Beca, letting Emily win at arm wrestling: Aww, darn, you won again!
Lilium, slamming Zoey's hand down at full force: DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU GET ZOEY? DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU MESS WITH THE WARRIOR?!
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mcrololo · 5 months
Hi hoi hello would love to see another one of those song poems if possible :3c
THREE?? Ok here goes. First one is from our playlist bc I'm a sap <3
I'll be your light, your match, your burning sun When your tears are spent You had my heart Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you Here we go
Interesting. It's pretty coherent? To stay in line I'm gonna throw you a poem from the becily playlist:
I've got no clue what you're thinking I hold your hand and squeeze it softly, 'cause I realize You're like god damn dynamite You had my heart Day by day, all the way
HOW did I get the same song twice. incredible. I love this one because apparently I'm squeezing your hand because it's dynamite For the last one I'm going to go with punk love simply because...... i feel like it
She's the kind of girl you don't forget Years ago when I was younger I can hear a voice from the other side of the room All set I'll never be your beast of burden
OOOOO I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT THE SONG AS THE LAST ONE!! but i feel like this is the most incomprehensible one shdj anyway enjoy!!!
Send me a 'hi' and I'll give you a song poem!
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poundfooolish · 6 years
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You did the best you could this was the literal nightmare scenario cause I could also barely hear her.
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tigers-in-our-heart · 3 years
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Becily + pining
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karmaalwayswins · 3 years
Reda Becili and Noémie Blgn dance salsa at Lesalsaclub Paris. (2021)
Song: La Pregonera Orquesta “Un Dos por Tres”
Video Credit: Star Mambo Video
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gatsbygal · 5 years
You can tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. No skipping! 
woooo thank you @snadwich for tagging me!  :D
far away - josé gonzález
opale - alcest
in the woods somewhere - hozier
scale - rie fu
this can’t be love - count basie and joe williams
the duchess - rachel portman
insomnia - IAMX
torture - les friction
stormbending - devin townsend project
fun!!! okay let’s see if i can remember 10 people’s urls... @paladingreen @nanocthulhu @thaliatimsh @becily @victorianrobot @neveth @coconberry @orangenuke @ladysmaragdina uhhhh and gosh anyone else who wants to!
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Zoey: Sooo, did you kiss Beca?
Emily: No, the moment wasn't right. Look this woman could actually be my future wife. I want our first kiss to be amazing.
Emma: Awe, thats so sweet. So you chickened out like a little bitch, huh?
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Emily: I get this weird feeling in my chest whenever I see Beca.
Emma: Is it heart burn?
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Lilium: Emily, right hand blue.
Emily, having to move over Beca to place her hand: Okay, you're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
Lilium: I stopped spinning like 15 minutes ago. Honestly I'm surprised you didn't notice sooner.
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Lilium: Hey Emily, are you free on Friday? Like, around 8?
Emily: Yeah.
Lilium: And you, Beca?
Beca: Um... Yes?
Lilium: Great! Because I'm not. You two go out without me. Enjoy your date!
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Emily: Ow, son of a bi-
Beca, gesturing to Gabriel and Damian: Emily! Children!
Emily: -iscuit. Son of a biscuit. That's it.
Miles: Nice save.
Emily: Yeah. Fucking nailed it.
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Emily: Someone asked me "how are you going to tell Beca that you love her?"
Emily: Easy, I'm not.
Emily: I'm just going to stare at her and fantasize without ever making a move until I die.
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Terry: What's a five letter word for happiness?
Beca: Emily.
Emily: Becky.
Rahat: Vodka.
Terry: Rahat, no-
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Beca: *eats a cinnamon roll*
Emily, lovingly: Cannibalism.
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Sara: Ouch! I hurt my cheek.
Beca: Oh no! *kisses her cheek*.
- in the distance -
Emily: Okay listen. I need you to punch me in the mouth really hard.
Cecille: But... why?
Emily: Just do it.
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Emily: Beca is full of sunshine and sweets and hope. And every time I try to tell her the world is on fire, she just hands me marshmallows to roast.
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