#because they're just mimicking what the actual cast does
aparticularbandit · 7 months
what if they're called the cast of horrors
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ilikekidsshows · 1 year
It just boggles the mind how petty someone can be over a fictional character that they created being popular. Thomas Astruc is ruining his own show and screwing over abuse victims all for a grudge against fans who prefer a character he doesn't. I don't condone hate-mobbing him like some people do on Twitter, but he really can't take any sort of criticism huh. How do you claim to have conferred with a child psychologist (I think) and still produce this literal abuse apologia. I genuinely don't understand.
I'm gonna say that Astruc taking any chance to use the narrative to dunk on Chloé and Adrien being evidence of him holding a grudge against their popularity is my personal interpretation of possible influences for their writing. I have inferred it from Astruc's very curt way of speaking to fans of these characters on twitter and the show's abysmal writing of them in ways that prop Marinette up on their backs. None of it has been proven true, but, when the coincidences keep piling up, at some point you're gonna stop believing it's a coincidence. At this point, he is most likely at least subconsciously bitter over Chloé and Adrien, if not consciously so.
Just like how the show's biases concerning abuse might be subconscious stuff going on in the crew's heads. I remember when @infinitysgrace and I used to have to reiterate again and again that Gabriel does love Adrien even if he abuses him, that's often the tragedy of parental abuse, when the fandom kept insisting that Gabriel abusing Adrien was evidence that he didn't really love him. The crew also seems to have a very limited view of what "counts" as child abuse. Apparently isolation, neglect, abandonment and consistently referring to your child by the wrong name don't count as abuse, because all the kids involved got to eat, didn't get beaten and are loved by the people harming them.
I agree that it's very obvious that Astruc can't handle criticism and that mobbing him or harassing him isn't the solution. Astruc has a right to act like an entitled jackass even publically online, just like any other creator or random person. I instantly side eye anyone trying to turn me against someone based on only the accusations that they're deleting negative comments and blocking people giving negative feedback. The fans might be entitled to their opinion, but they are not entitled to a creator's time and attention.
I'm also going to say that, just like I don't read highly personal vent fics, I'm not going to watch vent shows. I stopped paying any attention to Teen Titans Go after they started dedicating several episodes to mocking fans of the original TT cartoon (after their show piggybacked on the fame of said show by mimicking the character designs and using the same voice cast no less). I'm very much done with paying Thomas Astruc's increasingly inane ramblings any attention. It's pretty obvious that social media is influencing his creative process negatively but it's his right to engage with a space that affects him like that. None of us are his friends, family or doctor. It's none of our business what he does.
I haven't heard of the writers consulting any experts on anything dealing with the show, but I do know for a fact that Astruc tweeted a link to a fan's essay on Adrien that was written by someone claiming to be a child psychologist. Said fan praised Adrien's writing and then went on to praise the Sentipeople concept. Since I make it a habit to never actually be the one that starts shit, I never really engaged with their content and blocked them instead, so I can't remember the details of what they said about the psychological perspective on Sentipeople.
Still, I'm 80% sure this is the supposed expert. Regardless, even if this fan wrote essays with 100% accurate real life psychology, child psychology has no one size fits all approach. I, an ECEC professional, sure as hell didn't agree with anything they had to say about SentiAdrien before I blocked them, and that was before canon confirmed the theory in the worst possible way and screwed over abuse victims.
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pyrriax · 6 months
hello here to ask about the seraphim au again lol
what are wisps? how is disability handled among seraphs? what is the most common way for them to get disabled? how fucked up is spoke exactly? like does he have abnormally long limbs? does he have limbs that he really shouldnt? is there a way for the ones in the fray to get up to the vesper esp with all the ruin? are there any other weapons of war lying around aside from centurions?
this au is really interesting and i love finding out more about it :D
Hello welcome back! I'm happy to answer your questions i love talking about this thing ^_^
Yet another long post ahead, but I've gone ahead and answered all of your questions in as much detail as I can without fully spoiling anything! 👍
What is a Wisp? (Where do they come from, what're they like?)
Wisps are another common creature, originating from cast magic. They vary in size, shape, color, and type, although the most common are ones which have a tendency to either cause small explosions, or light fires. Because of the way their bodies are comprised primarily of magic, they are constantly expending this energy, and thus don't accumulate it the same way that most things do.
These wisps are a common pest in the Vesper, a little like rats, but also a bit more potentially damaging, as they're drawn to places with a high magic content and flow. Although, they're rarely found at the pools in the Fray. This is mostly because Centurions have taken to killing them on sight, since they are quite fond of feeding off the energy which is used to keep them functional. It's a special thing, and it's their favorite.
Once upon a time, they actually had a use, but now they're just considered a bit of a waste product from magic casting.
(Although, that hasn't stopped some curious Seraphs from wondering if it'd be possible to domesticate them in a sense. They aren't inherently harmful, even if they have a habit of starting little fires or blowing cracks in walls. Some wisps simply sap energy and laze about, and though they become rarer later on, these are the ones that stick around places the longest.)
Certain wisps expend their excess energy with mimicry and shapeshifting, some of my references for them are birds like European Starlings and Superb Lyrebirds. Often times, their mimicry can make them even more of a nuisance, especially before the Seraph's extinction, as they were known to lead Seraphim astray by mimicking distress calls and even the sounds of clashing metal. Shapeshifting-wise, they tended to prefer creatures of a similar mass, so most often they'd take forms no bigger than medium sized cats, since anything larger is significantly bigger than any typical wisp. These ones didn't often last long after being created, but they were well documented.
They used to be kept out of important places in the Vesper with gates and small spells, but as those diminished, they began to creep in once again. Their presence sped up the collapse, but it couldn't exactly be prevented.
How is disability handled among seraphs? (Along with a brief explanation of some pieces of Seraphim culture)
Overall, it's treated as something to be respected, as it tends to be the result of actions not the Seraph's own, or of actions that were for the greater good of either the Seraph, or the Vesper as a whole. But, there are certain things which are much more looked down upon, and that is typically things like blindness or missing wings. These types of injuries, and related disabilities (stunted flight, limited vision [in cases where the blindness is partial], etc.), are viewed as almost childish, due to the fact they're especially common occurrences for Seraphim youth.
Older Seraphs commonly deal with lower mobility, at least in comparison to their younger counterparts. While Seraphs will snip and bite at each other (both literally and metaphorically), they are still a social species and care for their ill and disabled. Typically, any care being done for a Seraph will be done by those closer to them, mostly their inner circle and occasionally those associated with those Seraphs.
In cases of lost limbs, for any reason (regardless of how it may be viewed), if all the injury does is heal over and become more of a typical stump, the spot will be adorned with jewelry, and even tattoos or specifically dyed feathers, depending on the specific spot. Rather than being something hidden, these things are typically decorated, highlighted as a show of life and living. This is a bit of a remnant of an old myth which was lost long before anything was written, but it speaks of highlighting these losses as a triumph of life. It's a little bit of a "this is our gift from the stars [in reference to an almost-god] and we must show our appreciation, lest it be taken from us." Along with that, it's viewed as a way of warding off Wisps and other pests from these vulnerable spots.
Common patterns & symbols in these types of jewelry include but aren't limited to: ferns / laurel, flowers (varying types depending on the city, although the most common ones in Vesper are lily of the valley and bleeding hearts), spirals, and insects (again, of varying types depending on the city, the most common ones in Vesper are beetles or millipedes, although the latter are much less common.)
These pieces are made out of a variety of materials, but typically the basis is metals, either cast and shaped or twisted wire, depending on the Seraph's preferences. Pieces of the grown stars used for Centurions are also common place, along with common crystals. Everything used is subject to change, as these are personal to the Seraphs and will reflect their preferences, and even their favorite things. Over time, this jewelry may be reforged and adapted to better suit the Seraph, as time goes on.
What is the most common way for Seraphs to end up disabled? (And maybe a little hint of lore, as a treat)
So, I've mentioned some of the most commonly disabling things, but how the hell does that even happen?
Seraphs have their nasty habit of fighting amongst themselves, which is only more common with the younger of the bunch. While it isn't pleasant, it isn't unheard of for these fights to reach the point of weak points being clawed at/out. Which often entails wings being at the least taken out of their sockets, and at worst clawed off. In the same thread, eyes are also a common spot to be gone after.
But, as time went on, these types of fights became less common, so scars and marks from these fights are more often seen on the fully grown Seraphs. At least, this is the most accepted answer. Though, the truth of it is that usually, Seraphs lost limb and life to the fights which were so often instigated. While it's been most attributed to overly violent youth, it was much more an effect of war. At least, that was before the Centurions.
