#because i am legit crazy
buck-up-buck · 4 months
Ya'll can blame @theredrenard for this because I was told specifically to stop manifesting this, so guess. what.
So, as per my post HERE I talked about the potential to burn Buck's loft down. Now, again, you don't have to tell me twice about how AO3 this theory is, I have been in this fandom since day one and I have read an unhealthy amount of fanfictions with this plot line, but, indulge me a second, will you?
So, at the beginning of the season I know that SOMEWHERE, there was a scene where there was a housing market crisis headline on the TV in the background, but I cannot for the life of me find it, so here is a screenshot of a post I saw talking about it!
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We also have the scene where Buck is touring Harbour with Tommy at the start of 7x04 and Tommy mentions that he sometimes responds to "high-rise fires."... interesting Tommy; do you sense a high-rise fire in your near future to save you boyfriend, huh, HUH?!?
AND THEN, we have Buck at the end of 7x04 before Tommy knocks on the door seemingly going through paperwork, bills maybe? This, accompanied with the housing market crisis SCREAMS that Buck is maybe having issues with paying rent, or with living in the loft in general and is potentially looking for an out?
Now. all of these combined alone are enough to see a potential storyline to do with the loft (and it burning down, cough cough), but what really sealed the deal was Eddie's comment in the last episode (7x07).
Eddie walking in and commenting that he could smell smoke, with Buck telling him the new recipe he is working on is cracking him, rubbed me the wrong way. What a STRANGE way to word that scene. AND THEN, Buck looking up at the ceiling, where I assume the smoke detector is, all confused as if it should have been going off, but wasn't, is potentially foreshadowing issues with the building.
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NOW, all of this together, SCREAMS a storyline to do with Buck's loft, the scene in 7x07 just solidifying a potential fire even moreso.
I will admit, I have changed my mind on Amir's involvement in the fire. I now highly doubt this man would go through all this effort to burn down an apartment complex, after suffering such a loss in one himself, and would not go out of his way to injure innocent people. BUT, what I do think however, is that his conflict with Bobby is going to potentially do some more foreshadowing for the loft potentially burning down.
I doubt Amir would use the words as direct as "karma is a bitch", but I do think sentences like...
"The universe has a wicked sense of payback." "Life has a way of serving up its own brand of justice." "In the end, karma is a flame that burns with the heat of our actions."
that all basically SCREAM, fire. And this makes Bobby super anxious but Amir is gone, he is either over it and has moved on with his lil ominous departure, or he's been arrested for his conflict with Bobby, and Athena is like, "he is gone, that man is gone from our lives." and Bobby settles because she is right, it's fine. everything is fine.
Until it isn't.
Until something happens that causes Buck's loft to go up in flames and all Bobby can think about is, fuck, this is my karma, and he is like, no, I will save my son, and he goes all badass and he gets Buck outta there.
Below are my messages in my beloved 9-1-1 server that I sent literally as that scene in 7x07 was playing out in front of me, including a 46-second-long VN about why that comment from Eddie just, didn't sit right with me.
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ANYWAY, hope you enjoyed. As always, let me know what you think. Am I crazy? Am I onto something? At this point, I don't even know anymore but I am having so much fun terrorising the Clown Car that now I just do it for the bants.
Whenever anyone sees me type "I HAVE A THEORY" they all immediately log off, it's so weird.
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naivety · 2 months
not to be an ass but if you're giving so much to fundraisers spread around on tumblr dot com that you're out of money that is a you problem. most are asking for single digit donations or a share for other people to decide of they want to do the same. if they are a scam, make sure you lose money you can stand to lose, and if not, 100 people who can afford to donate $5 each will add up real quick for someone who needs it and will absolutely not be a waste to anybody anywhere. if you have time and energy to research multiple fundraisers yourself, awesome, and if you don't, $1 or $5 or $10 is not going to kill you, unless it is, in which case, you can simply not donate! nobody has a gun to your head. ultimately it is your decision and your judgement call if that's something you can afford to spend, scam or otherwise, vetted yourself or otherwise, as a grown ass adult with functioning free will. it is not that complicated, next question.
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pepperpixel · 1 year
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“And it’s! Clean out the bank and, bump off your daddy,
You can come live with us amidst the has-beens and the addicts!
These are crazy times down at Costello music!
You can answer the phone and talk any way you choose it, come on!”
More Betty and Magic Man! And… I maybe should wait to post these as part of a photoset cuz… I do still have more wip stuff of them but… I spent all of today coloring these chibis I wanna upload them ghgh-
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rainbowresurrection · 11 months
The thing I find lame about SNW is that they "lean into" Spock's human half. Ohhhhh oo-hoo-hooooo look at me! I'm a writer who wants to put my goofy ass spin on Mr. Spock!
