#because keeping a straight face for this gif was legitimately impossible
writeforfandoms · 1 year
Love Letters pt 2
Find the Halo masterlist
...this chapter also known as Oops I did it again
This is honestly just ridiculous fun at this point. A few people wanted to see how John would react to her getting into a Situation because of the Jeffries tubes again... and I couldn't resist.
Warnings: Fluff, minor panic attack, swearing, sass overload, but it's because she's terrified, remember she's scared of heights? Yeah she sure remembers.
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In your defense, you had been in the Jeffries tubes for legitimate work this time. The engineer on duty was a douche, she always ignored your requests. 
So you decided to just not make a request and do it yourself. It was a simple fix, after all. You could do it yourself. 
The repair was easy. As expected. 
But you might have gotten turned around in the tubes and taken a wrong turn. 
And now you couldn't find a way out. 
Well. When in doubt, keep climbing down. You were bound to find an exit eventually. 
"Should've marked my way," you grumbled to yourself. "This is stupid. Roland needs sensors in here too." 
You paused for a moment, putting your forehead against a rung, holding tight. Your heart was hammering against your ribs, and you were trying not to panic. There would be an exit. Absolutely. Because the Jeffries tubes didn't go on forever with no purpose. 
One more deep breath and you continued down. This stretch of tube was straight, which made you think it was leading to something. 
Hopefully that would be a good place to exit and get back to your room. 
A quick look down showed a hatch, and you let out a relieved breath. Oh good. You were almost there. You paused at the access panel and hit the button to open the hatch. 
The hatch opened below you and you looked down… into the engine room. You were not right above the slipspace drive, fortunately, but you were still far, far above the floor. 
"Fuck." You looked down at the floor, eyes wide, heart slamming even harder into your ribs. "Oh hell." 
You counted yourself lucky that the engine room was always manned, because it only took a minute for an engineer to spot you and shout. You clung tighter to the rungs in front of you, eyes closing. 
"Hey! You okay?" 
You didn't look down when you heard the yell, but you did nod. "I'm okay," you called back, voice wavering. 
But you couldn't move. Too scared. 
"Hang on," the person yelled up to you. "Someone will get you." 
You whimpered, very quietly, and pressed your forehead into the rung in front of you. 
John was going to have an absolute conniption fit. 
You could hear the commotion down below you, voices and clanging and the background noise of the engine. If you could move, you could close the hatch and probably climb back up to another access point. 
Probably. Your arms felt like jelly now, but that also could have been the fear. 
Someone down below called your name, but you didn't look. You didn't need to. You knew that voice. 
"Hi Fred." Your voice was more tremulous now, a little thready. Definitely showing your fear. 
"Wait there. We're coming to get you." Fred, in contrast, sounded quite calm about all of this. Of course, to him, this was nothing. He'd faced down so much worse. He probably wasn't even scared of heights. Shame washed hot over your cheeks and into your chest. 
You were pretty pathetic, clinging to the rungs of a Jeffries tube above a hatch that probably wasn't even supposed to open. Your fingers clenched impossibly tighter around cool metal. 
The next call of your name was much softer and closer. You swallowed hard. 
"Look at me." 
You pried one eye open cautiously and looked down. An all too familiar gold visor met your gaze. 
"You have to jump."
"What?!" You clung tighter, fingers aching, shoulders tense. 
"I can't fit in there," John continued, calm as anything. "You need to jump." 
"Or not," you started, swallowing hard. "I could stay here. Or climb back up, I can climb back up, just give me a minute and I can do that." 
John said your name again, soft, steady. "I've got you. I won't let you fall." 
And you believed him. You knew him. John was a good man, an honest man, a protective man. 
"How are you even up here?" You worked on slowly prying one hand loose from the rung. 
"Oh good, you've got a jetpack," you muttered to yourself, probably edging a little into hysterical. 
John huffed softly and rapped the bottom of your shoes with one hand. "Sass won't keep you from needing to jump." 
You took a deep breath. And then another. "I can't." 
"You can." John somehow didn't lose any patience, still steady and confident. 
"I know you're scared." He rapped the bottom of your shoes again, just once. "But you can do this." 
Idly, you wondered if this is how marines felt when he showed up to help. This surge of hope, this feeling that somehow just by being there John would make everything fine. Then you decided it didn't matter, because you weren't brave. 
"Hey." One more gentle rap to your shoes. Almost despite yourself, you looked down. The visor was surprisingly comforting. "You can do it." 
The encouragement from this man in that tone… well. You believed him. 
So you swallowed once more, nodded jerkily, and… pushed back. You had one moment of weightlessness, one moment of sheer panic, and then firm arms caught you and held you tight against the armor. Granted, it was not comfortable, but you still wedged your fingers in as tight as you could manage, hiding your face. 
At least you hadn't screamed. 
Honestly, you barely felt the descent. You did feel when another set of hands helped to detach you from John and held you steady. 
"Told you we'd come to you." 
You laughed a little at Fred's matter of fact comment, choked but still a laugh. "Yes you did." You squeezed one of his hands, feeling rather light-headed now. "How long do I have until the Captain arrives?" 
"Now." Captain Lasky stepped through the gathered crowd, arms crossed over his chest in blatant disapproval. 
Your shoulders crept up to your ears and you averted your gaze. 
"Captain," John started, not physically moving. 
Lasky looked at him, looked at you, and then sighed. "Fine. Get out of here. I want you in my ready room at 0800 tomorrow." He pinned you with a look to make sure the order stuck.
"Yes, sir," you agreed, just a little squeaky. 
Lasky nodded once, muttered something under his breath, and left again. Fred patted your shoulder. 
"You should go lay down," he offered, very serious. Too serious. 
"Uh." You twisted a little to look between him and John. 
"I'm sure Chief will make sure you don't get lost again." 
You blinked and nodded slowly, looking up at John. He just nodded for you to go first. 
Except you'd barely gotten halfway back to your room when John nudged you a different direction. Curious, you followed his silent instructions. 
And ended up standing outside his door. 
John reached past you to open the door, and you stepped in. The room was pretty bare, with very little personality. You were not surprised. 
"John?" You turned to look at him, still feeling unsteady. 
A moment later you were being squished yet again to the armor, but this time you were better prepared. You looped your arms around his neck, holding tight. 
"Thank you," you whispered into the quiet space between you. Absurdly, you felt tears welling in your eyes. 
John just hummed softly. "Wait here," he finally said, halfway an order. "I'll be right back." 
Curious, you let go of him and sat on his bed to wait. 
But you got bored pretty quickly and decided to do a little investigation. (Snooping.) Not that there was all that much to investigate. 
You did find a little treasure trove in his desk. All the letters. Every letter you had written him, neatly stacked and saved. Your lips lifted in a soft smile.
The door opened again and John came back in, out of the armor and dressed down in a simple t-shirt and sweatpants. Wordlessly, he walked over to you and gathered you into his arms again, holding you close. You breathed easier, nestling in to the warmth of him. 
“You need to wear a tracking fob,” he murmured into the top of your head.
“I do not,” you grumbled back, pouting. “I was in there for work!”
“Above the engine room?” John’s voice couldn’t get any more dry.
“No.” You hid your pout against his chest. “I just got turned around, that’s all.” 
John huffed very softly and squeezed you gently. “Tracking fob.” 
“You’re awful.” But you were smiling when you shifted back from him. “When do you need me to go?”
“When do you need to get up?” The question was serious, even with the humor still lingering in his gaze. 
You blinked at him and then smiled. “You want me to stay?” 
He nodded once, gaze never leaving you. 
“Okay.” You cuddled back into him, unable to contain your smile. This was new. But the good kind of new. 
But you weren’t eager to get lost in the Jeffries tubes again. 
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morvantmortuary · 3 years
How would Hector take care of a partner that got hurt? Like cut themself while cooking or sprained their ankle.
awww nonny this was a sweet one to ponder 🥰
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(I try to avoid talk show .gifs but LOOK AT HIM HE’S SO CUTE)
As we’ve seen, Hex is very chill and laid back -- right up until he isn’t (“Ror, do something with her, I fucking can’t right now, I’m gonna have a fucking panic attack on fucking I-10.”). 
If it’s something small, like you knick yourself in the kitchen, he’s gonna be pretty chill about it but ~pretend~ it’s a huge deal. 
“Aw, no, pobrecita.” He’d immediately put down what he was doing and get a paper towel to clot the bleeding, then wash it for you and grab a bandaid so he can bandage it “properly” don’t ask how he has so much experience. If you try to insist you’re fine, he’d look at you with his best straight face, though his eyes would give him away with the laughter in them. “What, and have you suffer while you’re wounded? Psht, what kind of boyfriend would I be, absolutely not.” He’d sit you down at the kitchen table with a drink of your choice and insist you put your feet up on the chair next to yours, only taking over the rest of dinner prep when he was sure you were comfortable and continuing to chat with you about this or that. And probably absolutely take  On the little things where you’re definitely obviously okay, he’d want to take the opportunity to spoil you a little, playfully baby you. Count on him feeding you samples of whatever he’s making, pretending to check your temperature on your forehead just to mess with your hair or play with your earrings if you wear them. If you want to play to it and pretend you’re too injured to get your own dessert or help with the dishes, he’ll humor you, but he’ll also insist on carrying you all over the house for the rest of the night. “Can’t take the risk with my fragile preciosa, not if they have work in the morning,” he’d say, carrying you right to the couch or your room, who’s to say.
If it’s something a little more serious, like a sprained ankle, he’ll still be pretty chill about it. “Oh, shit, you okay? C’mere, I got you.” He’ll support you to help take the weight off it, and he’ll probably insist on at least taking you by an urgent care when he can just to make sure it’s not worse. If it’s just a sprain, he’ll keep an eye on you, not wanting to seem like he’s hovering but still wanting to make sure you don’t aggravate it. If he’s worried, he’ll pretend he’s just doing things casually - “Oh, here baby, I was gonna get that, don’t sweat it.” He’ll be his usual self, but he won’t joke about it quite as much, as he’ll be too focused on making sure you are actually okay and getting better.
The only time you need to be worried is if Hex is actively trying to tell you you’re okay. If Hex is trying to insist you’re fine, it’s because it actually, legitimately looks bad and he isn’t sure. “Hey, cariña, you’re okay. Look at me, you’re fine. You’re totally fine.” He’d be doing his best to keep his face placid, keep his usual cheeky smirk on, but once again, his eyes would give him away with how impossibly wide and dark they were. “C’mon, bonita, we’re gonna take you to a doctor, okay? See what we need to do to get you feeling better, no worries.” 
