#just a bit of late christmas fluff and magic
frenchkisstheabyss · 9 months
✦ love poem ✦
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✦ Pairing: dad!choi san x pregnant!chubby!fem!reader w/ appearances by ot8
✦ Genre: fluff/light angst
✦ Summary: Being pregnant during the holidays has been hectic. Especially for your fiance San whose tight work schedule has him under pressure. But when his best friend Hwa steps in to ease the burden on him by being there for you, it creates more jealousy than Christmas cheer.
✦ Word Count: 3.5k-ish
✦ Warnings: pregnant reader, occasionally strong language, some quick lusting after San while he's in the shower (nothing graphic), & that's all.
✦ A/N: I really wanted to write something sweet with like the tiniest bit of angst so there's nothing heavy here. It's mostly just lovey dovey shit cause, I mean, I'm a lover girl. What can I say?
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Standing at the entrance of the tunnel of lights, you watch in awe as thousands of tiny bulbs twinkle to the tune of the Christmas music that coasts along the night air. Every year the local zoo holds a massive festival of lights to celebrate the holiday season. During your first year here San had plans to take you to opening night but, with his schedule being as unpredictable as it is, that never did happen. This year though, he promised that nothing would stop you from experiencing this together and he meant it.
As much as San and the rest of the boys hyped this place up to you, nothing could’ve prepared you for how breathtaking it is in person. It’s magical. The carnival rides, the little Christmas themed games, the stalls selling some of the best food you ever tasted. And the displays. They’re pure art. It may be too cold for the animals to be out but the elaborate light sculptures of them make up for it tenfold. Children race through the light tunnels while couples cuddle up in line for hot cocoa. If ever “Winter Wonderland” were a place this would have to be it.
“Stop running!” Hongjoong yells from behind you. Seconds later Mingi and Jongho dart past you in a blur. You turn in time to see the look of defeat on Hongjoong’s face as he approaches with the others close behind. “I swear sometimes they act like children,” he groans, “Take it from me. Don’t have kids. It’s not worth it.” Popping on a pair of knit gloves, Yunho gestures towards the pregnant belly rounding out your thick winter coat. “I think that advice is about 7 months too late.”
Hongjoong gasps in horror, “Oh. I mean, you know, except that one. I’m sure it’ll be a cute little thing.” You can only giggle at how flustered any mention of your pregnancy gets him. Hongjoong hasn’t quite grasped that San’s about to be someone’s dad. Even as your belly has grown, he’s managed to periodically forget what’s happening but he’s trying to be supportive and it’s sweet. Seonghwa pats you softly on the belly, laying his head on your shoulder, “Pay him no mind. She’ll be a cute little baby. Not a thing. I mean, look at her mom”
"Oh, Hwa, you’re too sweet” you blush, patting him on the cheek. “The baby! I think it kicked!” He’s right. You felt it. It’s about that time of night after all. The moment she could start kicking she did. Especially around bedtime. Suddenly they’re all gathered close around you staring at your stomach as if the baby will burst out at this very moment like some alien spawn. Woo kneels down in front of you, resting his hand behind Hwa’s. “Aah!” he squeals, “She’s saying hi to her uncles. Hi, baby!”
By now Mingi and Jongho have circled back, stopping dead in their tracks to see what all the fuss is about. “What’s going on?” Jongho asks, Mingi’s hat clenched in his hand. Mingi snatches his hat back, peering over Jongho’s shoulder, “It’s not happening is it?” Seeing the panic in his eyes, you immediately jump to calm him down, “Not yet. She’s kicking up a fuss. That’s all.” “So much like her dad already” Yeosang teases, just as San appears to push them aside. “Hands off!” he orders, shooing them away, “I go to the bathroom for two seconds and you’re already crowding my kid.”
The others just laugh, not expecting to witness such a perfect example of Yeosang’s statement so soon. “You okay? Everything okay?” he asks, fixing the scarf around your next and popping your hood over your head. “Baby, it’s not that cold.” “Temperature’s supposed to drop 5 degrees in the next half hour. Gotta stay toasty, honey.” San’s always been attentive, doing everything he could to make sure you were taken care of but the pregnancy has kicked it into overdrive.
Taking his hands, you give him a warm peck on the lips and flash a smile that soothes his worries. “I’m okay, Sannie. I promise. Now let’s go.” The tunnel’s far more mesmerizing from the inside than it is simply looking in. It feels like a portal to a different world, replacing the darkness of the night sky with constellations of red and green that guide you to the next section of the zoo. Each area has one unique to the space you’re about to step into.
A tunnel of mistletoe and vines for the flower garden. One built like a giant sleigh for the reindeer village. And that’s not even half of it. How anyone can make it through this place in one night is beyond you. Then again, not everyone is toting another human around in their belly. By the time you make it through the ice tunnel into the replica North Pole, your feet are killing you but you try to hold it together.
Between doctor’s appointments, work, redecorating the apartment, and a million other things that need to be done before the baby arrives, there’s been zero time to do anything fun. Calling it quits this early feels wrong. Especially since San's been so stressed lately. Spending time with the guys seems to be just the thing he needed to shake some of that off.
“How many more lights do we have to see before we’ve seen enough?” Mingi whines, dragging his feet. Alright, so maybe someone else is as over it as you are. Yunho slaps Mingi on the back, taking a deep breath, “Have some holiday cheer! We’re in such a beautiful place. Where else would you rather be?” “Somewhere warm! With food!” Woo adds, backing Mingi up. Jongho jumps it, never one to miss the opportunity, “And drinks! When’s the last time we all had drinks together?”
Hongjoong crosses his arms, throwing them some wicked side eye, until he realizes, “Actually it has been a while since we went out for drinks.” Woo wraps his arms around Yeosang, determined to rope him into this plan, “You in? Say yes. Say yes!” “Yeah, sure fine, whatever” Yeosang laughs, shrugging him off. Hwa clears his throat, preparing to be the bearer of bad news, “Well it’s not just us you guys. There’s kinda a 10th person here now.”
For a fleeting moment, you were able to detect some excitement on San’s face and Hwa’s words wipe it away in an instant. Everyone falls silent, not quite sure what to do with the awkwardness of the moment. “Hey,” you say, lovingly rubbing San’s chest, “Why don’t you go get those drinks?” “What? No. I’m not leaving you. We said we’d do this.” “We did and I’ve had the best time but, honestly, my feet hurt like shit.” “Then I’ll take you home and run some water so you can soak your feet” San insists, guiding you out of the way of an approaching crowd.
“San, please, for the love of god, go” you beg, looking to his friends for support. “I’ll take her home!” Hwa volunteers, “I’m not really up for drinking anyway.” San glares skeptically back and forth between the two of you. He wants to protest but he gets the sense that arguing with you is a losing battle and he’s right. “Fine” he relents, “But text me when you get home. Love you.” The way you light up when he finally gives in is one of the infinite reasons why he loves you the way that he does. “I will. Love you too.” “Love you three!” “Love you four!” you say, kissing him before Jongho begins to drag him in the other direction. “We’re not doing this all night! Let’s go!”
Parting ways is a sea of goodbyes and bickering that continues until you lose sight of the rest of the group. Hooking his arm into yours, Hwa directs you towards a festive snack stand not too far away. “Wanna eat like trash before we go home?” he offers with a mischievous grin, knowing San would murder him if he knew. You nod, playfully tearing up, “I thought you’d never ask.” 
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“Baby, have you seen my keys?” you shout from the bedroom, digging through your purse for the third time. “Huh?” San calls back, the water rushing from the shower making it impossible to hear you. Shuffling down the hall, you pop your head into the bathroom. “I was asking if you’d seen my keys.” San peeks from behind the shower curtain, shampoo bubbles dripping down his sculpted cheekbones. In an instant, you forget all about your keys. What else could possibly matter when San’s standing here dripping wet, every muscle in his defined chest glistening like gold. Snap out of it. This is how you got pregnant in the first place. 
“I saw them by the stove I think.” “Thanks, ya cutie” you wink, ready to skip off to find them. “Wait,” he says before you can make it more than a step and a half away, “You’re all dressed up. Where are you going?” Scanning your outfit, you don’t see anything particularly “dressed up” about what you’re wearing. Some knit overalls with a cozy sweater underneath and your favorite boots are far from red carpet ready in your mind. “Hwa’s taking me shopping for decorations. Don’t you remember?” San frowns, only vaguely remembering the conversation, “Why didn’t you ask me?” “I did but you said you were busy today so Hwa offered to take me.” 
Your phone dings in your pocket. You fish it out and find a text message from Hwa telling you he’s outside. “Ooh, speak of the devil. Gotta run.” Carefully, you make your way across the bathroom floor, giving him a kiss that you struggle to keep innocent with the knowledge of what’s behind the curtain. “Have fun and tell Joong I said hi! I’ll bring you back something!” you sing and you’re off to find your keys. San’s frozen in place, unable to bring himself to move an inch. Even after he’s heard the apartment door close, it takes him a second to get back to his shower.
It’s been two weeks since the light festival and you’ve seen Hwa every few days since. Every time San’s too busy to do something Hwa’s right there to help. When did he become so available? You always come home so happy too. Were you that happy with him? Letting the water wash over his head, he tries to shake away his jealous thoughts.
You moved here to be with him and, in that time, the only friends you’d made were his. Hwa’s just being a good friend to the both of you, helping when San’s unable to. Thinking that it's anything else is ridiculous. All of the long hours spent working must be getting to him. Hwa would never...
You would never...
Neither of you would...
Right? Right? 
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Pregnancy hormones. They’re the one thing no one can ever quite prepare you for. One minute you’re hanging ornaments on the tree, humming along to your music in a cozy pair of pajamas. The next you’re crying on the kitchen floor, stuffing your mouth with the cookies you baked for the holiday party tomorrow.
It’s nearly midnight and everything makes you emotional. The lights on the tree are too bright, your feet feel swollen, the cookies aren’t as sweet as you'd like, and suddenly you can’t stand the song that’s playing despite it being one of your favorites. You want everything off but then the house would be quiet and empty. You’d be reminded that you’re all alone until San comes home tomorrow and cry even harder.
You pull out your phone to call him but when you see the time you decide not to. His flight is in a few hours and he’s already told you what a long day he had. You’d hate to wake him up, to burden him any more than you feel you already have.  Just as you’re about to put your phone down it lights up. A text from Seonghwa. Some adorable video of a cat dressed up as one of Santa’s elves.
The poor thing looks miserable running around in that costume but it makes you laugh enough to stop you from spiraling. Taking a deep breath, you wipe away the tears blurring your vision and shoot a text back. 
You: Thanks. I really needed that.
Hwa: Why? Something wrong?
You: I’m having a crying thing. Kinda sad tonight.
Hwa: Need some company?
Without thinking, you type out the words “You don’t have to—” before erasing them and typing out something new. "Sure!"
It takes him no time at all to reach you. The streets are empty this time of night and he only lives a half hour away. Even if he lived two hours away—three hours away—he’d drive every single one of them to come support you. When you became someone special to San, you became someone special to him too. He’s never seen San more serious about anything than he's been about you and this baby. As much as he wishes that San would get out of his head a bit more, it’s cute to see him love something so much. 
“Anybody home?” Hwa whispers, his eyes narrowing when he notices that your front door is cracked. “Come in” you sob from the couch, blowing your nose for what feels like the 1000th time since you sent that last text. Hwa follows a trail of discarded tissues to find you curled up on the couch, as curled as you can be this far along in your pregnancy. “Hey, hey, don’t cry” he coos, easing himself down onto the couch and resting your head in his lap, “Talk to me. What’s going on?”
You try to speak but you’re too short of breath to get anything out. Hwa strokes your hair, taking slow breaths in and out, “Follow me, okay? In and out.” You shake your head in protest. The whole room is closing in around you. You can’t do it. “Just try it. For me. Please” he begs so sweetly that you can’t refuse. Deep breath in, long breath out. The same way that they taught you in those birthing classes you went to. “This is total bullshit” you’d whispered to San at one point during the class but it turns out it isn’t bullshit at all. 
After a few seconds, the tightness in your chest eases and the room begins to open up. The world isn’t falling apart anymore. You’re safe. Hwa sits with you in silence as your breathing quiets, dabbing away any rogue tears that drip down your cheeks. “Is San happy with me?” you ask, catching him off guard, “Is this too much for him, do you think?” Hwa laughs, knowing how extremely far from the truth both of those questions are. “Hwa, it’s not funny! I’m serious!” “I’m sorry! I’m not trying to make fun of you, it’s just—if you make him happy or not, that’s not a question. He’s crazy about you.”
Grabbing the small blanket folded over the back of the couch, he opens it up and tucks you in with it. “None of this is too much,” he swears, “You and her…” Hwa pokes your belly, making you giggle. “You guys are everything he’s ever wanted. He pushes himself so much because he wants to be perfect for you.” You yawn, Hwa’s presence and the warm blanket activating the exhaustion you’ve been fighting. “But he’s already perfect to me. Why can’t he see that?” “Mmm, it’s really hard sometimes to see ourselves the way other people do but he’ll come around. I promise.”
If there’s one similarity you’ve come to find between San and Hwa it’s how important promises are to them. If Hwa says he’ll come around then he will. They’d been friends for ages before you came into the picture. They’ve gone through more together than you can imagine. If Hwa's confident about it, then you have to believe it too. You drift off to sleep, your brain still spinning but much quieter now, trusting that everything will be just fine.
Right? Right? 
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“Listen to yourself. You sound crazy!” Hwa snaps, trying his hardest not to raise his voice in the midst of his anger. San tosses his bags to the floor and they hit with a thud that shakes you from your sleep. “I come home to you cuddled up on the couch with her and I’m crazy?” “She texted me last night that she was crying. What was I supposed to do?” “Tell me! And let me take care of her! She’s not yours so stop treating her like she is!”
San’s jaw clenches, the jealousy he’s been harboring turning into true pain for the first time. He thought he had this under control. Those hours of talking with Woo about how stupid his suspicions were had chased off his insecurities. But coming in, tired and cranky from his flight, to see you so peacefully cuddled against Hwa had undone all of it. He wanted to kill him and the knowledge that he was the first one you reached for when you were hurting only adds fuel to the fire currently burning his self control to ash.
“Sannie?” you squeak, stretching out your cramped limbs, “What’s going on?” You sit up, eyes still squinted, to see what all of the fuss is about. Hwa hangs his head, unable to face you, “I think I should go. If you need me I’m here for both of you.” “Wait, no!” you say, doing your best to roll off of the couch and stop him but by the time you’re on your feet he’s gone. Turning your attention to San, you immediately sense his anger. Something happened and whatever it was has him fuming.
“Baby, what happened? You can talk to—” “Is there something going on between you two?” “What?” you laugh, placing your hands on your lower back for support. You keep laughing but the sharpness of his expression never changes. He’s actually waiting for an answer. “Oh god, you’re serious. You’re actually asking me if I’m fucking Seonghwa.” “I didn’t say that.” “But that’s what you’re saying. That’s what you think of me.”
You catch yourself wanting to cry again, only this time it isn’t because of the pregnancy hormones. It’s because you waited for days to see the man you love only to be accused of something like this. San can almost see the moment your heart breaks, making him regret his doubts in an instant. “He’s been helping me because I was worried about you burning yourself out. That’s it. I wouldn’t do that to you.” Your bottom lip quivers and the tears are rushing from your eyes again. “Fuck, I’m so tired of crying” you huff, flopping back down onto the couch. 
San’s at your side quicker than he’s ever been, his arms wrapped around you like he never wants to let go. “I’m sorry! Please don’t cry. I didn’t mean it. I know you’d never do that.” “Then why were you two arguing? Why even ask me?” “Because I’m afraid” he admits, leaving you both shocked at his admission. He’s scared, terrified, so much that it keeps him up at night. “I’m afraid I’m not good enough to be what you need me to be and it was easier to be jealous than to admit that.”
You’re frustrated enough that you could slap him but your body feels so at home in his embrace that you can’t pull away. “You’re good enough for me…for us, San. You have to believe me when I say that.” “Then why do you call him when you’re crying and not me?” “Because,” you sigh, “I’m afraid too. I don’t want to lean on you too much.” “What? Lean on me too much?” he asks, almost offended, “Lean on me all you want. What do you think I work out for?”
You giggle when you feel his muscles flex against you, “San, be serious!” “I am! Lean on me, please. We’re a team. I need you to trust me to be here.” You stare at him, your eyes beautiful enough to hypnotize him even when they’re clouded with tears. “You have to trust me to be here too, you know?” San kisses your forehead, one hand gently massaging your back, “I trust you, baby.” Closing your eyes a tingly feeling washes over you. Is it love? The Christmas spirit? The tingling is chased by a contraction stronger than any period cramp you’ve ever felt.
“The baby’s coming!” you shout, gripping your stomach. San jumps back in shock as if he didn’t know you were pregnant to begin with. “Are you sure?” “You said you trust me!” “I do! I do! Hold on!” Leaning you back on the couch, San darts around the apartment collecting all of the things he’s prepared over the last few months to make you comfortable when this happens. A bag packed with clothes for you and your favorite slippers. Phone chargers, baby wipes, stuffed animals, the snacks you love. The list is endless.
“I’ll pull the car up and come back for you, okay?” he says, propping your feet up on the coffee table as he tries to put your coat on. “Just get the car. I’m okay.” “You sure?” “I’m sure and San,” you say, grabbing his arm. “Yeah?” “You’re gonna be a great dad. The best ever.” San can’t fight the smile that spreads across his face or the slight reddening of his cheeks. You believe in him, you truly do, and for the first time, he does too.
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0oolookitsme · 9 months
But Baby, It's Cold Outside
Type - One-Shoty Blurb!
Verse - Singer!Harry x Ceo!Y/n
Word Count - 1.2k
Warnings - None, just some tooth rotting fluff ;)
A/N - Y/n blushes so hard in this one I was legit smiling while writing the ending lmao. Hope you guys like it just as much! <3
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MASTERLIST | Please rb to share!
Y/n was on her knees on the carpeted floor, her hands stacking things up on the Christmas mantel that she had been set on decorating since she'd opened her eyes this morning. Her knees hurt because of the hardwood floor, but it was better than having to bend down while standing up, nevertheless.
They were surprisingly late to decorate for Christmas this year because of their prolonged stay over at Anne's for a while. After all, Anne wanted the see her daughter-in-law who was pregnant with her grandson or granddaughter -- and Y/n was starting to feel more and more deprived of a mother's love by each day, making Harry take her to Anne.
She had put Harry to work currently with fluffing up the Christmas tree's leaves, and to decorate it with the string lights they'd bought just the day before. He was crouching just about beside her, facing her with the tall tree standing between them.
"I swear, this tree has got me working the hardest I ever have," Harry joked, wiping the sheen layer of sweat on his face. He chuckled when Y/n shook her head, laughing at him and not at his joke -- but he didn't need to know that. "So dramatic," he heard her murmur under her breath, knowing that she meant for him to hear it.
"I'm the one who's dramatic?" He questioned her with a touch of accusation to it. "You're the one who's been up my arse this whole month with 'let's do this, let's do that'!" Mimicking her, Harry smacked his hand on the tree and hissed in pain when a thorn pricked his finger.
A smirk appeared on Y/n's face as she continued to mess with the order of stuff she'd stacked up on the mantel. Shrugging, she said, "that's what you get for teasing me."
Herry scoffed instead of saying anything and went back to fluffing up the tallest bit of the tree. His armpits were moist with his sweat but he wouldn't even dare to think about putting out the crackling-fire in the fireplace. He might be a naturally warm body, but Y/n definitely wasn't.
Whether it was summer, or winter -- her body was never found to be hot. Hell, even when she took off her fuzzy socks last night her feet were freezing cold. And, with the baby growing in her body, Harry wouldn't even let Y/n remove the thin blanket he had wrapped around her frame when he woke up at the first ray of sunshine and realized that it had started snowing.
"H? Will you please bring me those mini-Christmas trees?" Y/n asked him, turning to give him some puppy-eyes but caught him watching the snowflakes on the windowpane instead. Tilting her head and joining him in looking outside, her lips stretched in a smile.
The snow fell soundlessly, drifting down like white and fluffy cold crystals. It brought an essence of magic in the world, falling softly into blankets that cover the landscape. 
"...'course," she heard him mumble, and turned just in time to catch the smile he passed her with a glint in his eyes that she'd come to recognize as admiration. Though she wasn't sure if what he was admiring then was the snow, her, or the 7-month baby bump.
In the time that Harry went to pick up the set of trees from the kitchen island, Y/n dropped the blanket from her shoulders, feeling too hot suddenly. The room had grown too warm for her current liking, and as she sat down cross-legged on the floor to give her knees some rest, she wished for Harry to be back by her side.
She slipped back on her bottom until her aching back hit the leg of the sofa and rested there. Patting the spot next to her, she invited Harry to sit beside her and whined internally when he passed her a knowing look and brought back the blanket with him. "Open the window if you're going to make me wear that blanket again," she told him pointedly, passing him a smile to tell him she didn't mean that behaviour seriously.
"But baby," Harry looked at her with a desperate look on his face. "It's cold outside!" he told her, wanting to open the window himself but he simply denied to because he couldn't have Y/n catch a cold. He sat down, spreading his legs and crossing them at the ankles.
He draped the blanket over both of their legs, making sure her bump is also covered. Leaning in, he pressed his lips on her pouted ones, smiling in the midst when she wouldn't back away.
Y/n reached for one of the kid's books that she'd been reading to learn some stories she could tell her little bundle of love when they were old enough to whine to her for just one more story. With some trouble, she caught the book on the sofa behind her and opened it, keeping it tilted just in case Harry wanted to join her.
But Harry was rather busy idly playing with her free hand, and as she continued to read, she felt him raise her hand up and press a kiss into her palm. Her cheeks, that were already rosy because of the cold, had now turned a shade of raging red and Harry couldn't help but cackle at that.
Y/n slapped his arm, an embarrassed smile dressed on her lips. "Stop it," she hissed, unable from removing the bashful smile on her mouth when Harry kisses the back of her hand the other time around. She turned her face away so that he couldn't see the cherry-red tint on her face, her mouth trembling because of the shy-giggle she was working hard to keep in.
Harry loved seeing the smallest gestures affect her in ways that she couldn't even control. Sputters of laughter kept falling from his mouth and when she didn't turn to face him after some while, he couldn't help but grab her chin and make her look at him.
Although she had shut her eyes tightly, the apple of her cheeks still suffused with a shade of pink that he decided was his favourite from now on. "C'mon!" He laughed when she wouldn't open her eyes.
He had only started getting such exquisite reactions out of her since he put a baby in her, and God, he would put another one in there if she would keep making him lose his mind like this.
Suddenly, a yelp flew out of his mouth, and he flinched away when she pressed her icy foot flat on his calf.
"Oh my god," he laughed with a surprised expression on his feet. "Baby, how the fuck are you so cold, still?" He shouted with laughter, his heart bursting with love when she started laughing profusely with her head thrown back. He, somewhere in the midst of it all, had stopped laughing, gazing at her instead.
But when Y/n didn't hear him laughing along with her, she opened her eyes only to find him looking at her as if she'd had hung stars in the room for him; and Harry swore her eyes were genuinely glittering and shimmering with something he was sure the poets would call love.
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rxmqnova · 9 months
Hii! If your still taking request i might’ve have something for you, only if you would like to make it, i just love your stories so much, and click on it when i see you have posted!!! ( it’s a Wanda x daughter!newborn y/n reader😅 kinda something)
Anyway, the storie i have thought off, was maybe that Wanda was pregnant and was about to give birth, (she’s in her late 9 month of pregnancy) when the Avengers came to rescue them, she’s in a bit of distress when they came, and feels a contraction or something, (maybe this was after they first met and she used her powers on them) the others wouldn’t help her, even tho Nat got most hit, she would help her and demand the others to help or something, and she ends up in so much pain before they reach the compound ? A little chaotic with some fluff at the end?😅
Hope this make sense, just an idea😅
Merry Christmas!
Little miracle
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Y/N: newborn ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV "Wanda, are you sure you want to do this?" Pietro sighs, worry in his eyes as he's looking at his sister and hoping she'll change her mind.
"He has to pay for what he did to our parents, Pietro" Wanda says seriously, preparing herself for meeting the Avengers once again.
The twins and the Avengers have already had one encounter and it wasn't nice at all. The original plan of the Avengers was to take down another hydra base, but the twins showed up and made some damage on them.
The team hasn't given up though. Steve is convinced that the young siblings need help, so that's why the team is headed to the abandoned place Wanda and Pietro are hiding at.
Wanda knows though and she's determined to destroy them… specially Tony Stark as the twins blame him for their parents' death. What keeps Pietro worried is that his sister is in her last month of pregnancy. He'll soon become an uncle, but another fight with the Avengers definitely isn't good for the baby.
"They're here" Wanda announces, her nervousness becoming bigger and bigger.
She won't admit it to her brother, but she is nervous and stressed that something might go wrong and her baby would get hurt. Her stubborn self just has to avenge her parents though.
As soon as the Avengers are standing in front of them, the twins are ready to attack, a red magic ball formed in both Wanda's hands… So the fight starts, Pietro using his superspeed while Wanda's using her mind-reading abilities, getting into their minds and showing them their worst fears or memories. Though suddenly something just doesn't feel right. A sudden pain makes Wanda let out a groan.
"Wanda?" Pietro looks over at his sister concerned, immediately making his way over to her.
"I'm good, it was just- ahhh" Another contraction interrupts Wanda's sentence, making her immediately put her hand under her stomach.
"Wanda" Pietro wraps his arm around his sister, not knowing what to do at all while the Avengers are either deep in their thoughts or watching the siblings confused.
"It's nothing, it's no- oh my god" Wanda groans, digging her nails into her brother's arm as another contraction hits, making him hiss in pain. "My water just broke! Do something, Pietro!" She raises her voice, nearly dropping down to her knees if Pietro wouldn't hold her.
"So, hmm… Are we fighting or not?" Tony asks, interrupting this uncomfortable moment.
"I can't do this, Pietro. I can't" Wanda whispers, panicking as her contractions are picking up on speed.
As Wanda lets out another loud groan, Natasha's up on her feet again, shaking her head to get rid off the horrible memory Wanda made her see.
"She's giving birth" Natasha say, slowly making her way over to the twins with her arms up to show them she's there to help.
"Pietro" Wanda whispers, looking at the Avenger that's walking closer, making her brother turn around and spot the redhead.
"I wanna help" Natasha assures, still keeping her arms up, so worried Pietro just nods as he has absolutely no idea what to do. "You need to breath, Wanda. Breath with me" She says softly, taking a hold of Wanda's hand and trying to get the young girl to breath properly. "Don't stand there like that! Help me get her to the jet!" She orders to her team members quickly before looking back at Wanda. "That's it, you're doing great"
The Avengers are quick to listen, Steve helping Pietro to get the young witch to the jet while Clint's already in the jet, ready to set off to the compound.
"I'm not ready, I don't think I can do it" Wanda whispers as soon as she's sitting in the jet, tears filling her eyes as she's gripping her brother's and Natasha's hands.
"Of course you can, Wanda. Everything will be okay. You'll have your baby son or daughter soon" Natasha gives the scared girl a soft smile, rubbing her knuckles with her thumb before Wanda squeezes her hand once again as another contraction comes, making both Natasha and Pietro let out groan.
"Daughter. It's a girl" Wanda whispers.
"Oh, a girl? See, you'll have your baby daughter soon. Have you thought about a name already?" Natasha continues the conversation, trying to distract Wanda from the pain.
"Mhm. Y/N… Y/N Maximoff" A small smile forms on Wanda's face, loving the name she's chosen for her baby girl.
"That's a beautiful name. Did you choose it?"
"Yeah, I- aaah. Oh my god, are we there yet?!"
"Few more pushes" The doctor informs, trying to encourage Wanda, thought the witch feels exhausted as ever.
Pietro being the supportive brother he is, he agreed he'd be there with Wanda the whole time. Though it looks like he overestimated himself as he got soon replaced by Natasha.
"I don't think I can do it, I can't anymore" Wanda nearly whispers, tears slowly running down her cheeks.
"Of course you can, Wanda. I know we don't really know each other, but I just know you can do it. You're such a strong girl" Natasha encourages, giving Wanda a soft smile.
"Let's push on three, okay?" The doctor says on which Wanda nods. "Good… One, two, three. Push"
Wanda squeezes her eyes shut, trying to push as much as she can while squeezing Natasha's hand for her dear life.
"You're doing so good, let's go again. One, two, three. Push" The doctor says on which Wanda repeats her actions as good as she can, Natasha trying not to hiss in pain from Wanda's tight grip over her hand.
As soon as the room fill baby cries, Wanda rests her head on the pillow, completely exhausted.
"You did it" Natasha smiles warmly, wiping away the tear that's escaped her eye. It doesn't happen often when Natasha gets emotional.
"Are you ready to see your daughter?" The doctor asks with a smile, handing Wanda the little one wrapped in a pink blanket.
"Oh hi" Wanda smiles, tears forming in her eyes once again, Natasha smiling at the sight. "You're so beautiful, sweetheart. I'm your mommy" The brunette whispers, tears running down her cheeks while she's rubbing her daughter's small knuckles with her finger. "I love you so much, Y/N/N. Mommy will always protect you, I promise"
I've never written about giving birth, so hopefully it's not too bad xd
I'm so glad that you enjoy my stories!! This makes me so happy!! <;33
Thank you for reading and liking! <;33
Merry Christmas!!! <;33
Wanda Maximoff masterlist
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jjwantsme · 2 years
It’s Christmas, Charlie Brown!
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pairing: jj maybank x girlfriend!reader
summary: after years of neglection, christmas was never an excitement in JJ’s life- that is, until he met y/n
warning: kind of grumpy boyfriend x sunshine girlfriend trope, fluff, mentions of abusive family, cussing, references to smut, let me know if there’s anything missing!
authors note: i couldn’t sleep at 6am and came up with this. Time for a holiday special!!! Sorry im over a week late 😭😭
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JJ groaned a bit as he felt his shoulder being shaken, still half asleep as he listened to his girlfriend’s bubbly voice.
“JJ, wake up, wake up, it’s christmas!” Y/n cheered, excitement radiating off her flushed face.
“baby, baby,” JJ rasped, “it’s 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 christmas. Don’t cream your pants over it.”
“‘Just Christmas’?!” She gasped dramatically, pretending to be overly offended- which, wasn’t too far from the truth. “now, come on, get up so we can make breakfast!”
JJ couldn’t really relate to her excitement.
Unlike his loving girlfriend, he grew up in a broken home.
Growing up with an abusive father, and an absentee mother, JJ never really got to have Christmas. His father never held them by the fire or watched movies with him; he received a present once, but it was taken shortly after on account of bad behavior.
So, because of him never getting to experience all of the christmas magic, it was never a big deal to him. In his book, it was just any old day.
And, normally, that would be a deal breaker for y/n. However, seeing as JJ is perfect for her in every other aspect, she let it slide this time.
She’d just have to make-up for all of the christmas he’s missed.
“Breakfast?” JJ sat up and groaned, “I thought your parents would be doing that!”
“Well, yeah…but, I asked if we could do it,” y/n grinned, clearly not understanding his exhaustion, “It’s part of the fun!”
She began putting bottoms over her bare legs, still half-naked from when JJ undressed her the night before.
JJ couldn’t help but let out a small smile at her excitement, looking over all the hickeys on her stomach.
Boy, was he in for a long holiday.
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“Oh, JJ! This is for you,” Mrs. y/l/n chirped as she handed JJ a gift, “from me and y/n’s father!”
Y/n had definitely received her positive attitude from her mother.
“Oh, shit, y-you guys really didn’t have to get me anything,” JJ chuckled and shook his head, rubbing his neck as he grabbed the present.
“Of course we did!”
JJ smiled wide as he opened the gift, feeling like a little kid again as y/n sat right next to him.
He wasn’t used to any parents loving him the way y/n’s did, it was definitely still something to get used to.
Her parents absolutely adored him, always inviting him over for meals and letting him spend the night
When they first met, JJ thought for sure they’d despise him, the same way most parents do. He thought they’d say he’s a bad influence on their daughter, and that he’s no good just like his dad.
But, they never said that. They took him in with open arms.
JJ opened the gift slowly, his smile growing when he opened the box to reveal a ring.
A ring with the letter “J” imprinted onto it.
“Do you like it?” Y/n smiled up at him with her innocent voice.
“I love it!” He was so happy, he almost laughed, “Thank you guys, so much!”
He gave her parents quick hugs.
“Now open mine, open mine!” Y/n couldn’t contain her excitement, and anticipation, as she handed him the gift she picked out.
He opened hers much more quickly, and he swore his cheeks were going to break from smiling too hard when he saw it. A necklace with her first initial on it.
“Do you like it? Look, I got us matching ones!” She pulled hers out of her hoodie pocket, (the same hoodie she stole from JJ), and showed it to him.
It had a J on it, and he blushed so hard that he saw stars. He wouldn’t be surprised if there were hearts in his eyes.
“Oh my god, baby,” JJ kissed her head, and then her cheek, and then her lips. “I absolutely adore it.”
Y/n couldn’t help the giddy tears that welled up in her eyes as she watched him put it on with so much pride.
“I’ll never take it off!”
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“Who’s idea was it to invite them over? Like, seriously, who let John B in?” Kiara jokingly asked as she watched him and pope nearly break y/n’s family vase.
“Ha-ha, very funny, kie.” Pope sarcastically replied, taking his seat at the dinning table.
After everyone’s parents approval, y/n had invited all of the pogues over for christmas dinner at her place. Her mother made a five-course-meal for them, and let them have sparkling water to drink.
Y/n was pretty close with the pogues, especially sarah, as she grew up a kook. Well, nobody really called her a kook. She had a foot in both worlds; her parents were filthy rich, but she never acted snobby or better than anyone. She didn’t fit in with the other kooks, which is why she was more of a lone-wolf- that is, until she met the pogues.
“Oh, it’s fine!” Y/n’s mom insisted as she took her seat, “We can afford a new one, no worries!”
“Thank you, Mrs. y/l/n, this all looks amazing,” Pope nervously changed the conversation topic as he examined the meal, already having his heart set on the glazed ham.
“Hey, princess,” JJ spoke quietly to y/n as everyone else engaged in their own conversation, “can i talk to you in the other room for a moment?”
Y/n bit her lip, which was an anxiety-motivated habit, before nodding.
“We’ll be right back!” JJ smiled at everyone, taking his girl’s hand and leading her to the living room.
“What is it?” Y/n asked once they were alone, watching as JJ took a present from under the tree.
“Just wanted to give you your present…” he trailed off, handing a wrapped, book-shaped item to her.
“Awh, baby,” she pouted as she took it from him, “you know you didn’t have to get me anything!”
“What, you really thought i wouldn’t get you a present? On your favorite holiday?” He raised his eyebrows, “Jeez, i’m not that poor.”
Y/n unwrapped the gift, letting out a small gasp when she saw what it was.
A scrapbook of their relationship thus far, with polaroids of them from the very beginning.
JJ grew nervous when he saw how silent she was, her usually being his little chatterbox.
Most people probably found it annoying how talkative she was, but he thought it was just the most precious thing.
“Do you not like it? I’m sorry if it’s not…i don’t know, fancy enough? I was on a budget, i thought it was cute, but i completely understand if you don’t like it, it is kind of cor-“
Y/n cut him off by kissing him, passionately, as she rested a hand on his shoulder.
She pulled away after almost a minute, looking him in the eyes.
“Is that your way of telling me you would’ve liked a more sexual gift? Cause, y’know i have no problem getting you a-“
“JJ!” She spoke sharply as she cut him off, trying not to laugh, “I love it, you dumbass!”
“Really?” JJ’s face went from a smirk to a soft smile as she spoke.
“Of course, I do! I’ve never gotten anything this thoughtful. Thank you so much. I’ll read every single page.” She grinned and hugged him tight, wrapping her arms around his neck.
He smiled wide and hugged her back, just as tight.
He was so nervous about the gift, only having a few dollars to spend.
But, her reaction made him proud of himself, and happier than words can explain.
“So…about that sex toy-“
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“I really can’t believe you’ve never seen this before,” Y/n and JJ cuddled on her bed, watching a charlie brown christmas special. “It’s a classic!”
“Well, there’s a first time for everything.” He shrugged in reply.
Y/n giggled at his remark, making him smile.
“Y/n, I actually, uh, I wanted to…talk to you about something.” JJ rubbed the back of his neck, making her pause the movie.
“What is it, baby?”
“I just…” he sighed, “I wanted to say thank you.”
She furrowed her eyebrows, “Thank you? For what?”
“I don’t know, I guess just…being with me. Y’know, letting me be yours. I know we’ve only been dating 10 months, but…you really are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I really can’t thank you, or your family, enough for everything you’ve done.” JJ shook his head and sniffled, “I don’t deserve it.”
“Awh, my love,” y/n pouted and sat up to cup his cheeks, “of course you deserve it. You deserve more, actually. I love you so much, and I just know there’s many more christmas’ like this to come.”
He rested his forehead against hers and whispered, “I love you more, beautiful.”
Y/n finished their conversation with a kiss, a kiss that didn’t end until JJ moved his hands up her shirt and began kissing her neck.
“Gonna show you how much I love you,” He mumbled against her neck as he nibbled on it.
Let’s just say; what they did that night, definitely would’ve gotten them on the naughty list.
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currentfications · 9 months
Christmas Special | 🎄
Synopsis: after your last shift of the year, you excitedly made your way home. The snow had made running difficult, and the delay was enough to cause you to miss your bus. With your phone battery flat and only one phone number memorised, you decided to try your luck, hoping that your ex would pick up the phone.
