#because usb-c is the future
sedgewicke · 1 year
Me: Quick! I need an image to upload to Tumblr or Discord or to use in some Photoshop thing! Internet, help me!
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Also Internet:
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arctic-hands · 1 year
Why is it so damn hard to find a USB-C charging cable that doesn't have a "will burst into flame!"-type review??
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smorbee · 1 year
iBook Pyramid Behind the scenes!
This is a long one. Also keep in mind we made this a year ago so were going completely off of memory at this point BUT we do have the files. Unfortunately we didn't save specific versions of it really early into its creation so all the blender files close to being finished.
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We have an intense appreciation for funky old computers. People correctly identified inspiration from the Thinkpad 701C. Less obvious in the final design but something that almost certainly influenced us as well was the 12-inch powerbook g4.
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There is something very satisfying about nearly-square shaped laptops.
Others mentioned the JVC 3100R pyramid TV which, you'll be surprised to learn, we had never actually seen until after working on this project. The resemblance is uncanny and yet, entirely coincidental. Honestly if we had seen this thing, it probably would have had an effect on our design because the way that hinge is set up is beautiful. Our thought process was simply just comically emulating the form factor of a modern laptop but with a giant CRT.
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We're pretty sure the idea started out as simply wanting to design a full profile keyboard into a macbook-like laptop because funny, and at some point the butterfly keyboard came to mind and we said Screw it and implemented that into it as well. Heres the keyboard separated into the different sections.
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Sorry to say that the keyboard does not actually contain any switches. (You'll see that this computer was modeled to be viewed a limited angle)
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Heres the keyboard from the top.
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Once we got going with it, the whole thing was turned into a big joke of course, clashing many different eras of technology into one. Such as this massive beige tank of a "laptop" having a single USB C port as its main I/O.
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And same with the software. This is the texture for the display, Which was taken from our real (unfortunately not crt based) macbook setup at the time. Except not quite, as the original screenshot was 16:10. We simply edited the image to make it 4:3. This is running mac os 12 with a majority of the icons changed to early osx equivalents.
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We'll be real and admit the animation is not very intricate, theres no real "rig" for the model, parts are just parented together because we did all this in about 2 days. That said, we had loads of fun animating it still, trying to imitate the motion of someone struggling to lift the heavy top up before it swings open with an inaudible, but easily imaginable "Thud". Making the whole body shake and the trackball jump slightly was the finishing touch to make it complete.
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The wire for the trackball was made using a circle with the screw modifier and then applied to a curve. Here's what it looks like with each modifier applied sequentially.
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And then making the trackball itself a handle for the curve, we can have the cable be dynamic. (Yes, we notice that the trackball in fact has no mouse buttons. No good explanation for that, I think we just forgot lmao.)
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For the screen, we make use of a location transform on the UV mapping for the satisfying detail of the screen distorting from the impact, which we swear we've seen before but no matter how hard we (safely) bumped our CRT monitor we weren't able to recreate it. Nonetheless even if its not entirely realistic we wouldn't remove it for anything.
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speaking of which, an utterly useless detail considering the resolution and distortion of the final renders and yet we added anyways just for our own amusement is that the display has a shadowmask, simply done by just multiplying it over the base screen texture.
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Combined with a glass material over the inner part of the screen, it utterly destroys low sample count renders of the screen and makes the project at least 3x as prone to crashing so thats cool! (it crashed on us while we were writing this section)
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We've learned since in future projects that trying to optimize polygon count and materials is still very important even for offline rendered content. We can never be truly free from the constraints of memory limitations 😔
the final step was getting a more authentic less "polished" look in the compositing. This step can get very complicated based on the specific look were going for, but for this render its really just basic color correction and some blurring and sharpening steps. We used the default fake jitter node in blender at the time, though in more recent stuff we use the non-denoised image with filters applied to it instead, so its less uniform between images and more uniquely degraded looking.
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Though we'd do a number of things differently now were still pleased with the final result. especially in animated form.
Heres an overview of the scene:
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This is the bezeled apple logo in polygon form. Its simply an alpha texture with a normal map:
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Thats all for now! Thank you for reading!
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glitch-pep · 2 days
Under the cut is a massive ramble that I NEED to get out of my system, because a lot has changed in the last two months or so-
Also the oc stuff on my blog has been looking like this and it's been bugging me to no end so I wanna explain some stuff below- 💀
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After 4-5 years of drawing on my phone with my finger, I spent my savings on a drawing tablet. It's been a giant wish of mine to have one for ages, but I never really worked up the courage to do it since it's a big financial decision and I always feel guilty about spending money... but, after months of intense contemplating I did it!
Buuut I did have a few mental breakdowns once it arrived... long story short, turns out that you can't connect a HP PC with the tablet using the USB-c cable that you get with the tablet, because the USB-c port of the PC doesn't support an additional screen display.
I did look up if you can connect them beforehand, and the internet told me that the answer is yes. You can't trust anything these days bro- 💀💀💀
After A LOT of back and forth and me trying to return the tablet because I can't use it without it being connected to the PC, they told me that I can't return it. Than after EVEN MORE back and forth, we found out that it would work with a completely different cable that I had to order seperately. I had just about enough money left for it, so I ordered it, and then it was peace and love on planet earth because it finally works now.
Also, I needed a free drawing programm I could use, but problem was that my old app, Sketch Draw And Paint, has the most simple layout and functions it can have, so I was used to simplicity.
When I tested out GIMP, Krita, Inkspace and FireAlpaca, I could not wrap my head around how they worked and my lazy ass didn't feel like watching a bunch of tutorials... I was like bro let's find one that I can figure out on my own, it can't be that complicated. 💀
Everyone thank MediBang Paint for being simple enough for me to understand... if MediBang Paint has 0 fans I'm dead fr. From now on, all of my art will be drawn in MediBang Paint and on the tablet.
