#because ppl dont realise the level of work that goes into giffing
orionsangel86 · 2 years
Every day I am reminded how spoiled I was in SPN fandom for the amazing amount of creative work that was shared over the years. The reason the SPN fandom is infamous for having a gif for everything is because talented individuals spent years of their lives devoting their time to giffing every single second of that show. I remember in the week following each new episode airing there would be hundreds of new gifsets circulating on tumblr documenting every single scene in the episode. It was wonderful.
I wish we had that for other fandoms. The Sandman is a beautiful show and if I had the skills and the knowledge I would gif every second of it myself, but I don't.
If you are a Sandman gifmaker please tag me in your gifsets. I will reblog them over and over again I promise you. I wish modern tumblr was more like old school tumblr, where creativity was applauded and people reblogged everything.
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