#because im just roaming around with too much time to ruminate on how everyone was doomed from the start
kaylor · 2 years
you know that weird empty vaguely yearny feeling where it's like if i don't read something obscenely tragic and angsty right now i will literally die
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lefaystrent · 5 years
In your Kid Logan AU do you think maybe one day Logan gets really like torn thinking there all going to leave him but Virgil finds out and like have a bonding moment??? Sorry im a sucker for platonic analogical
Pomp and Circumstance
Fandom: Thomas Sanders, Sanders Sides
Pairings: platonic LAMP,platonic analogical
Word Count: 1920
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It’s Spring and Patton isgraduating.
They all knew it would happen. Anobvious outcome. Why wouldn’t it happen? Logan didn’t meet Patton until hissenior year. The months in between then and now are not altogether infinitesimal.Logically, Logan knew this would happen.
But as Logan sits up in thebleachers of the auditorium, sandwiched in between Virgil and Roman, he findshimself frowning down at the sea of red-cloaked graduates in their seats downbelow, each one waiting for their name to be called.
Logan didn’t think he would behere. That’s it, isn’t it?
That first day, when Patton draggedhim across the lunch room to sit with his friends—Logan never imagined apossibility that it would lead him here, sitting in the crowd, supporting his friend.
What does Logan remember from hisown graduation? Hardly anything, if he’s being honest. The principal and valedictorianand whoever-else-just-had-to-say-a-speech droned on, and he had sat amongst hispeers tuning all of it out. He’d never been a fan of fanfare, and the ceremony hadnumbed his brain with boredom.
Pitiful, isn’t it? Logan had beenbored at his own graduation. What was there to get excited about? He had knownhe would get his diploma and go on to college. It had been an absolute. Whathad there been to celebrate then? His classmates’ success? Although he knewthem, he didn’t know them, so why should he care?
Practical, if not cold.
Logan watches as one-by-one thestudents walk up onto the stage when their name is called. Throughout the entireceremony, Patton has been looking up at them every couple of minutes, facebeaming and hand waving excitedly at them.
Logan wonders if he himself wouldhave been this excited if he had formed any lasting attachments in high school.His parents and grandfather had been amongst the audience that day, there tosupport him. They had been very proud, but that was his family and that hadbeen expected by that point too.
On either side of him, screamserupt. He startles, only to realize that Virgil and Roman had shot up to let loosea chorus of cheers.
Patton’s name had been called andhe almost missed it.
Logan stands as well, clapping andoffering what he can. Patton looks beyond joyous. He hops up the stage stepsand—rather than shake the principal’s hand—he outright hugs the man.
“Look at that dork,” Virgil snorts.
“He’s so happy,” Roman agrees.
“I think the principal is uncomfortable,”Logan comments.
“How much do you want to bet thatPatton’s doing that on purpose?” Virgil asks.
“Why would he do that on purpose?”
Virgil and Roman share a look overLogan. Logan huffs. This is all part of theirPatton-can-actually-be-really-passive-aggressive agenda.
“I just don’t see it.”
“That’s the point, Specs. He’s goodat it.”
Patton smiles a satisfied smile allthe way back to his seat. The principal straightens his jacket like he’s justbeen knocked over by an unruly dog.
“What do you think, Finding Emo?Should we do the same when we graduate?”
“Or we could accidentally push himoff the stage.”
“What? I said accidentally.”
The conversation continues, mostlycentering around how much they disliked the principal.
From down the rows of bleachers,Logan’s gaze drifts down to Patton’s family. His parents and all of his siblingsare in attendance.
Patton’s little brother is watchingLogan. He’s looking back over his shoulder, staring up at him. Dee’s expressionis blank, observing what Logan will do.
Logan turns away and listens to astory from Roman and Virgil’s freshman year when they got in trouble with theprincipal.
The ceremony drags on and eventuallycomes to an end. Everyone’s getting up from their seats and Logan doesn’t makea fuss when Roman steers him through the crowd.
“What? You’re so tiny. Don’t wantto lose you.”
“Figuratively bite me.”
Well, not much of a fuss anyway.
They go to wait out in the lobbyarea. So many people are coming and going and grouping off and taking picturesand smiling. Roman and Virgil are talking with some of their classmates, andLogan’s just …
He’s not contributing to theconversation anymore. Not that anybody is asking for his opinion on anything.He sees that his presence is inconsequential, so he doesn’t feel guilty forslipping away.
Logan heads outside. There’s morefamilies and graduates hanging around by the entrance. Logan steers clear ofthem and makes his way to Roman’s car. They’re all going out to eat afterwardsanyway. It’s not like Logan will miss anything.
