#i worry that giffing is a dying art
orionsangel86 · 2 years
Every day I am reminded how spoiled I was in SPN fandom for the amazing amount of creative work that was shared over the years. The reason the SPN fandom is infamous for having a gif for everything is because talented individuals spent years of their lives devoting their time to giffing every single second of that show. I remember in the week following each new episode airing there would be hundreds of new gifsets circulating on tumblr documenting every single scene in the episode. It was wonderful.
I wish we had that for other fandoms. The Sandman is a beautiful show and if I had the skills and the knowledge I would gif every second of it myself, but I don't.
If you are a Sandman gifmaker please tag me in your gifsets. I will reblog them over and over again I promise you. I wish modern tumblr was more like old school tumblr, where creativity was applauded and people reblogged everything.
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romana-after-dark · 1 year
The Wrong Way Master List
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Gif by @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
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Raider!Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Raider!Tommy Miller x Fem!Reader
Spotify Playlist
Inspiration came from @toxicanonymity and her fantastic Raider!Joel.
Summery: You are sold to Joel to clear up some of your fathers' debts, and he takes you back to his house where him, Tommy, and high ranking members of his raiding trope stay. Joel is mean, cruel, and hash, but had small moments of softness that confuse you in your venerable state. Over time, you get to know him and Tommy, and see different sides of each, an both are hiding secrets. Was it possible to fall in love under these circumstances? Or was that just another way Joel was fucking with you?
Aka: my mom sold me to One Direction
WARNINGS FOR FULL FIC, NOT CHAPTER BY CHAPTER UNLESS SOMETHING NEW IS ADDED AFTER MASTER WARNING LIST: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT!!!! Fic contains graphic depictions of sexual assault, rape, molestation, dubcon/non con. Blow Jobs, PIV sex, lose of virginity, sex trafficking, past incest, death/people dying everywhere, Stockholm syndrome, falling for your rapist, victim blaming, torcher, branding, physical abuse, rape (not Joel), somno, dub con on tommy? idk he's not really into it but feels like he has to, self-harm/depression/suicidal thoughts (not a lot) but fair warning, major age gaps, love triangle, pregnancy/birth, threats of abortion, major character death, mentions of potential csa/child abuse but does not even come close to happening, forced pregnancy, forced housewife shit, breeding, breeding kink?!?!
This is a reader fic, reader is early 20's, Joel is 40's at this point, reader is small enough that the men can lift her, but these are strong men. Reader is also refered to as little one, little girl ETC, but that's more in reference to her age/innocence than physical size.
Unknown chapters at this point but heres a starter
Chapter 1: Joel takes you away from everything you know
Chapter 2: Joel takes what he wants, Tommy tries to make things easier
Bonus Chapter: Tommy takes Little One's virginity
Chapter 3: Joel softens up, and readers learns her roll in all this
Chapter 4: Little One is getting cocky, and finds herself in trouble, but Tommy and Joel are there for her
Chapter 5: Joel and Tommy don’t feel good
Suggested drabble: Period sex
Chapter 6: Things change with Tommy, and Joel shows a more vunerable side during a near disaster.
Chapter 7: Little One and Lorenzo spend some time together, and Lorenzo drops a bomb on Little One.
sick bonus chapter
Chapter 8: For 6 months of Little One's pregnancy her relationship with Joel and Lorenzo shifts and changes.
Suggested Drabble: Brotherhood
Chapter 9: The aftermath.
Suggested Drabble: “It Wasn’t Always Like This”
Chapter 10: The escape does not go as planned.
Alternate ending: a happier end
Canon Sequel Mini Series, Ghost of You
Follow Ellie's life sifting through to lies to discover the truth of her creation.
Dark Ending Timeline: Going Under
Going Under: Chapter 1:
Going Under: Chapter 2:
Going Under: Chapter 2.5:
Going Under: Chapter 3
Going Under: June and Tommy
Going Under: Chapter 4
Going Under: Finale
Suggested drabbles to see how the uncles are doing after the canon ending: Lorenzo, Zach and Tommy, and Better Than Revenge
If neither ending satisfied you or if there was something you wanted to see but didn’t, if you wanna write something in universe will be happy to link it to my masterlist!
Art by @melodymakesart
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Drabbles, One Shots, Thots
Period Sex: Period sex with Joel makes Little One more confused than ever at what she is to Joel
Well, That’s Alright Because I Like The Way It Hurts: Joel is gone for longer than expected and you worry about him. When he comes back, you let him take his frustration out on your body
Brotherhood: Tommy and Joel reflect on their relationship as brothers.
“It Wasn’t Always Like This”: In Tommy’s arms, Little One thinks over her year with Joel
Lorenzo, Zach and Tommy: Lorenzo is slowly recovering, meets his niece for the first time
Better than Revenge: Lorenzo and Tommy can’t get revenge on Joel, but they can get revenge on the one who started it all
Zach and Lorenzo’s Wedding
Gateaway Car by Taylor Swift, thoughts by @fandxmslxt69
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Art by @k-ra
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Joel and Lorenzo by @fen-is-unwell
If this sort of thing doesn't interest you or triggers you, hide dub con and non con from your tags as I will be tagging any fics like that as such
Main Blog (filled with more normal fics lol): @romanarose
This is absolutely not anything anyone needs to do bc ur lovely comments are enough but if anyone makes a book board, art, a fic or anything based off this series, you absolutely can! I know some creators aren’t for it but I love when people do that, and I’ve written a few fics for a few series myself. If you are so inclined and are okay with it, I’ll attach them to this master list (that includes if you don’t like my endings you can make your own 😂)
But as always, nice comments mean the world. I know with this sort of content you may not want to Reblog it on your page, but if you leave a comment or send an anon, that means the world and keeps me writing!
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class-1b-bull · 6 months
What kind of Minecraft player would every 1b member be?Like if there was a Private UA server world and 20 computers with Minecraft on it,what would happen?
Not proofread we die like men
Awase - he likes to make hidden rooms and mini bases in other peoples areas in case he ever needs to stay the night there or smthn (hes never used a single one)
Sen - he has no food, no house and no tools but he is 20,000 blocks away from spawn looking for that one 'perfect spot' still (he aint gonna find it)
Kamakiri - hes homeless but is a god a pvp. He will walk into other ppls bases and they let him stay simply because they know he could beat their ass lmao
Kuroiro - he builds this massive gothic mansion in the middle of nowhere but when it comes to actual advancement hes stuck on iron
Kendo - she would be the richest on the server if it wernt for the fact that she keeps giving her dimonds to everyone around her.
Kodai - she has a cute little cottage in the middle of the woods where she lives with a few of the girls. She mostly builds automatic farms to improve their area
Komori - she shares an area with kodai. She builds everything and they all have the cutest cottage core vibes to it. She also has every kind of flower in the game all around their area :>
Shiozaki - she is the best at landscaping and making the nature look unique and intricate while also looking natural. But she cant build buildings to save her life.
Shishida - he probably stays close to spawn and makes the entire area safe and spawn proof so anyone who died and didn't set spawn doesn't have to worry about creepers and things like that. He provides them food and some basic armor too.
Shoda - he probably rarely logs on and when he does he simply talks with his friends while his character stands completely still slowly starving to death.
Pony - she either builds things from her favorite animes or she lives in a hole that she carved in the wall. She probably doesnt live in the girls base but shes extremely close to them.
Tsubaraba - dude has been killed by an armor stand. He doesn't know how he did it but he did it. Other than dying to everything you can possibly die from he likes to fill peoples bases with chickens.
Tetsutetsu - he got on the server and didnt get off until he beat the final boss of the game. After that he built his on mojo dojo casa house and started his farmer life
Tokage - she travels alot to constantly check in with what her class mates are doing. She doesnt have a set place she stays but she has multiple holes in the walls all around the map. Shes the only one who knows where everything is.
Manga - spends all of his time making banners and cool map art to randomly shove in other peoples houses. Hes homeless and poor though.
Honenuki - he spends most of his time wandering around and helping everyone else with whatever project they've been working on. He helps his classmates collect wood, mine, kill monsters whatever they rlly need help with ykyk?
Bondo - he picked a spot for his house and he refuses to leave. He stays in his area and farms, never exsplores and never mines... only farms (He also gives everyone food when they come by his area)
Monoma - he just went around killing peoples animals and blowing up their bases until he was banned lmao
Reiko - idk why but i think she would be amazing at pvp but other than killing her friends (in game) she doesn't log on often. She will spend time at the girls base and afk their auto farms for them though
Rin - hes the one that somehow is much farther in the game than everyone else but hes been playing the same ammount of time. Like everyone else is making a starter house while hes mining out the end for a mega base
Gif anime - The Apothecary Diaries
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papercuttragedy · 3 months
I think, in some weird way, that the merchandise and audio give extreme foreshadowing to what's going to happen to certain characters as the story dives, mainly through the art and choice of words.
1. The constant mentioning of Barnaby losing his head is greatly worrying. This is something almost a lot of people know of.
2. Julie is connected to her theater character Sally assigned her with, specifically with the quote of "a harrowing journey of self-discovery and vengeance." This is connected with an old photo that Clown drew of the disturbing woman behind Julie in one of the non-canon art.
3. Remderem being an anagram for Remember, with the d swapping b. This might connect to the hidden 'd' section on an advertisement, alongside the slinky toy being the only toy in the recent update labeled "d" who coincidentally has a "b" in his name.
4. The recipe book cover on Halloween update. This one I'll explain entirely alone.
The picture with Wally being in front symbolizes how he's going to play an important role in the story. Behind him, on a stool, is Sally, Barnaby, and Eddie. Sally was the person who mentioned a monster hidden near the neighborhood, and Eddie who witnessed a weird trip later on in the Christmas update, (not to mention, his face is mainly focused on during Wally eating an apple)
Julie and Howdy are not with anyone and go their separate ways, facing a more individual role for their part. This connects with my Julie theory, and Howdy could be an exception since he knows the stuff he sells isn't really edible.
Poppy and Frank are not in there at all, presumably either no space or they're hiding. Perhaps this is intentional.
