#because again I am too comfortable reblogging from the same 10 people on my dash and don't go into fandom tag
katyspersonal · 5 months
Who is your favorite Elden Ring character?
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Oh man.. This is a very hard question to answer because I love a LOT of characters for their own reasons, and it is really hard to pick one. You might as well send me this ask again every weak and there's a chance the answer would be different every time, too, because my thought process and personality are not stable either! (don't actually send it every week xD)
In general, I can learn to love every character after peering very deep within their being and discovering their potential (or nurturing it), but some characters still stand out and have been stable enough as favourites! That'd be Melina, Ranni, Goldmask, Sellen, Nepheli, Alberich, Yura, Eleonora, Ensha, Malenia (+Millicent), Godwyn and Vyke! I am sorta waiting on Miquella/Trina for DLC because I just don't know what to expect considering Martin's involvement!
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I think Melina is the closest to what I could have as favourite character! My favs are more or less equally loved, but she left an emotional impact on me like no other character had before and that alone made her stand out already! Heck, I tag posts about her as 'wife' from time to time! You see..,
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The full archive of EPIC AND VERY QUESTIONABLY SANE CONVERSATION is in this chain ( x ), but basically I've completely missed the point of Shabriri gaslighting us. The fact he was talking about burning Melina completely flew over my head, mostly because I didn't check right dialogues. The point about how there is no reason to fix the broken world and existence itself is a curse, however.....? (God I still fucking LOVE the "it is not my fault you jump into ‘hurr hurr but mass destruction bad’ instead of actually thinking" gem fdjhfhs). So, when my friends kept arguing with me I could not actually hear them!
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And yet, everything changed when it was just Melina being sad with her voice even trembling a little bit if I remember correctly, convincing us to not inherit FF before the door to it, when everything clicked for me and I snapped out of it. There was something in her expressing her feelings on importance of life in spite of despair, pain, oppression and constant resistance that felt bigger and more important than any thoughtful conclusions on nature of life and world itself.
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It is already very admirable that she makes a conscious choice to sacrifice herself for this world. It is not blindly following the purpose she was given, but she comprehends what she is doing and why, having a chance to live her own life now that Marika is absent but still choosing not to, so others could. There is no guarantee that Tarnished (or anyone) WILL make the future better, no way to tell what happens after she annihilates herself. She is motivated by hope for this world, and her trust. Hope is almost alien emotion for me, so I am impressed by the character that embodies it so much. And of course with the way she can kick ass, and how she asserts herself that her sacrifice is not OUR choice, I thought she was pretty badass.
All that is already hard qualities to compete with as they are, and they got strengthened by, without exaggeration, a bit of personal experience with the character! And then it gets MORE personal because, ironically, such an important character also dies in a unique way in Soulsborne context. Death is rarely a thing in Soulsborne worlds because of souls, planes of reality and timespace shenanigans, but Melina already had no body and thus burnt her soul. This is a complete annihilation without any loophole and backtrack, yet I don't even have the heart to meddle with this even in my imagination because this is what she decided.
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florafound · 2 years
knowing your partner well can potentially make writing together a lot easier. ( repost do not reblog ! )
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✿ name:  rook ✿ PRONOUNS:    he/they ✿ preference of communication:  discord is honestly easiest, please ask for it. ims are good but they can be lost sometimes bc tunglr's bs ✿ name of muse(s):  Birth name is Sophie Poole, but known as Kit.
✿ EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?):    i've been on tumblr for over 10 years now so....jesus uh....awhile. Quite awhile. I'm thinking I started in middle school so like...16+ years now.
✿ PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED:   i've been on tunglr for 10 years now as i said - and wow holy shit that's....wild. Because it feels like yesterday I was on my other websites -- I also used dreamwidth, some livejournal forums, gaiaonline and my start was with neopets forums.
✿ best experience: i've had so many wonderful experiences roleplaying. it's a great chance to meet and greet with other people. i've found so many good friends who put up with my shit so often. but shout out to meeting @badassxbirdy 10 years ago when I first started roleplaying Mel and the extremely hilarious way Tyler and she met. Demons. Nakedness. Awkward all around. The works. But how that meeting became a friendship that I wouldn't trade the world for is so important to me. I'd love to go back to England and see Emmy again soon and hope the world will let me.
✿ RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS:    starting with the basic, i'd say most people would agree that hate and drama is a big dealbreaker and I'm one of them. But some of my other pet peeves are people who come into your ask/ims and guilt trip you. And I'm pretty uncomfortable with large amounts of nsf.w, specifically imagery. If your blog is like 3 pages of nsf.w on any given day, blacklist is probably breaking down on my dash and cant block it all. And I'm super easily squicked out by sexual imagery. But that's about it.
✿ fluff, angst or smut:  smut is never an option on this blog. and while I've tried dabbling into it again with my older muses, my fluctuating nature of squickiness about smut can be limiting so it's very very very rare. Of the other two, I used to be well known for writing ONLY angst, but over time I've got much better at writing fluff. But i'm a sucker at exploring trauma, trauma reaction and the emotional outcomes, so more than likely my longer threads are angstier than fluffy.
✿ plots or memes: i want to say both, because plots can be so thereapeautic to see them through. But for me memes are ALWAYS easier to work with. I'm nervous about plotting and can almost NEVER think of anything on the spot when someone says "hey let's plot" and it ruins the vibe. However, if I ever have a thought about our characters or vice versa, I am hELLA ready to slam into DMs.
✿ long or short replies: preference for long replies because I'm a big sucker for novella level emotions. on the other hand, I know I struggle to write a lot. And I'm sure my partner's run into the same thing as well, so sometimes short things are a good way to continue building character dynamics without as much effort or plotting.
✿ best time to write:    when i'm not absolutely dying from exhaustion or mental health issues. I have such a chaotic activity, I'm aware. And I wish it wasn't like that but sometimes my brain just says 'nope' and that's been a lot lately too.
Honestly though, I find that I write a LOT better when I'm at work because when I'm NOT on a call, there's really not much else to do once base chores are done. But at the same time it's at the whim of the EMS gods if I have the chance to sit down and write at all or if I get interrupted in the middle of my flow. Doesn't really matter what time of day though.
✿ are you like your muse(s):   if I'm being honest - most of my muses have SOME bits and pieces of me mixed in. They say write what you know and all that. And as my comfort muse, I'll admit that Kit is a LOT more like me than the rest. While I'm by no means an escaped science experiment that's been brainwashed, a lot of Kit's interaction with the world and in particular her autistic traits, are very heavily based on my own or how I perceived the world in some cases. In other ways we are very different - I am not a nature encyclopedia for one. And also cannot punch to save my life.
tagged: @byanyan & @femtaile tagging: anyone else who hasn't done it, please please please
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bbysamu · 4 years
House Party Series
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First party of the semester ft. Akaashi Keiji x f!reader (special appearances by Atsumu, Bokuto, Terushima, Daichi, Makki) 
Song: Lotus flower bomb by Wale & Miguel (slowed + reverbed) (make sure to listen as you read, sets the mood) 
Warning: mentions of drinking, suggestive-ish
Preview: Akaashi is a member of an asian-interest fraternity and by chance, got to know you better at a mixer (party). Needless to say, he’s intrigued....
a/n: New series alert! I had so much fun writing this, loosely based on a true story. If you like it, please let me know by pressing like / reblogging and follow me for more! In the meantime, check out my masterlist! 
♥️  Special Match-Up Event Open – Check out rules here and submit here or here (for anon)
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Akaashi Keiji didn’t know why he always allowed himself to be roped into situations like this. Parties really were not his thing, but his brothers insisted on him showing up at every mixer with the other sororities because it’ll “boost” attendance. 
“Come on Keiji, you know all the girls only really attend our mixers for you, apparently you’re the cutest one here”. 
“that’s not true, you guys are always the one who end up with the girls in your arms.” Akaashi grumbled quietly. 
“that is true, but you better come out tonight”. 
[ 10:15 pm ]
Akaashi sat on the rugged black sofa and watched his brothers run around prepping the house for the party. Someone (who sounded suspiciously like Atsumu) yelled, “The girls just texted me saying they’ll be here in about ten minutes. They sent me a picture, the babes are looking so good today. Y’all better get ready!” 
“Come on Keiji, help me bring the jungle juice to the table” Bokuto yelled out to his friend. Akaashi reluctantly went over, looking at the bright red liquid in skepticsm, “what the heck did you add in here today?” 
Bokuto grinned, “oh you know, the special. Some vodka, raspberry juice, a hint of fireball and a whole lot of love”. 
Akaashi could practically feel the burning liquid in his throat, Bokuto’s definition of “a hint” usually meant a little more than one bottle. 
Suddenly the lights were dimmed, loud, bass-pumping music echoed throughout the house.
“Smile Keiji, the girls are almost here”. 
[ 10:30 pm ]
Akaashi was once again placed on door duty because he was “the cutest”. The doorbell rang once, twice. 
Girly giggles erupted before saying “Terushima Yuji is the hottest”. 
Akaashi rolled his eyes, of course Terushima, the social chair, the biggest flirt of the entire house would choose a password like this. 
He opened the door, nose immediately hit with a strong mixture of flower, candy and fruit, making him sneeze. 
“Bless you baby”, the president of the sorority said, flashing Akaashi a smile. He returned the smile weakly, wanting nothing more than to escape from door duty. 
One by one the girls walked in, giggling and flashing flirty smiles at Keiji. He smiled politely, thinking to himself, “yeah I guess Atsumu was right, the girls are looking cute tonight”. 
[ 10:59 pm ] 
Akaashi sat on the stairs bored, one more minute until his shift was over. He highly doubt there would be anymore guest. A soft knock on the door proved him wrong. He opened the door to find (Y/N) standing there, surprised to see her wrapped in a winter jacket. Though it was definitely a cold night in January, most girls simply showed up in their dresses or skirt, too lazy to carry their jacket. 
“Well, Keiji, can I come in?” (Y/N) asked cheekily. 
Akaashi cleared his throat, “yeah, of course, come on in”. 
“This is so much better, I was freezing out there”. 
“If you were freezing out there and you had a jacket on, how much colder were you sisters? none of them had jackets on.” 
He watched as her eyes opened in shock, shaking her head in disappointment “again? I specifically told them to wear their jackets and we could just leave it in one of your bedrooms”. 
“Speaking of which, Keiji you want to let my jacket borrow your bedroom for the night?” She asked him. 
“Nope, use Makki’s”. Akaashi replied, knowing full well that Makki was in love with you. 
“Fine, fine I’ll hang it up in Makki’s room”. (Y/N) replied, unbuttoning her jacket and shimmying it off her body. Akaashi’s eyes slightly widened at her outfit underneath. It wasn’t promiscuous at all, Y/N did not like dressing that way, but she had an impeccable sense of style and knew what worked and what didn’t. And right now, that little black halter top, with her black jeans definitely worked for her. Akaashi quickly looked away, coughing to hide his rising blush. 
“I know the way, I’ll talk to you later Keiji. Don’t party too hard.” 
“I’ll try my best”, he replied, making the both of you laugh knowing full well he’s most likely going to just stay on the sofa later. 
[ 11: 10 pm ] 
Now that all the guests have arrived, Terushima lowered the music volume and called everyone to the main living room. His eyes glint with mischief. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first mixer of the year!” He waited for the applauses and whistles to die down before continuing, “we got some fresh new faces, so let’s go around and introduce ourselves, and ladies please, after you introduce yourself give us a little twirl so we can admire your outfit”. That last sentence earned Terushima a smack on the head by Daichi, the president, but the girls nodded and giggled. 
One by one people started to introduce themselves, their name, year, and that little twirl, which some of the brothers did as well. 
The room fell quiet as Y/N introduced herself, the brothers staring intently at her. A coy smile on her face as she introduced herself before twirling around, giving everyone a 360 look at her outfit. 
Yells of support echoed throughout the house as her sisters clapped and shouted, “Go Y/N! thats my sister” or “my sister is so hot!” 
“Ever the flirt”, Akaashi thought to himself, smiling, knowing full well that’s just her natural personality. He looked over at Makki, who was so obviously blushing, even in the dim light. 
Akaashi sighed inwardly, tired of seeing his brother’s lack of action. If Makki really liked Y/N, he should go talk to her instead of always wandering into Keiji’s room ranting about how beautiful she is. 
[ 11:30 PM ] 
The music was once again turned up full volume. People were scattered all over the house, some were huddled by the kitchen table playing kings’ cup or beer pong, others dancing in the living room, a few cuddled up by the couch. 
Makki came over to sit by Keiji.
“Go talk to her”, Keiji’s head nodded slightly in Y/N’s direction, who was walking around the room checking up on her sisters. 
Makki sighed, “no, I know she doesn’t like me that way”. 
Keiji had enough of Makki’s lack of action. Makki’s crush was a well-known secret, ever since he first laid eyes on Y/N. They were friends, but as his feelings got more intense, Makki found it harder and harder to carry on a full conversation with her. 