But then they want to call it a canon prequel to the ORIGINAL? Like canon. To the original. I don't buy it. Canon to the OG where Spock is literally disgusted and ashamed of his human half and has spent his ENTIRE life hiding it? Like the entire time, that includes the time in which SNW supposedly takes place? And the T'Pring shit I can't even bring myself to talk about because it deviates so far from canon? A one-off character they just brought back to make Spock seem less fucking gay?
Hoh look a musical episode! Wow! It's camp get it??? Camp?? Cuz the original was campy?? Except Spock is straightwashed so they managed to make camp heterocentric so what are they doing and what was the point? Who the hell is this supposed to be for?
What. Were. They. Thinking. I'm going insane. Episode where SPOCK becomes HUMAN? Episode where they SPLIT the MIXED RACE character who was written as MIXED RACE in the SIXTIES! I dare them to write a goofy episode where Oops! I turn Full Native and see how quirky and racially sensitive it is. Hoho so fun and goofy!
No I cannot overlook these transgressions. I want as many people as possible to know that I'm disgusted and to feel vindicated in knowing that they aren't the only one. I'm so sorry fellow mixed race queers. We deserve better from a "Star Trek show". And Spock as a character deserves so much more respect than he's ever given in reboot writing. A kid with a Spock action figure could conjure up a superior narrative.
I haven't been this angry since AOS (straight Spock [x2] White Khan [x1] mental diarrhea [x1000]).
There's so many types of Star Trek Show at this point that there is bound to be some contention over what is the "right vibe" and what is sacrilege but whatever the fuck SNW and AOS is dishing out is just sooooo far removed from everything I found appealing about Star Trek. Oooo big het guys do tuff stuff but never in a gay way (maybe throw a qweer in the background so people can't call out lack of rep) and also the enterprise looks like a migraine and maybe there's some explosions oooooooo [has a stroke and fucking dies]
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that poll post i made is getting so many notes holy shit. i like how unlike the spice tolerance poll i made a while back i'm actually seeing change and turnover (like james was winning for a while but now it's elizabeth)
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cowboy-robooty · 1 year
now that wiener has changed me i can show my true colors to you all. this is the equivalent of me posting my little prince on the internet okay because i genuinely think this is cringe and stupid but i cant help it i have autistic rage and everyday i fight against it. anyways the reason why its so big i like wieners itapan is bc this is how i actually feel about itapan
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its okay though because everyday i fight to cure myself of these aids (once i opened my social media app and saw itapan and my day genuinely felt significantly worse. ruined even. i am fighting so hard).
#BECAUSE I FOR REALSIES THINK ITS SO DUMB TO GET ACTUALLY DEADASS MAD AT FICTIONAL SHIPS#WHO THE FUCK CARES#AINT NOBODY CARE ABOUT THAT SHIT SHUT YO DUMBASS UP!!!!!#but my weakness... is itager... because idk im ill abt them its not a joke#ive been this way for like 6 years now#i can handle reading fanfics of germany x other characters bc germany literally never loves them#like all the fics i read of him x other characters is just him being tortured by them and he doesnt even like them#the only way he reciprocates their affections is literally after white room torture and getting turned into a different person#i believe that i think thats true thats the only way he could possibly show romantic affection to someone other than italy#i only can tolerate and sometimes enjoy content of germy/itatard x other people if its onesided and they dont love the other person#bc then im like yeah seems legit cuz theyd only love eachother in all universes#and i feel this way abt basically all of my ships i care abt bc im a monoshipper#but usually i wont give a fuck if i see them with other people im like that sucks lol but not my house not my soup!#BUT ITAGER....... IT MAKES ME CRAZY#IT MAKES ME ACT LIKE A FREAK ! I DONT ENDORSE MY OWN BEHAVIOR#thats why this is my shame............. this is my one true cringe and something i genuinely consider a flaw of mine#one of my few if not only autistic rage inducers............. please accept me for who i am. i am trying to fight this (ngl im losing but#we still try our best bc i want to have no weaknesses)#one of my few weaknesses.....#robooty dick pic
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parktheghost · 8 months
losing friends left right and centre when does the misery end
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really how the fuck do you even write a cover letter for a goddamn BARISTA PART TIME JOB
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troonwolf · 2 years
Anyway this post is about me:
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So I want to make some things very clear. 
I am doing this because I am sick of the gossip and badmouthing. This person has a much larger audience than me, many that are in the same fandoms as me and who sometimes interact with my art. I plan to open commissions in the future because I’m in desperate financial need, and someone smearing me like this (and name-dropping me, which I know he does in private) could seriously hurt my ability to earn in fandom spaces.
