#because of all the fragging DETAIL
The ferocity with which I want to reread mtmte/ll has such a chokehold on me
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cyberrose2001 · 1 year
Hi hi! Your op drawings are so good?? My bby aaa drawing him (bots in gen) is so tough, I get too caught up in the details TT
Anyway, since I miss him lol I was wondering if I could request some... uh, gosh I hate this word but idk anything synonymous. Could I request pussydrunk tfp op?
Hope you're having a nice day/night btw <3
- 🍄
TFP pussydrunk!Optimus x reader
Hi hello!!I am very proud of this and it's probably up there with my list of my favourite fics I have ever written. Thank you so much for requesting and liking my silly sketches of the blorbo. I've written this as gender neutral <3
(lowkey ive been writing heaps of OP eating pussy,,, its a canon event for me i cannot intervene..... anyway its 11AM and i havent slept yet but i needed to finish hggggh *dies of horny*)
Warnings: Oral sex (reader receiving), edging, reader has a vagina.
Word count: 657
Spending time alone with you has learned to be one of Optimus' most treasured past times. But as much as it pains him, relaxing with you is a rare treat. The usual business of the base either keeps him up all night, or he genuinely has no time. However, he tries his best to make the most of it, whether he's relaxing with you, cuddling you, or with his head glued between your inner thighs. 
Like right now. It was nearing two AM. Optimus has you sprawled out on your shared berth, his face pressed against your aching heat, finally finding sweet relief from his built-up arousal. It's been too fragging long since his face was buried in you. He misses it, and if Optimus had a choice, he would sacrifice everything he's worked for to keep you bare before him.
Two hours. Optimus had been lazily lapping at you for two hours now. At one point, his helm had lulled to the side to rest against your right inner thigh to not strain his neck. His glossa grows tired, and his energon roars through his hot frame.
His stamina is almost depleted compared to when he initially delved into your drenched pussy. Despite this, Optimus still has the capacity to tightly grip your hips, gently massaging them as you lie still for him. He is weary, yet he perseveres, ignoring his aching joints and pulsing spike painfully pressed against the berth because tonight is about you. He will make up for all those lonely nights you've spent in berth alone in one lengthy oral session.
It's very often that when Optimus gives you oral, his mind feels like he's been transported to a higher plane of existence, one where he has no responsibilities or obligations to lead a team, just the mind-numbing taste of you. It makes him dizzy and light-headed, similar to the buzz he gets when he has a high grade or two, but Optimus prefers revelling in you instead to get his high. 
As ever patient as you are with your star-crossed lover, your hips still gently roll and shudder involuntarily against his glossa, and Optimus fucking loves it. He loves your soft cries when he sucks on your clit, and he loves when you clamp your legs around his helm when your orgasm is merely within reach. But he won't let you finish just yet, not when he's yet to relish and thoroughly drown himself in your sticky sweet.  
His warm optics remain lazily trained on your face, only fluttering close when you squeeze his helm. The pressure from your thighs only heightens his hunger, a carnal desire to swallow every drop of your aphrodisiac juices. 
"Mmmmm," You mewl, sweaty palms digging into the berth, "Fuck, I missed this… why don't we do this - aah - more often, baby…."
Optimus doesn't respond, and he can't because his processor is so intoxicated and aroused that he can't even form a single coherent sentence. It's quite ironic, he thinks. A mech of his nature that is so poised and articulate in his vocable is conned by his own desperate need to surrender his intake to his humans' essence.
"Mmmffh," He purrs into your heat, parting your sensitive lips with his glossa, lazily swirling around your bud before pressing a gentle kiss against it. He can't help but grind his spike into the berth below at your whimpers, servos kneading into your soft flesh, "More… Primus, I need more…."
You titter breathlessly, snaking a hand to the top of his helm to lightly press his face further into your pulsing heat, and Optimus delightfully grunts. You shiver, biting back a moan at the vibrations, "Go ahead, hun, you've got me for the rest of the night."
Optimus may need to blow a hole into the sun to prevent it from rising, since one night will never be enough to satisfy his thirst for you.
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tinydefector · 8 days
Psst , The human affect last one where after MC post those spicy pic's, imagine the new of it on Swerve bar's DRAMA and Chaos 😂😂😂 I want to see the reactions
Who's servos- Human effects
Words: 1.1k
Warnings: taking about explicit photos, light smut, hand humping, Drunk robots.
I added a sprinkle of Dratchet in here because I love these old men. So enjoy the boys reactions to the Ambassador's photos.
Swerves Bar is overly loud as mechs argue amongst each other as they try to figure out what bot was shacked up with the Ambassador, everyone looking at the photos as they try and figure out who's servos they are. 
"I'm telling you, those are Rodimus' servos for sure!" someone slurred, slamming their drink. "Only he's got servos that colour!" 
“Ah no, Animus has the same coloured Servos!” 
“Don't look at me im on the Ethics committee, and whoever is involved in this clearing doesn't care about the ethical side of interspecies relations which we have no knowledge on!” Animus argued back the moment his name was mentioned 
“What if it's UltraMagnus who painted them so he doesn't get caught!” Aquabat chimed in trying to be part of the conversation. 
"As if!" another scoffed. "Ultra stick-up-the-tailpipe would never. My shanix are on Atomizer." Gears states into his drink. 
At the counter, Rodimus nursed his engex with a scowl. "Sure as Frag wasn't me,  i'd be boasting about that in person!, plus the servos don't have the detailing I have!" He argued back. 
Drift flashed a sly grin. "Oh I don't know, Roddy - they do raise an interesting point. You are the Mech they spend a lot of time with who's captain of the ship, and I believe you'd keep it a secret to spite everyone" the ex con was Overcharged himself, drifting from where Rodimus sat and where Ratchet was sulking over his own drink. 
"It has to be one of the senior staff," argued Hound. "They've got the most face time with the Ambassador." 
"Don't discount the scientists," Brainstorm countered. "Interspecies collaboration is crucial work." A collection of them look at Brainstorm for a kilk. 
Nautica scowled as she passed by. "We all know you have no tack Brainstorm."  
Tailgate tugged Rewind's arm anxiously. "Do you think we'll get in trouble for looking? I didn't mean to pry, honest!"
Rewind shook his head. "No, its publicly posted with consent, pretty sure if the Ambassador had issues with it High command would have dealt with it already " 
Beside them, Swerve studied the photos intently. "Maybe I should invite the ambassador for drinks. Get to chatting, see if we could get them to spill."
"No harassing them," Rodimus warned, stealing Swerve's datapad. "Now let it go, mechs. Their choices aren't anyone's business but their own." 
Skids appeared at Drift's side suddenly. "Can you believe it, Drift?, who do you think it is?" He waved a datapad at the speedster, proudly displaying an image. 
Swerve perchs up his field mischievous. "Any guesses on the lucky mech, Drift?, we're Taking bets" He states in singy song tone. 
“C’mon Tailgate, don’t be such a prude,” Skids nudged the minibot to look at the photos  as he ducked shyly behind his engex. “Ain’t you curious?” 
Swerve flashed a waggle. "C'mon Drift, place your chips! I got hot odds on Roddy, Crossblades, or maybe even that slippery therapist Rung." 
Hound elbowed in, visor blinding. "Do they show interface arrays? Wonder how alien bits compare!" 
Drifts optics focus in on the holos taking in the Ambassador and the servos, Drift felt his energon run cold as his optics focused unmistakably on the servos in the image. Oh, he knew those battle-worn appendages all too well - how many vorns had he felt their merciless precision upon his mesh, heard their owner growl his name through the throes of overload? 
But dear Primus, how had the Ambassador come to possess Ratchet's severed servos? A flash of memory surfaced - hadn't Ratchet left them in medical incase he ever had to use them again. after the massacre at Delphi. 
He snuck a surreptitious glance at Ratchet through the chaos, the grumpy Medic seemed to slouch more in his seat while spilling a bright green mixed high grade. A smirk spread Drift's lips. “ don't Bet Swerve” he states. Rising smoothly, making a beeline for Ratchet with the holo in hand.
Ratchet glances up when he sees Drift, had the CMO not been so drained and worried he might have smiled at Drift, but with everything that had happened with Traxies his systems were running full alert. "Well well, look who finally noticed me," Ratchet remarked dryly as Drift slid into the seat beside him, weariness pulling his field taut as ever-tightening screws. "And just what have you got there that's got your relays in a twist?"
Drift took a moment to slowly moving to straddle his conjunx lap, teasing whispering to him as he handed over the holo. "Funny thing - seems our dear Ambassador has found a new use for those old servos of yours, though how, I couldn't say..."  Ratchet whipped his gaze to the image, intake dropping open at the sight of all-too-familiar digits wrapped intimately around supple flesh. His fans stuttered violently. 