Keiji didn’t want to endure another late night chat comforting Makki and listening to him ramble about how “perfect” Y/N was. 
“Come on, I’ll go with you and join the convo, then leave a little later.” 
Makki sighed again and stood up to follow Keiji. 
“Hi boys, what’s up?” Y/N said, eyes side glancing over at the two boys before turning her attention back to making sure one of her already-tipsy sister was drinking enough water. 
“nothing, we just wanted to chat with you,” Keiji replied, “right, Makki?” 
“yes, and uh...you look very nice tonight,” Makki said shyly. 
“awww thank you babe, you look nice too” Y/N said absentmindedly. Unbeknownst to Makki, “babe” was Y/N’s “affectionate word of the day”. Keiji had heard from another sister that in order to boost more sisterly love, her sorority has instituted an “affectionate word of the day” activity. But before Keiji could tell Makki, Makki was already a blushing mess, unable to function. 
“I...um...babe...um...need water,” Makki said, before dashing away. 
Y/N turned to Akaashi confused, “did I say something?” 
Akaashi sighed, “nah, he’s just a weirdo”. 
Y/N laughed slightly at Keiji’s comment and flashed him a smile, “so...you wanted to chat. How’s it going?” 
Akaashi’s heart suddenly skipped a beat, “same old, same old”. 
“You know what your problem is Keiji?” Y/N turned her full attention to him, “you need to relax babe.” 
“I am relaxed.” 
“Yes yes, but your relaxing is boring.” 
Akaashi smiled in amusement, “what does that even mean?” 
A sudden change of song had Y/N standing up taller, “it means, come dance with me because this is my favorite song”. 
♫ We're living in a fantasy I feel it when you dance with me♫ 
The light seemed to dim even lower as Y/N grabbed Akaashi’s hand, pulling him towards the dance floor. Y/N started moving to the beat of the music, eyes beckoning Akaashi to do the same. 
Akaashi knew Y/N was a good dancer from seeing her move at previous mixers, but to dance next to her was a whole other story. 
He moved closer, putting one hand on her waist, she glanced up shyly to him, any hint of her usual flirtiness gone. Her duality shocked Akaashi in the best of ways. The two continued dancing, the space between them gradually lessening as the melody played on and on. 
“Now, now, this kind of relaxation is more fun isn’t it Keiji?” 
Akaashi smiled down at you and nodded. 
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birthdaykeesha · 4 years
Big Brother Tumblr Tag Game
Tagged by @vanessacries 😘
About You (feel free to not answer all of these if you aren’t comfortable doing so)
1. Name or nickname? justine
2. Age/Age Group? 24
3. Zodiac Sign? pisces!
4. Favorite Color? yellow
5. Favorite Animal? pug dogs!
6. First Season of BB you remember watching? bb14
7. Would you ever want to go on BB, if so, what type of player would you be? i would be horrible at bb physical comps (following in queen bb12kathy’s footsteps) so i would not want to be on the show to avoid embarrassment 💕 but if i happened to be on the show i would just play up being a bimbo so people wouldn’t think i’m a threat lol
8. Are there other CBS shows you’d want to go on, and if so, why? i don’t watch any other cbs shows, i do want to get into survivor tho!!!
9. What other Reality shows do you watch? project runway, rupaul’s drag race, ummmm i am blanking rn but i am a whore for reality tv
10. All time favorite houseguest? bbcan ika wong!!!
About the Show
1. What is your all time Favorite twist? ika getting to shred the letters from home for a fat check!!!! (basically i like twists that reward the houseguests but do not have a huge effect on the game itself)
2. What is a twist that you like, but kind of flopped? i did not like this twist but i just want to shit talk the teams twist i hate the teams twist so!!!! damn!!!! much!!! 
3. If you were the new Grodner and had to remake the show, what would you keep the same? um the show can keep it’s name ❤️
4. What would you change? i would stop casting the machismo male archetype IMMEDIATELY. i would also make sure the cast was actually diverse, maybe one token straight white person, as a treat 
5. What’s your all time favorite comp? pressure cooker hello!!!!
6. What’s your all time favorite competition? i also like the how bad do you want it comp 
7. All time favorite punishment? getting to watch paulie cry while making pies 
8. If you could bring any houseguest back to be in the house (not to play the game) who would it be and why? omg da’vonne again in the future, she always brings us good tv!!!! she can get a check without having to deal with uglies playing the game
9. If you could bring any houseguest back to play, who would it be? CHIMA WE LOVE YOUUU
10. What is your most memorable episode? omg when josh beat paul that was legendary and so unexpected
11. If you could have any reality star from any other show on BB who would it be? nene leakes!!!
12. What’s your favorite BB series outside of normal BBUS (normal BBUS does not include CBBUS or BBOTT) bbcan5 was immaculate
13. Favorite Julie Chen sign off? when she didn’t say moonves 
14. Is there anything from old BB that you would bring back, why or why not, and if yes, what would it be? omg the luxury comps!!! they forced people who didn’t like each other to work together so they were entertaining 
15. If you were in the BB house and you won HoH what album would be in your HoH basket and who would you want to receive a letter from? beyoncé’s critically acclaimed homecoming: the live album!!!! i would get hate mail from my dogs 💖
16. Favorite Alliance? the coven!!!!
17. Funniest BB moment? keesha’s birthday is going down in history!!!!
18. Favorite first boot? jodi 😔
19. Least favorite houseguest? too many!!! any bigoted white person (unfortunately there are too many to name)
20. Favorite BB couple? me and kaysar!!!😍
This or That
1. Old School BB or New School BB? old school!!!!!
2. Julia or Liz Nolan? fellow austin hater julia
3. Vaness Rousso or Jun Song? jun song
4. Cody Calafiore or Cody Nickson? ugh chuck e cheese is less of an asshole so him i guess
5. Swaggy or Bayleigh? BAYLEIGH WE LOVE YOUUU
6. Janelle or Kaysar? KAYSAR WE LOVE YOUUU
7. Orwell or the rubber duck? orwell 
8. Hacker twist or Pandora’s Box? pandora’s box
9. Nicole A or Nicole F? nicole a if i must
10. Dan or Will? dan
11. Bathroom with Bathroom sand (BB18) or The Fidget Spinner Wall (BB20)? we will never have interior design as iconic as bathroom sand!!!!
12. The Hive or The Spy Grils? the hive were dumb as hell but i love them so much
13. PB&J or Slop? pb&j
14. Nerdy Guy archetype or Quirky Girl archetype? quirky girl 😗
15. The cursed liztin gif or the Maven (BB19) cum rag? jfhbdhf the cursed liztin gif because it’s not a health hazard (except to my eyeballs)
Tag Questions
1. First Season you blogged? bb16 technically but i only liked and reblogged things from my personal blog. this is my first year being active in the tag!!! (horrible timing i know)
2. Favorite season to blog? bbcan5!!!!
3. Favorite Bloggers? omg kind of a copout but everyone i follow i love!!! i always have the goofiest smile when i’m scrolling through my dash cause everyone is so funny 💕
4. Favorite tag cryptid (i.e. djmrod, the confession accounts, the bayler stan account, stella) stella we miss you!!!
5. Build an ideal alliance with people from the tag: @transpokenerd @kaysarsupremacy hey besties 😘
6. Favorite content creator (gifs, videos, posts)? omg i love all the content creators!!!! i am especially impressed when they gif live feed clips cause i know it’s hard to make that shitty quality look nice AND THEY ALWAYS COME THROUGH
7. Person in the tag that you like but are too nervous to talk to? um never nervous to tell @bathroom-sand that she is the queen of the tag!!!
8. Have you played in any tag games (like bbdiscords, orgs, etc.,) if so what was your favorite experience? omg i love bbsims and i’ve been in one (1) discord but it was very fun!!! just a lot of typing fkkffk
9. Favorite gate? petgate is always so cute and wholesome!!!
10. What opinions do you have that you feel would be unpopular in the tag?most times i agree with that tag tbh!! ummmm i don’t really care for the random draw in veto??? i think everyone should play in veto or the hoh and the two players on the block can all have houseguests choice 
11. Have you thirst followed anyone after a selfiesgate? ya 
12. Whose someone in the tag that has stopped blogging bb that you miss? stella bird blog come back!!!
13. Favorite holiday people have called Christmas? national hit and run day 
14. If you could steal any url whose would it be? omg the keesha url
15. Favorite tag meme? (i.e. Paul;s mistake, victim noises, claling chr*stmas anything but her name, etc.,) PAUL’S MISTAKE PT II DESERVES TO GO #1 ON BILLBOARD!!!!!
Tag 3-5 people (or more or less)
I tag @transpokenerd @kaysarsupremacy @yeetusweenus @bathroom-sand @whats-bb22
and anyone else who wants to participate!!!!😊
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bluebloodstained · 4 years
;|; Mobile Rules ;|;
Mun Info
name: Moe Loogham
age: 21
birthday: September 25th
pronouns: She/Her
faceclaim: Deadpool, Rose Quartz, or Loki
rp experience: 8+ Years
discord: Available to Mutuals on Request!
I'm Moe! It's great to meet you. After taking a very long break from the tumblr rpc, I've decided to dive back in, because why the hell not.
I'm from New York, I have two beautiful guinea pigs named Sage and Rosemary and I'm a witch, that's just about everything you gotta know. I recently graduated from college, and still trying to figure out where I wanna be in the world, so this is my little corner of the internet where I come to unwind and scream about my favorite roboy.
My Rules have been broken up into sections. I will try to keep each section as brief as possible while still informing you of everything you need to know about how I like to run things.
Blog Etiquette + Following
This blog is
I do not follow for a follow, and I do not follow back unless I am interested in threadding with you. If I follow your blog, it means I have read your rules and bio at the very least! I do not send in passwords, but if you have a post that you would like to direct followers to when they've read your rules, I will like it.
If we are not mutuals, you are still free to interact through asks and ask memes. i reserve the right to delete/ignore asks from mutuals and non-mutuals alike! this is mostly out of precaution, and would only be done in cases that violate privacy or cause discomfort.
I will only thread with other Roleplay/Ask blogs. Sideblogs are fine, but if your main blog is a personal, please let me know and tell me your sideblog url! If you RP off of your personal, I will not follow/thread with you. This is mainly to keep my dash organized. That being said, I will not unfollow someone just because they post OOC a lot. I know I have a tendency to do the same sometimes.
I am not okay with nonmutuals reblogging my content. Feel free to like them, but reblogging anything will result in a soft block. Repeated offenses will result in your blog being blocked. I'm not here to be your aesthetic/graphic archive.
The same applies to ask memes. Do not use me as your meme resource. ALWAYS reblog from the source.
Just as a general note, sometimes I will have periods of low activity. I try to be active at the VERY LEAST once a week, and sometimes I'll be able to crank out like 10 replies in one day. But real life always comes first, for me AND any of my rp partners. RPing is a hobby for me, and I don't let it stress me out. Of course, if it's been a week or two since I've replied, there's a very good chance that I've just forgotten to respond. If that happens, do not be afraid to poke me about it.
If I ever want to drop a thread, I'll let you know, and I'll very much appreciate if you do the same, but it's absolutely not required. I don't mind at all, if anything I'll usually ASK if you want to drop it and if you do, that's completely fine. The other option I have for threading is ARCHIVING, for when we have a thread that we want to put down for now, but maybe pick up again later. If you'd rather Archive a thread instead of drop it, just tell me. :)
All Icons on this blog are made/screenshotted by me or RK800ISALIVE, and my post banners were made by DENICDLIFE Please do not take them or use them!!
Shipping + Exclusivity
this entire section is very important. please read it carefully, and feel free to ask me if you don't understand something.
This isn't my first rodeo. I love shipping. I am perfectly open to shipping. HOWEVER, that is not the sole purpose of this blog. Regardless of canon, fanon, personal preference or otherwise, unless we have spoken previously about it, Connor will not be automatically shipped with your muse. This blog is OCxCanon friendly, and canon ships are fine too. But for ANY case, I ship chemistry If your muse doesn't click with mine, that's totally fine. But please don't try to force a ship on me, and do not follow me if shipping is the only thing you're looking for out of our threads.
On that note: Original Characters. They're great, I love hearing about them and seeing their depth and complexity. But if your OC has little to no history, or if their sole purpose is to flirt with Connor, please do not ask to interact.
I've had so many experiences in the past with OCs whose existence is based around wanting to bang my muse and it really grates on me. It's nothing personal, I know writing only gets better with practice, but if you come to me asking to be a detective who works with Connor and that's all the information you have, I really ask that you go find another Connor to interact with.
I will only ship with your muse after discussing it out of character. IC flirting is the only exception to this, but do not get angry if Connor does not respond the way you want him to.
I don't want to have to put that there, but it's happened to me too many times before and it's an uncomfortable situation for everyone involved. Please don't do it.
