#been seeing so much fan art and fanfic lately
gardenerian · 1 day
TAG GAME! IT'S TIME FOR A TAG GAME! ty darling @creepkinginc @deedala and @energievie for this lovely walk down memory lane 🥰
how did you get into the fandom? i was here on tumblr for another fandom (shall not be named) when a friend reblogged a clip from s10. i had not kept up with shameless for a few seasons, but then i immediately rewatched and caught up... the rest is history!
how long have you been here? let's see - that was december 2019.... omg 😭 i have had this blog since 2017, and have been on tumblr on and off since 2010 tho askdhf i live here 🏡
what's the first fandom channel you found? (youtube, reddit, tumblr, insta, twitter, FB, other?) tumbles 4ever
what's your favourite now? see above 😇
which mutual have you known the longest in the fandom? i'm pretty sure it's @sickness-health-all-that-shit! one of the very first shameless blogs i followed, who for some reason decided to follow me back and i am forever grateful for my dearest rita 🥺
which tumblerinos did you have your first fandom crush(es) on and wanted to get to know? oh man so many! most of my early crushes are no longer active 😔 but they are so close to my heart always! but i also very much remember throwing my phone across a hotel room in excitement when i first saw @whatwouldmickeydo in my inbox ✨
first gallavich fan fic you read (or that blew you away that you remember)? always always always @palepinkgoat - i will never recover from my first reading of restoration.
first fan art that blew your mind? literally anything by @steorie!
fanfic trope that you were sure wasn't for you but now you low key (or high key) love? apparently i am really into the apocalypse askdfh
what surprised you most about this fandom? i think it's how... elastic (??) it is? like. maybe bc it was such a long running show, but i just love how the fandom grows and evolves over time. people are always welcome! whether they're brand new or are returning home... there's always excitement and love for everyone. it made my time away from the fandom bearable, knowing there was always a place for me to come back to when i was ready.
moment in the show (or YT vids if you're one of those) that you fell in hyperfixation with gallavich? 🗣 SORRY I'M LATE
ian or mickey? ian girlie (gender neutral) but i strongly feel you can't love one without the other!!!!
which gallagher or milkovich are you? oh. god. oh god i'm probably lip askdjlfh with the softness of one ian gallagher
and all the babes tagged above! 🍅
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tennessoui · 1 year
(cradles your face gently in my hands) your productivity, especially in fandom spaces, is not a reflection of your worth or measure of your talent we should leave those thoughts in 2022
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the-peak-tmnt · 3 months
Hey The Neon Void readers, quick update from the author's sister!
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(art commission by @kaysdenofchaos)
Hi readers of The Neon Void fanfic. This is the author’s older sister. She’s been getting a lot of fan art and asks lately. She’s sent me screenshots of a few unanswered ones looking for advice on how to respond.
While all the love and support of TNV is genuinely appreciated, my sister @sugarpasteltmnt is not equipped to respond to a small handful of these asks/comments that are, quite frankly, inappropriate.
Sugarpastels is not a therapist, and she’s certainly not an internet stranger’s therapist.
She’s an adult with an extremely demanding and stressful job for a very large client. Some of you have already experienced and enjoyed her work IRL without knowing it. Her company is close to finishing another project that will bring a lot of joy to hundreds of thousands of people every year, but working on a project of that scale is extremely stressful.
She is writing this fanfic for fun. TNV is a way for her to decompress and put her creative energy towards something other than work.
What’s not fun is coming home to asks/comments from readers who are projecting their own struggles/mental health onto TNV, and even Sugarpastels herself, and demanding some sort of attention from her over it.
Let’s be real: it’s fun to watch our blorbos suffer! So much of fandom is just us putting our favorite characters in Situations because it’s fun. Simple as that. But I think another reason TNV has resonated so strongly with readers is because of the way Sugarpastels writes the internal struggles of these characters.
We are both aware that TNV deals with mental health topics. Since the early days of “modern” fandom, fanfiction has been a way for people to explore complicated, difficult and sometimes even taboo subjects. There’s no shortage of complex feelings being explored in TNV, which is why we’re all having so much fun reading it.
But that’s all it is; an exploration. Sugarpastels is not a mental health expert. I’ve read a handful of books on PTSD and mindfulness for research while writing my own fanfic, and I would never consider myself prepared to help someone else.
It’s okay if you relate to things from TNV. I know I do! Again, fanfic has always been a way to read about things rarely dealt with (or handled poorly) in published fiction/tv shows/movies. I will always argue one of the greatest things about fanfiction and other fanworks is being able to see ourselves and our own struggles through our favorite fictional characters.
But Sugarpastels is not a fictional character. She’s a real person. Most importantly (to me at least) she’s my little sister, and this big sister cannot handle watching some of her readers expect more of her than is appropriate.
So I’m asking you to please be mindful of what you ask/say to not just her, but literally everyone on the internet. Unless you’re chatting with someone regularly, they do not know you. Whether it’s friends, family, teachers, coaches, etc, there are people in your life who know you personally, and are therefore better equipped to help you than a stranger on the internet.
Sugarpastels is so full of empathy that it’s hard to not feel for you when you send things like this. But it just isn’t fair to put that kind of unnecessary pressure on someone who is, at the end of the day, just trying to have some fun writing about ninja turtles bein’ sad.
(That being said, PLEASE DON’T BE SCARED TO SEND HER ASKS AND FAN ART!!! They make her day every single time and are seriously so, so appreciated. She’s texting me about it constantly how much she loves all of TNV’s readers. This whole post is really directed at an extremely small percentage of her readers, but there have been enough I felt something needed to be said.)
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mortalityplays · 9 months
Unfortunately the incredibly fragile fanfic writer with thin skin thing has crossed over into literature, particularly YA and genre literature, these days. Everyone is having a bad time and no one can stand constructive engagement with their work
there is a particular kind of person that falls in love with the concept of being a writer, but is absolutely unwilling to put any effort into seeing or treating it as a craft they need to actively master. they have always existed and will always exist, probably because it's much harder to see at a glance when a writer is full of shit than when someone makes terrible visual art.
traditionally you'd either find those people vanity publishing or wealthy/connected enough to publish through friends, family, old classmates etc. the people who didn't have access to those avenues (or who were too cowardly even to brush against the possibility of having someone read their work and think it was less than perfect) would stereotypically just work on their great novel forever and never let anybody read it.
the point I'm getting to is I think the larger and larger market share commanded by crybaby bad writers is reflective of the point we've reached in late capitalism. publishing companies have realised there's money to be made in doing marketing pump and dumps on writers who don't know or care enough about writing to spend more than maybe 2 years producing a finished manuscript, and who are so intensely horny for attention that they'll happily accept whatever conditions are put on them (we're looking for vampire enemies to lovers in a speculative future hunger games marriage tournament. also you have to promote it on tiktok and speak on a panel at this fan expo we sponsor, and give every other YA author in our stable a 5 star goodreads review. we will not be paying you for this). at the same time, people have been conditioned to see media consumption and audience affiliation as virtues and even skillsets. an infantilised media landscape combined with the proliferation of youtube media analysis hustle culture has primed an entire generation to believe that they're insightful, incisive, genre savvy wunderkinds whose bts-meet-the-winchesters fanfiction is actually the voice of a generation and DESERVES a three novel series and movie adaptation.
we're sick. we're not well.
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asterefflores · 8 months
How are you?
I Just wanted to say that your story truly touches my soul and i love it sooooo much 😭♥️
And one more thing ...
It's kinda a reaction but can I know what happens If:
Cale and rok soo have a little argument with each other but it gets so bad and Cale snaps and shouts at Rok soo :
"I wish you were never my brother from the start and even if you ever were I wish i hadn't made that deal to change our places to see you again!!"
