyes anymore. "i'm sorry, sana. for everything. i've been really stupid for the past few months."
"more than stupid, but go on."
you chuckle lightly, your body feeling lighter after realizing she really didn't resent you. "i was too stubborn to listen to anyone about it. except you, evidently. you're... really special to me."
"and i'm sorry for kissing you the other night! god, i was really dumb and just jumped at the chance that you might love me too because i really didn't want to consider that you were right about me hurting myself." sana listened intently as you rambled out your apologies. you were really making sure that you apologized for anything and everything—so much had happened and you hated that sana got caught up in it.
"and i shouldn't have talked about your relationship with miyeon like that. i know how hard it was for you and i was just deflecting and being an ass. sorry."
your eyes meet hers again, sad and brimming with tears. you hold in your breath until she crawls over and hugs you tightly. you hug her back just as tight, crying into her cream colored sweater.
"thank you," sana whispers. "i'm glad you've finally come to your senses. i forgive you." you let out the biggest sigh of relief as she rubs your back comfortingly.
"and i think i'm in love with you."
"i know."
you're suddenly pulled into her lap. sana peels your body off of her so she could wipe your tears away and hold your face. "i.. i love you too, but let me think about it first? this whole situation was so..."
"that's not how i'd describe it, but i guess, yeah, it was messy."
you nod, "it's okay, i understand."
the bachelorette was still playing in the background, filling in the silence between you and sana.
"can i watch with you?"
sana nods, letting you snuggle up beside her. it takes a minute for the two of you to adjust, but as soon as you do, she's talking your ear off about what you need to know about the contestants.
you listen, paying more attention to her expressions than what she's saying.
it felt good to have this again.
it's been two months since you confessed your love to sana.
you never bugged her about it, but she remembered to tell you that she was still thinking about it every now and then. you didn't really mind, anyway, the two of you were back to being attached at the hip and that was more than enough for you.
"have you seen sana?"
you were back at nayeon's place, celebrating her girlfriend's birthday. nayeon looks around, lips pursed. "over there!" she yells because the two of you were standing right by the big speaker chaeyoung brought. "thanks!" you yell back before making your way across the room to sana.
you weave through the crowd, nearly tripping over yourself three times before you finally land in front of sana...
who was talking to someone else.
you try not to be jealous, but it was incredibly hard when the girl she was talking to was visibly falling for her!
you didn't want to look overly possessive, especially because the two of you weren't officially dating. you start walking away, but sana catches you in the corner of her eye.
"y/n!" she calls out, her voice as bubbly as ever. you freeze for a moment but turn back to her and walk over with a tight smile. "hi, sana. hi.." you turn to the girl she was talking to, observing her.
you give her a polite smile before turning back to your roommate. "did you need anything?" she asks, noticing that you've been trying to talk to her the entire time you've been here. "no... just... wanted to see you...?"
they both stare at you for a bit, soyeon extremely confused while sana blushes and giggles. you want the ground to swallow you whole—what kind of an excuse was that?!
"you're adorable, you know?"
you laugh awkwardly and decide to walk away after that. you didn't know how to act knowing other people were interested in your sana.
unluckily for you, she was being talked to all night long. one person after the other, always being stopped when you could see she was trying to make her way to you.
it pissed you off.
you weren't sure what else to do, though, so you just sat on nayeon's couch and sulked for the rest of the night.
sana was humming along to the song playing in the car, making sure to take the long route back home.
"can't last a night without being my center of attention, huh?" she teases, looking over to you while stopped at a red light. you blush, thankful for the red light. (sana's smile made you realize she knew you were blushing anyway.)
"you make me sound terrible." you huff, lips forming a pout. sana chuckles, "i think it's cute."
"wanna go out tomorrow?" she asks, humming as her eyes focus back to the road. you turn to look at her, partly confused and partly because you just wanted to stare at her pretty face. "are you asking me out?"
"but i thought you needed time to think about it...?"
"if you don't want to go out with me, i have soyeon's number, just so you know."
you whine, hitting her arm lightly. "kidding, kidding." she laughs. "it's been two months, n/n. i'm sure i've had a thought since then."
you roll your eyes, you hated how much she loved to mess with you sometimes. "yeah, whatever. i expect to be pampered and be the center of your attention tomorrow." you tease, relaxing back into your seat.
