#because his thing is that he's unpredictable and mercurial and you never really know what he wants or what he'll do
lord-squiggletits · 1 year
One TF fandom argument that confuses me is when people put Megatron and Starscream versus each other like, when people say that it's "unfair that Megatron gets redemption but Starscream doesn't" (in regards to IDW1) because like. One, IDW1 in phase 2 was written by like 4 different writers, so you can't try to claim that there was some unified vision where the nonexistent Singular Writer of IDW was like "no Starscream isn't allowed to have nice things."
And second, I don't think the writers would even think of it that way? It's not like the writers were like "okay we have one Get Out Of Jail Free Card and we're going to spend it on Megatron, sorry Starscream maybe in the next reboot you can get it." The divisions fans make between X character likers and Y character likers are completely made up fandom drama and sometimes I feel like people don't understand that the writers aren't privy to fandom infighting/drama and wouldn't write Megatron and Starscream in opposition to each other as if one character's gain must come at the other's expense.
And finally............. IDW1 Starscream literally does get to be portrayed as a more morally gray person, have his feelings shown and treated as human, even make some friends/have people treat him nicely? IDK what fucking comics people are reading where they think that Starscream is treated as an evil villain with no redeeming qualities at all. Maybe it's the same Starscream fans who shit on TAAO/Scott or something, that's the only way I could explain it.
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k-rising · 1 year
Q's birth chart analysis
DISCLAIMER: This is just a part of the analysis of the idol's natal chart, which wants to show a deeper perspective on the idols life. This analysis is carried out thanks to the data that appears on the birth chart. The point of this post is to entertain. [This idol hasn’t confirmed his birth time, so I used the standard 12pm time to calculate his natal chart].
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this dude has both his sun and venus in the sign of scorpio and his moon in taurus, which makes him a very passionate, wise, charming and intuitive person. it can take some time for him to finally open up, since he doesn't like to reveal that much about himself at first. when changmin is in a relationship he's daring, loyal, romantic and very protective of his partner. he can be stubborn and quite jealous, since he likes being in control of his connections. this man is very observant and feel things in an intense way. he's quite and calm, and doesn't like when conflicts arise, but once you mess up with him, you'll wish you never did... cause this dude is vengeful. changmin seeks for deep connections that can transform him in some way.
when it comes to work and routine, changmin's a hard worker, a multitasker and a perfectionist with his virgo mars. when things don't go the way he wants, he gets impatient. this man is very disciplined, organized and critical. when his members need some help on the choreography, he's always there to help them. changmin loves receving compliments for his hard work, cause, let's be honest here... he works his ass off and sometimes he feels very insecure about his abilities, but doesn't want to be seen as weak; changmin needs lots of love.
having sun square uranus and sagittarius mercury makes q a funny, rebel and unpredictable person with an electrifying personality. I also feel that he loves giving positive messages to the public.
changmin's very sociable and enjoys having a good time in his connections. romantic relationships are very important for him as well! however, because of his fear of being rejected, he always needs to make sure that the other person is also interested in him. having venus square uranus in his chart can mean many things, like getting interested in someone and then lose interest quickly or not really knowing what he wants in a relationship…
even though I said q is calm, when it comes to work he's impulsive and restless. he likes staying busy 24/7 and likes experiencing new adventures.
while analysing his chart, I have to admit that this man is talented af and will have many opportunities to share his talent to the world!
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑜 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔!  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
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luxurybrownbarbie · 2 years
miss barbie, i've scrolled through your astro babble tag and i don't think i've found anything on gemini women, so i must ask....what are your thoughts on gemini women?
Have I never discussed Gemini women? That seems egregious, everyone has something to say about Geminis. Anyway, my beloved party girlies, fun loving girlies, happy go lucky girlies; the girls who have never been hurt by the world. No fears, no limits. Everything just rolls off of a Gemini woman’s back as they move forward, never looking back.
But is that true?
The “two-faced” aspect gets weaponized so much against Geminis, the women especially. But no one actually considers that, first and foremost: Geminis show the face people expect to see from them. If you expect a party girl, you’ll get a party girl. If you expect a happy go lucky girl, you’ll get one. But everyone constantly makes distinctions between the different faces they see. They can’t actually grasp that every face is one and the same. Geminis don’t make a distinction, because why would they? They’re all still them. They change, but at the same time, they don’t. But people are obsessed with permanence, and anything that is changeable is deemed false, or weak. It becomes impossible for Gemini women to be seen as fully realized individuals, because people choose not to. People are constantly searching for some sort of permanence, something that will ground them in their minds; and they refuse to acknowledge that they are seeing permanence, just not in the way they like. They don’t get that the permanence is the impermanence. They will always be able to shed their skin and become someone else in an instant.
Much like their opposite sign, Sag, their stereotypes have transcended their actual personalities, and they’ve become caricatures instead of people. But both signs are terrified of being seen as weak. Terrified of people getting too close to that soft center that holds so much of what they deem valuable. Keep things fun, keep it lighthearted, do not get too close. “If you get close, you can trap me, and that is a fate worse than hell.” Vulnerability is not a word in their vocabulary. I think this axis is the axis of no vulnerability. The “My Freedom is my Armor” axis. And how not? Sagittarius is crushed under the eye of Jupiter, unwilling to show any weakness lest people think they’re not as great and bountiful as they actually are. But Gemini is a mercurial sign. Their minds are rushing, always. There’s a sense of anxiety that hangs over them, “If you stay too long, you develop roots, and roots hold you in place. They keep you stuck, and there’s so much more out there to see.” To some, roots are a stabilizing force. To a Gemini, roots are a death trap, forcing them to remain still, actively going against their impermanent nature. We also can’t forget that Hermes (Mercury) is not just communication, he is the god of travelers, and all those who roam. He also got into plenty of trouble, but he was always able to use his mischief and charm to deflect and disarm. Sound familiar?
Deflect. Disarm. Keep people away from the soft center. Don’t get stuck in one place, because there might be a place that’s even better out there. That doesn’t mean that things mean less to Geminis, I might even argue that many things mean more. Because they know it all will disappear eventually, they relish each moment. But they don’t clutch on to it. Geminis are the foil of so much of our society. People don’t really understand how you can treasure something you set free just as much as something you gripped tightly and refused to let go of. In a world which obsesses over the concept of ~forever~, Geminis actively subvert it. So the women get attacked for being “flighty” and “unpredictable”, they get dragged for being “fake”, and people hardly ever take it upon themselves to look deeper.
True chameleons. Charming, witty, mischievous. The sharpest tongues out of the zodiac. 💛
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oliviamillss · 4 years
reading dreams chart
im only going to use up to orb 3, for stronger accuracy lmao
**if you can’t be bothered to read it all, theres a summary paragraph at the bottom**
sun in 7th: strong emphasis on relationships. tends to copy others lingo/habits. extroverted. probably ‘needs’ others. only really shows his true self around his close friends/family/partners. 
sun at 19 degrees: a libra degree. (emphasis on this bc libra rules 7h), makes him a very charming, likeable, particularly popular guy.
sun opposite ascendant: inner conflict, probably doesn’t feel like people see him for his true self, may struggle showing true self. may feel misunderstood. may need approval/validation a lot.
sun square mars: hints to daddy issues. may struggle with a lot of built up anger and frustration, but it seems like he takes it out very positively, as you can see he is competitive, so i think he lets it out through gaming. probably very energetic, motivated.
sun square saturn: high expectations for himself. probably the type of person to think ‘i’m only good enough if i do this’. probably very hard on himself. also probably very insecure of himself, but doesn’t show it. another sun square masculine planet, more hinting to daddy issues.
moon in 7th: probably relies on close friends/family/partners a lot. loves to help people, esp people he’s close with (kinda mr beast vibes). probably very like ‘oh shit, he’s sad, i need to do everything within my power to cheer him up’ if that makes sense lmao
moon in virgo: looking after people!!! esp with the sun square saturn,, high expectations. probably a very much perfectionist, which also explains why he is competitive. may ‘always need to be right’. but virgo moons are actually so lovely omfg
moon at 9 degrees: sagittarius degree, likes to help people by optimism, and giving things to the person that they would want (im aware that sounds obvious lmao). probably feels a sense of achievement when cheers them up.
moon square pluto: probably hard time dealing with and growing from negative things that have happened, possibly struggles with letting things go. possibly self destructive (why did that one heatwaves part come to mind), possible trust issues + anxiety, probably very particular about who he lets close into his life, maybe quite protective. 
mercury in 6th: likes to help people, probably not disappointed if he spends his time working with someone, may struggle with anxiety/depression. a quick learner, probably overthink every word because it wast the ‘perfect’ thing to say. 
mercury in leo: funny asf, and out there, also thinks his ideas/things to respond and say are the best, with the 6h and 7h placements, he is open to listen to others, but in the end he only really wants his one lmfao, good with conversation.
mercury at 1 degree: aries degree, another fire placement which emphasises the loud, out there kinda vibes.
mercury trine mc: career and reputation are strongly linked with what he says. (this is obv bc hes famous lmao). he’s smart, particularly with technology and its linked to his career. *im aware this sounds like im just describing him, this is exact so thats why its overly accurate*
mercury opposite neptune: daydreamer, probably has a lot of thoughts and ideas in his head, but they just dont come across right. probably zones out, may struggle with focusing. but very creative, has big and creative ideas. i havent mentioned it before but its come up too many times now, but he has a lot of placements, when manifested badly, creates a good manipulator
mercury square jupiter: optimistic, possibly thinks his ideas are the best (we’ve covered that before), can be really overly talkative or just nothing at all. (i rlly dont know much about this placement)
venus in 7th: he will have a beautiful relationship with his future partner. charming asfff, probably a good flirt. tends to love love. needs to be liked, sort of a pleaser. 
venus in virgo: the type of person to remember everything about the people he cares about. loves to help the people he cares about. probably sees the people he truly loves as ‘perfect’, which may end up being really bad if they’re toxic. 
venus in retrograde: struggles feeling loved, possibly feels like he doesn’t deserve love. probably the type to be like ‘how could you ever love me?’
venus square mc: attract people who take care of him. either has self-esteem issues, or is quite a dependant person. creative. may struggle finding people who support his career, or may have to change a few things about himself to be liked by others. 
venus trine jupiter: very likeable, and he’s veryyy lucky. he’s funny, and a generous person, probably very giving to his close friends and family. charismatic asfff, likely he will marry someone foreign. 
mars in 9th: more things hinting to attract(ing/ed to) foreigners. loves experiencing things with people he cares about. likes to learn more and more, possibly stubborn, makes sure his opinions are known.
mars in scorpio: that boy needs privacy in his life, doesn’t like being predictable. probably an overthinker. we’ve already known this but he’s definitely a top. probably could get anyone he wants, seductive asfff. also pretty spiteful.
mars at 17 degrees: leo degree, fame bitchesss
mars square ascendant: hates to lose, competitive. people may be intimidated by him at first, can’t really hide anger, pretty stubborn.
mars opposite saturn: really hard on himself. wants to be the best of the best, leader. stands up for himself. another placement hinting to daddy issues. harsh about his work, and himself in general, perfectionist. 
mars square uranus: anger may change a lot, a lot of energy, probably struggles to focus, doesn’t like to be the one who is being controlled/has restrictions. probably struggles with authority. outbursts of anger.
jupiter in 3rd house: loves writing, and is actually pretty good at it. knows how to talk to people, how to persuade them, and how to manipulate them. good liar, knows how to sell his wants across, how to get what he wants.
jupiter at 4 degrees: cancer degree, cancer rules his 6h. he uses his luck/money to help others.
jupiter square neptune: big dreams, desire to escape the world as it is.
saturn in 3rd: afraid of/ is often misunderstood. struggles to open up?, maybe he wasn’t listened to much growing up. hard on himself academically, feels like he isn’t smart enough. hard time expressing himself. maybe feels like noone really cares for what he has to say?
saturn at 16 degrees: cancer degree. idk what else to say abt it lmaoo
saturn square ascendant: quite serious, maybe struggle with the way he looks? possibly quite overwhelmed about his life,, feels like he has too much to do at times. fear of rejectionnn
saturn square uranus: maybe he doesn’t like change, tradition v change clashing. authority troubles. probably needs freedom, but feels unstable without what he’s used to. rebelling against norms. 
uranus in 12th: probably very curious about unexplainable things, maybe quite into conspiracy theories. two complete ends of the spectrum: fear change/need it, unpredictable things happen/ everythings the same. 
uranus at 14 degrees: taurus. taurus ruling 2nd, i guess it shows change in dream’s wealth.
uranus opposite north node (and conj south node): with exceptions, doesn’t like conflict. he is fine with joke conflict, but the second there’s an actual argument he tries to be the ‘peacemaker’ guy. technology is major in his life. also quite nervous about his career/future. 
neptune in 12th: awful sleep schedule. overworking himself, never relaxing. vivid dreams. once again, this has come up loads and i just haven’t mentioned it: intuitive asf, george is the same. whether either are aware of it or not, they are super intuitive.
neptune at 2 degrees: taurus degree.
neptune sextile mc: creative, also likes helping others, empathy to the public. has big dreams career wise. 
pluto in 10th: determined person, gets a lot of hate, but also a lot of love. trust issues, persuasion/manipulative abilities. leader leader leader. another hint to daddy issues, maybe privacy invading, maybe overprotective. don’t want to be controlled.
