#because i had to get up earlier then usual and annoyingly fell asleep quite late (later than usual anyways)
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(almost) fully independent at clicky and zoomy stuff
this morning i received training to use an electron microscope independently! i'm now allowed to open and close a vacuum chamber on my own and play the video game of aligning everything to make the focus better! it's honestly mostly just clicking buttons in a software and carefully sliding a door open and close lol
in the afternoon after installing all the equipment i'll need in the vacuum chamber i was allowed to operate the microscope on my own and managed to measure two samples. the other seven i'll hopefully manage in the next two days :)
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wizisbored · 3 years
My brain is in Big Stupid Mode™ rn, so I can't think of any specific prompts, but how about some Lab 4 paulkins?
God i relate,, brain has been Big Stupid for an annoyingly long time now. honestly im not sure whether im going to have them end up definitely in a relationship in this but they still love each other no matter what because thats paulkins, baybeeeee
For fifteen minutes now, Paul has been definitively thrashing Emma at mario kart. But that's expected, since she's never so much as held a controller before. He tries to give her tips - don’t tilt it quite so far, try not to get too excited, focus a little less on parroting the soundtrack - and while she does improve, she’s got nothing on Paul.
“Damn, dude, are you even physically capable of coming below 3rd?” Emma asks as she sets down her controller after another race. Paul shrugs. “I’ve just had more practice,” he says, watching the results flip up on the screen. “But hey, you got 6th! That’s a new record for you, right?” “Mmhm,” Emma agrees, rubbing at her eyes, barely suppressing a yawn. “Tired?” She nods. “Up late?” “No, no, I just… I get drowsy sometimes.” The man’s brow furrows. “That doesn’t seem entirely healthy, Em.” But she just shakes her head. “It’s alright, really. My dad would’ve picked up on any serious issues.” She yawns again. “‘S just a little annoying sometimes.” “You wanna sit out the next race?” “Mmkay.”
Paul’s performance is a little worse than usual, with the distraction of Emma going from watching the screen to slowly slumping down onto the sofa to curling up beside him with her hair tickling his thigh. He can’t help taking his eyes off the race every so often to check on her, often being met with brown-streaked blue eyes and a sleepy smile. But when the last lap comes around he turns his full attention back to the game, and ends up in fourth place.
“There, Emma! I am capable of coming below third!” There’s no response, and he looks down to see Emma laid with one arm and one leg hanging off the sofa. He leans down to look at her face, and finds her fast asleep. “Em?” She gives a quiet “mh,” in her sleep and rolls over - an action that requires him scrambling to catch her before she falls off the sofa entirely. He succeeds in this, though in doing so he finds himself holding his friend(?) half-on and half-off his tiny sofa. “Ah. Okay.” He manages to shift her fully into his arms, but even with this jostling she barely stirs. “Damn, you really are out of it,” he mutters to himself as he stands. Even with her small size the sofa isn’t really big enough to comfortably sleep on, so he shoulders open his bedroom door and carefully lays her on the bed before pulling out his phone.
“...Paul?” Looking up, he sees the woman looking up at him with half-closed eyes. “Wha…” “You fell asleep on the sofa, Em, I thought-” “‘M sorry.” “Huh?” Still clearly barely awake, she attempts to push herself onto her elbows. “Sorry I fell asleep.” “Hey, it’s okay! I was gonna set an alarm for ten-to, just let you nap it out.” “Oh. Would that be… are you sure that’s okay?” “That’s fine.” Seemingly relieved, she collapses back onto the bed, closing her eyes again. “Can you set it 5 minutes earlier?” “Sure.” He turns to leave, looking down at his phone. “Paul?” “Hm?” He looks up at her again. Her eyes are half-open once more. “You don’ have to, but… Stay?” she mumbles. “Uh. Sure.”
He hopes he isn’t blushing as much as he thinks he is. The woman seems almost surprised that he agreed, but quickly settles beside him when he takes a seat on the bed. He lets out a quiet snort of laughter when she squeaks a little as she yawns again. “You’re adorable.” It slips out without him thinking, and his eyes go wide when he realises what he just said. But, to his relief, he hears her chuckle. “How dare you.” It’s lucky she’s closed her eyes again, because he’s definitely blushing now. “H-hey, I’m just telling the truth!” “Yeah, sure… G’night, Paul.” “It’s nowhere near night.” “Don’t give a shit.” “I don’t doubt it.” No response - she’s out again, a small smile on her face this time. He can’t help smiling too, resting a hand gently on her shoulder as she rolls over towards him and sighs contentedly in her sleep.
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babyshawwn · 6 years
Surrender | Blurb
Word count: 2.6k. 
A/N: Because I’ve been in a soft mood lately. 
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Though snow had begun falling yesterday and hadn’t stopped even once over the night, a small trickle of warmth from the early morning sun streamed into the familiar, dim bedroom that I occasionally shared with my boyfriend and forced a slight heat to rise in the large, white room little by little. 
The blinds weren’t rolled down completely and the sun reflecting on the surface of white snow outside, slowly began lightening the room and somewhat pulled me from my drowse. Rolling over to face towards the window, still completely stunned by the CN tower covered in snow and the Christmas lights hanging on almost every corner of the street, I hadn’t quite gotten used to the beautiful view just yet. 
What I had already gotten used to was falling asleep and waking up next to Shawn. Though we hadn’t been dating all that long, it had easily become my favourite thing in the world. 
My fingers slid across the warm, white bedsheets as I reached for Shawn’s bare back. My eyes popped wide open as my hands, to my great disappointment, didn’t find what they had begun searching for. 
Peering slightly confused around the room, I found Shawn’s side of the bed empty and he was nowhere else to be seen. 
I’m not sure why but a slight yank of distress reached the surface of my stomach. I couldn’t name anything better than waking up to his cute little snores and his warm body just a few inches next to mine, his hair all messy and his cheeks just a tad more heated than otherwise. 
Rubbing my eyes to get rid of the still blurry vision, I pushed my heavy body up, wondering where the hell my panties ended up after last night. 
We had been at a Christmas party with his friends, whom always managed to drink him completely under the table while playing beer pong. Shawn was convinced that Brian cheated each time and the rest of us were fully aware that Shawn always lost simply because he sucked. 
But okay, Brian and I had a lot of practice from Uni, maybe too much practice to be completely honest, and Shawn had absolutely none. 
When we got home at three in the morning, Shawn had been quite eager to say the least and our clothes had been thrown carelessly on the floor all over the apartment while making our way towards his bedroom. 
Shawn was a horny drunk, heck, it didn’t take much more than a couple of beers before he started sending dirty texts and teasing stares from across the room. 
But hey, who isn’t a sucker for sloppy drunk sex? 
Running a hand through my messy hair and gently tugging the usual knots apart, I studied the room for my clothes but gave up rather quickly, reaching for one of Shawn’s white t-shirt and tugged it over my body with a tired smile on my lips as the scent of his strong cologne spread within the matter of seconds after pulling it over my head. 
It was big enough to cover my ass and there would be no need to search further for the lost panties. Letting my bare feet settle on the cold floor, a shiver ran down my spine and I swayed across the wooden floor, picking up Shawn’s jeans from last night and hanging them across the chair in the corner as I heard faint music somewhere down the hallway. 
A slight giggle rolled out of my mouth as I imagined him dancing along in his boxers while the radio played in the background. He did that a lot. I loved how, despite his choice of career, he still became rather embarrassed when I caught him jamming out to Kings of Leon. 
