#because she knows they'll never overstep or mean it in a hurtful way
ell-arts · 11 months
Cyli: This assignment has to be done in two days and I'm losing my mind over it.
Pac: Don't be silly, you'll do great!!
Cyli: What do you mean don't be silly, that's literally my name T^T
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Boomlord weird adventure.
Chapter 11 continuing that conversation
A long silence filled the air as boom found himself lost in thought for a moment he was unsure of why he felt so calm.'Shes different'. Twilight felt herself get closer just a few but enough for him to take notice."So are we your friends?"This girl was really good at surprising him all things considered."huh well....yeah I guess I consider you a uh freind you got this way about you I like your friends on the other hand I haven't fully decided yet I don't think they like me."boom gestured up to rainbow Dash. Twilight was taken back by this will as she wasn't really sure what she was expecting from that the two of them had quite a rocky start yet there was an unspoken respect there. friendship comes from the weirdest places and to be honest she wasn't really sure how it started but the weirdo is starting to grow on her."don't worry about them they'll come around or just protective over me."she gave him a smile and his heart beat got faster."hey Marceline told me that you were the person to ask about your eye."he looked down not wanting to meet her gaze."oh yeah I don't imagine Marceline would want to be the one to tell that story nor PB. A few years back er a few hundred for me I discovered that I can absorb magical energy to an extent but I didn't want to take power from my friends. I decided that I would take power from something evil and use it for good as silly as that might seem."Twilight noticed keeping his left eye closed."I decided to head to the nightosphere which is essentially this world's hell or Tartarus for your purposes and I attempted to take the power from Hudson abadeer a powerful demon and Marceline's father. But he tricked me and I tapped into the very power of the nightosphere itself it changed me and now I struggle with the power."Twilight went silent."why would you tempt fate like that. That sounds incredibly dangerous an know you're suffering because of it."she tried to reach for him before retracting her arm she didn't want to overstepped her boundaries."I had to stop her"a tear formed in his eye as he's looked down."who?"Twilight ask getting closer."Twilight I think that's enough it's not a good memory"Finn interjected. She looked up at finn,noticing a look of worry on his face"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you at all."Boom looked up at her."No you need to know Jake give us some privacy."Jake used his stretchy powers to make a hole inside of him which the two slowly descended into at the top was covered essentially they were inside of Jake.
2"the reason I took the power is because someone I hurt someone I loved was hell bent on destruction."twilight's eyes went wide."her name was lilly she was from a place called alderaan it was one of the first places I ever went in the Omniverse. I spent a few years there but I knew it was a world doom to die by the hands of a powerful weapon known the death Star."Twilight and him were now inches away from each other as she listened to every word he said."in the movie The world is from alderaan is destined to be destroyed but in return it fuels the fire for the heroes to save the Galaxy and I had no intentions of interfering with history despite how cruel it may sound however I didn't plan to meet her."boom have pulled out a crumpled old white lily that looks like it was freeze dried from his pocket."I couldn't leave her there so I took her with me but I never told her what was going to happen to her world and when she found out she betrayed me she blamed me for the destruction of the world said I could have stopped it but the truth is in every world in every multiverse alderaan is destroyed because it needs to happen even in worlds where it's not meant to help the heroes the world always dies whether it's from destruction disease or famine. And because of this she swears to destroy everything I care about she swore to destroy the Omniverse and now she seeks to stop the one thing that can put an end to her plan..... And right now that's you."twilight's eyes widen once more unsure of how to respond."she's after me but I've done nothing to her."his eyes shined a darker shade of red."as long as you pose a threat to stop her she won't rest until you're dead. I would have told you sooner but I worried the consequences but if anyone deserves to know it should be you I'm sorry."Twilight looked up at the Jakes ceiling."strangely enough I get it you might be aware Celestia hasn't always told me the truth or at least waited until after the fact to warn me. I really appreciate you telling me though it shows me that you're a better person than I think you know."boom gave out a chuckle."honey I'm evil I just like to save the world occasionally."the two of them started to burst out in an awkward laughter. For the first time in a long time boom felt his soul get lighter he hasn't let his feelings out in a long time.
3 Jake lifted them back onto his back.rainbow was now resting on Jake while Finn showed various items from his backpack including a sword several vials of various potions and backup blades."oh cool I want a weapon.boom had a smirk on his face."how about a set of twin daggers I think that would go lovely with your high-speed approach." Dash looked at him like a 5-year-old being offered a cookie."HOLY CELESTIA REALLY!"she nearly jumped up in excitement."yeah why not."he reached into his pockets pulling out the notepad and started doodling on it when he was done he had drawn a set of twin lightning shaped daggers. Upon taking the pen off the paper and tapping it the piece of paper floated in the air blowing into a ball before splitting into two separate balls. The balls preceded to change into the shape of the daggers and land in rainbows hands and as soon as he touched her hands the daggers solidified becoming too rainbow lightning shaped daggers in her hands. Rainbow's eyes lit up as she began stabbing and slashing the air."so awesome!"Twilight smirked at him."I guess your getting good at making friends despite being so evil."She teased.Boomlord smiled at her."maybe just a little bit."
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