A/N: this is just cliches after cliches cause I am a basic bitch, special shoutout to @bluebada for the Christmas post (˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵) sorry for the cheesiness and general cringe, I just sat down and typed a whole bunch of tropes into one fic, sorry if it’s not my best work, I’ve had the worst week and needed some fluff >/////<
Warning: swearing, fluff and cringe, but mostly sfw (mention/alluded to sex but no smut in this fic)
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“Wait!” You waved your hand at the bus’s closing door, to no avail. The hydraulics hissed and the driver took off in haste before the doors had fully closed. “Fuck,” you muttered, tugging the suitcase behind you, the wheels squeaking in protest after being hauled around the past miles while you sprinted.
Walking up to the dimly lit bus stop, you checked the posted schedule for the next bus. A piece of poorly stuck on paper informed you of your continued misfortune while its peeling corners flapping around in the wind seemed to mock you. You bit your tongue from making a sarcastic comment at the situation on hand, not wanting to jinx your already doomed self. Instead you silently wondered if you could survive the night if you wore all your clothings at once. The Christmas sweater at the bottom of your bag ought to serve it’s purpose, you thought.
Noticing a phone booth nearby, you thought the shelter might make the wind chill more tolerable. The stench that hit your nose immediately had you reconsider taking your chances with the elements. Staring at the key pad and the suspicious puddle of stain on the floor, you tapped on your phone screen again, hoping that it had magically recharged itself. It did not.
You hung your head in disappointment and immediately regretted taking a deep breath to self regulate. Picking up the rusty phone and the last few quarters you had at the bottom of your bag, you swiftly punched in the number to the studio, hoping that someone- anyone- had stayed behind. Maybe the night cleaners would call you a cab.
“Thank you for your call. We are currently away for Christmas closure until the second Monday of January. Please leave a message-”
You hung the receiver up and sprinted outside for some fresh air. By the time you had remembered to jiggle the little refund handle on the pay phone, only two quarters are spat back out. Groaning at your own stupidity, you stared at the keypad and dialled in the only cell phone number you remember.
An odd feeling stirred in you as your finger lingered above the last button. Before you could quite identify the emotion, a wave of nausea from the smell quickly dismissed any other feeling in you.
The call went through.
What was I thinking? You thought to yourself as the wait tone went on. She’s not going to pick-
“Hello?” A familiar voice pierced through your doubt.
Instinctively, you took another deep breath. Your eyes watered up, and you’re not sure if it’s from her voice or the reek. “Hey Bada,” you managed to squeeze out.
A brief moment of silence hung in the air, and you thought she had hung up on the call. “Y/n?”
You nodded, realised that she can’t see you, and croaked out a confirmation. “Sorry to call you this late, I-”
A sharp beep cut you off.
“Please insert a quarter to continue the call.”
You fumbled around for some extra changes, but the call ended. Looking down on the mystery stain, you have a sudden irrational urge to defecate on the money hungry technology. Before you could do anything you’d regret, or worse, destruction of public property, the phone rang.
You waved at the approaching headlights, and the black sedan came to a screeching halt next to you. The door to the driver’s seat flung open, and a familiar silhouette darted towards you. You were engulfed in Bada’s comforting scent warmth as she threw her coat on you.
“Are you okay?” Her soft voice was dripping with concern as she brushed a stray strand of hair out of your face. “Shit, you’re freezing. Get in the car.”
You climbed into the passenger seat of the still running car, thanking her as she shut the door behind you. “Sorry for the trouble,” you muttered apologetically as she buckled herself behind the steering wheel. “Thanks for getting here so quickly too, I hope I haven’t interrupted anything?”
“Don’t be silly, I’m just glad you remembered my phone number.” A hint of pink tinted her cheeks, and you convinced yourself that it’s either the weather or the poor lighting.
You sheepishly smiled at the taller girl, “well I’m glad you picked up an unknown number in the middle of the night, or I’ll probably have to crash in the phone booth.”
“Wouldn’t want the Mouse King to get to you, princess,” Bada teased.
You beamed at the pet name before quickly tuning down your smile, reminding yourself of the distance you ought to put between yourself and her. “How’d you know I got the role?”
Bada’s eyes widen and she whipped herself around, turning her attention to the GPS. “I- uh, Lusher told me. Speaking of which, the girls are having a Christmas party at Minah’s, you wanna come?”
You raised an eyebrow at her sudden change in subject, but nodded nevertheless. “It’s been a while, you think they’d mind?”
“Nah, it’ll be a Christmas surprise.” A smile sat on the corner of her lips as she gripped the steering wheel, her hand on the lowered break lingering beside you went unnoticed as you fixated on her eyes.
“Thanks for the invite,” you said as you finally peeled your gaze away. The scent of her car reminded you of something. “I better change,” you muttered as you pulled out a sweater from your bag, before wiggling off her coat and the shirt that you were wearing, which still faintly smelled like the phone booth. “Sorry for the stench.”
Bada glanced over to you and almost swerved into the opposite lane, immediately hiding her surprise with a cough. “Geez y/n, trying to make me crash the car?”
You chuckled as you pulled the Christmas sweater over your head. “Eyes on the road Bada, nothing you haven’t seen here before.”
Bada bit down on her bottom lip as she fixed her eyes back on the road, her knuckles turning white as she gripped on the steering harder.
You heard the party as Bada pulled into the driveway, shaking your head at the girls’ energy. “They’re still as lively as ever,” you remarked at the Christmas karaoke blasting through the basement. Bada hummed and nodded in agreement.
“Perks of living near a construction site, I guess.” Bada was worried when Minah first told them she’s moving into this area, but soon discovered that the BEBE dancer is actually the menace of the suburb.
“What took you so long?” The door swing open at the bottom of the stairs and Minah peered through, stopping dead in her tracks when she spot you wrapped up in Bada’s coat, an ugly Christmas sweater underneath. “Holy fuckery are you-”
Bada shot her a warning look and wagged her head ever so slightly, and Minah muttered an apology of some sort before pulling you into a hug with a huge grin on her face.
“Merry Christmas,” you squeezed the redhead, “it’s been too long.”
“Come on in and tell me all about it,” Minah chirped excitedly as she pulled you into the house behind her. “Lusher is here too,” she nodded towards the singing, All I Want for Christmas echoing through the stairwell.
“Hurry up,” you turned around to Bada, who’s already kicking off her sneakers, “don’t wanna miss your part.”
Bada whipped around and sprinted down the hallway, leaving you with Minah, who offered to take your coat. “We have beer and eggnog, Lusher was making something in the kitchen. Do you have work tomorrow or can you stay?”
“I can stay,” you said as you handed her Bada’s coat, “we finally finished our last show of the year. Can I take up on that eggnog offer?”
With a mug full of spiked milk, you leaned against the door frame leading to Minah’s living room, where Lusher and Bada stood in front of the television, singing (Bada rapping Soulja Boy’s Crank That).
“WAR IS OVER!” Lusher screeched when the song finished, turning to you with a hug. “WE CHEERED!”
Bada covered her mouth with her hands, but it was too late as Tatter emerged from the kitchen with a cup in hand, which she flung to the other side of the room as she dived into your arms. Minah’s disapproving groan overshadowed by Tatter’s chatter. “It’s a Christmas miracle, we are no longer children of divorce!”
“Who’s baking gingerbread at this hour?” You asked, sniffing the air as smell of baked goods slowly filled the room.
“Oh shit,” Lusher recalled, making her way back to the kitchen. “Should we make gingerbread house?”
“Should you be making gingerbread houses right now?” You followed her into the kitchen, hot behind her heels as she stumbled on flat ground.
“Oops,” she chortled. The gingerbread now smelled toastier than before, and you hastened your speed towards the oven.
You found the kitchen mitten hanging by the stoves and reached out to grab it. “I’ll do it, go sit your drunk ass down.” The girl giggled and you heard the kitchen stool being pulled out, lusher plopping into the seat.
A hand appeared from above your shoulder and plucked the mitten off your hands, you turned around to Bada already putting them on. “Your clumsy ass is no better than her drunk one. Go sit next to her.”
You tried to protest but Bada’s firm hand on your lower back guided you away from the oven door. You stood in place even after she had withdrew her hand, too distracted to notice the quickly browning smell of the baked goods. Definitely too distracted to notice the blush taking form on both of your cheeks.
Bada opened the door and a gust of cinnamon and clove scent poured out the oven, and you almost forgot how ridiculous it is to be making gingerbread houses in the middle of the night with your salivating.
“Hot tray incoming,” Bada warned as she pulled out a sheet tray, snapping you out of your daze. You looked around and found a coaster, placing it on the bench behind her as she put down the piping hot tray.
It was brief, but the domesticity stirred up some feelings you thought had long settled in you. You then immediately scolded yourself for dredging up the past. The festive season must be making you all sappy.
You shook your head and turned your focus to Lusher’s trays instead. “Are we building minecraft houses?” You couldn’t help but ask upon seeing two dozens or so poorly formed shapes on the sheet trays.
Bada peered over your shoulder. “These are squoval at best,” she noted, “how many drinks have you had tonight?”
“Enough to spontaneously want to bake,” Lusher slurred.
“You can glue them with melted sugar,” Minah suggested, pulling out a pot from her rack.
“Nope, too drunk to handle hot sugar.” Lusher threw her hands up, sitting back into the stool. “You do it.”
Bada sighed exasperatingly, “is this a Christmas party or a babysitting gig?”
Between the gingerbread house decoration, eggnog, and Christmas songs karaoke, the tiredness from the bus chase earlier that day had finally caught onto you as you let out a yawn, covering your mouth with the sleeved of your Christmas sweater.
“You alright there?” Noticing your watering eyes, bada checked in on you. “Do you need to go? I can drive you if you need,” Bada offered.
“No, no I’ll be fine, once my phone charges up I can call myself a ride. Plus no drinking and driving,” you added,
“No more Nutcracker this season?” Minah asked.
“Nope, just finished our last show of the year,” you gestured towards your suitcase.
“Speaking of which,” Lusher chimed in with curious eyes. “Have you gotten the role?” She asked, “for Sugarplum Princess?”
You nodded with a smile, before quickly realising something was off. You squinted at Bada, who has taken a vested interest in the bottom of her cup.
“So,” You prodded, “I thought you said Lusher broke the news?” Leaning against the concrete wall, you took a draw from the cigarette, the dim light from your lighter illuminating the snowy street.
“She must had too much to drink,” Bada adamantly insisted, leaning towards you. You held up the smoke silently for her, raising an eyebrow at her response.
“Lee Bada, are you stalking your ex?” You joinkingly said, gently taping her shoulder with your fist.
“It’s Christmas, nothing wrong with watching the Nutcrackers during the festive season,” choking on the smoke, her tone turned defensive.
“Right, so you came by and watched me without stopping to say hello?”
“I- I didn’t know what to say, after…” Bada trailed off, leaving the silence to fill the icy air. After what felt like minutes, she turned to you with a smile, her eyes suspiciously damp. “You were incredible on that stage, princess.”
You blushed at the pet name, having to remind yourself that she was just referring to your role. With a smile and en pointe, you lifted your arms beside you while you gave her a stage bow. “Thank you for coming to the show.”
When you stood up straight again, the moisture pooling in her eyes seemed to have increased, moments away from falling off her cheeks. You looked up at the tall girl and instinctively reached your hand out towards her. Whilst your hand is still raised in midair, you realised that the gesture may be too intimate, and settled with fixing her fringe instead.
“Are you still putting on one right now?” Bada asked, her voice hushed as it wavered ever so slightly, the tears welling up in her eyes finally falling off.
“What are you talking about?” You frantically asked as you caught a stray drop sliding off her cheek. “Bada are you alright?”
The taller girl shook her head and tilted it back to stop her tears from falling. “I’m sorry y/n, I thought I’ve moved on like we promised to.”
“But I don’t want to,” Bada continued, still looking away from you. Her neck stretched back as you saw her swallowing hard. “And I don’t think I can.”
“Bada,” you tentatively said again, your voice now much softer with the emotions bubbling up. “I’m sorry I asked that of you. I thought it would be easier if we both just walked away, I-” your voice trailed off as you pondered how the hell did you even thought that was a good idea in the first place.
Sure, work gets in the way of relationships. But if you had just tried harder, accommodated more, would it have made a difference?
Her chuckling made you look up, now meeting her gaze as she looked down at you, a tight smile that couldn’t quite reach her eyes plastered on her face. A nervous habit you knew she had. “It was anything but easy these couple years, y/n.”
You hummed and nodded in agreement, “look at me being stranded on the side of the road without you.”
Bada chuckled, “look at you, still remembering my phone number even in a pinch.”
“I’m surprised you picked up unknown numbers this late at night,” you said with a laugh.
“Can’t help it, I know an accident prone idiot who needs my rescue at all hours of the day.”
“That can’t be safe, how many scam calls do you end up picking up?”
“Probably too many, I actually almost fell for one once- but it’s well worth it, I got the call I’m waiting for.”
You stood flabbergasted by the admission, the cold air stinging the inside of your cheeks as your jaw hung. “Shit Bada, I’m sorry I’m still causing you trouble even after I left.”
Was two Christmas ago? When you sat her down in the kitchen and told her you’re moving out. Between trying to keep your relationship working and your career, you’ve chosen the later. You’d also gotten her a hand knitted sweater that year- speaking of cliched.
“Nah, ‘y can’t help that you’re forgetful-”
“I am sometimes forgetful,” you corrected, and Bada backed off with her palms up, a smile finally returning to her rosy cheeks. Frostbitten, likely. “Get some sleep after this party, sleep debts’ a bitch,”
Bada raised a finger to her under eye. “Oops, busted,” she said as she stuck her tongue out, like being caught red handed in a cookie jar. “Fine, New Year’s resolution,” she announced as she turned to you. “Go to bed by two each night.”
“Ten,” you whacked away her hand placed on her chest.
“Eleven each night,” Bada replaced her hand on her chest.
You rolled your eyes at her but didn’t correct her this time. “And eat breakfast,” you added.
“New Year’s resolution, don’t forget to eat breakfast,” you reminded.
Bada groaned. “As if you eat breakfast,” she muttered, scrunching up her nose in annoyance.
“Fine, our New Year’s resolution. Breakfast.” It’s about time you make one and stick to it anyways. “Eight cups of w-” you begin, only to immediately cut off by Bada.
“Y/n, be reasonable.”
You shrugged. “It was a nice try though. Congrats on the competition- you girls’ schedule must’ve been packed lately?”
Bada hummed and nodded a confirmation, “it’s great to have a job, don’t get me wrong,” she said, holding her hands up defensively, “it’s just nice to be able to sit around and do nothing for a while.”
“Word,” you muttered, as the chilled wind blew at the awkward silence that filled as the small talk settled.
“Uhm,” bada started, breaking the silence. “I can send you home?”
“Oh don’t worry about it, my phone should be charged up by now, I’ll call myself a ride. Thanks, again, for coming to my rescue.”
Bada chuckled, “anytime, princess.” The pet name is starting to grow on you.
“How is the battery STILL flat?” You wailed, clutching your lifeless phone.
“Did you plug it in?” Bada peered behind you.
“Of course I plugged it in,” you snapped, “I’m not stupid.”
Bada took over your phone and charge and wiggled it around. “Is the plug turned on?”
“Of course it’s-” not turned on. You could’ve sweared that you had seen the phone lit up when it was plugged in. “Oh come on who turned it off?”
You suspect foul play, but your streak of bad luck of the day made you sound hesitant. Bada was not convinced.
“Do you want to crash for the night?” Minah poked her head into the kitchen, letting out a yawn. “It’s getting real late.”
Between asking Bada to drink drive and staying the night, you chose the later and thanked Minah for the bed. “Sorry if I’m over staying my welcome.”
“Don’t be silly, we haven’t caught up in a while. Stay as long as you like,” said Minah, as she led you to the guest room. “Lusher fell asleep on the couch,” Minah continued, turning to Bada. “So you can sleep here too I guess. Aight, I’ll see you in the morning,” Minah’s voice trailed off as she quickly made her way back to her room, slamming the door behind.
“Minah set us up, didn’t she?” You said with a sigh.
“Probably unplugged your phone too,” Bada chuckled. “Sorry for the wrongful accusation.”
“That was very hurtful,” you joked, “since you felt so bad about it you’ll let me call dibs on the bed.” You flopped yourself down on the nearest mattress and looked around the room, realising that you’re sitting down on the only bed.
“Minah!” Bada shouted as she marched towards her room, shortly returning with a huff. “Bastard locked her room.”
“I still call dibs on the bed.”
“Well scoot in then,” Bada instructed, “unless you want me to sleep on the cold hard floor?”
You rolled your eyes at her and made room for Bada. “That little minx, I’ll get her in the morning.”
Bada climbed in, and the old mattress sunk at the weight of you two, squeaking as gravity pulled you together at the bottom of the mattress nest.
You opened your eyes to meet Bada’s hot chocolate brown ones staring back at you. “The fuck are you looking at,” you giggled as you pushed her fringed down to cover her eyes. “Go to sleep.”
“Yeah, yeah I will, just-” bada stirred in her cocoon of blanket, “I haven’t seen you in a while. You keep sleepin’ and don’t worry about me.”
You tried to close your eyes but felt her burning gaze on you. “I can’t sleep with you staring at me, you weirdo,” you said as you turned around, the mattress nest pulling you backwards.
As you were falling asleep you felt an arm around you, but you quickly drifted off as the slow rising and falling of Bada’s breathing gently lulled you to sleep.
The first crack of dawn spilled through the window above the bed, and you snuggled deeper into the warmth as slumber reclaimed you.
A firm hold around you enveloped you as you next woken up from possibly the best sleep of the year. Followed closely by the rudest awakening of the year. Bada’s arms had snaked around your waist as she nuzzled into the back of your neck, you backside pressed up against her stomach as one of your legs have started to fall asleep. You suspect it is between her thighs.
“Bada,” you gently nudged the sleeping giant, poking at her shoulder. “My job needs me to have both legs,” you whispered.
“Hm?” She continued to stir, gripping you tighter into herself.
Seeing that her slumber is not letting up, you yanked your feet out from her weight. Pins and needles attacked your foot as blood returned to your leg, and you let out a hiss as you rubbed your foot.
“Y/n?” Bada opened her eyes in confusion, slowly recalling the events of the night before. “Shit, sorry. You okay there?”
You nodded, pulling yourself up from the bed. “Merry Christmas, Bada.” Judging by the lack of noise in the house you assumed the rest of the BEBE girls are still fast asleep, you pointed at a door down the halls and mouthed ‘toilet?’ at Bada, shuffling towards it as Bada nodded a confirmation.
Bada followed closely behind you out the room, heading for a glass of water in the kitchen. “Merry Christmas to you too.”
A bundle of mistletoe hung by the doorframe, staring back at the two of you, its waxy white berries beckoning. “This wasn’t here last night,” you said, observing the tape holding up the ribbon.
“Mhmm,” Bada hummed, easily guessing the culprit who’d set it up. “Should we let it serve its purpose?”
You chuckled at the offer, before leaning in to plant a quick peck on her cheeks. “Fine, seeing that I didn’t have a Christmas present.”
The kiss was short and sweet, and you tried to not linger on the sweet part too long. Doesn’t stop the butterflies from fluttering in your stomach. You shrugged off the feeling and made quick time to the toilet.
Bada’s hand grabbed you by the arm, pulling you back into her arms. “Y/n, wait.” Her eyes took you in as she hit down on her bottom lips, brushing away a strand of hair away from your face. “Can we try again?” She said with a hushed tone, concealing a break in her voice.
“Bada we’ve been through this,” you sighed, “it’s too much work and it’ll take away-”
“I’m sorry I left you to fend for yourself,” Bada cut you off, her eyes welling up again. “But I promise I’ll be more present this time. It takes two to make a relationship work, right?”
You pondered at her words for a second. “We are both so, very busy,” you reminded, “it’ll be hard fucking work.”
Bada leaned down and pressed her forehead against yours, her breath tickling your upper lips. “Then I’ll put in the hard fucking work,” her soft voice determined, uttering a promise in whispers. The firmness in her voice felt so reliable, and you couldn’t help but falter at it.
Maybe this time it’ll be different. You’re older, know better. And her arms felt like home, like shelter in a storm, a ride in the dark. “Are you sure?” You glanced up, looking for signs of hesitation but found none.
Bada pressed her lips against yours, and you found your answer in her firm hold around you. You melted against her and allowed yourself to let your guard down, to allow the crashing waves of yearning you’ve been feeling wash through you. Grabbing the collar of her shirt, you pulled her closer into the kiss.
An excited screech broke your tender moment, as Lusher had awoken from the couch, now prancing towards Minah’s room. “Wake up Minah! We did it! The room trick worked!” She shouted, slapping the locked door.
You’ll get them back. But first, “I still really gotta pee,” you turned to Bada in the midst of cheerful chaos, peeling her arms off you.
“Since you haven’t gotten me anything for Christmas, I’ll take watersporting as a gift,” Bada teased, earning an elbow to her guts.
A/N2: Thank you guys for reading~ hope you all have a wonderful time at this time of the year, and to all my hospitality workers: stay strong, thank you so so much for your service!! Thanks for allowing my self indulging fics (I really should be talking to a therapist than putting y/n through shit but alas)◉‿◉
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wintaerbaer · 1 year
wintaerbaer masterlist
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banner credit: @itaeewon
Ⓐ - angst Ⓕ - fluff Ⓢ - smut
updated: feb. 23, 2024
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in between Ⓐ 1.8k (drabble) - established relationship au - sfw
It's nights like this that are embedded into your memory—your face fitting perfectly in the crook of his neck, his chin resting on top of your head, your arms and legs thoroughly tangled together.
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icebreaker Ⓕ 1.3k (drabble) - enemies to ??? - sfw
When you get stuck in a walk-in freezer with your work nemesis, he has a rather...unconventional idea to ensure the two of you get through it without being frostbitten.
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so eden sank to grief Ⓐ 1.2k (drabble) - established relationship au - sfw
He just wants to make you happy. It seems to be the one thing he can no longer give.
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things we don't say Ⓐ Ⓕ Ⓢ 54.5k+ (series) - best friends to lovers au - nsfw (minors dni)
Three years after graduating college, everything seems to be falling into place for you: stable job, cozy apartment, and a long-term boyfriend with a ring box hidden in his desk drawer. But when a mutual friend makes a remark that your best friend of nearly two decades is clearly in love with you, you realize that life may not be as simple as it seems.
kissing santa claus Ⓕ 1.6k (drabble) - established relationship au - sfw
Taehyung may think you're a little bit of a Christmas Grinch, but maybe helping him start some Christmas Eve traditions will convince you of its magic.
dawning Ⓐ Ⓕ 2.2k (oneshot) - established relationship au - sfw
He’s never invited into your world during these late night sessions. You always push him away or ignore him. This is new.
blue in the face Ⓢ wc tbd (drabble) - friends to lovers au - nsfw (minors dni) for the into the blue challenge
coming soon!
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seven storms Ⓐ Ⓕ Ⓢ 9.0k (oneshot) - forbidden love au - nsfw (minors dni)
As a young woman of considerable wealth, it has always been your father's expectation that you would marry one of the local aristocrats once you came of age. Your family's stable hand? Certainly not an option.
ringing in the year Ⓕ 2.2k (drabble) - established relationship au - sfw
Your six-year relationship with Jungkook certainly hasn't been devoid of the occasional mishap. But when Seokjin accidentally winds up with a gift meant for you, Jungkook's proposal may wind up being the biggest blunder of all.
bottle up old love Ⓐ Ⓕ Ⓢ 4.6k (oneshot) - exes to lovers au - nsfw (minors dni)
Jungkook may have broken up with you a year ago, but that's not going to stop him from coming to your rescue when he sees you being cornered by a creep.
back to you Ⓐ Ⓕ Ⓢ wc tbd (oneshot) - zombie apocalypse au, roommates/friends to lovers au - nsfw (minors dni)
coming soon!
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chelseachilly · 10 months
when i'm feeling alone, you remind me of home
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pairing: reader x ben chilwell summary: you're stranded at uni by yourself for christmas with no flights going to london, but your boyfriend has other ideas warnings: nothing but fluff ❄️🫶🏼 word count: 2.5k
author’s note: here's another holiday one-shot! hoping to write at least one more before christmas. also btw there is no regard for the actual chelsea december fixtures or club rules in this story lol. title from christmas tree farm by taylor 🎄
You’ve always loved snow.
You loved playing in it as a little kid, making snowmen with your parents and going sledding with friends. You loved watching it from your window your first year of uni, seeing the blanket of white make Edinburgh look even more magical. You love bundling up to go ice skating and drinking hot chocolate as the snow falls around you.
But right now, you absolutely hate it. 
A massive snowstorm rolling through the UK has caused the cancellation all flights, including the one you were supposed to take from Edinburgh to London tonight. It’s your last year of university there, but you’ve never missed a Christmas at home with your family and your boyfriend.
Now, it’s two days until Christmas and you’re stranded alone in your little flat with absolutely no way of making it home.
“What? You can’t get a train?” Ben asks after you’ve explained your predicament to him sadly. 
As much as you feel bad about missing the holiday with your parents, you feel really bad about not being able to see Ben. With your busy schedules, you’ve hardly seen him in months, and you even missed his birthday a couple days ago because you had an exam. Now, you were supposed to finally have an entire week with him in London. 
You were going to go to Winter Wonderland and complain about tourists and end up going back to his to snuggle by the fireplace. You were going to have Christmas morning with your family and dinner with his, spending the whole day exchanging gifts and fond memories. You were going to watch his game on the 27th and bundle up in your warmest Chelsea gear to cheer your heart out for your man, which you’ve really missed doing lately. 
You miss everything about him, really. 
But instead, you’re going to be eating Indian takeaway leftovers and watching Love Actually to try to make yourself feel better.
“The trains are all full, I checked,” you sigh. 
“Well, let me see if I can charter a plane-“
“Ben,” you cut him off before he gets ahead of myself. Although it’s quite extravagant for him to spend tens of thousands of dollars getting you there, you know he would do it in a heartbeat. “All flights are grounded, not just mine. It’s not possible.”
“But…there must be something.”
You can picture his disappointed face right now, and it brings tears to your eyes just thinking about it. 
“I’m so sorry, baby,” you reply, sinking into your couch. “You know I would do anything to be there with you right now.”
“Don’t apologize to me, love, I can’t believe you’re going to spend Christmas alone,” Ben sighs. “This is so shit. I just wanna see you and hold you.”
“I know,” you exhale. “I miss you so much. The only thing that got me through exams was thinking about being home with you and playing with Oscar in the snow and baking cookies…”
You can feel yourself getting choked up, tears beginning to stream down your cheeks as you think about all you’ll be missing out on. You feel a bit silly, knowing there are people with far bigger problems in the world, but you’ve been working yourself to death for the past month to ace your finals and this trip home was the shining light at the end of the tunnel. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” Ben says sadly. “I miss you so much too. I wish there was something we could do.”
“Like control the weather?” you joke, trying to lighten the mood despite the tears running down your face.
“You know I would do it if I could,” he replies seriously. “I’m sorry this is happening, babe. Maybe the weather will clear up in a day or two and you’ll still be able to make it out for a few days, yeah?”
“Yeah, I suppose,” you breathe - some time with Ben and your family is better than nothing, but you’re still going to be alone for Christmas morning. “I should let you go, I don’t want to stop you from having a nice holiday too. Say hi to your mum and Alex for me when they get there, alright?”
“I will, baby,” Ben says. “I’ll text you later and call you in the morning, alright?”
“Alright,” you sniffle, wiping your tears away. “I love you.”
“I love you too. Bye, love.”
The moment Ben hangs up, you toss your cell onto the cushion beside you and bury your face in the pillow, groaning in frustration. 
After feeling sorry for yourself for a bit, you reluctantly get up and go to turn up the heat and change into something warmer, as the temperatures outside continue to drop. You grab Ben’s hoodie from your closet, a cozy grey one you stole last time you were in London. It barely smells like him anymore, since that was over a month ago and you’ve worn and washed it several times, but it’s still a small comfort to wear something of his.
You heat up your dinner and put on the film, although the romantic scenes and the shots of London only seem to make you more homesick. 
You text Ben during his favourite part, which is naturally Hugh Grant dancing around 10 Downing Street. 
The annual Love Actually rewatch isn’t the same without you babe. Hope you’re having fun with the fam ❤️
He takes a while to respond, which you hope means he’s having a better time than you are and enjoying being with his family. 
You’re just drifting off to sleep when his text finally comes in.
It’s not the same here without you either. Goodnight baby, talk in the morning 😘
You wake up to the sound of your phone ringing.
You briefly think it’s your alarm, but you don’t remember setting one, certainly not for 7AM, which is the current time according to your watch.
You blearily stretch your arms, a bit of a crick in your neck from falling asleep on the couch, and reach around haphazardly for your phone.
You see Ben’s name and contact photo on the screen and you quickly answer, worried something is wrong if he’s calling you at this time. 
“Ben? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, everything’s fine,” he assures you. “Can you go downstairs? There’s a delivery for you.”
“What?” you yawn, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. “What on earth have you sent me at seven in the morning?”
“Just go check, I think you’ll like it,” Ben promises, and you can hear the smile tugging at his lips. “Quickly, babe. This is time sensitive.”
You roll your eyes fondly as you throw the blanket off yourself and slide on your slippers, leaving the warmth of your flat to go down the stairs and see what’s waiting for you outside the main doors. You can only imagine what ridiculous present your boyfriend had shipped to you overnight to try to make up for your failed Christmas. 
You tighten Ben’s hoodie around your body to brace yourself for the cold before opening the door, your eyes on the ground where you’re expecting the package to be.
Instead, you see a familiar pair of Nikes - and your eyes trail up to see the very familiar man wearing them. 
You’re not sure if you’re dreaming, so you blink a few times, only to be greeted with the same sight - your perfect, adorable boyfriend standing in front of you in his puffer jacket and hat, his cheeks red from the cold and his smile absolutely blinding. 
“Ben?” you gasp. “Why are you - how are you here?”
“I couldn’t let you spend Christmas alone.”
You meet him halfway as he drops his bags to the ground and opens his arms for you to throw yourself at him. You hug him as tight as you can, burying your nose in his neck and inhaling his scent. You can’t believe this is really happening.
“How the hell did you get here?” you ask as he squeezes your waist tightly and kisses the top of your head. 
“I drove,” Ben murmurs. 
You pull back to look at him, your eyes wide with disbelief.
“You drove? It’s, like, eight hours-“
“Twelve in a snowstorm, apparently,” Ben chuckles. “But definitely worth it for this.”
“You drove all night through a snowstorm for me?”
You can feel tears beginning to brim in your eyes once again, though these are tears of joy. You can’t believe how insanely lucky you are to have a man who loves you this much. 
“Of course I did, I would do anything for you,” Ben says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, brushing his nose against yours. “Now, if you don’t mind, it’s been a long night and I would really love a kiss.”
Without hesitation, you grab his face and kiss him passionately, sighing with joy at the feeling of being reunited with your boyfriend. You’re certain that this is the most romantic and wonderful thing anyone has ever done for you, and although you never expected the best kiss of your life to happen on your doorstep at 7am in a blizzard, this just might take the top spot.
“I love you so damn much,” you whisper against his lips when you finally pull away. “But I am also slightly mad at you for driving at night in poor conditions.”
Ben laughs and rolls his eyes a bit. “I promise I was safe, but can we go inside where it’s warmer before we argue about it?”
“Hmm, okay,” you grin, pecking his lips a few more times before helping him lug his bags up the stairs to your flat.
Once you’re inside and Ben’s taken off his shoes and coat, you waste no time in wrapping your arms around him and kissing him again. 
“You’re freezing, sweetheart,” you murmur as his cold hands slide under your - his - hoodie to feel your skin. “Want a tea? Or do you want to go straight to bed? You must be exhausted.”
“A tea and a cuddle would be perfect,” Ben smiles, pecking your forehead.
You tell him to go get comfy on the couch while you make tea for both of you, and when you return, he’s waiting for you with open arms and a sleepy grin on his face. 
You place both mugs on the coffee table and curl up next to him, your face in the crook of his neck and your arms and legs tangled. 
You let out a content sigh as your bodies recalibrate after so much time apart. You knew you needed this, but you didn’t know quite how much until right now. 
“I can’t believe you’re here,” you murmur, kissing his jaw. “What about your mum and Alex, though?”
“I told them how sad you sounded on the phone and they encouraged me to go, though my mum was slightly nervous about me making the drive-“
“As she should be,” you scold gently.
“I told you, I was very careful, and there were hardly any cars on the roads,” Ben promises once again. “Anyways, they were all for it. They knew I would’ve been miserable without you there.”
You hug him a bit tighter, hooking your leg around his. “Wait, you have a game in three days. Did the club really sign off on this?”
“I managed to persuade Poch to give me today off to go see my girl, I think he’s a bit of a softie at heart,” Ben jokes. “And we have tomorrow and the day after off for Christmas anyways. We’ll just have to drive back on the 26th, the roads are supposed to clear by then. I know it’s not the same as Christmas in London with both our families, but this is better than being apart, right?”
“Ben,” you say sincerely, cupping his cheek with one hand. “This is the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me. A cozy Christmas with just the two of us sounds absolutely perfect. Thank you, baby.”
Your lips meet in another sweet kiss, one that quickly escalates as you feel your boyfriend’s hands on your hips and thighs for the first time in a month. You moan into his mouth as he tugs you into his lap. 
“I missed you so much,” you breathe between kisses, tugging his hat off to run your hands through his messy hair. 
“I can tell, hoodie thief,” Ben teases, fiddling with the soft material. “You look unreal in that, by the way. And I missed you more.”
You smile into another kiss, getting completely lost in him and his scent and his touch. Even after years together, you’re completely addicted to him. 
You’re ready to take it further and move to your bedroom, but you’re interrupted by a yawn from Ben. He tries to kiss you again afterward, but you laugh softly and hold his face. 
“You need sleep, Benjamin.”
He pouts slightly in protest, but you kiss him again quickly and it goes away.
“Babe, you’re exhausted,” you murmur softly. “We can go cuddle in my bed and continue this later.”
Ben sighs and nods as you climb off him and extend your hand to help him up. He doesn’t let go of your hand, though, instead pulling you into another warm hug. He’s so sleepy and adorable that you could nearly cry as he nuzzles his face into your hair. 
He’s always been a very tactile person, and you know that for every time you tell him how much you missed and love him, he will hold you a little bit longer or kiss your forehead to say the exact same thing.
When you finally pull apart, you take him by the hand and lead him into your bedroom. He strips down to his boxers, which is how he prefers to sleep even in the dead of winter. He says you run hot enough to keep him warm, though you’re not sure if that’s true or he just likes to maximize your skin-on-skin contact.
He’s much warmer now than when you found him on your doorstep, so it’s not a shock to your system when you climb into bed with him and he immediately pulls you into his chest.
“I promise once you’ve had a proper rest I’ll make the drive worth your while, baby,” you say with a slight smirk as you wrap your arm around him and nuzzle your face into his neck. 
Ben just tightens his grip on you and closes his eyes, a content smile on his face. 
“It was worth it the second you opened the door.”
As you watch your boyfriend drift off to sleep, feeling so full of love for him that you might burst, you make a mental note to make it extra worth it for him later just for that adorable comment. 
After you’ve both slept a few hours and spent another few making up for lost time, you spend the rest of Christmas Eve watching films and baking cookies. 
The next morning, you both wake up early and exchange presents in your festive pyjamas. It’s not the same as if you were in London with both your families, but it’s still perfect because you’re together. 
And a year later, when you’ve graduated and you’re celebrating your first Christmas in your new home with a diamond ring on your finger, it’s even better. 
i hope you enjoyed this story! and thank you for all your lovely comments on my last fic. if anyone wants to be added to a taglist for my ben fics in the future, please let me know! ❤️💚
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strawberrykisseslia · 9 months
Headache for Christmas
Vanessa Shelly x F! Reader
Content/TW: Romantic/Fluff, really really small angst, swearing
A/N: Merry Christmas to everyone! ♡ Hope you are having a wonderful day! 🎄💫 If you celebrate Christmas, tell me in the comments how it goes/went!
A/N#2: Not sure if the title is right for the story but it's just so ugh, idk. But for sure I got a headache while writing.
Words count: 1,2k
Summary: You have been invited to a Christmas party by your best friend, Leah, where you meet with your ex girlfriend who you broke up with last Christmas.
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You were absolutely late from the party that you have been invited to by one of your best friends. How? Well, you had to ran to buy some gifts for you friends, of course, but it didn't go well because you weren't sure what to buy for them, so it was a disaster.
The mall that you have been wondering was truly magical. It was so well decorated. Everyone seemed really happy and excited for Christmas and well... everyone had a partner. You were quite lonely and you felt lonely since your broke up with Vanessa last Christmas. Of course it had to happen on Christmas. You got into a big fight and the next day you were packing up and moving out of the shared apartment.
Your mind was filled with those old memories that you made with Vanessa in those years you were with her. Especially the Christmases, they used to be so special for both of you but now it just felt like another holiday. You quickly wiped away the thoughts and focused back on the gifts and the fact that you were late from the party! Though, you still had two hours left before it started but you knew yourself quite well that you need at least an hour to get ready.
After an hour, when you find the perfect gifts for everyone, or you hoped they were good for them, you finally got home and began to get ready for the night.
You had thirty minutes left before it started and you were not quite done. You still had to pick out an outfit and you knew it would take you 30 minutes at least to get there because of the heavy snowing.
Finally you got ready with everything. The gifts were ready to go and you were as well. You already let go of the fact that you will be late. You quickly got in your shoes and jacket, grabbed the gifts, locked the door and got into the car ready to drive.