This blog is NOT Exclusive, but I do practice Maining with other muses. What that means is if we have previously discussed it, and have had enough interaction, my muse will refer to yours in conversation or in terms of relationship depending on circumstance.
Once I have created mains, they will be posted in the Navigation tab. Occasionally I may post a mains call, which invites anyone interested to discuss becoming a main with Connor.
Mains have top priority for threads.
I am 21+ years old, and NSFW can and will happen on this blog, however I will always keep anything that contains NSFW under a "read more" cut for the sake of any followers who are not comfortable with seeing NSFW content.
I am comfortable with most NSFW topics. I absolutely WILL NOT write about pedophelia or incest, and definitely WILL NOT rp sexual situations with minors or people who I have not shared consent with. This is for my safety as well as those who I interact with. I'm trying to get into grad school, not jail.
I will try to tag triggers accordingly as they appear. Triggering content that MAY appear on this blog include:
Child/Character Death
Drugs/Drug Use
Suicide/Mental Health Issues
Verbal/Physical Violence
Important: mun and muse are mutually exclusive. I am not Connor. Connor is not me. Actions performed in threads do not reflect me or my personal beliefs, unless otherwise explicitly stated by me.
If you've made it this far, I would really appreciate if you could like this post, just to let me know you've read and understand all my rules. If you are not comfortable doing so, that's fine! It's really just to help me know people cared enough to go through the whole list. :) It's not at all an obligation, but it would be really awesome.
Despite the fact I am comfortable with NSFW, I prefer to be comfortable with the other mun as a person before agreeing to write these topics with you. I am not obligated to write NSFW with anyone.
Last Updated: 8/19/2020
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incarnateirony · 5 years
why do people seem to think i’m a big name blogger
i only have like 1800 followers (or I guess closer to 1900 now?), that’s pocket change compared to some of the people around here
i know there’s people with less, and that doesn’t make you invalid or anything. Because it’s not about size. It’s either about quality or about enjoyment, and really, your latter should come first in fandom. If you have a hobby blog designed to spread enjoyment, then yes, quality. If you positively impact just 5 people’s lives on the regular, you’ve done a good thing.
This falls in line with my “anyone can meta” and moods about who feels comfortable metaing or having those opinions, but it’s become a general sentiment.
And most of all don’t feel like you need to lockstep with me. now, not lockstepping with me doesn’t mean "shit directly on someone’s positive content post like a whole entitled jackass”, but like. I don’t care if you were some little blog with 10 followers that I gave a boost and now you’re kinda popular. you don’t owe me shit.
Because that’s another weird thing and I think people need to practice self-care on this more. Four different people, on four different occasions, that were incensed I wouldn’t fall into borg mind or surrender my opinions, have tried to claim they “made” me. Ironically, none of them did. Like even ignoring my following point, even in the way they meant it -- which is the irony.
When Kelloggs club pounced on my first ever fandom tweet years ago for the sin of having a Cas plushie icon, and I floored them with numbers they had never seen and got blocked by the whole damn hoard in my first hour in fandom like a temporary urban legend, I made me. Sure, they drew attention and made a shitshow. Sure, it led to me being drawn into group chats that expanded my networking and stuff. But I made me. When a big name fan was upset at how much traction I’d gained in a month, because this fandom is obsessed with clout for some goddamn reason, and I stood my ground? They drew attention. But the way I held my ground? I made me. 
When TAW went bananas on me for catching him hand in the cookie jar with Misha and my unwillingness to be backed off that turned heads? I made me. Everybody helped with of course blacklisttaw, but I didn’t make blacklisttaw, everyone made blacklisttaw, I just started it. And it worked. Because of everybody. He hasn’t had a non-indie job aside from things being re-re-re-re-reannounced from 2008 plans or things stuck in production purgatory since 2014 releasing late since. That ain’t all my credit. I didn’t MAKE that. I started it, maybe. But you guys made that. I just stood there with a megaphone for those who weren’t positioned to speak, and gave some cornerstones. Everybody else’s work did the rest.
(And ironically, NONE of the people that wanted me to feel like they MADE me were involved in that. I think they all actually came after all of these things.)
The people along the way help. But just because someone helps you doesn’t mean you’re indentured to them, their demands, or even their abuse for life, or touting every single thing they say as truth.
Whatever content you made that got shared? You made that. You made you. Your thoughts, opinions, contributions, choices made you. Someone giving you a digital nickel along the way, or even a digital hundred dolla bill, doesn’t obligate you to them. If they genuinely appreciated your thoughts and content instead of finding it temporarily useful or convenient... then they gained the benefit of your contribution in exchange. If someone had another intent, that’s on them.
(honestly same goes for RL on this point; sure try to repay people but repayment doesn’t mean you’re shackled to them for all eternity and if someone said they wanted to HELP you and then turned around like “ok and the interest accrued is--” or flags it around as some weight? Fuckin’ run. RUN AWAY. “Help” doesn’t come with a leash or a motive. It comes because they want to help. And anyone that spins that around on you -- life lesson -- holy shit. Run. You help people because you care, whether that’s about them as an individual or general human empathy -- not for what you get out of it. And again seriously guys REAL LIFE PLEASE KEEP THIS IN MIND IF YOU TAKE NOTHING ELSE FROM ANYTHING I EVER SAID. If someone had told me this when I was younger I would have dodged YEARS of receiving violence. It’s like the shittier, less competent version of mob logic, only at least the mob is honest that they’re gonna break your kneecaps if you fuck up before you get started. Y’know what? I value honesty. If you’re gonna demand something, be honest and threaten my kneecaps up front.)
Nobody made you but you. I helped along the way, or some other people helped. But I’m never going to be like HOW DARE YOU HAVE A DIFFERENT OPINION I MADE YOU!!!!!!! because like-- is anybody watching the show right now? Anybody at all? Chuck’s stomping around and throwing hissyfits because hE mAdE thEm AnD hE’Ll ShoW tHEm and like in the end, Chuck didn’t make them. Maybe he influenced things around them. But they’re making themselves.
And I feel like this fandom would do so much better if they abandoned this tribalistic herd mind nonsense for fear of obligation to *whatever* because guys, people who hold you to that? They’re abusers. Like. Literally. No lie. Shit man. Those people online can’t even “make” anyone, because they only make themselves, and then people react to what they’ve made of themselves. Everyone decides they’re too much? Too bitter? Too whatever? Everybody stops spreading their content? Guess what they’ve got. A big ball of Too Much Bitter on their dash and nothing else. But you know what? They made them. They made that. They make that big ball of whatever. 
Like congrats guys you temporarily liked my opinions when you liked them and strolled along when I was at like 700 followers already and now that you don’t you’re gonna-- what? Get mad at other opinions? Come on now. People aren’t just tools to be waved around. We’re complex. You’re complex. Hopefully you all treat other people as complex. Never put yourself in a digital collar to jump through digital flaming hoops for fear of some kind of digital retaliation.
Hell, if there’s one moral from How-I-Made-Me in that list above, that’s it, really. Lmao, fuck the borg guys, come on. You do you. My path was essentially “Fuck the bronlies, fuck the extreme con crowd, fuck sexual predators, and fuck extremes of any fandom lane, even if that’s a lane within my own ship.” -- your path doesn’t have to be my path. You make your path. You just share it with people on the way. If they diverge, they don’t get to throw you down whatever hill they’ve declared is the one to go down. And definitely make sure in the land of “all opinions/interpretations are equal” that is said online like a parrot stuck in a loop, you’re not letting them use that to completely ironically steamroll over your own while leaving theirs unchecked of any real compunction.
So no, don’t come shit on my posts directly, don’t come whatever. But don’t ever just lockstep with me, or anyone else, because you feel some weird form of obligation over something as irrelevant as digital clout in the world of a TV fandom that IS ENDING ANYWAY so WHAT THE FUCK. The people you have around you? The views you soak? The follows you have? Good and bad. Those are what are going to paint the rest of your experience for this show you (theoretically) love from here into eternity. 
Am I too loud? That’s fine. You do you. Is someone else too perpetually bitter? Don’t tie yourself to them. Pay close attention to what is sculpting your fandom experience in this final hour and into its life beyond. Because that’s gonna be the difference between you keeping love for this show in your heart once it’s off the air or petering off into distressed disfavor for it. 
At one point when the show was ending, I thought “I’ma follow every account like in the history of ever” and man was that a bad idea. A few sweeps later and I’ve cleared out bitter bullshit clogging my dash, random cacophony, and have nothing but good shit to reblog again and damn if that isn’t even gonna make the experience of everyone in my proximity better too. Much less my own. And yeah, that matters. It’s called fandom. It’s supposed to be fun. Not obligate chaos.
Either people take you as you are, or they don’t. Fuck the ones that just want parts of you for a time and want to discard the rest. Those people aren’t worth your time. Hell, that even wants to go for people who have dedicated bitter blogs. You wanna be bitter and nasty okay that’s fine, if somebody is just there for some other shit and then gets mad that you’re bitter after goddamn choosing to follow you knowing full god damn and well you’re bitter, they can fuck off too. Stay mad if you want. You do you. I might say it’s probably not the best for mental health and general wellness but in the end that’s still up to you. And put an asterisk that doing shit on tumblr is different than twitter where if you make a bunch of rowdy bitter people in your area and you or they start shit-tagging creatives and doing the above kinda bullshit, no, that doesn’t work the same. Or like the multishipper I saw getting attacked despite making a whole other blogspace to keep their wincest away from impacting other people’s eyes like -- if they’re hunting down that side account just to cause bullshit, fuck them too. Seriously, fuck the borg.
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robobiitch-archive · 4 years
Mobile Rules;;
Mun Info
name: Moe Loogham
age: 21
birthday: September 25th
pronouns: She/Her
faceclaim: Deadpool, Death from AMOLAD, Rose Quartz from Steven Universe, Loki from MCU
rp experience: 8+ Years
discord: Available to Mutuals on Request!
I'm Moe! It's great to meet you. After taking a very long break from the tumblr rpc, I've decided to dive back in, because why the hell not. I'm a freshly graduated college kid who's trying to find her place in this world lmao.
I'm from New York, I have two beautiful guinea pigs named Sage and Rosemary and I'm a witch, that's just about everything you gotta know. In terms of RPing, I've had several muses over the years, from a few different fandoms, and Connor's brand new but I've had a lot of fun experimenting with him among friends and I wanna let him run free out here in the dumpster fire that is tumblr dot com. College has been a big part of why I drifted away from tumblr RPC, just because of time constraint, but I'm excited to be back!
My Rules have been broken up into sections. I will try to keep each section as brief as possible while still informing you of everything you need to know about how I like to run things.
Blog Etiquette + Following
This blog is PRIVATE, SELECTIVE, and MUTUAL'S ONLY and 18+.
I do not follow for a follow, and I do not follow back unless I am interested in threadding with you. If I follow your blog, it means I have read your rules and bio at the very least! I do not send in passwords, but if you have a post that you would like to direct followers to when they've read your rules, I will like it.
If we are not mutuals, you are still free to interact through asks and ask memes. i reserve the right to delete/ignore asks from mutuals and non-mutuals alike! this is mostly out of precaution, and would only be done in cases that violate privacy or cause discomfort.
I will only thread with other Roleplay/Ask blogs. Sideblogs are fine, but if your main blog is a personal, please let me know and tell me your sideblog url! If you RP off of your personal, I will not follow/thread with you. This is mainly to keep my dash organized. That being said, I will not unfollow someone just because they post OOC a lot. I know I have a tendency to do the same sometimes.
But I am not okay with personals reblogging my threads. Feel free to like them, but reblogging anything that isn't a drabble or anything with my "do not reblog" tag, it will result in a soft block. Repeated offenses will result in your blog being blocked. Reblogs make it difficult to keep track of post history.
Once again, in case it wasn't clear: I do not rp with muses via personal blogs. Things can get hectic very quickly with keeping track of threads. If you have a muse, please create a side-blog for them at the very least.
Just as a general note, I am a relatively busy person and so sometimes I will have periods of low activity. I try to be active at the VERY LEAST once a week, and sometimes I'll be able to crank out like 10 replies in one day. But real life always comes first, for me AND any of my rp partners. RPing is a hobby for me, and I don't let it stress me out. Of course, if it's been a week or two since I've replied, there's a very good chance that I've just forgotten to respond. If that happens, do not be afraid to poke me about it.
If I ever want to drop a thread, I'll let you know, and I'll very much appreciate if you do the same, but it's absolutely not required. I don't mind at all, if anything I'll usually ASK if you want to drop it and if you do, that's completely fine. The other option I have for threading is ARCHIVING, for when we have a thread that we want to put down for now, but maybe pick up again later. If you'd rather Archive a thread instead of drop it, just tell me. :)
All Icons on this blog are made/screenshotted by me or RK800ISALIVE, and my post banners were made by DENICDLIFE Please do not take them or use them!!