Virgil finds him sitting againstthe back bumper. It can’t have been more than ten minutes.
“Found ya,” Virgil says.
“You were looking for me?”
Virgil shrugs. He plops down besideLogan. “Sorta? I’m not really a fan of crowds. Thought I’d might as well findwhere you snuck off to. So, two birds, one stone.”
“I see …”
The noise is not as oppressive outhere. People walk by and cars filter out, but it’s all in passing and gonebefore it’s really began.
Fleeting. It’s all so fleeting.
“Patton is … happy,” Loganobserves. It’s not anything new, merely a conversation opener. It’s not really hisstyle and Virgil knows it. He’s staring Logan down but Logan is busy watchingthe world pass them by.
“I’d be happy too. High school isjust a load of bullshit. Patton’s free now.”
“He still has college.”
“Yeah, but that’s better than highschool at least. Don’t have to deal with all the petty drama and stupid kidsand teachers who think they know everything.”
“There are also professors whothink they know everything, even when they clearly do not.”
“Touché,” Virgil acquiesces, notcommenting on how familiar Logan seems to be on the subject.
“How much longer do you think they’llbe?”
“Forever and a half. They’reprobably taking about a million pictures.”
“Unlikely. I’m sure their phones donot have that much memory storage.”
“You know, sometimes I think you takethings literally just to mess with me.”
“I have no idea what you mean.”
Virgil laughs and it’s a softcomfort.
Night had fallen a while ago. Beamsfrom headlights break through the shadows from time to time. Red-robed figuresare easy to pick out. One of those graduation gowns could belong to Patton, butfrom this distance it’s hard to tell.
“Lo … what’s wrong?”
“What makes you think something’swrong?”
Virgil levels a look at him. “Ialways think something’s wrong. And sometimes I’m even right about it.”
“And you think that this is one ofthose times?”
“I know that this is one ofthose times.”
“Irrefutable evidence, surely.”
“Is it Patton?”
Logan digs his fingers into the legsof his pants. It’s wrinkling the material. Logan hates wrinkled clothing, yethe’s doing it anyway.
“What makes you think my unconfirmed‘wrong state’ is caused by Patton?”
“You’re the one who brought him upfirst.”
“We are at his graduation.”
“Yeah, we are.”
“He’ll be moving away soon forcollege.”
“… yes, I know.”
“A whole four hours away. Notexactly a quick trip.”
“Yes Virgil, I know.”
“We can call him if we want, but I’msure he’s gonna be super busy with college stuff.”
“Yes, he will be.”
“And then even phone calls willprobably turn out to be too much effort. At some point we won’t even be talking.”
“Do you have a point to thisnegative ruminating?”
“It’s what you’re thinking, right?Patton’s going to move away soon, and we’ll still be here, and he’s going toforget about us.”
He’s not wrong. That surprisesLogan more than anything, mostly because Virgil has given words to a verycomplicated bundle of emotion that Logan has been struggling to unravel.
“How do you know that?” Logan asksquietly.
Virgil shifts, his forearms restingon his knees, fingers laced together. “Because I’ve been thinking it too.”
Somehow, in all of Logan’spondering, he’s forgotten that Virgil and Roman have known Patton for manyyears more than he has. And that Virgil is prone to anxious thoughts. Thisshould have been expected.
Or perhaps not so expected. IfLogan is struggling to pinpoint his own emotional distress, he can be evenworse at times when it comes to other people’s emotions.
“You have Roman, at least,” Logansays. It’s an attempt at comfort, but the words are layered with a hard edge.
Oh, that’s jealousy right there.
Virgil’s brows furrow. “What do youmean? I’ve got you too, right?”
Logan tilts his head back, eyesroaming over the dark sky. There’s nothing but clouds. “Not for long. You andRoman won’t be long behind Patton, and then I’ll be …”
Here. Alone.
Funny how that’s never bothered himbefore.
Virgil groans loudly, making Loganjump in the relative quiet. He covers his face with his palms, pressing theheel of his hands over his eyes.
“Logan, do you really think we’regoing to forget about you or something?”
“Perhaps not forget, but it is entirelypossible that when encountering a new environment and workload that—”
“Nope, stop, don’t even finishthat.”
“Seriously Lo, that’s not how it’sreally going to turn out. We’re not going to lose touch or anything.”
“But even you said—”
“I know what I said. I’m wrong a lotof the time. I might be worried about it, but I know Patton’s not goingto let us stop being friends. I mean, have you met the guy?”