Barnaby is in the top center, right above Wally. We don't know much of him knowing or witnessing anything, but I feel there's going to be an importance to him. This could connect with another person's theory about the word "smooth" from the commercials (and in the crispy sweets pancakes recipe) being important in some way or, in my opinion, could foreshadow him, perhaps dying or being the catalyst of whatever insanity to start. He hovers like an angel, with only his head there.
(P.S. in Night Mind's older video, it's mentioned only Barnaby's GIF is clickable.)
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simply-whump · 2 years
The Blood of Youth (少年歌行) - Whump List
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Whumpee : Xiao Se played by Li Hong Yi, Lei Wu Jie played by Ao Rui Peng, Wu Xin played by Liu Xue Yi and Tang Lian played by Li Xin Ze
Synopsis : As a disciple of the Lei Clan, Lei Wu Jie can't wait to prove his worth as a hero. His trip to the city Xue Yue is waylaid by an unfortunate mishap at the Villa of Fallen Snow. As proprietor of the Villa, Xiao Se is less than pleased when his establishment is damaged by the antics of a young, wannabe hero. Demanding he make amends for the damage he caused, Wu Jei can think of only one way to appease the grumpy Xiao Se, and that is to take him with him. With no other options, the two set off together, without any idea of what fate has in store for them. (MDL)
Genres : Wuxia, Historical, friendship, youth, fantasy
Note : This was an unexpected fun watch ! I didn't get bored at all watching this drama and the brotherhood between the characters was great.
Warning ! Possible spoilers below!
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Xiao Se ( Xiao Chu He / Prince Yong An)
Ep 1-3 : None
Ep 4 : (Flashback) Hit by a powerful magical attack, on the ground shaking, passes out, can’t use martial arts since that day — (Present) Hit, thrown to the ground, punched
Ep 5-8 : None
Ep 9 : Arm pierced by a needle, momentarily in pain
Ep 10-13 : None
Ep 14 : Stabbed in the shoulder, bleeding, concern for him
Ep 15 : None
Ep 16 : Collapses after giving some of his energy, concern for him — Unconscious, carried on Wu Jie’s Back, speaking weakly — Unconscious in bed, treated, in pain (Gif Set) — Wakes up in bed — Given medicine
Ep 17-18 : None
Ep 19 : Uses his full strength to save his friend knowing it might kill him, fighting, hit by an energy blast, spits blood, passes out, concern for him — Doctor says he can’t save him, concern for him
Ep 20 : Still being treated with no success, bleeding from the mouth, treated by a more competent doctor — All his friends want to protect him (not really whump but it was a great moment) — Doctor says his life is still at stake — Very weak — (They’re all going on a trip to cure him)
Ep 21 : None
Ep 22 : Told he only has 5 days to live
Ep 23 : Participates in the fight even though he is dying, concern for him — Taken away, spits blood, treated, in pain, knocked out (Gif Set)
Ep 24-26 : None
Ep 27 : Teary-eyed, grieving 
Ep 28-35 : None
Ep 36 : Fighting — Thrown to the ground, attacked — Pulse taken
Ep 37 : None
Ep 38 : Enters an array that makes him face his inner demons — Worried for someone — Has a difficult fight, arm cut, injured, spits blood, shielded and protected by his friends, on one knee holding his chest
Ep 39 : Has a difficult fight, thrown to the ground, spits blood, more fighting, on one knee, concern for him, helped up — Collapses unconscious, concern for him (Gif Set) — Unconscious in bed, concern for him
Ep 40 : Crying
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Lei Wu Jie
Ep 1 : Fighting, thrown to the ground, groaning in pain
Ep 2 : Grabbing his chest after using some power, in pain — Fighting, thrown to the ground — Grabbing his chest after using a powerful attack
Ep 3 : Collapses, grabbing his chest — “Knocked out”, injuries “magically treated” (kinda hard to describe) — Wakes up in a cell, (flashback) fighting, tied up, captured
Ep 4 : Tied up to a tree
Ep 5-7 : None
Ep 8 : Powers acting up after drinking some liquor, collapses, passes out — Has a difficult fight
Ep 9 : Passes out from exhaustion — Has a nosebleed
Ep 10 : Uses a powerful skill, passes out
Ep 11 : Crying
Ep 12-14 : None
Ep 15 : Poisoned, weak, given energy
Ep 16 : Shocked after killing for the first time
Ep 17-18 : None
Ep 19 : Fighting, thrown to the ground, spits blood — Wakes up in bed
Ep 20-22 : None
Ep 23 : In pain after using a lot of power
Ep 24-25 : None
Ep 26 : Crying, emotional
Ep 27 : Teary-eyed, grieving
Ep 28-37 : None
Ep 38 : Has a difficult fight, spits blood
Ep 39 : Fighting, choked — Fighting his friend (Wu Xin) — Exhausted, almost collapses, caught before he can fall
Ep 40 : None
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Wu Xin (Ye An Shi)
Ep 2 : Knocked out
Ep 3 : Crying
Ep 5 : Fighting, hit, grabbing his chest — Crying
Ep 6 : Has a difficult fight, puts his dislocated shoulder back in place — Passes out after using a powerful technique — Collapses exhausted
Ep 7 : Teary-eyed
Ep 29 : In pain after using his power to save someone, grabs his chest, spits blood — Unconscious, chained
Ep 30 : Chained and unconscious, was experimented on
Ep 31 : Was brainwashed, fighting his friends, headache 
Ep 36 : Chained, unconscious — Fighting his friend, trying to resist, headache, controlled, attacks Xiao Se
Ep 39 : Controlled, fighting his friends, mind-control broken, unconscious
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Tang Lian
Ep 1 : Fighting, hit, holding his chest
Ep 2 : Fighting, thrown to the ground, grabbing his chest, struggling to stand up, passes out after using a powerful attack
Ep 3 : Wounds treated
Ep 19 : Stabbed in the leg, hit, thrown to the ground, concern for him, stabbed in the other leg, spits blood
Ep 25 : Has a difficult fight, bleeding from the mouth, grabbing his chest, collapses, weak
Ep 26 : Very weak after the previous fight, dies
Ep 27 : Mourned
>> Another whump List with Li Hong Yi
>> More Whump Lists
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penroseparticle · 3 months
Penrose Song of the Day Day 35: You May Be Right by Billy Joel
I'm gonna be honest, for today I hit shuffle and picked the first song that came up. Sorry for the normcore, I'll bring you something foreign or unusual tomorrow.
In some ways, it's a little freeing to just write about the popular thing. Like kill the cop in your head right? I'm not writing these reviews for someone to say "wow Colton, impeccable taste as always" (except I kind of am, a little bit. Art is a cry for attention. It's saying hey look at this what do you think. If your art doesn't have a little bit of ego it's not art, it's a diagram). It's more so I can practice rumination. It's meditation. It's me writing my thoughts down and organizing them in some fashion. And it's to kind of dig in and say hey. What makes a good song. What makes a song resonant. Why do I like this.
Yesterday I had Orla Gartland on repeat. I thought for sure that was going to be today's song. I didn't even consider it. Too personal? We'll never know. But it's fun to say that once again I find my song choices in dialog. Why am I like this? I don't know. But! Have you considered you might be right, and I might be crazy? Songs are these cute little memetic nuggets that interlock with each other in new and interesting ways. Like legos in 4 dimensions with superposition available. Always fresh and new, even with old blocks.
This song is about an indestructible party terminator and I kind of love it?
In some ways I am kind of worried about myself. Hard To Love, Why Am I Like This, a lot of songs being like "I'm tough. I'm crazy! I'm unloveable dammit!!!!" And I can't believe that this song is like "Yep sure am, and that exact brand of crazy is what you wanted. You and I fit, like two legos in 4 dimensional superposition. Also, I drive a motorcycle and party on the weekends. We love dirty jokes and you were dying a little bit before I saved you by being a doofus. Let's get married and have a saxophone solo, cut the track, 3 billion dollars, 15 grammies, moneybaths.
This song is that gif of Ariana saying AND WHAT ABOUT IT??? So I'm crazy. Now what. I'm still here living, and I'll find the people who like this crazy.
There's like a little bit of humor, in this idea that you don't fit in the world. Like what a fucking ego to say that. Who do you think you are stupid!!! Babygirl not only can I find someone who likes your exact brand of stupid, I can find like 4 of them. I can find a make and model of them in mint green. I can find you in every season, in every flavor, for every occasion. You are not only not unique, but thank god for that. Thank god I found you. You are the lunatic I'm looking for.
There's nearing 8 billion people now and you think you're the only one who's like you?
That's not to say that finding "the one" or your perfect fit isn't possible. I'm saying it is. I'm saying there's a lunatic out there you're looking for. And you guys, like songs in dialog with each other, like my special 4D legos, change and shape and grow each other until you are, in essence, a perfect fit. Infinite solutions, infinite ways to play, infinite timelines.
I'm gonna be honest though- there's a few people I am SURE that I will find every time. That's what I choose to hold onto, at any rate.
The song itself is kind of iconic at this point? Songs that last 40+ years in the public conciousness kind of have something going for them, they simply have to. There's almost what we would now call a country sensibility to this song and its instrumentation. Apparently when the song came out it got compared (favorably) to Chuck Berry, and now that I've read that, I get it too. I think some of the drums sound. Plasticy? Hollow? There's a lot of drum hits that have the quality of hitting something with a long plastic tube. Or thumping a pool noodle on the surface. The Saxophone solo in the middle is so fucking funny to me now, because we would rightly call it a little hokey but also it's intensely nostalgic now. It's earnest, in a way few songs really try to be these days. And we go from Guitar solo directly into it, and I can't think of a better way to do that either. The harmonica? is of course, a Billy Joel staple, just with less pizzazz than in Piano Man. It's got all the ingredients.
There's some artists you can just. Tell. All the bits are there, and you could recognize them anywhere. Billy Joel feels like one of those artists to me.
I dunno, I just think it's neat. I love it. And hey. You? You could be dead right now, go listen something you love.
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thedailydescent · 4 months
6, 15 & 18 for the artful Dodger ask!