If he skips a doctor entirely and insists Maxi looks at you, it’s because he’s really, really scared, and as much as he and Maxi argue, he still trusts him and his healing magic more than anyone else in the world with something as precious as you.
Hex only freaks out in front of you when he feels like everything’s out of his control, because that’s his absolute least favorite thing in the world thanks to various previous life traumas. It takes a lot for him to get to this point, because at least by now he’s gotten very good at knowing what’s worth freaking out about and what isn’t. The usual “some things you can’t control” stuff, he’s pretty hard to ruffle - if anything, he just takes it as an invitation to improvise, because all sorts of beautiful things can come out of that. But if he feels like he’s done everything he can do, done all the “right” things, and it’s still not changing anything? That’s when he freaks out and that’s when he’s going to start pulling out every tricky in this world and the next to save you.
You might come back a little different, sure. But if he loves you, he’s promised to love you in all your variations. And he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if you weren’t here too.
(Thanks for your patience since you sent this in, nonny! I’ve been pondering it a lot as I’ve been trying to put together this next arc! <3 I hope this satisfies your curiosity.)
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hotpinkhoshi · 5 years
the pact | tied up (m)
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pairing: jinyoung x reader (in the pact universe)
genre: this is basically pwp okay but a little fluff ofc
summary: jinyoung gives you a gift for your birthday that you’re sure to never forget.
warnings: uh.. bondage? sub!jinyoung (he’s not very good at it), some thigh riding action, oral, dirty talk, light choking/slapping, oh my god it’s really not that bad i swear
word count: 6k
a/n: hi ily all thank you for being so great. just wanted to let you know because i don’t really have anything else to say! onto the filth!
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You hadn’t wanted much for your birthday this year. Just some relaxation and maybe a slice of cake. 
This year, your birthday fell on a Saturday, so you’d slept over at his place on Friday. Both of you fell into a peaceful slumber after a few drama episodes and some junk food. As far as Birthday Eves went, it was more than satisfactory. 
He let you sleep in while he made breakfast, a full out feast that you hadn’t been expecting. It was more than you’d ever gotten for your birthday from a boyfriend, and you hadn’t even been dating Jinyoung a year yet. 
The rest of the day was spent just how you’d wanted to; lounging around with some Netflix and snuggles before it was time for your birthday dinner with your friends. You went to a restaurant that Jackson recommended, which turned out to be a delicious Italian place. 
“Gross, you guys are so cute. I’m gonna throw up,” Sana said, the smile on her face contrasting with the disgust in her words. 
You laughed, one glass of wine deep while leaning into Jinyoung’s shoulder. You felt overly touchy tonight and it seemed as if Jinyoung was feeling the same way. His hand was planted comfortably on your thigh as he relaxed into the back of his chair, sipping on his own wine with a smirk. 
“Leave us alone, it’s my birthday.”
“Really? I couldn’t tell from the tiara,” Sana responded. You stuck your tongue out. 
“Hey! You got this for me,” you countered, bringing your hands up to adjust your plastic crown. 
As you went to take a sip from your newly refilled glass of wine, your boyfriend leaned in to whisper in your ear, his breath tickling your skin. 
“Don’t drink too much, I’ve got a present for you at home that you’ll need your energy for.” 
Your eyes widened and you desperately tried to keep a poker face. You’d already had a slow, lazy session this morning that you would have been perfectly satisfied with. But you wouldn’t say no to a second round before bed. 
“Is it a puppy?” you asked, turning your head towards him and batting your eyelashes innocently. 
Jinyoung chuckled, his fingers trailing further up your bare thigh until they slipped under the hem of your dress. With his other hand, he tucked your hair behind your ear. 
“Hmm, no. Not a puppy. Better.” 
“Do I have to take the crown off?” you asked, taking your lower lip between your teeth. Jinyoung’s eyes darkened as he looked at you, eyes flicking up to the tiara on your head, then down to your lips. 
“No, I think it will be quite fitting if you keep it on,” he replied. You bit harder onto your lip as his hand traveled further up your dress, his pinky finger grazing against your lace covered core. 
The rest of dinner was, to put it simply, torture. You couldn’t keep your thoughts straight and you found it damn near impossible to focus on the conversations going on around you. Now that you knew what was waiting for you at home, your mind was clouded with desire for the man sitting next to you. 
As soon as you got into the passenger’s seat of Jinyoung’s car, you were practically leaping over the center console to kiss him. You hadn’t wanted to be too affectionate in front of your friends because you didn’t want to make them feel awkward. But you needed his touch, not just the teasing brush of his fingers against your underwear. 
“Wh-whoa, hold on,” Jinyoung said against your lips, gently pulling away from you. “I said your present was at home. Not here.”
You pouted as you sat back, your hands resting on each side of his neck. “Baby, I need you. I don’t want to wait until we get home.” 
Jinyoung shot you a cocky smile as he trailed his fingers down the side of your face, dragging his thumb across your plump, wet lips. “You have no idea how badly I want to drag you into the backseat of this car and fuck you senseless. But it’s your birthday, and I have something special for you at home. Can you be a good girl and wait until then?” 
The truthful answer was no, but you were curious about what kind of present he’d prepared for you. Maybe some expensive lingerie. He did like to see you all dolled up for him in red lace, you’d learned that much very early on in your relationship. 
“I’ll try,” you answered, deflating back against your seat. Jinyoung brought your hand to his lips to kiss the back of it, causing your pout to turn into a smile. 
“That’s my girl,” he said, as he started the ignition. 
It was a test of your patience as Jinyoung drove you home, and even more so once you arrived back at his apartment. It was beginning to feel like home to you too. You spent more nights in his bed than your own. 
You kept control of yourself, no matter how difficult it was, as Jinyoung led you up to his apartment. You simply held onto his hand, perhaps a bit tighter than usual. 
Once you were in the silent space of his apartment, you slipped your shoes off and stared up at Jinyoung, fingers still laced through his. 
“Follow me,” he said, before you had a chance to ask. 
Of course, you obeyed. You still felt light and affectionate from the alcohol, but you had a clear enough mind to know what you wanted. Though it had crossed the line from want to need, very quickly. 
On Jinyoung’s bed was a black box, not wrapped, but with a fancy black bow on the top. You looked at him curiously, eyebrows raised. He simply motioned for you to find out for yourself. 
So you walked to the bed, Jinyoung not far behind you, and picked up the sleek, inconspicuous box. As you slid the lid open, your eyebrows furrowed. 
Silk ties.
When you saw the blindfold next to it, you turned to face Jinyoung. He was staring down at you, hungry. But there was something else there as well—an uncertainty behind his eyes that you hadn’t seen before. 
“You… want to tie me up?” you asked, your heart pounding. 
It wasn’t completely new to your relationship. Though he had never used legitimate restraints on you, he was a fan of pinning your hands behind your back or above your head. 
But Jinyoung shook his head. “No, baby. You get to tie me up.” 
You couldn’t help the small gasp that fell from your lips. the simple words were enough to send warmth through your limbs, your mind already racing with the mental image of Jinyoung laid on your bed, fighting against the silk restraints. 
“Oh…” you said, looking down at the box and then up at him. “And you’re okay with it? Really?”
He was the more dominant one between the two of you, by a long shot. And you loved it. It balanced you out perfectly, since you were more comfortable to leave the metaphorical reins in his hands. But it could be fun to switch things up for once. 
“It might take some getting used to, but…” he trailed his hand down your waist, over the curve of your hip until he was toying with the bottom hem of your dress. “I want to make tonight all about you.”
A slow smile spread on your lips. Your sex life was not boring in any way, but you could feel yourself getting excited and hot at the idea of trying something new. 
Jinyoung leaned down to mold his lips into yours, slipping his other hand into your hair as he held you there, kissing you deeply. You moaned into his mouth at the feeling of his tongue slipping past your lips. 
He stole your breath away with his lips for another moment longer before he pulled away. “Tell me how you want me… princess,” he said with a smirk, glancing up at your tiara. 
You bit back a giggle, then chewed your lip as you thought about it. “On the bed, but… first, I want this off.” You tugged at his crisp white button down. 
Jinyoung got the hint, bringing his hands up to his own shirt to slowly undo the buttons. You could feel the heat of his eyes on you as each inch of his chest was exposed to you, your mouth beginning to water when he moved lower and you could see the hard ridges of his abs. 
Finally, he shrugged his shirt off and you were met with the gorgeous sight of his naked torso. You didn’t think you would ever get used to the sight of him, how toned and perfect he was. And he’d just eaten carbs, for fuck’s sake. 
“On the bed,” you breathed, squeezing your thighs together. 
Jinyoung licked his lips and nodded, backing up until he sat back on the bed. “Here?”
You shook your head, tipping your chin towards the pillows. “No, lay down. I’m gonna tie you up now.” Just the phrase was enough to send a pulse of heat between your legs. Perhaps you’d wanted this for longer than you even knew. 
Jinyoung, so far, was quite obedient. You had a feeling it wouldn’t last, though. 
Once he was on the bed, shirtless, you crawled onto the mattress, still holding the box of ties. You straddled Jinyoung’s lap, pleased to find that he was already hardening beneath his slacks. You took one of the ties, smooth and cold in your fingers, and reached for Jinyoung’s hand. Bringing it up to the headboard, you tied his wrist to the metal there, glancing down at his face once you’d finished. 
“Is that okay?” 
Jinyoung looked… overwhelmed, to say the least. He kept looking between your breasts practically spilling out of your dress, now hovering just above his face, to the way you were tying his wrist to the bed. 
“Baby?” You asked again, after he didn’t answer. 
His eyes snapped back to you and he nodded. “Yeah. Yes.” 
“Okay. I’m gonna tie the other one now.” 
You hovered over him again to repeat the process, trailing your fingertips down his arm once you’d secured him to the headboard. Scooting down his lap a bit, you admired your handiwork. 
The image in your imagination was nothing compared to the real thing in front of you now. 
Setting the box to the side, you let your hands roam your boyfriend’s body. Rarely did he allow you to stare at him and completely indulge in the sight of him like this. You knew it was driving him insane already, and you’d only just begun. 
He shivered as your fingertips trailed from the center of his chest down the line between his abdominal muscles. You watched with fascination as his muscles contracted and relaxed, reacting to your feathery touch. 
“God,” Jinyoung whispered, his eyes falling shut. You felt him straining against his pants, his hips bucking up ever so slightly. 
You just smiled to yourself, your fingers continuing downward until they were trailing over the v-line curve of his hips. Unable to help yourself, you leaned down, pressing a wet kiss into his chest and nipping at his skin. Jinyoung exhaled and you heard the squeak of the headboard as he tugged at the silk. 
