#because why didn't Ricardo save him why why WHY
maegalkarven · 1 year
The poly route with Daniel and Ortega is hilarious if you focus/open up to Danny more.
Ortega is here desperately trying to make Sidestep open up and trust them, and then Sidestep just goes and tells Daniel (some of) their secrets, the very ones they've kept from Ortega for ages.
My Step told Daniel he is a trans man and Re-Gene before he told Ortega (which he never managed to do on his terms bc he and Ortega crashed).
I just find it strangely satisfying what Rangers tried to keep things from Herald only for him to know more than the most already.
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boldlyexplorational · 1 month
Episode 22 "Space seed"
Here we go! One of the most iconic episodes! And, let me tell you, I understand why. It's really good, I really liked it. The performance from Ricardo Montalban was fenomenal. The pacing was good. Although it's not perfect, it's one of the best episodes so far for its engaging qualities and poignant topics.
At this point you can expect that my main problem with this series is with the women characters ... And I know it's like screaming at the void because this is from ages ago and there's nothing to be done and not much to be expected. But. It's frustrating because it's so close to being good but then ... It never really is.
Mcgivers is probably the worst example so far of the "very professional woman who was betrayed by her hornyness". she's presented in an interesting way at the beginning and seems to have a defined personality. All is lost when she sees Khan, and goes downhill from there. The fact that she chooses him in the end, even after betraying him to save the captain, It's wrong and makes little sense to me.
I mean, it's interesting to see how at the time the man was considered the most restrained one, capable of controlling his instincts. While the woman is the one who's weaker to desire. These days it's usually the other way around: women are faulted (unjustly) for provoking men who are unable to control their animal instincts. Obviously, both perspectives are wrong, but I wonder when exactly and how the narrative got turned around.
I mean women in ST TOS are half naked all the time, and you don't see men be like "when women are half naked I can't help but be primal and violent with lust". But when a woman sees an attractive man they go crazy horny. Speaking of: why didn't they leave the gold mesh suits on the men as well? Montalban looked majestic in it, they don't have a problem with naked men in general so it would have been only fair.
Changing the subject: I'm always intrigued (sometimes mildly annoyed) by the fact that sometimes they don't take a definitive stance on important topics like the one in this episode: they do show different sides and interpretations and leave the viewer to judge, which is not wrong, but at time ambiguous. I do appreciate a lot how Spock is the instrument to show the opposite perspective, how even with all of his logic, he's the softest one.
It's nice to see how Kirk respects the fact that Spock presents himself as emotionless, even if maybe deep down he thinks that Spock can feel more than it lets show. I also liked how Spock was like "we don't have enough facts, captain!" And Kirk was immediately like "I need facts! Give me facts!", he really cares about Spock's inputs.
A few more random things and I'm done:
McCoy is badass!!!
When they do that thing when they look at each other and they have stars in their eyes and the light is soft... I love that (even if it's Khan and Mcgivers)
Yes, I think that's all.
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Hi Adm, have you watched the version “Betty en NY”? If not, you should give her a chance! The characters are more in-depth (for example: Sofia, Sandra and Maria Beatriz (who is called Maria Lucia in this version), Armando is less neurotic and even the “relationship” between Patricia and Daniel is much, MUCH “lighter” than as in the original, their interactions even have a comical tone!!!
If you watch it, come tell us what you thought. 🥰
Hiii! Sorry for the delay!
Tbh I watched it a long time ago! Probably around 2020 or 2021? So I don't remember most details. Also, I only watched until Betty finds Calderón's video (the sinister letter in this version!). There were things I really liked about it and others that I was honestly not a big fan of... particularly the casting. I didn't like most of the actors chosen to play the characters☹️
Anyway, Spoilers Ahead!
It had a really good budget, I do remember that! A&M definitely did look like a high end modern office, so that was good!
I wasn't a big fan of most of the characters, tho. They're very very different to the original version, and I don't mean on looks. For example, Armando is much less neurotic, much less distracted, and isn't as distant with his own feelings. He has no problem crying and being open about how he's feeling, like during that scene after the collection fails that he goes to cry in Betty's office-storage room and Betty finds him and hugs him. He's not hiding his deep fear of failure behind anger and violence, like he did in the novela. Here's he's pretty open about what he feels which is in part why it was a bit odd to me why he was so in denial about loving Betty when it was very easy for him before to recognize his own feelings. He was also very kind to Betty since the start if I'm no misremembering! Og Armando alternated between being a sweetheart ("you are the woman I was needing"/"no one touches my betty!"/"I was never expecting from you a perfect woman") and a total jackass (liek when he left her all night in her office, when he didn't notice he left her without lunch, or when he yelled at her... multiple times). His bad temper was also very similar to don Hermes' which is why Betty was used to it and didn't take it to heart, because she's used to her dad who is also a good man with good intentions but a bit too easily to anger lol she knows both of them don't mean to hurt her so she never takes offense on them. He's also not imposing, as charismatic, and as magnetic and charming as og Armando was.
Don Hermes is not that sharp minded, protective, and grumpy man who was his daughter's hero and was always on the lookout for danger. He was a feeble old man who was too naive and innocent and would probably be unable to hurt a single fly. He literally gets robbed of his life's savings for going around on foot with it all on a suitcase and yelling on the phone about it🫠😂
Calderón was... oh god, I despised that Calderón. He was easily the worst thing about that version. He wasn't even funny like Mario, who is still a pos but on a smaller (and more LEGAL lol) way. Mario was a pretty bad man but he was funny and him and Armando had good chemistry. Ricardo and Armando didn't...
I remember a bunch of little scenes that I loved or got stuck in my head. For examplex the one with Daniel throwing a bunch of bills to Patty hust to humiliate her. I found that scene so strong and effective but also VERY accurate to something og Daniel would do!
Another one that I loved was little Armando going to business meetings with Roberto! I loved that because it showed us how big of a dream having the presidency was to him, ever since he was a kid. We get to understand deeply why he's so crazy to achieve his goals
I also liked Jenny, she was easily the funniest character of the show! I actually wish la Pupu had been mlre like her. To me Jenny was never funny, just annoying and easily hateable, but Jenny was still just as bad AND funny, so it was a great mix. I also liked other little details like how the IT guy actually helped Patty sabotage the computer because he was into her, which to me seemed a much more reasonable excuse for his behavior instead of the "oh he's just miserable" one from og. I also liked Hugo's a Inesita's relationship! Not a big fan of that Inesita, although this Hugo was very good! I also liked that this version showed a longer lovers' phase between A+M.
What I can never like is how NY Armando knew of everything that happeend to Betty (which was WAY WORSE) and still chose to have sex with her. Og Armando didn't know and that's why he spirals after the second night when they're still at Mario's place. He cries and you can see how guilty he feels...
In any case, I liked the concept overall: a modern version taking place with a whole different culture. I wasn't a big fan of the changes in personality that this new environment would require, tho. The casting for Armando and Betty was a bit off, and I wasn't particularly sold in their chemistry. You can tell this version tried to sanktize their relationship but unfortunately it also eliminates a lot of the reasons why A&B click so well in the first place. Calderón was an atrocity, no redeeming qualities at all lol Jenny was amazing, Hugo was great!
I definitely should give it another chance tho!
Thank you for the question! Once I'm done rewatching ysblf I will watch this version again!
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Okay! This is the second piece that I'm tossing out. This one took me a long time to let go of because I really liked a lot of the writing of this one. Unfortunately, the tweaking I'd need to do to save it would absolutely shred it, so it's time I let it go.
This is Built on Lies, a rewrite of the self crash scene from Ortega's perspective involving my Sidestep Rashad Basri. This was written immediately after their first run through Retribution when they were closer to Canon characterization Sidestep and when they went to HG themself (because it was my first run. Of course I was going to see HG). It also plays around with the idea that, while Ortega can't have their mind influenced or manipulated by telepathy, that it didn't mean they weren't psi-sensitive. This has since been shot to hell (/lovingly and teasingly said) by the Rydén himself, hence another reason I just have to let this one go.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy. I really liked working on this one. Happy reading!
The silence is insufferable. Ricardo doesn't generally like the quiet. He usually finds any excuse to fill it, with idle chatter or flirting or gentle ribbing, anything really. The silences with Rashad are different. He doesn't feel the need to fill up the space between them. Rashad may be unable to read Ricardo's mind, but that resulted in Rashad dropping their mental shields around Ricardo which, in result, means they accidentally projects their thoughts and emotions out and around them.
Ricardo has never mentioned this. He's too worried that if he does, those walls will slam right back up. And he'd miss the heady mix of desire, nostalgia, fondness, and nervousness that radiates off Rashad's mind like the steady waves of the ocean. Rashad's anxiety feels different this time. It chafes against Ricardo's mind as if they don't fit together here. Not now. Not after what Ricardo had seen.
They sit in the front seats of a stolen car - a car Ricardo watched Rashad steal not five minutes ago. Hollow Ground’s haunt is still within view. Rashad is wearing a fine pressed suit that Ricardo has never seen. He would have never guessed Rashad even owned a suit. Everything about the situation makes Ricardo’s stomach twist in unpleasant knots. Nothing feels like it’s as it should be.