Is my art any better? Idk but I'm having fun so far, experimenting with stuff, slowly getting towards actually getting some oc stuff done...
...and, speaking of oc stuff...
...I'm going to explain what I plan to work on in the future for each of my oc's, so, let's get started.
Mina - I'm not going to be making any more main character eene oc's, I only gotta design Mina's aunt and a different side character and add them to the characters in her lore and that's it. Mina's story is by far the most simple out of everyone. She'll just get 1 or 2 fics. This doesn't mean that I don't love her, trust me I've had some crazy ideas for her lore, but I've decided to keep it simple, because it makes sense given who Mina is.
Milo and CJ - For the sake of telling you my versions of Seasons 3 and 4 of mf, I have to slightly redesign each canon character from the main cast, figure out how to draw them and write some new lore for them, while using any info I found to characterize them somewhat properly.
I watched and overanalyzed the entirety of the webisodes and the alternative versions of them, as well as the Nickelodeon show, and I looked through the website and the wiki, all for the sake of writing down ANY piece of information I can get about the lore of this show and the characters, because I really needed to have something to work with.
I rearranged S1 a bit and put together a S2 with the webisodes. I'll talk about this eventually.
I won't be making any new main character oc's for this one, only background characters. I'm planning to write S3 and S4 in the form of fics.
Sunny and Molly - For this one I have to add a bunch of secondary and background characters, but we don't need those to begin the story, they'll be relevant later. I'm currently trying to piece together episodes and which goes where so that I can start writing it. I also gotta analyze the website a bit more, to get a feel of how to somewhat properly write the canon characters. I also have a seperate wh oc story idea in mind that I wanna get to eventually as well.
Charlie - I have to remake Charlie's intro, slightly redesign her, add 4 additional main characters, also secondary and background characters but those will be relevant later... Charlie shares her story with a bunch of other oc's. This one will definitely take me the longest, and it's the last thing on my waiting list, because I wanna tackle the easier ideas first. I do also have a seperate sm oc story in mind that I wanna get to as well.
Piper - I don't exactly know what I'm gonna do yet. I wanna see how tadc plays out, and then I'll work on setting some stuff in stone. I do have some ideas and concepts in mind, but I'm not sure in what direction I should go with it, depends upon how the story in the show will play out. (I probably won't wait for the whole show to be done, but at least 1-2 more eps would kinda help me understand where it's going.) I will work on some of the ideas tho.
As of now, I don't plan to make any new oc's for any other fandoms, mostly because I haven't gotten a good enough idea for anything yet, but also because I really wanna work towards polishing the oc's I already have.
I am setting stuff up so that I can start writing the fics. I have no idea how long this will take me, given that I got irl responsibilities to take care of too, but I'll try my best to get it done eventually.
And that's it. I hope you'll have a nice day! 💕
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deathbypixelz · 7 months
Little Cathala headshot I drew on the flight out to Europe.
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This is the one and only digital piece I made on that trip lmao because I realized once I got out there my outlet adapter was European -> USB, not European -> American (which would have allowed me to charge my USB-C devices, of which my iPad is one). And I didn't want to bother with buying an adapter for my adapter. That's okay though, I enjoyed sketching in my notebook throughout the trip. You can expect to see the best of those digitally rendered and posted in the near future :)
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livefromphilly · 1 year
Sony RX100 VII Thoughts After Two Months
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Stacked sensors are the future. Well, technically the present considering that Canon, Nikon, Sony, Fuji, and OM Systems all use stacked sensors in their top of the line cameras. Either way, finally getting to experience shooting with one on a daily basis has made me want one in pretty much any camera going forward. The benefits are twofold: Not only do you get shutter speeds up to 20 frames per second, and without a mechanical shutter flipping in the way obscuring your view in between shots, but you also get no rolling shutter while doing it. Pretty much every Sony camera can shoot 10 fps bursts with the silent shutter, but any movement can give you a jello-like effect since the sensor reads out so slow on non-stacked cameras. The only con, at least on this camera, is that you can’t shoot flash at higher than 1/100 with the electronic shutter. That’s still plenty fast for a lot of stuff, but well below the 1/2000 you get when shooting the mechanical shutter. 
The fast frame rate wouldn’t make much of a difference if the camera was bad at autofocusing, but this camera is great at it. It has a lot of the same fancy focusing stuff that my full frame Sony has like human/animal eye autofocus and all the tracking modes I’m used to. It actually makes the camera pretty solid for wildlife if you can get close enough at the 200mm end. 
Speaking of that, the 24-200mm equivalent is a great range, and one that I missed a lot since I traded away my Tamron 28-200 to help cover the cost of my A7RIV. The small size and extra 4mm on the wide end actually makes it even more convenient than that Tamron. 
Aside from covering a broader range than the 24-70 equivalent lens from the older RX100 cameras, this lens also seems noticeably sharper. The last RX100 model I had, the Mk. IV, just didn’t seem as crispy as this lens is. 
It has a touchscreen! It’s wild to think that the previous RX100 cameras I owned didn’t have this basic ass feature, but Sony was very late in putting touch screens in their cameras. Ironically, I don’t really use it in this one because the AF is good enough that I can just do focus and recompose with tracking. 
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It’s still only a 1” style sensor so high ISO isn’t the cameras strong suit. Programs like DXO PureRAW help a lot and let you get somewhat usable images at ISO 6400 in a pinch, but you’re kinda pushing things at that point. 
While the lens is sharper and covers a wider range than the older models, it’s also significantly slower. At 24mm equivalent it’s already at f/2.8 where the old cameras were f/1.8. It’s f/3.2 at 25mm, f/3.5 at 33mm, and f/4 at 40mm. From 109mm to 200mm you’re at f/4.5. The relative slowness of the lens combined with the small sensor means that this can struggle getting quality images in low light without a tripod or something. 
No USB-C. My Fuji, Ricoh, and larger Sony all have USB-C charging, which is amazingly convenient when traveling. I haven’t really gone anywhere with this camera yet, but having to account for a micro USB cable is annoying since pretty much everything aside from my iPhone uses USB-C. 