“Mm,” you hummed as you pulled away. “Baby, you’re going to have to control yourself. I’m only just getting started.” 
“Fuck, I-“ Jinyoung groaned, taking in a deep breath through his nose and out his mouth. “I’m sorry.” 
“It’s okay,” you replied innocently. “But I think I’m going to need this,” you said, reaching into the box to the side of your bodies and grabbing the blindfold. 
Jinyoung’s eyes opened at your statement and immediately filled with anxiety. “No, fuck. Please don’t.” 
“Why not?” You asked, testing the feel of the blindfold in your fingers. It was black silk, like the ties, with elastic to go around Jinyoung’s head comfortably. 
Licking his lips, he shook his head. “I can’t. I need to see you,” he said, all while you reached forward and slipped the blindfold over his eyes. 
“I’m sorry, baby. But I need to teach you how to be good.” 
Every muscle in Jinyoung’s body looked tense from the combination of the loss of control and the loss of one of his senses. You, on the other hand, were greedy for more. 
“I love seeing you like this,” you told him as your hands resumed their journey along his body. One hand felt along the hard muscles of his chest while you trailed a finger down the curve of his jawline. “Powerless. Hard. Obedient.” 
Jinyoung whimpered. 
A sound you’d never heard before. It was foreign to your ears but you would now make it your personal goal to draw the noise out of him as much as you could tonight. 
“Stop pouting. I’m just turning the tables, right baby? All those times you had me under you, a slave to your every order.” You leaned down, brushing your lips against his earlobe. “Now you can see what it’s like.”
“Baby, I-“ Jinyoung breathed. “I need to see you.”
Although it was pointless, he was blindfolded, you shook your head. 
“Mm, not yet. I’m enjoying this,” you told him honestly. “But you can make it up to me.”
“How?” he asked without hesitation, eager to gain at least a shred of control. 
With a slight adjustment of your lower body, you maneuvered yourself until you were straddling his thigh. The thick, firm muscle pressed between your legs, your arousal already pooling in your underwear. 
“Let me use you. But you can’t move. I’ll get the other set of ties for your ankles if I have to,” you warned. 
“Shit,” Jinyoung sighed, and you wished you could have seen his eyes. It would be absolute torture for him and you knew it. “Okay. I won’t move.”
When you were sure he wasn’t moving a single muscle, you planted your hands on Jinyoung’s hips and began to rock your core against his thigh. You inhaled sharply, surprised at how good it felt already. 
“Oh,” you moaned as your eyes fell shut. “You feel so good. I think I’m already wet.”
“Fuck. I wish I could see you,” Jinyoung told you, just as he tensed his thigh muscle. 
You tipped your head back as you found your rhythm, keeping one hand on Jinyoung while the other trailed down your own neck, one fingertip tracing along the neckline of your dress. 
“Jinyoung,” you whispered, hips grinding deeper into him. “Do that again. Tense your- oh,” your words were cut off as Jinyoung immediately obeyed. 
“That’s it baby, ride my thigh. Shit,” he whispered, and you opened your eyes to find his jaw clenched and both of his hands curled into fists. “I bet you’re so wet right now. Just wanna taste you.”
His words spurred you on as you ground into his thigh with a quicker pace, the sight of him completely powerless in front of you just turning you on even more. 
Your hand groped your own breast over the fabric of your dress as shameless moans fell from your lips. With your other hand, you slipped your palm to cup his bulge, as hard as you’d ever felt it. 
“You’re hard as a rock, Jinyoung. Oh god.” Your eyes fell shut again as you squeezed him through his pants, which only made Jinyoung groan and buck his hips. 
The movement made you gasp as the ridge of his thigh bumped into your clit. You felt the telltale warmth spreading through your body as your rhythm became desperate, uncontrolled. 
“I’m gonna-“ you began, your heart pounding in your ears and your breath catching in your throat. “Gonna come, oh fuck, Jinyoung.”
The headboard squeaked and you were sure if you opened your eyes you’d see your boyfriend fighting against the ties, his only desire to touch your body. 
“Ah, shit, baby. I can feel you soaking through your underwear onto my thigh. Please. Come for me,” he said, his voice strained. 
You threw your head back as you came, your orgasm crashing into you in hot, electrifying waves. You cried out, almost a sob as you rocked your clit into Jinyoung’s leg. Your body twitched and you had to slam both your hands down onto his stomach, curling your nails into his skin to keep yourself steady. 
As you came down from your high, your chest heaving and your hips slowing to a halt, you finally opened your eyes to look down at Jinyoung. His neck and chest both glistened with sweat from the effort of holding himself still, of not ripping his hands out of these god forsaken restraints to grab you. 
“Thank you,” you told him sweetly once you fully returned to earth. “You were so good for me. I think you deserve a reward, don’t you?” 
Jinyoung nodded eagerly. 
When you finally reached forward to slip the blindfold off of his eyes, you were met with an almost animalistic look on his face. His eyes were wild, filled with desperation and lust. He looked tortured, like he’d just been through some sort of battle. 
But you were only just getting started. He was in for quite a ride. 
“Baby…” he whispered. 
“You’re so good to me, Jinyoung. Letting me fuck myself on your thigh while you just lay there and take it.” 
Jinyoung swallowed thickly, his eyes roaming all over your body from your collarbone, shiny with sweat, down to the tops of your thighs, spread out still straddling his leg. Your dress had ridden up, treating him with the sight of your pretty lace panties, a dark patch of wetness right where your center met his thigh. 
“Please,” he breathed, trailing his eyes back up to your face. “Please untie me. I want to touch you.” 
You smiled down at him and shook your head, running your hands from his stomach up to his chest. “Oh, no. I can’t do that. We’re just getting started.” 
There was a storm of emotions on Jinyoung’s face. You knew him enough to identify each and every one of them - he was frustrated, turned on, and a little bit anxious. It reminded you of all the times he’d been the one in control and you were unable to lift a finger unless he said it was okay. You knew exactly how he felt. 
“I’m gonna make you feel good, baby. Don’t worry,” you told him in a soothing voice. He didn’t look comforted in the slightest. He tugged at the ties once more, letting out a frustrated huff. 
“I want-” He flexed his fingers, his eyes glued to yours. “I want to make you feel good. With my hands. My mouth.” 
Even in this position, where you’d hardly touched him, he was focused on your pleasure. It was actually quite sweet. In a general sense, he always cared so much more about your happiness than his own. It showed just how much you meant to him that he was willing to sacrifice and give up his power just to please you. 
You bent down to kiss Jinyoung delicately, your mouths molding together perfectly as they had a thousand, perhaps a million times by now. The way you kissed him contrasted with the less than innocent position you were in, but you were overwhelmed with the need to make sure he knew how much you loved him. 
When you pulled away, you leaned your forehead against Jinyoung’s. “You always make me feel good,” you whispered, trailing your hands from where they rested on his chest down his torso until they stopped at his belt. “Now it’s my turn.” 
Jinyoung simply watched as you sat up to undo his belt, then the button and zipper to his pants before you began tugging them down his legs. You pushed his pants off the bed once they were removed, leaving him in his underwear. The fabric stretched over his crotch, revealing just how hard and large he’d grown. 
You placed your hand over his erection, a smug smile on your face. Hard, pulsing, and leaking quite a bit of precum onto his briefs. And he was all yours. 
Jinyoung inhaled sharply as you began massaging your palm against him, feeling him grow even harder beneath your touch. “Oh, god.” 
After another moment of torture, basking in the way Jinyoung’s eyes fluttered closed and the quiet noises he made for you, you slipped your fingers beneath the waistband of his underwear and pulled them down. You licked your lips as soon as he was naked, hard cock resting against his stomach. 
Without another word, you leaned forward, lips pressing into the taut skin of his stomach. Then you started nipping, sucking at his flesh with the goal to mark him as yours. With each blemish from your lips, Jinyoung took a shuddering, tormented breath.
Your lips traveled down to his hips, leaving wet kisses and hickeys along his skin. All you wanted was for him to look in the mirror and see the marks you’d left and think of the bliss you’d brought him. 
By the time you’d reached his cock, he was hard as you’d ever felt him. You sat up straight now, wrapping your hand around the shaft. Jinyoung whispered your name, his eyes opening to watch you. 
“All mine,” you breathed, staring down at his erection in your hand with adoration. No matter how many times you’d had it inside of you, you still felt hot every time you got him in your hands. 
Jinyoung gulped and you lifted your eyes to his face. You had to admit, you were impressed with how well he was controlling himself. The ties weren’t so strong that he wouldn’t have been able to yank his hands free if he felt like it. 
“Y-yours, all yours, I swear to god,” he rushed out. 
“Are you ready for your reward?” you asked, maneuvering until you were settled on your knees between his legs. You dipped your head down, stopping just before the head of his cock touched your lips. 
Hardly a second passed. “Yes.”
Pleased, you opened your mouth, sticking your tongue out to lave at the head for a moment. He was completely at your mercy, and the thought made you want to drag it out as long as possible. 
You relished in the salty taste of him, your mouth working at him tenderly as you took more and more of him into the wetness of your mouth. Jinyoung remained the only man to make you love giving head, to the point that you’d begged for it in your more desperate moments.
“Fuck, angel,” Jinyoung moaned, and the only thing that could have made it better was the feeling of his fingers in your hair. You loved when he gripped onto the strands until your scalp burned. 
You closed your eyes as you began bobbing your head, an in-and-out motion that stretched your jaw and made Jinyoung jerk his hips up towards your face. You coughed as his cock hit the back of your throat, only caught off guard for a moment before you recovered. 
“Oh, god that’s good,” he told you, his voice tight. “Love your mouth. You’re so fucking good to me.” 
You pulled off of him and stared up at him as you opened your mouth wide, flattening your tongue to lick a long strip up the underside, hard veins pulsing against the wet muscle. 
Jinyoung never lasted as long in your mouth as he did inside of you, so it was no surprise that he was starting to show signs of approaching his climax. You wanted to drag this out as long as possible, not quite ready to give up the upper hand quite yet. 
You made a show of sucking at the head, closing your eyes and moaning, knowing the vibrations would drive him wild. Then you pulled off with an audible pop, Jinyoung’s hips chasing the warmth of your mouth as you did. 
“Jesus fucking-” he ground out, jaw clenched. “Please untie me. Please.” 
Wiping at your lips with the back of your hand, you shook your head. “Not yet. I’m having so much fun,” you told him with a wide smile. 
“I could make you feel so good,” he told you, his tongue running over his lower lip.
“Mm,” you considered, wrapping your hands around his shaft again and stroking lazily. “What would you do for me, baby?” 