"Hi there!" Leah greeted you with a bright smile as she opened the door. (Your best friend) "Sorry, I'm late..." You smiled nervously. "Please, it's okay, don't worry about it!" She always had that bright, joyful personality, probably that's why she was your best friend.
As she let you in you looked around the house and it was beautifully decorated. "The house looks really gorgeous." You admired it with a smile. She nodded and smiled. "Thanks. It took me hours but it was truly worth it!" She giggled and guided you further in. The house was filled with many people but you didn't really mind it. You knew most of the people so it wasn't bad.
After a few hours you fully fitted in with your friends and a few drinks were already down. Maybe, you were a bit tipsy but it wasn't noticeable at all. Though, since you got here you felt like someone has been watching you. You just thought it was because there were many people but... after some minutes that feeling wouldn't go away.
You decided to take a break from the drinking and your friends. You went out to the garden that was also decorated and the lights were truly like in a romantic Christmas movie. It was still snowing heavily but you didn't care, you liked Christmas, and it was beautiful when it was a white Christmas and you didn't have to watch it through a TV screen.
However, the feeling that someone was watching you just got more intensive. What the fuck was going on? You thought to yourself, maybe you were just going insane. Honestly, you wouldn't be surprised.
You took a deep sigh and heard footsteps in the snow. You turned to see who was following you. Was it one of your friends? Uh, no. You were really shocked to see who it was. A small gasp left your mouth and it stayed open.
It was none other than Vanessa. How did she get here?! Was she invited? Why didn't Leah tell you about it? First of all, why would she invite her?! Or... was she even invited?
You questioned these things in your head, mostly because she was wearing her cop uniform. Why was she if she was invented? She couldn't be then.
Vanessa cleared her through and spoke up. "It's a beautiful night, isn't it?" You chuckled and quickly got to the point. "What are you doing here?" You crossed your arms. "You probably weren't invited." She put her hands into her pockets and nodded with a light chuckle. "That's right." She looked down. "I was patrolling around this area and I saw your car and well, Leah let me in." You clicked your tongue and shook your head while looking away. "That girl..." She looked up at you and got closer. She was clearly taller than you. "Look, Y/N." She started and you looked at her with an annoyed look. "What is it?" She could sense that you were still sad by your break up. "I don't want to fight with you." She hesitantly continued. "But I wanna make things right between us again." You were quite surprised by this after all these months. The only thing you didn't understand was "Why now?" You asked her. She took her eyes off of you and started to nervously look anywhere else just not your eyes. "Because I realized how much I miss you. And I truly mean it, Y/N." She finally looked back at you with broken eyes.
"I miss you... So badly. It's just so hard without." You looked down, not knowing if you should believe her or not. It's not like she broke your trust in her it's just that she never made too much time for you. "I know I was a bad girlfriend, fuck, the worst. I never made much time for you but I promise you, I will from now on. If you could give me a second chance... Y/N, please." She sounded so honest and just something about her right now was so damn attractive and honest. And you had to admit to yourself how badly you missed her.
"Can you wait here for a moment?" You spoke up and looked into her eyes. She instantly nodded. "Of course, take your time." As she said you went back into the house.
Vanessa was really curious why you went back in such a hurry. One part of her was also quite scared about why you went back in such a hurry. She started to think you would just leave her there and go home but of course, you didn't do that.
After some minutes you got back to her with something in your hand. "Close your eyes." You said with a small grin on your lips. Vanessa did as you said. She closed her eyes. Some seconds later you spoke again. "You can look now." Vanessa opened her eyes and noticed you were holding something up. It was a mistletoe! She smiled and looked back into your eyes. "I wanna make things right between us too..." You looked down nervously. Vanessa took your chin and lifted up to look into your eyes. "I'm so happy to hear that..." She smiled. "Can I kiss you?" You nodded and she leaned closer and kissed your lips lovingly.
This moment truly felt like a scene you saw on the TV some days ago when you were watching a romantic Christmas movie. But now, you got to be the main character who always gets the happy ending. Everything felt just so perfect.
"Merry Christmas, Vanessa." She brushed your hair behind your ear. "Merry Christmas to you too, Y/N."
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taestefully-in-luv · 2 years
Pick of the Patch | KTH 
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banner by @persphonesorchid :]
Summary: You’re a struggling artist with a strong desire to escape so when your mother suddenly calls and asks you to return home to replace her in this years Harvest Festival dance, you never said yes faster. However, she informs you that you’ll be working with another dancer, Kim Taehyung and upon meeting, you decide you do not like him…but right when you think you could grow up and move past it, Taehyung makes it clear that he does not like you either
Pairing: Taehyung x female reader Genre: fluff, angst, smut, enemies to lovers Word Count: 20.9k  Warnings: swearing, some alcohol consumption, sad oc, feeling lost, feelings of regret, Taehyung is kinda an asshole (for reasons🥺), illness, character death, crying,  FLIRTING. smut warnings: so much flirting, little dirty talk, mentions of sex, sensual making out lol, oral (fem rec) vaginal fingering, protected sex, multiple orgasms, slight overstimulation, ass and breast groping, I think that is it.
A/N: sorry it is a day late, I had some personal stuff:] this is a part of the Autumn Leaves Collab! 
© taestefully-in-luv
Every fallen leaf and any breeze that feels crisp enough to bite at your skin, sucks you into your favorite memories that almost feel forgotten. They’re not forgotten but with how hectic your life has been…well, yeah, almost. Summer has been replaced with the season that brings the most change and good god, you could use some change.
You left home years ago to pursue your dreams of becoming an artist—your mother urged you to follow that dream despite how little you visited home nowadays. Every phone call or text is just your mother continuously cheering you on and giving you the hope that you can be worry free. She’s good. She’s happy. And all she wants is for you to live your dream.
It’s too bad that the dream you wished for isn’t exactly all you imagined. Your art career was once thriving but lately…the last year or more…it’s come to a sudden halt. No inspiration, no motivation and when you do create something it lacks any depth—meaningless. 
You stand here, the sky painted in a light gray as orange leaves fly across creating an interesting mix of colors. Funny, mix of colors feels a lot like your mix of emotions. It’s been a while since you stood in front of your childhood home and it’s been a while since going to the Harvest Festival—you know, the entire reason your mom asked you to come back home for a bit. 
When you were a child the Harvest Festival was the most magical time of year. Who cared about something like Christmas when you had the season of change? Colors transformed, cool breezes ran through your body and soul and the most important thing of all? The Festival that brought this town together. Especially the Harvest Festival dance. 
You smile to yourself, eyes on the autumn decorations your mother put out in the yard. She leads the dance every single year. When you were a kid, you watched your mother dance beautifully to the sound of drums and wind instruments. You watched in awe, copying all of her moves and bragging to everyone that it was your mom. Your mom who made the feeling of change feel so welcoming.  
Your mom called you around a week ago. Asking about how your art was doing and you decided to be honest with her—it wasn’t going well. You almost wanted to cry into the phone but your mom only sighed out and a smile could be heard in her voice. “What perfect timing.” Is the first thing she said. And then she was asking you to come back home for a little while to replace her in this year’s Harvest Festival dance. She explained that she isn’t the same young and vibrant woman she once was…frankly, she’s tired. But what better than her daughter to take over this time around? 
You thought about it only momentarily. This was the perfect escape. So, here you are. Standing in front of your childhood home and trying your hardest to embrace something like a change. 
“Hello?” You call out, poking your head inside the house. It’s quiet but you’re immediately hit with the smell of cookies that you imagine are still in the oven or just came out. “Mom?” 
“y/n?” You hear the sweet voice of your mother before her body turns around the corner down the hall. She lights up. Smile so wide that you already feel like you never left home to begin with. “Hurry!” she waves you over, “You’re going to let all the heat out if you keep that door open.”
You glance behind you before trying to haul your luggage through the doorway, “Sorry, sorry.” 
“How was your trip?” She begins walking closer to you, “Long, huh?”
“It was fine.” You shrug, meeting her halfway to give her a hug. As she gets closer, it kind of hits you that you have been away too long. Your mother looks older than you remember, her skin duller and when she hugs you, it feels frail. But this doesn’t stop you from hugging her tight. You missed her.
“I lost track of time,” Your mom hugs you back just as tight. “So I still haven’t made up your bed yet. The sheets are hanging but I can—”
“No worries,” You pull away from her. “I can do it. Did you make cookies?” You begin strolling down the hall until you’re entering the kitchen and then you grin excitedly. “Oh! You did.”
“You haven’t been home in ages, of course I would make your favorite cookies to celebrate.” Your mom comes in behind you, “But you barely have time to eat any, you really should get going.”
“Huh?” You question her nonchalantly, your focus is on the tray of cookies that lay on the countertop. You start picking at a few but they’re still too warm. “What are you talking about? Go where?”
“The studio!” She swats your hand from the tray of cookies. “Leave them alone until they’re ready. You really never change.” She chuckles to herself. “Anyway, you were supposed to be there half an hour ago.”
You turn to face your mom, “What? I just got here.” You look disappointed. “I thought we could think of some dinner plans and maybe watch a mo—”
“—y/n,” She cuts you off with a soft smile, “The Festival is in three weeks and I doubt you remember any of the steps. Taehyung is already there, he’s been teaching classes for me lately. But he’s also in charge of the dance for the fest—”
“Taehyung. You don’t remember Taehyung, honey?” Your mom tilts her head, “Ah, well you barely came by the studio anymore by the time he was there…I guess that makes sense.” 
You blink at your mom for a few seconds before trying to gather your thoughts, “I’m confused.” You say slowly, “Why is Taehyung…” You trail off, kind of hoping your mom gets where you’re going.
“Oh. You two are both the leads for the dance.” She says like it’s no big deal, her busy hands already at the sink to wash a few dishes. “You’ll be working together.” 
“You never said I would be working with someone?” You come next to her, leaning against the counter. “You never danced with anyone?”
“Things have changed.” She smiles down at the dishes, bowl in hand as she scrubs. “We started incorporating group dances as well as solo ones. But this year, you and Taehyung will dance together. For the finale.”
“For the…wait, I have to dance with some person I don’t know?”
“It really isn’t a big deal, not sure why you’re dragging this on. Plus!” She takes a towel and starts drying the bowl, “You and Taehyung are going to really hit it off, trust me.”
“Hit it…mom. Are you trying to set me up?”
Her head whips in your direction, an exaggerated expression on her face. “I would do no such thing!” 
“Right.” You narrow your eyes at her. “So this Taehyung…”
“Oh he is just…a very, very good boy. He’s mature, talented and so incredible. Basically the son I never had!” She sings out cutely, “You’ll get along. I wouldn’t have asked you to do this if I thought you two wouldn’t at least get along, come on, y/n.” 
Well, that feels fair, you think. “Okay…so I’m supposed to be there? Now?”
“Well, 30 minutes ago.” She reminds you, “But knowing you, you were probably walking around the neighborhood, taking your sweet time.”
Your cheeks get warm because she’s right. “Not really…” You murmur but you crack a smile when you hear your mom laughing.
“Take my car. You remember where the studio is, right?”
“Yes, mom.” You deadpan. “I wouldn’t forget where that’s at when you’ve owned that place since before I was born.”
“It’s just been a while.” She still smiles at you but you feel a slight pang of guilt. It has been a while. Probably way too long. You wonder how much you’ve missed out on. 
“Okay, I guess I’ll be back later then?”
“Yeah! Taehyung will be there, you won’t miss him! Tall, handsome, has the sweetest smile.” 
“Uh huh.” You wave her off before slipping into the hall and finding the bathroom to quickly check your appearance before heading out. 
The dance studio your mom owns where she teaches dance classes is very nearby. Not even a 10 minute drive. The town has changed though, construction, new parks and cafés you don’t ever remember seeing…so you don’t actually make it within 10 minutes…considering you had to take a detour thanks to construction and you got lost. 
But finally, after 20 minutes, you make it to the studio. You notice the building has a had a paint job and there’s even a bench with a few potted plants outside the entrance. Cute, you think. You open the door and a soft ding goes off but it’s drowned out by the music coming from the back where the practice rooms are. You glance around, few decorations and framed photos of past students hang on the walls. A particular portrait catches your eye though. A huge landscape painting on the wall where the front desk is and you can’t help the heat in your cheeks as you gaze at it. You painted this back when you were in middle school…you can’t believe your mom still has never taken it down.
You walk slowly, legs taking you to the back to the main practice room where you know the music is coming from plus the voices of people. There’s maybe around 12 people back here, eyes going to you only temporarily before they’re going back to what they are doing. You glance around, feeling a little out of place, eyes going everywhere but in front of you.
“Yeah, ow.” A deep voice suddenly speaks up. Your head snaps up to see you might have stepped on some guys foot as you were walking. “Might help if you actually looked where you were going.”
“Oh shit” You blurt before looking around again but then your eyes go back to the man who stands before you. “Sorry, sorry.” You apologize immediately. “I—“
“Please show it to me again!” A girl wraps her fingers around this guy’s arm. “You know I am terrible at instructions.” She giggles and you look between them. This girl looks a little ridiculous as she fawns over this guy. He is attractive but damn. You find his eyes and his are already on you. He’s not necessarily glaring but you didn’t realize accidentally stepping on someone’s foot was this offensive. 
His eyes narrow at you before releasing a long breath, “Instead of being sorry you should use your eyes.” He’s cold with a harden expression on his face. Lips turned down. 
“It was literally an accident.” You say, trying to understand this guys problem. “So what? I’m not supposed to apologize?”
“You can do what you want.” He dismisses you, turning his body towards the girl before smiling at her. Yeah, smiling. Something you weren’t sure he was capable of. “Then why are you taking dance lessons?” He teases her. “It’s just to spend time with me, isn’t it?” 
“You caught me.” The girl laughs into her hand. Then her eyes go to you, “Uh,” She glances around awkwardly, “Are you taking lessons too or?”
“Oh. This is actually my mom’s studio.” You inform her calmly, trying to ignore the way the guy literally rolls his eyes at that. “I’m looking…for…” You look around the room when you spot a guy at the corner. He’s talking to two other people. Tall, handsome and has a sweet smile. “Never mind,” You suddenly smile while sighing. “Found him.” 
You walk across the room to introduce yourself to who you are sure is Taehyung…but your mom could have mentioned how broad his shoulders are! You get closer and his eyes find you and he smiles immediately. Yup, it’s him.
“y/n?” He asks. Well, at least he knows about you. “Your mom said you’d be coming in today! Said I had to have all kinds of good food for you guys. And told me not to show up if I didn’t have your favorite. Choco pies, right?”
“Oh.” You blink at him, surprised. “I do like them, yeah.” 
“Awesome. You guys have a lot of work to do.” Then he leans in to whisper, “No offense, without your mom…it’s a bit of a mess.” 
“Well, I guess we have to do a good job, right?” You smile for him. “When did you start teaching classes here? I didn’t realize my mom hired anyone else.”
He looks taken aback for a second, “What?” 
“Dance?” He snorts. “Only craft I’m into is food.”
Now it’s your turn to look taken aback, “But she said…wait…who are you?”
“Right.” He snorts again. “Always forgetting people need an introduction. I’m Jin! I met your mom years ago when I started working as a vendor for the festival. I have my own café though. But your mom has me catering sometimes before the festival to give the dancers some good food to regain some energy.” 
“Food…Jin?” You pull your brows together, clearly you were wrong. You quickly glance around the room again before eyes go back to Jin. “You’re…you’re not Taehyung?” 
“Taehyung?” Jin laughs loudly, “Of course not! Is that who you were looking for?”
“Well, yeah.” You nod awkwardly. “I thought you were him, sorry.” You offer a sheepish smile but Jin just waves you off.
“It’s okay. Your mom brags about you all the time so I know what you look like because she’s shown photos. But no, I’m not Taehyung. Didn’t you already meet him?” Jin looks behind you before raising his hand and pointing behind you. “Over there?”
You’re quick to turn around, eyes roaming around the room but you don’t see anyone that could possibly be Taehyung. “No?”
“Taehyung isn’t hard to miss, y/n.” Jin chuckles and he points again. You follow his fingers and it points to—no. 
“That’s….” You turn back to face Jin. Cheeks hot. “That’s Taehyung?”
“The one and only. You guys are working together, right?” 
“Uh…” You shake your head, still confused, “You’re saying that guy? Over there? Is Taehyung? The super mature, handsome dude? That’s supposed to be him?”
“I guess he is handsome.” Jin rolls his eyes. “Anyway, do you want me to introduce you guys? Properly?”
You’re rushing to shake your head, rejecting the offer. “No, no.” You wave your hands around, “That’s okay. I think I can manage.” 
“Alright, well, I’m going to start bringing some things over. Good luck on today’s practice.” 
“Thanks.” You murmur before spinning in your spot and eyeing the man you met earlier. So that’s Taehyung…not what you were expecting. But it’s okay. First impressions don’t have to mean everything. You’ll just properly introduce yourself and things should be fine. Does it sting that apparently you accidentally stepping on his foot means he’s cold with you right before talking to some girl and flirting with her? Maybe. Because it was an accident.
But it’s okay. You move your feet and head back over to where Taehyung stands, hands on that girl’s hips as she tries out some moves. She sucks. You aren’t sure if she genuinely sucks or she just wants Taehyung’s hands on her. Doesn’t look like he’s complaining though.
“Hi.” You stop in front of them and the feeling of being irked only intensifies. Taehyung stops what he’s doing to close his eyes and take a deep breath but then he opens his eyes again and continues what he was doing. He completely ignored you.
“Hi…” You try again. But nothing. You motion your hand in front of his face, “I said hi.”
“Yeah, I have ears and I use them.” He finally mutters before glancing at you. “Unlike you and your eyes.” 
“I said it was an accident.” You try to speak calmly. “Anyway—”
“—And then you’ll want to put your left leg…no your other left leg,” He chuckles, the girl giggling along as he ignores you again to continue his lesson. 
“Wow.” You murmur to yourself. Nodding your head as you try to not to scoff. This guy is going to really start pissing you off. “So anyway, I just came to introduce myself since we will be—”
“—You know, I don’t think I have ever met someone this dense.” Taehyung’s hands leave the girls hips, his voice directed towards her but you know he’s talking about you. “Can you believe it?”
The girl laughs awkwardly, her eyes going to you before she whispers, “Are…are you talking about…”
Finally Taehyung turns to face you fully, his expression looks bored as he eyes you over. “y/n. Yeah, hi. No need for introductions. I know exactly who you are.”
You look at him in disbelief. “You do?” You ask slowly. “Okay.”
Taehyung raises his wrist and looks at his watch, “Wow, an entire hour late. You’re really the pick of the patch, huh?” 
“I just flew in today.” You defend, voice still calm. “My mom didn’t tell me I was supposed to be here until—”
“We have three weeks to make this the best festival dance anyone’s ever seen. But you can’t even show up on time.” Taehyung scoffs, “At least tell me you remember basic steps?”
“Like the ones my mom did in the past?”
“Um, I think so. It’s been a while so—”
“Sure has, hasn’t it? When was the last time you came home?” He asks, an arrogant atmosphere clouding the area. “Or do you even know?”
“I’m sorry,” You try not to laugh, “Can’t help but sense some tension here.” 
“Oh, the spidey senses work unlike her eyes.” Taehyung tells the girl.
“I’m sorry, do you not like me for some reason?” You finally ask him right out. 
“Yeah, for some reason.” Taehyung dismisses you again, “Anyway, sorry Ida. I got to establish a routine with this one over here,” He motions towards you, “Work with Jimin when he gets here. He can help you.” 
“Oh, Jimin’s coming?” The girl—Ida—brightens before she’s walking to the other side of the room to join a few others. 
“Okay,” He takes another deep breath before facing you. “Show me what you remember.” 
“What?” You take a step back, feeling put on the spot. “I don’t know what I remember! Plus, isn’t it going to be different since we’re doing something…” you gesture between your bodies, “You know, together.”
“You should still know the basics, y/n.” Taehyung rubs his temples, “Don’t tell me you don’t even know that much? I can’t believe you’re Auntie’s daughter.” He looks genuinely disappointed. 
“Just…” Your cheeks feel warm, you try to remain calm but you’re feeling embarrassed. “Just show me, I’m sure I’ll get familiar pretty quickly.” 
Taehyung stares at you, his eyes boring into yours and you don’t let yourself feel intimidated. “Fine.” He finally says, “But if you don’t pick it up quickly, I’m just going to have Ida replace you.”
You scoff at this, “That girl didn’t even know which leg was her left leg.”
“And you don’t know how to use your eyes.” The corner of his lip lifts, “So are you really one to talk?” 
“Just teach me so we can get this over with.”
“Wow, look at you, saying things that I don’t disagree with.” Taehyung deadpans, “You have no idea how much I would also love to get this over with.” 
“How is it that you got the basic steps but you don’t know how to work with a freaking partner?” Taehyung groans while rubbing the top of his foot. “How many times are you going to step on me, y/n?”
“It isn’t my fault!” You whine, “We just aren’t in sync.”
“Because you don’t know how to follow my lead.”
“Maybe you aren’t a good leader.”
“Or maybe you don’t know how to listen.”
“You know what,” You plop your bottom on the ground, legs crossing in front of you. “Maybe we just need to take a break.” 
“A break?” Taehyung looks at you incredulously. “We have three-“
“—Yes, three weeks to perfect this dance between us. Yeah, you’ve told me like seven times now.”
“Do I need to say it an eighth for you to get it?” He sits next to you before he’s leaning back, spreading his legs and looking up at the ceiling. “This is a really important year, you know?”
“Because it’s your debut?” You joke. “Now that my mom isn’t the main one?”
“Your mom…” Taehyung sighs out, “Has made the festival special for years…people are going to really feel her absence this year and we have to be good enough as the replacements.” 
Well, someone’s a perfectionist, you think.
“And,” He continues, “She’s going to be a part of that crowd that watches and don’t you want to make her happy? Proud?”
You look down at Taehyung, he’s lying on the dance floor, arms resting behind his head. “Of course I want my mom to feel happy.”
“Then let’s do a good job.” He says. His eyes still on the ceiling and he speaks much more softly. “We can do that much for her.” 
“Okay…” you mumble. “But I think we’ve been at this forever. A break really could be a good thing.” 
Taehyung sits up, his head nodding. “Okay. Let’s head to the botanical garden, where the festival is taking place. Some of the other dancers are there, the group dancers are already practicing on that stage.” 
“Oh. It’s been a while.” You say, beginning to stand when you hear Taehyung chuckle humorlessly.
“Yeah, it has.” 
You glance at him but ignore his snide comment. “Anyway, there’s already festivities at the gardens, right? Like the hay ride and corn maze and whatever.”
Taehyung stands now too, “Don’t forget the most popular thing there.” He laughs a little, “The pumpkin patch. I was thinking of buying a couple to carve.”
“Not a fan.” You say nonchalantly, walking towards the mirrored wall where your bag is lying on the floor.
“Of what?”
“The pumpkin patch.” You shrug. “Pumpkins gross me out.”
“What?” Taehyung narrows his eyes at you, “You can’t be serious. It’s…pumpkins. It’s literally the thing everyone loves most? You can carve them? Paint them? Aren’t you an artist??” 
“Give me a blank canvas, please. Not a gross little pumpkin.”
“Are you really Auntie’s daughter?” Taehyung asks with big eyes, “Your mom loves the pumpkins! I swear she has like 10 outside her house right now.” 
“…How close are you with my mom anyway?” You ask him but he just blinks at you for a few moments before his gaze hardens again and he scoffs.
“A lot closer than you.” He turns to start leaving, “Let’s go.”
It’s around 8pm when you finally make it back to your house. You’re parked in the driveway, looking around to see a lot of different cars parked around. You don’t remember this street being that busy. You brush it off and open the trunk to pull a few bags of groceries. 
Hands full, because you’ll be damned if you made two trips and struggling to get the front door open. Finally, after a what felt like an eternity of struggling, you manage to get through the door. You announce your arrival in a sing song voice but you stop in your tracks when you see your mom and four other ladies plus one man seated in the living area to the left. “Oh.” You blurt before one of the bags falls to the ground.
“y/n!” Your mom stands with a huge smile, “You’re home already? We just got some coffee started…” She looks around, “My book club.” She finally explains. “We meet pretty often…I hope you don’t mind.”
“We get a little rowdy.” A woman with short silver hair raises a fist up, “We can’t help it.”
“Not rowdy, Soonja. Passionate.” Another lady speaks up. “You’ll scare away a potential new member when you use words like that.”
“So you want me to lie, Eunja?” The first woman, Soonja, asks with a smirk on her lips. “You told me to stop doing that!” 
“I meant when it came to if you actually read the chapter in the book!” Eunja exclaims, “And of course when someone asks how old you are.”
“I’m a woman. I’m supposed to lie about my age once my hair turns gray.” She waves her off, “Plus you’re the real liar. You dye your hair black.”
“I do not!” Eunja looks offended, “It’s natural.”
“You’re y/n?” Another lady with long hair stands from one of the sofas, “Ignore them.” She smiles. “They only know how entertain us. I’m Jiwon.” 
“Oh.” You quickly give her a nod and smile. “Sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt.” 
“You didn’t interrupt.” The man says, “The book was getting boring anyway.”
“I beg to differ!” Another woman speaks up. “You just don’t have the emotional intelligence to understand the depth of this particular chapter.”
“And you do?” He raises a brow at her.
“I can’t believe they’re married.” Soonja scoffs. “Anyway, y/n. Your mom says you’re in town for a little while?”
“Uh, yeah.” Your arms hurt from the groceries you’re carrying. “Probably longer than my mom knows about.” You laugh and you catch your mom’s gaze when she looks confused before she’s smiling gently towards you. 
“You want to stay longer?” she asks.
“We can talk about it later.” You shake your head, still smiling. “Anyway, I should put these away! I’ll leave you all to it.”
“Sounds good!” Your mom calls out as you start making your way to the kitchen. 
It’s after 9pm now. You’re sitting at the humble breakfast table in the kitchen, fingers busy on your laptop as you search up some things. It’s hard to concentrate with the constant banter and laughter happening on the other side of the house. Soonja wasn’t kidding, they are rowdy. You’re starting to wonder if the coffee they’re drinking is spiked. But it sounds like they’re all having fun, including your mom. You’re glad she hasn’t been lonely.
That was the main thing holding you back from moving far away to pursue your art career. You didn’t want to leave your mom but your mom is the one who urged you to leave. She cheered you on and supported you in ways you’re always going to be grateful for. But seeing how busy she is, gives you comfort that she’s been okay all this time. 
“Wow,” Your mom walks into the kitchen after finally seeing her last guest out. “You know our book club is supposed to end at 8:30?! But I swear everyone loses their ability to read time once we’re together.” She laughs as she takes a seat next to you at the table.
You look at her with soft eyes, “I think I heard you guys talk about the book maybe twice.”
“Hey,” Your mom shushes you, “Don’t you know the book is only half the fun?”
“Half? That’s a little generous, don’t you think?” You tease your mom and she just laughs it off.
“They’re a fun group, huh?”
“Seems like it.” You agree with her, “When did this start?”
“Hmm maybe what? Four years ago?” She wonders and you feel your guilt deepen. Damn, how long has it been since you’ve returned here? You didn’t even know about this book club.
“Oh. Nice.” You murmur. “Oh yeah. I kind of, uh…well, I was thinking of staying for a while.”
Your moms face brightens, “How long is a while?”
“Maybe just 6 months or so. I think some time home could be good.” You admit to her and she softens.
“Of course. Whatever is going to make you happy, y/n. I know the house is a little cramped but we can make it work!”
“Actually, about that.” You eye her carefully. “I was thinking of getting my own place? Nearby, of course. But—”
“Of course!” Your mom cuts in, excited. “Your own space and privacy is very important. I know a few places around that offer short leases. I know you said money was tight so I will help in all the ways.” She grins at you. “In fact, I know a perfect place!”
“You do?” You widen your eyes, “For real?”
“Yes!” She reaches across the table for a sticky note and a pen and starts scribbling. “I know the landlord here so maybe he can offer something more affordable. And we can get some help to move your bedroom furniture and I have other furniture in storage from years ago!” She looks up at you, “You’ll have your own place in no time.”
“Oh, okay.” You blink at her, “This was easier than I thought.”
“Nothing should be hard, my love.” Your mom grabs your hand, “Mom will always help.” 
You pout at her for a second, lips jutted out cutely and she just squeezes your hand. “Mom.” You playfully whine, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, y/n. But knowing you’ve been living for you…nothing makes me happier.” 
“I don’t know how true that is.” You laugh a little, “It’s not exactly going great.”
“What’s the problem?”
“Nothing I make is…good.”
“I’m sure that’s not true…”
“It is.” You chuckle, “I make something I think might be good but in the end I’m told that it’s not. At least I’m still selling some stuff. Someone out there must have bad taste.” You shake your head, still laughing. 
“I beg to differ. Your art is gorgeous.”
“You’re my mom.” You deadpan, then you sigh out heavily. “I just don’t think I’m in the mindset…a break is probably good, right?”
“Yeah.” She squeezes your hand again, “A change in scenery too. Maybe you’ll get inspired again. Sometimes you need changes to keep you going and to keep things evolving. When you stay in the same place for so long it can get stagnant, huh?”
“Yeah, maybe that’s it.” You shrug. “Anyway, I’ll go check out this complex tomorrow after rehearsal.” You take the sticky note.
Your mom’s eyes expand before she’s pinching your arm, “Speaking of! How did it go? You met with Taehyung, right? Such a good guy, isn’t he?”
“Uh.” You glance around, lip stuck between your teeth as you try to answer this without crushing your mother’s dreams. “He’s…something.”
“He really is something isn’t he?” She pats your shoulder now, “Be good to him, okay?”
Ha, bright and early…okay, 11am…but its two hours before the rehearsal meeting time and you cannot wait to see Taehyung walk in and see the inevitable look of shock on his face when he sees you. You’ve decided to come early so you can practice alone, you know, get a head start and also show how serious you are about this festival dance. He isn’t the only one who wants to make your mom smile because you guys are doing her role justice. 
You’ve already stretched and done a few warm up dances and it feels good, honestly. Empty practice room and a set goal in mind. Prove to Taehyung you’re not some lazy, incompetent daughter who doesn’t deserve to fill this role for your mom. Believe it or not, you actually used to be pretty skilled with dancing. Makes sense, you were a part of your mothers dance classes since you could walk. But sometime in middle school you stopped attending because your mom enrolled you in your true passion—art classes. 
It's almost 12 when you hear the footsteps of someone coming through. You turn your head to the side while doing some forward folding exercises when you see Taehyung making his way into the room. You sit up straight, a smirk so close to forming, waiting for him to express his genuine shock that you’re here and all the praises that come with it. But he only pauses for a moment, empty eyes on you before looking away and walking towards the mirrored wall to set his bag down. 
Nothing. No reaction. No readable expression. Literally nothing. You’re trying not to slump your shoulders but it’s hard not to hide your disappointment and you’re starting to wonder if you’ve always been a people pleaser. “Hey.” You mutter quietly, body folding forward again as you cup your toes in your hands. “You’re here early.”
“I like to come before everyone else to be alone.” He tells you while pulling a bottle of water from his bag. “But I guess that’s not happening.” 
You decide to stand and walk towards him, hands on your hip as you sigh out in defeat, “Look,” You try to look at his eyes but he will barely look at you. “My mom thinks we’re naturally going to, and I quote, ‘hit it off’ and we clearly aren’t. But for her sake I am trying to get along with you despite the fact you’re being,” You gesture towards him knowingly. “And she’s coming to the studio today to check things out so it would be great if you could act like you don’t hate me while she’s here.”
Taehyung stares at himself in the mirror, his own look of defeat gracing his features before he releases a long breath and turning to face you. “I don’t think I hate you.” He tells you quietly, a small shrug before he continues. “At least you’re here so it’s something. But getting along is an entirely different thing. But yeah, for your mom, I’ll be not so…” He gestures towards himself the same way you did to him just a second ago. “Cool?” He gives you a slightly annoyed look before brushing past you. “Let’s start practicing our dance. And if you step on my toes—”
“—I won’t! Seriously. But at least learn to treat what we’re doing as teamwork.”
“Teamwork?” He whips his head in your direction with a raised brow. “I lead. You follow.”
“That’s still teamwork, dumbass.” 
“Oh? Are we name calling now?” He asks you, his expression is still hardened and barely readable but the sound of his voice almost sounds amused. “What should I call you then? Something you’d really hate, right?”
“Say anything disrespectful like bitch and I’ll kick you—”
“Pumpkin.” He says the word slowly. “It works doesn’t it?”
“That’s…” Your expression tells all. A serious look of disturbance. “That’s somehow actually worse.”
“Perfect.” He grins at you. Yes, his lips have managed to lift up in your presence. But it’s menacing. “Then let’s start practicing now. Pumpkin.” 
You shudder at the hideous name, “You’re just not a good person, are you?”
“Do I need to be?” He asks before he’s stretching. “Also,” he lifts his head to gaze at you with curious eyes. “What did your mom mean by ‘hit it off’?” 
You feel heat creep up your body. Embarrassment. “Uh, like get along, I guess.” 
“Interesting.” He murmurs. “Different from what she usually says.”
“And what does she usually say?”
“That we should—”
“—Guess who comes bearing gifts!” Jin suddenly walks through with a few brown paper bags. “I made an assortment of fruit tarts for you guys today. Dropping them off a little early since it’s Saturday and the café gets busy. Going to put them in the fridge in the back!” He sings out, walking past you two. 
“I didn’t even hear him come in?” You wonder out loud.
“He’s sneaky like that.” Taehyung chuckles, “Anyway, you all warmed up? Ready to start?”
“Fine,” Taehyung sits down out of breath, “I’ll admit it, okay? Is that what you want?”
You stand in front of him, smirk on your lips with a look of pride. “Yes.”
“Fine. You improved. You’re a fast learner. You’re the best, jeez, what else do you want from me? Didn’t I say I lead and you follow?” He wipes some sweat from his hairline. “I felt like your little mistress, helpless in your arms while you spun me around.”
“That’s,” You start laughing, “That’s oddly specific.”
“Because it was a specific feeling. And god, it was odd.” He pretends to get the chills. “Anyway, your mom is going to be pleased with this progress. When did she say she was going to swing by?”
“I think around 4?” You glance around the busy room of others trying to rehearse their parts as well. “Not sure the time though.”
Taehyung looks at his watch, “It’s almost 4.” He lets you know, “We can take a break for a minute. Jin’s fruit tarts?” He nods towards the back. “They’re delicious.”
“Oh,” You’re surprised. Like he wants to eat them together? “Sure.” 
You both head towards a back room that has a few tables and the fridge. Taehyung pulls out two of the fruit tarts and hands you one. “The cream he uses is just…” He rolls his eyes in satisfaction. “Try it.”
You take a bite of it and moan into the treat. 
Taehyung’s eyebrows rise towards his hairline, trying his best not to laugh. “I mean, I knew they were good. But damn, that good?”
“Hi!” You hear the voice of your mom suddenly, you spin in your spot to see her coming inside the room. “I was told you two were back here! Enjoying a snack?”
“Auntie!” Taehyung lights up like he’s 8 years old and it’s time to open presents at his super hero themed birthday party. He goes up to your mom and hugs her, rocking her around while she pats his back.
“Hi Taehyung.” She steps back from him, “Are you eating well?”
“Yeah, I still have some side dishes you made stored away in my fridge.”
“Oh good!” She clasps her hands together. “Anyway,” She glances at the both of you, “It feels great to see you both in the same room!” 
“Mom…” You look at her unenthused.
“What?” She blinks at you innocently. “I know Taehyung agrees.” She winks at him but he starts to look how you’re feeling.
“Auntie…” Now he’s quietly groaning in his spot, also silently scolding her. “Have you been resting well?”
“Oh, you worry too much.” She’s shaking her head and waving him off. “But listen, I was thinking…”
“Thinking about what?” You take another bite of the fruit tart.
“If you wanted to make some money since you’re going to find a place…” She taps her chin thoughtfully. “Why don’t you teach some classes here? You and Taehyung can split the days and lessons. He’s swamped since I’m not as involved.”
“Auntie, it’s okay.” He tells her quickly. “I’m handling it.”
“I know you are.” She assures him with a smile. “But you’re over worked. And y/n knows enough to teach some lower level classes while you handle the more challenging ones?” 
“Well…” He bites his lips, recalling how good you were just 10 minutes ago. “Yeah, she probably could…I mean, if she wanted.”
“You’re not involved anymore?” You lower the fruit tart from your mouth. “Like at all?”
“No, I am. But I’m just so tired these days.” She continues to smile, “It’s hard to keep up with lessons when kids are running around me and I got to chase after them.” She laughs now. “But Taehyung is just great with them.”
Taehyung shrugs at this while giving your mom a sheepish smile. “It’s nothing really.”
“Oh.” Your eyebrows slightly furrow. “Sorry you aren’t as involved mom…I know this place is everything to you.”
Your mom softens at your words before she steps closer and cups your cheek, “No, not everything.” 
“Well,” You glance between her and Taehyung before nodding. “I can help out, sure, that’s a good idea. You won’t mind…right, Taehyung?”
“I thought my name was dumbass?” He tries to keep a straight face when you widen your eyes at him. “But sure. It sounds great. Pumpkin.”
It’s a small apartment complex. But Mr. Jung has shown you one of his available units and it’s exactly what you’re needing. Something simple and cozy. You look down at your list of requirements and see that you’ve checked off every single thing on the list.
“I like it.” You tell Mr. Jung. “When is the soonest I could move in…?”
“Well,” He closes the apartment door behind him as you two stand outside. “It might take a few days for everything to be approved but perhaps Thursday or Friday.”