"So…" The word hangs between them like a guillotine blade, just waiting to see whose neck it severs first. Ricardo stares at Rashad. His love. His friend. His family. The glare of the Los Diablos sunset pierces through the windshield, painting Rashad's dark skin in warmth. It makes their eyes turn from near black to molten gold. Ricardo wants nothing more than for Rashad to look his way. To say something, anything.
Rashad, as is their wont, says nothing. They stare straight ahead, ignoring Ricardo altogether, their lips pressed into a harsh line. They're driving faster than the speed limit is set, their gaze jumping to the rearview mirror every couple seconds, but with Ricardo in the car they're not likely to be pulled over.
"Talk to me." The words come out of Ricardo's mouth harsher than he intended. He's tired of begging Rashad for every inch. He's tired of pretending to be in the dark. Tired of pretending to simply take every one of Rashad's idiosyncrasies in stride. "You just stole a car. I'd hate to think you did that for no reason."
Rashad hunches their shoulders, their knuckles paling on the steering wheel. "I thought I was being followed, alright? I couldn't tell it was you." They shoot Ricardo a sharp look. "Besides, the driver was drunk. I did him a favor."
Ricardo grits his teeth. There's a vice on his heart and with every word it tightens. Maybe it will be crushed beneath the weight of what's between them. He hopes not. "Why were you in Hollow Ground's club?"
Something hardens in Rashad's dark eyes, but something else begins to crack. This mask won't hold for long, so Ricardo presses harder. "I need to know."
Rashad's irritation is just as predictable as their silence. They switch strategies like clockwork - dancing the same dance they always have. "What were you doing spying on me?"
"I won't let you make this into an argument," he says softly. He means it. He'll press, but he won't fight. "Not this time."
"So I see." Back to silence. Ricardo's never seen what happens if he doesn't give in to the fight. If he keeps needling, will Rashad open up or shut down. He prays it's the former.
"Look." Ricardo sighs deeply. No other way but forward. "I didn't want it to come to this. I had hoped you'd trust me with the truth, but-" 
"But what?" Frustration again. Without Ricardo giving in, Rashad’s tactics seem to be stuck in a loop like a broken record.
“I know it must be hard on you.” Ricardo tries to keep his voice soft, consoling. He honestly doesn’t know what he’d do if he was in Rashad’s place. He can’t imagine what it would feel like to be torn between his family and his partner. “I just need to know if you’re on my side.”
There’s a flash of fear in Rashad’s expression before they school it back into ambivalence. Their voice still shakes when they say, “Why wouldn’t I be?”
Ricardo sighs again, but it’s more in relief than anything. This admission is, at least, a reassurance. He stills wants Rashad to say it out loud. “You know why.”
The stiffness that settles in Rashad’s jaw only lasts a few seconds before everything slips out of place. Their posturing and mask fall away like pieces of jagged glass from a broken window. They look more tired than they've ever seemed before, but also there’s a hint of relief there. “You’re right.” They take a long, slow breath in. “I should have trusted you with this long before now.”
“Finally.” It takes all of Ricardo’s self control to bite back the sharp laugh at the back of his throat. “I was starting to think you’d never tell me.”
“It’s not an easy thing to confess, even when you know.” Their warm voice is soft, hesitant. There’s so much grief weighing down his words. “I should have known you’d find out I’m Heartbreak sooner or later.”
All of Ricardo’s thoughts come crashing full stop like a train into a cliffside. He feels as though Rashad has knocked every breath out of him. He wades through his thoughts, struggling as though pushing through knee-deep mud as the sentence sinks slowly deeper in. He stares at Rashad, jaw working with countless words to be said, but nothing makes it past his teeth.
Heartbreak. The snake in the grass and bane of Los Diablos politicians and corporate bigwigs alike for the better half of a year. A ghost that stalks the shadows, stealing and extorting as he pleases, ousting people from power like it’s a game of chess and he’s simply picking pieces off the board. Ricardo can still see that mirrored helmet, cold and alienating, when he closes his eyes. He still remembers the way Heartbreak’s boot felt against his ribs.
Heartbreak is Rashad. Rashad, who always throws themself into a fight for the weak. Who tries to reach out to every animal that crosses their path. Who cries at corny tv movies. Who looks at Ricardo like he’s hung the moon every time he says something silly. He can’t justify the idea that the person who cried into his arms not a fortnight ago is the same as the villain who sent Herald to the hospital at the Memorial Museum. No, that can’t be right. It doesn’t make sense. “What are you talking about?”
Ricardo sees his own horror mirrored back to him in Rashad’s expression. “You didn’t know,” Rashad says slowly. They look like they want to bolt, even from the moving vehicle. Unfortunately, neither of them can. “Fuck.”
The silence gives way to anger and denial. No. Rashad wouldn’t choose this for themself. They were pressured. They must have been. “Did Hollow Ground force you to do this?” Rage tempers the question into something cold and hard. What could that bastard possibly have over Rashad?
Rashad’s brows furrow. “What makes you think that?”
“It can’t be easy to go against your family…”
“My family?” Rashad draws back like they’ve been struck. There it is again: that fear. Whatever it is that ties them to Hollow Ground must be heavy. “What do you know about my family?”
"Hollow Ground." Ricardo clarifies. But there's something wrong here. He can't quite put his finger on what. "I've seen his face. And I had to know if I was imagining things. So I did some digging, found your arrest records. You were just a kid, but you didn't look so different back then."
"What the fuck are you talking about?" There's a quickness to Rashad's breathing that catches Ricardo's attention.
He supposes it was a breach of privacy. It hadn't been easy finding those records. They'd been sealed and buried and it had taken more than a few greasing of palms to get them. "It must have been hard, breaking from the family business, but I didn't want to dissuade you back then. So I kept your face out of the papers." Ricardo looks down at his hands. He balls up his fists as he lets the anger wash over him. "I guess I should've worked harder. He found you anyway."
“Ricardo-” Ricardo can hear the beginnings of an admonishment. It doesn't come. He trails off, their eyes unfocused as they do so often when something catches their attention telepathically. Their attention zeroes in on something in the rearview mirror in the next second. 
Ricardo glances over his shoulder, but not fast enough to see anything before Rashad hits the gas. "Shit!" He presses himself hard into his seat, trying irrationally to put any space between himself and the cars they’re now weaving through. “Watch it!” he shouts as Rashad nearly clips a car they speed past.
Rashad stares out the windshield, intent on finding the fastest ways through the traffic without scraping up the car too much. Their knuckles are pale on the steering wheel. Ricardo can feel the eclectic panic sparking from Rashad’s mind. “We’re in trouble.”
“That’s nothing new!” Ricardo’s voice pitches up on the last word as Rashad pulls a sharp turn.
Ricardo is just barely aware of something streaking past when a sound like a small explosion goes off not far behind them. He can see sparks streaking off the now exposed rim of their back tire as it scrapes across the asphalt. Instinctively, he ducks his head down and out of view of the windows. A gunman? He tamps down on his growing panic. He knows the drill. He's trained for something like this. Back to familiar territory.
His thoughts begin to speed by as Rashad pulls another hard turn. Something isn't right here. Hollow Ground wouldn't have had the time to set up a gunman, especially when stealing a car was a spur of the moment decision. The timing is all wrong, even if Ricardo can see a sliver of motive.
Another shot and his heart skips as they take another jolt. The wheel jerks out of Rashad's grip. There's a split second where Rashad's hand is on his shoulder, grip tight, before he shoves Ricardo back and upright in his seat.
Ricardo tries to protest. They both know the safest thing to do now is duck, not sit up. He only just notices the truck before it makes impact. The airbags explode out and the world goes black.
~ ~ ~
Ricardo comes to as though he has to swim through molasses to get to the waking world. His eye stings in that familiar way that tells him blood is dripping into it. Every muscle in his body aches. He can feel the bruises beginning to form. There's a sharp, spasming pain in his left arm - a malfunctioning emitter, he realizes. That's going to be a problem.
It takes a minute later for him to realize he's hanging upside. Or rather, the car has flipped. Ricardo fumbles with the seat belt, falling to the roof of the car with a groan. He sits there, leaning against one of the slowly deflating airbags, and takes stock of himself. He's not too badly off, all things considered. Sore and bruised, a twinge in his neck, and the malfunctioning emitter, but all in all he's been in worse scrapes. If Rashad hadn't -
His eyes snap open, turning to look at the driver's seat so fast, his neck protests. Rashad is hanging limply in their seat, held only in place by their seat belt. Their face is starting to swell and bruise. They aren’t moving, completely silent, and Ricardo could swear they’re barely breathing.
Panic begins to set in.
"Rashad." Ricardo lightly touches Rashad's shoulder. He gives his love a light shake. "Queride?" He touches Rashad's face as gently as he can manage. They don't respond to the touch. Their breaths are shallow and far between. 
Ricardo lunges for Rashad's buckle, making his head swim in the process. He manages to catch Rashad against his chest as they ragdoll down. Just from a glance, Ricardo knows there's something wrong in the way their legs land. He cradles Rashad closer to him, brushing their messy black hair out of their face. "Stay with me, mi amor," He begs, pressing a desperate kiss against Rashad's forehead. "Don't let go."
The thought of losing them should not cut him so deeply, not in light of what he's just learned. It isn't just Rashad he's holding in his arms, it's Heartbreak. He's holding a supervillain, weeping into a supervillain's hair, begging a supervillain to cling to life. He can't seem to find it in himself to care. The thought of losing Rashad again makes Ricardo feel as though he can't breathe. He can't go through this again.
