#before i finally settled on this one)
spear-gsun · 2 months
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My piece for @gensokyozine
Mizuchi watching the stone cherry blossoms in Former Hell with Yuugi.
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inthehouseoffinwe · 4 days
Finarfin Fades.
No one expects it, no one’s faded in Valinor since Miriel. The War of Wrath is won and he comes back, waving off the courtiers, well wishers, and congratulators with his usual grace, and walks into the palace of Tirion. To rooms abandoned since their owners left so long ago. Winding deeper and deeper his feet take him to what was once Finwë’s favourite garden.
He’s so tired.
He’s fulfilled his promise to Fëanaro and Nolofinwë, to avenge them. To make the agony of their final moments - agony Finarfin felt, falling to the floor screaming as fire and darkness consumed his spirit - count for something. Now Morgoth is finally gone, but he’s not the only one.
His brothers, larger than life, larger than death, are gone. With them his sons. Niece. Nephews. Grandchildren. His daughter is never to return. He Saw little Nelyo’s death in his dreams and is sure hopes for the child’s own sake that Makalaurë will be close behind.
Little remains. Even less on these golden shores.
So Finarfin sits on a bench long overgrown with vines and weeds, and watches the sun filter through the thicket, wishing the ghosts he sees in his father’s garden would flesh out.
He sits. He waits.
And by the time anyone finds him, it’s too late.
…at least he’s smiling again.
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princeyam · 2 months
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get ready
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critai · 1 year
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crystalpallette · 17 days
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everyone say thank you puzzle pop for giving us ringo's birthday in time for us to celebrate
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jakoloredart · 8 months
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Click for HQ, main blog @rainbowcolored7
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the-nation-of-today · 2 months
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And in the end we found our stage We gave these words of strength
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sunsetzer · 6 months
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I don't have a problem I have a hyperfixation
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asurius · 1 year
Can you do headcanons for a Red Son and Macaque’s reaction to the Reader bring Inked away by Azure during the final Battle. Like As if instead of Red Son it was the Reader?
I would like to thank you for this ask it has been on my mind all day.
Reader is GNC.
Trigger warnings: slight depictions of violence (if I missed anything then please let me know)
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🔥Red Son🔥
Time moves by so slowly when you see Red Son launch himself at the towering Lion. His flames are bursting forth from both his head and hands. And then you see Azure Lion go to grab at Red Son and…
…You’ve always been aware of how Red Son feels about his head being touched. He’s not a fan, even the most tentative of touches leaves him flinching for a moment before he relaxes into your hand. Despite that though he’s still very bad about guarding his head. You know all of this. You know your impulsive beloved leads with his head. So when in that split second you see Azure Lion lift his hand ready to grab at Red Son you act without thinking. Because you know he doesn’t like his head being touched.
Azure Lion is taken aback for a moment when it’s not the traitor’s son…but you that he’s grabbed. This hadn’t been what he was expecting but he doesn’t waste time disposing of you. He lifts up one of the tablets and activates it.
“Very courageous of you. But also very stupid. I am sorry for this.”
You’re painfully aware of everything all at once. The painful grip on your head, an all too familiar scream begging Azure to stop, your existence being assaulted by whispers of all your past failures as the ink seeps it’s way into your entire being…and an intense heat at your back.
In a moment you feel yourself dropping to the ground. Azure Lion is holding his wrist as a dark red blazing fire surrounds you. But everything is getting fuzzy now. You can see angry red blisters on Azure’s wrist. Did Red Son do that? There’s a voice you can almost make out through the haze of ink. Red Son is reaching out to you desperate to pull you out of the ink but he’s just not fast enough. His hands goes right through where yours were as the ink finishes it’s job and is quickly sucked back into the tablet.
“No! NO stay with me (y/n)! You can’t leave me! I need you!”
He’s prepared to burn Azure to ashes when he’s pulled back by the rest of the gang. Red Son is angry. Did they know this was happening? Where have they been? Why couldn’t they have gotten there sooner?