I wanna know what the twins and others reaction is..
You know.. it has been running like shit in my head...
And.. Can I have some fan arts about it please?
I'm sorry If it's too much of a request 😭😭
Glad you're loving and enjoying my fanfic 🌸🌸
As for the requested fight, I'm sorry I don't feel like drawing it *cough* but I did write a mini- or I think it's the average length for a single novel chapter? lol anyway I wrote a chapter for you I guess, I'm guessing it's based on Cale and RokSoo in my fanfic, right? Otherwise it would probably turn out differently, cuz my Cale here is stable(?) and I can't add too much angst into the fight without being realistic to their characters in my fanfic lol but here it is, hope you enjoy it.
“I wish…”
Rok-Soo observed as Cale before him sighed quietly with his eyes covered as he rested his forehead on his palm. The air around the younger redhead made everyone tense up.
“…I wish…”
“…Cale?” Rok-Soo slightly frowned as Cale's voice grew weaker and more weary.
“I wish you were never my brother from the start…”
It was barely audible, but everyone seemed to have heard the whisper coming from none other than Cale.
“I wish you were never my brother from the start…and even if you ever were, I wish I hadn’t accepted the deal to change our places to see you again…”
The room was so silent it was hard to tell if anyone was even breathing.
Rok-Soo’s face remained the same, looking long at Cale, whose eyes were still hidden behind his pale hand.
“I see,” His calm voice nearly echoed in the room after the heavy silence. He nodded as he pushed himself to his feet calmly. “I’ll let Ron pack everything for me and leave tonight. I’ll be in Super Rock Villa.” He heard a quiet sound like a scoff from the other.
“I don’t see why you need to tell me where you’re staying at—”
“I’ll be in Super Rock Villa, Cale.”
Seeing as Cale fell silent, Rok-Soo turned to the others in the room, glancing at the Henituse family, and they silently turned to leave the room, their eyes lingering on the younger redhead, who was still in the same position in his seat beside the window.
Rok-Soo carried the worried Ohn and Hong in his arms with Raon around his shoulders and looked at Ron’s stiff face, receiving a nod, and the old butler got to work immediately.
Cale sat still, staring at his lap, as the sounds of everybody else around him faded until he was left with only the sound of a single person standing at his door.
“Eat and rest well.”
That was the last thing he heard before the quiet sound of the door closing behind Rok-Soo. The faint click strangely sounded loud in the silent room.
He was all alone, feeling like a ghost in his own room. He barely heard his own breathing as he was more aware of the slight tremble in his hands.
‘…he noticed, didn’t he?’
He finally let out a long sigh, removing his hand from his forehead and resting his head back with his eyes closed.
Of course, Rok-Soo would notice him trembling pathetically and feel sorry for him.
“Now you’ve gone and done it.” He mumbled with a scoff at himself, “Good job ruining everything in a matter of seconds.”
Opening his eyes, Cale stared long at the ceiling that looked too plain and far at that moment, making him feel the room was far too large for just him alone.
It is the past all over again, he thought.
After staring blankly for what felt like a whole day until it was late and dark outside, he finally decided to move from his seat and function again.
By function, he meant going to bed. He thought of taking a bath to freshen his mood before sleeping, but it only made him feel cold and alone in his spacious room. Well, he wasn’t expecting much change, anyway.
He threw himself on the bed with a heavy sigh, which he felt was still stuck inside and wouldn’t come out, no matter how many times he tried to force it out and get rid of the tightness in his chest.
Closing his eyes, he slowly accepted the coldness and felt numb and unbothered to think of anything anymore.
It’s for the best.
He drifted off to sleep with the thought, as he did every night for the next whole month…
A month passed, and Cale more or less moved like a ghost in the castle, silently leaving his room to his office and then back to his room after he was done with his duties as the Duke, rejecting his fidgety father’s offer of resting and leaving the work to him and Bassen or Violan. At the very least, he joined his family during meals every day.
Lilly and Bassen made it their mission to follow him around but maintain a reasonable distance, wanting to give him space but too worried to leave him alone. Violan, his mother, never misses a day of assuring him that she is there for him whenever he needs someone to talk to, and she leaves his side with one stern request asking him not to drink too much alcohol.
He won’t drink, not in front of anyone and not when the family is watching him like hawks and ready to jump his way if he so touched any bottle during their silent meals. He enjoys a few glasses before bed three times a week alone in his room when he’s sure no one will come to find him during late hours.
Today, however, he finally decided to rest and accept his father’s offer to leave the reports and documents to the family to finish. He woke up with a horrible headache, feeling so heavy he could barely bring himself to bathe or push anything into his mouth. The food the servants left for him for breakfast was left cold on the table for three hours or so.  
He lay on his back, eyes closed and feeling numb with the humming silence. It was funny how it seemed not even a soul passed by his door outside ever since Rok-Soo left with everyone. It felt like all the liveliness around the house was solely for the older redhead, and Cale’s relationship with everyone in this world didn’t improve. He felt like it was all an illusion now.
He sighed silently, knowing he should stop thinking this way, but it strangely felt relaxing the more he stayed alone. He was developing bad habits again, and he couldn’t care to stop them.
He expected no one from Rok-Soo’s people would ever want to look at his face again after the things he said. He believed Ron also would be too disappointed to even think of him anymore, but…
Cale sighed again, recalling how often he had to pretend he wasn’t aware of some of them sneaking into his office using invisibility magic and watching him. Don’t they already know he could use and sense magic well at this point? Really, he thought of it more as them provoking him than checking on him.  
It started with Raon sneaking in through the opened window with only Ohn and Hong, and sometimes, they’d bring Choi Han and Choi Jung-Soo with them. Cale may have left the window to his office and room open on purpose for them to sneak in any time, and they may have noticed his silent message of welcoming their presence to start visiting more than once a day.
He also noticed Sui Khan stopping by once every week to watch him for hours from the window before leaving as silently as he came.
Ron would drop by on days and ask him directly with his benign smile if the Puppy Young Master needed anything, and Cale would always say no, thank the old butler, and leave, as coldly as that, but at least he wasn’t rude. Cale was not acting Trash, after all.
‘Ah, maybe that's what's worrying them…’
He opened his eyes, looking at the ceiling with the soft sunlight seeping through the windows. He isn’t acting like Trash; he’s genuinely wanting to be left alone. Perhaps Rok-Soo was the one telling them to check on him, but he doubted it. This was more Deruth’s style of caring than Rok-Soo’s.
Rok-Soo is probably worried, or is he?
He shook his head slightly. No, that hyung of his must be worried, as he’s secretly been since before the start of that last conversation.
Then, the crew was probably checking on him just to reassure Rok-Soo.
He quietly clicked his tongue with a slight sigh and frown. Calmly flipping to his side, he decided to stop thinking about anything at all.
With his eyes closed, his mind was becoming numb again, and he slowly drifted to dreamland with the humming silence and the soft rustles of trees moving with the breeze outside and birds chirping.
Knock, Knock—
His eyes snapped open at the sudden interruption. He stiffened as he thought something must have happened since his family promised to leave him to rest unless it was urgent.
Before he could ask, the answer came from behind the door.
“Young Master, it’s Hans.”
He pushed himself to sit up, “What is it?” he slipped his cold feet into his slippers as he heard the man eagerly answer.
“Um, there is a letter for the Young Master.”
He frowned and stopped walking midway to the door. A letter? And why does Hans sound excited instead of alarmed? Not that it’s a bad thing, but he suddenly feels like going back to his bed.
However, he walked with a silent sigh and pulled the door open, slightly startling the ginger-head, but Hans looked so happy that he forgot even to let out a yelp this time.