It’s expensive. Just like my Mk III and Mk IV I got it used so it was cheaper than retail, but the copy I got cost about twice what I paid for the previous models. 
Start up time is just a tad bit slower than I’d like. The GRIII and X100V both beat it that regards, albeit those aren’t zoom lens so I have to cut the Sony some slack. 
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(The sample photos were edited in Lightroom Classic and DXO PureRAW2. Also, the sensor creates a roughly 2.7x crop factor, so the 9-72mm lens equates to 24-200ish)
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Young Bird | ISO 160. 72mm. f/4.5. 1/200. 
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Graffiti Shot from a Car | ISO 100. 33.98mm. f/4. 1/400.
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Stickers | ISO 100. 29.67mm. f/4.5. 1/100.
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City Hall | ISO 100. 38.13mm. f/4.5. 1/200. 
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Flip Up Screen Selfie with My Friend Hanae | ISO 3200. 9mm. f/2.8. 1/40. 
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Zoomed in Graffiti | ISO 640. 72mm. f/4.5. 1/500. 
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Fishing Store Neon | ISO 800. 28.67mm. f/8. 1/200. 
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Flowers | ISO 200. 72mm. f/5. 1/640.
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Selfie Shots with My Sister | ISO 3200. 9mm. f/2.8. 1/100. 
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bryan360 · 1 year
Here’s my note before I’ll get started….
Item Review of 2023 - My NexiGo NS32 Controller (Part 1/Unboxing and Comparison) (March. 15th, 2023)
I’m up for another review share, everyone! Previously where I got the mashup style for three of my new accessories, it’s time I went moving on for something controlling tech related. Today is where I’m getting started with my new video game controller I’d obtain from last year’s Christmas. Same goes to my new Xbox controller; which will be waiting for my future review soon. For now, here’s mine to share first: A NexiGo NS32 Controller. I’d picked it from Amazon.com for $40 affordable price; at least as an alternative choice. The reason because originally I’m supposed to get this new controller from the same brand I had with the TV Dock. (Link Here #1) (Link Here #2)
It was a bit disappointing, but hope there’s another time to save it the near future. At least I got with this one from the brand NexiGo; in which had all kind of tech and accessories to check out. (Link Here #3)
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⬆️ (1st through 4th Images; after unboxing and checking my new controller from front to back) (March. 15th; from 2:44 P.M. to 2:50 P.M.)
Anyways, here’s what I picked for a new controller; as I going through unboxed and making comparisons to my previous controllers. Except with my Joy-Cons because it’s different from these controllers I’m using. I’ll see I can save it after this review is done.
While going through unboxing for a moment, the package does includes the USB Type-C charging cable and a user manual. This is sure to be enough to get started with my new controller. Speaking in which, it features turbo function and displaying RGB Lighting. Nice! This is the first time I’ll be using for my Nintendo Switch system; especially if I would to try out its turbo functionality. Hope it won’t be too complicated while working on either of my games I have. Did I forget to mention the color theme I’ve picked? The “Comic Nebula” theme looks nice to choose. There’s other variety themes to choose from, but at least I’m going for with this one.
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⬆️ (5th through 10th Images; after did a comparison to my other video game controllers) (March. 15th; from 3:36 P.M. to 3:41 P.M.)
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⬆️ (11th through 12th Images; I nearly forget til a month later; as I already did this one while doing stacking each controllers in side to side comparison) (April. 30th; from 9:56 A.M. to 9:57 A.M.)
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⬆️ (13th through 14th Images; another one when trying to stack with my Xbox One controller) (May. 23rd; from 2:54 P.M. to 2:55 P.M.)
Now I’m moving to comparison with my two controllers; from Xbox One to my old YCCTEAM controller. They’re in similarly shape and designed alike from my new controller to compared; so does everything else. However, the YCCTEAM controller fair match better with my new controller; aside having different color plates and grips after holding them together.
As for my Xbox One controller though, the stick caps apparently show its ages as I going through this review. Here’s a close-up look from its analog stick. I’ve tried to cover up with my other caps; which is from the unboxing accessories for my Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons. Though I know it was bit too small until I’m waiting for the bigger ones from Amazon.com.
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⬆️ (15th through 18th Images; where I’d covered with these caps) (May. 27th; from 1:22 P.M. to 1:25 P.M.)
Right now, my mom wasn’t here at the house while she’s on important work or something. Hoping she’ll be coming back home.
Anyways, hope you enjoy this first parter after unboxing and comparing to my other controllers. So far of my overall thoughts, it matches with my previous YCCTEAM controller right up. However with my new one stands out for its “Cosmic Nebula” color plate theme, RGB Lighting, and turbo functionality. Can’t wait to get started for the next one, but while going through testing phase first. I got it recorded in videos already, so don’t miss it. 😉👍
Photos - created by me (Don’t steal for plagiarism! 😡)
Tagged: @murumokirby360 @carmenramcat @alexander1301 @rafacaz4lisam2k4 @paektu
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nickgerlich · 1 year
Charged Up
One of the most frustrating things that happens to consumers, especially when it comes to tech products, is to find out that something you own is now obsolete. It happens all the time, but one company—Apple—has been notorious for doing it. Worse yet, the obsolescence affects one of the most mundane aspects of the product, yet also one of the most critical: the charger cord.
It was eleven years ago that Apple introduced the Lightning connector for its iPhones, leaving the much clunkier 30-pin connector to fade away. While it was a net improvement, it meant that all of our household and car chargers were done. They also did a similar move with charger cords for their MacBook line of laptops. And don’t get me started about when they eliminated the headphone jack back on iPhone 7 in 2016. It was clearly a move to bolster sales of their wireless AirPods.