"The pit...how in Primus's name did they get a hold of my old servos?!" He rasped, snatching the holo to pore over with widening optics. Somewhere in the drunken din, Drift managed to slap a servo over Ratchet's mouth before he made a scene. 
Drift leaned close, vents puffing hot against an audial. "Well? Care to make a claim, or shall mystery have them all in a tizzy?" he purred silkily. Ratchet grimaces, field warming ever so slightly beneath its veneer of exhaustion. "None of their business," he grumbled, staring pointedly at Drift. 
Drift chuckled, glossa flicking coyly over his dermas. "Aw, don't be like that. You know you're enjoying the thought of having every optic in this bar on you, imagining all the sinful things you'd do” 
A rumbling growl escaped Ratchet's intake. "And you'd best mind your tone, or you'll find yourself in need of a medical. Again." But his field betrayed amusement Drift's optics glinted knowingly. "You say that like it's a chore, but we both recall how creative your medical procedures can be...especially with an eager patient beneath those adept servos." 
"You're like rust" Ratchet huffs but lets Drift continue, his mind does start to wonder about how soft the Ambassador looks. "Honestly, you're worse than the younglings sometimes, Drift." But his digits had already found their way to rest in the seams of Drift’s hips. 
The Ex con nuzzled closer still, voice playful even in his overcharged state. "How you wound me, doctor." His servo crept daringly across Ratchet's plating, tracing patterns. "Just imagine - that soft little frame. The sounds you could coax from those lips..."
A shiver worked its way through Ratchet's struts, betraying his fraying self-control. "You really are determined to get us both in more trouble than we can handle, aren't you?" But his engine revved eagerly all the same. Drift purred contentedly as deft medic's digits found all his sensitive nodes just right. "Mm, you say trouble but I know how you enjoy a challenge, doc." 
His field pulsed hot as his imagination, arousal spiking at thought of the Ambassador with them. "Just picture it - that lithe organic frame writhing between us, so curious and willing to learn." Drift continued to grind against Ratchet's servos. "You'll get us both in the brig, get back to my Hub you're overcharged" he huffs out. 
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cozzzynook · 3 months
Who do you think would be carrying in blitzbee relationship, and what are your headcannons for them?
I personally love Bee carrying their bitty.
My headcanons for the two
- Blitzwing lets Bumblebee know he won’t abandon him but he disappears for a long time before coming back. When he does Bee is already starting to show just a tad but its only because he knows what to look for. Their species carry for years, literally, so they have time to plan.
- Bee is actually more willing to leave his faction. He’s not dumb and he actually can think when he needs to. A sparkling changes a bot and Bee is no exception. He’s still fun, loving, likes pranks and messing with bots but he grows and lets his other traits shine far more. The traits he was embarrassed to reveal or let it be known he had.
- Blitzwing watches as the young reckless mech becomes less brash, less reactive to situations and more thoughtful. He’s quite clever and he’s pretty crafty about the well thought out lie he tells his prime on the night he plans to leave for good when Bee feels the medic Ratchet is suspecting something. Bee knew he couldn’t fool Ratchet for long he’s just happy he lasted a year without the other knowing.
- Bee says his goodbyes without the others knowing its a goodbye and takes a small pod and leaves Earths atmosphere before trashing the communicator and tracker after leaving a final message. He’ll return when the war is over and reveals he’s resigned. He doesn’t say why but Ratchet puts the pieces together. bee feels guilty and misses his friends a lot but his sparkling is more important.
- Bee and Blitzwing take time getting used to this new dynamic. Blitzwing isn’t used to Bee being quiet or reserved. Bee doesn’t know what to do and his emotions are all over the place. He goes from giving Blitzwing a lot of space because he doesn’t know what to do and doesn’t want to push to screaming crying in the berth when Blitzwing is out getting fuel and things they need for their new home on a neutral planet they found.
- neither are very good at dealing with not talking or touching the other and it all comes to a head when Blitzwing looks up to see Bee crying over the fuel he’s secretly craved that Blitzwing made to try making him happy. He doesn’t even remember getting up, all he realizes is that he’s holding his hummel who’s crying and struggling to vent while holding him. He’s not very good at soothing but curling around his hummel and petting his doorwings seemed to be the right thing to do.
- they have a very long talk after that. Insecurities and apologies on Bumblebee’s end for getting sparked, for his baffles failing, for Blitzwing being away from his faction and deemed a traitor. Blitzwing revealing he’s afraid to frag up his own sparkling with his fractured processor and the many terrible things he’s done in his past.
- They have so much reassurance they have to give the other while waiting for their sparkling to emerge. Blitzwing simply tells Bee how he believes he’ll make a good creator by how much he’s changed and matured almost effortlessly and yet he’s still the mech Blitzwing fell in love with.
- Bee tells Blitzwing that he’s never felt more loved and content, at home, than he has now with Blitzwing fixing their home, building things for their sparkling with such care and feeling his tanks when he thinks Bee is asleep. How careful he is not to disturb him and how he makes his favorite meals and cravings without fuss.
- bumblebee shows his affection by plopping his frame on Blitzwing’s lap and curling up falling asleep. He’s tired now and falling asleep on Blitzwing means they both get a good rest or Blitzwing uses his frame as a grounding tool and just rubs him or carries him around.
- Bee waits until Blitzwing is asleep to groom his wings or work on detailing them. He’s gotten extremely good at this and it helps Blitzwing have a full nights worth of sleep. It also helps remove almost seventy nine percent of his stress, anxiety and tension.
- they do things together in silence. They don’t seem like the couple that can spend a day together in comfortable silence but they can and do it often. Bee has come to appreciate silence but he does still wear headphones and listen to music. He doesn’t have much energy to burn since carrying makes him tired but when he does have the energy Blitzwing takes him out. They’ll go roller wheeling or flying while Bee burns rubber and max’s out his speed meter.
- they’re that we hold each other in the wash racks under the steaming coolant couple. They spend a lot of time in the wash racks reconnecting to each other physically and mentally.
- bee can actually cook pretty well and so can Blitzwing, they take turns cooking but Blitzwing likes to have Bee sitting beside him while he cooks.
- blitzwing loves listening to Bee sing to their sparkling when he has a heavy carrying bump. Its still early but the bitty is taking more after Blitzwing than Bee. The med bot they’ve been seeing has shown proof Bee isn’t in danger but he will be on bed rest earlier than most carriers.
- they talk to their sparkling with Blitzwing first thing in the morning and bumblebee throughout the day and both of them at night.
- their new life still feels odd but its a welcome odd they don’t want to give up. Bee still misses his friends but he would never risk his sparkling or future conjunx.
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virusimp · 9 months
hai‼️it's something new for me to write my first little fanfic in English and.. nsfw?? but my curiosity was stronger than my worries, so here it is.
[ warnings: no one ]
[ valveplug, valve fingering, desperation, crying, Starscream being pathetic again, need, not a very detailed interface but gentle, gender neutral reader, dom reader, sub Starscream, human reader, kinda touch-starved??]
━━━━━━━━━━ × ━━━━━━━━━━
His body was cold to touch, his sharp ventilating was hitting your own soft human skin as if wanting to do small cuts covered with your pathetic blood just to see you suffer. Starscream has already told you more than once how pathetic and disgusting you are for a human. He was telling you that he hates you. But still, for some reason this bastard is moaning and squirming under your warm fingers now, screaming your own name and begging to do more because of his unbelievable hunger. Such a poor touch-starved bird.
Starscream whines loudly into pillow when you touch him right there with your damn fingers, that were already covered in his… pink transfluids? Oh Lord, you’ll joke about that after some time when he’ll forget about this situation between you and him, but not now. He’s too desperate for your love and you know that, praising him softly in his audio-sensors and making him look at you with those puppy eyes, really wanting to hear those words again and again with all his spark while you fragging him with your precious fingers. He’ll moan for you louder; he’ll cry for you and he’ll do anything for you… only if you continue to show your love and admiration. Only if you continue love him.
Anyone would use him for that pathetic trait, and the seeker is still shocked to see you with him, to see how your eyes look at him even now when he is a real wet mess. You do love him. You love him even if he treated you badly. You love him just for nothing and that’s confusing him. And that makes him sob quietly, still shuddering when you gently move your fingers inside of his valve.
“Is everything okay?” and again that question. His optics are watering and that’s your damn fault! Starscream tried to nod with quiet whine, but your sudden caress of his thigh makes him shudder and cry out with already broken vocalizer. He just overloaded because of your question? Or because it was too much for him and he would cum only because of realization that you care? Oh dear. You see him hardly ventilating, grasping the bedsheets under him with those trembling long thick claws. His valve was clutching around your fingers, not wanting to let go. Starscream in some sort of breakdown right now, he is overwhelmed with your actions and words. With your love.