Shipping + Exclusivity
this entire section is very important. please read it carefully, and feel free to ask me if you don't understand something.
This isn't my first rodeo. I love shipping. I am perfectly open to shipping. HOWEVER, that is not the sole purpose of this blog. Regardless of canon, fanon, personal preference or otherwise, unless we have spoken previously about it, Connor will not be automatically shipped with your muse. This blog is OCxCanon friendly, and canon ships are fine too. But for ANY case, I ship chemistry If your muse doesn't click with mine, that's totally fine. But please don't try to force a ship on me, and do not follow me if shipping is the only thing you're looking for out of our threads.
On that note: Original Characters. They're great, I love hearing about them and seeing their depth and complexity. But if your OC has little to no history, or if their sole purpose is to flirt with Connor, please do not ask to interact. I've had too many experiences in the past with OCs whose existence is based around wanting to bang my muse and it really grates on me. It's nothing personal, I know writing only gets better with practice, but if you come to me asking to be a detective who works with Connor and that's all the information you have, I really ask that you go find another Connor to interact with.
I will only ship with your muse after discussing it out of character. IC flirting is the only exception to this, but do not get angry if Connor does not respond the way you want him to.
I don't want to have to put that there, but it's happened to me too many times before and it's an uncomfortable situation for everyone involved. Please don't do it.
This blog is NOT Exclusive, but I do practice Maining with other muses. What that means is if we have previously discussed it, and have had enough interaction, my muse will refer to yours in conversation or in terms of relationship depending on circumstance. Once I have created mains, they will be posted in the Navigation tab. Occasionally I may post a mains call, which invites anyone interested to discuss becoming a main with Connor.
I am 20+ years old, and NSFW can and will happen on this blog, however I will always keep anything that contains NSFW under a "read more" cut for the sake of any followers who are not comfortable with seeing NSFW content.
I am comfortable with most NSFW topics. I absolutely WILL NOT write about pedophilia or incest, and definitely WILL NOT rp sexual situations with minors or people who I have not shared consent with. This is for my safety as well as those who I interact with. I'm trying to get into grad school, not jail.
I will try to tag triggers accordingly as they appear. Triggering content that MAY appear on this blog include:
Child/Character Death
Drugs/Drug Use
Suicide/Mental Health Issues
Verbal/Physical Violence
Important: mun and muse are mutually exclusive. I am not Connor. Connor is not me. Actions performed in threads do not reflect me or my personal beliefs, unless otherwise explicitly stated by me.
If you've made it this far, I would really appreciate if you could like this post to let me know you've read and understand all my rules. If you are not comfortable doing so, that's fine! It's really just to help me know people cared enough to go through the whole list. :) It's not at all an obligation, but it would be really awesome.
Despite the fact I am comfortable with NSFW, I prefer to be comfortable with the other mun as a person before agreeing to write these topics with you. I am not obligated to write NSFW with anyone.
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lizzybeth1986 · 5 years
Quick Thoughts on Is This The Real Life or Is This Just A Very Bizarre Fantasy?
• Here are the tags to block if you don't want to see this post on your dash: #long post, #trh quick thoughts, #trh qts, #trh qt reblogs.
• It's...Chapter 10. Often known as the midpoint. I know TRR isn't exactly the most nuanced series out there, but you know what used to happen by midpoints here? Important plot stuff that had buildup and development prior to it happening.
• Funny enough all three chapter 10s so far had something to do with Constantine! Book 1's had him announce he was stepping down and making Liam king, Book 2 had the reveal that the conspiracy against the MC was his idea. And then he actually dies in Book 3 Chapter 10. Now that he's no more, I guess they brought back another asshole dad to take his place.
• PB if you were really in a mood to bring back Bertrand's dad the least you could have done was build it up properly. You had an entire freaking chapter to at least build up on the Beaumont family relationships and issues! Yet all we see is that motorcycle with a hint that never fully gets told and very little besides that.
• Like, the narrative usually takes soooo much time to build everything properly, right? With chapters and chapters of hints? Look at all these things that you built up over chapters and sometimes over books: Liam's issues with his dad...The whereabouts of Savannah...Drake's connection to Bastien...Drake's mom's ranch...Drake's special relationship with his dad...Drake's duel...Drake's secret wedding...oh.
• Screenshots:
Hana: The Abhirio YouTube channel
Drake: @thefirstcourtesan and the BizzysChoices YouTube channel
Maxwell: @itsbrindleybinch
Title: The Beaumont Bachelor Bash
Alternative Title: Proof That Drake Is Undoubtedly Leona's Nephew. Even When He's Trying To Be Nice.
• Now Playing As Bertrand.
Wh - what...?
Okay but this is probably a tiny section and then my MC will come and save the day, right? Right?? I mean it's happened before (one of the most recent times we got a Bertrand PoV was in a Chapter 10, in fact!)
• ...how the hell did a motorcycle fit inside THAT BOX?
• I know, I know. It's mentioned time and again that the package is huuuuge. But that's...not the kind of packaging I'd be expecting for something that large. It wouldn't be SQUARE, at least.
• Okay wait. What was Maxwell panicking and stress-dancing about again? Bertrand isn't cottoning on to this plan as quickly as Maxwell/the LI was implying in that text.
• Okay wait so their great plan for the BBBB was...Bertrand putting away his cutlery and..."roughin' it"? Aren't bachelor/ette parties supposed to be catered to the guest of honour's needs?
Or is "something you want" only meant for Savannah? Because Hana actually read up and did research and tried to cater the entire party to whatever Savannah liked - not drag her along for something that wasn't her thing with "expand your horizons!" as an excuse.
• Like me, Bertrand doesn't fully trust his brother-in-law's motives.
• Wait what.
.• Bertrand is getting a new outfit. Oh he's wearing it already. Okay good. Must be free!
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• I am NOT buying Bertrand new clothes. I didn't buy any last book, and I'm not going to start buying them now. Even if I didn't buy him the swanky maroon sweater last book he somehow wound up wearing it anyway in the finale. I'm sure he'll survive and they'll probably let him wear it for free some other time lol.
• Drake leads the boys to a nearby river, hoping to catch some fish that they can cook for dinner later.
• Bertrand gets...a dilapidated fishing pole. While everyone has prepared enough to get their own, perfectly alright ones. Drake is truly from Leona's bloodline, giving Bertrand stuff that'll make his task difficult (remember how she gave Bertrand a really rough horse to the country fair?). "I just wanted you to believe in yourself", my ass. You're doing this for your own entertainment.
• Also wasn't Maxwell organizing this party? Why does the end result look so much like Drake's idea? Or maybe the boys are splitting the activities between each other or something idk.
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• That's a...puffer fish?
• The funniest option is the choose to grab Drake because Bertrand calls him "the Aggressively Rustic Drake" haha. It means of course that Bertrand will not get a fish but that's okay, Drake and Liam catch more than enough for dinner.
• But if Bertrand DOES catch that big fish his chest is all puffed out in pride and he notices no one else caught a fish as big as his 😄
• You can TELL Liam chose the next activity, because it's so aggressively Cordonian 😂 You need to shoot an apple with a weapon (preferably a bow and arrow, but the game offers you a rifle and an ornate gun as well).
• Of course I went ahead and shot Drake with a rubber bullet. Sorry Bertrand but I'm sure you can get your Knight-Marksmanship and Honorary Defender of the Realm award in a kinder person's playthrough 😅
• It's a nice scene, quite reminiscent of the first half of Maxwell's armoury scene last book, which involves Maxwell and the MC playing the same game.
• Now that we're done with the apples, it's time to bring out the bubbly!
• "This is not my bachelor party," says Drake when a surprised Liam asks him about why there's no whiskey. Coulda fooled me dude I've never heard of people giving the groom a dilapidated fishing pole to fish with for that kind of thing. I mean like more than 90% of this entire plan seems to cater to your tastes more than his.
• Bertrand (about the bubbly): This is from an excellent region of France!
Maxwell: Which one?
Bertrand: ...Champagne.
• It's now night, so time for some...idk heartfelt man-talk or something.
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It starts out with the main LI speaking about Bertrand and Savannah's relationship, praising them for how far they've come and there is some emphasis on the fact that they have Bartie. This leads the LI in question (if they're there) to talk candidly about their relationship with the MC and their sadness that they aren't pregnant yet.
- Liam: Speaks of how amazing the MC is and wonders if he's putting her through too much pressure on his Queen with the expectations of an heir.
- Drake: Very similar to Liam's, but this time Liam apologizes for forcing them into this kind of pressure and promises to withdraw it if that's what they want. (Liam will allow it, the narrative won't!)
- Hana: Since neither of the women are there, the conversation goes straight into Liam wondering if he did the wrong thing by placing that much pressure on them, and Bertrand reassuring him that both are phenomenal women and any child they bring up will be a worthy successor to the throne.
- Maxwell: From what @itsbrindleybinch was telling me, there's no discussion about Liam's offer or the pressure from him! The conversation is more centered around his fear that he might screw up in parenting...to which his brother has some of the best responses:
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Istg when the writers really allow for those two to blossom on their own, the Brothers Beaumont dynamic is fantastic. I loved both responses from Bertrand.
I'm still wondering why there isn't much from Liam about the pressure he's placing on them, though! I mean, Maxwell and his wife are put under the same amounts of pressure so you'd expect Liam to speak up there too, right? (correct me if I'm wrong, because I can't find a full playthrough of Maxwell's route anywhere).
• The discussion slowly progresses into one about Bertrand's love for Savannah and not knowing how to show it properly to her...to which Drake responds that Bertrand needs to SHOW what he feels and maybe do a big dramatic gesture like the ones you see in romcoms (racing through an airport to confess your love, or confessing it while standing in the rain)...lmao I love how big gestures are something Savannah wants for herself but somehow she can't do the smallest things to help Bertrand feel more comfortable in her own damn home.
• Also I need to laugh at how desperately the writers are now trying to show us how "open minded" Drake is LMAO. TRR Drake looked down on his nose on practically all things not macho (including authentic Chinese food and pink cakes) and now they're making it sound like he's a romcom fan and willing to experiment with a tutu.
• Not buying that serenading scene. I didn't handhold Bertrand into telling Savannah about the Beaumont finances, nor did I handhold him into proposing. He did pretty okay without my help so far.
• The serenading scene has two main components (besides the logistics of communicating and then climbing up to her window) - telling Savannah his feelings and then singing to her. The first main options include suggestions from the boys:
Liam: Very sweet and romantic, with the kind of flowery language you would expect from Liam, and that Bertrand feels so comfortable with that he smiles as he says the words.
Drake: Very much, "I was an idiot but now I've come to my senses and I'm the luckiest man ever because of you" which...sure I can put it down to bias for his sister but now it just annoys me when I hear this. Esp during a time when he's claiming he actually likes Bertrand now.
Maxwell: Is just so fucking funny 😂
Bertrand: Savannah, I'm here because you're my...boo???
Maxwell: Trust me! Keep going!
Bertrand: Ahem. You are my boo, and I'm your...okay I'm not going to say that.
Savannah: What are you saying???
• For actually serenading her with a song you can either choose to go sweet and romantic, or you go "sexy", which tbh seems to be the funnier option because most of it is Bertrand muttering MmmMMmMmmm in place of all the sexy parts. Which is funny considering he and Savannah conceived a child atop an office desk of all places way before any of us even got to KISS our LIs 🤣
• Savannah is happy, Bertrand is happy, the boys are all back in the camp where they'll be spending the night. There's a tiny bit of "foreshadowing" in the ensuing conversation since Barthelemy is mentioned, but very much in a "Dad would be proud of you" way. I put that word "foreshadowing" in quotes coz there is very little it gives us, as opposed to how other things that have received foreshadowing were built up.
• Uh oh. BEAR ATTACK. From Kenna's pet-bear-from-Aurelia's descendant. Who somehow ended up in the woods in Texas 😂
• Drake tries to distract the bear, and Bertrand can either join him or go with Liam and Maxwell who are leading the way to an alternative location.
• We're out in the wilderness somewhere, and getting back to our tents is a diamond option. It's a fun diamond option though, and it doesn't involve me doing any unnecessary matchmaking.
• Liam is the strategist who makes a battle plan. Why don't I get to see him do these kind of things in his actual job PB!! Drake "knows the most woodcraft" and will therefore make a good scout, both he and Liam can draw the bear away, and Maxwell's hitherto-unseen present is now their secret weapon. Bertrand isn't sure about this plan but goes along with it anyway.
• Everything goes as per plan, and Maxwell unleashes the "secret weapon": Bertrand's beloved Cavilieri Novanta 9S motorbike. There's a small hint about him having to perhaps give it away or sell it when his father, well, did whatever he did, and Maxwell somehow traced it and got it back. I'm kinda certain that bike may feature in Bertrand's flashback if he's having one next chapter. Bertrand is emotional AND ecstatic, learning again to control his bike and to enjoy being on it.