“Here’s the letter, Young Master!”
He accepted the envelope that was pushed into his hands and raised an eyebrow as Hans didn’t turn around and run off as usual but instead waited with a broad smile like an excited brat awaiting his reaction after giving a gift.
Cale sighed as elegantly as always, staring intently at the envelope with a scroll attached. Confirming by using magic and his ability that it was safe, he opened the envelope in front of the Deputy Butler and pulled out the paper, leaving the scroll for later.
He opened the letter and found the first line with the familiar handwriting…
[ I’m still in Super Rock Villa. ]
Cale blinked at the words, blankly reading the rest of the letter that was obviously written by others as well listing down things and foods that could tempt him into paying a visit soon.
His hands slowly moved to open the scroll, and as he expected, it was a teleportation scroll to Super Rock Villa.
‘…of course Rok-Soo wouldn’t wait forever.’
He was still a bit shocked...
Cale was more used to people waiting for him to approach first and fix whatever damage was there or to address any problem, whether he was the cause or not, and most of them would eventually give up. After all, his family usually chose the waiting game, and he may have made a habit of taking advantage of it at some point. However, this is Rok-Soo he’s dealing with now, not Deruth, not anyone else.
“Young Master, the Master requested to know your answer as soon as possible.”
Cale looked at Hans’ bright eyes before he sighed, brushing his hair back with one hand, “I’m going to see hyung today. Tell father I won’t be with them at tonight’s dinner.”
“Yes, Young Master!”
Cale watched the butler run off to deliver the ‘long awaited’ news. He shook his head as he thought surely the man was happy the suffocating air around the castle would finally disappear soon, as were the rest of the Henituse family and the staff members.
He closed the door and looked at the letter again with the many handwriting styles. ‘…even with this, you guys sound vicious.’ A light puff of air left him as a silent chuckle, looking at the letter written by the kids and the rest, along with Rok-Soo, all crying out a big “Come over or else we’ll drag you this time.”
He took a deep breath and let it out calmly, feeling somewhat light for the first time after a month.
“…I’m nervous.”
He silently scoffed at himself for feeling this way at his age. Of all the things he had gone through, he was now nervous about facing Rok-Soo after their first fight.
He can’t refuse, and he should stop this while Rok-Soo is still giving the chance. The raging storm in his head from months ago had cooled off considerably by now, and maybe the reason was that he regretted the loneliness he had caused himself once again after all the years.
He nodded to himself with a silent sigh, looking again at the one sentence Rok-Soo wrote in the letter, then at the blue sky outside.
…he has plenty of time to relax before seeing his vicious hyung for the first time after a whole month.
“Human! Gentle Human! We’re leaving now. Remember to make up and never fight again!” Raon announced brightly as they were leaving Rok-Soo’s room after eating together, as if nothing had happened between the two redhead siblings.
Cale watched silently as Rok-Soo relaxed in his seat and waved away the kids, Choi Han, Choi Jung-Soo, Sui Khan and Ron, with a stoic face.
The door closed, and the room was too silent after the soft click.
Cale stared into space as Rok-Soo comfortably sipped his tea in the seat beside him. He didn’t expect eating dinner with the group to be… this easy, as if everything was all right, as if they trusted everything was already solved by his presence here now.
“…I’m sorry for what I said.”
He finally mumbled, and he noticed Rok-Soo stopped sipping his tea for a moment beside him.
Rok-Soo went back to sipping his tea leisurely with a quiet hum, “Ready to talk about what’s been bothering you, dongsaeng?” he looked at Cale and smiled a little at the little nod. He couldn’t stop himself from patting the brat’s head to make him finally look at him.
“Good, I’m listening.”
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rhoorl · 7 months
Week in Review | Nov. 5
It’s kind of hard to believe Halloween was this past week, right? If you celebrated, I hope you had fun. I had a very enthusiastic little helper with me to help pass out candy. It routinely cracks me up how two introverts made an extrovert, but here we are. 
This week, Mr. Rhoorl and I bid adieu to our beloved TLOU Halloween Horror Nights house. It was such a fun event and I loved seeing Joel 😉. We don’t get out much just the two of us, so those were special nights for sure. Now we transition to seeing all of the fun holiday celebrations at the various theme parks around us. 
I didn’t read as much as I wanted to this week, my TBR list is growing more and more unmanageable by the day 😆 But alas, here's the week in review starting out with what I read.
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Fics I read this week:
Frankie Morales
The Pilot and His Girl by @avastrasposts - I finally caught up on the last chapter and it was literally everything I wanted! I’ve been following along with this story for months and have felt every emotion throughout the journey. I just love this story so so much and Mel did a fantastic job weaving the TF world into TLOU.
Javier Peña
the angel + the devil by @undercoverpena - This is a fun little Halloween extra in the Late Night Text series I loved so much. This couple is just the cutest and Javi is still a menace!
Unworthy by @morallyinept - Jett’s giflets are so good (there’s a Marcus Moreno one I have my eyes on to read this week)! I’m continually in awe at what emotions she can elicit in less than 500 words. I went through a bit of a rollercoaster reading this one (in the best way!)
Marcus Pike
Headshots by @secretelephanttattoo - The fourth installment in this series was seriously everything I wanted.  Marcus fics are like a warm hug and El writes him so well! 
Joel Miller
Strings by @trulybetty - The way I devoured this series in a day! This was such a beautiful story of two people who found comfort in one another. Apologies for the spam reblogs that day Betty, but I couldn’t get enough!
Dieter Bravo
Broadcasting Live Tonight by @morallyinept - I still haven’t fully recovered from Pedro’s surprise appearance on SNL and stuff like this doesn’t help 😆 This one-shot follows Dieter as he hosts SNL.
Props To
A big congratulations to @trulybetty on her Autumnal Offerings series. It was so fun to follow along all month with the various prompts. Although I am biased with Sequins!Joel, I loved the little glimpses of Marcus, Frankie, Dieter, Tim, and others throughout the month. 
Current Compulsory Series:
These are the series I am keeping up with at the moment. Delta Palms Tropical Resort (Frankie) by @linzels-blog 
I Like the Way You (Frankie) by @undercoverpena
Destiny & Deliverance (Dieter) by @mysterious-moonstruck-musings
Paranoid Heat (Javi P) by @goodwithcheese
It’s Never Too Late (Javi P) by @javierpena-inatacvest Madeline! I’m so behind but I want to catch up on this soon!
Posts from the week:
The Catfish Pond PhD Program is still going strong. If you missed it, here’s Module 7 from Professor @legendary-pink-dot.
As much as I love the fanfic part of this site, I equally love the fan art side! @perennialdoll247 captured Javi so beautifully here!
Feral corner:
Want some Javi P thots? Read this post from @beabliss (and subsequent reblogs) about things he’d say to you.
I didn’t do a great job of keeping track of the feralness from the week. I am in the midst of working on a 2024 Pedro calendar for my desk, so I’ve been saving a lot of photos 😂
Things I watched:
I got it in under the wire, but I did watch Hocus Pocus. We had it on while the trick-or-treaters were going around. I really love that movie. On the TV front, my trash TV shows are in full swing so I’ve been enjoying those when I can.
Today I am finally going to the movies after several weeks away. I’m going to go see The Marsh King’s Daughter. Why? Because Garrett Hedlund is in it. I have no shame. Speaking of Garrett, he released a single this week for the Desperation Road movie he was in. 
Personal Stuff
Putting this here as part of accountability to myself - week two of my health journey is in the books! Things have been going well on that front because I can actually see progress. The holidays are a bit tricky, but I'm hoping to have some solid routines and habits down by then.
