#the way they had robert cheat on aaron with a woman so they could give him a baby was vile enough
echofades · 2 years
Charity and Vanessa were one of the only f/f couples on television raising children together. It was the kind of representation desperately needed for wlw to look up to and see that families like that could actually exist. 
I cut Emmerdale a little bit of slack for having to undo some of that work when they had to write Michelle out - but I at least had hope that they chose to complete the adoption before the breakup for a reason. That even if Vanity were apart they’d still make sure to treat Johnny as Charity’s child, to give some consideration to the family that they build together. But no. Johnny’s adoption was relevant for all of a week (to give us scenes of Mack crying about it, I guess), and aside from a throwaway line or two it may as well have never happened at this point. Not a single general audience member would list Johnny as one of Charity’s kids if asked. I don’t know what will happen when Vanessa leaves for a second time but if she goes by choice I don’t even expect them to give Charity and Johnny’s connection a second though. And Vanessa’s relationship with Moses, or Noah, or Sarah? Well those bonds never existed at all I guess. 
And now, just to really rub salt in the would... Charity might have a baby with Mack instead!! The fact that it is wildly out of character for Charity to want another baby at this point in her life, when she can barely keep track of the kids she already has, should have me believing that she will go through with an abortion, Mack will be angry because he wanted it, and it’ll split them up. But this is Emmerdale in a post-2020 world. So I can’t wait for them to have her decide to keep the baby, and get emotional about how she wasn’t in a good place when she had her other kids, and now she finally gets to bring a kid into the world in a happy wonderful stable relationship. 
When Johnny was supposed to be the child she chose. The family she created with Vanessa was what she chose.
I have no words :)
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dinglemingle · 4 years
Tonight (I Wish I Was Your Boy)
Chapter 4(ao3)
"Look mate I'm not being funny but my timetable says room 228" Aaron had been arguing with his head of year, Mr Clark, for the past 5 minutes. He waved around the sheet, frustrated at being in the office instead of lesson
"No need to take that tone Aaron" the middle aged man picked up some papers before sitting down and typing something on the computer
"I'm sorry but there must have been a mix-up, room 228 is in the old building which is no longer in use"
Aaron rolled his eyes, why had the room been printed on his timetable then?
Mr Clark printed off a sheet before passing it to Aaron
"There you go son, room 128" Aaron snatched the paper, looked at it briefly before stuffing it in his pocket
"Thanks" he called as he threw open the door and waltzed out into the hallway
It was his first day and he really couldn't be arsed having to trapes around unfamiliar halls trying to find his lesson. He'd managed to arrive on time and get through his first two lessons with a hitch
He found the common room fairly easily, where he met up with Adam. Everything was going swimmingly, but he was Aaron Dingle so that didn't last long
The bell rang and he pulled out his schedule, checking where he was next
electronics, room 228 Mrs Vince
Okay, all he had to do was go to the technology block and he'd be there.
20 minutes later when he was wandering around aimlessly trying to find 228, he felt like kicking himself for thinking it would be that easy
Bumping into Robert hadn't helped either
"Oi dingle" the voice had called him from the other end of the corridor, Aaron had recognised who it was in an instant
Spinning around he was met with Robert sauntering towards him, hands in pockets, smug smile adorning his face
"What are you doing, wandering around?" Aaron rolled his eyes at Roberts hypocrisy
"I could ask you the same question" he leant against the wall, raising his eyebrow
"I asked you first" Robert inched closer, Aaron felt his heart beat in his chest
Aaron decided maybe he shouldn't act so smart with Robert
"I can't find my class" he looked down, suddenly feeling embarrassed at being lost like he was a kid in secondary school again. Without asking, Robert snatched the paper from Aaron's hand and inspected it thoroughly
The lad smirked and let out a repressed scoff
Crossing his arms Aaron barked back at the boy in front of him "what"
Robert simply shook his head before passing the paper back
"It's nothing" he pointed behind him and smiled "just go down there, take a left, go down the stairs and you'll find the room"
Before Aaron could even utter out thanks, Robert patted him on the back and brushed past him, off to do whatever it was he did when not in lesson
So Aaron had naively followed Roberts directions and ended up in the English department, just as clueless as before.
Bloody Robert Sugden, Aaron kicked a wall in frustration at the boy's attempt at a windup
That's when Mr Clark had appeared and ushered him into the pokey little pastoral office
After about 5 more minutes he found the godforsaken room and braced himself for the awkward entrance
He wiped his sweat-stained hands on his trackie bottoms before twisting open the door handle. The lump in his throat formed as a room of eyes locked onto him. At the front of the class, a small woman turned her head and stopped halfway through the diagram she was drawing
"Yes?" her voice was firm, yet soft
"I'm Aaron, I uh couldn't find the room" he was quite, hating the attention drawn to him, yet that didn't stop the one or two sniggers from the back of the class
The teacher squinted her eyes at him, before raising her arms in the air as if she'd suddenly remembered and spinning round to her desk to grab something
"Ah yes Aaron, I was wondering where you'd got to" she ushered him a worksheet and a textbook "there you go, find yourself a seat and I'll see you after to go over what you've missed"
Aaron took the work and shot to the back of the class, eager to disappear
The rest of the day was fairly normal, he went through the rest of his lessons without getting lost, and come lunchtime he had gotten more adjusted to the college environment
Aaron placed his tray down, before realising he forgot a fork, which was good seen as he still had a bone to pick with Robert, and the blond had just walked into the canteen
Approaching the lad he prepared himself for the confrontation that would ensue
Hi hand clasped onto Robert's shoulder and roughly spun him around, growing increasingly angry, he didn't like to be messed about
"You think you're funny?" He looked up at the older boy, who was staring at him without a care in the world
"Yes actually I do" Robert replied, instantly knowing what Aaron was angry about
"I don't appreciate you giving me the runaround" he continued to glare up at Rob
"I don't appreciate you bombarding me when I'm trying to get my lunch" Robert spoke as if everything he said was the most important thing in the world
It irritated Aaron how smug he was
"Should have thought about before you started acting like a pratt" Aaron poked at his chest, warning him not to carry on
"Please spare me" Robert sighed, trying to escape Aaron's intense stare "it was a joke, relax" he gave Aaron that ridiculous smirk, the one that appeared when he thought he'd won. Aaron seriously contemplated wiping it off his face with a sharp punch
Not wanting to get kicked out on his first day, however, he gave Robert a shove instead
"Well if you try it again, I'll be the one laughing by the time I'm done with you" Aaron threatened him, voice low and eyes dark
Robert just laughed to himself
"Oh no I'm quaking in my boots" with that he strolled off to his friends, but not without shoving Aaron firmly with his shoulder, which happened to be quite hard
Despite his best efforts, Aaron failed to keep his mind off of Robert during his free period. He couldn't deny how good he'd looked in that leather jacket, even if he was being a prick.  
Over the past week, he hadn't been able to get the boy off his mind, which to be honest wasn't unusual, but ever since that night at the club his mind had been racing with thoughts of him. Aaron couldn't lie, seeing Robert all over Katie had stung, he'd imagined himself in her place so many times, actually getting to see Robert like that was something he never thought would become a reality. Unfortunately for him, Robert's hands weren't roaming over his body, but hers
He'd tried to suppress the feelings of anger that bubbled in him whenever he saw any of Roberts conquests, but it had been especially hard when Katie was always showing up in the village, Andy by her side
The nerve of her, to gossip about Robert, to slag him off so openly and look down on him and all the girls who willingly fell for his charms, yet let herself become one of those girls.  Aaron knew he had no right to judge her, especially not when he'd been fairly open in his dislike of Robert and still continued to long for the blond.
It didn't matter, Aaron thought, he hadn't actually gone there (not like Robert would ever offer, being very straight) and he didn't have a boyfriend he was cheating on, and with his brother no less!
The possessive jealousy inside him would feel bitter towards Katie and all of Robert's girls, no matter how stupid it was, for they all had what he wanted more than anything.
He just couldn't help it, he would always feel like this towards the lad, he wished he didn't but he did, and it seemed there wasn't much he could do
Chewing the lid of his pen, Aaron flicked through the pages of the notebook in front of him, every one empty. He was supposed to be making notes on circuits, but his mind had slipped off to other places. He kept fiddling, unable to find the strength to start working
Suddenly his jacket pockets were the most interesting thing. Repeatedly he played with the zipper, up and down and up and down, until something tumbled out from one of the pockets and down onto the floor
Curious, Aaron picked it up, it was a scrunched up piece of paper that definitely wasn't in there before
Aaron smoothed out the paper to reveal a message
Meet me outside of 228 at 3
Don't be late
Aaron took a look at the library clock,2:50. Could he really be bothered waiting around at three instead of going home? No, not really, but he wanted to know who'd left the note and what they wanted.
Maybe whoever it was had been involved with the time table mix up, at first he thought it was just the school and first day stress, but now he wasn't so sure, it couldn't be a coincidence could it?
Maybe it was Robert being stupid again and Aaron was overthinking? But he couldn't see the lad going to all this trouble for a joke.
That was how Aaron found himself walking over to an abandoned classroom that hadn't been used since the 90s, eager to find out what was so urgent.
At 3:07 when nobody had shown, he was beginning to think he'd been had and cursed himself for being a gullible idiot and made his way to move
That was until a certain someone emerged from round the corner of the old halls and grabbed his arm, stopping him from moving
Robert Sugden really was unbelievable
"This another one of your jokes?" Aaron questioned, yanking his arm from Robert's grasp
The taller lad just got closer, before crossing his arms and leaning against the door
"No" Robert finally spoke, it was short and simple and it provided no explanation to why Aaron was there
"So what do you want then?" He was becoming quite frustrated with Robert, it was 3:10 and he should be on the warm bus home
After an uncomfortable silence, in which Robert stared at him with a look Aaron couldn't quite work out, he replied
"I saw you the other night" Aaron's eyes grew wide, great Rob was going to think he was some massive perv
"I'm just letting you know that if I were you, I'd keep my mouth shut"
Typical, Aaron thought, once again Robert only cared about protecting himself
"I wasn't planning on telling anyone"
Robert titled his head slightly and gave him a questioning glance as if he was trying to work out whether Aaron was lying
"Good" seemingly he decided Aaron was being genuine
"Chrissie doesn't need to know"
"You two official then?" Last Aaron checked it was just a fling, Robert never one to actually have a steady relationship, the pang of jealousy hit his chest
"Why do you care?" Robert shot back, not liking Aaron's cocky tone
"Oh I don't, think she will though when she finds out about you and Katie" he smirked at Robert, who suddenly stiffened "and what about poor Andy and daddy dearest, doubt they'd be pleased"
Suddenly Robert lunged forward and pushed him into a wall, glaring at him
Aaron felt the wind knock out of him as his back hit the hard surface with force
Looking up, he met Roberts eyes, dark with anger
"I swear to god if you open your trap to anyone" Robert's voice was deep like gravel, Aaron had never seen him like this, so furious
"I won't" Aaron although not scared of Robert, didn't really want to fight the lad, so he tried to dissolve the situation. Besides he hadn't been serious about telling Chrissie, he'd let his jealousy get the better of him
The pair held eye contact for what felt like years, and for a split second Aaron was convinced Robert's eyes flicked down to his lips, but it was fleeting, as not long after Rob unclenched his fists from Aaron's shirt and stepped back
Taking a sharp inhale he looked up at Aaron again
"Go" his voice was much quieter now, but Aaron could still feel the venom on his tongue
Not too fond of Robert in this state, and certainly not wanting to be at the end of his fist, Aaron flung out the door like a shot
On the bus ride home, he kept replaying that moment when Robert's eyes had found their way to his lips. Yes it was brief, but Aaron had seen it, and he'd also seen the way Rob's tongue had darted over his own mouth, and the breath in his throat had hitched
He couldn't stop the butterflies that fluttered in his stomach just thinking about it, despite how Robert had behaved earlier
It seemed he'd left the derelict classroom with far more questions than answers
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7 huge Emmerdale fan theories that will blow your mind
What's next for the villagers? The superfans have some ideas.
Emmerdale fan theories, Cain Dingle, Robert Sugden, Moira Dingle.
In recent months, Emmerdale has really gained momentum. With new arrivals, flashback surprises during the special Big Night Out episodes, heartbreaking and hard-hitting storylines for Victoria and Lisa and, of course, the gripping twists in abusive Maya's downfall – it's been exciting stuff.