“Anything,” Jinyoung answered quickly. “I’d eat you out until my jaw was numb if that’s what you wanted.” 
“What else?” you asked. 
“Fuck, I-I don’t know, anything.” 
It was an automatic response when your hand came down to slap his thigh. Jinyoung gasped, staring at you with wide eyes. Now he knew how you felt. And it appeared that he enjoyed it, judging by the way he bucked up into your hands.
“Tell me. I wanna know what you’d do to me right now, if I untied you.” 
He wet his lips, eyes flicking down to the way you stroked his cock up to your face again. “I… I’d spread you out, bury my face into your pussy and lick your clit until you were begging for me.” 
It was a scenario you’d found yourself in many times, but that didn’t mean you didn’t feel yourself growing wet at the thought. 
“It won’t take long, you’re so good with that mouth of yours. Always have me screaming for you,” you said, thumb swiping over the head of his cock. “You wanna make me come with just your tongue?” 
“Shit, babe, I’ll make you come with my tongue, then I’ll finger you until you’re dripping onto the sheets.” 
You pressed your thighs together for some friction, swallowing down a moan. It was tempting, you had to admit. There wasn’t much in the world you wouldn’t do to have Jinyoung between your thighs, spreading you with his thick fingers while you arched and writhed for him. 
“More,” you told him, switching to a one handed grasp on his cock while the other slipped between your own legs.
Jinyoung watched you with an intensity that only further encouraged you as you slid your hand into your panties, lifting up onto your knees for easier access. 
“Once you’re right on the edge, I’ll stop. Then I’ll bend you over, fuck you so deep while you’re crying out for me.” 
He painted a vivid picture in your head as you closed your eyes, focusing on the way your fingers rubbed your clit and stroked him with the same rhythm. You moaned, rolling your hips into the pressure. 
“That’s right baby, bet you’re so wet right now. Keep going, wanna see you come again.” 
You whimpered as you quickened your pace, both hands working to bring the two of you closer and closer to the edge. 
“Come for me, angel, come on.” 
Your eyes opened as he spoke, the words bringing you back to the present. Tearing your hand out of your underwear, you panted as you took your hand off his cock as well. Jinyoung whined for you, yet another sound you’d never heard from him. 
You clicked your tongue. “No, baby. You don’t get to tell me what to do tonight. Remember? It’s all about me.” 
“Fu-fuck, I’m sorry,” Jinyoung sputtered, a bead of sweat dripping down his temple.
He was close to his breaking point. You could see it in his eyes, the way those pupils were blown out, it even looked like they’d become glassy. While it was exhilarating to see a new side of Jinyoung, you knew he had limits. 
“It’s okay, baby. Lucky for you, the only thing I want right now is your cock inside of me,” you said.
With Jinyoung’s fiery gaze on you, you sat back and removed your soaked panties, tossing them off the bed. Just as you moved to climb back on top of him, Jinyoung stopped you. 
“Take off your dress. Please. Wanna see your pretty body.” 
No matter how many times he complimented you, you still blushed whenever sweet words fell from his lips. You licked your lips, twisting your arms around your back to unzip your dress, then lifted it up and over your hair. 
“God. Look at you, so fucking beautiful.” 
You dipped down to kiss him, needing just for a moment to show your affection towards him. After all, he was the man you were head over heels, ass backwards, out of your mind in love with. And you liked to remind him every chance you got. 
Forehead pressed against his, you maneuvered yourself over his hips until you felt the head of him nudging at your clit. You let him stay like that for just a moment to drag it out until you felt Jinyoung shift his hips uncomfortably. 
“Please,” he whispered once more, this time against your lips. 
With a feathery light kiss, you lifted your hips to hover over him, then let him fill you up on the way down. You sighed, finally satisfied. He was stiff inside of you after all of the build up and teasing and your walls were slick from your previous orgasm. 
“Fuck me,” you told him, keeping your hips steady as you pulled off of him until just the tip was inside. 
Jinyoung was quick to obey, planting his feet on the mattress as he thrusted up inside of you, not even giving you a warning. You gasped and gripped onto his shoulders, letting him fuck inside of you as hard as he wanted. He deserved it. 
His movements were wild, not particularly gentle or controlled. He was loud, moaning and grunting each time he bottomed out. He was muttering filthy phrases against your mouth through gritted teeth. 
“So tight. All mine, this is mine,” he said, nipping at your lip harshly. “Gonna fuck you til you’re crying once you untie me.” 
You mewled for him as he took his frustration out on you, the obscene sound of his skin slapping yours filling the room. In your haze, you didn’t need to think twice before you sat up, reaching for his wrist to untie the knot holding his arm there. 
As soon as one hand was freed, he was grabbing your hair in his fist, nearly knocking your tiara off of your head. But you couldn’t have given less of a shit, all you cared about was letting him pound you into next week. 
You struggled with the tie on his other hand and almost did cry in defeat before finally, the knot came free. It was only a split second before Jinyoung was wrapping his arms around your waist, tipping you over to lay underneath of him. 
How long had he been waiting to do that?
“Ready, princess?” he asked as he stilled, balls deep inside of you. 
“Please,” you breathed. It was shocking how quick the tables had turned - just a minute ago, you were greedy with power, loving the way you had control over his every move. Now, all you wanted was for him to destroy you and remind you who was in charge. 
One hand held your hip, pinning you down into the mattress as he began a brutal, bruising pace inside of you. His other hand came up to your throat, a gentle, but commanding grip that just let you know what he could do, if you asked. 
His name fell from your lips, almost intelligible, as you spread your legs for him, eyes squeezing shut. Your climax was quick approaching like a freight train, and you couldn’t find the words to warn him. He knew your body well enough now to identify the pulsing squeeze of your walls around him. 
“Do it,” he told you as your mouth opened and closed again, his name the only word you could get out. 
He didn’t let up, if anything he moved faster, harder. You were both panting now, sweat dripping down your necks and pooling in the spaces your bodies met. The tension built inside of you, beginning in your limbs as it always did before it spread to your belly. 
With a gasping breath, you felt the tension snap. Your toes curled and your nails dug into his back, no doubt leaving shining red marks in their wake. Your whole body felt numb and on fire at the same time. It was the loudest, most powerful orgasm you’d had in a while. 
When you came down, Jinyoung was still pounding inside of you, but he let go of your throat and instead was holding himself above you, his lips next to your ear. 
“So good,” he whispered, teeth nipping at the sensitive skin below your ear. “You thought you could be the boss, hm? It might have been fun while it lasted, but I can’t wait to make you pay.”
His last three words were punctuated with forceful thrusts, already building you up to another orgasm. You weren’t sure if he could get you there before he came, but you knew the night was far from over. 
“Baby,” you whimpered, twisting your hands up into his hair. “Want your cum. Wanna feel it inside me.” 
You knew it would be enough to send him there, to get him to empty inside of you, and you closed your eyes as he finally filled you up. A feeling you’d felt more times than you could count, yet you lived for it every time.
The rhythm of his hips faltered ever so slightly, and it felt like his climax was never ending. You’d teased him before, but never like this. There must have been something about it, about leaving the reins in your hands, that really did something for him. 
Jinyoung buried his head into your neck, overwhelmed with the sensation of finally coming after having to hold back for so long. You kissed the skin you could reach with your lips - his neck, his shoulder, the curve of his jaw. 
“I love you,” you told him softly, trailing your fingertips down the back of his neck. 
With a kiss to your collarbone, he pulled away and stared down at you. He looked spent, absolutely drained, but Jinyoung’s stamina was not one to be tested. He’d be ready to go for another round within five minutes, tops. 
“I love you,” he repeated, placing a kiss to your forehead. “Happy birthday.”
You laughed, your hands falling from his hair to cover your face. “Oh, god. I just remembered I slapped you - I can’t believe I did that.” 
Jinyoung chuckled and you felt his lips pressing into the backs of your hands. “Yeah, and I can’t believe I liked it.”
Your laughs turned into giggles as Jinyoung flopped next to you, splaying his arm over his eyes in embarrassment. You curled into him, leaning your chin into his chest. 
“It’s okay, baby. We can work our way up to spanking, if you wanna try something new.” 
Then Jinyoung was poking your side, simultaneously pulling you into him and tickling your hips. “Oh, you think you’re funny. Just you wait until I get my energy back.” 
You attempted to wriggle away from him as he blew a raspberry into your chest, letting out a squeal. “It’s okay, Jinyoung! For your birthday, I’m gonna get you a paddle and we can do this all over again!” 
Of course, Jinyoung made good on his word. It only took him a few more minutes of your taunting before he was flipping you over onto your stomach and tying your wrists together to the headboard. He made you pay for your teasing, over and over - with the tiara on. And you loved every second of it. 
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thatbanjobusiness · 4 years
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One of the reasons I love watching Flatt & Scruggs and the Foggy Mountain Boys perform (instead of just listening) is because you see how much they enjoy the music and the company they’re in. 
This group of musicians (Lester Flatt, Earl Scruggs, Jake Tullock, Josh Graves, Curly Seckler, and Paul Warren) played with one another for double-digit numbers of years. Even though there was some turnover and coming in-and-out, these guys played with one another tons.
Below Read More cut: pictures labeling who’s who.
Lester Flatt | guitar and lead vocals Played in this band 1948-1969 (21 years*☆)
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Lester was the lead vocalist, rhythm guitarist, and emcee for the group. As his name indicates, he’s one half of the Flatt & Scruggs duo. He was always welcoming and homely when he talked to audiences. It’s hard to get some of the humor from him in gifs because lots of his jokes were verbal.
Some reasons I love watching Lester are: 
He usually looks so relaxed and makes me feel relaxed.
When he gives introductions for the other bandmates, it’s usually a bunch of clever insults. For instance, “He represents Knoxville, Tennessee. If you’re not acquainted with the area, he goes to show that you can raise just about whatever they want to down there.”
When the announcer of the show, T. Tommy, introduces Lester, it’s usually some sort of joke or insult, too. The pure delight that pops on Lester’s face at a good joke is beautiful.
He straight out says into the microphone when someone makes a mistake. So much for “musical performance professionalism means pretending you did it right.” XD
Earl Scruggs | banjo (default), lead guitar (often enough), and baritone vocals Played in this band 1948-1969 (21 years☆)
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Earl tends to keep a solemn poker face when performing. Hilariously, while he was known for being a very shy man of few words, and while Earl let Lester do ALL the talking in their performances... in these TV Shows, Earl is the number one most likely person to toss comments at bandmates in the middle of a performance.