Now they have done it again. At their big media announcement earlier this week, Apple announced iPhone 15 among other products, but also had to tell us that—here we go again—the phone’s charger cord would now be USB-C. It’s just that this time, Apple is not trying to pull another fast one, because they have been forced to change.
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While it is convenient to think that the US rules the world and we set the standards, we are quickly waking up to the fact that the EU—European Union—has significant clout. The General Data Protection Regulation that was passed in 2018 ensures that European users have much higher expectations of data privacy online, and while they can opt-in to cookies, they are not the de facto setting. We can thank the GDPR for all those annoying questions we face on many websites today asking us if we would like some cookies.
The EU is at it again, with charger cords the next item to come in their cross hairs. Starting next year, all devices sold in Europe must have a common connector. USB-C was chosen as the standard. In both cases—the GDPR and charger cord—American firms have decided to go with the flow, and not fight it. Rather than have two websites, one for the EU and the one for everywhere else, they opted for one. As for Apple, it had no choice but to yield, if it wants to sell phones there.
Of course, this once again puts consumers in a bad place, because we still have legacy products that require the Lightning cord. At my office, both my keyboard and mouse are charged by—you guessed it—the Lightning cord. And my two Apple MagSafe external batteries also require that connector. Even when I upgrade my phone from 12 to 15, I will still have to keep some of these old cords around, while also changing out my home and vehicle charger cords.
Lovely. I will be using two systems at the same time. I see a tangled mess of cables in my future.
It can be argued that Apple should never have stuck with proprietary connectors in the first place, that it wasn’t being a good corporate citizen. But there is a monetary explanation. On Wednesday’s Morning Brew Daily podcast, they reported that Apple makes $5 billion a year either selling its own cords, or licensing their manufacture to third-party companies. That is a significant revenue stream that is now gone.
I am also perplexed that Apple had already adopted the USB-C standard on its own for MacBooks and iPads. It’s enough to make me pull out my hair. Well, if I had enough to pull.
Yes, I am an Apple fan boy. I made the switch in 2005, and have not looked back. While I do not own an Apple Watch or AirPods, I have phone, laptop, office iMac, and tablet, and I love the eco-system. Everything plays well together, which makes it a powerful bundle not replicated elsewhere. I’m good with paying the so-called “Apple tax” to own these products.
Sometimes, though, I admit to the frustration you get when you feel like someone is just yanking you around. This time Apple is getting yanked around. It lost the battle in Europe, and had to concede the world. I’m happy, because there really never was a good reason to have unique connectors other than extra revenue. In fact, this is something that has been going on for years in tech products, from cords to batteries. I can show you a bunch of incompatible camera batteries within both the Sony and Canon lines.
It’s just that Apple is the one getting the black eye for it now. It’s going to be a wobbly transition period for a while until we wear out all of our older products that still use Lightning, but we’ll get there one day.
And we can then add those old charger cords to that box everyone has in their home. Heck, mine still has Cat-4, RS-232, RCA, and land-line phone cables in it. Just in case, you know.
Dr “Of One A Cord” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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i-am-beckyu · 2 years
have some questions about writing
just for you
do you prefer writing dialogue or description?
hardest character to write?
when did you start writing g/t?
did you write any type of fanfiction before you got into gt/mcyt g/t?
from the fics you've posted (and one's you're in the process of writing), which character would you like to meet? why?
what is the hardest part about writing for you?
do you write for yourself or people?
do you struggle with exposition? (ex. you have a really good scene idea but don't want to/can't write a fic to surround said scene)
what's your favorite size (in a g/t sense, not a font sense) to write? why?
i've asked before but i'll ask again, what font do you write in and what size? do you color the text?
do you like to have a set time to write or would you rather just do it when you have the time/when the time feels right?
if you do have a set time to write: when is it? do you do anything special to make the atmosphere more pleasing? is there anything that helps you get motivated to write? do you do writing exercises?
how often do you write? bi-daily, daily, weekly?
you can only write fluff or angst for the rest of your life, which do you choose?
do you worldbuild beforehand or just jump straight into writing?
okay there you are, sorry for a short list, i've got quite the list of assignments to get through for school dshgjfsdnf
answer them all, pick your favs, idm 🙃
ps. as always, take a brick. take two.
Brick I swear, as I start to think of questions to ask you; you think of questions I wanna ask you and beat me to it >:/
Many answers under the cut :D
I also didn’t forget to post this nope
Do you prefer writing dialogue or description? I like writing dialogue, but have a bad habit of just wanting to write dialogue like a movie script and force descriptions into existence lol. Hardest character to write? Honestly? Like all of them. I know some of the lore as whole but not really how all characters act and think. I find writing c!tommy and c!wilbur the easiest because I like to read crimboi centred fics. So I know what I know from what I read.
when did you start writing g/t? Literally started actually writing a decent fic when I joined Tumblr and found the prompt I’m still writing. I think I may have one or two fics I tried writing as gt buried somewhere on usb’s from when I was still at school but I’m not sure but they’d be like 4 or 5 years old now.
did you write any type of fanfiction before you got into gt/mcyt g/t? 1. I have one fan fic. Not gt. Its a miraculous ladybug fic. Set in the future and I wrote it just after the end of season 1. It’s my lil baby and on my ipad. from the fics you've posted (and one's you're in the process of writing), which character would you like to meet? why? uhhhhhhhh sheesh hard one. Um probably Tommy from the fic I haven’t posted yet. I can’t explain why without spoilers, but I love him.
what is the hardest part about writing for you? Just having an actual plot and endings. Endings so damn hard qwq do you write for yourself or people? Myself. With everything I create, its for me. I do it for fun. Sometimes, if I get really inspired, I’ll create for others because I’m a gift giver and I like giving people things. But trying to create for others feels like I box myself in and am forced to create which I just can’t handle.
do you struggle with exposition? (ex. you have a really good scene idea but don't want to/can't write a fic to surround said scene) MMmmm I used too, but then I found a thesaurus :D  That makes no sense
what's your favorite size (in a g/t sense, not a font sense) to write? why? I think writing being small. Like the feeling of something massive in front of you and the daunting feelins that come with it. Lots of fun!
