#bedannibal headcanons
camusscigarette · 24 days
Hi! Any hcs about Bedelia and Hannibal's life during their stay in Florence? All I know that it was toxic and probably forced (unhealthy) but do you have any other headcannons for them?
Bedannibal in Florence Headcanons part II:
He takes her on operas . Every single opera whether she has watched it or no he takes her to operas because he knows she enjoys them a lot.
Even though Bedelia prefers Wine over any other drink most of the time, she bought a book that has cocktail recipes in them and sometimes makes the two of them drinks on random nights.
He likes to hug her from behind. At first, she tenses up and remains rigid in his arms and then melts when he nuzzled his nose into her neck and murmures soft apologies. Because despite the fact of being the cause of most of her migraines these days, he knows that she deserves tenderness and gentle reminders that he wouldn't hurt her like he hurts others because he respects her, and was infatuated with her too much to even wish her such harm.
She reads him books. They went through The Brothers Karamazov together and discussed the characters and their psyche every night when he wishes to share her bed, or she his.
It's true Bedelia isn't the greatest of cooks, but she can make something edible and something tasty. And therefore, salads are always made by Bedelia. Always.
He makes all of her cravings. Even the wild ones. Vanilla ice cream with olive oil and sea salt? Yeah, it sure did give him a heart attack but he made her a bowl none the less.
He kisses her scars. Every night.
He likes to sleep on her stomach. Finds it comforting even more when she runs her fingers through his hair.
Did I ever tell you how much Bedelia loves Bvlgari? At this point, the shop would hand him free things because he buys her so many things from there that they even suggested he creates something for her, and HE DID. HE FRICKING DID.
Hope you liked it? Part III?
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bedeliainwonderland · 22 days
Hi do you have your own headcannons for bedannibal? Do share because im struggling here lol!
Oh my goodness so many 😆 I don’t even know where to start.
They met in medical school. Hannibal was instantly infatuated. Bedelia was not interested in being a conquest (Hannibal had a reputation, but of course he had never seen her as one of them). They became friends with much much attraction and sexual tension. They haven’t slept together then, only kissed (Bedelia initiated it).
Their ways parted but Hannibal kept tabs on her and knew she became a psychiatrist. When he decided to change career, it was all too perfect of an opportunity to knock on her door and get back into her life.
Yes, they absolutely had a thing when he was her patient (she was very conflicted about it and ended things when she started too ~feel things). I am a big Baltimore affair preacher 😏.
Bedelia doesn’t like to celebrate her birthday but Hannibal remembers it every year and sends her flowers. There is no card but she knows they are from him.
She has a major sweet tooth and Hannibal has been more than eager to provide her with home made chocolates when she allows him to.
Bedelia was the first person Hannibal told about his sister after all too many years of repressing the memories. She is the only person who knows that he has nightmares about it still.
She refuses to attend his dinner parties but they have spent Christmas together.
Hannibal plans his outfits for their sessions days in advance. His favourite tie to wear is the one that matches Bedelia’s eyes. Bedelia would absolutely deny it but she too plays special attention tonight what she wears that day.
He asked for a specific time for their appointment so he can enjoy the sun reflecting on her hair (he replays the hue over and over in his mind).
Bedelia is Hannibal’s in case of emergency person.
He has a key to her house (for “safety” reasons after her “attack”) and has never abused that privilege.
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stellagibs0ns · 14 days
bedannibal kinks headcanons?
SO glad you asked. here are my opinions and elaboration. these are in no particular order. just what comes to my head as im typing
general dom/sun dynamics. i lean towards dom hannibal sub bedelia but i believe it absolutely goes the other way too on occasion.