Some reasons I love watching Earl are:
His comments mid-song are genuinely hilarious. I swear he’s sometimes trying to troll his bandmates to lose their composure in the middle of the song. It’s things like a bandmate singing a line complaining about their romantic interest, and Earl piping up, “Who? Me?” I don’t think he was trying to make it sound gay, but does it sometimes sound gay? Yes.
There’s a quiet charisma in how he plays, straitlaced, staring straight at the camera. He was a very humble guy, but you can feel the indisputable authority of his banjo mastery in his posture and notes.
Every single time they switch up the show (musicians playing alternate instruments, guests coming in), you can tell Earl loves it.
I may or may not have developed a celebrity crush on him. Shut up.
Burkett “Josh” Graves | dobro (usually), bass, rarely guitar, lead vocals (on duets with Jake) Played in this band 1955-1969 (14 years*)
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Josh is one of the comedians for the band. When Jake was in the band, the two of them would work together as a duo, both to sing fun novelty songs together, and as a comedian act. Josh would play the straight man to Jake.
Some reasons I love watching Josh are:
He is an open book of emotions. I’d say he’s the easiest to smile and laugh of the group. I saw one song where, the entire performance, he was on the verge of breaking down laughing. Earl was off-screen making stupid jokes after every line Josh sung. Every time Josh started to regain composure, Earl said something new and broke the guy down again.
He is an extremely, extremely talented dobro player with great technical skill. Josh pioneered a new style of playing the instrument that hadn’t been done before. He combined multiple different ideas of musicianship together, including a lot of three-fingered banjo technique.
He’s very handsome, especially when he sings. 
English “Jake” Pierce | bass and high baritone vocals Played in this band 1954-1955, 1958-1969 (12 years*)
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For those of you who are like, “What the fuck are high baritone vocals?” this means that Jake is singing the baritone part but up an octave. So, Jake is singing the highest part, higher even than the tenor. Jake’s voice is a distinct, shrill, piercing sound and I love it. Jake is one half of the comedy duo and always plays the rascal. From the stories I’ve heard, Jake and Josh and their shenanigans were not that different offstage.
Some reasons I love watching Jake are:
Usually when he’s not doing a comedy routine or a novelty song, Jake has a serious expression on his face. However, he’s got a specific invested drive to him when he plays the music. And then other times, he’ll decide to be silly, such as the wild running across the screen you see in my last gif.
Jake and Josh have this perfect chemistry to them. They know one another so well and you can feel it in their body language.
Jake has a really good cadence and sense of timing when it comes to his comedy delivery.
It’s always exciting when a bass player gets a solo. That’s just a rule of bluegrass. And Jake has an aggressive sound I find unique.
John “Curly” Seckler | mandolin (usually), guitar, tenor vocals Played in this band 1949-1951, 1952-1958, 1958-1962 (12 years*)
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Sorry I didn’t have any gifs with Curly in the forefront this round (though around the time I took this screenshot, Curly stuck his tongue out at Earl, responding to something Earl said). Curly tends to chill in the background a lot for these shows, playing rhythm mandolin and singing harmony. He’s one of the main vocalists for the group, doing duos, trios, and quartets. He’ll also pop in as a featured soloist, which is always a treat.
Some reasons I love watching Curly are:
I already mentioned the featured soloist, but I mean... those are a treat. He has a unique, simultaneously soft and piercing voice. Whether he’s singing harmony or a solo, his voice is something I pay attention to a lot. I remember reading in his biography that at one early point in his career, he was called “Radio’s Gift to Women.” AMAZING.
His mandolin solos are rare, and the group tended to tease Curly off-screen about his mandolin playing. But it’s legitimately fun when the mandolin FINALLYYYYYY gets featured in this band.
Paul Warren | fiddle, guitar (almost never), and bass vocals Played in this band 1954-1969 (15 years*)
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Paul is the fiddler that made me want to fiddle. His style of playing is the old-time hoedown style, filled with double-stops and finger flurries.
Some reasons I love watching Paul are:
HE IS SO FREAKING BOINGY!!!! BOINGY BOI!!!! Paul’s a chronic foot tapper. In live performance recordings, you can sometimes hear him thumping away. I heard that during rehearsals, Earl tried to get Paul to stop by standing on Paul’s foot... but that would only result in Paul’s other foot tapping. Eventually Earl had to give up. Paul also throws himself up and down, bouncing energetically in the direction his bow is going.
You can tell how much he likes going fast.
I think Paul is one of the first people to laugh and gawk when another bandmate makes a mistake. Maybe I have selective memory on this, though.
* Anyone with an asterisk (aka everyone except Earl) played in Lester Flatt’s follow-up band, too, Lester Flatt and the Nashville Grass.
☆ Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs played with one another in the band that came before this. They met as fellow musicians playing for Bill Monroe and the Blue Grass Boys. They were in the band together for over two years.
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kvngjoong · 5 years
wooyoung + nsfw a-z
did you know that wooyoung is officially my favourite sub? sorry jisung, you were replaced. wooyoung deserves it. sorry mingi also
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A: Aftercare
you’ll be doing the aftercare on him. sure, he’ll make an attempt to check you’re okay but the poor baby just wants you to stroke his hair as he smiles at you with love pouring straight from him. pull a blanket over him and cuddle him. that’s all he wants
B: Body part
wooyoung doesn’t have a favourite of yours. he’s literally into all of you. whilst he’s not a praiser or anything, he looks to you with so much admiration (you’re his queen and his face is your throne, hmm?) that he couldn’t pick just one thing of yours that he liked over the other. as for him, he likes his thighs. not sure why. they don’t really have any relevance to nsfw activities but he does like them
C: Cum
he cums within moderation.. it’s not as much as some others, but he usually is a bit messy with it and covers the sheets anyway. prefers it when he can see it on you/around you. or when it’s on your hands. somehow he likes cumming into your hand but he may never actually admit to that
D: Dirty Secret
he is very careful on keeping this a secret, but wooyoung would really, desperately like to see you with one of his hyungs. he’s not sure where it came from, he doesn’t even know if it’s legitimately a want of his or he’s just got a really vivid dream in his head, but he’d love to see you with one of the other members. he’s not sure if he wants it to be another sub, mingi perhaps, or he wants it to be someone like san so you both get to be sub. he kinda wants to see another guy fuck you senseless so you see how it feels to be sub. does that make him a sadist like you? maybe. san it is then
E: Experience
some - maybe he’s done a few things but not much, if anything. most of it is from researching out of general curiosity and a tendency to be into all things that involve him being topped by someone he loves
F: Favourite Position
when you’re taking him from behind, or when you’re on top and switching between riding his dick and riding his face. would wooyoung honestly know what to do if he was on top? hell no. he would look at you with wide eyes and need you to tell him everything to do. he’s a bottom. let him be bottom so it aligns with the natural order of things
G: Goofy
wooyoung goes into a kind of sub space when you are doing anything nsfw. he has the bratty attitude that he turns on and off like a lightswitch and it means that the last thing on your mind, as well as his, is anything funny. he takes his sub role very seriously - and he expects you to take your position seriously too
H: Hair
he keeps it tidy because he thinks it makes you happy (plus he thinks it looks better too). even if you tell him you don’t care, he’ll still keep it tidy and do a little manscaping here and there in order to make things cleaner. probably shaves every so often, too
I: Intimacy
uhh.. hes intimate but not in the way you may expect? when you guys are playing, he will usually shy away from the whole i love you thing and will instead be more in the place of holy shit suck my dick a little more pls. but when he’s about the cum the first thing he thinks of is you, and when he cuddles up to you straight after the only thing on his mind is you
J: Jack Off
when you’re not around, he’ll do it. even if you ask him not to, tell him not to even, he’ll still do it because he’s a brat and brats just can’t be told no, can they? he’ll take the punishment later, he’d rather think of you doing something nsfw to him instead of biting his lip and clenching his thighs all day
K: Kink
wooyoung’s kinks aren’t complex. he knows what he’s into. he wants to be sub, though can play dom is he needs to (to make you angry and so he can tease you). if it’s not bdsm related then wooyyoung probably isn’t that into it. he likes being tied up (who said shibari?) and he likes it when you spank him for being naughty. he also, surprisingly, likes it when you where pretty underwear and play with yourself in front of him. wouldn’t mind watching you with another guy, too, as long as you go straight back to him after. also a masochist
L: Location
whilst the bedroom is ideal for him, wooyoung understands that isn’t always practical and has decided that he can pretty much do anything, anywhere. from a car to a shower, a bathroom to the changing room, wooyoung is down for it if you are. plus there’s more places for him to get caught, which he secretly enjoys more than he lets on
M: Motivation
Usually, it’s something you’re wearing. Wooyoung is a good boy and he’ll sit with his hands in his lap, teeth pulled between his lips, as he waits for you to show him what you bought. You tell him he can look but he can’t touch, though usually he does end up touching you and you’ll punish him for it. Otherwise he’s just been needy during the day and can’t keep away from you, and he’s particularly clingy in the hopes you’ll see he’s a good boy and give him some relief
whilst wooyoung is into a lot of things, he doesn’t like cock rings. he adamantly refuses them each time you bring them up, to the point where you no longer use them and stick to other things instead. they hurt him a bit too much for him to handle, much more than he can handle with, say, a flogger or whip
O: Oral
he really likes it when you reward him with both giving and receiving. sometimes he will be clingy with his hands on your arm the whole day, following you around like a lost puppy, as he whispers to you that he really wants you to suck him off. other times he’ll like it when you sit on his face and he has the opportunity to show you how good he can be to you too - since sometimes he feels like he barely does any giving whatsoever
P: Pace
you control the pace for him, obviously, but he likes it when you fuck him hard and fast. masochist wooyoung enjoys the ache, especially if it’s enough to leave him sore when he dances (and he’ll gush to you about how everyone asked him why he was struggling to do a particular move)
Q: Quickie
doesn’t really happy, not unless he’s adamant about it which isn’t usually. only if something has been on his mind for a while or it’s little teaser for later. that’s often the reason for quickies - if you’re trying to tease him for later and leave him with a boner that causes his problems all during the day
R: Risk
he gets pretty shy when you do anything in public, though he will admit it kinda turns him on.. he’s not sure why, but he really does like the thought of someone catching and him doing something private. he’s into the thrill of what might happen next. depending on your views, he may encourage you to do things in public too
S: Stamina
he can go for a while, but the poor boy doesn’t take long to cum. which is probably the reason he can go so many rounds. his record? he’s cum 5 times in an hour and a half. that’s impressive for him. he’s so sensitive that it’s impossible for him to resist cumming when it comes to you - even if he does get punished for it later
T: Toy
he likes them, a lot. he has his own little collection of favourites that he’ll have for your disposal, if you don’t have your own of course. his favourites are a strap on and a butt plug that vibrates, especially the latter since its one of the first things he ever bought for himself. his eyes will practically light up when you either introduce him to a new toy, or offer to use one on him
U: Unfair
tease is wooyoung’s middle name. he knows how to push your buttons and uses it in his favour - even if it just gets him punished in the end. since he’s a bit of a masochist, he will be happy to accept whatever you throw at him, even if he’s dry cumming into your hand multiple times
V: Volume
he doesn’t give a shit about someone hearing him. he’ll scream until his pretty little throat is sore. he’ll make sure you know how much he loves what you’re doing, and your neighbours know it too. rip to anyone you wanted to have a good impression of you, they now know that your boyfriend subs and he gets so into what he’s doing that he cries and he whines louder than their headphones can cover up
W: Wild Card
one day you came home to find wooyoung sitting on your bed, patiently waiting for you to come home. he has a box in his hand, and he encourages you to open it with a wide smile on his face. it’s then that you realise there’s more to it. when you see the black leather flogger, you realise that wooyoung is probably a bigger saddist than you though - not that you didn’t enjoy using it on him later. though it’s likely he enjoyed it more than you anyway
X: X-Ray
on the smaller side, but it’s enough to work with. probably helps that he’s a sub because his size suits his character
Y: Yearning
he’s needy, but in so many different ways that it’s usually safe to assume that wooyoung probably does want you to touch his dick or something. whilst he is needy, it’s not overbearing and he can deal with things if he needs to. so don’t worry, he’s not going to always be calling you because he needs you. just know that he probably is touching himself thinking of you, if you’re not doing it instead
wooyoung has a habit of laying his head on your chest or your stomach, curling up against you and shutting his eyes and accidentally falling asleep. he’s usually worn out from so much you’ve put him through that it’s best to let him sleep. if you don’t, then you’re not gonna be able to have your fun with him the next morning and he’ll be pouty all day because he’s tired (which is cute but… he’s also kinda annoying when he’s tired)
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britishboystm · 4 years
For You- Matt *Blinded By The Light (SMUT)
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Warnings: Smut, Swearing, Ngl there is a bit of cliche cringe in here so beware👀, super fucking long wtf
A/N: Ok, ok. This one is hella long. Thanks to @blueeyedheizer for the inspo, hope you like it love:)
“I’m telling you Y/N, he speaks to our generation. People like us who want to get out of Luton and see the world!”