After them, however, things shifted. Without nearly as many Seraphs out actively participating in the fight aside from those that remained to ensure the Centurions' function, the most commonly disabling occurrences were related to either overexertion of magic over a long period of time (leading to effects a little similar to chronic fatigue & pain) and flight related injury. Though, that was tied with... Poaching related damage to stars.
Damaged stars? Poaching?
As I've already mentioned briefly here, Seraphim stars became a useful weapon due to their properties. While I won't elaborate much more than that for some mild spoiler reasons, let it be known that Seraphs were once revered as gods, but this began to turn into resentment over time. But, what does a damaged star entail for them?
A Seraph with a damaged star (whether it be cracked or chipped, both having different but lasting effects) doesn't often live more than a handful of years longer, as the magic that typically circulates through their body will begin to stagnate. This causes to formation of a sediment of sorts that accumulates in extremities and places like the eyes, mouth, and will even begin to seep into the keratin in their body, as well as their bones/marrow, coloring any new growth anything from pink to deep blues and greens.
While Seraphs are known for having a variety of colors which naturally and commonly occur in their feathers and flesh, these colors are associated heavily with this type of ailment, and those with these colors are often avoided by some of the more paranoid. (There is no risk to other Seraphim, this is a lot like how people will avoid those they perceive as ill / sick even when they know it won't affect them.)
Cracked Stars (All pieces present, but with slight separation or small fragments loose): Slower overall progression, characterized by weakness and general lethargy, along with sharp pain and numbness in extremities as time goes on, since the magic that Seraphs rely on doesn't flow quite how it's supposed to, along with the appearance of the aforementioned colors, since they tend to live long enough for it to completely change their appearance.
Chipped Stars (Pieces are missing, typically from failed removal attempts): Much faster progression, often to an almost violent effect, as instead of accumulating slowly, the magic which would form a sediment will instead begin to crystalize rapidly, making them only really able to live about a year after at most. This can also be the most sudden, as a chipped star likely won't be noticed until there are Wisps circling the Seraph, and sharp pain and complete loss of feeling (a side effect of the magic that's basically pouring out of them, which will make them much like the Centurions in this regard, as they cannot contain the magic.)
Malformed Stars (Not injury based, but included due to the relation and similarities): Some Seraphs are born with malformed stars and will have coloration associated with cracked stars from the very start. Although, it's entirely possible that they can live for a while longer than those whose stars get cracked, as their bodies are given the opportunity to properly adjust, as well as the lack of excess magic directly leaking into their bodies. Varying from Seraph to Seraph, they can have much more volatile magic, or that's less potent than is typical.
So what the fuck is the deal with Spoke? (Why is he like that?)
Spoke is a case of a potentially good thing being used in the worst way possible. Grown stars (or artificial stars, or anything to that degree) are perfect for Centurions, being able to be used as a baseline for the creation of pseudo-personage, a pseudo-soul, if you will. But, the problem is when they interact with another soul. Natural souls will eat away at artificial ones, and this lead to an extremely volatile reaction within Spoke. Along with the issue of souls, human bodies are not exactly made to regulate the magic that comes with these stars, and it causes... Complications.
Caught in an odd place where he both does and doesn't even physically exist at all, Spoke is a little like the ghosts that've taken to haunting the library in the absence of Seraphs. Varying even minute to minute, he can go from looking a little off (almost a little uncanny, in a way. Limbs slightly the wrong proportions, just enough to ring as odd, but not completely distorted) to being almost unrecognizable as human at all, practically surrounded by a thick layer of ambient magic, which can make him look like a bit like a shadow.
Although, as time goes on, this becomes much less varied, and instead, it manifests in the beginnings of Seraph-like features, including an additional set of non-functional eyes. As well, there is a certain dark-green-almost-black that makes his extremities look almost necrotic, although they aren't. This is just a manifestation of the excess magic, much like how it looks for Seraphim with cracked stars. For a period of time, he had grown the beginnings of an additional limb (although, it never got far, as it began to become excruciatingly painful for him), but it was removed.
Spoke is basically in limbo between being alive and dead, which has had its own interesting effects on his psyche, and really, if any true Seraph were there, he likely would've been mercy killed to spare him from this. But, he's happy as can be, despite the agonies. Much like any other human with a star place in them, there is most definitely a noticeable mark that resulted from it, something which has only grown over time. A little like what could've just been a scar at the start begins to morph into creeping vines, looking more and more like they've been struck with lightning.
(This is probably the most subject-to-change-as-i-write thing here, since I'm not 100% set on the primary appearance of it. There are major differences between Seraphim-stars and Grown-stars, and one of those major differences is that Seraphim-stars are much more stable, as they've had a long period of time to be refined and cultivated. Meanwhile grown-stars aren't given that kind of time, and are only an approximation of the real thing. While they can heal and prolong life, they lack the rhyme or reason that Seraphim ones will abide by. They don't know when to quit. They will form tumors and create what I can only describe as an excess of life, they make people sick, they shouldn't be used on organic things even if it's the only option. There's a reason Seraphs will sooner die than use one. They are viable for Centurions purely because of the lack of organic growth.)
Let's talk the Fray (and a little bit about the War, shall we?)
is there a way for the ones in the fray to get up to the vesper esp with all the ruin?
Really, it depends on the scenario! Before the death of the Seraphs, going between the two places was inconvenient, but possible. Typically it involved making some kind of trade with one of the Seraphim in order to be brought to the Vesper, although this was rare. The handful of human mages that did exist were able to move freely between the two places, but they disappeared not long after they began to be noticed. Though, they made a little bit of a resurgence as almost ghost-like figures, after the Seraphs' death.
Seraphim were able to go between the two places, as they never lost their flight, but even those who struggled with it were able to use their magic in order to go between. Centurions were unable to go between the two, as they were designated their places and functionally left to continue that task ad infinium. Humans were a rare sight, but on occasion human merchants were known to get up to the Vesper, usually using crude airships.
are there any other weapons of war lying around aside from centurions?
To be a little ominous for the sake of not spoiling too much: yes. Yes, there are, and they are only getting worse for wear, and even if their creators are long dead, they are not. They're still there, waiting to be called upon once again, to lay the world to even greater waste. Slumbering giants, if you will. I'll be elaborating on these especially in the main fic I have planned, so this is a "wait and see" kind of deal ^_^
Also if you've gotten this far I want to point you toward some art that vaguely inspired the baseline I have for wisps because I love this art and it fascinates me!
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first piece is by ida lissner, second by tealnewcombart on etsy, third by tracy debenport!
i couldn't find the much more vibrantly colored type of almost psychedelic art that i've really drawn a fair bit of inspiration from, at least with the colors, these show a lot of the Shapes that i think of with them
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littleliongirl16 · 8 months
Assigning Moths and Butterflies to the Magnus Archives Cast!
Cw: discussion and pictures of insects
So I drew Mothman Melanie a while back. Because Jon has massive Mothman energy and gets tons of cool Mothman fanart of him but I also stand by Moth Melanie because her dad cannonically used to call her Little Moth. And also idk, her constantly traveling different places at night for Ghost Hunt UK also gives me moth vibes.
Anyway all this to say I'm assigning moths and butterflies to TMA characters!
Squinting Bush Brown (Bicyclus Anynana)
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Okay technically this is a butterfly not a moth and it does feel a bit like a crime to make the most notoriously mothman headcannoned character not a moth. But I saw it and it just reminded me of him. It has so many eyespots! Eyes for days! Also it's very small and we all know Jon is like two feet tall.
Also most of the search results for it are of people running experiments on this type of butterfly by modifying their genes to learn things about how genes code for butterfly wing patterns? Jon is like 40% mad scientist, 60% mad scientist's experiment in terms of his energy so this feels right to me.
Peppered Moth (Biston Betularia)
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These moths are what every high school class or whatever uses as an example of natural selection. They used to mainly have the primarily white, speckled with black pattern on the bottom, because it allowed them to camoflauge with tree bark. A few of them had a mutation that made them black, and those moths weren't particularly successful until the industrial revolution literally stained a lot of surfaces they would perch on black with soot. Suddenly, the black moths blended in better than the speckled ones and became a lot more plentiful because more of the speckled ones and fewer of the black ones were getting eaten by predators.
That's the simplified version, I'm not a scientist and haven't done enough research to tell it totally accurately. The gist is I think a moth that's so extremely well known for a story about its camoflauge works really well for Martin, whose powerset makes him invisible and forgotten, who's scared of being invisible and never understood but finds safety in it. Also I'm definitely a Martin's hair turns white in the Lonely headcannoner, so I think his color palette matches the white speckled peppered moth at least a bit.