north node:
north node in 6th: overwork himself. but i think we can interpret this as his life goal to be working to help people. literally mr beast. just work hard, and give a lot away. humble.
chiron in 9th: possible restriction from either his or his communities beliefs/religions. maybe he’s afraid of leaving where he is right now (sapnap moving to orlando, whenever its brought up its always george coming to orlando)
lilith in sagittarius: need for truth. dislikes restrictions. hides emotions, uses humour to avoid them/ make people think they’re okay when they’re not. stubborn asf. 
lilith in 10th: tend to be sexualised/ reputations for being sexual. another placement hinting to daddy issues. really wants to be at the top, the most powerful. likes using his dominance/ power to seduce. motivateddd.
lilith conjunct pluto (exact omfg): typical ‘mystery’ guy. probably the mystery/scorpio vibes he pulls off attracts/ seduces people. the most dominant partner ever. sex is probably so intense and overwhelming
moon square lilith: possible mummy issues. his need for sex can change quick asf, from one end of the scale to another. struggles to open up. 
 i ought to mention!!
there’s a theory that the degree of your venus sign is the birthday of someone who is v important in your life. what’s dreams you may ask? 1. and when are george and sapnap’s birthdays? the 1st. they’re soulmates, your honour.
basically, dream has so much care and love for his friends and family, and probably relies on them a lot. he only shows his true self around them, and he (at least thinks) people don’t really understand him in the way his friends and family do. he is a social person, who’s very likeable and charming. he lovesss helping people, doing everything in his power to cheer others up, he remembers details about the people he loves. he is such a perfectionist, needing to succeed and win and everything, and is very competitive. he probably doesn’t think he’s ‘worthy’ if he’s bad at something. he sets very high expectations for himself. he is very hard on himself. if he wants to, he knows how to manipulate people. he has so so many placements for an amazing manipulator. he may struggle to express himself or open up, and may be hard on himself academically. maybe he doesn’t feel ‘listened to’. a lot of emotions like anger and sex drive may change rapidly for him. he over works himself a lot. a major theme in his life is tradition vs change. he is probably afraid of change, or finds it uncomfortable, or he may have some sort of attachment to traditional values/things, no matter how much he wants to change. he is also a peacemaker. he was born to be loved or hated, kinda like marmite but if the balance was more equal. he doesn’t like restrictions. he uses humour to hide his emotions.
im also thinking of doing a synastry reading between george and dream but idk yet lol
hope you guys enjoyed, this took ages lmao<3
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Mercury Switch (Bucky Barnes x Matt Murdock) 
Word Count: 1220
Warnings: Canon-typical levels of “Matt should probably reconsider his life choices.” Hint of blasphemy, dash of danger kink. In other words: Daredevil! 
A/N: What are we calling this ship? Winterdevil? Macky? Whatever it is, I like it. More coming next week. 
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Matt can’t read Barnes in the same way he reads most people. It’s unnerving.
Everything about this situation is unnerving. It’s been two weeks since the Winter Soldier showed up in his loft — “I heard you help people like me,” he said, no other explanation — and Matt still hasn’t adjusted to his presence. 
Barnes is lethally fast and super-soldier-strong. If it came down to a fight, Matt would be outmatched, purely on a physical level, and that alone is enough to put him on edge. 
But the thing that really bothers him is the way Barnes controls his own body — his energy. It’s not like being around Frank; Frank carries himself like the Hoover Dam, sturdy and steady, grounding in his own way, but you can never forget how much he’s holding back. Elektra is something like napalm: hot as hell and wildly destructive, but again, at least you know what you’re dealing with. 
The Winter Soldier is more like an IED, and sharing space with Barnes is like maneuvering around a walking, talking mercury switch. Even Barnes doesn’t know what might set him off. If he loses control, it’ll be sudden and deadly… but until it hits a rough patch of road, a car bomb is just a car.  
Barnes doesn’t give anything away; his movements are mechanical, no fidgeting or tics, and his pheromones are muted and strange from whatever Hydra did to him. He’s starting to show little hints of the deadpan, dryly amused charmer that he used to be, flashes of personality breaking through the years of conditioning, but they’re inconsistent. 
He has masterful control of his heart rate and his breathing. He keeps himself so tightly contained that Matt can’t hear any of the tiny tells that help him understand people, and that makes him nervous. 
Barnes is unpredictable. 
So Matt’s cautious when Barnes approaches him one evening, prowls right up to him when Matt gets home from work – when he’s still kicking off his shoes and loosening his tie.  
“There’s something I’ve been thinking about,” Barnes says quietly. “Something I’d like to try.” 
Matt has no idea what to make of that. 
It could be almost anything. It might be a plan to take down half the mafia; it might be a new risotto recipe. 
Barnes comes closer than he usually does, and Matt fights the instinct to back away. Some deep-rooted animal instinct is telling him to run from the predator, but he’s pretty sure Barnes won’t try to try to kill him. 
Well, somewhat sure. Relatively confident. 
Vaguely optimistic. 
Or — well. Close enough. 
There’s always a chance Barnes might try to kill him; neither of them know what could set him off.
“Okay,” Matt says calmly. “What is it?” 
Barnes sidles into his space and says, “I think I’d like to kiss you.” 
And because Matt’s death drive and sex drive are essentially the same thing, he doesn’t hesitate. 
One of these days, Matt is going to sit himself down and really think about the fact that “volatile killer” is what does it for him, but today is not that day. He’s too busy feeling it, taking in the way Barnes’s soft lips part easily at the first brush of Matt’s tongue, and then the way he all but melts into the kiss. 
That’s the most startling thing about it: the way every bit of tension and stiffness in Barnes’s body just disappears. The guy has been isolated for decades now; he’s gotta be all sorts of touch-starved, so maybe it shouldn’t be a shock, but it is. He presses closer, molding himself to Matt’s chest, clinging like he doesn’t ever want to let go.  
It’s a hell of a rush to feel a couple hundred pounds of pure mass-murdering muscle going soft and pliant in Matt’s arms. It’s fucking intoxicating. 
He wants this, has wanted this more than he could admit to himself, but he takes it slow. He can be gentle, when he has to be. Barnes deserves gentle. 
When he starts to pull away, Barnes follows, trying to chase his mouth like he’s not ready to let go. They both pause. 
Matt tilts his head, listening closely, but he can’t hear any change in Barnes’s heart rate. He’s so still. If it wasn’t for the warmth of his body where they’re pressed together, Matt might not think he was human. 
“Was that what you had in mind?” he says carefully. 
“Yeah.” His voice is all husky and hesitant, but there’s a smile in it, or the faintest hint of one. Then he licks his lips and says, “Can think of a couple other things I want to try.” 
And yes, okay, maybe this is Matt’s Achilles heel: sharp deadly people showing their soft underbelly. But even aside from that… when was the last time Barnes got to think about what he wanted? 
It’s not like Matt’s gonna say no. 
This time, when Barnes kisses him, it’s with a scrape of his teeth along the not-quite-healed split in Matt’s lip. He sucks lightly — and again, harder, when he feels the way Matt shivers. 
Maybe he doesn’t have to be so gentle after all. 
Barnes shudders when Matt slides a hand through his hair, hums appreciatively when he gives it a careful tug. 
“Is that the best you’ve got?” Barnes whispers, and there’s a smirk in his voice, a challenge, that Matt’s never heard before.
He likes it. He likes it a lot.  
“You sure about this?” he asks, more than a little bit breathless. 
Instead of answering, Barnes takes a few steps backward, until he’s against the wall, tugging Matt along by his tie as he maneuvers them. He shoves one muscled thigh between Matt’s and pulls him closer, fisting the metal hand in the back of his button-down to press their bodies together as tight as they’ll go. He rolls his hips in a too-rough, too-tempting surge of friction. 
For the first time, there’s a change, a tiny hitch when he inhales. 
Matt ducks his head to trace the spot where his pulse flutters against the skin, wondering what it’d take to get that steady heartbeat racing. 
He thinks about the explosive potential and the lethal force in the body that’s pressing so insistently against his. The metal arm is cool where it’s locked like a vise grip around his waist. In spite of that, or maybe because of it, he can feel his own pulse thrumming faster, blood throbbing between his legs. 
Barnes lets his head fall back against the wall as Matt bites a trail of bruises down the side of his neck.
“Please,” he hisses. It sounds like a prayer, but not the kind Matt makes in church; more like the last-minute desperation of a lifelong atheist coming face-to-face with a bomb. The kick of his pulse ignites a bright, fierce heat in Matt’s gut. 
Matt considers the risk here, weighs it against the urge to strip away every bit of that unnerving control. 
He slides a hand under the hem of Barnes’s shirt, dragging fingernails from the small of his arching back to the jut of his hipbone before thumbing at the button of his jeans. 
“God,” Barnes gasps. 
“Pretty much the opposite,” Matt says, with a huff of laughter. He sinks to his knees. 
More Marvel ships here. For fic updates, follow @there-must-be-a-lock-fic​ and turn on notifications. 
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write-orflight · 4 years
Galileo. Prologue
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**Gif Not Mine**
Next Chapter
Pairings: SpencerXReader, enemies to friends to lovers trope
Rating: M
Words: 1.5K (She’s a smol Prologue)
Warnings: None right now. but will eventually be smut. 
Summary: Y/N is an astronomer with her head constantly in the stars. But when a serial killer is threatening NASA’s top scientists, she is left in the protective custody of a man who’s gravitational pull threatens to pull her back down to earth.
A.N Hey, my children! This is an idea that’s been plaguing me for weeks and I just had to get at least the prologue out (This series is mainly just my excuse to get my pointless knowledge about space out there). I’m probably not going to update this until I finish ‘trouble’ which should be in this next coming week. I’m just really excited about this one and wanted to put it out there too. Message to be on the taglist! -Cia
                         Prologue: Mercury 
There are 400 billion stars in the galaxy. 
Some insignificant, some small, some large, and some with great potential. 
Humans were the same way. Though most were insignificant to you, which is why you didn’t indulge in the trifles of relationships and companionship. The stars were far more interesting to you. 
And you spent your life studying them. 
Ever since your dad bought you your first telescope at age 7, you knew exactly what your purpose was. To study and find out what else was out there. And for a while that was all you did, all through school, no time for boys, friendship and trivial prepubescent things, your mind was literally in the clouds. That carried you all the way to Yale where you graduated Summa cum Laude with 3 Phds in Astronomy, Engineering, and Physics. 
Getting the job at NASA wasn’t surprising to you at all. 
Meeting Jonathan was. 
Your first day together had been uneventful, you had been introduced and told your assignment which was to just track the movement of a comet that came every fifty years. A couple of months in and by pure accident you saw her. 
It couldn’t be. 
You immediately yelled at him to come over, to confirm that you were just crazy but he had seen it too. You had just discovered a planet. And not just any planet one that through your research could very well sustain human life. Jonathan, though not knowing you long, picked you up in a giant hug and swung you around. You couldn’t help the smiles and tears that had fallen from your eyes. This was exactly why you were doing this, for the art of discovery and the overwhelming feeling that came with it. 
After weeks of convincing the boards and getting funding, you and Jonathan were now heads of your own department solely designed for tracking and finding new information on Gaia, the planet the two of you graciously named. Now your nights were filled with solving equations and trying to get more than a glimmer of Gaia from your telescope. Alas, as much as you loved her, she was very slow. Jonathan would play his old jazz records and sing off-key dancing around the planetarium gifted by NASA. You didn’t know exactly when they happened, but you started to feel like maybe all humans weren’t insignificant and you started to feel like that about Jonathan. You found yourself watching his bright smile as he danced and singed around, often asking you to please dance with him, which you always declined. 
Now you wish you had. 
If you knew it’d be the last time, you for sure would have. 
But no one could’ve predicted a serial killer coming after NASA scientists. 
And no one could’ve predicted you walking into work and seeing your best friends throat slit ear to ear. 
The months following Maeve’s death were hard on Spencer. He was a man of science, he knew probability and often relied on statistics for his job. The predictability of it was what made it easy to cope.  
But sometimes it wasn’t. And sometimes he hated the unpredictability of his job. 
Losing Maeve had definitely been one of those days. 
On one of his first couple weeks back, he’s called into the briefing room. 
“We don’t have to go far for this case.” JJ says manning the slides to show the team “Four NASA scientists at the Goddard Flight Center in Maryland have been found in their offices, throat slit and hands bound with duct tape behind the back.”
“Execution style…” Morgan says with a grimace. “Brutal.” 
“Obviously someone angry too.”  Emily adds. “To just do it like that, no sign of remorse. But the jaggedness of it makes it look passionate.” 
“The police and NASA believe they know who the next target is as well.” JJ adds moving to the next slide which showed a beautiful girl standing in front of a whiteboard of equations. Long silky hair tied up in a bun, glasses on her face and bright white teeth shown through the smile. You could obviously tell the picture was taken for an article or sort. Spencer thought she was cute but didn’t dwell on it long. “This is Dr. Y/N Y/L/N. She worked alongside Victim #4, Jonathan Brewer as co-head scientists of the Terra-Mora project.” 
“They think the Unsub is specifically targeting her department and people who have done work for her department. And if he’s already killed the partner...” Hotch trails off. 