The ability to answer asks in a timely manner continues to be compromised by that vampire show lol
6. Top 3 Outfits
3. Belle's...brain surgery princess gown?
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It just looks so good on her, and I found it hilarious when she wore that and a tiara to go drill a hole into a man's head. Along with the other fancy dresses she wore in the hospital this season. I noticed she repeated outfits in the show, but she wasn't worried about getting them ruined in that setting??
2. I'm cheating again here (did I or did I not create this ask meme why can't I just answer these properly??), but it's a tie between Red's:
Maid Uniform
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She looks so good in her colour, and I loved the additional red shoes that went with it. She's able to stand out from the other plainly dressed maids while still going undetected from Detective Gaines.
her Rainbow Bushranger Skirt. You can't ambush the rich to provide for your unborn child if you're not the best dressed!
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Iconic Misandry Loungewear
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[gif credited to @triss-merigolds from this set]
I loved Belle in pants post break-up. Who then proceeds to complain about men and insult Fanny's 'hideous [picture] of phallic trees', refuses to handle Sneed's "cock" properly, shooting the tree from the aforementioned picture, then finishes off by pointing the gun at Sneed's actual one. Beautiful.
15. Share a fanfic you like
There was one that stood out to me: Feminine Hygiene by Watchingds9forbashir. Including 19th century practices on handling menstruation was cool, and I really liked how perfect Jack was in that situation.
18. In the unlikely event Season 2 is going to happen, what would you like explored in general?
More development of the side characters, especially Rotty, Red, and Hetty. More Fagin/Red team-ups. Women's medicine being more explored. Fanny finally getting laid (she looked like she was dying all season lol). Find out what Monks's deal is (I still don't trust him). Maybe Edmund and Jane, without Gaines to hide it from them, get caught up in some corrupt British Colony affairs that exposes them to how much harm they as colonialists are actually causing. Hetty finding the romance she deserves and more Jack/Sneed frenemy moments pls. Also more steamy Dodgerfox scenes because I feel like we were deprived somewhat
Thanks for the ask friend! <3
The Artful Dodger Asks
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wizard-legs · 1 year
Hiya, just saw ur tags about using Procreate and I've been considering getting an iPad for art, would u recommend it / what kind of iPad do u use ? :) Btw ur art is great, you've got a great eye for colour !
HI IM SOOO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO REPLY I never get asks so I never check my inbox shfkjsjd im so sorry but thank you for the COMPLIMENT! That’s so funny too because I feel like color is my greatest weakness :0 NOW here’s my iPad info!!
I love procreate!! I have the iPad Pro- I would specifically recommend this over the others only because the apple pencil charges magnetically on the side and I have some friends who have issues with their pencil dying more frequently with the pen you have to plug in to charge. If you draw a lot I’d also recommend getting as much storage as you can afford because I had some problems with procreate crashing before I expanded my storage, but if you keep your files organized and clean out once in a while you probably will not run into this issue. ALSO! I got mine used for about $350 but even that was a steal compared to what I’ve been seeing them going for. So honestly don’t break the bank for this thang, i use it in my professional work and it was worth it for me, but i have friends who use it exclusively for personal sketches and such who really like the mini! It’s smaller and even easier to tote around :)
I’ve used a buncha different art programs- started out with mspaint and then the free vers. of krita (which I LOVE if you’re interested in learning photoshop, it’s very similar and in my opinion kind of preferable to use??) and I used photoshop for free in art school! And now I use procreate :) it just kind of allows me to work a lot faster because I don’t worry about files getting corrupted, and the interface is just very clean. I also love the sketchbook (page assist) feature because it keeps my thumbnails and doodles organized! It’s not as… developed as photoshop but I specifically love the perspective tool- used it all the time when I was learning- and the animation tool! I’ve made some funky little gifs and animatics with it. Aside from procreate there are other programs you can get for the iPad, I have a 3D modeling program and I think there’s even a version of clip studio paint? Plus I watch YouTube while I’m drawing lol. Split screen feature is great for keeping references open while you draw! I hope this wasn’t all too much info, but I’m not like. Super great at being concise. I like procreate lmao and thank u again for the compliment :))
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cilly-murphy · 2 years
hi maria!! sorry for never sending an ask before even though we're technically moots! i'm super shy.
I just need tell you how INCREDIBLE your 10th anniversary of the merlin finale gif set is. like. holy fuck!!!!!! the WORDS! THE PLACEMENT! THE CHOICE OF WHAT sceNES!!!!!! like legitimately IM going bonkers here. like i was going from gif to gif and my jaw just kept going down like HOW!!! EACH ONE!! WAS EVEN BETTER!!!! THAN THE LAST ONE!!!!!! H O W!!!!
Thank you for being you!! feeling so lucky to have you creating beautiful gifs in the fandom and that you're willing to share your beautiful creations with us <3333
hi fyscka!!! omg your name is so pretty! don't worry about it, i'm the same flavour of shy myself! OH MY GOD!!! THE HONOUR OF BEING TOLD THOSE BEAUTIFUL WORDS FROM SUCH AN ICONIC ARTISTS SUCH AS YOU!! i'm literally blushing and dying right now. this gifset literally came to me in a dream, it was 4am, i was half asleep, it was one week before the anniversary and i was busy that entire week so i had to hurry. and i went like what if i write a fairytale of their love? but simple because i'm no writer. and then well.... this thing took me so many hours i was dying. but it was so worth it, so many of you seem to love it and it made me so happy!! these clotpoles are so special to me, i wanted to make the best i could for them THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!! your ask made me so happy!! you're such an amazing artist, every time i see your art, i go ballistic. such a unique and gorgeous style i could recognise it from 30 miles away. i will always gif for this fandom, as long as i'm able. it's THE fandom for me <33333 ILY
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evita-shelby · 2 years
Of Gods and Witches
Chapter 3
Taglist: @v3d3rl1cht
Gif by: @zouitens
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“I shouldn’t keep you up so late.” He laughs quietly when she yawned.
It was late, she could stay up for days before, but now she isn’t sure she will be able to make it past three in the morning.
“Does it matter anymore? I have only four or five days left to live.” She can’t look at him, he will look at her with pity and she hates pity the most.
“For someone who can see the future, you are very pessimistic.” He points out and she can’t count all the times someone has said that to her.
Diosdado , her first ever boyfriend, had said that when they first met, when she told him he’d get his ass handed back to him on the raid he was doing.
And Diosado had laughed when he woke up to her flicking his forehead calling him a baboso for thinking the americans wouldn't have bigger guns.
“I can’t see death, only that of people who are not close to me and if I do see it, it means it won’t happen.” Eva tried her best to explain how her abilities work.
The only sorcerers they’ve found are based in New York, and she can’t go because of all the shit she did while serving with Pancho Villa.
So what if she charmed a horny Irishman with a drinking problem into bombing the wrong city? So what if she killed American soldiers and policemen by the dozen during the bandit wars?
It was war and sure she hates America with a passion of a thousand burning suns, but they should get over it and grant her asylum like they did with her uncles. They didn’t seem to care that Eva’s own grandfather was a San Patricio ---and not just any San Patricio, the nephew of Captain John Riley who led the battalion as they defected to Mexico’s side--- when her uncles showed up there.
“So how do you know you are dying?” he asked, his voice is softer now, as if hoping Eva is wrong.
“Because I did not see it. The woman who trained me in the art of espionage and murder found the letter written by President Carranza’s own hand. Four or Five days is a generous estimate.” Her hands begin to shake and she knows that there won’t be stopping it now. No tricks left in her book, no last-minute hero to save her.
“I could be murdered later today for all I know.” She sighed hugging herself tightly and resting her head on top of her knees.
She won’t live to see twenty-three. Once upon a time she joked about never seeing eighteen and now she will die at twenty-two and a half.
Eva is so caught up in the horrid realization that these could be her last hours she doesn’t notice him move until his very warm hand is gently squeezing her shoulder to comfort her.
His fingers trail down slightly to push the thin silky strap back onto it and her breath catches slightly from the way it feels and because the universe decides right now is the perfect time for a vision.
“El niño sin amor.” The witch hears a priest say as he uses his last breath to curse him.
Eva recognizes the Hacienda, she’s been there before. Her Tio Benjamin had bought it and died there when something startled his horse and he broke his neck in the fall.
K’uk’ulkan is twelve, with his armed escort and kin watching their people being beaten and enslaved by a catholic priest. Same priest that haunts the chapel of the Hacienda.
But the curse isn’t real. It never was.
Eva comes to on her back, a worried Kukulkan hovering over her as he gently shook her awake.
“Chʼaʼa a wiik.” Breathe. He guides her as she tries to regain her senses, but she can’t do anything except breathe in and out as she observes every minute detail of him as he gradually sat her up.
The jade septum piercing fogs up slightly when he breathes, reminds her of a bull which she finds endearing. She likes the cut of his barba de chivo, makes him look dignified.
And she likes his eyes the most. Brown like hers, yet so expressive and hardened. Such intensity that never goes away.
If she could paint like Gabriel had once done, she would immortalize this god of a man and treasure it like the Francisco de Goya painting she loves so much.
He is rubbing her arms and saying soothing words she can barely understand as she comes back to herself.
Visions like this one always leave her like this, worse than her fainting spells or the hungover feeling she gets when she has prophetic night terrors.
Nice to know Kukulkan is the type of man who doesn’t just leave her for dead and go back the same way he came from.
Spirits know lesser men have bolted the moment her eyes rolled back into her head.
“You’re not cursed.” She says the moment she regains use of her voice; it comes out like a hoarse whisper, and he looks at her with disbelief.
“How did you know?” he searches her for an answer, feels her head for signs of a concussion or fever, assuming she is not thinking straight.
He holds her face in his hands and she can’t escape the intensity of his eyes.
“I am a seer, sometimes I see things of the past instead of the future. The Franciscan priest you killed had no real power. If you were truly cursed, I would be able to feel it.” She answered feeling warm and vulnerable, especially because he holds her face like a lover would.
Eva feels like she might collapse again with the lightheadedness she gets from these things, love and lust could feel so similar to her.