adding onto that, i think bedelia finds a thrill in being able to give up her responsibilities and the control she obsesses over. she likes being told what to do and when to do it etc etc
hannibal enjoys the d/s stuff outside of the bedroom too on occasion. like if bedelia orders him around or tells him what to wear he is bricked UP
mild impact play (spanking, light face slapping etc — bedelia doesn’t mind the occasional tap on the cheek, but hannibal likes to receive full slaps. obviously)
hannibal has an untameable breeding kink. like i believe nothing is more thrilling to him than ‘claiming’ bedelia and (should it result in pregnancy) him being able to show their relationship/bond to the world
cnc is a big one because their relationship is generally very grey in canon. that being said i do believe hannibal is strict about a safeword and is very in tune to bedelia’s body and he understands what she enjoys. like he can tell during a scene if her ‘stop’ is a part of it or if she really means stop. but obviously that’s why they have a safeword
i don’t think they’re fully blown exhibitionists but i do think that they like to rile each other up in public. an occasional subtle touch or something dirty whispered in the others ear. i think they refrain from fully doing anything in public but enjoy pushing the other
bedelia is all for overstimulation. again she likes to give up that control and let hannibal make those choices for her.
hannibal much prefers edging. he likes to work for it and he is not above begging when it comes to her
THAT BEING SAID i think bedelia makes an excellent domme. she is very meticulous and patient. she knows how to get under his skin and how to make him bend to her.
appropriate follow up is that she pegs and he sees god every single time. we all know about that man’s overactive cowpers glands but let me tell you. BUCKETS.
bedelia likes having her hair pulled but hannibal has a sensitive scalp. he gets genuinely touchy about it. please don’t pull his hair he may cry
bondage is a hard no for bedelia unless it’s handcuffs. anything that restrains more than her wrists or ankles is too much for her. but hannibal teaches her how to work with rope because he luuuurves being tied up
body worship. i don’t have to say any more really. he loves his wife’s body
praise is BIG for both of them. but in certain scenes both of them like to be degraded a little. (hannibal more than bedelia. call him pathetic and he whimpers. call her pathetic and she may take it personally)
hannibal is not above period sex. someone had to say it so i guess i’ll do it!
and while we’re on the subject of things nobody wants to admit about hannibal. sometimes that man needs to just settle in for the night and suck his wife’s tit while she calls him a good boy. that man has appalling mommy issues and i’m gonna call it like i see it
somnophilia but only when bedelia trusts him. he occasionally wakes her up with oral and that is a special treat but she makes it clear that it doesn’t go further unless she says so
i think they’re too neurotic and picky for roleplay but they entertained the married couple thing in florence
i feel like i covered the important stuff here. if anyone wants more i can rustle something up. but i feel like i got the main ones
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a moment in the sun with you
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starlight-nerd · 13 days
young bedannibal headcanons pls?
Bedannibal Headcannons prt. 8
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Young Bedannibal Headcannons, I'm not sure how young you were thinking anon, so for the sake of it, let's say they're in their mid to late 20s.
1. They met shortly after Hannibal moved to the US and became a surgeon, probably at a charity function hosted by a 'mutual friend'.
2. Bedelia didn't pay him much attention at first, but Hannibal pursued her throughout the night until he got her contact information.
3. Bedelia will never admit it, but she could barely understand his accent the first time they met. It was alot of small, tight, smiles, and nodding instead of actual responses.
4. Their communications after their first meeting are mostly through email, and slowly merge over to text messages and phone calls.
5. During the winter, Hannibal took Bedelia ice skating, and expected to have to help her, but he was very quickly proven wrong. She even showed him up in terms of skill level.
6. Hannibal used to sign them up to take cheap painting classes together, and Bedelia used to find free movie in the park nights for them to attend while student loans were still being payed off.
7. Neither of them had much free time at that age, both of them busy with work. But Hannibal would still show up on her doorstep to spend an hour or two with her once or twice a week.
8. Instead of bottles of wine, unless Hannibal brought them over, Bedelia only had cheap boxed wine on hand. In her 40s, she'd never be caught dead drinking boxed wine again but it was an affordable substitute at the time.
9. Hannibal used to borrow books from Bedelia and leave some of his own books for her to read as well. This only came to a halt once they'd read every book the other had.
10. They never officially labeled their relationship at that age, both of them agreeing they were too young and it was too early in their careers to settle down like that.