We all know one sign of a great soap storyline is if it gets fans talking. Currently, Emmerdale has a wealth of fan theories about what might happen next. Social media has been rife with speculation and we've put together some of the best theories for you to ponder over. Do they sound probable or are they way off the mark?
1. Victoria will give her baby to Robron
Victoria Barton confides in Moira Dingle in Emmerdale
One of the biggest Emmerdale theories of the moment centres around the outcome of Victoria's pregnancy after her horrific rape. As this storyline has played out in parallel to Robert and Aaron's struggling surrogacy plans, fans have put two and two together and speculated that Vic will give her baby to Robron.
While we know Victoria is pregnant, not much has been said yet about whether she plans to go ahead and have the baby. With brother Robert desperate to have a child with his husband Aaron, could Victoria's tragedy have an unexpected outcome for all three of them?
In truth, we have our doubts on this one, as it wasn't so long ago that Victoria was desperate for a baby herself, so we'll just have to wait and see what she decides...
I'm wondering if Victoria will have her baby and give it to Robron #emmerdale
— Ann beverley (@anniebev6) May 15, 2019
Robert and Aaron are going to bring up Victoria’s baby aren’t they #emmerdale
— Kelly Mew🧚‍♂️ (@x_kelx) May 14, 2019
I wonder if Aaron and Robert will have Victoria’s baby 🤔 #Emmerdale
— Lindsay Kaye Clamp x (@lindsay_kayex) May 10, 2019
2. Maya has groomed other boys
Maya Stepney in the woods in Emmerdale
Ever since manipulative Maya began worming her way into Jacob's affections, viewers have wondered whether she has done this before. She might have protested her innocence to the police and Jacob's loved ones, but her efforts to groom him have shown a clever and vindictive woman at work. Could it be that there are other victims of Maya out there? Could they be the cause of her downfall?
Viewers were quick to pick up on ex-husband Liam Cavanagh's reaction to her arrest and after all, it was Leanna who tried to warn the villagers what Maya was like long before we saw her true colours. Will it emerge that Maya has done this before?
Now it's out in the open it wouldn't surprise me if it turns out that Maya has done this before. #Emmerdale
— Penn Wooding (@BrixhamUK) May 22, 2019
Going to guess that this grooming #Emmerdale storyline will finally end with the revelation that Maya has done this before and that Maya isn’t her name.
Yes, I watch Emmerdale. 🐏🐄🐓
— Jim Doran (@jai_dee) May 22, 2019
Maya must have previous form surely?? Jacob can't be her first victim 🤔 #Emmerdale
— pollyk (@joy9kat) February 28, 2019
3. Laurel and Jai set to be Emmerdale's next big romance
Charlotte Bellamy as Laurel Thomas in Emmerdale
Forget Robron, Coira or Vanity – could Emmerdale's next biggest ship be Jaurel? After Laurel's disastrous affair with Bob, are producers lining up her next romance with another unlikely admirer? Fans think they've spotted sparks in the Sharma sweet factory between Jai and Laurel, and they've certainly been spending more time together in recent months.
Since Jai's last relationship with con artist Nell ended badly, he's been on his own and even actor Chris Bisson expressed interest in Jai having a bit of happiness. What do you reckon, could that be with Laurel?
Anyone else getting the feeling that Laurel and Jai are going to end up together? #Emmerdale
— Anzi (@Monkey_Moom) April 10, 2019
Is it me or are we getting Jai & Laurel vibe? 😊 #Emmerdale
— Sulagna (@maitra_sulagna) April 10, 2019
Think there's going to be a Jai and Laurel romance.. #Emmerdale @ITV
— Eleri (@EleriEdwards) March 21, 2019
4. Moira or Cain will cheat
Moira Dingle in Emmerdale
It hasn't gone unnoticed that things have been strained between Cain and Moira of late. With Cain spending more time with ex-flame Harriet, and Moira left to confide in new farmhand Nate, even the couple themselves seem to be aware they've hit a rough patch. With frostiness at Butler's and each of them spending more alone time with others, could this be a sign that Coira are doomed to split?
Theories circulating have predicted Cain might return to the arms of Harriet again or Nate's attraction to an older woman might mean he'll bunk up with Moira.
But Coira fans might not need to worry too much yet as actor Jeff Hordley's recent interview on This Morning suggested Cain and Moira are solid. Unless this was just to throw us off the scent...
I really don't understand where emmerdale going with the Cain/Harriet and Moira/Nate. I just know they love messing the Cain and Moria fans around. I just want them to have a decent storyline. Not in involving exs. I'm not worried about Coria they love each other ☺☺☺#Emmerdale
— Royal Princess Alice Rinderette 😘😘😘😘😊😊 (@WoodhouseAlice) May 16, 2019
Still can't help but feel the writers of emmerdale are going to split Coira up .Cain getting close to Harriet and then Moira cosies up to Nate not feeling positive but normally turns out ok
— Coirafanatic (@Lunascatcat) May 19, 2019
5. Is Mandy Dingle dying?
Chas Dingle attacks Mandy Dingle in Emmerdale
You might think the Dingles have had enough tragedy in recent times, but that doesn't stop fans speculating that there's more on the way. When Mandy Dingle returned earlier this year, she hinted that she hadn't revealed her biggest secret, and left without another word. While some fans predicted that her son Vinny could be Paddy's, others had more heartbreaking ideas.
Could Mandy's real secret be a terminal illness? Was her brief visit to Emmerdale to set up a later story where she makes peace with her family and comes home to die? Whatever Mandy's secret, we'd love to see Lisa Riley back in the village – her fun return was all too brief.
Is Mandy ill?? #Emmerdale
— All About Soap & Reality (@about_soap) January 8, 2019
6. Jamie's mystery caller is Joe Tate
Alexander Lincoln as Jamie Tate in Emmerdale
There's no better way to get soap fans speculating than by throwing in a mystery phone call. Newcomer Jamie Tate has so far seemed nice as pie compared to his mother Kim, despite being embroiled in a car accident in his first week. Nevertheless, Jamie seemed clean cut until we saw he was hiding a secret – twelve missed calls.
Fans' thoughts immediately turned to Joe, once presumed dead and now AWOL somewhere in the world. Could it be him who's trying to get in touch with his estranged uncle? Or is there someone else desperate to get in touch with Jamie?
I bet you that’s joe ringing jamie #emmerdale
— 🌚 (@nottjayy) May 16, 2019
Did anyone else notice Jamie having missed calls from an unknown number? It's Joe Tate!!! He's coming home! 😀
— Dan (@DanONeil95) May 16, 2019
7. Adam Barton will make a return to the village
Victoria and Adam Barton fear Pete has threatened their adoption chances in Emmerdale
After Victoria's rape ordeal, we've only just begun to watch her heartbreaking story. But some viewers are already predicting there will be light at the end of the tunnel. Could a return of Victoria's ex-husband Adam Barton give her back some happiness?
We've seen how much Victoria misses him and with actor Adam Thomas reportedly keen to return, we wouldn't rule it out. But just what would this mean for Moira and her killer secret?
@emmerdale I think Victoria will keep the baby and Adam returns #Emmerdale
— Tam LizAnn ODriscoll (@tamlizann) May 9, 2019
Victoria will give the baby to Robert and Aaron and go in search of Adam her true love
— helen (@Helenwo21468879) May 10, 2019
Emmerdale airs weeknights on ITV.
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biassoap-blog · 6 years
Can I just point out that this is not just a normal coparenting storyline. Yes the ONS and the circumstances around it were bad, but they could have written their way out of it. And yes, the way Seb turned up was AWFUL but again, they could still have salvaged things. But what we can see now is that they never really intended to salvage things with Robron. This has all been to include Rebecca in their family and orbit. This is most likely because homophobic audiences (and probably some of the storyliners) don’t think two men can raise a child without a woman involved. 
If this was normal coparenting it could be okay. I want Rebecca to see her son and to care for him. And Robron could have loved Seb separately. Two little families that were civil and passed Seb over so he was happy. 
But they’ve taken this a step further in making Rebecca so traumatised. In giving her brain damage she’s now not able to look after herself or look after Seb alone. She has become reliant on Robert and by extension Robron. This recent storyline has shown that Emmerdale intend to rationalise this decision by throwing so much misery and tragedy at poor Rebecca that they think people won’t notice that what they’re actually doing is cleverly and manipulatively making it so Rebecca becomes a part of their family and relationship forever. 
This is not your usual coparenting storyline. No other couple has had the ONS become family without so much as an apology or development between the three of them (so no Bex and Aaron scenes to move them forward in this instance). This is why I believe it is homophobic. Yes, characters cheat, and yes, characters have babies with each other in the village, but they don’t usually have the ONS made reliant on them and made into family without that development happening. 
At every turn the narrative gets more homophobic, and it’s not the fact that Seb is there, because he is now and probably will be for a while, but it’s the constant talk of him needing a mother, it’s Aaron shown as sidelined, it’s Rebecca being made unable to look after herself so they can explain them tying her to Robron and Robert for life. 
I don’t know if I’m explaining this well enough, but I hope this makes sense. The coparenting isn’t the issue, it’s the way it’s being framed and the choices being continually made by the show. 
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You still think 2017 was biphobic?
Right, so I’ve been sitting on this ask for a while and I thought I wasn’t going to answer it, but I’m having a bad day, I’ve got back ache which means I can’t sit still for my cross stitch, so I thought I’d give it a go. I’m not going to answer 100 more anons on this subject either.
Yes, I do. I know it’s not in fashion or the popular opinion to think that way at the moment, but I think the whole situation was horribly biphobic.
Breaking it down further, it’s not “Robert sleeping with a woman was biphobic!!” Because er… no. Robert’s bisexual, him sleeping with someone of either gender can’t be biphobic, by definition. You could even argue it’s in character because he’s got SO much form on the show, I’m not even arguing that. That’s what you think, absolutely fine!
BUT the set up of the story, the writing of it, and how it unraveled is where I’ve got problems. Aaron wasn’t paranoid Robert would cheat because Robert had form. Because Robert had a long affair WITH Aaron. (honestly, how didn’t that come up?) Because Robert had cheated on every partner he’d had. Not even Aaron was worried because he loved Robert so much and feared he’d lose interest. No, time and time again before the ons, even back to SSW16, Aaron worried Robert would cheat because he was bi. That was it. That was the reason given over and over again for six months, what it always came down to. 
You cannot write a cheating story with the set up tying it to one group of people without an overwhelming backlash, it’s not possible. Change “bi” for “black.” Would that be acceptable then? No, because it would come across as racist, and the show wouldn’t dare write that in 2017. No one chooses their sexuality, and the whole set up for this tied cheating behaviour to bisexuality, RATHER than tying it to Robert’s character which is absolutely what they should have done. If it was tied to Robert’s character? I’d have far less problems with it.
It’s also played deeply into “Rebecca (a woman) can give Robert something a man and the love of his life can’t.” Which is a bit heteronormative isn’t it? It all comes back to the one night stand only happened to create Seb, I can’t really make it work on a character level for Robert or Rebecca tbh. But it does leave a big gap in character motivations for me. That’s rambling and a different issue.
I don’t actually think it would have taken much to change the tone of the story. It was all there in Robert’s history anyway, they just chose not to use it and go to “because he’s bi” which is where my problem overwhelmingly is. It was a simple, easy, offensive way out. The reasoning and logic given for the actions were wrong. Plain and simple. It would have been so easy to tweak the story and tell the same thing without labeling an entire group of people “cheats” no matter how in love they are. Robert was the only bisexual character on the show at the time, AND he’d not even been allowed to say the word bisexual before the groundwork was being laid for the cheating in the first place.
All that said, if you’ve moved on as we’re supposed to in this format, more power to you! We’re absolutely not meant to cling onto stuff 2 years to 18 months old, it’s not how the genre can survive, we are meant to let things go. This is an old issue, and my opinion hasn’t changed. I’m not clinging to it anymore, it was wrong, me bleating about it now isn’t going to change anything, it’s gone and done. I will always think it’s wrong, I will always think Iain can’t handle LGBT issues correctly, but it’s gone. However much it was wrong (and I’ll always believe it was) moaning about it on tumblr when the story is completely over just won’t make a difference anyway.