Additionally, I find it ridiculous that someone who claims to hate “toxic callout fandom culture” and etc, is doing to me exactly what he complains other people do: lying, exaggerating, and misrepresenting events to make someone look “problematic” and essentially unperson them in fandom.
With that said-
I have never harassed mywitchcultblr (the author of that post).
I have never sent them messages about Disney, Marvel, Ao3, whether on anon or personally. 
I in fact have never sent anyone messages about Marvel, Disney, Ao3, or ANYTHING else related to fandom.
Nor do I consider “all Ao3 users paedophiles”. I use Ao3. My boyfriend uses Ao3. My friends and mutuals use Ao3- this also goes for Disney and Marvel. Tons of people around me love those things.
No one around me cares that I sometimes criticise those things. When I do criticise those things, it’s always some dumb shitpost that I intentionally leave untagged so that it’s isolated in my own space.
The only time I ever approached mywitchcultblr about “discourse”, was to do with natural systems and DID, because I myself have DID. Even then I was civil, the conversation was over in a few messages, and we never spoke about it again.
When I first met Ann, his blog was a lot different from what it is now. There was barely any NSFW or kink, barely any fandom discourse. He just posted about fandom and LGBT stuff.
When he became involved in fandom discourse, began constantly posting untagged NSFW, being defensive when people asked him to tag things, and overall saying and doing things that made me uncomfortable or that I did strongly disagree with, I just blocked him.
We didn’t argue.
I didn’t send him any messages.
I didn’t send him any anons.
I blocked him and moved on. I set a boundary and moved on. That’s what you’re meant to do, right? Then why am I still hearing about it a year later?
Despite the fact I am just some guy he knew for a few months, he has this obsession with me as some kind of fallen father figure in his personal narrative. I’m always referred to as “someone I looked up to who disappointed me.”
This is inappropriate. I am no one’s role model. I didn’t consent to be your father figure and told you on several occasions how severely mentally ill I am. This would be parasocial if I was a bigger blogger but since I’m just some guy, it’s not quite that but still not healthy or reasonable. 
We were in each other’s lives for a few months and talked occasionally. That’s it.
We didn’t even argue or have a real “falling out”. I blocked him. There was no interaction. But ever since then he spreads more exaggerations and lies about me and I’m tired of it.
Don’t take the word of someone who knew me less than a few months, that I’m a toxic harasser, just because I stopped feeling comfortable on his blog and blocked him for my own comfort.
I wish him no ill will but I do wish he’d stop projecting his father issues onto me, and I don’t say that to be funny. it’s extremely weird and uncomfortable to be put in this situation of “I idolised you because you’re an older queer man in fandom and I’m going to make that your problem if you don’t live up to my ideals.”
I’m just some guy. I’m in my 30s, childless, homeless, gay, majorly spangled in the head. No one should be looking up to me. I shouldn’t be held accountable for other people’s made up versions of me. I think we can all agree that isn’t fair.
If he was just calling me a buzzkill or cynical or annoying, I’d fully agree with those statements lmao! But to say I’m toxic and that people around me will be harassed for disagreeing with me is an exaggeration of my character.
I also want to add that my boyfriend has attempted messaging him in order to have a civil discussion on why he keeps lying about me when it's been practically a year since I blocked him, but Ann doesn't respond.
Anyway, that’s all folks.
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cozy-the-overlord · 2 years
85% sure that my roommate had her boyfriend over last night and he’s still in the room rn and she didn’t tell me and I’m now having revelations about how I don’t think this is the first time this semester that she’s done this and it’s so wildly entertaining to me
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bigshotexpress · 2 months
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seeing billy next to skull merchant and twins scares me I do Not trust them to not fuck him over again.
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kaythefloppa · 2 months
The one good impact Bunk'd had is that it can serves the best example to why shows being renewed for more seasons past their prime is not always something to be celebrated over or fought for.