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Hello! I am very fond of your writing about Bedannibal (I read your fanfics I LOVE THEM) and I was wondering if you have any headcannons for them? Bonus points if its angsty type hehe. Thanks!
hi! and thanks, that’s so kind of you 😊
uh, what type of headcanons are you interested in? because I am a Certified Maladaptive Daydreamer™️ and these two are my hyperfixation so like. we could be here literally all day lol
any particular season or era of their relationship? specific topics? lmk
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electric-couple · 6 years
Hannibal is good at playing with words however when it comes to express his feelings openly things are not always so easy for him. He prefers action over words but sometimes, in the dark of the room, when he thinks Bedelia is asleep and the light of the moon makes him braver, he whispers to her hear. The first time Bedelia hears him saying ‘I love you’ her heart skips a bit. It takes her a while but the way he holds her at night makes her soon realize that his words aren’t just memory of a dream
LOVE this one 😍😍
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chvrlesmelton · 4 years
Hey, just dropping by to thank you for continuing to share all the stunning Bedelia sets and Hannibal food sets. Just *chef’s kiss* 💋
Awwwwww this is so sweet. You’re very welcome! Thank you for supporting my work on both blogs. It means so much to me. I love seeing all the bedannibal headcanons and aesthetic posts on your blog too! ❤️❤️❤️
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halewynslady · 7 years
This looks promising.
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drdumaurier · 5 years
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Bedelia’s service dog post season 3
It’s a headcanon of mine that Bedelia had a dog as a child, a Great Pyrenees, who died of old age when she was a teen. Since then, she has missed having a dog even though she considers herself more of a cat person
Fast forward to the end of season 3. After Bedelia lost her leg and many months of deep thinking, she made the decision to adopt a service dog to help her even if it meant that she had to admit she was vulnerable enough to need one. Her choice was to adopt a Dalmatian as it’s one of her favourite breeds because she loved the movie 101 Dalmatians when she was a child even if she’ll never admit it. This is how she welcomed Persephone, her service dog, into her home. 
Persephone is there to help her with fetching things Bedelia needs so she doesn’t have to get up too often when it’s not necessary, especially at first when she’s still trying to adapt to her prosthesis, but she’s also mostly there to help her when she has an anxiety attack. Persephone will licks her hand and put her head on her lap to help and soothe her. Like Athena, she’s well-educated and Bedelia also taught her to bark and growl on command to protect her. Furthermore, she also was pretty quickly allowed to lie down on the couch and on the bed next to Bedelia. 
Persephone is very important to Bedelia and in threads post season 3, she’ll be a part of Bedelia’s life except if we plotted something different. I’ve had the idea that if Bedelia got a dog, it would be Dalmatian and the art I commissioned is here. However, the service dog headcanon is @bedannibal-lectaurier‘s idea so credit to her and huge thanks for letting me incorporate it in my portrayal! 
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bonearenaofmyskull · 6 years
How does one write meta? I am someone who is terrible at critical analyses and has trouble even finding themes in books (eng lit was hell for me!!) but I would love write meta for shows/movies. I just don't know what to look for and how to break it down. Please help me, if you don't mind! I want to be able to articulate/explain why I like or don't like and what I think about the work, character, relationship or topic. I feel like I need a guideline. Also how do you know if a work has substance?
Welp, if all your years of education including, evidently, college hasn’t taught you how to critically read a text (written or media) and write about it in a way that you feel confident in, then I seriously doubt there’s anything I can say in a single post to instill that confidence. That said, I can say what and how I do it, more or less. 
1. Watch the thing. A lot. And then some more. 
My typical schedule for when Hannibal aired in S2 (I wasn’t posting regularly in S1 and S3 was over summer so my schedule got shot all to hell) was to watch the episode the night it aired (Friday), read the questions I’d get about it in my inbox, watch it again right after, get up in the morning on Saturday and read the next set of questions, watch it AGAIN, start drafting answers, and watch it again at least once more that day and two or three times on Sunday. I would get an Amazon copy of the episode so when I wrote anything about any detail in it, I would go find that spot and rewatch it again, maybe two or three times. So my meta responses, unless it was something super quick and easy, typically had no less than five viewings. After the end of a week, no less than ten or twelve. 
At this point, I’ve watched “Aperitif” 27 times just for my job. Overall I think it’s around 70. Meta is time-consuming.