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dinglesugden-af · 6 years
the thing with emmerdale is their capable of producing good stories, their capable of producing awareness. I think aarons abuse, ashleys dementia and ross’ acid attack storyline (medical wise) have been amazing, I’ve learnt things from watching it I never knew but it’s certain things and certain stuff they’ve done over the past year that really let the show down and it’s so not fair on the actors who do so well with their character.
like I will literally fight till my death over the consent issue between robert and rebecca no matter how many people got over it I never will. I believe in equality and if it was robert sober and her drunk they’d be such a fucking uproar and they have to address the fact they thought it was okay and not even bothered addressing the issue with it and just put it on robert being manipulative. like he was fucking drunk, he’s even said on more then one occasion he barely remembers and that’s enough proof to show how important the consent between them is. the biphobic comments from rebecca from the start are bang out of order but she’s got away with it all and it’s ridiculous. the shit both charity and priya got for sleeping with another persons fella, their families turned on them and their friends, they had to grovel but rebecca didn’t. she got the support, she wasn’t miserable, she got what she always wanted which was a child with robert and it’s aaron and robert who had to spend seven months acting happy and content when they weren’t. even now she’s got away with stuff, everyone feels sorry for her because of her condition and she’s lost her family but when did she ever treated them like family? when she manipulated her nephew? when she arrived and screwed her family over to get into roberts pants? when she slept with her sisters partner? when she outted all her family out at a bonfire? it’s disgusting and so insulting to not only woman out there because she’s a terrible excuse of one but the fact same sex couples struggle everyday to have a child and emmerdale choose to give them one through cheating. She’s got away with everything whilst Laurel will have people turn on her.
I mean bob and laurel, like what the fuck is that? it’s stupid. Not even a year after loosing her husband and she started an affair with one of his closest friends, and whenever something goes down laurel ALWAYS brings ashley into it like don’t fucking dare use someone’s illness and passing to excuse you sleeping with a taken person it’s disgusting.
the whole debbie and ross saga is so disgusting. besides mikes acting within the acid attack storyline the fact debbie is walking around like she’s done nothing wrong, ross’ own auntie even has this secret hidden to protect her is vile. I mean ross knows who killed emma so it’s not as if moira would look bad by telling him, he deserves to know why he’s mentally and physically scarred for life. she watched his own son terrified and unable to recognise his dad and still didn’t confess because she doesn’t want to go to prison because she cares more about her kids and herself when she’s not once thought about ross or his child.
the dan/daz/amelia saga is not only boring and random but it also sticks a middle finger up to every robron fan out there who’ve been begging for a dna test. there’s no proof ali slept with both dan and daz and were supposed to believe he could possibly be amelias dad? but rebecca sleeps with two people on screen tells everyone who the dad is with no dna test and that’s that? like hell no. no contraception is 100% and seb needs a dna test no matter how they’ve storylined it to settle atleast one wrong part of the story.
let’s not forget liv and gabby either, both part of the same crime, both have some form of responsibility yet only one gets punished for it. one has a good respected man for a dad who passed away from a heartbreaking illness, one has a dad who repeatledly raped her brother then killed himself because he couldn’t handle paying for it. they used ashleys death and passing to excuse gabbys actions which is totally disgusting. they used gordon as a way to hurt liv and now she’s paying for something gabby should be paying for too.
Emmerdale have proved they can produce good stuff, they’ve proved they can be good so why the fuck are they letting their show down with all these insulting, disgusting stories?
I’m so glad they didn’t win the bafta because it’s exactly what they need. they need to loose, they need the backlash because if they don’t they’ll continue producing the shit.
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bartsugsy · 7 years
anon under the cut - my answer gets pretty heavily spoilery so take this as your warning:
What do you think we are inching closer to?...   
What do you think we are inching closer to? A reunion seems impossible with Rebecca and the baby sticking around. I wish I could want Robron together no matter what like other people, but I don't want Aaron to have to help raise her child.
lmao anon - rebecca isn’t sticking around? emily isn’t filming anymore (and hasn’t been since the end of november, i think) 
and robron... are literally getting back together. soon(-ish).
don’t ignore the basic facts, dude 😂
i have no idea what’s going to happen to the baby, because we don’t... actually know yet.... but if you want my honest take on it?
i really don’t personally mind him staying given that rebecca is leaving? soap babies are rarely seen or heard unless they’re plot relevant so i don’t think the boys will get do bogged down in baby drama forever more - and also i think they would make a conscious effort to show that aaron is ultimately ok with things? like, we’re probs not gonna watch aaron suffering in silence for the rest of his life/relationship with robert about a baby? that seems... really implausible???? tbh? more likely is that they’ll have aaron be ok with it and grow to love the baby? 
they’ve literally just had a whole (sort of in the background with iffy pacing, admittedly, but we can’t have it all) story about the glacial pace change in attitudes around the kid
aaron’s still not there yet, but i don’t think they’re going to take him back to a darker place after they’ve spent over a year telling a story about him getting better. that’s completely illogical? and i’d imagine they’ll sort of want to move on to something else? 
i don’t, really don’t, understand why people don’t think they’ll write him in a way that shows him... what? getting back together with robert but resenting the small baby? people can forgive and move on - that’s literally where we’ve been in this story for a while now yk
(again, i do think they would have benefitted from giving aaron a stronger pov but that’s one of many storytelling criticisms i have for this show and i’m sure i’ll have many more as the years go on - it’s never gonna get everything right, i’m really not too pressed about it lmao) 
and fine if you yourself don’t feel that way or don’t want to accept that of aaron, but that’s sort of.... more your problem than the show’s? and they’re sadly never going to cater to any one of us specifically.
i just don’t think that it will be as big of a deal as people make it out to be, in all honesty
if the baby stays, then it will be with rob and then robron and rob will love the baby and aaron will love the baby and they’ll probably struggle or whatever and i’m sure there will be drama bc it’s a soap 
but we’re not going to revert to aaron circa summer ‘17 here
that’s sort of the point
he’s a fictional character and they’re telling a story, so they’ll have him react however they want him to - and given that we know that robert and aaron aren’t gonna grow any further apart for the forseeable
i reckon he’ll be fine lmao
and they’ll have new storylines and be a lil (actually now five person u can’t take gerry away from me) family
give us the liv storyline u losers
and rebecca’s name will probably never be mentioned again, in all honesty (which - how many kids are raised by people who aren’t their biological parents on this show and how many times does the show talk about that? it might be mentioned occasionally, particularly if the bio parent is still around, but.... actually, biology on this show kind of means nothing - it’s all about who your family really is and that aligns so perfectly with the way i view family that i’m always genuinely sort of offended when people say aaron could never love the baby lmao. like. robert never talks about his biological mother, for instance)
i mean.... u can list on one hand all of the adult characters who don’t have at least one child that they’re responsible for/helping to raise on this show (harriet, vic (and she’s trying), pete... and tha’t it, i think?). soaps love babies - because they need to continue to grow families and create future generations, especially for characters and families that they want to keep around. they love throwing children at characters. 
robron are the last major couple who don’t have a kid (and i can’t even really count liv because they don’t actually have much of that kind of parental relationship with her at all)
so it was gonna happen
hate how it happened all you want but... babies out of cheating is also a soap staple and that’s not gonna change because it was your otp that was affected, yk?
i just
i don’t think it’s gonna be the horror show that everyone seems to expect it to be. the whites are all leaving. seb is... staying? maybe? i guess? robron are getting back together. i’m sure the show will join those dots in an interesting/not so straightforward way as always, but at the same time... 
dad!rob with the whites in tow isn’t going to exist anymore
it would be dad!rob and then dad!robron. the whites are just gonna be a long and distant memory.
apart from lachlan who will inevitably come back to get his serial killer revenge in four years
he better
(i mean, it’s hilariously offensive to rebecca but i’m just setting aside my outrage as a woman for the sake of a quieter life, as one does, lmao) 
uh, but yeah. i think we’re inching closer to a reunion. i’m actually writing a whole post on that bit right now (and i stopped halfway through to answer this haha) so i’ll cover that in there, but
we’re honest to god getting there
but this is all just my opinion yk
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ifonlyrhona · 7 years
Big Decisions
Robert has to make the decision of his life.
Written for day 6 of Robert week on Tumblr.
Day 6 (9th September) - Write a scene, the way you wished it had gone;
What if Aaron didn't call Katie to come to Wiley's on Robert's wedding day, one way things could have played out.
Not sure I would have wanted things to go this way, as I love angst, but this is what I came up with.
Robert stood at the alter. This was it, the moment when he was about to get everything he'd ever wanted.
Chrissie stood in front of him, she looked absolutely gorgeous, every man's dream of a perfect bride. His brother stood next to him, his Best Man, who would have ever thought that would happen. He felt bad that Andy's own marriage was struggling, especially as he'd played some part in it, he still hated Katie though, would be glad to see the back of her.
His family were all here, watching and supporting him. It was the perfect day. His eyes played over the people sitting there, registering Aaron sat towards the back. He still couldn't believe he'd come, not after what he'd said at Wiley's farm. When he had left him stood there, with tears streaming down his face he'd thought there was a chance it was the last time he would ever see him. When he'd walked into the church earlier Robert had been worried he would do something, say something to ruin everything. But he'd just sat there, silent, his eyes shining bright with unshed tears. Was it wrong to think how gorgeous he looked like that. He looked away quickly, not wanting anyone to see the desire in his eyes.
This was his wedding day, nothing was going to ruin it. He would be set for life after today. He couldn't throw it away, especially not for some fling.
He glanced around the full church again, Vic was beaming at him with pride, Diane even had tears in her eyes. This was the right thing to do.
His eyes drifted back to Aaron, god he looked gorgeous, even if he did look heartbroken. He'd be fine, he'd get over him. He'd probably find someone else soon enough. Fit lad like him, it was ridiculous to think he'd be alone for long. Robert ignored the spike of jealousy that went through him at the thought.
Someone cleared their throat and he realised it was Ashley, who stood there looking at him with his eyebrows raised. He hadn't heard a word he'd said, he had no idea where they were in the proceedings.
"Robert" Chrissie hissed, a little annoyed at his lack of attention.
"Oh s..sorry" he stammered out.
"It's quite all right" Ashley smiled kindly at him. "Nerves are to be expected, this being the biggest decision of your life and all that".
Chrissie glared at him as a few sniggers could be heard behind them.
"I'm sorry" Robert blurted out loudly.
"It's fine" Chrissie reassured him, her features softening when she saw how nervous he was. "Let's just get on with it though".
"No" Robert couldn't believe he was doing this. "I can't do this".
"What are you doing?" Chrissie hissed.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry everyone" he turned to face the congregation, who looked back at him with a mixture of curiosity and shock, no one more than Aaron. He sat with his jaw dropped open, his eyes wide with confusion.
"I can't marry you Chrissie" he turned back to his fiancee, taking her hands in his and looking her in the eye. He needed her to see how sincere he was being.
"What do you mean you can't marry me?" she looked like she couldn't believe what she was hearing, it made him feel terrible.
"I'm...." he took a deep breath, this was it, no going back now, "I'm in love with someone else" he confessed. He heard the gasps but he kept his eyes on Chrissie.
"What.....I don't understand. I thought you loved me" she started to cry.
"I did too" he told her. "But I think I was in love with the idea of you. I didn't know that until I fell in love with someone else".
"You fell in love with someone else?" Chrissie repeated his words back to him, like she couldn't believe them.
"Katie was right" Andy said from beside him. "You were having an affair".
Robert nodded at him sadly, he could see the anger in Andy's eyes, he only hoped he'd not ruined their relationship forever, not when it seemed like they might be getting somewhere.
Chrissie snatched her hand away from his.
"It was only supposed to be sex" he tried to explain.
Chrissie slapped him, hard, his head rocked back from the force of the blow. He heard Victoria gasp in shock but he'd been expecting it, he knew he deserved it.
"Like that makes it any better" Chrissie screeched at him. "Who was it then? Is she here? Is she sat here laughing at me, watching this?" she looked around at everyone, her eyes wild, trying to see who looked guilty.
"Was it you?" she shouted, pointing at Alicia, sat in her bridesmaid dress next to Lachlan. Alicia looked horrified. "Was Katie right? You lying whore".
"Chrissie stop" Robert pulled her back from where she was advancing on the terrified woman. "It isn't Alicia".
"Well who is it then? Are they here?"
Robert dropped his head, he didn't answer but apparently his actions spoke volumes.
"You said you fell in love with her" she sobbed at him.
"I didn't mean to, I didn't expect to, it just happened".
"Oh it just happened did it? I want to know who was worth throwing away everything we have together".
Chrissie pulled away from him to glare at everyone again, tears running down her face, ruining her make up and making her look like a mad woman.
"Who was it? No woman here even compares to me, they're all a bunch of cheap, pathetic whores". More than one person looked offended by her harsh comment.
"Chrissis stop" Aaron said standing up.