"of course, your majesty."
she stops at another red light, quickly leaning over to kiss you. "only if you do the same for me on the next date, deal?"
you stare at her, completely flustered while she tucks your hair behind your ear. she's so irritating, you love her so bad.
you kiss her again, "deal."
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cindol · 4 months
x fem reader
characters included : manjiro sano, sanzu haruchiyo, ken ryuji, rindou haitani, mitsuya takashi,
tw — everyone is a baby father, drug usage/drug bender mentioned
﹒.ᐟ 𐚁 cw— angst, bonten!sanzu, bonten!mikey, bonten!rindou, sanzu and mikey aren’t very good fathers, fluff
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He’s in his son’s life but very distant. He makes sure you and his son are always taken care of but he doesn’t have a active relationship with his son, the most he’s ever done is show up to one elementary school graduation and pat his head a few times when rarely visiting your house.
His right hand man sanzu is there though as an uncle, kinda.
Active in his daughter’s life but the relationship isn’t so strong due to him always going on benders and disappearing. When you get into arguments with him about his disappearing act his response is always the same as he goes through your fridge.
“You disappeared for three months sanzu, with not even a call or a text of where you were.” trying to nail these words deep into his head while he rummaged through your fridge.
“three months sanzu, no call, not even a ‘hey I’ll be out for this amount of days! But I’ll see you till then” you just left me and yuna wondering when daddy was gonna be back.” You weren’t even angry for yourself, sanzu wasn’t your boyfriend so that hole was already digged and burried. What really made you pissed is how he up and left leaving your daughter wondering why he hadn’t visited in such a long time, again.
Sanzu grumbled closing the fridge.“relax relax, enough with your grouching and shit. I was on a trip with mikey, just forgot my phone.”
“You were posting on your instagram story pictures of airplane food.”
there’s silence then a cough from him till he chuckles.“ah well, got the girl a cute little bunny stuffed animal. She still likes em at that age right?”
at least his heart is in the right place, sorta.
Might take the crown as one of the best baby fathers. He loves his baby girl, never misses any dance recital or holidays or birthdays to spend with his daughter.
his sweetness with his daughter almost makes you wanna get back together with him, it doesn’t help how even after the divorce he still was the gentleman he showed you from the beginning.
Always so helpful too when you look too drowsy and tired with eyebags.“I can always take sana an extra day you know? Don’t got shit on my weekend plans anyways” he joked at the end but still rubbing your shoulders, just because of how sweet he is.
You were sure that if you told him you have a date he’d tell you to enjoy yourself, much to his dismay.
gangster in business but a loving father for his princess. He’s prone to missing a school play or small holiday but makes it up with gifts and bringing over his daughter’s favorite uncle ran.
as a ex husband he doesn’t step over the line, he knows your boundary. He doesn’t have an issue with you dating other men, even when you tell him you’ve met someone new he congratulates you.
“good for you, just make sure he ain’t no problem and I don’t got a problem.” you brushed it off as a half joke but he was very serious.
He uses the excuse of taking precautions for his daughters since he didn’t just want any type of man around her but he was also just curious what type of man you were dating so he hired a private investigator for this man.
when talking about it with sanzu and ran it’s laughable to the both of them.
“Stalking? Didn’t think this old flame you had for your ex wife was this bad.” sanzu says teasingly with a laugh at the end smacking rindou on the shoulder.
rindou scoffed.“this is just for precautions, I don’t want just some jackass around rika.”
“just sounds like you’re studying him, trying to see what you need to apply huh to get her back huh?” that gets sanzu a slap to the back of the head and a chuckle from ran.
a amazing father to his baby girl, never misses a birthday, holiday. He’s always creating things for her instead of you spending money like a cozy sweater for winter and a purple stuffed bunny with button eyes for her to snuggle when he’s not there.
He knows his place as a ex husband well, he keeps his love for you at distant but still it shows with his actions. He knows how independent you are but still he likes to help you out.
“mitsuya I’m good I promise. I’m a big girl, a cold ain’t ever stop me from getting anywhere.” you say it with a runny red nose making him do a small smile at how cute you looked with it.
That explanation didn’t stop him from walking you back into your house with him following. Originally he came to check on you since the weather forecast predicted it would be a cold windy week, he thanked his conscience for checking up so now he could stop a sick you from going to work.
“nonsense, what kinda man would I be to just let you out in the cold with a runny nose huh?” he was already looking around on your living room couch for a cover to warm you up in.