He shoves his hand into his pocket, praying that his phone survived the crash as he fishes for it. He flips it open and hits the emergency line saved in his speed dial. It rings once before someone picks up. "Location?" The curt voice says.
Ricardo glances out the shattered windshield, squinting past the pileup of cars. Between the panic and confusion, he can’t seem to locate the signs. “Corner of Eighth and Maple.” It’s a rough estimate, but it’ll have to do. “I need an ambulance!”
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Afterthoughts on Puss in Boots 1 & 2
Hey guys, so I just saw Puss in Boots 2; The Last Wish. And while I do love it? There's one big problem I have with it. The relationship between Puss & Kitty. Now I do love these two and absolutely ship them but the problem I have is the way they are shown in the movies side by side.
In the first movie? Puss was running from the law out of survival when he was set up by his Ex-friend and Brother, Humpty Alexander Dumpty. Puss wasn't a full on criminal until the robbery of The San Ricardo Bank. He had given up on petty theft and decided to help people in the community of San Ricardo. He even says how this was thier home and the people didn't do anything to hurt them. So Humptys betrayal hurt Puss and cost him his home, his mom, and his honor. At this point, he's a hit man and thief for hire out of survival.
Enter Kitty Softpaws who is also a solo thief. Known for her stealth and having "The Softest Touch in Spain". She was a stray with lovely claws. She was adopted by a loving couple but after a few too many mishaps involving her claws (scratching curtins and rough housing with a hamster & accidently killing it) so she was declawed. She's working with Humpty to get the golden goose and it's golden eggs. What's left unknown how much of the plan she knew. Its not clear if she knew that Humpty was planning to backstab Puss or to destroy San Ricardo via the Great Terror aka golden goose's momma. Regardless, she ends up sharing the betrayal in Puss's eyes. She admits to him that Puss shows her that she's found something she cares about more than gold. No, someONE. The two team up to stop Humpty and they are successful in not only saving the town but in redeeming Humpty.
Now the second movie hints at how Puss and Kitty were going to get married but Puss didn't show up. This isn't out of character since Puss has always run from his problems. I mean it was only when his mother begged him to stop running that he surrendered and went to jail peacefully when he could have escaped just fine. But before it was out of survival. As time went on, he gradually became addicted to the thrill of defying death. I mean if he has 8 extra lives to spare, so why should he be worried? This fed his pride in his legend, his adrenaline rush, and his biggest flaw: running away from his problems and consequences. Its only in the Cave of Lost Souls that he realizes how empty his lives have truely been.
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It also hints at there were more times when Kitty faced betrayal by others, not just her infamous declawing. But what always throws me is how she's hyper aggressive about how Puss left her in Santa Colomba yet she later claims she didn't show up either. That she's never had someone she could trust.
I know she's lying about not showing up but maybe it's not Puss she's mad at. Maybe, it's that she's mad at herself because now she knows how it feels to stab someone you love in the back only to have it done to you in return, intentionly and directly or otherwise. Or in laments terms? Professionally, she's used to being betrayed and being the betrayer. Comes with being a solo thief. But in personal relationships? She's only used to being the betrayed, NOT the betrayer.
Remember; she stabbed Puss in the back first. Now he's returned the favor. She's mad at both him and herself. She's using his obsession with his legend and image as a justification for her anger without actually talking about the root issue. How do I know? Look at what the map shows her:
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Puss is learning how his reckless lifestyle has left him alone and with even death himself wanting Puss gone for good. But Kitty is essentially running from herself and how for years? The only person who she's ever felt safe around is the same person she betrayed. She's running from her guilt, her loneliness, and her fear of betrayal.
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tired-reader-writer · 8 months
A jumbled, possibly out-of-order compilation of my thoughts about the new chapter!
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The only time we see Andragoras' speech bubbles tremble, I believe. The only time he's been shaken to this extent.
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But it very soon turns into anger and aggression anyways because anger is easier than fear. Anger is easier than disbelief. Anger is easier than shock.
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Shrimpteresting that he includes Osroes in this, because as far as we know, Osroes never really relied on them the way his father did, the most we know about the matter is that Osroes was a little superstitious even if not as much as Gotarzes, and that he was humoring his father. He didn't seem to take it as seriously.
So it makes me go 👀👀👀 at the Master mentioning Osroes in this conversation. Did Team Zahhak worsen his hatred towards Hilmes, perhaps?
Or perhaps this is him just... stirring shit to shock Hilmes. That too is possible.
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Glad they addressed this at least! It's a risky endeavor, one that has the potential to endanger other people as well.
The thought still occured to me, “Do you have to, Arslan? Couldn't you just keep it under wraps and proceed as you have before?” but I think I understand him a little bit. His entire life had been doctored by people who manipulated the truth, to the point of killing innocents off to “tie off loose ends”. These were people connected to him. Some he held dear. I can understand why he wouldn't want to walk a similar path of deception and lies.
There is also, of course, the distinct possibility of someone else finding it out and trying to get him off the board, in which case the Rukhnabad would grant him good legitimization.
Am I 100% about this venture? Ehhh, not really, but I think I'm at least 90% convinced. Better than what we know of the novel version at the very least.
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That seems... more than a bit lacking in regard for yourself, Arslan. I do get his logic, though! No way of knowing until you try— and gods you have to try if you do want a better tomorrow.
He's doing it for his ideals, the people he wants to save, and the ones who fought and died for him. In a way, he's putting himself at risk for them. In a way, this is him stepping up to meet their hopes even if it meant great danger for himself.
It would be easier to shy away, I think. Not pursue the Rukhnabad. The prospect of being deemed unworthy, especially in front of people you're leading, would be enough to send me running.
He's making an informed choice, knowing full well what may come. Godspeed, my child. Nobody can stop you now.
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Hilmes, my durian denka!
Also interesting that not even Andragoras knows where his own child is now. Less chance of Tahamenay knowing if not even you yourself know, amirite?
(Seriously though, the lack of regard for his own child this guy has... HOW DO YOU LOSE AN ENTIRE CHILD)
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Gieve in this scene came across as a whole lot more earnest than he tends to be, he's like a school kid retrieving something belonging to his little brother that got snatched by another kid, lol 😭 Or like a doting brother of sorts, I suppose, like “this belongs to MY lil bro prince!!!!”, even if I wish his doting didn't come in the form of bullying poor Don Ricardo, LOL.
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Ominous. I shuddered when I got to this part.
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raralabelle1studios · 9 months
I asked around the internet for answers about my An, Edd n Eddy family theory.
Most knew that his parents were absent in his life.
So my confirmed An, Edd n Eddy theory could be that his parents are actually his aunt and uncle.
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About Lilla:
Lilla is half Australian because her father was Australian and her mother was Canadian/American. She was born and raised in Sydney and has been a smart student playing piano and doing arts. She works at a daycare center in downtown Peach Creek.
About Rodney:
Rodney has a twin brother. He studies nature around him. He works as a zoologist and zookeeper and also drives a zoo train, explaining that his house has a backyard zoo.
About Ryder:
He was inspired by Lila (his mother), Rodney (his father), and Steve Irwin to play a role as an outback hero and on outback adventures to study and save nature.
Ryder has 2 fangirls Bella and Bonnie Bo Peep, and both wanted to have their chance of dating him.
Sarah tried to date him because Edd wouldn't accept her proposal, but Ryder already rejected her because she's too young and who knows if she'll bark orders at him.
Molly and Sandy:
These two mischievous girls love playtime, and loves to chase Edd around.
She loves wonders about things and always wanted to be like her "big brother" Edd.
Origin of Edd's adoption:
Rodney had visited Peach Creek from somewhere in Australia to meet with his brother because he wanted to see what he and his wife were doing. However, he didn't see anyone in the house, just Edd keeping up with the daily chores.
He asked "Hey, Eddward... Where are your parents?"
Edd answers "Mother and father are busy at work. So I have to do all of my daily chores by reading reminders from sticky notes".
"Do they... like... reward you or something?" He questions further.
Edd wondered... "I actually don't know many times I've been rewarded... Like an allowance?"
"Yes". He said, "Do they reward you to save up for stuff and such? Are they always around?"
"Certainly not" Edd replied "I've seen them a few times, but not much."
This rang a few alarm bells on Rodney's mind. He decided to call his family on coming over to Peach Creek.
After the family came over to Edd's house, Lilla was in charge of taking care of him, and asked anyone in the neighborhood if they had known anything about his parents.
Rodney got answers from Charlotte that his parents abandoned him.
Rodney, Ricardo, Edna, and Charlotte had told Lilla the situation and Lilla was shocked.
Rodney and Lilla decided to adopt Edd, and asked Charlotte to get back against Rodney's brother and sister-in-law.
This was the message to Edd's parents:
"To parents of Eddward,
Your son is not a butler!"
This triggered his parents, and rushed to the house Rodney was in.
Rodney answers boldly, "I've seen what's going on. You have neglected your son, and never try to stop a girl who has been chasing him. Even someone can tell you some answers of what you've done."
Rodney and Lilla also looked deeper that what was under his hat was the last time he talked back to his parents. Edd had been abusively punished when he was little giving him scars. Edd wouldn't show what was under his hat because of it.
