#because he's shady and disappears mysteriously and delegates tasks and mostly just has his own word as proof.
willow-jade · 1 year
Gonna be honest, it annoys me (in a casual, not-actually-annoyed, 'he does not say that' way) a tad bit when people write Kaeya INSISTING and verbally trying to convince people that he totally slacks off all the time; every time I can remember, when Paimon accuses him of doing as much, he gives a reassurance about how he's gotten all his work done, is doing something for Jean, is actually on business, wouldn't be here if he wasn't on top of work, delegated to xyz, etc.
He doesn't respond to those allegations by confirming them - at least not to someone who he wants to think highly of him. Maybe it's different when he's trying to bait criminals (we wouldn't know), but to the Traveler, to his coworkers, and very likely foreigners he'd be meeting professionally + common citizens, he denies it. Not aggressively or insistently, but he also doesn't... declare that he neglects his job??
If he ever has in front of us, it was an outlier. The closest I can think of, though, is the voiceline where he calls it comparatively unfun.
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