“That’s great Javed.” The conversation that was happening while you and Javed walked home from college was less than exciting to you. He seemed super invested however, so you tried your best to let him rave about his new found obsession with Bruce Springsteen, some bloke from America that your dad listens to when fixing the car in the garage. You were more of a Cyndi Lauper and Madonna type.
You felt quite bad for Javed. No one really gave the poor lad the time of day. Not his dad, not the people at the college and most definitely not the community you guys lived in so you were his go to person. You had always been his confidant since you were kids.
Then there was Matt. The third of the trio. He took care of Javed. He was Javed’s protector against bullies in school. He himself was an eccentric personality. Very different from you and Javed. He loved girls, parties and synths. Once school was done, he had no desire to continue through to college. He was out of there.
But he finished the friendship puzzle and you relied on him as much as Javed did and vice versa.
It seemed like hours of him rambling and you tuning him out until you finally reached your neighbourhood. You, Javed and Matt all lived in the same cul de sac. It was where the three of you became best friends, then you were all enrolled into the same primary school down the road not long after. You guys became inseparable after that.
Everything was quite pleasant until you caught a glimpse of Matt. There he was, standing in all of his glory, sucking face with his latest fling, one you had not met yet. The image made your stomach churn and Javed noticed right away.
“Y/N, I really think you should tell him.”
“Tell him what?” Your eyes were glued to the car crash happening in front of you. See, you had developed feelings for Matt back in grade school, keeping it a secret to this day. The only person who knew was Javed.
He sighed and patted your back before walking towards the two love birds. The kissing was finally coming to an end and Matt pried himself off of her to notice the two of you.
“Javed, Y/N you muppets! ” His play thing grabbed onto his arm while he met you two half way.
“Hey Matt, how was Ibiza?” Javed asks reluctantly. Matt chuckles slightly, looking over proudly at his new arm candy. A look you had longed to receive from him one day.
“Met Emma over there, she lives nearby actually. It worked out brilliantly.”
You pretend to look happy.
“That sounds amazing Matt. Um, actually I’m going to have to run. My mum needs me home for dinner soon.”
“Leaving so soon?” Matt asked, soundly legitimately disappointed.
“I’ve been gone for weeks and this is all I get from you?” He pries a little further.
“Well some people actually have lives out of shagging girls and playing bar gigs so yeah I’ve got to go.” You didn’t mean to sound so harsh but seeing this Emma girl had your blood boiling. She seemed lovely and deserved no harsh feelings so you felt it best to walk away from the situation which would probably just get out of hand.
“Y/N what’s all this about?” Matt says, hurt evident in his eyes. You sighed deeply trying to contain yourself.
“Nothing, sorry. I’m just super knackered. I’ll catch up with you guys later okay?” You didn’t wait for a response, hoisting yourself on your bike that you had walked home and rolled over to your front door, not as much as a look back and wave.
You were hoping that the day would come when Matt would bring home a girl and it didn’t bother you. But it was just getting worse. After closing the front door, you leaned against it trying to calm yourself before running up to your room to wallow alone.
Later that night you laid awake staring at your ceiling. The events from the afternoon had you in a frenzy. He really shouldn’t be affecting you like this, and yet here you were lying awake at the wee hours of the morning. It also didn’t help that there was light streaming into your bedroom window from Matt’s room.
You guys lived right next door to one another and your room windows faced each other, so most nights you would stay up and talk for hours on end from the windows edge.  
You stood up, groaning. It was probably the same situation you had faced so many times before. Because Matt was in a band, there were many nights where he would leave his desk lamp on to work on melodies and lyrics. The light would keep you up, which you absolutely hated but you would never say anything. 
Music was his life and you weren’t going to be the one to get in the way of that. With all the anger you were feeling though, tonight seemed easier to call him out on his bullshit. You approached your window and stood in front of it. But nothing could prepare you for what you would just witness. Straight ahead, stood Matt and Emma in very little clothing. Him in nothing but boxers and her in a matching set of red lace undies and bra. His hands were roaming her waist and landed on her perfect butt. 
You couldn't help but feel self conscious. She had such a bangin body, nothing you thought you could compare too. Without hesitation you shut your blinds, not wanting to subject yourself to that anymore. You shakily laid back in bed and just started sobbing. The image of his lips attached to her neck as he loved every inch of her body made you weep. It had probably been all of the pent up emotions you were feeling. This was your first ever heart break.
“Y/N! You need to eat before you head to work.” You tossed the sheets off of your body and huffed. The last thing you needed was a long shift at the mall jewelry store. The required outfit all employees had to wear laid in a heap in the corner of your room which you trudged over to and put on.Once you were ready you headed downstairs where your mom was organizing breakfast and your younger brother devoured his cereal.
“Matt dropped by not that long ago.”
 “Oh yeah? What did he want?” You focused on pouring a cup of coffee for yourself while asking.
“Don’t know. Just said he needed to talk to you.” You turned around to look at your mom and sighed.
“I’m actually not really speaking to him at the moment.” Taking a sip of your liquid energy. 
“Why? What happened?”
“It doesn’t matter. I’m going to be late so I’ll see ya” You grabbed an apple and gave your mom a kiss on the cheek before running out the door
“Bye love!” You were already gone.
Your trusty bike always stayed locked up at the side of the house so you walked over to go grab it before heading to work.
Oh god. Whatever was about to happen, you weren’t in the mood. You turned around to see Matt running down his front yard in nothing but an open button up and pants.
She probably stayed the night, you thought.
You gripped onto your bike harder. Hopefully this won’t take long.
“Y/N, wait I have to talk to you.” He tried to catch his breath.
“What Matt?” Your tone was pointed.
“What’s going on with ya? You were acting all strange yesterday. Did I do something?” He stood there defeated. He had no clue what he had done to piss off the most important girl in his life. His best friend.
You groaned and threw your head back.
“Nothing really. I’m sorry I was being a bitch yesterday but I’ve just been under a lot of stress with school.”
Lies. You were at the top of all your classes.
“So are we good?” He asks, eyes hopeful.
“Always Matt.” You gave a smile. But the hurt was still there. His face lights up and he embraces you into a tight hug.
“Ugh Matt, you need to shower mate. You smell like sweat and regret.”
“Aww, you love it. Don’t pretend my manly musk doesn’t turn you on.” He gives you a wink. He of course was playing around. Why wouldn’t he be? You were his best friend. You couldn’t help but have your breath catch in your throat when he winked at you though.
You pretended to be amused.
“Hah hah Matt, very charming. Anyways I’m off to work so…” The laughs being overly sarcastic.
“Oh actually I wanted to ask you one more thing.” You couldn’t help but feel an excitement bubble in your stomach.
“Yeah?” You ask, eyes sparkling
“I need your help with Javed’s birthday.” Tonight Matt was going to throw a surprise party for Javed.
“Oh.” You were slightly disappointed. You didn’t know what you wanted him to say but it definitely wasn’t that.
“You know how I always want him to come to my parties but it’s impossible to get him there?”
“Well his parents trust you more than me by a long shot so I need you to pick him up and tell them your taking him to the library or some stupid shit like that.”
“Javed doesn’t know right?” You ask.
“Yeah, and it has to stay that way okay? Alright thanks love. I appreciate it.”
He comes in for one more hug and a kiss on the head.
“No worries Matt. See you tonight.”
He waves and starts walking back towards his house. Emma is waiting in nothing but one of his shirts (your favourite shirt of his nonetheless) in the doorway, watching the exchange go down.
You sigh and mount your bike, heading to work.
That night you dressed up a tad bit. Of course it would raise suspicion if you showed up to Javed’s front door with what you had on so you snuck into your parents room and grabbed one of your dad’s old trench coats.
You let out a nervous puff of air as you sneaked past the living room where your mom was passed out in front of the tv. East Enders playing loudly on the screen. Your 5 year old brother laid on top of her asleep as well. It was pretty cute but there was no time to waste so you quietly snuck out.
The air was slightly nippy from the April weather. But you knew Javed’s house was just across the road so you didn’t mind.
You knocked on the door, hoping Javed would answer so it would be a quick exchange before getting him out of the house but alas, his father answered.
Shit, new plan.
“Hi Mr Khan. Is Javed around?”
“Why?” Uhhhhhh.
“We planned on going to the library to study.”
“Where are your books?” Fuck.
