#before clicking to realize it was your linked song choice and the notif only showed that rip 😂
flintbian · 1 year
I was tagged by @bisexualspace. Thanks for the tag, lovely!
rules: tag 20 people you want to get to know better.
relationship status: single
favorite color: green
song stuck in my head: Circus of Doom by Battle Beast
last song I listened to: Call Me Little Sunshine by Ghost
anything I want right now: that my hospital visit tomorrow is beneficial, for my new job to come through and be good for me, and to snag that apartment I'm applying for so I can get out of my pest ridden one!
three favorite foods: seafood (prawns especially), street tacos, and pho. That's in terms of meals, I have a major sweet tooth but esp for fruity treats
last thing I googled: the address to the med facility I'll be at tomorrow as it's a different one from the usual few
dream trip: to see the Northern Lights
Tagging: @dead-ghost-walking @nightspires @bees-b @ferretly @letsoulswander @daisybrien @linkedsoul @velvetc0sm0s @tiofrean
As always only do the game if you want, no pressure 🤠
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flowerthornsart · 4 years
Haven meets Sybil
A drabble that i ended up working on for the day, it ended up being longer than i thought it would (3493 words) but I’m super happy with the result!
CW for blood, body horror, and medical grossness
Applying for nursing jobs was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I wasn’t expecting to have a job right away, but with my rent, bills, and student loans cropping up, it’d be nice to get a higher paying job than door dash and Walmart. Sure, I was getting by, but it felt almost as though I had wasted those years studying. It was getting more and more disheartening with every email stating I wasn’t “quite what they were looking for”, if I even got an email or phone call back at all.
I was lying in bed, scrolling through social media, and trying not to let the weight of the last rejection email I had gotten suffocate me when a notification popped up.
 1 new email.
 I sat up a little, clicking on the notification and being taken to my inbox. I refreshed, and refreshed again, but nothing popped up. That’s when I noticed that there was a 1 next to the spam folder.
“Thank you for your application!” the title read, and I could feel my heart start to flutter with nervous excitement as I opened it up.
“Hello Miranda Havis, thank you for submitting your application. We here at Mending Collective have looked over your application and would love to interview you in person. Please give us a call at…”
I barely read the rest as I looked over the number, typing it into my phone and waiting with bated breath for an answer. After a long bout of ringing, it cut off suddenly.
“Mending Collective, Sybil speaking.”
The woman’s voice on the other end was low, in both volume and tone. It took me a second to speak up, nerves getting the best of me for a moment.
“Yes, this is Miranda Havis. I had gotten an email about the position?”
“Oh, Ms. Havis!” The voice sounded more sing song at that. “I’ve been waiting for your call; you’re wanting an interview, right? How about this, I have a client I’m going to meet tomorrow, so why don’t you come with me and show me just how good of an assistant you can be? It beats sitting in my office and asking a bunch of questions.”
“err…” I stammered, unsure what to think. This was in no way professional; I wasn’t sure how to react. “I could always meet you after, if you’re busy.”
“Well, if you’re there, you can show me how well you preform under pressure. If not, I can go alone and consider other applications.” She replied bluntly. “Meet me at the address listed on the email by 3:00 pm. If you come early with some coffee, that might warm me up to you more!” She cackled a bit at that. “Hope to see you then!”
Sybil hung up before I could even reply, and I was left stunned, mouth gaping. Did I really call the right number? I looked over the number listed again and again, even clicked through to the official site linked, only to be greeted with a very early 90s looking site. It had the same number, the address, and a little about the head and seemingly only doctor, Dr. Sybil. There was a picture of what looked to be an almost generic woman in a doctors’ uniform, face framed in grey hair and smiling a pearly white grin. The description of services was vague at best, things like “surgery, pharmaceuticals, and cleansing.” I sat back, eyebrows furrowed, and phone still clutched in my hand as the picture stared up at me. This couldn’t be real. To have a practice so small, to have such a strange doctor with an even stranger idea of an interview, it all seemed too crazy. But I did need the money, maybe Sybil was just getting started, as bizarre a start that would be.
I went through the rest of the day in a haze, flipping from going, or not going, or reasoning behind why someone would pull such an elaborate trick. Kidnapping? Murder? From sundown to sunup the next day, my mind was racing.
Yet I found myself getting dressed, and ready to go by 1:30. I wasn’t completely stupid, I texted a couple friends the address, a vague sense of what was going on, and what I was wearing to the ‘interview’. I didn’t tell them of the odd phone call, just that I felt safer letting them know where I was, since it was in the town over. I could tell they thought it was odd, but they assured me the interview would go well and to not be so nervous.
So, I drove, and picked up coffee on the way while I was at it. The office ended up being in a building consisting of different offices and clinics. If it wasn’t for her office being pushed into a back corner, the black out curtains covering the glass front along with the sign “by appointment only” being plastered on the door would have made it stick out like a sore thumb.
I shifted one of the coffees into the crook of my elbow and tapped twice on the door waiting for a response moment trying the door. It swung open, and the first thing I could smell was potpourri. Its strong scent in comparison to the slightly sterilized smell of the outside hallway made my nose itch, but I shook it off as I walked in. It wasn’t as dark as I thought it would be, the fluorescent lights overhead buzzing as I took in the room.
There were shelves of books, jars, knickknacks that made the whole area look eclectic. There were only a couple chairs in this, what I could only assume to be a waiting room. The plush carpet seemed to hold on to the scent of the potpourri on a couple of the shelves, though there were some petals and plants in there that I just couldn’t identify. The door on the other side of the room had the plaque for Sybil’s practice, though it still only listed the name “Dr. Sybil”. No first name or indication that she had any other surnames. Before I could go to knock on that door, it swung open.
I wasn’t expecting the doctor to be so tall, or to look so different from the picture online.
If I had to guess, Dr. Sybil is easily 6’0”, give or take. Her skin is a pale grey, oddly shiny in the fluorescent light as though she was drenched in water. Her hair was a pale, almost grey purple, her wild hair tied in two loose pigtails on either side of her face. Though the first thing I noticed after her height was the scowl on her face.