Viceroy Butterfly (Limenitus Archippus)
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Monarch Butterfly (Danaus Plexippus)
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So I wanted to assign Sasha and Not!Sasha an insect and one of its mimics. And the Monarch and the Viceroy are a pretty famous example of that.
What I initially thought was that the Monarch was poisonous, and the Viceroy wasn't poisonous but mimicked the Monarch so predators would think it was poisonous and wouldn't eat it. So I was like! Great! Sasha can be a Monarch and Notsasha can be a Viceroy, since Notsasha mimics her!
This isn't how Monarchs + Viceroys work, though, and apparently scientists have known that was wrong since the '90's but the general public understanding has lagged behind ig. The Monarch butterfly and the Viceroy are actually both poisonous, and evolved to look more and more like one another so that they could essentially both benefit off of eachothers' reputations. If a predator has eaten a poisonous monarch and gotten sick, then sees a viceroy later, it'll think they're the same butterfly and not want to eat it. If it eats a viceroy and gets sick, then sees a monarch, it'll think they're the same butterfly and again not want to eat it.
So in the world of butterflies, this is super beneficial and symbiotic for both species. But in terms of their reputations among humans (which butterflies don't really care about but shhh) the Monarch is just as much of a mimic as the Viceroy, but everyone thinks it's the original, nobody even knows that the Viceroy is the real deal and also poisonous.
Which in my mind is Very Not Them, so I think Sasha is actually the Viceroy, thanks for coming to my Tedtalk.
I'm going to do more of these, I'm gonna do more detail on Moth Melanie but need to do research and potentially fix some things first cause I think I mistook a butterfly for a moth... and also I will assign Tim a butterfly at some point.
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foreverambrosia · 9 months
what’s some world building you have for demons / fairies that you haven’t mentioned so far? how different is vash from most demons? how abt gill from most fairies? how do they court each other? how does the curse work on gill (that lyric cast on her)? what’s the angst looking like…. any fairytale insp you’ve got for this au? aaaaand obligatory outfit & song question for the fairy/demon au!!!
Demons show affection with biting, sometimes Vash just kinda nibbles on Gill. They also vover their partners with their tails and wings to hold them and act rather possessive that way with their mates. Demons can hide their demonic traits but rarely try. Demons either feel super hot or super cold; Vash is warm himself. They're all pretty different, but many are either rather savage while many others are smooth talkers. Demons have magic and infernal languages. Demons go into heat. Demons can alter their forms and seem more Monstrous. Demons are technically omnivores but commonly prefer meat. Demons posses rather intense emotions typically. Demons aren't evil.
Fairies are wildly different on their temperaments, some are tricksters, some are indifferent, and some are benevolent. They come in different sizes. They can actually alter their sizes but not permanently. They have magic and fairy languages. Their homes are inside the fae realm but sometimes they hold spots within the human realm. To non fairies they can be invisible, though a demon is better suited to finding them like that. Fairies are territorial.
From most, Vash is somewhat different in how he interacts with humans. Like, most demons aren't that bad, but many do see no issue in preying on someone.
But Gill isn't that different from certain fairies. She's one of the fairies more prone to say guiding someone in the forest, she is different from more mean spirited ones though.
Fairies court by crafting gifts of berries, flowers, and stones and gifting it to their beloved. And its significant to coat these gifts with their fairy dust. Gill braids these gifts onto Vash's horns and tail. Demons bring gifts they discover that reflects themself or their beloved. And they give them their own scales, feathers, and anything that holds their own presence to mark them. Vash brings her books and the like, and many gold items like his hair, as well as his scales and feathers. Neither realizes the significance for a decent while.
The spell, mimicking the false legends, turns the fairy into something. Thinking like slowly turns them to solid brimstone or like porcelain.
Obviously, Vash is hesitant to kiss her. He has no real clue whether or not the fairy can actually be harmed by a kiss with a demon, he just withholds a kiss. But then he does and then she starts transforming like the legends? He thinks he's the fucking worst. He's convinced to leave her and she's upset, like he only tells her he's apologizing for hurting her and he probably never should've been this selfish and he won't bother her anymore. But she follows. When he realizes she's been traversing hell to find him he berates himself because of the tasks heaped on her, but she swiftly says she only came by her own choice. Lyric was unable to reverse the spell before she took off, and she's continuing to transform before him until they fix that with true love's kiss, like Vash was too busy bashing himself when she started transforming to kiss her, but as her lips turn he kisses them and she is saved. Like, she finally found him half transformed and he's like, about to mentally snap and he holds her underneath him when she collapses and his tears are falling on her but she never saw anything wrong with the love they have and never shall and like as the transformation covers most of her except like, a limb, some of her neck, and her eyes, he kisses her and thus fully turns her to normal. Then they realize the cruelty from Knives and the betrayal from Lyric.
The general aesthetic has some fairy tail aesthetic. Plus, the true love bit 🌸
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Vash wears stuff like this. Flowy and nice. His prosthetics are a durable glass and look like that.
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Gill wears stuff like that. Many shimmery materials, it's a fabric called fairy silk.
Also, it's sharing aesthetics with my world building for the realms from my original stuff I've told you about for the full demon, fairy, and also angel realms. Here's wip pinterest boards for all them, I know angels aren't thus far prominent here but it's also related.
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rosescries · 2 years
What about an actor AU for TSM i imagine just after a scene the actor for Taylor would just Y/N and just be like "i am so sorry, my character is such a bitch!". feel like the blooper reel would be so funny when edge grabs Y/n and is supposed to scream at them but keeps cracking up. What's your take for certain scenarios?
Oh, this would probably be fun! The bloopers honestly probably would be pretty funny, simply because half of this cast are jokesters.
Honestly, I think it would actually be Mc cracking up more. Simply because one of the other skeletons, likely Mutt, would be just off screen mimicking Edge or Black and mocking the scene. She wouldn't be able to keep a straight face. Though she wouldn't be keeping a straight face at a lot of things.
Red would probably do something funny in his drunk scene, maybe whisper something to Mc that'll make her burst out into laughter. He may make a funny face at Taylor in the scene leading up to it when she's trying to yell at him and make her crack up too. Generally be a menace as well in as many scenes as he dares to lighten things up again.
Sans may wear some funny glasses in one of his scenes in the basement, so when he finally turns to look at Stretch or Red they just snort and break when he acts like this is totally normal and exactly how the scene is suppose to look. Stretch would do this too, both of them would do it for serious scenes. Sans may even let out the loudest fake snore after he collapses too, once Papyrus has gotten to him and is dramatically lamenting like it's a play drama. (It was the end of the scene anyway, why not? They weren't supposed to be rolling still.)
Papyrus, Lunar, or Grey may forget a line a few times and continue talking past what they were supposed to. Adding things that aren't supposed to be there. I imagine Papyrus doing this when telling Mc what Taylor did. Like he's telling her, forgets what's supposed to come next and just going "YES.. SHE DID TERRIBLE THINGS... SO MANY BAD THINGS... WHAT WERE THEY AGAIN?" I think this would mostly happen with Lunar and Grey though.
Guns and Ace would have some fun with their hidden Mobster personas. Mostly in the fact that no one else really knows what the fuck it is that they do for a living and no one really even questions it. It's more of a "Ah yes. Hello, I do call myself Guns. What is it I do? Oh, well you know, business. No further questions, understandable. Excuse me while I return to my giant ass house where I do my business things in expensive suits. Yes, we are the most subtle people on earth. Thanks."
Black and Edge would be the ones taking it most seriously, though they'd play around a bit too. Likely more on breaks or when they're not in a scene. Maybe dancing around with Mc or Taylor. Or talking with the others and making some kind of a face if a camera is pointed at them.
Mutt is mainly mocking the scenes just off scene to make people that can see him crack up. Or sneaking candy and sweets onto set and eating them when he shouldn't be, offering some to others as well. He's not that big of a menace, but does like to be a bit of one sometimes. He'll also do about anything to make Mc laugh off screen.
Lilac and Charmed do not change much. They're flirty and often toss one out when they weren't actually supposed to, or too someone they weren't supposed to. They'll also pull Mc or Taylor (or Lydia and the old ladies if they're on set) into dancing off screen, though they have a habit of doing it to the other skeletons too. The only ones that'll actually play along are G, Aster, Mutt, Stretch, and Guns and Ace when they're in good moods.
G and Aster are mostly chill, doing what they're supposed to. They'll play around with people when not acting, though mainly talking. G's notorious for bringing his guitar and playing on breaks. Though they're both also notorious for misspoken and forgotten lines, or just not being able to speak right. Aster especially in his rambles, stumbling over lines and breaking character to laugh about it. Sometimes they'll go on tangents when they forgot a line to make people confused and laugh.