Of course, this is not love, this is lust that makes her skin feel hot, her heart beat to the thrum of hummingbird wings and an ache that says her fingers will be insufficient tonight and forevermore.
“And how do curses feel, wàay?” he doesn’t move away, the panic of the last minute forgotten as he leans forward and looks at her lips just as she looks at his.
“Cold, colder than ice.” Her voice is breathy, not from the force of the vision, but because of her body being weak when faces with this man who stokes such a fire inside her. And she doesn’t care if she burns in whatever hell for the rest of eternity.
Eva desires him, just as he desires her.
“And how do I feel, Eva?” his breath is hot against her lips and the witch decides to toss caution to the wind by initiating this kiss she will carry on her heart like a tattoo.
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adelle-ein · 2 years
hi! i cant believe i saw ur post about my tags! (no worries about @ing or not @ing me.) and ur SO RIGHT about the quality being too high for 2013… (id also love an aesthetic writeup)
it really was just a surprise because the number of gif creators has been drastically reduced since this post type has been dying out on all other platforms. for me it gave me the similar vibe of recent dvd movies being redesigned for vhs covers (tho not quite that old). it was super charming!
and i hope i didnt imply that your gif work was bad or outdated! i think the colors are quite fitting and the quality speaks for itself.
im quite new to the fe3h and ferdibert scene, so im having a great time trawling tumblr for all the great posts ive missed since 2019. i was quite happy to see this particular gif post because it felt like such a classic tumblr staple, like all ships need (at least) one dedicated set of gifs/edits, and this was the one i needed 🥰
thanks again, for both your original post AND reply!
Hi! I'm glad there's no worries there, I went back and forth for a bit and I didn't want it to feel like a callout post because. it was very much not! I just wanted to talk about gif stuff a little bit
and I definitely don't feel bad about your comments or anything! At first I was surprised but when I went and looked at the gifset I definitely agreed with you (despite nitpicks about the time period heh.) It did make me think about how, in general, I don't think tumblr gif-making trends have continued changing as much since the mid-2010s, and if they have I stopped really keeping up with them. I think some of that is probably just me, esp due to my never buying Photoshop CC (i remember looking at others' methods in maybe 2016ish and seeing that I just didn't have the tools others did anymore. my old CS6 is still chugging along…) but also due to the site becoming less popular over time and there being less interest and fewer people getting into gif-making. Like you said it's a bit of a dying medium, and it's never really been a popular post type on other platforms, so if not for tumblr who would people be making gifsets for?
Lol I definitely feel you about that style of post being an older ship staple though! It used to be such a common thing that every fandom had (albiet less for video games bc that's often harder - I do not honestly remember really making that series of 3h ship gifs but that was definitely dedication to the cause at the time, there was so little media to work with). Now a bit of a dying art alas (including from me since I don't really make many gifs at all anymore….learning to draw instead for a number of reasons)
Anyway yes that was a fun rabbit hole to go down! Genuinely I would love to read a Tumblr gif/graphic aesthetic writeup - putting framerates aside I don't think people really use textures that much anymore for example unless they need a background, and sharpening has definitely been toned down. And fewer song quotes. And filters still lean more pastel than the really saturated stuff in the early 2010s. But I don't really have the time atm to do some kind of deep dive myself…it would be really neat though!
(Also just in general as someone who never left, seeing the site come back to life a little bit as the twitter BS kicked off has been fun…idk if it will last but i'm enjoying it while it does!)
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grogusmum · 2 years
You know how some museums (especially small ones) only ask for a donation. They suggest the amount that would help them best keep the lights on, pay everyone who needs paying and grow, if everyone who came in gave it...
but you can choose to give less or more, or nothing at all. We assume that those who don't give any or much have circumstances that make it such... because if they could support something they use and value, they would, right? Not to would be shitty. Because if everyone had that attitude, the doors would eventually close, or the museum's ability to put up new exhibits would dry up.
Did you know that it can be true that creators need to remember that they create for the joy of creating AND that interactions with those that consume those creations inspire more creating, at the very same time?
That our value isn't the tally of our followers or notes and at the exact same time, and it is good form for those that consume our creations to show that we are valued by them when they interact (especially reblogging since that is how posts thrive on Tumblr).
There are definitely note and follower counters out there. But I am telling you, every writer, artist, blogger, gif maker, etc that I know is interested in engagement for two reasons, and it's not to have the most notes, it's because we are a community. They want to talk about their art, and they don't want it to languish unseen or unread.
We are brimming with thoughts and ideas, bits of story that didn't make it into the final draft, and inspiration for a comic or drawing that we are dying to be asked about. More than praise, we want to know what hit your heart just right. What made you laugh. Cry. Yearn.
I write for myself, sure, but I remember who enjoys certain fics and think of them when I am writing the next chapter or one shot with their favorite character. I smile when I come upon some dialogue this reader will think is funny, or when I happen on a part that will make that reader melt...
This is why I share it with folks. Otherwise, it can just stay in my docs, or journal, or whatever, and I wouldn't worry about grammar or spelling or describing a place I know by heart or if I use a word redundantly...
We tell a story for ourselves... but we edit for our readers, making sure they picture it as closely to the way we imagine it. Getting the story down takes time, and one can argue that's time for you as it is your hobby, and remembering this makes writing a joy... but editing several times over (and still having mistakes, I know I know, sue me) this takes time, that is not a hobby. I am not an editor hobbyist. Formating it for Tumblr- adding warnings and word counts, tagging readers, etc. takes time, which is also not really part of the hobby. We don't "owe it to readers" but we do it to make it reader-friendly.
Please think about how you donate to your creators. The suggested donation is reblogging. Likes are appreciated, and comments help us grow.
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the-paris-of-people · 2 years
Okay, but when Ben was walking away from Devi after their conversation int he hallway and she turns back to look at him walking away and totally forgets Paxton’s in front of her!!!!!!
I know we talk a lot about how Ben is so in love with Devi but Devi is SO IN LOVE with Ben.
I think about that everytime I rewatch the scene and I feel like NOT ENOUGH people talk about/gif that part where she LITERALLY cannot keep her eyes off him even though he walks 1000 ft away down the hallway. She doesn't want to take her eyes off him for a second and it makes me WEAK.
Honestly I think this was why I liked season 2 so much or why it was special to me from a Benvi perspective and why I loved how McEnroe's commentary during s3 acknowledged Devi's feelings for Ben; Ben is so OBVIOUS about how he feels about Devi, and because Devi has other love interests and is going through her own character growth and journey throughout the series, her feelings for Ben are less obvious to a casual viewer but still very much THERE and obvious to me (a Benvi shipper). I kind of want to make a post about it if people are interested, but there are all these small lil moments in season 3 that show Devi really cares about Ben and loves being around him, from her lil jealous glances at Ben and Aneesa, her pride when Ben compliments her message to Haley, her worried look when Ben clenches his stomach in her bedroom, wanting Ben to be her project partner, condemning his overloaded schedule (even though she teases him about it, I honestly feel like there's an undercurrent of real concern and care for him there), making fun of him and FILMING HIM speaking Mandarin to Des (literally I am still dying), trying to work with him on the debate tournament, disclosing personal details about her life to him about Des, wanting to make her sexual vibes less dusty, and anonymous Instagram messager, and being curious about his art and surprised he's drawing. Anyway, I am obsessed with Devi Loves Ben and I want to gif every subtle look of love Devi gives him over the season
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Road Trip - Part 1 {Klaus x Caroline}
Road Trip {Part 1}
Disclaimer - (Cause fanfiction is tricky ground and I hope not to offend the creator of the original story and get sued)
I do not own "The Vampire Diaries", it belongs to its original creator Kevin Williamson, Julie Plec, and L. J. Smith. This is only a fanfiction that I was inspired to write by the original work. Please support the official release of "The Vampire Diaries". Most of the media - such as the art and illustrations, gifs, video's, etc. used in this fanfiction - are from the web. Thus, most of them aren't mine (because I really, really can't draw) unless mentioned. To fit the story, images are also edited by various apps and websites. So they aren't mine, just edited.
Also if you own a picture or Video that I found online, and you either want your name added, or me to take it down. Please contact me and we can talk it out. P.s. I also ask that you do not copy my work and publish it onto any other website.
If you're gonna use my idea, please ask me (If you ask nicely, I for sure, will agree). If I don't contact you within a week, then just assume I'm giving you the all clear and go for it. Just remember to credit me and the story you are getting the idea from.
Warnings: Tyler Bashing, Werewolf bites, I refuse to watch the Originals - so if things aren't accurate according to the story don't worry, they weren't meant to be, Mild Damon bashing
Info You Might Need To Know: Katherine is staying with Caroline
Word Count: 4.0 K
Requested: By no one
Tumblr media
Today's Special
When a man loves a woman,
can't keep his mind on anything else.
He'd trade the world for the good thing he's found.
~ Percy Sledge
Caroline opened the door to her dorm, only to slam it shut. The knocking from the other side of the wood began once again. "Caroline, please. Just let me in." Tyler cried through the wood.
"Give me one good reason to." She called back.
"I'm injured. Please. It was one of Klaus's hybrids." He answered, wincing as another wave of pain hit him.
Caroline paused at Klaus's name. She was still tempted to turn back around and ignore her ex-boyfriend. But her curiosity, and the threat of noise complaints compelled her to open the door.
"What do you mean by Klaus's hybrids? You unsired all of them, remember? And then tricked him into killing his own pack." Caroline fired at him.
Tyler clenched his fists in anger, but was aware of his position. "Yeah, well apparently they were only decoys. He had another pack, a true pack, somewhere else. One that was truly loyal to him. And he sent some after me." As much as he hated it to admit it. Caroline was his only bet. He's shaken the hybrids off a while ago. But he probably only had at best two days before they found him again. But he was betting on the fact that Klaus probably gave the hybrids special orders to stay away from Caroline. "Please." He begged. "I'm injured."
Caroline looked down to indeed see that he was clutching at his bandaged arm in pain. As much as she hated to admit it. Despite everything Tyler had done to her, all the ways that he had hurt her. She felt her eyes soften. "All right. You can only stay the night. And you need to be gone by morning." She told him. Katherine was staying with Nadia for the night. The dying woman wanted to spend as much time as she could with her daughter before she would be forced to meet her fate and Nadia would be forced to loose her mother once again.