She had many sharp teeth, too many for a human to have. Her yellow sclera made her white eyes even more piercing, before her expression changed to a strange crooked smile.
“Oh, look who showed up! Ms. Haven, right?”
“uhm, M…Ms. Havis, ma’am.”
“I didn’t expect you to actually bring coffee! I can already tell we’re going to get along great.” She took the coffee cup from the crook of my arm. As she spoke, I could see glints of even more teeth peeking from the sides of her lips. She took a long swig of the coffee before looking to me again. “Follow me, I’ve got what we’ll need for the house call, and I think I have an extra mask for you.”
“extra mask? Wait-!” I finally bring myself to speak. “Who are you? I mean, what are you? What kind of practice is this?”
Sybil stopped at the door, turning back to me before shaking her head.
“Ah, I forgot I pulled from some human candidates. I didn’t realize I pulled from ones that are unfamiliar with less… mainstream practices.” She turned fully to look at me, tilting her head.
“you already know my name, but as for what I am… well, best way I can put this…” she furrowed her brows for a moment. “You know what a vampire is right?” I nod, taking a step back. “Christ, calm down, if I wanted to bite you I would. I’m sort of something like that, but not in the traditional way. I don’t turn other creatures to vampires, I don’t burn in the sunlight, I’m more akin to a leech, I suppose.”
Sybil pulled her lip back, revealing what I thought I had seen: Her teeth seemed to circle her mouth, and there were a few more hiding behind the from teeth.
“I’ve been around humans for centuries, long enough to learn about you, the way you work, and what shouldn’t be there. Including more supernatural things. That’s what we’re dealing with today.” Sybil put her hand on the handle of the door, looking at me expectantly. “I may have pulled resumes from places other than my usual, I forgot that humans don’t always want to dabble in this sort of environment. If you don’t want to come with me, that’s fine, I don’t even mind if you tell people, because who would believe you? I will say I pay handsomely, but this is ultimately your choice.”
“Handsomely? How much would the payment be?” I blurted out. As unsettling as Sybil herself was, and the idea there was more out there like her, I did still have rent to pay. Sybil’s grin crept back onto her face as she chuckled.
“There’s not exactly co-pay for the visits I do, usually I get to keep the money for myself. But I don’t really need a lot of money, just enough for upkeep and I get my meals as payment from the client as well.” She must have seen the horrified look on my face because she waved me off. “Its nothing deadly, I promise. The most the client has after is a bite mark. My point is, I don’t mind doing a fifty-fifty split with you. These sort of jobs are high demand, there’s very few people who can do it, and my services can range from 3,000-5,000. So, half of that at least 3 times a week if not more.”
I opened my mouth to speak, before closing again. That sounded like an amazing opportunity, almost too good to be true. But if there was even a chance… I nodded before speaking again.
“I’d like to try and see how this first day goes.” I replied, and Sybil gave me a firm pat on the shoulder.
“Atta girl, you’re a brave one Ms. Haven! Let’s get going.”
             The ride there went without a hitch, Sybil asking small questions and I asking small questions in return. Ones like “how was your day? what was college like? Man, the weather outside is too hot isn’t it?” It was almost like I wasn’t sitting next to a vampire leech. It wasn’t long before we pulled up outside of a residential house, a cookie cutter house that looked like the ones surrounding it, save for the tacky flamingo lawn ornaments outside. Sybil reached into the backseat, pulling out a bird mask before fishing out what looked like a gas mask. She measured the band between her fingers, looking from it, to me, before handing it over.
“Here. It’s good practice to have your face covered, and for a human like you, its best for creatures like these to not be able to recognize you later.”
I was about to ask, but she put her mask on and opened the car door, and I just went along with it. It fit fairly smug over my mouth and nose, my eyes the only thing really visible. I followed tentatively behind after Sybil retrieved a bag from the trunk. She knocked on the door, and I could hear the sound of multiple locks being slid open before it opened. A face of a man peeked out from the door, looking the two of us over before opening the door completely. He looked to be in his 50s, haggard, his T shirt drenched in sweat down the collar and pits. I shoot a glance to Sybil before she clears her throat.
“Good evening, Mr. Paisley, I take it Mrs. Paisley still isn’t feeling well?” She asked, a lilt of concern in her voice.
“Feeling well? She’s torn up the whole basement, she looks like a fucking nightmare!” He snapped, a tremble in his voice. Sybil lifted a hand.
“Language, sir. That’s why me and my assistant are here. Did you mix the sleeping medicine into her food like we discussed?”
“Y…yes… she fell asleep twenty minutes ago. She actually looked peaceful, and…” He trailed off, swallowing the knot in his throat before continuing. “Please help her, Doctor. I don’t know what I’d do without her.”
Sybil nodded, walking past him as I followed after.
“So, what it sounds like is a possession, but not the usual demon kind. From what it sounds like, something implanted into her, maybe she ate something, on their last camping trip that’s been driving her to animalistic tendencies. My thoughts are that whatever it is, it’s using her like a skin suit. Its not too late to save her, though.” Sybil explained as we walked down the hallway, to the staircase that lead to the basement. She stopped, looking to me as I had very obviously paled at the thought. “Your job, quite simply, is to assist me in this surgery. Be alert: this is a live creature, and you’ll have me by your side. And this.”
She stepped down a couple steps, grabbing a baseball bat leaning on the stone wall and handing it to me. “your resume said you were quick on your feet, Ms. Haven, we’re putting that to the test.”
My stomach churned as I thought of turning back, but I felt I couldn’t just leave, not after entering this house. I followed after Sybil, closing the door behind me. The lights in the basement were dim, torn up cardboard boxes and the contents inside were strewn around the room, the stench of rotting meat mixed with the musty smell of the basement and made me gag. In the middle of the room was a woman, lying on her side. Red liquid was dried on her face, and her fingers looked caked in pieces of ground meat. Sybil pointed me to a knocked over ping pong table in the corner, and as quietly as I could I set it back upright. Sybil set the woman on the table, handing me plastic gloves, and putting on ones of her own. I swore I could see movement under the woman’s skin.