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 3 years
[1/?] Sorry for venting. I just saw some bad takes that gave me a lot of feelings. Personally, JC stresses me out every time he comes on screen, but I don't mind it when JC fans say fan-typical things like how they like JC because he wears purple, or is grumpy, or they think he's hot, or that they ship x*ch*ng because the cql actors have nice jawlines. They're harmless, fun takes, and while I don't agree with some of them, I see where they're coming from
Hello there anon, vent away as that is what my blog is open for as I love/hate on Jiang Cheng as he is in the plot, as well as all of my beef with what has been done to him for the EN side of the fanbase! I am more than fine listening and engaging with the unsavory "unpopular" discussions of his canon behavior and this goes for anyone of course that needs an open play area. I'll try to engage with what you have sent point by point as succinctly as I can.
[2/?] (some of these are obviously crack, and I am a fan of a few problematic faves). But then there are stans that just have to put other characters down to make JC look good. Like, I think some fans take their freedom of interpretation for granted because most of these takes aren't even labeled 'headcanon,' 'ooc,' or 'crack' anymore. Stans feel that their interpretations are valid, and while they are, valid =/= canon, and they're treating these takes as canon, which becomes popular fanon.
I enjoy Jiang Cheng for what he is, however as I had said it took me another reread to get to my stance of him being the negative mirror to Lan Wangji's positive and my comfort with that for the story once I realized what purpose he served. He is only insofar tragic in regards to his circumstances, but it does not absolve him for what he is at his core (no pun, but I can make a very nice metaphor that even with a piece of Wei Wuxian in him he is still forever unable and unwilling to stand by him equally all while stagnating where as Lan Wangji is able to flourish, grow and mature with nothing of import left from Wei Wuxian in a technical sense). As for ships, I am a little dirty Xicheng whore for fun and can say there is a sense of entertainment for me making it work with two people where one is wildly ignorant and the other wildly rabid. But that is outside of what is established as canon in the work and I always try to keep the two strictly separate due to the skew fanon perpetuates.
3/?] And now, it's not clear what part of the fanon references canon JC or the canon events of mdzs. JC is an asshole; I don't like him as a person, but I do think that he's a complex character motivated by many issues (sup, YeeZY), which makes him fascinating to explore. Unfortunately, erasing his culpability also removes his agency. JC should be allowed to be an asshole character who makes his own decisions even if they're the wrong ones. He has made his own tragedy by constantly casting Wei Wuxian as the villain of his life.
Now thanks to you I will be using YeeZY to forever and now to acknowledge Madam Yu (this is your fault for the new tag). From a standing from storytelling I agree that he is complex in the Jianghu for MDZS. Where in the usual political intrigue of Wuxia, he would be the mustache twirling villain that is outright unforgivable in narration, it is by favor of Wei Wuxian's narration that has an early steeping of empathy for him. And he is not meant to be seen as ultimately sympathetic, the work builds up his hate against Wei Wuxian who tries to rationalize it all several times until he is finally unable to. Jiang Cheng is the antithesis to Lan Wangji and the false bait to get attached to in Wei Wuxian's first life. I will make the note their meeting in Yiling is lukewarm between both as they exchange nothing really in terms of conversation and all pleasantries are left in terms of Jiang Yanli for Wei Wuxian. By this point Wei Wuxian has already switched his yearnings of platonically wanting a part of Jiang Cheng's life, to subconscious romantic inclinations about Lan Wangji and the perceived loss of being in the other's life.
The very point of Jiang Cheng as the deconstruction, is that he has no passion in life despite his apparent exploits because he put a shadow to hang over himself as an excuse to say others think he is not good enough. He has no deeper motivations than pure selfishness by the end of the work and is pure frivolity that he has built up losing the meaning of his sect as a tradition. He had his agency (more than anyone I might add in the work due to his social position) that he used to build his reputation as a passive rich sect leader that has little to do with civilian problems.
4/?] And I think a JC, somehow, that realizes that he did something wrong and is working hard to change for the better and gain self-actualization to become that UWU best jiujiu the stans want him to be, who is ready to talk (not yell at) with WWX, apologize to him, and create a better, healthier relationship with him is a much more powerful reconciliation and happy ending than 'everyone is wrong and mean and they all apologize to JC, which magically gets rid of all his issues'.
He is forced out of culpability in reconciliation because simply put, his audience do not like the reality that relationships fray and dissolve with no further resolution other than we as adults both need to move on for safety and good health. It is not acceptable in real life and fiction is allowed to place that also in it's thematic relationships. He has a small, small spark of recognition at the end of the main story, however he himself seems to choose to ignore it, as change is hard and he has never taken to that well as was foreshadowed with his dogs and the idea of sharing a space with Wei Wuxian. To write this is an awful lot of work into his psyche which is not a nice place, he is a terrible being and downplaying that to make a sugar sweet person does not work instantaneously. He is the one responsible for the entire fallout with Wei Wuxian and he hysterically realizes that even as he tries to continue to blame Wei Wuxian.
The issue that I have with his current stan culture, is that they already view him as something he is not. They play at bicycle with all of the other protagonists that have positive traits that they strip as they see fit; Good affirming loving to children adult Lan Wangji, Self-sacrificing ultimately did it all for love and care Wei Wuxian, Hard exterior but softened to who they consider an annoyance Wen Qing, Loyal as partners in their exploits on the field and always have each others back Wen Ning. They even take Jin Guangyao's persona of playing damsel and using that as a positive to soften up Jiang Cheng into something he has never been for anyone for ships.
[5/5] Also, making WWX/WN/LWJ apologize just makes them look better than JC. Like, stans supposedly love JC, so they ahouldn't be lazy and work hard to give him actual character development. Again, I'm sorry for spamming your ask. It just really baffles me about where they get these 'hot' takes (All I'm going to say is that JC was ungrateful, and WN had a reason verbally dismantle him).
They see this, but, they will spin it in any way to excuse Jiang Cheng due to the story itself showing that he was in the wrong to everyone he flung accusations at and his hate. No one but him is at fault for his spite as he had gotten his revenge on the ones that had ruined Lotus Pier and killed his parents. His own resentment pitted him against good and well meaning people that he refused to help as he mimicked his mother's words about raising their heads higher out of goodness instead of keeping low and staying self-centered. There is the underlying criticism of taking individual arrogance as self-care at the cost of others. Each point that Wen Ning makes is exactly what Jiang Cheng himself knows as he hated Wei Wuxian for being something he could not be or even wanted to be. Jiang Cheng wants kindness but does not understand that kindness to others needs to be selfless and accept the hurt that can come with that in life. He encompasses the fall from the path of buddhist lifestyle, "The Three Poisons" to Wangxian's "Without Envy" at the stories end.
[6/5] P.S. I'm not saying I want reconciliation fics, but I just feel that if stans want JC to have a happy ending, then I think that he should actively work for it. I think it would be interesting to see what force of nature would push him through a character development because throwing a therapist at him would result in a murder.
"I'm not saying I want reconciliation fics, but I just feel that if stans want JC to have a happy ending, then I think that he should actively work for it."
They do not think he has to work for it, they say his tragedy is enough, while heaping accusations against Wei Wuxian and saying his own are not enough to absolve him. Something Wei Wuxian has never denied and told all present they are allowed to forever hate him for what he had done in the past, but that they need to find a way to live in a life that is always moving on. He learned that grudges do nothing once they are absolved and it leaves you with hate with nothing else to do with it once that object is gone. In terms of reconciliation, I do not ever think that either want anything other than a distant peaceful out of each other's life set up. Jiang Cheng does not need Wei Wuxian in his life to be satisfied and never has since he used him as the handicap to hide behind to stay angry and miserable. Being without that fallback opens the world far more for him to change than him ever interacting like an old friend with Wei Wuxian ever again, if he ever had the guts to do that.
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angelkurenai · 7 years
Papa Winchester - Jeffrey Dean Morgan x Reader
Title: Papa Winchester
Pairing: Jeffrey Dean Morgan x Reader
Word Count: 3,529
Warnings: None really
Prompt: YN and Jeffrey met on season 1 of SPn where she played his daughter(the middle Winchester sister) and have been together ever since,they'r married with kids by now, and the fans (specially the cast who's her family) always makes fun of that during interviews and pannels,but it's always cute because Jeffrey likes to surprise them ,specially when the fans are involved,and they all love and are very supportive of their relationship
A/N: Thanks RLS for proofreading this!