As I continued padding my way towards the source of the music, a burnt smell seemed to spread as I realised Shawn was fumbling around in the kitchen, just down the hall. 
More than one thing was rather strange about this particular, cold December morning in Shawn’s Toronto based flat. 
For one, Shawn never got up earlier than noon after a hefty night of drinking. Even on weekdays, where I was technically the only one who had to wake up early, I only managed to get him out of bed after at least ten minutes of persuading and negotiating about how I was going to make up for dragging him out of his comfy bed. 
Often, it involved some begging and very little clothing. 
Secondly, Shawn barely used the kitchen at all. Truth be told, he usually avoided going in there and to be completely honest, that was probably for the best. This kid could set cereal on fire.
Or burn something as easy as rice whenever I left him in charge for less than four minutes without supervision. 
So what on earth was he doing up this early and why the heck was he in the kitchen? 
The realistic answer might be that he was still slightly drunk and had simply gotten lost on his way to the bathroom in the middle of the night to go for a pee. 
Yes, that was actually easier to believe than Shawn willingly waking up before a quarter to nine. 
As I made it into the kitchen, I simply couldn’t help the tiny smile that slipped across my lips at the sight that met me. 
Shawn was standing by the sink, shirtless with a pair of grey sweatpants hanging lose from his hips. His hair was messy and the curls uncontrolled, falling into his eyes without him caring and his face was heated and had become a beautiful pinkish colour. 
Shawn was cussing as he dropped a hot pan into the sink, smoke from something burnt I couldn’t quite put my finger on clotting around him, whining in pain and muttering complaints to himself, his voice still rather husky from sleep and last night’s heavy drinking. 
Yeah, Shawn and cooking really wasn’t a match. 
Leaning against the counter, resting my chin in my palm, a small giggly sound escaping my lips, as I watched my boyfriend violently stabbing a piece of burnt toast with a knife as if it would somehow make it better. 
The teakettle made a high pitch sound – that apparently seemed unfamiliar enough to frighten Shawn – and there for the poor guy dropped the over-done toast into the sink. 
I had to hold back a laughter by biting into my bottom lip as Shawn began swearing under his breath, throwing spoons and forks across the kitchen in anger, while talking about how trashy the kitchen machines were and how no one beside professional chefs could possibly work these stupid things. 
“So you’re making breakfast?” I giggled in disbelieve as he spun around seconds after. 
His eyes seemed slightly confused, a little frightened but most of all annoyed with the entire situation he had gotten himself into. 
It was rather cute.
Shawn blushed slightly as he caught the state of the kitchen, but I couldn’t help but laugh the adorable face he was unwillingly making. 
“Yeah, I uhm. Wanted to surprise you, I guess. Being the day before Christmas and all…” Shawn shrugged, his hand scratching the back of his neck as he realized his defeat. “Didn’t really go as planned.” 
“You don’t say.” 
I raised an eyebrow at him and pushed myself to sit on the counter as Shawn made his way towards me. 
“Just get it over with, okay?” He told me, rolling his eyes annoyingly, despite the loving smile that was planted on his face. 
“I didn’t say anything.” 
“But I know you want to. Come at me, I’m a big boy, I can take it.”  
Shawn placed his soft hands on my tights before spreading them apart - just enough for him to get between them - and pulled my body just a little closer to his. 
I folded my arms around his neck and gave him a soft peck on the tip of his nose. His broad, naked chest were brushing softly against mine when he moved and it sent multiple vibrations through my body and forced a pull in my stomach. 
“I’ll give you an A for effort?” 
“I’ll take what I can get.” He joked, his eyes rolling at me. 
“I love you for wanting to make me breakfast, though. That was sweet of you.”
Shawn rested his head on my collarbone as his arms wrapped around my waist and he pressed his face against my skin. My fingers disappeared into his messy hair and I locked my legs around his hips to keep him close. 
Shawn was warm, as always, and the movement from his fingertips on my lower back made a tickly feeling reach the tip of my toes. 
Shawn’s soft lips were muttering sweet words against my bare skin, I couldn’t really hear what he was saying, but the tickle from his plump lips forced a heat to rise in my cheeks. 
The more time I spend with him, the more my heart began to feel things, I never thought could happen to someone like me. It was weird to me, really. 
I was never the girl to believe in a love like this, a love like all the movies or a love like Shawn write songs about. I was never the girl to believe in a happy ever after or that men could actually be reliable. I had been let down too many times. 
And now, I felt… wrong whenever I wasn’t around him. I had gotten used to his loving and caring ways when I was with him. Gotten attached to his beyond beautiful soul and big, warm heart. I was slowly but surely becoming addicted to his affection and his heart. 
Suddenly, I didn’t feel the kind of empty I had been feeling since the first time my heart got broken. I wasn’t drowning anymore; my head wasn’t constantly under water. I could breathe when I was around him. 
And having him as close as he was now, exploded my heart with a kind of love, I never knew existed. A kind of love, I never thought someone as cynical as I was, would ever be able to find, would ever be able to believe in. 
But I did now, I did believe in Shawn’s heart. I believed in his intentions, his promises. In him. For the first time in my life. 
Shawn’s fingers moved to my thighs and his thumbs began moving around in small circles as he tilted his head to look towards mine. 
“What are you thinking about?” He wondered as his eyes fell on mine. 
Shawn found my fingers and intertwined them with his, pulling to his mouth to place a warm and loving kiss on my knuckles. Pecking softly here and there without letting go of my hand. 
“It’s nothing, it’s stupid.” I told him, heated raising within seconds. 
“Nothing you say is stupid.” He assured, his warm eyes locking with mine. “I love hearing your thoughts, I love when you share what you’re thinking about.”
“It’s moments like this one here that makes me wish I had fallen in love with you years ago.” My eyes flickering slightly to the floor. “And I… I could get kinda used to being someone you love. Even when you nearly set the house on fire.” 
Shawn didn’t respond with his words, but his reached for my cheek to attach our lips together softly. Leaning further into the kiss, his sweetness made it to my mouth, and a warmth ran down my spine. 
“I could get kinda used to loving you.” He muttered into my mouth, gasping slightly for air. 
Breaking the kiss his forehead rested on mine, his eyes shut as his nose tip brushed lightly against mine. 
It was the softest moment we had ever shared, right here on the counter in a messy kitchen with a rather burnt smell hanging thick in the air, but it was perfect and all I ever wanted. 
“Please be gentle with me, okay?” I whispered against his lips as I felt a small yank in my heart. 
As soon as those tiny but fragile words had escaped my mouth, Shawn’s hold around my tiny body tightened to reassure me that I would always be safe with him. 
“I’m going to love you until you believe in love again. That’s one thing I can easily promise you.” He hummed back. 
“I’m really happy when I’m with you, Shawn.” 
“I’m really happy when you’re with me too.” He whispered back, once again allowing his head to rest on my shoulder. 
He began planting small kisses along my neck as his fingers once again continued embracing my lower back in such a loving way it left tickling traces behind. 
Shawn cuddled further into my arms and I let my chin rest on the top of his head, his curls tickling my throat whenever he moved just an inch. The warmth from his body heated mine as his arms locked tenderly around my waist and he slid me to the edge of the counter to get a better hold around me. 
I had noticed how he loved placing his head close to my chest, how he felt somewhat calmer when I held him like that, when I allowed him to listen to my heart beat against my chest. 
