#because my beloved kitty cat missed me so much he just HAD to poop all over my bed.
dilsdoes · 5 months
there are moments when i am not physically washin me n my clothes. im not washin me. and im not washing my clothes. but spiritually? im washin me n my clothes bitch.
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izmali-blog1 · 7 years
My kids don’t get along, and by my kids I mean my cats. 
Okay so like. Two weeks ago, my sister and I found a kitten in a trashcan. He was missing half an ear and most of his tail (according to the vet it was done by a human, and doesn’t that just prove that humans are the worst), and needed help asap. The operation was a success, the little one was very brave, and he healed nicely. He didn’t have a home, and if he didn’t find one by the end of his stay at the clinic, he would’ve been put in an animal shelter. So, hearing this, my sister and I adopted him. Duh. We weren’t about to leave that baby there okay?? If I could I’d adopt all animals, but I can’t, so I’m saving the ones I at least can.
Right. So anyway, the vet advised us to give him some space to heal properly. So he stayed at my girlfriend’s place for a week (but she can’t really keep pets, so even a week was a hazard with her landlord). Anyway, taking advantage of my free evening, we decided it was high time the baby moves into his new home. Meaning my sister and I’s flat. 
Okay, doesn’t sound too bad, right? Yeah. I have three other cats (in this flat, there are two more in my hometown), two parrots and, occasionally, three dogs. Ocassionally, because they live in my hometown with my parents, but when my parents have to leave for a business trip they live with us. 
Anyway, this time around it was just my 3 cats and 2 parrots and him. 
Okay so like. My other cats are 5+ years old. They’re pretty chill about new animals. I mean, they all had to get used to each other. And the parrots. And the dogs. And the cats back in hometown. Yeah, they’ve experience. But this baby doesn’t, and oh man, does he hate them. 
They were honestly just looking at him from afar at first and he just?? Kept hissing?? And idk I think one of my cats thought it was hilarious, especially when she noticed he was missing most of his tail (she, too, does not have a tail) and she wanted to make friends. She bopped him with her nose and he kind of froze for a minute, blinked back at her, and then sprinted towards me. 
Anyway, it’s been a few hours and like. My other cats really don’t care he’s there? Like, yeah, cool, whatever. But he’s so bothered by them. He keeps hissing at them even when they’re on the other side of the room. Why can’t you notice they’re being nice to you, kitty?? Fran even cleaned up after you when you did your bussiness in the litter box because you forgot to bury your unslightly and smelly poop. Kai honestly was just super happy to see a pal without a tail. And Lunie, well. She gives no shit about you, let’s be honest, this girl is all about food, not your kitty drama. So okay, she might have been sort of rude, she did kind of hiss back but: 
1) You’ve been hissing for four hours, come on
2) She was eating from the bowl first
And I mean, I want him to be comfortable and not stressed, because he’s so young but already been through so much, but I also know I can’t force them to get along and that they’ll eventually grow to tolerate - maybe even love - each other. That’s how it was in the past, and I’m hoping it’ll be like that now, too. Or even if not tolerate, then at least not hate. One of my cats back in hometown isn’t especially fond of my other cats, but she usually just swishes her tail once and then forgets about them. She’s too fabulous for the other cats anyway. 
But ughh. At the same time I really want to sleep but? Tiny, baby hisses coming from under my bed whenever one of my other cats jumps on or off the bed? I am so stressed about the fact that this baby is so stressed??? 
Anyway. I dunno where I was going with it. I think that I just needed to write down my cat drama because I’m honestly stressing due to it. Why do I have to stress even about my cats. Why do y’all hate me. I work 16 hours a day to pay for your food, you little, ungrateful, cuddly sweet, precious, beloved little monsters you. 
Ugh. I love these assholes to death. 
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