"Stay out of this Aaron" Chrissie snapped at him.
Aaron looked at Robert meeting his eye. Robert had avoided looking at him till now, he had no idea what he would think about all this. Aaron looked right at him, his eyes searching for an answer to a question he daren't ask.
"He can't" Robert sighed.
"This has nothing to do with him, you barely know him" Chrissie still wasn't getting it.
"You're wrong, this has everything to do with him".
"Why? Does he know who it is? Has he been helping you cover it up?" she looked between the two of them, waiting for an answer.
"Come on Chrissie" Lawrence spoke. "You're not this stupid". Robert might have known he'd figure it out, as much as Robert didn't like to admit it, the old man wasn't stupid.
The whole church was silent, you could hear a pin drop. It was broken by Victoria's loud voice.
Robert saw it, the moment everyone put it together. A few had already figured it out, a couple still looked confused but for the most part they were all on the same page now.
"You've been cheating on me with a man?" Chrissie screamed at him.
Robert stood there with tears in his eyes.
"I'm so sorry Chrissie. I'm so sorry I let things get this far. I thought this was what I wanted, you were everything I'd ever dreamed of. Then I met him and...."
"You fell in love with him?" Chrissie sounded deflated.
"Yeah, yeah I did" he looked at Aaron then, the other man had tears streaming down his face.
"Go then" Chrissie spat at him. Robert stood there, unsure of what to do now. "Go" Chrissie screamed at him. "Get out of my sight. I never want to see you again" she started to hit him, her small hands battering away at him, he barely felt it though, he already felt numb. "I hope he's worth it" she spat at him.
"Just go Robert" Andy said stepping between them. He grabbed Chrissie's hands and pulled her away from him, allowing Robert to back away.
"I really am sorry" he tried to tell her but she just buried her head in Andy's chest and sobbed. Robert put his head down and started to walk away. He could feel everyone's eyes on him, judging him, hating him.
He almost made it to the door of the church when he felt an hand take hold of his. He looked up to see Aaron staring back at him, his face wet with tears.
"Are you sure?" Aaron asked him. Robert leaned towards him and kissed him, it was sweet and short but all the answer he needed to give. Looking down at where their hands were linked together he smiled.
"Let's go then" Aaron said and Robert let him lead him out of the church. Neither one of them turned around to look at the people they were leaving behind, right now none of them mattered.
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typicalrobotgirl5 · 7 years
What was your turn off, disappointment with the way they wrote Robron after the reveal? In other words what make you unship them? (My wording is ridiculous but I hope you get my point)
Hullo, anon!  :)  Andthank you for the question.  I’m not oneof those people who is amazing at laying things out in a straightforward fashion (and also not someone who gets anon questions a lot),so I don’t know if my answer will be all that enlightening, but I’ll give it ashot!
I’m going to preface this by saying that I tend to secondguess myself when I’m being as critical of a show as I am here.  After this plot happened, I spent a lot oftime thinking whether I was being this negative purely because of the emotionalconnection I felt as a shipper, or whether I had a ‘legitimate’ gripe about howit was done.  SPOILER – it was both!
But before I go into the nitty gritty, I should say – I loveEmmerdale.  I still love and shipRobron.  Maybe I’ve had to take a stepback from the actual show…but that’s something that happens when you’re enoughof a dumbass to ship a soap couple :) Soaps burn through content – and nothing is off the table.  Which sometimes includes beloved powerhousesoap couples.
I get that.  I acceptit.  I still wish they hadn’t done thisparticular story…
OR, if they had done it…I wish they’d done it better.  
I think it comes down to one thing for me, ultimately, andthat is timing.  Cheating is such a soapstaple – it was bound to crop up eventually, especially when one of the charactersyou’re dealing with is Robert Sugden. And in fairness, just to mix it up, I could have seen the soap godspulling the ‘AARON is the one to cheat…because Robert is too busy scheming/notbeing there for him’ card at some point.
But that’s the thing. AT SOME POINT.  Not three weeksafter a wedding where Robert singles out that very issue and sincerely andexplicitly says, “Hey, I know you are worried that I am going to cheat onyou.  That is a thing that I promise youwill not happen.”
And then it ends up happening almost immediately after, andI feel like the surprise of the ‘shock twist!’ isn’t worth how much that priormoment and the build up to it, has been cheapened.  Because we were clearly meant to invest inRobert and Aaron, to believe and root for them. We’d BEEN rooting for them for the entire year.  And then all of that was hastily thrown outthree weeks later.  
Okay, it’s a stressful three weeks.  But it’s still too short a time to reach thatbreaking point that makes me ‘understand’ why the ONS happened.  I feel like it underlines how flimsily thisthing was constructed.  That fight – theone that tips Robert over the edge?  Forme, that wasn’t ‘enough’ to explain what happened next.  Maybe if the story was longer, and we’d beenwatching Aaron and Robert deal with this stuff for months…I might have beenable to see it.  But the time frame wastoo short for it to build to that kind of impact.  
Basically you can’t have a character who passionately swearshis fidelity (and who we are meant to believe is sincere) go back on that inless than a month without having that damage the character and therelationship.  I really thought they weredoing this so that the inevitable ‘Rebecca comforts Robert’ moment could end withRobert definitively choosing to be faithful. Even the other way that could possibly play out – ‘Rebecca comfortsRobert and he makes a pass but she turns him down’…I thought that wouldn’t makeas much sense, because even if it strengthened Rebecca as a character, it put aquestion mark over Robert’s vows.  THATHE JUST MADE.
Also, it’s not that I feel Robert should be exempted from acheating storyline just because he’d come out as bisexual…but.  That moment was really important to a lot ofpeople.  And still pretty fresh.  And then ED had him cheat pretty muchimmediately.  I just feel like no-oneeven stopped to consider the optics, until Maxine Alderton had Robert do somedamage control by flat out stating, “I didn’t cheat because I’m bisexual.”  
Because yeah, everyone cheats in Emmerdale…but not everyonecheats three weeks after exchanging vows, and shortly after coming out onscreenas one-of-those-bisexuals-you-know-the-ones-who-CAN’T-stay-faithful.
So the timing didn’t gel for me within the story – and thenit didn’t gel for me outside of the story, either.  Because as a viewer, it was TOO MUCH.  I’d been there with Aaron through an enormousamount of trauma – I was already reaching breaking point because I thought theprison sentence was needlessly cruel. There was just no LET-UP for the character or the audience.  We’d gone through Gordon, and the trial, andLiv (who I love, but was also definitely an obstacle for Robron), and theconstant destabilising effect of Rebecca. Yeah, okay, we got a perfect wedding…AND THEN PRISON IMMEDIATELYAFTERWARDS.
That is A LOT.  And itfelt – thankless.  This character hadgone through SO MUCH SHIT in a short space of time, he needed some joy andlight to balance it out.  And frankly, SODID VIEWERS.  Just a BREAK in thatrelentless misery-go-round.  
But instead, on top of everything else, Aaron got ashort-lived spice addiction and a ‘can I accept my husband’s child, and raiseit with him and the woman who makes me feel incredibly insecure?’ plot.  It felt like everything was twisted formaximum cruelty.  And I honestly, didn’twant to watch.  It was a turn off.  
And since then…it’s all been very confusingly handled.  Clearly, ED want Aaron and Robert ‘intact’ insome way, because they’re not doing the ‘Robert is drawn to the mother of hischild’ storyline that would pretty much be a given under these soapcircumstances.  Also, they ‘softened’ theONS by having Robert drinking that night (I don’t think we were meant to seeRebecca as ‘taking advantage’ but it was a kind of ‘Robert mightn’t have donethis if he’d been completely sober’ additional mitigating circumstance).  As well as all the reassurance that Aaron andRobert will be together and that there will be a second wedding.
And I guess I just don’t see the point?  As a shipper, yeah, I like that ED are goingto such stupidly ridiculous lengths to posit Robert/Aaron as THE ONLY TRUE LOVESTORY, MFEO, SOULMATES…but why bother breaking them up in the first place then,if you didn’t want to treat them like any other couple?  If it was just to bring in a baby for Robron,there were less clichéd ways of doing it.
And they seem so squeamish about actually exploiting theshitty situation they’ve created for drama! Since the breakup, all the baby plot has done is force Robert back ontothe endless hamster wheel of scheming for Home Farm (…why??  Does he even know???).  Robert hasn’t been torn between Aaron andRebecca/baby, and Rebecca…Rebecca hasn’t struggled with anything other than frequentbathroom breaks.  She’s seemingly cool whether Robert is involved or not, andhas no objections to Aaron being a third parent.  Or not. She’s cool with every eventuality!
Like, ED broke these characters up to give this woman, thiswoman out of all others, a baby.  Iactually find it immensely frustrating that she doesn’t have a POV onANYTHING.    I feel like I know less about her than when shefirst appeared.  Then, I found ittiresome that she was constantly coming between Robert and Aaron, but at leastflighty, charming, schemer-who-is-not-as-tough-as-she-thinks-she-is Ibiza DJwith sister issues is an actual CHARACTER. I didn’t like that she was ALWAYS in the middle of Robron – or that shewas retconning Chrobert, but I kind of liked HER.  I found her interesting, anyway.   Thatscene where she’s on the floor without her shoes and crying – I genuinely feltfor her, in spite of her flaws, and in spite of my own investment in Robert/Aaron.
As Rebecca is now, she’s a blameless victim, but she’s also notinteresting.  The very least this storylinecould have done is deepen her as a character. But there’s nothing to push against with her – Robert can’t schemeagainst her because she’s too innocent. So the fun of that goes to Chrissie. Vic just supported Rebecca unconditionally from the first, so theaudience doesn’t invest in watching those two characters develop arelationship.  If ED had to break upRobron due to Rebecca, shouldn’t Rebecca MATTER?  It’s like ED is so afraid of any backlash, shecan’t be important in her own pregnancy plot.
Honestly, I feel like no matter how it ends, this plot hasdone a disservice to all the characters – it made Robert look weak, and givenAaron more misery (JUST WHAT HE NEEDED), and even Rebecca, who had the most togain in terms of character development…has reverted instead into just some dupewith a womb.   And I feel like they all deserved better thanthat.  And so did the audience.  
…but I love Emmerdale :)
No, genuinely.  It’s asoap, and soaps have limitations – and I try to respect that.  There are going to be highs and lows in anycharacter’s storyline (like HITMEN, and GRAIN SILOS, and people dangling otherpeople off VIADUCTS because of school projects??), and the fact that ED havemade me care so much speaks to how well the storyliners, writers and actorshave done their jobs.  Robron has thekind of backing as a ship that soaps don’t usually get – and I think IainMcLeod genuinely cares about them, and you can tell.  I love a lot of what he and ED do, and I hopethat comes through any negativity, because underneath it, I have been incrediblyinspired by what has been put on my screen. And that comes from love.
…but I still wish they hadn’t done this particular story…
OR, if they had done it…I wish they’d done it better. 
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justincaseyouareme · 7 years
25 Upcoming Robron Speculations
Some thoughts on next 8 weeks and beyond.
1. The fact Aaron ends up at the hospital at the birth has him dealing with feelings he didn’t think he still had about Rob.  We’ve seen hints before his holiday that he still cared for Rob and couldn’t move on yet.  Ending up being involved with the birth I think will bring that home more than ever to him which will make it hurt more seeing Rob with his baby boy.
2. Rob will struggle with the birth because of his self loathing and not believing he is deserving of a son and that he will be a horrible father.  It will also hit Rob hard when he sees Aaron at the hospital.  His hatred of himself for what he has done to Aaron will just dial itself up to a new higher level.
3. I don’t think Aaron will pull any punches after Rob tells him everything.  He’ll be shocked, ashamed, mad and very disappointed in Rob.  I think Aaron will be just as determined to not be with Rob after learning all of this as he ever was.
4. Even though Aaron is disappointed and upset with Rob he will still give him the “Be a dad or run away like you always do” speech. It will remind us of Dec 2014 before Andy and Katie’s wedding when Aaron ripped into Rob after hearing him be verbally cruel to Andy, Katie, Vic and Diane.  He told Rob to do one if that was his attitude because he had no interest in a man that treated his family that way.  Rob took in everything Aaron said and immediately apologized to his family. Even though the wedding was still ruined b/c of the ring fiasco Aaron was still pleased with Rob that he made the effort to be better.  Aaron will give a similar speech to Rob this time and he will once again take it in and decide to try to be a good father because that is what Aaron expects of him.