“Alright, lets start with the scalpel.”
For a bit, I was simply helping Sybil with tools, watching as blood pooled, cuts were cauterized, flesh was moved away, and her chest cavity revealed. Except, there wasn’t natural.
If you’ve never seen a teratoma before, it looks like a lump of flesh with teeth, eyes, but is ultimately benign. This, however, looked more like a large bone growth. I wouldn’t have thought it was alive if it didn’t have eyes that immediately snapped to me. It was nestled just below the ribs, the woman’s’ organs pushed out of the way enough to accommodate the boney mass as tendrils of flesh twisted into each other and were trailed out to keep it anchored in the body. It clicked and writhed in the light, making the woman’s skin undulate in different areas. I couldn’t see Sybils face, but I could hear a steely resolve in her voice.
“Be ready.” Is all she said, before grabbing the pair of forceps she had laying on the table and clamping it around the creature. There was a loud wail, muffled but still audible, as it tried desperately to get its hosts’ arms to move. One of its tendrils ripped through the skin of her forearm, bringing muscle with it before letting it fall back and shooting out at me on its own. It wrapped around the front of the gas mask with surprising force, pulling me forward and making me stumble nearly face first into the wound. I clawed at it as I started to coil around my neck, trying to get a grip on it but the mixture of blood and whatever other fluids it secreted made it hard to get any sort of hold. I looked to Sybil for help, but she was too busy dealing with the creature herself, fighting against a few of the tendrils as she pulled the creature with the forceps. As my vision started to get fuzzy, I spotted a scalpel on the table. I snatched it, using the last of my strength to plunge the blade into the creature. Another muffled shriek escaped the core as I stabbed, it pulled tighter around my neck until I sawed through the flesh, an off-white ooze bursting from the middle and smelling distinctly of sulfur and rotting flesh.
“Get the bat!” Sybil yelled, yanking the forceps back and falling flat on her back as the creature was pulled from the body with sickening pops and squelches. It wriggled, the full length of its tendrils finally on display, tall enough to easily pull away from Sybil. I could see now why the screeches were so muffled: teeth clattered on the top of its form, stained red from having been buried in the flesh surrounding it for so long. It attacked Sybil head on, ripping into her now held up arm to protect her face and mask. Quick as I could I wound up with the bat, smacking it hard enough to launch it across the room. The force of the hit and how hard it slammed into the wall caused it to crack open, grey brain matter oozing with that same off-white fluid pouring onto the floor. It twitched and gurgled, still trying to crawl towards us before the extent of its injuries finally caught up to it, curling into itself and going still.
“good work, Ms. Haven.” Sybil panted, a rivulet of blood staining her sleeve. “Take this jar and this solution, scoop some of that creature into the jar and whatever else is there, dissolve it in the solution. I’m going to fix Mrs. Paisley up.”
How she was so nonchalant about what just happened, I don’t know, but the rest of that procedure was a blur. I vaguely remember scooping the remains into the jar, tightening the lid, and cleaning up the excess. My body felt shaky with adrenaline, and I remember Sybil telling me to take the bag and jar to the car while she discussed payment with Mr. Paisley. I heard the front door open after what felt like hours, but what could have only been a few minutes, with Sybil walking out to the car while Mr. Paisley waved, looking relieved and less haggard than before. I couldn’t help but stare at the wound on his shoulder, ringed teeth marks threatening to bleed again until Sybil blocked my view by leaning on my door.
“Ms. Haven, hand me the gauze, I didn’t even realize I was bleeding until now.”
I nodded, reaching into the back, and grabbing the gauze, passing it through the window. She wrapped her arm as she walked to the driver’s side, sliding in, and tearing the gauze with her fingernails before tucking the excess in.
“M…my name is Ms. Havis.” Was the only thing I could think to blurt out.
“Oh. Do you mind if I call you Haven? It rolls off the tongue a little better.” She smiled at me, and I couldn’t help but notice the red tint. I nodded and sat back in my seat. “You did wonderful, by the way. You’re stronger than I thought! You handled it like a professional, so I guess college is good for something!” She laughed. “Listen, you’re going to see and deal with a lot of dangerous things working with me, but on the bright side, we got 4,000 for that arrangement. So, 2,000 in one day isn’t so bad, right?”
I nod, smiling a little up at her as she started the car, taking off her face mask. I pulled mine off as well, feeling how sore my throat was after that ordeal. It felt like that surgery should have taken the whole night, but it was only an hour and a half tops. Maybe it was the adrenaline, but it was just as exciting as it was frightening, and the money was great already.
“I think I would like to work with you again, Doctor.” I said, and Sybil cracked a genuine smile.
“I’d hope so! Let’s get some booze, and some food in you, and we can discuss if you want it in cash or not.”
An odd start, for sure, but I was starting to get used to strangeness already.
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prettytoxicrevolver · 7 years
Pregnant | Jack Johnson
Requested? Nope! But a close friend of mine gave me the idea and I just ran with it 
Warnings? Swearing, Talks of pregnancy 
Word Count: 4,935 
“(y/n)! Can you please turn that down!” 