“He’s escalating…” Spencer adds. 
“Which puts her under extreme risk. Which is why I’m putting her in protective custody.” Hotch adds. “Reid, I’d like you to do that.” 
Spencer looks confused. “Why me? Shouldn’t someone like Morgan or Prentiss go?” 
“I’ve been told Dr. Y/L/N is very reluctant about having security. I figured having someone as intelligent as her would cushion the blow.” 
Spencer leaned back in his chair. Great… just what he needed. 
“No, Clifton.” 
“It’s not up for discussion, Y/N.” Cliff says walking away from you down the hall. You speed up to catch up with him. 
“I’m 31 years old! I don’t need a babysitter.” You said, angrily. 
“You’re not getting a babysitter, Y/N. The FBI is being gracious enough to provide you extra security. I’m sure I don’t have to remind you people are dying.” 
“You know you don’t have to remind me! I lost Jon!” 
“Then you know why you have to take protection, Y/N. You know what important work you and Jonathan were doing. You’re the only one left to finish it. Please just let someone take care of you while they catch the sick man who’s doing this.” You sigh, Cliff takes that as compliance. “Now get to work. I’ll show him to your office when he gets here.” 
You walk into work and look at the time, 10:30 PM, peak time for planets to be seen. And if you were lucky, you’d probably get a glimmer of her again. You were right because just as soon as you stepped up to the telescope there she was, or more like there was a sliver of her. You’ve never been able to get a full look at Gaia, but just past Saturn was the curvature of the dwarf planet you adored so much. You pick up your tape recorder, and begin to speak into it.
“January 16th, Terra-Mora logs. This is Dr. Y/N Y/L/N. Dr. Jonathan Brewer has passed and will no longer be making logs.” You choke up a bit but clear your throat and keep going. “Gaia’s Southwest region is visible from earth tonight. Seems her clouds are finally dissipating, and you can see some of her icy plains, I am pretty positive it’s a lake. Hopefully with the Approval of SPOT, we’ll be able to know for sure what’s up there.” You look at your door to see your boss, Dr. Clifton and a man standing watching you. “Y/L/N out.” You say into the tape recorder. 
You get up to walk over the two men. 
“You know everyone does their logs into the computers now, no one uses an actual tape anymore.” Clifton says. 
“I’m old fashioned.” You cross your arms. 
“This is Dr. Spencer Reid with the Behavioral Analysis Unit. He will be watching you while we figure out what’s happening.” 
“This is who’s supposed to be protecting me?” You ask. “You look like a strong wind would blow you over.” 
The man looks at you annoyed. “I can assure you, I’m more than capable of doing my job, Miss--” 
“Doctor.” You say. 
“Excuse me.” 
“It’s Dr. Y/N Y/L/N. And I worked very hard and paid a lot of debt for the title so I’d prefer it if you used it.” You looked annoyed right back at him. Something about the man rubbed you the wrong way. 
Dr. Clifton looks at the both of you uncomfortable. “Well I’ll leave you both to it.” He nods at you both before leaving you alone.  
“I think we got off on the wrong--” 
“Listen Dr. Reid.” You cut him off. “This is probably going to be hell for the both of us. I expressed heavily to my boss about not needing protective custody which of course fell on deaf ears, so I’m going to make one thing clear. We’re not here to be friends. I’m here to do important work that I now have to do single-handedly because you guys failed to do your work in the first place and my coworker had to die because of it.” Tears threatened to choke you but you didn’t let them. “And to be frank, I don’t know what exactly you’re here for besides being a pain in my ass so I suggest staying out of my way and not fucking touching anything. Keep that in mind and we’ll get along swimmingly.” You say, turning your back to him, heading back to the telescope and looking at him as if daring him to challenge you. For a second it looks like he might, he’s standing trying very hard not to look like he’s completely fuming. Then he just blows a frustrated breath and sits in a chair halfway across the room. 
You didn’t know why, and you didn’t have a real reason. 
But you decided that you hated Dr. Spencer Reid. 
Which you guessed was another thing humans could be.   
Message to be tagged!
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riceballcatfb · 3 years
What I get from "illicit affairs" by Taylor Swift
Not my normal content, but it seems like a lot of Furuba fans are TS fans anyway so?
I know this came out over a year ago, but I've never gotten around to doing this and it's killing me.
Note: Throughout, I will reference the narrator and the main character (MC). Since the song is in 2nd person POV, they're not the same. / is a line break.
Also, I am assuming the MC is a woman, and the other person involved is a man, but that doesn't have to be how you see it!
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"make sure nobody sees you leave/ hood over your head, keep your eyes down"
So we all know this song is about an affair. This first verse sounds to me like the list of rules that the MC and the guy made for her to follow. The narrator is listening them off, so it sounds almost like a checklist to me—the main character is getting ready to go and asks herself, "okay, did I do ___?" One thing that's important is making sure no one she knows sees her with the guy.
"tell your friends you're out for a run/ you'll be flushed when you return/ take the road less traveled by/ tell yourself you can always stop"
Rules still going. It sounds to me like the MC lives with her friends as roommates, so I assume she's young, likely college-aged (at least definitely younger than the guy). So she'll have to explain how her face got red from sex somehow, and exercise is obviously a good way to do that. She's also to take a discreet way to their meeting place so she isn't seen along the way.
And she wants to believe she can stop doing this whenever she wants to. But can she really?
"what started in beautiful rooms/ ends with meetings in parking lots"
This is interesting to me. It sounds like the guy started out trying to make their affair seem special for the MC—they used to meet in fancy hotel rooms, but now he's stopped caring as much and they settle for quickies in his car.
"and that's the thing about illicit affairs/ and clandestine meetings and longing stares/ it's born from just one single glance/ but it dies and it dies and it dies/ a million little times"
clandestine: kept secret or done secretively, especially because illicit
I almost imagine the two of them meeting at some sort of public event and being attracted to each other from opposite sides of the room, but trying to hold their cards close to their chests and keep it hidden from the other person that they were looking. That obviously somehow evolved into an affair, and now whenever they look at each other, they have to make it brief and clandestine so other people (especially the guy's wife) don't find out.
The first time they looked at each other, it was really exciting for the MC—probably had all the mystery and excitement involved with looking at someone attractive and noticing them trying to look away quickly. Now, the secretive looks are tiresome. For every glance that was thrilling (born), there are many more that are just a reminder of how things are now (dies).
"leave the perfume on the shelf/ that you picked out just for him/ so you leave no trace behind/ like you don't even exist"
Rules again. This is one of my fave lines in the song because it evokes so much great imagery for me. The fact that she picked out a special perfume to wear around the guy shows me that the MC fell in love while having this affair (I assume it ends up as one of those "I'll leave my wife" situations).
I can see her getting excited to wear this perfume for him after she buys it, and then when she does, he tells her she can't—he can't come home smelling like another woman's perfume. So it stays at home, so she leaves no trace behind on him. The bottle sitting out where she can see it acts as a reminder of how she's treated. In his world, she'll never truly exist. But she can always stop, right?
"take the words for what they are/ a dwindling mercurial high/ a drug that only worked/ the first few hundred times"
mercurial: (of a person) subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind.
Still rules. When you lie, there are a lot of rules to try and keep straight.
I can imagine that the MC used to analyze his words, like many girls do when they're in love—"why did he call me that?" "why did he use that word?" etc. But as they get farther into this, she's realizing that he doesn't really mean it. Cute nicknames mean nothing, declarations of love mean nothing.
So she just takes them for what they are now—things said to make her feel good in the moment, not to be taken seriously. Even that started out being thrilling, but it's just hard to bear now—it's never enough, she wants more, but she knows that high from the beginning of the affair won't come back.
"and that's the thing about illicit affairs/ and clandestine meetings and stolen stares/ they show their truth one single time/ but they lie and they lie and they lie/ a million little times"
Back to the secretive stares. I'm not quite sure what to make of the stares "lying," so not much to say here.
"and you wanna scream/ don't call me kid, don't call me baby"
It seems like we're at present day here, instead of the listing of rules like before. The bridge seems to me that, when she meets up with him today, the guy's trying to break things off and the MC is hysterical (the music swells and the background vocals become louder here, representing the MC's mental turmoil). Even though part of her knew this was coming, it still hurts like a motherfucker.
He has nicknames for her, and he's trying to call her by them to calm her down. Probably some of the words she's had to "take for what they are." The use of "kid" as a nickname also makes me think again that the guy is far older than the MC.
"look at this godforsaken mess that you made me/ you showed me colors you know I can't see with anyone else"
She's thinking of reasons she could theoretically give as to why he can't stop seeing her. I really like the use of the word "godforsaken" here. Cheating is considered very taboo, of course, especially within protestant religions (bc the bible or some shit said it, idk I don't read it lol). God knows what she's been doing, and he's going to forsake her for this. The guy can't leave—if he actually broke it off with his wife and decided to be with the MC, it wouldn't be wrong anymore, right?
He also made her see life differently, in different colors, than she did before. If he leaves, how is she supposed to adjust to the loss of those colors?
"don't call me kid, don't call me baby/ look at this idiotic fool that you made me/ you taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else"
Similarly to the line about what God thinks of this, what are other people going to think if they find out? She's going to look like an idiotic fool to everyone. Because that's how we all see the other woman in situations like this—"He said he was going to leave his wife? How naive. She should have known better."
I assume secret language is similar to how he taught her to see the world differently. Within relationships, we all develop inside jokes, and terms of endearment, etc., that won't carry over to other relationships in the future. Additionally, I think back to all the rules here—those can be a secret language in and of themselves.
"and you know damn well/ for you I would ruin myself/ a million little times"
(aside: love how firm Taylor's voice gets here. The MC is mad.)
Even after all the hell he's put her through, the MC would come back without hesitation. She knows it, and so does he. Even though it would destroy her—shatter her heart because she's in love with him, and chip away at her integrity until there's nothing left—she'll come running if he ever calls again. Because she could never really stop, all along.
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lailyn · 3 years
This Magical Journey Called Multiple (Chapter 1)
Pairing: Loki/Tony Stark/Stephen Strange
Tags: Angst, Fluff, Drama, Idiots In Love, Mpreg
Summary: Loki thought he had struck gold this lifetime around, having found not one, but two loves at once. This new life he is carrying could only be a blessing, so why isn't everybody happy?
“I am not injured,” Loki insisted. “It was the heat, it must have gotten to me.”
“It’s still a good idea to take it easy, Bambi. Heat stroke is one of those things that can hit you from out of nowhere,” Tony said.
At Stephen’s mildly-impressed look, Tony gave a modest shrug. “We’ve been together how long? Of course I’ve picked up a few things.”
Stephen rolled his eyes. “At least something good has come out of it.”
Ignoring Tony’s indignant ‘Hey!’, Stephen conjured a tall, cool glass of water and offered it to Loki, who looked all manner of singed save for his armour. “But Tony’s right. There may not be external burn injuries, but we humans are about seventy percent water, and I’m guessing you’re not that far off either.”
“I’m not a child,” Loki grumbled. Nevertheless, he dutifully accepted the drink and took a few long gulps, stopping abruptly when a sudden nauseous feeling assaulted his senses the moment the water hit his stomach. “Tony, please don’t make that face. It’s making me want to do things.”
“I can’t help it. It’s my fault. I should have - ”
“No should haves, could haves,” Loki interrupted. “Stop it. Shit happens.”
“Language,” Tony admonished lightly but his body language was still steeped in guilt.
“Guess I’ve picked up a few things too,” Loki murmured, nodding gratefully at Stephen as his husband stepped in to wrap an arm around Tony’s shoulders. Not only was the Sorcerer Supreme a good lay in bed, he was a mind-reader too. Loki sure got lucky this time around.
Tony straightened up a little in Stephen’s one-armed embrace. “Glad you guys had my back or I would have been smoked brisket.”
At the mention of brisket, the nausea reared its monstrous head again and Loki gagged.
“Let’s get you out of the sun.” Stephen was beginning to sound worried now. “You don’t look so good.”
“I’m fine,” Loki said, swallowing compulsively. Before either of his overbearing husbands could argue, (they were always so noisy when they fussed) he corrected himself, “I will be fine.”
“Right,” Tony snorted. “Nice try. Come on, up. Next time, don’t skip breakfast.”
Stephen snorted even louder. “And the frying-pan said to the kettle, 'Avant, black-browes'.”
“I don’t know what you just said, but it can’t be good,” Tony grunted, nearly toppling under Loki’s weight, who really was more unsteady than he was letting on. “Will you boom-boom-whoosh us a portal already?”
Stephen shook his head and wrapped his arm around Loki’s waist, taking on some of the burden.
“I can walk,” Loki whined.
“Sure you can,” Stephen said kindly. “We just happen to do it better.”
Tony didn’t know how anybody could sleep with the AC blowing full-blast in their face but Loki did just that, and for twelve hours straight too. Their not-strictly-human husband had never slept for such a long stretch of time and it could only be a testament to his exhaustion.
As he closed the bedroom door behind him to give Loki some privacy while he freshened up in the bathroom, his worried eyes met Stephen’s equally troubled gaze.
“Think he’s coming down with something?” Tony asked quietly.
“He seemed fine yesterday when the call came, and he was fighting fit," Stephen mulled as they walked back toward the kitchen together. “Wasn’t he?”