Shawn had surrounded everything he had to me and I was slowly beginning to surrender my heart to him as well. Little by little, I gave him pieces to cherish and hold in his hands. 
It was fucking terrifying but it was also nice - for once - not feeling incredibly lonely during the holiday where everyone else usually felt the most love. And finally, I had someone to spend Christmas with. 
“God, I never really get tired of this view.” I muttered to myself in awe as my eyes fell on the rather large windows across from the open kitchen. 
Toronto was covered in snow and a dim clod had begun covering the sky but it just made it all that much cosier to me. Peaceful really. 
“Well, I like this view better.” Shawn said, his eyes falling on me sitting on the kitchen counter. “You, in my favourite t-shirt, obviously naked underneath with your messy hair and your drowsy eyes. That’s a view I could never get tired of.” He hummed sweetly as he leaned down and kissed the top of my shoulder ever so gently. 
I couldn’t stop the heat raising in my cheeks as a strange but balminess feeling took over. A warmth tugged in my stomach as his plump lips continuedly brushed against my skin, leaving a vibration trace down my neck. His lips began to wander and a few bites found its way to my body. 
“I’d much rather eat you for breakfast.” He gasped into my neck. 
I swallowed at his teasing words, shutting my eyes to deal with the amount of pressure his actions were giving me. 
“Well, nothing’s stopping you.” I hummed back sweetly, a tiny stutter creeping in. “I’d like to think I’m a bit better tasting than your burnt toast.” 
Shawn pushed the oversized t-shirt above my head and let it fall to the floor as he shook his head playfully at me. 
“Well, let’s find out.” He teased, a smug appearing on his lips. 
With his left hand, he forced my back down on the counter, pushed my legs apart and attached his lips my core and his head began moving between my trembling legs. 
Oh yes. I was indeed, in more ways than one, beginning to surrender myself fully to Shawn.  
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spamela-hamderson · 6 years
Another kiss, and you’ll be mine
For @matan4il <3
Tags: Fluff, Smut, The smallest hint of angst
He remembers the first time they’d spent a night together. Remembers watching the pale blue tint of Robert’s skin against the hotel sheets, remembers the breathy little snores that puffed out of Robert’s sleep slack mouth. It’d taken him a long time to fall asleep that night, even though he was exhausted from the drive and from the reason they were there in the first place. He’d been too excited for the chance to soak up every inch of this new Robert; his face relaxed and honest, freshly washed hair drying flat against his head. His fingers had twitched with the sudden need to smooth Robert’s fringe away from his eyes, but he couldn’t risk him waking up to that. So he’d stayed as still as he could and stared like a creep instead, losing himself in the fantasy of another life in a way he was too careful to do when Robert was awake. Taken in every dark freckle, every shift behind his lids. Just in case he never got to have that again.
It’d been a lot easier to convince himself that this was just sex when all they had was a sneaky hour at a time of kissing-fucking-fighting-laughing against the nearest—hidden—uncomfortable surface. Two hours if they were lucky, before Robert had to run back home to keep his already broken promises to Chrissie. But under that duvet? With Robert’s clammy toes seeking his out and Aaron’s heart annoyingly melty with the newly gained knowledge that he mumbled in his sleep?
He’d known then, hadn’t he? For sure. This was something else. Something much more. This was it.
The blood had rushed to his ears and he’d felt the heavy thump thump thump thump of his heart right between his eyes. It was meant to be easy, this. Just a bit of fun with the poncey git; a distraction from the dead-end his life had come to. Only, he’d gone and fucked it all up, as usual. Feeling way too much, all at once. And now he was fantasising about stroking the man’s hair, for god’s sake. Acting like he had any right to a normal life when he was just another messed up, self-destructive thug who pushed people away and felt sorry for himself. He had nothing real to offer. Wasn’t sure he was real sometimes.
But maybe that didn’t matter. In this in-between place, where he was Robert’s and Robert wasn’t his, he could play pretend to his heart’s content and get to share in this insane life for a little while. What was a little heartbreak, anyway? Nothing he couldn’t handle. It was a small price to pay for feeling like he was exactly where he belonged when they were alone together.
“‘ron? Wait,”
He’d been close to sleep when he heard it. Felt his cheeks heat up, bit his lip against the smile that threatened to spill over. It could be anything, really. Robert could’ve just been waking up.
But maybe… did he dream about him too?
You see, sometimes he thought Robert might feel the same. When he was feeling brave, when he’d just had a whole hour of Robert smiling at him like he was something good, or–
You’ll make me think I fell for a quitter.
He’d said that. Like it was nothing. Like he hadn’t blown Aaron away, out of nowhere.
So yeah.
Sometimes he thought he might get to keep whatever this was. Maybe this wasn’t just sex for Robert either. Maybe the best he’ll ever get won’t be one night in a hotel room. Robert wasn’t married yet. Anything could happen. Maybe - just maybe - this time he’d be enough.
It’s late.
He’s dipping in and out of consciousness, stroking the slick softness of Robert’s inner thigh and toying with the coarse hair there that kept getting caught under his ring. He could feel Robert’s sweat drying fast, a wave of goosebumps coming up in its wake. Robert insisted on turning any room they slept in into an icebox. Not that Aaron could complain too much when he made up for it by laying his post-sex warm body on top of him, knee curled up around his hip and shoulders pressing Aaron back into the mattress; His very own human blanket against the biting cold.
Aaron’s usually very aware of the years that have passed since those early months of confusion and chaos. Grateful that they’d moved away from all of that and grown closer. He still thinks back fondly of all their firsts, sure he does, but he wouldn’t give up what they have now for anything.
Something about tonight shrinks those years into nothing, though, and Aaron misses him. Suddenly. Desperately. Even when he’s right here, pressed so close his scent is almost suffocating and Aaron can really only see about 6 inches of blue-lit skin in front of him. His heart stutters in his chest, and for a quick second, he can’t quite figure out how to get his breath back.
It’s why he thinks the gasp comes from him. Until he feels Robert push his head insistently against his cheek, that is.
“Wha’s that for?” he whines, eyes shut and deeply annoyed frown in place.
Is he talking in his sleep again? But then he gets out of his head enough to register the tight grip he has on Robert’s inner thigh. Shit. He must’ve pulled at his hair by accident or something.
“Shh, sorry. Go back to sleep,” he says, smoothing over him with his voice and his palm.
He hopes he doesn’t, though. In fact, he’s quite glad he isn’t up on his own anymore, and he’s not ready for Robert to leave him alone again. Aaron’s well aware of how needy he’s being but he can’t handle tonight, doesn’t want to remember feeling so lost and unsure about Robert’s feelings for him. He just has to give Robert a reason to stay up with him.
Aaron slides his hand down under Robert’s arse with more purpose this time, “Or we could…” leaves the suggestion unspoken with his fingers casually cupping Robert’s balls.
“Wha–, again? Ha! Can’t get enough of me, I see.” He’s moved off of Aaron a little so he can wiggle his eyebrows at him like the absolute embarrassment that he is, eyes still barely open. Aaron’s definitely not charmed by it, no. Nor does he want to dwell on why that just makes his dick fill up faster.
“You talk too much for someone who’s just woken up.”
“And you are insatiable,” Robert purrs into Aaron’s neck, sounding pleased and beyond proud of the effect he has on him after all these years.