i've asked before but i'll ask again, what font do you write in and what size? do you color the text? Arial, size 11 and all black. I like to highlight points that need work when editing tho.
do you like to have a set time to write or would you rather just do it when you have the time/when the time feels right? Just write whenever. As I said when it comes to writing for people, time frames feel to constricting. I just do what feels right. if you do have a set time to write: when is it? do you do anything special to make the atmosphere more pleasing? is there anything that helps you get motivated to write? do you do writing exercises? no, music I guess, not really motivation just hits and we go zooooom, nope :3
how often do you write? bi-daily, daily, weekly? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh next question.......
you can only write fluff or angst for the rest of your life.  which do you choose? Why would you make me choose T-T Fluff. I’d be sad if I never got happy endings. 
do you worldbuild beforehand or just jump straight into writing? Jump into it.
Thanks for the questions Brick!!!!!!! Always getting my brain ticking! Have some lollipops 🍭🍭🍭
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my understanding of the patent world is fairly limited but from what i've heard, a lot of it goes like this:
most patent offices will grant patents for shit that should absolutely not be patentable. (they reject a lot of applications but some examiners just accept their entire day's caseload in two hours and then go out to a bar with their buddies for the rest of the day, and even the more dedicated examiners will usually let things slide after enough revisions especially if you're submitting an application that's 400,000 pages long.) and the patent office's funding depends on having people apply so they have to be appealing to applicants.
this is important because it means big companies with massive IP portfolios basically have mutually assured destruction. if you sue me for infringing your overbroad patents, i can countersue you for infringing my overbroad patents while simultaneously disputing that your overbroad patents were ever valid in the first place. so unless you're incredibly clearly in the right, you don't only have to worry about the cost of litigation, you also have to worry about whether you'll still have those patents when the dust settles. as a result, overbroad patents are most effectively usable against smaller upstarts who don't have the IP to countersue and have a harder time bearing the costs of litigation. (patents that are sufficiently detailed that they're 100% guaranteed to hold up in court can be used more freely against peers, but by definition they cover a lot less stuff so they have a lot fewer targets.)
but the resulting equilibrium between big companies is unstable - you don't want to license out your overbroad patents because then they serve no deterrent purpose, you want to maintain the ability to sue. so when cooperation is needed, like with technical standards, everyone basically agrees to stand down. if these big companies making the USB-C standard hold patents that technically apply to some aspect of the standard, they want the standard to succeed, so they agree to let everyone license their patent at fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory rates, which is to say pretty much negligible rates. this defuses the risk of lawsuits and patent invalidation because nobody is going to spend all that money on lawyers when they can pay a lot less just to use the patent.
the real danger is, you can patent shit that doesn't exist yet. so you can apply to the patent office for something like "a system comprising a cable that transmits data and does blablabla" without having a specific system in mind and get the examiner who goes out drinking with his buddies starting at noon. and then when they invent USB-C and it does blablabla, you already have a patent on it and you didn't agree to license it at negligible rates so you get to threaten everyone who uses USB-C.
this is all probably a net negative to the world. there's not a lot of genuine innovation involved. if patent offices exclusively granted patents for legitimate inventions that actually existed, a lot of the stuff i described above would disappear on the spot and we'd be left with the usual debates about tradeoffs between compensating inventors to encourage future innovation and making maximal use of present inventions. but i don't think that's really ever possible. maybe patents could have to be actually in use to count, and expire after a relatively short time unused, though that sounds like it would encourage a lot of wasteful goodharting.
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murumokirby360 · 2 years
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My QKZ AK6 Pro IEM Earphones review (w/ my paper dolls) - Part 1 (1st half) [Oct 8th, 2022]
Hey, hey! It's my first ever In-Ear Monitor Earphone, and my first cheapest IEM, too! 😁🎶
So, here's my Part 1 (1st half) of QKZ AK6 Pro IEM Earphones (featuring my paper dolls)! 🙂
For this part (two part half), where take a look at my first ever owned IEM earphones by the folks of QKZ, a China based brand that focuses on audio products (much like ZNT audio) 🇨🇳🎧🎶. I've been using normal earphones/earbuds for life (from plugging to MP3 players, MP4 players, Nokias, and now smartphones), but with this unique format of earphones is about to change. Hmmm, will it? Let's find out. If you want to know about it, then please [CLICK ME!].
BTW: If you didn't see my unopened parcel & reveal, then please [CLICK ME!].
So, without further ado, let's get started:
1st to 4th Image(s) ↑:
• Let's start out with the box itself. I got a say, it looks stunning yet sorta cheap looking(?) (at least in my opinion). There are some specs & information about the AK6 Pro on both sides & behind. On the 4th image shows the available selection of colors, I ended up with Blue & Purple because it's a unique color combination. If only a solid blue will be added to AK6 Pro's selection, but I digress.
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5th Image ↑:
• My paper dolls says that the packenging is pretty neat to look, but can we take a look? Of course, I'm attempting it, right now. 📦🙂
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6th Image↑:
• Upon unwraping the plastic package, I took one more picture for their address details & email, as well as the name of the company. It's a good thing, that they include English for outside China. 🙂👍
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7th & 8th Image(s) ↑:
• Once opened, it reveals a "thank you" & "The Future of Audio", along with two IEM earphones snugged perfectly from a solid cardboard.
• My paper dolls say that these earphones are small. Yeah, I didn't expect that these earphone we're small instead of the opposite size, but that's just me. Hehe.
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9th & 11th Image(s) ↑:
• Here's the side & back of the inside cardboard, with two default earplugs already equipped.
• [11th Image] Alright, let's get rid off earphones, it pops up very easily.