You roll your eyes and ignore your mom yelling from downstairs. You were working on a new song that you wanted to release as soon as possible and you needed to get this guitar part down. Without realizing it, your mom had marched up the stairs and barged straight into your room. She rips the plug to your guitar from your amp and your head whips up to face her instantly. “Mom!” You exclaim. “I told you to keep it down.” She repeats while crossing her arms across her chest. “And I told you I need to finish this song today.” You retort, placing your guitar down next to you to stand in front of your mom. “Why do you bother? It’s not like you’re going to get famous off of all this junk.” She says gesturing around your room to the various instruments lying around. “Don’t you have a dinner party to attend to?” You ask sarcastically. She sighs and shakes her head slowly before leaving the room once more. You turn back to your bed and pick up the guitar you had just put down. You carry it over to the stand and place it down before walking back over to your bed and collapsing onto it. Your parents always told you that you were good at music. But they never ever believed you could make a living out of it. They decided early on that there was no way you could become famous from a simple hobby. So as soon as you could, you enrolled in every music class possible. You saved up your allowances and later on money from actual jobs to buy different instruments and learn how to play them. Music consumed every bit of your life and while your parents thought you were good they never thought it was enough. You started off posting covers on twitter and Instagram and built a small following there. After saving up a bit more you bought a professional camera and started your own YouTube channel. You never strayed far from doing covers but about a year ago you started to write your own music. You fell in love with it. Scribbling chords and lyrics across all of your school notes. You’d get an idea for something and bolt from the room just to write it down. Music was your passion. And no matter how many times or how many people told you that it would never amount to anything, you never gave up. You currently had almost one million subscribers on YouTube and fifty thousand followers on twitter. You hadn’t told your family yet, in fear they would get upset that you hadn’t told them earlier. You sit up and grab your ukulele, an idea for popping into your head. You strum a couple of different chords until you get a pattern you like. When you’re set on the chords and the strumming pattern you quickly get up from your bed and run over to your desk. You scribble the notes down in a rush before sitting back down. You stare at your notebook with a wide smile before turning back to your ukulele to record he new part. After about two more hours of recording and editing, the song is finished. You sigh happily and upload the finished product up on YouTube. You check the time to see it’s almost two am. You quickly shut your laptop and pass out. The next morning (technically afternoon) you wake up to your phone ringing loudly next to you. You reach a hand out towards your nightstand and reach around until you find your phone. Without seeing who it is, you answer the phone and press it against your face. “Hello?” You ask, your voice coming out raspy. “(y/n)!!!” It takes you a few seconds but you recognize the voice of your best friend and sigh tiredly. “Yeah Ella?” “Did you just wake up? It’s one o’clock!” She announces incredulously and you can’t help but roll your eyes. “What do you want Ella? You say trying to keep the edge from your voice. You knew that you’d get yelled at by your Mom for being up so late and waking up super late too. “Have you checked your phone?” She asks and it took everything in you to not snap at her. “No. I woke up to you calling me.” “Check your phone right now! Jack and Jack tweeted about your new song!!!” You immediately sit up straight in bed. You and your best friend had been fans of Jack and Jack since they released their song Flights. You had seen them in concert a few months back and fell in love with their music even more. You quickly put your friend on speaker and then check your phone to see a billion notifications. You finally find the original tweet by Jack and Jack. It was a YouTube link to your song with the caption. “Straight Fire 🔥 🔥 “ You stare at the tweet in shock before quickly retweeting it. You look through the tweets replying to Jack and only see nice tweets back. “(y/n)?” You snap out of your shocked state at the sound of your best friend calling out to you. “Yeah?” You ask still not being able to wrap your head around this whole situation. “Did you see the tweet?” “Yeah.” You say still scrolling through all of the mentions. You see you have a couple of new dms and you click there to see most of them be new fans complimenting your song. “No way.” You whisper quietly. “What?” Ella asks. “No way!” You yell loudly. “What?!?” Ella yells into the phone catching your attention once more. “Jack Johnson dm’d me!!!” You yell loudly. “Do not open it yet!” Ella yells over the phone. “I’m coming over right now!” Your phone clicks off and you wait an agonizingly slow three minutes before Ella shows up to your house. She barges into your room without a word and runs over to your bed and jumps onto it. “What did he DM you?” She asks not bothering to greet you. You and Ella have been best friends since pre school. She lived right next door, making it easy for you two to hang out 24/7. You click open the DM and read it out loud to your best friend. “Hey (y/n)! I found your music last night and I think you’re amazing. Jack and I were talking and we’re wondering if you want to open for us on tour? Let us know asap and we’ll set up a time to meet up and talk more.” You and Ella both scream loudly when you finish reading the DM. You couldn’t believe it. Jack and Jack wanted you to open up for them. It was an absolute dream come true. “What do I say?” You ask Ella once you calm down. “Say yes! You’ve wanted this forever!” She insists. “What about my parents?” You ask quietly. “What will they say?” “Fuck what they say.” Ella say placing her hands on your shoulders. “This is your shot. Take it.” You nod your head and smile widely at her. You grab your phone from next to you and start to type a reply back to Jack. “Hi Jack!” Thank you so much for tweeting out about my music it means a lot! I would love to open up for you and Jack on tour. I’m free pretty much anytime so tell me when and we can meet up. Thank you again!” “You’re gonna tour with Jack and Jack!!!” Ella yells loudly causing you two to scream out loud once more. Jack DM’d you back pretty quickly and you had decided that you, him, and Gilinsky would meet up on Friday after you got out of class. You decided not to tell your parents yet, wanting to make sure that your spot as an opener was solidified first. “What am I supposed to wear?” You turn to face Ella who was lounging on your bed, her phone held up in front of her face. “What are you choices?” She says sitting up and throwing her phone down next to her. You hold up a black flowy dress that was probably your favorite to wear. Next was a simple flannel and skinny jeans. Lastly was a T-shirt that you usually tuck into a skirt with converse. “I say flannel and jeans. A classic that’s not too fancy and it makes your legs look good.” She compliments. You nod your head and walk into your bathroom to change quickly. When you walk back out Ella starts to hype you up causing you to laugh and start to blush. “Now go chase your dream! And tell Gilinsky I said hi!” She pushes you out the door and you jog down to your car. You get in and make the 15 minute trip to the local Starbucks