#because holy fucking hell
Well, I'm gonna be walking into work like I own the place tomorrow. I got put in charge of not one, not two, but three whole fucking departments of a library. That's right. Historian can't make it, security is out and I'm the only maintenance on.
How the absolute fuck do I walk into work tomorrow?
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Like I run that bitch.
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katabay · 8 months
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the visual inspiration for this was a combination of Frederic William Burton's Meeting on the Turret Stairs and also Bernardo Cavallino's The vision of St. Dominic receiving the Rosary from the Virgin
this was supposed to be just a one off illustration to get the thoughts out of my system, but then I started thinking about medieval politics and warfare and plagues and a castle and home as both a place of refuge, a prison, and a tomb, so perhaps they will end up as ex voto characters as well.
you may say, hey! that rosary looks like it has too many beads! it's a fifteen decade rosary, probably. dominicans are really into marian devotions. it works out.
also. spiral style stair cases. oh boy. it was that unexpectedly more difficult than I originally thought it would be to draw. the more I think about it, the less I understand them, even though I had a million photos of the stairs in front of me while I was drawing it.
⭐ I have a tip jar (ko-fi)!
⭐ and other places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app
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bogdreamz · 27 days
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korvo lost and farting 0 stars for you my boy
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nebuladreamz · 3 months
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A little different than last year's, but here we are again. To say that this past year hasn't been absolutely wild would be a lie, cause HOLY SHIT MAN
This year's birthday is. A little different for me, but you already have the silly comic to show that so I won't make like a broken record oops
But, despite the changes and hills that life's decided I should climb or throw at, it hasn't changed the fact that I'm so genuinely fucking thankful to the people that I've known since joining this fandom. I'm not even kidding when I say that being here has actually changed my life for the better. I know I said something similar last year, but this time, hoo boy it sure turned up the AMP and test how far I could go.
So, to everyone, both new and old; thank you for being here :D
@garbagechocolate @darkxsoulzyx @smoljeanius @bunmuffin @skizabaa
@tuzesdays @sleepykas @fernzwing @kandidandi @starsketchez
@just-a-drawing-bean @notdysfunk @ilsole @amberluvsbugs @cloudyvoid
@nomsthecat @alfinefalf @nosleepygay @theblog-with-thestuff
(Edit: ty kibbits for informing me of the. Fuck ass tagging system)
@ohno-the-sun @kibbits @ink-yy @saltyfryz @kaprisvn
@hierba-picante @sunny-sophies-garden @cookiiemancer @sneeblbop @justaduckarts
@pepethehumanz @crystalmagpie447 @woolysstuff @mocha-illustrates @duhsty1
@sanchensky @pillowspace @victarin @witherfide
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andromeda3116 · 1 year
look, i know everyone said that the new interview with the vampire show was incredible but holy shit i was not prepared for how incredible this show is
like, not only is louis interesting now, he is incredibly compelling! his once-bland internal dilemma is now given actual weight because it's not just the same old Thou Shalt Not Kill But I Am Hungry story, it's tempered through his righteous fury at how black people have been treated all these years, how many people have wronged him and laughed and expected him to laugh along, how his ties to the community that once saved him are now turning to nooses around his throat, how his family that he once provided for and relied on have now come to fear him
that, combined with his explicit homosexuality, and with lestat being the only one who seemed to accept him and love him for all that he is, and how that is both comforting and incredibly toxic and combined with sam reid's insane charisma and mania and gravity as lestat that make it completely understandable why louis would still be drawn to him in spite of everything
and how they've used the changes from the original to this one to examine how memory shifts regarding someone who was so intense and formative in your life even if they were ultimately so controlling and abusive but still left such huge gouges in your personality like knives
this is the best-written show i have seen in a long time like this is top-tier writing holy shit
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kaleidoru · 2 days
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Sherman's Night Training
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kawaiibarty · 18 days
let peter get laid you fuckin fatphobes
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butwhatifidothis · 24 days
I need the people who look at posts talking about Wyll's treatment in both the actual game and especially the fandom and respond with "but i don't like him and I think he's boring" to know that shutting the fuck up is 100% the better option 100% of the time. Him being the only origin character to not have at last 10 hours of content and the existence of mods that literally whitewash him and his dad - among everything else wrong with how Wyll is treated - are not suddenly okay because you, personally, as an individual, don't find him interesting, and your personal individual feelings about him are irrelevant to the issues surrounding his treatment in the bg3 community at large, so like. Stop barging in with your unwanted, unhelpful opinion
#not 3h#wyll ravengard#being daring today and using a non FE main tag because holy shit is this one of the most annoying things fucking ever#had to rant about this because it happens ALL THE TIME in the bg3 fandom i swear to god#person (usually a black person or someone otherwise nonwhite): I think Wyll should have been given more content individual to him#some fuckwit: but he's boring!#person: I think Wyll should have been given more autonomy as a character and not have everything about his arc be up to the player#fuckwit: but he's BORING!!#person: I think it's strange how antagonistic we the player HAVE to be towards Wyll many times especially compared to the other companions#fuckwit: BUT HE'S BORING!!!#person: I think it's problematic that Wyll is constantly connected to his abuser in promo material when no one else is connected to theirs#fuckwit: WYLL IS BORING THO!!!!#person: I think it's unfair to people who like Wyll that bugs that have been around for multiple patches are only now getting patched#(while characters like Asta/rion get even more content on top of already having a shit ton)#fuckwit: BOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIING!!!!!#person: I think the fandom treatment of black Wyll fans who want more Wyll content is racist#fuckwit: HE'S SO BORING!!!!!!#person: People making mods that turn Wyll white/have you beat up *only* Wyll/give Wyll's content to white characters is racist#fuckwit: BUT HE'S SOOOOOOOOO BORING!!!!!!!#like holy SHIT shut the fuck up. that is SO not the damn point.#Fandom Be Normal About Characters of Color Challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) (FAILED) (I ENDED UP BEING RACIST???)#go back to eating Asta/rion's toe jam or whatever the hell his fans do jesus fuck
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me-sploh-rada-imas · 6 months
no words for this just help [x]
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iamfuckingsorry · 10 days
"Do you know where we are going next?" I asked ART.