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12th to 19th Image(s) ↑:
• Now, let's focus on their earphones. I got a say, they're look pretty amazing. The transperancy mixed with blue & purple colors, and not to mention the sparkling dots are astonishing. After all, it's my first time looking at it. The gold dots, logos, and text are added to their color contrast, with the latter reads "AK6 Pro HiFi-Dynamic". And thanks with their transparent plastic material, you could see the interior of the dynamic audio drive, as well as their QDC C pin connectors (although, we'll get to that in my 2nd half).
• [18th & 19th Images] Finally, the net shell was slapped on their ear tip to prevent unwanted earwax. I'll make sure that I'll clean it with a tiny brush after a long used, as well as the rubber tips.👂🧽
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20th to 22nd Image(s): ↑
• My paper dolls says that they want to try on! Umm, are your ears made of paper? Hehe I don't think, that they won't fit in. But, at least they appreciate their gorgeous earphones.
○ No overall thoughts this time around, but you can check it out my 2nd half → [CLICK ME!] ○
Well, that's all for now. If you want to see my previous topic, then I'll provide some links down below. ↓😉
My Keweisi USB Multifunctional Tester:
• Revealing parcel [Sept 3rd, 2022]
• Part 1 (1st half) [Sept 9th, 2022]
• Part 1 (2nd half) [Sept 9th, 2022]
• Part 2 (Final) [Sept 14th, 2022]
• Part 3 (Final Plus) [Sept 18th, 2022]
Tagged: @lordromulus90, @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @leapant, @alexander1301
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govindhtech · 15 hours
Performance Of AOOSTAR GEM10 370 And Strix Point Mini PCs
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Micro PCs are popular because they offer tiny, high-performance computing solutions for many applications. The AOOSTAR GEM10 370 and the Strix Point micro PCs are two well-known competitors in this sector. To assist you in choosing wisely, this post will examine the salient characteristics, technical details, and operational aspects of each model.
Made to serve a broad spectrum of customers, the AOOSTAR GEM10 370 is a multipurpose little PC. AMD Ryzen 7 6800H processor is great for light gaming and regular work. The 64GB eMMC storage holds files and apps, while the 4GB DDR4 RAM simplifies multitasking.
AOOSTAR GEM10 370’s salient features include:
AMD Ryzen 7 6800H processor
64 GB of eMMC capacity
Windows 10 Pro as an operating system
HDMI 2.0 (4K) output
WiFi 802.11ac, Bluetooth 4.2, and gigabit Ethernet
A plenty of USB ports, including USB-C
Small and light in form
Mini PCs with Strix Point Technology
Offering a variety of models with different features, Strix Point is another well-known brand in the tiny PC industry. Strix Point micro PCs vary slightly in their precise setup, but they usually have a few things in common. Ample RAM and storage options are standard on Strix Point models, which frequently have AMD or Intel processors. They are intended for usage in both personal and professional contexts, supporting activities including online browsing, productivity in the workplace, and light gaming.
Crucial attributes of Strix Point Mini Computers:
CPUs from AMD or Intel
Numerous RAM and storage configurations
The Windows operating system
HDMI connection
Several USB ports
Design that is small and portable
Comparison of Performance
Performance is an important consideration when comparing the Strix Point and AOOSTAR GEM10 370 small PCs. For everyday operations like online browsing, document editing, and video streaming, the AOOSTAR GEM10 370’s AMD Ryzen 7 6800H processor provides good performance. But a more potent processor on a Strix Point small PC would be a better option for more demanding activities like video editing or high-end gaming.
Your budget and unique needs will also play a role in whatever model you choose between the two. In case you value portability and cost above all else, the AOOSTAR GEM10 370 can be a good choice. A Strix Point compact PC with a more potent processor, however, would be a better buy if you need more horsepower for demanding jobs.
Extra Points to Remember
When deciding between the Strix Point and AOOSTAR GEM10 370 small PCs, there are additional aspects to take into account besides performance, such as:
Operating system: Although exact versions may differ, both devices normally operate on Windows.
Make sure both models have the ports and connectivity choices your devices and peripherals require.
Expandability: See whether the little PCs have alternatives for boosting RAM or storage if you plan on making any improvements in the future.
Warranty: Take into account each manufacturer’s specific warranty coverage.
The AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 processor powers the potent AOOSTAR GEM10 370 small PC. The 32 GB RAM and 1 TB storage model costs CNY 5,699 on pre-order, which is equivalent to about $808.
One of the first Strix Point small PCs, the AOOSTAR GEM10 370, has now had its pre-sale price for the Chinese market disclosed by the manufacturer. The pre-order pricing of CNY 5,699 is for the 32 GB RAM and 1 TB storage option of this new tiny PC.
In conclusion
For individuals looking for small-yet powerful computing solutions, the AOOSTAR GEM10 370 and Strix Point micro PCs are excellent choices. While Strix Point mini PCs offer additional possibilities for more demanding applications, the GEM10 370 is a cost-effective option with good performance for daily chores. In the end, your priorities, financial situation, and particular demands will determine which option is best for you.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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havnblog · 13 days
My Take-Away From the iPhone Event: This isn't a "Pro year"
A friend of mine had to buy a new iPhone a couple of months ago – and I liked his phrasing while asking me for advice: Is this a “Pro year”? Now, to some, the things you always get with a Pro phone are so important that every year is a Pro year. But I’m discussing how much you get for your money with the upgrade – because this will vary from year to year.
To be clear: I don't think most people should buy new phones more often than every 3-5 years. But as that interval will hit many people every year, it's still always valuable to analyse this year's phones. However, I'll be holding on to my precious 13 Mini for at least another year! 💪🏻
So, while we haven’t seen any reviews of this year’s models, to me, it seems like last year was a “Pro year”, while this year isn’t. Let’s find out why.
These are things that are the same – things you’d get for the upgrade last year, and still get this one:
Both from 15 to 15 Pro and from 16 to 16 Pro:
ProMotion display (high/variable refresh-rate)
Always-On display
Added Telephoto camera
Night mode portraits
Support for Apple ProRAW
Faster USB-C speeds
Aluminium → Titanium (With increase weight as well, though.)