you three planned to meet up at. When you get there you recheck your hair and outfit before getting out and heading inside. You find Jack and Jack pretty quickly. You spot them sitting towards the back of the small cafe and Johnson waves you over excitedly. “Hi!” Johnson greets happily. “Hey!” You say sticking your hand out, which he happily takes. “I’m (y/n).” “I’m Jack.” Johnson says as he let’s go of your hand so you can shake Gilinsky’s. “And I’m Jack.” Gilinsky responds, a slight smirk on his face. “Do you want to get something to drink or eat first and then we’ll get down to business?” Johnson suggests. “Can you get me my usual?” Gilinsky asks and Johnson nods. He stands up and the two of you walk to the end of the line together. “So, I’m gonna be honest.” You start and Johnson gives you a confused look. “I’ve been a fan of you two since flights and I’m high key freaking out inside that I’m meeting you right now.” “Really? That’s crazy!” Johnson says smiling widely at you. “Yeah me and my best friend have loved you guys for awhile.” You admit sheepishly. “Well don’t be shy, and don’t be intimidated by us. We’re just two regular guys that can also be huge dorks sometimes.” He says winking at you causing you to blush. It was finally your turn in line and Johnson orders for him and Gilinsky before turning towards you. You order your usual and before you can start to dig around in your purse for your wallet, Johnson had already payed. “Hey, I could have-“ You start but soon interrupted. “My treat. It’s the least I could do considering you’re kinda saving our butts on this tour.” After you get your drinks you sit back down across from the Jacks. You start off just talking about yourself and your music first and the boys tell you how they discovered you. You eventually get into the logistic of things and by the time you’re finished, you’ve talked for two hours. “I still can’t believe this is happening.” You say leaning back into your seat. Gilinsky smiles at you. “You’ll get used to it. Promise.” After wrapping up some finishing business things, you swap phone numbers and you leave with the biggest smile on your face. Once you get home and fall onto your bed you let out an excited scream. “I’m touring with Jack and Jack!!!!” You scream out before getting up and jumping around your room. Tour was in a month and you still hadn’t told your family. You were constantly making excuses to them as to why you disappeared every other day for rehearsals or meetings with the guys. You planned for tonight at your brothers birthday dinner that you would finally tell them, hoping you would get a good reaction. “Hey guys, I have to tell you something.” You said once you were all seated at your table. “Yes?” You Mom asks. “I’m going on tour with Jack and Jack.” You watch as your Mom and Dad sport confused looks but your brother smiles widely. He leans over and hugs you tightly. “I’m so proud of you!” He cheers. “When did this happen?” Your Dad finally asks. “A month or two ago I met up with them and they told me they wanted me to open up for them on tour.” You explain. “And this is what you want?” Your Dad asks. “More than anything.” “Well there’s no reason for me to stop you.” Your Dad smiles at you and you feel relief flood over you. You could tell your Mom wasn’t happy about you going but it didn’t matter in your eyes. This was your choice. “The LA show is at the end of the tour, but I’ll get you tickets to other shows to come to if you want.” You tell your Dad. “You’re gonna do amazing.” He says pulling you into a tight hug. You then hug your mom, who whispers encouraging things to you. She came around about two weeks after you told your family. Lastly you hug your brother, who insists you’re gonna kick ass at every show. With one final wave you head out and towards the SUV that would take you to the airport. You first stop was in Florida, so you would fly their first and then get onto the tour bus you would be living on for the next two months with the boys. Just as you approach the car, Gilinsky jumps out and greets you. He takes your bags and puts them in the back before following you inside the car. “Hey (y/n/n)!” Johnson greets. “Ready for tour?” “You know it.” After the hour long drive to the airport, and about thirty minutes through security, the three of you were finally on your way to Florida. You were sat in between the two boys, Johnson on your left and Gilinsky on your right. You and Johnson talked a bit more about tour before plugging your headphones in and being left to your own devices. You started to watch one of your favorite movies, Baby Driver, when Gilinsky taps on your shoulder. “Can I watch?” He asks and you nod your head. You take out one of your headphones and hand it over to him. Together you watch the movie, heads bent close together as you draw closer and closer to Florida. About halfway through the movie, you become a bit sleepy. You rest your head against Gilinsky’s shoulder before eventually passing out completely. When you wake up again, Gilinsky is shaking your shoulder lightly and you look up to meet his chocolate brown eyes staring into yours. He offers you a small smile in which you return. “We’re about to land.” He whispers to you and you nod. You sit up and look over to see Johnson passed out next to you. You shake his shoulder, making him wake up and tell him what Gilinsky had just told you. After 10 more minutes of flying, you finally land. You peek around Johnson excitedly to look out at the beautiful Florida landscape. After getting off the plane and grabbing your luggage the three of you head out to the SUV that would take you to your hotel room for the night.
You end up falling asleep on Gilinsky again during the car ride but when you wake up again this time, you find yourself in a hotel room. You sit up and notice Gilinsky sitting in a chair across the room scrolling through his phone.
“Oh hey. You’re up.” He says smiling before walking over to you. “Johnson went out to go get pizza.”
“Are we all staying in one hotel room?” You ask as you sit up further in bed.
“For tonight yeah.” Gilinksy responds. “The hotel messed up our rooms so we only have one room.”
You nod your head slowly and just as your about to ask him who would be sleeping where, Johnson walks in with two large pizzas in one arm and sodas in the other.
“You’re finally awake!” He exclaims as he sets down the pizzas on the table Gilinsky was sitting in front of just moments ago. “Did G tell you about the rooms?”
“Yeah he told me. What are we gonna do about sleeping arrangements?” You ask while standing up to walk over where Johnson is.
“I’m fine with sleeping on the floor. Ask G I can sleep pretty much anywhere.”
“I can sleep on the couch. No big deal.” G says shrugging.
“I don’t want to take up the whole bed.” You say feeling bad that the boys were sleeping on the floor.
“It’s just one night.” G shrugs “Unless your fine with sharing?”
“Like you said it’s just one night and there’s no reason for both of you to have to sleep uncomfortably.”
“Okay, G you take the bed with (y/n). I’ll take the couch.” Johnson says before turning back towards the table so he can start eating.
After dinner, you all decide to watch a movie together before heading off to bed. You changed into comfier clothes to sleep in before jumping onto the bed next to Gilinsky. The three of you decide on watching Dunkirk, Gilinsky sitting on your left and Johnson sitting at the end of the bed. About an hour into the movie, you feel yourself growing tired. Eventually unconsciousness falls over you and you curl up into the inviting warmth of the unfamiliar bed.
“Show day! Get up (y/n)!” Your eyes slowly crack open to meet Johnsons bright blue ones. He offers you a smile before pulling you up and out of bed.