Edd's parents were sentenced to seminar by Charlotte, and they lost custody of their son.
Edd was 13 when he was adopted.
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agent-darkbootie · 2 years
You want our Sidesteps?
Have my Sidestep!
His name is Mouray and he is a raging ball of energy with lots of self-hatered and anger management issues. He is a seasoned fighter who knows his way around an underground.
He is a 5'4", has red, wild short hair and I headcanon him having heterochromia.
Mouray is a revenge baby and his goal is simply beat people's asses. The problem is that he doesn't have the guts to fully commit to it, that's why he can't bring to kill anyone. And also saves people on occasion... And also goes to therapy... But only because Ricardo wouldn't stop pestering him about it! 😤 Stupid sexy Ortega.
Would sell his own mother for coffee and food in general. The only thing he has to do to get all those munchies is to find said mother, since, u know... Sidestep situation.
Can't let go of anger, since it's the first thing he ever felt on his own and he *needs* it to survive. Ever Since Heartbreak these feelings seems to escalatw into a destructive hurricane. That's why he's using a name Retribution for his speedy and extra protected suit. The suit itself is very much practical, since his mind is always on *get stuff done* routine, not how good he looks.
The only reason he went as a villain is because he's tired of playing by the rules. Anyone's rules. Been there, done that, didn't end well. So now he'll make his own rules. Where people live by playing chess, he will start playing fucking Doom.
And man, Mouray always was a competitive player.
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13 notes · View notes
baekhvuns · 2 years
Omg I'm sorry you had to answer me on your laptop, I don't know why my message is cursed, hopefully this one is normal - BUT WHY CAN'T I LINK SHIT ANYMORE 🔫
Well PSG tried, but didn't not succeed, Bayern defeating more of your faves. Bayern outsold lmaooo. Also Tottenham is out (so sad 🥰), Chelsea is doing something...? Liverpool went insane mode, maybe we shouldn't have mocked them before, I feel bad for MU, but also can't stop laughing at the score. HOWEVER Liverpool better be doing better in PL only, they're playing RM soon and I need them to be shit <3
Premier League has always been more interesting to me than La Liga, but CL is still the most interesting and unpredictable
Fake ass fans, even I know his full name even though I'm a hater https://twitter.com/Kindinzin/status/1633433110657265671?t=rIRz46_drH7z_WfwdcxMoA&s=19 I'm gonna start calling him Ricardo from now on
I think kpop is at its peak of popularity rn, because the amount of random kpop and kpop stans spotting I've had in the past 3 years is crazy! However, kpop is not mainstream at all, sure most people understand what kpop means, may have heard of BTS or BP, but that's about it. And that's fine! Hybe thinks they're the heroes, but they're actually acting like villains, honestly the whole back and forth between both companies is childish as hell, I hate SM, but Hybe is really ruining shit.
Yunho Parisian??? I'm awful cause my first thought was "you should be happy you're leaving Paris, don't cry" https://twitter.com/atzxmxxshx/status/1633617809732419584?t=NHmFuJloyP26WzTNSlOJhw&s=19 btw Paris I blew my Korean friends' minds, they had no idea Paris was that small. It's ridiculous how small it is compared to other big cities in Europe. I haven't eaten spotted dick cause I've been vegetarian for ages before going vegan and even if I still consumed meat you wouldn't catch me eating that shit! I've seen the Jolly x HongSan video, but HJ and his hatred for veggies is so pathetic... is he 10? Maybe that's why he didn't grow
Omg I can imagine Canadians treated you badly when you first arrived :( how old were you?
I'm suddenly more interested in hockey player Hwa! But not as interested as I am in villain Y/N 🥰
DO YOU SEE THE SPRING SUMMER 2023 IN THE 2ND PHOTO?! https://twitter.com/hwaupdates/status/1634105059675107328?t=PxicAWQT-l-xL-U7HrFw6w&s=19 MODEL!
Saikers sounds like Psychos lol, I'm worried about their fandom name now 😬
https://twitter.com/byeonbang_tiny/status/1631929720517574662?t=_6tbRTRi5sEmWHO_oPz7tg&s=19 OP claimed Atz won't last long then said some bullshit to save face. They perform more overseas? No shit, there are so many countries djwjssjjsjdnsnnajss do they want 5 Seoul stops or a whole ass Korean tour?! Plus what about music shows, award shows, festivals... so entitled. And apparently Ktinys are hated by security. Hmmm I wonder why https://twitter.com/allabout_atz/status/1634115890634719234?t=oyCp3k9polmr4pGb89c4Fg&s=19 imo they're not hated enough. Shame I didn't show up with a baseball bat, but I'm in Busan right now. And KQ management is ignoring Korean fans?! 😭 miss you're a weirdo who doesn't respect their privacy, sit down
Finally the tour is over, worst weeks of my life!!! We're safe until they announce another one... apparently they're going to perform in SEA, I can't be mad, cause they're often omitted. They'll probably have a cb as well, which is bad for me, since I should focus on work, but I need to perceive Seonghwa 😭
SICK https://twitter.com/finelineateez/status/1633011361335894021?t=LqLhP52C4_s6MiShNhwAEw&s=19 the binders the pcs came with cost less than $20 so let that sink in 💀
And I took all of these photos https://twitter.com/hwalilac/status/1633804911778598912?t=JI5pKD-zPWaNdXh-jBSfAA&s=19 - thinking of traveller Hwa fic...
The JK stalker wtf?! Why tf do people like this exist and why aren't they separated from the society
Lmao some of the early lighstick designs were crazy and ugly, but fun. We still have some funny ones now, but there's little to no creativity. I'm still sad the new Lightiny is bald, and not the best quality. And all the white sticks may look neat, but soooooo boring - DV 💖
Omg I'm sorry you had to answer me on your laptop, I don't know why my message is cursed, hopefully this one is normal - BUT WHY CAN'T I LINK SHIT ANYMORE 🔫 /// Well PSG tried, but didn't not succeed, Bayern defeating more of your faves. Bayern outsold lmaooo. Also Tottenham is out (so sad 🥰), Chelsea is doing something…? Liverpool went insane mode, maybe we shouldn't have mocked them before, I feel bad for MU, but also can't stop laughing at the score. HOWEVER Liverpool better be doing better in PL only, they're playing RM soon and I need them to be shit &lt;3
omg no don’t apologize it’s not u iTS TUMBLR 😭😭 ever since tumblr had it’s new update i can’t seem to access certain asks and all so whenever i try to copy paste my answers on the app it just doesn’t post if i don’t do it on the laptop 🔫🔫🔫
i can always count on bayern to absolute demolish my favourites <33 but tbh, idk if u noticed but hasn’t this season’s bayern has been a little weak,,, as in it’s quite easy to get into their heads and defence and borussia is actually on it’s way to win bundesliga 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️ tottenham, are we surprised </3 the memes about the score are so funny 😭😭😭 ten hag waking the players up at 8 in the morning for training LMFAOOOOO what a day i can’t believe how easily they did it???? lIKE WERE MU PLAYING AT ALL?? OOOO UR RIGHT THE RM V LIVAPOOL that’ll be fun to watch, either a disappointment or a surprise fhwjdhjd
Premier League has always been more interesting to me than La Liga, but CL is still the most interesting and unpredictable //// Fake ass fans, even I know his full name even though I'm a hater https://twitter.com/Kindinzin/status/1633433110657265671?t=rIRz46_drH7z_WfwdcxMoA&s=19 I'm gonna start calling him Ricardo from now on
la liga is going downhill, and has been ever since r7 and messi left,,, la liga is full of benzema being a drama queen, PL is so funny they’re just randomly fighting on the field and ligue un….tragic, there is no privacy at that finished club, EVERYTHING IS REVEALED even the shit in the locker rooms 😭😭😭 NAHHHHHH EVEN FAKE FANS KNOW HIS HAME HOW TF THEY GOT RICARDO OUT OF THAT 😭😭😭 i like what the japanese fans call neymar they call him “neymaru!!” 😭😭
I think kpop is at its peak of popularity rn, because the amount of random kpop and kpop stans spotting I've had in the past 3 years is crazy! However, kpop is not mainstream at all, sure most people understand what kpop means, may have heard of BTS or BP, but that's about it. And that's fine! Hybe thinks they're the heroes, but they're actually acting like villains, honestly the whole back and forth between both companies is childish as hell, I hate SM, but Hybe is really ruining shit.
UR RIGHT UR RIGHT “However, kpop is not mainstream at all” BUT THIS >>>>>> kpop is still seen as a niche, western artistsjust be trying to expand into the asia market thru them, like anime for japan and kpop for korea and tbh it’s nice like that! with the more kpop fans the worse it gets on twt tbh,, the sm hybe community seems a little too silent these past 4 days i wonder what tf they’re cooking and we know it’ll be something stupid too 😭😭 BUT SM???? DOING THIS???? THATS SO COOL??