#disney#disney channel#bunk'd#bunk'd: learning the ropes#The show's final episodes are airing next week#And they're not going to cop-out with it like in S2 or S3 or S5#This is the legit end of the line#Already I am hyped#not for the plot or anything but solely because it's ending#bc it has gone on for way too long and has retconned and replaced too much of its characters to have retained any dignity#the love/hate relationship I have with the show is crazy lmao#The final episodes don't even look to be that great#Apart from some of the old cast coming back [not the Rosses or the OG cast from the old seasons btw]#we're ending the show on a wedding between the two characters and Lou is apparently getting a love interest???#when we only have 2 episodes left in the entire show??#and the ending's gonna be entirely around this new ranch from the previous season and not from the original camp we started off with?#with seemingly no mention of the S1-2 cast or the Ross kids to tie things up full circle?#and we're recycling that whole “will Lou give up on her camp?” plotline that's been present in every single season finale ever?#this is Lion Guard Season 3 levels of bad series finale writing#Everytime someone says that Lion Guard or Tangled or Owl House should've gotten more seasons I just tap the sign and point to Bunk'd#Because when Bunk'd could've ended off on a solid or grand note at 2 or 3 seasons it instead has been milked relentlessly#in such a way when after 7 seasons people are begging for it to end#and now it's ending and the only effect the audience will have is relief that it's not being milked anymore#this effect seems to have gone on to other Disney Channel franchises such as Raven's Home#where they're given new continuations even after they've already reached their prime and should be put to rest#but i digress#I can safely say that I have officially outlived Bunk'd
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getting-messi · 4 months
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*gossip girl voice*
Hey, did you guys miss me?
Time for an on brand depressed journal entry :(
#so I’m working this summer#which is crazy because I haven’t worked since august- I promised myself I’d focus fully on classes#this job is with the co-op program so my school gave it to me and it’s with the government#and lemme tell y’all - this is the worst shit ever#i basically work with the military (hijabi working with the feds????) on top of that they’ve made it mandatory to work in person#since it’s a classified area they don’t allow phones so u legit have to lock up your phones the entire day#my manager doesn’t respect me and basically asked me to be the admin person on the team EVEN THO I AM LITERALLY A MASTERS STUDENT#i have to drive 1 freaking hour to the job - it’s legit outside of the city#ANDDDDD one of the other students has been bothering me😵‍💫😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖#I AM SO ANNOYED AND ANGRY AT MY CURRENT POSITION#i paid an extra $800 out of pocket to be in this coop and they’ve given me the worst placement with the worst position#if I could I would’ve quit after the first week#i made the mistake of being nice to the student and telling him I like football and NOW HE WONT FREAKING LEAVE ME ALONEEEE#I’m so depressed I just want to be alone at lunch and while I work but he’s always messaging me and pestering me#like bruh not even my manager pays this much attention to me#I want to tell him to leave me alone but idk how without being rude#I’m trying to figure out a lie that will get my manager to let me work from home#this is the worst thing ever#I legit cry every morning before I go into work like this SUCKS#i really needed to get this out#being unemployed was the best thing ever#and I vow to never work a job that’s in person ever again
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neckromancy · 5 months
Sorry it's not necessarily self ship related, but it's kind-of hilarious that the only time I risked a 'save scum' in BG3 Honour Mode* was when I was not in a life/death scenario, but because I accidentally broke up with Astarion (misclick).
I could have corrupted my save file and lose everything so far, because I had to try to see if I could save the situation.
I ended up only losing an hour of gameplay and saved my relationship. Stressful in the moment, but gave me a chuckle afterwards.
*Honour mode: hardest game mode where you only have 1 save file, closing the game autosaves, and if your party dies it's game over: it's hardcore and what I did should not have been possible
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vermiliondrug · 10 months
I want to spam about My Time at Sandrock, but I am still far from finished with the game and I just want to play it during my free time 😭 honestly its such a good game, why isn't people simping over this game!!!
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great-and-small · 6 months
You know what I hate about the internet? Sometimes people will just lazily slap a “citation” on an infographic and trust that they’ll be completely taken at their word and nobody is going to dig deeper. And it works all the time. As an example, please look at this photo someone posted to dispute my assertion that garlic can be toxic to dogs.
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Okay well, kind of a pain to manually type in that link but obviously I am going to look into this study that is confident enough to recommend people feeding their dogs garlic. So here’s the article, kind of a weird journal choice for this graphic to reference from but looks like a legit (though 20 year old) study
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Funny thing is, almost immediately this article acknowledges that garlic can indeed be toxic to dogs. The health benefits mentioned in the graphic are referring to human health, not canine. This section is literally in the introduction of the article and one of the first things you read. Emphasis here is mine.
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Crazy to me that someone would imply that this article encourages giving dogs garlic when it in fact immediately asserts that doing so has the potential to cause hemolytic anemia. The article does explore the anti-thrombotic effects of garlic components in dogs and humans, but by no means does it say that “contrary to misconceptions garlic is safe for pets”. It is dishonest to assert this in an infographic. However the creator of the image correctly assumed nobody would check, because the person who posted it took it as fact without further investigation.
I am begging you to be skeptical. Check your sources. Check their sources. Check my sources. Learn how to dig deeper and exercise that muscle as much as you can, especially on the internet. You will be absolutely shocked how much misinformation is casually stated and received as pure fact.
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