“Don’t think you’re actually complaining, mate.” Aaron suspects he might not be paying attention anymore, with the way he’s starting to pant hot and wet into his shoulder. That’s probably Aaron’s fault, though. He’s been rubbing his fingers between those cheeks, dipping them into his fucked out hole every few passes and enjoying the helpless little sounds coming from Robert as he pushes back into his hand in vain. Except the movement is dragging Robert’s heavy cock along Aaron’s and now he’s the one frantically pressing him closer and grinding up against him.
“Fuck.” Four years and he still feels thoroughly shaken up by him, rock hard from seconds of this. Robert tries to line them up better, gets a fist ‘round their cocks, rubs over the top and down the shaft, causing an obscene amount of pre-come to drip. He moves on instinct, chasing that feeling; the high of touching, pushing, stroking, breathing each other in. His erratic rhythm briefly slips when Aaron pulls his leg up higher and shoves his own greedy fingers in, firm, unrelenting. “S’good, Aaron, feels– Aaron, I–” Aaron catches his lips with his own. He knows he’s probably still feeling sore from earlier, knows how wild Robert gets at that little extra bit of hurt as Aaron rubs his wide fingers up into him and tugs at his rim, and he wants to give him something else to focus on. Wants this moment to last as long as it can.
Robert’s too exhausted to kiss. Instead, he tongues at his mouth, licking in and breathing hot all over. There’s not a hint of finesse. It’s sloppy and too wet and everything Aaron needs now, god, it makes his cock pulse so hard he’s feeling it in his toes.
He feels Robert start to rut against him, his strokes turning more insistent, little ah ah ahs pushed out against his cheek, and knows he’s nearing the edge. Aaron’s not ready though, and he doesn’t want to be left behind. It’s stupid, yeah, but he really can’t bear the thought of Robert getting off and falling asleep again, leaving him alone with the thoughts he’s been trying to ignore. It’s too late, though. Robert spills himself over his knuckles. Biting down on Aaron’s lip on reflex before licking over it in distracted apology while Aaron slips his fingers out of him and pets his bum with regret. He moves to look down at Aaron, giddy, satisfied smile in place, right up until it freezes and turns confused instead. Something of Aaron’s quiet dread must’ve bled through on his face and in the way he holds on tighter because Robert suddenly looks more awake than he’s been this entire time.
“Hey. Hey, come on, what’s the matter?”
“Nothing, just stay with me.” It rushes out of him, urgent, and that’s just great, isn’t it? He sounds like a right nutter. Robert seems to agree as well, going by the look on his face.
“Yeah, ’course. Where else would I be, you idiot?” He’s laughing at him but he’s doing it in that soft way of his, so Aaron doesn’t feel too embarrassed. He’s trying not to, at least.
“Right. Where were we?” Robert barely gets the words out before he’s got Aaron thrusting up into the fist wrapped around his cock. He pins him down by sitting on his knees and sets a maddeningly steady pace, stubbornly not giving in to Aaron’s pleas for him to go faster, slower, and all Aaron can do is hold on for the ride as he’s shoved quite rudely over the edge.
He blinks his eyes open and all he sees is Robert, looking straight at him as he licks their come off his fingers. He’s spent, it shouldn’t be so mind-numbingly hot. But he lets out a tortured little groan anyway, as he feels himself give a final twitch.
He might have gotten a little carried away with watching pink mouth slide against wet skin, his own falling open in helpless echo, so he doesn’t really register it getting closer until he feels hot breath on his lips. And then Robert’s kissing him, feeding come into his mouth, dominating him with that bitter saltiness. All Aaron knows to do then is pull him down the whole way and take.
It takes him a while to gather his wits after that. He’s probably staring up at Robert with a come-stupid smile, but he can’t quite muster the energy to rearrange his face into something half decent. Robert smiles at him, thumbs fondly at his kiss-sore lips, before bending down for one more kiss, two more, a nibble, like he can’t keep away.
“There,” Robert pats him on the cheek, condescending pout on in full force. God, what now? “Stop thinking so much. No need to stress your brain out for no reason.”
What a twat. “Ugh, get lost.” He pushes him off, still somewhat shaky from the orgasm, and turns onto his side before Robert can catch his scowl slipping. He really doesn’t need the encouragement.
“No, Aaron, I can’t, or you’ll be sad again,” Robert declares, overly dramatic, overly irritating, as he pulls Aaron backwards onto their bed, and dives in to plant damp kisses all over his face. “Robert, nonono, stop!” He’s in tears because Robert’s jammed his fingers into his sides and he’s relentless. There’s no way he’s going down without a fight now. They tussle in bed for a minute more, until Robert accidentally slaps him hard in the nose with an errant, flailing arm and nearly ends up on the floor trying to escape Aaron’s vengeful kick.
He pulls him towards the middle of the bed, keeps pulling until Robert gets the hint and lays over him again (honestly, fuck this icebox room), and rolls his eyes at Robert’s grumblings about how he could have really hurt his back, Aaron. “Yes, alright, time for bed, grandad.”
12:30 am, the bedside alarm reads. Yeah, it’s time for bed.
“Happy Valentine’s, Mr Dingle.”
Robert snores in response.
“Y’know, this would’ve been a lot more romantic if you’d just stayed in bed like you were supposed to.” Robert’s trying to make them some ricotta pancakes, except he’d forgotten to make the strawberry glaze last night, and now he’s going to have to do that while making sure the pancakes don’t burn. And Aaron’s been no help whatsoever, sitting on the countertop with his foot wandering up Robert’s leg every ten seconds. He’s thisclose to turning the heat off and dragging him back upstairs, except he knows that’s been Aaron’s plan all along and he’s not giving in to it, damn it. He’s waited long enough for this.
“Tch. You were takin’ too long.” His voice is all sleep rough, eyes still slowly blinking away the night, as the beginnings of a pout take form on his lips. God, he’s so–
No. Focus, Sugden.
He moves a couple more steps to the left and continues mashing the strawberries. Let’s see him try his seduction tactics from all the way over there. He sneaks a glance at Aaron then, sees him sulk at the new distance between them. But at least he isn’t moving to rectify it. Good. Now he can concentrate on making this the best Valentine’s day breakfast Aaron has ever had.
“Ey, could you pass me the cheese? It’s behind…” Robert realises his mistake too late, as Aaron slowly slides off the countertop in a way that pulls his T-shirt taut over his chest, grabs the packet of ricotta behind him, and makes his way over to where Robert’s been innocently mixing the wet ingredients. All the while maintaining intense eye contact.
“Here you go.”
“Uh, thanks.” He sounds like he’s had sand with his morning coffee.
Aaron hops back on again, this time, much closer to Robert. He leans back on his arms a little, dropping his eyes down to Robert’s mouth before skimming them back up. “Don’t mention it.”
Ok, that’s it. He’s spent too much time and money having David order this particular brand of ricotta that’s supposed to be out-of-this-world, creamy according to suzy_bakes:)_52. He’s not having Aaron sabotage his plans with his face. “If you’re trying to distract me from my pancakes, it won’t work. They’re going to be perfect, so help me!” Aaron looks… alarmed. Which is fair, considering how shrill his voice got at the end there. “I’m not trying to keep you from your pancakes, you muppet.”
Oh. Then why was he… oh.
“What?” Aaron wants to know, smile already stretching in response to Robert’s.
He remembers how Aaron was last Valentine’s day, of course he does. It had been the best night in a long while.
It’s just. He’d been too nervous to appreciate the looks, then. So he’d shied away from every heated stare instead. Made desperate excuses to himself for every flirty grin he got. Timid in a way he’d never been before, even as his heart stubbornly lit up with new hope. He wasn’t going to overstep.