“Lets go! Shower and change. We have to be at the venue in an hour!” He says pushing you into the bathroom.
After a quick shower and change of clothes, you’re rushing out of the door with the boys, heading to your first venue of the tour. When you get there, you run out of the car and towards the small building you would be performing in. The three of you explore the small concert hall before starting up soundcheck.
“You ready for your first show?” Johnson says coming up behind you.
“I think so.” You say messing with the hair tie around your wrist.
“Don’t be nervous.” G reassures you. “You’re gonna do great.”
“Thanks guys.” You smile and hug them both tightly. Suddenly, you hear the first drum beat, signaling the start of your set. You wait until it’s time before running out on stage and starting your first night on tour.
“That was amazing!!!” You cheer excitedly as you run back off stage.
“You did amazing!” J praises and G agrees.
“This is the best feeling ever.” You say breathlessly.
“Don’t worry.” J starts. “It never gets old.”
You had officially been on tour for almost a month now and you were in love. You loved how much fun going on stage and singing your heart out was. You had dreamed of this your entire life and now that you were living it was still insane to you.
You had also grown much closer to the boys making the endless road trip a billion times more fun. You and Johnson had hit it off from the start and you two acted like you had been best friends for years.
You and G were pretty close too but nothing like you and J. You two could talk about nothing and everything for hours and even though it probably made no sense to anyone else, you and G understood each other perfectly.
Tonight was your New York show, the concert you had been waiting for forever. New York City was a place you had always dreamed of visiting and the fact that you got to perform their too was mind blowing. You were about an hour out from the city and you were lounging in the back of the bus, a book in your hand and music playing softly.
G was sat on the other end of the couch, scrolling through apps on his phone. That was the other thing about you and G, you two never needed to say much if need be. You could sit in a room together without a word and know exactly what the other was thinking.
“Guys!” Johnson says running into the room. You and G both look up simultaneously, signaling for J to continue talking.
“There’s an awesome party going down at a club not too far from the venue. You guys down to go?”
You and G cast each other a quick glance before turning back to Johnson and nodding. “Sounds like fun.”
“Just you wait.”
Once the show ends, you and the guys head back to the hotel room to freshen up before heading out to the club. You change into a cute black dress with small heels and a black clutch. When you walk out you see the guys haven’t changed much but it wasn’t like they really needed to.
“Let’s party!” J yells as we walk back out to the club.
When you get their, the three of you are split up pretty quickly. You find yourself at the bar first, grabbing a drink or two before making your way to the dance floor. The music pulses through you and you finally let loose. You stay like this for awhile, dancing to a few songs before grabbing a drink and then heading back into the mass of bodies on the dance floor.
Suddenly, you feel two hands find your waist and you twist in the person's arms to meet G’s familiar brown eyes. He scans you up and down before pulling you closer to him, your hands find his hair and you run your fingers through his ends.
He leans down closer to you, capturing your lips in a drunken kiss. His hands slip to your hips as yours tangle in his hair further. When you break away for air G leans down to whisper in your ear.
“Let’s take this back to the hotel room, yeah?” He says a bit breathlessly.
You nod your head in response and he takes your hand in his, leading you through the crowd of people. When you get outside, you instinctively keep close to Gilinsky. He wraps an arm around your waist tightly as you wait for your cab.
When you finally get back to your hotel room, G doesn’t wait a second. As soon as the door closes, G is pushing you against it, his lips finding yours in an instant. He pins your hands above your head against the door, as he deepens the kiss. When you break away for air for the second time, G attacks your neck and your hands drop to his neck as your head falls backwards.
G’s hands slip to your waist and he pulls you towards him and off the door. He reconnects your lips as you make your way over to your bed. He pushes you on top of it before hovering over you and reconnecting your lips.
When you wake up the next morning, it takes you a few seconds to remember where you are.  You lean over to grab your phone on the nightstand next to you and see it’s almost noon. You go to sit up but groan loudly once you realize that your brain feels like it’s pounding against your skull.
All at once, memories of last night resurface in your brain. You groan out loud once more and fall back into the soft mass of pillows. What were you going to do? Was it going to be awkward between you and G now? Questions rack your brain but instead of sitting there and driving yourself insane, you slip on a comfortable hoodie and a pair of slippers and walk over to the boys hotel room.
When you knock on the door, G answers and you can see J is passed out on the bed in the hotel room. Without a word, Gilinsky makes sure he has a room key before shutting the door and gesturing towards your hotel room.
After walking into your hotel room, you make your way over to the couch in the room and sit down. Gilinsky sits down next to you but at a safe distance making you realize that he remembers last night too.
You decide to break the ice first, and ask the question that has been bothering you the most. “Did last night mean anything to you? Or am I just another hook up?”
“You could never be just another hook up to me (y/n).” He reassures you. “But I think our friendship is more important than this.”
“Oh thank god.” You say breathing out a sigh of relief and leaning back against the couch. “I’d rather be friends to be honest.” You admit when G gives you a confused look.
“So it’s settled. Best friends till the end.” He says standing up. “Now let’s go get food I’m starving.” He holds out a hand for you in which you take and the two of you head out of the hotel to look for a good place to eat.
“Yo gilinsk have you seen (y/n)? She was supposed to be at soundcheck ten minutes ago.” J says with a worried expression.
“I thought she went to the bathroom?”
As soon as G says this, J takes off towards the bathrooms. When he knocks on the door he doesn’t hear anything, causing worry to spike through him.
“(y/n)? You in there?” J calls out.
“Yeah I’m here.” You call out weakly.
“Are you okay? Do you need help?”
“Yeah I’m fine.” You say staring at the positive pregnancy test. “I’ll be out in a minute.”
Clearly J decides that’s good enough for him and walks away from the bathroom. You sit there for another minute or two trying to figure out what to do. You were pregnant. With G’s baby. This couldn't be happening.
You knew you couldn’t keep it a secret. You had two weeks left of tour and the boys knew you well enough now to know if you were hiding something. Especially something as big a this. When you walk out of the bathroom, you find G waiting outside for you. From his expression you could tell he was worried about you.