Tyler didn't like the offer. But he assumed he could easily play at her heartstrings and convince the blond to let him stay for a couple more days.
Caroline stepped aside and let the man enter the room.
The sun rose the next day, and a paranoid Tyler with it. He turned to see Caroline on the bed next to his, facing towards him.
She was sound asleep. Tyler propped himself up with his elbows and was getting up when he heard it.
A faint murmur of the name, "Klaus…"
The hybrid wiped his head around almost as if someone had slapped him. For a second he thought with his must have misheard it. Though with his werewolf and vampire hearing, he doubted it.
But his doubt was cleared when he heard it again. Caroline let out a sigh as the name "Klaus…" escaped her lips once again. A little louder than before, and a lot clearer.
This time he knew he wasn't mistaken. Anger filled Tyler as red clouded his vision. Before he knew what he was doing, Tyler was pulling Caroline up with her shoulders roughly. The blond's eyes shot open as a scream escaped her. "Tyler! What are you doing?" Caroline asked, eyes wide.
Without giving her any time to think or analyze the situation Tyler forced her head to the side and bit down hard at the dip of her neck.
Caroline let out a pained scream as she felt the hybrid venom enter her body like boiling water. She gathered all her strength and pushed him off her. She winced as her hand went up to cover the wound on her neck that she knew wouldn't be closing.
"Get out!" She screamed at him, betrayal written on her face.
Tyler, without a hint of remorse stared down at the blond, with clenched fists she spun around and stormed out of the room.
Caroline collapsed onto the floor, letting her body rest against the bed. She clenched her eyes as once again another wave of pain hit her.
The door once again opened and Caroline immediately sat up straighter and ready to defend herself, only for her tense muscles to relax as she saw it was Katherine.
The older woman's eyes widened as she saw the vampire's state. She rushed to the blond's side. The ex-vampire knew that time was of the essence and didn't waste any time with meaningless questions. "What happened?" She asked, picking Caroline up, and swimming one of her arms over her shoulder.
"Tyler." Was the only response Caroline was able to get out, before another wave of pain hit her.
Katherine cursed under her breath and began to carry the blond out of the room.
"Where are we going?" Caroline asks, leaning against Katherine.
"I'll answer once we're in the car." Katherine told her, determined to carry the blond to the parking lot. It had been a few months since she had been turned into a human. And as much as she hated to admit it. She'd never been this desperate for her vampire powers. Because despite the time Sialis was after her, or when she heard the news she only had a few more months left. She wasn't nearly as desperate. She'd already lost so much in her life, she didn't know if she could bear to lose the baby vampire who'd wormed her way into her heart as well. Her original plan had only been to stay with Caroline for a few days and run, but she had grown attached to the blond.
"Nadia!" Katherine called out, relieved to see that her daughter hadn't left yet.
The brunette in question turned around. "Mother?" She asked confused, though her expression changed as she quickly rushed to their side as she saw the state Caroline was in.
Nadia took Caroline off her mother's hands and carried her to the car. She gently set the baby vampire on the backseat of the car.
"We need to get her to Klaus. We need to get her to New Orleans." Katherine told her daughter.
Caroline gasped at the news. "No. No Katherine. You can't." She took her head meekly. Katherine had been running from Klaus for 500 years, so it wasn't really a surprise to the baby vampire that she kept tabs on the original. What did surprise her was that Katherine was suggesting they go to New Orleans. "If he finds you…"
Katherine knew exactly what that meant. She'd been ready to spend the rest of her short human life at peace with her daughter, and the woman she'd begun to call friend. But if she went to New Orleans then…
"It's fine." Katherine smiled, reassuringly. "My only regret had been that I hadn't been able to come to peace with how I left things off with Elijah, but maybe this way at least… I may have a chance to say farewell."
"Katherine…" Caroline got out, before the pain became too much for her, and she began to pass out.
Caroline was woken by a gentle hand shaking her. The blond vampire whimpered as she looked up to see Nadia smiling down at her. "Get up, you need to eat." She said, as she stepped aside from the car door and let a compelled human take her place.
"No but's Caroline. You need to eat. You need all the strength you can get." Katherine cut her off. The woman had stopped at a gas station to refill the fuel. It was almost three and the sun was high in the sky. They still had two more hours to go.
Nadia helped the sweating vampire sit up, also using the time to gently wipe her forehead with a rag wet from cold water. Caroline leaned forward and let her fangs sink into the human's skin. Gulping down the warm blood in large gulps. But the action also caused the dark wound on her neck to pulse, sending waves of pain through the baby vampire. Causing her to moan in pain.
The woman was beginning to lose color, so Caroline pulled away. But her eyes were still dark, and her fangs stayed sharp.
"No." The blond cut her off. Shaking her head furiously. "I won't kill her. But you need to drink more blood. Your body needs it."
Nadia interrupted before the two women could get into a fight, "I'll erase this one's memory and go get another human."
Katherine stared at Caroline's reflection through the car window. She's met many vampire's in her life. But she doubt's she's met any with the baby vampire's control. There were vampire's out there who had lived for centuries and hadn't gotten anywhere near to her level. Yet the blond always hesitated when feeding from the vein. It annoyed Katherine to pieces.
Sometimes she wishes she'd stayed around, at least then Caroline wouldn't have had Steaphen's morales pushed onto her. Because despite thinking he was helping her, the younger Salvator brother's diet did nothing for her.
He failed to realise that his so called bunny diet, did nothing but build up, and then erupt like a dame of death causing the Ripper episodes. If only he's stopped and learned how to properly feed from the vein, maybe he wouldn't have killed so many people. People may call him the ripper, but in the end. Those death's were no one else's fault but his own.
Caroline turned her head to the side. Through blurry vision she could see the woman staring at her. "If you want to say something, why don't you just say it."
"You have excellent control. Why do you hesitate to drink from the vein?" Katherine asked, raising an eyebrow. Caroline stayed silent, so Katherine continued. "It's easy. Drink, then just compel them to forget. I know you don't have a problem…" Katherine trailed off, eyes widened as she realised something. Whipping her head around nodded in understanding, "It's not drinking that you have a problem with. It's compulsion."
Luckily for Caroline, or more likely Damon, Nadia came back with Caroline's second servings. A man this time. Caroline instantly latched onto the man's neck. Gulping down the blood gratefully as it gave her body some strength.
After that, she closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep so Katherine wouldn't ask any more questions, maybe she'd even forget about it, if given enough time. But knowing Katherine, it wasn't likely.
Caroline could feel the pain begin to subside a bit. But she knew that was only because of the fresh blood in her system, and that it would only be the calm before the storm. Because next, her bones would feel as if they'd been set aflame, and the illusions would begin.
Just as Caroline had predicted, the illusion came. They slowly become worse and worse.
First in the form of her mother. She always knew her mother hated what she had become. Though she had come around to accept that she was still her daughter. Caroline would never be able to forget the look of disgust that appeared on her face when she first discovered what Caroline had become. To the point she'd practically handed her over to her father to be brutally tortured.
God her father. He was next. These hallucinations were a lot harder. She could still feel the burn of the sun as it began tearing through her back after her father had taken her daylight ring and repeatedly forced her to endure the torture. Closing the blinds only to let her back heel, and then starting all over again. Her throat began to dry up with thirst as she saw her father waving a fresh blood bag in front of her face. She weakly tried to reach for it, only for her fingers to fall through thin air.
Damon was next. He was the reason she was afraid to compelled anyone. Everytime she tried, all she could remember was how he used her. She could see him, reaching for her neck, she desperately tried to move away from the hallucination, but her body was too weak.
And the worst of the worst, Klaus. Telling her what everyone else had been telling her since the beginning. That he only saw her as insufferable, stupid blond air head. Who wouldn't even think for herself.
Katherine looked back as she heard Caroline mumble. With her rapidly ageing hearing, she couldn't make out the words. Only names thrown out here and there. Her mother and Damon were two she caught. And she suspected Klaus was in there somewhere too. Judging by how her daughter's grip on the steering wheel tightened. She doubted it was anything good. "Speed up." She ordered her daughter.
"No. I can guarantee you if Caroline draw's her last breath in this car. Then nothing will be safe from Klaus's furry. It'll rain down on everyone. Starting with the two of us. And it won't be the cat and mouse game he let me play. He will catch us, and he will torture us until we're beginning for the mercy of death. He's probably find a way to cure me just so he could torture me longer." Katherine explained the reality of their situation to her daughter.
"But it wasn't our fault." Nadia protested.
"He won't see it that way." Katherine shook her head. "He'll be blaming us for driving too slow. So unless you want that to happen. I suggest you forget about speed limits, and press on it as hard as you can."
The fear began to set into Katherine as they arrived in front the Mikelson's manor. This could go very very wrong. She was hoping that Caroline's condition may prevent Klaus from killing her on the spot. That she may at least get a chance to say goodbye to Elijah.
As much as she hated to admit it, a large part of her still loved the man, despite how they had parted ways.
Nadia picked up a limp Caroline into her arms. Her chest was barely moving. She needed the cure. And she needed it now.
The two rushed up the steps and loudly knocked on the door. In an instant the door opened with an irritated Rebeakh. "Katherine-" she began, only for the woman in question to cut her off.
"No time." Pushing Rebekah aside, Katherine moved forward. Rebekah was about to shout at the doppelganger, but all words died in her throat as she was the baby vampire in Nadia's arms.
"What did you do to her?" Rebekah shouted.
But Katherine ignored her, "Klaus!" She shouted.
The Mikelson's were in a meeting with the head's of the factions when they heard a knock. Elijah's eyes widened as he recognized the voice of the women calling for his brother, anywhere. He quickly followed Klaus outside.
They looked down from the second floor.
"Who is it?" Cami asked, curious.
Klaus rolled his eyes, he smirked, "Kateri…" The woman's name died in his throat as he saw Caroline limp in an unknown women's arms.