His friendship with Aaron hadn’t been new, no, but it’d been confusing. It had grown out of everything else they felt for each other, and he hadn’t known how to be one without being all of it. He’d tried though, had to, to stay in Aaron’s life. And Aaron—as usual—had refused to be helpful in any way, giving away soft words and softer smiles like he was done holding them in. Like he was allowed to.
He doesn’t want to think about that anymore. Not when he gets to bask in this now. He sets his bowl down and moves to stand between Aaron’s legs. The pancakes can wait. “Do you like seeing me in the kitchen, is that it? Maybe I should nick a chef’s hat from the pub next time. Work it into our bedroom repertoire.”
“Alright,” Aaron squints up at him in disgust, even as his hands slide under his shirt to pull him in closer, “you don’t have to get all weird about it.”
“Right, I’m the weird one here.”
“Always.” But then he breaks into a smile so unbearably tender, Robert’s finding it hard to take offence. He’d be more embarrassed if he wasn’t so selfish. No one’s ever been this for him, before. Known every part of him. Fought with every part of him, and still looked at him like he was something amazing. The way he feels when Aaron looks at him like that—He never wants to lose it again. He won’t.
“Don’t worry so much about today, Rob. We’ll make it perfect for us. Just like we did last year.”
Except better. Because this time, Robert gets to trade aimless kisses with Aaron, and think about maybe bringing this over to the couch to turn into a proper make-out session since Liv’s still out with Jacob. Only, he’s interrupted by a cheeky slap on the bum and Aaron pulling back with a self-satisfied smirk. “You can get back to work now. Wouldn’t want to come between you and your precious pancakes.”
“Our precious pancakes,” Robert corrects, just to see him snort.
Then he turns back to the bowl because these eggs aren’t going to beat themselves. And if he flexes his arms a little, folding the ricotta in, well. Aaron’s not going to complain, is he?
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Another kiss, and you’ll be mine
@matan4il , Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you have a wonderful day –S.V.💘
Another kiss, and you’ll be mine
Tags: Fluff, Smut
He remembers the first time they’d spent a night together. Remembers watching the pale blue tint of Robert’s skin against the hotel sheets, remembers the breathy little snores that puffed out of Robert’s sleep slack mouth. It’d taken him a long time to fall asleep that night, even though he was exhausted from the drive and from the reason they were there in the first place. He’d been too excited for the chance to soak up every inch of this new Robert; his face relaxed and honest, freshly washed hair drying flat against his head. His fingers had twitched with the sudden need to smooth Robert’s fringe away from his eyes, but he couldn’t risk him waking up to that. So he’d stayed as still as he could and stared like a creep instead, losing himself in the fantasy of another life in a way he was too careful to do when Robert was awake. Taken in every dark freckle, every shift behind his lids. Just in case he never got to have that again...
It’d been a lot easier to convince himself that this was just sex when all they had was a sneaky hour at a time of kissing-fucking-fighting-laughing against the nearest—hidden—uncomfortable surface. Two hours if they were lucky, before Robert had to run back home to keep his already broken promises to Chrissie. But under that duvet? With Robert’s clammy toes seeking his out and Aaron’s heart annoyingly melty with the newly gained knowledge that he mumbled in his sleep?
He’d known then, hadn’t he? For sure. This was something else. Something much more. This was it.
The blood had rushed to his ears and he’d felt the heavy thump thump thump thump of his heart right between his eyes. It was meant to be easy, this. Just a bit of fun with the poncey git; a distraction from the dead-end his life had come to. Only, he’d gone and fucked it all up, as usual. Feeling way too much, all at once. And now he was fantasising about stroking the man’s hair, for god’s sake. Acting like he had any right to a normal life when he was just another messed up, self-destructive thug who pushed people away and felt sorry for himself. He had nothing real to offer. Wasn’t sure he was real sometimes.
But maybe that didn’t matter. In this in-between place, where he was Robert’s and Robert wasn’t his, he could play pretend to his heart’s content and get to share in this insane life for a little while. What was a little heartbreak, anyway? Nothing he couldn’t handle. It was a small price to pay for feeling like he was exactly where he belonged when they were alone together.
“‘ron? Wait,”
He’d been close to sleep when he heard it. Felt his cheeks heat up, bit his lip against the smile that threatened to spill over. It could be anything, really. Robert could’ve just been waking up.
But maybe… did he dream about him too?
You see, sometimes he thought Robert might feel the same. When he was feeling brave, when he’d just had a whole hour of Robert smiling at him like he was something good, or–
You’ll make me think I fell for a quitter.
He’d said that. Like it was nothing. Like he hadn’t blown Aaron away, out of nowhere.
So yeah.
Sometimes he thought he might get to keep whatever this was. Maybe this wasn’t just sex for Robert either. Maybe the best he’ll ever get won’t be one night in a hotel room. Robert wasn’t married yet. Anything could happen. Maybe - just maybe - this time he’d be enough.
It’s late.
He’s dipping in and out of consciousness, stroking the slick softness of Robert’s inner thigh and toying with the coarse hair there that kept getting caught under his ring. He could feel Robert’s sweat drying fast, a wave of goosebumps coming up in its wake. Robert insisted on turning any room they slept in into an icebox. Not that Aaron could complain too much when he made up for it by laying his post-sex warm body on top of him, knee curled up around his hip and shoulders pressing Aaron back into the mattress; His very own human blanket against the biting cold.
Aaron’s usually very aware of the years that have passed since those early months of confusion and chaos. Grateful that they’d moved away from all of that and grown closer. He still thinks back fondly of all their firsts, sure he does, but he wouldn’t give up what they have now for anything.
Something about tonight shrinks those years into nothing, though, and Aaron misses him. Suddenly. Desperately. Even when he’s right here, pressed so close his scent is almost suffocating and Aaron can really only see about 6 inches of blue-lit skin in front of him. His heart stutters in his chest, and for a quick second, he can’t quite figure out how to get his breath back.
It’s why he thinks the gasp comes from him. Until he feels Robert push his head insistently against his cheek, that is.
“Wha’s that for?” he whines, eyes shut and deeply annoyed frown in place.
Is he talking in his sleep again? But then he gets out of his head enough to register the tight grip he has on Robert’s inner thigh. Shit. He must’ve pulled at his hair by accident or something.
“Shh, sorry. Go back to sleep,” he says, smoothing over him with his voice and his palm.
He hopes he doesn’t, though. In fact, he’s quite glad he isn’t up on his own anymore, and he’s not ready for Robert to leave him alone again. Aaron’s well aware of how needy he’s being but he can’t handle tonight, doesn’t want to remember feeling so lost and unsure about Robert’s feelings for him. He just has to give Robert a reason to stay up with him.
Aaron slides his hand down under Robert’s arse with more purpose this time, “Or we could…” leaves the suggestion unspoken with his fingers casually cupping Robert’s balls.
“Wha–, again? Ha! Can’t get enough of me, I see.” He’s moved off of Aaron a little so he can wiggle his eyebrows at him like the absolute embarrassment that he is, eyes still barely open. Aaron’s definitely not charmed by it, no. Nor does he want to dwell on why that just makes his dick fill up faster.
“You talk too much for someone who’s just woken up.”
“And you are insatiable,” Robert purrs into Aaron’s neck, sounding pleased and beyond proud of the effect he has on him after all these years.