Fic updates:
Apparently, it was smut week for me. I posted a Benny Miller one-shot, Are You on Mute? and then Chapter 16 of Working Title. Thank you to everyone who’s been sticking with me on that one, I think to say it was a slow burn is an understatement when it takes 16 damn chapters lol 🫢 But, hopefully, it was worth it.
Delta Landscaping Chapter 9 is coming along and should be posted this week (maybe tomorrow if I can get my act together). I did take some time this week to get myself organized, so hopefully, that will help me with subsequent updates. Doing two fics at the same time is a bit more than I bargained for!
Thank you as always for reading and interacting. I hope you find a reason to smile this week 🙂
Working Title (Dieter, series, ongoing) | AO3 
Delta Landscaping (Triple Frontier, series, ongoing) | AO3
Turbulence (Frankie, one-shot) | AO3 Are You on Mute? (Benny Miller, one-shot) | AO3
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sleepyheadgallavich · 12 hours
weekly tag wednesday thursday lol
tagged by the lovely @mybrainismelted @deedala and @vintagelacerosette
How did you get into the fandom? 
funnily enough technically because of my previous hyperfixation with the One Chicago tv series, specifically Chicago Fire actor Taylor Kinney lol. The show was going on a mid season break and I was like well I dont want to blow through what I need to catch up on but I want to wach said actor and I saw he was in 2 eps of s2 of shameless so I watched, laughed my ass off and decided to start it from the beginning immediately. Then became infatuated with gallavich surprise surprise.
How long have you been here?
on this blog, only a couple months, i had a lot of time off of tumblr but originally I joined around 2011 ish i think
What’s the first fandom channel you found? (Youtube, Reddit, Tumblr, Insta, Twitter, FB, other?)
I mean i had been seeing shit pop up in the algorithm on tiktok long before I got hooked, but like probably gallavich scenes on YT
what’s your favourite now? 
tumblr and discord for sure
Which mutual have you known the longest in the fandom?
oooh thats a tie actually! I started interacting with both of them at the same time lol @iansw0rld and @mickittotheman
Which tumblerino’s did you have your first fandom crush(es) on and want to get to know?
@mickittotheman again lmfao theyre such a cutie little bean i love them so much bitesyoubitesyoubitesyou
First Gallavich fan fic you read (or that blew you away that you remember)
screaming at the top of my lungs The Menagerie by @crossmydna
it wasnt the first story i read, but it was the first one that sank its teeth into me and made me absolutely insane. It made me love slow burn, so beautifully balanced, perfectly detailed. Amazing read I can NOT recommend it enough.
First Fan art that blew your mind? 
all fanart blows me away yall are so tallented its fucking insane. but the one that made my brain go brrrrrrrrrrrr was THIS one by Mechy aka @mickittotheman. but also I love @steorie, @doshiart @heymrspatel and @deedala your art always makes me go insane i love you all thank you for blessing my eyeballs
Fanfic trope that you were sure wasn’t for you but now you low key (or high key) love?
slow burn and college/sports AU's also sex worker of varying degree but specifically Headphones Encouraged by @whatthebodygraspsnot
What surprised you most about this fandom?
how fucking nice, and accepting everyone is! entering into a fandom, especially when there is no new canon content was scary but every single person i have come across has been incredibly lovely, and a few of them hold a very dear place in my heart for helping me through my self journey (@transsexual-dandelions looking at you i love you forever)
Moment in the show (or YT vids if you’re one of those) that you fell in hyperfixation with Gallavich?
oh literally instantly mickeys intro and interactions hooked me into their world immediately
Ian or Mickey?
okay first of all how dare you. this is impossible. i refuse
Which Gallagher or Milkovich are you? 
im mickey 100% lmfao love that for me
not tagging more people as im late to this anyway but if you see this and want to then i tagged you okay love you all byeeeeeeeeee
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red-sneakers · 1 year
Pairing: Midoriya Izuku/Bakugou Katsuki
Rating: G
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Eri, Bakugou Katsuki
Summary: Katsuki helps Izuku babysit an unruly Eri who has opinions about how Katsuki should treat the person he likes.
Genres: comfort, humor, romance
Word count: 1,020
For @gil-shalossssss as a thank you for the adorable fan art of my fanfic, Go Get Your Man, Young Bakugou!
Check out their cute art here!
Usually, babysitting Eri was a piece of cake. She was such a good kid. In some ways, she reminded Izuku of his younger self: always on his best behavior for fear of being a burden. In his heart of hearts, Izuku was glad Eri’d been acting up today, because it probably meant she was getting more comfortable with him. That said, he was exhausted.
“No, you’re saying it wrong!” Eri stomped a socked foot on the carpet of the common room for the 100th time that evening.
Izuku sighed from under a mountain of pillows, making sure his irritation wasn’t loud enough for the little girl to hear. “What do you want me to say, Eri?”
“It’s not fun if you’re not scared!” 
Izuku buried his face in a cushion. He’d never been a very good actor. When he was a kid, it was different, because the make believe games felt real, especially the ones he played with Kacchan. Right now, however, he was having trouble “getting into character.” It’d been a long day.
“Come oooon!” Eri whined.
Izuku drew a bolstering breath. “Save me, Healing Hero: Uni!” He cringed at his own voice. Eri was right; he didn’t sound scared at all. “My legs are stuck under this pillow.” Izuku realized his mistake too late. “I-I-I mean rubble! Under this rubble!”
“Noooo!!” Eri’s yell flipped into a piercing whistle register.
“What’s with the damn racket, hah?!”
Izuku poked his head from the pillow pile at the sound of Kacchan’s voice. Despite the angry eyebrows and tense grip on his wooden spoon, Kacchan looked soft in his black pajama shirt and sweats, stirring a pot of what smelled like his signature spicy curry.
“He won’t . . . s-say it right . . .” Eri murmured, her face almost as red as her dress. She must’ve been embarrassed to be caught in a meltdown.
“Heh. That’s ‘cause Izuku can’t say anything right.�� Kacchan grinned. Izuku’s face burned with a mixture of embarrassment and indignation. He opened his mouth to make a retort, but then Kacchan’s face melted into something softer. Awkward, even. “But he, uh . . . He always does his best. So give ‘im a break, eh?”
Eri’s lower lip quivered. Oh no, oh no, it was starting. Izuku’d known Eri for about a year, and he’d only seen her cry about four times. She held it in, because she didn’t want people to know they’d upset her. Izuku could tell. Eri only ever cried when she thought she’d hurt someone else. But she wasn’t to blame! Izuku should’ve been able to keep her happy. Why couldn’t he have just been a better ‘helpless civilian’?
“Hey, it’s okay, I’m okay.” Izuku stumbled free of the pillow pile. “See? No tears!” He squatted in front of Eri and pointed to his own dry eyes. Somehow that only made more tears pool in Eri’s until they spilled over. “Oh, gosh, please don’t be sad, Eri! I’m not sad. Really! I’m just a little tired, that’s all! Three hours is kind of a long time to play hero, and—“
“Three hours?” Kacchan interrupted. “No wonder the kid’s pissy. She’s fucking hungry, idiot.”
A few minutes later, Izuku, Kacchan, and Eri sat around the circular kitchen table, each with a large, steaming bowl of Kacchan’s famous spicy curry (Izuku with an extra side of rice, because he was a ‘wimp’ according to Kacchan). 
Kacchan’d been right about Eri. She seemed much happier with a belly full of a delicious, home cooked meal. Izuku often forgot his own meals, but forgetting Eri’s dinner was basically a crime. He’d have to do better next time. Maybe he’d start getting healthy, pocket-sized snacks to keep in case Eri got hungry randomly during the day. The grocery store sold veggie snacks, but she’d need something with protein so—
“Quit muttering, nerd.”
