#because their precious 15 mins were stolen
trashpocket · 2 years
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steddie sketches 💖 (mostly fluff) but here! i offer increments of what if steve and eddie were dancers from two different styles??? or what if steve was a professional basketball player and eddie, the rockstar, was his boyfriend??
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ddaengboys · 6 years
BTS Tag Game
I was tagged by the stupendously sweet @bangtantannie Thank you my most precious bean. I’m excited to be doing a BTS tag :3
1. First BTS song?
The first ones I listened to ever were Anpanman and Airplane Pt.2, when @adoreyoongi was first trying to get me into them (Anpanman was/is one of her favorites and she knows I’m a sucker for latin pop music so I absolutely loved Airplane Pt.2 we aren’t going to talk about my initial hared of the queen Anpanman). The first video I watched that got me into them was the fake Love and DNA dances practices. From then on it’s been a downward spiral :D
2. First bias?
Technically Hobi I think, because I’m big weak for dancers and boy can daaaaaaance. But I literally remember texting Rachel about how attractive I thought Jin was in the Save Me MV (because he is don’t fight me on this) and I told her I think the main reason I thought he was so hot was because he reminded me of Joon. She then called me out for not commending them on their own talents and characteristics and I told her I couldn’t help it cause Joon had essentially stolen my heart and made me want to move to Korea to start a family with him.
3. Current bias?
Kim Namjoon is and always will be my big, dumb, giant, dimpley, tree baby. But like, I’ve also just accepted my status as OT7 hoe  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
4. Put the members in order of you bias list.
Once upon a time I took and quiz that said my bias list went as follows:
Kim Namjoon
Jeon Jungkook
Min Yoongi
Jung Hoseok
Park Jimin
Kim Taehyung
Kim Seokjin
Now am I saying this is official? No. Am I saying that this is even close to being currently accurate? Also no. But is it wrong?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
5. Favourite BTS Song?
Depends on my mood tbh;
If I want to get hype af then go to’s are Baepsae or Cypher Pt. 3
If I want to be soft and in my feels then You Never Walk Alone or Young Forever
If I want to admire the long journey they’ve been on then So 4 More or Born Singer (the live versions please)
but honestly there isn’t a single song by BTS that I haven’t liked
6. Favourite BTS song that is underrated?
No one ever talks about So 4 More which is a travesty because it’s an absolute masterpiece. The video is wonderful and they’re babies and cute and I love them please go watch <3 All right just know I definitely stopped completing this tag so I could watch this and cry so please watch
7. Favourite song of Wings?
Lost 100%. It’s so amazing (but again what song of BTS isn’t)
8. Favourite song of LY Her, Tear and Answer?
Her: dimple (I wonder why :3)
Tear: Love Maze or Paradise (such beautifully crafted masterpieces)
Answer: Trivia: Love
9. Favourite music video?
Save Me. Watch it. Educate yourselves on a masterpiece.
10. Favourite dancer?
I don’t know about you but my dance line has 7 members  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (i.e my way of saying I have no clue; they’re all dance gods and even if they all don’t have a background in dancing, each member is insanely talented and works so hard so that the excellently crafted choreography can be executed flawlessly)
11. Favourite vocalist?
I don’t have one, each member has a certain skill set and area and style that is unique to them that makes them shine in their own way. I genuinely am not able to pick a favorite because I think they’re all amazing individually and excel even higher as a unit.
12. Favourite rapper?
*See above reason*; with the addendum, I am a giant hoe for rapline and would do anything to and for them.
13. Favourite hair colour for each member?
↳ Jungkook: He’s had two and both look great on him
↳ Taehyung: “dark brown,, preferably with his mullet back 😭 I miss her” OH SO HAL IS AN INTELLECTUAL!!! OKAY!!!! WE RESPECT YOUR VERY VALID AND CORRECT OPINION ON HIS BEST HAIR COLOR AND STYLE (no but also I’m a fan of his red hair from Save Me because again that MV is a masterpiece and his blue hair from right now cause every day I’m waking up and crying over how good it looks on him)
↳ Jimin: Pink is amazing on Jimin always, one of his best hair colors; but also blonde because genuinely I forget that Jimin isn’t a natural blonde. Like it looks so perfect on him and fits his aesthetic excellently.