“Yeah, he took down those Doombots like they were nothing. He did that flashy move of his, you know the one where he’s like ribbon-dancing in the sky, except his ribbons turned into deadly blades the minute they came into contact with a Bot.”
“I have to take your word for it, I guess. I was kinda busy keeping a few buildings standing,” Stephen said enviously, as it was a sight he wouldn’t have minded seeing himself. Watching Loki in battle was always a spectacle, even back when they were still rivals.
Tony must have misconstrued the envy in his voice and decided that a little teasing was in order. “Aw, I’m sure you were great, honey.” He reached out to squeeze Stephen’s bicep. “Feeling a little sore there?”
“I held them up by magic but thank you for asking,” Stephen said dryly. “I wouldn’t mind a massage though, if you’re offering me one.”
“I’ll see if I can fit you in my tight schedule.” Kisses stolen in passing whilst walking down hallways were often sweet, made sweeter still by the relief Tony could feel bleeding through their locked lips. It had not been too long ago that they had almost lost Loki to that terrible illness, and it was that same shared fear that had plagued both Stephen and him since yesterday.
As they sat back down to their now-cold breakfast, he could see just how much Stephen’s face had brightened. The appetite that was almost killed by JARVIS’ mid-meal interruption to inform them that Loki was finally awake came back with a vengeance, and Tony shoveled his eggs into his mouth like a man starving.
It was after a few bites that he deemed his hunger momentarily sated enough to broach another issue that had been weighing on him.
"How was Loki...the night before last?" Tony asked tentatively.
It was an arrangement only recently agreed upon that they made use of the ten bedrooms in the penthouse, with each claiming a bedroom of his own and still having the freedom to choose where and with whom to spend the night. It came about after Stephen's odd hours and Tony's unpredictable work frenzies clashed with Loki's need for absolute silence when sleeping.
Tony had never met a lighter sleeper in his life. So when Stephen got called out on Sorcerer Supreme business for three nights in a row, it did not surprise either of them when Loki, tired of the interruptions to his beauty sleep, set fire to the bed.
Tony wished the mercurial God of Chaos could spare the custom-made, eiderdown-covered Alaskan king bed...alas, new beds he could always buy, but there was only one of Loki.
"Sleep in separate bedrooms! It's the secret to a happy marriage, don't you ever watch The Crown?" Pepper had said, rubbing salt into the wound the next day when he called her up the next day to moan. "God knows you have enough rooms to sleep in a different one for every night of the month."
Which was an exaggeration of course, for only the top floor of the penthouse had four bedrooms on the same floor, one for each of them, and the biggest, most lavish one reserved for when they needed to spend time together as a proper throuple.
Clearly perturbed by Tony's question, Stephen carefully set his fork back on his plate. "Could you be more specific?"
"Did he seem a little...impatient to you?"
"Impatient?" Stephen frowned. "What do you mean?"
"You know…" Tony drawled, "More...urgent. Demanding."
"You mean horny," Stephen deadpanned.
"Shhh. You know he doesn't like that word!" Tony whispered loudly. "It depreciates his aesthetic."
Stephen chuckled. "You can say horny, Tony. Loki's not here."
"And now he is," a sultry voice suddenly spoke from behind, and Stephen nearly yelped.
"Loki!" He gasped. "How long have you been standing there?"
"Long enough," Loki said coolly, sliding into the empty chair beside Tony, to whom he directed his next question. "So what else does he say about me when I'm not here?"
"Only the most flattering things, sweetness." Tony rubbed his hand up and down Loki's back. "How are you feeling?"
"Like I'm drunk on sleep." Loki's nostrils flared as he tried to kill the oncoming yawn but failed. "But not bad. You?"
"Nothing an Advil or two can't fix." Tony reached out a hand to stop Loki from stealing a piece of toast off his plate. "I think Stephen's wanting to take your spinal fluid or brain tissue or something first."
Stephen rolled his eyes. "Just your blood will do."
"Why?" Loki whined. "I hate those adamantium needles, they itch like a bitch."
Tony let out a scandalous whisper. "Language!"
"I want to make sure there's no electrolyte imbalance and that your sugar level's okay. You were vomiting quite profusely yesterday," Stephen said,
"I'm not anymore," Loki pointed out. "I feel absolutely fine."
"It's just a precaution, Loki," Stephen tried again but before he could say anything further, Loki held up a regal hand.
"And I can tell you with absolute certainty that my blood sugar level is very low because I am very, very hungry and if you do not feed me within the next thirty seconds I will eat your face," he growled. "Literally."
Stephen slowly, wordlessly, slid his plate across the table.
"Thank you, Stephen," Loki said sweetly  before attacking the egg-white and quinoa omelette with gusto. He swallowed the first bite and made a face. "This is nasty."
A heated debate and a number of mortal threats later, Loki was well on his way out the door. “Anytime today, Stark. Get a move on.”
“Can’t you go?” Tony pleaded. “I’ve never done my own grocery shopping before.”
Stephen looked at him incredulously. “You don’t have to do anything. You just have to prepare the money when he asks and make sure he doesn’t buy out every stall he happens to like.”
Loki tapped his foot impatiently. “Shall I go by myself then?”
“No!” Both Stephen and Tony said in unison.
“Nice try, Bambi,” Tony added. To Stephen, “You owe me.”
“This and more.” Stephen kissed Tony quickly. “Bring him back in one piece if you can. Oh, and I’m speed-dial number one, two and three on both your phones.”
“Oh, for God’s sake.”
Stephen's eyes disappeared behind his smile. “Loki, babe? Can you come here for a sec?”
Loki marched back to where Stephen and Tony were still huddled by the kitchen counter. “What is it now?”
Stephen dropped an effervescent electrolyte tablet into a glass of water. “Drink this before you go. You need to replenish your electrolytes.”
Loki groaned. “Stephen, I am electrolyted up to my eyeballs. Enough, please.”
“Today’s going to be a hot day, according to the weather forecast,” Stephen warned. “Can’t risk you getting dehydrated again.”
“It can’t possibly be hotter than yesterday," Loki said. He turned to Tony. "You need to figure out how to increase your heat resistance to Doom's fire-breathing Bots, I can't be covering you all the time. What if I'm not there?"
Stephen’s gaze vacillated between his two lovers in alarm. “Are we expecting any trouble today?”
“No, it was simply a theoretical question,” Loki said patiently. “Tony needs to build better suits.”
“And you need to see a sleep hygienist,” Tony said, just as sweetly. “Can’t have you burning any more beds. We are living in a high-rise, you know.”
Loki shrugged. “It’s not like both of you can’t fly.”
Stephen chuckled, “He’s got a point.”
“Whose side are you on?” Tony grumbled to himself. “Are we going or what?”
Stephen sighed. If he had not made prior arrangements to visit Kamar-Taj that day, he would have been more than happy to take Tony’s place.
He kissed Loki, a tad harder than usual. "Be careful, you two."
Loki laughed. "We're going to the market, Stephen, not off-world to another planet."
“Thank you for the reassurance, Loki.”
Loki’s kiss took Stephen by surprise, not so much the hard pinch Loki gave his cheek. “You fret too much.”
“Don’t be. It’s sweet.” Loki’s green eyes glinted. “Makes me want to eat your face every time.”
Strolling the gorgeous Botanical Garden in the Bronx at this time of year was...interesting. Being public figures, it was a given that they would be recognised, but most everybody gave them a wide berth, wholly content with admiring from afar.
If Tony had reservations before, they disappeared quickly enough. Loki’s excitement and appreciation for the diverse arrays of artisan foods was contagious, and as they went from stall to stall perusing the seasonal produce on offer, Tony found himself in danger of doing the very thing he had promised Stephen he would keep Loki from doing.
“That was the best goat cheese I’ve ever tasted,” Tony gushed, arms laden with carrier bags full of cheeses, preserves and a variety of herb-infused olive oils. “You sure this is enough?”
“Nope,” Loki said. “But next week we can get Stephen to come with us and buy some more.”
“Sounds like a plan. Your ice cream’s melting.”
Loki held it out and Tony took a lick. “That’s yum.”
“You can have it if you want,” Loki said, sounding suddenly faint.
Tony frowned. “What’s the matter?”
Loki took in a few deep breaths, his face suddenly the colour of parchment. “I don’t know.”
The ice cream cone slipped out of his hand onto the ground when he abruptly bent at the waist, propping himself on his knees. “Just...give me a moment.”
Tony fumbled with the bags, managing to shift them all onto one hand, freeing the other so he could take Loki’s arm. He led his husband to a bench and sat him down.
“Do you feel sick again?” Tony asked, palming Loki’s forehead. His hand came away clammy. “ Do you need some water?”
Loki nodded his head to the first question, and shook his head to the second. His throat bobbed up and down erratically as though he was trying very hard not to lose the content of his stomach in front of all these people.
“I’m calling Stephen.”
“No!” Loki lunged to try to snatch the phone out of Tony’s hand, but the sudden movement sent a jolt of pain like a knife to his stomach. He doubled over and moaned in pain.
“Loki.” Tony dropped onto the bench and placed a hand on the small of Loki’s back. “Shit, shit, shit.” He stabbed the speed dial on his phone and began to pace. “Come on, come on, pick up.”
By a stroke of fortune, Stephen answered before the first dial tone ended, his “Yeah?” a cross between irritable and amused.
“We have a situation,” Tony said tensely.
“That bad, huh?”
Stephen’s indifference was expected given Tony’s propensity for drama, but today was not the day. "Strange, I’m not kidding. I think you need to come get us.“
"Loki may not have the patience for fresh produce and mingling but I’m sure I can trust you to keep him from terrorising the poor farmers for a few hours,” Stephen said, letting out a small chuckle at the imagery. “Or has he stabbed someone already?”
Tony remained uncharacteristically silent.
“Tony?” Stephen began to feel uneasy. “Please tell me Loki did not actually stab someone?”
“Loki’s not feeling well."
There was a sudden pause. When next Stephen spoke, his voice sounded strange. "Well, come on home.”
Loki lifted his head, as though he was listening in on the conversation all along.
“Can you walk?” Tony asked quietly. He helped Loki to his feet, only to regret it a second later. He did not think it was possible for Loki’s face to go that many shades paler, but it did.
Tony cradled the phone to his ear and quickly pushed his swaying husband back onto the bench. “Yeah…that’s a negative.”
Another pause ensued; thankfully it was a shorter one this time.
“Stay where you are.”
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mercurytrinemoon · 3 years
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See, I said I’m going to do a Mayer-Katy synastry post. That was in January but better late, than never, eh?
You know, I think about John and Katy a lot. And how he wrote pretty much an entire album about her… while she mingled with Orlando Bloom (spoiler alert, I’m going to make a post on them as well cause their synastry chart is low-key perfect).
I wanted to analyze this chart because a) their synastry is weird at first glance but I wanted to talk about what you can pay attention to while reading one b) I just love Mayer so I’m just taking any chance to talk about him 🤷
Ok the elephant in the room… They both have stelliums in neighbouring signs. I’m gonna be honest, I don’t like seeing a lot of semi-sextile action but with that being said, it fascinates me (I’m thinking if having a thing for neighbouring signs is a result of progressed planets 🤔). He’s a Libra and she’s a Scorpio and what’s funny (and important to note) is that none of them have any energy in those respective neighbouring signs. Actually, synastrically, they both have unaspected Suns AND his Mercury is unaspected as well (yea, unaspected planets in synastry… always a big mistery. There’s something interesting about them and I don’t think I’ve found any explanation to this yet).
But let’s get to nice things:
His Moon conjunct her Venus. It’s a 5° conjunction and separating BUT both planets are very receptive. This is such a sweet aspect. They recorded a song together called “Who You Love” and I think this was s very fitting manifestation of that conjunction. And Moon is ruling his MC so he was like “let’s be sappy in public and release a song together yay”. And as I said, he wrote some songs about her after they broke up (I made some additional research for the sake of this post) and I believe he said he feels like he won’t find another person like her. This is that Moon speaking. And a sad natal 12th house Venus that he has (because it’s important to also pay attention to what is going on there; like, he’s such a meatball soft guy… but that point aside).
His Moon conjunct her Uranus. OKAY LISTEN. I know it’s a generational planet but the orb is 0°26’ - we can certainly count that, especially since I can perfectly see the result of that conjunction. First, it’s on-and-off relationship kind of vibe. Second, this can produce electrifying, addicting, buzzing energy. Trust me, I know. It’s a bit unpredictable but it’s my personal favourite. Side note, tight Uranus aspects can also lead to love at first sight; they’re like a lightning bolt; they give you chills.
His Uranus conjunct her Mercury and ascendant. Look, another one. Mercury-Uranus is genius energy. It’s having adventures together. Again, this gives sudden flashes of ideas and feeelings.
His Venus square her Neptune and Pluto square Mars. Again, generational planets but the orbs are VERY small (0°03’ & 0°01′). I think it’s interesting that both these pairings are higher octaves of one another. Neptune adding dreamyness to Venus and Pluto adding spice to Mars. Lots of passion & romance involved I guess.