LiDAR Scanner
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The iPhone 16 colours. One thing I don't touch on in this post is that the regular version gets all the fun colours!
Going from 16 to 16 Pro
In addition, the aforementioned stuff, this year you also get:
Increased screen size, from 6.1" to 6,3" / 6.7" to 6.9", and smaller bezel (A negative for me, but not for most, I assume!)
22 hours to 27 hours battery life (video playback), helped by the larger size
Substantial upgrade to the Ultra-Wide camera
Support for 4K video at 120 fps
Added four-mic array (and access to some finesse regarding this)
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The iPhone 16 Pro colours. Boring, but still pretty nice, IMO. I like that the black is pretty black, the natural titanium will probably patina pretty nicely, and that the Desert Titanium will look great with brown leather.
If someone asked me for advice, I’d simplify it down to this:
Screen size, and the associated effect on weight and battery life (Interesting that they now have options in 6.1", 6.3", 6.7" and 6.9".)
Screen tech (Always-On and ProMotion)
Better cameras
However, last year there was more:
Going from 15 to 15 Pro
In addition to the stuff mentioned up top, last year you also got:
Action button
A16 → A17 Pro chip (a more substantial bump)
6 GB → 8 GB RAM
Apple Intelligence (due to the last two items)
20 hours to 23 hours battery life (video playback)
Better Ultra-Wide camera (But not as large an improvement as this year.)
Support for Macro photography
Support for spatial video
Thread radio
Now, I don’t care much about Apple Intelligence or spatial video – but their inclusion makes the 15 Pro more future-proof. And the more substantial increase in performance and the extra button is something everyone can appreciate.
So, my temporary conclusion, also based on all the changes outlined in this blog post, is that going from the regular model to the Pro one is less worth it than it was last year – and that paying a bit more for an iPhone 16, compared to buying last year’s iPhone 15, is well worth it.
In general, this year’s iPhones aren’t that exciting – they’ve looked like this for a while now. But the design also very refined, and I really like that they’ve added two more buttons since the phone I currently have!
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leam1983 · 20 days
So, Walt wants a Framework...
I may have created a monster.
See, Mondays are slow in the morning for us, and the weekend vibes don't really end until noon sharp. So, Sarah and I are discussing potential work-related upgrades, when Walt mentions that his trusty ASUS laptop is starting to feel sluggish.
I mean - you know me. You know Sarah, too. We immediately had Linux Distro boners, and considering how Walt isn't tech-focused and really needs a turn-key solution, Linux Mint was our best choice. Still, the hardware proper was aging, so Walt did as Walt does and took to Best Buy's website to show me the first page that crops up when you type "laptop" in their Search bar.
He wasn't wrong in the sense that swapping one entry-level device for another one would've done the trick; even a basic and bare-bones platform designed to run MS Office as its most resource-intensive task could've done the job. The problem is, I'm getting sick of dealing with bi-yearly comments related to how he's "unsure" of his laptop's performance. I want something I could overspend on intentionally in order to give him a nice, sizable buffer of performance that could last at least five years.
Considering, the best option really is a Framework laptop. I showed him the company's website, explained the business model to him, and now he's hooked, envisioning a future where all he needs to run presentations for the extremely rare event of his needing to beat pavement to find us clients is a snazzy lil' pouch crammed with a few Expansion Bay modules, including USB-C. It immediately turned his Pitch Brain on, and he started selling me on the worth of using sustainable tech in our day-to-day operations, to predictably and playfully poke fun at me for daring to use a boutique laptop (from Razer) in what is likely the least-sustainable choice imaginable...
I rolled my eyes. "It's a Blade 14 from two years ago; I can't just toss that out the window! Morally, I have to take that hardware to its limits first, and then worry about revisions!"
Walt scoffed back. "Aw, come on; it'd be a business expense! We should all get a Framework!"
Followed twenty minutes of Sarah and I trying to talk our now laptop-obsessed boyfriend into letting us keep using the same portables we already have, and doing our best to convince him that he's the one who needs an upgrade.
"But you don't even game on your laptop!" notes Walt. "Don't you wish you could do that on your off-time?"
I rolled my eyes. "Sure, hon - I'll just use the company Visa at 41 years old and just buy myself a new toy like I'm an idiotic Sales Rep who's just been slated for a fat commission! No! I cannot do that, Walt! Besides, my laptop is for work! What does it say about me if I use company hardware to frag noobs after hours?!"
Walt drew himself up, smirking. "I don't care what it says, because I'm the boss of this company - and the boss wants us to have sustainable tech, now. It's good for the planet, good for our image, and I'll have a reliable one-stop shop for any future upgrades."
I threw my hands up. "Fine, whatever! Let's just burn twenty thou plus taxes off of our operational budget! I love you, hon, but this is the shittiest idea ever, Walt."
Walt placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'll call Scrooge, get him to draw us up a budget with a few mockup bills. If it makes sense, we'll pull the plug. If he tells me I'm being delusional, then we'll just buy one for me."
Sarah gave Walt a circumspect look. "Fine. But if it turns out you just buy one for yourself, I forbid you from loading up our own Visa for Christmas gifts shaped like laptops, later on."
That knocked a few Machiavellian twinkles out of Walt's eyes - but not by much. I know the big guy; if he's convinced himself we deserve something, we'll get it, even if we issue moral objections. It might take years and he might use different excuses, but it'll happen.
Note to self: try and convert the BF to Ascetism, or at least Minimalism...
