#because Jaq and Phineas deserve to have a lovely time together
jumpship90 · 3 years
“I’ve read a lot about this Christmas holiday of yours. I never expected it to be quite like this.”
For jaq and phin pls 🥰
Thank you so much for this prompt! :) Ok, I am super late with this but I reckon it still counts as Christmas as we're pre-new year so here are roughly 1700 words of pure romantic fluff of Jaq and Phineas enjoying their first Christmas together aboard The Hope
Pixelated flames flickered away on the aetherwave screen and Phineas Welles gave a contented, heavy sigh as he sank onto the sofa. He didn’t think he’d ever felt this full in his life.
“You know, I’ve read a lot about this Christmas holiday of yours. I never expected it to be quite like this.”
Jaq chuckled where they were slumped beside him. They languidly draped an arm about his shoulders, knocking his paper crown askew, before pressing a kiss to his temple.
“Did you enjoy it?”
“Yes, very much so. Though, I’m not sure I’ll need to eat again for several days.”
The feast had been like something from the old Auntie Cleo’s ads from his youth showing the perfect, wholesome, Halcyon family crammed around a table groaning under the weight of the food. Only, in place of ruddy-faced parents and beaming children, the long benches in the canteen had been filled with his lab-coated colleagues and the Hope’s support staff, all tucking into a spread that had been carefully prepared over the course of the morning. Not all of the colonists celebrated in what he was informed was the traditional sense, and there had been other holidays besides this one, but this was Jaq’s favourite and so Phineas had decided it was his, too.
Jaq hummed in agreement and patted their stomach.
“Not quite a turkey with the trimmings, but that was easily the best meal I’ve eaten since thawing out.”
There’d been a great deal of debate over the food in the weeks leading up to today. Everyone seemed to have a different signature dish, a perfect recipe or a family tradition that had to be incorporated. There’d been boarst wrapped in cysty-bacon, mounds of golden roasted potatoes, vegetables fried with cysty-bits, and in pride of place at the centre of the table, the largest chicken Phineas had ever laid eyes upon. This alone would have been more than enough but several colonists had insisted that the meal wasn’t complete without trifle topped with purpleberry-pieces followed by crackers and wooly-cow cheese. After all that, the walk back to their quarters had been quite the undertaking and Phineas was feeling warm and drowsy, his eyes slipping closed.
Jaq nudged him. “No sleeping just yet, you still need to open your present.”
Oh yes, presents. How could he forget after the weeks of agonising over precisely what to give them? Jaq had explained that it should be something small and personal, and preferably inexpensive. Which suited him just fine. He didn’t often leave the Hope, and vanishingly rarely without his partner at his side, so it would have been near impossible to purchase something without them discovering the surprise. No, he had turned his ingenuity rather than his bits toward finding them the perfect gift.
“Come on, we can snooze after this,” Jaq said, getting to their feet with a grunt. They offered him a hand that Phineas gratefully accepted, struggling upright. Good law, all this celebrating was exhausting.
The tree had appeared a week ago, lugged over one broad shoulder from the Unreliable and deposited in the corner of their shared room. Apparently, Jaq had liberated it from the vaults of the hidden Museum of Earth recently uncovered in Byzantium. It was, they explained, a replica of the fir tree that had filled their home each year at this season, and that they must decorate it together. Phineas didn’t quite grasp the significance of hanging coloured paper ribbons and taped together ornaments on a plant, but it mattered to Jaq so he had thrown himself into it with gusto. A few chipped glass flasks and test tubes painted with snowflakes had served well to adorn the plastic spruce and Jaq had been thrilled by it. At the top sat a star, cut from spare sheet metal they’d been using to patch up the hold. It twinkled in the dancing light of the screen as he eased himself down to the woolly cow rug before the fake fire.
“Yours is a little rough around the edges,” Jaq said as they rummaged beneath the tree, groping around the floor for something. They emerged a second later clutching a rectangular object carefully wrapped in brown paper and tied with a ribbon. “I couldn’t find the mineral oil I wanted to finish it with so had to make do with the stuff in the storeroom.”
They gave a near shy smile as they handed him the gift, sitting back on their heels to watch as he peeled away the wrapping a layer at a time until an intricately carved spoon appeared.
“You made this yourself?” he asked, turning the utensil in his hands, marvelling at the workmanship. He’d seen Jaq take apart any number of electrical items and knew that they were talented when it came to mechanics but he’d no idea they could turn their hand to carpentry as well.
They nodded. “Where my family are from, sailors used to give them to their sweetheart before they went to sea, as a token of love and a way of winning their heart. If it was accepted, traditionally that meant you were a couple.”
Phineas ran his fingers over the wood, following the grain. He could imagine the hours of work that had gone into this, could perfectly picture Jaq leant over the bench in the Unreliable’s hold, calloused hands cutting and chiselling, sanding and smoothing, their handsome brow tugged into a neat V of concentration as they worked.