He’s giving the rest of the team burns as he’s struggling against them demanding to be let go. Screaming profanities as he swears that he’ll make Azure Lion suffer for all he’s done. He almost outright attacks Tang when he teleports them all away.
Nezha doesn’t even get the chance to get a word in before Red Son is screaming at MK and the rest of the gang.
“It was our only option! We weren’t prepared to fight-“
When MK presents Wukong’s tablet to the group it is of little comfort to Red Son and only serves to fuel his anger further. He grabs by MK by his sleeves and screams loud enough to hurt his eardrums.
“There wasn’t time! Our best chance at getting (Y/N) and everyone else back lies with The Monkey King. He’s the only one who’s successfully stood up to the Jade Emper-“
Everyone let’s him scream and rage. MK has no defense for what’s happened and he knows it. Nothing he could say would convince Red Son that a tactical retreat was the best option. So he lets him nearly burn holes into his sleeves as he gets it out of his system.
When his energy is spent Red Son falls to his knees as angry tears begin to stream out of his eyes. Once again his family is lost to him, and this time so are you. He doesn’t know why it is that he somehow continues to come out the only one in his family that gets to escape but he hates it.
And when he at last comes to his senses he gets up, dusts himself off and swears that this will be the last time anyone takes his family from him again.
He’ll get you back. Redson will stop at nothing to ensure you and his parents safety.
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(I actually struggled a bit with this one due to the timings of events, I hope this turned out ok!)
You and the gang had arrived ready to do what you could to stop the Camel Ridge trio, and when you saw Nezha lunge for Azure you knew it would end badly. You didn’t want anyone else to get hurt. So you yanked him back and haphazardly tossed him to the rest of the group, who did their best to help him. Unfortunately Azure had still been targeting him, and that didn’t stop just because his target had switched last second.
“I am surprised to see you here. I am sorry it has come to this.”
You feel the ink consume you in a few agonizing seconds as the others look on horrified, unable to get close to help you. You see them almost wanting to reach out to you, to do anything at all that would help, but your last thoughts before you disappear are of Macaque instead. Wondering how he would react to this.
The rest of the monkey kids already knew what would happen if they tried to help, they had already been through it once day. That didn’t stop it from hurting any less, but it was the middle of a battle and they couldn’t stop to think about that, they would get you back just as they themselves had been saved and it would be fine. They were sure everything would be fine just as it had been fine one hundred times before. As they prepared to fight back MK quickly burst on to the scene and after grabbing Wukong’s tablet, called for a tactical retreat. No one was happy about it, but MK knew best in these moments.
When they arrived at Wukong’s home and after Nezha yelled at him for abandoning the field, they heard a presence drop down from one of the trees. “Hey Kiddo! You made it back! See I knew you could do…it.” Macaque’s otherwise cheerful facade dropped as he looked over the group and noticed two things. Wukong was still stuck in the tablet…and you weren’t there. “Hey uh, where’s Y/N?” He had a feeling he already knew the answer as he looked to each of them, and none of them looked back at him. He didn’t want to be right, please gods don’t let him be right- “They…they got taken. They got taken trying to save me.” It was Nezha who spoke up. Clearly not thinking highly of himself in the moment as he looked down at the ground angrily.
He wasn’t staring at the ground long however, as Macaque immediately jumped him. Using his shadow powers to force him against a wall. “It should have been you. It should have been all of you before it was them- WHAT THE HELL WERE THE REST OF YOU DOING!?” He’s angry. He’s angry at everyone who went to the celestial realm and didn’t come back with his Y/N. But mostly he’s angry at himself for not being there. He should have been there. He could have protected you. But he wasn’t. He wasn’t there, and now you weren’t here. And it was all his fault.