“Oh!” You feel excitement rush through you. “That’s so soon.” 
“You are applying for a 6 month lease, correct?”
“Yes. I’m only in town temporarily.”
“That’s great. I’ve been looking for someone to fill this unit. Last tenant moved out almost 4 months ago!”
“I guess it was just meant to be then.” You smile. “Thanks for making time to show me around today.”
“Of course.” He smiles back at you. “When your mom called, I just couldn’t say no to an old friend.” 
And that’s how you got your temporary cozy apartment. Mr. Jung called you on Tuesday letting you know you’ve been approved and could move in on Thursday. And Thursday came fast. Jin and two of his friends helped you move furniture and helped you get settled into your new place. Taehyung couldn’t help since he was giving lessons at the studio all day. Not that he was wanting to help you. But you can tell he would give your mom a hand whenever she would ask.
Every time you think Taehyung could be warming up to you, you are just proven how wrong that assumption is. He’s given you nothing. Just talks about your dance routine, fake kindness when your mom is around and the annoying use of the word pumpkin. Other than that he ignores you.
It’s now Wednesday and approximately a week and a half until the festival. Exactly ten days and you’re wondering if you and Taehyung are ever going to master being in sync. You’re both decently skilled—him more than you—but you can’t seem to dance together. It’s probably the lack of proper communication…it’s mostly just annoyed looks and snarky comments. Or straight up complaining. 
You’ve taught a few classes today and your mom was right…chasing after a bunch of 6 year old’s is exhausting. But Taehyung asked if you guys could have a late rehearsal since he’s also teaching classes today. Neither of you had a chance to rehearse yesterday and you cannot fall behind. 
It’s almost 9 at night when Taehyung drags his feet into the empty practice room. He looks tired and you get it. You’re also tired. “Do you think we could get through the routine a few times without fucking up?” He chuckles quietly to himself. “Because I highly doubt it.”
“Well, if you’d actually listen to me and get in sync with me then maybe we could.” You retort quickly, not loving his attitude already.
“So it’s my fault I can’t get along with you?” He exhales tiredly, “Think you managed that on your own.”
You can’t help the scoff that leaves you, “Wow, Taehyung. Thought we were talking about dancing.”
“I’m tired of this.” You shake your head, words leaving you quietly in a mumble. “Why are you in such a bad mood?”
“I’ve had a long day.” He tells you. “Classes, errands, making sure things at the gardens is being properly set up—I’m everywhere all at once. Between the studio, the pharmacy—I just need to relax but instead I’m here with you and in a cycle of sucking at this routine. Because you can’t let me fucking lead. It’s not that hard. The entire beginning of our dance we’re not even touching, just have to be synchronized.” 
“And when we do have to touch you don’t even commit.” You say with a straight face. “I don’t know what I’ve done—”
“—You’ve done nothing.” He narrows his eyes at you. “And don’t you think that’s the issue?”
“What?” You look at him incredulously. “I seriously don’t fucking understand you. But look, we both want to do a good job, right?”
“Obviously.” He grunts, annoyed that this conversation is still going.
“Then get over your stupid disdain for me and dance with me.” 
Taehyung is quiet. He’s got a frown pulling down his lips, lips that won’t part to speak. His jaw clenches before he nods at you. Silent dancing, it is.
It’s the next day and you’re feeling happy that your last class ended at 3pm today. You know Taehyung has his last one until 4 so you’re sure he’s relieved about that as well. This dance has the both of you stressed out. After running a few errands around town, you finally make it back home to your apartment complex. 
You curse to yourself though…your frustration building as you stand outside your front door. The key code isn’t working again. You keep entering the code but nope, nothing. 
“You have to press the check mark.” A voice suddenly has you jumping in your spot. You’re quick to turn around, eyes going wide as Taehyung looks down at the number pad. “You didn’t press it. Are you seriously only remembering sometimes?”
“You freaking scared me!” You whisper shout at him. “What—what are you doing here?”
He glances around before answering you, “Uh, helping you?”
“No,” You shake your head, “I mean…like, what are you doing here? At my apartment?”
“You think you’re the only one who lives here?” 
He looks the left and then points, “My apartment is like 3 doors down.” He tells you all nonchalant. 
“Your what…” Then realization hits you. “Mom.”
“I saw you struggling for like a solid 5 minutes.” His lips start to lift into a sly smile. “I was wondering how long you’d keep going but it was a bit sad.”
“You watched me struggle for 5 minutes and didn’t come help me?”
“Well, I’m here now.” He shrugs.
“After 5 minutes?”
“Should I have waited until after 10?”
“You. Are. The. Worst.” 
“It’s fine if it’s you who thinks that.” He shrugs again, “Anyway, the check mark. Not that hard Einstein.”
“Not that hard Einstein.” You mock him. 
Taehyung rolls his eyes and gives you a tiny salute before he is about to turn away from you to head to his apartment but stops. He looks down at his front pocket, patting his jeans until he is pulling his phone out and you watch as his expression grows serious.
“Hello?” He answers the phone quickly. “Yes this is he.” And then his face starts paling and he finds your eyes. “Got it. I’ll be there as soon as possible.” You stare at him in confusion when he grabs your wrist and starts pulling you. “We have to go.” 
You want to pull back from him and simply ask what’s going on but the look of sheer panic on his face is enough to make you lose words. He tightens his grip around your wrist and walks quickly and you’re struggling to keep up with him. “Slow down.” You whine a bit, “Where are we going?”
“That was the hospital.” He says in a rush. “Put your seatbelt on.” He says the moment you two make it to his car. 
“The hospital?” You ask cluelessly as you open the passenger car door and slip inside. “Why? Is everything okay?”
Taehyung plops down into the driver’s seat and starts the engine. “It was the hospital. What do you think?” He asks you curtly, “Seatbelt. Now.” He looks at you before he’s reversing from his parking spot.
“I’m confused. Is everything okay? Why did the hospital call you?”
Taehyung is breathing more heavily now, the situation stressing him out but he still finds the time to snap his head in your direction and look at you with disbelief. “Your mom.” He clarifies, hoping that is enough for you to understand.
“My…my mom?” Now you feel some of his panic start to seep into your own body. “Is she okay? Did something happen?”
“She collapsed.” He tells you, eyes on the road. 
“Collapsed? Why would she collapse? Did she trip on something?” You start feeling anxious, “Was she in some kind of accident?”
Taehyung’s brows pinch together, his own confusion growing as he sees how you’re panicking, you keep voicing your thoughts out loud as you wonder why.
“Wait,” You shake your head, pausing all the possibilities of what could have happened. “Why did they call you?”
“I’m her contact.” He tries to remain calm, “They always call me.”
Taehyung’s expression grows more confused until he isn’t confused anymore. He thinks he finally gets it. He thinks he’s finally understanding. He’s quiet.
“Always?” You repeat. “What does that mean?”
He keeps driving. Eyes on the road but suddenly he’s experiencing his heart sinking for what feels like the millionth time in his life. He pulls into the hospital and parks his car. He unbuckles the seatbelt and slowly turns in your direction. You look lost. And he thinks it’s because you are.
“y/n…” He says your name carefully. “Fuck…” He sighs out, “Do you not…”
“What?” You’re losing patience as you’re thinking of all the worst possibilities. “What’s happening? Is my mom okay? Did they say she was okay? Was it an accident?”
Taehyung gazes at you, eyes beginning to fill with pity. And then he’s dragging a hand down his face before he tries to speak again. “y/n…your mom…shit, okay. Listen, it’s…”
“Can you actually talk?” You snap at him. “You aren’t saying anything.”
“Your mom is sick.” He blurts it out quickly. And when you stare at him with a blank expression he softens in his spot. “…didn’t you know?”
“Know what?” You murmur.
“She’s…your mom is really sick. She has been for…since before I graduated, I think? She didn’t tell me until a couple years after.” He admits to you. “But…did you not know?”
“I…” You keep staring at him, not entirely sure you understand. “I don’t really know what you’re saying.” 
“Shit,” He closes his eyes, “Shit. Shit. I’m so sorry…” He lifts his hands to his face and rubs it over and over. “Fuck, I really didn’t know you didn’t…”
“Taehyung.” You say his name but your voice cracks. “I don’t really…” You’re in shock. You aren’t sure you’re processing what he’s saying. “What does sick mean…?”
“She…she has ALS.” He says softly, “They aren’t expec—”
“—What is that?” You continue to panic, “I don’t know what that is.” 
Taehyung feels his eyes sting, his heart breaking more. You really didn’t know. He tries to swallow before he answers, “It’s uh, It’s called Lou Gehrig’s Disease…it’s rare. Um, it’s like a nervous system disease and,” He pauses, trying to collect himself. “Fuck it’s uh, it like weakens the muscles so it’—it can be tough for her.”
“…Okay? So what does she need? Physical therapy?” You ask him, your eyes searching his and he wants to tell you that yes, she just needs physical therapy. But that’s not how this works.
“It’s…it’s not that simple…it can’t be cured.” He tells you regretfully, “I know since you’ve been here she’s been seeming okay. But it typically isn’t like this. There’s more bad days than good.”
“What?” You blink your eyes repeatedly, layer of tears forming.
“Sometimes she can’t even eat properly…it’s…it’s gotten worse this year. The doctors don’t think she will…”
“Will what?” You ask, your defenses rising.
“She doesn’t have a lot of time, y/n.” He tells you quietly, softly, regret in his voice and you don’t think you heard him properly. But you did. And that’s why you’re finally letting tears begin to drip from your eyes. “Hey,” He hesitates but his fingers brush against your cheek, “I know this isn’t easy. But your mom has been so strong and she’s just tired now, y/n…they didn’t even think she was going to live past 5 years—“
“—Stop” You cut him off, tears still spilling from your eyes but you can’t even blink now. “Just stop…she’s sick? She didn’t tell me?” You look into his eyes and he can see your anger. “She told you but not me?”
“I know,” He doesn’t move his fingers from your face. “I know. But…she probably just didn’t want to worry you or something, I don’t know. But she has her reasons, don’t you think? You are your mom’s world.” He whispers. “And right now she just needs you next to her.”
You finally slam your eyes shut, more tears streaming but you try to hold it together. “She’s here?” You choke out. “Can we see her?”
“Yeah.” Taehyung finally lets his hand drop. “Come on.” 
You want to be angry because you are angry…technically. But more than anything you’re shocked and just completely sad. Taehyung walks close to you, his arm brushing against yours and he keeps glancing at your every 5 seconds. He’s worried and you almost want to laugh because you never thought that there would be a day that he would be worried about you.
He stops suddenly, his hand reaching for your wrist to stop you from walking as well. “This room.” He tells you softly, “It’s here.”
“Oh.” You look at the closed door.
“You want to go in alone?”
“No.” You shake your head slowly, “Be with me.”
“Okay.” He nods, his fingers still wrapped around your wrist when he guides you more towards the door. He uses his other hand to knock at the door before cracking it open. After a moment he opens it all the way. His eyes grow tender when he spots your mom. “Hi Auntie.” 
You just watch him. He looks experienced. Like looking at your mom who lays in a hospital bed isn’t something new and the thought makes you feel crushed. You finally gather your own courage and step through the room and look at her for yourself. 
Your mom is sat up in bed and you want to sob. Because she looks the same. A gentle smile on her face and eyes that shine with so much love. “Hi, my love.” She calls out for you. “Come here.”
Taehyung lets go of your wrist and your feet stumble forward. You don’t think you see even an ounce of regret on her features. She just looks genuinely happy to see you and you can’t tell how you feel about it.
“You okay?” She asks you, her head titled up. “I know this might be a little surprising.”
You actually scoff. “A little?” You repeat her choice of words before scrunching your brows together and you know she can see the look of betrayal on your face.
“It’s okay if you’re mad.” She tells you, tone nice and soothing. “I’m fine with the decisions I’ve made.”
“How…” You pause to take a deep breath. “How could you say that?”
“I want you to live your life, y/n.” She tells you like it’s simple. “I wanted you to live your dream but if you knew…” She closes her eyes for a moment, her own emotions visiting. “I didn’t want to be a reason for you to hold yourself back.” She tells you. 
Taehyung watches as you stare down at your mom and he’s understanding so much now. He feels guilty. Beyond guilty. He’s treated you like such an asshole. But he thought you knew about your mom’s condition and still chose to be so far away. He had no idea you were clueless. It hurts to watch your mom having to had suffer for so long already but now he sees how you’re suffering too. 
“So we are going to keep her a few days.” The doctor neither you nor Taehyung noticed speaks up. “You know the drill already Mr. Kim…we need to monitor just for a bit.”
Taehyung glances at the doctor before nodding. “Okay. I can go grab a bag for her.” He says, “I shouldn’t be gone too long.”
“No,” You turn to look at Taehyung, your eyes shining at him with unfallen tears. “I’ll go. I just need to make a bag for her, right? Some of her things?”
“Oh.” Taehyung’s eyes go to your mom and she just nods. “Okay…are you sure? I can go, y/n.”
“I want to go…I need to just…process.” You admit to him as you walk closer to him, “Alone.”
You’re standing in front of your childhood home again but the mix of emotions you’re feeling are nothing like the ones from the other week. You almost don’t even want to walk in but well, you have to.
As soon as you step into the house, instead of the scent of cookies, you get hit hard with the scent of your mother. You walk further into the home and it’s like she is everywhere. You’re suddenly hyperaware of how this house is not just a house but your mom’s home. 
You walk down the hall and stop outside your mom’s bedroom door. You don’t think you’ve been in here for years but you’re sure you’ll manage finding her belongings. You creak the door open and your eyes go wide when you enter the room. You look around, from her comforter to her nightstand to the art on her walls. And your face twists into one of devastation. Mouth hanging open as the tears truly break. Your art. Your paintings. They hang on her walls.
And this is the reality. Paintings that you knew weren’t good enough. But bought by an anonymous buyer…here they are, proudly decorating her room. And this reality crashes into you. Feeling every ounce of every moment you have spent away from her. From your home.
You stumble towards her bed, body falling to the mattress and you bury your face into the blanket. Tears soaking the material as you sob. You cry until you can’t cry anymore.
The house feels lonely since your mom is still at the hospital. It’s Saturday now and you know you have to get up from this bed and drag your sad ass to the studio to rehearse with Taehyung. But getting up sounds like a lot of work. You wish you could quit the entire festival but you realize now why Taehyung has made such a big deal out of it. He isn’t being a perfectionist because it’s his debut. He just wants to give your mom the best festival because it will probably be her last.
That last thought makes you heart sink but this is the reality and you aren’t sure you want to spend your time sulking and wasting precious time on things you cannot control. Instead, you finally throw the blanket off you and get ready. Because your mom deserves the best festival of her life. 
You’re sure the studio is busy as usual, you’re a bit late but Taehyung didn’t try to reach out to you so maybe he’s distracted enough with a pretty girl who doesn’t know left from right. But you’re wrong. As soon as you walk into the building, you see Taehyung sitting at the front desk before he lifts his head and wide eyes land on you.
“You came?” The two words tumble out quickly. He stands from the chair and walks around the desk to get closer to you. “I…” His eyes slide to the side, “I wasn’t sure you were going to be up to rehearsing today.”
“You’d chew me out if I didn’t show up.” You shrug at him, eyes still swollen. “Don’t need to add to the list of things you don’t approve of me.”
Taehyung sucks his bottom lip between his teeth as an inevitable look of guilt falls over his face. “I don’t…” He pauses, eyes studying you and he realizes he’s probably lost any chance of redeeming himself. You don’t like him and it serves him right. 
“We can take it easy today if you—”
“—that’s the last thing I want.” You show him a joyless smile. “I’d rather work extra hard. I don’t know,” you give a huge, exaggerated shrug. “Maybe work so hard I pass out and actually get a little sleep.” 
“No passing out.” Taehyung lifts his lips a little, “But you know, if you’re having trouble sleeping maybe I could he—”
He stops when he sees how you raise a defensive brow, “How could you possibly help? Look, no need to suddenly be nice to me because my mom’s dying.”
“y/n… I wasn’t—”
“—Actually, you knew about that already so why are you suddenly being nice to me?” You narrow your eyes for a moment but he’s lost for words, not entirely sure what to say and then you connect the dots. “Right.” You click your tongue. “You thought I knew about her being sick, right? You thought I was just some selfish daughter who didn’t care about my mom’s health and left her to live my life!” 
“—Like, wow. You didn’t even give me a chance. You just automatically assumed I was some selfish, heartless person. You wanted me to be like that in your eyes?” You continue to glare at him but he immediately parts his lips in panic.
“No! Trust me, no.” He shakes his head as he gazes at you. “Trust me, the last thing I wanted was to think that way of you.” Then he lightly scoffs to himself, “I didn’t want to disappointment my 12 year old self like that.” 
You pull your brows together, “You didn’t want to…what?” and then you shake your head, feeling tired all over again. “Anyway, let’s just practice. I also…” You finally find his eyes again before expressing your mental defeat. “I also want to do well.”
Monday and you’re panicking because the day of the festival dance is only 5 days away. You don’t think you and Taehyung have improved your synchronization. When you guys do moves that require him to have his hands on you, he’s always hesitant and it looks painfully awkward.
“Have you never touched a girl before?” You finally huff out, getting frustrated over another failed attempt at the routine. “This isn’t middle school.”
“I just…” He groans, feeling just as frustrated as you. “It’s kind of hard.”
“Yeah, a woman’s waist is really the most difficult thing.” You roll your eyes before jogging towards the mirror to grab your bottle of water. 
“We haven’t as much as high fived before, y/n.” Taehyung deadpans. “How am I supposed to feel comfortable touching your body? When I don’t know what’s comfortable for you either?”
“Are you really overthinking this much?” You look at him incredulously before bringing the bottle to your lips and chugging the water back and then you pause and pull the bottle away from your mouth. “You had zero issue grabbing onto Ida’s hips when you helped her.”
“Ida is into me. She wants me to touch her like that.” He shrugs, “You on the other hand, I’m afraid I’ll…” Taehyung’s eyes go all around the practice room, cheeks heating up. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” 
“You’re that worried about it?” You set the bottle down. “Fine. Okay.” You nod, look of determination on your face. “Let’s fix that then. If we don’t this is going to look awkward as hell.”
“Fix it how?” Taehyung looks at you, confused.
“Let’s get comfortable with one another. We could do some exercises to help.” 
He raises his brows, mouth opening to speak but he closes it again.
“What?” You walk back to the middle of the practice room, standing in front of him, “Don’t tell me you can’t even do that?”
“I don’t even know what that is? Like, what do you mean?” He finally asks.
“Oh.” You realize you don’t necessarily know either, you were just going to wing it. You glance around the room until your eyes land on your hand. You lift it to your face and inspect it before you nod. “This.” You say before showing him your palm, urging him to hit it with his own. “You said we hadn’t as much as high-fived before.” You finally smile. “We could start there.”
He stares at you before he’s snorting. “Seriously?”
“What?” You smirk at him, “Should I have asked you to just hold on to my waist until it finally feels comfortable for us?”
And for the first time ever you think you see Taehyung blush. “You’re something…” He looks off to the side, “But honestly,” His eyes go back to you. “I think we could start with talking.”
“Talking?” You lower your hand. “About?”
“I want to apologize.” He tells you sincerely. “I know even if I try to explain my thought process it doesn’t excuse how cold I was with you.”
“Not really.” You whisper. “I guess I just don’t like how you assumed I was so heart—“
“—I didn’t want to think that, I promise. But after a while, I kept battling my thoughts. How could you not have known? That’s what I kept asking myself. Why would Auntie just not tell you? That didn’t ever cross my mind so eventually I thought…yeah, obviously y/n knows but she doesn’t care. I wasn’t just dismissing you. I was mad at you.” He takes a breath, “Because I didn’t want my opinion of you to be true.” 
Taehyung takes a step closer to you before adding, “But I was shocked you showed up for the festival this year. Your mom told me she asked you to come and I didn’t think you would…but you did. And I wanted to just be angry but I hated it that you actually showed up because I was like, maybe I was wrong and she does care…that sounds stupid, I know you care but I just thought you…I don’t know.” His voice gets quieter. “I was wrong. But I don’t know if I’m happy that I was wrong. Because it means that you didn’t know about your mom’s health and that also feels fucking sucky. I’m sorry you didn’t know, y/n.” 
For the first time you see the Taehyung your mom has been raving about. The guy that is just so good. You think you can believe it. You think this might the real him and you want to understand his perspective. To be fair, if you thought that of someone you would probably be a dick to them too. 
He studies your reaction and when he sees even a hint of understanding in your eyes, he sighs in relief. “Anyway,” He reaches for your hand and high fives himself with it. “What’s after a high five?”
Thursday. Two days until the festival dance. Today’s rehearsal went better. Might have been your best one yet…you and Taehyung are communicating better and although he’s still a little stiff with touching you at least he’s actually touching you. Before he would barely put any pressure and it sometimes felt like his hands were just hovering. It still isn’t perfect yet though.
“Hi.” Your mom comes into the kitchen, her eyes soften when she sees how you lift your head from your laptop with a tired expression. She came home from the hospital yesterday and it’s hard to stay mad at her when she looks at you with so much love.
“Hi.” You respond, it came out quiet but she heard you and smiles.
“How’s rehearsals going?” She takes a seat, hand going to yours and you see how her fingers slightly shake as she squeezes your hand. How did you not notice?
“Better.” You look away from your hands, “Taehyung and I are trying our best but we could do better.”
“Better?” Your mom tilts her head, “You don’t feel good enough?”
“Not really.” You smile. “We want it to be perfect. We have to do your role justice.”
Your mom’s eyes widen before she’s chuckling, “People are going to love it!”
“We want you to love it.” You admit softly. “I think that’s what matt—”
“—Me?” Your mom points to herself. “You two could get on that stage and just stand there and I think I would fall in love at the sight.” She tells you, “What I want to come out of this isn’t for you two to perfect a dance routine. I just wanted you guys to get along.” 
You snort, “Get along?”
Your mom gazes at you, her eyes boring into yours and you think you see a swirl of emotions inside of them. “Yeah.” She gulps, her same eyes stinging with tears but she’s quick to blink them away and laugh. “Get along.” She says, “And take care of each other.”
“You make it sound like you aren’t the one who takes care of me,” You try to laugh but your throat burns a little. “I have you to do that, you know?” 
“Mom will always help, my love.” She smiles, gentle and delicate. “But—”
“—Okay,” You cut her off, trying to laugh still but your throat feels like it’s closing in. “That doesn’t have to change.”
“And why not?” She continues to smile. “Changes are good. Don’t you think? Just like the season we’re in…we love it. Do we want it to be summer forever?”
“No.” You swallow hard.
“Change gives us the opportunity to transform and evolve. Nothing scary about it.” Your mom’s fingers lift to your face and she brushes her thumb over your browbone. “I’ve always taught you to embrace it. Welcome it. In autumn, leaves change colors and they die. But soon, flowers will bloom again.” 
You’re tempted to let your head fall to this table and cry but the look on your moms face is bright and hopeful. She’s cheering you on as always. So instead you nod at her words and give her a heartfelt smile. “I think you just gave me an idea for a painting.” You tell her. 
“Then paint.” She smiles wider, teeth shown and all. “Paint.”
One day until the festival dance! Friday and you cannot believe you and Taehyung are still struggling with being completely comfortable and trusting during the routine. The natural flow is lacking. Perhaps it’s the chemistry. Yes it has gotten better but you didn’t think it would still look awkward in places. It’s already almost 9pm and you both have been at it for majority of the day. 
“I don’t know how else we could improve, Taehyung.” You breathe out, hands reaching for your bottle of water. “Just get comfortable!”
“I’m trying!” Taehyung groans, his fingers push back his dark hair. His hair is usually split in the middle or the side, framing his face nicely but forehead out gives him an entirely different aura.
“What’s making you so, I don’t know…” You motion your hands around, unsure of what words to describe his behavior.
“Nervous?” He helps you call himself out. “I don’t know, you’re just this person to me…who…I don’t know! It’s not like I don’t want to touch you.”
You quirk a brow and he immediately slams his eyes shut before growing embarrassed.
“I didn’t mean that in a…” He opens his eyes again and they meet yours. “You’re just…”
“It’s my fault?” You laugh. “Do I have to break all barriers with you so you can be more comfortable?” You start joking. “Keep your hands on me? Should we hug for 5 minutes straight? God, what will it take?” You snort now, “Don’t tell me we have to have sex so you can touch me properly during a dance.” 
Taehyung’s entire body flushes at your words, his eyes wide as he blinks at you in shock. “I know you’re joking,” He mutters, “But at what cost?” He tears his eyes off of you before concealing a smile when he wants to laugh.
“I was exaggerating obviously.” You shake your head,  not feeling embarrassed even though maybe it was a weird thing to say.
“But…” Taehyung glances around the practice room, “I think the point is to bond so our chemistry on stage doesn’t suck.”
“Are you saying you do want to have sex? As a way to bond?” You ask him with a dramatic shocked expression and he starts going red as he groans at your words.
“You want to kill me, y/n?” He starts chuckling, “Jeez. I was thinking though…we aren’t getting anywhere with practicing. Why don’t we go out tonight?”
“Bar? For drinks? Loosen up? Actually enjoy an evening out? Ever heard of it?” He teases you, “I doubt you’ve done anything besides be at this studio and visit your mom’s house. And I am kind of your neighbor and I see your light on all the time late at night so I know you aren’t out.”
“What if I leave a light on, on purpose so a potential burglar thinks someone is home? You know, while I go out and party until the sun rises?"
“You party until sunrise without me?” Taehyung gasps, “That’s rude.”
“What?” You bite your lip, trying not to smile at him. “Am I supposed to invite you for something like that?”
“No offense, but who else would you invite? Ida?” He matches your expression.
“I could ask Jin.” You shrug, “He’s cool.”
“Only thing Jin does at sunrise is check on some ridiculous baked goods that he probably started prepping at 4am.” 
“My mom has a pretty wild book club, maybe they want to party with me.” You shrug again and Taehyung laughs at this. Really laughs. 
“Ms. Soonja would outdrink us all and still somehow be up at 8am ready for breakfast.”
“That sounds believable.” You giggle at that. “Fine, I guess if I had to party then maybe I would invite you.”
“You’re too late.” Taehyung grins at you, “Because I’m beating you to it…I’m the one inviting you but I can’t promise it will be until sunrise.”
“Well, I’d hope not. We have a big day tomorrow.” 
“Then we should get started now.” Taehyung nods towards the direction of the entrance, “Since I still feel like an asshole…I’ll buy you your first drink.”
You feel heat crawl up your neck as you notice an almost playful glint in his eyes, “Only one?” You tease him, “For all that I suffered with you and you only want to buy me one?”
“Oh?” He keeps grinning, “You suffered that much? Fine, how about you tell me when it’s finally enough, hm?”
“I can hold my liquor, Taehyung. I might drain your bank account.”
“Damn,” He throws a hand to his heart. “I was that bad?”
“I’m still deciding if you aren’t still that bad.” You say slowly but your voice is laced in a smoothness even you don’t recognize. “But I hear you’re good.” You keep the words slow as they leave your mouth, “I wonder just how good you are.”
“You know,” You play with the straw that rests in your glass. “When I was in high school, I wanted to come to this bar so badly. ‘one day I’ll be old enough!’ I would always say that,” You start giggling. “But I left only a few months after graduation so I never came. Can’t believe I’m actually here now. Teenage me would be so proud.”
“Why this one specifically?” Taehyung looks around, not noticing anything too special. “I just come here because it’s close to the apartment.”
“You’ll make fun of me.” You wrap your fingers around the glass and bring it closer to your lips when you sip from the straw. “It’s cheesy.”
“Oh, I have to hear about it then.” Taehyung sips his own drink as well. “The cheesier the better.”
“Well, a long time ago…” You start, memories flooding your mind and you want to laugh at teenage you. “There was this guy.”
“A guy?”
“Yeah.” You nod. “He worked here as a bar tender, he was older than me. I think when I was like 16 he was already like 30.” You sip more of the drink. “He also worked at the convenience store near my house. I would go in just to buy a snack so I could see him!” You turn your head towards Taehyung, stifling your laughter but he’s got his eyes on you and he’s smiling. “But he told me he also worked here, at this bar and that one day when I’m an adult I’ll get to go and see him there too.”
Taehyung ducks his head around, eyes trailing the place. “Is he here?”
You snort “No.” You set your drink down, only ice cubes occupying the glass now. “I thought that when I turned into an adult I’d come and he would fall in love with me.” You gesture towards yourself with a goofy, tipsy grin. “Obviously, right?”
Taehyung eyes you over, same grin on his own face. “Obviously.”
“Kids are silly.” You finally end the story, “The things we do, huh? Or you know, want to do.”
Taehyung sucks up the rest of his drink and nods his head, “Yeah, I would know.” He chuckles before turning his whole body in the barstool to face you. “My 12 year old self would know, anyway.”
“How so?”
“You don’t know how I met your mom, do you?” He asks you, blush on his cheeks. 
“Oh,” You blink at him. “I…I don’t.”
“I thought so.” He nods, head bowed down as he smiles at nothing. “It’s because of the Harvest Festival.”
“Oh, I guess that makes sense!”
“I went every year when I was a kid. I think I started going when I was like 9? I watched the dance and I was…awestruck, perhaps?” He sounds shier than you thought he could be capable of. It’s cute, you’d admit. It’s funny that a guy who made it clear he doesn’t like you is now telling you a story that is making him blush.
“Hm.” You hum at him, giving him your full attention. He lifts his eyes to yours and bites his lip.
“Yeah, awestruck is a good word.” He tells you. “I kept going back every year because I had to see the dance. I would watch and think, ‘wow, pretty.’ And yeah.” He chuckles.
“Her dancing is beautiful.” You giggle. “Kind of sounds like you had a crush on my mom.” You teasingly point a finger at him but he just joins you in your laughter before relaxing and giving you a sweet smile. 
“I did have a crush.” He admits. “ But it wasn’t on your mom.”
You smile drops only a little, “Then…?” “Every year at the front row of the crowd was a girl who looked around my age.” He tries not to laugh when you pinch your brows together. “You.” He does laugh now. “You danced to her routine, step by step. You looked so happy and so proud and I swear my 9 year old self was not understanding what I was feeling.”
“Wait, what?” Your mouth falls open and you cannot hide your amusement. 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” He tries to playfully brush it off. “And then when I was 12…I decided I had the hugest crush on you and you were going to be my first girlfriend.” 
Your eyes expand comically as you try not to lose it, “Excuse me?”
“I know.” He chuckles, “But I didn’t know how to approach you!” 
“You didn’t—”
“—I had heard you took dance classes at your mom’s studio.” He starts to explain, “So I thought my little 12 year brain was genius when I begged my grandma to let me start taking lessons too. I thought that’s how I could get close to you!” He shuts his eyes in innocent embarrassment. “She paid for three full classes to see if I would like it. I remember getting there, god I was so nervous, I really thought I was going to properly meet you and we were going to fall in love and get married.” Then he winks, gesturing towards himself like you did earlier. “Obviously, right?”
You start cracking up, “Yes, obviously.” 
“But you weren’t there. I was so disappointed. I was like well, I’m going to quit this whole dancing thing. I asked your mom and she said you weren’t taking the classes anymore. Imagine how stupid I felt!” He laughs, “But I still had two more classes. I went and by the third class I realized how much I kind of liked dancing. Your mom urged me to continue and so I did.” He shrugs, “Turns out I wasn’t bad.”
“Does that mean you’re good?” You raise a brow.
“Aren’t you the one trying to figure out how good I am?” He asks you slowly, voice lower than before.
“Touché.” You say just as low. 
“I kept dancing all throughout middle school and high school. I was fairly cool with your mom but things really changed…” Taehyung looks at you, solemn expression on his face. “A few months after high school, my grandmother passed away. And I know that’s technically an adult now, but I still felt like a child.”
“Sorry, Taehyung.” You surprise yourself when you reach for his hand, “That must have been hard.” 
“It was.” He admits with a smile. “Your mom was the one who kind of took me in. She was like a guardian but not legally.” He laughs. “She was like a second mom.” 
“She’s pretty good at being a mom.” You return his smile. “I’m glad you had her…and I’m glad she’s had you all this time too.”
“That’s what family does.” He says it so simply. “I’m sorry again…about…”
“I understand, Taehyung.” You glance down at your hand that rests on his before quickly pulling it back. Cheeks warming up. “By the way, I’m allowed to make fun of you, right? 12 year old you?”
“I would expect you to. I also want to make fun of 12 year old me. But hey, poor guy was just really determined to get you to fall in love with me. We can’t blame 12 year old me for being so romantic, right?”
“Are you still that romantic?” You ask him, eyes on his and he stares at you for a few moments. “I didn’t realize you were this forward.” He decides to tease you instead of answer.
“You never gave me a chance to be.” You crack a smile, “To be fair, a little alcohol running through my veins might make me say weird things.” 
“Good to know.” He chuckles. “What other weird things are you thinking that you might say?”
“You’re curious about what’s on my mind?” 
“I might just be curious in general.” He responds before lifting a hand to get the bar tenders attention, signaling you guys want another round. “About you.”
You gaze at his side profile and feel your stomach twist in a way that feels exciting. “Am I also allowed to make fun of you for hating me and now suddenly you’re curious about me?”
Taehyung lowers his hand and slowly turns his head in your direction with a winsome smile growing on his face, “God, I didn’t know how much you like to teased someone.” 
“What?” You point at yourself innocently. “You’re surprised at what kinds of words leave my mouth?”
“—You’d probably would have known if you would have paid more attention to it.” You point at your lips now. “But you were too concerned about my eyes and how I didn’t know how to use them.”
Taehyung stares at you before sighing out, clearly amused. “I wish I could go back in time and treat you diff—”
“—I don’t.” You grin at him. “Or else I wouldn’t have all this material to make fun of you.” 
The bartender brings the two drinks, the glasses sliding in front of you and Taehyung. He picks his up and you do the same, both of you bringing the glasses together in a little cheers. “This is fun.” You tell him softly.
“Is it?”
“Yeah. I think you were right about letting loose.” You chuckle, “Before coming back home, I was living so stressed. Can’t really remember the last time I winded down.”
“Honestly, me either.” Taehyung sips his drink, eyes on the ice cubes. “But I didn’t think I’d be doing it with my first crush. 12 year old me was so sure we were going to fall in love.” He lifts his eyes to you, same playful glint from earlier. 
“You were so sure yet as an adult you don’t even know to touch me while we dance. 12 year old you might be disappointed.”
Taehyung keeps the glass to his lips and his eyes on you. They darken just the slightest and you notice immediately. 
“You know,” Taehyung finally lowers the glass and licks his lips, “It really almost sounds like you’re flirting with me.”
You crack a smile, fingers wrapping around the glass and you sip on your drink. 
“You’re not going to confirm nor deny?” He asks you, same amusement lingering.
“Maybe I’m just humoring your past self.” You finally say, glass back down to the bar top. “I think it’s only fair that it’s me who is a little mean to you now.”
Taehyung can’t help but laugh at this, his smile turning into something wide and boxy. “Feel free to humor me then.”
It’s way past closing time. You and Taehyung are leaving the bar, laughter on your lips, walking out into the parking lot when he suddenly halts his steps. You notice, confused expression when he smirks at you.
“Should we practice our routine one last time today before tomorrow?” He asks you.
“Here?” You glance around. “In the parking lot?”
“Is a parking lot not a good enough stage for you?” He teases and you roll your eyes. “I think we kind of bonded tonight so maybe…”
“Oh, you want to test it.” You feel a warmth trailing across your skin. “Let’s dance then. The second half.”
Taehyung looks excited, his lips spread into a smile but he’s trying to hide it but it’s not use. He’s enjoying himself. And he thinks you are too.
“Okay, ready?” He glances at you when you’re both in starting position. 
You both start the first few steps, your breaths are even and your footwork is smooth. You glance at Taehyung and it actually looks like you two are in sync. Well, you imagine so since that part has improved a lot. You’re both counting in your heads, knowing exactly when to transition from one move to another. 
You know what’s coming up but you’re just going to go with the flow, body spinning into a still Taehyung, twirling closer to him and right on cue, his hand lands perfectly on your lower back. It was smooth and you’re already feeling the slight shock and excitement but you stay calm knowing that was just one move.
A beat passes and you both continue the dance, feet moving in sync while your bodies flow together before you’re turning again and both of his hands are on your waist. Both knees slightly bend, faces tucked into your chests as you continue counting in your heads. The silent music continues and so do your movements. 
His fingers don’t dig into your skin, no, they’re just light enough that you can imagine the delicacy that is shown through your movements. You spin out, his arm extending until you’re far from one another, only thing connecting you is your fingertips lightly grasping his. And then he’s pulling you in, your chest coming closer to his. His left hand goes to the back of your neck and his fingers slide down, carefully trailing over the material of your shirt. Like he is painting an outline of your spine. And a sudden thought occurs to you. How would his fingers feel if it was against your bare skin? Then finally, he’s resting his hand on your lower back.
You can still hear the music in your head, the counts still going off and right on beat you tilt your chin towards his face as he lowers his eyes to you and his right hand comes to your jaw. Fingers brushing against it, soft and slow. And then you can hear how the song ends. No more counting. Just your eyes on each other and a feeling swirling so messily in your lower stomach. He is looking as mesmerized as you feel.
“I guess we did bond.” You finally whisper. “Who would have thought?”
It’s the day of the festival. The day is finally here and you’re a little nervous but mostly just excited. You and Taehyung decided to ride to the gardens together (perk of being neighbors) and you’ve made your way to where the dances will be occurring later this evening. Everyone’s busy with making sure the stage set up is perfect but mostly, everyone is in good spirits as they hang around.