“S-sorry, Kacchan.” Izuku stuffed his cheeks with rice to stifle any unconscious muttering.
“Why do you call Deku names?” Eri asked with curry stuffed in her own chipmunk cheeks. She could handle spice almost as well as Kacchan.                       
“‘Cause he’s a nerd.” Kacchan answered flippantly, adding even more hot sauce to his own bowl.
“But don’t you like him?”
Izuku inhaled a chilli flake and choked. 
Kacchan slapped him hard between the shoulder blades, and the flake dislodged. “Yeah, so?”
Izuku wheezed. Kacchan was admitting to liking him? Of course, he didn’t mean romantically. There was no way. But still, Izuku never thought he’d hear Kacchan admit to more than tolerating him.
“You’re ‘spose to call him something nice,” Eri insisted. Izuku held his napkin to his mouth, more to hide his flushed face than clean the sauce on his chin.
Kacchan leaned across the table, grinning like the cheshire cat. “Oh yeah? Wadda you suggest, Eri?” He addressed Eri, but he looked right at Izuku, and the hairs on the back of Izuku’s neck stood on end.
“Hmmm . . .” Eri scrunched up her face in serious thought, as if she’d just been given the task of choosing the number one hero’s official hero name. This was dangerous. Lately, Eri’d been getting more and more interested in the kind of stories where princes and princesses fall in love at the end. There was a non-zero chance she was about to suggest a super lovey-dovey nickname.
“It’s okay, Eri,” Izuku tried to redirect the conversation, “I really don’t mind when Kacchan calls me a—“
“I’ve got it!” Eri lit up. “Honey Bunny!”
Izuku froze. 
Kacchan’s shoulders quivered and he covered his mouth with a broad hand, presumably hiding his laughter.
Eri bounced in her seat, clearly proud of herself. “‘cause of the ears on his hero costume!”
Izuku was at a loss. Surely, Kacchan would shut down that nickname (err, pet name), and it’d probably hurt Eri’s feelings since she was so proud of it, but how could Izuku console her without admitting that Kacchan calling him a pet name would be a dream come true that could never in a million years actually—
“Alright.” Kacchan leaned back in his chair, smugly crossing his arms. “Honey Bunny it is.”
If anyone is inspired to continue the story, PLEASE DO! I’d love to read it. (Just please don’t useChatGPT.)
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windsweptinred · 4 months
Shipper tag game
Thank you for the tag @marvagon, you glorious human 💖💖💖.
What ship were you completely obsessed with as a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore?
None. I may not be as passionate about them as I once was. But I still hold all my past ships near and dear to my heart. I'll even occasionally nip into their tags on A03 and have a dip into newer fics.
What ship would you consider your first one?
Daiken/Kensuke from Digimon 02. I remember watching it on Saturday morning and wondering if anyone else was seeing what I was seeing. That led me to discover Fanfiction.net. And the rest is history...
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
My very first full length fic was Corinthiel, posted here on Tumblr. My first fic posted on AO3 was Dreamling, and I wrote both last year. I am a very, very, very late comer to fanfic 😅. I'm honestly much more at home drawing fanart then writing. But will occasionally give into temptation, when an idea obbsessively hounds me to the point of insanity.
Do you remember the first couple you saw fan art of?
I genuinely can't. 😅 I remember it was probably on deviantart.
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
I try desperately to stay out of ship discourse. To me people's ships are their joy... And I've got no interest in being a theif of joy. If there's something I want to see more of in the fandom, like a rare pair I'm fond of, I just try and create content and hope someone else joins in (@bobbole loves you 💚🤍😅) . If it's not for me, I just keep scrolling on by.
Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
Again, no. I've always been happy to pick and mix my ships. I have my favorites ofcourse. But I've never outright refused to dip my toe into any ship. Maybe if it ventured into an area I personally deemed problematic. But mostly, I'm happy to try anything once.
Who were the last couple in the last fanfic you read?
I'm currently reading Remy Lebeau x Logan fanfic from Xmen. 😅 What sent me in that direction, I do not know. But I've found some amazing new fics in and amongst revisiting some old favourites.
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
I can proudly say until recently I've never had an OTP. Being a multishipper makes that kind of hard. But I don't know, I may be in too deep with Corinthiel. I'm not sure I could picture Danny and the Second Corinthian with anyone else but each other now. (Curse you @ibrithir-was-here. See what you have wraught! 😆). Them and Charmes (Charon x Hermes) from Hades. Because why would you split up the professional associates like that?! (Again very much your fault @mashumaru 😆) , Damn, I guess I've got OTPs now. If there's an established, happy couple in canon, most of the time I'll respect that and leave them be. So I guess that kind of counts too.
Is there any couple that, to this day, that you are extremely mad about not getting into?
Again no. If the juggernaut ship of a fandom doesn't really tickle my fancy, I'll sometimes stare forlornly at it. And sigh like a sad bohemian poet. But that's all content envy and I know it. 😆
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they're kind of interesting?
🤔 I didn't dislike it, but I never really ventured near Corintheus until I started shipping Corinthiel. That made me backtrack and consider Morpheus and the original Corinthian's relationship from an entirely different perspective.
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would have been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
No I don't think so. As far as know they're all still alive, well and for the most part, living in peace and harmony in their respective fandoms.
What is your favorite crack ship?
Bookend, Destiny and his Book. The old book and chain. Living their best, grumpy old married couple, life together. @jazzy-a 🤜🤛🤣.
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
Most recently was Dreamling. I'm a bit of fandom butterfly at the moment, fluttering between multiple fandoms, waiting for the next all consuming passion to strike me down. I read, and reread ANYTHING Corinthiel 😅. But of all time?..... I couldn't say. I revisit so many of my ships so often.
What do most of your ships have in common?
Two bastards in love will always be my favourite. I'd love to boldly claim it's all about two morally dubious rogues, being despicable in the kinkiest ways together. 😅 But I know it's more about two people, often misunderstood and maligned... Finding a deep sense of belonging with each other. But I'm an eclectic sort and I've got a lot ships that don't fit that category I still love dearly.
What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
Absolutely nothing outright. I'll sometimes go off a ship a little once it reaches that point where fanon locks in too tight around it. But I think that's a very me problem, as I crave variation/new experiences/ideas. I'll still love the ship, I'll just know that's just my time to move onto something new and come back and visit every so often.
I'm tagging @martybaker @thelostkelpie @missingrache @thirrith @zigzag-wanderer @lucienne-thee-librarian and @tickldpnk8 and anyone mentioned above. If you want to have a go. 😁
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You've done favorite music and fanfics... what's your favorite fan arts???
Okay, it seems like it’s favourite fanart this time! Not everyone could make it, but five people could, so we’re trying our best here!
*Clotpole and Hairdo Guy fixing the camera while Dark Raven goes through the script.*
Dark Raven: It says that it’s Claire this time on the list.
Clotpole: Yeah, I can’t deal with Toby anymore. He’s being an ass.
Hairdo Guy: *cracks knuckles* Need me to go talk to him?
Clotpole: Not unless you want a murderous time traveller on your heels. I can possibly get away with it, but don’t for even one second do you think you can get away with it, bitch.
Hairdo Guy: *flings hair* Who are you calling bitch here, darling?
Dark Raven: Hairdo, love you and all, but… no. Just no. 
Hairdo Guy: Fine. Get the first person on here so we can get shit over and done with.
Clotpole: *clears throat* CLAIRE, YOU’RE UP!
*Claire enters the room, grinning as she sits down on the first chair set up in a semicircle.*
Dark Raven: Hey, C-Bomb. If you don’t mind me asking, what is… your favourite fanart?