Jupiter oppositions. I had a talk today about compatible Jupiter in synastry and it actually made me remember about the John-Katy opposition. I don’t really see people talk about it, it’s one of the basic classic rules and I absolutely LOVEEEE seeing it work. Aspects between Jupiters in synastry is a huge marriage indicator (Jupiter in general, if it’s making aspects to Sun, Venus, Moon especially, can indicate this as well, especially if that aspect is applying). It’s because it rules legal matters. Now, theirs are in an opposition, I know it was rumored they were actually engaged. The opposition would require them to work a bit more on the relationship but at the same time, it was probably a tough tie to break once they decided to split.
Compatible love planets. Not making actual aspects but same energies could work well together either way. They have their Mars signs in opposition (Capricorn-Cancer) and his Venus and her Mars are in earth signs (Virgo-Capricorn). His Cancer Mars is also trining her Scorpio stellium (and making an actual aspect to both Saturn and Moon). Mars-Moon connections are said to be super hot (also very fertile btw).
Midpoints. I like to look at those as well. Especially when we have a weird, concentrated configuration like this one. It’s important to understand the nature of midpoints first, they tickle and trigger both planets. It’s almost like a sweet spot for the midpoint person. That’s why I’d prefer using very small orbs for this. John’s Moon is at 10° Sagittarius, Katy’s Sun-Mars midpoint is at 8° degrees Sagittarius. His Venus-Moon midpoint (literally a sweet spot… a soft one) is at 5° Scorpio while Katy’s Sun is at 2°… so she may have an unaspected Sun but that can certainly make up for it a bit.
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henlex · 3 years
Onlyoneof astrology
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☆check the bottom for summary☆
Jisung is Cap: Earth. Very grounded. Goal oriented. They get things done, hard workers. They love to be useful and have purpose. Tend to keep their emotions under wraps because they want to be level headed. Very steady, reliable, responsible. Honestly a great leader. Can be a bit standoffish all the members saying he was intimidating when they first met. They can be very funny. They dont really like change, they tend to stick for what they know. Good at giving practical advice.
Wookjin is Sag:🔥 So different 😂. Restless, fun, energetic, friendly. They love freedom, and hate routine. Very easygoing, love to make friends with anyone, fun loving. They love to laugh and tease😂. Infectious optimism, very idealistic, and loves to learn. Easygoing, but can have a quick temper, tho they forgive very quickly. Can be a little flighty because of their need for freedom.
Jisung is Pisces: so cute. This is strong mom energy (yoojung has the same) Very soft, sweet, compassionate, empathetic, caring. What a softy. Good an seeing beyond people's barriers.
Wookjin is Aquarius: extremely observant (I remember on love unlock that expert said Nine was very good at noticing things, and took) everything in. Omg they can feel detached or shy especially as a kid. They tend to feel like a bit of an outsider. They have strong walls up. They love being unique and unusual but they end up feeling like an outsider. They love being independent, and also love to shock people💆‍♀️💆‍♀️. Given to temper tantrums in their youth but tend to hide them later in life. They can become detached from their emotions but are good at understanding others. (Idk if this is him because he cried while making libido sooo) they can be very unpredictable but charming.
Jisung Aquarius: unconventional self expression, they like to break the rules 💆‍♀️these two I swear to God. Very observant, they love debate. Aquarius are detached and intellectual in nature. Don't like scheduled....I'm pretty that's cancelled out by the cap tho😂 They can be seen as strange but always have something interesting to say. Good sense of humor.....and like to shock people💆‍♀️💆‍♀️
Wookjin Sag: optimistic, like freedom of thought, have big ideas. Insatiable thirst for knowledge. Dont like focusing on details. Organization is not their friend (it's ok jisung can take care of that) Very enthusiastic and love a good conversation. They can be very blunt and dont understand being indirect. They Hate mind games. They love to laugh, and do it pretty easily 💕
Jisung Cap: try to win your heart by displaying self-control, presence of mind, and responsible behavior. They want to be seen as witty, knowledgeable and controlled. They want some predictability in love because they are cautious. They have a loner aura, which some can find attractive. They're big romantics and can be shy about love but dont want anyone to know. They are very practical and plan ahead. They want to show off their partner in a quiet way. They take a while to warm up to others. Fear of rejection☹. They are practical and loyal to those they love. They are frugal but like high quality items.
Nine Scorpio☠: RIP everyone. First off this is why he has that stage presence and is......bold. Anyway they're very intense, their emotions run deep. Deep commitment, they're incredibly loyal, when they're in, they're in forever. Fearless when it comes to intimacy 👀. They become possessive and can get jealous. They become entirely focused/infatuated in their partner. They are not about casual flings. "These people take things to extremes, and can be very provocative." 💆‍♀️ Angry nine would be very scary. They like to know EVERYTHING about their partner but keep their own things hidden, they're secretive in nature. To win them over they need to see that you're committed completely. Their relationships tend to consume them and they love it.
Jisung cap: cool and level headed. Strong self control. Can be hard on themselves. Hard worker. They like discretion. They are attracted to someone experienced😉
Wookjin Aqua: unpredictable, they dont want to be seen as normal. Love of intellectual pursuits. They are adept at getting their way. You wont even know if they're in control. They let other people be themselves and gives them space. Generally not touchy...LOL.
"They give off an air of being savvy and cool. Sex from a distance (when you are not actually there physically), or in theory, is often where they shineThey are most intrigued when you are not, as detachment can be a real turn-on for them. And, again, the idea of sex is generally more exciting to these lovers than the actual act. Their fantasies often involve getting caught, and they are attracted to people who are a little offbeat or odd." This makes a lot of sense
Sun: so they are very different but I think it's so cute. Nine's playful nature can help love take life less seriously. And love can keep nines feet the ground and take care of the day to days of life.
Moon: deep down wookjin is very protective and feels misunderstood but jisungs cancer moon could be the perfect match for him to actually open up and be understood. If they open up they could become incredibly close. Loves nonjudgemental and compassionate demeanor could help nine to not feel unknown for once.😭💕 Love can also help him not deny his emotions.
Mercury: yk I never thought they'd be the ones to have intellectual debates but they definitely do. But like it could be about anything, even something dumb but it would bg e a Debate and they'd both love it. Idk why that's so cute. Wookjin likes being direct and honestly jisungs cap would love that about him. Also I get why they're always laughing together 😭💕
Venus: Haha soulmate culture. Ok but love needs commitment and so does nine. They both want and need that deep understanding. They could both let their guards down because neither of them wants to go anyway. Nine would highkey like the challenge of love being hesitant and the loner vibes.
Mars: eye. Yk it might work really well cuz caps are lowkey detached and nine highkey would thrive on that. I need to lay down
So Haha I love them. This dynamic is insane. The sexual tension is off the charts and I see why now. This is a lot but think they mesh really well.
Okay byyyyye
💖I'll take any requests 💖
Junrie are next
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mikeshanlon · 3 years
what do you think are the other ggreboot characters zodiacs?
okay so just gonna like ramble about some placements i think they might have and disclaimer i am no expert or necessarily Fixed in these possible placements. also every sign has good and bad and manifests itself in diff ways so if u dont love the placements i chose sorry babes bladididahhh okay continuing
julien: def think she is a gemini, i think she def gives mutable/gemini sign vibes both in how sometimes she will be a lot more calculated and "bitchy" and then be a lot softer (not saying geminis are two faced but multifaceted), and in how she wants to grow over the course of the season and become more authentic. especially with how geminis are curious and want to see how the world works and question things, the more she explore the more she understands herself. geminis are also super fun and magnetic which i think fits her vibe. plus i think she is definitely a good communicator, even tho i think her speech in 1.04 was.... something... she was able to pull it out on the spot and be well spoken and convince the party goers, so very good with her communication imo. leo rising, bc u kno Magnetic Grand Influencer. always aware of how shes percieved. can be rash, but like, she's fun, shes got a warm heart.
zoya: zoya is canonically a libra (october 22). i think that fits in a lot of aspects, she definitely embodies the traits of libra that are very concerned with justice, and i do think she is diplomatic/logical (her knowing whats important to her and not as caught up in the world of reputation as the others), tho less of a... pushover/peacekeeper as aki is. also her love of the arts in reading/plays. def think she probably has aquarius placements given again the sense of justice but also her being more outspoken/rebellious/unpredictable... aqua mars maybe? could be a cancer moon, for the idea of nostalgia/past, wanting home and security, hating superficiality.
aki: obviously i have not shut up abt him being a libra sun. i just know it in my bones its the introverted libra blueprint the peacekeeping the innocent nature the love of art (film in his case) his magnetic lover pretty boy energy, a pretty defined Aesthetic. diplomatic, always looking at things through logic. libra mercury as well for similar reasons, diplomatic and reserved with his words, objective, tries to make everyone happy even at his own expense (hello forgiving/apologizing to audrey and max for all the shit they did lmao). i think he has a pisces moon because i do think he's sensitive and cares deeply and quite dreamy in his own head but not going to be maybe as reactive as a cancer/scorpio moon. they are a lil weird they can kind of be a pushover/doormat, its the vibes. aquarius rising bc he does have the Mysterious Aloof vibes esp if you don't know him, a loner, a bit weird, abstract outlook, nervous. mayhappssss pisces mars bc its again like p romantic and sensitive but they can be kinda hard to pin down and less agressive but i havent Nailed down a venus/mars yet.
audrey: taurus sun i think. i love the idea that two of the sides of their love triangle are represented by venus and i think it fits with them-- both find love very important and have love for each other, but it doesnt really work romantically bc of their diff styles (like personally as a libra loveee them as friends idk if i could really be in a relationship tho). taurus is fixed and resistant to change bc its what they know, ie, her not wanting to move at all. interesting in aesthetics, being classy, etc. wont hold back her judgement (also guessing she has some fire in her bc of how much she lashes out. mayhaps aries or leo). loyal, at least to julien and the idea of friendship and partnership lmao. wants a loyal partner who stays by her side no matter what. also her love of reading and cooking and domesticity is very taurean. this may be bc of her big eyes but i feel like she has a water rising, i think scorpio rising fits best, she can be quite intimidating, she wants privacy, determined, she wants a reliable partner again. can be impatient.
max: leo sun-- im sorry maybe too obvious LMAO but he's just like very charming, confident, wants fun, dramatic af, loves an indulgent moment, wants people to want him. but also i think very warm and nice to his friends when they need it, like going out with julien, or in softer moments like helping audrey with her mom and cooking breakfast for her and aki. leos are also quite funny which i think max is. he's mischevious, he wants vibrance. i also think leo/taurus and leo/libra compatibility make sense for the love triangle lmao. aries moon, likes confrontation, likes drama, want what they want (and often, they have lots of diff crushes) and will go after it. impulsive. want instant gratifcation, to live life charging ahead and in the moment. don't understand skirting around emotions. i think gemini or sag in mars, because of the freedom/independent aspects, fun, and also the sexuality of the mars signs.
monet: capricorn sun and mercury, she knows what she wants, she wants success and power, and shes going to figure out the most effecient way to get there, no matter what. shes going to protect what she cares about most, shes not gonna deal with the bullshit, a bit of a hater of everything. wealth, oppulence. DEFINITELY has a strong scorpio placement / mars energy--probably scorpio mars as at least one placement: ready for war, secretive, observant, calculating. i think maybe aries rising, direct action, competitive, want to lead, blunt and brusque, quick to drop if its not working, with scorpio and cap placements that drive and aggression to be on top increases.
luna: i think she's a virgo sun, she's calculating/discerning, shes a bit judgy, she has rules and order and you're going to fucking follow them! she's observant, able to figure out things like monet's betrayal. def think shes a libra rising, she is so etheral and magnetic, social. while i dont think her libra manifests in a super diplomat way like zoya or aki, i do think she does try to compromise and find balance in certain areas, like going along with the zoya and julien sister narrative and making it work even though she didnt rlly want to. also the style aspect of her character is v libra rising. leo mercury, she's dramatic and fun and has an ego and some u kno.. scathing shit to say lmao.
obie: okay im sorry he is such a fucking toxic pisces male. projecting fantasies onto ppl and then getting upset when they dont fulfill that? yup! mutable as fuck, never really taking a stand in activism, family, love. wanting to be a martyr. staying in situations he doesnt think will work out bc he wants them to--like waiting until he had an excuse to leave julien, or thinking that maybe things werent good with zoya but holding on. hates when ppl critique him. maybe venus in libra bc very idealistic about what he wants in a relationship and wants things done a certain way or else hes like wtf. idc abt his other placements lmfao
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ineloqueent · 4 years
i'll have to admit, i'm curious about which classic rock stars your mutuals are...
anon darling, you’re a star!
fair warning though, i’m referring to all of these people in the present tense. i don’t care. they’re still here, to me.
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@archaicmusings — roger taylor
hear me out. cal and rog would get on like a house on fire. it’s very simple; they share opinions on so many things, and cal swears about as much as roger does. but that aside, like roger, cal knows good music when she hears it, tells the best stories, and is loyal to her friends until the last. 
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@drivenbybri — brian may
if i had to describe brian in three words, i’d say “extraordinary but humble,” and you know, i’d describe sofie exactly the same way. sofie’s got such an artistic eye, and has the ability to turn anything into a masterpiece. but she’ll never admit it; she’ll do it quietly and watch the amazement on people’s faces, and then not believe them when they express their admiration. like i said, humble. also, sof and brian have basically the same hair, so...