“… perhaps once or twice.”
Virgil snorts and Logan feels alittle better for it. “Alright smartass. Just admit we’re both being dumb andthat the power of friendship or whatever will prevail.”
“The power of friendship?”
“Ugh, leave me alone, it’s probablywhat Patton or Roman would say. Just admit we’re dumb already.”
“I’m quite smart actually. Have youseen my GPA?”
“I hate you so much,” Virgil saysand Logan laughs.
Later, when much of the parking lothas emptied out, Roman and Patton find them.
“You guuuuys!” Patton yells,running up to them. His red cap is missing and Logan wonders if he’s alreadylost it. “Where were you? We were taking pictures!”
“Ew,” Virgil and Logan say at thesame time. They smile at each other.
“Not really my thing,” Virgil says.
“I’m not partial to them myself,”Logan agrees.
“And I’ve heard cameras steal yoursoul. Wouldn’t want my soul to get sucked out, if I have one.”
“Yes, that would be terrible.”
“You both are terrible,” Romaninterrupts. “And clearly you enable each other too much.”
“Look at Princey, pulling out thebig words.”
“From where did he pull them?”
“I would say ‘brain’, but the jury’sstill out on that one.”
Roman gasps in offense.
Logan watches them bicker, afondness overcoming him, syrupy sweet. He glances over to Patton who’s watchingthem with the same expression. He catches Logan’s gaze and smiles.
“One picture?” Patton pleads. “Justof the four of us? For me?”
Logan puts on a show of sighing. “IfI must, then so be it.”
“Yay!” Patton cheers and throws hisarms around Logan. “Thank you Logey-Wogey!”
Logan’s expression softens. “You’rewelcome … Patty-Watty.”
Patton’s excited screams can be heardall the way back to the auditorium.
General Tag List: @spectralheartt @a-pastel-pan @notalwaysthevillian @rose-gold-roman @ijustrealizedhowdumbmynamewas @katie-the-noble-fangirl @yourroyalydramaticanxiousness @aroundofapplesauce @merlybird500 @beach-fan @jemthebookworm @whats-going-on-kiddos @randomsandersides @gamerfreddie @unring-this-bell @that-royal-ravenclaw @analogicallythinking @lilygold23 @punsterterry @levy-the-b00kw0rm @tacohippy56900 @accio-hufflepuff-power1 @just-another-rainbowblog @georganabanana @grey-says-heck @crookedlyoptimisticdestiny @thesynysterunknown @idont-know-what-im-doing @idioticsky @fadingglowcloud @whizzie72 @theinvisiblespoon @greyyy523 @opaque-puppet @just-fic-me-up @wowimsogoddamnoriginal @sos-fandoms @loganeatsbooks @trust-is-overrated @theitalianalchemist @im-crunchie @mourning–star @4amanxiety @hogwarts-my-love @enby-phoenix @justanotherpurplebutterfly @internet-or-sleep @absolutesandersidestrash @seaspider10 @nonasficcollection @small-words-to-say @satanblessi @an-absolute-failure @analogical-mess @noisyeggpizzapatrol
Kid Logan AU list: @under-the-blue-moonlight @broadwaytheanimatedseries @joyful-milkshake-observation @absolutesandersidestrash @midnightmagi @justcallmepancake @nerd-in-space @thestrangedino @deathshadowrules @entitydark @vintage-squid @max-is-tired @deceitfullyanxiousprince  @shai-uwu @teacupfulofstarshine @the5thcoy @occasionally-pauciloquent @oakskull @teepee-honesty @mrtacothethird @fandomobsessed-nerd @mychemicalcheezwhiz @that-smol-tired-gay @skittlesun @caterpiller-tea @sanders-sides-rebloger @penguinkool @its-the-cat-queenliz-a-bell @theresneverenoughfandoms @i-know-im-smart @ever-after-aaa @007ardra @starbucks-remy @lovebug5151 @yyeeeeeeeeett @adoratato @theobsessor1@stupidbullshitallday @soijusthavetoask @ab-artist @always-in-a-fandom @iris-sanders-athena @doing-my-demibest @connors-writing-sux @lizziepopanime @charakitcat @dall-off-weekes @kylie-with-purple-hair @wowimsogoddamnoriginal @sign-from-god-complex @pumpkinminette @cosmic-melodies @sullycreatesstuff @lovesupportandcookies @som3thing-cr3ativ3 @unicornlogansanders @rainysharkfreaklover @potato–justpotato @ghostscantdie @virgilneedsahug @thatonenerdphotographer @the-cactus-lord
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