“My star…” you carefully pulled out your fingers, wiping them from sticky fluids and moving closer to him. Your words made his wings flutter weakly, and now he is calling your name softly, desperately trying to find you through his own thoughts and fears. Starscream needs you, he always needed you. “It seems like everything was stronger for you this time?”
He still doesn't answer you for several minutes, shuddering weakly when you lie down next to him and gently embrace him. Oh Starscream needed that so badly right now, pulling you closer to him and tightening his grip on you. You can feel how damn painfully it is when he holds you with his claws as if wanting to merge you with his own body. You can feel the heat is coming from his systems, how his engines are purring quietly. It was painful to be with him but you can't do anything about this. Your deep scars or bruises on your skin was sign of Starscream's deep love for you.
“I guess… it was, human.”
oh he loves you so much.
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In the TFA MegaStarOp shenanigans OP goes to investigate and finds himself smooshed between two heat addled Deceptacon trying to get into his pannels because "He can top!" OP got a double hit of the pheromones. Good thing too, since he had to top both of them to prevent them from killing them all with a cave in.
OP wanders back to base in a tranced daze covered in dents and paint tragnsfers. Ratchet's looking with judgment untill he gets close enough to smell the heat pheromones. Insists on hoseing off OP before he's allowed in. Lest he start an orgey. Ratchet looks at him "which Cons went into heat?" Optimus still high off his processor on the pheromones replies, "There were two." Then falls flat on his face out cold
OP wake ups in the med bay a few days later
Sfghjk oh. ohhhh nooo.
I just love the idea that yes, they both didn't want to spike the other and they were arguing about it (whether it's because of the heat detail or personal preference, I am reminded of that one tfa fic where they roped Strika into doing it instead of either of them)
Ratchet's done with this shit because
A. I like to think he's had to deal with this type of shit before as a medic (I am remembering The Doctor Is In and drawing off of Ratchet in that fic heavily)
B. He can do math and color match. He knew where all of the autobots were except for Optimus.
"of all the things that could have happened on your night walk honestly this isn't the worst. It's fragging close though."
I wonder what the excuse will be for why he's not up and about in the morning
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onlyyvette · 1 year
TF NSFW Headcanons #1 - Prowl
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Warnings: sub/bottom Prowl + other various cybertronians + free use + implied public sex + manhandling/groping kink + heavy size kink + heavy degradation + rough sex + exhibitionism + very detailed description of a robot that transforms into a police car
A/N: This might seem ooc, but I headcanon Prowl to be an absolute freak in the sheets and is the main reason why I say fuck the cops
Also, yay, first fic in the series!!!
-> Frame Prowl has a gorgeous frame. Prowl may be cold-constructed, but Primus must have blessed him himself. Maybe it's the Praxian in him, but his frame is absolutely sinful, his huge bumper bouncing every step he makes, his headlights gleaming. His small waist widens out to strong hips, his thigh nicely shaped. Prowl's door wings flutter involuntarily nearly all the time when he's agitated, making it a little hard for his crewmates to not stare at them.
Prowl's valve and spike are standard size for his frame. He actually modded his spike to be more plain and uninteresting to really bring attention to his valve. Despite his valve being of normal size, it's fucking mesmerizing. his valve lips are a dark gray, with small lines of blue biolights. His node is a dark red color, and is a bit oversized. Prowl has a piercing valve, a gold bar going through his node. Whenever he's feeling risky, he wears his valve lip piercings and gets off to the feeling his panel grinding them into his valve when he's sitting down. The only modding he's done on his valve was to make his valve callipers tighten much more than needed whenever a mech first enters, causing them to have to ram their spike into Prowl's valve so it'll open up. And of course, Prowl overloads from the rough treatment.
-> Free-Use Prowl is notorious for being an uptight and cold mech, and he knows it. It even turns him on more knowing that multiple mechs could never imagine the Prowl loves to be treated as shareware . His favorite fantasy is of back when the war was still active, and the autobots were beginning to lose terribly to the decepticons. To boost morale, Prowl would offer himself up for a program; A free interface program where whenever an autobot would want to blow off some steam, Prowl would offer his valve up anonymously for that mech to use to their pleasure. He self services to the idea of every mech lining up to get a taste of his tight valve, imagining how they would be caught off guard by the feeling of his valve rings and how damn tight he is. No one will know that it was Prowl's valve they were fragging but the idea of them finding out makes him shiver. Thinking of them discreetly slapping his aft as he walks past them, asking Prowl if he's willing to frag again...
-> Groping/Manhandling Prowl knows his body is hot, and he knows everyone around him knows too. He loves when his partners hands roam all over his body, groping his bumper, especially his headlights. He lets out low, sultry moans as he's fondled in every visible part of his body and lets out high pitched whines when his partners find small bundles of wiring under his plating and pull on them. Whenever he self-services, Prowl loves to watch himself in the mirror as his servos roam around his body, rubbing his bumper hood, groping his headlights as his servos go lower to his array. Watching himself tug on the piercings in his valve, especially the bar piercing his node while his other servo traces circles onto his headlight turns him on so much that he can sometimes lose himself in the sensations, his eyes glazing over as he fondles himself and brings himself closer and closer to his overload.
-> Size Kink Prowl is alright with taking a spike his size, but he loves heavy trucks or tanks because of how easily they ruin his insides. Prowl wants to feel the spike in him rub all the nodes in his valve, to take up all the space there is so that he can feel so full. The feeling makes him feel so giddy that he struggles to keep himself from drooling and giggling a bit once such a huge spike is fully seated inside of him. Once that spike begins to move, good luck trying to keep Prowl quiet because he can get a little empty in the processor when a huge spike is ramming his insides, causing him to care less about his surroundings.
-> Heavy Degradation Prowl absolutely loves to be have degrading and humiliating words thrown at him. He especially loves when his partners humiliate him about the filthy things he enjoys during interface. "This spike of yours is useless. Good thing you're only made to take a good spiking like a good piece of shareware," "I bet you don't care whether you get transfluid in your intake or your valve since it doesn't matter for a spike-hungry slut like you," "Is it really this easy it is to frag you Commander Prowl? It's a surprise your valve isn't all sloppy and loose all the time." All these harsh words will easily have Prowl overloading so hard as the insults keep echoing in his processor, reminding Prowl of how much of a desperate whore he is.
-> Rough Sex Considering all the other kinks that are on the list, it's no surprise that Prowl loves a rough fragging. He doesn't really enjoy slow and gentle interfacing with his partners, it's something he would only enjoy with a dedicated lover. He prefers his partners to be rough though, for them to bite him, spanking his aft or valve, choke him, almost anything is on the table. His doorwings are no exception. Grabbing them will have Prowl whimpering and like putty in his partner's hands. When it comes to Prowl's piercings, he'll be pouting if his partner didn't touch them. Rubbing relentlessly at Prowl's node while pressing down on his piercing or tugging on the rings piercing his valve while eating him out brings him his overload so quickly as he begs you to be even rougher. And the feeling of his partner grabbing him by the helm, pushing it down onto a table while they bully his legs open? It might make him reconsider flipping tables if this is what they could be used for.
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onewingedsparrow · 11 months
I gotta talk about one of my favorite details in RiD 🔥It's a moment that puts the story in storyboarding! While this is only one of many such moments throughout the show, this one is definitely more, ahem, in your face :) than some other, more subtle parallels. This moment is split between two scenes; the first in S2E2, "Overloaded, Part 1"; the second is the bookend partner to that, coming in S2E2, "Overloaded, Part 2." (Spoilers for S1 and S2 below, obviously) Also, I suppose I should warn that this is a long post, because I have many words about this :)
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By the end of the first season, Bumblebee has proved himself the worthy leader Optimus always knew he could be. 'Bee has overcome Megatronus, saved the Allspark from merging with the Antispark (and thus, spared both Earth and Cybertron from imploding), and even found a catchphrase that fits his leading style! Yay! What a great way to end a season. After such a high point in his life, however, the writers know that to start the next season off, they need Bumblebee to face a particularly rough challenge. If he's going to keep growing as a character, as a leader, he can't always be riding the high of victory. He needs a new catalyst. Therefore, Season 2 starts off by throwing him a curveball: a Decepticon from his past, that once injured him severely in the war, infiltrates the scrapyard pretty much immediately after Optimus, Bumblebee's greatest support, has vanished through the ground bridge.
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When this Decepticon, Overload, arrives, Bumblebee recognizes him instantly. His entire demeanor darkens with rage so suddenly that Grimlock and Strongarm can't help but notice.