“I just got off work so I still need to drop by my house first.” Nice save Y/N.
He looked at you suspiciously then called out for Javed.
“Javed, your pretty friend is here.” You couldn’t help but giggle but it was cut short when Javed came down the stairs.
“Dad I told you this morning. Y/N and I are going to the library to study.” He had no clue what he was in for.
“Right well you two be good and get your work done.” He wagged a fatherly finger at you both and you nodded. As much as Javed and his dad has their problems, you could tell he wanted what was best for his son. Javed waved goodbye as the door shut behind him. Three heavy textbooks in his arms
“Where are your books Y/N? And what’s with the coat?”
“Oh Javed. You're so smart and yet so naive. Drop the books.” He gives you a confused look and you smirk, putting a sleeping mask over his eyes.
“What are you doing?” He seemed a little panicked as you grabbed the books from him and placed them behind the bush beside the stairs.
“Just relax.” You chuckle leading him away from the house.
He kept his hands out in front of him, trying to get used to the fact that he couldn’t see. It didn’t take long to approach Matt’s. You knew a bunch of people were already inside hiding, trying to stay quiet but failing miserably, probably already pissed drunk. You opened the door and Javed called out towards you. “Y/N? Where are we? Can I take this thing off?” You gently removed it from his eyes, darkness still filling the room. You quickly turned the light switch on and everyone came jumping out from different objects and doorways.
“Surprise!” Everyone yelled. 
Javed jumped back a little in your arms. The celebration didn’t last long though because after they did what they were instructed to do, they all went back to playing loud music and talking. Most of the people here didn’t even know Javed, but they did know free booze.
“Happy Birthday mate!” Matt approached, slightly tipsy with a drink in his hand.
“Matt, what is all this?” Javed seemed a little upset.
“It’s your surprise party. I thought you would like it.”
“Is it hot in here?” Javed interrupts. 
It seemed as though everything was too overwhelming for him. The smell of weed and beer was heavy and his mind was getting clouded. This was definitely not his scene.
“Shit. Hey, Javed, why don’t we go upstairs for a bit yeah?” You grabbed his arm knowing how to calm him down. Matt looked at you with a sorry look in his eyes.
“It’s okay Matt. Just give us a minute.” You said before pushing Javed upstairs. Matt quickly grabbed your wrist, his eyes looking deep into yours. They were soft and sincere. He felt awful.
 “You going to be okay?” You smile and nod. Out of nowhere Emma shows up, super drunk. She wraps herself around Matt.
“Hey babe? Want to go somewhere a bit more private?” She giggled and nibbled at his ear. He gave you one last look. 
You nodded telling him to go have fun. She giggles again and grabs his face, going straight in for a make out. Matt now seemed a tad bit preoccupied. You turned around trying to block it out, while also trying to get Javed into a quieter space. You open a couple doors, either people making out in them or drunkenly crying about their ex. You huffed and finally opened the door to Matt’s dad's office. Empty since it was off limits but for you and Javed there was an exception.  
Javed let out a big sigh and you rested your head against the wall as you both sat on the carpeted floor.
“You know Matt did all of this for you. He may have missed the mark but it’s his way of showing that he cares.”
Javed looks over and nods.
“No I know, I just get worried about what would happen if I ever got caught up in that type of crowd. What my parents would think.”
“I understand.” You reply. It’s silent for a moment.
“Oh wait. I totally forgot. Happy Birthday mate.” You pull out a couple wrapped gifts from the pocket of the trench coat you had just taken off, handing them off to Javed.
He gives you a wide smile and rips open the wrapping paper to reveal a couple of Bruce Springsteen cassettes.
Writing on the front of one of the cassette said,
To J,
The biggest boss I know
Love, Y/N
He chuckles lightly before awkwardly crawling towards you and giving you a hug.
“I love it Y/N, thank you.” You smile and ruffle his hair.
“No problem at all. I’m always here for you, J you know that.”
“I know. Same here.” He smiles.
Silence filled the room, nothing but Matt’s weird music causing the walls to shake.
“So is tonight the night you are going to tell him?”
You groan and bring your knees into your chest, resting your head between them.
Not this again.
“Javed!” You whine. You really didn’t want to have this conversation right now. It was his party for christ sakes.
You should be celebrating, not venting. And besides, it would be highly inappropriate since he has a girlfriend.
“I know you hate it when I pry but I’m going to be honest with you.” You look up at Javed waiting for him to continue.
“It’s kind of annoying watching you pine over him from afar. I’ve been subjected to it for years. It’s my birthday I think you owe me one.”
You scoff.
“You’re something else you know that?”
He shrugs and smirks.
“You have been head over heels since year 7. Don’t you think you deserve that closure?” You sigh and close your eyes, leaning your head against the wall again.
“I ju-, We are such different people. Yes I may be madly in love with him but… I don’t know. His type is for sure not me. I’ll just have to get used to the fact that he will never feel the same way that I do.”
Tears threaten to spill and Javed is quick to come over and comfort you.
“It’s okay. You never know unless you try.”
“But what if it ruins our friendship. He means too much to me to jeopardize that.”
“I don’t know what to say to you Y/N.”
You sigh and wipe your tears suddenly feeling parched.
“I’ll be right back, just going to go grab a drink. You want anything?”
“I’m good.” His voice laced with sympathy.
You nod and get up, a little wobbly but you find your footing. You turn the nob and open the door only to walk right into someone.
Your eyes meet their chest but you already know who it is. Your eyes slowly look up to meet Matt’s.
He looks as though he has just seen a ghost. You're frozen in place, wondering if it’s worth fleeing or retreating back into the dark office space.
“I was coming to check on you guys. Is it true that you have feelings for me?” He asks suddenly, his face still in shock.
“Are you in love with me?” You bow your head in shame, not wanting to make eye contact with him.
“It’s okay Matt just forget it.” You slip past him and start walking away. You wanted to get the hell out of there but you couldn’t leave Javed alone so instead you keep your word and go find the drinks.
Matt follows you down the stairs and over to the kitchen where you were pretending to be busy finding a drink, your mind actually racing after what had just happened.
“Y/N.” He says beside you. You ignore him. He lightly grabs your face so you have no choice but to look into his blue eyes.
“Talk to me.” You push his hand away.
“There’s nothing to talk about Matt.”
He sighs and grabs your hand, pulling you away from the alcohol and into a quiet corner.
“We can’t just pretend I didn’t hear what you said up there. Y/N, do you have feelings for me? Be honest.”
“I might have some feelings for you.” He sighs and rubs his eyes in aggravation.
“I can’t believe you're making me do this.” You frown in confusion.
“Make you do what?” He doesn’t respond but instead walks away from you. Your heart shatters a bit, knowing deep down he wasn’t going to reciprocate and that you would ruin the friendship.
You can’t help but follow him and try to patch up whatever damage you had just caused. But you are stopped in your tracks. You see Emma and Matt talking. She looks upset and suddenly she slaps him across the face, leaving the party in a state. You flinched at the sound but run over to him.
“Matt what did you just do.”
“Was it not obvious?” He looked a little aggravated.
“What are you talking about.” Now you were getting annoyed. He wasn’t being clear with you. The same way you hadn’t been clear with him since year 7.
Once again he grabs your hand and pulls you upstairs. You thought that you guys would go back to the office but he enters the door beside it. His bedroom.
“Matt you're freaking me ou-“ He pushes you against his bedroom door and presses his lips against yours. Your eyes open wide and before it can go any further you push him off of you.
“Bloody hell Matt. You have a girlfriend!” You yell at him as he breathes heavily.
“What do you think I was doing down there? I was breaking up with her… for you.” You laugh in astonishment.
“You broke up with your girlfriend because I said I had feelings for you? Have you gone mad?”
“You don’t understand Y/N. I’ve been in love with you since we first met. I always thought you were beautiful, smart, funny, fun…. Look I may not have realized it then because I was 6 but still, once I understood what love meant I knew I had always loved you. Every girl I have been with has been a distraction to get over you. Now that I know you feel the same way, I’m all yours.”
You looked at him like he was a crazy person.
“You’re fucking insane.” You scoff.
“Insane about you.” You laugh again.
“Oh wow, you find that one on a bubblegum wrapper?” That line was probably the most cringey thing you have ever heard.
He smiles widely. He had always loved to see you laugh. It brightened his day.
“Y/N I’m serious.” He slowly walks back towards you and lightly pushes you back against his door. His left hand leaning against it beside your head.
Your breathing becomes very prominent as he leans down to leave a kiss on your neck.
“Tell me you love me.” He mumbles into your skin. You can’t help but release a small moan.
“Tell me you love me Y/N.” He sounded a bit desperate and honestly you were just as desperate as he was.
“I love you.” You respond in a breathy tone. He groans in pleasure and the kisses along your neck become deeper and they begin moving to different parts of your face. Soon your lips catch his and he holds your face in his hands while he slips his tongue down your throat.
“I’m so sorry it took this long.”
“Me too.” You gasp as he places his hand over your heat.
“Do you want to do this?” He let’s go and stops everything, looking into your eyes.
“Because I am okay with waiting.” He says, his face all blissed out.
You’ve been pent up for too long for this not to happen so you grab his hand and put it back where it was originally.
“I want you to fuck me Matthew.” His dick twitched in his pants when you said that. You had only ever said his full first name when you were really pissed at him.  Now it had a whole new meaning. He liked it.
“Oh baby.” He smirks hoisting you up and swiping all of his lyrics off his desk and placing you down on top of it. You couldn’t help but laugh at the cheesiness as you held onto his neck. It felt like a stupid rom-com. But you didn’t care because you were with him. You kick your white heeled boots off, hating how they squeezed your feet anyways.
He began attacking your neck while between your legs, leaning you back slightly. You shifted your head to give him better access. You couldn’t help but stare out his window, looking into your room.
You were now one of his girls. So many times had there been glances into his bedroom, a new girl wrapped around him.
Jealousy always took over you. But now knowing he only did it because he couldn’t have you turned you on. You smirk slightly as he begins to remove your jean jacket.
“Maybe we should move this over to the bed.” You whisper in his ear. He nods and leaves you, the cold in the room making you shiver. He goes and jumps on his bed, excited like a little kid on Christmas. Trying to spice things up, you walk over to his record player and begin looking through his music library.
“Y/N!” He whines. He’s already taking down his pants and boxers, getting ready for you. You purposely take your time and evilly smirk at him while he begins to pleasure himself, waiting.
“I’m just finding some music.” You simply state trying not to drool over him stroking himself. You finally find a Led Zeppelin record that probably belonged to his dad and place it on the record player.
He groans and throws his head back on the pillow as he speeds up his movements. You crawl over to him, the music playing softly, his other music downstairs overpowering it.