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@brianmays-hair — paul mccartney
paul mccartney has always given me vibes of sheer and absolute chaos. jess is about the same. paul and jess have this energy in common, and also, similar smiles?? don’t @ me, but they definitely do. and similar writing styles! bet you paul macca would let jess write lyrics for his songs if she offered.
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@joemazzmatazz — jimi hendrix
jimi is chill. regan is chill. i honestly feel like they’d get along very well, two creative souls, with a similar sense of humour (if you listen to some of hendrix’s live recordings, he’s honestly incredibly funny, and charming, like regan).
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@deacyblues — david bowie
first of all, david bowie and pearl would gush over each other’s wardrobes. and makeup. definitely. both have such a distinct style, and that’s part of the reason why i liken pearl to bowie. but also, bowie was known for his kindness, his optimism, and his stubbornness. pearl is indefinitely kind, and stands up for what she believes in, just like bowie.
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@aprilaady — john deacon
john richard deacon is a sweetheart!! just like dor. but he’s also wildly unpredictable, and has the ability to shock you with a single sentence (brian’s words on the subject were not quite this, but i’m trying to be nice here). sometimes dor will message me something, and i will burst out laughing. she’s got a wicked sense of humour, just like our beloved deacy, and if anything happened to her, i’d throw everything out the window and then jump out of it myself.
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@imcompletelylost — freddie mercury
if anyone’s freddie, it’s libby. libby’s got this charisma, exactly like freddie’s. and then i ask her to tell me her secret and she insists that there isn’t one. if that’s not a freddie mercury move, then i don’t know what is. not to mention, libby is so musically talented, it’s ridiculous. she’s iconic, and kind, and funny, and freddie would definitely take her shopping, because they’re just that alike.
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@speciallyred — george harrison
oh, c’mon. have you ever seen george harrison smile? it’s like the sun. anna has the ability to brighten anyone’s day with a few words, and this is a quality which george harrison also has. anna’s a wonderful poet, and i’ve always thought of george as a wonderful lyricist. anna’s got style, too, and she’d fit right in during the height of the beatles’ career, in the 1960s.
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@mistiermistshazierdays — marc bolan
now, i may be a bit biased here, because phoebe posts a lot of marc, and i reblog all of it. but also, marc’s got this lovely, bright, bubbliness about him, and if phoebe is anything, it’s bubbly (i love that word!!). with her warmth and her humour, phoebe is the perfect marc bolan, and marc the perfect phoebe.
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@doing-albri — elton john
vi makes clothes, and elton john, as we all know, is the ultimate fashionista. then there’s elton john’s charitability, which translates to vi’s kindness. and of course, both are musically talented, and love their friends to no end.
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@im-an-adult-ish — robert plant
okay. so i don’t really know how to explain this one. but when i was brainstorming all of these, this was the third one i wrote down. i guess meredith and robert plant just have the same sort of… energy? i honestly do not know. but i think the connection is robert plant’s overall charisma, and meredith’s wonderful ability to make anyone feel welcome.
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@sixbloodyminutes — suzi quatro
listen, i love suzi quatro. so much. not only did she inspire bands like the runaways, joan jett in particular, with her revolutionary talent and pioneering as a woman in the music industry, but she’s also fucking awesome. back in the ‘70s, she was a symbol of girl power, and if morgan’s got anything, it’s girl power. also, if you’ve seen that one episode of pop quiz, you’ll know she and roger taylor got along well. and i know morgan likes roger taylor ;)
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@hijackmy-heart — joan jett
another queen of the 1970s rock scene was joan jett! also a pioneer in the male-dominated music industry, joan jett is known for not only for her music, but her hard-heartedness. the latter is not at all a bad thing, particularly in this world we live in; joan knew what she wanted, and she went out and got it. nat has that same spirit, and the same occasional savageness, which i can only admire.
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@dancingdiscofloof — jimmy page
considered one of the best guitarists in the world, even to this day, jimmy page is one hell of a creative soul, and was responsible for (or at least in part) a great deal of led zeppelin’s discography. a dedicated session musician, jimmy determined that there was a certain science to making music. rove strikes me as someone with this same dedication, so there you go!
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@almightygwil — stevie nicks
rolling stone has called stevie nicks one of the greatest solo artists of all time, and while they may have written a shit and completely untrue review about queen, they were certainly right about stevie nicks. stevie nick’s lyrics, both on fleetwood mac records and on her own, have always been poetic, and lyrical, even without music. ellie absolutely writes just like this, and so that alone is enough to liken her to stevie nicks. stevie nicks was and is iconic, and in interviews, she was always very genuine, just like ellie.
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@mazzell-ro — janis joplin
emblematic of the glam rock era, janis joplin’s voice is one-of-a-kind, and her presence one of unmatchable warmth. genuine, thoughtful, intelligent, and revolutionary in terms of her rebelling against gender norms, janis joplin is perhaps one of my absolute favourite people of the glam rock generation. ro has the same genuineness, the same intelligence, and the same thoughtfulness, going out of her way for her friends, and thus, she reminds me very much of janis joplin. 
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msclaritea · 3 years
Retrospective: Older interviews of Ben
How was it to work with Martin Freeman as Watson?
Benedict: I had a superb audition with Martin, and I immediately knew that he was my primary choice. He was definitely the person that I immediately sparked off and raised my game for. He’s an adorable man and blissfully, ridiculously funny and entertaining. He’s a great support and companion in real life as well. We have tremendous fun doing the show.
Do you think that Holmes has an inborn genius rather than something acquired over the years?
Benedict: I think it’s a combination. He comes from a very bright family, but his ability is something that is earned by incredibly hard work and the burning of the midnight oil. It’s not something that he was just ordained with at birth. He’s worked very hard at it.
This Sherlock seems to have social skills, but just chooses not to use them most of the time. Would you say that’s an accurate description of him?
Benedict: Yes. He uses them when it’s appropriate to the game. It’s part of his armor. What he does do is mercurially slip out of temperament and character to assuage or persuade somebody that they are able to have compassion for one standing in front of him. It may be a widower that he wants to befriend, as a long-lost friend of the man that she’s just lost in her life, to gain information about him because he’s never heard of him before. It could be about trying to get a little bit of outside work done by flirting with a girl that he knows is attracted to him. There’s a cruelty and intention to it all. It is part of what makes him pretty special.
When did you first read a Sherlock Holmes story?
Benedict: I would have been about 12 years old, when I first read it, and I was hungry for more. It’s just very addictive reading, and it’s an utterly absorbing world. It’s thrilling, as a child, to read those books. You get drawn into a London which suddenly becomes alive like a pop-up book, but brilliant in this other era. It’s just a really rich
Do you have any stories that you might want to see, if you do more of this?
Benedict: Oh, I’d love Irene Adler to crop up. I’d love the Hound of the Baskervilles to crop up. There’s all sorts of things that I’d love to do, or characters that I’d love to be involved, but it’s a mixture of the new and the old. Some of the plot borrowings and deductions, the characters, their relationships and the detail of their lives is very much drawn from the original because there would be no point with messing with what ain’t broke, but as far as adventures go, I think they can definitely take it into new a realm. So, I’m excited about doing things that fans expect as well as letting their imagination have free reign and going new places with it.
With both of your parents being distinguished actors, did you always want to be an actor and follow in your parents’ footsteps, or did you ever want to do something else instead?
Benedict: They worked incredibly hard to give me a very privileged education, so I could do anything but be as stupid as them and become an actor. Unfortunately, I didn’t pay any notice, like a lot of children, to my parents’ wise words. For awhile, I did toy with being a criminal barrister. I thought that would be quite fun. Then an awful lot of people dissuaded me from that path, basically saying, “It’s unpredictable. You don’t know where your next job is coming from. You have to travel up and down the country to God-forsaken holes of depravity, and it’s very lowly, incredibly hard work.” I thought, “This sounds a bit like acting, so I’ll stick with that..."
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jippy-kandi · 4 years
Digimon Adventure 02 Blood Types (+ Astrology)
The Chosen Children (DigiDestined) in Digimon Adventure and 02 do not have official birthdays. However, Toei Animation officially gave Miyako the star sign Gemini and the blood type AB. But I’ve always focused on the astrology aspect of their source of inspiration -- and completely disregarded their blood types.
That was wrong of me. Their blood types are almost as important as their Western zodiac signs, no matter how ridiculous I think the idea is.
Taichi ‘Tai Kamiya’ Yagami: Aries Sun, Blood Type O
Hikari ‘Kari Kamiya’ Yagami: Taurus Sun, Blood Type A
Miyako ‘Yolei’ Inoue: Gemini Sun, Blood Type AB
Mimi Tachikawa: Cancer Sun, Blood Type B
Daisuke ‘Davis’ Motomiya: Leo Sun, Blood Type O
Jou ‘Joe’ Kido: Virgo Sun, Blood Type A
Ken Ichijouji: Libra Sun, Blood Type AB
Sora Takenouchi: Scorpio Sun, Blood Type O
Takeru ‘T.K.’ Takaishi: Sagittarius Sun, Blood Type B
Iori ‘Cody’ Hida: Capricorn Sun, Blood Type A
Koushirou ‘Izzy’ Izumi: Aquarius Sun, Blood Type AB
Yamato ‘Matt’ Ishida: Pisces Sun, Blood Type AB
Blood types are even more popular than astrology in Japan. And, more importantly, every single anime character with an official birthday is always listed with both their star sign and their blood type. Because it matters. The blood type is there to either offset or complement the Sun sign.
I’ve recently fallen into a bit of a Sailor Moon hole (nostalgia at its finest!), and noticed that the main character, Serena (Usagi), was officially a Cancer with blood type O.
So I actually decided to look up what blood type O meant -- and it gave Serena an outgoing, friendly disposition with leadership skills.
Ah. That’s cheating! XD;
So, yeah, it only took me 20 years to really acknowledge that Miyako was given an official blood type, and that it might actually mean something, lol.
Apparently, only around 30% of people in the US know their blood types, whereas at least 90% of people in Japan know their blood types.
Yeah. Blood types are a MASSIVE DEAL in Japan (and South Korea and Taiwan . . .). Even bigger than astrology, apparently.
I still find the whole thing utterly ridiculous, but I forced myself to read up on it because I’m interested in the “origins” of the Chosen Children (character trivia is interesting to me!). Because, as Sailor Moon showed me, their blood types should either complement or offset their Sun signs.
I’ve also never thought about the “impact” of their blood types because I’ve never had an issue with identifying a character’s Sun sign. Whether an anime character with a Sun sign was introverted or extroverted was never an issue to me because, well, if you’re really knowledgeable in astrology, it’s really easy to see “through” that and see the “core” of their character anyway.
Mimi being an extroverted Cancer, for example, was never a barrier to me -- because all Sun signs can be introverted or extroverted, especially in an anime series created by writers who can do whatever they want with their characters. It’s the “skeleton” of the character that lets you know exactly which Sun sign inspired them. So I’ve always just accepted, “oh, the writer wanted to create an extroverted Cancer”, for example.
I just didn’t know that the writers actually gave a reason for their characters’ extroversion or introversion -- via their blood types.
It’s been in front of me this whole time . . . but I just ignored Miyako’s blood type because I personally think the whole blood type thing is ridiculous. I still think it is, but it was wrong of me to ignore it -- and I think anyone who is actually interested in figuring out the origin of the characters would be wrong to keep ignoring their blood types, too. It goes hand-in-hand with astrology.
Fortunately, there are only four blood types, so reading up on it was pretty easy. But, as there are only four, it’s a lot more restrictive than astrology -- and a lot of traits are contradictory, especially when you give one character a blood type, as parts of it will fit and parts of it won’t.
(This blood type system is just as bad as the Hogwarts Houses. Honestly, I never understood its popularity -- it never made sense to me and is such a terrible system. Hermione is a Gryffindor because she’s brave? So . . . all Ravenclaws are cowardly intellectuals? And not one Slytherin stayed to fight in the final battle, so all Slytherins are pure evil? OK, I’ll stop. I’ve just been disappointed in JK Rowling recently.)
Here’s one summary of the four blood types (note: there are tonnes . . . so I recommend googling for some more to get a better idea!):
Type A -- “The Farmer” Best traits: Warmest, reserved, sensible, patient, responsible, perfectionists, wise, and cautious. Worst traits: Fastidious, over-earnest, obsessive, stubborn, the least temperate, inconsiderate, jealous, cold, angry.
Type B -- “The Hunter” Best traits: Passionate, active, creative, animal-loving, flexible, cheerful, friendly and optimistic, vocalizing personality Worst traits: Irresponsible, forgetful, selfish, lazy, impatient, unreliable and "going own way".
Type AB -- “The Humanist” Best traits: Creative, calm, rational, sociable, intelligent and adaptable. Worst traits: Critical, indecisive, unforgiving, aloof and not trustable
Type O -- “The Warrior” Best traits: Confident, self-determined, ambitious, strong-willed, intuitive, agreeable, competitive and athletic. Worst traits: Unpredictable, spiteful, self-centered, cold, aggressive, arrogant, envious and ruthless.
(Source: Wikipedia)
The Japanese population consists of approximately 40% blood type As, 30% Os, 20% Bs and 10% ABs. This is actually important because the As and Os are considered the more “popular” (”socially accepted”) blood types, whereas people really consider the minority, ABs, as “weird” . . .