Y'know what, I think maybe I don't need any more Murderbot books. I think maybe ending things here is fucking perfect and as much as I love Wells's writing I'm genuinely not sure it can get better for me.
Like, so much of the books are about MB learning how to be a person, about becoming okay with being a complete individual with everything it entails. The first thing it does once it's actually allowed to decide on its own is it runs away from it all (admittedly to go on a mission to confirm some things about its past, because it genuinely just wants to be *good*). It shoves all its emotions away as much as it's able to. Then shit happens, and it makes its first friends, makes decisions based on these friendships, goes through a lot of emotionally intense situations...
And we get to this point here. MB having zero doubts about going with ART says a lot about its relationship with ART, but it also says a lot about its relationship with its humans - it knows that wherever it goes, when it comes back, the humans will still be there. Its humans actively acknowledge its struggles with being a now-free SecUnit and MB is willing to entertain the discussions to an extent and share information about its deeply personal experiences. Hell, System Collapse ends with MB admitting it might be somewhat broken, but that's okay as long as it can keep doing its job, and agreeing to basically do counselling - this is the guy what would rewatch its favourite TV show again and again in order to avoid acknowledging it even had Emotions a couple books back.
Reading this, I know that MB will be okay. It has hopes and goals and genuinely believes in itself and it has an amazing support system that its willing to lean on for the first time in its life. I'm convinced it'll go on to do great things with ART. And that's really the only thing I need to know.
#Murderbot#murderbot diaries#system collapse#Herr's personal tag#Also like. System collapse dives deep into MB's feelings about its life as secunit prior to the events of all systems red#I find this conversation from when they were discussing what would happen if the BE folks got to the colonists first /very/ telling#MB going on about how life as a corporate slave is absolute fucking hell#ART drone saying that they can't just kill people because the alternative is worse than death#ART: would it have been kinder to kill you before you'd disabled your governor module?#MB with zero fucking hesitation: /yes/#(followed by my favourite ART line ever. “You know I am not kind.”)#Like. MB would not have always admitted that it had hated its life as a secunit this openly#Saying it was shit is one thing saying I would rather be dead than think of me or anyone else going through this again is a very different#And here it has zero issues stating that. At least when talking to ART#And then later on it goes on to offer its actual memories for a publicly screened documentary#Because it knows it's the only way to make people see. The only way to save then from the same (ish) fate#And it's willing to do whatever it takes to save these people it's never even met before from what it views as fate worse than death#Including opening up and acknowledging its past experiences and past/current feelings#And I'm just like. Man I couldn't be more proud of you if I tried.#You go MB. Holy fuck I wish I could do what you've done. You might just be the person to defeat this evil capitalism my dude
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a7david · 3 months
Is it just me or being Jewish is my favorite trait
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a lil while back i had a dream where there was a giant hippo in the road with moose antlers. i've never climbed a tree faster
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annemarieyeretzian · 5 months
I cordially invite everyone who bitched decided that fresh cut grass detonating wouldn’t have killed otohan to 𝒷𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝓂𝑒.
even setting aside matt confirming the fact that otohan only had about 40 hit points left (and that’s a pretty significant setting aside) what does it Matter. why do you care so much more about each and every hit point someone ‘should’ have than the overall story. if that moment felt robbed somehow because it didn’t ‘follow the rules’ or ‘wasn’t right’ – what does that even mean – why are you here. you have an extremely limited capacity for imagination and storytelling. if you need something to be Exactly Right before you can enjoy it. and this is coming from your local bitch with ocd.
if you still feel the need to complain that matt, a gm with years of experience running a complex game for seven of his closest friends who have all built complex characters with extensive backstories, occasionally forgets rules as written or decides to do something different than you think should be done, maybe remember *checks notes*: THIS IS NOT YOUR GAME. THIS IS THEIR GAME. AND YOU’RE CHOOSING TO WATCH IT. FOR FREE.
“not to be a rules lawyer, but–” you know exactly what you’re doing and I want you to shut the whole entire fuck up forever.
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toxooz · 7 months
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The journey beGINSSSS still waiting for the thermal printer to get here so until then im in nervous freehand doodle hell ⚰️ gunna work on lineart a little more b4 I move onto shading then color so I don't get 🎉overwhelmed 🎉
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best-enemies · 1 year
remember when the doctor and missy literally had this exchange?
doctor: two hearts.
missy: and both of them yours.
like... it really happened. i keep re-reading it. i made it my blog name. i think about it all the time. and i still can't believe it happened. we really got this. this is insane
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just-a-mod · 9 months
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-clicks tongue-
I blame this post
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