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The Bee Team will learn later on that Bumblebee has a personal score to settle with Overload, but for now, they can only watch as their normally levelheaded leader throws himself at Overload, fists flying. While hand to hand combat isn't unusual for Bumblebee, in this moment, it feels wrong for him to launch into that—given all the times prior where we've seen him first, coolly and calmly, take a step back to handle an active Decepticon threat. Not to mention, Bumblebee makes no move to brandish either his gun or his Decepticon Hunter; he just wants to punch this 'Con's lights out. Overload beat him up in the past, and he wants to return the favor. The first occasion where Bumblebee punches Overload, the perspective feels extremely familiar. The camera doesn't need to show off this particular view to show Bumblebee's anger, per se, but the makers of the show choose to position the camera like so. Clearly, the storyboard wishes for us to recall a scene we've seen before. It didn't take me long to think of it: the first time we see Bumblebee fighting in TFP! This screenshot on the right is from the very first episode, "Darkness Rising, Part 1." When Arcee needed backup against Eradicons, Bumblebee came and decked Steve right in the face. Bam. Look at those sparks flying! (I'll get to that later.)
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What is most interesting to me about this moment in RiD as compared to the moment in TFP is: in RiD, Bumblebee should be exemplifying how he's gained valuable combat experience since his younger days. However, in TFP, when Bumblebee punched Steve, his motion was very precise, very direct. in RiD, when Bumblebee tries to punch Overload, his arms swing far looser, far wider than that.
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It's a bit easier to see in motion, so if you're curious, I highly recommend watching the episodes yourself.
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Notice how TFP Bumblebee, Scout Bumblebee, uses his left arm to map out his bullseye, preparing his right arm to swing in for a tightly controlled punch. He's aiming before he launches, whereas RiD Bumblebee, Warrior Bumblebee, mind you, isn't taking time to aim. He's just firing punches willy-nilly, because he's fragging mad. He doesn't care about accuracy; he cares about hitting Overload as hard as he can, as fast as he can. It's such a wonderful way to convey just how upset Bumblebee is regarding Overload; his battle style is reverting back to his rookie days. He's subconsciously slipping into bad habits because his hurt has taken the psychological wheel, and his emotions can't throttle back so long as that's driving him. Even if you're unfamiliar with the parallel scene from TFP, the animation of RiD makes it clear to the viewer's eye that something about Bumblebee's fighting style is off. And, if the big, sweeping motions perhaps aren't obvious enough to the viewer, Overload easily dodges or deflects most of Bumblebee's wild attacks, making it strikingly clear. In watching the RiD scene and the TFP scene side by side, you may also have noticed that the TFP punch is far more satisfying, because we get to hear the big metal KAPOW as Bumblebee clocks Steve's face. This sound effect, combined with the shower of slow motion sparks, invigorates the viewer because look at how cool Bumblebee is! Wow! What a spectacle! Epic!
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With Overload, however, we receive no such hype. No sparks go flying, even when Bumblebee manages to land a hit, because we're not supposed to feel that this battle is going well. We're supposed to feel a little uncomfortable, like we can sense something is missing, something is wrong, because Bumblebee isn't at the top of his game, and he won't be, so long as he remains lost in his anger. Ah, but fortunately for our favorite Prime in Disguise, this isn't the end! Compare that first attack on Overload in the first episode to his final attack on Overload in the second episode!
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By this point, Bumblebee has realized the folly of his mindless rage. He had to get a little beat up again to reach this realization, but he has come to accept that he doesn't need the payback of revenge to be satisfied with his victory over Overload. He knows he needs to move on from the hurt of the past, and simply do what he was called to Earth to do: capture rogue Decepticons. He just needs to get the job done. So he does! In the screenshot above, notice how his form is much more controlled this time around. No more wild, swinging, rookie punches. This punch is focused, tight, and aimed. This punch channels the Warrior experience he's gained over years of fighting. This punch is heading home. And it hits hard.
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So hard, in fact, that sparks go flying. Slow motion sparks that feel quite familiar, almost as if they were meant to remind us of another equally satisfying visual moment. Hmm, I wonder what moment it could be? ;) All in all, I think these moments are beautifully set up and executed. The parallel to TFP isn't frame for frame in either RiD scene, but it doesn't need to be; both scenes are reminiscent enough that they trigger the audience's memory, strongly. As a final note, I would also like to point out that this episode ends on another glorious parallel between Bumblebee and Optimus ✨ When Optimus punches Polarclaw, the similarity is unmistakable.
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To grow beyond his rookie mistakes and lingering bad habits, Bumblebee has to learn let go of the hurt of the past. Only then can he become an even better leader than he is already, further reflecting Optimus Prime as he always has. The Prime in Disguise still has a bit farther to grow as Season 2 takes off, but he's on the right track; and after this encounter with Overload, 'Bee is even more ready to rev up and roll out.
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lucysarah-c · 1 year
95 in Math
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Summary: A little tale from my Teen! modern au Levi stories. Zeke had been getting on Levi's last nerve and they solved it as teenage boys know to.... beating eachother and posting it on snapchat. Words: 2920 Paring: Teen! Levi x Teen! Reader Warnings: cursing and slightly sexual mentions. Also violence from the fight but nothing too graphic.
If you want to read more stories from me, this is my masterlist! under the banner "Lele's tale" its all my Teen! Levi modern au world. Or you can click here!
There was a well-known fact, Levi despised No! Levi hated Zeke Jaeger with all his soul. It was an established rivalry since they were toddlers. Anyone must know about it. It didn't help at all that each one went to the biggest two schools whose rivalry on matches was popular too.
God, if they were in the same frag party, It was certain that they would at least exchange a few words if Erwin managed to retain his best friend from beating Zeke up. The tall blond would usually say "Come on Levi, do you want your mother to get mad at you for having to hear another of Diana's speech about Zeke's bruises?"
There was something else that didn't help, both of them belonged to respectable noble families. Jaegers and Ackermans have been throwing glaze at each other since the Titan war. One exception was the new wife of Grisha Jaeger, Carla, and Levi's mother, Kuchel. Both women knew each other since their high school years and they had done their modelling career together. Another special case was Eren Jaeger, he had an unusually good relationship with the Ackermans' kids, Mikasa and Levi. Probably because of his mother’s influence and, perhaps, the wish of pissing his father off.
Especially after he joined the Scouting Legion Academy and received the deep green and white letter jacked with the wings of freedom in them as a prize of belonging to the School team. Another fact that grew the bad blood between the two teens was that both of them were leaders of their respective teams. Of course, Levi was an Ackerman and, as any respectable member of the family legacy, he was good at any sport that he played. Ackermans had been the pride of the scouts for generations.
However, if there was one extra straw that was last needed to blow their bad blood out of proportion it was . . . Y/N
It's quite pointless to get into details of how YN and Levi began to date, that could be a story for another day but these two were high school sweethearts. It was not a secret, almost everybody knew about it unless that person lived under a rock. The way that she would run into his strong arms with her tight little navy blue and white cheerleader dress after he achieved another victory under the school uniform. Kuchel adored her, treating her as her own daughter, and, believe it or not, Kenny tolerated her.
Perhaps the question would be, what is the correlation between the rivalry of the two teens and the brand new relationship that Levi held. Long story short, jealousy. Before joining the Scouts prep, Y/N used to live in Marley and while being a cheerleader there, she encountered members from other schools. For example, Zeke. And apparently, Levi's new sweetheart got along with Pieck, who was close friends with Zeke.
One connection led to another and Zeke wasn't particularly jumping for joy when he heard from his little step-brother that the girl he spends three whole parties talking to, moved to another country and ended up dating Levi fucking Ackerman in less than a year.
On the other side of the tale, Levi fucking Ackerman wasn't happy hearing out from, guess who, Eren (Aka Zeke's little brother) that his biggest enemy since he used diapers had a crush on his girl. Zeke commented and liked all her pictures on Instagram and he replied to her stories? Levi was on a blink on asking Kenny for the family private plane, travelling to Marley and paying a visit to the other side of the Jaeger's household. The young Ackerman had beaten the living shit out of Zeke for less, way less.
No, things weren't looking good. It wasn't good timing for having the final of the baseball teams between the two schools. There were too many hormone teens in the same field for the game to end up good. The tension was rising like boiling milk, it was a matter of seconds until it blew out of proportion.
It was an early morning, Levi left Kenny's apartment around 5 to 6 am to arrive first to the field as the good captain team he was. Then the rest of the team arrived late, he almost freaked out when Eren was nowhere to be found but he arrived late, as always. When the young Ackerman was almost ready to go to the field, his backpack was vibrating. He picked up his phone and read "Come outside, I've something for you" from YN.
He peaked out of the changing room and she basically jumped into his arms.
"mhm" He groaned against the curve of her neck, feeling the sweet vanilla perfume from her smooth skin, the tight embrace of her bare arms around his neck and his strong arms were quick to find their place on both sides of her hips after the sudden hug.