Claire: This one https://www.tumblr.com/inecole/649990950312181760/best-girl-some-more-of-my-weird-sense-of?source=share by @inecole. I really just like their type of style when drawing me, and typically, I’ve always been drawn to that sort of style.
Dark Raven: *glances at Clotpole* Yeah, no, we’re always going to be starting with her in the future, Boss.
Clotpole: Yeah, I’m going to have to agree with you there. NEXT!
*Douxie walks into the room, and sits down next to Claire*
Douxie: Ladies, my dear sir.
Clotpole: Okay, Douxie, none of the posh nonsense until after we get to cut the shooting.  Tell us, favourite fanart?
Douxie: Has to be this one: https://www.tumblr.com/honeyxmonkey/726948737517322240/more-of-him-douxies-hair-getting-long-in-the?source=share by @honeyxmonkey. I want my long hair back sometimes, and this piece of fanart certainly proves how much I need it.
Claire: *giggles* You’d look good with long hair.
Hairdo Guy: But my hair will always look better.
Dark Raven: Dude, we get it- your hair is amazing, it floats, and it likes whipping my boyfriend in the face. Speaking of which… where is Dollophead?
Clotpole: *blushes* Nowhere.
Dark Raven: I’m guessing it’s a secret, right?
Clotpole: You guessed it, sister!
Dark Raven: Well, as long as Lance and him don’t break into a museum again, I say we’re safe.
Clotpole: That wasn’t Dollophead, that was Lance, KK and Hairdo Guy.
Dark Raven: He was on video call with them. I was there.
Douxie: Wait, Hairdo Guy, Lance and KK broke into a museum?!?!
Claire: I mean, so did Jim and Toby. Nothing new to me.
Clotpole: Guys, I spent effort writing this script and we’re going off track already. And we need to get this posted by Tuesday at the latest we can! So let’s hurry up, okay?! NEXT!
*Mary walks in and sits down, before swinging her legs into Douxie’s lap*
Mary: I am so done with this room- I swear it doesn’t do our asks any justice.
Hairdo Guy: *shrugs* None can do, m’lady. You’re just going to have to do with it. Anyway, favourite fanart?
Mary: You’re not Chat Noir, so don’t call me, m’lady. Anyway, my favourite fan art has to be… https://www.tumblr.com/avirxy/701584713464283136/the-chaos-that-would-unfold-if-theyd-all-been?source=share by @avirxy. Way too good. I honestly just fell in love with this meme draw.
Clotpole: Avirxy and Honey have really been getting our attention lately, but then again, they’re both way too good at what they do. Oi, Dark Raven, did you see that one ask I sent Avirxy of a possessed Jimgana from her angsty art meme?
Dark Raven: Oh yeah… that one you sent me- I remember that one. There’s like a world of wonder to explore with a possessed Jim, but there’s even more to explore when it’s Jim and Morgana as a romantic pairing-
Claire: NO WAY!
Clotpole: Okay, moving on! Dark Raven, please for the love of god don’t say that again- it’s Jlaire forever and Ajim at the maximum for my wondering ass to bear as a multishipper-
Hairdo Guy: And then there’s Jeves-
Clotpole: That’s our secret, you idiot-
Douxie: I can’t believe I’m saying this but FOR THE LOVE OF MASTER MERLIN, NEXT!
*Toby enters, wearing sunglasses*
Toby: Hello, beautiful world!
Clotpole: Did someone give him tequila?
Hairdo Guy: Is that really your first reaction to Toby wearing sunglasses?!?!?!
Clotpole: Shut up, man. Anyway, Toby, what is your favourite piece of fanart?
Toby: *sits down* This awesome piece: https://www.tumblr.com/jae-in-a-trenchcoat/730304134181470208/this-tag-absolutely-took-me-out?source=share by @jae-in-a-trenchcoat. Love your work, Jae! It was super random when I found it, but the look on Douxie’s face was so worth it.
Douxie: What do you mean?
Toby: Not now, dude. I’ll show you later.
Clotpole: *rolls eyes* Someone definitely gave him tequila- or something spiked with it. Anyway, final person, YOU CAN COME OUT NOW!
*Jim walks into the room, smiling*
Jim: Hey, guys!
*Jim sits down, and leans back into chair*
Dark Raven: What’s got you so cheery?
Jim: Nothing really. What’s the question today?
Clotpole: Favourite fanart?
Jim: Anything Percy Jackson.
Hairdo Guy: *facepalms*
Clotpole: Dude, we know you’re obsessed with Percy Jackson. We mean anything in the TOA side of things.
Jim: Wait… Trials of Apollo?
Dark Raven: Jim, just say it, dude. We’re going off script, and Clotpole needs a nap.
Jim: Then… anything by @bluheaven-adw. Love all her art.
Clotpole: *nods* Okay, I’m out of here. Claire, create me a shadow portal back to my house.
*Claire creates a shadow portal and Clotpole jumps into it, before it closes. Everyone looks at the camera.*
Mary: If you have any questions, hit that ask button, I guess.
Douxie: And give us a follow for more content!
*Claire hides her head in her hands*
Claire: Dios mio, we sound like a Youtube channel at this point.
*Jim turns to look at his girlfriend with a raised eyebrow*
Jim: We’re worse than that. We’re a Tumblr account with no sense of self preservation.
Toby: That’s just you, Jimbo. I say we get Discord and Twitter.
Everyone else apart from Douxie and Hairdo Guy: NO TOBY!
Douxie: I say we give at least Discord a shot.
Hairdo Guy: I’m up for anything, honestly.
*Suddenly, the lights switch off, and electricity crackles. Dark Raven sighs*
Mary: I think that was Clotpole saying no.
*Electricity crackles again.*
Jim: And that was her threatening us with a fate worse than death if we do any sketchy shit.
Dark Raven: And that's why we don't talk about Twitter out of all the things you could, Toby.
*camera cuts to black*
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ainadelothwen · 7 months
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I came to the Shadow and Bone fandom rather late. I was watching Season 1 and was completely captivated by Jesper, especially the scene where he lies about bouncing for the Clipper and shoots the signs. I had been looking for inspiration for my next D&D character and my bard-warlock Arlan was born in that moment, who fakes shooting with his Eldritch Blasts, lying because his brand of magic isn't exactly approved by those in power. At the time, I didn't know that Jesper was Grisha; Arlan was more like Jesper than I had originally anticipated. I've been playing Arlan now for two years and during that time I've dug more and more into Jesper's character and it's just made me love him all the more.
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One of the things bards can do is give Bardic Inspirations to other players - so it was incredibly special to have Kit Young sign the Arlan/Jesper art I had commissioned from @cilyra and give me my own Bardic Inspiration from him.
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Shadow and Bone brought me to tumblr because I was looking for artists who could draw Arlan/Jesper and I found so much more. I wasn't expecting to find a welcoming and thoughtful fandom community. I've dug into the books. I've gotten spectacular art from several artists via tumblr and IG.
I've loved reading the fanfics and the thoughtful analysis (@she-posts-nerdy-stuff has some great think pieces) which have made the source material so much richer, seeing uploads from the gif makers (shout out to @thewalkingbucky) to help me get through my days, and just interacting with other fans. I was fortunate enough to meet some of them in Germany at MagicCon (and share in a group hug with Kit).
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(Photo by A. Jansen)
The Grishaverse is the first fandom in years and years that I've let myself really grasp, unabashedly, whole-heartedly, openly. I've always felt a little embarrassed with my little blorbo hyperfixations but something about Shadow and Bone community has made me say who cares what other people think? I love what I love and I want to fully experience it all; it's made my life that much fuller. It's made me realize that I should just embrace my interests and what gives me joy, and fuck the haters and fuck the cynics.