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sanmeiglobal998 · 1 month
How to Choose the Right PD Charger for Your Laptop: The Ultimate Guide
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As technology advances, laptops are becoming more portable and efficient, and so are their chargers. Nowadays, many modern laptops support PD (Power Delivery) chargers with a USB-C interface. But what exactly is a PD charger, and how does it impact your laptop experience? In this article, we’ll delve into how to choose the right PD charger for your laptop and explore its advantages. Whether you’re a business professional who frequently travels or a student seeking optimal efficiency, this guide will provide you with practical insights. What is a PD Charger? A PD charger is a device based on the USB Power Delivery protocol, capable of delivering higher power to enable faster charging. For laptops, PD chargers are particularly important because they can provide up to 100 watts of power, which is sufficient for most modern laptops. Compared to traditional chargers, PD chargers are not only more compact but also more versatile. Why Choose a PD Charger for Your Laptop? There are several notable advantages to choosing a PD charger for your laptop: - Faster Charging Speed: PD chargers can quickly provide the high power your laptop needs, significantly reducing charging time. - Universal Compatibility: PD chargers with a USB-C interface can charge a wide range of devices, not just laptops, but also smartphones, tablets, and more. - Portability: PD chargers are typically designed to be compact and easy to carry, making them ideal for frequent travelers or those on the go. - Eco-Friendly: Higher charging efficiency means less time plugged in, which reduces energy consumption and is better for the environment. How to Choose the Right PD Charger for Your Laptop? When selecting a PD charger for your laptop, there are several key factors to consider: - Power Requirements: Ensure the charger's power output meets your laptop’s needs. For example, some high-performance laptops may require 65W or more. Understanding your device’s requirements is crucial. - Brand and Quality: Choose PD chargers from reputable brands known for their quality and reliability. Popular brands include Anker, Aukey, RAVPower, and others. - Multi-Port Design: If you need to charge multiple devices simultaneously, consider a PD charger with multiple USB-C output ports. This allows you to charge your phone, tablet, and laptop all at once, increasing efficiency. - Portability: For those who travel often, selecting a lightweight and compact charger is important. Some PD chargers come with foldable plugs, making them easier to carry. - Compatibility: Ensure that the charger and USB-C cable support the Power Delivery protocol to guarantee stable power output for your laptop. Advantages and Use Cases of PD Chargers: - Business Travel: For business professionals who frequently travel, a lightweight PD charger can reduce luggage weight while providing quick charging for laptops and other devices. - Student Use: Students often need to charge their laptops quickly to keep up with frequent class schedules. A PD charger can provide the fast charging support they need. - Home Office: For those working from home, a PD charger not only powers your laptop but also supports other household devices, reducing the number of plugs needed and keeping your workspace tidy. How to Use a PD Charger? Using a PD charger is straightforward—simply connect the USB-C cable to your laptop and the charger. However, to ensure optimal performance and device safety, it is recommended to use a high-quality USB-C cable and regularly check for any damage. Additionally, different devices may have varying power requirements, so make sure the charger’s power output matches your device's needs. Future Trends in PD Chargers: As USB-C interfaces and the PD protocol become more widespread, more laptops and other electronic devices will support PD charging. In the future, we can expect PD chargers to become more intelligent, with the ability to adjust power output more precisely, further improving charging efficiency and safety. Moreover, with the promotion of renewable energy, future PD chargers may integrate solar or other green energy sources to provide environmentally friendly charging solutions. Conclusion: Choosing the right PD charger for your laptop can not only improve your work efficiency but also provide better protection and a longer lifespan for your device. Whether you prioritize portability, charging speed, or versatility, a PD charger can meet your needs. By understanding the features of PD chargers and the selection criteria, you can find the most suitable charging solution for your laptop and enjoy a more convenient and efficient digital life. Read the full article
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cellsswag · 4 months
Unveiling the Latest: iPhone 15 Pro, Upcoming iPhone 16 Series Rumors, and the Buzz in the Apple Ecosystem
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iPhone Update: New Releases, Upcoming Rumors, and Everything in Between
Apple fans, rejoice! We have a roundup of the latest iPhone news to keep you informed and excited. Buckle up, because we're diving into new releases, upcoming rumors, software updates, and even a dash of controversy.
Fresh off the Shelf: iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max
For those seeking the ultimate iPhone experience, the recently launched iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max are the talk of the town. These powerhouses boast a sleek titanium build, a mysterious new "Action Button," and the lightning-fast A17 Pro chip. Photographers rejoice, as the camera systems have received a significant upgrade, while the switch to a USB-C port marks a shift from the traditional Lightning connector. Starting at $999 for the Pro and $1,199 for the Pro Max, these top-tier devices come with a premium price tag.
A Glimpse into the Future: iPhone 16 Series Whispers
Fall 2024 is rumored to bring the highly anticipated iPhone 16 series. While details remain under wraps, whispers suggest a significant performance boost with a faster processor. Pro models might see an increase in screen size, and Apple's continued focus on AI integration could bring exciting new features. However, prepare for potentially higher prices, particularly in regions like India.
Software Updates: Keeping Your iPhone Fresh
Apple recently rolled out iOS 17.4, bringing a wave of new emojis and the ability to customize how certain emojis face. Additionally, bug fixes ensure your iPhone runs smoothly. Looking ahead, rumors swirl about iOS 18, hinting at the integration of powerful generative AI features and potentially improved 5G capabilities. While official details are scarce, stay tuned for further announcements from Apple.
Beyond the Headlines: A Lawsuit and a Laundry Hack?
Apple finds itself in a legal battle with Elon Musk regarding OpenAI, a company in which they have invested. The specifics remain under wraps, but the situation adds another layer to the ever-evolving tech landscape.
In a more lighthearted (and unverified) corner of the internet, a "laundry hack" for iPhones has surfaced, claiming to prevent clothes from shrinking in the washing machine. While the effectiveness and safety of this method are in question, it serves as a reminder to approach such online trends with caution and rely on credible sources for laundry advice.
Whether you're a die-hard Apple fan or simply curious about the latest tech trends, this blog post hopefully provides a helpful update on the world of iPhones. Stay tuned for further developments as we inch closer to future releases and exciting software updates.
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