"I came to kiss you once 'cause you had to wake up too early on a Saturday," She said before pressing their lips together on a quick peak. Before Levi could lead on and deepen the contact a bit, she parted away.
"Kiss you twice because the match is going to be alright" she repeated before leading on another kiss. This one lasted a little bit longer. “I’m going to be cheering for you!” “Try not to fall like in practice last thursday,” Levi teased back earning a little push from her, faking taking offence.
Levi’s team was winning but, at what costs? Marley’s side was playing so dirty that to stand a chance they had to go down to the same level. There were a bunch of “unprofessional game attitudes” and Levi himself had to stop Eren a couple of times from starting a fight.
There was something that Levi had to give it to Zeke and it was that he was a hell of a pitcher. If it wasn’t for his Ackerman reflexes the ball would have crushed right into the middle of his face. Luckily he squatted on time to avoid it.
“Sorry!” The apologises that left the blond felt anything but sincere. He was smirking as he chuckled with another member of the team under his breath. Levi was dedicating him his best death glance, he was meditating inside his head that it was his duty as a Captain to show professional and mature gaming attitude
The grandstand held their breath in a quick general gasp as the second ball was thrown way too close. Levi dodge it, again, but this time he was growing heavily and his teeth hurt from pressing them.
Hange was really active shouting about how Zeke was going to leave with his ass kicked if he kept with that attitude. Erwin held eye contact with Levi as he slightly shook his head, as the leader of the School’s student council, he had left it clear that they didn’t need another video of them fighting going viral online.
Levi hit the ground a couple of times with his bat and tried to remain focused. Breathing deep as he swore to himself that he wasn’t going to let it get on his head. When he turned, she was looking eyes with him. Worriness covered her features as she tried to tie up together with a smile of reassurance.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart, I would leave him as brand new,”
Maybe it was that his Ackerman’s powers blessed him with extraordinary abilities, perhaps another person wouldn’t have heard that comment from the distance they had. It would have been great if Levi hadn’t heard those words leaving Zeke’s lips as he dedicated the girl a sassy side smirk. It would have… but that didn’t happen. Levi heard it, clear as if it had been whispered to him.
Zeke didn’t even see it coming when he turned around, Levi had already tackled him to the ground. The public screamed, some of them in surprise, most cheering for one guy or the other.
“You like to eat earth, fucking monkey? Eat earth!” Despite the fact that Zeke was easily 10cm taller than the dark haired boy, he could barely hold on. Levi was pushing the Marley’s team guy’s face to the soft ground of the field, covering his face in mud as he grabbed the golden locks and tugged them.
“Mike! Do something! Stop them!” Erwin screamed to the other team member that was on the field watching interested.
“Wait, he’s winning,” Mike replied entertainingly.
“Of course he’s winning! KICK HIM IN THE GUTS” Hange screamed from the top of their lungs as they filmed the scene.
Reined tried to jump in in defence of their captain but Eren, who was easily rallied up, stopped midway. Soon the game was a disaster, professors trying to ease out the confrontations but they did little to no effort in stopping Levi.
One of them even said, when the principal told them to stop it “I’m not messing up with an angry Ackerman, I value my own life”
Each second that went by was loudly announced by the hanging clock in the room. Still in the muddy uniform of the team, Levi sat down, legs parted and elbows resting on his knees as he waited. The principal office was always quiet, but on a Saturday with no students in the school, the silence was overpowering.
No, phone, they had taken that away. Zackly was calling anyone at his household that would pick up. The game was over and as Erwin said “you’re lucky that any university would take you in no matter what, Zackly is 100% going to suspend you for a while”
The waiting room felt stupidly big at those hours that the cheerful slightly old-fashioned secretary wasn’t there to offer those old candies that she always had. The amount of available seats was tempting to raise his muddy boots and take a quick nap considering the time he had woken up. But he didn’t, his list of disrespect to the authority was quite crowded that day.
The office with the frosted glass on Levi’s right gave away the movement of someone in the attached room. The door with the golden plate on it opened up and revealed a furious Diana, whose heels echoed in the tiled floor as she hastened up. Before leaving the office, the blond woman (that Levi liked to call Karen because of the haircut) dedicated her best dead glance.
The teen just kept a stoic attitude, this wasn’t the first time Diana was mad at him and he feared it won’t be the last one either. Grisha walked slowly after handshaking with the principal, looked at Levi and kept going.
Levi did no movements, except from his eyes who looked up to his right. Slyly looking without turning to the principal who definitely didn’t expect to spend his Saturday’s lunch time dealing with angry parents after a baseball match.
“Nobody is catching up the phone in your house,” the adult affirmed.
“I told you. Kenny works at night, he must be sleeping until 3 to 4 pm and my mother is shooting a new HBO show in spain.” Levi repeated the information he had been giving since he was dragged to the office “Even if Kenny picked up the phone, he’s not gonna come,” 
“Well, you’ll spend the entire weekend here until an adult comes to pick you up and signs your suspension,”
The old man left the place, probably searching for a coffee. Levi’s curses under his breath filled the empty room.
The entry door opened up again revealing an enthusiastic Eren.
“Dude! I took a picture of Zeke crying in the nursing room! Hahah I post it on snapchat,” Eren, who had a black eye from fighting with Reiner, sat down next to Levi as if nothing was going on “You beat him up so good!”
Eren passed the pictures on the screen of his phone with his thumb, tilting to the right for Levi to see.
“Have you seen twitter?”
“They took my phone,”
“Ugh, Zackly it's been a pain in the ass since his wife left him”
“Yeah, fucking old man. Can’t get it up anymore and want to cut my balls because he’s frustrated,” Levi commented on gossip as he slacked against the uncomfortable chair “If they wake Kenny up, he’s going to kick my ass for real,”
“You’re fucked, because they asked Mika’s mother the number of Traute to get in contact with Kenny,”
Levi groaned loudly “Fuck! Come on! Zeke started! Why aren’t they suspending him too?!”
“Maybe because he’s going to lose one week of school recovering,”
“Oh yeah… the asshole can’t take a punch,” Levi replied and both of them began to chuckled “You should have seen him complained because earth was getting in his contact lenses,”
Eren left when Mikasa came to pick him up, the girl only said one thing “you’re dead, Kenny is coming over to pick you up. It was nice knowing you, cousin”
Gentle parenting? Kenny hadn’t heard of it. He was a man not made to deal with kids and Levi had known that from a young age, he was left on his supervision only when his mother couldn’t be around. Kenny always complained loudly about it until he could use his nephew in his advance, which wasn’t frequent but it happened more than Levi liked to admit. Skipping work under the excuse that he was trying to have quality time with his only baby nephew to what usually involved sending Levi away to a friend's house so Kenny could have the house for himself.
No, Kenny wasn’t a father figure. He wasn’t even a responsible adult. But he was a man who hated to deal with brat stuff and Levi was sure as hell that he felt his soul leaving his body when a tired barely woke Kenny showed up in the Principal’s office.
“Prepare your ass, rat. You won’t be sitting for a while,” Kenny murmured as Zackly invited them in. Both Ackermans sat down in front of the desk. Levi on the left chair, trying to make himself invisible. Kenny was slacked against the chair on the right, legs obscenely parted and hands on pockets.
“What’s the deal? I’m a busy man,” Kenny tried to get it done as soon as possible.
Zackly went through heavy detail on what happened earlier that day, making the young man grimace expecting his death sentence.
“You’re telling me that this rat,” Kenny pointed with his thumb to the left where his nephew was. “Kicked the living shit out of the Jaeger kid, got 2 other men out of his back to keep bitching the brat. All by himself?”
Levi felt himself melting in the chair as he remembered being grabbed by two other Marley’s players trying to push him away and him throwing both guys out of his back. Maybe he did get carried away.
Cold big hand landed loudly with a pat on his head as Levi closed the eyes as a self reflect. His whole body moved as Kenny ruffled his dark hairs strongly.
“That’s my boy, a fucking Tiger. Unstoppable.” Kenny smirked proudly at him as Levi felt himself straighten his back as his uncle kept roughly tangling his hair. “That’s what we Ackermans do, we fight and we win.”
“Mr. Ackerman with all the respect, Zeke Jaeger has two teeth broken!”
“Nice,” Kenny replied, smirking all the way, turning around to Levi who was suddenly feeling really cocky “Did you use the kicks that I taught you?”
“Yes!” Levi replied quickly.
“Look, if you want to teach morals. Talk to his mother. I think that assholes that flirt with your girly deserve a good punch, boys will be boys. They need to unleash energy” Kenny’s uninterested tone and slightly problematic tendencies weren’t what Zackly was searching for when he called for an adult. The old man sighed loudly as the two Ackermans raised from their spot
“Come on, rat.” Kenny’s towering figure abandoned the room without even caring to hear anything else, Levi was quick to follow.