(A small tangent: This–along with the fact that each ask I answered tended to spawn two or three more asks–is something that informed my occasional testiness when someone would come along, say something inaccurate that would mislead or confuse people, and then, when I would say something to them about it, would say, “This is only my opinion!” or “I’m not writing for school!” or “I’ve only watched it once and I just wanted to share my feelings!” or “All interpretations are valid and equal!” Well, some of us are putting in a lot of time and effort into our interpretations and into helping people understand things before and in the process of publishing meta, and others’ lack of these directly makes my work more difficult and time-consuming. It’s frustrating.)
2. Look for patterns.
Hannibal has fairly obvious patterns because Bryan Fuller is many things, but–generally speaking–subtle he is not. So you see the same lines repeated (”They know”), the same images repeated (eyeballs with reflections), the same strains of music (go go Brian Reitzell), the same general topics (transformation, consumption, the human propensity for violence, God), and so forth. But this is true in all texts: if it bears repeating, it will bear examining. This is where themes (in books or otherwise) come from, along with the kinds of lessons that characters learn (or should have learned) through their experiences. 
3. Back up your opinions with text.
If you can’t back it up with text, you don’t have meta. You have headcanon. And sometimes headcanons are just wrong interpretations not because anything in the text directly counters them them, but because multiple things point toward countering them. Interpretations are fine, but they need to have multiple and/or significant portions of text to support them. 
I occasionally get into “the author is dead” debates with people, but as a rule of thumb, if you want to maintain any respectability in this endeavor, imo it’s worthwhile to look at a thing from the perspective of what you think the authors (including actors, directors, writers, etc) were trying to accomplish, and then look for details that support that. So like the “Bedelia cut off her own leg” argument–in the sense that you can’t definitively argue that she didn’t cut off her own leg, since they don’t show on screen who did, the claim that she cut it off herself is weaker than the claim that Hannibal and/or Will did it for her. There are pieces of evidence that imply that Hannibal and/or Will did it, but there is only conjecture to support that Bedelia herself did (”she could have…” this that, or the other). You cannot argue from an absence of evidence, and the evidence of an author’s thinking will be there, in the details. 
4. Study, look things up, and learn to write and argue. 
If Hannibal decides to quote Nietzsche, it don’t matter that you ain’t read Nietzsche in twenty-odd years and never read that particular piece at all. Go do your research, cuz somebody gonna ask. Not only that, but somebody gonna read that shit that is a fuggin philosophy major, so you better get your goddam ducks in a sweet little tidy row. 
Read what other people write about the topic you want to write about. If you want to write MCU meta, get your ass in the MCU meta tag (or whatever it is that they use) and read what people are saying. Some of them are going to be hella smart and help you understand things you didn’t know you misunderstood.
Same with writing. Learn to do that shit, if you don’t know already, on all levels: we’re dealing with ideas here, but there are also organization, voice, sentence fluency, word choice, and conventions. Reread and edit your shit. I recommend being linear in your organization–I’ve known people who wrote beautiful meta that you wouldn’t ever get any sense of what the point is till the absolute end. Don’t do that to people. Make a point, support it, draw a conclusion. Writing 101 stuff.
Learn to recognize logical fallacies so that you don’t do them when you don’t want to, and so that when you do want to, you can hide them so people won’t call you out on them. And so that you can call out others on them. 
Make no mistake: meta is argument. It’s only pretending to be expository.
With that in mind, know what you’re capable of. If you can’t run with the big dogs, stay on the porch. Especially if you’re easily hurt and/or have self-esteem issues. So much of fandom is all about lovey feelings and not leaving unasked-for criticism on people’s fic and all that–and I support that–but meta is an exception to this. It just is. Everyone is going to be jumping for a chance to tell you how wrong you are, even if they don’t write meta themselves and only watched the show once and just have feelings. 
5. Know your audience. 
Here’s an example of what I mean: I received an ask some years ago about whether or not Hannibal ever was in love with Bedelia, maybe even just a little? Even if it wasn’t like how he feels about Will??? 
Look, I’m a Hannigram shipper, and I wasn’t making any bones about that matter at the time I got that ask. But obviously that was from someone who shipped Bedannibal and really just wanted their poor soul to be soothed, and I can guarandamntee you I found some way to answer yes, in a way that was honest and that I could textually support, even though I myself would not call that relationship “in love.”