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“Oh and your husband totally got married to your daughter a couple years later, but no big deal!” Jensen said with a shrug and wave of his hand.
Jared chuckled next to him “I seriously thought he was gonna say this, and you know what would be even more creepy? Him being completely in character!”
“Absolutely! Oh and let's not forget the whole zombies thing!” Jensen added with a playful grin as both he and Jared burst into laughter.
“Hey mom, dad married our sister and she made you a grandmother in the meantime!” Jared said in a deep voice, mimicking Dean as they chuckled “That would be one hell of a blooper, how the hell did you miss that chance?” he asked the older man who just shrugged.
“Don't know, I was a little into character I guess.” Jensen shrugged “But oh, with Jeffrey visiting the set so often to see (Y/n) we are so going to do something with Samantha for next season!” he wiggled his eyebrows as Jared shook his head.
“Well, you guys really seem to have fun on set, don't you?” the interviewer chuckled “But I think we all can understand you, I don't think there is a single person I have personally met that watches Supernatural and doesn't love them as a couple!”
“Really, moments like this I realize how messed up our fandom is that that sounds completely normal anymore! I mean, making the devil adorable is one thing, other shows have done it as well- not as successfully-” he chuckled with an innocent shrug “But now also this- the fact that the cutest couple of the fandom is Jef and (Y/n), well you know that just says Supernatural! Also, come on, we all know we wouldn't change it for anything!” Jensen shrugged with a smile and Jared nodded his head.
“We- we love making fun of her, you know? Teasing her has become Jensen's favorite hobby-” Jared chuckled as Jensen nodded his head with a big childlike grin “But we always are supportive of them because it's real love and seriously now, if someone doubts about it he has to fight us on that! Nobody will dare utter a word about the two of them because we are gonna end them!”
“We support out sister's relationship yeah!” Jensen exclaimed.
“Plus Jensen ships it, so there's that!” Jared added as Jensen chuckled.
“Guilty!” he admitted “But- Other than making fun of them we seriously don't give a crap about differences, since that's what some usually point out. So what? There is an age gap, no big deal. (Y/n) might be younger than me but she definitelyis more mature than both me and Jared put together! She's 36, she can do whatever she wants with her life. You know I- I hate it when people make quick assumptions, luckily we don't have that in our fandom, about people. Like she can love whoever she wants, why does it matter to you? They were made for one another, end of discussion.”
“We make fun of her, that's- that's our job ok? That's what we really get paid for, I know-” Jared chuckled as Jensen did the same “But at the end of the day the entire cast and crew, and fandom of course, are a family and we will never push someone aside, for something like this especially! We all know how much they love each other, and that's what matters.”
“Besides, they are really asking for the teasing!” Jensen added with a smirk as they both chuckled.
“I am sure you would say this!” the interviewer said with a chuckle and you laughed as well “She's finally taking a break from you two now, huh?”
“It's Baby's backseat I swear!” Jensen exclaimed and they burst into laughter with Jared who just patted his back.
“Oh my poor brother, what a traumatic experience!”
“Wait-” the interviewer piped in “-Really now?”
“Oh oh no, no don't worry!” Jensen shook his head “If I had really come across such a sight I would have taken my own eyes out. I didn't even get near the car once I saw it moving.” he made an unpleasant shuddering and you gasped at how he could just say it so openly “But you know the point is that the Winchester genes once more functioned and she's pregnant.”
“Oh alright.” she chuckled “I can understand what you mean, it's a family thing. Besides, she really was the only Winchester to not have used it yet.”
“Yep, and she might want to deny but oh she is already eight months pregnant so she can't!” Jared shrugged and you narrowed your eyes at the screen.
“You sly bas-” you stopped yourself when your daughter moved next to you.
“Mommy, are uncle Jensen and Jared talking about the baby?” she asked looking up at you through her eyelashes.
“Uh yeah, princess. But don't pay attention to that, go back to sleep.” you whispered as she gave you a small nod and closed her eyes. You didn't even realize when she'd woken up, but shaking your head you decided to click on another video. Having missed most of the interviews and panels these days because of your pregnancy you wanted to be able to at least watch some of them in case your friends decided to embarrass you too much and obviously they did.
Your six-year-old daughter loved spending most of her time with you because you were often gone, and being able to talk to her baby brother was her new favorite thing. Evenings like this you'd just sit in your couch, get comfortable and browse the net – mostly watch videos or listen to music – while she snuggled with you, sometimes like now fast asleep, and your husband was making one of his specialities in the kitchen.
“Idiots” you shook your head but still smiled as you clicked on another video.
“And we have a surprise for our little sister, well my little sister- she's older than moose here.” Jensen said into the microphone and you smiled as you remembered that event.
“We always wanted a family photo but never got the chance to, so we finally get the chance. Please everyone give a big applause for Samantha Smith and Jeffrey Dean Morgan!”
“Our mother, father and at the same time brother-in-law?” Jensen said with a funny face as you watched yourself punch his shoulder hard.
You watched with a fond smile as the entire crowd cheered for the both of them and your heart almost skipped a beat when you saw your husband's wide grin the moment he spotted you on the stage. He gave Jensen and Jared quick hugs before practically running to you are you jumped in his arms and he hugged the life out of you. The fans went practically wild as they cheered for the two of you and that made your smile widen. You saw yourself hide your blushing face in his chest as he laughed and leaned down to kiss your forehead. You giggled as you saw yourself pull slightly away to look at the fans, winking at them as they some of them yelled “We ship it!”.
“Man of my dreams.” you said into the microphone as the all clapped and chanted “Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.”
You saw yourself laugh, resting your head on his shoulder as he slid his arms up around your shoulders and hugged you closely as he laughed at the face Jensen made “For the love of no! I just ate like half an hour ago!” he turned around covering his eyes.
“Sorry big bro, can't leave the fans hanging!” you said, smirking at your friend who made gagging noises.
“At least we all know who was John's favorite one!” Samantha said with a grin and you chuckled.
“That awkward moment when those two are the cutest couple of the show!” Jared said with a grin and you giggled before finally turning to your man and cupping his face and kissing him.
“Oh keep it PG rated you two!” Jensen exclaimed in that old-man voice that made you grin into the kiss.
“Alright, alright alright.” you saw Jensen say, putting on a serious face when the two of you pulled away. He grabbed your husband by the shoulder as Jared came to stand next to him, hands right behind his back.
“Listen dad-” he started and you giggled, watching yourself narrow your eyes at them “It's not like we're going to threaten you but you know our sister comes first and you-” he glanced at Jared.
“You might know how to fight zombies, yeah we get that you're good at that but our best friend is an angel. Maybe no harp but certainly got everything else.”
“And we're not saying like we're gonna send all of heaven after you if you hurt her but- you know, we're also friends with the King of Hell!” Jensen continued.
“Yeah, Dean had a summer romance with him so there's that!” Jared said matter-of-factly as some of the fans laughed and the green-eyed man turned to give his friend a look.
You watched as the five of you laughed and joked around, took the family picture that you actually still have in your phone and responded to fans' questions. Jensen and Jared of course teased the hell out of you but you didn't care then and you didn't care now because you knew that would always be their thing. In the end, both them and the fans loved you and it was evident from how much they tried to express it to you.
Most of them were curious about how it all started but in a good way. They wanted to know how your romance began and how you defied every difficulty there could be to just be together. Most of them found it romantic and you'd always smile shyly when they mentioned it. You'd always have some sort of contact, whether it was just holding hands and playing with each other's fingers or your shoulders touching with your head leaning on his side or even you sitting on his lap.
“You know, it's interesting that you asked-” Jared's voice brought you a little out of your daydream as you remember most of the Cons your husband had surprised you in “It raises an interesting question.” he looked from the fan to you “Since Jeffrey is your father is Supernatural, does that mean he also is- I am curious how you really call him when-” he stopped himself, giving you the look and you snickered as your watched your eyes widened and a loud gasp leave your lips, soon everybody else realizing what he was trying to hint.
Some of the fans cheered as Jensen stared at his friend in shock “And then- then you said I am the dirty one!” he said into the microphone, looking at the fans as Jared laughed a little shyly.
“Ew Jared!” you exclaimed “I serously have no idea why I hang out with you anymore! How the hell did you even think about that?” you made a grossed face as the only thing your husband did was hold his stomach from the laughter.
“I am just saying!” he raised his hands in surrender.
“Mommy, what is uncle Jared talking about?” your daughter's sleepy voice caught your attention once more, the loud cheering had obviously woke her up.
“Oh nothing, sweetie. Don't mind him, uncle Jared is being silly as always.” you tucked a few brown curls out of her face, closing the laptop just because you didn't want her to wake up and hear any more stuff.