He is quick to grab and pin you down onto his bed. Your arms held in place above your head
“You are so beautiful.” You smile and lift your head slightly to give him a kiss. He shifts a bit down your body and gives you a look, asking for permission. You nod so he starts to gently pull down the straps of your dress, then pulling the top down exposing your bra. It wasn’t as nice as Emma’s but it was uniquely you. A light purple with butterflies. He smiled down at you.
“So beautiful.” He starts to trickle kisses down your neck, then the exposed part of your breasts.
“Just take the bloody thing off Matt.”
“My pleasure.” He smirks. You arch your back slightly so he can work the clasp. It comes off after a couple of attempts and he throws the material to the side. You lay there complety bare from the waist up.
He bites his lip before dipping his head down and taking a nipple into his mouth. You close your eyes in pleasure, tingles moving down your back as you grip his hair.
“Feels so good.” You sputter out as he continues to suck on your chest. Some hickeys included. His tongue swirls around your nipple making you even more sensitive, a build up occurring in your lower stomach.
He lifts his head up and kisses you before pushing himself further down your body, gripping the sides of your dress and pulling it off of you completely, chucking it beside your bra.
His hands graze over your Saturday undies and he’s about to pull them down. You stop him however, bringing him back up so he’s face to face with you.
“Matt. Do you mean everything you are saying? I don’t want to be another number to your body count. This is real to me.” He smiled softly and lays beside you, giving you a peck on the lips.
“I’m serious about this Y/N.” You sigh and look up at the ceiling, in nothing but your underwear. All the times you had laid on his bed while doing homework over the years, you never thought you would end up like this. You weren’t complaining though.
“Let me take over for a bit yeah?” You say looking over at Matt. He smirks and kisses you once more before you jump up and straddle his waist, helping him take off his blue button up, leaving him stark naked other than his bracelets which you always secretly loved.
You lean down and plant kisses on his lips. Then you moved down to his neck, sucking bright purple hickies into his skin. You had a pattern going. Your lips continued down further his body. His chest, stomach that you always have adored when you guys went swimming throughout your school years. You made your way down to his pubic bone ready to take his dick into your mouth.
“Please love, stop teasing and put it in your mouth.” He almost looked like he was in pain. The back of his hand laid on his forehead while he winced, eyes tightly shut and lips pressed into a thin line.
“My pleasure.” You say softly, lightly gripping his throbbing member into your hand.
You slowly began stroking it. A tight enough grip where every once in a while you grazed your thumb over the tip, his thighs clenching every time you did so. You kept a mental note of that.
“Holy fuck! ” He cried out.
You kept going for a bit, pre cum leaking from the head.
Taking this as a signal you wrapped your lips around the tip and licked a couple swirls clockwise.
Matt wasn’t having it though because his hand shot up and gripped your hair, lightly pushing you deeper down his shaft. Surprised you choked a bit, which he caught right away and lifted you up.
“You okay?” He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. You smiled and nodded.
“I’m fine, just surprised is all.” He sighs in relief, and lays back down, an arm going under his head.
“Sorry I shouldn’t have forced you.”
“I don’t feel forced love” you reply, adoring the sound of calling him love.
Instead of going back to sucking him off you decide to just go for it.
“Um Matt. You have a condom on you?” He shoots up and leans over to his bedside table, you still in his lap.
“I can’t believe we are doing this.” He says all giddy. You snort and wait for him to get the piece of rubber on his member.
It takes him a second but once he does it he flips you over so you are under him. He helps your shimmy out of your underwear then he brings you into a kiss while he uses his other hand to line himself up with your centre. Once he finds it he slowly enters, a guttural moan leaves his lips. Once he is fully inside you, he leans his forehead against yours, breathing heavily through his nose. A tear slips out from your eye from how tight you are and he notices, wiping it away.
“I’ll move in a second. There is no rush.” You nod, silently thanking him for waiting. Once your body is accustomed to his length you give him a tap and he slowly starts coming out. He then enters again, a steady speed developing. You whimper and let out heavy breaths as he slowly pounds into you.
“Go faster. For fuck sake Matt, go faster.” He speeds up leaving your eyes to roll in the back of your head. It felt so right having him inside of you. You were in pure bliss.
Sweat starts forming on his forehead and his tongue sticks out slightly as he pounds into you relentlessly. You weren’t totally there yet so you let him circle your clit with his index and middle finger helping you build up faster. Once you got there you cried out,
“I’m gonna fucking cum Matt!”
“Look down love.”
You followed his orders and watched as his length moved in and out from your dripping core. That was enough to finish you so you nodded.
“Yup I’m there, I’m there. Cum with me baby.” You try to coherently say. He starts to twitch inside of you and you both let out loud moans of release.
He cums into the condom and crashes onto your chest, still inside of you.
The record had stopped but music from downstairs and yelling could still be heard from all corners of the house.
Inside the room was all pants and heavy breathing,
“That. Was. Fucking. Amazing.” He breathed out while you rubbed his back and played with his hair.
I love you Y/N.” He mumbled into your breasts. You laugh slightly at his childishness.
“I love you too bub.”
“We should have done that so much sooner.” He lifts his head up from your bare chest to say.
“What does this mean for us?” you ask, a slight worry in your voice.
“I want nothing more than to be with you Y/N. I would do anything for you.”
You smile, pushing his head back into your chest. He starts to lull off, listening to your heartbeat and breathing.
“Oh my god Javed!” You were brought out of your dreamland, remembering your best friend you left in that room about half an hour ago.
Matt’s eyes went wide and you both shot up from the bed and began to get dressed. Hopefully he was okay and wasn’t in a corner crying.
Once you were both somewhat collected, other then Matt’s badly done buttoning job of his shirt and both or your disheveled hair, you ran out.
You open the office door beside Matt’s room. He wasn’t in there.
“Shit.” You mutter, running downstairs. Matt close behind you. The party on the main floor stayed alive and well, even with the host's absence.
You look around and notice a group laughing in the living room. You walk in to see Javed, holding a blunt telling a funny story to a group of very interested people. He was the life of the party.
“Matt come here, you won’t believe this!” You call out to your now boyfriend.
He joins you and looks at Javed all surprised.
“J?” He asks. Javed stops his fascinating story and walks over to the two of you.
“Hey guys. I’m sorry for earlier. I’m having a great time. Really thank you for the party Matt.”
“No problem J.” Matt looked dumbfound.
“I’m sorry I left you in the office J, I got caught up.” You try to explain yourself. Javed smirks at the likes of the two of you.
“No worries and by the way thank you for the birthday present. “ You look at him confused.
“Now I don’t have to listen to you whine about Matt anymore. Same with you mate.” Your eyes went wide.
“Wait what? You knew all along Matt liked me back and never said anything.” He shrugs
“It was never my place. Anyways, next time just remember that the walls are thin in this place.” He winks before walking off, starting to talk to some girl from college.
You and Matt stand there dumbfounded.
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acrispyhobo · 7 years
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In other news, Marathon 2 is kicking my fucking shit in.
I’m putting the rest of this post under a read-more link because it ended up being five paragraphs of me yelling about how difficult these maps were and the severe ass kicking I went through. Keep in mind I’m playing on Major Damage (the equivalent to Ultra-Violence).
If I Had a Rocket Launcher, I'd Make Somebody Pay was a damn ass kicker of a level despite being really straight forward, it was just merciless and saving with low health and ammo got me stuck in a jam against hunters and troopers all over. Great combat level, but if you don’t know what you’re running into and spend too much time in one spot then you’re just digging your own grave.
And then there’s Sorry Don't Make It So. Hoo boy, hoo boy did this level beat me senseless. It didn’t take me long to recognize that it was actually a recreation of Pfhor Your Eyes Only from Marathon 1 (which is one of my favorite maps from that game) (the map is also flipped around), I recognized the layout pretty quickly after the first few bends in the hallways and I was glad to be in “familiar” territory. But this level does not spare any survivors. Ammo spawns are extremely minimal, a 1x shield charge station will be your primary healing source until you find the 3x one deeper in the map, the enemies teleport in all over the place and in large numbers with lots of cyborgs and enforcers (which drop alien weapons to use, but you CAN’T BURN THEM or they don’t drop the weapons, and sometimes they despawn!), and every encounter will have you running back to that health terminal.
To add to that, after making your way through waves of enemies and exploring the empty, plasma-filled ship, you’re left with two options; swim through plasma to the lower area, or find the hidden lift and teleporter to get there (which I find thanks to keen map-watching while hitting a switch). Once you get through to that lower area? You’re in the middle of a bunch of enemies and you’ll be face to face with the Mother of all Cyborgs (basically a heavy-duty mini-boss version of the cyborgs).
And hoooo boy, this is where the map really tested me. Because I was so low on health and ammo, being face to face with the mother of all cyborgs and another cyborg, I saw a save terminal in the room we were in and in a panic to save because it was the only save terminal on the map, I saved my game... Just as a few grenades were bouncing behind me. While I was at critically low health. I probably died two dozen times just trying to escape these grenades by running to the sides, opening and getting out the door before another grenade killed me, and hoping that another cyborg in the hall didn’t kill me. One chance I finally made it into the halls and basically expended nearly all of my grenades, assault rifle ammo, rockets, etc. killing the mother of all cyborgs and the cohorts. Critically low health, no health terminals around. I finally managed to kill them all, save, find out the other rooms have tons of enemy spawns with no rewards and say “fuck it, next level”.
AND THEN, AND THEN, I find out that For Carnage, Apply Within starts off by immediately fucking you over. There’s a chance that you may spawn in the middle of a room that’s essentially a monster teleport trap and end up surrounded by enforcers with alien weapons at point blank range. If you get lucky and don’t spawn there and instead in the normal starting room, then you get a few pieces of ammo and... that’s it. So what do I do when I’m in critical condition with only scraps of ammo left? I’m forced to cheese these enemies hard, and it doesn’t always work out because one hit from a stray shot of their flaming plasma weapons will kill me. And there’s five of them that spawn. And that’s the first room. The next hallway has a dozen fucking compilers and a few enforcers spawn in all around you and... I stopped playing after that. Because I realized how impossible that battle was going to be. I think I legitimately will need to replay the previous map all over again just so I can hopefully start the next map with better health and ammo resources so I might have a better chance at surviving. Because HOLY FUCK DUDE, MARATHON GOT A PRETTY BIG DIFFICULTY SPIKE IN THIS CHAPTER AND I’M FEELING THE MAJOR DAMAGE EACH TIME I DIE.
So yeah, I think I should take a few days off from playing this game after the two hour struggle I went through in these few maps.
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