5. We all keep wandering what is the event that gets Aaron onside with Rob again to where he wants to actually physically be in his orbit now.  It might not end up being some big event.  It might be something as small as seeing Rob making an effort at being a dad because if you think about last June/July that is pretty much all Aaron wanted was for Rob to not lie to himself and admit he wants to be a good dad.  If they could have had that talk back then who knows if they would have even broke up???
6. Seeing all of the spoilers that I have seen for November tells me that this story is going from zero to 120 the day of the birth and it won’t be slowing done one bit.  We’ve all been waiting for the birth to get here now it’s full speed ahead.  As fast as it will be going and with everything I’ve read so far I actually don’t think we are going to get a lot of air time of happy family w/Rob and Bex and Seb.  We might see a scene or two but I would be surprised if it is anymore than that.  Because of that I’m not to worried about having to watch much happy fam on the screen.  It will be all fake smile from Rob anyhow when Bex is in the room with him and Seb.
7.  I told a friend today considering how miserable it has been waiting these 8 months to get to where we are now....  Thank God humans don’t have the gestation period of elephants.  Imagine if he had to wait 22 months for the baby Seb’s delivery.  EEK!!
8.  Who picked up on Paddy and Chas today sneeking around and Chas saying she likes the sneeking because she hates when everyone is sticking their nose in her business.  I about spit my coffee when I heard her say that of all people.  But it got me to thinking. Chas goes back to Paddy after she ends it last spring and now doesn’t want anyone knowing about it. Sound familiar to what is probably going to happen with the boys? On top of that with all of the spoilers we are now getting nothing is even hinting that Chas is going to have her nose in Aaron and Rob’s business at least in November.  
9. If Rob has properly set up Rug Tree Bonds as a proper company like was hinted on the show by Chrissie then he’s got the 30% of HF fair and square.  The only shares that Rebecca could be demanding Rob return are the 10% that Lawrence gave to Rob.
10. I’ve been getting a real laugh watching Rob attempting to play the “kept boy” of Larry’s and continue to push the romance envelope with him. I saw no one mention the little scene on Thursday when Rob tried to get Larry to go somewhere private with him to open that bottle of wine.  Talk about trying to play the loverboy role right in front of the sisters.  Hysterical.  Then this entire week it has been like Rob has been attached to Larry’s hip.  Milking it for all it’s worth.  With what we know is going to happen on the day of the birth at the hotel it is obvious that Rob has kept working it and Larry is now completely smitten if not in love in Robert.  I will carry this idea on further in another point.
xxxxxxx - At this point everything following is pure speculation and theory and wishful thinking on my part - xxxxxxxx
11. I think a pivotal point in Nov will be the day Aaron reaches out to Bex about Rob seeing his son. I actually believe (and nothing to support my belief) this will be the event that will suddenly solidify Aaron’s thoughts about Rob, Rebecca and Seb.  Their conversation will let AAron realize Rob truly isn’t interested in this woman.  He will realize she is delusional when it comes to Rob.  This will erase that fear that he always had that Rob would eventually leave him for that woman who gives him a child and then set up a perfect proper family which Aaron has always believed he could never do with him as a man.
12. Now for those of you, like me, who are conspiracy theorist, led by Queen Taryn :-) then this could very well be the conversation that gets heated enough between Aaron and Bex that she let’s it slip that Rob isn’t the father. He might even be able to pull out of her that the ONS didn’t happen too.  Now if you tend to be more in the rationale court with Queen Clo then you can just disregard this point all together.  But since I’m a loyalist to Queen Taryn I will continue my theory and suggest that Aaron doesn’t tell Rob right away what Bex has told him.  He will keep it to himself because he hasn’t got his own head around it yet. He also will question if this info will matter or not considering how much has been said and done by each of them over that past months and if they could even come back from all of that even if the ONS and baby didn’t exist.  So he keeps this info to himself for now.....  
13. What if Aaron also doesn’t tell Rob about him exposing the whole Lachlan/prostitute thing to Belle which causes her to break up with Lachlan and tips Lachlan into psycho mode.  Rob is a lot more aware of what Lachaln potentially could do so he would be more alert than Aaron is if he knew but he won’t. I think Lachlan will target Aaron to hurt because he told Belle.  At the same time Lachlan wants to hurt Robert but Lachlan soon figures out that the best way to wound Robert is to hurt/kill Aaron so that becomes his plan.
14. With Lachlan’s spying I think he will overhear something from Bex and figure out she’s been playing Rob this whole time which pisses him off because that is what opened the door for Rob to be back at HF.  Not sure though if he will target her or not?  I don’t know.  But, more importantly he’ll overhear a conversation between Larry and Rob that is implying those two are in a sexual relationship or that Larry is wanting to take it there.  This sickens Lachlan and dials up his psycho level to another notch. I think this makes Larry another target for Lachlan when he realizes how much his granddad has been stupid enough to get sucked in by Robert.
15. Robert’s scheming finally is all exposed which shocks Larry as he thinks Robert really does love him.  Bex finds out everything Rob has been doing with her dad and gets sick over it all.  Larry and Rob get into some type of fight. I don’t expect Rob to hurt Larry that much but I wonder if this is an opportunity for Lachlan to finish off Larry and try to frame Rob?  Or not.???  Don’t have much thought about this yet.
16. Also not sure what all Chrissie is doing through all of this stuff.  Haven’t figured out a role for her in it all yet except for standing on the sidelines with her glass of wine shouting out “I told you so” when it comes to Robert.  LOL  But maybe Lachlan does kill Rebecca and Chrissie takes off with the baby.  Doubt it but it would be a fun little thing on the side to me at least.
17. Through it all Robert finds out that Aaron is Lachlan’s next target so he tries to warn Aaron.  He gets to Aaron at the same time as Lachlan is trying to run him over with his new car. (Yes I think there was a point to making sure we knew Lachlan passed his driving test this week and will now be getting that new car he was promised).  Anyway, Rob will try to push Aaron out of the way but they both get hit. Rob seriously hit and Aaron not so much because Rob saved him..... again.
18. Rob will be on death’s door.  Aaron will be banged up put OK.  This is where Chas/Paddy stick there nose in finally at the hospital trying to tell Aaron not to go back just because Rob saved him.  What they don’t know is what Aaron knows about the baby and ONS...  something he hadn’t told Rob about yet.  So now it will be Aaron at the hospital fearing Rob will die not knowing he didn’t cheat on Aaron.  Aaron finally confesses to Chas everything and surprisingly she will understand and accept Aaron’s decisions. Now Rob just has to wake up and get better.
19. Not sure how the whole Xmas show will fit in.  If it is an outlier show or another part of the story.  However it works out, Rob wakes up, Aaron tells him the truth about baby and ONS and his “I never stopped” feelings. Rob will struggle with accepting the baby isn’t his, that Aaron didn’t tell him right away, and even if ONS didn’t happen he probably still isn’t good enough for Aaron and will try to push him away.  How much will Aaron allow him to push before Aaron puts a stop to it? Don’t know.   The Xmas show then could be some kind of dream like thing for Rob now facing up to his past and his behavior.  Andy is the cameo that walks Rob through it all and helps him see that he needs to hang on to AAron and not push him away.
20. Rebecca has left ED with baby but she gets tracked down after first of year and a paternity test is done to confirm Rob isn’t the father but she refuses to say who is. Everyone assumes it is Ross.  Another test is done.  Ross isn’t the father but someone close DNA wise is..  a father, brother or son of Ross’s.  :-)   Of course I’m a champion of the Adam theory.  It’s proven true and Adam leaves ED because of it.  Who cares if he goes to Bex or not.  I don’t.  Aaron will be both devastated and hurt that Adam had been actively involved with Bex and knowingly allowed her to tear apart Rob and their relationship.  Through all of this Aaron will finally figure out that Rob really was the only truly looking out for him while he was in prison.  Everyone else, including his best mate took the opportunity to hurt Rob.
21. As for Aaron and Rob.  Rob will be seriously injured but I’m guessing the miracle workers of Hotten General will have him fully recovered as fast as Rhona was last year.  I would love to see him have a broken leg or something that requires some hospital time and Aaron and Vic fighting to take care of him after he gets out. Whatever happens I counting on the reunion first kiss on New Years either in hospital or at the Mill.  Aaron will also end up being Rob’s caregiver and learns to be there for Rob like he has always been there for Aaron in the past.  An important growth point in their relationship.
22. I don’t think it will take long after the new year for Rob to move back in to the Mill for the simple fact there is no longer a set at the studio for Vic’s Keeper’s Cottage. The Aaron and Rob scenes will have to be at the Mill and while I expect Rob will still live at Keeper’s or B&B for awhile it won’t take long for him to eventually move in...  or maybe move into the other flat for awhile.  That could happen too.  Live in the other flat but still eat meals, watch movies with Aaron and Liv at theirs. 
23. Since the wedding isn’t until summer I think it allows them to take their time working through all of their issues properly.  It is a soap so it won’t take forever. I also think there will be other things happening drama wise with them in the spring.  It will be voting season again for the BSA’s and I’m guessing Ryan and Danny will be primary targets for ED to promote for best actor which means they will have some kind of drama in the spring again to make them even more visible to the voters.  It doesn’t have to be angsty drama but something.  This is where I think maybe the baby could come back into play if you don’t believe my theory and believe the baby is Rob’s but Bex had left with it.  I don’t know but something will put a spot light on the boys in the spring during BSA voting season I’m sure.
24.  I still haven’t put my finger on the wide spectrum of stuff we got from Vic in all of this.  She has been from one extreme to another.  But mostly not being there for Rob through most of it.  The spoilers suggest even Bex finally calls her out on her meddling.  I think she will be left out in the cold when Rob is hurt and Aaron won’t have much use for her.  Rob will choose Aaron to care for him over her and she’ll feel the outcast feeling that Rob has felt so often and realize some things about her actions.  Adam will be the final hurt for her.  In the end it will be Rob that reaches out to her.  Old Rob would turn his back and let her suffer.  New Rob will love his sister unconditionally and not turn his back on her.  Lots of people in the village will find themselves apologizing. Rob will finally talk to his family about Jack.  The family will bond again.
25. More than likely most of this will be way off base like most of my speculations are.  I guess I just fall into the category of not thinking they are going to throw a baby into the mix while Rob and Aaron are rebuilding their relationship.  This has always been about Robron and if baby Seb remains in the mix it will no longer be about Robron.  It will be about Robastian with Aaron on the side and that isn’t the story they are telling I don’t think.  The little bit of baby we will get in November will be enough to change a lot of Rob’s perspectives on many things and it will give him enough of a taste of fatherhood to make him now want to be a father.  Aaron will develop strong feelings about it too which will make it an obvious easy story line for the new legally married Dingle-Sugden’s in the last half of 2018 to start the adoption/surragacy process.
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Do you think the baby is Robert's, and if so, do you think we'll end up with a Robert/Aaron/Rebecca parenting team? How would you feel about that? :)
Hiya anon O_O I change my mind about this every 5 minutes .... so xDD
Here it goes:
That the baby is Roberts is the narrative right now, the show needs the baby to separate Aaron and Robert and give him an in into the Whites. When they don’t need this anymore, this can go in all directions. Which is wild... if you think about it, cause you can make so many theories still work. And we are 7-8 months in the pregnancy. 
Sadly I personally think, that a lot of the “hints” and “odd” stuff in the SL are either to keep us guessing/hoping AND a lot is down to rewriting... the whole Jason/Boxing stuff felt like a massiv insert/rewrite. So what else have they changed?
(Guessing and hoping until they can try to get the audience on board with a real breathing baby xD and not this incubator situation) 
From the moment they had them sleep together, it felt like a “we are giving Robert a child”-SL. They needed to get Rebecca pregnant, so that the baby had a chance to survive, even if EH decided to leave directly after her contract  ended in October/November - that’s why the ONS was so early into the prison stuff. 
Here crashes my views on this from a narrative POV vers. from an emotionally invested fan x’D
It’s simply unfair, that Aaron gets punished twice for Gordon and Kasim. First the prison stuff, that was triggered by his insecurity towards Robert and Rebecca... He went to prison and got tortured. Now he gets out and has to be reminded with this small innocent live, that his husband wasn’t strong enough to stand by him, when he needed him most. So yeah, thats pretty fucked up and thats why he cut himself, cause he hated to think like this. 
Baby sticking around will be a big test for me. I will see, if I am still up for drawing fanart and stuff. I mean, I could just focus on Aaron and Liv and ignore Robert and his son xD but thats a bit boring and I actually want to enjoy all of this and not just parts, you know :D
I never had a big problem with Rebecca, she should be allowed to be involved with her child. She is the mom, she wanted this kid, her going away/dying, after the child is Roberts would bother me way more, then the co-parenting situation. 