“Are you sure about that?” you heard a voice behind you say playfully “I mean darling, you never really answered that question did you?” you turned to look at his smirk and only narrowed your eyes, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at him.
“Ow, hey! What was that for?”
“You know what.” you said through pursed lips as he only grinned at you, winking.
“You know, there is a first time for everything.” he kissed the top of your head as you scoffed.
“Dean still is my favorite character, sorry baby.” you said with an innocent smile and his own fell for a second.
“Two kids later and I still have not proven to you wrong huh? Challenge accepted.” he said with a glint n his eyes and you bit your lip, looking away from him to not let it show how much he affected you. And oh it wasn't just the hormones that made you want him more, the man himself could have you all ridden up without even trying too much.
“Hey sweetheart.” he whispered as he knelt in front of your daughter, rubbing her head “Why don't you go wash your hands and change into your pjs too? Dinner is ready, we could have it in the living room while watching a movie hm?” he used that sweet father voice of his that made your heart swell inside your chest. She was his princess and he loved spoiling her, that much you knew from the first moment you brought her home. But it still didn't stop surprising you and making you tear up at seeing how much he loved her and how he was willing to do everything for her. He was such a great father that up to this day it made you feel like the luckiest woman on Earth.
“Ok dad.” she said in a sleepy baby voice, making both you and your husband smile even more.
“That's my girl.” he kissed her forehead as she rubbed her eyes with her fists.
“Love you dad.” she mumbled as he chuckled softly when she kissed his cheek, making your heart skip a beat at how adorable the sight in front of you was.
“I love you too, princess.” he pushed her hair out of her face, patting her back before letting her get up and pad her way upstairs.
“Up to this day I wonder how the hell did I get so lucky?” you whispered breathlessly as he grinned at you that breathtaking smile of his, scooting closer to you on the couch.
“I am the lucky one, here. You gave me all I ever wanted and so much more, how can I ever thank you enough?” he said in a low rough voice as he cupped your cheek.
“Well, I think you might have something mind considering you asked our daughter so smoothly to leave us alone.” you smirked knowingly and he shrugged innocently.
“I am not going to deny anything. Not now not ever.” he looked at you with a predatory smile and you felt a shiver run down your spine.
You didn't have the chance to reply to him because you felt his lips crash to yours and all air left your lungs. You moaned but grinned into the kiss when you felt his beard tickle you. It had become your new favorite thing on him and you just refused to let him shave it. You gasped when you felt his hands remove the computer from your lap and grab your thighs, firmly so and making you sit on his lap. It wasn't the easiest situation with your big belly in the way but you did wrap your legs around his waist and he let a growl when you shifted on his lap. You smiled, pleased with yourself when you pressed yourself as close as you could to him and he tried to deepen the kiss.
“Still insist on that Dean thing?” he half asked and half growled as he attacked your lips with his, biting and licking.
“Don't know, if this is all Papa Winchester has for me then I might-” you gasped loudly when you felt his hand squeeze your ass and soon giggled when his jealousy showed as he kissed your neck. Hell, maybe attacked it with kisses and bites.
“Sweetheart, we're just getting started.” he said in a grave voice as he nibbled your neck “Besides, I guess you'd remember how much more your hubby has in him for you.”
“Mhm” you bit your lip, burying your face in the crook of his neck; giggling when his beard tickled your neck “I think I do, it's been a few months after all. But I must say, reminds me where the older Winchester got it from.”
“No jokes about that.” he said in a rough voice and you laughed.
“Boy I love seeing you jealous.” you pushed him slightly away so that you could look deeply in his eyes “When will you ever realize that you are and will always be the number one man in my life ever since that first day on set?”
A small sigh left his lips as he leaned back on the couch. A soft smile grazed his lips as he brought his hand up and brushed a few strands out of your face, cupping your cheek soon afterwards “I know it, I do.”
“But still you are jealous when I joke about sleeping with Jensen.” you pointed out with a laugh “Come Jef, you know me better. I fell hopelessly in love with you from the first moment I met you. What? Just because he is closer to my age means he is perfect for me? No, you are.” you said as sincerely as you could to actually make him believe you.
“I know sweetheart.” he pecked your lips “I just can't help it sometimes, I think I still can't understand what a gorgeous woman like you wants to do with me.”
“Are you kidding me?” you laughed “Have you taken a look at yourself in the mirror or what? And let's not talk about what a great man you are not just to me or your friends and family, but also your kid. Soon to be kids.” you placed a hand on your belly.
“Well, they do say wisdom comes with age.” he mumbled and you gave him a hard look.
“You know the age gap has never been an issue for me, Jeffrey. I know we've had to deal with some serious shit at first, and I know it took a toll on us but if what I felt for you, if my love for you wasn't this strong I wouldn't have stuck around. We've been together for eleven years now, married for eight out of them and there has not been a single day that I spent with you that I regretted. You are the man that I love, and will always love.”
“I never gave a single fuck about them either, baby.” he sighed “It was always you I got worried about, it was always you I cared for. I didn't want them to take it out on you, that's all.”
“I know but people are always gonna have a problem with whatever we do, so why care anymore? Besides, the people that really know us and the ones that really care about us can see that this was serious from the first moment. We wouldn't be married if it wasn't and we wouldn't have lasted all this time.” you shrugged, kissing his cheek.
“Sometimes it feels like it's been years upon years and other... it feels like it was just yesterday when I first saw you and thought “Damn this woman is going rock my entire world.” and you actually did.” he breathed out and you giggled.
“Was that really what you first thought?” you raised an eyebrow and he nodded his head.
“Yeah, and then my second thought was “Oh crap what's my name? I need to go introduce myself but what the fuck is my name?!” and I swear I looked like a deer caught on headlights for a moment.” he said with a chuckle and you bit your lip.
“You are so not serious?!” you shook your head “You are Jeffrey freaking Dean Morgan, how the hell could you be nervous about a woman?”
“You are not just any woman, sweetheart. Besides, did you see the way you walked around on set with such ease and all the fucking beauty of the world in you? I was smitten! I thought that if you ever said yes to even going out on a date with me I'd have to be the luckiest bastard on Earth.”
“But I agreed to more than just one date, didn't I?”
“Yes you did, and I swear I almost fainted when you said that yes to my proposal. I had to hold back from pinching myself. How the hell is it even possible that a beautiful young woman like you would want to give an idiot like me a second glance to begin with?”
“What can I say...” you breathed out, resting your forehead on his “I've had the hots for you ever since day one, no younger Winchester could ever beat that.”
“So we could say this one goes to daddy Winchester huh?” he broke into a boyish grin and you laughed.
“You're so lucky I love you so much.”
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thesoujishow · 4 years
S01E02 - Raimei Tsubusu
[vaporwave lo-fi song]
Souji: Testing? Hello?
Souji: Ok. There we go.
[INTRO - glitchy transition music]
Souji: Hello, and welcome to the Souji Show. I'm Souji and this is a show where I talk about anything I want. 'Cause this is my show, and not yours.
Souji: This episode is sponsored by WcDonalds! WcDonald’s wants to remind you that the most important meal of the day is breakfast. [ominously] So why would you let a morning go by without staring deeply into the mirror until you no longer recognize the face staring back at you – mimicking your every gesture, mocking your every movement?
Souji: [confused + ominous] How else will you get the energy you need for a full day’s work or recreation if you aren’t silently screaming into the visage of a person who gives you such uneasy spirit, such unshakable terror, a queasy feeling every time you make the connection between what that thing is and what you are becoming? What you have become? Where does the void end? Where do you end? When do you end? What time is it now? You’ve been crying, but for how long?
Souji: [cheerful] WcDonald’s! I’m lovin’ it.
[MAIN - glitchy transition music]
Souji: For this very special episode, we have an extra special guest. You may know her as the Violet Vendetta or the captain of the baseball clan. Everyone, give it up for Raimei Tsubusu! You look fantastic today, can you tell our listeners what you're wearing?
Raimei: My sincere apologies for the white noise that was the sound of a closing inter-dimensional portal.
Raimei: It's good to be here. And a great sacrifice on your part, Souji. Not a lot of men would have the guts to expose themselves to this level of danger. As for my attire, these are unique garbs crafted by the Lunarian Moon People, forged in the pits of the thirty-second moon crater. They have plus fifty resilience to all forms of stabbing, cutting and elemental weapons, and the shirt comes with the added benefit of granting me the unique ability: Instantaneous Gangstah Charm. With this ability, I can instantaneously cast any Gokudō spell written within the Book of Yamaguchi.
Souji: Gokudō, that's a synonym for the yakuza, right?