Yunho Parisian??? I'm awful cause my first thought was "you should be happy you're leaving Paris, don't cry" https://twitter.com/atzxmxxshx/status/1633617809732419584?t=NHmFuJloyP26WzTNSlOJhw&s=19 btw Paris I blew my Korean friends' minds, they had no idea Paris was that small. It's ridiculous how small it is compared to other big cities in Europe. I haven't eaten spotted dick cause I've been vegetarian for ages before going vegan and even if I still consumed meat you wouldn't catch me eating that shit! I've seen the Jolly x HongSan video, but HJ and his hatred for veggies is so pathetic… is he 10? Maybe that's why he didn't grow
LMFAOOOO FBWMFBWMFBEK THE HATRED FOR PARIS FBWMBDKSJCJC yes yunho rich parisian who doesn’t like it there so i guess ur half right 😭😭 no bc how is paris almost the same size as texas 🤨🤨 EVERY TIME I READ SPOTTED DICK I SCREAAAAM 😭😭😭 ok hot take, do u prefer being a vegan or a vegetarian more, in ur humble opinion <3 i told my mom what vegan was and she’s like “so what are u eating??? grass?? no no that’s too much” context we were watching gordon ramsay cook wild rabbit LMFAOOO WHY NOT! EAT THE SPOTTED DICK FOR THE SAKE OF BEING BRITISH DBSNDBMSJCK no seriously how is this guy not eating veggies, like most, if not all the kr food for them so wHATS HIS EXCUSE,, 😯😯😯 ANON 😳 THE WAY I SCREAMED AT THE LAST PART
Omg I can imagine Canadians treated you badly when you first arrived :( how old were you? //// I'm suddenly more interested in hockey player Hwa! But not as interested as I am in villain Y/N 🥰
it be YOUR OWN PEOPLE! NOT EVEN ANYONE ELSE IT WAS JUST BROWN PEOPLE <3 i was 10 when i came here! but u best believe i talked back 🔫🔫 was not gonna let them off the hook 🔫🔫 it was also a change bc i went to an all girls school and then the day i came here and go to class and i see the buffoons 🤚🏻nasty i tell u, nasty
oH YOU ARE NOW??? 🔫🔫 villian yn hehe <3 made the outline fo rit!
DO YOU SEE THE SPRING SUMMER 2023 IN THE 2ND PHOTO?! https://twitter.com/hwaupdates/status/1634105059675107328?t=PxicAWQT-l-xL-U7HrFw6w&s=19 MODEL! //// Saikers sounds like Psychos lol, I'm worried about their fandom name now 😬
THE OUTFIT!!!!! THE OUTFIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE’S A MODEL, it looks like a photo from the 90’s, like looking at an album of ur parents travelling and boom, u see a this,,, oh to be his kids looking at his photos and flexing them 😭 5$ the fandom name is gonna be shakerz 😭😭
https://twitter.com/byeonbang_tiny/status/1631929720517574662?t=_6tbRTRi5sEmWHO_oPz7tg&s=19 OP claimed Atz won't last long then said some bullshit to save face. They perform more overseas? No shit, there are so many countries djwjssjjsjdnsnnajss do they want 5 Seoul stops or a whole ass Korean tour?! Plus what about music shows, award shows, festivals… so entitled. And apparently Ktinys are hated by security. Hmmm I wonder why https://twitter.com/allabout_atz/status/1634115890634719234?t=oyCp3k9polmr4pGb89c4Fg&s=19 imo they're not hated enough. Shame I didn't show up with a baseball bat, but I'm in Busan right now. And KQ management is ignoring Korean fans?! 😭 miss you're a weirdo who doesn't respect their privacy, sit down
omg the security even saying they dislike kr fans???? damnn 😯🤚🏻 no ur right! where will they perform in korea if not seoul??? like im sure there’s multiple stadiums but like they’re usually busy??? and they did like 2 days at seoul 😭😭😭 they live in korea WHY U WANT A KOREA TOUR 😭😭😭 anon, u need to pull up to the airport,, throw hands, do EVERYTHING! if u see them at the seoul concert, u know what to do 🤚🏻OOOOO IN BUSAN?? how’s that going!
Finally the tour is over, worst weeks of my life!!! We're safe until they announce another one… apparently they're going to perform in SEA, I can't be mad, cause they're often omitted. They'll probably have a cb as well, which is bad for me, since I should focus on work, but I need to perceive Seonghwa 😭/// SICK https://twitter.com/finelineateez/status/1633011361335894021?t=LqLhP52C4_s6MiShNhwAEw&s=19 the binders the pcs came with cost less than $20 so let that sink in 💀
LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭 tbh i did not even look at the concert very extensively but just as i was about to, this mf right here🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️ sea fans finally getting their share! hopefully fans there are not like the sk ones esp w what happened with nct 😭😭 IM SORRY????? 73$???? HELLO????
And I took all of these photos https://twitter.com/hwalilac/status/1633804911778598912?t=JI5pKD-zPWaNdXh-jBSfAA&s=19 - thinking of traveller Hwa fic… //// The JK stalker wtf?! Why tf do people like this exist and why aren't they separated from the society
pov : ur going thru model y/n’s photo gallery,, OHHHH U DID NOT JUST BRING REWRITE THE STARS IN THIS, would u mind a model hwa pt2
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jk stalker is so scary??? living that close to him and wanting to GO INSIDE OF HIS HOUSE??? oh my god,, id die in embarrassment tbh
Lmao some of the early lighstick designs were crazy and ugly, but fun. We still have some funny ones now, but there's little to no creativity. I'm still sad the new Lightiny is bald, and not the best quality. And all the white sticks may look neat, but soooooo boring - DV 💖
do u rmr ikon’s bat 😭😭 a whole weapon,, the new lesserafim light stick looks like a garden light stick 😭😭😭 lightiny going bald was a terrible choice,,, im wondering if the hybe sm thing happens, and if they end up changing their light sicks 😭😭
6 years ago…
we’re, we’re getting the RAUNCHY ROMCOMS BACK 😭😭😭😭     i can’t believe she hasn’t done a full on comedy, this is gold, AND THIS???? we won, we won big time, now we need henry cavill doing a action romcom
anon, what the heck 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️
the middle one is seonghwa.
0 notes
dukereviewsmovies · 5 years
Duke Reviews: Ant-Man
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Where We Are Continuing Our Look At The Marvel Cinematic Universe....
Where Today We End Our Look At Phase 2 By Talking About The First Outing For The Pint Sized Avenger, Ant-Man...
This Film Is About A Recently Released Prisoner Named Scott Lang (Played By Paul Rudd) Who Gets Recruited By A Man Named Hank Pym (Played By Michael Douglas) To Become The New Ant-Man And Help Him Steal A Simiar Suit To That Of Ant-Man That His Protege, Darren Cross (Played By Corey Stoll) Is Making With The Money In His Company, Can Scott Steal The Suit For Hank Before Cross Releases It To The Public?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Ant-Man...
The Film Starts In The Year I Was Born, 1989 As A Young Hank Pym Marches Into The Offices Of The Heads Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Which Includes Peggy Carter (Played By Haley Atwell) Howard Stark (Played By The Guy That Played Him In Iron Man 2, I Don't Know His Name) And Mitchell Carson (Played By Martin Donovan) At The Under Construction Triskellion To Talk With Them About Their Attempt To Replicate His Work Without His Permission...
Despite Peggy Not Knowing Anything About This, Howard And Mitchell Believe That The Pym Particle Is Revolutionary Find And It Belongs To The World And Not Just One Man, This Leads Hank To Resign His Position At S.H.I.E.L.D. And Swear That As Long As He's Alive Nobody Will Get His Pym Particle Formula...
Wow, This Film Could Have Just As Easily Become Ant-Man: The Winter Solider With Howard Stark Just Saying That Line...
But Instead We Cut To Present Day As Scott Lang Gets Out Of Prison And Is Picked Up By His Friend And Partner, Luis (Played By Michael "I'm The Best Part Of This Damn Movie" Pena)
However, Just Because He's Good In These Movies Does Not Mean He Can Replace Ricardo Montellban As Mr. Rourke In Fantasy Island, Blumhouse!
Aside From My Bitterness Over That Movie, Luis Picks Up Scott And Immediately Tells Him About Some People He Met But Not Interested In Doing Another Heist As He's Going Straight For His Daughter, Despite Jobs Not Coming Easy For Ex-Cons...
But Knowing He Has A Masters In Electrical Engineering, He's Like How Hard Could It Be? Turns Out Pretty Hard As The Job He Can Get Is Working At Baskin-Robbins....
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Yeah, But It's About To Suck More When The Corporate Heads Of B&R Discover Scott's Criminal Record And Fire Him, Despite His Manager Liking What He Did To Get Thrown In Jail...
Returning To Luis' Apartment, Scott Meets Luis' Friends Kurt And Dave, Who Like What Scott Did As Luis Tells Us That Scott Used To Work For A Company Called Vista That Were Overcharging Their Customers For Millions And He Tried To Tell The Heads Of Vista About This But He Got Fired Instead. So, Scott Hacked Into Their Security System Transferred Back The Funds To The People They Stole It From...
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But Not Happy That Luis Is Telling His Life Story To These 2 Guys, Scott Asks What He Wants Which Leads Luis To Tell Him About A Job His Cousin Told Him About But Still Saying He's Out, Luis Drops It...
Meanwhile At Pym Technologies, Hank Pym Arrives To Meet With His Daughter, Hope Van Dyne (Played By Kate From Lost) And His Protege, Darren Cross, Who Makes A Big Announcement That Pym Technologies Is Working A Battlesuit Called The Yellowjacket That Is An All-Purpose Weapon Of War That's Capable Of Altering The Size Of The Wearer For The Ultimate Combat Advantage...