“Don’t think you’re actually complaining, mate.” Aaron suspects he might not be paying attention anymore, with the way he’s starting to pant hot and wet into his shoulder. That’s probably Aaron’s fault, though. He’s been rubbing his fingers between those cheeks, dipping them into his fucked out hole every few passes and enjoying the helpless little sounds coming from Robert as he pushes back into his hand in vain. Except the movement is dragging Robert’s heavy cock along Aaron’s and now he’s the one frantically pressing him closer and grinding up against him.
“Fuck.” Four years and he still feels thoroughly shaken up by him, rock hard from seconds of this. Robert tries to line them up better, gets a fist ‘round their cocks, rubs over the top and down the shaft, causing an obscene amount of pre-come to drip. He moves on instinct, chasing that feeling; the high of touching, pushing, stroking, breathing each other in. His erratic rhythm briefly slips when Aaron pulls his leg up higher and shoves his own greedy fingers in, firm, unrelenting. “S’good, Aaron, feels– Aaron, I–” Aaron catches his lips with his own. He knows he’s probably still feeling sore from earlier, knows how wild Robert gets at that little extra bit of hurt as Aaron rubs his wide fingers up into him and tugs at his rim, and he wants to give him something else to focus on. Wants this moment to last as long as it can.
Robert’s too exhausted to kiss. Instead, he tongues at his mouth, licking in and breathing hot all over. There’s not a hint of finesse. It’s sloppy and too wet and everything Aaron needs now, god, it makes his cock pulse so hard he’s feeling it in his toes.
He feels Robert start to rut against him, his strokes turning more insistent, little ah ah ahs pushed out against his cheek, and knows he’s nearing the edge. Aaron’s not ready though, and he doesn’t want to be left behind. It’s stupid, yeah, but he really can’t bear the thought of Robert getting off and falling asleep again, leaving him alone with the thoughts he’s been trying to ignore. It’s too late, though. Robert spills himself over his knuckles. Biting down on Aaron’s lip on reflex before licking over it in distracted apology while Aaron slips his fingers out of him and pets his bum with regret. He moves to look down at Aaron, giddy, satisfied smile in place, right up until it freezes and turns confused instead. Something of Aaron’s quiet dread must’ve bled through on his face and in the way he holds on tighter because Robert suddenly looks more awake than he’s been this entire time.
“Hey. Hey, come on, what’s the matter?”
“Nothing, just stay with me.” It rushes out of him, urgent, and that’s just great, isn’t it? He sounds like a right nutter. Robert seems to agree as well, going by the look on his face.
“Yeah, ’course. Where else would I be, you idiot?” He’s laughing at him but he’s doing it in that soft way of his, so Aaron doesn’t feel too embarrassed. He’s trying not to, at least.
“Right. Where were we?” Robert barely gets the words out before he’s got Aaron thrusting up into the fist wrapped around his cock. He pins him down by sitting on his knees and sets a maddeningly  steady pace, stubbornly not giving in to Aaron’s pleas for him to go faster, slower, and all Aaron can do is hold on for the ride as he’s shoved quite rudely over the edge.
He blinks his eyes open and all he sees is Robert, looking straight at him as he licks their come off his fingers. He’s spent, it shouldn’t be so mind-numbingly hot. But he lets out a tortured little groan anyway, as he feels himself give a final twitch.
He might have gotten a little carried away with watching pink mouth slide against wet skin, his own falling open in helpless echo, so he doesn’t really register it getting closer until he feels hot breath on his lips. And then Robert’s kissing him, feeding come into his mouth, dominating him with that bitter saltiness. All Aaron knows to do then is pull him down the whole way and take.
It takes him a while to gather his wits after that. He’s probably staring up at Robert with a come-stupid smile, but he can’t quite muster the energy to rearrange his face into something half decent. Robert smiles at him, thumbs fondly at his kiss-sore lips, before bending down for one more kiss, two more, a nibble, like he can’t keep away.
“There,” Robert pats him on the cheek, condescending pout on in full force. God, what now? “Stop thinking so much. No need to stress your brain out for no reason.”
What a twat. “Ugh, get lost.” He pushes him off, still somewhat shaky from the orgasm, and turns onto his side before Robert can catch his scowl slipping. He really doesn’t need the encouragement.
“No, Aaron, I can’t, or you’ll be sad again,” Robert declares, overly dramatic, overly irritating, as he pulls Aaron backwards onto their bed, and dives in to plant damp kisses all over his face. “Robert, nonono, stop!” He’s in tears because Robert’s jammed his fingers into his sides and he’s relentless. There’s no way he’s going down without a fight now. They tussle in bed for a minute more, until Robert accidentally slaps him hard in the nose with an errant, flailing arm and nearly ends up on the floor trying to escape Aaron’s vengeful kick.
He pulls him towards the middle of the bed, keeps pulling until Robert gets the hint and lays over him again (honestly, fuck this icebox room), and rolls his eyes at Robert’s grumblings about how he could have really hurt his back, Aaron. “Yes, alright, time for bed, grandad.”
12:30 am, the bedside alarm reads. Yeah, it’s time for bed.
“Happy Valentine’s, Mr Dingle.”
Robert snores in response.
“Y’know, this would’ve been a lot more romantic if you’d just stayed in bed like you were supposed to.” Robert’s trying to make them some ricotta pancakes, except he’d forgotten to make the strawberry glaze last night, and now he’s going to have to do that while making sure the pancakes don’t burn. And Aaron’s been no help whatsoever, sitting on the countertop with his foot wandering up Robert’s leg every ten seconds. He’s this close to turning the heat off and dragging him back upstairs, except he knows that’s been Aaron’s plan all along and he’s not giving in to it, damn it. He’s waited long enough for this.
“Tch. You were takin’ too long.” His voice is all sleep rough, eyes still slowly blinking away the night, as the beginnings of a pout take form on his lips. God, he’s so–
No. Focus, Sugden.
He moves a couple more steps to the left and continues mashing the strawberries. Let’s see him try his seduction tactics from all the way over there. He sneaks a glance at Aaron then, sees him sulk at the new distance between them. But at least he isn’t moving to rectify it. Good. Now he can concentrate on making this the best Valentine’s day breakfast Aaron has ever had.
“Ey, could you pass me the cheese? It’s behind…” Robert realises his mistake too late, as Aaron slowly slides off the countertop in a way that pulls his T-shirt taut over his chest, grabs the packet of ricotta behind him, and makes his way over to where Robert’s been innocently mixing the wet ingredients. All the while maintaining intense eye contact.
“Here you go.”
“Uh, thanks.” He sounds like he’s had sand with his morning coffee.
Aaron hops back on again, this time, much closer to Robert. He leans back on his arms a little, dropping his eyes down to Robert’s mouth before skimming them back up. “Don’t mention it.”
Ok, that’s it. He’s spent too much time and money having David order this particular brand of ricotta that’s supposed to be out-of-this-world, creamyaccording to suzy_bakes:)_52. He’s not having Aaron sabotage his plans with his– his face. “If you’re trying to distract me from my pancakes, it won’t work. They’re going to be perfect, so help me!” Aaron looks… alarmed. Which is fair, considering how shrill his voice got at the end there. “I’m not trying to keep you from your pancakes, you muppet.”
Oh. Then why was he… oh.
“What?” Aaron wants to know, smile already stretching in response to Robert’s.
He remembers how Aaron was last Valentine’s day, of course he does. It had been the best night in a long while.