“just stay there, can’t just let the mother of my kid just be sick.” a half joke from him while he went to look for tea in your cabinet.
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Stray Kids Reaction || You’re Sana’s Best Friend And Have A Crush On a Member
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⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - June 2023
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As soon as Sana found out about the crush that you had on Chan she was doing everything within her power to make sure the two of you would see each other. It didn't matter if she had no real reason to go and see him, she would find something. Today was no different it seemed, Sana told you that you'd come here because she owed him some money but Chan had no idea what she was talking about when you both got here.
"We can bring him to lunch with us, right Chan? You'd love to come and grab food." Chan glanced up from his laptop and as soon as his eyes met yours a slight blush began to creep onto his cheeks.
"I'd love to," He stood up from behind his desk, grabbing his bag while your heart was doing summersaults at the thought of getting to spend some time with him.
"Great because I can't and Yn is hungry," Your mouth dropped open as soon as Sana left the room leaving you and chan alone as you stared at one another.
"I guess it's a date." Chan nudged you ever so slightly and you could have sworn your whole body was on fire.
"Y-Yeah, a date," Chan smirked noticing the slight stutter that you were now giving off and the two of you headed out to go and find something to eat together.
You should have known Sana was up to no good when she'd texted you to meet her inside the JYPE building. Normally the two of you would meet up at your favourite cafe but this morning she'd told you to come and meet her inside - which was no issue since you were under her list of friends allowed inside.
"Sana, if this is some weird way to scare me I'll never forgive you." You called out to her as you walked into the practice room, the lights were all on and as soon as you walked inside the door was slammed shut behind you. 
"I see you were given instructions to meet her here too." Minho suddenly asked from the seats in the back corner of the room, you jumped a little holding your hand over your chest.
"Ever since I told her about my crush, she's been relentless." Minho finally admitted as if it was the most casual thing in the world, meanwhile, your heart was refusing to stop racing.
"You have a crush, on?" You waited for him to say it explicitly, not wanting to just assume.
"You," He smirked, confidence oozing out of him as he made his way over to you and winked a little, your whole world was spinning so fast you could barely see.
"I'm- I'm going to need a minute," You giggled making Minho blush, honestly it was music to his ears whenever you giggled all laughed around him.
When you'd told Sana about your crush on Changbin, you'd never really expected her to think much of it. You'd only mentioned it in passing and had assumed that she'd barely acknowledged what you were saying since you were both a little tipsy. 
"Tell me again why we had to meet in Changbin's studio..." You said as you sat down on the swivel chair, looking at everything that was set up on his desk. There was a photo of you and Changbin together and beside that were a couple of keepsakes you'd gotten for him since the two of you were friends. 
"We're just waiting for him to show up." She lied, Changbin was just in the next room set up for some of the NMIXX girls to come and record.
"Do you still have a crush on him?" You span around to face her, stunned by the sudden question.
"Can you be quiet about it? He's one of our best friends, I don't exactly want to tell him I've had a crush on him this whole time." You laughed awkwardly but a smirk began to take over Sana'a lips and you froze in place.
"He's behind me, isn't he?" All Sana did was nod before you span in your chair to see a very blushing Changbin looking at you.
"A crush? On me?" He sounded so surprised by it but he was already making his way over to you,
"Me too, I mean...a crush on you, not on me, I can't have a crush on me because that would be weird, and I don't-" He stopped talking when you let out a small giggle, looking up at him.
"I'll come and see you after I'm done here...Please, don't go anywhere." He begged and you nodded quickly kissing his cheek before leaving the studio.
If it wasn't obvious enough to everyone around you that you had a crush on Hyunjin, it was now. Not only did you suddenly turn into a clumsy mess around him but it appeared you now stuttered and stammered whenever he was close to you.
"Hyunjin just put the girl out of her misery and take her on a date," Sana said as she noticed you drop a glass on the floor and it shattered as it hit the floor. Sana knew that Hyunjin knew of your crush on him and every time he flirted with you or got too close on purpose it was because he liked to see you flustered for him but she'd had enough. 
"But it's fun to see Yn squirm," Your heart was in your throat as you turned your head to look up at him.
"You knew? This whole time?!" Your voice cracked ever so slightly toward the end of your questioning and he nodded his head.