The associated traits are also kind of all over the place, depending on which source you’re reading. And there are a lot of them . . . so it can get pretty confusing! But I found it a lot easier and simpler to break them down into groups of introverts and extroverts:
Type A: Introverted
Type B: Extroverted
Type AB: Introverted or Extroverted (AB is A + B combined, hence, AB!)
Type O: Extroverted
I also read some anecdotal descriptions from Japanese people or people who have lived in Japan -- and what their Japanese peers think of the blood types (so a “real world” impression of them). Because it gives me a better idea of the “general opinion” from actual people (therefore a reflection of “common knowledge”), which gives me more context and understanding than just reading a set of traits.
For example, guys with blood type B are considered playboys -- so a lot of women (who believe in this crazy blood type personality indicator) generally avoid dating them. Blood Type As are considered the “stereotypical” quiet Japanese personality, blood type Os are considered the best people in general to be around, and blood type ABs are considered “weird” and social outcasts.
I even read someone saying that they’ve never seen people in Japan being discriminated against due to their star sign, but that they have seen people being discriminated against due to their blood type (usually AB). Apparently ABs don’t “play well with others” to the extent that some Japanese companies avoid hiring them. Some Japanese politician even exploded angrily at work, subsequently resigned, and his apology was, “Sorry, I’m blood type AB” . . .
Yeah. Crazy. But it gives me a really good idea of what the blood types “mean” (no, I do not believe in blood types -- I’m just seeing what the “rules” about it says!).
Because I like to be thorough, I also wanted to see the blood types “in practice” -- with Sun signs, too. So I looked up the Sun signs and blood types of some official anime examples to give me a better idea and understanding of how anime creators/writers use and execute star signs and blood types together. I think these characters are popular enough that most people would be familiar with a few of them, too.
Sailor Moon: Cancer Sun, Blood Type O
Sailor Mercury: Virgo Sun, Blood Type A
Sailor Mars: Aries Sun, Blood Type AB
Sailor Jupiter: Sagittarius Sun, Blood Type O
Sailor Venus: Libra Sun, Blood Type B
Tuxedo Mask: Leo Sun, Blood Type A
One Piece’s Luffy: Taurus Sun, Blood Type B
One Piece’s Usopp: Aries Sun, Blood Type O
One Piece’s Nami: Cancer Sun, Blood Type A
One Piece’s Zoro: Scorpio Sun, Blood Type AB
One Piece’s Sanji: Pisces Sun, Blood Type O
Naruto’s Naruto: Libra Sun, Blood Type O
Naruto’s Sasuke: Leo Sun, Blood Type AB
Naruto’s Sakura: Aries Sun, Blood Type O
Gravitation’s Yuki: Pisces Sun, Blood Type AB
Gravitation’s Shuichi: Aries Sun, Blood Type AB
I definitely understand it a lot better now. But it’s clear that they do “cheat” and just take certain aspects of a blood type to go with a zodiac sign. For example, while Sanji is an outgoing, silly Pisces, he’s not the leader of the Straw Hats.
Also, most of the ABs are the typical “dark” characters with tragic pasts . . . so social outcast is spot on.
Now let’s finally get to the Digimon characters!
I want to be clear that I am not trying to “assign” blood types to the Digimon characters. This is about determining what the Digimon Adventure/02 staff actually used as a blueprint for the characters.
For example, if I were to “assign” a blood type to Yamato in Digimon Adventure tri., I would definitely give him blood type O (for leadership abilities -- while ignoring the outgoing aspect . . . I guess his Pisces Sun “dims” it!).
But I don’t think the original staff for Adventure/02 “used” that blood type for him. I really don’t see Adventure/02 Yamato as a capable leader (but I do in tri., where he is 1000% the better leader for most of the series, over tri. Taichi).
This is about the actual source of inspiration for Yamato’s character by the original Adventure/02 staff, and not the tri. staff (who I don’t think knew that the characters were based on signs/blood types), so tri. Yamato’s personality is irrelevant to this particular discussion.
Because Toei Animation gave Miyako both a star sign and blood type (as do the majority of anime writers for their characters), and it’s 100% clear they gave star signs to all the Chosen, then they gave all the characters blood types, too. Because star signs and blood types go hand-in-hand in Japanese anime.
Taichi ‘Tai Kamiya’ Yagami: Aries Sun, Blood Type O
I think they kept it super simple with Taichi, their main character and protagonist of the entire series. Aries Sun for leadership, blood type O for leadership as well. I don’t think his Aries Sun needed to be “offset” -- he’s an outgoing person and a “warrior”, and blood type O just complements that.
Hikari ‘Kari Kamiya’ Yagami: Taurus Sun, Blood Type A
I think blood type A for her because it just complements her Taurus Sun. Type A is really the Earth equivalent in astrology, and there’s nothing about Hikari that suggests to me that she’s more than Earth (well, except when she’s taken over . . . which I think has nothing to do with her).
Miyako ‘Yolei’ Inoue: Gemini Sun, Blood Type AB
Official. Note that the blood type here just complements her Sun sign as well. Blood type AB is actually considered the equivalent to Gemini in its duality . . . so the writers here just doubled down on her duality. She’s also the more extroverted version of an AB, where they can be both.
Mimi Tachikawa: Cancer Sun, Blood Type B
She needs an extroverted blood type to offset her introverted Cancer Sun, like Sailor Moon, who is a Cancer Sun with blood type O. So B or O for Mimi -- I lean more towards B, because Mimi doesn’t have leadership qualities. And I think of her outgoing, cheerful nature as more similar to that of Takeru, rather than Taichi.
Daisuke ‘Davis’ Motomiya: Leo Sun, Blood Type O
Like Taichi, I think they went super simple with him and just gave him the leadership blood type. There’s nothing about his personality that sways away from being a stereotypical Leo -- this includes the fact that quite a few anime makes the Leo the “mean” character. Daisuke is not that mean, but compared to the others, he’s definitely the most “obnoxious, jerk”-type amongst them. (Examples of mean Leos: Sasuke in Naruto, Tuxedo Mask in Sailor Moon.)
Jou ‘Joe’ Kido: Virgo Sun, Blood Type A
I just think all the Earth signs are blood type A, lol. It just complements their boring Earth sign . . . again, I am not insulting Earth signs, it’s just textbook astrology! (I swear. I’m a boring Earth sign . . . lol) Jou is such a Virgo to me that I think his personality is the Earth equivalent in blood types.
Ken Ichijouji: Libra Sun, Blood Type AB
I’m the most confident with Ken’s blood type. AB can give you an introverted, social outcast character -- which offsets his Libra Sun’s extroversion. Done. (Sasuke in Naruto, for example, is a Leo Sun who should be outgoing -- instead, he’s an introverted, social outcast because he’s blood type AB. Also, I just noticed that Ken and Daisuke are Naruto and Sasuke, but with swapped blood types. Neat.)
Sora Takenouchi: Scorpio Sun, Blood Type O
I view Sora as an “extroverted introvert”. She’s definitely an introvert, but she plays well at being an extrovert. Because her Scorpio Sun is introverted, I think her blood type offsets it to make her a little bit more extroverted than usual for a Scorpio. So I think O or B both works for her -- I lean towards O, because it’s called “The Warrior” and she has that meaning in her surname. Plus, O would make her the same blood type as Taichi, giving exactly the same “connection” as being Mars-ruled does. (The exact same connection . . . competitiveness, sports, etc.)
Takeru ‘T.K.’ Takaishi: Sagittarius Sun, Blood Type B
This also just complements his Sun. Also, I know I’m supposed to disregard his tri. personality, but I do also think that Adventure/02 Takeru has the ingredients to grow up to be a charming playboy, so . . . lol. Blood type B it is!
Iori ‘Cody’ Hida: Capricorn Sun, Blood Type A
Again, this blood type just complements his Sun. I think the blood type is complementary when the character is so like their Sun sign -- and Iori is incredibly Capricorn. So much so talking about him bores me, lol. (I don’t hate him! I swear! He’s just SO MUCH Capricorn!)
Koushirou ‘Izzy’ Izumi: Aquarius Sun, Blood Type AB
Blood type AB are said to be “geniuses” or “talented”. Koushirou is Adventure’s genius, seen as a bit of an outsider just because of his intellect. I think AB is being expressed in a similar way to Miyako’s AB here; the more positive aspects of it (”genius”), as opposed to the negative aspects of it in Ken and Yamato (social outcast). I also view Koushirou as an “introverted extrovert” -- I think he’s actually an extrovert; if you put him in a room full of intellectuals, he’d stay there forever talking to everyone.
Yamato ‘Matt’ Ishida: Pisces Sun, Blood Type AB
Similar reasoning to Ken -- I think the writers set out to make Yamato the “social outcast”-type character in Adventure (when Ken didn’t exist). I consider Yamato the blueprint for Ken’s character in a lot of ways, actually. They used Yamato to be the “outsider” (troublemaker, doesn’t really fit in) in Adventure, to turn against his friends -- and then upped it a few hundred notches for Ken in 02, who also has blood type AB. ABs are also blood types A and B combined (who are opposites); see the contradiction? Yamato can be both shy and confident; he can be cool, calm and collected one minute, then off-the-rails emotionally the next. AB! Actually, I’m just as confident about his as I am Ken’s. ABs are the easiest to spot in anime! They just turn every Sun sign dark, lol.
And that’s my current list!
The blood types are subject to change, as I’m not an expert on them by any means. I literally just looked the whole thing up a few days ago, so my knowledge on it is very, very basic compared to the years I spent reading about astrology from multiple different sources (and thus why I’m 100% certain on those).
This was a lot harder than their Sun signs. With astrology, I could fact-check myself with their character designs, Crests, digimon partners, name meanings and roles in the plot -- but with blood types? Nope.
This is just me guessing with what I think was being done with their Sun signs (to complement or offset) -- where most of them do seem to just complement their signs. But I can’t grasp on to any “evidence” like I can with astrology, unfortunately. I’m pretty confident with Ken and Yamato’s blood types, though.
What do you guys think? What blood types do you think the kids were given in Adventure/02? Please disregard anything you saw in tri., as that’s an entirely different staff (who interpreted and expressed the characters as they saw fit). Just focus on the characterisations from Adventure/02.
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astroismypassion · 4 years
Hi astroismypasion, I recently sent a donation on kofi. Would love to know things on my chart interpretation. My birth chart info is Nov 1st 1991 20:41pm :)
First of all, thank you for your kind message. I really liked how you worded it, you instantly came across as an elegant and kind individual! 
Also, a side note about your birthday number, which is 1. I often notice Scorpios have it or they have 10. So I consider it a leader’s number. But it’s also a lonely path or so it seems. I guess it really is lonely at the top! ;) 
Thank you for buying me this delicious hot beverage. I drank iced black coffee with rice milk while writing your interpretation. I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I did writing! I listened to Lorde - Everybody wants to rule the world. 
Your dominant planets are: 1. Sun, 2. Pluto and 3. Mercury. Your dominant signs are: 1. Scorpio, 2. Virgo and 3. Capricorn. Your main mode is Fixed. You are Water dominant. 
If you have any siblings, they are Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius or Cancer. You have Virgo IC. Your parents might have been over critical, nit picky, nagging and complaining about you or to you. They might have compared to your siblings, friends, schoolmates or neighbours. You learnt how to read, write and speak very early on. Your parents emphasized how important it is to have realistic goals and views. They wanted you to pursue something pragmatic and useful. A bit of your 4th house is already in Libra. You are not emotionally close to your parents. You might have more of an intellectual, mental bond. They provided for your physical needs, but emotional needs not so much. You have Venus in the 4th house as well. Your parental figures encouraged you to go after your desire, wishes and what makes you passionate. You might be a private person and not many people know what you truly value and like, apart from family members and close friends. You value security, safety, comfort, home, family and nurturing. You like to take care of your family members. You have Sun sextile Moon. Your parents agreed on the style of your upbringing. They were in sync in how to raise you. You have Sun conjunct Mars. Your father encouraged you to go after your wants, desires, passions. You have Sun square Saturn. He might have restricted you in your career choice, professional life. He might have not been encouraging in the area of the 10th house or your career path. You have Virgo Jupiter in the 3rd house. You might have a lot of siblings, cousins and family relatives. They might have foreign origin or different cultural, religious background. Your family relatives might live abroad or in another city, country. You have Scorpio Sun in the 5th house. You felt like you have never known your father well. Or that he was a secretive, hard to know man. He might work as an artist, of some other 5th house topic, education, work with children or younger people. He might also do a physical job due to Scorpio here. Somewhere where there is heavy lifting involved. He might be a bit of a researcher as well. He might also one his own business. Or made a career out of a hobby. You have Virgo Moon in the 3rd house. Your mother sacrificed a lot for you. She is a bit nagging, want you to do errands for her or house chores, but she is a hard worker. She is talkative, witty and intelligent. She likes to gossip a bit as well sometimes. She might have been over critical of you, too logical and not in touch with her emotions, so you tend to rationalize your feelings as well. You just talk yourself out for your moods. 