↳ Hoseok: I love me a cherry boy (specifically a cherry boy from the Mic Drop era)
↳ Yoongi: Blonde is amazing but he said it best, there isn’t really a hair color that he doesn’t look good in (which is why they always change his)
↳ Jin: Jin from Save Me and pink haired Jin are absolutely amazing
14. Favourite choreography?
Baepsae x y34u932py4670738473264739217894327460318057348916870478392-614730648932-618648913-
15. Favourite ships?
These are platonic (<------- !!!!!!) buT:
↳ Tae and Jimin, the 95z soulmates for life
↳ Yoongi and Jungkook, they’re father and son. Actually fight me on this
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2017-04-30 | Break Time
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Studying is hard, being with my parents is apparently harder.
This week I finally got hold of my life (at least a little) and got a place in my introductory seminar course and I went to work twice (even though I could also work from home). I thought everything’s going ok now but apparently not. I’m at my parent’s home over the weekend because I wanted to configure the Pi Zero W to be media center for them but somehow they manged to make me feel like I’m being in my personal hell.
First thing was that after driving for 3 hours they let me stand in the cold for another 30 min until finally picking me up at a parking lot they should have known. After that I was obviously pissed. On the next day we went to my aunt to take a look at the house they bought and what’s still in there from the last owners. So we went there (also 1 or 2 hours later than planned and I waited because they said they would be ready soon instead of doing other stuff) and when we got there about 15:00 we took a look at the house and it was ok but then my parents forced me to help bringing out stuff and such and I was definitely not ok with this. On top of that we were there until about 23:00.
The only “good” thing was that I had my Switch with me so in the later hours I spent time playing with my cousin until we finally left. But what I hated the most was that my time was just stolen from me and I don’t say time is precious for nothing. Also the saying “time is money” isn’t just for show. There is a truth in that. And in my case I was not able to take a look at the papers and literature I wanted to look at for my seminar and I only have 4 weeks left to write the whole damn thing.
More or less fun fact is that one time I sat on the toilet and had this kind of daydream that was like this: Doctor: “You have a cancerous tumor.” - Me: “NICE! How long do I still have?” And I don’t know why but I started to cry immediately afterwards. Not long or hard but a few tears just came out. Similar situations happened throughout the whole stay.
tl;dr got sick because of parents
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drjerilyn · 7 years
Midrash Musings: Three Widows Journey Home-Ruth, Naomi and Chalyah
Three Widows Journey Home—Ruth, Naomi, and Chalyah
A Reading from the Book of Ruth 1: 3-17 (NAB: http://www.usccb.org/bible/ruth/1)
 By Jerilyn E. Felton, D. Min. Copyright 2017
3 Elimelech, the husband of Naomi, died, and she was left with her two sons.4 They married Moabite women, one named Orpah, the other Ruth. When they had lived there about ten years,5 both Mahlon and Chilion died also, and the woman was left with neither her two boys* nor her husband.
6She and her daughters-in-law then prepared to go back from the plateau of Moab because word had reached her there that the LORD had seen to his people’s needs*and given them food.7She and her two daughters-in-law left the place where they had been living. On the road back to the land of Judah,8Naomi said to her daughters-in-law, “Go back, each of you to your mother’s house….She kissed them good-bye, but they wept aloud,10crying, “No! We will go back with you, to your people.”11Naomi replied, “Go back, my daughters. … my lot is too bitter for you, because the LORD has extended his hand against me.”14Again they wept aloud; then Orpah kissed her mother-in-law good-bye, but Ruth clung to her.
15“See now,” she said, “your sister-in-law has gone back to her people and her god. Go back after your sister-in-law!”16* But Ruth said, “Do not press me to go back and abandon you!
Wherever you go I will go, wherever you lodge I will lodge.
Your people shall be my people and your God, my God.