"Don't worry, I thought it was cute." Hyunjin complimented as he bent down to pick up the broken shards of glass leaving you to whine and groan at the thought of him knowing this whole time about the crush you had on him.
"Did you get the same text?" A voice suddenly asked making you look up from the menu and instantly you knew that you were going to kill your best friend.
"Yeah, she told me she'd meet me for food." You told Jisung as he took a place in front of you, sliding his phone into your view so you could see the exact message word for word on his screen,
[SANA 4:55pm] Let's meet at FuzzCafe at 5:30! xx 
You should have known she was going to do something like this for you, ever since you'd told her last week about your crush on Jisung she'd relentlessly been telling you about it.
"I'll kill her." You grumbled under your breath, noticing Jisung looking slightly saddened by it,
"It's nothing against you, it's just, she knows what she's doing by forcing us together and she thinks it's going to end well but I told her that you would never feel the same way and that she shouldn't get involved and yet here we are." You rambled our before realising a little too late that you'd in, some way or another, told Jisung you liked him.
"Who said I wouldn't feel the same?" A blush was growing deeper on his cheeks as he stared back at you, both of you smiling a relaxing.
"Let's order food and we can continue talking about it?" He suggested making you shyly nod at him.
Felix was oblivious to it all, it didn't matter how obvious Sana made it for him he just didn't take the hint and it was starting to get to her. All she wanted was for her best friend and someone she saw as a little brother to finally be happy together but it seemed he was blind to all the signs.
"Oh my god, no!" You screamed out when you walked into the small canteen to see Sana writing a literal sign with the words "Felix YN has a crush on you" written on it.
"Are you insane?!" You quickly placed your tray on top of the sign and scanned the room to make sure none of the stray kids boys was even around to see it.
"It's the only way he's going to take the hint," She pouted at you, your heart fluttering when you saw her giving you her signature pleading eyes look.
"Maybe he knows and is choosing to ignore you. Did you ever think about that?" She shook her head at you, there was no way Felix didn't like you back.
"He likes you. I know it, besides when he sees this sign, he'll tell you the truth," You shook your head at her, slowly taking your tray away from her when you thought it was safe to do so.
"Oh." The voice came so deep you almost dropped your tray turning around to see Felix right behind Sana, your eyes scanned him before he looked at you and blushed.
"My work here is done," Sana said proudly, leaving her sign on the table as you and Felix sat down together to talk some more.
It was a stupid dare, one that you were regretting as every single second passed by. You were sneaking into one of the dance studios where Seungmin and Jeongin were practising together, the plan was to grab his phone and delete the voicemail before he ever had a chance to listen to it.
"Will you relax, he's probably not listened to it yet." Sana giggled as you stopped just outside of the room, everything was completely silent which didn't feel you with much hope.
"If he's listened to it, you have to kill me." You told her as you headed into the room, your eyes squinting a little as you tried not to let the bright lights hurt you since you were hung over/
"Seungmin!" Sana squealed rushing to hug him while you made a quick b-line for his jacket, you knew his passcode since you, Sana and himself were quite close with one another.
"Did you girls have a nice night last night?"
"We did, did you? I heard you and Jeongin had an early night." Sana did her best to distract him while you hunted for his voicemails.
"We did. Yn, did you have a reallllyyy good time last night?" As soon as you heard his line of questioning you froze and turned to face him.
"I heard that you reeeeallllyyyy liked last night and that you, reallllyyyy like me." You groaned inwardly and slowly sunk down into the seats.
"It's cute. I'm glad though," He told you as he made his way over to you, standing above you with his face so close to yours.
"Because I reeeallllyyyy like you too," He whispered making your whole body burn for him.
"I'll leave you guys to it," Sana smirked before heading out.
"Are you sure this is a good idea? Do I look okay?" The uncertainty in your voice oozed out easily and Sana smiled turning around to hold you in place. All morning she'd been prepping you for your "date" with Jeongin and you were suddenly ready to back out of it and run for the hills. You'd told Sana about your crush on Jeongin months ago and now suddenly he was asking to hang out with you alone.
"I told you, you look great and this was a fantastic idea. He wanted to spend time with you." That was the part you were having a hard time believing, if jeongin wanted to hang out why didn't he just ask you.
"Why didn't he just ask me? I feel like you're setting me up," You stuttered a little but before Sana even had a chance to answer you the door to a studio opened and Jeongin blushed seeing you.