As the others pried him off of Nezha and he in turn wrenched himself from their grasps, he felt MK’s hand on his shoulder, giving him a stern look. “We’re going to get them back. We’re going to get everyone back, and we’re going to take down Azure Lion.” He’s not sure he believes them. He knew what they could do, hell he fought with them as brothers once upon a time. But he slowly looks at MK and nods.
But he’s not going to let anything stop him from getting you back. Even if it kills him a second time he’s not going to stop until he gets you back.
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swiftcast-selene · 7 months
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Day 2: Home
sometimes it's hard to think of the shadow of a castrum as "home", but... it's much harder to deny the effect the Shroud and its people have had on him.
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 2 years
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it's night time<333 (with a lil sibling bonding bonus: >;Dc)
studio au belongs to @zu-is-here fem designs are made by me
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i’m home !!
procedure went real well, everything was really smooth and almost as soon as they said, “you can count backwards if you want,” i don’t think i even said ten before i was suddenly in recovery and sipping some ginger ale.
honestly the worst part was the iv because they had to do it on the side of my wrist because apparently my veins are crooked ?? i just hate ivs anyway so that’s no surprise but other than that no complaints.
everyone was real nice and made sure i was well taken care of (my nurse even had me pee one more time before so she wouldn’t have to do a catheter which with my history…..thank you)
but yeah, i’ll have a follow up in about a month just to make sure everything’s good and the iud is doing its thing !!
i do have some cramping and bleeding but that’s normal, although a little funny because i literally just stopped my period yesterday but…oh well !! hopefully in a few months i won’t have hardly any so this we can handle and i hace some medicine (and my ~medicine) that’ll help so i’m all set.
mom had to go run some errands so my little recovery buddy is keeping me company. also, a moment of recognition for my new favorite shirt (thank you as always, Boss Dog Art; i’ve already got my eye on another one that says, “i think therefore i am against transphobia around the world” or something like that and it’s got a cool skeleton on it; this is my third shirt from them and they’re really comfy and good quality so not sponsored but check them out, they seem cool):
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#It’s been a rough week leading up to this i’m not gonna lie#one of my neighbors was shooting on Sunday when i was in the pool#which i’m used to at this point#but for some reason i got triggered into a panic attack#and could not catch my breath#could not calm down for several minutes just scream crying#had to dunk my head underwater a few times and splash myself in the face#eventually i just buried my face in my towel and screamed cried until i physically had to stop#because i thought i was about to have a heart attack#so that wasn’t so chill#spent the rest of the day shaking#guess you just never know when it’s gonna hit!!#another plane has hit the ptsd towers#sorry#not for nothing though but the shooting stopped so there’s that#they probably thought someone had a fuckin’ ari aster movie turned up over here#nope just a mentally unstable bitch doing her best which clearly isn’t great but what can ya do!!#it was kinda funny though because i’ve been hesitant to go back out there since#but finally yesterday i had even worked longer the day before so i could really enjoy it#it had been sunny all day#no signs of rain#i’m ready to get some exercise in because i knew it might be a while#before i can again so i was really looking forward to a nice 30 minute run#damned if it didn’t start raining as soon as i got out there#and that was fine#i still ran a little got my water weights in#but the kicker was i looked at the weather on my phone and it looked like it was going to keep raining#so i said okay let me just go take a shower and settle in for the night#it didn’t rain and the sun came back out so oh well!#but point is…today went well and i’m doing okay and things could always be worse so no worries <3
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kyurochurro · 1 year
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likesplatterpaint · 4 months
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Little girl went to her first farmers market AND in DC no less. She did so well (especially for five months) and met several people and dogs. And even a cat!
We also stopped by Mike’s library and she got to meet some coworkers.
Most importantly she met her Lizz and loves her.
Big day for Ruby Roo!
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babysoftboyking · 4 months
debating on whether or not to write another grieving mpreg!sam fic where he finds out he’s pregnant the day after deans death
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elviragrey · 10 months
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Breaking up my Strahdposting with another OC. This time its Pancake
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