A growl ripped through Klaus's throat. Before anyone knew what was happening, Klaus was next to Caroline, and had snatched her from Nadia's arms. "What happened?"
"She was bit, clearly." Katherine answered. "We rushed her here as fast as we could."
Without hesitation, Klaus ripped into his wrist and raised it to Caroline's mouth. "Drink up Love." He told her, gently petting her hair.
Marcel let out a gasp. "What is it? Who is she?" Cami asked with a glare, not liking how Klaus was holding the woman.
"I don't know." Klaus's son answered. "But she is important. Not once in my life, have I ever seen Klaus feed someone his blood, directly from his wrist."
Once Caroline's breathing returned to normal, Klaus handed her to Rebekah. Within an instant he had Katherine in the air, by her throat. "Klaus, stop." Elijah pleaded with his brother.
"Give me one good reason." Klaus growled.
"Because we saved her life." Nadia answered.
"And I am to believe that? For all I know you could have done that to her." Klaus roared. He looked at Nadia, "Who are you?"
Katheirne begged desperately for Nadia to not answer the question, Nadia, taking the hint, stayed quiet. But Klaus didn't like that at all. So he repeated the question, this time, using compulsion.
The vampire, forced to answer siad, "I'm her daughter. Nadia Paterov."
"I see." Klaus smirked. "I thought I killed all of your family, Katerina." Klaus said, turning to her. "But don't worry, you both can burn in hell together."
"Klaus." Elijah called, desperately, but the hybrid only tightened his grip."Klaus." Another voice called, this one, the weakest in the room. But instantly caused the hybrid to calm down. He threw Katherine on the ground and turned to face the baby vampire. "No." She told him. "She saved my life. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be here right now. Don't… kill her…" Caroline got out, before her exhaustion took over her once again and she fell unconscious.
Klaus gently picked up Caroline in his arms, "The meeting's done. You're all dismissed", he said. He then turned around to look at his brother, "Make sure those two don't leave. Aside from that, feel free to do as you wish." Without waiting to see if anyone had listened, he looked Caroline upstairs to a room across from him. One that he has prepared ahead of time especially for her. For when she would come to New Orleans.
The room was painted a bright, matted shade of yellow. It had a four poster king sized bed in the middle. And a bedside stand on either side. There was a large window, next to a seating area and a coffee table, that overlooked the best views of the gardens. It had a special view to the white roses, her favorite flower, that he had planted especially for her.
He gently lays her down on the bed.
Now all he could do was wait for her to wake up.
Cami continued to stare at where Klaus had previously been holding Caroline. He's never so much as looked at her like that. Let alone touch her. Why that-
"I wouldn't so much as think that if I were you." Kol said in a sing-song voice, taunting the human.
"What?" Cami asked.
"I'm saying I'd cut that thought process off before it even starts." Kol repeated himself. "Don't bother comparing yourself to Caroline." Cami's eyes lit up, thinking he was on her side. But Kol was quick to shoot her down. "Because compared to her, you aren't even the dirt beneath her feet."
"Really?" Marcel asked, testing the waters and fishing for more information.
"Yeah." Rebekah nodded. "You were wondering why he's always in a good mood after coming back from mystic falls. Well there's your answer."
"I'm his physiatrist. He needs me." Cami huffed.
Kol chuckled darkly, "She's his queen. What he needs is her. She's the one keeping him sane. It's not your weekly little sessions. But they're daily phone calls. Without her, cities would burn."
Klaus watched intently as she began to steer. "Klaus." She called as her eyes fluttered open.
"I'm right here Love." He said, helping her sit up.
Caroline rubbed her throat, as the dryness began to set in. "I'm hungry."
"I know Love." Klaus once again bit into his own wrist, and let the baby vampire drink her will. She'd be exhausted from having to fight the werewolf venom as long as she did. But compared to human blood, the blood of an original, was a hundred times better at healing and replenishing a vampire's strength.
"What happened? Who bit you love?" Klaus asked after Caroline and drank her fill.
"Tyler. I don't know why." Caroline told him, anger, confusion and betrayal painting her face.
Klaus cursed, "I knew I should have killed him a long time ago." He nodded as the pieces began falling into place, "and then Katherine brought you here. I wonder what she wants out of this."
Caroline immediately sat up, "No Klaus. You can't hurt her! She's my friend!"
Klaus let out a low growl of frustration. He knew the woman he fell in love with was fiercely loyal. It was one of the traits he loved most about her. But now, if she claims Katherine… and her spawn as well, and one of her own. Then Klaus's hands would literally be tied. He'd be forced onto a short leash.
Meanwhile, the eyes of the people outside widened in disbelief. They couldn't believe that the woman had said no to Klaus. And was defending Katherine. Everyone in the supernatural world knew Katherine's relationship with Klaus. And here this girl was defending her. She must surely have a death wish.
Meanwhile, Rebekah and Kol just smirked knowingly, well Elijah had a fond smile on his face for the woman who had brought his brother back to their family - and may be able to save his love as well.
Nadia held her mother's hand. "She's fighting for you." Nadia told her.
Katherine, for the first time, in a very long time, felt something bloom in her chest.
Klaus took a deep breath, "Love. You do know she's the reason I had to wait another 500 years to remove my curse. Don't you?"
"Yes. But she's also the reason we met." Caroline argued back. "She's the one who, along with Elena, brought you to mystic falls. She's the one who turned me." Klaus growled at the thought of his enemy killing the blond in front of him, but Caroline just raised a hand to stop him from interrupting.
"It's true she's the reason your ritual didn't work. But she also saved my life today Klaus. Without her, I would have died in that dorm room."
Klaus's heart fell at the thought of Caroline's bright light fading and dying out alone in that dorm room several states away from.
"She did cause your ritual to fail. But she saved my life. So it's up to you. Decide. What matters more. Having to wait five centuries to break your curse, or me."
Klaus let out a deep sigh. "When you put it like that. There really is no competition Love." Klaus said, meeting Caroline's gaze.
The two exited the room and walked down the stairs. Katherine looked up at Klaus, her human heart beating in anticipation of her fate.
Klaus looked at Katherine, "You saved Caroline's life today. And that has earned you your freedom." Klaus told her. Honestly he still hated the wide smile that spread across the women's face, but he loved the smile that appeared on Caroline's face a thousand times more.
Elijah looked at his brother, "There's also the matter of Katherina's mortality."
"What do you want me to do about it?" Klaus asked, offended.
"Klaus!" Caroline glared at him.
"Fine. Kol. Reach out to a powerful witch you know. Freya's going to need some help in finding a way to reverse this." Klaus said.
Kol smirked, "I know just the one." Kol smirked, thinking of a certain Benette witch with a fiery temper.
"Freya?" Caroline asked.
Rebekah nodded. "Considering how Klaus never shuts up about you, or the fact that his studio is basically a museum of your face. Our older sister Freya has been quite interested in meeting you for some time now."
Katherine had finally snapped out of her initial shock and wrapped her arms around Caroline. Klaus glared at her, but Caroline returned it, just as fiercely. "Behave."
To everyone who wasn't a Mikelson's surprise, Klaus actually stopped trying to light Katherine on fire with his eyes.
Klaus's phone vibrated. He looked down to see a text from Kain, one of his hybrids, that they had found Tyler. He smirked, "You do know Tyler won't live much longer right."
Caroline sighed. "I know. I don't want him to die. But I also don't want him to hurt me, or anyone else I care about ever again."
"And I won't let him." Klaus nodded.
This was part 1 of Road Trip. I have a plan for part 2, but it's not complete.  So look out for that, whenever it comes out. Because I guarantee you. There will be Tyler Torture in there.
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Meeting and Dating Stu Macher
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- You met Stu when you were both in middle school. The two of you became friends purely because Stu wouldn’t let you not become his friend.
- So the two of you grew up and entered highschool together. You had a bit of a crush on him but never said anything about it, thinking that he only liked you as a friend. Oh how wrong you were....
- It’s sophomore year when you get your first real boyfriend. Stu isn’t happy about it.
- It’s obvious to see that he disapproves when you tell him that you’re going on a date. He treats you coldly throughout the entire day, not as bubbly as he usually is. While it does seem odd, you chalk it up to him feeling protective of you and not knowing how to articulate his worries.
- The next day, it’s as though nothing has happened. He nonchalantly asks you about your date but doesn’t seem all too happy to hear that it went well. You figure you’re looking into it too much.
- As time goes on, on the outside, it seems like he’s warmed up to the idea of you dating the boy, though you’re sure it’s mainly because you weren’t planning on getting rid of him anytime soon. But on the inside, it’s driving him crazy.
- Theres an obvious yet subtle rivalry between your boyfriend and him, whether one sided; at first, or not. Sometimes you wouldn’t even notice but your boyfriend sure did.
- The certain way Stu would pop up when you were hanging out, the way he called you over to him when you were trying to talk, the way he touched you; it was like he was sending a message behind his cheerful smile. Can’t you see who’s more important to her.
- He hugs you for too long, enjoys it too much. You thought your boyfriend was going crazy. You’d assure him that you were just friends, that you’d been friends for a long time and that he was just reading into it too much. That that was just Stu being, well, Stu.
- But your boyfriend wasn’t too far off. Stu had feelings for you. He had a big crush that hadn’t let up for years, one which was slowly eating away at him. He hadn’t wanted to ruin your friendship, especially when he didn’t even know if you wanted to date anyone.
- Though, regardless of whether or not you thought your boyfriend was being silly; you talked to Stu about it. He makes jokes, teasingly promising to be on his best behavior. You aren’t even aware that you’ve given him all he needs to know. He is getting to the boy and everything is working out perfectly.
- In the following days, Stu ups his antics and your boyfriend finally loses it, starting an argument which evolves into a full on fight and ends in you breaking up with him. Single once more.
- The next day at school, Stu approaches you like normal and immediately notes how tired and bothered you look. Without even thinking, you relinquish the details and he comforts you, saying that he could tell he wasn’t good for you. He does feel bad, seeing you so upset, but at the same time, he’s happy that you’re finally done with the other boy.
- It’s a week or so later that he confesses his feelings to you, wanting to give you enough time to get over the jerk. Having waited this long, he didn’t want his plan to be foiled by post breakup confusion.
