#because i havent been drawing this enough to have a proper grasp of whats “perfect”
sirfluffyknight · 5 months
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I guess I'm a furry artist now
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another prompt! as you and the Company take a rest in the monastery you grew up in, you are approached by old friends who are 1) very intimidating and 2) very touchy. kili and fili don’t approve of the last
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Used some DnD stuff here since I don't know enough about actual monks and also some Avatar the Last Airbender thingggsss. Sorry the ending is so rushed, I couldn't feel my hands at one point and my doc told me to rest... which I havent been doing lol
The majority of your life was spent in a monastery.
As a child, you were left upon the steps of that abbey, and in that very place did you learn everything you know today.
Why would your parents leave you an orphan on the steps of a monastery, you ask? 
Because they feared that power you possess within. A power, a control, over fire that is not unheard of, but definitely rare, dangerous. How they knew so early on, you have no clue, but if they were so willing to give you up over something like that, you don't want to know them anyways. 
There, in that monastery, you were understood. You were taught how to harness those raging flames within you and to use them for good, for the health and benefit of others; and once they could teach you no more, you set off on your own to use your knowledge and skills for whatever you deem fit. 
And for a while you just wandered, helping people out with minuscule things, arresting criminals, that kinda stuff. 
It had been rather tame and relaxed up until you came across a Wizard who had, specifically, sought you out. 
He actually went to your monastery first in search of the supposed person with control over fire, a person who draws their power and strength from the sun, and when he heard that you hadn't been there for a few years now, he immediately went on a search and asked around, tracking you down. 
You, of course, offered to help when he mentioned that it's a journey to reunite some lost dwarfs with their fallen home, regardless of the treasure, and that's how you found yourself in on this wild expedition. 
The very first thing you were asked when you showed up in that little hobbit hole in the Shire, is what the hell you're doing there.
Gandalf explained that for you, stating that you're a very important piece to their little game her, and while you don't exactly know why he thinks as such, you just agree and go along silently with it. 
You actually didn't even realize that they didn't know of your abilities or the word on the street about you, so the first time you utilized your power... well, suffice to say they were shocked. 
It was night, it was cold as hell, and they were having trouble starting the fire, so you walked on over and took a seat, then exclaimed happily, "Allow me!"
The dwarf attending to the fire, Bofur, laughed and shook his head, telling you that it's useless since the wood is too wet. 
"No, really, I'll take care of it." You had insisted, much to the amusement of everyone else. 
They didn't know what tricks you had up your sleeves, and so when Bofur conceded and gave you the flint, he was totally expecting your efforts to flop. 
You looked down at the flint with an odd expression on your face for a time before you tossed it off to the side and picked up one of the logs, heating it with your hands carefully so as to not char and destroy it. 
Everyone watched on with confused expressions for a few moments, though Gandalf watched on with amusement of his own (for a different reason), and when the log burst into flames suddenly, there was a lot of shock. 
Some of them gasped, a couple of their mouths gaped, there was many questions, and Gandalf just laughed. 
"How did you do that?" Kili asked with wonderment, his eyes wide with shock.
And then you had to explain it to them which wasn't a big deal, and they wanted to see more. 
You made a fireball in your hand, used your fingers as candles, and got the fire to rage on even more; each thing you did made them gasp and look on in awe. 
It felt pretty nice and stroked your ego wonderfully, and you found that you didn't quite dislike having all of this attention. 
Anyways, the longer the group traveled the closer you got to Erebor (and the closer you got with those in the group, especially Fili and Kili), and pretty soon you began to recognize the paths you're taking. You all aren't even a day away from the monastery in which you grew up - this is the perfect opportunity to rest and resupply (to bathe too). 
And when you bring the idea up with Thorin, he readily agrees and praises you for offering the suggestion in the first place. 
When you all first get there, you're met with suspicion, but once you step out into view, they welcome you with open arms and no further questions. 
They give you all a couple of rooms to share amongst yourselves, a wonderful and plentiful dinner, and access to a proper place to bathe. 
You stick with the group primarily since you haven't been back here in the past few years, also because Thorin's Company becomes weary left in such a place all alone. 
After dinner and a nice bath, Fili and Kili ask if you can take them on a walk around the monastery, wanting to see more of where you grew up, and you agreed happily. 
You take them to many places including the training grounds, the wing in which you grew up, and a few other places as well, and each thing you point out to them and each area you take them to seems to excite them. 