And Despite One Board Member Against It Because Of What Our Enemies Could Do With It, Everyone Seems On Board. Talking With Cross Afterwards, Pym Begs Him Not To Do It Because There's A Reason He Buried These Secrets, But Looking To The Future Of The Company But Not Cross Exits As He Talks With Mitchell Carson About Selling It To Him First...
Going To His Daughter's Birthday Party, Scott Gets An Uncomfortable Welcome From His Ex-Wife (Played By Judy "I'm A Bitch In Everything I'm In" Greer) And Her New Husband (Played By Bobby Cannavale) Who Tell Him To Leave Until He Gets A Job And Can Pay Child Support...
Now, No Offense I Know What Scott Did Was Illegal But In My Opinion What He Did Wasn't Bad Whatsoever, He Stopped A Company That Was Stealing Millions Of Dollars From Alot Of People, Hell, Even The Manager At Baskin-Robbins Called Him A Freaking Hero For What He Did And She Should Know That What He Did Helped Alot Of People...
But No, Instead She's Condemning Him For It And Him A Damn Criminal And For That I Say Screw You, Scott Has Every Right To See His Kid...
Meanwhile At Pym Technologies, Cross Kills The One Board Member That Went Against The Yellowjacket By Using A Gun That Turns Him Into A Miniscule Pile Of Goo...
(Sighs) Yes, Folks This Actually Happens We Have A Gun That Can Turn People Into A Pile Of Goo, What's Next An Alchemy Machine That Can Turn Dog Shit Into Gold?
And Don't Write In The Comments That That Thing Already Exists In Comic Books, I Already Know It Does It's Just The Point Of How Stupid This Is...
Taking Hope Out To Dinner, Her And Cross Talk About How Hank Pym Is A Failure As Both A Father And A Mentor, Before We Cut Back To Scott, Who Decides To Do Luis' Job After Realizing Nothing He Does Will Ever Work Out...
So, Luis Tells Him...
(Start At 0:41, End At 1:54)
So, Getting The Necessary Supplies And Coming With A Plan, They Go To The House, Dealing With The Phones Around The Area And The Alarms In The House They're Breaking Into. But When Scott Reaches The Safe, He Has A Hard Time Breaking Into It...
But With A Little Water And Nitrogen, The Safe Blows Open...
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You Bet Your Ass It Rules, Bill Nye...
Going Inside, Scott Finds No Money But He Does Find What He Believes To Be A Motorcycle Suit But Is Really The Ant-Man Suit...
Grabbing The Suit And Getting Out Of What We Realize Is Now Hank Pym's House, They Consider The Heist A Failure And Move On. The Next Morning, Scott Looks At The Suit And The Helmet And Decides To Try It On...
Noticing Buttons On His Hands, Scott Shrinks For The First Time...
(Start At 1:15, End At 3:41)
Freaked Out By What Happened, Scott Returns The Suit To Pym's House Only To Be Arrested By Police, However, While In Jail, He's Visited By Hank Pym Who Says That He's His Lawyer...
Apologizing For Stealing The Suit, Hank Tells Him That He Was The One That Caused Everyone To Give Luis That Tip And That He Has 2 Choices Go To Jail For The Rest Of His Life, Or Wait In His Cell For Further Instructions...
So, Going Back To His Cell, He Waits Until Something Happens Which It Eventually Does When 2 Ants Bring In A Shrunken Ant-Man Suit Only To Make It Large So Scott Can Wear It...
(Start At 0:28, End At 2:41)
Getting Lightheaded, Scott Passes Out...
Waking Up The Next Morning In A Fresh Set Of Clothes, Scott Awakens To See Hope With A Bunch Of Tropical Bullet Ants On The Floor...
Is How A Normal Person Would Probably React...
Saying That Her Father Wants To Talk With Him Downstairs, Scott (When He Stops Being Afraid Of The Ants) Goes Downstairs To Meet With Both Hank And Hope, Who Reveals That She Had Scott Arrested By The Police...
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Admitting That He's An Admirer Of Scott's And Really Liking What He Did With Vista Corp And His Vault, Hank Offers Scott A Job To Break Into Pym Technologies, Steal The Yellowjacket And Destroy All The Data After Telling Him About The Pym Particle And Darren Cross And Why It's Important To Stop Him...
Knowing That He's Good But Not That Good, Scott Suggests That They Use Ants Or Call The Avengers To Deal With It But Unfortunately, The Ants Aren't Much Without A Leader And He Doesn't Want The Avengers Involved Because Of Tony Stark And What His Father Did At S.H.I.E.L.D. To Hank Years Ago...
Dropping In On Her Father And Scott, She Tells Them That They Now Have Days As Cross Has Perfected His Formula So Hope Decides That She's Doing It As She Knows The Place Better Than Anybody And She Knows How Cross Thinks But Hank Is Absolutely Against Hope Doing This...
With Scott Asking Why He Doesn't Do This, It's Not Because He's Too Old For This Crap But Because Wearing It Has Taken It's Toll On Him, Thus Scott Is The Only Option Saying That This Is His Chance To Be The Hero His Daughter Thinks He Is...
And So, The Training Begins...
(End At 4:08)
Continuing His Lessons By Introducing Him To The Fire Ants Which He Uses To Get In And Out Of Places And Making Specialized Discs That Make Things Large And Small, Scott Faces One Problem And That's Controlling The Ants...
Running Out Of Patience In Scott's Training, Hope Decides To Leave Only For Scott To Follow Her To Her Car Where She Tells Him That She Only Became Apart Of This For A Chance At Making Peace With Dear Old Dad But She Still Thinks That He Doesn't Trust Her..
(Start At 2:06, End At 2:27)
However, Scott Manages To Convince Hope That Her Father Does Trust Her And The Reason He's Wearing The Suit And Not Her Is Because He's Expendable And Hank Would Rather Lose The Battle With Cross Than Lose Her...
Apologizing For Calling The Police On Him And Asking About His Daughter, Hope Suggests To Focus On Cassie And How Much He Wants To See Her And It Works...
So, Scott Can Now Control The Ants...
Going Back Inside, Hank Finally Opens Up To Both Hope And Scott Telling Them About How His Wife, Janet Who Was His Partner And Hope's Mom Really Died Saying That In 1987 Some Separatists Had Hijacked A Soviet Missile Silo And Launched An ICBM At The United States And The Only Way Into The Internal Mechanics Was Through Solid Titanium...
Damaging His Regulator When Attempting To Shrink Between The Molecules To Disarm The Missile, Janet Sacrificed Herself By Going Subatomic To Disarm The Missile And Save Billions Of Lives...
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Saying That He Didn't Tell Her Because He Trying To Protect Her Saying That He Lost Hope's Mom But He Didn't Mean To Lose Her And So With All Forgiven With The Father-Daughter Duo, Training Resumes...
About Getting Everything Down Pat From Jumping Through Keyholes To Working With Ants, The Final Phase Of Scott's Training Commences When Hank And Hope Have Scott Steal A Prototype Signal Decoy To Counteract The Transmission Blockers In Pym Technologies From One Of Howard Stark's Old Storage Facilities Which Just So Happens To Now Be The Avengers Training Ground...
Telling Scott To Abort The Mission, He Tells Them That He Doesn't See Anyone Superpowered On The Ground So Scott Decides To Land On The Roof Only To Run Into The Falcon (Played Again By Anthony Mackie)...
(Start At 0:57, End At 3:31)
Believing That Scott Almost Jeopardized Everything, All Is Forgiven When Scott Gives Hank And Hope The Tech They Want, But Going Out To The Living Room, Hank Finds Darren Cross Waiting To Tell Him That Pym Tech Is About To Become One Of The Most Profitable Operations In The World Because Of The Yellowjacket Suit And He Wants Hank There To See His Moment Of Glory...
As Cross Leaves He Asks Hank What He Saw In Him All Those Years Ago And Why Did He Push Him Away, Hank Says He Saw Himself In Cross, A Little Too Much Of Himself Unfortunately...
Believing That Cross Is Baiting Hank, Hope Suggests Calling It Off But Knowing That There Would Be Risks, Hank Refuses. Getting A Phone Call From Cross Shortly After That, He Tells Hope To Get The Assembly Line Up And Running And States That He's Tripling Security With Full Sensors At All Entrances And Adding Air Vents With Steel Micro-Mesh...
Wondering How They're Going To Get Scott In Now, Scott Suggests Using The Water Vent If They Can Decrease It, But Knowing That Her And Hank Will Be By Cross, Scott Decides To Bring In His Own Team On The Mission, By Making Luis A Security Guard That Will Lower The Water Pressure So Scott Will Be Able To Get In, Having Kurt Hack Into The Power Supply To Kill The Laser Grid And Making Dave The Getaway Guy...
Despite Hank Not Liking This, They're All In As Hope Gets Luis' Credentials In The Pym Tech System. The Next Night, Scott Enters The Sewers Once Luis Is Inside Of Pym Tech. Eventually Lowering The Water Pressure, Scott Manages To Get Into Pym Tech With The Help Of Some Fire Ants To Which He Boards Ant-Thony Afterwards And Takes The Vents...