- His parents are out of town so you’re staying the night, the two of you laying side by side on his bed, dressed in your comfiest clothes. You’re watching some lousy made for TV movie when he shoves your shoulder lightly, prompting you to look at him. He’s now leaning on his elbow and facing you. You shoot him a curious look and he speaks.
“We’ve known each other for a long time, right? And you know that I care about you a lot. Well, the thing is.... I care about you a lot more than you think and I want us to be even closer than we are now, ya know? I guess what I’m trying to say is that I... I love you and I want to know if you feel the same.” He rambles nervously, eyes focused on his fingers which are tracing along the blanket beneath the two of you.
- It certainly comes as a shock though you can’t say you’re completely surprised. You don’t know what to say so you let your actions speak for you. You move closer to him, hands grasping his cheeks as his own hands find your hips, pulling you closer as he tilts his head up and let’s you press your lips to his.
- He pulls you closer until you’re practically on top of him, eagerly kissing you until you both need to break apart for air. When you do, you’re both panting yet he smiles, pecking your lips and saying he’ll “take that as a yes”.
- Congratulations, you’ve earned yourself an adorable goofball who also kills people.
- He hangs all over you in public. You can never get him off of you although, would you ever really want to?
- Hand kisses. He presses his lips to your knuckles whenever he grabs your hand.
- You arent allowed to walk to class alone; he won’t let you. It is his duty to walk you and he will fulfill it.
- He rarely says your full name. Instead, he’ll either call you a pet name; usually babe or darling, or whatever nickname comes from your full name. Even if your names short, he’ll wind up making it longer just because he can.
- Long makeout sessions.
- He always gets this lovestruck look on his face whenever you show up; no matter what was going on before you arrived. His day instantly becomes like ten times better at the sight of you.
- Getting to borrow his Walkman. He makes a very strategically constructed mixtape, filled with songs that the two of you love so that both of you can listen and enjoy.
- Tasteful groping and butt smacks.
- Going to all his parties.
- He is such a baby when he gets sick. He completely overreacts, whining, moaning and acting like he’s dying even though he’s just got a mild cold.
- He tries to make your hugs last for as long as they can, especially when you’re saying goodbye.
- He’s constantly trying to make you laugh, mostly through bad jokes that will either get you to laugh through their stupidity or have you rolling your eyes.
- Teasing you is his favorite hobby. He likes doing what he’s good at and what he’s good at is being a little shit.
- Sometimes he just randomly approaches you with little gifts; mainly flowers he’s picked you or something similar. It’s usually either because you look like you need some cheering up or because he’s trying to apologize for a “stupidity leak”.
- Big boy likes being a big spoon. He’s tall so the two of you fit together perfectly.
- Gettting randomly thrown over his shoulder. Sometimes he’ll just carry you off as though you weren’t going somewhere or having a conversation with someone. Or he’ll act like nothings out of the ordinary while talking to the person you were talking to.
- You always have a seat ready for you ...on his lap.
- He leans on you all the time, whether it be him resting his chin or arm against your shoulder or him full on laying between your legs with his head against your stomach.
- Getting... the tongue. The man is constantly flashing it at you. A part of you thinks he’s trying to send a message, the other part of you just thinks he’s a dog.
- On that note, he’s probably licked the entire side of your face before, especially when you aren’t paying attention to him.
- He craves attention; it’s like a drug to him. He loves having your eyes on him, and when they aren’t? He’ll give them a reason to be.
- He’s sort of insecure so you fawning over or complimenting someone else immediately makes him uneasy. His ex girlfriend dumped him for a football player and he’s kinda scared that you’ll do the same.
- He tries to reassure you whenever you seem nervous or apprehensive, usually through jokes. Not sure about an idea of his? Well, what if he makes some action movie reference and promises to protect you as he makes karate motions with his hands?
- The boy has no subtly. He’s always blunt and upfront with what he’s trying to say so you’re never confused by any “insinuations” that he makes.
- Getting random, unexpected visits from him, usually when you’re at work or home alone.
- This man is a cheerleader when it comes to you. He’s always hyping you up and complimenting everything you do.
- He’s constantly bragging about you; he’s so proud.
- Movie dates. He’s not as completely obsessed with horror as Billy is but he still enjoys sitting with his girl, watching a film and trying to “subtly” feel you up.
- Getting close to Billy by default. The two of them are constantly together so you wind up being costantly around him as well.
- Hanging out at the fountain with him and his friends.
- His parents are out of town a lot so you have the whole house to yourselves most of the time.
- He’s got a farmhouse on the outskirts of town with the perfect view of the sunset/sunrise. You don’t know how many times you and him have laid out on the grass, cozied up next to each other and watching the sky change colors.
- Stealing his sweaters when it gets cold. You should see his face when he sees you wearing them, it’s the perfect example of a lovestruck expression.
- Jaw and neck kisses. He doesn’t care if he’s giving or receiving; he loves them either way.
- Inside jokes.
- Having to stifle a laugh when he mocks or makes fun of someone. It’s so stupid that you can’t help but chuckle.
- He may not seem like a very jealous person but whew boy. For someone who is constantly bragging about how great you are, he hates other people actually seeing it and admitting that he’s right.
- He’s a protective boy, he hates the thought of you being hurt, upset, or take advantage of. And he’s like so buff, he’s got you covered.
- Defending him whenever someone won’t let up on him. He isn’t very articulate so if someone needs to be shut down verbally, you do it yourself.
- Local sensitive baby caves under peer pressure. It’s incredibly easy to make him do what you ask; thankfully, you aren’t trying to make him do something that will get him in trouble.
- He doesn’t quite grasp the art of being tactful so you’ll oftentimes have to interrupt or stop him from saying something.
- Since he always seems to say the wrong thing or do something stupid, the two of you; most likely, have more than a few petty arguments. They usually aren’t anything worse than a little bickering.
- He always does something adorable that makes you forgive him whether it be using puppy dog eyes on you or telling bad jokes until you can’t help but warm back up to him.
- Not a day goes by where he doesn’t say he loves you. He needs you to know!!
- He doesn’t really talk about the future but he’s planning on marrying you as soon as he can and that’s a fact. The man is in love.
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Buffet Froid
Hannibal Lecter x reader x Will Graham 
Hannibal Re-Write Series Masterlist
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: spoilers for hannibal, murder, dead bodies, mental health problems 
Author’s Note: The art of making it look like i like hannibal when he annoyed the fuck out of me this episode. Also it is so hard to write this cause my HEART i just wanna hug will UGH
I took lines directly from the script so some may seem familiar. Those sentences are not mine. 
Official Episode Summary : Two victims' faces are similarly mutilated. For the first time, Will contaminates a crime scene thinking he committed the first murder and an MRI shows he suffers from Advanced Encephalitis.
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
Tag List: @llperfectsymmetryll​
(not my gif)
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You sat in the car. You were outside of a crime scene, the house looking ominous as it loomed over what had happened inside. There were so many people outside, taking pictures and talking. Will was inside. You had driven him, per his request. You usually didn’t come to the crime scenes but they had been acting off, like he was almost on autopilot when he asked you to take him. Your fingers drummed on the steering wheel as you stared out, trying to catch glimpses of people you knew. 
You saw Bev walk out quickly making her way to the car. You rolled down the window and she shook her head a bit as she walked up.
“You should go talk to Will,” she said. 
“What happened?” Bev looked back at the house, at Jack who had just exited the house. You looked at her, the worried look on her face evident.
“He contaminated the crime scene. He’s never done that before,” Beverly said. “His hands were around her throat.” 
You were surprised to hear that, rightly so. You unlocked the car and got out, walking across the yard beside Beverly who was quick to give anyone a look that even thought about protesting to your presence. Will had come out when you weren’t looking. He was talking to Jack.
“I got lost in the reconstruction. Just for a second. Just a blink,” Will was saying as you walked up to him. Jack barley took notice of your presence but Will looked at you, surprised to see you there by his eyes. He didn’t protest it though. You knew before he could tell you. He had lost some time.
“I know you don’t like to be a subject of concern, but consider me officially concerned,” Jack said. You scoffed and Jack glanced at you but didn’t show any emotion. 
“Officially,” Will said.
“About time,” you muttered. 
“Wait in the car,” Jack said to you. You raised your hands in defiance.
“I’m here on a warning from Beverly,” you said, glancing at Will. He shook his head.
“I’ll be there soon,” he muttered. You nodded and he reached out to grab your hand and for a second he held it, quietly, looking confused and worried and scared. Your hand slipped from his and you walked over to the car.
“Thought the reason you have me seeing Dr. Lecter and not an FBI psychiatrist is so my mental well-being stays unofficial,” Will muttered, watching you go. 
“Have I broken you?” Jack asked. “Is your girlfriend right this time?” 
“Do you have anybody that does this better unbroken then I do broken?” Will asked. “And she’s always right.” 
“Fear makes you rude, Will,” Jack said as Will walked to the car. His hands shook. He always seemed to be shaking. He stooped at the drivers window and you looked at him, elbow resting on the open window and your hand propped up by your palm. 
“We should go to Hannibal after this,” you muttered. 
“Why are you here?” he asked. It wasn’t rude. He was only asking. 
“You asked me to drive you.” He nodded, glancing back at the house. “I have to look at the body again.” A beat of silence. 
“What’s the last thing you remember?” 
“Gutting a fish,” he whispered. You nodded. He had gone fishing yesterday though.
“We’ll go to Hannibal’s together.”
“Sit in,” he whispered, referring to the session. 
“I will.” He nodded and walked back to the house. You fought the tears threatening to fall from seeing him in so much confusion.
“I can’t remember seeing her dead body before I saw myself killing her,” Will said. He glanced at you sheepishly. You sat on Hannibal’s desk which was your resident spot when you sat into sessions. You didn’t do it often and you only did it with Will’s request or permission. He wanted a witness today, to whatever it is that Hannibal had prepared for him.
“Those memories sank out of sight, yet you’re aware of their absence,” Hannibal inquired. Will was pacing around the room, his mind on fire. 