“I’ve a party with the guys tonight, we won. Can I go?” Levi’s voice echoed in the empty corridors as he kept up with Kenny’s fast pace.
“As far as you don’t bust my balls, you’re free to go to another country as far as I care”
The Ackerman’s teen felt as if he had dodged a bullet, his uncle wasn’t angry, they won the game and he had won a free week from school. A win is a win.
However, when the following Monday morning the door of Kenny’s apartment opened up loudly and the voice of his mother screamed from the first floor “LEVI ACKERMAN, GET DOWN HERE IN THIS INSTANT!”
Levi dragged his feet down the stairs grimacing uncomfortably as he faced his mother that still had the luggage in the front door. Slightly wavy dark hair framing his mother’s complexion as he frowned at him deeply. Crossed arms and her feet tapping the floor.
“Something to say in your defence, young man?”
Levi looked at Kenny searching for an alibi, but his uncle just walked to the kitchen to make himself a coffee. Side eyes that said “you’re on your own, kid”
Kuchel raised an eyebrow, expectant.
Levi tried to force an innocent smile, searching for his mother’s lovely nature “... that I got a 95 in maths?”
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omg-gojo · 7 months
Sorry i was just FRAGGING MOURNING WTF WAS THAT CHAPTER BRUH MY EMOTIONAL STABILITY SAID "NOPE" like i'm not lying I had to re-read chapter 36 because I couldn't process what had happened
SPOILERS AHEAD FOR PRIMUS SEAK and some opiniones after the cut
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I have to give @vivificanousprime an applause because Shockwave's search AND each detailed factor in his investigation was so relateable, as someone that studies enviromental public policies Is amazing! I was so impressed that I literally said "ha been there done that" I love how They relate this kind of topics in this fic 10/10
They even included a socioeconomical factor of a war period pespective (I haven't even reached that part of my studies yet!) IN AN ALIEN PLANET
Standing ovation for you, Viví! (hope it's not too informal)
Anyways this Is a trap! I don't wanna lose the opportunity, if you got interested in climate change or simple enviromental research I invite you to read the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change) latest publications, there's the Scientific publication that it's divided in aspects of our planet, and there's the policy makes publication for mortals like us who would like to understand More on how can we include the guard (ha! Get It?!) of the earth in our society and government (It Is done by hundreds of scientists of all ages, countries and knowledge areas) but always remember to search on your own if you feel more comfortable.
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colesabi · 3 months
LIMTOYS Leon Review
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Alright so here is my Limtoys Leon first impressions. Right off the bat, love the packaging and you get so many accessories with this little guy. Just be aware that this is a 1/12 scale figure so everything is TINY!!! So if your obsessed with miniature things (like I am) you’re probably going to lose your mind.
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Excuse Leon being suffocated to death via plastic bag (lol) but this is what you get in the set. I’m not going to list everything off here but you pretty much get an obscene amount of weapons (4 handguns, chemical flamethrower w/effect, rocket launcher w/effect and weirdly only one shotgun - unlike the two that comes with DAM Toys Leon). You get one knife (that is painted gold… don’t ask me but that was a little interesting when I opened it) and you get the flash bang and frag grenade along with the G-virus sample, wristband, antidote, and even tinier keys. There’s also the beloved green herb (which is a soft plastic so it can kind of be manipulated a bit to fan out), Raccoon bobblehead and typewriter with the itsiest bitsiest message from Leon to Claire (which is legible if you aren’t blind lol).
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Here he is right out of the box side-by-side with DAM Toys Leon and honestly, he came already equipped with the two fisted hands and it made it look like he was pouting and throwing a fit (I lol’d hard while taking these pics). He does come with 8 hands (4 sets). Two fists, two trigger hands, two half-open hands for clasping, one flashlight/knife wielding hand and one open hand for cupping the larger weapons. All of the hands have a nice moveability to them (softer material) and are nice quality. They are easy to interchange but you just have to be careful when snapping them on and taking them off because you only have the wrist pegs that are already imbedded so if they break, you’ve got a problem.
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The head sculpt is pretty darn good for a 1/12 scale. It’s not as detailed as the DAM Toys Leon but I wasn’t expecting the same kind of heavy detail and quality. For some reason, this sculpt is giving me a mix of 2R and 4R Leon. Like, it’s not completely all 2R likeness, I weirdly see a little bit of his features from 4R in there too. There are two heads (one neutral expression and one ‘injured/pained’). I have not tried to change them out so I don’t know how easy it is but per YouTube videos, it seems pretty easy.
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He’s got really good articulation. I feel even more so than DAM Toys does but due to a lot of the soft goods around his waist, he cannot sit or really bend 90 degrees which is a bit of a bummer. He’s got double jointed knees and elbows, butterfly joint in the shoulders, pretty good range of motion in the arms and wrists and where he shines over DAM Toys, is in the foot and ankle range. He’s got toe pivot and plantar flexion and dorsiflexion (foot moved up and down). DAM Toys only really has a little bit of inversion and eversion (side to side) of the ankle joint and no foot movement.
The quality of the soft goods are really good as well. The RPD uniform seems sturdy and high quality and there are really nice details in his belt and gear. I tried to take some pictures of some of the accessories but my phones camera had difficulty picking up the details but most of all of the accessory pieces are quite detailed. The guns have functioning clips but be careful when displaying them with them in because I almost lost one when it popped out and landed in the carpet. I reiterate: these things are TINY.
I definitely recommend getting him if you’re interested. I think for what you get for the money, it’s reasonable and he can be posed in many of the same poses as DAM Toys Leon can be (minus sitting) and he’s so pint-sized and cute.
Overall 10/10 would recommend.
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babyrdie · 4 months
This is actually part of my text on Peleus (basically collecting sources for his myths), but here is a separate post because the text focused on Peleus is too long. In this post there are no details of this relationship because I'll leave that for this text about Peleus, I'm just organizing excerpts here.
According to The Iliad, by Homer (8th century BC):
[It's Achilles' line im Book 18] "[...] Radiant gifts the gods presented Peleus that day they drove you into a mortal's marriage bed … I wish you'd lingered deep with the deathless sea-nymphs, lived at ease, and Peleus carried home a mortal bride. [...]"
[Book 24] But white-armed Hera flared at him in anger: "Yes, there'd be some merit even in what you say, lord of the silver bow-if all you gods, in fact, would set Achilles and Hector high in equal honor. But Hector is mortal. He sucked a woman's breast. Achilles sprang from a goddess-one I reared myself: I brought her up and gave her in marriage to a man, to Peleus, dearest to all your hearts, you gods. All you gods, you shared in the wedding rites, and so did you, Apollo-there you sat at the feast and struck your lyre. What company you keep now, these wretched Trojans. You-forever faithless!"
According to Cypria and Catalogue of Women frag, by Stasinus of Cyprus and Hesiod (7th and 8th century BC):
Voll. Herculan. (Papyri from Herculaneum), 2nd Collection, viii.105: The author of the Cypria says that Thetis avoided wedlock with Zeus to please Hera; but that Zeus was angry and swore that she should mate with a mortal. Hesiod also has the like account.
According to Prometheus Bound, by Aeschylus (6th century BC):
Prometheus Yes, truly, the day will come when Zeus, although stubborn of soul, shall be humbled, seeing that he plans a marriage that shall hurl him into oblivion from his sovereignty and throne; and then immediately the curse his father Cronus invoked as he fell from his ancient throne, shall be fulfilled to the uttermost. Deliverance from such ruin no one of the gods can show him clearly except me. I know the fact and the means. So let him sit there in his assurance, putting his trust in the crash reverberating on high and brandishing his fire-breathing bolt in his hands. For these shall not protect him from falling in ignominious and unendurable ruin. Such an adversary is he now preparing despite himself, a prodigy irresistible, even one who shall discover a flame mightier than the lightning and a deafening crash to outroar the thunder; a prodigy who shall shiver the trident, Poseidon's spear, that scourge of the sea and shaker of the land. Then, wrecked upon this evil, Zeus shall learn how different it is to be a sovereign and a slave.