• The best part of the bear scene, is when he uses his Duke of Ramsford voice and gives the bear the ole what-for 😂
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(Bottom four screenshots from BizzysChoices' YouTube channel!)
• Even the bear could not withstand the severe tongue lashing LMAO. Bertrand has the option of ending this...um...verbal duel by telling his furry opponent to tell his children he has been bested by a Beaumont.
• The bear slumps back home in shame, but Bertrand is worried about what other tests Drake has in store. 'Tests?' Drake says innocently.
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You're forgetting the part where you constantly blamed Bertrand for everything, knowing full well your sister made her fair share of mistakes. Or the part where you pretty much sabotaged an investigation just to stroke your ego about Bertrand getting her pregnant. Or the part where you repeatedly made it clear that you thought he didn't deserve Savannah. Or the part where you made him cluck like a chicken just before he proposed, just so you could have your moment to gloat. Or the part where you would shoot looks at Bertrand if he even so much as hinted your sister wasn't perfect. Or the part where your aunt kept making snide remarks about him, disrespected him, and gave him a rough horse, while you and your mother and your sister stood by and watched. And NOW you claim that the only person doubting Bertrand is BERTRAND?
Yeah. Well...tldr:
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• My gosh. The amount of retconning happening here is giving me a headache.
• Like...I like that Drake can be nicer to Bertrand now and that most of the tension is gone. But let's not act like Drake wasn't knowingly adding fuel to the fire before??
• Anyway, the boys tell Bertrand they are proud of him and proceed to sleep in their tents or wherever they've chosen to sleep for the night.
• PB gives Liam the very, very rare chance to remind Drake that he grew up in a palace. Doesn't mean much, but I'm fairly happy.
• FINALLY. Esther's home and I can finally play as her again!
• If you bought the serenading scene, there are a couple extra lines showing Savannah and Bertrand looking super super happy.
• There's an old man at the door.
• Neither of his sons even look like him. And it reads as if Bertrand is less surprised about the possibility that Barthelemy is alive than Maxwell is. What's going on.
General Thoughts:
• Alright, so it looks like this week we will be exploring the Beaumont family history, looking into why Bertrand lost his zest for life and ended up taking care of the estate when all this time his father was actually alive, and how the Beaumonts wound up so poor. There had better be a substantial amount of Maxwell because he's not been getting a lot of attention this book.
• I'm wondering if Barthelemy's return will cause Bertrand and Maxwell's insecurities to rise again, and we'll probably need to help them through that or something.
• Looks like the next chapter might have a young!Maxwell scene or Maxwell's first diamond scene, or both? Idk. I can't say for sure because I don't exactly trust the team on these things.
• There were...elements of the chapter that were good, I'll give it that. Bertrand's got an interesting narrative voice. You can tell it's him by the way he uses titles, by the way he speaks when he is proud of something he has achieved, the language itself that is heavy in its bearing. The scenes were fun from what I've seen. The bonding was good. Problem was...in a better book this wouldn't have been so irritating and such a sign of how not into the most important things about this book the team is.
• Since they had the time and the ideas, why the hell was the buildup to this reveal so flimsy and half-baked? I mean if you're going to give Bertrand an entire freaking chapter, shouldn't you have been using at least that space to have Bertrand speak a little more about Barthelemy? Or build it up earlier? All this time we'd had to deal with Savannah's griping and complaining and Leona's snide remarks, we could have spent learning from Maxwell a little about his family.
• Usually buildup to a lot of these things happen through hints over chapters. But this? Little to none. Maybe like two half-sentences said just before the reveal. It's all kinds of shitty, and it's what happens when the most important Beaumont is a Walker.
• I'm also pretty surprised Liam doesn't get to apologize to Maxwell the way he does to Drake about the royal heir thing.
• So the Walker Ranch chapters started around Chapter 6, and might possibly end around Chapter 12 (with a detour to Auvernal around Chapter 9). That's 5 whole chapters + one more to tour the States itself.
• I know the original idea was to do an epilogue book revolving around the Walker ranch, so there's obviously a lot more clarity in those chapters than in the others. But that is still no excuse. If they were going to change track they should have been doing it properly. There's no excuse for this kind of selective laziness especially when it's been manifested countless times before.
• I also find the whole idea of revolving the epilogue book still pretty problematic. At the core of it that would be more of Drake and his family (which was already happening honestly) and it would mean they are absolutely front and center of everything. If the original idea was to focus fully on the Walkers...yikes.
• Yeah honestly, this chapter was pretty iffy for me. And I'm not exactly very enthusiastic about writing for it, or playing the next chapter.
• Also! For those who didn't see it, this past week I'd been working on an essay about the treatment for Kiara and Penelope in TRR Book 3, and it's here below in case you haven't read it and you want to!
To Be Not Heard: Kiara, Penelope and the Question of Validation.
• Alright! On to the next chapter.
If you like it and want to discuss it, I'd be only too happy to read your comments! 😀
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furbyq · 6 years
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oh my god it’s a bad idea someone has probably already done before with terrible results. but that’s my sim secret, i’m always terrible, so here we go.
when i posted that thing the other day, or last week or whenever, this is the post i wanted to make. i had written most of it and saved it in my drafts, but i thought maybe it wasn’t a good idea. thinking about it today, i’ve realized i don’t really care. i may still delete this post or hide it later, so get your looks in now.
there’s basically 4 hate secret archetypes:
you’re shit
your cc is shit
your sims are shit
and my favorite,
you did this thing unrelated to sims, don’t do that, it’s shit
some people who receive these secrets don’t deserve them. i can’t say whether or not i did, since i am biased, as i am me. but there are a lot of people i’ve seen get picked at who really don’t deserve it and cannot take that kind of rejection from the community. everyone who has ever gotten a hate secret that they felt was unfounded needs to remember: you don’t just have to take shit your entire life from people who treat you like trash. you can also rare back like a horse and hoof them in the face.
so what i’m going to do in this post is go back through all the secrets i have saved that were directed towards me and critique them on how founded they were. and perhaps how nice they looked. 
at the same time, i’m going to tell you exactly what i felt about them when i first saw them and exactly what i feel now. and i may not be very nice. in fact, after having written the rest of this post, i wasn’t nice at all.
chances are, the people who made the secrets did the right thing and stopped following me or looking at my blog a long time ago. and that’s a very healthy thing to do, i’m proud of them. however, possibly, the people who submitted these secrets might be people i know and have talked to, or still talk to. the problem with simsecret is, you never fucking know. maybe i submitted one of these and don’t remember. that’s right, i was me all along.
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now, first of all, i must commend this person on making an aesthetically pleasing secret. i mean, the part that they added actually matches my old blog theme a little bit. however, i have to dock points for lack of consistency in that second pooklet. i’m not going to give grammar too terribly hard of a time, because i’m not going to complain about people who may not be native english speakers. i have no way of knowing. but consistency? you get an 8/10.
let me explain you a thing. when a lot of people start posting in any community, it’s easy to be nervous about people critiquing your personal choices. for me, this was a big stumbling block. i emulated pooklet and azaya because their games looked good. they were two people in this community that fanned the flames of my love for ts2 into a fire that will burn for centuries.
this was also when pooklet had just released their lovely templates, which i still use, and they are likely to be the only templates i use until the day that i make my own. milkshape consistency is important to me and diverse facial features are important to me (keep in mind, this was before custom sliders). i would like to think that i evolved as someone who can make sims that look distinctly like my own, despite being based on someone else's templates, but everyone is entitled to their opinion.
nothing is ever going to please everybody. i could release a lovingly crafted piece of cc every day for the rest of my life and someone would complain about me clogging up their dash instead of unfollowing me. but to someone who is new in the community, criticism like this is much more harsh than you may intend it to be and may have an amplified effect. derivation is common in the start of new hobbies, even you probably derived at some point.
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the second secret that was specifically aimed towards me is so low effort, i would give it a 3/10. or a 6 out of 9, you somehow fucked it from both ends by making this shit off-center.
first, if you have a similar opinion, you may need to learn the fact that i may prefer to view different things with my eyeballs than you do. since i only have my eyeballs, and not yours, i tend to pick colors i like.
you may think to yourself, “well, why did you make that top area of shirt a different color to the bottom area of shirt??”, and i will tell you, they are not both shirt. the top part is a jacket overlay or some shit. it was a different color on yuxi’s original as well. as for the color choice, i just liked them. especially the middle one, which i tested colors on for half an hour because i knew i wanted to keep that minty jacket and i had already used too much purple.
what does using colorblind as an insult accomplish in this context? you are criticizing something that, if i actually had it, would be a type of disability i could not help. say it’s shit, and say it’s shit to my face so that i know not to share these things with you.
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at least use better colors. my colors are notoriously eye-searing but that red is about to give me a goddamn aneurysm. 6/10.
i don’t know how to break it to the original maker of this secret, but much like the tooth fairy does not exist, perfect humans also do not exist. why are you holding me to a higher standard than other people and then discarding me the moment i do something you personally do not like? you liked me. i fucked up. you liked me less than if someone you disliked did the same fucking thing?
in 2015, adfuck was a shitshow, but it is nowhere near the shitshow it is now. i also always provided a secondary link without adfly. i did that shit where i made it smaller for a couple of posts. i did the scum thing. i thought it would be lucrative and help my situation a tiny bit. a dollar earned from adfuck was a dollar i did not have before, and if you’re dying from starvation a dollar will save your life.
the subtext is, if you were afraid of viruses, you should have used the non adfuck link every time. if you were like me, and you had downloaded a thousand things from behind mandatory adfucks with your block disabled before the skipper (the adfly skipper, not like, a sea captain or anything) and hadn’t had a problem, you could very easily toss 1/1000 of a cent to a creator whose work you liked.
my stance on adfucks have changed drastically since 2015. i would never do it again because of its more clear association with viruses and the fact that i do not enjoy knowing that i could’ve made other people’s lives immensely shittier by being complicit in fucking up their computer. but i did do it, and no amount of apologizing is going to change that.
for future record, if you ever find one of my old, reblogged furbyq-sims posts, never click the shortened link. use the non adfuck one. i would have to push link shorteners every single nanosecond of my entire life for it to ever pay anything of substance, and i refuse to promote shorteners anymore. i will never cash it out, so clicking the links is a waste of time. since i deleted furbyq-sims, i cannot edit the links out. do not click them. 
do note that during my run with adfuck, i received 579 total clicks that registered as ‘valid’ or what-the-fuck-ever. those clicks amounted to $1.53 USD. when people use adfucks, be aware that they are doing so to make, probably at most like $5 USD a month if they get thousands of non-blocked clicks. it is the definition of pointless. the danger element is enough to put most people off, the shitty pay should take the rest of them, and yet.
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“hey, stop spamming” “hey, to resolve this, spam more” what do you fucking want from me?
again i’m pretty sure this person is not a native speaker, so i’m not going to poke at the grammar more than to mention that contradiction. you got your point across very well. remember to add a white outline to your text next time. 7/10.
let me tell you, desperation will make you do things that may not make sense to anyone else at the time.
think about this: my mom has serious lymph node deficiency that contributes to her getting pneumonia frequently. she’s on an oxygen concentrator at this time. now, oxygen concentrators are the thing that you get when a person needs nearly full-time oxygen. you don’t get a million tanks, you just get a single concentrator, which requires continuous electricity to work. ring ring it’s the electric company, your power is getting turned off tomorrow. you call hospice, hospice is like “well we can get a notice to them in like, two days” so you panic. you scramble for what you believe at that moment is the most important thing, regardless of whether or not you are right.
people who are in need will generally get help to some extent on the internet if they are brave enough to ask. but when it is a dire thing, you will reblog the post as many times as it takes to soothe your profound panic. every time you reblog, maybe one more person will see it. maybe that person will reblog, someone will see that and send $5 your way to help. you have got to keep things like this moving, if you do not ask you will not receive anything and dead posts are as good as not asking.
i don’t mean to sound overly terse, but i do sound that way for a reason, because some things are worth being terse over. and i hope, i hope to whatever deity may actually exist, that you never have to be in that position, where you know exactly why i did what i did. because it means you’re living in hell and it is no place to be.
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i know this is an undertale reference of some kind. i don’t understand it, i haven’t played the game. if you’re going to say something mean to someone, maybe you should use your own words instead of formatting cryptic bullshit that includes the word 'garbage’. 3/10.
if you’re going to insult someone, be specific. because when you insult someone, you wield a sword. when i get stabbed, i want it to be a killing blow to my heart and not some lukewarm stabbing about in my midsection. fucking kill me or leave me alone. those are the options, pick one.
people in the sims community make custom content. and some of it is great, and some of it is shitty. and sometimes, both of those things can come from the same person, because everybody in the entire world has off days. i’m not going to say my shit is great, but i have made things i am proud of. proud that i took the time to make something and it paid off, and i realized a creation that would not exist without my existence and efforts. 
other times, my stuff has been shitty. you are not obligated to download what you don’t like, and i’m sorry that me taking up 500 megabytes of the entire internet to host my shit on impacted your life so much back in 2016 or whenever the fuck.