If you can, be on the side of your readers. They will be the people who are asking you questions. It doesn’t hurt to demonstrate kindness, as much as you can, without sacrificing the integrity of what you have to say as a meta writer. I’ll be the first to say I’ve made a lot of enemies on this blog because of various arguments I’ve gotten into, and I haven’t always known how important this is. But the people who come to you with questions deserve the best you can possibly give them.
How do you know when a work has substance?
It should be able to check several if not all of the following boxes:
Addresses the human condition in a non-trivial way (needs to be arguable and worth arguing about)
Contains complex characterization (no black and white major characters)
Displays text complexity (you gotta put in some effort to get it)
Exercises intertextuality (allusions to the greater world, other texts, history, etc.) 
Displays artistic quality (in all areas: writing, cinematography, acting, etc.)
Utilizes multiple varying artistic tools (metaphor, symbolism in writing, for example, or an appropriate variety of camera angles)
Controls and maintains a tone appropriate to subject and message
Note that being contextually relevant (dealing with important social issues) is not something that I listed here. Many on Tumblr would say that it should be. You should be at least vaguely aware of how your particular venue (Tumblr vs. reddit, for example) is going to affect your audience’s expectations of such things. 
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camusscigarette · 23 days
Bedannibal in Florence part III:
When they began to wander around the streets of Florence , Bedelia became obsessed with trying almost every ice cream shop around. But then again, she specifically wanted Gelato, and it was difficult to find the authentic shops due to the others that wanted to attract tourists and so on. Which lead Bedelia to not have any Gelato, until... Hannibal started making her some. Her favorite flavors became, Strawberry, mango and blackberry.
Bedelia loves clothes, but shopping is exhausting most of the time. So one day, when her legs were hurting really badly, Hannibal bought her a pair of ballet flats, (any guess what's the brand? Channel guys) and held her heels for her the whole time while they were shopping.
Speaking of shopping, he buys her most of the things she wants. Quite literally, his credit card should work wirelessly because as soon as he heard her say she loves that dress on a certain celebrity, BOOM, new dress in the closet who's this? She developed a sort of fear of saying she likes anything out loud at this point, which leaves him wondering what she truly likes and what she doesn't.
She refused to celebrate any of her birthdays before, until one day, she walked into her room and found a small cupcake left by her bedside and a small note. “Taking you to watch Karakalla. Get ready for tonight”. Why a foreign show in a foreign language? Because they both adore different civilizations and their histories.
Whenever she reads him books and he somewhat trails off, he always starts with kissing her neck, telling her to keep on reading ever so gently in her ear, trailing his kisses down her chest, her stomach, before reaching his destination in-between her legs. It always turns out this way, and the more he misses her the more he'd spend hours in-between her legs worshipping her.
She refuses to say she's sick. So it's a guessing game for Hannibal to figure out what's wrong with her. He usually solves it by getting into bed with her and holding her closely, and she'd nag his ear off to get away from here or he'll fall sick like her. And that's when the pampering begins.
Bedelia hates soups. And that baffles Hannibal. The only soup she actually does enjoy is a seafood soup, because it's spicy and is filled with yummy seafood.
She developed the ick towards red meat and now rarely eats chicken, so in a way to ask for forgiveness, he takes her to eat out even though it pains his little heart to eat cooking that isn't his.
He has asked the story about her scars over and over again, even though he already knew that she gave them to herself, he only wanted to know the story behind what pushed her to do this. She never told him of course, until their restricted time in Florence began to reach it's end, and one night when they were laying naked in each other's embrace, she had told him the story behind it
Instead of being caught, he created new identities for them(from scratch, no killings this time), travelled to Portugal, killed a guy there, and then travelled to Lithuania where they lived happily ever after.
Part IV?