It’s just. He’d been too nervous to appreciate the looks, then. So he’d shied away from every heated stare instead. Made desperate excuses to himself for every flirty grin he got. Timid in a way he’d never been before, even as his heart stubbornly lit up with new hope. He wasn’t going to overstep.
His friendship with Aaron hadn’t been new, no, but it’d been confusing. It had grown out of everything else they felt for each other, and he hadn’t known how to be one without being all of it. He’d tried though, had to, to stay in Aaron’s life. And Aaron—as usual—had refused to be helpful in any way, giving away soft words and softer smiles like he was done holding them in. Like he was allowedto.
He doesn’t want to think about that anymore. Not when he gets to bask in this now. He sets his bowl down and moves to stand between Aaron’s legs. The pancakes can wait. “Do you like seeing me in the kitchen, is that it? Maybe I should nick a chef’s hat from the pub next time. Work it into our bedroom repertoire.”
“Alright,” Aaron squints up at him in disgust, even as his hands slide under his shirt to pull him in closer, “you don’t have to get all weird about it.”
“Right, I’m the weird one here.”
“Always.” But then he breaks into a smile so unbearably tender, Robert’s finding it hard to take offence. He’d be more embarrassed if he wasn’t so selfish. No one’s ever been this for him, before. Known every part of him. Fought with every part of him, and still looked at him like he was something amazing. The way he feels when Aaron looks at him like that—He never wants to lose it again. He won’t.
“Don’t worry so much about today, Rob. We’ll make it perfect for us. Just like we did last year.”
Except better. Because this time, Robert gets to trade aimless kisses with Aaron, and think about maybe bringing this over to the couch to turn into a proper make-out session since Liv’s still out with Jacob. Only, he’s interrupted by a cheeky slap on the bum and Aaron pulling back with a self-satisfied smirk. “You can get back to work now. Wouldn’t want to come between you and your precious pancakes.”
“Our precious pancakes,” Robert corrects, just to see him snort.
Then he turns back to the bowl because these eggs aren’t going to beat themselves. And if he flexes his arms a little, folding the ricotta in, well. Aaron’s not going to complain, is he?
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daveyjacobss · 7 years
REQUEST(S):  “Any Race imagine but if it could be funny that would be amazing because I love Race and I’m in the mood for funny. Thank you for doing this!”
“If you wrote race x reader I would love you forever”
SUMMARY: Y/N is breaking one of the most important and enforced newsie rules. And, worse than that, she’s got a crush on her way too attractive selling partner that simply won’t go away.
A/N: okay so apparently i’m incapable of writing short imagines because this’ll have a part two coming soon. there’s not too much race x reader in this one because it’s more of a buildup, but next part will have more of that. i tried my best to make it funny, i guess? and by that i mean i just let the narrator (reader) go with barely any filter on their thoughts so, enjoy!
When it came to being a newsie, there were rules in place that really should be followed. I had never been one to really favor breaking the rules without necessary, so I followed as many as possible:
1. Pay for your papes 2. Do whatever it takes to sell them 3. Don’t steal anybody’s anything 4. Do not come back with papes left unless you want to be eating them for dinner
There are some rules, however, that just have to be broken. Such as lucky rule number five:
5. No girls allowed
This rule in particular was bullshit in my opinion, and really it was there for no reason. Why would The World deny having more papers sold just because a girl was selling them? Honestly, it’s like these guys know nothing. But, you know, it wasn’t too much of a setback. It just meant getting up earlier than all the other boys to make sure all my hair stayed tucked in my cap, wrap up my chest a little bit (since boys aren’t exactly supposed to have breasts) - oh, and no talking. Ever.
Me attempting to imitate a boy’s voice was just too pathetic, and this way I would never slip up. Sure, it takes a lot of restraint to not scream at some of the boys sometimes, but it pays for the food. Plus, the minute the boys found out I was “mute” they rejoiced - according to them I was a gold mine. All I needed was a selling partner, and we’d make easy money.
Race had jumped at the opportunity. Sometimes I wish he hadn’t. It’s much harder to pretend to be a straight boy when your partner’s smile is so cute you’re pretty sure it’s not even legal. And, God, that damn smirk of his. How’s a girl supposed to stay in control when he’s making some dumb joke, sporting that smirk with his hair all messed up from a day of selling papes? It’s just unfair.
And of course I had wished for someone to confide in. I hadn’t talked at all in months, and I could barely remember what my voice sounded like. When I got time alone, sometimes I would whisper to myself under my breath just for relief purposes. There’s just so much to talk about, and I haven’t gotten to say any of it all because of some stupid rule that says I can’t be a girl if I want to sell papes. From the very beginning I had been dying to find someone who I trusted enough to tell without them blabbing to everyone, but I just hadn’t worked up the courage yet. I certainly hadn’t planned to have Katherine find out because I couldn’t keep my mouth shut.
She was walking with me on the way back to the lodge and she was working on an article, thinking out loud at she wrote. “Ugh, I need a good synonym for amazing. I’ve used that word like five times already.” She ran a hand over her face, obviously in distress, and it just kind of slipped out.
“Phenomenal.” Her eyes widened and she looked up from her paper at me slowly, shock overtaking her face. I slapped a hand over my mouth as I felt the panic start to take hold of me.
“You - you can talk? Oh my god, oh my god. Were you just pretending to sell more papers? That’s some damn good commitment you got there…”
“Please don’t tell anyone!” I squeaked, which was very much the wrong thing to do, because up until this point she had only heard me say one word - and gender is kind of hard to determine from four syllables. However, when you’ve said an entire sentence in your much-higher-than-a-boy’s voice, that kind of gives it away. For a second time, she freaked.
“You’re a girl! That’s why you don’t talk! That’s hilarious!” She broke out laughing as I stood there, still scared out of my mind but a little bit calmed by her lack of anger. “I won’t tell any of the boys, promise,” she breathed, smiling. “Oh, but this is so great! Finally, another girl I can talk to about these damn boys!” I laughed at that, and soon we were both giggling like idiots.
Suddenly, her face lit up. “How long has it been since you got to, you know, lose the getup?”
“Don’t know, lost count.” I shrugged and she squealed. Grabbing my arm and dragging me in the opposite direction of the lodge. “Kath, we’re going the wrong way.”
“Nope, you’re not going to the lodge.”
“I’m not?”
“No, you’re staying at my place and you’re going to get to be a girl again for tonight.”
“Hey! Anybody seen Mute?”
A chorus of ‘no’s came as a response, and Race sighed. He’d left his partner with Katherine, but they had yet to make it to the lodge and it was already dark. Jack was worried as well, both of them concerned that something had happened. Mute was a great selling partner with all the sympathy he ignited, but he was a scrawny guy and if someone had attacked them, Race wasn’t sure Mute would’ve been able to fight them off. Eventually, it got too late, and both he and Jack fell asleep.
An hour before the boys woke up for the morning, I came sneaking through the lodge door, already prepped and ready for the day (hair clipped in place thanks to Katherine, and breasts securely flat). I’d spent the night with Katherine sharing stories and finally talking about all the things I’d been dying to say. Saying Kath was excited when I went on a rant about how annoyingly attractive Race was was an understatement - the reporter was ecstatic. I tried to calm her down - “it’s never gonna happen, Kath, to him I am and always will be a boy. And even if he’s gay, I can’t even speak” - but it was no use.