“Mom!” You light up when you see your mother strolling through the gardens, making her way towards the stage. She’s with Soonja and Eunja, the three of them with their arms linked and stars in their eyes as they look around. 
Your mom sees you, smile bright when her and her friends come closer towards you and Taehyung. “Hi, you two.” She tries not to squeal when she sees the stage and knows that the two of you will be on it later tonight. “How are you both feeling?” She looks between you both, “Confident?”
“A little nervous.” You hide your face in your hands but you smile. “Only a little.”
“I think we finally nailed the routine though.” Taehyung tells your mom, his eyes sliding to yours and you can see a knowing smirk.
“I knew you would!” Your mom cheers excitedly.
“Going to see two good looking people dancing on stage, it might make my heart swoon.” Soonja winks at you.
“Your heart swoons when you see find a coupon.” Eunja rolls her eyes, “Say something more meaningful!”
“Hey!” Soonja’s brows pull together in disapproval. “You think coupons don’t deserve it too?”
“Ignore them.” Your mom chuckles, “You guys have a little while until the dances begin, right? Why are you just standing here?”
You blink at your mom with wide eyes, “What do you mean? What if someone needs help with the stage or—”
“—Oh, please. Go enjoy the rest of the festival.” She pushes you towards Taehyung. “You too, Taehyung. Show my daughter around, it’s been a while.”
“Oh.” Taehyung blushes, “I could do that.”
“Mom.” You groan but she’s insistent.
“Go, go, go. Enjoy.”
“Each other.” Soonja whispers in Eunja’s ear but the other lady swats her arm.
“Have fun!” Your mom waves you off but you haven’t even left yet. Just you and Taehyung staring at these ladies in disbelief. Well, Taehyung is just trying not to laugh.
“Okay, Auntie.” Taehyung finally says, cracking a small smile. “Let’s go, y/n.”
“Fine.” You huff out but you can’t help but smile too. You both wave goodbye to the women before exploring the rest of the festival.
“You’re such a meddler.” Eunja tells your mom.
“Of course I am.” She shrugs, “Who else is going to do it?”
You’ve walked around for a while, exploring different vendors and trying delicious foods. Jin’s got a food truck and he is probably the most popular one—you’re realizing that most of his customers are there for him rather than the food. Handsome men have it so easy, you think to yourself.
“So, I know what you’re going to say but…” Taehyung grabs your wrist and starts leading you in another direction, “We can’t have fun at this festival without visiting the main attraction.”
“Oh god.” You know where this is going, “Don’t make me.” You’re pouting now but Taehyung just chuckles and he continues to drag you around.
“How could we not visit the pumpkin patch?” He finally says with a grin.
“Easy.” You shrug and he playfully scoffs at you. “Do we really have to?”
“Yes,” He’s determined. “I know you’re grossed out by them, so no carving. But something that could interest you more?”
And that innocent little suggestion is how you and Taehyung ended up sitting at a table with like 3 others (they’re children.) with tiny little pumpkins rolling around and a whole bunch of different paint. 
“You chose a good one.” You whine when you eye Taehyung’s pumpkin. It isn’t too lumpy so he’s having an easier time painting it. You on the other hand…
“Holy shit.” Taehyung stares down at the pumpkin you’ve been painting. Eyes wide as he tilts his head. “What the hell is…” His words get quieter as he speaks. Slight disturbed expression before he finally looks at you. “I thought you were an artist.” He says with a straight face.
“Art is subjective.” You say with an equally straight face.
He nods, eyes going back down to the monstrosity. “It sure is.” 
“You make me do this…” You narrow your eyes at him, “And then make fun of me?”
“I’m not making fun of you!” Taehyung grins. “It is simply a genuine reaction.”
“I am an excellent painter!”
“Are you?” He teases you, “I don’t—Hey!” He stares at you with big eyes as his fingers go to touch his cheek. “Did you just get paint on me?” He asks.
You smile at him as innocently as possible despite the fact you’re holding the paint brush with a glob of purple paint on the bristles. “No.”
Taehyung’s trying to keep a serious expression on his face even though he wants to laugh. “You really are the pick of the patch, huh?” He shakes his head, fingers wiping at his cheek and he glances down at the paint on his fingers.
 “I don’t know,” You shrug, chuckling before your eyes go back to your own pumpkin. “Are you picking me?” 
“Only if you let me call you pumpkin.”
Taehyung bumps his shoulder into yours, “We should probably head back. The dances will start soon and we have to get ready.”
“Can’t believe the day is finally here.” You sigh out before turning your face towards him. “You think we will do a good job?”
“I think we will make your mom proud.”
And you do. Everyone danced so beautifully but there was an audible gasp among the audience when you and Taehyung began your dance. It felt just like the night before in the parking lot of the bar. You two were in perfect sync and his fingers rested and guided your body with grace, delicacy and precision. The last moments you two are on stage, he has his fingers at your jaw and when the lights dim, he slowly brushes them down the expanse of your neck.
“You were really good.” He tells you quietly, eyes still on yours despite the sudden darkness as the audience claps and cheers. “And beautiful.” 
You take a few breaths before your eyes travel across his face, “It kind of feels like you’re the one flirting with me now.”
“And if I am?” His fingers continue to slide down, brushing against your arm until his fingertips touch your own.
“Well,” You laugh a little, finally stepping away from him and facing the audience. “I’d say I like it a lot more than you being rude to me.”
Taehyung faces the audience as well before you both bow, “Then I guess I should keep doing it.”
You and Taehyung make your way off the stage and your first priority is finding your mom and it isn’t hard…she’s front and center with big, teary eyes. She is quick to wrap her frail arms around you, the hug is weak but you feel all the power and love behind it.
“You two were incredible!” She pulls away and then hugs Taehyung as well.
“We tried.” You chuckle, “So I am guessing you liked it?”
“Liked it?! I loved it. It will stay fresh in my memories for the rest of time.” Your mom wipes at her eyes, “You both looked so…”
“Hot.” Soonja says with a smile. “That was one hell of a dance.”
“Soonja!” Eunja scolds her, “She’s vulgar,” She looks at you and Taehyung now. “She means to say—”
“—You’re right.” Soonja nods. “Hot wasn’t the right word. Sexy.”
“I give up on you.”
“About time.”
“Thanks, thank you.” You look between the ladies, cheeks warm. “I mean, I think.”
“I’d say it was a compliment.” Taehyung bumps into your side. “It’s gotten late, huh?”
“Yes.” Your mom agrees, “We are about to head home now…but wow, what a successful year, wasn’t it?” She smiles at you both. “In all my years of experiencing this festival…this one had a different kind of magic, didn’t it?”
“It was nice.” You look at your mom with soft eyes, “I’m happy you enjoyed it, mom.” 
“Best festival this place has seen so far.” She tells you honestly. “So? Are you two going to keep walking around or head home as well?”
“Whatever y/n wants.” Taehyung says, “We drove together so…”
“Honestly, I’m pretty tired.” You look at Taehyung with sorry eyes, “But we can stay longer if you want?
“No, I’m pretty ready to head home as well.” He pulls his phone from his pocket, “It is after 9 already and we’ve had a long day.”
“Okay, let’s go then. Mom, breakfast tomorrow?” You ask before hugging her again.
“Yeah! Taehyung you come too!”
“Oh, sure.”
“Now get going, you guys deserve some rest!”
“Let’s see if they’re getting any ‘rest’ after they danced like tha—ow.” Soonja rubs her arm where Eunja pinched her.
“Anyway,” You clear your throat, “I guess we will leave then. See you tomorrow, mom.”
“Bye, my love!” She sings out cutely as she watches you and Taehyung walk away and then she glances at her two friends. “Good dance, huh?”
“Yeah, it made me miss my libido.”
“Well, who do you think choreographed it?” She smirks at her friends and they start laughing and Soonja just links her arm with your moms again.
“Ohhh~” She whistles. “Bad girl!” and the three start giggling before leaving as well.
The drive back to the apartment complex is filled with a comfortable silence. Taehyung has the windows rolled down, the chilly breeze feels so refreshing against your skin. You’re both content with how the dance turned out…your mother’s happy face is what makes both of you so satisfied. 
When Taehyung parks the comfortable silence turns into a silence with expectations. You aren’t sure what to say? Thanks for the ride? Or maybe…want to come inside for a drink or? You aren’t sure what’s going on in his head either…you just see how he glances at you with his lip stuck between his teeth. 
You both get out of his car and start walking towards the building. “I’ll walk you to your door.” Taehyung suddenly mumbles, “You know, just in case you get kidnapped despite me being three doors down.”
“It could happen.” You look at him, “Never know. Better be safe.”
“Exactly.” Taehyung smiles, “Your mom would kill me if something happened to you with me being that close.”
“Well, good thing you’re that close.”
“Good thing.” He nods.
You are both walking slowly through the parking lot and it’s not like you can’t see your apartments right up ahead…it’s not a big complex. But you can feel how your body yearns for more time…you’re surprised but lately, time with Taehyung has been really nice and you’re at that point where you want it to keep going.
“You think you’ll actually get some sleep tonight?” Taehyung asks you, “I know you said you’ve been having trouble since…everything.”
“I don’t know.” You sigh, “I’m trying to stay positive so my mom sees me happy. I don’t want her to see me all sad, you know, knowing…but yeah, at night. Alone. I don’t stay as positive.” You laugh a little, not much humor in the sound. 
“I get it.” Taehyung says softly, “But…I’m glad you’re able to smile for your mom. I know it means everything to her.”
“I know.” You agree solemnly. 
“Let’s just enjoy our days.” 
“I have this place for 6 months but I kind of wish I would have just stayed at my mom’s house.” You begin to sulk, “I didn’t know.” 
“Exactly, you didn’t know.” Taehyung bumps into your side as a way to comfort you. “But you know, your mom probably likes her privacy as much as anyone else.” 
“I guess so.”
“And—oh, wow.” You and Taehyung come to a stop. “That was a short walk.”
You chuckle, nodding your head before glancing at your front door. “Well, uh, good job today.”
Taehyung sways on his feet, his eyes going around before landing on you again. “Yeah, you too.”
“I was—”
You both try to speak at the same time. And Taehyung is quick to gesture towards you, “You go!”
“No, no!” You shake your head, “You go first.”
“Okay.” Taehyung steps a little closer to you, “I was thinking maybe we didn’t have to end the night yet?”
Thank god. You try to keep a calm expression but you feel giddy inside. “Oh?”
“Like, we just pulled off something we worked really hard for.” He starts explaining, “Maybe we could celebrate?”
“I have some wine in my apartment…if you—if you want to come over and have some with me.” He gazes into your eyes and you see them soaking in something you don’t fully recognize. This is new territory. “If you want.” He finishes softly.
“Hmm,” You look off to the side innocently, clearly teasing him and he’s trying not to smirk when you question cutely, “I wonder if that’s what I want?”
“Maybe you want something else?” You’re surprised by the drop in his voice. “A different drink, I mean.”
You turn your head to face him quickly, your cheeks feeling like they’re on fire as you stare into his eyes. He’s the one teasing you now. “I guess I could explore my options.” Is what you say and he nods towards the direction of his apartment.
“Perfect. See what the options are and tell me what it is you want…” He pauses, eyes looking darker before he smirks. “And I’ll give it to you.”
You cannot hide your amusement, eyes on him when you begin following him to his place, three doors to the left. When he stops in front of his door, he puts the code and lets the both of you inside.
“Welcome to my—wait, wait.” He suddenly stops, spinning in his spot when he remembers…
“Is…” Your eyes go to the wall to the right when you spot something familiar. “Is that mine?” You ask him, finger pointed at a small portrait that is hung up.
“Um,” He looks around awkwardly, “Yeah, I guess.”
“You guess?” You quirk a brow, lips spreading into a grin. “You bought my art? When?”
Taehyung shakes his head with a smile, trying to rid himself of the slight embarrassment. “Uh, like a year ago?”
You walk closer to it and inspect it when your mouth falls open and you face him again. “I remember this one.” You tell him quietly. “I was struggling to create anything. So finally I made this and I was told how not good it was…” You chuckle, cheeks heating up all over again. “I was shocked when it got sold.”
Taehyung blinks at you, surprised. “Not good?” He walks closer to you, his eyes going to the small portrait. “It was my favorite one.” 
“Why?” you ask but he’s quiet, eyes still on your art.
“I felt like I understood it.” He finally tells you. 
“Understood it?”
“Lost.” Is all he says. 
And although in the last couple of days Taehyung has made your body react in different ways like excitement swirling in your lower belly. But today, right now, you think this is the first time your heart is the one reacting. You feel it bang against your chest roughly. It wants to jump out. 
“I think I do want wine.” You tell him quietly, your voice barely audible. 
He faces you and extends his arm out, “Whatever you want from me you can have.” He says it with such subtlety. 
You take a seat on his sofa as he fetches you both a glass of red wine. You look around his place…small and cozy like yours but his furniture looks a lot more modern. Well, that makes sense, you think. Your furniture is your mom’s from a storage unit, who knows how old it all is. 
“Here.” He hands you a glass, “Taste it and tell me what you think.”
You look him over as he takes a seat right next to you and raise a brow. “You want me to tell you if it’s good, huh?” And then you bring the glass to your lips and take a sip, “It’s good.”
“I like to know these things.” He shrugs while he sips his own drink. “So,” He brings the glass to his lap. “Did you have a boyfriend or you know, someone uh, special like that…” He clears his throat, “Before coming back home?”
“You want to know my relationship status?” You try not to sound too teasing but he sees right through you.
“I told you I was curious about you.”
“Well, I’d hope I’m incredibly single since I’ve been pretty forward with you recently.” You say as nonchalant as possible making Taehyung chuckle.
“Maybe you’ve said a thing or two that made me sure. But I thought I should still ask.”
“Are you? You know, incredibly single?”
“Oh?” You laugh before taking another sip. “So Ida isn’t in the picture then?” You eye him with your lips still on the glass and he shakes his head frantically.
“No. no.” He waves a finger at you, “Have I innocently flirted? Maybe.”
“So is that what you’re doing with me?” You bring the glass down now, playful glint in your eyes. “Innocently flirting with me?”
“No,” He smiles, blush on his cheeks and a fiery warmth crawling up his neck. “It’s not so innocent, I don’t think.”
“Well, thank god.” You tease him and he’s loving this side of you, you can tell. He’s looking at you with such mirth. “Can we share something then?”
Taehyung eyes you curiously, “Like what?”
“Even when we weren’t on good terms…ever had not innocent thoughts?” You bring the glass to your mouth again, taking a few sips while you watch his mouth fall open in surprise. “I can give an example, if that helps.”
Taehyung watches you as you conceal your smirk and he’s feeling his body tingle. “It helps.” He says slowly.
“I thought about your hands every time we were practicing. They’re really nice. I could give that as a regular compliment but since this is ‘not innocent’ I’m sure you can assume what my thoughts about them were like.” You tilt your head innocently, “But don’t worry, those thoughts were short lived since your rudeness killed it.” Now you laugh.
Taehyung is looking flustered but he’s managing to keep his expression calm even though he’s trying so hard not to imagine what your thoughts were like. “Fine.” He tells you with a confidence, “Since you want it, I can give you my own example.”
“You’d show up wearing those legging things and I struggled not to look at your ass in them.” He speaks calmly. Slowly. “But I did. And I am sure you can assume what kinds of thoughts I was having as well.” 
You’re trying not to snort and ruin the mood that’s currently going so you settle for a long sigh, “Yeah, I think I can imagine what you were thinking.”
Taehyung gazes at you, lips parted and eyes growing darker. It’s quiet between the both of you and he decides to kick it up a notch. He’s feeling confident that it’s what you want. “Then tell me what it is you think I was thinking.” He requests this to you, voice slow and deep.
“You want me to tell you what you were thinking?”
“Yeah.” He nods, setting his wine glass down onto the table in front of the couch.
Your eyes follow the glass and you decide to do the same thing, glass set next to his. “Okay.” You breathe out softly, leaning back into the sofa, getting more comfortable as you both turn your bodies to face one another.
“—Mm, mm.” You shake your head, “You told me to tell you so let me speak first.”
He slightly lifts his brows before gesturing a hand to you, urging you to continue.
“I think…” You bite your lip in contemplation, “You’ve definitely thought about fucking me at least once in these last few weeks.”
He’s a little surprised by your vulgarity but it only makes him feel more drawn to you in this moment, “At least once.” He confirms with a sly smile.
“I thought you didn’t like me though?” You tease him, “Kind of contradictory.”
“I told you I didn’t hate you, y/n. I was mad. Different.” He shrugs, “But I’m still a man. With eyes.”
���Oh? That’s right and you know how to use your eyes, huh?” You keep teasing, “That’s why they were always on my ass?”
“Always?” He challenges you. 
“You probably thought about dropping your hand lower, you know, every time we danced.” You keep going, “Did you want to cup me in your hands?”
“You would have liked that, right?” He keeps challenging. “Since you’re a fan of my hands.”
“And what exactly do you think I was thinking?” You turn it around now, “Huh?”
“Depends.” He leans a little closer to you, “How explicit am I allowed to be?”
“Rated R. We’re adults.” You smile cheekily.
“Okay…” He thinks for a moment, his eyes never leaving yours. “I am willing to bet you thought about my fingers when you touched yourself. Maybe you wish they were mine?”
“Oh, that’s a bold assumption.” You crack a devious smile. “Hmm.”
“Are you doing that thing again where you aren’t willing to confirm nor deny?” His drapes his right arm over the sofa and his fingers find your shoulder. “That’s a little mean.”
“Didn’t I say it was my turn to be mean?” You take a breath before continuing. “The wine has been good, by the way. You kept true to your word, you gave me what I want.”
“Is there anything else you want?” He strokes your skin and goosebumps begin to rise and he’s concealing the smile that wants to spread. You react to his words and he’s enjoying it.
“What else are you offering?” You whisper the question, eyes going all across his face, lips included and he decides you’ve flirted enough.
“Me?” He asks innocently, despite the fact he’s looking at you with such a wanton expression. “I would probably kiss you if that’s what you wanted.”
“Hmm,” You lick your lips, your own eyes clouding over, a lewdness corrupting you from the inside out. “Is that what I want?”
“Tell me.”
“Fine,” You lean forward a little, your body wanting to move on its own and his does the same. “I do.” You whisper again, eyes on his lips but his hand goes to your cheek now.
“Before I kiss you,” He strains in his spot, wanting nothing more than to do that. “I feel the need to tell you I might have developed an actual crush on you and I hope this isn’t a one-time thing.”
You stare at him, only feeling yourself grow hotter from his words. “Good.” You lean forward more, eyes beginning to close when his face inches closer to yours, his warm breaths hitting your lips. “I’m hoping for the same.”
Taehyung feels a satisfied, roll of electricity sweep over his skin and his hands go to your hips as he pulls you closer to him. You feel hot under his touch. Taehyung leans in more, his lips slowly finding yours, he’s careful and smooth but the sensual movement of his lips moving over yours has you surprised. 
Your hands go to the back of his neck, urging him to deepen the kiss. He falls forward more, your bodies closing in on one another as he kisses you deeper. He’s guiding your body to lay back, his hands now roaming your back. Lips still exploring your lips and your stomach starts flip flopping the moment he lightly sucks onto your bottom lip, little moan escaping you and his tongue sweeps through. He rolls it over your tongue, moving so slow and expertly. 
Taehyung moves to slot himself between your legs, his kisses grow more frantic and you’re matching his passion with your own. He’s groaning into your mouth the moment he rolls his hips into you, your legs instantly wrapping around his waist, heels of your feet pushing him closer to you. 
He bucks his hips into your center harder and you can feel an obvious erection grinding against your clothed core. It starts driving you wild. You move your face to the side, needing a moment to breathe and Taehyung takes this opportunity to plant wet kisses all across your jawline. His teeth nip at your throat and his tongue slides against your skin, making you breathe heavier and heavier. 
“How far do you want to go tonight?” He whispers roughly, lips at your ear.
“Far.” You say quickly, your hands in his hair as you try to push his head down more. He gets the hint in an instant. He kisses down your neck, to your collarbones and he’s quick to slide his hands up your shirt, and under your bra, his long fingers groping your breasts. “Here?” You ask breathlessly. He looks up at you, confused. “You want to do this here? On your couch?”
He smirks before sitting up straight, his hands going to yours as he guides you to sit up as well. “Would you rather be in my bed, y/n?” He asks, head nodding in the direction of his room.
“Yeah.” You admit, “I would also rather if you lost some clothes.”
“Me?” He grins at you. “Let’s go.” Taehyung stands from the sofa, his hand taking yours and he guides you to his bedroom, and once inside he slips his shirt off. “How’s this for a start?”
“It’s a start.” You chuckle, sitting on his bed. “How does it end?”
“Me inside you hopefully.” He cracks a smile, “If that’s what you meant by far.” 
“Come here.” You sigh, your own shirt coming off, along with your bra. Taehyung pauses, his eyes raking over your bare torso and he sees how you start pulling your pants lower.
“Wait.” He comes to you quickly, hands looking greedy as his fingers go to the waistband and he’s assisting you. “These too.” He whispers, your panties being dragged down as well. “Fuck, you’re pretty.” He tells you when you lean back on his bed, completely naked.
He crawls over your body and his lips are everywhere. Your breasts, your stomach, your hips and you’re struggling to keep it quiet when his mouth and hands feel so good roaming your body like this. He lowers himself, face between your thighs, eyes on your fucked out face when his fingers go to your heat. He spreads your folds and his fingers are quick to get sticky from how wet you’ve become.
You’re watching him and then an idea comes to you, you smirk and use his words from earlier, “Taste it and tell me what you think.”
Taehyung can’t help the lazy smile on his lips, his own expression probably looks as fucked out as yours. He leans forward with his eyes still on yours when he licks up your cunt. He keeps his tongue playing with you, swirling around before pulling back a little. “It’s good.” He teases.
You laugh a little, head falling to the mattress when his tongue digs in again, licking your clit with the right amount of pressure and you start to lose it. He’s quietly groaning into your pussy, your mind hazy at the sound. And finally, his fingers start joining the fun. He has one at your entrance, slowly pushing it in and you gasp at the sudden intrusion but he doesn’t let you think about his one finger too much because now he’s pushing in another.
“That’s…” You moan, “That’s good.” 
He curls those two fingers before moving them, fucking your hole with technique like he has long mastered this skill. You’re squirming on the bed, body tensing as he builds up your pleasure. He can feel your walls shuddering against his fingers and he figures you’re close but maybe he could have assumed it based on how vocal you’re getting.
Your hands go to his hair, pushing his face further into you and he moves his tongue faster and you’re left with heavy breaths leaving your parted lips. You come. You finish all over his face. Out of breath, you continue to squirm when he keeps eating you out, the pleasure going into overdrive. You slam your eyes shut, trying to handle it but you can’t. Not tonight, anyway.
He understands, pulling his face back and his fingers leaving your hole. He stares down at you, eyes filled with lust and need. He stands, undoes his pants and pulls them down his legs along with his underwear. You try to keep your eyes on him, his length exposed to you and you mumble to yourself, “Holy shit.” You say between erratic breaths. You were not expecting him to be this big. 
“How do you want this to go?” He asks you, his own chest heaving. So ready to fuck you, he’s painfully hard at this point. “What position will help you come?”
He’s thoughtful, you give him that. You smile, still breathless while you answer. “Probably on top.”
“Fuck…okay, yeah. I’m going to fucking love that.” He says before making his way to one side of the bed.
“But I really want you to have a view of my ass so.” You smirk at him, lifting your body from the mattress.  “Lay back. Maybe stack some pillows, I have a feeling you’d like to watch intently, hm? Have a good view.”
Taehyung sucks in a sharp breath, his hands going to his cock, fingers lightly stroking it. “Okay.” He says, hand leaving his aching member and then he’s piling a few pillows before he lays down and leans against them. “Condom.” He point towards his night stand.
You glance at the nightstand, reaching over to open the drawer and grab one before handing it to him. “Put it on.”
His fingers move fast, ripping the package and sliding the condom onto his hard standing dick. “I’m ready for you.” Is all he says, breaths so erratic it makes you feel so turned on again, like you were never touched in the first place. 
You crawl over his legs, eyes staying focused on his eyes. You make it to his lap before turning in your spot, your back facing him and he loses his mind. Eyes on your back before they fall down to your ass. You take a moment, looking down to his how hard he is. You reach for his length and hear him let out a long sigh, fingers wrapping around him. 
After a moment, you lift up and bring his cock to your hole, letting it brush against you, spreading your wetness. His hands go to your hips, fingers digging into your skin and you moan out when you push the head of his cock inside you. Taehyung’s body shudders the moment he starts entering you.
You slowly slide down, pausing every few seconds as you adjust. Thighs already shaking as you take him, his impressive size stretching you open. And finally, you both moan in unison once you’re completed seated. You exhale deeply, trying to fully adjust to him. He watches your back, letting you take your time. Suddenly, you feel the warmth of his soft fingertips at the nape of your neck and then he is slowly sliding his fingers down, tracing your spine with the most delicate touch. Your hips move forward at this sensation. 
And then he’s taking both of his hands, grabbing onto your hips before he cups your ass, squeezing the flesh and you smirk. You turn your head to see him but his eyes are focused on your body, not your face. He looks like he’s going to melt at the sight. You feel ready, motivated even as you start moving your hips…you grind into him a few times, his grip getting stronger on you. You finally rise from his pelvis and sink down again. Over and over. Riding him with a consistent rhythm. God, it feels so good. His cock is nestled so deep inside you and every time it brushes against your walls you have to remind yourself to keep another orgasm at bay. 
Taehyung is loving the view. He’s trying to keep still but every now and then he thrusts upward and you swear you try not to crumble at the feeling. He’s hitting your spot so accurately that you’re whining and whimpering on top of him…he knows exactly what he’s doing to you. You ride him harder and faster, your stamina surprising you but you are chasing this orgasm now.
“Fuck, if you keep…” Taehyung mumbles, his moans are deep and grumbly. “I’m going to come…” He warns you, voice shaky 
“Good.” You cry out as you slam down harder, your walls squeezing him tightly. Your fingers find your clit and you start rubbing yourself, getting you closer so you can come at the same time as him. “Fuck,” You moan. “I’m going to come too. Come now, fuck, come now.” 
Taehyung grips your hips again, his head rolling back into the pillows as he bucks his hips up and comes into the condom. 
He goes weak, eyes rolling around, trying to remain sane as you keep fucking yourself onto him before you finally come undone. You roll your hips, grinding as you ride out your high. You are fucking exhausted. 
“Holy shit…” He starts sitting up, lips going to your shoulder. “I’m serious, this is not a one-time thing.” 
You laugh, your body is hot and tingly. “Definitely not.” 
“I should take you on a date then, right?” Another kiss.
“I think so.”
6 months later
Taehyung has an arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to his body. When you’re all snuggled up to him he places a kiss to your temple. “She would love it.” He tells you softly. His eyes on the painting you finally finished, it’s 12x 12 and you momentarily sit it down on top of your mother’s grave. 
“Yeah, she gave me the idea for this before the festival.” You smile, “I can’t believe it’s already been 2 months since she’s passed.”
“Yeah, me either.” He admits, “I miss her.”
“Me too.”
“You know,” He looks at you, eyes on yours when you look back at him too. “I was thinking, since your art inspo is back and all…”
“What if…we turn the dance studio into an art studio as well? There’s plenty of practice rooms we could turn into art rooms? I’ll handle the dance lessons. You can teach like painting classes or something?” He eyes you carefully, wondering what you’ll think.
“Oh.” You raise your brows a little, “That’s kind of a good idea.” 
“Isn’t it?” He asks more excited. “What do you think? Should we do it?” 
“We could try.” You say the words slowly, tempted to bury your face in his chest because he looks so cute like this. All excited and warm and handsome and damn, you’re in love. “We would have to make some changes at the studio for sure.”
“Yeah,” Taehyung grins, eyes lit up with something so tender. “But changes are good, right?”
You gaze at him for a moment before your eyes go around the cemetery, trees are tall with green leaves and you notice all the beautiful flowers that have recently bloomed. “Yeah.” You nod, heart beginning to glow before you look back at Taehyung. “They are.” 
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ruershrimo · 10 months
so I saw your Christmas event thingy and wanted to request a #13 with lyney x reader, preferably fluff but not like overly fluff so it becomes cringe (I sound bitchy I'm sorry😭)
Anyways congrats on 2 years on the blog,don't forget to eat and drink, mwah mwah(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
the christmas mix | #13- baby it’s cold outside | lyney x reader
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event masterlist
features lyney
notes: hiii<33!! thank you so much for requesting (and for being the first one too!!) aaaa!! anw I’m so sorry this came so late but I wanted to write something a bit longer (to be honest, I still feel like this one’s pretty incomplete, so I may write a part 2 for it!! I just didn’t want to take too much time so I just want to give this to you first.) and I really wanted it to be good because you seem so sweet aaaa <333. but ANYWAY thank you so much and have a merry christmas, mwah!! lmk if you need a rewrite of this and my apologies if there’s not enough (?) fluff (??) or if it's too short!!
warnings: none, except for the fact that it's fem reader, really (I hope that's okay!!)
summary: (set before the current events of the game) it's in the winter of his first show at the opera epiclese that he meets you. you think you may be falling for this stranger, this all-too-busy magician. it's alright if either of you have to go, though, the two of you can stay together-- it's too cold outside, after all.
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The first time you meet him, the both of you are young and he’s a nameless stranger you meet at a friend’s party. You hit it off with him and glass bottles clink against each other before you bring the rim of yours to your lips and sip your fonta. 
“So, what brings you here?” you ask the stranger before you. He’s a new, unheard-of magician, you’ve been told. You think he’s the epitome of what magic should be in a world of surging elemental powers and mythical beings— a perfect mix of misdirection and secrets— with all his charm and mystery, and that little bit of dramatic flair he uses to present himself. 
“My sister and I were invited to perform, it seems,” he explains, taking his own sips in, “And you?” 
“Invited? Why, I just waltzed my way in like most of the others. Do you think I’ll be seeing you up there later, then, Mister…” 
“Lyney. Mister Lyney.” 
“…Mister Lyney.” 
“And you won’t be seeing me, anyway. I’ve told the host that my sister and I must attend to some urgent business concerning our first show at the Opera Epiclese tomorrow.” 
“Hm,” you hum, “The Opera Epiclese, huh? Glad to know I’m speaking to a future big shot. Remember me when your tickets are worth every gem and mora in Fontaine, won’t you? I don’t think I’ll be able to steal each and every one to see you again.” 
“Of course,” he grins, “And you won’t have to steal anything, I promise. Nothing would be worth as much as you.” 
“You’ve a penchant for words, I see. And here I thought budding magicians were often shyer than this…” 
“Our introduction to being in the limelight would not change my occasional sharing of the truth. Then he lays his bottle down on the table, and it’s silent and so very unlike how you thought he would based off your initial impressions of him, and so very different from how anyone else would after drinking fonta. He sets it down quietly, stealthily, as if if he were to clash any louder against the wooden table’s surface he would dart out of the host’s house while the liquid in the bottle barely moves, appearing like creases on a red velvety tablecloth. “But!” he exclaims, “Now I really must get going—” 
His voice is like a twinkle out of a music box, its melody even better than the one bursting out of your friend’s gramophone; his eyes are like a velvet coat that pair well with his cheshire cat-like smile; his hair is silky as it is silvery and you want to run your fingers through it. 
So you don’t want him to go. 
“Leaving so soon?” 
“Well, the magician’s life just so happens to be a busy one, dear [name]—“
“Oh? Mr Lyney, I don’t recall having ever told you my name,” you remark, quirking up a brow and holding him by the wrist as he begins to get up. 
The mister giggles, “I’ve heard of you before, of course. Our host informed me of who you were— and so did everybody else at this lovely soirée. Why, who hasn’t heard of the eccentric, renowned [name]? But I really should get going.” 
“Oh, but won’t you stay? It’s just so dreadfully cold out and it would be a shame if you and your sister were to get sick from the winter winds right before your grand show. Goodness, I’ve heard of the severity of all the snow and hail these days, and even some of my acquaintances have nearly succumbed to hypothermia due to it all!” 
He feigns a sigh, his voice like velvet wrapping around your eyes and ears and engulfing your senses, as he sits down again as you keep a firm grip on his wrist, “Well I hope they’re well into a good recovery, [name], but Lynette and I have the thickest coats and a great tolerance for the cold due to our brief time in Snezhnaya a few years ago—”
You pry a little further. “What got you into Snezhnaya, Mister?” 
“Oh, please, that’s certainly a story for another day—” he starts again, taking hold of his hat. 
“Well even if you wouldn’t like to tell me, Mr Lyney, I must know everything I can about you— everything you’d like me to know— in these few minutes you still have. So, please stay?” 
He sighs again, freeing his hat and his coat. “Alright, since you’ve been such lovely company, perhaps I’ll just stay for one more sip.” 
“Perhaps you could stay for one more bottle?” you cheekily suggest. 
“Five more sips.” 
“Please, just one more bottle…” you suggest again, “And come rain or shine I’ll be sure to come for all your future shows, whether they be in the Epiclese or not. Your first one’s tomorrow, right?” 
“…you, my dear friend, have a deal.” 
You laugh, “That took more convincing than I thought it would.” 
“Well you’re definitely persistent as you are eccentric,” he comments, digging into his pocket to reveal a deck of cards, “Now, allow me to show you a magic trick as we chat through our next bottle…” 
“Didn’t think you’d be the Casanova type,” Lynette jabs as he finally exits the building, “So you just left [name] there as she kept talking to you?” 
“Well, you know how things are,” he says. 
He already knows he can’t afford this. He’d been honing his magic for years from the streets to the halls of nobles’ houses to their rooms in the House of the Hearth for the sake of Father’s cause. If he were to let just anyone in, if he were to fall back from that tower of deception and secrecy and let it topple, then— 
“I’m sure that Father would be alright,” she states, a knowing, teasing lilt in her voice, “We won’t even be that late.” 
There are a handful of things you know about him by the second time you meet. That he used to perform solely on the streets and was then offered the chance to have a show at the Opera Epiclese after gradually gaining renown over the years; that like the cats he adores, he likes fish dishes; that he and his sister have a younger brother. 
The hall itself seems empty, the hues of each chair blurring together to form a sea of gold and red. 
“Why, it seems we meet again!” a voice echoes from behind you, then softer, it goes, “You’re earlier than I thought you’d be, though. And in the front seat.” 
“I know,” you smile, torso twisted, “I wanted to be extra early. And don’t ask how I got to the front seat, would you?” 
(In truth, you’d purchased it from someone who wouldn’t be available and was selling their front seat ticket at a much lower price than it should have been. No theft had occurred.) 
He moves in front of you. “To talk to me once more, I assume?” 
You pause and hum, tilting your head in an acted-out thought process. “Of course.” 
“Well,” he starts, “I still have more things to get ready backstage, and more props and tricks to prepare, so I don’t think I’ll be able to.” 
“Oh, I don’t mind, go ahead—”
He panics. “—But it’s you, so I’ll make some time. About five minutes, possibly— in truth, I do have a trick for you, dear [name],” he says, the words pouring out of him like a magician’s trick of pulling out an infinite number of differently coloured silks sewn together from his pocket. 
You lean forward in interest, and you try not to notice the barely audible gasp threat’s pulled from his lungs as he almost unwillingly backs away, then schools himself again. Maybe you were leaning in too much? “Show me, then,” you say. 
“Alright, then,” he begins, “I have a flower in my hands, and—oh? It’s disappeared!” he narrates, the sun-coloured flower vanishing with a flick of his hand. 
You raise a brow. 
“Now, have you noticed anything near your ear?” 
“My ear—?” Then to your surprise, you feel something tickling at the skin between your scalp and your ear, finding a whole stem tucked behind it. You pluck the flower away, bringing it to your nose and inhaling its scent. “Well, wouldn’t you know.” 
He giggles, “Do you like it?” 
“I do,” you reply, “I just thought you would’ve used a rainbow rose instead. But I love marcottes, too— they have such a sweet, light scent. Marcottes symbolise purity and sincere care,” you recite from a book you’d read, “And rainbow roses… well.” 
“Why, I’ve never learned of the language of flowers before,” he remarks, “…but I can start.” 
“Oh, really? Well, I don’t want you to take up too much of your time— a magician’s life is a busy one, no?”
“I suppose we all have to trade the time we have for something we care about no matter how little of it we have.” 
“Hm, I suppose so. Now, go—! Ten minutes have passed, mister!” 
“Oh—? But I’ve one more thing I need to say, dear [name],” he hurries, taking your hand and lightly pecking it, then letting his lips go and keeping your hands together, “You should stay later. It’s too cold outside for anyone to leave, but… if you need it, once everyone has left, you’re always welcome to stay and bask in the heating the Epiclese provides. Lynette and I will have to stay here for a while after, anyway.” 
You grin at his invitation— or his request, maybe. “I will.” 
“And, Lyney?” you call right as he turns back to face you again. “You’re always welcome to visit me in my own home.” 
You scribble your address on a piece of paper as people start to trickle in. It’s as if there are half as many people as there should be. It’s a sour thought, and, hopefully, in his next show, there’ll be more people.
The marcotte is tucked tightly between your index finger and thumb for the whole show. You bring its petals to your lips when the show is over. 
You hand the paper to Lyney after and you praise his show as you bid him farewell. You leave only a second earlier than he does with Lynette in tow. 
In the frigid winter weather, Lyney heads out, shivering, and buys a bouquet of rainbow roses as well as a book on the floral language of Fontaine. 
The show actually turns out to be a smashing success among the people who had watched it. The names Lyney and Lynette appear on the Steambird three days after the show, and you have the pleasure of reading an article about it, with details on a trick involving water and fireworks, written by one journalist Charlotte. 