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after some angry secrets, it’s good to end on this one. it makes me laugh every time i see it. 9/10.
i’m going to address three points in this picture, but i’m not and have never been mad at this one. whoever made this secret, inbox me. you’re my favorite motherfucker.
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when i made the phantom rage skin i had a picture of a man who had very speckled vitiligo saved as inspiration. i lost that picture when i cleared out old files, but this model, genesis castillo, is very similar to the vitiligo pattern that man had. there are a hundred winnie harlow skins. there were none like this where the vitiligo was not evened out with makeup. i then paired tones 1 and 10 and 2 and 8 for contrast, but the 1 and 10 one looks much odder in the low opacity parts, like camouflage, someone said once.
as someone who has a skin condition, i know how emotionally traumatic they are when they change your appearance drastically. i cannot empathize with any traumas of vitiligo that are directly tied to people of color being affected by it because i am not a person of color. 
if i offended anyone who has vitiligo, i am genuinely sorry. my intention was not to make a ‘costume’, it was to make a virtual representation of a type of human being that actually exists. i hope that learning from this experience and using that knowledge to the best of my ability in the future is enough to undo even an iota of damage that was done.
point two, what is wrong with the middle sim? what is wrong with the middle sim? what is wrong with them? they have a mole? they’re wearing two head accessories? what is wrong with them???
point three, the bebebrillit hairline conversions weren’t terrible. fitting shit to the different hairline shape is difficult, so it can lead to some weird edges. at the time i took the previews for the hairlines, i didn’t have a ton of hairs in my folder. i just started doing nouk hairs. i needed to take a picture of the high fashion ponytail, so i killed two birds with one stone. this is not a combo that i played with, thinking they fit together like jigsaw pieces. it was a preview and it even showed that the hairlines did not work with every hair.
there was a mythical 8th secret (yes, there were actually fucking 8 of them, i’ve averaged 2 hate secrets a year which i consider a life achievement). it was a picture of my first ts4 skinblend with the word “hideous” or “this is hideous” or some shit on it. it had the word hideous in it. that secret was deleted before i could save it, but i still remember it. and i can’t even be mad, i mean, they’re right. 10/10. best secret. it wasn’t a secret at all.
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i actually can’t remember why it turned out so shiny, i think it’s because there were like no skins close to what i wanted and i tried handpainting before i knew how to.
in conclusion, please, in the future... stay salty, stay mean, continue hiding behind anonymity, but either grow a sense of humor or commit to what you’re doing instead of hurling balls of infernal bitching gently at my face. 
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
Hi, dear moonracoon ! May I ask for your advice ? How do you think an artist can get noticed in the ffxv fandom ? I really wanted to ask you since you're so kind and amazing ! ( >^
First of all, I’m sorry that I took longer to this than expected, at least for a personal ask. I didn’t mean to make you wait. (。•́︿•̀。)
Okay, let’s check your question!!
First off, I want to tell you that I’m not an artist. So the advice I’m giving you is the best I can think about, but thinking about what I write/post, and what I’ve heard other artists say, but it’s not entirely from experience. So know that if none of what I tell you works, it’s not on you, I may have missed an important advice that didn’t cross my head!
If you’d like, you could ask someone from the drawing/painting world. Yuu-senpai, Hana-senpai, even Solaris-senpai, or many others are very friendly and open and they could give you advice from experience if what I tell you doesn’t convince you. c:
1. The first 5 tags
The first 5 tags under your artwork are the most vital and important, because they’re the ones that actually show up in the Tumblr search section!
You want to use the first five tags under your artwork as the best. Final Fantasy XV and FFXV would be the first two I used, and then something more specific (if your artwork is an Ignis one, then next comes the Ignis and/or Ignis Scientia tag, etc.).
If you want to/like to talk in the tags (like yours truly!), use the last tags or, at least, start from the 6th tag and ahead. The rest of the tags won’t show up in the search section when peopel browse the tag; the rest of the tag space are there for personal use (so you browse the tags in YOUR blog, not in the Tumblr site). 
WARNING: I HIGHLY advice you to NOT use the first 5 tags to fish for attention! If your artwork is a Gladio solo artwork, you have NO REASON to use the Ignis tag or a Noctis tag or even something like a Lunafreya tag!! DO. NOT. USE. UNRELATED TAGS. 
It may work to catch the attention, sure. Someone that follows the Ignis tag may see your Gladio artwork because you used the tag. You’ll catch their attention, but it will be NEGATIVE ATTENTION.
This IS from experience. You do make your artwork reach more people, but all you get is for people to go “Ugh” and scroll past your stuff because you’re spamming artworks unrelated to the tag in the tag. So do NOT!
2. Reblogs
Reblogs are possibly the most vital, most important part to be noticed.
While tagging is GREAT and the first step to make your art go somewhere, I’d dare say the majority of people don’t necessarily follow a tag. I don’t; all that I reblog, all were reblogged from another blog. I only follow the Corqi tag because of how scarce material there is for it, so I don’t want to miss anything. But, for example, I don’t follow any Ignis or FFXV tag (mostly because I want to keep my dash as short as possible lmao, but also) because I follow enough blogs that reblog enough artworks, so why follow a tag if the rest of the people are doing it for me?
Reblogging is a very, very vital part to get noticed because your art is reaching those blogs that don’t follow the tags.
This is, however, not on you. You need another blog to reblog your artwork; one reblog opens many chances so someone else reblogs, and so on and on. The more reblogs, the more chances for more reblogs, and hence, the more people will see it. 
You know what I just thought and I have no idea why it never occurred to me before?
Let’s say you have your art blog. Do you have another one where you reblog stuff? Do you already have followers? Reblog your own artwork; post in your art blog, reblog in the fandom one. That way, you’re your first reblog, and because your reblog/fandom blog will probably have more followers than the art one (at least in a beginning), it has more chances of reaching more people. 
So it’s very important that someone else reblogs your work. This is not on you, as I said, but rather in people giving you a hand at it. Except we don’t always reblog everything we see. 
So why not try to get a friend that starts doing it? 
You’re on anon for a reason, but if you want, you can tag me in your art, or tag me in it pretending to be someone else who happened to see the artwork and thought about me, so I won’t know it’s you (and don’t worry, I won’t get suspicious; I have no way to know it’s you, and I often get tagged in other artworks by people even if we don’t talk often, so I won’t look at the tag and say “Ah! It’s that anon from the other day!” I’ll just think it’s cool someone tagged me in something. Your identity is safe with  me, whether you keep it anon or not
To be honest I don’t reblog EVERYTHING that I see, but there’s big chances I will do it. I really like all the art in this fandom, it’s crazy how skilled you people are! But yeah, showing me can lead to me reblogging it, and there you could find that beginning of the reblogging chain.
Or if you’re too shy to show me, show someone else!!
Any of your friends, or someone you feel confident with, or comfortable with. The point is getting one first reblog that can lead to a few more, and the artwork will start eventually travelling across the FFXV fandom.
Speaking of reblogs, don’t be afraid of reblogging your own work in your own blog itself!
A lot, a lot, a lot of artists do it. A lot of writers too; I do it often!!
What I mean is, think about the world. It’s not the same hour everywhere. I can post something during my evening because everyone is online on evenings, right? So it wil reach everyone.
Nope. To some, it’s night; to some, it’s bedtime; to some, it’s morning. It won’t reach everyone simply because of timezones.
So what I do is, I post something, and then I queue a reblog of the same post but it’s my “12 hour reblog”. If I posted at 6 pm, I’ll queue it for 6 am. I like to do the 12 hr one because I think it’s more chances of reaching many people, with the not-so-literal thought of “if it’s day time here, it’s posting on nighttime in the other side of the world, so in 12 hours it will be this hour tomorrow for them”. I hope it makes sense.
And sometimes I even make a 3rd reblog. Sometimes I do feel shy about it because I fear to be annoying, but 99% of the times it works and it reaches people it hadn’t reached before. 
It’s a way of sending your own work back to the top of the dashboard, and sometimes a way to give a 2nd chance for people to see it; sometimes we scroll past something without noticing, so a reblog will give us a 2nd chance to see it.
3. Posting silly stuff sometimes
It’s not a secret that sometimes a silly stickman comic you drew in 5 minutes gets more attention than the profound artwork you worked in for 10 hours. It can be annoying, disappointing, even discouraging at times. But it is, nonetheless, a good way to get attention. 
I’m not saying you force yourself to think about jokes; most times forced jokes don’t work. But if you ever get a silly idea, don’t be afraid to draw it!
People won’t think about the art and judge it. They’re just looking at the joke. And if they find it funny, they may check your blog for more, and maybe you won’t have more silly comics, but maybe, from 10 people that look in your blog for more comics, 3 will think your other work is AMAZING and will fave and maybe even reblog some of that too. It can even get you a couple new followers.
Again, this is not NECESSARY. I follow artists that have never once in their lives (of this fandom) posted any joke or silly thing, and I still follow and ADORE their work to bits. The only thing I needed was to find them once. 
4. Asks and requests
If you’re up for it and have no troubles, you could also be open for quick requests in your ask box.
Have you seen some of those memes/charts, with many facial expressions/prompts, and people request something? “Could you please draw (X character) in A3, please? Thank you!” That sort of prompts. That can be very useful!
People really like free art. Some of us don’t have money for big commissions, so sometimes, when an artist can make a 15 minutes sketch or doodle of something we like, that’s amazing, and it can lead to earning followers and/or reblogs here and there. 
NOTE: Remember, however, that you’re not WORKING FOR US. You’re not getting paid. Do it for fun, when you can, and don’t stress or overwork or take 100+ requests and try to answer them all in 2 days. It’s only for fun. Alrighty? 
But yeah; sometimes, requests can lead some people to your ask, and hence tto your blog. And it’s fun! A lot of people in this fandom have some damn amazing creativity for prompts (and boy, do I know this!!)
5. Collabs /Drawing for a fic
This works better for writers; people look at artworks way, way, way more than they read fanfics, simply because it’s less time consuming and immediate. 
However, collabs can be an amazing way to get both artist and writer to be known.
There are some that follow the artist; some that follow the writer. So when a writer posts a fic linked to an artwork, people will find out about the artist’s blog that way. And when an artists posts an artwork with a fic linked, people will find the writing blog. It’s a good way that gives and receives equally. 
There are people that are REALLY passionate about a fanfic, so you can be sure as heck that they will check out any artwork about it. That they like it or not, that’s on them, but they will at least check it out. 
So you can also draw for a fic you like, no collab needed.
This works just fine, maybe even better. With this, you not only get to be known, but you also make a writer HYPED AND ECSTATIC. There ain’t a feeling in the world like getting art drawn for your fic. So you can be sure that 99% of chances are the writer will reblog even if it’s not a collab (unless the writer is some FREAK, I can’t imagine why someone wouldn’t reblog an art of their fic???). And so, the people that follow the writer will see it too. 
This can work very well because it’s a way to get at least one reblog for sure, which is a beginning. :)
6. Join fandom weeks/weekends
This is a good way to have fun and get yourself to get known.
That is because this is a way so you will for SURE have at least one reblog. And what’s best is that that reblog won’t be from a blog who has 1 follower, it will be reblogged by a fandom blog who has dozens of followers.
If someone is a lot into Gladnis, chances are they will follow the Gladnisweek blog. Maybe they won’t participate, but they follow it to see the entries of other people, and they have it for sure that the content will be exactly what they’re looking for. 
There is no way your artwork goes unseen in a fandom week! 
7. Be true to yourself; have fun
I know, I know. The most cliché of the clichéd advices. But it’s very important that you remember that.
Don’t draw for the attention; draw for yourself.
This IS another one from personal experience. I honestly never thought I’d write for this fandom, even less have this many followers or this many requests! And you know how I got here? Because I only had fun, shared my ideas, shared my passion for the game with others, I was honest and literally, literally only had fun.
Indeed, what pushed me to fame was literally just joking around. It was the Gladio’s pick up lines series. Which I did not because I wanted followers, I just wanted to make people laugh, and I wanted to share my jokes. 
All that I did was have a lot of fun and do what I wanted, not what I thought other people wanted, and eventually ended up here.
Drawing for attention is like drawing for money; it’s empty art.
You don’t dance, sing, paint, or write thinking about how much money and fame you’ll make. You dance, sing, paint, or write thinking about what your story will say, what you want to transmit, how you want it to look. You’re thinking about creating and sharing, not about the fame.
It’s as I said about making silly things or comics sometimes; it’s only if you want to and if you’re having fun, you don’t have (and must NOT) force it!! (Think about a gas; if you force a gas out, it’ll come out as poop. It must come out naturally. Same with everything else, art included!)