“They left a slick on the surface of my mind where they’re supposed to be,” he said. 
“Where you hope they’re supposed to be, but fear they never were.” Will looked haunted. The false memories made him reel. The dying human under his hands had felt so real.
“There’s a grandiosity in the violence I imagined that feels more real than what I knew is true,” he said. 
“What do you know to be true?” Hannibal asked.
“I know I didn’t kill her. Couldn’t have. But I remember cutting into her. I remember watching her die.” 
“You must overcome these delusions that are disguising your reality. What savage delusions does this killer have?” Hannibal questioned. He was walking around the room as well, but in smaller spaces.
“It wasn’t savage. It was lonely...desperate...sad,” Will said, his eyes glossed over. 
“Are you lonely Will?” Hannibal asked. Will shook his head then paused. Your heart sank and you hung off his answer. 
“No. That was the killer,” he said. “But I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I looked through me, past me. Like I was a stranger,” he whispered. 
“What could this be? It has to be something that we can treat,” you said. Will looked at you and nodded.
“It could be a blood clot. Or a tumor. Just an answer is better than anything,” Will said. Hannibal glanced at you and Will as you stared at each other, nodding in agreement.  Your emotions hung off Will’s. It didn’t matter if you were an empath or not. You knew Will well enough to know when enough was enough. 
“I can recommend a neurologist. But if it isn’t physiological then you have to accept what you’re struggling with is mental illness,” Hannibal said. 
“It isn’t,” you whispered. 
Hannibal looked only at you as you seemed to bore holes into the ceiling now. You had a dangerous knowledge of Will Graham. Hannibal thought that might be a problem.
You were with Hannibal and Will into the medical office. You held Will’s hand and he held yours like a lifeline. You sat at chairs beside each other that happened to be far enough away where his hand slipped out of yours. He held them now in his lap, fingers fidgeting.
“What did the headaches start? In earnest?” Dr. Sutcliffe asked. Will glanced at you.
“Two to three months ago,” Will said and you nodded in agreement.
“About the time Will went back into the field,” you said. 
“When I met him,” Hannibal added.
“The hallucinations?” Sutcliffe asked. 
“I don’t know exactly when they started. I just slowly became aware that I might not be dreaming.” 
Hannibal walked with Sutcliffe behind a large piece of glass. You stayed with Will for a few minutes, taking his clothes in his hand as he put on the hospital dress. He let out a small sigh as you looked at him.
“What if nothing comes up?” he asked. 
“We’ll deal with that when it comes.” 
Will looked at you and you looked at him. He was ready to go but he waited. Eyes glancing around your body wildey.
“If nothing comes up than I am, by definition, likely insane,” he told you quietly. “And if-”
“I’m not going to go anywhere,” you said. Will looked broken. He looked tired. You grabbed his hand and brought it to your lips, kissing the back of it. “I love you.”
His breath seemed to relax. He knew you but he wasn’t sure that when he woke up you would be gone. He might be seriously ill but knowing you were there still made him feel better. 
“I love you too.” You kissed him and he kissed you back desperately. 
“Go get your brain scanned now. You have lipstick on your lips,” you said as you pulled away. He laughed very subtly adn shrugged, wiping it off with his hand.
“I don’t think it’ll mess up the results.” 
“You never know.”
You stood beside Will again before the doctor. He pointed to the brain scan. 
“We didn’t find anything abnormal. No vascular malformations, no tumors. No swelling or bleeding. No evidence of stroke. Nothing wrong with you neurologically,” the doctor said. Will’s face was clearly troubled. “Usually when I tell a patient that, they’re happy to hear it.” 
“So... what I’m experiencing is psychological?” Will asked.
“Brain scans can’t diagnose a mental disorder. They can only rule out medical illnesses, like a tumor, that can cause similar symptoms.” 
“And there’s no chance you’ve mixed up the photos? Or maybe the machine was malfunctioning? I hear that happens,” you said stiffly. 
“Y/N,” Will muttered but you shook your head.
“We can do more tests if it’ll make you feel better. Take some blood samples, but I imagine they'll be just as inconclusive.” 
For some reason you doubted the truth in that but you didn’t voice it. 
You walked into Jack Crawford's office. He took off his glasses and looked up at you, clearly not excited to see you.
“Does Will need something?” Jack asked.
“Stability.  A new brain perhaps,” you said. Jack looked you up and down and he knew that you meant business.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, voice monotone.
“Will’s always been a bit odd. Always. It was what drew me to him in the first place,” you said. 
“Shut up.” He shut up. “When Will went back into the field it was because you wanted him to. Will wants to please people. He wants to save lives. He wants to use his gift for good but for each life he saves a little piece of him is burned and singed. You broke Will Jack Crawford and I won’t let you forget it,” you said evenly, looking down at him.
“Do you have a life outside of Will Graham?” 
“I did before you broke him and now I have to advocate where he cannot.” 
“We were never going to be friends,” Jack said.
“No, no we weren’t.” 
Come midnight when Will hadn’t arrived home you woke up. You were getting a suspicious amount of sleep. You had gone to bed, assuming he would be back soon after you fell asleep. Jack sometimes had him out late hours and he was likely to be back. But when you woke up and he was still gone you started to panic a bit. 
You calmed yourself, trying to reason that he was maybe still at work. You called his cell. No answer. 
You got up out of bed and put on some clothes. With him sleepwalking, losing time, he could be anywhere. You told yourself to add a tracker to his phone.
You got into the car and drove the streets for a few minutes. He wasn’t there. You then drove to Hannibal’s which was the only other place your mind could come up with. You knocked on the door at about 12:30, shaking from the cold and worry. It took Hannibal a moment to come to the door but he eventually did, wearing his robe and rubbing his eyes.
“I thought you were Will,” he admitted. 
“Will hasn’t come home yet. He won’t pick up the phone but I’m guessing he’s not here,” you said, looking past him.
“Have you tried the crime scene?” he questioned. You shook your head but that must be where he was. It had to be. 
“No but I’ll go there now. I’m sorry to wake you.” 
“Don’t apologize.” He was about to shut the door when you turned around but he stopped. “He’ll be there. I’m sure your expertise in finding strays will help,” Hannibal said simply. You nodded and walked back to the car.
On your way there you got a call from Will. 
“Where the f-”
“I just sent you the address. Come quickly.” He hung up and you did as you were told, driving faster to the destination you were already going to.  You were there in under ten minutes from where you had been on your drive and you got out, walking quickly up to Will.
“I thought you were dead!” you yelled, throwing your arms around him. He shook his head but let you hold him. 
“Not yet,” he muttered. “I called Beverly to help me figure out the crime scene,” he said. 
“Then why did you tell me to come?” 
“Emotional support.” You nodded and held him tighter.
You woke up with a start. Will was thrashing beside you and you put your arm on his side instinctively. You couldn’t tell what had woken you up. It could be anything. The weather, your dreams but you felt like it was something out. You looked around for any disturbances. The dogs were still sleeping but you got up and looked around, trying to find what had woken you. 
You walked through the kitchen and the downstairs but you couldn’t find anything. When you were back in the bedroom Will was awake, standing up.
“Where did you go?” he asked.
“Something woke me up. I was trying to figure out what.” You walked back over to him and back into bed. 
“Probably wind,” he muttered. You put your arms around him as he got back in too and he put his head on your chest. You kissed his curls. 
“Probably,” you whispered.
Will went in for more tests a few days later. He looked up at you as you stood in the same spots you had, with you holding his clothes as he stripped them. 
“Jack talked to me,” he said.
“Proceed with caution,” you whispered and he chuckled.
“He thinks I stayed in the job because of the stability. That Jack created stability for me, a foundation.” 
“If he keeps going on like that you’re going to be investigating his murder,” you muttered bitterly. “Would you still date me if I murdered someone?” He shrugged.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you did. I mean, I’d have to consider it.” 
“Wrong answer Graham,” you said laughing lightly. He loved these moments. Moments where it was just laughing, joking. 
“I would date you if you killed someone. I mean I might have to turn you in but prison can’t be that hard on a relationship,” he said. You nodded.
“Right back at you bubba,” you whispered.
“I have killed someone.” 
“And look at you, still a free man.”
After the tests Will walked around, trying to find you or the doctor or someone. You were waiting for him and you walked up with his clothes in hand.
“Have you seen Sutcliffe?” Will asked. You shook your head.
“Not since earlier,” you admitted. “Let’s go find him.” You held his clothes in hand as you walked through the hospital. You peaked in rooms and eventually found Sutcliffes office. You pushed open the door as it was ajar. 
You gasped and Will grabbed you and put himself between you and the body, bleeding from a chunk that had been taken out of his face.
“Don’t look,” he whispered. 
“I can,” you muttered. “Call Bev.” 
The FBI came soon after. Beverly gave Will a look over, Jack concerned he might have had something to do with the murdedr.
“He was with me until he went in. And I would have seen him leave,” you promised. Bev nodded. 
“You’re clean. You couldn’t have done this without getting something on you and there’s nothing on you,” Beverly said.
“I don’t feel clean,” Will whispered. 
“Murder weapon has the same diseased or damaged tissue on it that we found at Beth LeBeau’s house,” Jimmy explained aloud.
“What connection does this guy have to the first victim?” Will let out a sigh.
“Just me.”
Will woke up and you were already sitting up. He followed your gaze that was at where one of the dogs growled at something under the bed. He grabbed your hand and shook his head.
‘Stay,’ he whispered. You shook your head vigorously and he nodded, getting off the bed and looking underneath. He slid underneath and you leaned your head over the bed, heart pounding in your ears.
“I see you, Georgia,” Will said under the bed. You couldn't see his face. There was a woman under your bed. “Think of who you are. It’s midnight. You’re in Wolf Trap, Virginia. Your name is Georgia Madchen. You are not alone.” 
“Am I alive…?” came a voice, a raspy whisper. Will nodded.
You stood with Will in the hospital room, looking down at the living body of the woman who had slept under your bed. You held Will’s hand as he glanced over her. 
“She’ll recover,” Will said.
“Hopefully she’ll stay out of our bed,” you whispered.
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