“Hey, are you okay?” He asks pushing off against the wall he was leaning on to face you.
“I have to tell you something.” You start slowly and G nods, encouraging you to tell him. “I’m pregnant.”
“You’re what?” He asks clearly stunned. You go to say it again but G quickly cuts you off. “Are you sure it’s mine?”
You scoff lightly at him, taken aback that he was acting like this. “I haven’t slept with anyone else Jack.”
“I can’t- you can’t be pregnant. I’m way too young to have a kid.” He says running a hand through his hair worriedly.
“And I’m not? You really think I wanted this to happen?”
“No but, fuck (y/n) this can’t be happening. I can’t help you with this.” Gilinsky finally says.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You start but you’re soon interrupted by Johnson.
“Woah, what’s going on here?” He asks while walking over to stand in between the two of you.
“Ask her.” G snaps before walking away.
J turns to you and his face falls instantly. He pulls you towards him and hugs you tightly as tears stream down your face. You knew G wouldn’t be over the moon with the new but you never expected him to act like this.
“What’s wrong?” J asks pulling back slightly from the hug so he can look you in the eye.
“I’m pregnant with Jack’s baby.” You whisper quietly before starting to cry once more. “And he doesn’t want anything to do with it. Or me.” You start to cry again and J pulls you towards him. His arms are wrapped securely around you as you sob quietly into his chest.
“I’ll help you.” J reassures you. “If G doesn’t want this baby, I’ll help you in anyway need me to. I’ll always be here for you (y/n).”
You and G didn’t talk much for the rest of the night. After the show, you went straight to your hotel room. You needed time to think about what you were gonna do about this baby and what J and G both had to say about it.
Just as your about to get ready for bed, you hear yelling coming from the hotel room next to yours. J and G’s hotel room. You rush over and see that the door is already open. You step into the room to see the boys in a clearly heated argument.
“Woah! What the hell is going on?” You ask walking over to stand in between the two boys.
“Is it true? You’re gonna let Johnson help you raise this baby? Our baby?” G snaps at you.
“Last time I checked, you wanted nothing to do with this baby. So yes, if J wants to help then he can help.” You say turning to face G completely.
“I’m the baby’s father.” G says, his tone growing lower.
“Talk to me when you start acting like one.” You snap. “But for now, Johnson is helping me with this baby. You’re just going to have to deal with it.”
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imaginechrisevans · 7 years
Celebrity Crush -- A Chris Evans Fanfic
Chapter One - Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Read it on AO3
When Friday finally rolls around, you wake up with a smile on your face. Tonight is your date with Chris. You still can't believe you'd managed to get this far, but you were determined to have a good time and try to make a real connection with him. Sitting up in bed, you reach over to your nightstand to grab your cell phone. The screen lights up with various notifications, some texts, and one missed call. You swipe through all the new content before you land on a text from your publicist, which contains nothing but a link. You click it, raising your eyebrows in surprise when you see where it leads. The headline is simple, "WILL THEY OR WON'T THEY?" but the photos just beneath it are of you and Chris, which makes your stomach knot up. You scroll down the page to the article. "Unless you live under a rock, you must be familiar with The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, a late-night staple among many people in the US. If you were watching last week, you might've caught an appearance by actress (Your Name) (Your Last Name) in which she admitted to having a crush on superhero actor and all-around dreamboat Chris Evans. Not only that, but Fallon then surprised (Your Last Name) by bringing Evans out from backstage, where he then proceeded to ask (Your Last Name) on a date. So, our question now is: will they or won't they? Was it all for show? Will there actually be a date this Friday night? We don't know the answers, but here's one thing that's a given: they'd make an awfully cute couple."
You close out of the article with a strange feeling in the pit of your stomach. You hadn't expected word to spread about your date with Chris, especially not for people to actually care about it. You copy the link and send it to Chris, wondering if he's seen it or not. Within a few minutes your phone buzzes and it's him. Well... will we or won't we? You laugh as you reply, guess we'll find out when you pick me up at seven... and get out of bed. Yeah, this was going to be a good day. -/- You stand in front of the mirror in your bathroom, trying to make sure you're totally ready for your date. Chris is set to arrive any minute and you're still fretting over whether or not you've chosen the right outfit. You'd never discussed plans for the night so you decide to play it safe, opting for a mid-length skirt with a white button down shirt and a pair of your not-so-high heels, since you have no idea where Chris is going to take you. Just as you're about to try and change for the umpteenth time, there is a knock on the door to your apartment. You hurry over to the door, pushing random misplaced items out of the way, wishing you'd had time to clean up but glad you wouldn't be hanging around here. You open the door and Chris is standing there, wearing a black cardigan with a dark grey tee underneath and dark blue jeans. You can't help the way your eyes travel the length of his body, from the floor up, before meeting his eyes. He gives a little laugh which brings you back to reality, and you smile, feeling your cheeks warm up a little at the way he's eyeing you back. "Hey," he says, smiling at you before he reaches out to give you a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Hi," you return the greeting, suddenly feeling like you're back in junior high, about to go on your first date ever. "Can I come in?" He asks, nodding toward your apartment and you step aside, making room for him to cross the threshold. "Sorry," you laugh nervously, shutting the door behind him. "Lemme just grab my purse and we can get outta here." You make to run back to your bedroom but Chris grabs your wrist, stopping you. "Actually, (Y/N), I don't think that's such a good idea." You give him a confused look, "You don't want me to bring my purse?" You give a little laugh, "Chris I know they say chivalry is dead, but you don't have to pay for everything tonight." He shakes his head at you, an endearingly crooked smile on his face. "First of all, that's what you do on a date. So yes, I do. And secondly, that's not what I meant." You raise an eyebrow, waiting for clarification. He takes you by the hand and leads you over to one of the many windows that face the front of your building. Gently peeling back the curtains, he prompts you to look down. You see a swarm of paparazzi standing around and sitting on the sidewalk. You can only assume they're waiting to snap a photo of you and Chris heading off to your date. "Holy shit..." you murmur, looking at the madness down below. "I know," he says, pulling you back from the window and tucking the curtain back into place.  "So, we have a choice to make: do we want to go out and brave the paps getting in our faces for a whole night, or do we wanna just hang out here? We could watch a movie, get some pizza, it could be great. But I'll leave the final choice up to you. We'll do whatever you decide." With one last quick peek beyond the curtain, you let out a sigh, turning back to Chris. "Let's just stay in. It's our first date, after all. We don't want anything getting in the way of that." You say, feeling some of your confidence return. "Besides, if tonight goes as well as I'm thinking it will, we'll have plenty more opportunities to go out in the future." Chris smiles at that, nodding his agreement. "So, movie?" He asks, nodding toward your TV. "Yeah, I’ve got a bunch of DVDs stacked up by the TV, pick whatever you like." you answer, kicking off your heels. "I feel like I'm way overdressed now, you mind if I change?" "Go ahead," he says, waving a hand at you. "I'll find something for us to watch while you do that." You turn to run back to your bedroom, deciding to change into a much simpler outfit of a tee shirt and a pair of comfy jeans. When you got back out to the living room, Chris was sitting on your couch with his arms stretched across the back of it, staring at the TV while the opening scene of The Lion King started to play. You let out a soft laugh as you dropped down onto the couch beside him, getting comfortable. "Really?" "It's a classic," he shrugs, grinning at you as the sun begins to rise onscreen. You watch in silence until Circle of Life starts to play, and Chris begins to sing beside you. You turn to look at him, grinning in disbelief as he belts out every note. You watch him as he sings the entire song, turned to face him when it's come to an end. "Wow," you say, still brimming with barely-concealed glee. "Wow." "What?" He asks. You can almost make out the barest tinge of red beneath his beard. "Like you didn't know I'm into Disney films." "Oh, I knew," you said, scoffing. "Everyone knows. I just— your singing. It blew me away." He rolls his eyes, bringing one of his hands down to shove at your shoulder playfully. "Stop it." "I'm serious!" You insist, shoving back. "That was so good!" "Well get ready, (Y/N), there are plenty more songs left in this movie and you're gonna have the honor of getting to hear me sing ‘em all, an' lemme tell ya right now, I do a killer Hakuna Matata." -/- After The Lion King finishes, you and Chris decide to order a pizza, playing Rock Paper Scissors as you try to decide which movie to watch next. "Alright, Evans. Best two outta three. When I win we watch Tangled." Chris scoffs, dusting his hands off on his jeans as he turns to face you. "I think you meant to say that when I win we're gonna watch Aladdin, then Tangled after, since I'm feeling generous." You go two rounds with Chris winning both. He laughs triumphantly as he does a little victory dance, getting up to drop Aladdin into your Blu-Ray player. "Don't worry, (Y/N), I'm a man of my word. We'll watch Tangled as soon as this is over." You try to pout at him, but you can't manage to keep it up when he comes back over to the couch and drops himself down next to you, tugging you into his side and kissing your cheek. "Fine," you sigh, settling against his side, "but you better duet A Whole New World with me." "Duh," Chris replies, chuckling quietly to himself as the opening credits roll. -/- After Aladdin finishes you watch Tangled and end the night on Hercules when you notice it's almost two in the morning. You'd spent so much of the night just talking and getting to know one another, you hadn't even noticed time slipping away from you. As much as you hate to end the night, you know it's getting too late to keep this up. "Chris, it's almost two AM." "Shit, really?" He asks, removing his arm from your shoulders so he can check his watch. "Wow, I didn't even realize it was getting late." The both of you sit there until the end credits finish, neither wanting the night to be over. You stand first and extend your hands to pull Chris up from where he was settled into your sofa. He stands and immediately wraps his arms around you, looking down at you with eyes so intense you almost want to look away. "Thanks for tonight," he says, his gaze darting between your lips and your eyes. "I had a lot of fun." "So did I," you tell him, "hope your voice recovers from all the singing." He lets out a soft laugh and brings you in for a hug, squeezing you tightly as you wrap your arms around his waist and nestle your head on his chest. He rubs his hands up and down your back before he finally lets you go, walking over toward the door, holding your hand. "Sssssso," he says, slowly, "what are my chances for a second date?" You smile up at him, getting into his space until you have to crane your neck to meet his eyes. "I'll say you have a seventy percent chance at me saying yes if you ask me out again." "Only seventy percent?" He laughs, bringing his hands up to cradle your face. He leans in and kisses you softly, letting you get used to the feeling of his lips on yours before he presses in closer to you, angling his head so he can deepen the kiss as you slip your hands beneath his cardigan to clutch at the material of his tee shirt, bunching it up in your hands as you try to pull him closer. He breaks the kiss and your eyes are immediately drawn to his lips, which look dark pink after kissing you so hard. You want nothing more than to dive back in, but before you can, he's speaking again. "How about now?" "Wha?" You ask, your mind blank of everything except the last thirty seconds. "How are my chances now?" He asks, leaning in so that his lips brush yours as he speaks. "Higher than seventy?" "Mhm," you nod, pulling him down for another kiss. "I'd say we're at seventy-three now. At least." He laughs and kisses you again as he backs up to your door. You follow him helplessly, not wanting to break the contact of your lips. He pulls back and you groan, pressing your face into his chest. "Why would you wait until you're leaving to kiss me? We could've been doing that all night!" You feel his laughter rumbling through his chest and you pinch his side playfully. "Dick move, Evans. Dick move." "I'm sorry," he says, lifting your chin so you meet his eyes. "There'll be more kisses next time. Promise." "There better be," you huff before stealing another quick kiss as you open your apartment door. "Text me when you get home," you tell him as he crosses the threshold, dipping back for one more kiss before heading on his way. You watch from your doorway until he gets into the elevator before you go back into your apartment, heart racing. You just had a date with Chris Evans. Not only that, but he kissed you afterward. He kissed you! You quickly change into your pajamas and wash your face before getting into bed, unable to stop yourself from replaying the night over and over again in your head as you fall asleep, unaware of the paparazzi that remain camped out just outside your building.
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