17Where you die I will die, and there be buried.
May the LORD do thus to me, and more, if even death separates me from you!”
          Here begins a midrash to tell us about another “widow” that accompanied Ruth and Naomi as they returned to Bethlehem:
           The original reason that Elimelech went down to Moab with his family was because Moab had food. It seems strange that Elimelech’s family would pack up lock, stock, and barrel to move to a foreign country where people worshiped foreign gods and had a long-time hatred of the Israelites. But so it was.
           In the company of this family was a family of canine-companions who helped to herd the sheep who made the journey with their owners. The head of this family was Malkiel (God is my king), a strong sheep herding dog who was devoted to Mahlon, Ruth’s husband. His mate, Chalyah (Jewel) was the prized companion of Ruth and came with her as part of her dowry when she married Mahlon. As fate would have it, there in the land of Moab, the canine family multiplied and prospered. Chalyah first litter of puppies was seven strong.
Then the tragedies began.
           Mahlon, Ruth’s husband and his brother-in-law, Chilion while tending the flocks, were set upon by a pack of wolves that roamed the area. Both men and the guard dog Malkiel, were taken totally by surprise and all lost their lives that night. Truly, it was a terrible loss for the whole family.
           As the Scriptures report, Naomi tried to get her two widowed daughters-in-law to return to their families. It was only Ruth who chose to stay with her mother-in-law and face possible rejection and isolation when they reached Naomi’s home in Bethlehem.
           After proclaiming her loyalty to Naomi, Ruth asked, “As I will not forsake you, please do not command me to leave behind my Chalyah, who has been the jewel of my life. She has been so faithful to me and has been with me for these long years. I know that she is old and the journey might be too much for her, but I cannot leave her.”
           Naomi relented and allowed Ruth to have Chalyah accompany them on their journey.
           Their journey was full of adventures, but one particular instance was memorable. Ruth and Naomi entered a small village seeking a place where they could get a meal and a safe dwelling in which to sleep. There was a small inn in the village, but they were full for the night. The gruff innkeeper turned them away with a wave of his hand, noting that a dog accompanied them and might create a stir if he tried to make room for them. His wife, peeking around the edge of the gate to the courtyard, saw the three begin to return to the dusty path to continue their journey.
           She went after the three, closing the gate so that no one would see her leave.
           “Mistress—ladies,” she cried. “Do you see those caves over there in the hillside? You can bed down there for the night. If anyone asks you why you are there, let them know that Chalyah gave you permission.”
           The old dog’s ears pricked up at the sound of her name and she came close to the woman, who patted her dusty head and smiled at her.
           Ruth said, “Chalyah is the name of my dog, Mistress. Thank you so much for your kindness.”
           “Sleep well and God be with you,” exclaimed Chalyah as she returned to the inn.
           They bedded down for the night and Chalyah, the dog, took up a spot near the entrance of the cave. It was fortunate that she was there, for in the middle of that dark night, a group of armed men came roaming along the hillside looking for a place to divide up the booty they had taken from those who had been staying at the inn. Chalyah began barking and created quite a stir. The men had no idea what was happening and ran away from the barking dog, surprised by the presence of an animal in the caves. In the process, they dropped the valuables they had stolen.
           The next morning, Ruth and Naomi took the valuables back to the inn, requesting to see Chalyah.
           “Chalyah,” Ruth said, “Here are the valuables that I think must have been were stolen from your guests last night. The robbers tried to find a place in a cave to spit up the goods and came into the cave where we were sleeping. My Chalyah heard them and frightened them away. They dropped these.”
           With that the innkeeper’s wife opened the burlap sack and there were jewels, gold, and other precious objects in the bag.
           “How can we thank you,” cried Chalyah, as she gazed in wonder at the glittering treasure in the coarse brown sack.
           “Pray for us as we continue our journey,” said Naomi. “We still have a long way to go.”
           With that the three widows continued on their journey back to Bethlehem. Funny, something similar would happen many centuries later when a family of three, with one on the way, would be on the same road returning home to Bethlehem.
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