So stay true to yourself. Draw what you want to draw, as you want to draw it. True, you’re not drawing just for yourself; if that was the case, you wouldn’t post it online. You’re posting it because you want to share with others. But do so like that; draw for you and share with others, don’t draw what you THINK the others want or what you THINK the others will like. Draw what you want and what you like, and show us; you’ll find someone that likes it too.
Don’t stress about what people will like or not. Think about what YOU like, and that’s it. 
I understand the concern about getting your art to be known, but that comes later. 
And that’s all that I can think of right now! Gee, I sure hope I’m not forgetting/not thinking about something more or else. But I’m sure maybe some raccoobo can have advice too, so, while I can’t tell you for sure it will happen, maybe someone will drop a comment under this, so make sure to check the notes if you see any. My raccoobos are smarter and have more experience than me, so they may know something else! ヽ(・ω・)ノ
Of just draw the boys in lingerie, for some reason most fandom seem to like that? Lol. I honestly rarely like that and prefer them in fancy, but maybe I’m just old fashioned or a NERD. But really, draw what you like, this sentence was a joke c:
Anyway, buddy, that’s that!!
[I’m gonna add a read more; it’s not more, just my personal thanks, but as this is already lengthy, I’m gonna add this under a cut. Hope that’s okay, buddy :)]
Thank you so, so, so immensely much for asking me. I feel flattered that you decided to put this bit of trust in me. I don’t know what I did so you felt comfortable and asked me, but I’m happy about it!! 
Thank you for coming to this raccoonie for advice. I’m not the best at it, but I try. I hope any of this can be useful, buddy. Thank you again for the trust, it’s really valuable to me and I feel very honored that you asked me. :’)
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWW, and thank you SO MUCH for saying such kind and nice and sweet things about me!!! YOU’RE SO NICE, AH, YOU STOP THAT! Now I’m a blushing and giggling MESS, I’m too weak at handling praise aklsdj dfskljf klsdjf d (*ノ▽ノ)♡♡♡ 
The raccoonie is here for any question or struggle that you have, buddy! I may not always have advice, but I can always share thoughts and ideas, or just read you and give you warmy and fluffy raccoonie snuggles, alrighty? c:
Thank you so much again for asking me and for the bit of trust, and for being so sweet with me
Whether you decide to show me or not, I’ll anyway be sending you some of my most powerful, strongest MAGICAL RACCOON VIBES so you get success and the fame and followers you deserve!! And I don’t know if you’ve followed my blog for a while or if you’ve read my other personal asks, but my magical racc vibes... ALWAYS WORK!! So now you ust gotta work hard, have fun, share, and that’s it. :3
So. *grabs pompoms* This raccoon will be HYSTERICALLY CHEERING ON YOU, OKAY. Greatest of lucks, buddy, I know you can do this!! GO, GO, A-NON, GO GO, A-NON!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! o(≧▽≦)o
Thanks again for everything, buddy! I wish you the absolute BEST and I give you lots, and lots, and LOTS of magical raccoon vibes so it works phenomenally!!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
Greatest of lucks!
I hope you’re having a MOST FANTASTIC day or night!! Hugs!  \(^ヮ^)/
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subetei-noykin · 7 years
I Am Livid
So, I've been off XIV for a few days, RL's been rough, etc etc, blah blah blah. Life happens, we all get it. To be honest though, the thing draining my muse lately has been something very personal that has today boiled over in the absolute worst of ways.
I'm going to be losing my veneer of reasonability and friendliness here. I promise you, how I am about to sound is not how I normally react but this is a situation I hope and trust people can understand, perhaps relate to. If you want to avoid drama and want to keep out of a personal rant, please avoid reading past the cut. 
@tarot-dancer​ (aka Neyuki)  is my RP partner, best friend and girlfriend of roughly 9 years at this point, perhaps 10. It's been a long time. I know her, I love her, I have seen what an amazing person she is. How anxious she is to play her character and just be left alone, how sweet she is and how open to the community she has been. She's not just an amazing person though, but everything I do? All my writing skills, my talent for creation and development of stories? I learned it from her. She has notepads where she writes ideas down, she frets over every little detail and inspiration she had. She has a love for roleplaying and creating that is nearly boundless.
Except lately.
As some of you may know, or may not considering her private stance over it, Neyuki has been recieving anon hate. It has been going on for a period of likely at least a month, longer perhaps, but even to me she is reluctant to go into full details because this is absolutely -mortifying- for her. The anon hate, in summary, alleges the following;
Neyuki is a character who is 'fake' and 'stolen' because of her design elements
Neyuki's player, my BEST FRIEND and LOVE OF MY LIFE, is scum, worthless, uncreative, a hack, etc, because of these 'stolen'/'fake' elements.
Neyuki's player, once again my best friend and love of my life, should completely abandon Tumblr and the XIV community, because this anon doesn't think they should be on it. Or die.
Yes. Wishing death has been involved.
The elements Neyuki has been accused of stealing are her dancer-like clothing and design choices and her off-model horn colors. To be specific, she uses lighter Thavnair inspired design clothing because Neyuki is canonically from Thavnair. Her off-model horn colors are a prismatic/opalescent color. This anon feels Neyuki stole both these and other elements from her.
So Neyuki has taken these anon hate blows as best she can. Trying to figure out who would accuse her of such a thing and then send her such vitriolic messages instead of speaking with her like a sane, reasonable individual. She's endured and tried to move on, but it hurts her. It has been emotionally and creatively devastating to her and I've -watched- her. Watched her slip further and further from a community she loves being a part of and further from a character she immensely enjoyed, that she poured heart and soul into.
I'm going to state, for the record, that Neyuki has a -fairly- good idea of who this anon is, but because we cannot prove it aside from a circumstantial trail and some evidence that may-or-may-not be definitive, I'm not going to name names here. I will say that Neyuki has spoken to others in this community who have confirmed this person has caused issues before, but again, without proof I will not directly call them out. Why? Because in this community, even if I'm -dead on-, without literally their name signed on this anon hate and screenshots of every interaction (and hell, -with- that kind of evidence), someone will turn this around on Neyuki to drag her even more through the mud.
Fast-forward to last night. Neyuki is trying her damndest to get over this and sends a nice, polite message to a fellow user on tumblr. Name omitted because this isn't their drama. This person reblogs the ask Neyuki sends and as soon as they do, THEY recieve hateful messages. For even posting a message Neyuki sent them on their dash, they were now the victim of this person's misdirected bullshit.
To say Neyuki is hurt is an understatement. To say she's devastated is much, much closer to being true but that doesn't even cover it. Neyuki now feels like she can't even participate in the Tumblr community without this person hounding them. Stalking their friends and associates, bringign their hate and bitterness to bear on anyone she dared associate with publically. It's pushed her to the point she's seriously considering leaving the community and XIV in general.
So why am I posting this? Because as a rule I don't care about my public image on Tumblr. I don't care that by posting this I'm opening myself up for attacks and hate and once I post this, I'll return to my position of refusing to post drama or personal junk unless I feel it's necessary. What I care about is that someone close to me is suffering so deeply that she is considering abandoning something she absolutely loves and enjoys doing.
Because of a coward.
I won't defend Neyuki's design choices or inspirations here, because I don't feel these baseless accusations from such a hateful coward -warrant- defense. The character Neyuki Utaura has design elements inspired by real life aesthetic, her cultural background and what her player liked. Prismatic, different or pearlescent horns are not so special as to scream 'stolen' the moment someone has them. So jumping to the conclusion that someone knows about, much less cares about, a character's design choices enough to out and out steal them is an act of SUPREME ARROGANCE on the part of this hateful, disgusting coward.
What I will defend is Neyuki. Who has never held herself to anything but the highest standards when it comes to her roleplaying and creative choices. Who is the mother of my child and an amazing, warm person who puts faith, trust and love in others because she genuinely wants to enjoy her time in this community. I have never seen her do a single thing I would consider wrong, or theft, or anything but working her character concept to new places on her own experience. I have never seen her steal, never seen her follow a blog and suddenly change her character, we've never discussed how she likes x from y and wants it on Neyuki. What I have seen her do is have an idea, find someone else popular has that same idea and shyly decide to drop the idea rather than risk THIS. EXACT. SITUATION.
My final word on the matter is this.
I don't expect anyone to care. Or come forward about this, to apologie or to try and back themselves up with some kind of proof. I don't even expect anyone to take this as seriously as I do, because they can't SEE the physical and mental effects. They can't see how heartbreaking it is. They don't know. What Iwant is to remind everyone to consider the human on the other side of the fucking computer before you do things like this. Defend yourself, protect your ideas if you feel they're being stolen, but have the fucking stomach and maturity to handle it directly instead of hiding and tearing someone down in a way they can't defend.
And to you.
The person behind this. If you happen to read this. If you happen to have taken the time out of your undoubtedly busy day of stalking someone I care about and tearing them apart for the sake of your own bloated, selfish egotism.
You are disgusting. The words arrogant, self-involved or even paranoid float by, but do you no justice. What you are is a psychotic, cowardly narcissist. You have attacked, belittled, stalked and threatened, WISHED DEATH UPON, another human being for the supposed 'crimes' of their character reminding you of elements of your own. If you were so confident of your case and evidence, you would present it and directly confront Neyuki, but you do not because you have nothing.
ARE. Nothing.
I have my suspicions who you are. And you've already slipped up and played your hand to people who know and are friends with Neyuki. One day you'll push the boundary just a little too far and give me just the last bit of evidence I need to drop this tidal wave of bullshit on your lap where it belongs. All the anons, the death threat, the 'please don't draw this character' snide shots to artists, the attacks and stalking, I'll pile it directly on your head where it belongs and on that day I really hope your toxic little ass has friends to support and comfort you. Because you will find no mercy in myself and those who care about Neyuki, no 'all is forgiven' after the inevitable half-assed apology you'll squeeze out to save face and no amount of victim playing or whining will make me think better of you. I have no pity on your obvious shortcomings and emotional instability, no tolerance for whatever you'll try to hide behind.
You are, in my eyes, nothing more than scum that has hurt the woman I love. I hope one day I get to return the favor unto you.
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sophygurl · 7 years
Woot! Tagged by my new we-finished-a-series-at-the-same-time-and-desperately-need-to-talk-about-it book buddy @blackandwhitemotley​! (I seem to collect these - hi @wingedsaboteur​)
1) Name/Nickname: Rosemary is my name. Soph or sophy tends to be a nickname to anyone who met me on the internets first for obvious reasons. I will accept the shortening of my name - Rose - only if I can tell by the way you said it that you know the full name is Rosemary (I can tell okay). I only accept Rosie if my inner child is out because that’s HER name though I accept Rosy , from one friend who asked permission a long time ago (hey @ladynorbert​). I let any and all kids call me me Aunt Rose, not just my nieces and nephew (who is too young yet to call me anything), and my oldest niece still loves to call me by her baby name for me - AuRoo. This was probably a longer thesis on names than the question is meant to be, but that’s me!
2) Gender: Cis genderqueer woman is the best descriptor for my gender and sex. 
3) Star sign: Leo - rawr.
4) Height: 5′3′‘ - just short enough to have short people problems but not quite short enough to be seen as short.
5) Hogwarts House: I’ve had long conversations about this with one of my closest friends @c-l-ford, and we really can’t come up with a true consensus. I think I’m a combo of all four, but I realize that’s a cop-out. 
6) Favourite animal: Felines of any sort, though I’m an all around animal lover (bugs don’t count).
7) Hours of sleep: 8-12, though closer to 8 these days since the Lyrica is helping me to sleep more normally.
8) Dogs or Cats: Cats obvi, but I do love dogs. 
9) Number of blankets: Like, I know this is asking the number of blankets you sleep with on your bed, but the phrasing makes me wanna go around and count all the blankets I own. But okay - I sleep with a light blanket during warmer months, and throw a big comforter over the top during the colder ones. 
10) Dream trip: I’d love to take a cruise through the Mediterranean, taking stops in Sicily, Italy, Greece, Egypt, Turkey, Israel, Morocco, etc. 
11) Dream job: At this point, I’d really just love to be working again in any capacity. I miss it so much. I miss feeling like I had a purpose, and knowing I was doing a good job, and working harder the next day, and thinking about getting promoted, and just generally - yea - being my workaholic self. Which makes being too disabled to work for over 15 years now kind of a bummer. 
12) Time: 1:12 pm
13) Birthday: July 29
14) Favourite Bands: I’m never up on new music, so I’m gonna go with some of my classic faves here - Areosmith, Cheap Trick, The Doors, The Indigo Girls, Journey, The Monkees, R.E.M., Queen
15) Favourite Solo Artists: Ani DiFranco, Blondie, Dar Williams, Janis Joplin, Joan Jett, k.d. lang, P!nk, Tori Amos (and yes I added an s to make this one plural too, no fair asking for multiple bands but only one solo artist)
16) Song Stuck In My Head: Lady, by Styx
17) Last Movie I watched: Hidden Figures, though my stupid body fell asleep at the last third or so of the movie, so I’m gonna have to re-watch. (When I woke up, I turned to my friend and said “I missed the ending, did they ever make it to the moon?”)