Cause I mean, Robert should just not cheat. Thats it.
I don’t want Aaron to worry about EVERY woman (every potential Rebecca) (bit weird that they ignore that Robert could cheat with a man as well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) that Robert has to work with in the future. 
I would like to see the initial problem resolved - Roberts way of dealing with pressure - That he wants to hurt the people he loves. -  Rebecca was never the problem. It’s what Rebecca represents (Plot device and methaphor... poor girl) 
SO but look at this mess from Rebeccas POV... I... I just can’t believe that she would stick around after all of Roberts plots and schemes come to light, and that she would still think that her son is in save hands with him...
Like seriously???? Thats way worse then the “Oh I try to ruin your marriage, but lets go have a drink in the woolpack”-mind change.... 
Letting Robert co-parent after all this craziness O_O That just seems so unlikely
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saras-almanac · 7 years
What would be the ideal way for them to have achieved this baby plot do you think? You said that there's ways to achieve it but I just don't see it. I think it's stupid and I'm just really bitter that they did it in general. I hope this doesn't sound rude I'm just really curious as to what you'd think the best way to get there is without being so horrible.
Okay. You are definitely not being rude at all! I love being able to talk about Emmerdale! I know you sent this yesterday but I needed to wait until I had a little time to write my response! 
First things first, it’s completely okay if you don’t like the current storyline or whatever I write below. Some people are going to hate it just on principle because they don’t like the idea of Robert cheating, the baby, splitting Aaron and Rob up. Whatever the reason, that’s completely fine. You don’t need to defend yourself for not liking a storyline. 
But that’s something ED seemed to not be aware of. You are not going to please everyone with a cheating, baby, and break-up storyline. In fact, you’re probably going to upset a lot of people. The way to bring them around or at least show that you care about what you’re doing is to make sure that the storyline actually has meaning and matters. 
So if we absolutely had to have Robert sleep with Rebecca and get Rebecca pregnant (which we didn’t) they should have done it right after Robert gave his ring back to Aaron in January. They were having an argument after Aaron walked in on Robert and Rebecca and gets upset. It’s a devastating scene because they both are not saying what they need or want to say. Aaron’s telling Robert that Robert’s not accepting who he is and Robert’s telling Aaron that he’s afraid to be happy. That’s where this storyline starts. 
After Robert gives his ring back and leaves. He lays low for a few days but doesn’t hear anything from Aaron and eventually gives up at trying to reconcile because Aaron clearly doesn’t want to even talk to him. Rob goes to get drunk and is generally miserable and ends up meeting up with Rebecca because she’s literally one of his only friends in this moment. He’s upset because Aaron just doesn’t seem to love him as he is and Robert just isn’t enough for him. He tried so hard to make Aaron happy and be there for him but it feels like nothing’s enough. They both are drinking and eventually Robert says that he just wishes it was simpler with Aaron or that he needs a distraction and Rebecca’s right there. She wouldn’t need much convincing because she’s still after Rob at this point (or so it would seem) or she’s like Sure why not? You guys are broken up. 
That would be the catalyst of things because it would show both Aaron and Rob self-destructing at the end of their relationship. It would have also helped them be on a little more level playing field. It would force a lot of issues to come to the front that they would have to confront (Aaron’s biphobia, Rob’s internalized homophobia, Aaron’s fears of not being enough for Rob, Rob’s fears of not being enough for Aaron to name a few). 
Aaron would be incredibly hurt that Rob slept with Rebecca and Rob would say we were broken up! Aaron would say because this is what Rob wanted and they would start their arguments again and maybe it would allow for Aaron and Rob to sort of fight for each other at the same time. 
I’m not saying this would have been perfect because there’s still a lot of problems with it (namely having their only out bisexual character cheat), but it’s a start to make it matter a little bit more. Rob constantly trying to defend himself because him and Aaron were technically broken up but still be eaten by guilt. Aaron wanting to be upset but also not wanting to lose Robert again. It would also make Chas’ story about her jealousy pushing her boyfriend to the woman she was jealous of matter a little bit more. 
Ultimately, if they had used this storyline as a way to show Aaron and Robert working on their communication skills and self-esteem issues instead of just as a way to get Robert scheming up at Home Farm, they might have gotten a few more people on board. At least a little bit. But like I said, this is just one situation that I could think of right now, but I hope it helps you a little bit! Thanks so much for the ask!
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Why don't you like Rebecca? Not trying to start a fight, i just wanna know!
Well, this is going to be a long one! (And thank you for asking nicely rather than accusing me of being sexist and women hating…)
There are two problems with Rebecca and why I don‘t like her. One is poor writing, the other is whichever way you slice it, her personality flipped completely.
Flip one. October-March (and prior from what we know) Rebecca was completely 100% willing to be the other woman, to be the affair. She tried to get Robert in bed multiple times with no guilt, and only felt bad at the end of 2016 when she realised there was no hope for them. This as a character trait is fine. Let’s face it, if I had Robert in front of me and thought I had a shot? I’d give it a go (though I’d also accept the “no” when it came and not keep pushing it). If she’s a character who likes sex, is morally okay with being the affair while Robert has a relationship; which we know she is, see Chrissie, then fine. I mean, I don’t like it, but if that’s what she wants to do, fine.
I am not criticising her for that. I am absolutely tearing a strip off that character for the day after the one night stand she’d been craving, choosing to forget that she’d actively been pursuing him for six months, wedding ring or not. I am confused that she’d willingly cheat repeatedly with her sisters fiancé, someone she’s very close to and then suddenly turn around and go “You’re still with Aaron? You lied!” It makes no sense. She has no problem cheating (again, not criticising the character choices, people like this exist in real life), so why does it suddenly turn around 100%?
Flip Two. A woman who enjoys casual sex (see Ross Barton and several implications within arguments with Chrissie) would be on birth control. She’s an adult in a western country with complete access to it. There is no reason she wouldn’t be unless trying for a baby. Forget pregnancy, protecting herself from STD’s would most likely be job number one. I don’t believe someone who has a lot of sex which we’re meant to believe of her would be so reckless with her own safety. And she knows Robert is promiscuous, why wouldn’t she protect herself?
Flip Three. The incredibly questionable retconning of the abortion. It’s like no one at ED even thought to question a woman who has actually gone through a traumatic abortion. A woman who has, firstly is incredibly unlikely to go near the said man who first “forced” her into it (I mean, what a terrible choice of wording there) and secondly, if she does because she wants him or is in love with him, she makes damn sure she can’t get pregnant again. It’s human nature.
Character flip 4. She came back to the village at Robert’s request. She set her family up at Robert’s request. She helped put Lachlan in prison because Robert asked her to. And now, because he behaved the way Robert always does, she hates him? It’s a struggle to get my head around when she so willingly sold her family down the river six months ago for him.
Flip 5. The sudden yearning she’s always had to be a mother. Not buying this. Yes, people are completely entitled to want children, to desperately want them and I’ll never say anything against that. (This is not an anti woman rant) But she has quite literally never mentioned it. Not even saying to Chrissie about Lachlan, you know you’re lucky, right? Women who want children talk about it. Because it’s completely in their hearts and minds a lot of the time. Especially when they had that mess of Lawrence’s DNA, why wouldn’t it come up that she wants a baby?
Then you come to the actual writing problems with the character and holes that really don’t help her. A huge problem I have with her character is the biphobic comments she keeps making. I let them go in 2016, because I thought it was maybe one or two writers interpretations, and she was trying to rile Robert up, the way he spars with quite a few other characters. She keeps pretending Robert’s with Aaron because he’s deluded, rather than the possibility he likes both genders.And it’s been so consistent, I can’t ignore it. It’s very hard to like someone who keeps pretending my own sexuality doesn’t exist. 
Also, as a writing choice they had the perfect in built time period to have Rebecca questioning what to do about this unplanned pregnancy. No pressure from Robert, left to her own devices, what does she want to do and they chose not to do this. Not to even attempt to see this story from her side, which I feel would have helped her reception immensely to the GA.
Then the consent issue. Whether they intended it or not, there is a grey area there which I’ve discussed plenty. Even if you think it’s fine, for Rebecca its obviously a cheap move to sleep with someone who’s clearly vulnerable and emotional, never mind drunk. I happen to believe Robert would have slept with her if he were sober, because of the external pressures he was under at the time, AND the drink was not used as an excuse or a reason by any character on screen (mainly Aaron). So why have Robert drunk with a very hazy memory of the night in question? “I must have passed out.” All it does is make Rebecca look firstly terrible, secondly like she was waiting for any opportunity to jump into bed with him. Neither of which are likable qualities.
Another writing issue is we don’t know who Rebecca is. As a person, as a character. Everything she has done since arriving in the village is for the plot and nothing helps you get to know her any more. Yes, all soap characters do stupid things for plot, with the amount they air every week they have to. But you usually see the character, the person underneath when they’re not being used like this. For Rebecca you don’t.
Yes, her character has been written atrociously, I don’t think anyone watching this show could argue. But there comes a point where you can’t see the character past the bad writing, she becomes the bad writing because the only thing consistent about this character? Her inconsistency.
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dinglesugden-af · 7 years
I will never accept this baby. I will never accept aaron accepting this baby I’m sorry but just no. Having robron coparent with Rebecca and aaron becoming a doting stepdad just doesn’t sit well with me and it completely goes against what we’ve seen these past few months. It’s been made obvious since robert confessed this baby would stand in the way and aaron ended their relationship because he couldn’t accept the baby. aaron self harmed because of this baby there is no way in hell I will accept it and aaron being a stepdad - no way.
Emmerdale had the chance with robron to show the struggles of same sex couples getting a child of their own. Through ivf , sperm donation , adoption , fostering , surrogacy. Every single day same sex couples struggle having their own child. Kieron Richardson (Ste from Hollyoaks) struggled but finally got twins with his husband why couldn’t emmerdale use that and raise awareness that getting a child isn’t easy if you’re in a same sex relationship? Why couldn’t emmerdale be the one soap that doesn’t give a same sex couple a child through cheating or a previous relationship?
I’m sorry but it just doesn’t sit well with me at all. I feel for aaron and the fact he self harmed over the baby broke my heart and I honestly just wanted to squeeze him but the general audience aren’t as heartwarming as us. Aaron accepting this child would make certain people think “well why did he self harm if he was going to accept it?”
Everyone besides vic and rebecca has had to suffer throughout this storyline. When does it all go wrong for them? Up until she got pregnant vic didn’t give a flying fuck about rebecca nor did she like her but ever since she seems to be besties and completely forgotten what the other whites did to her brother.
Rebecca wanted this. She wanted robert. She wanted his child. The thought of robron coparenting with her knocks me physically sick. Robron reuniting wouldn’t hurt her. Why? Because she’d still have his child. She’d still have something to use and come between them. She’d have half of robert and that won’t go down that well with me.
When robron reunite I don’t want them making plans of when they’ll have this child. Whether they’ll be weekend dads or take certain days off work to care for the baby so rebecca could work. They should be focusing on themselves physically and mentally. They have liv. A sweet innocent 15 year old girl who has never had that family unit. The one kid who deserves a home and stability. If any child should be their focus it should be her. Do I want to watch liv feeling second best to a baby? No do I fuck.
Bring out a twist emmerdale. You want people to have respect for rebecca? Let it come out she’s played him. Let it come out she’s a White through and through and can ruin someone’s life without feeling guilty. She’s got away with ruining a marriage and a family. She spent months trying to get him into bed and when she finally got him in a weak moment she brought on the crocodile tears. If none of the other woman on emmerdale are allowed to get away with it, loose their friends and get belittled then neither should she.
She’s disgusting. She has 0 self respect. She’s a fucking rapist. She’s vile. She deserves to fall flat on her face.
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godamnarmsrace · 7 years
What’s Another Day?
So, after Thursday and Friday’s episodes I found myself on the weekend in the middle of nowhere with my sister and a camp fire, sobbing my little heart out while I wrote this little beast of a fic.  I wasn’t going to post it. It was therapy but I trust @bluewinseverytime and she told me I should so here it is.
He wasn't sure where to go. Everything hurt. His skin felt tight, like it didn’t fit anymore.
Aaron opened the door to their old bedroom. He looked around at the empty room, muffled pub noises came from below. There was nothing but a bedframe, naked mattress and a couple of aged bedside tables.  All trace of them stripped bare and yet it still felt safe. Familiar.