However When Scott's Ex-Wife's Husband Discovers That Pym Pretended To Be Scott's Lawyer, Him And His Partner Decide To Take Hank Downtown To Question Him, But Before They Can, Dave Steals The Ex-Wife's Husband's Car So Pym Can Enter...
Meanwhile Scott Uses Bullet Ants On A Guard So Luis And Hope Can Enter The Hardware Room To Place The Signal Decoy Inside Of One Of The Server Boxes...
Once Hope Leaves, Scott Moves Into Position To Get The Ants To Fry The Server Boxes So Nothing Can Be Backed Up Before Going To Formula Room To Set Charges To Blow It Up, Only Thing Left Is For Kurt To Shut Down The Security Grid So He Can Grab The Yellowjacket Suit, Which He Manages To Before Him And Dave Are Arrested By Scott's Ex-Wife's Husband...
But As All That Goes Down, Cross Takes Hank And Hope To The Yellowjacket Room Where They Meet With Mitchell Carson Who Is Revealed To Be Working With Hydra Along With Darren...
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So, Yeah, When Scott Falls In...
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Again Begging Cross Not To Sell To Hydra As If They Get The Weapon, They'll Use It To Spread Their Chaos Across The Globe, Cross Doesn't Care Saying That He'll Sell Them The Suit But Not The Formula...
Telling Carson's Men To Kill Hank, Hope Tries To Convince Cross That The Particle Is Messing With His Brain Chemistry And That It's Not Who He Is But Too Far Gone, Darren Decides To Kill Hank Himself But Not Before Scott Breaks Out And Deals With Carson's Men But It Doesn't Stop Cross From Shooting Hank...
With Cross And Carson Trying To Get Away, Scott Follows Them With Cross' Guards Along The Way While Hope And Hank Escape In A Gigantic Tank Keychain...
(End At 3:33)
Arrested By His Ex Wife's Husband, They Soon Hear Over The Radio Of A Disturbance At The Home Of Scott's Ex-Wife And Daughter...
Yes, It Turns Out Cross Survived Being Zapped By A Bug Zapper And Has Kidnapped Scott's Daughter, Cassie Who Thinks Cross Is A Monster...
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(End At 4:34)
But Despite Killing Cross, Scott Went Subatomic But Managing To Find One Big Disc, He Places It Into The Regulator And Becomes Big Once Again, Reuniting With His Daughter...
Letting Scott Go As He Saved Cassie, He Returns To Hank's House Where Hank Asks Him To Explain What He Saw In The Subatomic Realm, But Having No Memory Of The Experience Whatsoever Hank Lets Scott Go So He Can Make Out With Hope As They Start Their Relationship...
Invited Over By His Ex-Wife And Her Husband, They Tell Scott That Any Evidence That He Escaped From Jail Was Somehow Erased So Scott's A Free Guy Now...
But Getting A Call From Luis, He Tells Scott That His Cousin Ignacio Told Him That Some Writer He Met At A Bar Where Stan Lee Is The Bartender...
Stan Lee Cameo!
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A Minute There I Thought This Was Going To Be The Only MCU Movie Without A Stan Lee Cameo And (I Know Stan's Dead Now But) I Would Have Loved To See A Show Where Stan Lee Played A Bartender...
Anyway, The Writer Tells Luis' Cousin That Falcon Is Looking For Him, Ending Our Movie...
We Get A Mid-Credits Scene Where Hank Shows Hope An Advanced Prototype Wasp Suit That Both Hank And Janet Worked On Together But Now Hank Realizes That They Weren't Working On It For Janet But For Hope To Someday Follow In Her Mother's Footsteps As The Wasp...
We Get A Preview Of The Next Film, Captain America: Civil War As We See That Cap And Falcon Have Captured Bucky (But None Of That Matters Now As I'm Going To Be Talking About It in The Next Review)
Anyway, That's Ant-Man And It's Okay...
The Story's Interesting And The Characters Are Decently Written However, This Is One Time Where I'll Admit That The Villain Is Okay But Didn't Seem Like A Major Threat Unlike Some Of The Other Films In The MCU But Either Way I Say See It...
Well, With Phase 2 Behind Us Now We Move Onto Phase 3 Next Week With Captain America Civil War, Till Then, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
0 notes
the-lady-frost · 5 years
Chapter One: Guilty Until Proven Innocent
-March, 13th - 2009 -
The heavy panting was too close to her ear. She couldn't turn her head. She couldn't turn her mouth. She couldn't turn away.
The panting was deafening.
If she could just move a finger, just one, she could reach the knife on the table less than a foot to her right. Her eyes stared forward, at it, frozen there as the panting in her head was nearly cacophonous. Lift your hand - grab the knife - end the pain.
But her hand wasn't her own.
And then? Then it was.
She grabbed it in her fist. She swung it up. There was a shout of horror. Someone started screaming. An alarm began to blare. But she was free.
She rolled to the floor splashed with blood. She ran for the door as the sound of the panting came from her own lungs. She just had to get there. She just had to getaway. She was free. She was ready.
She was still alive.
She hit the hallway in a skid. Her feet slapped painfully loud on the bare metal floor. Her lungs sobbed with every breath. The knife in her hand was dripping. The world flashed red and white and red and white.
But the elevator pinged as she struck the button. She just had to get out...get out...GET OUT.
The doors whooshed open. The face in the bright white light wasn't wearing glasses. She lifted the knife, she screamed, "MOVE! DO YOU HEAR ME!? MOVE!"
And the light flickered as the face in its explosive depths was familiar. Familiar...family. "...Jill..." He didn't touch her. He didn't have to. She felt the knife fall to the ground with a clatter.
She collapsed to her knees on the ground. The feet were rushing toward her. She looked up at him desperately and lifted her bloody hands, "Chris...don't...don't let them take me...please..."
He looked so broken. He put a hand down to her and Jill felt the stabbing in her back. The shocks hit her system and she started to convulse as Chris roared, "NO! NO! She's not a fucking threat! LEAVE HER ALONE!"
"She killed that orderly! RESTRAIN HER!"
She went to her side on the floor. The stun gun kept sending sparks into her body. Above her, the man told Chris, "Captain...she's not in there anymore. Whatever he did to her, she's a monster now."
"I think you need to accept that Jill Valentine died in Africa."
She didn't. She hadn't. She was right here.
"Whatever you brought back isn't your partner anymore."
She was. Don't give up on me.
The dark slid over her vision and took away Chris' desperate face.
-June, 8th 2009-
B.S.A.A. Holding Facility - Washington D.C.
She was handcuffed to a single link on a big table. They were reading her crimes back to her. Her "crimes" as if she were a terrorist being brought up on charges. Her heart shivered.
"Jill Valentine, formerly First Lieutenant Jill Valentine of the B.S.A.A. Field Operations Division, you are here today to answer for your actions against the state. You are being tried under the Patriot Act, guaranteeing that you revoke your American Citizenship and all rights held within if these charges heretofore mentioned are upheld in a court of law. On the night of Mar-"
Jill laughed, harshly, "The Patriot Act!? I'm not a fucking terrorist."
The faces around the table were silent, dark, and judging. She looked for one friendly one in the bunch. None. No one. Was she alone? She'd spent months in isolation with barely a face but her own.
What was this now? Charges? Crimes? She'd had no CONTROL.
They started listing the things she'd done that they knew of under Wesker. They rattled them at her like it was nothing - as if they hadn't been trapped in her body forced into action by a madman -like they hadn't woken in the night and tried like hell to escape him. They didn't care.
And they didn't believe.
She tried again, "You're not listening. Listen to me - I was aware, but I wasn't able to control myself. He pumped me full of that compound, that fucking P-30. Test it, you'll see what I mean. He meant for it to make me a slave."
And the voice answered, "There were no samples left. What there was, was eradicated along with the plane that went down in the volcano. A convenient end for a madman, wouldn't you say, Ms. Valentine? A curious thing to know you directed it there."
What were they implying?
"Hold on...I did that because Uroboros is sensitive to FIRE. I knew Chris had no chance without limiting Wesker's conversion. I had to. He knows that. Bring him in. He knew what I was doing."
"We've discussed this all with Captain Redfield. His oral report is on file. We're aware of his version of events."
His version.
Whose version were they using here?
Captain Redfield - they wanted her to know he was no longer her partner. He was her superior.
"Agent Alomar was unclear on her side. She made references to concern over your loyalty. She seemed unconvinced of your intentions. She suggested that if you knew about the fire limiting Wesker, why you simply didn't burn him at your own behest when not under the control of the drug."
Sheva Alomar.
Apparently, she didn't trust Jill either.
Not that Jill could blame her. Honestly, if someone had crashed her plane into a volcano, she'd have been unlikely to trust them again either. Honestly, it sounded retarded to hear it in her own ears. A volcano? If they only knew what she'd gone through to discover its whereabouts to begin with.
"I wasn't in collaboration with Albert Wesker."
There. Did they need her to say it aloud?
The voice returned, "Ms. Valentine, you were his accomplice for three years. You never escaped. There was no evidence in the compound of his that we raided that you'd ever even tried. You were found through leaked information that brought the BSAA to Kijuju to hunt down Ricardo Irving. The data was buried for years. Then? One day it just pops up. Poof. Like someone had planted it."
They thought she'd come back to spy for Wesker. They thought she was a sleeper agent.
