#because funnily enough the story that tells you compassion is great and kindness is generally a good idea
rebelwriter99 · 1 year
As a Star Wars fan that is relatively new to all of this, given that there have been fans around for 40 odd years and I haven’t been alive that long, I have made some *observations*.
We’re not nearly as terrible a fandom as advertised. And especially as experienced online.
Hear me out.
I have never attended any kind of con before. Ever. Too scared. I have a metric ton of traumatic experiences linked to my CPTSD where my special interests (as an autistic person) were mocked to the point I felt physically unwell whenever I looked at them or tried to engage with them. It reached the point I was meticulously secretive about the things I loved. Star Wars being one of them. A few years ago though, I got sick, I now have 7 medical conditions that disable me in differing ways and in differing degrees and Star Wars has kept me alive while I dealt with all of that. Learning to Hope and learning to action Hope are key skills when living as someone like me I feel. I also have an Assistance Dog now, and have to deal with everything the world and the general public throw at me about that.
Two weeks ago I went to Star Wars Celebration. I got on the tube in the Star Wars dress I loved so much I hopped around my flat with joy when the parcel arrived but never had the courage to wear anywhere. My Assistance Dog had his Star Wars patch on. I got there, near shaking because I was no nervous, and I was inside for about 30-45mins before Skye (my dog) put me on the floor to lie down because my HR got too high.
And I have never felt safer doing that anywhere. Ever.
In a venue with that many people, I have never had such a tiny number of people distracting/trying to pet my dog. And the few that did, 90% of the time there was a language barrier so reading his gear wasn’t going to be super helpful to them. And every single time I said “sorry he’s working-he’s my medical equipment!” people instantly just backed off. No shouting at me, no complaining or saying how rude/grumpy/horrible/mean to my dog I am. Hey just two days go I got told on a train mid medical episode whilst Skye was alerting that I didn’t deserve to have a dog because I stopped a man from petting him, twice! But not at Celebration.
If I was sat on the floor or otherwise sorting a medical episode, and people asked ‘are you OK?’ people actually listened to and respected the answer I gave, rather than calling security or staring for ages or refusing to leave me alone. Skye had to do crowd control one day to keep me safe when we got the tube at the end of the day. Everyone just seemed to ‘get it’ and gave him the space. Previously I’ve had people walk straight into him like he’s not there. He’s 35kg of very large Labrador.
And more than anything-people spoke to me and not my dog. Despite seemingly everyone there eventually knowing his name, if people said hello to us or asked for a picture or anything at all-they spoke to me instead of Skye. I was a real human being and not just the thing that happened to be holding the cool dog’s lead.
I wish people knew how rare it was for me to have such an overwhelmingly safe and positive experience in such a large crowd of people. It is genuinely a testament to the kindness and understanding of thousands of people that I was able to spend 4 days there and the worst moment be when I realised I had to leave at the end.
There will always be people, I think, who say they love Star Wars and mean something quite different. But honestly having found my corner of the Star Wars fandom here, and having been to celebration-I don’t think I’ve come across a not nice human as of yet (I do not count comments of YouTube videos I glance over I do not interact with this species). Sure some of us like different things-but I feel that’s rather the point. Some people were at Celebration for the pin collecting, some for Lego or something similar, I was there to listen to people talk about storytelling for hours on end. But we can all agree that Star Wars is wonderful at the end of the day.
I’m not entirely sure how to go about saying it-but please be happy you’re a Star Wars fan. And don’t feel like saying so out loud might make people think you’re “one of the mean ones.” Based on my experience, I think the vast vast majority of this fandom are rather lovely. And since I am unable to say thank you to thousands of people at once for enabling me to exist in a building and be very happy whilst I’m there, or thank everyone individually on here for geeking out about these things with me and making me feel like part of a little community of writers and artists I shall forever be in awe of-I wrote this post.