And then you see 3 familiar faces and all thoughts of showing the princes around fly from your head. 
"Y/N!" One of your friends, Ezra, yells when she sees you. 
Your expression brightens right away and when they run over and immediately go in for hugs, you return them.
Genesis, Ezra, and Leonel are their names, and you've known them ever since all of you were children. 
"Oh, it's been so long!" You say excitedly, a smile etched on your face and joy in your eyes. "I-I've missed you all so much." 
"Too long! You never visit." Genesis grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest, "We didn't even know if you were still alive, always meddling and getting in to things." 
You glare at him playfully and roll your eyes, "I do not meddle! I intervene. There's a difference." 
"Not with you, there isn't." He shoots back, making Ezra and Leonel laugh. 
Leonel takes a step forward and grasps your hands in his, lifting them up between the two of you while he states energetically, "There's so much you have to tell us! Not much happened around here since you left, but I'm sure you've had plenty of excitement." 
"Well-" You cut yourself off when you suddenly remember the brothers standing just behind you. 
You release Leonel and step back between them, placing your hands on their lower backs while you urge them forward, "You haven't met my friends yet! Fili, Kili, these are my friends Ezra, Leonel, and Genesis." 
"Right, hello." Fili greets curtly, seeming rather uncomfortable with being the center attention suddenly. 
"Hello." Kili greets at the same time, glancing at his brother with a similar awkward countenance and stance. 
You frown slightly when you notice their discomfort, and you feel bad for putting them on the spot like that. 
"Oh, well, they're rather short now aren't they?" Leonel comments, looking down at them with that same easy going smile as always. He didn't even realize his comment might be seen as mean!
Your frown increases and you scold irritatedly, "Leonel! Mind your manners, these are your guests and my friends." When you say this you step forward and cross your arms over your chest, that frown coming off as more of a pout than anything else. 
"Come on now, Y/N, don't be so sensitive. It was only an observation." He sasses back, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you up into his side. 
When he pulls you closer you whine and squirm around over dramatically, grabbing his wrist and pulling it away from your head (he started to give you a nuggie). 
He grabs your hand in his when you pull his arm away and looks over at Ezra and Genesis who are laughing. 
Your gaze slides over to Fili and Kili and you see that they're watching with odd expressions on their faces, so, wanting them to feel included, you ask, "Now do you understand why I left? Look at how they torment me!" 
Small smiles tug at their lips when you make your comment, meanwhile Leonel gasps over dramatically and grabs your other hand. "How could you say such a thing?" 
You glare up at him for a few moments and begin to heat your hands, and, once it gets to a burning temperature, he yelps and lets you go. You, of course, begin to laugh as he fans and blows on his smoking hands, and Ezra joins you. 
"You burned me!"
"Y/N, what have you been told about messing with your abilities?" Genesis scolds, crossing his arms over his chest with a very disapproving expression on his face. "This is why you never should've left."
God, he's always such a worry wart. 
"Genesis, relax. I didn't actually hurt him. And you can't deny that he deserved it." 
Ezra snickers from his left and nods her head, "He certainly did deserve it. Making fun of Y/N's friends and then manhandling 'em all in one minute?"
"I suppose you could say I was playing with fire." Leonel pipes up suddenly, a huge smile on his face despite the fact that you guys are basicaly making fun of him. 
The joke earns matching groans of disgust from all of you. 
The three fall into conversation suddenly about your new friends and why they're here, though they don't address you directly. 
Since they're busy, you turn back to Fili and Kili and say softly, "They are certainly a lot to deal with, I hope they didn't offend you." 
Fili shakes his head quickly and replies smoothly, "No, they did not. And even if they did, you surely avenged us in burning his hands." 
That brings a smile to your face, and you laugh lightly at that, "Just a little singe, he will survive." 
"It appears that such a long time away has put no barrier up between you." Kili comments, looking up at you with that same odd expression on his face. The one that you can't quite place your finger on. 
"No, it hasn't. It only made me realize how much I missed them, how much I missed this place." 
That right there, sprouts a feeling of panic within the brothers. It almost sounds like you long to stay. 
"Anyways, it's getting late. You two should head back and get some rest- you've earned it." You lean down slightly and pinch their cheeks lightly, enjoying the way they look so annoyed at you for doing it. 
"Aren't you going to come with us?" Kili asks, eyebrows furrowed as he glances over at his brother. 
"Maybe in a little while. I want to speak with them some more." You look over when they call your name suddenly, and it seems that Ezra is waving you over. "Oh, I'll be right there!" 