Your friends are Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo, Aries, Gemini and Virgo. In your romantic relationships you attract Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aries, Scorpio, Virgo, Gemini, Capricorn and Aquarius. You have Virgo Venus in the 4th house. This represents people you attract, what you value and appreciate. You attract hard working people, who are family oriented and like a sense of security, safety and comfort. You have Scorpio Mars in the 5th house. This represents how you take action, how you approach your crush, things you’re passionate about and what ignites your excitement. You might like to research different topics and subjects for fun. You might like to create your own art. You are passionate about your hobbies and interests. You might like to read about crime, research, detectives, psychology, relationships and their dynamics for fun. You might attract obsessive, strong, a bit stalkerish people. You might attract a bit childlike and immature partners. You take love affairs and dating very seriously. You have the potential of becoming a serial dater, but you still take relationships seriously. You are cautious and a bit guarded when it comes to entering a love affair. Your 7th house is full of surprises, you have Neptune, Uranus there. You might know how to cut people off. Some of your relationships can end as quickly as they have started. You might also idealize other people or not really see people in your romantic, business and platonic relationship for what they are truly. They could confuse you, so what ends up happening is plenty of miscommunication, abrupt changes and sudden events. With Uranus there, you need a lot of personal freedom, space when it comes to how you like your relationships. You dislike anyone telling you what to do in this area. 
You have Capricorn North Node in the 7th house. This indicates your life purpose. You might have a hard time picking up just one single career and stick to it. You could be pulled in many directions. You might be into business. You could also like a work environment where there is structured and you know what exactly is expected of you. You might like counselling, administration, public relations, public administration, business, commerce, therapy, advising. You could be an authority when it comes to platonic, business and romantic relationships. You might be inclined to partner with others. You will be the boss. You have Neptune and Uranus in the 7th house. This means you might have an unconventional, unique and non traditional approach to your platonic, romantic and business relationships. People don’t know what to expect from you in this area. You are unpredictable here. Sometimes you can appear too cold, too detached or that you are taking things too seriously. You might also be all about business and no pleasure. There will be an emphasis on the 5th house in this lifetime, because you have so many planets there. You have a stellium in Scorpio Sun, Scorpio Mars and Scorpio Pluto. You have a natural leader energy. You might like to be number one in the field of your choice. You have that Scorpio stellium in the 5th house. You might be very intense about things you are passionate about and even sports. You might be a hobby just so you can master it. You like working with young adult, education, children, in the arts. You might be fond of singing, performing, dancing and acting. You have Cancer Ascendant. This is how you view life, how you approach it and the path that you will walk in this lifetime. You might view yourself as being too sensitive, too emotional and that everything affects you on a personal level and easily. You have Pisces MC. You have Aries and Pisces in your 10th house. You might be attracted to solitary work or even fancy being self employed. You might have a knack for business and advertising. You could advertising something and people would want to have it. You have a lot of potential to heal others. You might be interested in astrology and tarot and different types of healing. You could be an entrepreneur, work in sale and you have very business oriented mind. Here beware of not taking yourself too seriously and be all work and no play. You might be very “cut-throw” in business, work and on your daily job. 
You have Virgo Part of Fortune in the 3rd house. This is your natural good luck, your good charm. You are at your happiest when you are of service and helpful towards your peers, siblings, neighbours, people in your immediate environment. And when you organise and plan your communication, writing, speaking and conversing. You might be inclined to writing self help books. Or on topics of improvement, organisation, health, pets, advising. You could be attracted to counselling, counselling or health fields, such as nutritions, dietetics. You have Capricorn Lilith in the 7th house. This is where negative Capricorn traits can show up. You can be too cold, too strict, an authoritarian in the area of 7th house (platonic, business and romantic relationships). You have Capricorn Juno in the 7th house. This indicates your ideal soulmate, your ideal partner. You might like someone who is compromising, stable, a provider. Someone who is ambitious, motivated, career and relationship (platonic, business and romantic) oriented. You have Sagittarius Ceres in the 6th house. This is how you wish to be nurtured and how you nurture others. You might like to give them personal space and freedom. You do errands for them or show small acts of kindness. You might show your love through actions. You could also be bluntly honest with them and tell them like it is. You have Leo Chiron in the 2nd house. There is a past wound, a hurt when it comes to your talents, skill set, your creative self expression and creative endeavours. You might have felt shamed or made feel guilty for your creative self expression. You have Venus trine Saturn. You might be attracted to older or more mature partners. You might like younger or older people than your own age. You have Venus trine Neptune. You might idealize your lovers or put them on the pedestal. You might dream of movie like or fairytale like meeting. You are attracted to creators, performers, artists, musicians, people who play instruments. You have Venus sextile Pluto. You might be rejected by certain people. Or you can have lovers that would think about you years after you have broken up. You could have obsessive tendencies when it comes to love. Or you are affected deeply and transformed every time you fall in love. You have Pluto and Jupiter currently transiting 7th house. You might expand your definition and views or transform them completely when it comes to platonic, business and romantic relationships. Or all one on one relationships. You have Saturn currently transiting 8th house. You might feel like you are isolating more, spend more time alone. You might have felt a bit restricted, limited in the area of 8th house (such as others people’s resources, spirituality, occult, mysticism, deep trusted bonds with others). You have Capricorn Eros in the 7th house. I checked your Draconic chart as well. This indicates your “inner you”, how you are “on soulike level”. You seem to have Draconic Capricorn Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Virgo Rising and Gemini MC. 
Your chart ruler is the Moon. The chart ruler is in the 3rd house. This means your personality (ego, self esteem, self worth, self image, character, personality traits, physical appearance and face) will develop through 3rd house topics (communication, talking, speaking, writing, connections with siblings, neighbours, peers, schoolmates, people from your local town, your elementary and high school friends). Your personality might shine through bets in those areas and topics. This is a part of your life purpose along with Capricorn North Node in the 7th house. If you are interested in this topic, here is an additional video on these topics by an excellent fellow astrologer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBu9sY2RHJI . 
The ruler of the 1st house is in the 3rd house.You may seem like “the girl (or boy) next door. Life is oriented toward communicating, gathering information and daily interactions. You gossip about the way people look.
The ruler of the 2nd house is in the 3rd house. You spend money on communication gadgets. You earn a living by working at an elementary school or make money from blogging. Your survival needs are always on your mind.
The ruler of the 3rd house is in the 5th house. Daily conversation revolves around children, hobbies, creativity, theater or the arts. Your communication style is creative and entertaining. Experiences of early education affect your ability to be creative. You have a child-like and playful communication style.
The ruler of the 4th house is in the 5th house. You find emotional security through performance. One parent influences your creative passion. You use your heritage as a means of personal expression.
The ruler of the 5th house is in the 4th house.You want your family to approve of your hobbies, interests and romantic partners. You bring creative projects home with you. You keep a scrapbook of family memories. You are self-expressive around family members. You are privately creative.
The ruler of the 6th house is in the 3rd house. Daily habits are formed around writing and communication. You like being able to take short trips around town while working. Your daily job is a way to make connections with people.
The ruler of the 7th house is in the 8th house. You choose an intense partner. You want to be with someone who can handle your emotional baggage. Partners add to your financial debt.
The ruler of the 8th house is in the 8th house. You enter sexual relationships for sex. You get emotionally entangled with other people to form deep connections. Your attitude to life and death affects your ability to deeply connect with other people.
The ruler of the 9th house is in the 7th house. You marry or have a significant relationship with a person from a foreign country. You can be condescending to your partner. You want a partner who has an equal interest in traveling. You want a partner who has the same level of education.
The ruler of the 10th house is in the 7th house.Partners should have the same ambitions and goals in mind. You gain recognition and social status through your partner. Ideally the partners should have equal status and equal standing. Partners should have balanced careers.
The ruler of the 11th house is in the 5th house.You are friends with all your romantic partners. You bring your social awareness to your children. The people you connect with are self-expressive and entertaining. You belong to artistic groups. You’re in a band. You are a huge fan of the arts.
The ruler of the 12th house is in the 5th house. You bring imagination to your art. You create music for meditation. You take dream-like photographs. There’s a sense of loss even when you’re having fun. Meditation is fun for you.
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ibizastrology · 4 years
bts’ j-hope: chart interpretation
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Hi guys! So I decided to have some fun and take a look at Hoseok’s birth chart. Let’s see what we can find here!
Disclaimer: this interpretation does not include house analysis, since I cannot accurately determine house placements in the chart without an exact and confirmed time of birth.
Please note: this is my personal view of the chart. Some of the interpretations are sprinkled with a bit of my own intuition and experience with certain placements. I am not a professional astrologer and I do not claim that these assumptions are 100% accurate for Jung Hoseok, since I have never met him and never had the chance to ask if my interpretations are correct.
Date of birth: 18th February, 1994 Time of birth: unknown (used standard 12PM) Place of birth: Gwangju (Gwangju-gwangyeoksi), South Jeolla Province (Jeollanam-do), South Korea Birth chart calculator used: Astrotheme Horoscope Chart
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List of placements: Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon Pisces Mercury (Я) Pisces Venus Aquarius Mars Scorpio Jupiter Pisces Saturn Capricorn Uranus Capricorn Neptune Scorpio Pluto
Possible Rising (it’s a guess bro): Aries/Sagittarius
Asteroids and math. points (hypothetical):  Ceres - Taurus Lilith (Я) - Aries Vesta - Aries Pallas - Pisces Juno (Я) - Scorpio Chiron (Я) - Virgo
Aspects (without AC, MC and minor aspects)
Sun: conjunct Saturn, Mercury and Venus, square Pluto and Moon Moon: opposite Pluto and Jupiter, square Mars, trine Uranus and Neptune Mercury: conjunct Saturn and Venus, square Pluto Venus: conjunct Saturn, trine Jupiter Mars: square Jupiter Jupiter: - Saturn: square Pluto Uranus: conjunct Neptune, sextile Pluto Neptune: sextile Pluto Pluto: -
Interpretation (personal planet placement + strong aspects):
Aquarius Sun: weirdest sense of humor which is definitely Aqua culture because there’s no other explanation as to why we’re like that, might be strengthened by Aries rising (excessive “cute” behaviour, screaming out of nowhere, doesn’t know what’s happening but laughs anyway, basically an obnoxious little bean); square Moon - he needs love and comfort but often puts up a front, puts the “carefree” image he wants to portray over his emotional needs, making other people feel better (Aquarius) seems more important than allowing himself to enjoy good things (Taurus) (I think we’ve all seen that at MAMA with him breaking down like that, the taurus moon /and pisces energy/ snapped); conjunct Saturn - this might be what Yoongi meant when he said that Hoseok wasn’t as cheerful before debut as he is now, this aspect may have made him a bit more pessimistic, aware of the fact that you can’t have everything in life
Taurus Moon: PERSERVERANCE god the things this man has been through... attacked by antis, attacked by solo stans, almost left the band even before its debut but his perserverance helped him get through it, also methodical - he doesn’t just learn all those dances because it’s easy (spoiler: it’s not), but he has his own way of doing things (e.g. his adorable ‘pa pa pa’ instead of counting or dancing bare foot), he knows exactly what he’s doing but it’s more of a “I’ve done it so many times that now I can’t get it wrong”; opposite Pluto - this aspect doesn’t make it easy to open up about feelings, Pluto wants control over what people know, what people are allowed to see and what should be kept secret, and that want is generally driven by fear (however it’s a facade that can be broken, as I’ve already mentioned earlier); trine Uranus - everyone, and I mean EVERYONE feels accepted and understood around Hoseok and I find that to be truly beautiful, how e.g. trainees are all over him, even though he is a strict teacher, because no matter how many times they mess up and he gets angry, he’s still encouraging and supportive and just wants everyone to succeed; trine Neptune - compassion and understanding, also probably one of the reasons behind his passion for music since this is a very emotional and artistic aspect, vivid imagination is quite possible
Pisces Mercury (Я): a natal retrograde makes a planet feel hidden, expressed in a more internal way; good listener, really nice to talk to, can quickly go from soft and quiet to screaming mode (something we’ve all noticed a long time ago), knows how to read people in a way, quite in tune with other people’s emotions; conjunct Saturn - and here we have reached one of the sadder aspects in this chart, mainly because it proves that, even though he may seem carefree and confident, he does in fact care A LOT about what people think of him (boy didn’t avoid doing solo live streams for a year and six months without a reason, pls love him a lot), this is not a hard aspect but it can cause a lot of self-doubt and a need for praise, even if the compliments don’t seem to get to him - he needs them
Pisces Venus: very loving and sensitive, not only towards a partner, but towards everyone, commitment is difficult tho, even if he wanted to settle with someone it would probably take him a lot of time to make up his mind, might be one of those people who want to “heal broken souls” through love, but his patience isn’t unlimited; conjunct Saturn - traditionally associated with loneliness and/or late marriage, but can be interpreted as a cautious approach to romantic relationships, might be an outcome of previous toxic relationships
Aquarius Mars: original, unique, full of surprises, always knows how to get what he wants, actually loves being unpredictible and unusual, very independent, wants to give his partner their freedom as well; square Jupiter - might be very impulsive, reclusive when upset, seemingly moves on easily as an effect of ignoring bigger negative feelings
So that’s it! I might come back to this one day, but for now this feels like enough with the amount of information we have. This took way too long to finish, but it’s done, finally!
I don’t know if I’ll ever do any more of these, but... who knows! We’ll have to find out.
If you got this far this, thank you for reading! I appreciate it a lot <3
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