So. Thank you humans who love Star Wars. I think you’re all rather wonderful. And I shall send you all of the Star Wars joy. Always 🌟
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TLDR: in this essay I will explain why Star Wars fans are very lovely actually. No I will not be taking corrective comments at this time. I am having feelings about experiencing happiness in an accommodating space and can’t possibly be interrupted.
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leantailean · 9 months
I think what i like about Toko is the way the too off them play off each other. Both are stubborn, blunt, loud and insensitive to others. Both came from a posh upbringing. Among other things it leaves them both a bit self-centred, which they both struggle with. Toph wants nothing but move away from home, while Zuko does everything to return to it. Toph hates rules, while Zuko is a stickler for honor (unless the ends justify the means, which usually benefits himself). Zuko is a terrible liar while Toph can turn into a doll on a dime while also being a human lie detector. They have one good eye between the two of them. They both have so much room to grow as people. There's billion things more like that really.
I can't tell you what specifically made me interested in romance between them. I think i just already read a few fics about them being friends it made curious how those dynamic would play out in a romance.
It's funny to see you liken Kataang to Toko. Since despite it's ubiquity if never really felt one way or the other for the former, nor do i think much about it. My guess the appeal of the ship would be what those too represent to each other, which would be quite different from the more interpersonal dynamic appeal of toko. But you point i out there some interesting parallels there.
I don't really hate season 3 myself, though i'd call it probably the weakest of all the seasons. Funnily enough the Zuko gaang interactions are something i'm mostly fine with. I mostly just find the way they team up a little clunky, as well as Zuko being unable to imagine why Katara would still be mad at him and the general asspullery of the finale. So i'm curious what you think about that.
Hello! Happy Holidays and thank you for our question! And sorry for a very late answer, I really want to start answering on time next year! You showed me at the the very interesting parallels between Toph and Zuko, and I’m entirely agree with you. I’m gonna repeat what I was saying in my last answer to you. I think that the reason of why Toko is not so popular is that fandom doesn't see them right. Fandom always tries to see Zuko as super restrained, manly and steady grown up guy loaded with mature decisions and endless amount of altruism. Meanwhile Zuko is just traumatised kid, and his trauma is what dictates a lot of his character traits that fandom refuses to see. His impetuosity, impulsiveness, anger, egoism, and tunnel vision. And his sometimes happening disregard of other people. And all this melts unites with his kind heart and moral compass. And all that mess is what making him so interesting and appealing character. But unfortunately all these traits are seen as “problematic” and even ugly, and fanom just tries to ignore all of this. As a result the real and complex Zuko's character always is out of any discussion.
Toph is, usually, completely disregarded and ignored by fandom at all.She is being seen as a “gremlin” or “little bratty sister”, and people refuse to see that she is one of the most complex and well-written member of gaang. She has lots of conflicts and difficulties. (I’m telling about all this very mess, hope I’ll have enough time one day to develop this idea better)
She and Zuko are very close in the very same traits that fandom tends to deny in Zuko. Egoism, stealthiness, disability to trust, stubbornness and arrogance. They would be a great pair because their basic character traits are so similar and it would be easier for them to understand each other.
I also always loves how atla narrative connects Toph and Zuko with Aang. Aang sees Toph in the vision, so their meeting was predisposed, and Aang and Zuko’s arcs similarity is basically the heart of the show.
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As you noticed, Toph leaves her home for Aang, for Zuko Aang is a way home. And later Toph and Zuko’s stories mirror each other, because, like Toph did, Zuko leaves his cruel family to join the gaang as an avatar teacher.
I really like how toko is similar to canon ship that plays the key role in the whole storytelling, Kataang. As well as Kataang, Toko grows from support and friendship, develops for a long time. It’s 100% “friends to lovers” trope. As well as in Kataang, one of the pairing starts feeling some romantic feelings from the very beginning (It’s canon that Toph feels romantically about Zuko, it’s clear in many scenes, “That’s how I show affection” is one of the most prominent) while another partner have only friendly-platonic feelings. And also Toph was the first from the whole gaang who trusted Zuko and even almost argued with others standing out for him. This is very clear similarity to Katara who always eagerly protects Aang, attacking anyone who can harm him.