“It’s made from a mock apple tree we’ve transplanted to the New Hope Centre build site. The anchor’s a symbol for safety and security, and these bits, they’re called celtic knots, they mean everlasting. Eternal.”
He glanced up at that to find Jaq watching him intently, a faint flush to their cheeks visible in the twinkling lights strung about the tree.
“I’ve not worked with wood since I was kid, so I hope it’s alright?”
It was a good deal more than alright, Phineas thought. Handmade items were rare in Halcyon, given colonists did not usually have the time nor energy to create them. He knew he held something precious; a link to Jaq’s past, the fruits of their toils, a physical manifestation of their regard for him. He ran his fingertips over the curve of the handle with reverence.
“It’s splendid,” he said, setting the spoon down cautiously between them so that he could take their hand. “And I wholeheartedly accept your gift, my intrepid sailor.”
Jaq grinned, ducking their head. “I’m glad you like it.”
“I do,” he assured them, giving their hand a squeeze before releasing it to go hunting under the tree for his own present. “Now, let me just find . . . aha! Here we are!”
A frisson of nervous excitement sparked in his chest as he slid a thin, square package out from between the branches. He handed it over with care, worrying at his lip as he watched his partner slide a finger beneath the fold of the wrapping paper. Stars, after what Jaq had given him he hoped this would be a suitable gift in return.
Once all the paper sat in a pile by their feet, Jaq was left delicately holding a sheet of plastic. A faintly confused smile turned up the corner of their lips.
“It’s . . . a brain scan?” they said, looking to him for confirmation.
“Yes! My brain!”
He leant over to better show them what they were looking at.
“To be precise, it is a scan of my brain showing the nucleus accumbens – that’s a structure that mediates emotional and pleasure processing – lit up as bright as our Christmas tree.” He took Jaq’s hand, directing them to a bold, white patch between grey squiggles, circling it with a fingertip. “And you see all these sections? The colours here? These are the dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin pathways. Increased activity here is associated with experiencing romantic love.”
He beamed up at them. “Everything you see here is what’s going on in my brain when I think about you.”
Jaq sat silent, processing, and Phineas near reckoned he could hear their own brain ticking over that information. He watched their gaze running over the image as softly as their fingers, deep brown eyes moving from one luminous patch of grey matter to the next with a look of wonder.
“This”- he tapped the plastic film -“this is irrefutable, scientific proof of my love for you.”
Their mouth parted at that but no sound passed them. Their throat bobbed around a hard swallow and Phineas found himself with the sudden urge to fill the silence for them.
“I wanted to see if there was any difference in emotional processing in the brains of those awoken from extended cryosleep, and of course, that required a comparison to a non-colonist brain, and you know I have always been a strong believer in testing the science on oneself . . .”
He knew he was rambling but they seemed to need a moment so he continued on, explaining the basis of the experiment that had led to this particularly delightful illustration of his musings on them.
“ . . . and it can get rather dull lying there in the scanner, so naturally my mind wandered to you and –“
He didn’t get any further as suddenly Jaq’s lips found their sense of purpose, impressing upon his own a kiss that left his head spinning. He found himself gripping tight to their shirt for balance.
“Thank you,” they breathed, their head pressed to his own. “It’s perfect, Phin.”
When eventually they drew back, he could see pure, unfiltered affection writ large across their face and a warmth shining back at him from their eyes that could have engulfed a star. There was no need for a brain scan; Jaq made no attempt to hide the strength of their feeling for him.
Phineas uncurled his fingers and flattened his palm against their chest. The steady, reassuring beat of their heart pulsed against his skin. He gave a thoughtful nod and kissed the tip of their nose.
“Well, yes, of course it is.” He gave them a mischievous smirk, eyes twinkling. “That’s the mind of a genius you’re looking at.”
The delighted laughter that burst from Jaq’s throat rang about the room and a moment later, their fingers tangled in his hair as they pulled him in for a deeper kiss. As Phineas found himself pressed back into the soft embrace of wooly fur, the lights of the tree softly blinking above him, he considered that truly there was something to this talk of magic at Christmas.
Posting this was delayed by me going down a rabbit hole about brain scans and trying to come up with something suitably clever for Phineas to say regarding reward processing centres and the rest. I won’t pretend any of what I’ve written is particularly accurate but if you want to read some of the same articles I did then you can find out more here:
https://www.livescience.com/18468-relationship-longevity-brain-scans.html here -
I also watched this fascinating video of people thinking about love in an MRI scanner and trying to “win” at loving the most - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1npQEdTsF8
Also, for anyone interested in the history of Welsh love spoons, there’s a bit of info about the tradition and the different symbols here - https://angelwoodcraft.co.uk/history-of-the-welsh-love-spoon/
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