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bedeliainwonderland · 21 days
Fanfics that I read is not enough. I need someone to make a hurt/no comfort headcannons for Hannibal and Bedelia because I am sick and twisted 😭😭😭
I am all hurt and comfort I am afraid 😆
But I think post Florence was definitely hurt/no comfort all the way:
Bedelia crushing from her high of getting away with it all and having immunity. She feels empty, her old life like a glove she can no longer fit into. Life with Hannibal was all Technicolor bright and now it’s all grey. She doesn’t want to admit it but she misses him. So much. She thought she was being all clever and not letting herself be attached to him. She thought wrong. The emotions she didn’t allow herself to admit to came rushing in like a flood and she could do nothing to stop them. And she could not act on them in any way. She played her part of the “survival” and she played it well. But at night, in the dark of her bedroom, she took out her wedding ring and put in on, the familiar coolness of the metal setting in with ease to its rightful place. She watches the faint gleam of the gold in the dark and lets her tears fall, mourning the life she has never thought she has wanted and now it was lost forever.
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stellagibs0ns · 21 days
Im curious about Bedannibal's sex life 😜 any thoughts and headcannons ?
obviously 👀
nsfw so i’m gonna put them under the cut 🙏
hannibal has incredible stamina. i mean that man can go for hours
bedelia is verrrry vocal but always tries to muffle it. hannibal is having none of that
they do engage in kink occasionally. bedelia leans more towards being submissive because she finds relief in being able to let go of responsibility etc etc. but make no mistake she can and will top that man.
they’re both biters. he’ll bite her neck when they’re kissing and she bites his shoulder to muffle herself.
and bedelia is a SCRATCHER. she is clawing the fuck out of his back constantly but he loves it. if she ever cut her nails he’d die
generally they like to be in bed but there have been countless times he has simply bent her over the kitchen counter or held her against the wall
hannibal has a breeding kink and i’m sorry if you don’t agree but i know this to be absolutely true
hannibal prefers to give oral rather than receive it but let me tell u. bedelia is a throatgoat. sorry if you don’t agree but i know her and she told me. that woman gives the craziest head and then simply fixes her lipstick and gets on with her day
bedelia’s chest is VERRRY sensitive but she refuses to admit that. he could sit and play with her tits for 5 minutes and she’d be arching and clawing at him
and obviously hannibal LOVES that. bedelia can have him begging in no time
they aren’t exhibitionists per se (they’re generally very polite outside of their craziness) BUT they have fucked on the balcony of their apartment before
hannibal looooves marking her. he wants to claim her. and she gets pissed when he leaves them on her neck because it’s ‘tacky’ but she neverrr complains in the moment
hannibal’s aftercare is always top tier. bedelia insists she’s fine and it’s stupid to make such a fuss but he is there with cold water, oil for a massage and he loves to pick at peoples brains (no pun intended) so he always wants to hear how she feels and what she thought after a scene
bedelia is a squirter and you can drag me out screaming but i will continue to fight for her rights. however i don’t think she was aware of this until hannibal and the first time she was MORTIFIED
bedelia hates edging & prefers overstimulation. hannibal is the opposite
they have absolutely heard the other masturbating before and it made them CRAZY
they definitely dabble in cnc
bedelia would rather die than admit it but she LOOOVES being manhandled a little. their size difference is crazy and he could throw her around no problem
but also their sex is generally very intense and it doesn’t Have to be kinky. sometimes it’s all very vanilla (as vanilla as they can be) and it’s still one of the most intense experiences in the world
also hannibal will usually ask for permission to undress her. because he is a gentleman. in a sick and weird way
that’s all i got rn but if u want more im sure i can cook something up
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this-is-madsness · 7 years
Imagine: Bedelia is caught as Elsa the Ice Queen with Hannibal as Prince Hans. He tries to trick her to get her Kingdom but instead falls in love with her. He still wants her kingdom but he wants her with her kingdom.
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plain-as-pandemonium · 6 months
pinned post / intro
hi, i’m dia. this is my bedannibal sideblog
i follow back from my main @celta-diabolica, where i sometimes talk about what i'm writing, specifically the tags #writeativity, #ask game and #tag game
if you're looking for my fic, everything is posted at Ao3. if you want to be notified the next time I post a fic, go to my profile page and click the subscribe button (upper right corner)
feel free to send me asks about my headcanons/questions about my fics/thoughts about the characters. please note, however, that i do not accept prompts
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