Kicking off his shoes, Aaron moved slowly inside and lay on the bed, on instinct he rolled to face Robert’s side. He curled up tight, holding himself as he fought to shut out Rebecca’s foul words. If only it were as easy as closing the door or shutting a book. Thoughts raced.
A baby.
Robert’s baby.
Her baby.
But Aaron knew. He knew he was different. Knew she was wrong.
She didn’t know Robert, not really, or them. Yet…
He shook his head. No. Robert Sugden was a mess, yes, a mistake, maybe, but he was Aaron’s mess and Aaron’s mistake.
She’d almost had him. He had to give her points for that, he couldn't deny that her words had momentary impact. But it was fleeting. He knew. And she wasn’t his friend. She didn’t care about him. If she did, she wouldn’t have slept with his husband. Robert was guilty for sure, but that did not make her an innocent bystander in this.
Only the baby had that distinction.
Robert’s baby.
Aaron knew that he was Robert’s exception. He knew Robert, in ways no one else ever would. Everything they’d been through, all the good and all the bad, together they’d come out the other side, every time stronger and closer. Rationally, he knew, but the fragile, emotionally-driven bit of him, still questioned it. But no, he knew.
Above all else, Aaron knew that when they were together, they were safe.
Maybe, Robert was bad for him. Maybe, they were bad for each other, but nothing could be worse than what they were like when they were apart. That gut-wrenching chaos of separation.
Rebecca had no place to speak about their relationship, one she had so actively tried to undermine since she’d arrived in the village.
Robert had opened himself up with Aaron in ways, even Aaron wasn’t sure if Robert realised.
They were both so broken.
Both with fathers who’d wreaked havoc on their childhoods, leaving them without the proper tools to function, with anyone, let alone each other and still they tried. needed.
Aaron wanted them. Wanted Robert.
Exhausted after talking to Rebecca and struggling to break through his hate and anger and fear, he’d found himself at his counsellor’s office again, for the second day in a row.
“What do you want, Aaron? What do you need, now and in the future?” she’d ask him.
He wanted Robert.
He wanted to trust him.
To have no doubts, to believe that Robert loved him as much as he loved Robert.
He needed it to stop hurting.
He needed for every new hurt to be lesser than the last.
Aaron needed to know that he was enough, more importantly he needed to believe it.
Parts of him felt like he deserved this. He’d done the same thing as Rebecca after all. Slept with a man that wasn’t his to have. Fallen in love. Chased him. Humiliated Chrissie. Punished Robert for not being ready for him. For not putting him before everything else.
“And now?” she’d asked him when he finished talking.
“Now? He puts me first. Not with the cheating, obviously, but that was the first selfish thing he’s done since we’ve gotten back together. I asked him to be someone I could count on,” Aaron replied.
“Is he?” her eyes were kind and it made uneasiness coil in his gut. He didn’t want her to look at him. He didn’t know why, just that he felt uncomfortable under her gaze.
Aaron looked at his hands instead. Clasped in his lap, his wedding ring a warm safe weight on his finger. That meant something, didn’t it. That it helped him feel grounded. When he’d taken it off yesterday he’s felt lighter but not in a good way. Like he could just float away and it wouldn’t matter. His words to Robert, about them not being really married had been fashioned as weapons but they’d cut him, as much as he’d hurt Robert. The truth of the matter was they were so married, it was almost ridiculous to think otherwise. Without realising it, they had been stitching their lives together since their first kiss.
When Robert had put the ring back on Aaron’s finger, it was like they both could breathe again. As soon as that comfortable weight was back where it belonged, things were better.
“Yes, when everything is falling apart he’s always there. He never makes me feel less, even though I know I am,” Aaron answered finally.
“Less than what Aaron?” the words were softly spoken, jarring all the same.
“What I should be, what I could be. Less than what he needs and what he deserves,” Aaron confessed.
His counsellor took a moment just to look at him before speaking again, “And after everything that has happened, do you believe that Robert deserves to be happy? To be loved?”
“Yes,” Aaron answered without any hesitation or delay.
“Why?” she asked him. “Why is he more than you? Is his happiness more important than yours?”
“He isn’t. It isn’t, I mean I love him don’t I, so I want him to be happy,” Aaron said not knowing what point she was trying to make.
“And if this other woman made him happy, would you want him to have that with her?” she probed.
“What kind of question is that?” Aaron asked, the thought made his stomach churn.
“It’s just a question Aaron. There are no wrong answers,” she said and made it sound so easy but it wasn’t.
“No, I want him to be happy with me. But I don’t want him to be unhappy. I don’t know. I just want us to be,” Aaron struggled to get the words out and his thoughts clear, would Robert would be better off without him? It wasn't the first time he'd asked himself that question. Rebecca would come with a baby, a ready-made family, he just had more baggage than the lost and found at an airport.
He’d told Robert to leave him.
“I love ya. It wasn’t an option,” Robert had said to him.
So, here they were.
“From what you’ve told me and my brief meeting with Robert. With you, for the first time, he is settled in his own person. Happy with you. He loves you. Do you believe he loves you?” his counsellor said drawing his attention back to her.
“Yes,” Aaron replied.
“No hesitation. All this doubt and yet you’re sure he loves you. Why?” she asked leaning forward in her chair.
“I…he’s changed. He told me about Rebecca. Before with Chrissie, his ex-wife, I told her. I exposed the affair but he told me. Knowing that I could leave him, that I should leave him, he told me. He could’ve kept lying, but he didn’t. I knew that something was wrong, that something wasn’t right but I couldn’t… I didn’t want to see it.”
Aaron realised he didn’t feel like Robert had made a fool of him. Robert had tried to tell him that day at the prison. Aaron saw it at the time, but he accepted his mum’s version because he wanted to, he needed to.
Robert had struggled - It had been there to see, whereas with Chrissie, Aaron had never even seen him think twice about lying to her.
“These things always have a way of coming out eventually,” she said and although it sounded like such a copout, it was true. He would have found out. But Robert told him.
Aaron nodded.
“You need to know Robert to really get why it's such a big deal that he told me himself, normally he’s a self-serving moron and he is a master of self-preservation,” Aaron said with a small smile, twisting his ring around his finger.
“You both have self-preservation in common. It’s learned behaviour Aaron, and completely understandable given your pasts,” her words were a gentle revelation of sorts.
“I know. But he's risked his to save mine. It's mad if you think about it, he’s always saving my life. I sometimes think, even just meeting him saved me. It’s the thing people don’t understand about us, about why we work, why we keep trying.”
I saved him and Robert saved me right back, he thought.
Aaron knew his tears were in conflict with the smile on his face but fondness was blurring the lines of pain in his chest. “After the car accident, the fool risked his life to go back into the water for my ring. I know he loves me. I’m just not sure I can survive our love or that I can survive being without it.”
“Did you ever ask him about the ring? About why he went back in the water for it? Some of your answers might be found in his reasoning,” her eyes flicked down to where Aaron was playing with the ring in question.
“He said it was because it was expensive, but he was just being Robert,” Aaron replied.
“Meaning?” she asked.
“He’s like me, we don’t really talk about our feelings. Both afraid of what people will think or say and we're used to keeping them to ourselves. I’m lucky I have Paddy and my mum to try to drag them out of me and I still struggle. Robert, he’s never had anyone to ask him how he felt and wanted to actually listen, until me. And well, the money thing has always been important to Robert. Status. Money. It was the main reason he married Chrissie,” Aaron answered.
“And the main reason he married you?”
“He loves me. I don’t know why he does. I have nothing to give him. Just me.”
“Did you ever think, that all he needs to be loved and happy, is you. It’s not an acceptable excuse but it does explain his destructive behaviour when he thought he didn’t have you. Patterns are hard to break but they can be broken, Aaron. You proved this by coming here yesterday and today instead of using self-harm or violence to deal with your feelings,” her words calmed Aaron’s jumpy heart and he knew she was right.
“He offered to come here. To get help,” Aaron told her.
“That’s good Aaron. He should do that for himself, for the both of you. Sometimes it’s hard even for a couple as close and as open as the two of you are, to show all the secret dark parts of yourself. Fear can keep us from working through things with those who love us, less they see something about us they cannot love,” she explained her kind eyes a reassurance to Aaron and less of an irritant. Those eyes saw him, which yes, was frightening, but meant that Aaron wasn’t alone in his insecurities.
Aaron was exhausted. This day had been never ending and still, it wasn’t over. He needed to get up and go look for Robert before he did something stupid and got himself in even more trouble. Aaron shut his eyes. That wasn’t fair. Trouble had found them today.
Even if he was still mad and hurt, Robert didn’t deserve to be left thinking the worst, torturing himself most likely, when Aaron lay here knowing that nothing had changed. Not really. Robert deserved the same luxury, such as it was.
A soft knock on the door startled him and he knew it would be Robert.
The door opened slowly, revealing his dishevelled husband standing, looking so unsure of himself, in the opening.
“Can I come in?” he asked, hesitating in the doorway.
Aaron nodded.
Robert entered the room but left the door open behind him.
Aaron watched him look around the room, with sad eyes, before his gaze finally settled on him.
“I wanted to know if you were coming home… that is I wanted to let you know you could come home. It’s your home. Yours and Liv’s. I don’t think it was ever meant to be mine,” Robert said, his voice breaking every time he uttered the word ‘home’. Aaron’s heart broke a little bit for how much Robert truly undervalued himself.
“Robert…” Aaron tried to say, but his words were cut off by Robert shaking his head at him.
“No, I’m not here to pressure you, Aaron. Before- I’m sorry about that. You don’t owe me anything. Not second or third chances and you’re right I can’t fix this. So, I’m not going to force you to stay with me. No guilt Aaron. This is all my mistake to own, you tried and god I love you for it. It’s more than anyone has ever given me and I don’t deserve it. But I can’t keep hurting you, Aaron. I never wanted to be one of the things that wounded you. I’m sorry, I'm sorry that I broke your trust, I'm sorry I was weak when you needed me most, really, I am just sorry that I destroyed the best thing that has ever happened to me - I'm sorry that I wrecked us. I should go.” Robert said, his eyes wet with unshed tears.
Aaron let out a sigh and sat up. “Robert, sit down, you can't give up on us yet” he said indicating the space on the bed next to him.
Robert stared, then sat down as requested, his hands stroking over the bare mattress.
“I don’t know how to be okay with this Robert,” Aaron said, and it was the truth. They had promised, to be honest from now on.
Robert was quiet for a few moments, his eyes followed the curve of Aaron’s arms where they wrapped around himself. Robert held out his hand tentatively, Aaron simply put his in Robert’s. He stroked his finger over Aaron’s wedding ring and said, “You’re still wearing it?”
It wasn’t really a question Robert could see for himself it was firmly in place on Aaron’s hand and yet Arron felt the need to say, “Yeah. I wasn’t planning on taking it off again.”
Robert closed his eyes, a move Aaron knew meant he was bracing himself for something painful and he was frightened about whatever was about to happen. Aaron couldn’t deal with any more cuts to his heart today.
“Sometimes I wish I’d died when I got shot,” Robert whispered gripping Aaron’s hand tight.
“You what?” Aaron asked using his free hand to grip Robert’s chin and make him look at Aaron.
Pain sharp and swift pierced Aaron’s gut but a flash of anger washed it clear. “Don’t be stupid,” he said not letting Robert look away.
Swallowing loudly Robert said, “I don’t mean to be. It’s just, I know I hurt you back then, but it was nothing like this. It would’ve saved us both a fair amount of heartbreak. Because I knew. I wasn’t ready to admit it, but I knew what you meant to me, for me.” Robert paused for just a moment before continuing, looking Aaron straight in the eye.
“But I didn’t know what it would feel like to call you my husband. To hear you say, ‘I do’. To spend every night falling asleep next to you, falling a little more in love with you every night, only to wake up and realise that yesterday’s love was nothing compared to how I felt when I saw you lying next to me safe, happy and to know you were proud to have me. Me. Robert Sugden constant fuck up and disappointment. You let me be your family and now I have nothing, I only have myself to blame, I'm so angry I can't even tell you. I want to set the world on fire.”
Robert snorted in a self-deprecating manner, “Who am I kidding? I already did. So, yeah, I wish I’d died before I knew how much I could really lose, what a failure I really am. Turns out dad was right after all and what’s worse is I don’t even care, I just can’t watch this hurt you, Aaron. I can’t. So, I’ll go.”
Aaron pissed now, clutching Robert’s jaw in his hand and he resisted the urge to shake him.