According to Isthmian Ode 8, by Pindar (6th century BC):
All this was remembered even by the assembly of the blessed gods, when Zeus and splendid Poseidon contended for marriage with Thetis, each of them wanting her to be his lovely bride; for desire possessed them. But the immortal minds of the gods did not accomplish that marriage for them, when they heard the divine prophecies. Wise Themis spoke in their midst and said that it was fated that the sea-goddess should bear a princely son, stronger than his father, who would wield another weapon in his hand more powerful than the thunderbolt or the irresistible trident, if she lay with Zeus or one of his brothers. "No, cease from this. Let her accept a mortal's bed, and see her son die in battle, a son who is like Ares in the strength of his hands and like lightning in the swift prime of his feet. My counsel is to bestow this god-granted honor of marriage on Peleus son of Aeacus, who is said to be the most pious man living on the plain of Iolcus. Let the message be sent at once to Cheiron's immortal cave, right away, and let the daughter of Nereus never again place the leaves of strife in our hands. On the evening of the full moon let her loosen the lovely bridle of her virginity for that hero." So the goddess spoke, addressing the sons of Cronus, and they nodded assent with their immortal brows. The fruit of her words did not perish, for they say that Zeus shared the common concern even for the marriage of Thetis.
According to Nemean Ode 3, by Pindar (6th century BC):
Among old examples of excellence is king Peleus, who rejoiced when he cut a matchless spear, and who alone, without an army, captured Iolcus, and caught the sea-nymph Thetis after many struggles.
Accordint to Nemean Ode 5, by Pindar (6th century BC):
[...] Without hesitating he refused Acastus' bride, fearing the anger of father Zeus, the god of hospitality. And from the sky Zeus who rouses the clouds noticed, Zeus the king of the immortals, and he promised that soon he would make one of the Nereids of the golden distaff the sea-dwelling wife of Peleus, after gaining the consent of their brother-in-law Poseidon, who often comes from Aegae to the famous Dorian Isthmus.
According to Argonautica, by Apollonius Rhodius (3rd century BC):
[It's Hera's line] "[...] But thee indeed from thy infancy did I tend with my own hands and love beyond all others that dwell in the salt sea because thou didst refuse to share the couch of Zeus, for all his desire. For to him such deeds are ever dear, to embrace either goddesses or mortal women. But in reverence for me and with fear in thy heart thou didst shrink from his love; and he then swore a mighty oath that thou shouldst never be called the bride of an immortal god. Yet he ceased not from spying thee against thy will, until reverend Themis declared to him the whole truth, how that it was thy fate to bear a son mightier than his sire; wherefore he gave thee up, for all his desire, fearing lest another should be his match and rule the immortals, and in order that he might ever hold his own dominion. But I gave thee the best of the sons of earth to be thy husband, that thou mightest find a marriage dear to thy heart and bear children; and I summoned to the feast the gods, one and all. And with my own hand I raised the bridal torch, in return for the kindly honour thou didst pay me. [...]"
According to Fabulae, by Hyginus (Roman author, but Greek myths. 1st century BC-1st century AD):
A prediction about Thetis, the Nereid, was that her son would be greater than his father. Since no one but Prometheus knew this, and Jove wished to lie with her, Prometheus promised Jove that he would give him timely warning if he would free him from his chains. And so when the promise was given he advised Jove not to lie with Thetis, for if one greater than he were born he might drive Jove from his kingdom, as he himself had done to Saturn. And so Thetis was given in marriage to Peleus, son of Aeacus, and Hercules was sent to kill the eagle which was eating out Prometheus' heart. When it was killed, Prometheus after thirty thousand years was freed from Mount Caucasus.
Accordint to Library, by Pseudo-Apollodorus (1st or 2nd century AD):
Afterwards he married Thetis, daughter of Nereus, for whose hand Zeus and Poseidon had been rivals; but when Themis prophesied that the son born of Thetis would be mightier than his father, they withdrew. But some say that when Zeus was bent on gratifying his passion for her, Prometheus declared that the son borne to him by her would be lord of heaven; and others affirm that Thetis would not consort with Zeus because she had been brought up by Hera, and that Zeus in anger would marry her to a mortal. Chiron, therefore, having advised Peleus to seize her and hold her fast in spite of her shape-shifting, he watched his chance and carried her off, and though she turned, now into fire, now into water, and now into a beast, he did not let her go till he saw that she had resumed her former shape.
Accordint to Description of Greece, by Pausanias: (2nd century AD):
There is also a figure of Thetis as a maid; Peleus is taking hold of her, and from the hand of Thetis a snake is darting at Peleus.
According to Heroica (this version is purposely different), by Philostratus the Athenian (2nd-3rd century AD):
So shall it be, and you will say that you know everything about Achilles. I have heard the following about him. An apparition of a daimon of the sea used to visit Peleus. Because she loved him, the daimon had intercourse with Peleus, although out of shame for the crowd she did not yet speak about herself, not even from where she came. When the sea was calm, she happened to be frolicking seated upon dolphins and sea horses, while he, looking at these things from the summit of Mount Pelion, became aware of the goddess and feared her approach. But she made Peleus courageous by reminding him how Eos loved Tithonos, how Aphrodite was in love with Anchises, and how Selene habitually visited the sleeping Endymion. "Peleus," she said, "I shall even give to you a child mightier than a mortal." When Achilles was born, they made Kheiron his foster-father.
According to Posthomerica, by Quintus Smyrnaeus (4th century AD):
[It's Thetis' line] "[...] Let Priam's seed be glad but I unto Olympus will ascend, and at the feet of everlasting Zeus will cast me, bitterly planning that he gave me, an unwilling bride, unto a man -- a man whom joyless eld soon overtook, to whom the Fates are near, with death for gift. Yet not so much for his lot do I grieve as for Achilles; for Zeus promised me to make him glorious in the Aeacid halls, in recompense for the bridal I so loathed that into wild wind now I changed me, now to water, now in fashion as a bird I was, now as the blast of flame; nor might a mortal win me for his bride, who seemed all shapes in turn that earth and heaven contain, until the Olympian pledged him to bestow a godlike son on me, a lord of war. Yea, in a manner this did he fulfil faithfully; for my son was mightiest of men. [...]"
According to Ad Lycophronem (scholia in Lycophron's Alexandra), by Ioannis Tzetzes (12th century AD):
According to Euripides, Thetis, pursued by Peleus, transformed herself, like Proteus, into various forms. There, he caught her in the form of a cuttlefish and mated with her, hence the place in Magnesia of Thessaly is called Sepias.
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crying-fantasies · 11 months
Terraformer Special Unit family
The terraformers squad Sunset is part of is practically a combination of the group of cadets on Top Gun: Maverick and the Mitchell family, in a few words: a horrible disaster in the making soon to auto combust, Sunset sadly inherited his dad's bad luck magnet genes and more times than not they are all into a life or death missions even when it wasn't supposed to be like that and try to survive with whatever they do, they end up going full MacGyver more times than not, if you ask, Mariah and Cloudjolt are the ones who have swiss army knifes.
Windblade gets such a headache and a attack to the spark when Sunset dials and tells her the details of the mission: "Infected?! By the cosmic rust?! How?! You were supposed to just look out the perimeter! What do you mean there are zombies?!" Chromia has to make her take a seat and let her ventilation system act before Windblade or any member of the Senate pops a circuit, and then take her axe while Ironhide charges his blaster to bring the kids and their Capitan back home.
No one says a word to Eminence, because she could start a war for her friends using every detail or omission in the intergalactic law, and she could win, but they don't have time or resources for new surrendered planets or more population, they are at their minds end.
So, Sunset is the leader, Blood Horn, little and intrepid murder machine, is second in command and Chainbreaker is the third in command before he goes to earth, later on Mayhem takes his place.
Who is in charge of this intrepid, and constantly in the verge of dying, squad? Well, let's say Astrotrain is busy keeping them alive, he is the Maverick of this group and also a very bad mouthed Rick Mitchell that is just so done with his situation and constantly asking himself what kind of spawn of a glitch put younglings on his care, why not call Springer? If he can with the Wreckers then he can also manage these kids (In the background Sabersky is laughing like a mad scientist with a explosion behind, the whole group screaming in pain or annoyance, oh ,the screams of the innocent passerbys).