The same day you read it, you open your door to see a bouquet of rainbow roses near your doorstep, hoisted and kept upright by the edge of the door and the wall. 
You wonder how they could have stayed alive without freezing, but you take it in. You already know who it’s from, even though there’s no name, no address— nothing. Nothing besides a note in elegant, cursive handwriting, saying “Thank you for coming.”
A dig through your house finally reveals an old vase of your parents’, a gorgeous, transparent vase of glass with patterns of roses embellishing it near the bottom that you trace with your fingers. You fill it with some tap water, remove the wrapping around the flowers, and place them in the vase. 
They rest near your bed and though the days are getting colder your heart warms at the sight of them every morning. 
So as it gets cold outside you think you’re falling for the all-too-busy magician, with his mystery and his tricks and his beautiful silver hair and violet eyes. 
You ought to invite him sometime during Christmas. And hopefully you can keep him for a while, too, as the fireplace crackles. It’ll be too cold outside, anyway. 
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event taglist (please send an ask if you'd like to be added!):
wishing everyone a merry christmas ♡!
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zazima · 9 months
im rusty. so rusty. and also extremely late for christmas. i may as well have waited 350 days until the holidays came around again, but im trying to write more this year, so hear you go? eek im nervous. please pardon any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes. enjoy! also tumblr doesn't seem to have line breaks so sorry if any time jumps are confusing.
also a warning for language and mentions of wanting to step in front of a bus as an extreme response to being embarrassed. i swear this is all fluff otherwise.
Harry doesn't know what to get Sirius for Christmas.
Well, to clarify, Harry doesn't know if he can get Sirius anything adequately worth a damn. Because how can a game (magical or not) or piece of art or trinket or any sort of anything say hey Merry Christmas and by the way, thanks for saving me from my horrible abusive household where I lived in a cupboard and for wrangling a fucked up wizarding judicial system so that it both exonerates you from a murder you didn't commit and lets you adopt a kid you only properly met six months ago.
Harry would also like the gift (if he ever manages to find something) to say also thank you for giving me my own bedroom and for making pancakes every Saturday morning and for letting me visit my friends and for playing two-man Quidditch with me and for ruffling my hair and for always letting me pick the film that we watch and for telling me stories about my parents and for always being just enough and for not pushing me when I have nothing to say and for calling me by my name instead of shouting boy angrily-
Harry figures that he should cut himself off there. Any more gratitudes and the gift will literally be impossible to find, lest it be the size of Hogwarts in an effort to cram any and all unspoken messages Harry doesn't have the courage to voice out loud.
So Harry does what he usually does in a sticky situation. He turns to his friends.
No clue mate, Ron writes. I normally get Mum perfume and Dad whatever Muggle trinket he's been obsessing over. So unless Sirius wants a rubber duck, I probably won't be much help. But you could probably give him one and he'd be ecstatic. You're pretty much his favorite person right now.
Ah bloody hell. Do you think I should get Sirius something as a thanks for Pig?
Even though he's sure Ron's right (although Padfoot might enjoy a rubber duck more than Sirius), Harry doesn't have time to add Ron's own gift conundrum to his list of problems, so he turns to Hermione, who ends up being a bit more helpful.
I know you said that Sirius was interested in curse-breaking and how it can be used to help with cleaning up Grimmauld Place, so maybe something pertaining to that? A book or starter kit? Or perhaps something a bit more personal, something he couldn't just buy in a shop. Don't worry too much, Harry. He'll love whatever it is you give him because it's you.
Harry disregards the book suggestion immediately. Sirius does read; over the holiday break the two of them have taken to sitting quietly on opposite sides of the couch in the sitting room, reading books from the Black family library and munching on the latest treat Mrs. Weasley has sent them while flames blaze in the fireplace, only breaking the peaceful quiet occasionally to share whatever interesting passage has just been read. But Harry doesn't want to give a present that reminds Sirius of the exhausting work they do every day trying to make Grimmauld Place a habitable home.
Hermione's other suggestion, however, gets Harry thinking. Something he couldn't just buy in a shop. That obviously eliminates all of the last-resort items Harry had on his mental list, as they were dumb things he had planned to frantically order by mail once he gave up on the idea of finding something good enough for Sirius. But it also opens up a new idea, something that Harry himself had appreciated when he had received it a few years ago.
He begins firing off letters and mail-in order forms with an efficiency Hermione would admire. The owls return in quick fashion, up to three or four a day. Sirius doesn't notice anything at first, but when Hedwig taps on the kitchen window for the second time that day during breakfast, he gets up and lets her in with a raised eyebrow at Harry.
"Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment?" he asks, somewhat incredulously, peering at the label on the package. "Harry, love, you know we can just go to Diagon Alley whenever you'd like. No need to rely on owl post if you're running low on supplies."
Harry flushes and snatches the small, soft package from Hedwig, stuffing it under his armpit and looking determinedly at his porridge. He hopes he doesn't have ACTUALLY IT'S PART OF YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENT written all over his face.
"It's fine," he shrugs, aiming for casual nonchalance with his tone. "It's just a small thing. No point in going all the way down to Diagon Alley. Besides, the crowds would drive you crazy. They'd probably give you a concussion trying to get a picture."
Sirius grimaces, probably thinking of their last attempt to go for an ice cream at Fortescue's shortly before Harry had left for the fall term. They'd returned to Grimmauld Place ice cream-less and with a giant tear down the front of Harry's robes.
"Nothing a Glamour Charm wouldn't fix," he responds, grabbing his own empty bowl and bringing it to the sink. "Anyway, it's not fair for us to be shut up in this damned house because some people can't behave themselves in public. You just let me know whenever you want to go out, alright? I promise I won't breathe down your neck while you look at potions ingredients and whatnot. Even if they all suspiciously happen to be ingredients for an Enlarging Potion."
He manages to ruffle Harry's hair before the boy squawks out a "Sirius!" and darts out the kitchen, cackling in response to Harry's sputtered "I'm not... I wouldn't... SIRIUS!"
As Christmas approaches, Harry begins to stay up later and later into the night, working frantically to finish Sirius' present. One late night (or early morning, really), he hears a gentle knock on his door. He jumps and shoves the half completed project under his comforter.
"Come in!"
Sirius peeks his head through the cracked open door. "Are you alright? I was getting a glass of water and noticed your light was still on."
Harry nods, trying to convey a casualness he doesn't feel beneath the stress of wanting to have the present ready by Christmas morning. "Yes. Fine. I was just... reading." He reaches for his nightstand and holds up the latest book he's knicked from the Black family library for this exact purpose.
Sirius raises an eyebrow. "You sure? I've read that one before. Couldn't last more than thirty seconds at a time without falling asleep."
Harry glances at the cover. He hasn't even cracked it open yet. "It's actually quite interesting. I've always been fascinated by... the evolution of wizarding legalese from 1500 to 1800." He internally winces as the subject matter is finally made apparent to his sleep-deprived brain.
Sirius pauses, clearly sensing that something's up. He must decide that now's not the time to probe further because he says, "Alright. You're stronger than me, then. Let me know if you need anything though." He begins to retreat and close the bedroom door but stops right before he actually does. "I forgot, " he murmurs, opening the door wide and stepping fully into Harry's bedroom. He approaches Harry where he's sitting on his bed. Harry tries to discretely shove the half-finished present further under the covers. "You had a letter downstairs. We must have missed it earlier. I only saw it when I was getting water." He hands over a rather thick envelope to Harry, who flips it over, notes the name of the sender, and smiles, relieved.
Sirius lets out a small puff of air, and Harry looks up at the sound. Sirius pastes on a rather strained smile. "Do you often write to Mrs. Weasley?"
Harry's brain scrambles for a response. "Erm. Not really."
He doesn't say anything else, unsure how to explain away the situation convincingly. A rather awkward silence settles between them. Sirius looks as if he's summoning the courage to say something.
Sirius takes a deep breath. "I'm here if you ever want to talk, Harry. I know the Weasley's have always been great to you, and I never want to feel like you're getting that taken away. But, I just want you to know that I'm also here, in addition to them. For anything. No questions asked or judgement cast. Alright?"
The letter slips out of Harry's grip, as he frantically waves his hands in front of him, desperate to correct Sirius' perception of the situation. "Oh, no, Sirius, I know! I swear it. We were just... planning Ron's birthday present this year. They wanted to throw him a party." The fib comes easily.
Sirius visibly relaxes. "Oh. Ron's birthday's not until April though."
"Yes," Harry's brain scrambles for an explanation. "But you know how Mrs. Weasley is. Always trying to stay ahead. She's already starting to plan the menu. Fretting between bacon sandwiches or chicken legs for the main course."
Sirius shakes his head, a genuine smile starting to form on his face. "Well you know my vote is always for chicken legs. Assuming I'm invited of course."
"You know you're always invited. Mrs. Weasley always wants an opportunity to make sure you're feeding me properly," Harry rolls his eyes. "And Ron thinks you're pretty cool too. Even though you broke his leg."
Sirius gives him a mock scowl. "Hey now! I wasn't in my right mind that night. And I gave him an owl to make up for it! Even though I was probably doing myself more of a favor than him. That damned owl was driving me mad."
Harry giggles, and Sirius' smile grows wider at the sound. He lets out a dramatic sigh and leans over to ruffle Harry's hair, ignoring the sounds of protest that come in response to the action.
"Alright then, love. I'm off to bed. Shout if you need anything, and I'll be here in faster than you can say chicken legs. You hear me?"
Harry nods. "Yes sir."
Sirius scowls for real this time. "None of that now, remember?"
Harry nods again, this time rather sheepishly. Sirius bends over to kiss his forehead before heading out of the bedroom, shouting a "Good night!" over his shoulder before he closes the door behind him.
Harry sighs in relief, pulls the present out from underneath the comforter, tears open Mrs. Weasley's letter, and gets back to work.
The morning of the 25th is bright and cold.
Harry is a ball of nerves as the breakfast plates get cleared away and the two of them prepare to go to the sitting room to open presents. Padfoot had barged into Harry's room at half past seven, barking loudly and leaping onto the bed, nearly giving Harry a heart attack in the process. He'd only finished Sirius' present in the wee hours of the morning and had barely managed to shove it into his desk drawer before he'd fallen asleep.
Sirius had dragged Harry into the kitchen for special Christmas chocolate chip pancakes and hot chocolate but had only allowed Harry to start eating once he agreed to don a ridiculously oversized Santa hat that matched the one Sirius had on his own head.
"If I'd known you liked Christmas so much, I'd have taken you to the Muggle mall to get a picture with Santa," Harry grumbles only half-heartedly as he watches the milk heat up on the hob. Sirius was adamant about making hot chocolate the old-fashioned way.
Sirius laughs loudly and hooks his arm around Harry's neck, pulling him close and planting a kiss on his forehead with a loud smack. "It's our first Christmas together, kiddo! First of many. You can get past your anti-morning attitude for that, can't you?"
"I gueeeeeeees," Harry mock-whines, drawing out the word as he adds the chopped chocolate to the steaming milk. He's secretly pleased that Sirius seems to somewhat enjoy his company. It shows he's not such a terrible charge.
"Thank you for your sacrifice," Sirius states dramatically. He gives Harry one last squeeze before releasing him. "Now come on, let's get to presents. I call going first!" He darts off to the sitting room where, overnight, a large pile of presents has piled in front of the eight-foot tall tree Sirius had dragged home one afternoon (with lots of swearing).
Harry gulps nervously as he pours hot chocolate into two mugs and tops them both with a handful of marshmallows. His hands are slightly shaking as he brings them both to the sitting room. Sirius is poking around the heap of gifts as he enters the room, and Harry spots the hastily wrapped, lumpy package he completed only a few hours ago.
Please like it, please like it, please like it, he silently begs as he sets the mugs on the coffee table. The sight of the gift is almost nauseating, and he keeps his eyes fixed on the hot chocolate.
Sirius turns at the sound to spot Harry and grins. "Alrighty, kiddo, what do you want to unwrap first? I did go a bit overboard this year, you'll have to forgive me. But there's plenty here from your friends!" He's practically vibrating with excitement.
Harry straightens his back and clears his throat. "Actually, do you mind if you do the opening first?"
Sirius pauses. "Are you sure? I swear mine are quite good."
Harry nods vigorously. "Yes. You can start with mine. It's right on top. The green wrapping." Let's just get this over with, he thinks.
Sirius picks up the package and shakes it gently. It makes no noise, and Harry can't help but let out a chuckle despite the knots in his stomach. Sirius grins at him and begins to carefully unwrap the gift.
Harry's legs suddenly feel like treacle tart filling. He lowers himself onto the couch so he doesn't pass out.
The wrapper paper gently falls to the ground, revealing a mound of knit material. Sirius unravels the pile to reveal a rather lumpy, oversized navy blue sweater with a slightly misshapen black dog woven onto the front.
Sirius doesn't say anything.
Harry's heart drops to his stomach. He opens his mouth, desperate to explain away the situation. "It's uh... it's... erm... it's a sweater? I made it?" As if that wasn't fucking obvious, he internally snarls at himself. He shakes his head, trying to organize his thoughts. "Yes, I, um, I made it. That's uh... that's Padfoot. On the front of it. I knitted it."
Sirius doesn't say anything.
Harry's words start coming out faster and faster, hoping something comes out that remedies this clusterfuck of an event. "Mrs. Weasley helped me. She sent me instructions. And the patterns? That 's why she was sending me so many letters. I didn't know how to do it. They aren't throwing a party for Ron."
Sirius still doesn't say anything.
Oh fuck! Harry thinks wildly. He's probably livid I lied. Oh fuck fuck fuck. "I'm sorry I lied to you! I just wanted it to be a surprise," he manages to get out. "That's why I was ordering so much through owl post. I had to get the yarn and the needles. And I kept having to order more yarn because I kept getting frustrated and messing up a lot. I didn't want you to know. Until now, that is. Obviously."
Sirius. Still. Doesn't. Say. Anything.
Harry wants to crawl into a hole and die. But for some stupid, idiotic reason, he keeps speaking. "I wasn't sure if you'd like the color? I actually realized that I don't know what your favorite color is. But whenever Mrs. Weasley makes one for me or for the Weasley kids, she usually does our favorite color. Or house colors. But I figured you have lots of things in Gryffindor colors? Like your wand holster. And then I noticed that you wear a lot of navy. So I thought that might be nice."
If Sirius doesn't say anything, Harry just might call the Knight Bus so he can step in front of it. He decides to get everything off of his chest before he has to do so.
"Mrs... uh... Mrs. Weasley made me one," he explains softly. "My first year. And every year after that. It means a lot to me. I think it was probably the first gift I ever got. And it kind of made me feel like part of their family? A little bit at least. So... so I wanted to give you one. Not from her, of course. But from me. So you could feel like a part of... our family?" His sentence embarrassingly ends like a question, so he hastily tacks on, "If you want to, of course."
Sirius finally moves, and Harry shuts his mouth. He gently sets the sweater down on the armchair next to him, walks over to where Harry is sitting, and pulls him up into the tightest, fiercest hug Harry has ever experienced.
Neither say anything for a few moments. Until Harry can't deal with not being able to breathe and squeaks out, "Uh? Sirius? I can't really inhale."
Sirius releases him quickly and takes a step back. "Sorry."
Harry feels awkward again. He clears his throat, hoping to fill the silence with something. "I hope you like it. But I know it's not done very well. So I can take it apart if you'd rather that. The shop said they'd take the yarn back as long as it wasn't too worn."
Sirius' head snaps up. "What? Harry, my love, I don't not like it. I love it."
Harry's mouth goes dry. "What?"
Sirius gives him a small smile. His eyes look suspiciously glassy. "Harry. You made this for me. You made this for me! It's my favorite color, and it's got me on it! Of course I love it. Not just because you took the time and the effort to make something for me. Because, my goodness, how do you even start with something like this? It must have taken you ages. But also because, well, you said it yourself. I mean, I already felt like part of the same family with the whole adoption bit and knowing you since you were a baby and whatnot, but it's always nice to know you feel the same. And I'm so honored to be a part of your family. Always will be. You have to know that, alright?" Sirius presses their foreheads together. "Alright?"
Harry nods, feeling a little something catch in his throat. He nods.
"Thank you for my gift," Sirius says softly. "I love it. No talk about talking it apart. I'll be proper mad if you do, you hear me?"
Harry nods again. Sirius releases him. He grabs the sweater from the armchair and pulls it over his head. The hem is uneven and the dog looks more like a cat once the sweater settles on his body, but Sirius only looks down at it and grins.
"Now come on, it's your turn to open presents. I don't think any of mine are as good as a handmade sweater, but I hope you like them anyway. And that's got me thinking, we ought to do a Christmas card no? Especially now that I've got a nice sweater on. Mrs. Weasley might tear up at the sight of a photo of the two us. Come on, come on, pick a present."
Harry rolls his eyes without any real heat behind the action. And he doesn't say anything later when he feels a burst of pride when he sees the photo they take in front of the Christmas tree that afternoon, Sirius wearing the sweater with the biggest, proudest smile Harry has ever seen.
He just bottles the feeling and hopes to remember it forever.
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pedroshotwifey · 9 months
Christmas Countdown Day 21 - Christmas Movies
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What to Watch
Pairing: Husband!Marcus Pike x Pregnant!Wife!Reader
Word count: 863
Tags/Warnings: no warnings, just fluff! no use of y/n or reader description other than her being preggo, sweet nicknames, sweet feels, reader and Marcus have two kids, good dad marcus pike, stuff im forgetting
Summary: Marcus never fails to save the day
A/N: This is a cute one! I love the family dynamic when it comes to Pedro characters. Maybe it stems from the fact that I want to give him ten kids. Hope you enjoy this Christmasy fluff!
You’ve been trying to get a movie started for half an hour now. 
It’s a Friday night—family movie night. It’s the last Friday before Christmas, so everyone’s decided to watch a holiday movie. Unfortunately, Marcus is running late, and neither of your children can agree on something to watch. 
“Honey,” you start, trying to reason with your daughter. “How about we watch Thomas’s movie tonight, and then tomorrow, we’ll watch another?” 
Louisa crosses her arms as she pouts, looking absolutely pissed for a seven year old. 
“But Mama, I want to watch my mov–”
“I want the train!” Thomas interrupts her whinilly. You sigh, watching as your four year old’s outburst causes another round of bickering. 
Frankly, even though your daughter is dead-set on watching Barbie in the Nutcracker, you agree that it sounds better than The Polar Express. It may be a classic, but it’s always creeped you out. 
Your strategy right now though is to try to convince your daughter to do the ‘big sister thing’ and let her younger brother have his way just for tonight. 
“Alright, guys,” you say gently after a moment, attempting to slow their arguing. You have no idea what to do to convince either one of them at this point. “How abou—”
Just then, the door opens, and your entire body sags with relief. It’s almost comedic, the way you hadn’t realized you’d been so tense. 
“Daddy!” the kids yell in unison, already making a dash for the front door. Despite your stress, you smile as you hear an ‘oof’ that must be from Marcus getting pounced on by two children. 
You come in a few seconds after them, one hand balanced on your protruding stomach as you lean against the doorway. Marcus has already dropped his work things to kneel down and embrace his kids. 
“Hello my angels, have you been good for your mother today?” He glances up at you with a knowing look, having heard all about their behavior today over text. They’ve been rowdy since they got off school for Christmas break, but you can’t blame them. 
You’ll admit that you love how exciting this time of year is for them, even if it means they’re a bit naughty. The magic won’t last forever, afterall. 
You bite your lip to conceal a laugh as Thomas and Lou give each other a knowing look of their own. At least they can agree on something. Marcus hms thoughtfully as he starts to stand. 
“Let me give your mother a kiss, and then we can talk about what to watch,” he says, rubbing both of their heads. 
You smile and take a step toward your husband to wrap your arms around him. He grabs your hips gently as he gives you a soft kiss. 
“You’re doing so good, Momma,” he says just loud enough for you to hear. “Why don’t you let me deal with this while you go sit down for a minute.” 
You smile at him gratefully, breathing in his scent as he embraces you. 
“Thank you,” you whisper, planting a kiss on his cheek before pulling away to track back into the living room. 
As you sit, you close your eyes and focus on Marcus talking to your children. He’s such a good dad, you have no idea how he does it. 
It’s not long before the three of them are trailing in behind you, the kids snuggling up with you as Marcus takes The Polar Express out of its case and puts it into the DVD player. 
He gets it set up and presses play before toeing his shoes off and sliding behind you on the couch, near the armrest. He gently tugs you back so that you’re tucked comfortably against him, the children resting on you as you stroke Lou’s hair and Thomas’s back. 
Marcus slides his arms around you, linking his hands above your belly and slightly under your swollen breasts to alleviate some pressure. You sigh, relaxing further into him. 
You tilt your head back slightly as the movie begins, giving Marcus a lingering kiss. 
“How did you do it?” you whisper with a slight giggle. You feel him shrug behind you. 
“Just told them we would watch both movies tonight.”
You shake your head and huff a laugh through your nose. You both know neither of them have the energy to even stay up for the duration of one. 
Thomas is already snoring within about ten minutes, and Lou is well on her way. Halfway through the movie, Marcus carefully gets up and carries them individually to their rooms. 
“Poor guys are exhausted,” he laughs, dipping down to slot your lips against yours again. You chuckle in agreement. It’s been a long day of bickering. 
You’re about to open your mouth to speak when Marcus scoops you up just like he had your children, making you squeal as quietly as you can as you wrap your arms around his neck. 
He carries you bridal style to your room and lays you down on the bed before getting in next to you. Tucked within his loving embrace, you’re out like a light quicker than the kids were.
Please consider interacting if you enjoyed this fic! Lmk if u would like to join the countdown taglist <3
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WCC: @amyispxnk @melaninmommy @brittmb115 @mandoalorian @yorksgirl
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Dad Remus x daughter
Christmas fluff with the family
It’s cold here today so I’m going home instantly festive
It was a cold Christmas Eve at Grimmauld place, Iris was decorating the tree with the twins, Ginny and Hermione, she carefully placed the glass baubles on the branches of the tree, “ok now we just need to get the star on top” Iris said picking up the star and reaching up, stretching on her tip toes but not being quite tall enough to reach. “I need a chair” Iris said turning to grab one then was stopped by Remus, “nonsense we just need a bit of teamwork” he said smiling, Iris laughed and climbed onto her fathers shoulders squealing and laughing as he stood up and she tried to keep her balance, Hermione quickly snapped a Polaroid as Iris placed the star on the top of the tree and Remus put her down again. “Now that is a good looking tree” Fred said looking at it, “still think it would’ve been quicker to just use magic” Ron grumbled, “now where’s the Christmas spirit in that?!” Iris said smiling, Ron just rolled his eyes.
“I’m home troops!” Arthur shouted as he walked through the doors, “and I bring muggle gifts!” Everyone gathered round to see what Arthur had brought home with him, George picked up a case of four drinks, “woah what are these” he said, “J…2…0? What a weird name” Fred said reading the label, “it’s shiny!” Ginny said pointing at the liquid inside the bottles, “is it a potion dad?” Fred asked shaking the bottle, “it’s glitter guys look” Iris said looking at the label, “glitter berry” “these are really good I stole one once when I was at the Dursleys one year” Harry said, “right you lot move out the way, go and set the table” Molly said shooing them out the kitchen.
Iris snuck upstairs with Hermione to finish wrapping presents, “hi Kreacher” Iris greeted the grumpy house elf as she skipped up the stairs, she often felt sorry for the house elf and tried to be nice to him whenever she could, even if she only got a growl in response. Just as Iris began wrapping up her dads present the door opened, “DON’T COME IN” Iris and Hermione shouted in unison, “why what are you up to in there? Are you ok?” Remus said as he started to push the door open more, Iris jumped to her feet and pushed the door back, “we’re wrapping presents and you’ll ruin your surprise so shoo” she said pushing the door fully closed, Remus scoffed a laugh and walked back downstairs.
After dinner everyone was settled in front of the fire talking and laughing, Fred and George were stealing wine from the kitchen and Hermione was plaiting Ginny’s hair. Iris sat next to her dad and leant into his side, Remus put his arm around her and carried on chatting to Sirius and Arthur, they started talking about the order to which Iris groaned and rolled her eyes, Remus looked down at her “everything alright?” He asked, “no order talk it’s Christmas for gods sake! I bet even you know who has a little tree and a mulled wine in whatever creepy hole he’s hiding in” she said to them in an irritated tone, Sirius stifled a laugh, “sorry little wolf, I promise no more order talk” he said with a wink.
“Right you lot! It’s late off to bed” Arthur said clapping his hands, everyone groaned, “come on dad it’s Christmas Eve” Ginny whined, “yeah come on Arthur half an hour longer please” Iris pleaded, “I gave you that nearly two hours ago” he said, Ginny and Iris slouched in their seats, Remus chuckled, “come on do as Arthur says, off to bed”, Iris grumbled up at him and stood up following the others up to bed, “goodnight, and lights out! If you start talking we’ll hear you!” Molly called after them. Iris, Hermione and Ginny walked in their shared room giggling excitedly about tomorrow, “I’m so excited I can’t sleep!” Ginny said changing into her pyjamas and climbing into bed, “me too” Iris said sitting up in her bed, “I hope it snows tonight” Iris says smiling, Hermione gasps “oh I hope so! I’ve never had a white Christmas”.
Soon enough Christmas Day rolled around, Iris and Ginny woke up first and were whispering excitedly, they checked the time, seven am, “that’s not too early right?” Ginny whispered, “I think we’re being quite generous” Iris replied laughing, “I’ll wake my brothers up you wake up your dad and uncle” Ginny says then throws a pillow at Hermione, “what” she groans, “wake up sleepyhead it’s Christmas” Iris says giggling, Hermione laughs tiredly, “come on we need your help waking everyone up” Ginny said pulling on her slippers.
They tiptoed out the room, Hermione and Ginny creeping up the stairs to the boys rooms and Iris snuck into her fathers room just down the hall from hers, she leapt onto his bed and hugged him as tight as she could “merry Christmas dad” she said giggling, Remus smiled, his eyes still shut and wrapped his arm around her, “merry Christmas sweetheart” he said his voice still thick with sleep, he squished her close to his chest and faked a snore, Iris laughed “noooo I still need to wake up uncle Pads” she said trying to break out of his grip, Remus reluctantly released his grip on her and Iris leapt out the bed before he changed his mind, “meet us downstairs” she said and ran out the room, she was greeted by a yawning Ron thumping down the stairs, “dads awake, just getting Sirius now” she said grinning at Hermione who smiled back and nodded.
Iris carefully opened the door but Sirius was already awake, “oh uncle Pads you’re awake” Iris said as she saw Sirius sat fully dressed in the large armchair in the corner of his room by the window smoking a cigar. He smiled up at her and extended his arm at her, she skipped over and sat with him in the armchair snuggling into his side, “are you ok uncle Pads?” She asked looking up at him, “Christmas wasn’t as fun for me when I was a child, brings back some memories which aren’t as nice” he says looking out the window and tapping the excess ash off his cigar. “Well this Christmas is going to be your best one ever, we got you a stocking and presents” Iris said grinning up at him, Sirius smiled back and ruffled her hair gently, Iris stood up, “I’ll see you downstairs I need to organise the presents into piles” she said and ran out the room.
Iris sprinted down the stairs and was pulled to a stop by her dad, “Iris don’t run you’ll hurt yourself” he said sternly, Iris took off running again shouting a “sorry!” As she sped off towards the living room where the tree is, Iris started to organise the presents into piles for each person laying their stockings next to them, “breakfast everyone!” Molly shouted from the kitchen, Iris finished the piles and went to the kitchen, everyone except Sirius was there, Iris made sure to set aside a cup of tea and some eggs and bacon for him, everyone wolfed breakfast down as the parents were dragged to the presents by their children. Iris told everyone where to sit in front of their present piles, she frowned when Sirius still hadn’t appeared.
Everyone began opening their stockings that were full of sweets and chocolates and small zonko products. Just as Iris was about to lose hope and put Sirius’ things back under the tree, he appeared, Iris grinned and grabbed the tea and plate of breakfast off the side, she gave them to him, “I saved you some breakfast before the twins scoffed it” Sirius smiled and took his spot next to his pile, he teared up slightly but shook it off. “Merry Christmas uncle Pads” Iris said smiling at him, “merry Christmas little wolf”.
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hellfirehottie · 2 months
California Dreamin' - Eddie Munson
Chapter Five - Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic
Content warnings: dr*g use (w**d), Nina is bad at expressing emotions, mental health warning (hinting at depression, past trauma), lots of fluff, lots of bonding, lots of fonding over each other. Super long chapter as I suck at uploading. Enjoy!
‘Every time I come near her,
I just lose my nerve, as I’ve done from the start. 
Every little thing she does is magic,
Everything she do just turns me on, 
Even though my life before was tragic, 
Now I know my love for her goes on.’ 
Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic - The Police 
Tuesday /  Hawkins High School library /  3:35pm 
Eddie is sitting in the corner of the library at a table, watching the clock intently, waiting for Nina to arrive. 
Nina: [bumbling in the room, carrying books and her bag, chaotic] “Sorry I’m late! I had to pick up my sketchbook and yeah, sorry, I’m here now!”  Eddie: [watching her, amused] “You’re not late at all, you’re early actually.”  Nina: [spinning to look at the clock, sighing in relief] “Oh thank god.” [setting her bag and books on the table] “Right, English. Did you find a song to write about?”  Eddie: [pulling out some scruffy pieces of paper from his bag, laughing to himself] “I found five actually. Couldn’t decide which to pick.”  Nina: [still getting herself organised] “Let’s see them!”  Eddie: (concerned) “Do you need a minute? If you’re busy we don’t have to do this, you don’t have to help me.”  Nina: [eyes wide] “No, not at all! Just having a bit of a whirlwind day. Show me the lyrics.” 
Eddie mutters ‘okay’ with a smile, handing Nina the papers. Nina fusses with her hair, clipping it back with a claw clip while reading over the lyrics.
Eddie: [taking ‘subtle’ glances at Nina, a small smile on his face.] “You suit your hair up.”  Nina: (shy) “You think so? It’s a mess today, keep getting it caught on everything.”  Eddie: “I think it looks nice. Pretty.” 
Nina smiles warmly at him. Eddie fiddles with his thumbs as Nina continues to scan the pages.
Nina: [thinking out loud] “Wouldn’t have pegged you for a George Michael fan.”  Eddie: (embarrassed) “Guilty pleasure. ‘Careless Whisper’ is a tune.”  Nina: [laughing] “‘Last Christmas’ is the second best Christmas song, I’ll give you that.”  Eddie: (amused) “The first being?”  Nina: [matter of fact] “Band Aid - ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas?’, obviously.”  Eddie: “You could not be more wrong.”  Nina: (laughing, aghast) “What?! What do you think the best Christmas song is then, you music snob?”  Eddie: (amused by Nina’s teasing, smirking) “Fairytale of New York, obviously.”  Nina: (backing down, smiling) “Hmm I’ll give you that one. I love Christmas, it’s my favourite time of the year.”  Eddie: “Not summer?”  Nina: (teasingly) “Why, cause I’m Californian surfer trash?”  Eddie: (blushing, smirking)  “Oh shut up.” 
Nina smiles and reads over the last of the papers, pushing them back when finished.
Nina: “All of these would work. Pick one!”  Eddie: [shuffling the papers around] “Well, I’m sort of stuck between ‘Every little thing she does is magic’  and ‘I want the one I can’t have’. I think I could write more on the Police one.”  Nina: “We’ll do that one then.” 
An hour passes as Nina helps Eddie with the assignment, under-lining metaphors and helping him write notes. Eddie scribbles on the paper, listening to Nina intently.
Nina: “I’ve never listened to the Police. Any good?”  Eddie: “Not my sort of style but Wayne listens to them all the time so I’ve kind of picked them up.”  Nina: “Oh, cool.”  Eddie: (shyly) “I listened to Rumours the other night at work.”  Nina: (excitedly) “Really? Did you like it?”  Eddie: “Yeah, it was good. I liked ‘Go your Own Way’.”  Nina: “That’s one of my favourites. You should listen to ‘Rihannon’, that’s my favourite favourite.”  Eddie: (mocking, smiling) “Favourite favourite? Spoken like a true grammatical genius.”  Nina: [embarrassed, giving Eddie a shove, to which he laughs] “Shut up.” [smirking] “I heard something about you.”  Eddie’s stomach drops, his face contorting with worry. Oh god, who told her I liked her?! He thought.  Eddie: (laughing awkwardly) “You did, huh? What might that be?”  Nina: (airily) “Steve told me that-” Steve, Eddie thinks, that shit stirring little shi- “-One time you got hit on by a cougar at the Hideout and now after every gig you have to avoid Linda Wiseman, the fifty-three year old diner waitress, incase she squeezes your ass again.” [Nina tries to hide her smug grin] 
Oh thank God he didn’t tell her- wait, why did he tell her that?! 
Eddie: [grinning, flushed, trying to play it cool] “She says I have a cute tushy.” [Nina bursts into laughter, Eddie grins proudly] “How did that conversation come up?”  Nina: (embarrassed) “Oh, erm-” [fiddling with her pen] “I heard something about you, wanted to see if it was true.”  Eddie: (teasingly) “And you couldn’t ask me?”  Nina: (awkwardly, blushing) “I dunno, I don’t know you that well yet, I didn’t want to intrude.”  Eddie: [hiding his nerves, faux confidence] “Ask away.”  Nina: “Really?” Eddie: “Sure.” (cheeky) “I quizzed you on your rumours in Science. It’s the least I can do.” Nina: “Okay then…” [smiling coyly] “I heard a rumour that you mooned the entire school at the school talent show in eleventh grade?”  Eddie: (flirty) “Are all these rumours involving my ass?” (Nina snorts and smiles to herself) “And yes that is true, earned myself a week of after school detention.”  Nina: (gobsmacked, laughing) “No way!” (faking thoughtfulness) “Hmm… how about the rumour that Hopper caught you smoking weed in your van and you bribed him with a joint to let you off the hook?”  Eddie: (smug) “For legal reasons, I can neither confirm nor deny.” [Nina laughs loudly and Eddie watches her fondly]  Nina: “How about that Steve was your first kiss?”  Eddie: “Wrong.” [coy] “He was my fourth.” [Nina giggles]  Nina: “You graffitied “Hail Satan” on the side of the school?”  Eddie: “For legal reasons, I can neither confirm nor deny that either.” [Nina raises her eyebrows at him, laughing] “I had a lot of pent up rage last summer.”  Nin: (laughing hard) “You’ve committed murder?”  Fuck, fuck, fuck!  Eddie: “Not true.” (uncomfortably) “Though I did get accused of it though, last summer.”  Nina: (questioningly) “Oh?”  Eddie: (sadly) “A girl, a friend- Chrissy, she was called Chrissy- she died in my trailer.” [coughing away the lump in his throat] “That’s what the whole ‘Jason Carver and his band of dickheads’ witch hunt was about last summer.”  Nina: (quietly) “Eddie, I’m so sorry.” [looking guiltily at Eddie’s glum face] “I shouldn’t have brought it up, I-”  Eddie: “Don’t apologise, you were bound to find out sometime.”  Nina: “But we were having fun and I’ve made you sad and-”  Eddie: [more to himself than Nina] “It’s okay! It’s okay. You’ve not made me sad. It’s in the past now, it’s okay.”  Nina: [after a few moments. making light, teasing] “Wow, drugs, arson and public nudity? What kind of friends is Robin keeping?”  Eddie: (smiling softly) “It doesn’t freak you out?”  Nina: (flirty) “Takes more than a bad rap sheet to freak me out. I like bad boys.”   Eddie: (chuckling) “I don’t know whether to be thankful or concerned.”  Nina: “We’ll go with thankful.” [looking at Eddie, softly] “Y’know, I know we haven’t known each other very long but you can talk to me if you ever need an ear.”  Eddie: (touched) “Really?” [Nina nods, smiling] “Thanks Nina, you too.” (nervous) “With all that California stuff I mean, I’m here if you need someone too.” Nina: (soft, fragile) “I think we’ll leave it there for today.” [Eddie tries to hide his disappointment] “Same time on Friday?”  Eddie: “You can count on it. I’ll be there.” 
Friday / Hawkins High School / 3:30pm
Nina is walking out of Maths with Robin and Steve. 
Steve: “You guys fancy doing something tonight?”  Robin: “Sure, what are you thinking?”  Nina: “Oh I’m helping Eddie with his English assignment. I could meet you guys after?”  Robin: (smirking) “Sure. Meet you at the diner?” 
Nina sees Eddie walking away from the school, up the field, through the woods. Following several yards after him is a blonde girl in a cheerleader uniform. Nina frowns. 
Nina: “Where is Eddie going? Who is following him?”  Robin: “Not sure where he’s going, I think that’s Sarah following him. New head cheerleader, surprisingly nice compared to the rest of them.”  Nina: “Oh.”  Steve: [knowingly, awkward] “I bet it’s nothing. Probably just doing a deal or something. I wouldn’t worry about it.”  Nina: “Maybe he’s forgotten he’s supposed to meet me.”  Robin: [awkward, trying to reassure Nina] “I doubt it. He’ll just have a thing.”  Nina: “Oh okay.” [turning on her heels, retreating to the library] “I’ll see you guys later then. Or in 10 minutes, if Eddie doesn’t turn up.”  Steve and Robin: (uncomfortable) “Sure.” “See you soon!” 
Nina walks to the library, setting her bag down. She chews her lip anxiously, thinking Eddie has forgotten about her. 
20 minutes pass and Nina sighs, disappointed. She begins to pack her bag and leave. 
As she opens the library door to leave, Eddie comes bursting in. 