So while it is disappointing that Netflix has cancelled not just Season 3 but also the Six of Crows spinoff, I hope we'll still maintain the thriving community and have future cons to meet the cast and each other!
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go-learn-esperanto · 2 years
I would like to have finished writing the well thought out post I was gonna do initially but I've been extremely busy today, so I'm just gonna say.
I am so distraught by what this situation has done to my community.
Right now I'm in constant anxiety and terror because I don't know which of the blogs I followed and loved, and even possible friends, are just gonna leave forever.
It hurts seeing something that was mostly build by the fandom - let's be real, the last year of Dream SMP popularity has mainly remained because we are so many and we created fics and art, and videos and everything. It wasn't the the Minecraft server. Definitely not just that.
And more than that the Minecraft server isn't just Dream. There are so many CCs who poured all their art in it, and to see the story gone? The community gone? Just like that? That would destroy me.
I spent the last 2 years dedicating so much of my time, love and happiness to it. I made so many friends in this community.
I really don't want to say I left a fandom not because I lost interest but because the fandom sinked all around me.
The last Reblogs aren't done with lightness in my heart they're made of desperation, of simultaneously trying to maybe make my followers happier with fun posts and trying to convince them to maybe not leave, or even the worst of them all, scattering trying to reblog a posts of a blog that has said they won't be here anymore.
To me the Dream SMP was ours. We all got together when there was a new Sad-ist or Late August animatic, a lot of my music library is Dream SMP fan songs, Passerine was a fanfic with fics, music and animations made out of it. A lot of us talk about the Super Hero au like it's canon sometimes, we fought to get that Ao3 tag!!! We made content in the Dream SMP canon (the white streak, YCGMA limbo).
I am inclined to say that the fandom as a whole is as much of a Content Creator as the the Dream SMP's content creators, if not more (we are a lot of people).
And now some are leaving for very valid reasons, and us that are staying know that we'll have to find way to make this work in a sensible way - that we'll also suffer consequences of having extra hate thrown at us, even if we really haven't supported Dream directly in a long time (I for example never really liked manhunts that much so outside that really small lore video of Dream I haven't touched a Dream video or stream for more than a year).
And to think of the community that bonded around an Ode to L'Manburg and still knows how to sing it today. To think of a community that is such a safe space for LGBTQI+ people. To think of the inside jokes about salmon. To think about the zines. To think about the fact that I could live of fan content!!! Because we had almost all art forms! From embroidery to book binding, to composing to drawing, animatics/animation, sculpting, cosplaying, writing, programming, etc... I have seen it all.
And to think it can all be threatened by a single person? When we are literally millions? It's a feeling I can't really describe.
I can only wish that on the best case scenario something happens like what happened to Hermitcraft - the server goes to another person. But part of me thinks we might end up like Yandere Highschool, although worse because everyone knows about the Dream SMP. I'm starting to wonder if that even is wishful thinking. Because at least people leave Yandere Highschool fans alone because almost nobody knows about it.
All of this to say - more than the lore I am worried about the people and friends I might lose because of this situation, and what I wish is for we all to come out of this the least scratched as possible, so that maybe we can still play a little melody.
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teeth-cable · 6 months
Have you seen The Amazing Digital Circus yet?
If so, what's your opinion on it?
I LOVE TADC! It’s my favorite indie show at the moment! There’s just so much I like about it but my main ones are
1. The setting and execution being unique. A horror-like project taking place in an late 90s/early 2000s digital game is not a new idea and same goes with characters being stuck in a purgatory however it’s how the artists reinvent those idea that makes it new. The digital Circus made its own aesthetic that makes it stand out from other projects with similar concepts and designs. When I first watched the pilot, one of many things that stuck out to me was how new the story ideas felt. I couldn’t think of any other pieces of media similar to TADC beside for surface-level comparisons. The TADC created its own aesthetic and knows what it wants to be and I like it!
2. Soundtrack. Speaks for itself, the soundtrack for the pilot is so good especially Your New Home. That song is very catchy and emotional too. It has such a unique melody, everytime you hear the first few notes you instantly recognize it. It does a great job highlighting the dread and existentialism crisis of Pomni’s situation. I recommend to give it a listen if you haven’t.
3. The characters dynamics. I just love how the characters interact with each other. The majority of the jokes comes from characters’ interactions and dynamics and how well everyone plays off of each other. The best example is Jax with everyone, Jax is a funny jerk who likes bullying his peers. It’s funny to see what creative ways Jax will bully the other people whether it’s being sarcastic and making quips at them, or though goofy pranks and how the characters react because of their contrast in personality. Every character beside Jax is openly stressed or worried in someway while Jax, at first seem like a chill layback dude.
4. The characters differences. I adored the differences between each character from how they talk to their poses. After watching HH and HB, I learned to have an appreciation for character differences. It’s just refreshing to see characters allowed to be different instead of the same tired reused tropes and repeating the same type of dialogue again for every character.
5. Mystery and lore. There is so much to explore in the pilot, it’s make you wanting more. When going in to watch the pilot, I made the mistake of thinking the series will be predictable. I didn’t see how they could make this premise work because by the end of it, Pomni will go insane but then I watched the pilot and was speechless. The pilot does a good job setting up questions for the audience to ask. If Caine lied about the exit, what are other things did he lied about? How long has the cast been stuck in the circus? Who are these people? Are they previous game developers? Who were they in their previous lives? What is the company’s motivation to create the headset? What are the abstractions in game? Are they viruses to the game program? Who were the former cast? What horrors has Kinger seen to be as paranoid and easily frighten as he is now? Do the abstractions still have a consciousness? You just want to find out more about the lore to solve the many mysteries in the show. I find it impressive Gooseworx was able to stir up the theorists because they have admitted in an ask, there are already theories floating around that are almost right about the show.
One problem I did have for the pilot were the scenes containing the Gloink Queen. The pacing of the pilot was fine until we got to her then it was slow. I feel it dragged longer than it needed too but beside that, my issues for the pilot ends.
I can’t speak for the fandom on other platforms but the tumblr one is great! Most of the time everyone is being respectful towards each other and I love seeing what creative theories, AU, fanfics, and art the fans created. The only people causing drama are the anti-shippers, and it’s just dumb. All of the cast are adults, if age gaps ships makes people uncomfortable, that’s valid but they shouldn’t make it into other people’s problems. Gooseworx themselves admitted they don’t care for romance and they don’t want fans in the fandom getting harassed over shipping.
Overall despite what issues I had for the pilot and fandom, they’re overshadowed by the positives and I can’t wait to see the full show and the fandom’s growth.
#꧁rambles꧂#➥asks#the amazing digital circus#The TADC is the indie show and fandom I needed#After a year of critiquing Viv and her shows and being a fandom as toxic as HH & HB I just needed a break#I’m still active as you can see but barely posting and critiquing the shows anymore#I do check the critical tags every now and again to catch up and I’m just not interested in consuming any Viv’s content anymore#The last Ep I saw from HB was Unhappy Campers and the last video related to HH was the Happy Day in Hell one#I kinda don’t see the point of being very active on my HH amounts when I’m no longer watching Viv and I think everything to Viv is regressi#Viv is getting more careless about how she presents herself online and people are starting to noticed how much of an ass she really is#responding on a funny shitpost of “If the TADC was written by Viv” lightly making fun of her and she blew up once again#I’ve seen creators with a decent size following in other platform not just Twitter called her out and Viv and the fandom is be the-#reasons why Hazbin will fail#Her fandoms are notorious for being toxic/ fans going out of their way to attack not just haters but anyone who doesn’t praise Viv 24/7#Viv is actively creating toxic environment in her fanbases so she can protect herself from criticism and allegations behind her fans#But because of this Viv is contributing to the future downfall of Hazbin because no one wants to be associated with her because of her fanb#There’s just no reason to stay around#If the reaction to the Prime’s video Happy Day in Hell from outsiders is mixed then the reaction will be too for the full release#Plus the general attitude towards Viv has changed over the last three years#Despite her previous controversies she was see as a respectful creator but now views are mixed#People see her as the indie creator whose show took a nose drive in season 2/doesn’t pay her employees/is immature/and is now seen in a-#more negative light
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bakedbakermom · 8 months
can you tell use more stories of what it was like waiting/watching the x files when it was on air?>:)
i was late to the fandom - i stumbled across the episode Humbug during the hiatus between s6-s7 and was HOOKED. i was also, unfortunately, 13 at the time, and not allowed to use the internet nearly as much as i wanted. so i can't tell you about what the fandom was like before 1999.
