#because having OCD and being traumatised does not equal like. a new disorder
cruelsister-moved · 3 years
girl how tf are you gonna say all that and then claim to be autistic have adhd nd be chronically ill. you deadass just said you didn’t believe in labeling mental illnesses. you also advocate for cptsd diagnoses over bpd but that would also be a label. yes one is more stigmatized but why not just say you don’t like bpd as a diagnosis instead of contradicting yourself?
didn't say that. please can you actually read what im saying. i have adhd and autism, those are labels. im mostly concerned with: 1. obfuscation of the relationship between trauma and traumatised behaviour. 2. obsessive and narrow focus on arbitrary profiles rather than engagement with an individual and their symptoms. and 3. pathologisation of harmless behaviour when exhibited by people who are 'in the system'.
personality disorders exemplify failures in all of these aspects - patients who are all expressing maladaptive coping mechanisms to long-term trauma beginning in childhood are both arbitrarily divided into subcategories which marginalise the role of trauma in their behaviour, AND have no attention paid to their individual needs in favour of an ever expanding roster of trauma-modifiers including 'the one where you also have autism' and 'the one where your psychiatrist thinks you're an arsehole'.
ODD is literally just the final step in a diagnostic system that abdicates all responsibility to even attempt to consider pathologised behaviour as a rational response to external circumstances and instead immediately pathologise any and all symptoms as irrational and internally defective.
like you form unhealthy attachments because you learned how to form attachments in a situation where forming healthy attachments was impossible and dangerous. the different ways people can exhibit unhealthy attachment behaviour is pretty surface level compared to the shared underlying cause, and the correct response in all of these cases is the same in terms of understanding of traumatic adaptations.
yes individuals would exhibit this in certain different ways but to use a clumsy metaphor, if two people are anaemic and one of them faints and the other gets migraines, they don't have different types of anaemia and the cure is the same so it'd be very silly to divide them by that.
so i yes advocate for cptsd diagnoses because I feel they much more directly address the root cause while allowing for individual variance, and encourage both the patients image of themselves as well as how they are seen by authority figures to be more autonomous and less essentialising.
although there are still issues in how all mentally ill people are treated + failure to address the systematic causes such as poverty and racism which i will also be critical of, i... hands down think a diagnosis of "you exhibit maladaptive behaviour due to past traumatic experiences" is infinitely more constructive than "ujhh idk your personality just kind of sucks" ?
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