Eddie: (frantic) “Sorry I’m late! I hadn’t forgotten, I had a… thing.”  Nina: (feeling rejected) “You’re late.”  Eddie: “I’m sorry, I had a thing to do. I’m here now, so teach me Obi Wan Ninomi.”  Nina: (smiles despite feeling glum) “Okay Eddie Skywalker.” 
Eddie stares at Nina, blinking in awe as his heart flutters at her reference. He shakes himself back to normal and unpacks his bag chaotically, papers everywhere. Nina sits awkwardly on a chair, not unpacking her bag. Eddie senses Nina’s quiet, subdued mood.
Eddie: (frowning) “Are you okay?”  Nina: [snapping out of it] “Yeah, I’m fine.” [fake smile] “Are you? You look all flustered and sweaty.”  Eddie: (embarrassed) “I ran from the top of the field.”  Nina: [curiosity getting the better of her] “I saw you walking up there. Meeting someone?”  Eddie: (uncomfortable) “Just a friend.”  Nina: (jealous) “She’s pretty.”  Eddie: (dismissive) “Yeah she is. So, English!”  Nina: (persistent) “Is she your girlfriend?”  Eddie: (shocked) “What, Sarah? No, no!” [laughing] “I could never get a girl like Sarah if I tried. She’s way out of my league.”  Nina: [sad, offended and trying not to show it] “Oh.”  Eddie: [trying to recover, failing] “I mean, she’s not my type. Too mainstream. I’m not interested in her like that. We used to go to primary school together.”  Nina: “Ah.”  Eddie: “I was dealing to her. Don’t tell anyone, it’s not something she or I is proud of. Gotta pay the bills somehow.”  Nina: [nodding, now understanding, still a bit jealous] “Ahh, I see.”  Eddie: (worried) “Don’t judge me.”  Nina: [half defensive, half reassuringly] “Hey, I don’t judge. You gotta do what you gotta do.” [trying to lighten the mood] “We should get stoned sometime.”  Eddie: (excited) “Really? You’d want to?”  Nina: (smiling) “Sure. I go really dumb when stoned though, just warning you.”  Eddie: (laughing) “I once ate an entire box of cereal dry cause I forgot to pour the milk in.” (Nina laughs hard, her nose creasing as she does, Eddie swoons)
Eddie and Nina stare at each other for a few moments, the atmosphere electric, before looking away shyly. Eddie coughs to soothe the flutter in his stomach. 
Nina: [pulling her glasses out of her bag] “So for the assignment, I think if we grouped the ideas in themes it would make more sense.”  Eddie: (blinking) “I didn’t know you wore glasses.”  Nina: (shy, embarrassed) “Oh, yeah, I’m supposed to wear them to read but I hate wearing them.”  Eddie: “They’re nice. You look nice.”  Nina: (shyer still) “Thanks.” [recovering from her damp mood] “So we could do weather metaphors for this point,” [highlighting the lyrics ‘Do I have to tell the story, Of a thousand rainy days since we first met? It's a big enough umbrella, But it's always me that ends up getting wet’] “With the rain symbolising the writer’s emotions -  And we could do hyperbole for this part.” [highlighting the lyrics ‘Every little thing she does is magic’ and ‘I resolved to call her up, A thousand times a day, And ask her if she'll marry me, Some old-fashioned way’ And ‘But my silent fears have gripped me, Long before I reach the phone, Long before my tongue has tripped me, Must I always be alone.’
Eddie watched Nina intently, trying to listen to Nina’s ideas but too focused on watching her.
Eddie: “How come you’re so good at English?”  Nina: (shrugging) “I’ve always enjoyed English.” [Confessional, lighthearted, embarrassed] “Plus this is my second time doing it so I’m nearly a pro now.”  Eddie: “You’re resitting?”  Nina: (awkwardly) “Yeah… don’t tell anyone please. Only Robin knows. I had to drop out last year ‘cause of… stuff. So I started to re-sit my final year in September and then I transferred here a few weeks ago…”  Eddie: (smiling) “Fair enough. This is my third attempt at final year so no judgement from me.”  Nina: (flirty) “Third time’s a charm, right?”  Eddie: (blushing, smiling) “Right.”  Nina: “So, Steve, Robin and I are going to the diner later… Do you want to come?”  Eddie: [excited] “Yeah! I’d love to-” [realising, sullen] “Shit, I’ve got Hellfire tonight… maybe another time?”  Nina: [dejected, but still smiling] “Sure. See you Monday?” Eddie: “Sure. Bye Nina.” [waving a sad goodbye] “Damn it.”  
The Diner / 6pm
Robin: [Slurping her milkshake, in a hushed tone as Steve leaves the table] “So, Nina, You and Eddie seem to be getting along well.”  Nina: [blushing, laughing off her humiliation] “Don’t start, I’ve already had the piss taken out of me all day by Nancy and Jonathan, I don’t need it from you too.”  Robin: “I’m being serious! Just give me a bit of gossip, just a little.” [Robin squeezes her pointer finger and thumb together to exaggerate the ‘little’] “How’s being his study buddy going?” Nina: (shy, stirring the last of her milkshake) “Things are nice, yeah. He’s a nice guy. We get on really well. We didn’t really have that awkward ‘getting to know each other' phase, we just kinda clicked.”  Robin: [Putting down change on the table, getting up to leave] “Do you think you’ll see any more of him outside of school and study club?”  Nina: [Getting up, grabbing her bag, fishing out change] “Honestly, I hope so. He kinda hasn’t made a move yet. I think he only sees me as a friend.”  Robin: “He’d be an idiot not to!” [walking away]  Nina: “Hey, where are you going? We haven’t paid!”  Robin: “Off to tell Steve the good news, he’s almost as gossip deprived as me.” [Robin runs off before Nina can chase after her]  Nina: [chasing after Robin, laughing, trying to grab Robin] “You little shit, come back here!” 
Nina’s Room / 9:30 pm
Nina looks at the clock by her bedside. 9:30pm. 
Robin: “I’m going in the shower, need the bathroom before I go in?” [Nina doesn’t respond] “Nina?”  Nina: (absentmindedly) “Hm?”  Robin: “You okay there?”  Nina: (half-heartedly) “Yeah I’m good. Nah use the bathroom, I’m gonna shower in the morning.”  Robin: (sighing) “Right, okay, what’s up?”  Nina: (laughing to cover her lying) “Nothing’s up, I’m fine.”  Robin: (lightly) “I know you well enough to know when you’re lying, Goose. Spill!” 
Nina pulls out a notebook from under her pillow. 
Nina: “Miss Kelly wants me to do this dumb mental health  journal thing. My punishment for punching Jason in the face. I don’t know, it’s just… I don’t know.”  Robin: “Is that why she pulled you out of Maths today?” [Nina nods, Robin picks up the journal examining it, Nina has doodled all over it, inquisitive] “Hm, that’s an interesting choice from her.” (Curious) “Is she going to read it?”  Nina: “No, she says it’s just for me to process everything in.” [sighing] “I don’t even know where to begin.”  Robin: (thoughtful) “You could write in it like you write your poetry.”  Nina: (softly, glum) “I don’t have any inspiration.”  Robin: (carefully) “Maybe do it one day at a time. Like, a sentence for each day, to summarise?”  Nina: “Sure.”  Robin: [standing up to exit, turning around] “I’m always here if you want to talk, bestie.”  Nina: [smiling kindly] “Thanks, Rob. Goodnight.” 
Nina looks at the alarm clock on her bedside table, 00:23 AM. 
She is tapping her pen restlessly off the cover of the notebook. She is shaking her legs anxiously as she chews the skin off her thumb. 
She clicks the top of her pen and opens the page. 
Her eyes well up and she sighs, throwing the book down beside her on the bed. She lies staring at the illuminations of occasional passing car headlights from the street on her bedroom ceiling. 
Nina looks at the alarm clock on her bedside table. 2:33am. 
Nina looks down at the book. There are multiple sentences written out. 
“I’m scared to open up in case I can’t stop everything from overflowing.” and “I don’t want to get hurt again.” is scratched out harshly.
“I’m scared in case I fuck everything up.” is scratched out in a big black blob.
“I’m scared I’m unlovable”, “I’m scared in case I hurt Robin.”, “I’m scared to want him.” and “I’m scared in case it’s too much for him.” is blacked out, unreadable. 
“I’m scared.” is the only sentence readable.  
Nina throws the book at the wall, cringing at the thump it makes in the quiet house. 
Nina: [quietly, to herself] “I’ve got to get out of here.” 
Nina puts on her sweatshirt and flip flops. She quietly pushes the window up on its hinges, and looks down. She (somewhat carefully) climbs down the lattice on the side of the house and begins to walk. 
03:58 AM
Nina has walked for hours. She walked out of the housing estate, along the empty roads lit by flickering streetlights, through the forest, to a large field. The only sounds around her are the clacking of her flip flops against the rocky pavement and the soft sounds of nature around her. The sky is a deep blue, the sun beginning to crack over the horizon.
Nina hops over the fence to the field, making herself comfortable on the ground with a clear view of the sunrise. She breathes a deep sigh, closing her eyes. She suddenly flinches as she hears footsteps behind her, her heart racing. 
Nina: [frightened, voice cracking] “Is someone there?” [grabbing her pocket knife] “I have a weapon! Back off!”  Eddie: [with his headphones on, oblivious, singing quietly to himself] “Rihannon rings like a bell through the night and wouldn’t you love to love her,” [sighing to himself] “Yes Stevie, I would love to love her.” Nina: [loudly] “Hello? Who's there?” [Eddie walks on a twig that snaps, Nina flinches] 
Eddie hops over the fence, humming to himself as he walks through the field, oblivious to Nina sitting in the field in the tall grass. 
Eddie: “Takes to the night like a bird in fli-AAAH! What the fuck?” [pulling his headphones off his ears] “Who the fuck is that?” Nina: “Eddie?”  Eddie: “Nina? What the hell are you doing?!”  Nina: “I’m… Sitting.”  Eddie: [incredulously] “You’re sitting?! It’s four in the morning, why are you sitting in a field at four am?!”  Nina: [standing up, brushing the grass off her shorts, embarrassed] “I, I couldn’t sleep. Thought I’d watch the sun rise.”  Eddie: [clutching his chest, panicked] “You scared the shit out of me!”  Nina: “You scared the shit out of me! I was calling out and nobody replied, I thought I was about to get axe murdered!” [scalding] “And who walks around in the middle of the night with headphones on?! You could have been axe murdered!”  Eddie: “I… couldn’t sleep either.”  Nina: (curious) “Insomnia?”  Eddie: (shyly) “Nightmares.”  Nina: “Oh.”  Eddie: “Do you wanna, I don’t know, walk together? Somewhere? Maybe?”  Nina: (smiling) “Sure.” [They begin walking through the field] Eddie: (curiously) “Do you wanna talk about it?”  Nina: “About what?”  Eddie: “What’s keeping you awake?”  Nina: [guarded] “It’s okay.” [Eddie looks at her with raised eyebrows, she sighs] “I just can’t turn my mind off. It’s going like a million miles an hour and it just-“ [struggling] “Won’t be quiet. Y’know?”  Eddie: “I get you.”  Nina: (hopeful) “Yeah?”  Eddie: “Yeah. And I’ve got the perfect cure too.”  Nina: (surprised) “You do?”  Eddie: [grinning] “Yeah.” [he pulls out a spliff from his pocket] “Always calms me down when my mind won’t shut up. I was gonna have it to myself but I don’t mind sharing it. If you’d like?”  Nina: “Really?”  Eddie: “Sure, what are f-friends for.” 
Idiot! Why did you say friends?! No way you’ll get out of the friendzone now, dumbass, Eddie thinks. 
Friends? Oh. Better than nothing, I guess, Nina thinks glumly. 
Nina: “We’re friends?”  Eddie: (nervously) “Sure, yeah, we’re friends.” [rambling] “Science partners, study buddies, you’re friends with Robin and  that lot and I’m friends with them too so that makes us friends, I think, yeah, and now your dealer too apparently.”  Nina: “Eddie, chill, light your spliff.”  Eddie: “Oh thank god.” [he puts the spliff between his lips and inhales, then passes it to Nina]  Nina: [kicking the grass from under her feet as she walks] “I really make you nervous, don’t I?”  Eddie: [scratching his neck, flustered] “I- yeah, you do.”  Nina: [inhaling] “Why?”  Eddie: “I- I think you’re really cool.” [taking the spliff off her, inhaling] “Thanks.”  Nina: “Thanks Eddie. I think you are too.”  Eddie: (brightly) “Yeah?”  Nina: (warmly) “Yeah, I do.” [picking at the grass beside her as she walks] “So, do you wanna talk about it?”  Eddie: “About how cool you find me? Sure.”  Nina: [laughing, rolling her eyes] “About your nightmares.”  Eddie: “Nah, it’s good.” [Nina looks at him with raised eyebrows] “I will if you will.”  Nina: (unsure) “Okay. You first.”
They sit further on the field on a clearing, watching the sunrise. 
Nina: “Spill.”  Eddie: “It’s dumb.”  Nina: “Dumb enough to stop you from sleeping.” [Eddie pulls at the grass under him] “Try me.”  Eddie: [embarrassed, looking forward at the sky, rushed] “I dream I’m in this place, like another world kinda but it’s still Hawkins, and I can’t move and these bats are chewing on me and I look down and my body is rotting with maggots and bugs and stuff and I try to call out but my voice doesn’t work, and I wake up screaming.” [looking at Nina warily] “It’s dumb.”  Nina: “Doesn’t sound dumb, sounds traumatic as hell. And also kinda metal as fuck. Good thing it’s only a dream, huh?” [Eddie breathes a light laugh, if only you knew, he thinks.] “How often do you get them?”  Eddie: “A few times a week. I used to get them every night last summer, Wayne had to switch to night shifts cause he didn’t get any sleep.”  Nina: [voice horse from the weed] “That sucks. Have you tried anything for it? Sleeping pills, mindfulness, hypnosis?”  Eddie: [tying the grass in knots] “Yeah, sort of. I gave up on them to be honest, didn’t do much to help.” [taking the spliff off Nina, inhaling] “Now when I get them I just take a walk and have a spliff. Eventually I calm down and sleep again.”  Nina: “I’m the same, sort of.” [looking at the sky] “Life doesn’t feel so heavy when the sun comes up.”  Eddie: (teasingly) “Damn, that’s deep, you’re definitely a poet.”  Nina: [shoving him playfully] “Shut up.”  Eddie: [inhaling, passing the spliff] “Your turn.”  Nina: [rubbing her face stressfully, taking the spliff] “I just- I can’t stop my mind from racing. And I’m scared to close my eyes.”  Eddie: “Why?”  Nina: [voice cracking] “Cause I wake up and realise where I am and it hurts all over again.” [inhaling, tearing up]  Eddie: (joking) “Definitely a poet.” [lightly] “You okay?”  Nina: (nodding, half broken, half hopeful) “I will be.” [inhaling] “Just need to get my shit together.”  Eddie: “You can always talk to me, y’know?” [nervously, can’t look Nina in the eyes] “I know I said it before and we haven’t known each other for long and I hardly have my shit together myself but I’m always here. You can trust me.”  Nina: (smiling softly, warm) “Thank you, Eddie. You too.” [sighing] “I just suck at opening up to people.”  Eddie: (joking) “Try having your guts eaten my demon bats every night, I’m open for every bat and person in Hawkins to feast on.” [Nina laughs]  Nina: (teasing) “Who’s the poet now?” 
Eddie laughs. They both lean back on their hands to watch the sunrise, their hands brush each other's. They sit in silence for a while, hands barely touching, watching the sunrise. Nina shivers as they brush hands again. 
Eddie: (concerned) “Are you cold?”  Nina: (smiling softly) “I’m okay, I promise.” [Eddie is already shrugging off his hoodie] “Eddie, seriously, you don’t have to-”  Eddie: (protective) “Shut up and take the hoodie.” 
Nina smiles and puts on the hoodie. She subtly inhales Eddie’s warm scent. 
Eddie: “Are you tired?”  Nina: (humming, peaceful) “Mm, it’s nice.” [looking at Eddie] “First time I’ve felt relaxed in weeks.”  Eddie: [fondly, heart eyes] “Good. Come on, let me walk you home.” 
Eddie and Nina walk home together. The sky is warm red and purple, the chirping of birds beginning to chorus. Nina’s house is on the other side of town from Eddie’s, but Eddie insists on walking Nina to her door. They make peaceful, content small talk as they walk, and eventually walk in silence, happy in each other’s company. Their fingers brush as they walk, both of them so badly wanting to intertwine fingers.  
Nina: (at ease) “Thank you for walking me home, Eddie. Goodnight.”  Eddie: “Goodnight, Nina.” [sudden confidence, sweaty palms, wide eyes] “Nina, wait!”  Nina: “Oh sorry Eddie, your hoodie, here I-”  Eddie: (interrupting) “No no, keep the hoodie. I, erm, I was wondering-” [rushed, nervous] “I was wondering if you’d like to hang out sometime. Just me and you.”  Nina: (smiling brightly, happy) “That sounds nice.” (blushing, waving goodbye) “Goodnight, Eddie.”  Eddie: (affectionately) “Sleep well, Nina. Goodnight.” 
When Nina enters the house again (through the window) and is out of Eddie’s view, she grins, bringing the neck of the hoodie to her nose, inhaling and sighing happily. As Eddie is out of Nina’s view he jumps up and down excitedly, fisting the air with his success.
Nina falls asleep peacefully wrapped in Eddie’s hoodie. Eddie walks home, singing to himself softly, smiling the whole way home. When he gets home he falls asleep thinking of Nina and he finally drifts into a dreamless sleep. 
Monday / 4pm / Hawkins High School Library 
Nina: (concentrating) “Keep still.”  Eddie: “What…” [bashful, looking up from his writing] “What are you doing?”  Nina: “Drawing you.”  Eddie: [flushed] “You’re- what?”  Nina: “I need volunteers for my art assignment and the lighting here is good. Just keep doing what you’re doing, you won’t even notice me.”  Eddie: [blushing under Nina’s stare] “Okay.”  Nina: (worried) “Is that okay? I mean- you don’t mind?”  Eddie: “No, not at all. Least I can do.” (sweating) “Steve and Robin didn’t volunteer?”  Nina: “Oh I’ve already drawn them. Robin says if I draw her anymore I’ll look like an obsessed serial killer and Steve was way too excited, my sketchbook is filled with Steve’s face.”  Eddie: (jealous) “Oh.” Nina: “His hair is surprisingly hard to draw.”  Eddie: (amused) “Good luck drawing mine then.”  Nina: (concentrating on his features) “You have nice hair.”  Eddie: (self-conscious) “You think so? I keep thinking about cutting it.”  Nina: “No way! You pull off the glam rock hair well.” [Eddie blushes hard, his concentration on his assignment completely out the window.]  Eddie: [hiding behind his hair, mock confidence] “Make sure you get my good side!” [Nina laughs hard, Eddie tries to take a peak of Nina’s drawings] “Can I see?”  Nina: (teasing) “Hey! Concentrate on your own work!”  Eddie: (bashful) “Sorry.”  Nina: (smiling) “Finish the page and I’ll show you when I’m done.”  Eddie: (teasing) “Yes, Mom.”  Nina: “How’s the assignment going?”  Eddie: [returning to his work] “Good, a few more paragraphs and I think I’m done.”  Nina: “Can I read it?”  Eddie: (teasingly) “I’ll show you when I’m done.”  Nina: (laughing) “Well played.” 
Eddie tries to concentrate on his work, failing as he shies from Nina’s gaze. Nina concentrates on Eddie’s features and flicks back to her sketchbook, the soft sounds of the pencil against the paper filling the quiet library.
Nina: “You have very pretty eyes. And a nice smile.”  Eddie: [mock confidence, hiding his nerves] “Stop, you’re fuelling my ego.” 
Nina giggles at Eddie, he smiles widely. He stops writing completely and watches Nina as she draws him, this time she is blushing.
Eddie: “So…” [trying to continue the conversation] “Do you have any plans this weekend?”  Nina: [tucking her hair behind her ear] “Yeah, I’m hanging around the Family Video store until Steve and Robin finish work and then we’re gonna hang out at Steve’s. We’re having a BBQ at his place on Sunday.” Eddie: (stung) “Oh, nice. Fun.”  Nina: (oblivious) “What are you doing this weekend?”  Eddie: (cooly) “Band practice, I think. Then work on Sunday.”  Nina: “Cool. What about after graduation?”  Eddie: (teasingly) “Need to graduate first, then I can plan ahead.”  Nina: “Come on, you’ve got it in the bag!” [Eddie blushes] “You’ve got to have some idea.”  Eddie: [scratching his neck awkwardly] “I was thinking of maybe travelling for a while. Once I’ve got some money saved up.”  Nina: “I love that, that sounds so fun! I’m dying to go to New York.”  Eddie: (excitedly) “Me too! I hope one day my band can play a gig there.”  Nina: “I’ll come and watch, I’ll be your groupie.” [Nina flushes with embarrassment and Eddie laughs, finding Nina’s embarrassment adorable] “That was embarrassing, scratch that.”  Eddie: “Ideally Corroded Coffin would make it big but I don’t know… I’m looking for other jobs too once I graduate, but I don’t know where would have me.”  Nina: “Don’t put yourself down so much, you never know! You’ve already got the rockstar vibe, you could pull it off.” 
They look at each other for a few moments, content in the silence. Nina breaks eye contact first, continuing to shade on the paper. Eddie looks back at his work, the words blurring on the page, his mind scrambled. 
He closes the notebook and turns to watch Nina draw. 
Nina: (shy) “I can’t draw with you watching me.”  Eddie: “Oh, sorry. I can’t concentrate anymore, my head hurts.”  Nina: “We can pick up on Thursday if you want?”  Eddie: [not wanting to leave] “Don’t you need to finish your drawing?”  Nina: (smiling) “I can finish it another day.”  Eddie: “Finish it now. I won’t watch, promise.”  Nina: [quietly, smiling, happy in his quiet company] “Okay.”  Eddie: “What do you want to do after you graduate?”  Nina: [messing with her hair, eyes concentrated on the page, Eddie smiles at her] “It’s lame, you’ll laugh.”  Eddie: “Try me.”  Nina: “I want to be a florist.”  Eddie: “That’s not lame. Flowers and shit.”  Nina: (rolling her eyes) “It’s a bit more than flowers and shit but yeah, flowers and shit. I hope to get my own place once I’ve saved up the money. I can't live with Robin and Sheryl all my life. Maybe travel, I don’t know.”  Eddie: (curiously) “Would you go back to California?”  Nina: (uneasy) “Maybe. Probably not, no. Not much left for me there anymore.”  Eddie: “Friends? family?”  Nina: “Some friends, not good friends though. Family, no.” (Sad smile) “Just little old me.”  Eddie: (worried) “Would you stay in Hawkins?”  Nina: [hiding her sadness] “I can go whenever the wind takes me now, I guess. But Hawkins is nice, Robin is the closest thing I’ve got to family and I like it here, so who knows.”  Eddie: “Well Dustin and Max are pretty taken with you, they’d like it if you stayed. They didn’t stop talking about you after that study group a few weeks ago.”   Nina: (joking) “I think Dustin is just mind blown that he knows a girl who likes Lord of the Rings.” [Eddie laughs, Nina smiles] “But Max, sure, she’s cute. I’m going to take her surfing sometime.” 
As they are leaving the library an hour later, Nina tugs on Eddie’s sleeve. He turns around to face Nina. 
Nina: (shy) “When you’ve finished work on Sunday you’re welcome to come to the BBQ? We’ve got a tonne of food.”  Eddie: (awkwardly) “I don’t know…” [Nina’s face drops]  “I don’t want to intrude.”  Nina: (disappointed) “Well, the offer is there.” [winking] “And it’ll be the last invite I give since you’ve blown me off twice now!”  [waving bye before walking to her car] “See you later, Eddie.”  Eddie: [shouting across the empty car park] “Yes!” [Eddie cringes at the loudness of his voice] “Yes, I’ll come. Might be after 3?”  Nina: [smirking] “See you there.” 
Thursday / Hawkin’s High School / 9:05am
Eddie looks around the school car park for Nina’s car, disappointed to see Robin riding into school on her bike. 
Eddie: “Nina not in today?”  Robin: (sarcastic) “Well good morning to you too Eddie!” (Grumpy) “No, Nina is not in today, neither is her car because she won’t let me borrow it as the car is her “baby” and apparently I drive like a maniac! So yeah!” [angrily locking her bike to the bike stand] “And Steve wouldn’t give me a lift because he spent too long fussing with his stupid hair and was already running late, so now I’m drenched and late.” [mumbling] “Brilliant.” Eddie: (bewildered) “I mean, I can give you a lift home if you want.” Robin: (curiously) “Why would you do that?”  Eddie: “That's what friends do, right?”  Robin: (smiling now) “We’re friends? You class me as your friend?”  Eddie: (smiling) “Sure. Going through hell together kinda qualifies us being friends. What's up with Nina?”  Robin: (laughing) “Oh now I get it, you want to give me a lift home so you can see Nina!”  Eddie: (embarrassed) “No, no! I’d give you a lift regardless. I was just wondering where she was, that's all, we’re supposed to have study group tonight.” [Robin smirks knowingly, enjoying watching Eddie squirm]  Robin: “I’d be offended by your lack of subtlety if I wasn’t desperate for a lift home. She’s got a migraine or something, she didn’t really say. See you after school Eddie!” 
Eddie mumbled a ‘See you’ to Robin before walking to the day's lessons. 
3:30pm / Hawkins High School car park 
Robin hops into Eddie’s car.
Eddie: “Ready to go?”  Robin: (sighing in relief) “Yeah, please.” 
Eddie puts on the radio in the car. 
Robin: (amused) “You got Nina flowers?”  Eddie: (embarrassed) “Erm, yeah. Girls like flowers when they’re sick, right?”  Robin: (smiling) “Yeah, they do.” (thoughtful) “She’d like that. It’s nice you care about her.” [Eddie blushes Robin talks under her breath] “God knows she needs someone to.”  Eddie: (oblivious) “What was that?”  Robin: “Nothing. Just thinking out loud.” [pauses] “Before we go in, I just need to warn you, Nina’s a bit… rough today?”  Eddie: “Like throwing up?”  Robin: “Sort of… like…” [struggling for words] “Not well. Sometimes she can get a bit defensive when she’s ill. Don’t take it personally. It’s a whole ‘dark and twisty’ thing.”  Eddie: (realising) “Oh! Is it shark week? Should I have brought chocolate?”  Robin: (disgusted) “No it’s not shark week and ew! Never say that again!” (struggling to explain) “She’s just struggling a bit today, I think.” Eddie: (worried) “I don’t have to come in if you think I shouldn’t.”  Robin: “No! I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you. Maybe wait outside while I check?”  Eddie: (nervous) “Sure.” 
Robin hops out Eddie’s van, smiling widely. She says a polite ‘thank you’ and opens the front door. Eddie takes a deep breath, checking his appearance in the driver’s mirror, before walking to the front door and waiting patiently. 
Nina walks to the front door, shocked to see Eddie. She’s wearing a Eddie's baggy sweater and shorts, her hair messy and eyes red and puffy. 
Nina: “Eddie… Hi.”  Eddie: “Hi.”  Nina: (shy) “I wasn’t expecting you, I would have made more of an effort.”  Eddie: “Don’t be silly. The jumper is cute.” [Nina blushes, realising she’s wearing Eddie’s hoodie] Nina: "I haven't had a chance to wash it yet, sorry." Eddie: "Don't apologise. Here, Robin said you were ill. I got you these.” [handing out the flowers awkwardly]  Nina: [shocked, heart-warmed] “Seriously? Wow, nobody has ever gotten me flowers before.” (smiling sincerely) “Thank you Eddie.” [looking confused at the flowers, roots and soil covering the bottom of them, then laughing] “Did you pull these from someone’s garden?”  Eddie: [scratching his neck awkwardly] “Yeah, I had to improvise.”  Nina: [smiling for the first time today] “They’re lovely. I love flowers. Thank you. Do you want to come in?”  Eddie: (sincerely) “Oh, if you’re ill I don’t want to bother you. Just thought I’d make sure you’re okay.”  Nina: (happier) “I am now.”  Eddie: “Oh, and I finished the paper. Thank you for all the help.”  Nina: “Really? Already? Can I read it?”  Eddie: “If you want to, yeah.”  Nina: (warm) “I do. Come in.” 
Eddie comes inside, cleaning his shoes on the rug. He pulls the paper out of his bag and lets Nina read over it as they sit on the couch together. While she reads, he studies her frazzled appearance. He smiles softly at her, watching now she smiles as she reads his work, her messy appearance now lit up by her smile.
Nina: “This is brilliant Eddie. You’ve nailed it.”  Eddie: “Thanks. Couldn’t have done it without your help.”  Nina: [eyeing Eddie lovingly] “Anytime.” 
Nina tries to hide her disappointment at not having any more library ‘dates’ with Eddie.
Eddie: [reluctant, awkward] “I better go.”  Nina: [trying to hide her disappointment] “Oh, okay.”  Eddie: [slowly, not wanting to move] “I’ll leave you be. I hope you feel better soon.”  Nina: “Thank you Eddie. And thank you for the flowers. It means a lot.”  Eddie: (smiling) “No problem. See you tomorrow? If you’re feeling better?” [taking one last look at Nina as he leaves through the front door]  Nina: [nodding] “See you then. Bye.” 
Nina closes the door, resting her head on the door, smiling. Eddie lingers in his van for a moment, hoping to get a last glimpse of Nina, shaking his head and driving away, happy. 
Nina returns to school on Friday, happier than the day before. Eddie gives her a smile and a wave, happy to see her in the cafeteria. All Eddie can think about is seeing Nina outside of school hours on Sunday. 
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Next Chapter : Chapter Six - Everywhere (part One)
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veryace-ficrecs · 1 year
Trent/Ted Lasso Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)  
Part 2 here
if the years are all gone by marcaskane (commanderdameron) - Rated T
Nearly two decades before Rebecca Welton hires Ted Lasso as AFC Richmond's new manager, Trent Crimm spends a semester abroad in the midwestern United States. Everything unfolds a little bit differently from there. 
Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered by mardia - Rated E
Ted Lasso: Schrodinger's Witch.
Or, the one where AFC Richmond are leading the Premier League table, and Trent Crimm and the rest of the British press are slowly losing their minds as a result.
 i don't joke about crushing balls by orphan_account - Rated T
The sight is so bizarre, so out of place that for a minute, Roy’s not sure what he’s looking at. Trent (Crimm, the Independent) looks just as shocked as Roy feels. He’s wrapped in a fuzzy blanket, stupid hair ridiculously mussed, and he’s holding a mug of steaming coffee. 
turn and face the strange by rockinhamburger - Rated M
Trent is writing a book, so he's in the room, generally, whilst [AFC Richmond's magical season] fucking happens. 
The Hair and the Whole Vibe by TheWitchsCat - Not Rated
Ted notices Trent Crimm's hair and it's all downhill from there. An exploration of their relationship as it moves from casual to not. Romance and pining and fluff and soft smut for these sweet boys. 
'cause all i want to do is by punk_rock_yuppie - Rated T
Trent didn’t even pause to say good morning, which has become an indelible part of their morning routine (if you ask Ted) since he joined Richmond under the guise of writing a tell-all book.
Clearly, something is very wrong
orange marmalade by arrowxsun - Rated T
or: Trent Crimm comes home to find Ted Lasso waiting for him
“Sorry I’m late mum, traffic was hell and—oh”
Ted Lasso was right in front of him, wearing the apron Trent’s mum got him for Christmas. Trent couldn’t tear his eyes away.
“You’re not my mum” he said.
Wow. That was. Wow. He was a writer, a pretty renowned one for fuck’s sake, couldn’t he come up with something better?
Today wasn’t really Trent Crimm’s day.
Ted Lasso smiling at him like that sure wasn’t helping.
Pen Names and Pining by I_wouldnt_be_one_of_them - Rated M
Trent is a fan of cosy mystery novels. His favorite author is Dora Lariat, a Midwestern American who has recently moved to London and writes themes ranging from baking to football. For some reason Ted Lasso seems very interested by this fact. 
semaphore by trentcrimminallybeautiful (biDEMONium) - Rated T
Four bracelets and thirteen mugs later, Colin might have finally gotten the hint. Because it was directly pointed out by a crowd of himbos, but you know, still! We got there! Right?! Right?! 
PRE-ORDER NOW by spqr - Rated M
“I can’t send this to the publisher,” his agent announces, before Trent can even say hello. “Are you serious, Trent? If this is some sort of joke, I don’t get it—”
“It’s not a joke,” he says levelly, pouring himself a second scotch. “I’m being professional, that’s all. If I wrote a book about my mother I’d have to disclose she was my mother.”
 “Interestingly, the identity of your mother would not fetch quite so many headlines as you being in hopeless gay love with a Premier League manager—”
“No need for the ‘gay’ part,” Trent tells her. “Just ‘hopeless love’ will do, thanks.”
Lies, Damned Lies, and Lies to Journalists by gutterandthestars - Rated T
"It’s bad," says Rebecca, "because Trent Crimm is a very good journalist and knows you just bullshitted him right to his face. Which means..."
“He doesn’t believe I had food poisoning?”
“That’s highly likely,” agrees Rebecca. “And that means….”
“Means you’re fucked,” says Roy, appearing in the doorway. “Because now he’s not writing a story that reads ‘Richmond Coach Shits Himself’, he’s investigating a story he assumes is so embarrassing it’s worth your while to try and cover it up by pretending you shit yourself. And since that is already pretty fucking embarrassing, he’s thinks he’s onto something big.”
A little exploration of how this could have panned out, and why. With eventual kissing!
Season 2 Episode 9 comes on on Friday - I'm clutching my emotions tightly.
A day in the life by GrantaireandHisBottle - Rated T
‘I saw you with a man bun once, it really suits ya. Your hair in general is very nice but the man bun is twelve out of ten. Just saying!’
Trent blinks. ‘Thank you?’
‘You’re welcome,’ the golden retriever personification in Lasso nods and walks back to his own desk. Trent casts a glance at Beard’s empty chair, almost hoping to see some silent explanation of what the hell this was about.
Drawn Sunflowers by ItsClydeBitches - Rated T
This just in, his mind whispered, tone both exacerbated and snide. Local ex-journalist enamored with middle-aged man writing in a journal. Can his life get any more pathetic? Tune in at 11:00 to find out!
Fuck, but he shouldn’t have drank last night. Coming out to Colin had been bad enough. Pairing that with alcohol, mere hours before he’d spend the day in an enclosed space with Ted Lasso, was stupidity, plain and simple.
Still, nothing to do but shoulder ahead. So Trent cleared his throat, wincing at how rough his voice was.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
Boxes by BrilliantlyHorrid - Rated T
“Excuse me, Coach Lasso, could I have a word?” Trent asked, tamping down the butterflies in his belly as Ted Lasso gave him his full attention.
Ted put his thumb and pointer finger under his chin for a moment thoughtfully before snapping his fingers and pointing at Trent.
Takes place after 3x07
Colin and Trent come out to the team. It goes well but things get weird.
off the handle by trentcrimminallybeautiful (biDEMONium) - Rated T   
Ted lets himself be angry, kisses the man of his dreams, accidentally makes said man of his dreams cry, acquires a boyfriend, and smashes some shit with Trent Crimm in a parking lot at 3 am. Not in that order. No one ask where Coach Beard got those mugs.
(The man of his dreams, the acquired boyfriend, and Trent Crimm all happen to be the same person. This is a surprise to no one but Ted and Trent Crimm himself.)
Tasteful Treasures by speccygeekgrrl - Rated G
Trent hoards the myriad facts he's learned about Ted safely in his mind, where no one can see just how deep his fascination runs. Those facts spawn theories, including one that Trent puts to the test: how much of Ted's hatred of tea is because no one's bothered to dress it up to his taste? 
 i'll lend it to you if you treat it tenderly by premortem - Rated T
“I knew,” Trent began cautiously, “that after the… incident, the one I stitched together on that godforsaken flash drive, that the sign had to have been carefully repaired and hung back up very deliberately to keep anyone from finding out what had happened. I knew that it worked for months, which probably required someone keeping an eye on it to make sure one half wasn’t slipping. I knew that someone had to have already known the sign was torn in order to put it back up, and I knew that you didn’t react with as much shock or hurt as I’d expected when we showed you the tapes.”
Ted’s eyes refused to meet his. They were focused on a spot of sauce on the floor, which he was scraping at with the toe of his sneaker as if that could fix the blemish. It was nothing short of painful to watch Ted fold into himself like this. But Trent had committed almost all the way to this confrontation; at this point, he had no choice but to drop the other shoe and get it over with.
“And I, um. I saw the security footage of you spending hours to make sure it seemed perfect,” he finished with a shuddered exhale.  “Would you like to comment?”
The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret by laiqualaurelote - Rated T
“Ted,” he says, mouth dry.
“Trent,” says Ted.
“Is this a date?” says Trent stupidly.
“Trent Crimm, bringing that heat.” Ted still hasn’t withdrawn his hand.
They’re standing in the street outside Ted’s flat where any tosser in Richmond could gawk at them. Trent hasn’t blanked so hard since his first press conference at Man United, where Alex Ferguson insulted his hair. His mouth, trained by years of journalistic habit, says on autopilot: “Follow-up question.”
In 48 hours, Trent Crimm lands a scoop, implodes his career and makes some drastic life decisions. And then there's the aftermath. And Ted, of course.
Winning Over Journalists by PrincessAmonRae - Rated G
"I violated journalistic integrity."