Raimei: Yes, it is. It means the Extreme Path, the hidden school of mysticism I and others subscribe to—one of the five routes to enlightenment, alongside the Mafioso talent tree, and Mexican Cartel Member.
Raimei: In terms of appearance, I had the most excellent designers from Gucci collaborate with the moon people to compress it all down into a pair of pearl white trousers, a tuxedo jacket, white dress shirt, and leather shoes. The Gucci Glasses of Information allow me to see in infra-red and night vision, and I've also got a watch made of platinum that tells me the timezones of all the countries on the world, the moon people's time cycle, and of course, it also dual functions as a holographic mind reader.
Raimei: Some people believe Prada is better. They are wrong.
Souji: I'm more of a thrift store kinda guy, but to each their own. I'll have to get some tips from the Lunarian Moon People on how they make clothes. Most of my clothes are custom made for my Quirk to work on them so I like to sew them myself. Does your inter-dimensional portal go to the moon as well?
Raimei: I lived in this dimension for almost three hundred years before I finally managed to make my first slip into the dream-zone, and that was nearly one hundred years ago. It isn't precisely possible to take a direct, inter-dimensional portal to the moon itself. But it is possible to reach the mirror version of it in the ninth dimension. In that dimension, the moon's where the earth is. So that solves a lot of things. Has to do with the Lunarian's Mystic Mirror view. As you probably already know, portals like these are dependent on reflections. So their mirrors make that impossible by reflecting everything back onto the earth. That's why the moon looks white. It's actually a verdant landscape, filled with grass and trees and everything. But it seems like a rock because we're just looking at a dull reflection of our own planet.
Souji: That's a very unique way to look at the moon. Shoutout to the huge unknown object that smacked the shit out of the Earth billions of years ago and gave us the moon. The sun is cool but that was the real MVP.
Souji: I gotta say, you do look very gangstah. Not to mention a holographic mind reader? Quick, what am I thinking of right now? [laugh]
Raimei: I'm... not sure if that would be appropriate for me to say. Last time I mind read a guy... didn't end well. Besides, this holographic watch would also immediately turn it into a visualization, which can be very embarrassing. So I'll spare you that. But maybe I'll show you a glimpse of my power at the end of this podcast. Sounds good?
Souji: Sounds good. Guess the listeners will just have to stay tuned and find out. Tell me Raimei, how does a multi-dimensional creature end up in Kyoranki Academy? What motivates you to become a hero?
Raimei: That's a good one. There are several reasons. I've lived for about four hundred years in total, so technically speaking, there's no reason for me to go to school. But you might've noticed that there's an expansive underground movement hidden beneath the shadows... the recent events were just one example of that. The CIA, FBI, Interpol, Europol, they're all part of it in some way, preparing for the inevitable Todeskrieg Event. All the major crime groups are getting ready for that, so we are too.
Raimei: On a different level, related to my current incarnation, I'm not unfamiliar with thrift stores either. My dad works long hours... so I want to find a way to help him. I don't know, it's not really black or white. But why Kyoranki Academy? It's one of the best schools in the country. A lot of my middle school friends didn't even get to go to high school. So I consider myself very privileged. I think that alone is motivation enough to be here.
Souji: I get what you mean about helping your family. I think that's a noble cause, Raimei. I grew up poor and mum and dad were mostly out making ends meet. The money's still my number one motivator but it makes me happy knowing that I'll make the city a little bit better for everyone living in it.
Souji: I'm excited that we finally get to go on missions. It makes you think how much far we’ve come. It’s been a crazy year and now we’re actually doing our part to be heroes. I don’t know about you but I’m excited to take down my first villain.
Raimei: I'm concerned people are going to be misinterpreting their roles in this entire thing. Based on what you said earlier, you're from a poor neighbourhood as well, right? So you know what it's like on the streets. What I'm just concerned by is that a lot of the people in our class, like, ... I watch them. I see that the majority don't have that. They don't have any street smarts, they don't know what it's like to be in that situation, to be poor... to be under the influence of junkies across the street. Yea, we've been trained, but I'm unconvinced that we've been prepared to deal with those situations.
Raimei: I think we can take down villains, sure. And there might even be a few out there we could stop. But I'm not excited about running into one; nothing is exciting about meeting someone that potentially wants to kill you. And I'm not sure we're helping the city by pushing our authority down people's throats, especially by a bunch of teenagers that have been told this is their big shot at heroism. Your local twelve-year-old marijuana seller doesn't need juvie, they need role models; good, role models that can inspire them—structural improvements to their lives, like decent food.
Raimei: You know how crazy it is that I can buy five fast-food hamburgers for the price of one piece of supermarket vegetable? If people wanna help the neighbourhood; go help out at a shelter—a soup kitchen. Hand out food; give your homeless newspaper salesman some cash to get him through the day. Japanese society is harsh, man. The second you fall out of the boat, your chances are pretty much zero. Everyone despises you. Your family ousts you. It's not fun. I know it, I've seen it in friends; how they're getting torn apart just because they're like, half-Chinese or something.
Raimei: I hope our peers just remember that when they're going out. If you're going in there guns blazing, you're just going to hurt more people than you'll save.
Souji: I get what you mean. I grew up in the middle of downtown Osaka, nothing but skyscrapers. Our high rise apartment was small, but it kept us safe from the streets. The news spoke of heroes that roamed the streets, shutting down crime wherever they went. People spoke of bright, shining icons in colourful suits, flashing cheesy grins at the camera. But only a few came to ours.
Souji: Growing up in the poor meant that at a young age, I was very cognizant of how the money would and could limit me and my life as I attempted to get to the place where I am supposed to be. Most people our age will never know about ketchup sandwiches, adding water to milk or to an empty shampoo bottle to get more shampoo. Hand-me-downs clothes, books, toys. Having a ‘candle day’ because the lights don’t work. [chuckle]
Souji: When I say to people I know downtown Osaka like it's the back of my hand, I really do mean it. I know which places to avoid during certain times of the day. You had to be street smart to survive, those are the rules of the game.
Raimei: Mhm, mhm. That's what I'm saying. I'm from the outskirts of Airin-chiku, so it's pretty much the same issue.
Souji: It's easy to get caught up in the title. A hero. Believe me, I'll admit that fame is enticing but at the end of the day, we're here to protect the whole city. Trust is a fragile thing. I think most of us in Kyoranki know that because of what happened. Villains and heroes are two sides of the same coin. We're both them in nature. Both are corrupted by the noble illusion of spreading ideas and helping others who on the 'good' side defined by them respectively. It's always been the human struggle in defining 'help' more importantly 'the others'. I don't know if I'm making sense but that's how I feel. [chuckle]
Raimei: And there's a couple of areas in between that too, mind. Not everyone's a bad guy, and not everyone's a good guy like the heroes that just pander for attention or the bad guys that are in it to support their families financially.
Souji: This Todeskrieg Event sounds interesting, what's going to happen?
Raimei: The Egyptian Pyramids. The moon landings. Global warming. Why did they happen? Did they happen? Or were these just small glimpses out of a much larger conspiracy? Why dedicate millions, tens of millions of dollars only to put a guy on the moon?
Raimei: The various gangs around the world know the answer. At least, the established ones. It's all a part of this cybernetic A.I that has kept us trapped in a virtual reality dimension, Souji. You think all of this is real, but like, do we have any proof? How can we reliably say that this isn't just...computer generated?
Souji: I'm a big arcade, video game fan so this is right up my alley. I had the same hunch as you, Raimei. The truth is that there’s much we simply don’t understand about our reality, and I think it’s more likely than not that we are in some kind of a simulated universe. Now, it’s a much more sophisticated video game than the games we produce, just like today World of Warcraft and Fortnite is way more sophisticated than Pac-Man or Space Invaders. If we develop the ability to produce even one simulated reality, we will almost certainly produce more than one.
Raimei: That's what confuses people. They think I'm going on about some sort of magical thing. But magic and science are one and the same, magic's just another way of trying to add rationality to it. And that's part of the Todeskrieg event. It's French for "Totem Pole Disaster"... it's written about in various religions. Some call it the Apocalypse, others Ragnarok ... basically the end of the world. When the simulation will be using too much data for the computer to handle.
Souji: Maybe we're just figment of imaginations and our creators are just forcing their every whim to us for fun. They're our writers, and we are their characters. Maybe they're just a bunch of roleplayers in a Discord server together? Do you hear that creator? I'm The Glitch now, a bug in your system. A disruption to the simulation.