HOWEVER i can tell you that the end of s7 was a nail biter, and the summer between 7 and 8 was filled with an unprecedented surge in fanfic as we all tried to imagine what season 8 would bring. (i wrote one that i may return to at some point, it was very apocalyptic.) there were a LOT of angry fans when robert patrick was announced as joining the cast, to the point where many of us felt like scully hitting him with water in Within was meant to be a catharsis for US.
what i miss most about those days, however, is how creative and connected the fandom was. there were web hosts out there like angelfire and geocities where anyone could make their own completely free website about whatever they wanted, with a simple wysiwyg interface (what you see is what you get, aka drag and drop) so even the most tech-illiterate among us could make something cool - and if you knew html (or had lissaexplains bookmarked) you could make something truly spectacular.
there would be surges of new fic and fanart after every episode (some more than others lol). you would find screencaps and videos on napster from those who had better tech than you. being 13 with a strict 10pm bedtime and no computer of my own, i couldn't hop on the forums after the episode like i wanted; instead i'd have to wait until monday afternoon after school to catch up on all the hot goss and new content, and i had NO irl friends who watched the show until high school (literally day one a girl named jenn spotted xf art on my binder and we were friends immediately). so you can imagine that by the time 3:00 rolled around i was positively VIBRATING with the need to talk about it.
there was one official forum and dozens of fan-made offshoots (walter's wenches, for example, started as a sub-board on the main forum and then became its own group) that felt like small towns. you could follow individuals or threads and get notifications for posts and updates. this was before social media, so it was all as anonymous as you wanted it to be.
i met several penpals on the official board that i stayed in touch with for years after the series ended and the board was shut down. one of them was a collector of xf memorabilia up in canada from whom i was able to buy several tapes of hard-to-find episodes (if you missed one, you had to hope for a rerun or a marathon) and merch (xf barbies my beloved) as well as extras like interviews and music videos and the celebrity deathmatch segment etc.
i miss late 90s/early 00s fandom so much.
also i was in catholic school and learned more about sex through fic than my school's pitiful sex ed would ever begin to touch on (did you know the penis goes in the vagina? because they never said that. did you know women can orgasm? because they never said that. etc)
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tssfanzine · 8 days
!! Here you will find the FaQ with more information about this fanzine project! See Event Info and Schedule for more !!
If you have a question not answered by any of these posts, feel free to send us an ask!
What is a fanzine? - In short it's a fan magazine! Something that members in a fandom work on together to create for other members of the fandom! The fanzine will be formatted like a book, with everyone in collaboration to make different pages via art or writing!
What will this project entail? - This project requires at least 1 page from everyone who is contributing, with the option to work on more. The first 7 pages will be page spreads (a double page) centered around each of the sides and C!Thomas. You can collaborate with someone or work on your own.
How will pages be assigned? - The first seven pages are on a first come first serve basis. Artists and writers will be assigned to work on these together. After that, you can choose to add as many single pages or page spreads as you want (we are calling these 'Individual pages' for the sake of consistancy)! At the first check in, we will share a form for people to submit their ideas for individual pages - this is just so that we can get an idea of formatting and page count in advance!
Is it required to work on one of the first 7 pages to participate? - Nope! If you just want to work on your own individual page or pages, you can!
Can I work on multiple pages? - Yes! However please take care of yourself and only sign up for how many pages you feel you can reasonably do for this event! The amount you estimate you might do in the sign up for is NOT set in stone as a requirement!!
What kind of content can I contribute? - You can contribute fanart, fanfic, collages, etc... You have creative freedom to do what you want in accordance with the rules. Whatever you create must be able to be made into a PDF and potentially printed (i.e, no gifs, videos, moving images etc). No AI generated content is allowed.
What do the 'Individual pages' entail? - The individual pages are an opportunity to promote your own art and writing! You can put anything in here! Snippets from your latest WIPs, art of your aus or character designs, pretty much whatever you want, so long as it's TS oriented and follows the rules! These pages may also include content from other TS works, such as Roleslaying with Roman, My Roommate is Hades, Cartoon Therapy, or TS Shorts.
Can I collaborate on individual pages? - Yes! If you wish to work together with another participant you are more than welcome! You can arrange this amongst yourselves and will be able to list this on the forms.
Do I have to use my own aus for individual pages? - Yes, you have to use your own aus. Unfortunately, it's too difficult to verify permission from the original writer/artist to use their work, so we request that all aus featured are your own.
Can I use AI? - No. We have a strict anti-AI policy for this event. All works most be created by you, if we discover that AI images or writing have been used, it will not be included in the final PDF. Is the schedule set in stone? - No! We're willing to push back the deadlines based on feedback and where everyone is with their page(s)! We are also willing to give extensions if you contact us! This is our first time running something like this, so live feedback on the schedule is appreciated!
Will I be able to drop out? - Of course! If you no longer feel up to the event you are more than welcome to drop out, we want you to be happy and healthy! We only ask that you let us know before you leave! Please try not to leave it too late, especailly if you were working on one of the side's pages, so we are able to find a replacement.
How do I sign up? - Sign up forms will be posted on June 1st, from then until July 31st you will be able to fill out the google form and join the discord server.
Are there any requirements for signing up? - The only requirement is that you have a Discord! This is required so that we can keep track of everything and you'll be able to collaborate much easier. This event does not require 'auditions' or have a selection process! Anyone can join!
Is there a way to sign up as a backup writer/artist? - Yes, you can sign up to be a backup writer/artist on the first 7 pages, there will be a question on the sign up form indicating that this is the role you want. A backup will jump in if the person previously working on the page steps down.
How will the finished project be created/distributed? - The finished project will be a PDF of all the hard works that everyone who collaborated put in! It will be available for download on the Pinned Post with instructions for printing/binding yourself. - As well as this, there is potential for having a physical copy printed and sent to you as long as you are able to cover printing/shipping costs. This option is not yet confirmed and more information about potential cost/options will be provided closer to the time.
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patchthemedic · 4 months
stayed up Real late last night finish The Echo Garden. finally
I am not the same, I cried, its one of the best things i’ve ever read, i NEED to read it again, i cried again, oh to read it for he first time again. Altra has such a masterful way with words and detail that my heart raced with suspense. I- there’s no way i could’ve predicted the way certain threads were going to end up. Forget being gut punched, my heart… 🥹
Please, if you haven’t read it, read TEG!! There’s so much good art and fic linked in the chapters. I do hope AltraViolet keeps making TF fanfic in the future, but I’m also excited to see what sort of original work they make! I could gush forever about how much I love their detail in worldbuilding [both science and characterization], but I think I’d run out of space.
Much love to AltraViolet, i’ve been a fan for such a long time and i will continue to read your works again and again! ♥️♥️♥️
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