“You’d just leave? So, you are a liar then? Was Rebecca right? I’m no different and you can’t be trusted to keep your word? You promised to stay. That you would be the one who wouldn’t leave me, Robert,” he said, releasing his grip, pulling his hand out of Robert’s and leaving him free to get up and leave if it was really what he wanted.
“I’d never leave you Aaron but I can try and let you go because I can’t fix it. I can’t change it. You know I love you. God, I hope you know I love you. If I could I’d go back to the beginning and I was actually strong enough, I’d leave you alone, because I hated myself, but I had no idea what a monster I really was,” Robert said shrinking into himself as Aaron watched on.
Aaron was frustrated now, he wanted to shake Rob and hold him all at once.  Robert Sugden was a fuck up yeah, but he wasn’t a villain. How the fuck did they end up here, bleeding all over this room that used to be theirs? Aaron wanted to punch Jack Sugden and Rebecca… no, it was better to not think about things he couldn’t change, not when his husband was falling apart right before his eyes.
“You’re not a monster Robert. You didn’t make this mess alone. Rebecca was there, she knew what she was doing,” Aaron said hoping some of it would get through to Robert.
“Maybe, but she didn’t deserve the way I treated her after,” Robert argued.
“And did you Robert? Did you deserve to have someone you thought was your friend take advantage of you, take advantage of the situation? Because she did Robert. I was pissed at you yesterday and I still am, but you forget I was her once. You came to me drunk, upset and confused. I wanted you. I wanted you to be mine, just like she did, but I kept you safe. I could have had you, but I didn’t. She had the same choice. Just like she chose to lie to you about the baby. She doesn’t know you, Robert. If she did she would have left you alone,” Aaron said so angry on Robert’s behalf.
He watched as Robert pulled a pained face at his words, realising how he might have interpreted it he said, “She would have known you were playing her, that you and I would never truly be over. That you would always love me. She obviously doesn’t know me either. I went to see her earlier and she tried to warn me off, if she knew me, even a tiny bit, she would know I will always love you. Always Robert even when I hate you, I love you more than anything.”
As Aaron finished speaking he realised that he meant every word. He felt it in his bones. Robert loved him. Would love him for as long as Aaron let him.
“You don’t want me to go? I don’t want to keep hurting you. I feel like the world is trying to punish me for my past mistakes, but you are the one who keeps getting the hits. I need to keep you safe, even if that means keeping you safe from me. Maybe, Paddy was right, the only way you’ll ever be safe is if I let you go. You said it yourself, she’ll always be there waiting to twist the knife, trying to get between us,” Robert argued, but he shuffled closer to Aaron reaching out to him running a finger over Aaron’s wedding ring.
Aaron knew he could throw it in Robert’s face, that he’d let Rebecca have this power over them, but he also knew Robert would take the hit and absorb it. That was yesterday’s argument, today he needed to move past it, so they could have tomorrow.
“I know you don’t want her,” Aaron said instead.
“Do you?” Robert asked sounding so small and unsure.
“Look at you, Robert, you’re a mess,” Aaron answered softening his words with a small smile. He turned his hand over and linked his fingers with Robert’s.
“Thanks,” Robert said, squeezing Aaron’s hand.
“You know what I mean. I know you love me. I know it deep down, where she can’t touch it, but a child Robert. Your child with her. I’m not going to lie it hurts,” Aaron whispered, leaning into Robert, needing to be close.
Robert moved so that there was barely space for air between them and said in the same hushed tone as Aaron, “I don’t want it.”
“Robert…” Aaron tried.
“I don’t. You don’t get it. You think I want a family with anyone other than you? I don’t. You’re my family. I thought about it too, you know, about a family with you. Kids. I used to think I would be a rubbish dad, but with Liv…I feel like I could do it with you. Your baby Aaron, your genes. You’d be a brilliant dad and that'd be another part of you for me to love, that’s what I want. You think I could ever love something that would cause you pain?” Robert’s words harsh, but filled Aaron with such wonder. The awe of being so loved.
“I went to see my counsellor again, after I spoke to Rebecca and it was the right thing to do but we didn’t even really talk about the baby, just about me and you. I didn’t realise why until just now. This child won’t define us, Robert, not if we don’t let it and its creation shouldn’t define it either. This child is innocent of all of our mistakes,” Aaron could see that Robert was resisting what he was trying to say.
He pressed a kiss to Robert’s mouth, just a touch of lips barely anything before he said, “I hate this, yes I'm not going to deny that, but this child would be yours, part of you and Robert, I will love it because it’s yours. You are a better man than you think you are.”
“I’m not,” Robert protested, but Aaron could see the hope in his expression, the please let it be true.
Aaron pulled Robert in for a proper kiss this time, as if he could use it to convince Robert of his conviction.
“You are, end of. Do we need to have all the answers, right now? Can’t we just go home and worry about it tomorrow?” Aaron asked resting his head on Robert’s shoulder.
“I thought everything had changed?” Robert asked, his lips brushing across Aaron’s forehead where he pressed a kiss.
Aaron forced himself to sit up and look at Robert's face on. “It has, but not the fact that I love you and I want to try to fix this. Robert, I want to be with you, go to sleep and wake up in our home, with you, fight over silly things and laugh, with you. I don’t know how. It hurts. Knowing that the baby exists. Hurts. Having to see her face around the village. It all hurts. But the thought of being without you hurts more. I don’t know how we will get through but I think we will. I know I’m not her and I’m not Chrissie. You love me. You love us.”
“I do. I love you more than anything,” Robert vowed, his expression fierce with it.
“And I love you. We might fail Robert but it already hurts so much, isn’t it worth a try? I want to stand beside you,” Aaron said reaching out and brushing a stray tear that had escaped Robert’s eyes.
“You’re amazing Aaron. I don’t do deserve you,” Robert said gripping Aaron’s face in his hands, stroking his cheeks.
Aaron nuzzled against Robert’s hands. He knew how his husband felt because all he wanted to do was touch Robert. They needed it. It was a comfort, it was reassurance that they were both still here.
“Maybe, you don’t,” he said. “But you get me and I get you.”
“Thank you, Aaron,” Robert said pressing kisses against Aaron’s lips, each kiss, punctuation on another word out of Robert’s mouth. “Thank you for not letting me let you go. Thank you for loving me enough, despite who I am.”
Taking his cue from Robert, Aaron returned his kisses and spaced them with the words he needed to say, “I love you not despite but because of who you are.”
“I meant what I said yesterday no more lies, no one else, no more hurting each other and we get help together. We take it one day at a time.” Aaron murmured, close into Robert’s neck.
Robert let out a sigh and rested his forehead against Aaron’s. “I should have told you about before,” he said, guilt edging every word.
“Yes, you should have,” Aaron said in agreement. No judgement, just acknowledgement.
“You have to understand Aaron, you’ve seen so much of the bad side of me, of my failures and I feel hollowed out by it whenever I see it reflected in your eyes. I can’t understand how someone like you could ever love someone like me. I was a horrible person back then. I don’t want to show you that side of me,” Robert said his words small.
Aaron brought his hand up to Robert’s chest and placed it over his heart. “I’ve seen your worst Robert and I still love you.”
“Now you have,” Robert said his voice cracking.
“My darkness Robert. I laid it all bare for you and you never flinched, you never turned away from me. You just loved me. You waited till I was ready. You took care of me. This baby, Robert, it will need that from us. It deserves what we didn’t have. A father who loves it and won’t ever harm it. This way it gets two. You know what that family is like it’s toxic,” Aaron said.
Aaron felt Robert nod slowly against him. “I don’t want to be without you Aaron. Not ever.”
Aaron wanted to climb inside of Robert. He wanted to hold his husband.
“I don’t want to be without you either. So, we’ll deal with tomorrow in the morning. Let’s go home and go to bed,” Aaron said tugging on Robert’s hand to get him to stand.
                                                     * * *
Aaron laid in bed wrapped up in Robert, their skin touching, leaving no space for anything but warmth and comfort. They were both exhausted. Wrung out, but still awake.
“Robert, why did you go back in the water for my ring?” Aaron asked remembering his counsellor’s question from earlier.
“It was your ring. I wanted you to have it, to wear it. To be mine for always. When I got to the hospital and I found out you were in surgery, that I might lose you even after I got you out of the car, I went mad. I couldn’t breathe. I’d wasted so much time and I knew you were it for me. My future and I could see it sinking in front of me, just like the ring. I had to go get it. Losing the ring, it was like I was losing you. I needed to have it for you, I needed you to be okay. I love you so much Aaron,” Roberts words were soft in the darkness and each one was like a salve on his heart.
They needed to talk more. It was clear that they both needed to hear how much they were loved, it needed to be a regular occurrence. Aaron made a promise to himself, to make sure that no matter what, that even in anger Robert, would know that Aaron loved him.
“I love you too, idiot.”
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Sequel to the earlier prompt. If you liked where that ended feel free to ignore this. I wrote both with the idea that The Incident didn't happen, but it can work either way.
Making up is hard to do
Same place. Same time of day. Same families milling about. Not much has changed. Robert’s waiting for Aaron again.
He hadn’t left, that afternoon. Robert couldn’t give him an answer, couldn’t make himself reassure Aaron, didn’t know how, didn’t know if he could. So he’d taken the easy way out, told him he needed time, a few more days.
So Aaron had stayed, stubborn as ever, found another room in the hotel. Robert had avoided him, escaping the place that now felt more suffocating. He’d needed the space to think. The thing he kept coming back to was, did he want to let Aaron go, could he spend the rest of his life without him?
Part of him feels like he can’t judge given his history, the times he’s cheated and he knows that Aaron has doubted him for so long but he’d thought that was gone, thought they were past it all. The thing is he doesn’t want to be without Aaron, the life they’ve made but at the same time he needs to be able to trust him and right now he doesn’t know whether he can do it.
Now he’d agreed to talk again, to try and figure out the best way to move forward. Aaron was leaving it to him, couldn’t do much else really. Robert was still trying to work out what to say.
The sun was slowly setting in front of him. One of the other guests in the hotel had cornered him on the stairs that morning, asked him to help her, so he’d taken her arm as she unsteadily made her way down the stairs. She’d told him how she came here every year, used to visit with her husband until he died and now she was alone. He listened as she told him how they’d sit and watch the sunset every night on the beach, how romantic it was.
“God, I thought I was never getting out of there! Must be the only chippy for miles.” Aaron dropped down onto the step beside him, passing him a packet of fish and chips.
“Thanks.” There was nothing better than fish and chips straight from the paper at the beach in Robert’s opinion, and he dug in, the two of them quiet.
“I haven’t decided anything, but I don’t want to give us up, not just like that”
“Whatever you want. I love you Robert.”
“You keep saying that, but what if it’s not enough. What if I’m always going to wonder…and I know I gave you plenty of reasons to doubt me…and maybe I’m a hypocrite, but I can’t live like that.” He sets his food down beside him, appetite having disappeared.
Neither of them speak for a while and Robert can see Aaron fidgeting with his wedding ring out of the corner of his eye.
“I met this woman this morning. She used to come here with her husband and now he’s gone she comes back here every year. They were married for sixty years. I could see us all that time in the future…would I do that, would you? Go back to special places like that?”
“We could be like that?”
“A few weeks ago I’d have agreed with you, wouldn’t have to think about it. I want that…I want to be sitting here with you when I’m old.” The more he talks, the more he can’t bear the thought of them not having a future.
“I want it too, I do. I won’t let you down again, I’ll do whatever it takes for you to trust me again.”
“It’s beautiful, don’t you think?” He nods towards the sea, the sun low in the sky casting a pinky, orange glow over everything. He turned to look at Aaron, still staring out at the sunset, and he knows he can’t let him go, can’t be without him.
“Yeah.” He meets Robert’s gaze, the sun making his eyes even bluer. Robert leans to kiss him, lips pressing together softly before he pulls away.
“I’m going to stay at Vic’s, for a while at least. We never did the whole date thing. Maybe we should start there. I want to trust you, I think I will one day but we can’t just sweep everything under the carpet like we have before. It doesn’t work.”
“I’m so sorry, Robert.”
“No, stop that. No more apologising. We start again, we talk more and the rest will come.” Aaron nods, eyes full of tears. “Come here.” He pulls Aaron closer, tucking his head against Robert’s collarbone, puts his arm around him, other hand against Aaron’s knee.
“It really is beautiful.” Aaron sighs, as the sun finally hits the horizon ending another day. Tomorrow everything will start again.
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