There is so much he can take especially with Sunset being a magnet of bad luck and simping for his second in command ("How come that you're alive?!" "Natural talent?"), Blood Horn trying to fight beings twice her size with her bare servos ("Don't even think about it" "But-" "I said no"), Mayhem and his constant necessity to eat organic things ("Five seconds rule" "...You're so gross, kid..."), Mariah and her snob bullshit ("My designation is Black Mariah now" "It's the God-damned same thing!"), Cloudjolt trying to play and carry little things even when he is scaring aliens away with his sheer size ("Can I keep it?" "Let it go in this instance, that's this planet's king!"), even Sabersky, his old friend Blitzwing's sparkling, gets on his circuits everytime the son of a glitch tries to bug him on how he can change faster than him ("C'mon, old bot!" "You really are your sire's spawn")
Astrotrain does understand how the autobots got to "reproduce" with humans, frag, Soundwave has always been popular with human femmes and some males, but is still beyond his understanding how the Insecticons' original hive (he thinks Cloudjolt is Shrapnel's at least) and Blitzwing got their spikes wet and valves used with humans with all their shit, and he says it because he thought humans had basic standards, and one of those is apparently come and see their sparklings from time to time, Astrotrain still has to make a double take when Cloudjolt's human carrier comes to visit him with a horde of sparkmates that call themselves Cloudjolt's sires or when Rodimus (and his whole crew) come to see Sunset, it's not his fault Rodimus' doomed CNA got Sunset in the mess his life is and he tells the former Prime so when Sunset has a new injury, Bumblebee isn't thrilled to see Astrotrain be his little femme's teacher or whatever, no surprise there, and at least Jazz and his conjunx are decent (how did they get such a pain in the aft of a kid?), Soundwave still gives him the creeps when he is only there, standing, not saying a word but somehow communicating with Mayhem when they get a mission on earth and Mayhem's human creator only smiles while giving everyone energon goodies to share, Blitzwing laughs at his misery and Astrotrain can't understand what the human saw in his friend to sparkbond with Blitzwing and even giving him a sparkling.
Humans are strange creatures.
Astrotrain misses Chainbreaker, even with those organic creppy things the kid created creeping around the spaceship and the whole fact the kid was Prowl's at least he was the most sane and decent of the whole group.
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eitherlyingorstupid · 9 months
Tracks is convinced by Beachcomber to go to some sort of hippie free-love festival (or whatever the Cybertronian equivalent of hippies are) at the shore of the Rust Sea. It's also kind of nudist (in that everyone is walking around without most of their plating).
At first, Tracks is absolutely scandalized by the sheer amount of public interfacing and all the mechs with their base protoform exposed. There's valves and energon pouches and spikes everywhere he looks.
But he also notices people paying attention to his own frame, and that stokes his vanity. Tracks loves to be the center of attention, even if his beautiful plating is gone for the moment.
Some bot at the festival is offering to do body paint or some similar detailing, and Tracks lets his base protoform and energon pouches be painted with elegant silver lines. In fact, he rather likes this new look... perhaps he could get used to this.
Other mechs reach out to trace the designs once they're dry, admiring Tracks' frame. The borderline worship is absolutely wonderful for Tracks, and he allows them to caress and lick his pouches.
There must be something in the air (or maybe that music they're playing), because Tracks eventually finds himself on his knees, being spiked by a total stranger. At least none of his so-called friends would be caught dead in a place like this, so he doesn't have to worry about them seeing.
Beachcomber is there too, muttering encouraging words and telling Tracks something like "see? It feels good to let go and enjoy the moment, right?" Tracks is absolutely lost in a haze of pleasure and sensation, from the soft touches of his admirers, to the hypnotic rhythm of the music, to the smell of interfacing, and the taste of gourmet oil.
As night comes on, he eventually gets drowsy and lays down to recharge, cuddled up with Beachcomber and the stranger's that he's been fragging with for the past few hours. It's one of the best sleeps Tracks has ever had, laying on the cool ground with the stars shining above.
Once he wakes up some of the shame comes creeping back in and he's very relieved to be able to put his armor back on and go home. After that, though, he starts feeling very weird — mopey, tired, but craving a good frag and unable to resist Beachcomber's spike.
He eventually realizes he's sparked up (with multiples, no less) once his belly starts swelling. Tracks hates it — how can he go out looking like this?! He barely fits in his own plating. Now he has to go around with his protoform (still painted from the festival) all exposed and his energon pouches hanging out.
Beachcomber takes care of him, massaging his belly when the sparklings inside squirm. To help their frames develop, they need a steady supply of transfluid, which Beachy is all too happy to donates. He has to admit that seeing Tracks so heavy and full of life like this is absolutely wonderful.
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💘 🌈📚 for Alfred? :)
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
This is the real trouble with Alfred. In some ways he's as loyal as anyone but to his own people, to the American experiment. But he's able to pick and choose what aspects and who with not a lot of guilt. And his priorities change rapidly and without warning. He's faithful, he believes consistently. But he's not loyal to anyone or any single idea until he comes into his entire power. He's not heartless, he can be supportive, he can be a downright martyr for his own people, he will probably go to his final grave with loved ones on his mind. But I'm not sure I'd say a single person commands the title 'most important' probably Maria if anyone, she permeates every aspect of his existence but if that was the case, they wouldn't be where they are. It's lonely at the top.
What he considers most important will depend on who asks and when and always will.
🌈 RAINBOW — what is your oc's sexual orientation/gender identity? what pronouns do they use?
He's pretty bi. Slightly more into men than women but only because his teenage love affair with Maria programmed any heterosexuality he had left. Kind of an all American Leyendecker type queer if you catch my drift.
📚 BOOKS — what level of education has your oc most recently completed/is currently in (GED, undergraduate, grad school, phd, etc)?
He got a degree in law from Harvard 300 years ago and he's been saying he's a Harvard graduate ever since. I'm not sure if he's been able to sit through a whole program since. He learns too fast and can keep up with practically any scientific conversation. He likes being on campuses, the cutting edge verve of student movements especially after he got his ass fragged to kingdom come in Vietnam. He's well read, well spoken when he wants to be and just oozing curiosity. Man knows so much shit.
Character Detail Ask Game
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valvesandthings · 2 years
Can you maybe do one where the reader is fragging Magnus in his office but then Rodimus calls and immediately knows what’s up and asks for details just to annoy Magnus. And the reader plays along because they think it would be funny so they say something like „he’s bend over the table“ and so on all while mags is failing miserably to deny anything and everything that is being said because he keeps moaning.
Sorry for the excessively long wait on this.
It was a rare treat, to catch Ultra Magnus so off guard, and you were beyond thrilled when you managed to trap him alone in his office. A bit of the loving manhandling that he liked, and it wasn’t difficult to get him bent over the desk, moaning for your spike. 
    You massaged Magnus’ sides as you rubbed your spike through the mess of his valve. He propped himself up on his elbows but when you slammed home, he bleated and scrambled for a proper hold on the edge of the desk. You grinned and used his lovely huge hips as handles to yank him back as you thrust forward. The scrape, scrape of his frame dragging back and forth on his once tidy desk wasn’t even loud enough to drown out the messy sounds of your joining. 
    You bent over and snagged one of Ultra Magnus’ finials, tugging it back sharply. Your name escaped him on a whisky breath, and was followed by a low, needy whine. 
    “You’re so wet for me,” you purred into his audial, “like you’ve been thinking about this all day. You dirty, dirty mech.”
    Magnus’ back arched and he moaned through his clenched teeth. 
    Ringing erupted in the room. You both froze until you realized it was the phone. Ultra Magnus groaned, frustrated, but you resumed your brutal pace. Before Magnus could object, you reached around him and answered the call, on speaker. 
    “N-no!” Magnus stuttered, but it was already too late. 
    “Hey, Mags, you still in the office?” Rodimus’ voice filled the room, but he wasn’t quite loud enough to hide the clanging from your thrusts. 
    Magnus opened his mouth to try and answer, but all that came out was an all too obvious moan. 
    “Magnus is a bit busy at the moment,” you answered. You hilted your spike deep inside his fluttering valve and circled your hips, grinding against the sweet spot in the back of his valve. “Can I take a message?”
    Rodimus hummed. “No surprise, he’s always doing something.” His voice had dropped a decimal and had turned borderline sultry. “Is he at his desk?”
    Magnus shook his helm furiously because if he opened his mouth he’d just give himself away even more. But you thrust once, a hard snap of your hips, and he spat static. 
    “He’s bent over it,” you rumbled, all too happy to take this opportunity to tease your lover. “Taking my spike like a champ, aren’t you Magnus?”
    “N-not at a-mph.” Magnus hung his helm and panted as you resumed your punishing pace, striking his ceiling node every time. “Rodimus,” he whined.
    You chuckled and yanked back on Magnus’ audial, forcing him to look at you. “I think he wants your help, Rodimus,” you teased, “it seems his mouth is missing you.”
    “Oh yeah?” Rodimus practically purred. “Should I come and keep you two company?”
    Magnus tried to speak again but he was so far gone that nothing but moans and high pitched whines for more escaped. 
    You groaned and slowed down, fighting the burning, throbbing need to overload. “I don’t think he’ll be able to wait that long,” you said. “You’d better hurry.”
    “Wait, really?” Rodimus asked, all sexiness gone from his voice. 
    You hummed. “Come help me stuff our dear Magnus.”
    “Shit, give me two minutes!” And the line went dead.
    You thrust lazily into Magnus. “I think I’ll let him take your mouth first,” you said, and Magnus moaned wildly as he overloaded. His valve clenched around you so tight and he cried out your name, pressing his hips back against yours, begging for more. 
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