When you look back, however, they are both already walking away.
This makes you frown and it kinda hurts your feelings that they didn't say even a good night, but you just push that away and return to the three. 
Little did you know that, that whole exchange worried Fili and Kili greatly. 
The way you so longingly looked upon the halls of your former home, how easily you fell into conversation with those you left behind, how you fit in so well... they fear that you may want to stay behind. 
They discuss it between themselves instead of going to bed like you told them to, and came to the conclusion that if they don't do something you'll end up staying or coming back at some point and leaving them- er, the company, behind. 
"What should we do about it though?" Fili wonders out loud, rubbing his whiskered chin as he mulls over the question. 
"I haven't a clue... other than speaking to Y/N directly." Kili offers up the dialogue option hesitantly, for he isn't sure if it's a good idea or not. 
Fili doesn't reply right away, thinking over what his brother said, before he sighs, "That is really our only option now, isn't it?" 
"It appears so."
"But what do we even say?" Fili is beginning to feel frustrated, and he looks it too. 
"We can try being honest..." 
Sudden footsteps catch their attention, and when they turn there you are.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear, apparently. 
"Oh! Why are you two still awake?" You ask, stopping right in front of their seated forms with your hands on your hips. "It's late, and tomorrow is going to be an early morning-"
"You can't stay here!" Kili blurts out in a rush before you even finish speaking, immediately cringing at how he sounded just then. 
Your eyebrows furrow and you're taken aback by his sudden outburst, what in Eru's name does he mean? 
They both hastily get to their feet and Fili speaks next this time before you can get even a word out, "I know this place is your home, but we- t-the company I mean, needs you. Gandalf said so himself, you're important to the journey." 
"I know you miss your friends and being in the place you grew up, but we'll miss you greatly!" Kili adds right after. 
"And who else will set the fires at night? Bofur is horrible at lighting the wood." 
"And you heat up the food wonderfully!"
"You're an excellent fighter too- we need lots of those." 
"That humor of yours keeps everyone happy too!" 
"Staring at Dwalin all day is hard on the eyes too, we need someone who doesn't look so awful after a few missed days of bathing." 
"Our uncle likes you, you make him less grumpy." 
Your sudden snapping at them shuts them up successfully, but the way their faces fall makes your heart pang uncomfortably. 
First, you take a deep breath, and once that's done with and you're a bit calmer, you say slowly, "Where did you get the idea that I was going to stay here?"
Uh oh. 
The two glance at each other nervously since neither of them have an answer to that, and when the silence persists you speak once more. 
"That's what I thought." Your arms are crossed over your chest and gaze pointed as you stare at their ashamed and slightly red faces, and, once you're done torturing them, you add, "I signed up for this journey and I intend to see it to the end." 
"No, it's not just that- A-After the journey is over... you're going to come back once we're finished, aren't you?" Kili's voice sounds so sad, it makes your heart hurt some more. 
"Where are you two getting these ideas? I never said that!"
"You didn't have to. The way you look at this place, how fondly and longingly you stare and speak of things, your recounting of memories and that desire to be here..." Fili trails off and sighs heavily, "It's, of course, your choice... Forgive us. We just... do not wish for you to go." 
You slowly take a seat on the ground and look up at them with a raised eyebrow, "I wasn't planning on it. Now if you two are done berating me on staying with this company after we reclaim your mountain, I would like for you to go to sleep." 
"You weren't planning on coming back...?" Kili asks, slowly settling down onto his knees with his eyebrows knitted together and a questioning expression on his face. "B-But you said-" 
"I said I miss this place, not that I wanted to come back forever. I would miss you two too much to leave." You feel no embarrassment admitting this, for it's true. "I've grown too fond of you fools to just up and leave." 
It seems they quite liked that.
"So... you intend to stay in Erebor once we complete the quest?" Fili asks more hopefully this time, also taking a seat next to his brother with his legs crossed. 
"Because you would miss us?" 
That certainly silences them, and the flabbergasted expressions on their faces makes you laugh lightly. 
"And I guess this ambush has shown me that you also prefer me being her- you like me much more than you want to admit." Your voice is teasing, but you mean it. 
Fili sighs once more and looks at the ground, "I suppose that's true." 
"Well, good." You lean forward a bit and grab one of their hands each, "Now, I won't say it again. It's time to go to bed. Tomorrow we will have to leave early." 
"Yes, ma'am." 
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