18) Last Show I Watched: Madam Secretary (I’m a few eps behind though)
19) When Did I Create My Blog: I wanna say about four years ago??
20) What Do I Post/Reblog: So many. I’m a huge TV nerd, so lots of reblogs of gifsets and meta (and sometimes my own meta or short opinion bit) about lots of shows both past and present. I also dig me a lot of books and some movies, so those show up. Intersectional feminism is a big deal to me, so I signal boost a lot of stuff along those lines. I love memes, puns, cute animal pics, gender queering, and pretty shiny things. I might occasionally post personal stuff. I’m chronically ill and that affects my life to a large degree, so I’m likely to reblog stuff about that if it shows up on my dash. Around May - June, I’m likely to be posting about WisCon, my local feminist SFF con that happens Memorial Weekend each year. And in a couple of days here it’ll be November 1st which is when I let my Christmas nerd out to play, so there’ll be a lot of that then too. 
21) Last Thing I Googled: haha, it was actually the song Lady by Styx because I couldn’t remember who sang it, and because once I realized it was in my head, I wanted to listen to it.
22) Other Blogs: No other tumblrs, though I do (very) occasionally post on my Dreamwidth account - same name as this tumblr. 
23) Do I Get Asks: Not very often, though I love it when I do! I adore interacting with folks, so come at me.
24) Why I Chose My URL: sophy from sophia, the feminine divine aspect of god, and also just wisdom/knowledge in general (I was studying philosophy and religious studies when I came up with the sophygurl handle the first time). Then I added -gurl at the end because it was less likely to conflict with other ppl who wanted to combine sophy and girl together to make a name. lol
25) Following: 267 (this is why I can never catch up even on a good day)
26) Followers: 582 - can that be right? Do I have those reversed? I guess a lot of those are spam accounts. 
27) Lucky Number: 5
28) Favourite instrument: Drums of all kinds.
29) What Am I Wearing: lol a silky nightgown paired with an old comfy sweatshirt over the top and comfy pj pants underneath, and warm socks.
30) Favourite Food: Dark chocolate, broccoli, potatoes, and my family’s recipe spaghetti sauce - which I’m gonna make in a few days for the first time in ages woo!
31) Nationality: USian. 
32) Favourite Song: Imagine, by John Lennon. 
33) Last Book Read: The Root by Na’amen Gobert Tilahun 
34) Top Three Fictional Universes I’d Like To Join: Oh geeze, most of my fave universes to read about/watch are not ones I’d want to personally be involved in, so let me think. Maybe the world in Practical Magic, Starhawk’s The Fifth Sacred Thing but only if I could be part of the Bay Area world and not the LA one, Realm of the Elderlings - preferably in the Rain Wilds over other areas.
Tagging: other than the one who tagged me - if you got tagged in the body of this post for other reasons, consider yourselves tagged to do this! Otherwise - tagging anyone who wants to. Make sure you tag me so I’ll see it when you do it tho! :)
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emptyxhere · 5 years
Rules for mobile users
[[here’s a google doc for the updated list of rules, applicable for all my blogs]]
anything under this cut is from my outdated rules.
[rules updated: 07/28/2019]
• No godmodding. No sending (implied or explicit) homophobic/transphobic/bigoted messages to me or my character either.
• Assume the majority of this blog’s interactions will take place over social media. However, I’m still interested in doing face to face interactions for this muse, upon request, or if you send in an ask meme starter prompt! If you’re not interested in blog-style roleplaying, that’s alright. This Frisk is connected to the player known as Zenith (@xceancyes) so some lore stuff might happen on this blog if you want to follow along with online shenanigans.
• In any face to face interactions: if you start getting bored with the roleplay, feel free to drop it and/or end it. We can always start up another thread in the future.
• Please don’t over-pester me for replies. I promise I’ll get to them. Feel free to drop me a reminder after at least a week of no replies, though. In return, I usually give you a week too, unless otherwise specified in your own rules, until I remind you if it’s your turn to reply (or more often, I chicken out and trust that you’ll eventually respond/want to drop it and end up never bringing up that particular thread ever again). You’re always free to start multiple threads with me, that is greatly encouraged because I love having lots of threads with people.
• However, please let me know if you want to drop a roleplay thread! It can give me major anxiety when I’m waiting for a response that’s never going to come, and I wonder if I did something wrong and assume that’s why you’re not replying anymore :’) I’m not forcing you to let me know if you want to drop a thread, you can drop it without saying anything too. But I personally really appreciate being told about that sort of thing.
• Don’t reblog a f2f thread you’re not part of. This should go without being said, of course. Personals will be immediately hardblocked, and rp blogs will receive a warning.
• Please know that any in character post is okay to reblog or reply to if we’re mutuals! But out of character posts are not okay to reblog, unless stated otherwise, or it is a promo or art I’ve done.
• If you can trim your threads, please do! It’s fine if you can’t, though, because I will most likely trim the thread for you. If you don’t trim threads with other people, however, I’ll be less likely to follow you since I don’t like scrolling through long posts.
• Please don’t claim any of my art as your own. If you post it somewhere, the least you can do is credit me by at least including a link to my blog or something. Bonus points if you ask me first before reposting my art, but I understand if you’re anxious because so am I :’)
• That being said, if you’re following me, please let me know if I’m doing something that’s making you uncomfortable or is breaking one of your rules!! I do read the rules pages of everyone, but I’m human and forget things, and I’m not a mind reader either ;~; I care, so please tell me if I’m ever doing anything bad
• I am of age to do smut, but Frisk is definitely not! They are a baby!! No smut in this house.
• This blog is not a spoiler-free one.
• I’m alright with roleplaying nsfw in general, minus smut. Gore, violence, and generally dark roleplays are cool with me. It should be, considering this is a genocide Frisk anyway. I love angsty things just as much as I love fluff ;w; Plus, their first instinct to seeing a monster now is to kill them, so they’ll probably fight any monster muses on sight. Speaking of gore, you’re more than welcome to fight/harm/injure my muse to any extent! You don’t even have to ask! If you want to do a rp where they die, however, please dm me first. (this rule is for f2f interactions)
• I prefer not to interact with personals. Personals in general are allowed to follow me though! However! Personals are not allowed to reblog roleplays, in character posts, or ooc posts especially if I say in the tags that I’m going to delete the post later. Only things that are tagged with my “reblogs” or “musings” or “art tag” tags are okay to reblog. Headcanon posts are not okay to reblog unless I say otherwise.
• Like spamming is okay! I very occasionally lose roleplays, and getting lots of notes from likes are never a factor for that, for me personally. If I lose a roleplay, it’s mostly just because I forgot, so that’s really a “me” thing. And I like it when people like my posts! It lets me know that you like my blog and the stuff I post, and it makes me happy :’)
• If you are an OC, I will assume our muses have never met unless you plan ahead with me what their relationship is like.
• That being said, characters who have already interacted in canon will know each other. Unless the roleplay takes place in a different point of time and we are staging their first meeting, of course.
• Frisk will be pretty meta sometimes. They are aware of who Players are (they’re definitely not fond of them considering what their’s made them do), and they know they live in the game world. Although they are not aware of alternate universes and things of that nature yet.
• Like I said above, Frisk is connected to the player known as Zenith. He was the player who controlled their adventure three years ago.
• Frisk is nonbinary on this blog. Although, I don’t care if you refer to them as a boy or a girl (Frisk has no preference). Their order of preference for pronouns is they/she/he, although they will definitely like you more if you use exclusively they/them pronouns. I respect all headcanons about Frisk’s gender, and same goes for any Krises and Charas. If you play a KFC kid, gendered or not, I will use the pronouns they want used, and I do hope that you use they/them pronouns for my Frisk. I personally will default to using they/them for other Krises, Frisks, and Charas unless specified on your blog. No discourse about this, please.
• Doubles are welcome to interact too! I’m also cool with interacting with and following multiple blogs who portray the same character other than Frisks as well!
• This blog will not have mains. Of course most of the monsters in their timeline are dead, other than Flowey, Asgore and Sans(?), and any monster who managed to evacuate.
• Regarding face to face interactions: I’m pretty lenient with short replies. Don’t feel pressured to match the length if my reply gets long! Multi-para (usually 2-5 paragraphs) is my go-to for roleplays, so I usually do long replies by default.
• Adding onto that, I honestly don’t mind one-liners. Of course, in crack/online roleplays it’s fine but I’m okay with it in serious roleplays too. I prefer it if you don’t give me one-liners, but hey, as long as I’m still having fun with the roleplay anyway, it’s cool with me! I understand not being able to think of anything to write, so just as long as you don’t give me one or two words as your reply like ‘He smiled.’ or ’*laughs*’, I’ll be cool with it. Put at least some effort even if you’re only gonna give me one sentence, otherwise I’ll drop the rp once it becomes a repeat offense.
• I will not change the formatting of my roleplays to fit yours. I’m comfortable with sticking to only paragraph style roleplays, thank you very much. Feel free to keep formatting your own posts though, because I think formatting looks really cool! I just don’t want to format my posts, however. I do not currently have any icons for this blog, and I will not go all out with formatting my own posts with all that cool ‘small text’, and indents, and bolding and all that. The most I ever do with my formatting is italics for emphasis on certain words.
• I tend to move f2f roleplays from asks onto its own post. If I send you an ask meme and you answer it, I’ll respond by making a new post, tagging you, and linking to your reply. Until formatting on asks are fixed, I will answer any asks sent to me in a new text post rather than asks.
• I accept any sort of asks! If they aren’t answered after a while, either I don’t know how to answer it or I might be drawing it out and I am a very slow artist- Sorry-
• Feel free to tag me in any of those tagging memes! I don’t mind and I think they’re pretty fun to do! ^^
• Adding onto the above rule, you’re more than welcome to send me those chain asks like “send this to 10 roleplayers you think are really great!” because it’s super duper nice that you would think to send one to me! But don’t expect me to send them to other people, because I won’t :’) my anxiety won’t let me, so I’m sorry-
• If I follow you, that means I’ve already read all of your rules. I might not send the codephrase, though, because most of the time I get very anxious over having to send things like that. I’m very sorry–! But if I follow you then chances are that I have definitely read them before following- If you choose not to trust me on this, I understand.
• I generally follow every rp blog that follows me, but I might not follow some people back for a few reasons. Some might be for the type of content you post on your blog. I will interact with most people (unless you wanna rp gross things or you’re a mean person,,,, like your muse can be as much of a dick as you want, that’s no problem but don’t be gross to other people as yourself) and if I do roleplay with you, I will be more likely to follow you as well.
• Adding onto the above rule, however, please respect that it’s nothing personal if I ever unfollow you either! It’s not that I hate you or anything, but if you haven’t followed me back and you’re a private rp blog, or if we’re mutuals but never really roleplay, our muses just don’t click, you spam stuff that I don’t want to see on my dash, or you’ve become inactive for years and/or don’t interact with me anymore, there’s nothing wrong with that! We can still be friends but I prefer to have all the people I follow be potential rp partners. Feel free to follow me on my personal, @briightskies if you still wanna keep in touch but not rp :’)
• This blog is OC and crossover friendly! I love OCs and have many of my own tbh, you’re all more than welcome to come interact with me!!
• This blog is semi-selective with blog post interactions. I’ll mostly just interact with people I’m following, but I’m definitely open to interacting with other rp blogs too. Regarding f2f interactions, I am non-selective!
• I’ll also interact with fandoms I’m not into either, as long as you have a good about section for your character, which also indicates how you portray them (any headcanons or AUs you have that aren’t canon, or whether you portray them as canonly as possible, unless they’re OCs of course since a regular about page is a given) and I’ll probably look up other things about that fandom in its wiki if I don’t know what something is anyway.
• I really shouldn’t have to say this, but I feel like I’ll need to anyway. I will not be shipping with this muse! They’re not in the best mental space for relationships at the moment, and they are also Too Young to be dealing with anything more than small crushes at kids their age.
• This blog might contain triggering content. I will tag common triggers and such, but don’t be afraid to tell me if you have something you want me to tag! I promise I’ll remember to tag it from then on. I do not have any known triggers myself. Any trigger warning tags will be written as “tw; ____” with a semi-colon, not a colon. If I feel like something should be tagged as a trigger but I’m not sure what to tag it exactly, I’ll just tag it as “tw” as a sort of catch-all tag.
     Requested tagged triggers:
 none at the moment
• I will only talk through the IM system ooc. If you send me a message through there, I will not respond with ooc brackets ((these things)) because I will automatically assume you know that you’re talking to the mun. I do not do roleplays or ic interactions on there.
Thank you for reading this really long list of rules! It means a lot if you did!
There’s no password, because I’m also anxious with those for other people’s blogs as I said above. But if you would like to interact with me, you can shoot me an ask directed to my muse, or @ them or something!
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