Another moment that will never stop to amaze me in relation between Kataang and toko is their colour schemes that are built on complementary colours.
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Complementary colours are the ones that placed opposite one another on the colour wheel. They empower and supplement each other. In visual arts, and especially in animation and character design colour schemes are one of the essential tools of the storytelling. Complementary colours are emotionally appealing, they show to the viewer connection and harmony between characters. Orange and blue - colours of Aang and Katara are complementary to one another as well as red and green - colours of Zuko and Toph.
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As for Third season I think that it was the weakest and terrible. It almost ruined characters of Aang, Katara, and, especially, Zuko and Iroh, transformed their complex and dynamic personality into two dimensional cliches. Lots of people complaining about comics for ruining characters, but actually it all originates in how third season destroyed lots of things. So called Zuko's redemption arc was lazily written, he was descended  from the most complex and interesting character into the rather boring banality. Honestly after that "redemption" Zuko became much worse person them he had been before it. Again very composite and ambiguous Iroh was transformed into some mix of Dumbledore, Gandalf and stereotypical and racist type of "asian wiseman". he was stripped of anything that was making him interesting and unique. And that terrible westernised redesign of Katara and Zuko, complete rethinking of clothes and armor of fire nation warriors that was obviously stolen from some RPG?
I can discuss why 3rd season is terrible for long time. that my super unpopular opinion
Thank you once again for sharing your thought about toko! I always happy to discuss these wonderful characters with you🖤
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alexandreamarlow · 4 years
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Task 24 - OOC About Your Character
1.     What do you want to get out of playing this character(s)? 
To see her story and character evolve and develop. 
2.     Describe your character(s) with three words. 
Passionate, Protective, Troubled.
3.     What made you decide to write this muse? 
She was the first muse I created and I literally came up with her on the hoof. I’ve played her for about 5 years now. Crazy how fast the time has flown by! 
4.     If you could change one event in your muse’s life (in their main or canon verse), what would you change? 
I don’t believe there is an event I would change as it’s all contributed to making her the character she is today. 
5.     If you could tell your muse one thing, what would you tell them? 
Don’t be afraid to rely on someone other than yourself.  
6.     If you could give your muse one gift, what would you give them? 
Possibly her eldest brothers war medal? She has very few belongings from her former human life and she is rather sentimental.      
7.     If you had to take one positive thing away from your muse, what would you take away? 
Her compassion for others, it’s a beautiful trait to have even though it has caused her great grief. She hardly cares about being caught in the crossfire if she can prevent someone else's suffering.  
8.     If you could “borrow” one aspect of your muse and apply it to yourself or your own life, what would you borrow?  
Her compassion again.
9.     Do you genuinely want your muse to be happy? What do you think would make them most happy in life? 
I do want her to be happy although at times it seems the odds are against her. I don’t think being a family woman is in the cards for her. I’ll admit she is a workaholic but I think she would appreciate a slower pace and perhaps share a quiet home with someone. She’s lived alone for too long and I think she’d appreciate some company even though she’d never admit to it.  
10. Do you enjoy putting your muse through angst? What do you think would break their heart the most? 
I do enjoy angst and challenging the limits of my muse within reason. 
She’s been through a tremendous amount of grief and pain even before she was turned into a vampire. She’s suffered heart break a lot and losing Clay recently has really done a number on her. 
11. What do you love about your muse?
Her passion which radiates from her pores. She’ll encourage anyone to pursue their dreams and will help them along the way. 
12. What do you hate about your muse?
Her stubbornness and self-destructive behaviour.
13. What about your muse amuses you?
The fact that she will do just about anything in heels... hikes, dog walking and vacuuming around the house. Her teasing nature and she’s pretty fun when she wants to be. Although she is pretty old, she has a young and adventurous spirit.