"H-Hi," He stuttered out, stepping inside the room and letting you come inside. The room was darkened except for a few candles sitting on the desk where a whole picnic was set up for the two of you.
"I told you, it wasn't a set-up." Sana winked, slowly shutting the door and leaving you both alone.  
tagline: @chiisaiblog​ @hanasonmi​ @sw33tnight​ @taestannie​ @illicee​ @army24--7​ @acciocriativity​ @scarletemeterio​ @halesandy​ @aerastus​ @lost-leopard-beanie​ @laylasbunbunny​  @critssq​  @lenfilms​ @btsiguess-kpop​ @meowmeowisdaname​ @imafivestarkpopstan​
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fanfiction4sooya · 9 months
hiii mother! i was wondering what animals you think twice would be g!p hybrids of? all i can figure out till now is sana is a puppy and nayeon is a bunny ehe
Hi luv!! Sorry for making you wait, this one was quite hard to think of but I think I finally got a conclusion!! Hope you like it 💖 (I do not write for chaeyoung)
Nayeon: Obviously a bunny. Playful, spoiled, extremely bratty and very quick to feel horny; Can go a lot of rounds without resting so you are usually the one to tap out when she gets too excited. Big dick and she knows how to use it, the most sadistic out of the other ones. Likes to make you cry while taking her in your mouth and loves seeing your cunt all red and puffy (loves slapping your pussy with her big hands)
Jeongyeon: Dog hybrid, more specifically a siberian husky. Intimidating, loud with those she trusts, very cuddly and actually very protective. A naturally jealous partner, enjoys hearing you say her name over and over when you two have sex. Doesn't hit you at all because she is way too strong for that, but she knows exactly how to fuck you to the point of you losing counsciousness (literally);
Momo: Grey wolf. Big, introverted, more of a family hybrid, takes care of her partner but doesn't like rules and is often grumpy if she isn't satisfied with something. Is the type to spend hours on end eating you out because your needs come first. Huge dick and I mean it, like 23cm. Has a size kink and will trap you under her body when she feels like fucking. Buys you new underwear every chance she gets because she often rips them;
Sana: Artic Fox. Contrary to what most people feel, she doesn't give me these puppy vibes. She is playfull at times, yes, but when she is serious? intimidating as hell. I believe she navigates easily between serious and unserious, specially because of her cute demeanor. But at the end of the day she is a hunter and she will take whatever she wants. Loves to have you ass up and face down, specially to fuck your ass and get you to cum without barely touching your pussy. Also loves cum play and will get nasty with it;
Jihyo: Lioness. You can't say that the way she acts isn't the way of a lioness!! Jihyo is the epitome of fierce and motherly (and stern too when needed). Always careful to not scratch you, loves to fuck you missionary so she can stare into your eyes while she breeds you. Actually likes to pound into you while hugging your body against hers, specially her boobs against yours. Gets hard at the most basic things such as seeing you cook and will rail you from behind when it happens;
Mina: A cat. More specifically a raggdoll cat. Very sophisticated and elegant, doesn't get loud or throw tantrums but is quite territorial and will stare down with a blank face whoever gets near you; Likes the idea of getting people nervous because of her beauty and elegant demeanor. Loves to scratch you with her fangs but is careful around your boobs so she doesn't hurt them. The only one who was open since the beggining about enjoying the idea of getting fucked in the ass with your strap (and she loves it as much as she loves fucking you with her cock). Can cum just by getting her body massaged by your experient hands;
Dahyun: Red Panda. Small and way too cute, can't seem intimidating or disobedient even if she wants to. She is classy and loves to spend time around you, specially at your feet sleeping. Unintetionally funny and charismatic. Traditional, doesn't let you get near her ass, but will sub enough to let you fuck her amazon position style and loves breeding you in this position too so she can suck you off aftweards. Really loves to be under you looking into your eyes as you clench and sink on her cock;
Tzuyu: Deer. There's no denying her that. Pretty and sophisticated like Mina, doesn't like big crowds specially if there are hybrids involved, she prefers quietly observing. Her ears are always perched up, brown and white. Is the epitome of grace, very submissive to the point of letting you make any (and I mean any) decision for her. cries if she feels overstimulated and loves to watch you ride her cock with the most adorable expression and flushed cheeks. Not usually loud, gets you crazy when you lean to kiss her while fucking yourself on her cock and she quietly whimpers " yes mommy, please"
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