They thought she was a bad guy.
Terrified of what that meant, Jill tried once more, "I was his captive! I was his slave! I was in a tank for half the time and in his control the other! I couldn't escape! I couldn't even take a shit without his command!"
There was murmuring around her. It went on until the voice said, "We are divided on our ability to rule one way or the other in this matter, Ms. Valentine. Until a ruling can be made, Captain Redfield has petitioned us for clemency."
Like she was on death row here?
Their faces said she was indeed.
The doors to the chamber opened and spilled light in. The face of the man speaking was familiar. Who was it? He spoke again into the quiet, "It would appear you have a guardian angel on your side, after all. The committee was inclined to place you in confinement at Rikers Island until your arraignment, but the Director of the DSO has convinced us to allow you to be placed under house arrest with a guardian barring completion of time in service."
Time in service?
Aloud, she wondered, "What the hell does that even mean?"
"Ms. Valentine - you are no longer a lieutenant in the BSAA. You are now the property of the United States Government. From this moment on, you will operate at the behest of your guardian in completing a required amount of service to your nation to atone for your crimes against her. If you refuse, you will be placed before the Supreme Court and tried with treason."
Treason because she'd gone out a window to take down a madman and save her partner's life. Treason - for doing her goddamn job.
"The punishable offense for treason is death by lethal injection."
Jill felt her guts turn cold with lead. "I don't understand what you're saying here. Who requested I be detained with a guardian?"
"Captain Redfield. He's the only reason you're not on death row at the moment, Ms. Valentine. I would be grateful."
Grateful. He'd made her a ward of the state. She'd been one once, as a girl, she'd grown up in foster homes at the behest of her government. It was like being a child again and knowing you had no control. She'd spent the last three years without any control of herself. It would seem she was to be that way again. Her life - always in the hands of someone else. She was never, it seemed, destined to be free.
"You will be watched, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. You will have no privacy, no leniency, and no rights. The Patriot Act reduces your wants and needs to negligible, Ms. Valentine, until further stated ...you are the property of the Department of Security Operations."
Her mouth felt like she'd been licking sand it was so dry, "What fucking idiot agreed to be my guardian?"
Out of the shadows, she got her answer.
She couldn't make out a single face of the assholes in the dark condemning her...but she could clearly see the face of Leon Kennedy.
Aloud, she cursed, "Oh, fuck you."
And all he did was laugh, "You have to buy me dinner first."
She hated him.
The car hummed like a jungle cat. Sleek, purring, and hugging turns with a predator's deadly grace. Cuffed to the dashboard, Jill watched the scenery race by as they left the city behind.
She didn't know where he was going. At this point, it didn't even matter. It could be the seventh rung of Hell and it would be the same. She said nothing as he handled the roads with a master's precision.
She'd heard somewhere he was a shitty driver. You couldn't prove it by the way he handled the Jaguar they were in.
Kennedy. She was his captive now it seemed. Like a prize that no one wanted, she was forced into his custody to be babysat until she'd proved herself. First a slave, now a prisoner. Her eyes watched the sun tickle down the horizon to head toward evening.
The collar at her throat beeped once to signal it was active. Like a fucking dog. As he'd secured it around her, Kennedy had said, "It's got a timer on it, Jill. If you go too far for too long, it will put you down."
Her brows had shot up, "Kill me?"
She saw the look on his face. The look that wanted to get smart with her about it, but he'd replied, "No. It will incapacitate you until you can be collected."
Like a sample.
When he'd shifted the tail of her hair off her nape to snap it shut, she'd spat, "Enjoying yourself?"
Honestly, he couldn't blame her for the ire. She'd been naked. It was the way it was done in holding like that. She was stripped down, hosed off, thoroughly inspected by guards, and left naked during the placement of her containment device.
Her time with Wesker had left her in supreme physical condition. She looked like she could snap your neck without breaking a sweat. He'd arched a brow at her, "Sure. I love playing babysitter to a pissed off potential traitor."
She'd cocked her head, "No? I heard groping traitors was a favorite past time of yours."
Interesting. She knew about Ada. He'd felt his mouth twitch. "Not lately." As he'd turned away, the female guards stepped up to dress her again. She was cuffed and handed to him like a dog on a leash.
No one in their right mind would have agreed to what he was doing, but him. Of course, no one said he was in his right mind. Chris had asked. He'd said yes. The entire conversation was better left for another day...but it was done.
Karma would surely reward him for his good deed.
The Jaguar rolled into the underground parking lot he guided it toward. He was curious about Jill's hyper-awareness. She was mapping in her head. He knew it, he did it himself, she was remembering everything.
Most likely, it was so she would know how to escape. Why? To reunite with her people?
He wasn't sure what he thought about her potentially playing to the other side. He understood the caution. She'd told a pretty tall tale so far about her captivity. First to survive the fall and not be crippled was impossible. It just was.
According to her report, she'd been in cryostasis recovering from massive internal injuries. During that time, Wesker discovered she'd had latent evidence of the T-Virus dormant in her body from her infection via the Nemesis in Raccoon City. The fall had killed her, officially, and the T-Virus wasn't wiped out by the prototype vaccine she'd received - it had just gone to sleep. It activated to save her life.
By trying to save Chris Redfield and sacrificing herself, she'd handed Albert Wesker the perfect weapon - the rare one percent of the population that was immune to the Tyrant Virus. It was the last piece he'd needed to finish his prototype for Uroboros. Jill was responsible for its final form. She was the key to its creation.
After its creation, why keep her alive?
He'd had what he wanted from her. Why spare her life?
But he had. He'd made her his handmaiden. He'd outfitted her with a device that Redfield had removed in the field and was never recovered. Without the device, they couldn't verify it had been used to control her via the alleged P-30 she spoke about.
The speculation from Redfield was that Wesker had kept her alive to torment him and revenge himself on her. It made sense, in a perverse way, but it was also vaguely narcissistic to assume the global aspirations of a megalomaniac had anything to do with a single former member of his failed S.T.A.R.S. unit.
It was more likely Jill Valentine had always been his disciple. A follower of Wesker to the point of being a sleeper agent when he knew his plan to use Uroboros might fail. He'd sent her back with Redfield to infiltrate the government and destroy it from the inside.
That was the thought here.
Leon wasn't sure what he thought. He was never inclined to agree with the majority because so often they were wrong with their assumptions.
He only knew that keeping her under constant surveillance was the only way to make sure she was just another victim of a horrible master of destruction. If she was innocent, she'd benefit from a slow reintroduction into society. Her adjustment to life outside had been traumatic. She'd responded like victim suffering from massive PTSD, but that happened with Stockholm Syndrome as well. She was possibly mourning the death of her master.
In this case, Leon was the best case. He had no family. He had no friends. He had no live in lovers or ties to the community. He was all work and no play. He was the Director of the newly formed bioterror response unit within the DSO. That meant tons of paperwork and prep work before missions, so he was often out of the field while he built the unit from the ground up.
If Jill was innocent, she'd make a helluva an addition to that unit. What was clear? She was done with the BSAA. She was no longer trusted in the organization. She'd been removed from duty, disavowed from the field, and taken out of play as an asset. Her only hope now was to find a place in the DSO with Leon's recommendation and that came with proving herself in his custody.
Sadly, it wasn't going to be a comfortable fit for either of them.
Valentine was an asshole.
There was no getting around it.
She'd taunted him, nagged at him, needled and poked at him to try to get him to snap before they'd left the facility. She'd called him names, suggested he'd slept his way to the top based on his looks, and remarked about his drinking. She'd read his file, clearly, so she knew what buttons were sharp and raw on him.
Now, she muttered, "Don't wreck, hotshot, because I promise you I won't pull you from the fire."
He laughed and steered the car into a private enclosed parking garage. A metal door lowered to seal them in as he killed the engine and stepped out. Two guards were waiting to help escort her to the elevator that would take her to his floor.
She said nothing again until he let her into his apartment. The whole top floor was his. Having a father who was a senator and a job at the right hand of the most powerful man in the world paid well. The old man was a waste of space as a parent, but he'd pulled the right strings to get Leon into a place to make a difference. It was the only thing he'd ever be grateful for.
Jill was quiet as she stood in the wide-open beauty of his massive penthouse apartment. He walked through it like a lord of the manor. He didn't even seem to stop and care about the amazing gift that was each corner. She'd never understood the kind of money and power that came with the blase acceptance of massive wealth.
His apartment was floor to ceiling windows on one side that opened to an incredible balcony. The view was the twilight magnificence of the New York skyline. The Empire State Building glistened like a Christmas tree. She watched a helicopter circle and land on a rooftop. She watched clouds filter over the ball of blazing beauty that was the sun starting to turn pink and red in the swirling sky.
Without thinking, she exhaled a heavy breath and remarked, "...fucking incredible."
Leon paused, brows arched, and glanced at the view. He couldn't remember the last time he'd bothered to notice it. He looked at it now as someone who might have been underground in a cement cell for years. He glanced at her face and the push of purplish light over her delicate features.
If she was acting awed and relieved, she was doing a damn fine job.
Softly, he returned, "Yeah. It's what they call a million-dollar view."
"Take it for granted, do ya?"
Surprised, he realized he did. He had, for quite some time. He started to say something and she added, "Nevermind. It's not like I care."
No Hope Left
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