14. What about your muse makes you sad?
Well for one, misery seems to follow her and that she closes herself off from the world in order to protect others.
15. How would you describe your muse to someone about to meet them, in person, for the first time?
She can come off a little distant at first but once those walls come down and she gets going. She’s a real keeper. A mama bear for sure. 
16. Would you like your muse as a person if you met them in real life?
Possibly, she’s very down to earth, approachable and has so many interesting stories to tell.  
17. In what ways are you better than your muse? In what ways are they better than you?
We are similar in many ways but she’s really self-destructive and has a real issue with commitment. 
18. Why do you think you connect to your muse?
We are both passionate, artistic, British and workaholics. 
19. What aspect of your muse’s personality is most important to you? What aspect of your muse’s personality do you think is most important to them? Is it the same? Why or why not?
Her compassion and she would probably agree with that. It’s one of her best redeeming qualities. Without it she would be a real piece of work leaning more towards evil than neutral. 
20. Has your character(s) changed over the time that you have been playing them? How have they changed?
Her fundamental attributes haven’t changed but she has evolved over time. She’s come a long way as a Sire and is incredibly protective of her protégé. She now embraces what she is and feels no shame in being a vampire. She’s more mature and assertive now. 
About You!
1.     What is your name? 
Jazmine / Jaz
2.     What is your profession? 
Interior Designer and Illustrator
3.     What do you do to relax? 
Listen to music, draw, read, watch films, learn to play the cello (badly), eat good food and drink good beer. 
4.     What is your favorite treat (desert)? 
 Crème brûlée is my favourite desert but I’m more of a savoury person. 
5.     Favorite movie - 
‘Leon The Professional’ but I’m a massive film buff so honestly this is a mean question to answer. 
6.     Favorite book - 
Possibly ‘Let the Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist’. 
7.     Favorite vacation spot - 
Marrakesh or Rome
8.     Favorite Disney movie - 
9.     How did you first get into role playing? 
Funnily enough I’d watched Venom do Indie roleplaying like 7 or so years ago and it intrigued me. They suggested we both try out a new group and so we both joined TI when it first opened and then I fell in love with roleplaying and the wonderful muns here!  
10. What was your first platform? If it was something other than Tumblr, what made you get into Tumblr?
Tumblr - Answered above.
11. What’s a grammar rule you find yourself breaking or ignoring a lot?
All of them?! Lol! I use far too many ellipses... I think I also use a lot of British colloquialisms and slang without realising it - sorry guys :D
12. Are there any languages besides English in which you think you could comfortably roleplay?
Sadly, just English.
13. Do you listen to music while your write?
Yes, always. The music genre differs depending on the thread. 
14. Are you a morning, day, evening, or night writer?
Evening definitely. I’m not much of a night owl these days though due to work kicking my ass.
15. How does tiredness affect your writing?
Massively. Grammar errors galore and I write at a snails pace.. But it gets worse when I’m tired. 
16. What is your biggest obstacle to writing every day, if time doesn’t count?
I wish I could write everyday but work and life in general gets hectic for all of us sometimes. Plus I’m one hell of a procrastinator.
17. How many drafts is a paralyzing amount? 
Anything above 25. Not because of lack of muse but due to my slow ass writing!
18. Is there anything character-wise or writing style-wise that you can’t stand? 
Godmodding. And then I wouldn’t describe this as something I ‘can’t stand’ but I don’t do one liner replies. I get why people do it, I personally just need more to work with.  
19. What kind of anonymous questions are your favorite?
Things that challenge me to think about how my muse would react. 
20. What is your weakest point in writing? Angst, fluff, dialogue, etc.?
Fluff and introduction threads possibly. Starters are definitely a weak point for me. I can’t remember the last time I wrote an open starter... probably when I re-joined the group like 2 years ago oops.  
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