#because fuck lgbt people and the families they can create together amirite
echofades · 2 years
Charity and Vanessa were one of the only f/f couples on television raising children together. It was the kind of representation desperately needed for wlw to look up to and see that families like that could actually exist. 
I cut Emmerdale a little bit of slack for having to undo some of that work when they had to write Michelle out - but I at least had hope that they chose to complete the adoption before the breakup for a reason. That even if Vanity were apart they’d still make sure to treat Johnny as Charity’s child, to give some consideration to the family that they build together. But no. Johnny’s adoption was relevant for all of a week (to give us scenes of Mack crying about it, I guess), and aside from a throwaway line or two it may as well have never happened at this point. Not a single general audience member would list Johnny as one of Charity’s kids if asked. I don’t know what will happen when Vanessa leaves for a second time but if she goes by choice I don’t even expect them to give Charity and Johnny’s connection a second though. And Vanessa’s relationship with Moses, or Noah, or Sarah? Well those bonds never existed at all I guess. 
And now, just to really rub salt in the would... Charity might have a baby with Mack instead!! The fact that it is wildly out of character for Charity to want another baby at this point in her life, when she can barely keep track of the kids she already has, should have me believing that she will go through with an abortion, Mack will be angry because he wanted it, and it’ll split them up. But this is Emmerdale in a post-2020 world. So I can’t wait for them to have her decide to keep the baby, and get emotional about how she wasn’t in a good place when she had her other kids, and now she finally gets to bring a kid into the world in a happy wonderful stable relationship. 
When Johnny was supposed to be the child she chose. The family she created with Vanessa was what she chose.
I have no words :)
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thedrunkturtles · 6 years
voltron s7 lgbt rep things and my other opinions (that noboby asked for but im gonna give anyway because this is getting out of hand) on stuff:
ok so this is probably getting old but i wanted to give my two cents about the whole thing. first off,i wanna say that i love voltron and season 7 doesn't change that. i personally thought it was an amazing season, though of course like everything there are things i didn't like. lets get this out of the way so we can get on to the positives.
-one, i didn't like the forced allurance. fuck that amirite ladies and gents (no offense to people who ship allurance).
-two, lance isn't dumb. he is a beautiful smart man and i will not stand for this >:(((((((((((((((((.
can't really think of anything else though i probably have a little more than that loool. oh well.
-the positives.
I LOVE HUNK. hunk this season... do i have to say more.
i am a klance shipper and idk bout y'all but i am kinda satisfied. they were few and far in between though and honestly the only thing keeping me hopeful about this is fan theories, even if some of them are reaching. and the klible.
though i'm not really a multishipper, we got some good moments for a lot of other ships too!!!! that's real noice.
i don't like anything about lotor excluding his hair, his hair is beauty. i love him as a villain, but i never have and never will like him as a person. but him in the feud episode. ABSOLUTE GOLD. GO GALRA WILL FOREVER BE STUCK IN MY SMALL BRAIN AND I WILL NEVER BE MAD ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!
romelle. she's beautiful, she's funny, her interactions with the team (mostly hunk), did i mentions she's beautiful, she's an alien. i will absolutely marry her. she is beauty.
james isn't as much of a tool as i thought he'd be. he was still kind of an absolute dick to keith at moments but he's an overall cool dude and he has good intentions. i loved all of his other friends too and can i just say. kinkade. damn son you is foine.
keith called krolia mom!!!!!! and he said i love you to her!!!!! and she said it bacccckkk!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT LEADERSHIP THO and his teleporting space wolf kosmo is absolutely everything. basically everything about keith i love him. though this season i think he became closed off again because of basically no human interaction for 2 years. i don't believe that answer he gave about choosing lance, like come on ;)))). his arms were crossed and that's just typical closed off seasons 1-3 keith.
pidge we didn't really see that much but i love her. when she hugged her mom. 100000000000/yes bitch. when she hugged her dog i died.
lance... sharpshooter lance??????? YES GOD. he was amazing and funny as always this season and his arc isn't over y'all. ugghhhh i just love him so much. he needs to talk to someone about his insecurities and get a noice hug. I LOVED HIS REUNION WITH HIS FAMILY THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL :"DDDDDDDD. and his sister veronica. dudes. just yes. yes.
shiro is always amazing and strong and he gets even more so with every season. idk how my boy is doing it cause he's been through hell as well. i think he needs to mourn adam a little more, and i know they broke up but they were together for a long time too. he needs a long nap and a break and i love him.
allura. umm i love and adore my girl allura but right now i think she also needs a nap and a break. her heart was broken by the snek lotor (sorry lotor stans) and she needs time to heal. aka not try to get with lance cause she doesn't need anymore romance right now. sorry lance, and allurance shippers, but it's the truth.
atlas. i never knew i needed this and all i'm saying is she thicc as fuck.
i don't think the fight scenes were boring or too much. i liked the fight scenes and i appereciate them.
coran is gorgeous as always. love him.
i loved majority of this season its is beauty!!!!!
-onto what all the people are talking about and want the tea (not that i have any) on: the 'supposed' 'lgbt rep'.
this is an unpopular opinion but i think we did get that. people are always giving this argument but it's true; just because adam and shiro broke up and adam is dead and we didn't get this big reunion doesn't mean shiro isn't gay. imo adam was definitely overhyped. shiro is still gay my dudes. and another thing about this is, while lgbt rep is extremely important and i'm not trying to say it isn't, that isn't what the show is about. it's a show for kids about robot lions who create one giant robot man called voltron defending the universe from evil alien dudes. simple. and before you say 'the kids who watch this don't know shiro is gay because they don't go on the internet and there is nothing to support that in the actual show and it's the same for other people in general who don't watch it and don't actively search for proof on the internet'.
one, do kids even really watch this show? obviously some do but this has really been taken over by fangirls. the small children who do watch this are probably watching it for the giant robot and the cool fighting.. stuff (no offense intended if you are a small child reading this. btw if you are why are you on tumblr get out while you can). and for the other people don't watch the show... they don't watch the show. don't go to people who don't watch vld and never will to prove your point because they don't. watch. the show. i think what's important is that we, as a fan base who actually love the show and watch it, know that our beautiful shiro is a beautiful gay man who doesn't need a man or a few scenes with one to prove it (though some more flashbacks with adam would be nice hehehehehehehehe).
keep in mind these are my opinions and feel free to not agree with any of them. maybe i got some things about the lgbt thing wrong, idk. and if you are a person who hated this season because of the lgbt rep thing then that's completely fine to have your opinion about it, and if you want to stop watching voltron because of it, be my guest. i can't change your mind with just like 2 paragraphs. you guys just need to stop sending hate towards the people who gave us voltron. that is absolutely HORRIBLE and you should never ever give someone hate. it's not good and you can't justify telling someone to kill themself over a show. because in the end, that's all voltron is. a show. and to some people, including me, a show that is still amazing and will hopefully continue to be amazing in the next season. this whole thing will probably never be noticed but that's ok. i just needed to get this stuff off of my chest. thank you and goodbye to you beautiful people who decided to read this, and remember, don't spread hate!!!!!
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