"Not why you resigned, I know that part, I meant why did you violate journalistic integrity?" Trent is briefly flummoxed and muses on the fact that this has turned into a true role reversal. "You're a good journalist Trent and you wouldn't have tossed that away for nothing. Not just outta respect."
"Well fuck." Trent reaches up to pinch the bridge of his nose before resigning himself to the embarrassment he is about to endure. "I had hoped your stubborn American politeness would have allowed us to dance around this issue."
All the Time in the World by one_true_houselight - Rated T
Ted has a heart attack, and Trent is the only one there.
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superblysubpar · 2 years
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leather and lace masterlist | leather and lace playlist
Chapter Summary: Your first day back in Hawkins is interesting to say the least, involving several unexpected reunions - good and bad.
8.1k words
Warnings: we'll be kicking up the angst from here on for a bit, but with plenty of fluff in between I promise (but I won't mention this necessarily after this as a heads up), mentions of reader celebrating Christmas, weed mentions/use, police/ "arrest" mentions | please see masterlist for overall warnings.
A/N: Thanks for your patience as I worked through mega writer's block in getting this out friends. I'm *extremely* excited to keep going with this series and I'd love to hear your thoughts. Endless thanks to my hive mind and @boomhauer for beta'ing.
Side A | Track 02: "Escape" by Metallica
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“Yes, well, I don’t know Margaret, she said she got laid off and now she’s home.” 
Your body tenses at the sound of your mother’s hushed voice drifting lazily past the living room entryway. Sure that if you opened your eyes, you’d find her with the phone cord and receiver in her hands, pacing, just like a gossiping high schooler. 
Counting to five to make sure she’s passed completely, you roll over on the scratchy living room carpet, ending up face to face with your drooling and snoring little brother. 
Late last night as you blinked sleep heavy eyes, you had hoped to sneak into your childhood home unannounced and avoid any confrontation with the family until morning, but you should have known your brother wouldn’t let you slip in quietly. He was out the door and running barefoot through the snow before you could even take the keys out of the ignition. 
It’s interesting how easily you were able to fall back into old habits as he flung himself into your arms and you ruffled his too long hair. Hip checking and semi-wrestling with each other, whispering ‘you look like hell’ and ‘what took you so long’, when you really meant ‘I love you' to each other. And then you entered the living room to find a pizza and several VHS tapes already laid out on the coffee table. He turned to you looking far too old and yet younger than he ever had as he pointed and in a stern whisper accused, “You promised.”
And you had, so you stayed up too late, catching up, eating food that was bad for you both and watching terrible movies—ending with both of you passing out right there on the floor just like old times. 
Glancing around your family living room, it truly was like nothing had changed. Aside from a few updated decorations that you’re sure your mother was pressured into buying by other moms in the neighborhood, it was all the same. 
"Maybe she could get a job here. She's just so stubborn..."
Exactly the same. 
Suppressing your sigh, your eyes land on your brother’s now open ones and that terrible pitying look that you wanted to avoid at all costs is plastered across his face as he whispers, “She means well, you know that.”
He isn’t wrong, you do know that deep down. But just because someone is your family, and you love them, it doesn’t mean you have to like them all the time. Even if you were able to choose them, you use that magical word ‘family’ to describe them even once and you’re stuck with them. The word, and by definition who you’re describing when using it, is a funny thing. Family is a core value for many, a word to summarize people - and almost a feeling that can't be described. Sayings like 'Home is where the heart is' and 'We don't have much but at least we have each other' on pillows like the one behind your brother’s head or embroidered hangings on the wall come to mind. A group of people that get you in a way no one else ever will because they lived the same places with the same people, experienced the same or similar things. Their life is not yours nor yours theirs, but that connection will always be there. Not a choice for most, and if you're lucky, you may end up with a pretty great one. Which, even the most blessed people will forget every once in a while. Forgetting how lucky you are to have them, guilty when you remember how quickly it could all be different - how it could all change. Sometimes it's tough, and you really have to work to remind yourself that they're your family and you do love them. 
Which is perhaps why you choose to ignore your mother’s penchant for gossip and neither confirm nor deny his statement and instead poke his side and whisper, “Your breath is absolutely horrendous.”
He grunts in protest at that, whacking the back of your hand in sibling code for ‘get away from me or else’ as he hisses, “Your face is horrendous.”
You poke him again and roll away from his retaliating kick as you pout, “Wow, pretty rude to say to someone who will get you a donut for breakfast and a ride to school…”
He grins, knowing you’ll still do both of those things even if he kicks you and is about to say so when your mother’s voice is loud above your heads, “Oh good! You’re both up!”
Though upside down, you can see your mother dressed in her morning work out clothes from the electric blue leg warmers to the lime green sweatband simply used for poofing up her already styled curls, telephone pressed to her neck to avoid the speaker and a bright smile on her bubble gum pink lips. It only makes sense to the people of Hawkins to wear a full face of makeup to exercise.  God forbid you look like a normal human being while working up a sweat.
Despite her early morning gossiping centered around your predicament, you are happy to see her and you jump up to hug her, though she tries to push you away. “Oh no, honey, I’m all sweaty! Let me hug you hello when I’m- oof!” breath knocked out of her as you push past her protests, she laughs into the phone, “Margaret let me call you back!”
A little bit of the mother that didn’t revolve around the other moms, the town or its gossip and pecking order - the mom who lounged in her sweats and drank coffee all day makes a resurgence as she clicks the phone off before Margaret can even reply. She hugs you back tightly, whispering, “Welcome home, kiddo.”
It is easy to forget, if only for a few seconds, why you were home when you’re in your mother’s embrace. Easy to pretend it’s all okay while she runs her hands through your hair three times before she kisses the top of your head, just like she had always done. 
But as she takes in a deep inhale, signaling the onslaught of questions and pity that she is about to bombard you with, you remove yourself from her grasp, spinning towards the stairs. “Glad to be back. I’m gonna take the dweeb to school, so I’ll see you later?”
She frowns, arms still outstretched like you were still in front of her but she nods, recovering quickly and smiles as you disappear up the stairs two at a time. 
Escaping into your room, you fall against the door, closing it with a soft click, and let yourself exhale as you look around the space that feels a little like stepping into a time machine. 
Your posters of bands you loved in high school line the walls, bedspread still the bright yellow covered in daisies, polaroids pinned around movie tickets and a dried corsage from prom that you swore you threw in the trash. Even your cassettes are littered across your desk, like your family couldn’t bear to change a single thing about the space in your absence. 
Fingertips brushing over the stack of them, you smile as you find one of your favorites. Easily slipping back into old habits, you pop it into your stereo. Blasting it loud enough while you get ready for the day that your brother has to bang on your door to get your attention several minutes later, “Y/N! Jesus! Let’s go!”
Smiling as you swing your door open, he rolls his eyes at you and shakes his head. You race him down the stairs, ignoring his protests about cheating and head starts. You argue the whole way to get donuts about the best kinds of frostings and sprinkles or no sprinkles, filled or not filled, new music and movie opinions making cameos in between. You’re happy to pretend everything is okay, but you know it’s not and it all starts to sink in as you get closer and closer to Hawkins High. 
While your brother babbles on about Dungeons and Dragons, driving down the familiar streets to that school, it’s like your failure is blinking in a flashing sign above your car. Stomach twisting in knots as you recognize spots that once held happy memories, now just reminders of what you left behind willingly because you believed you were above it all - better than the town and the people in it. 
Pulling into the parking lot, you blow out the breath you didn’t realize you were holding, “What time is your game over? I can pick you up.”
“Um, it’s not just a game and -” he turns to hold a one second symbol out to the group of familiar friends. Their hats pulled down over hair too long just like your brother’s, hands shoved in puffy winter coats and scowls across their faces until you’re grinning widely at them and waving. Slight nods from all of them and half-hearted waves back. Some of the boys turn bright red, ducking their faces down as two girls shove elbows into them all, shaking their heads. Your brother groans and mumbles, “Idiots.”
Ruffling the top of his head as you laugh, "Relax dude. Whatever it is, I'll be here. So again...what time does it get over?"
He's digging in his bag, opening the door halfway, the chill from outside swirling around the car and making you shiver as he mumbles, "No, I don't need a ride, Steve usually gives the few of us without cars all one home. Speaking of which," he dumps five VHS tapes into your lap, "Can you return these for me today? Steve and Robs will pluck Mike's eyeballs out if they’re any later. He took the - Hold on!” he shrieks out the door at the grumbling from a few feet away before continuing, “Anyways, Wheeler said he forgot but really it was my fault and…”
So lost in so many different questions, you don’t hear the end of his sentence as you blurt out the first thing you can think of, "Steve? Who's this Steve that gives you rides?"
He blinks at you like it's obvious, his tone even and slowed down as if he's sounding it out for you as he replies, "Hair - ing - ton."
"Steve Harrington gives you rides home from your Dungeons and Dragons game?"
He rolls his eyes but nods, half out the door as he zips his bag back up, "Yes he does and -"
"The Hair? King Steve?"
He huffs, “He doesn’t really go by that-” the school bell's shrill ring sounds out and he groans, jumping out of the car fully.
You shout an apology behind his body and the closing door and then, “Wait! Harrington works at Family Video?!”
He waves you off as the door slams and he’s racing past the group that’s all shouting at him as they all scurry into the building, shoving each other as they go. Somehow, despite their broader shoulders, longer hair, and taller bodies, they were still that group of awkward misfit kids to you. 
Glancing down at the tapes in your lap, you can’t help but wonder how the hell your little brother got wrapped up with Steve Harrington. You push your car into drive, ready to find out. 
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The trilling chime you’re expecting as you step inside Family Video halts after one ring and you glance up to see a tiny piece of string pulling the bell back - just enough to stop it from hitting the door hard enough to ring out repeatedly. 
Glancing around the familiar rental store, you see no customers and more importantly, no Steve Harrington. 
As ‘Temple of Doom’ blasts from the TV’s hoisted in the corners, you make your way towards the counter and set down the stack of tapes your brother dropped on you. A shiny bell sitting on the counter with a post-it attached that reads ‘ring me and you die’ crossed out with harried and blocky writing that says ‘she’s kidding’ and another note below it saying ‘no I’m not’ piques your interest and you tap your finger on it despite the warnings. 
Pausing for several seconds, but when nobody appears you tap it again, and for good measure a third time right in a row, causing a loud groan to echo from the ajar door leading to the back. Shuffling feet and a high pitched and irritated voice calling out, “Steve, I swear to god, if you ring that bell to get my attention one more time-”
A girl about your age, maybe a little younger, stops dead in her tracks as she rounds the corner. Bright red and scuffed chucks knocking into a cart as she flails, trying to catch herself. At about the same time you go to help her, the door lets out the pathetic singular ding and a deeper voice yells out, “Oh shit!” 
The girl has toppled over the cart and is blowing her bangs out of her eyes as she hisses up at the boy, “Yeah ‘oh shit’ Steve! Can you-” she gestures to you, picking up the jumbled tapes, voice dripping with fake polite sweetness, “just help the customer please.”
He nods and finally turns in your direction. He’s got a giant soft pretzel in his hand, a dab of mustard on the corner of his lips, and the famous brown locks atop his head. Steve blinks at you, clearing his throat before squinting and asking, “Y/N?”
Nodding as well, you take in his appearance further. He’s different and yet the same as you remember him. A small amount of stubble around his jaw and upper lip that he quickly wipes at the corner of with the sleeve of his deep green sweatshirt - but you can see the collar of one of his familiar polos peeking out underneath. He’s taller, taller than you now, and his hair - he’s learned how to steer into the mess of it, it seems. It flops in all the right ways. It's not stiff from product and he runs his free hand through it in a way that tells you he does it all the time and makes you a little envious of the hand. He still seems to very much be the King Steve you recall from high school - the one who was popular enough to have seniors over at his house. The one you and your friends included in hot or not lists and flirted with constantly, the one girls bought bikinis strictly for pool parties hosted by him for. The one who still drives a maroon BMW that makes your little rusting bucket currently sitting out next to it look like a piece of shit. 
How did that Steve turn into a guy who gives your brother rides?
He’s still holding the pretzel and his mouth opens to speak again when the girl stands from her stack of tapes on the floor, cheeks blushed pink and a scowl on her face, “Oh good. You know each other, I’m going back to finishing my essay and you,” she shoves the stack into his chest and he cradles it between his one free arm and chin. She snatches the pretzel and takes a bite before speaking around it, “can finish putting these away.”
She seems to have a lighter skip in her step as she takes another bite of the pretzel and he shakes his head at her retreating back before dumping the perfect stack onto the counter behind him, all of them toppling over and out of order again. He turns back to face you and extends his arms towards the now fully open door, “Don’t mind her, she’s dealing with finals and super cranky and-”
“I heard that, Dingus!” echoes from the room.
“You were supposed to!” he shouts back before turning to face you, rubbing the back of his neck, “Um, so, what…how…you’re…”
He starts too many questions for you to even attempt to answer when the door chimes again and you feel all the color drain from your face. Fingers and toes becoming numb as you see the hoard of bright fuschia, patterns, teased and poofed hair, and denim jacket clad women coming towards you. You were not prepared for all of these reunions on your first day back. 
“Y/N?!” one of them shrieks and then the whole crowd descends, shouting out squeals of ‘I can’t believe you’re here’, ‘what are you doing here’s’, ‘oh my god we miss you’, ‘did you do something different with your hair?’ 
Overwhelmed does not even touch the tip of how you’re feeling and you blink at Steve, who none of the girls have even spared a glance towards. He’s quietly opening the tapes you brought back, cheek pulled in as he bites at it. 
One girl steps forward from the pack and your stomach rolls. Brittany Hartman, your best friend growing up, laughs and waves her hands down at the others. “Oh my god, ladies, let her breathe!” She turns to you, a full wattage smile poised on her face, tossing her perfectly curled blonde hair before her arms extend and pull you into a suffocating hug, hairspray filling your nostrils and something overtly peachy as she squeezes you and squeals, “It’s been so long! How are you? Are you home for Christmas? How long are you staying? How’s your mom?”
A snort to your left and you see the girl from earlier is now next to Steve and she covers her mouth and turns quickly to face the back counter, ears turning red and Steve bites his lip trying to hide a smirk. 
Brittany rolls her eyes before turning back to you, her fingers running through your hair absentmindedly with a slight look of judgment as you stumble through all of the responses to her questions, “It has been a long time, yeah, um…” you pull your sleeves over your fists at your side, “Home for Christmas, she’s good, thanks for asking.”
Some of the girls have dissipated between the shelves, twittering amongst themselves about Tom Cruise and what movie to pick. Brittany leans against the counter, elbow knocking over some of the tapes. Steve’s jaw clenches as he catches it and turns to the computer, typing in something. She twirls her hair and nods, her smile stiff as she asks, “How’s the big city? Still living the dream? How long do we get you for?”
Unsure why you didn’t prepare some sort of response before going out in public in this town, you’re kicking yourself for not realizing you’d have to answer this question eventually. Shrugging as you reply, “It’s great, I love it there. I…um…well,” you can feel your throat tightening, the pit in your stomach only growing as you look anywhere but at her as you spit out a half truth, “I’m actually gonna be home for the rest of the school year…”
Her eyes go wide at that, her head tilting to the side, “You can take that much time off?”
The familiar prick of tears you’ve been avoiding is hitting behind your eyes, body suddenly feeling hot in all your layers and then you catch Steve’s eyes. He offers a small smile and you know he knows and you’ll kill your brother if you make it out of this situation alive. Your eyes land on the counter as you blink them repeatedly and mumble, “Actually, I don’t have a job right now?”
Cursing to yourself that it comes out like a question, you swallow harshly and tighten your fists as Brittany gasps, some of the other girls letting out quiet ‘oh no’s’ and ‘that’s terrible’. Brittany’s fingers tap on the counter as her voice drips with fake disdain, “Oh my god, that sucks! What happened? Was teaching really hard?”
Her tone, the situation, some of the girls hiding their smiles behind their hands has your blood boiling over as your head snaps up, trying to control the shake in your voice, “Excuse me?”
She laughs, cold and a little heartless as she waves her hand, “Oh I just, I remember your mom telling my mom that you were teaching? So if you’re not, it must have been hard? Or did something happen?” she gasps again, eyes wide, “Oh my god, did you get fired?”
Words fail you, you’re trying, you really are, to tell her that she’s wrong. That you’re good at your job. That it wasn’t your fault. But she’s technically right, and as her eyes lock with yours, you both know it. 
She frowns, mock pity that you’re familiar with from your years of friendship thick in her voice as her fake sincerity slips out of her lips, “I’m so sorry. Some people just aren’t cut out for city life, I guess.”
The girl behind the counter with Steve lets out a scoff and Brittany tilts her head again, bright blue fingernails tapping on the counter as she questions, “Something to say over there?”
The girl turns, honey with a hint of red small curls that fall from the bun atop her head swaying with the sharp movement as she mocks the tilt of Brittany’s head and shrugs, “Oh, just wondering how you would know that?”
Brittany sneers at the girl whose name tag says Robin before glancing at Steve and responding, “You’re so right. Silly me. It’s pathetic to stay in Hawkins and work here, huh Harrington?”
Unsure of how a dynamic this big could have shifted between a girl like Brittany and Steve in the years you’ve been away, you’re shocked when he stands, smiles and hands her a tape, “Pretty pathetic, Brit. I’ll see you next week, same time.”
The girls around the counter clear their throats and Brittany snatches the tape before turning to you. Her eyes soften, but you know the malice that lies behind them and she isn’t fooling anyone when she squeezes your wrist, “I really am sorry. Let’s catch up soon, okay? I wanna hear all about it and be there for you.”
Squeezing your fingers, but before you can even reply, she’s turning and the hoard of girls follows behind her, calling out their goodbyes. 
The sound of the movie's credits is the only thing that fills the store for several minutes as you stare blankly out the glass front doors. Ashamed you couldn’t stick up for yourself. Embarrassed that you were once best friends with her. Gutted that somehow, still, after all of these years, a shallow level inside of yourself seeks and wants their approval. 
Feeling the need to make your apologies - for freezing, for not defending Steve, for your past friend’s behavior, for your brother clearly not rewinding any of the tapes as you watch the girl named Robin plop one in the rewinder. She shakes her head, "Don't you even think about apologizing."
Blinking at her as she smiles and waggles a finger adorned with a ring attached with a small silver chain to a bracelet, "It's all over your face," she leans onto the counter, crossing her arms, "And you have absolutely nothing to be sorry about."
Steve nods once in agreement and flops down into the rolling chair, throwing his head back and staring at the ceiling, "Except maybe not teaching your brother how to return things in a timely manner."
Robin kicks his shin and he doesn't even flinch, and your eyes bop between the two of them - curious who this girl is, why Steve and Brittany don't get along anymore, and how Steve is not doing any of the things you once imagined he would be and is instead, working here.
He rubs his temples and Robin extends her hand to you, "Robin Buckley."
Shaking it, you introduce yourself and she smiles widely, "Oh, I know who you are."
She must sense your embarrassment of not knowing who she is or trying to recall if you've met before and just forgot because her smile softens and she shrugs, "I was class of ‘86 and we didn't exactly run in the same circles. Besides," she shifts and jumps up to sit on the counter, "A senior hanging out with freshmen? Who'd do something so crazy?"
Steve pulls his head up and rolls his eyes at her which reminds you why you're in the store in the first place. Tapping your knuckles on the counter, ready to interrogate him, Steve replies before you even ask, "It's a very long story, one I'm surprised your brother hasn't told you already, but," he waves his hands and then leans forward, elbows resting on his knees, "Would you...we can...coffee?"
Robin rolls her eyes at him and you can't help but smile at the jumbled question. The smooth talking younger boy is not as full of confident charm as he once was as wide and hopeful hazel eyes stare up at you.
Shrugging, you reply,  "Sure. Since I know the dweeb clearly told you, and you would've found out from that lovely encounter," you nod your head out towards the parking lot before letting your arms fall open at your sides, "I have plenty of free time on my hands."
Steve smiles and nods, "Cool, I'll call you."
Robin's eyebrows raise and she whispers, "Cool."
Biting the inside of your lip as you try to fight a smile, you start to head towards the door, and spin back to face them, "This is going to sound incredibly lame and you're going to think I'm a total loser who really doesn't have anything going for her anymore but um...do you...do either of you know..." you rub the back of your neck before finally spitting out, "Is Rick still..."
The pair share a glance and then Steve stands and nods, "Yeah, he's still at the same spot out by Lover’s Lake. He's more of a...supplier now though?"
Your eyebrows raise and Steve grins, "The town is booming, didn't you hear?"
Laughing as you back into the door, "Clearly I underestimated Hawkins potential should have never left," you push the door open and then turn to say sorry for what occurred with Brittany.
Robin holds up her finger, "Nu-uh! What'd I say!?"
Grinning at her, you nod and let a tiny, "Sorry," slip out before turning towards your car, as the door falls shut you hear her groan.  
The parking lot covered in icy sludge makes you shuffle slowly to your car, wincing as the door hinges squeak, before settling into the front seat.
Determined to turn the day around and quell some of the anxiety from the interaction with Brittany, you turn the key in the ignition and make the trip out to the one person who supplied anyone in town for their parties with the good stuff you haven’t been able to afford for the last year - hoping your “friend” can cut you a deal for old time’s sake. 
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Making the familiar drive out to Rick’s house, you hate that your thoughts are still swirling around Brittany, the town, and how long it will take for her to tell everyone about what happened. What about if anyone sees you going into Rick’s and the assumptions they make?
Knuckles tightening their grip on the steering wheel until they’re drifting to your stereo, turning up the knob fully in hopes that the wailing guitar will drown out the anxiety that’s threatening to pull you under. 
Pulling into his drive, you throw the car in park, pressing your forehead to the top of the steering wheel and take several deep breaths. Did it really matter what they thought of you anymore? Why do you care? Sick to your stomach that it hasn’t even been twenty-four hours back in this town and already you were falling back into their clutches of controlling stereotypes. 
Thoughts continue to eat away at your nerves, you bite at your thumb as you pull the keys from the ignition and slam the door. Stepping up the front steps, your head ducks down to shield yourself from the biting wind now that you’re closer to the lake. 
Pounding on the door a few times, you hear a muffled ‘one sec’ from somewhere deeper in the house and you mentally prepare yourself for the conversation with Rick - one that would be longer than necessary due to being interrupted by his large bong rips most likely. Hoping he was in a good enough mood to offer you some sort of deal and maybe, somehow, you could still escape with a little of your dignity. 
When you don’t hear any further footsteps to signal he’s coming, your fist connects with the wood harshly again, worried he was too high and had already forgotten that someone was at the door. 
A louder voice cries out, “I said I was come-” the door flies open and his sentence falters off much quieter, “-ing.”
As if the day could not get any worse, Eddie Munson stands before you, a bag of chips between his teeth that drops to the floor when his mouth falls open as he blinks at you. 
Crossing your arms, your eyes narrow into a glare as you stick your chin up, “What are you doing here?”
He rolls his eyes, bending down to pick up the chips as he sighs, “Funny, I was just about to ask you the same thing.” He turns back into the house, leaving the door open but not telling you to follow him. 
Debating if you really needed the weed that badly, your resolve is paper thin at this point and you step inside and close the door behind you. Eddie turns to look over his shoulder, eyebrows raising as he sees you standing in front of the now closed door. 
He tosses the bag on the kitchen counter as he opens cabinets, “So, really, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in Chicago?”
Curious how Eddie Munson knows you lived in Chicago - the town is small, but the people who knew where you lived definitely wouldn’t have been going around telling “the freak” about it. Scuffing your shoe against the floor, you go with a half truth again, “I’m home visiting for Christmas. Is Rick here?”
Eddie laughs as he closes the cabinet, “Really? Cause I heard you got canned and had to move back home,” he winces with fake apology, “Tough break, shortstack.”
How the hell did he know that? And how dare he use that nickname now, after all of these years. 
Seething at the thought of the one person you couldn’t stand almost as much as the town knowing your failure, your voice is cold and sharp, “Well if you knew that, then why the fuck did you ask?”
He pulls out a pack of cigarettes from the front pocket of his black denim jeans, tapping it on the counter as he squints at you, “Someone is bitter…” he drags out the last word as he pulls a cigarette from the pack and lets it dangle between his lips. 
Eddie is similar to Steve in regards to not having changed much - appearance wise. Still long and unruly dark curls cascading over an old band t-shirt, a band you hated to admit you liked too. His jeans have the same holes in the knees, he’s got a little stubble on his jaw, just like Steve had, a reminder that you’re all a little older. The difference between Eddie and Steve is that Eddie seems to not have changed his personality at all. 
“Glad to see you haven’t changed - still an asshole. Again, is Rick here?”
Eddie pulls the unlit cigarette from his lips and places it behind his ear as he shakes his head, crossing his arms and leaning up against the counter, “So what happened, shortstack? All those book smarts didn’t give you enough street smarts for the big ol’ city?” He pouts his lips and blinks his eyes in false pity. 
Picking at the skin on your thumbs with your forefingers, you try to keep your voice level as you retort, “At least I got out of this town and did something, Munson. What’s your excuse for doing absolutely nothing with your life?”
Eddie tucks his tongue into his cheek, big brown eyes hardening into a deeper shade, almost black, as he practically growls through a clenched jaw, “Says the girl who failed and had to move back in with mommy and daddy.”
“What the fuck is your problem Eddie?” you shriek at him.
He stands taller, fingers pointing into his chest, taking a step closer and towering over you like he always has, voice ringing out through the house, “What’s my problem?! I’m not the one who’s had a stick up their ass since we were twelve, sweetheart!”
Shoving a finger into his chest as you take a step closer, “You’re the one who humiliated me in front of the entire tow-”
“You are un - fucking - believable! Are you kidding me?” he interrupts, whacking your finger from his chest with wide hands. 
“Woah, woah, woah, dudes - your volume is not appreciated right now.”
At the sound of Rick’s voice and cough, you physically jump back from Eddie like he shocked you. Feeling the muscles that had tightened and coiled in your body at the growing tension with him start to untangle themselves. Rick looks between the two of you, holding a finger up, and a small, “Ah, yeah, I forget, what happened here?”
Eddie and you glare at each other, both of you mumbling and turning from the other. Eddie a quiet, “I don’t know,” and you an even quieter, “Nothing.”
Rick shrugs like he couldn’t be bothered to know or not and he falls into the plush couch, kicking his dirty barefeet up on the coffee table littered with rolling papers, and baggies full of bud and nods towards you, “What do I owe the pleasure of this house call, former princess of Hawkins?”
Recoiling at the nickname and everything that goes along with it - you hate that that’s how people can still think of you. You were never the queen, or as popular as someone like Steve, but you did run with that crowd. A princess and a pawn in their kingdom you begrudgingly have to admit. You risk a glance at Eddie who immediately looks at the floor, pretending you didn’t just catch him staring. 
“Well, I’m in need of a couple of those bad boys,” you gesture to some of the rolled joints resting in a tin and flash him a smile that always used to work wonders, “Had to come see my favorite guy for them.”
Rick laughs, flicking a lighter in his hand, “Well, I don’t really do that anymore,” he nods his head backwards to where Eddie is filling his old metal lunchbox with baggies on the counter, “My guy took over a few years ago so I could wash my hands of all the messy sales stuff. Gave away too many free joints to the pretty ones,” Rick winks at you.
Disgusted with yourself, you pull out the old charm for the man four years your senior and flirt like your life depends on it, “Oh really? I thought that was something you only did for me, Ricky?” you pout your lips, clasping your hands in front of you.
Eddie makes a choking sound and you ignore him, gesturing to the door, “But that’s okay, I understand. I’ll just tell my friends we can’t get the good stuff tonight and -”
Rick holds out his hand stopping your retreating, “Wait!”
Eddie groans, “No. You seriously did not fall for that pathetic excuse of-”
Rick picks up the tin and shoots Eddie a glare before turning back to you, dopey smile on his lips, “Alright, one free joint for the once upon a time princess who’s always been too sweet to me,” he hands you a joint and you smile at him, batting your eyelashes. 
He pulls another one out, “A second free one for the inconvenience of driving all the way out here and not knowing your old buddy took my gig and his mean yelling earlier-”
Eddie cries out, “Oh my god! Come on, man!”
Rick holds up a third one, “A third and final free joint to save for a special occasion - for old times sake,” he winks at you as you steal it, backing away before Eddie can convince him to change his mind. 
“Thank you Rick! It’ll be our little secret that they were free, and I’ll spread the word that you still have the best stuff in town!” blowing him a kiss that he pretends to grab and slap his cheek with as you laugh.
Eddie stands behind him shaking his head, hissing as you turn your back on the pair of boys, “Rick, this is exactly why you hired me to sell. What the fuck was-”
Rick’s voice follows you out and you wish you were quicker to close the door before hearing, “My man, you of all people should know the power that girl’s smile has on a guy.”
“I thought you didn’t remember-”
“Dude. Everyone remembers.”
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Upon returning home, you quickly shuffle up to your room, and click the lock before heading over to your closet. Digging around on the top shelf for the old shoebox covered in collaged pictures and magazine cut outs to hide your newly acquired contraband like you used to in high school. Opening the lid, your stomach churns at the contents of the box you forgot you had kept and hidden away. You dump all of it out and onto the floor and slip the three joints inside, placing one of your old t-shirts atop them. Deciding you’ll smoke the last bit of flower you had been saving first and ignore the pile of tainted memories. 
Placing an old cassette tape into your stereo, and turning the volume up, you blow the smoke out your window and let the high take over, everything that’s gone wrong that day melting away as your muscles relax fully. 
Body and mind lulled into a blissfully unaware and relaxed state, you slowly unpack the things you brought back home. As you take down posters and hang new ones up, replacing framed photos of you and the girls from Hawkins with your polaroids and frames of Chicago, you don’t notice the sun shifting squares across your floor throughout the day or the number of tapes you replace as the songs click to their end. Pausing in between your slow unpacking and decorating to light up the last little bit in your bowl, hollowing your cheeks and sucking in the definitely burnt and past its prime drug.
After the last suitcase is emptied and shoved under your bed, you turn to the pile full of tokens from memory lane hell you had dumped on the floor. Photobooth pictures of you and Brittany where he enters the last frame kissing your cheek. Lace from the bottom of your prom dress that was tailored. Ticket stubs from date nights. A small box that you knew if you opened would be a necklace with his initial dangling on the gold chain. Slowly dropping items into your wastebasket, you pause at a few of them. A pop bottle cap necklace you allow to return to the box. A polaroid of your brother and Dustin Henderson shoving ice cream cones in your face, a handmade card full of drawings your brother made, and a ticket stub to The Breakfast Club all make the cut too. Folded pieces of notebook paper are all that’s left. Several have tiny hearts and your name on them that you quickly shove into the trash, but most of them have striking doodles of dragons and knights, a crown, frogs and various favorite animals from over the years on them made in black sharpie that disappear into the creases of the strategically folded paper. Those you return to the box as well with a lump in your throat and pull out one of the new joints. 
The items sobering any sort of high you had been feeling, you notice the sky darkening, the once gray and bright day fading into a hazy blue twilight as the front door thudding closed and echoes of boys filter up the stairs. 
Excited to greet all of your brother’s best friends with more than a wave from the car, you stick the joint in your pocket and race down the stairs, jumping down the last two and practically falling over at what waits for you in the entryway. 
Your brother grins, “Hey! We brought home pizza!” 
Lucas Sinclair holds up the box and grins at you as well and you gulp as you wave at the young boys, greeting them as your eyes remain on Steve’s and then Eddie’s, “Hey guys, long time no see.”
Dustin Henderson, the closest of your brother’s friends races forward to give you a hug, practically your little brother too and you laugh as you hug him back, “Holy cow, you all got so tall!” You ruffle the top of his head as he pulls away and frown, looking around, “What’s with all this long hair though?”
Eddie narrows his eyes at you and leans a shoulder against the wall and you fold your arms, glaring back at him. 
Steve looks between the two of you and then at your little brother who looks like he’s in pain when Mike Wheeler hitches his thumb at Eddie, “He thinks it’s because of him.”
“Yeah, he’s always been pretty full of himself,” you reply without looking away from Eddie. 
Eddie opens his mouth to respond and maybe it’s some lingering effects of the weed, but you beat him to it, not caring about the audience you have, “Why are you here?” 
Lucas speaks around a bite of a slice he slipped out of the box that Dustin snatches from him and closes, “Eddie runs Hellfire.”
Will Byers pipes up at your blinking when Lucas’ mouth remains full, “Our DND Club? He’s the best Dungeon Master Hawkins has ever seen.”
Turning your gaze to your brother, he rubs the back of his neck and whispers, “Did I not mention that Eddie still ran DND?”
Shaking your head at him, it’s all the final cherry on top to your massively awful first day back in Hawkins, “Nope, must have slipped your mind when you were too busy telling everyone about my mistakes and failures instead.”
Steve clears his throat and nods at the younger boys and the kitchen, slowly shoving them out of the entryway as your brother starts to apologize, “I didn’t mean to tell them all, I was just happy to have you back home and-”
“Whatever, it’s too late now, but,” you point at Eddie who hasn’t moved from his spot leaning, “You’re not hanging out with him anymore.”
Eddie’s jaw clenches, but he doesn’t fight you on your order, surprisingly, it’s your brother who does, “Excuse me?”
Shoving past Eddie, you start to pull on your shoes and coat, “You heard me.”
He scoffs, “Hate to break it to ya sis, but you’re not my mother. Why can’t I hang out with Eddie? Just because you don’t like him? He didn’t live up to the Hawkins princess’ standards, right? Cause it sure as shit can’t be because of the pot like you used to claim since we can all smell how you’ve been spending your day without a job.”
The words land across your skin in a harsh slap, cold and biting, just how they were intended and you see his shoulders fall and the immediate regret on his face, but it’s too late, and he can’t take them back. 
The kitchen turns silent, Steve closes his eyes and rubs the back of his neck and Eddie stands up straighter, all three of them opening their mouths.
Shaking your head as you open the door you mutter, “Save it,” and slam it behind you. 
Fingers fumbling with your keys, you hold in the tears until you’re in your car and down the block, letting them fall silently. Aimlessly driving around, desperate to escape the town you had worked so hard to get out of already, until you end up at a diner along the highway just outside of Hawkins. 
Opening the center console, you rifle through your tapes until you find your favorite Metallica one. You turn the knob so the opening soft chords of ‘Fight Fire With Fire’ fill your car. The cold pads of your fingertips swipe at your tear stained cheeks and you let the metal music fill your brain, trying to let it take over the thoughts sending you into a spiral of self loathing and pity. 
The joint sitting in your pocket seems to be burning a hole there as the lyric, ‘the gods are laughing’ cuts through your wallowing. Pulling it out, you place the joint between chapped lips as you search for your lucky bright yellow lighter. You can’t help but think about how different this scenario is from your previous smoke sessions in Hawkins. Boys always lighting them for you before Chicago, only daring to have a few passes from fear of being labeled a stoner like classmates around you. Now, your hands work with a mind of their own, the steps to smoking alone are second nature, twirling it to get an even burn and as the paper catches the flame, you hollow your cheeks and let yourself become numb. 
The smoke leaves your parted lips as ‘For Whom The Bell Tolls’ starts and you adjust the volume a little louder, letting your body relax into the smoke and sounds filling the car. The events of day replay in your mind like some private showing of a sick and twisted horror movie starring yourself as the paper slowly burns down and the album continues on. As you hear, ‘no one but me can save myself, but it’s too late’ you can’t help but feel like you’ve made a colossal mistake in coming back and a fresh wave of tears starts to gather on your lashes.
Reminding yourself it wasn’t exactly by choice, but you’re sure if you would have picked up a third job, found roommates, something, you could have made Chicago work. But you gave up, your expectations and the bar you set for yourself lower than they ever had been. The fact of the matter is, your entire confidence was shattered as the dream you’d always reached for, the perfect life in the perfect city, came tumbling down around you after one setback. You’d had it extremely easy for most of your life and though you worked hard in school to get a scholarship, worked a job throughout high school to save up for the same brands other’s simply purchased with family credit cards, you were doused in privilege and naivety. Somewhere along the way you let yourself feel unstoppable until the universe reminded you that you’re nothing special and the world is not always going to be fair. 
Maybe everyone was right. You were a princess of Hawkins, a part of a crowd that had life handed to them and you were no better than anyone else. A hypocrite. A failure. And certainly no role model for your brother. 
The tears finally fall and you quickly wipe at them and snuff out the butt of your joint. You’re not sure how this day can get worse, and you’re wondering if this is your rock bottom. Surely you can turn it all around, climb your way back up. Nudging the volume up again, you’re determined to not continue to wallow once your favorite song comes on and you sing out “Out for my own, out to be free…” closing your eyes and headbanging along to the fast guitar as you remember the girl you were when the album came out. First year in the city and full of drive and ambition - full of hope. 
Three quick, loud raps on your passenger door window snap your eyes open. A man with a large mustache and decked out in a uniform doting big blocky letters spelling out the word ‘Police’ is glaring at you and you now notice the swirling red and blue lights in your windshield through the lingering hazy smoke. 
As the diner full of families glare out through frosted windows as you’re escorted into the back of the cop car, you let your head fall forward, fighting off the laugh that was threatening to escape your chest at the universe’s cruel sense of humor.
Maybe this was your rock bottom. 
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🖤 Thanks again for being here - any interaction is so appreciated & I’d love to know what you thought about it! If you’re able, please consider reblogging to help get my work seen. 
tag list: @boomhauer @loveshotzz @myobmaya @sweetsweetjellybean @pastel-pillows @littlesubbyflower @christalcake @marymunsonloves @big-ope-vibes @hellkaisersangel @aysheashea @aftermidnightwriting @idkidknemore
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