Raimei: Based on archaeological data, humans, in our current shape and form... have existed for about two-hundred thousand years. Now, of course, imagine you're a person living in those sorts of environments. Yes, you'll be stuck most of the day, collecting food and whatever. But do you think those people were dumber than us? Of course not! They might've not had the schooling, but they had the same type of brain.
Raimei: Now, imagine that sort of situation. Okay, so, the first generation of Humans... they got it hard. The second one does as well. The third generation, well, it's a bit easier. And the fourth one... we're talking about everything within the span of a hundred years, considering people lived shorter lives.
Raimei: Now multiply that by a hundred. One hundred thousand years and they're trying to convince us that people only invented farming techniques twelve thousand years ago? It doesn't make sense. You can't convince me, people, before that time didn't... invent something. Didn't create something. Didn't create a civilization. Imagine, with our technology, with our A.I systems, our virtual reality capacities... I mean, if you're into gaming, look at the last fifty years.
Raimei: Now multiply that by four. Imagine just how bizarre that technology would be. Already, we've got games that are borderline lifelike. So how can we know that this isn't just.. some giant simulation? We can't. And we have to look at the empirical, most logical type of data. There's more evidence to suggest all of this is just a program than there is evidence to the contrary. But scientists aren't willing to recognize that.
Souji: I know! I can't believe no one is talking about this. Paranormal events like hauntings or alien encounters can be glitches in the simulation. Stuff like the Mandela Effect is supposedly proof that whoever is in charge of our simulation is changing the past. And don't get me started on Quirks! Superpowers born from radiation. You’re not going to get proof that we’re not in a simulation, because any evidence that we get could be simulated. If I were a character in a computer game, I would also discover eventually that the rules of our universe seem completely rigid and mathematical.
Souji: We’ve spent billions sending probes through outer space and should probably have found evidence of extraterrestrials by now, right? Not so fast: Aliens would likely be far more technologically advanced than we are, the thinking goes, so the fact that we haven’t located them suggests we live in a simulation they’ve figured out how to escape from. Or maybe the computer we’re in only has enough RAM to simulate one planetary civilization at a time?
Raimei: That's what we've been preparing for. The drug trade, the crime cartels, it all has to do with that.
[ASK SOUJI - glitchy transition music]
Souji: Now, let's shine the spotlight back towards the main focus of his podcast... me! Now, Raimei, it's your turn to ask me questions. C'mon, don't be shy, ask anything you'd like.
Raimei: are you sure you want to give me that sort of power? Because if I get to ask anything I like... First up, what's the deal with you and Ken? I don't want to pry into your love life, but you two looked very cosy in that meeting room.
Souji: Me and Ken? Love life? Oh, umm. I mean, umm. No, we aren't. You know. Together like that. [stammering]
Souji: We're just rivals! Yes, rivals. We started talking over the summer and we got closer during the campfire trip. Bunk buddies. Yeah, that. No love life here.
Raimei: Uh-huh. ... Bunk buddies. Well, if that's the official answer...
Souji: ...yes! Bunk buddies. That's the official answer.
Raimei: And I guess, another question is... why did you start this podcast? I'm not exactly famous or especially well-liked around the school, so I'm wondering why you're inviting someone like me to do this sort of thing.
Souji: I started this podcast because of Starlight. He's my favourite hero as you can probably tell. I always watched his talk show growing up, and it was what inspired me to enrol in Kyoranki in the first place. So this podcast is me passing it forward. I want to inspire other kids just like what Starlight did to me. One interview at the time.
Raimei: That's good. That you got a role model to follow, I mean... that you know what you want to do, and who ya wish to emulate. It's the same thing with the guys I mentioned earlier. ... Don't have plushies of them though, unfortunately.
Souji: You say the weirdest stuff in our group chat and I like it! You're interesting, zany and fun. You have a unique point of view, and having you in my show is an honour in it of itself.
Raimei: And I appreciate that about inviting me on your show I mean. Glad I could mention those frustrations I've been holding up. Don't have to go out of your way for me though, I'm okay with sticking to my own little bubble. That's just the life of a made-man. Forever in the shadows.
[Qs from the GC - glitchy transition music]
Souji: Let's move on to our audience questions! These were submitted by our classmates in our group chat. Ready?
Raimei: Yea, audience questions. I'm honestly surprised anyone finds me interesting enough to ask questions, but okay, let's go
Souji: Chia wants to know who are the special people in your life? What's something you're proud of and embarrassed by?
Raimei: Special people, huh? Well, I've got my dad. My mom ran out on us when I was little, so it has always been us versus the world. I've been going to a gym now for about... five years? And the people there are my role models, I guess. They inspired me to get into sports, like boxing. One in particular... the guy's a genuine sumo wrestler. But of the old generation? But yea, those guys have made a significant impact on me.
Souji: Haruto asks, why is your skin purple? Likewise, Ao inquires, do you know the girl who turned into a blueberry in Wonka's factory?
Raimei: As for my skin colour, ... I guess I've gotten a bit desensitized to questions like that. It's a skin mutation on my mother's side, supposedly to do with Quirks. I don't know, I always find it a bit weird to talk about. That nickname they gave me too, it's like calling someone with a darker skin pigmentation the "Black Vendetta". I mean, not that I mind. Asking about the pigmentation's no problem because it's odd. I'm just saying, it feels a bit shitty to compare me with some fucking Willy Wonka scene when like six months ago a kid got bullied out of school because people kept comparing him to a video game character; so, uh, Ao, you're cool. No hard feelings. I'm just going to subtly compare you to a fucking Star Wars Droid if you try that shit again.
Souji: Ken wants to know what you think of the recent baseball team tryout. And to that I say: we have a baseball team? Can I also try out just to beat that monkey boy?
Raimei: Yea, we got a baseball team! I mean, we got teams for nearly every popular sport, right? It's a prestigious school, after all. But we're doing our best to try for the nationals. And you're welcome to join up if you want, we can definitely use a few more clan members. As for our most recent try-out... that all depends on whether he joins up or not.
Souji: Kotoe inquires, do you play the bass?
Raimei: I don't play the bass or any other instrument.
Souji: And finally, Fumi wants to know your favourite genre of book.
Raimei: My favourite genre of books is crime novels.
[ENDING - glitchy transition music]
Souji: Well, we're nearing the end of our show, Raimei, is there anything you'd like to remind our audience, maybe plug whenever they can find you online? Maybe some tips on how to prepare for the Todeskrieg Event?
Raimei: I had an excellent time Souji. Thanks for inviting me. As for preparations, the people can make for the Todeskrieg Event, consider this a bit of an unofficial announcement; we are in fact a highly secretive group. But we, that being me and a few other highly skilled individuals steeped knee-deep in the criminal underground, decided to create a sparring group a few months ago. A fighting ring, as it were.
Raimei: There's no real focus on anything other than fighting a lot, gaining that sort of experience. I don't really bother with rankings or who's best or whatever either, I mean, my choice to just not participate in that tournament should prove of that. So there's no ego thing going on. Whether ya win or lose, it's all good. It's like a clan...But our meetings are sorta irregular, so you can still be part of another, like how I'm still in the baseball clan.
Raimei: As for the best way to contact me, all the usual underground channels work.
Souji: You've been pretty cool to talk to, so before you leave, I have a special surprise just for you. But don't forget, you promised to show me a glimpse of your power.
Raimei: And I did promise to show you a sample of my hidden, mystical power, didn't I? Alright- I'll try and make sure to contain it so that we don't blow up this entire office.
[sounds of moving chairs]
[sound of an 80s disco beat from silly cartoons transformation scenes]
Raimei: Ultra-Mobster, transformation! Percentage; three hundred!
Raimei: Yamaguchi-Gumi spell; Fifty-Five! Gokudō code, page three. Entering heat mode. Specialized skill; DISROBE.
[sounds of thunder]
Raimei: Looks like I got a new favourite shirt. Thanks, Glitch.
Souji: What a way to end the show! [applause]
Souji: Well listeners, if the world does turn out to be just a simulation, remember to make the most of it. Make a point of seeing some good in every day. Drop your resentments. We all have them. Make every day count. The end of the world is coming but until then, to keep up with the show follow me @thesoujishow, and to support my small clothing business, follow @glitchgear on all social media platforms. Once again, this has been Raimei Tsubusu and Souji Yoshihiro, and you’ve been listening to the Souji Show! A show where I talk about anything I want. 'Cause this is my show, and not yours. Until next time. Insert catchphrase here.
[vaporwave lo-fi song]
[EXTRAS - glitchy transition music]
Souji: If you listen to this podcast, chances are you go to Kyoranki Academy. Kido Kotoe is looking for a bass player for her band. So if any of you are interested, please contact her at [Kotoe's school email].
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