We hadn’t actually ended up sleeping. Instead, we’d spent the early hours making me look like a boy again, with some added improvements. Before I’d left, Kath had given me a book, so when I arrived back at the lodge and there was a little while before the morning bell would ring, I sat on my bunk and read.
The minute the morning bell rang, the lodge filled with noise. All the boys were waking up and fighting for space. In order to avoid the chaos, I walked outside, leaving the book on my bunk. I was enjoying the small noises of a New York morning when suddenly someone was standing next to me.
“You and Kath get back alright last night? Didn’t see you before I fell asleep.” The mere sound of Race’s voice made my face heat up and I hated it. The fact that he had noticed my absence made my heart skip a beat, even though I was sure it was more of a brotherly type of “this kid can’t even talk he needs to be protected” kind of way. I nodded as a response and he gave a little nod of his own.
After the previous night I wanted more than ever to tell Race everything. Maybe if he knew I was a girl things would be different. Maybe if I could actually talk to him, this whole thing would be easier.
“Mornin’ boys!” Jack came up behind us with Crutchie beside him. “Hey Mute, Kath get home okay?” Before I could respond with a nod, Race was talking.
“Why don’t you ask her yourself?” He pointed down the street a little where Katherine appeared to be sprinting toward us at full speed. When she reached us she was panting heavily, attempting to relay what must’ve been important news.
“The Delanceys… they’re coming here… heard something about a girl Newsie,” she said in between breaths. I felt my heart stop in my chest. Being discovered as a girl by the boys or Katherine was one thing, being discovered by the Delanceys was another. They wouldn’t hesitate to take me away for breaking the rules, and I don’t think the fact that I’m a girl would stop them from roughing me up a bit.
“I think we would’ve noticed if one of was a girl,” Romeo said, causing all the boys to laugh. By now everyone was up and gathered. Katherine kept glancing around and I could tell she was panicking. I made brief eye contact with her and I’m sure she could see the fear in my eyes. She was doing a better job at hiding it. I was about to start shaking uncontrollably. In the distance, The Delancey brothers could be seen walking in our direction.
“You smell that boys?” Race called out, smiling as the Delancey brothers scowled. “It smells like we got the bad kind o’ company!”
“I’d shut your mouth if I were you,” Morris growled.
“We got reason to believe one of you maggots has been breaking the rules. Youse hiding a girl in that lodge of yours.” Jack stepped up to Oscar confidently, no hesitation  in his stance.
“What - you sayin’ we wouldn’t be able to tell if we’s had a girl selling papes with us? We ain’t hiding no girls.” I wondered what would happen if Jack knew that he was lying. More importantly, what would happen if the Delanceys started poking around? They so much as knock my cap off my head an I’m a goner. It was too late to pull it down to hide my face more, it would be too suspicious. Plus, it was already blocking my face some, as usual.
I tensed as the brothers started walking through the crowd of boys. They were met with plenty of laughs and jeers, and quite a few jokes made. The world stopped.
And then started again as the Delancey boys begrudgingly left, not having found what they were looking for. The newsies taunted them as they walked away and I let out a sigh of relief.
“That was a close one,” Katherine gave a little laugh.
“Whaddya mean?” Jack asked, and I froze again. “Why was it a close one?” I watched as Katherine tensed up, trying to form some sort of explanation the wouldn’t give me away.
“Well, you know, I - uh…. I thought that, maybe, he was gonna… hit you? Yeah! I thought he was gonna hit you, but he didn’t…. So it was a close one?” Jesus Christ, Kath, really?
Murmurs were starting to get louder throughout the crowd as everyone began to search for the supposed girl among them. Race wasn’t looking at me at all, and I really don’t know whether I was relieved or offended. Maybe he trusted me too much to think I would lie. Not that I ever actually said I wasn’t a girl. Or, you know, said anything at all. If I was any of these boys, I would honestly choose myself as suspect number one. Who trusts someone you know nothing about because they can’t tell you? Ridiculous.
“It’s only a close one if one of us is actually a girl,” Crutchie spoke up. I could tell he was trying to save Katherine, God bless his pure little soul, but Kath and I were in deep shit now.
“Well, I mean…” She shot an almost unnoticeable glance my way, as if asking if it was okay. I almost nodded yes. Almost. Except then Morris Delancey was back and standing behind Katherine, and I was ready to just drop dead because this entire situation was one big piece of shit that I was not planning on when I didn’t sleep at all.
“You got information you’d like to share?” Morris asked Katherine. Her face contorted with anger as she spun on him.
“If I did I certainly wouldn’t tell you!”
“I think we left a little too soon earlier, didn’t get a chance to really check.” Oscar Delancey was standing directly behind me and his voice sent chills down my spine. How the hell did he even get there? It’s not even noon and this has got to be the worst day of my life.
And then Katherine did exactly what she shouldn’t have done. She glanced at me. And Morris saw it. In seconds, he was walking towards me. As I prepared to exposed, or maybe even hit, Race stepped in front of me quickly. He stood defiantly, staring Morris down.
“Move out my way.”
“Leave ‘im alone, he ain’t done nothin’ wrong. He can’t even speak.” Okay, maybe not the worst day. Some good things have happened. For instance, Race has showed that he cares about me twice already. Plus, if I looked down just slightly I’d have a great view of his ass (not that I’m thinking about that at all).
“Aw, have we got ourselves a poor little mute?” Oscar taunted from behind me. He was closer to me now, making it much harder to stay calm.
“I said leave 'im alone,” Race spoke, his voice much more demanding (which was damn attractive but now’s not really the time for that).
“Whatchya gonna do 'bout it?” Oscar Delancey’s hand came down on my shoulder and my entire body tensed up. And then I was off. I sprinted past Race, Morris, and Katherine. I heard the Delanceys shouting and running after me, and I was sure the boys were in absolute chaos because by now they would’ve realized that I’m the girl who broke the rules and became a newsie.
As I reached a familiar alleyway I took a sharp right and tucked myself against the wall, watching as Morris and Oscar ran past my hiding spot. I headed further down the alley, coming to what appeared to be a dead end, but really it wasn’t. Race had shown me this place our first week as partners. After a little bit of squeezing, I was through the other side and strolling leisurely down the street, headed in the direction of the lodge. I wasn’t sure what would happen when I returned, but I really had nowhere else to go.
As I got closer I could sense the commotion. I was positive at least some of the newsies had gone out to sell papes, but Race and Jack would’ve stayed behind to question Katherine. Davey would be there by now, and I wondered if he’d been filled in yet. As I walked into the lodge I got five pairs of eyes all suddenly on me. Race, Katherine, Jack, Davey, and Crutchie were all sitting and talking.
“Mute! Thank god you’re okay, we were so worried!” Crutchie was smiling at me and I couldn’t help but be confused. It was Crutchie after all, but even he seemed a bit happy considering he should’ve just found out that I’d basically been lying to him. No doubt Kath had explained that I wasn’t actually mute, and I had a real name that definitely wasn’t Mute.
“Oscar sure scared ya, but you’re safe with us,” Race smiled at me (and my heart melted).
“Sorry I missed it, Mute,” Davey gave me an apologetic smile. “I can’t believe the Delanceys really thought one of us was a girl,” he laughed.
Wait, what?
I caught Kath’s eye and she winked at me. No way. Absolutely no way. I sprint away while they’re talking about a girl secretly being a newsie and they still don’t figure it out?
side note: I don’t mean to offend anyone with the picture of what a girl is painted in this imagine, I’m basing it more off standards/expectations of girls during the time period
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